Monday, September 19, 2016

We Should Dedicate the Manhattan Terror Bombing by Ahmad Khan Rahami,to Ronald Reagan

"These gentlemen [Taliban] are the moral equivalents of America's Founding Fathers" ~President Ronald Reagan 1985

Where did Reagan get the intelligence analysis to  make the fateful decision that ultimately  ended with 911 and this weekend bombing in Chelsea, NYC by an Afghani resident, living in New Jersey?

Here is a video prepared by the CIA for Reagan. It was declassified in 2011:


  1. Rahami is a U.S. citizen who was born in Afghanistan on Jan. 23, 1988, the FBI says, adding, "He is about 5' 6" tall and weighs approximately 200 pounds. Rahami has brown hair, brown eyes, and brown facial hair."

  2. I doubt that Rahami will be voting for Trump.

  3. How many more Rahami's are we creating each day on our $5 Trillion Foreign Expeditions in the Middle East?

  4. Many developments have emerged since Saturday's explosion, which occurred around 8:30 p.m. ET. Here's a brief recap of where things stand, with the most recent events listed first:

    Monday morning: De Blasio and police officials call for help in locating Rahami. New York restores subway service in all Chelsea stations.

    FBI agents search a residence in Elizabeth, N.J., above a restaurant.

    Sunday night: At a train station in Elizabeth, N.J., FBI technicians working on one of five bombs in a backpack that was initially discovered in a trash can detonate the bomb. No injuries are reported.

    FBI agents stopped "a vehicle of interest" in Brooklyn in connection to the Manhattan explosion, the AP reports, citing FBI spokeswoman Kelly Langmesser. The AP says five people were in the car.

    Sunday morning: All 29 of the people who were injured in Saturday's blast have left hospitals. Officials also say the blast did not cause any structural damage.

    Saturday around 8:30 p.m.: An explosion hits New York City's Chelsea neighborhood on West 23rd Street. Just blocks away, another bomb is found — and it's similar to the first. As the Two-Way reported, "Both were pressure cookers and Christmas lights were used to spark the explosives. A flip phone appeared to serve as the timer for both devices. Both pressure cookers were filled with ball bearings and BBs to serve as shrapnel."

    Saturday morning: An explosion hits a trash can in Seaside Park, N.J., around 9:30 a.m., forcing officials to cancel a benefit run that had been planned to help members of the military and their families.

  5. If you do nothing else with the "Gallant Struggle" video, produced by the crack team over at CIA for Reagan, watch and listen yo the last two minute conclusion.

  6. Hillary Clinton in a press conference is saying that Trump rhetoric is causing this and she has a demonstrated record in killing terrorists.

    1. :)

      Got my Fox back, was watching.

      She's been there, she says, and has 'made the hard decisions to take out terrorists'.

      But she gave Trump a compliment......she put in a part, and this is new, about USA needing to do
      intense vetting of all these hundreds of thousands of Moslems she proposed to allow to wander around USA, a total impossibility.

      Health wise, she did at least look alive this morning.

    2. Politically she's a dead duck, a mashed potato.

      Many millenials, blacks, Hispanics are turning to Trump.

  7. Hillary is calling for more airstrikes against ISIS. She neglected to mention the weekend US air strikes that killed over 100 Syrian troops who were on the ground actually killing ISIS.

    She did speak reassuringly that we will never cower and will prevail in our thirty year crusade.

    1. .

      Thirty year crusade..

      It sounds more and more like 1984.


    2. You are ever so slightly off on your overall comprehension of things, Quirk.

      I shall set you on the good red road.

      The 1400 (fourteen hundred) years of Islam have been nothing but one aggression after another. resulting in the subordination of women, others lacking the faith, murder, rape, sex slavery and other unmentionables.

      Recall with me that in one 250 year period alone, the Moslems killed 80,000,000 Hindus.

      It is not a nice outlook on life that they have, Quirk.

      In these circumstances you should not talk about crusades.

      You should talk about the West and others fighting back against an insane onslaught.

      The discussion should be over means.

      I've recommended a few things, primarily halting all Moslem immigration to the USA.

      This is a way to help secure our homeland and help prevent much worse atrocities here than we have seen thus far.

    3. What you lack is perspective, Quirk, perspective.

      Take a few steps back and try to view the entire historical scene.

    4. .

      It is not a nice outlook on life that they have, Quirk.

