Monday, September 12, 2016

Hillary Clinton Reckless and Careless About National Security Classification, is also Reckless and Careless About Contagious Pneumonia

Hillary Clinton, diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday, putting her hands around a young child on Sunday, using her as a political prop to prove how “Well” she is. 

Pneumonia Symptoms and Causes

There are more than 30 different organisms — including bacteria, viruses, and fungi — that cause pneumonia.
When these germs enter the lungs, they can overpower the immune system and invade nearby lung tissues, which are very delicate.
Once infected, the lungs's air sacs inflame and fill up with fluid and pus, which causes coughing, fever, chills, and breathing problems.

Is Pneumonia Contagious?

In fact, you don't catch pneumonia: You catch the germs that cause it.
You can catch the germs that cause pneumonia in the most common of places, and the environment you frequent on a daily basis may contribute to how susceptible you are to the disease.
For example, children in school or daycare facilities can easily catch viruses from one another, which makes them more prone to viral pneumonia.
In general, viral pneumonias are more contagious than bacterial and fungal pneumonias. That's because viruses are more likely to spread from person to person.
Some types of pneumonia are contagious only in certain environments.
For example, Legionnaires' disease, which is caused by the bacteria Legionella pneumophila, may only be contagious for people exposed to a contaminated air conditioning system.
It's also been linked to inhaling droplets from whirlpools, spas, or fountains.
In general, your chance of developing the disease if you catch these germs depends on your age, health, and lifestyle.

Bacterial Pneumonia

Bacteria are the most common cause of pneumonia in adults.
Bacterial pneumonia may follow a viral infection like the cold or flu. This type of pneumonia usually affects one area of the lung and is referred to as lobar pneumonia.
Types of bacterial pneumonia include:
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae
  • Legionnaire's disease
  • Mycoplasma pneumonia
  • Chlamydophila pneumonia
  • Haemophilus influenza type B
Streptococcus pneumoniae, also known as pneumococcal pneumonia, is the most common cause of bacterial pneumonia in adults.
It can be prevented by a vaccine called Pneumovax, which is currently recommended to start at age 65 or in anyone younger whose health is compromised.
Mycoplasma pneumonia usually affects younger adults who work in crowded areas such as schools, homeless shelters, or prisons.
Chlamydophila pneumonia is a mild pneumonia infection that usually affects people over age 60.
Haemophilus influenza type B can be prevented with a vaccine, called the Hib vaccine. It's recommended for all children younger than 5.
Most bacteria that cause pneumonia are pyogenic bacteria, which means that they increase mucous production.
A cough that produces discolored mucous is a classic sign of bacterial pneumonia.
Other bacterial pneumonia symptoms include:
  • High fever
  • Chills
  • Rapid breathing
  • Pain when coughing or breathing deeply
  • Shortness of breath
  • Exhaustion
  • Loss of appetite
Bacterial pneumonias tend to be more serious with more noticeable symptoms than other types of pneumonia.

Walking Pneumonia

A mild case of bacterial pneumonia, often called walking pneumonia, features symptoms similar to the common cold, including:
  • Persistent dry cough that often gets worse at night
  • Low-grade fever
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fatigue or tiredness
  • Chest pain that gets worse when you take a deep breath or cough
  • Loss of appetite
Some less-common symptoms of walking pneumonia may also include:
  • Diarrhea
  • Rash
  • Sore throat

Viral Pneumonia

Viruses are responsible for about a third of all pneumonias, and they're the most common cause of pneumonia in children younger than 5.
Viral pneumonias tend to clear up in about one to three weeks, but they can increase your risk for bacterial pneumonia.
Viral pneumonia is usually less serious than bacterial pneumonia.
At first, the symptoms of viral pneumonia may be similar to symptoms often associated with the flu, except you may experience a dry cough that does not produce phlegm.
You may also develop a fever and headache.
Within a couple of days, however, these symptoms typically get worse.
Adults with viral pneumonia can also expect to develop:
  • Sore throat
  • Loss of appetite
  • Muscle pain
The flu virus is the most common cause of viral pneumonia in adults, which tends to be more serious in people with heart or lung disease and in pregnant women.
Influenza can cause pneumonia, but can also predispose people to bacterial pneumonia — yet another good reason to get the yearly flu shot.
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) pneumonia is usually a mild infection that clears up in about a week or two.
It can be more severe and is more common in young children and older adults.
In fact, RSV is the most common cause of pneumonia in children younger than12 months.


Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a type of pneumonia triggered by the type of viruses that cause the common cold — and it spreads like a cold.
This virus was first identified in 2003, when there were about 8,000 cases reported worldwide.
Since then, cases have become less common, but this form of viral pneumonia can be deadly in elderly people.

Fungal Pneumonia

Three types of fungi living in soil are known causes of pneumonia:
  • Coccidioidomycosis is common in the American Southwest
  • Histoplasmosis is found in the middle part of the country
  • Cryptococcus is found in bird droppings all across the country
Most people who inhale these fungi do not get sick, but if your immune system is weak, you may develop pneumonia.
Another fungus, Pneumocystis jirovecii, can generate an infection in people with a weakened immune system, such as those who have HIV/AIDS.
The symptoms of pneumonia caused by fungi are often similar to those of other forms of pneumonia, including a fever, dry cough, shortness of breath, and fatigue.
Because this type of pneumonia usually affects people with weakened immune systems, however, symptoms tend to develop faster, and people often experience a high fever.

Pneumonia Complications

If you have flu-like symptoms that persist or worsen despite treatment, talk to your doctor.
Your doctor can listen to your lungs for crackling sounds when you inhale that are audible only with a stethoscope.
In order to confirm the diagnosis and identify the specific germ causing the illness, you may get a chest X-ray as well as a blood test depending on your medical history and physical exam if your doctor suspects that you have pneumonia.
If left untreated, pneumonia can become severe.
People with severe pneumonia experience higher fevers and GI symptoms, such as vomiting and diarrhea, as well as:
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Excessive sweating
  • Rapid breathing
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Bluish tint to lips and nails from a lack of oxygen in the blood
If you have trouble breathing, don't wait for an office visit with your doctor; go to the emergency room right away.
Older people may also become confused or less aware of what's going on around them if they develop pneumonia.
Rather than a fever, their temperatures might be lower than normal.
They may also have milder or fewer symptoms.
Even so, a serious infection may still be brewing that requires medical attention.



    The naive hopes of Bernie Sanders’ supporters—to build a grass-roots political movement, change the Democratic Party from within and push Hillary Clinton to the left—have failed. Clinton, aware that the liberal class and the left are not going to mount genuine resistance, is running as Mitt Romney in drag.

    The corporate elites across the political spectrum, Republican and Democrat, have gleefully united to anoint her president. All that remains of Sanders’ “revolution” is a 501(c)(4) designed to raise money, including from wealthy, anonymous donors, to ensure that he will be a senator for life. Great historical events happen twice, as Karl Marx quipped, first as tragedy and then as farce.

    The multibillion-dollar extravaganza of our electoral Circus Maximus is part of the smokescreen that covers the ongoing devastation of globalization, deindustrialization, trade deals such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, endless war, climate change and the intrusion into every corner of our lives by the security and surveillance state. Our democracy is dead. Clinton and Donald Trump do not have the power or the interest to revive it. They kneel before the war machine, which consumes trillions of dollars to wage futile wars and bankroll a bloated military. To defy the fortress state is political suicide. Politicians are courtiers to Wall Street. The candidates mouth the clichés of justice, improvements in income equality and democratic choice, but it is a cynical game. Once it is over, the victors will go to Washington to work with the lobbyists and financial elites to carry out the real business of ruling.

    While there is a difference in the temperament of the two major presidential candidates, that difference will play out only in how our poison will be delivered. Political personalities serve global corporate centers of power. They do not control them. Barack Obama illustrates this.

    To neoliberals, everyone and everything are disposable. The failed states that have risen up across the Middle East, Africa, the Caucasus and Asia in the wake of the Cold War herald a neoliberal world driven by violence, corruption, greed and desperation. The drug traffickers, smugglers, pirates, kidnappers, jihadists, criminal gangs and militias that roam huge swaths of territory where central authority has vanished are the real faces of globalization. These nihilists define Islamic State just as they define the corporate state. Corruption may be more naked and cruder in Afghanistan or Iraq, but it has its parallel in the for-sale politicians and political parties that dominate the United States and Europe. The common good—the building of community and solidarity—has been replaced through decades of corporate indoctrination with the callous call to amass all you can for yourself and leave the stranger bleeding on the side of the road.


