Saturday, October 29, 2016

It’s Bad You Know


  1. It is bad, so Make a Little Wish for the future...

  2. Don't forget to try and always be -

    Humble and Kind

    1. Except to Hillary, who doesn't have an ounce of humility or kindness in her scorched soul, and doesn't deserve it.

  3. Honest to God, can you believe it ???

    Carlos Danger may have the national security secrets.....

    For our own safety, we got to get all these people in prisons.

    1. Who would be worried about the Russians ?

      The real danger is Carlos Danger.

  4. The debate is no longer about policy positions, trade, taxes, etc; it keeping these sickos out of the Government.

  5. What an asinine country we have devolved into.

    The singular dumbest decision is early voting.

    Half of California has voted.

    Now check this into your thinking:

    You are on a jury and half of the jury makes, discusses and records a verdict before the trial is complete.

    This is political and structural malfeasance. A superior court would declare a mistrial.

    Only in the United States of Kardashian.

  6. We really do deserve whatever we get.

    Courts tied up over who can use which toilet.

    Beam me the fuck up Scotty! Stat!

  7. 325 million exceptional moherfuckers showing the World how it is done.

  8. Replies
    1. You really need to get out into the countryside.
      Things will work out, after the battle.

    2. Your probably right. Battle fatigue.

    3. Come out this way for some R and R. I'll take you on a wolf hunt.

      Experience of a life time.

      Professional guide, catered eats, by Quirk, who is moving here when the fighting begins back east.

      All EB members invited.

      Quirk skins and mounts the wolves too.

      Call him Q-skinner.

      You can have one guarding your fire place, or home entrance way.

  9. There are four or five states which allow one to change one's vote after voting early.

    Don't know which states.

    I can't imagine the confusion.

    12 1/2 million people have already voted, including me.

    I'm not changing my vote though.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. .

      Trump says Hillary's corruption represents the worst scandal since Watergate.

      He was immediately challenged by news anchors and fact-checkers. They cite Bill Clinton's impeachment as exponentially worse.


      Impeachment is a political action. It is merely the punishment Congress hands out for malfeasance in office. That malfeasance amounted to having and intern give him a blow job and then lying about it.

      On the other hand, Hillary has offered us a career of corruption and lying, the latest example of which threatens national security. Despite Comey's protestations to the opposite, there should be little question that she lied (through omission or commission) to the FBI. And don't get me started on her incompetence, though under Obama that is not a punishable offense.

      Quirk Fact Check: Trump's charge is true.


    2. IMO, I don't think any of this will drive Hillary voters to Trump, but I do think it could keep Hillary voters from voting. They may decide just to sit this one out. And that, in a sense, is a vote for Trump.

      I hear there is a run on popcorn at the corner grocery.

  11. Loretta Lumch has quickly gone on record, disagreeing with Comey on his latest bombshell. She apparently doesn't want another tarmac visit from Mr. Clinton and desires to have a normal life span.

  12. Wikileaks22: The Clintons have the worst judgement.

    EB 23: Why are we subjected and tortured to another Bush or Clinton?

  13. I just spoke to a very bright young lady (19 years old) who says she voted early and wrote in Sanders. Perhaps a good many of the Sanders followers will do the same.

    1. I think that cohort will be the group most influenced by Wikileaks and FBI Gate.

  14. "The singular dumbest decision is early voting. "


    And the worst thing about all these feel good improvements, like motor voter, same day registration, etc,
    is that they are IRREVERSIBLE.

    To do so would be racist, backwards thinking, misogynist, and the rest of the kitchen sink full of Progressive Improvements brought to you by Big Govt. Inc.

    1. Therefore the ratchet effect is forever in effect, making things worse, and worse, and...

      San Francisco is voting on allowing Illegals to vote!

      (Highly vetted, of course: They have to have a child in school.

      Yeah, right.

  15. Jeeze I had a great reply to Quirk, and now he's disappeared.

    Anyway, it had to do with Bill's Impeachment vs Hill, etc.

    Comment is that the Media increasingly is becoming a negative fact check for all issues which harm their Establishment Narrative.

    Progressives were always upside down, now they've become the cranky old man version of same.

    EB's got some experts in that field, so we're more needed than ever.

    1. Now Quirk is back but he has a combo ReplyDelete button that does not function!

    2. .

      The Russian hackers helped me with that and it cost a pretty penny.


    3. Russian involvement in Our Election is an Existential Threat.

      ...that's been fact checked as True.

    4. .

      Yes, but we will still need to Fact-check this...

      Jeeze I had a great reply to Quirk...


    5. That was deemed to be Self Evident.

  16. "Changes in the poll’s latest four nights compared with the previous four are not mainly about people shifting in their candidate preference, but about changes in who’s intending to vote."