      A major part of the reason for that is that I am looking at you (and others of your ilk).


    5. .

      I've recommended a few things, primarily halting all Moslem immigration to the USA.

      And I've called you pollyannish. However, if you think that is a solution you've have gone way beyond pollyannish to cuckoo land.

      Try to face reality. I know it is difficult but its what reasonable people do.


    6. .

      Take a few steps back and try to view the entire historical scene.

      I would suggest you do the same. But concentrate on American history rather than world history.


  8. Here is a sure-fire headline indication that Trump will win:

    The Biggest Emmys Loser? Donald Trump.



    09.19.16 12:31 AM ET

    Gather all the most famous faces in television together in one room for a night of self-congratulation and pomp and circumstance, and what’s the one question you’re most eager to know? What do they think of Trump, of course.

    It’s perhaps natural for our obsession with celebrity commentary on our polarizing presidential nominee to fester more potently at the Emmy Awards.

    This is, after all, an awards group that made him an Emmy nominee, back in the days when he was still a reality TV host and producer with NBC’s The Apprentice. The series was nominated for a total of nine Emmy Awards during its run, including twice for Outstanding Reality-Competition Program, for which Trump himself counted as a nominee for his executive producing role.

    And so Sunday night was, in a way, a more natural examination of Trump’s public roots than even the Republican National Convention was earlier this year. As such—and fittingly considering the week’s exhausting headlines—host Jimmy Kimmel mocked the person responsible for birthing that public persona, that mid-2000s surge in celebrity.

    Who is “responsible” for Trump's rise, Kimmel asked. “I’ll tell you, because he’s sitting right there,” he said, pointing to British-born producer Mark Burnett, the man to credit for Survivor, Shark Tank, The Apprentice, and, yes, Donald Trump.

  10. Rahami captured after shooting a cop in Jersey.

  11. After Islamist Wounds 9 in Knife Attack at St. Cloud Mall Police Chief Warns Public… of Reprisal Attacks

    Quirk warns Bob not to attempt a reprisal attack.

    1. .

      Lest Bob hurt himself.

      We don't have to worry about Doug since they don't allow him access to sharp objects.


  12. ...Thomas Frank’s marvelous scorched-earth assault on the Democratic Party and professional elites in his book “Listen, Liberal: Or, What Ever Happened to the Party of the People?” has one fatal flaw. Frank blames the liberal class, rather than the corporations that have seized control of the centers of power, for our descent into political dysfunction and neofeudalism.

    Yes, self-identified liberals such as the Clintons and Barack Obama speak in the language of liberalism while selling out the poor, the working class and the middle class to global corporate interests. But they are not, at least according to the classical definition, liberals. They are neoliberal.

    They serve the dictates of neoliberalism—austerity, deindustrialization, anti-unionism, endless war and globalization—to empower and enrich themselves and the party. The actual liberal class—the segment of the Democratic Party that once acted as a safety valve to ameliorate through reform the grievances and injustices within our capitalist democracy and that had within its ranks politicians such as George McGovern, Gaylord Nelson, Warren Magnuson and Frank Church and New Deal Democrats such as Franklin D. Roosevelt—no longer exists.

    I spent 248 pages in my book “Death of the Liberal Class” explaining the orchestrated corporate campaign to erase the liberal class from the political landscape and, more ominously, destroy the radical labor and social movements that were the real engines of social and political reform in the 19th and 20th centuries.

    The Democratic and the professional elites whom Frank excoriates are, as he points out, morally bankrupt, but they are only one piece of the fake democracy that characterizes our system of “inverted totalitarianism.”

    ☞ The problem is not only liberals who are not liberal; it is also conservatives, once identified with small government, the rule of law and fiscal responsibility, who are not conservative.

    ☞ It is a court system that has abandoned justice and rather than defend constitutional rights has steadily stripped them from us through judicial fiat.

    ☞ It is a Congress that does not legislate but instead permits lobbyists and corporations to write legislation.

    ☞ It is a press, desperate for advertising dollars and often owned by large corporations, that does not practice journalism.

    ☞ It is academics, commentators and public intellectuals, often paid by corporate think tanks, who function as shameless cheerleaders for the neoliberal and imperial establishment and mock the concept of independent and critical thought.

    The Democratic and the professional elites are an easy and often amusing target. One could see them, in another era, prancing at a masked ball at Versailles on the eve of the revolution.