    1. {...}

      Is the Goldman Sachs commodity trader, who hoards futures of rice, wheat, corn, sugar and livestock to jack up prices on the global market, leaving poor people in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America to starve, any less morally repugnant than the drug trafficker? Are F-16 pilots who incinerate families in Raqqa morally distinct from jihadists who burn a captured Jordanian pilot in a cage?

      Is torture in one of our black sites or offshore penal colonies any less barbaric than torture at the hands of Islamic State? Are the decapitations of children by military drones any more defensible than decapitations of Egyptian laborers on a beach in Libya by self-described holy warriors? Is Heather Bresch, the CEO of Mylan, who raised the price of the lifesaving EpiPen by 400 percent or more and whose compensation since 2007 has risen by 600 percent to above $18 million a year, any less venal than a human trafficker who sends an overloaded boat and its occupants to their doom on the coast of Libya?

      There is a new world order. It is based on naked exploitation. It—not democracy—is what we have exported across the globe. And it looks a lot like the anarchic state that Hobbes feared. The criminal gangs that deliver migrants to Europe make about $100 million a month for their work. They exploit and traffic human beings just as highly paid CEOs do.

      The failed states of Iraq, Syria and Libya, a direct result of globalization, have their counterparts in Detroit, St. Louis, Oakland, Memphis, Baltimore, Atlanta, Milwaukee and the south side of Chicago. They are our versions of Mogadishu, complete with lawlessness, senseless killings, armed gangs, widespread hunger, fear, a population retreating into the numbing embrace of opiates, crippling poverty, dysfunctional state institutions, the growth of private security companies that protect the elites, and indiscriminate police violence that creates reigns of terror aimed at the poor.

      The more the global corporate forces extract from us in the name of austerity and the maximization of profit, the more parts of the U.S. will descend into domestic versions of the failed states overseas. The same system exists here and abroad. And it has the same result here and abroad. It may appear first in Somalia, Mali, Guinea-Bissau and Libya, but it will soon come to characterize much of America.

      The proliferation of weapons will do to our society what it has done to every other failed state where there has been unchecked access to arsenals—hand power to those with a penchant for violence.



      Posted on Sep 11, 2016

      By Chris Hedges

      “Anyone who wants to rule men first tries to humiliate them, to trick them out of their rights and their capacity for resistance, until they are as powerless before him as animals,” Elias Canetti wrote in “Crowds and Power.”

      “He uses them like animals and, even if he does not tell them so, in himself he always knows quite clearly that they mean just as little to him; when he speaks to his intimates he will call them sheep or cattle. His ultimate aim is to incorporate them into himself and to suck the substance out of them. What remains of them afterwards does not matter to him. The worse he has treated them, the more he despises them. When they are no more use at all, he disposes of them as he does of his excrement, simply seeing to it that they do not poison the air of his house.”

      History has amply demonstrated where this will end up. The continued exploitation by an unchecked elite, and the rising levels of poverty and insecurity, will unleash a legitimate rage among the desperate.

      They will see through the lies and propaganda of the elites. They will demand retribution. They will turn to those who express the hatred they feel for the powerful and the institutions, now shams, that were designed to give them a voice. They will seek not reform but destruction of a system that has betrayed them.

      Failed states—czarist Russia, the Weimar Republic, the former Yugoslavia—vomit up political monstrosities. We will be no different.


    3. {...}

      A form of fascism has already taken hold in two nations on the edges of the European Union, Hungary and Poland.

      Far-right parties, reacting to the flood of more than a million migrants that descended on Europe last year, are gaining ground in France, Austria, Sweden, Germany and Greece.

      Nationalism, buttressed by a deification of the military, will be used to compensate for individual powerlessness and a loss of national identity. Dissent in the U.S. will become “anti-American,” a form of treason. Enemies at home will be vilified along with enemies abroad. And this will lead to even more warfare in the Middle East. The far-right political parties in Eastern Europe flirt rhetorically with military conflict with Russia. And because of its membership in NATO, the United States would be obligated to enter any hostilities.

      Voting for Hillary Clinton will not halt this slide into the apocalypse. It will only accelerate it. Donald Trump may vanish from the political landscape, but someone even more venal, and probably more intelligent, will take his place. Our job is to dismantle the machinery that is pushing toward the cliff. And this means sustained and massive civil disobedience.