    So that's how you manufacture inane results like this:

    The last 2 weeks of the chart are truly hilarious.

    1. .

      You just say that because Jill Stein is on a roll and moving up fast. The chart shows that she has doubled her numbers in the last couple of weeks and is closing the gap fast.

      She may not have enough time left in the race and may lose by a hair in the end but it looks like she has started a powerful movement.


    2. Cunt hair diameters may vary.

  17. Jeeze, this page of THE HILL is like an animated version of Drudge. (takes forever to load too)

    Lanny Davis, esq. Professional Whiner, is calling for Comey to resign.

  18. Since they've been investigating der Weiner for some time, how did they only now come across this stuff on his phones/computer?

    1. Not as long as I thought:

      After reports surfaced late last month that Mr. Weiner had sent illicit text messages to a 15-year-old girl in North Carolina, top prosecutors in Charlotte and Manhattan jockeyed for the case. Senior officials in the Justice Department decided that if there were a prosecution, it would take place in New York under the supervision of the United States attorney there, Preet Bharara.

      About the same time, agents in the F.B.I.’s New York field office understood that the Weiner investigation could possibly turn up additional emails related to Mrs. Clinton’s private server, according to a senior federal law enforcement official. Mr. Weiner’s estranged wife, Huma Abedin, is a top adviser to Mrs. Clinton.

      On Oct. 3, the F.B.I. seized several electronic devices, including a laptop, Mr. Weiner’s iPhone and an iPad that was in large measure used by his 4-year-old son to watch cartoons, a person with knowledge of the matter said. Days later, F.B.I. agents also confiscated a Wi-Fi router that could identify any other devices that had been used, the person said.

      During the course of searching the seized devices, the F.B.I. discovered thousands of emails, according to senior law enforcement officials, some of them sent between Ms. Abedin and other Clinton aides. Agents and prosecutors in the Clinton investigation could not immediately read those emails without court authority, however.

    2. .

      NY Times?

      You're kidding.


    3. Taking that kid's iPad is Child Abuse!

    4. Sometimes you two are so far off target.

      I bet I've linked more NY Times articles here than anyone.

    5. .

      I bet I've linked more NY Times articles here than anyone.

      It's why no one here rakes you seriously.



    6. .

      And for that matter, it's why no one takes you seriously either.


    7. I am THE MSM Factchecker.

    8. I'm Huuuge in the field of factchecking.

  19. Most damaging

    Don't agree with the list order, but a clever idea.

  20. 1twothree4 •

    "I regret I have but one server to wipe for my country"

    HRC, 2016.

  21. Hillary Clinton’s allies said they were “dumbfounded” by the revelation that the new FBI review may have been spurred by a separate investigation into Anthony Weiner sending lewd texts to a minor. Weiner is separated from wife Huma Abedin, one of Clinton’s closest aides.

    And they worried that Clinton’s unconventional email arrangement had finally caught up to her and might imperil her presidential bid less than two weeks before Election Day.

    “I'm livid, actually,” one Clinton surrogate told The Hill. “This has turned into malpractice. It's an unforced error at this point. I have no idea what Comey is up to but the idea this email issue is popping back up again is outrageous. It never should have occurred in the first place. Someone somewhere should have told her no. And they didn't and now we're all paying the price.”

    Another ally called the campaign’s mood something akin to “paralysis,” and blamed Weiner’s behavior for railroading the campaign.

    One strategist said the developments would further cement the notion that Clinton has something to hide.

  22. Hillary Clinton Assails James Comey, Calling Email Decision ‘Deeply Troubling’

    After stepping gingerly around the issue on Friday, calling on the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, to release more specific information but not overtly criticizing him, her campaign waged a coordinated offensive on Saturday, accusing Mr. Comey of smearing Mrs. Clinton with innuendo late in the race and of violating Justice Department rules.

    Hillary Clinton and her allies sprang onto a war footing on Saturday, opening a ferocious attack on the F.B.I.’s director a day after he disclosed that his agency was looking into a potential new batch of messages from her private email server.

    “It is pretty strange to put something like that out with such little information right before an election,” Mrs. Clinton said at a rally in Daytona Beach, Fla. “In fact, it’s not just strange; it is unprecedented and it is deeply troubling.”
    “By providing selective information, he has allowed partisans to distort and exaggerate to inflict maximum political damage,” Mr. Podesta said during a campaign conference call with reporters. “Comey has not been forthcoming with the facts,” he added, describing the director’s letter to Congress on Friday as “long on innuendo” and calling on Mr. Comey to release more details about the inquiry.


    2. Next thing she'll do is start claiming the election is rigged.


  23. I broke the news to the Clinton campaign about the new FBI emails probe. Here's what happened next

  24. I should have wiped the Weiner.

    1. Use wet wipes but don't flush them.

      Put them wrapped up in the garbage can.