    They are oblivious to how hated they have become. They do not understand that when they lambast Donald Trump as a disgrace or a bigot they swell his support because they, not Trump, are seen by many Americans as the enemy.

    But these courtiers did not create the system. They sold themselves to it. And if Americans do not understand how we got here we are never going to find our way out.


    1. {...}

      During Barack Obama’s administration there has been near-total continuity with the administration of George W. Bush, especially regarding mass surveillance, endless war and the failure to regulate Wall Street.

      This is because the mechanisms of corporate power embodied in the deep state do not change with election cycles. The election of Donald Trump, however distasteful, would not radically alter corporate control over our lives.

      The corporate state is impervious to political personalities. If Trump continues to rise in the public opinion polls, the corporate backers of Hillary Clinton will start funding him instead. They know Trump will prostitute himself to money as assiduously as Clinton will.

      Our political elites, Republican and Democrat, were shaped, funded and largely selected by corporate power in what John Ralston Saul correctly calls a coup d’état in slow motion. Nothing will change until corporate power itself is dismantled.

      The corporate elites failed to grasp that a functioning liberal class is the mechanism that permits a capitalist democracy to adjust itself to stave off unrest and revolt.

      They decided, not unlike other doomed elites of history, to eradicate the liberal establishment after they had eradicated the radical movements that created the political pressure for advancements such as the eight-hour workday and Social Security.


      MORE HERE:

      The Courtiers and the Tyrants

      Posted on Sep 18, 2016

      By Chris Hedges

  13. WE HAD CLINTON :: BUSH :: OBAMA/CLINTON :: and now we are offered the real dish CLINTON.

    1. time for a 3rd party candidate to take the oval office...

  14. Discovery – 2014 Reddit Archive: Platte River Network’s Paul Combetta (“Oh Shit” Guy) Requesting Tech Help To Strip “VIP’s Emails”…

    A rather stunning discovery has been made by a researcher named Katica who uncovered a July 24th 2014 Reddit thread started by Platte River Network executive Paul Combetta who -at the time- was requesting technical advice on how to strip a “VIP (VERY VIP)” email address from archives stored on a server he has “full access to“.

    Last week Paul Combetta plead the fifth and refused to answer questions before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. According to Committee chairman Jason Chaffetz, the following email exchange occurred between Combetta and another undisclosed Platte River Network staff member back on 8/19/15:

    “Wondering how we can sneak an email in now, after the fact, asking them [the Clinton camp] when they told us to cut the backups and have them confirm it for our records. Starting to think this whole thing is really covering up some shady shit. I just think if we have it in writing that they told us to cut the backups then we can go public with our statement saying we’ve had the backup since day one when we were told to trim to 30 days would make us look a whole lot better.”

    [July 24, 2014] Hello all- I may be facing a very interesting situation where I need to strip out a VIP’s (VERY VIP) email address from a bunch of archived email that I have both in a live Exchange mailbox, as well as a PST file. Basically, they don’t want the VIP’s email address exposed to anyone, and want to be able to either strip out or replace the email address in the to/from fields in all of the emails we want to send out.

    I am not sure if something like this is possible with PowerShell, or exporting all of the emails to MSG and doing find/replaces with a batch processing program of some sort.

    Does anyone have experience with something like this, and/or suggestions on how this might be accomplished?

    1. As a PST file or exported MSG files, this could be done though, yes?

      The issue is that these emails involve the private email address of someone you’d recognize, and we’re trying to replace it with a placeholder address as to not expose it.

      Combetta (“stonetear”): I think maybe I wasn’t clear enough in the original post. I have these emails available in a PST file. Can I rewrite them in the PST? I could also export to MSG and do some sort of batch find/replace. Anyone know of tools that might help with this?

      Again, the date on this archived request and exchange is July 24th 2014. We now know the VIP mentioned by Combetta was Secretary Hillary Clinton.

      The request reflects an obvious “intent” to hide the Clinton email address; an intent that FBI Director James Comey stated he was unable to discover during their investigation, leading to his recommendation that no charges be filed against Secretary Clinton.

      If James Comey needed intent. It looks like some web slueths have just located the smoking gun the FBI was unable to locate on their own.

  15. CLINTON is a burnt out dish of spaghetti and meatballs.

    After the election is over and it's all over for them, BillyGoat and Hillary won't be seeing much of each other again, not that they are now.

    The Clinton Foundation will dry up for lack of anything to sell.