      As exemplified by the protests at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation and by prisoners across the nation who carried out work stoppages last Friday, it means doing everything possible not to cooperate with the elements of authority. It means disrupting the mechanisms of power. It means overcoming fear. It means no longer believing the lies we are told.

  2. NY POST

    Mother Nature once again graced the city with gorgeous weather for the 9/11 memorial ceremonies — yet Hillary Clinton was somehow overcome by the mild, low-80s temperatures, and left early in obvious distress.

    Clinton’s health is no longer a background issue in the presidential race.

    The footage of her entry to her ride out is especially troubling: She’s leaning oddly backward as she waits, and plainly almost collapses as she moves toward the vehicle; a mob of aides then conveys her inside.

    Also telling is that her staff avoided alerting the press that travels with her — and were left to catch up after noticing her missing. Clinton’s brief walkabout some 90 minutes later, after she’d rested in daughter Chelsea’s apartment, settles nothing. Nor does word late Sunday that she has pneumonia.

    We hadn’t made much of Clinton’s long coughing fit last week, but that now seems more disturbing, too. Maybe her repeated memory failures when the FBI interviewed her over her e-mail abuses were actually real, rather than dodges of questions she didn’t dare answer truthfully.

    Even her refusal to hold a single real press conference for more than nine months suddenly looks different: Is she dodging the press to avoid questions about all her endless scandals, or does she fear something else?

    Behind it all is the concussion she suffered in late 2012, which led to a blood clot in her head — an illness that prevented her from doing more than token work in her final months at State, and also (she said) left her temporarily unable to testify before Congress on the Benghazi disaster. Her husband later said her recovery took a full six months.

    At 68, Clinton is two years younger than her opponent, Donald Trump — but he’s had nothing like any of these episodes, despite more than a year of nonstop travel and public appearances. She’s now got a whole new host of questions to answer — and so do her doctors.

    1. Older people may also become confused or less aware of what's going on around them if they develop pneumonia.

      Rather than a fever, their temperatures might be lower than normal.

      That's exactly what happened to my Aunt. She was 96 at the time, living with us. I had gotten her breakfast as usual and when I came home about 2pm she was really sick. Called 911 and the ambulance guys got her to the hospital just in time. They put her on 'the whole cocktail' of drugs. She survived, her skin totally dark from the blood going inward where most needed. Her temperature had dropped to 88 degrees. They had her in a heating cover.

      She died at 98 1/2 but was never as strong as she had been before the pneumonia.

    2. She was full Swede, tough, long lasting, wonderful, and knew the difference between friend and enemy.


    3. She had a little slight hacking cough before that I noticed but didn't think much was walking pneumonia she had that bloomed all of a sudden.....

      If you have an elder around, beware a hacking cough in someone who otherwise seems fine.....

    4. Her younger sister made it to a little past 100.

      What a century of change those two lived through....

  3. Jeeze, what a Douche!

    No hat tip?

    1. Yeah.

      Where's the hat tip for Doug, Deuce ?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Read President Obama’s Speech on the 15th Anniversary of 9/11

    “For we know that our diversity—our patchwork heritage—is not a weakness; it is still, and always will be, one of our greatest strengths,” he said.
    "Fifteen years may seem like a long time, but for the families who lost a piece of their heart that day, I imagine it can seem like just yesterday. Perhaps it’s the memory of a last kiss given to a spouse, or the last goodbye to a mother or father, a sister or a brother."

    Or as a sane, non "Democrat" might say:

    "A loved one."

  5. NEWS FLASH !!

    The Donald has had a thorough physical exam and is releasing the results on "The Doctor Oz Show" Thursday.

    This will please my wife, a Deplorable who likes Doctor Oz.

    1. I'm a deplorable that thinks Trump's wife is not attractive. least her face is not.

    2. I bet she's really bored most of the time.

    3. I never asked my wife to put a hairpin in for me.


  6. "Perhaps it’s the memory of a last kiss given to a spouse, or the last goodbye to a mother or father, a sister or a brother."
    Or a Muslim, or a Joo, or a white Redneck, or a Nigger, or a Buttfucker, or a Lesbo, or a Redneck, or a Bluedog Democrat, or a "Jew" Scumbag Sell Out like Bill Kristol, or...