    I hope our nation never hears of them again.

  16. Bob, how 'bout a recap of the spat you had with Quirk a few days ago. (That I didn't read.)

    In retrospect, who won, how, why, etc.


    1. :)

      Nah, I don't want to drag his face through the mud again. I like the guy.

      Say, look at this -

      Men perform better in bed when put under spotlight...DRUDGE

      So I get it now, that's why Maria was always saying...."ooooo, turn the stage lights on, Quirkie !"

    2. Basically, Doug, I won, by being sane and reasonable, when he was trying to defend an absurd proposition, as he often tries to do, with the predictable results.

      And that is all I am going to say.

    3. Was his point that one of the attacks might not be "terror related?"

    4. .

      Bob, how 'bout a recap of the spat you had with Quirk a few days ago. (That I didn't read.)


      More B.S. from the older Bobbsey Twin.

      Come on, Doug. You know you read every word of it. You couldn't help yourself.

      You also know I handed Bob another thumping. He's just too dumb to realize it. Face it, by the time he gets to the bottom of a blog stream he has forgotten everything that went before. It's SOP. You might say it's his MO. It's been commented on numerous times.

      You seem to suffer from the same problem in light of the many times you repost the same posts here.

      In a way I envy you guys. It must be comforting to be able to forget the many arguments you have lost.


    5. When you press the back button, blogger reposts your last post.

      Maybe I read the spat and forgot?

      cough, cough

    6. .

      That happens a lot with you old guys I'm told.


    7. .

      Take a look at Bob and is problems with anything electronic. Well, actually with anything invented after 1965.


  17. One of our crack terror experts at the joint FBI CIA SPCA Homeland Security press conference wanted to know why the Afghani immigrant wanted to set off a bomb in NYC

    Does anyone within range think that our 15 year bombing campaign in Afghanistan, in revenge for the 15 man Saudi bombing of NYC, had anything to do with it?

    1. I think we helped them get the Russians out - a mistake - and then they turned and bit the hand that helped them.

      They shouldn't have given refuge to bin Laden in the first place.

      I certainly don't blame it all on us.

    2. .

      I certainly don't blame it all on us.



  18. Suspect (Rahami) Sued Local Police Claiming Persecution for Being a Muslim

    Real Clear Politics

  19. Shall we check the news and see which countries are recipients of US made bombs today?

    Dare we speculate that anyone of those bombs may piss someone off so badly that they may seek revenge no matter where or when against the country that did it?

  20. How many "Remember the Alamo" type moments do we generate daily by a member of our crack team of warriors?

  21. Stop All Moslem Immigration To The USA Now !

    1. We gave this turd citizenship for crying out loud.

    2. If this were 1944, all kinds of politicians would be demanding increased immigration quotas for Japs and Germans.

    3. Politicians...
      ...and Quirk.

  22. I read the Chelsea section is a noted gay area in NYC, for whatever that is worth.

  23. The Chelsea Hotel is where Leonard Cohen used to shag Janis Joplin. As to homo boinking, I doubt the old Chelsea has anything on your average US Marine barracks these days?

    Not that long ago, I met a female friend for lunch in DC next to a marine post. There were marine in and out of uniform and it looked like a vintage vinyl jacket for The Village People.

  24. FDR believed that if he supported an anti-lynching bill, Southern Democrats would block all his "great" ideas.

  25. Hillary has a problem that even Quirk Advertising LLC out of Detroit, Michigan can't fix -

    A company came out with a new dog food, and hired an advertising firm to promote the product. The ad agency placed commercials on television and ads in magazines; millions of dollars went into the campaign. The commercials and ads were first-rate, but still the dog food did not sell. The client called a meeting at the ad agency and demanded to know what had gone wrong.

    After a moment of silence, the leader of the ad agency team explained: “The dogs don’t like it.”

    1. Quirk, do you still have the My Pillow and Red Rubber Catheters accounts ?

    2. .

      It has been improved and is now called The Pillow. However, it is so good we may have to go back to the My Pillow design and restrict The Pillow design to retirees as people using The Pillow are complaining about loosing their jobs because it is so effective they are sleeping through their alarms and ending up late for work.

      I would have to check on the Red Rubber Catheters. Our line is so extensive I can't remember them all. We've got closed system catheters, intermittent catheters, hydrophilic catheters; we've got Ben Wa catheters for women, we've got French Tickler catheters for men, we've got them all.


    3. Well I started using the Red Rubber Catheters due to your great ads.

      They have been a god send to me.

      With the Red Rubbers and The Pillow I get some real sleep at night.

      Just glad I don't have to get up and go to work in the mornings any longer.

      All because of you and your wonderful ad agency.

      Thanks !

    4. .

      Thanks you.

      Do you mind if we use your kind words in one of our ads?


    5. Sorry, fell asleep.

      How much ?

    6. Smart arse..

      They were all good, though, huh !

      Now you'll have none of them for being greedy and smart arse, like Hillary.

      And you could have had them all for a hundred bucks.


    7. .

      This from the man who condemns Hillary for taking money for influence peddling.



  26. The Donald is about to address a huge crowd in Florida.

    Topic A will surely be the recent terror attacks.

    Watch Fox News....

  27. Trump in Florida -

    "Hillary speaks tougher about my supporters than she does about radical Islamic terrorists"

    1. Why'd you give her your supporters, Bob?

    2. Did they cut off the catheter?

    3. I wasn't about to send her any money on my credit card cause the charges would never stop.

      So I send her a pair of pant supporters instead, thinking she could use them.

      I sent her a Red Rubber Catheter For Women too, thinking she has use for that as well.

      Pics of Red Rubber Catheters For Women here:

      Low as $1 Dollar used.

      Found one at Good Will Industries Store.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Well, do you, or don't you ?

      I can see how they may appeal to you, but I don't need them.


      "Oooo, Catheter UP, Quirkie, and turn ON the stage lights"

    6. (Quirk and Maria's Idea of 70 virgins)

    7. Some of those things are LATEX!

      That would really suck if you were allergic like I've become.

      Better never have one them things running up MY urethra.

  28. ISIS's Deadliest Weapon Is the Idea of Heaven

    By Ronald Tiersky
    September 19, 2016

    Islamic State’s taunt that “we love death more than you love life” was always a threat as well as a fact. This expressed love of death was incomprehensible to people raised to believe that self-preservation is at the core of human nature. In extremis, soldiers might die to protect their comrades and parents would sacrifice their own lives to save their children. But they did not love death, let alone long for it.

    A love of death meant ISIS was implacable. There was no possible negotiation, and no deterring suicide bombers or terrorist attacks in which militants knew they would die. In fact, getting themselves killed was part of their motive. It didn’t make sense.

    But it makes perfect sense to violent jihadists bent on heroic deeds. It’s at the core of ISIS ideology, and also that of other jihadists such as al-Qaeda’s 9/11 hijackers.

    Death, in the minds of ISIS fighters, is not the end of life. It’s the way to an eternal life of bliss in Heaven, to a Paradise depicted in the most extravagant, sensual terms in certain Muslim writings that are accepted as literal truth. The Quran itself has many, and many more are found in the Hadith, which are later commentaries on the Quran that claim to report, verbatim, what Prophet Muhammad said on various matters.

    For an Islamist fundamentalist, Heaven is a real place, a Garden full of sensual delights. For example, take the famous claim that in Heaven a deserving Muslim will enjoy the company of 72 virgins: This is nowhere mentioned in the Koran. It is found in a fanciful hadith by Ibn Kathir, writing in the 14th century, hundred of years after Mohammed’s death: “The Prophet Mohammed was heard saying, ‘The smallest reward for the people of paradise (meaning of course only men) is an abode where are 80,000 servants and 72 wives, over which stands a dome decorated with pearls, aquamarine, and ruby…'" Innumerable such tall tales appear throughout the history of Islamic commentary.

    In ISIS ideology, Heaven is not a diluted doctrine as it has become for many Christians. Heaven in jihadi belief is an operational concept. To die as a martyr in battle or a suicide bombing means, literally, immediate ascent to Heaven and the beginning of life in Paradise.

    The idea of Heaven, the vision of Paradise, is ISIS’s secret weapon, the source of its willingness to fight to the end. Convincing fighters that Paradise is real, that it’s a certainty because they die as martyrs to jihad, is what made Islamic State’s military forces so fearsome, its suicide bombers so ecstatic. In recent battles, wounded Islamic State fighters defending impossible positions have mocked attacking coalition forces as apostates and infidels, demanding to be killed. Blowing themselves up rather than be taken prisoner was always an ISIS commandment.

    1. The trick in ISIS ideology was to persuade militants that martyrdom meant that 'they would get to Heaven faster.' Similar to this was the explanation that barbaric violence in newly conquered cities and towns -- the beheadings, crucifixions, the burning of captives in cages, or the drowning of women who refused to become sex slaves -- is justified because ‘more violent methods now means fewer injuries later.’ For some fighters it’s just bloodlust. But the depth of ideological conviction in the organization as a whole cannot be underestimated. ISIS has never been just a gang of criminals and murderers.

      Kamel Daoud, an Algerian writer, says that “[t]oday, one has to be a Muslim -- by faith, culture or place of residence -- in order to experience the full weight” of the idea of Heaven in the psychology of the popular imagination, especially of a desperate younger generation. “Paradise has come back into fashion, described in mind-boggling detail by preachers, imams, and Islamist fantasy literature.” The main selling point is women. The vision of “the women of paradise ... feeds a barely believable form of erotico-Islamism that drives jihadists and gets other men to fantasize about escaping the sexual misery of everyday life. Suicide bombers or misogynists, they share the same dream." To understand ISIS, you have to understand its psychology.

      On July 2, jihadi militants in Dhaka, Bangladesh invaded the Holy Artisan Bakery, killing 20 foreigners then mutilating their bodies with machetes. Bangladeshis, all Sunni Muslims, were spared. The attackers were polite and solicitous to the Muslim Bengali staff, asking that coffee and tea be served and that dishes of fish and shrimp be prepared. The killers were sons of the Bangladeshi elite -- well-educated, handsome -- they spoke cosmopolitan Bengali and English, having been to English-speaking schools. One of the staff said later, “If you look at those guys, nobody could believe they could do this.”

      Toward the end, one of the killers said to the Bengalis, “You see what we did here ... The same thing is going to happen to us now.”

      At the end of an overnight standoff, at 7:30 a.m. he told them, “We are leaving. See you in Heaven.” There can be little doubt he meant this literally. Just as they prepared to exit the restaurant, guns blazing, the commando raid was launched. They were of course killed, as they wished.

      The trouble with the idea of Heaven is that for true believers it can justify creating Hell on earth. In a nutshell, that’s the story of ISIS.

  29. What is it that's wrong about asking about Chelsea's sexual orientation?

    1. .

      Only liberal's are allowed to talk about LGBTHZXHMSKLETDMOT issues.

      The fact that you two Trumpettes would even utter the word gay is DEPLORABLE.


    2. .

      I learned that watching the EMMY's last night.

      LGBTHZXHMSKLETDMOT issues were all they talked about except their disdain for Trump.

      Jimmy Kimmel was the host ad he commented on it...

      “Fortunately for everyone in this room there are more shows and more roles than ever before and more diversity than ever before. This year’s nominees are the most diverse ever, and the only thing we value more than diversity is congratulating ourselves on how much we value diversity. The Oscars are now telling people we’re one of their closest friends – we’re not by the way.”


    3. .

      ...was the host and he...

      For the compulsively anally driven.


    4. .

      I also learned a new word.


      I had to look it up.


      From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Cisgender (often abbreviated to simply cis) is a term for people who have a gender identity that matches the sex that they were assigned at birth. Cisgender may also be defined as those who have "a gender identity or perform a gender role society considers appropriate for one's sex."[1] It is the opposite of the term transgender.[2]

      There are two versions of the term: cis male for "male assigned male at birth" or cis female for "female assigned female at birth". Further derivations analogously include "cis man" and "cis woman", as well as cissexism (or "cissexual assumption" or "cisnormativity")...

      All of that to replace two words: 'male' and 'female'

      You can't make this stuff up.


    5. .

      I kept switching back to the Emmy's during commercial breaks in the football game.

      All the people there kept complaining about cis males getting roles that should have gone to LGBTHZXHMSKLETDMOT victims.

      I didn't know what the heck they were talking about.


    6. What's cisalpine then, Cis ?

      I always thought that's where you fought the Krauts, pushed them back over the Brenner Pass.

      Now you got me confused.

    7. .

      Jill Soloway (no I've never heard of her) directs a show called Transparent (no I've never heard of it either). Evidently, it's about a transvestite and Jeffrey Tambor (a cis male) plays her. Anyway Soloway went off on a strident harangue to stump for increased transgender and female visibility. "When you take people of color, women, trans people, queer people, as the subjects of stories, you change the world," she said, before ending on the mic drop/rallying cry "Topple the patriarchy!"

      Transgender won the Emmy for Best Comedy Series.

      Kimmel came on after Siloway got her award and said...

      'I'm trying to decide whether 'Topple the patriarchy' is good for me or bad. I think its probably bad.'

      Kimmel pondered why a show like Transgender that talks about a serious subject like the lives of transvestites was getting the comedy award. He quipped...

      “Transparent was born a drama but it identifies as a comedy.”


    8. .

      Now you got me confused.

      Join the club. In a world where people 'identify' as every sex or non-sex under the sun, it is, in my opinion, the ultimate elitist liberal chutzpah to demand that someone who identifies as a simple, 'normal' (yes the word still applies) male or female must further 'identify' as cis to meet the perverse demands of these dolts.


    9. .

      The big winners of the night were Game of Thrones and OJ.

      While talking about OJ, Kimmel commented (paraphrase)...

      'I just have the feeling that somehow, someway Johnny Cochrane is out there looking up at us tonight."


  30. A Bloody Day of Muslim Refugee Terror

    Islamic terrorism is caused by Muslim migration.

    September 20, 2016

    Daniel Greenfield

    Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.

    The wave of Muslim refugee terror began with a bomb targeting a U.S. Marine charity run in New Jersey. By evening a pressure cooker full of shrapnel has exploded outside a Manhattan building for the blind. An hour later, a rampaging Muslim terrorist began stabbing people inside a Macy’s, asking them if they were Muslim and shouting the name of “Allah,” the genocidal Islamic deity of mass murder.

    And that was one Saturday, two Muslim refugees and a wave of national terror 1,200 miles apart.

    What did Elizabeth, New Jersey and St. Cloud, Minnesota have in common?

    New Jersey has the second largest Muslim population in the country. This isn’t the first time it was used as a staging ground for Muslim terror.

    11 of the 19 September 11 hijackers hung out in Paterson (known colloquially as Paterstine). Head toward Jersey City and you can see where Muslim enemies of this country stood on rooftops and cheered the attacks on September 11. It’s also where the World Trade Center bombing mastermind and the Blind Sheikh who provided religious guidance for a proposed wave of Islamic terror operated.

    Go south and in Elizabeth you can pass the First American Fried Chicken joint where the Rahami clan made life miserable for their American neighbors before one of their spawn began his bombing spree.

    New Jersey is a map of Muslim terror plots because of its huge Muslim population.

    Ahmad Khan Rahami came to America as the son of an Afghan refugee. He stabbed a man two years ago. His family was a local nuisance who cried “Islamophobia” at the least provocation. His brother was a Jihadi sympathizer and may have fled the country after assaulting a police officer. By the time Ahmad was done, he had wounded a police officer and 29 other people. If his plot had succeeded, he might have pulled off the largest Muslim terror atrocity in the country since September 11.

    Sadly, Syrian Muslim “refugees” continued to be dumped in Elizabeth, NJ to seed the next wave of Muslim terror. The International Rescue Committee, one of the two largest migrant agencies plaguing the Garden State, is based in Elizabeth, 8 minutes away from the Rahimi chicken place.

    Last year Erol Kekic, the head of the group, insisted that the issue would “blow over.” Instead of blowing over, it’s blowing up.

    1. Minnesota has suffered from the presence of the largest Somali migrant population in the country. And so a state which used to be known for its Swedish and German immigrants instead became a recruiting ground for ISIS and Al-Shabab. Al-Shabab, which is aligned with Al Qaeda, attacked the Westgate mall in Kenya a few years ago. The Somali killers quizzed their victims to distinguish Muslims from non-Muslims.

      Dahir Adan, the Somali Muslim migrant who invaded America from a refugee camp in Kenya, attempted to duplicate that attack, asking those he stabbed at the Crossroads Mall if they were Muslims.

      Dozens of Somali migrants in America have joined Al-Shabab and ISIS. The only difference between Dahir Adan and them is that instead of getting on a plane back to his native Somalia to join the local Jihadists, he carried out his Jihad against the nighttime shoppers in a Macy’s.

      The Crossroads attack was the tragic price paid by innocent people for Muslim refugee resettlement.

      Muslim Somali migration dramatically increased under Obama, rising from 2,500 in 2008 to around 8,000 and 9,000 in the last few years. Somali settlers represent almost 1 percent of the population of Minnesota. Most of the “refugees” dumped in St. Cloud were Somalis migrants and Lutheran Social Services has taken the lead in inflicting Somalis on the unfortunate natives of St. Cloud.

      From the very beginning of their arrival, the Somali colonists were a problem for the people of St. Cloud. They displaced American workers and clashed with the native population. In this decade, St. Cloud has become 10% Somali. The Crossroads attack was the inevitable result of that demographic growth.

      What happened in New Jersey and Minnesota is the same thing that has been happening in Europe. Islamic terrorism is caused by Muslim migration. As the Muslim population grows, so does its terror.

      Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton had declared that the Somali occupation of the state is here to stay. “Minnesota is not like it was 30, 50 years ago," he sneered. "Anybody who cannot accept your right to be here should find another state.”

    2. Now Dayton has condemned the “religious bigotry” that motivated the Crossroads attack and declared that, “There is no place in Minnesota for intolerance of all Americans’ constitutional right to worship according to their beliefs.”

      But the preferred mode of worship of Dahir Adan came from the religious book that he listed as his favorite, the Koran. “Slay the idolaters wherever you find them,” (Koran 9:5), “Strike upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip,” (Koran 8:12) and “Fight them until there is no unbelief and the religion, all of it, is for Allah” (Koran 8:39). Islamic worship is murdering those who exercise religious freedom. That’s what Dahir Adan was doing at the mall when he asked his victims if they were Muslims.

      You can have religious freedom or Islam. You can have the Constitution or the Koran. But you can’t have both.

      “I ask everyone in the St. Cloud area and throughout Minnesota to rise above this atrocity and act to make religious and racial tolerance one of the ways in which Minnesotans again lead our country,” Governor Dayton has said. If he and other Minnesotans really want religious tolerance, then the only possible way to achieve it is by ending the disastrous settlement of Somali Muslims in Minnesota.

      The anniversary of September 11 has come and gone. And we have learned nothing from the experience. The cesspools of Muslim terror in New Jersey have only grown. And no amount of moments of silence will clean them up. The latest terror plot in New York City originates from the same swamp.

      Meanwhile peaceful states like Minnesota have become terror hubs through refugee resettlement.

      Refugee resettlement is becoming our biggest terror threat. Obama wants to hike next year’s refugee admissions to 110,000. That’s a 57% increase since 2015. The summer’s statistics showed that more Muslims were being admitted as refugees than Christians.

      This weekend’s wave of terror is the result of our refugee policy. And that policy is getting worse.

      Ahmad Khan Rahami and Dahir Adan were the products of our refugee policy of yesteryear. Today’s refugee policy will have far deadlier consequences and produce far more terror attacks.

      Saturday was a bloody day of Muslim terror, but as the red tide of Muslim migration washes up on our shores, every day in our future will be a day of Muslim terror.

      (((((Only ending Muslim migration can stop that.)))))

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  31. Fueled By Beer and Candy, Ultra Runner Sets Appalachian Record....DRUDGE


    1. Sports

      Ultra Runner Karl Meltzer Sets Appalachian Trail Record, Fueled by Beer and Candy

      By LINDSAY CROUSESEPT. 18, 2016


      Karl Meltzer, right, was congratulated by Scott Jurek, after breaking Jurek’s record for running the length of the Appalachian Trail. Credit Carl Rosen/Red Bull Content Pool

      At a time when “endurance running” no longer means mere marathons — and even 100-mile races are attracting the masses — Karl Meltzer, a former ski-resort bartender, has proved he can suffer longer and faster than almost anyone else.

      When he staggered onto Springer Mountain in Georgia before dawn Sunday, Meltzer set a record for completing the Appalachian Trail. He covered the 2,190 miles over 14 states in 45 days 22 hours 38 minutes.

      Meltzer, 48, is a little different from other titans of the newly booming ultra-running scene. He is six years older than Scott Jurek, who was featured in the best-selling book about almost-barefoot endurance running, “Born to Run” — and who set the former Appalachian Trail record last year (46 days 8 hours 7 minutes).

      In a sport checkered with mantras like “clean living,” Jurek sustained his trek on a vegan diet. Staples of Meltzer’s diet, by contrast, included Red Bull and Tang. Jurek incurred a $500 fine and public outrage for opening champagne at the summit of Mount Katahdin in Maine during his record run. When Meltzer finished Sunday, he walked down the mountain, sat in a chair and sated himself with pepperoni pizza and a beer....