    1. Oops: That was sposed to be a continuation of Barack Hussein Obama's Genius Spout.

  7. Doctor Oz scooped Doctor Drew, Doctor Doug, and Doctor Quirk.

    1. Everyone is waiting for Doctor Rufus to weigh in....



    3. Goddammit.

      Blogger has made it impossible for me to comment.

    4. Doctor Phil is in the Green Room at Fox News right now.....

    5. Doctor Phil will know what's up. I'll report.

      Hillary Clinton’s health is now a real issue

      By Post Editorial Board

      September 11, 2016 | 8:02pm

      Modal Trigger Hillary Clinton’s health is now a real issue
      Hillary Clinton Photo: Getty Images

      Mother Nature once again graced the city with gorgeous weather for the 9/11 memorial ceremonies — yet Hillary Clinton was somehow overcome by the mild, low-80s temperatures, and left early in obvious distress.

      Clinton’s health is no longer a background issue in the presidential race.

      The footage of her entry to her ride out is especially troubling: She’s leaning oddly backward as she waits, and plainly almost collapses as she moves toward the vehicle; a mob of aides then conveys her inside.

      Also telling is that her staff avoided alerting the press that travels with her — and were left to catch up after noticing her missing. Clinton’s brief walkabout some 90 minutes later, after she’d rested in daughter Chelsea’s apartment, settles nothing. Nor does word late Sunday that she has pneumonia.

      We hadn’t made much of Clinton’s long coughing fit last week, but that now seems more disturbing, too. Maybe her repeated memory failures when the FBI interviewed her over her e-mail abuses were actually real, rather than dodges of questions she didn’t dare answer truthfully.

      Even her refusal to hold a single real press conference for more than nine months suddenly looks different: Is she dodging the press to avoid questions about all her endless scandals, or does she fear something else?

      Behind it all is the concussion she suffered in late 2012, which led to a blood clot in her head — an illness that prevented her from doing more than token work in her final months at State, and also (she said) left her temporarily unable to testify before Congress on the Benghazi disaster. Her husband later said her recovery took a full six months.

      At 68, Clinton is two years younger than her opponent, Donald Trump — but he’s had nothing like any of these episodes, despite more than a year of nonstop travel and public appearances. She’s now got a whole new host of questions to answer — and so do her doctors.

    6. Are you being interrogated by Blogger/Deucebag like I am?

      This is the END, Deuce, so sorry.


    7. Still getting through with my bash Hillary posts here.

  8. Blogger may have identified you as a Deplorable, Doug.

    1. OK, Ivana Trump, or whoever, is Huugely BEAUTIFUL !


    2. You are doing well enough now.

      Coming through load and clear out this way.

    3. Let's see if I get through with this -


    4. Load of Douche and clear.

    5. I'm OK.

      God Bless The 1st Amendment.


    7. You've got it now.

      Doctor Phil has begged off discussing Hillary on the grounds he's never examined her.

      This won't stop Doctor Quirk, who always has an opinion on everything, if he ever gets up this morning.

    8. How do you comment without being interrogated by GOOGLE?

  9. I think I'm going through Internet Explorer ? With a Google name.....when they ask just tell 'em you're a Hillary supporter, have given to the Democrats....

    With all this news all that's needed now, if it is ended, is a big hit from Julian Assange, which may be coming up....

    The Donald is obviously listening to his advisors....wishing Hillary well and hoping she gets back on the campaign trail very soon....releasing his medical records.....

    1. Google has never asked me anything that I recall.

    2. They make me affirm I am not a ROBOT.

      They make me identify a bunch of images that I cannot understand,

      They must be TSA !

    3. THAT Time, they treated me like a human!




    4. .

      It's understandable.

      I've often wondered if you were actually a robot.


  10. "Her younger sister made it to a little past 100.

    What a century of change those two lived through...."


    My dad's family all made it past 120.

    I'm bored as shit @ 72.






      dOING theIR MInd BEnding iMAGe ass "qUIZEs"

      What the FUCK?

    2. .

      Try upping your lithium, take some clozapine or quetiapine, cut down on the cocaine and ecstasy, and get some sleep, Doug.

      Sometimes that works for the faux farmer when he starts drifting.


  11. .

    Trump has been blasting the FED right along. This morning he called Yellen's decisions political and designed to ease Obama out of office before the shit hits the fan.

    If Trump were to win you could pretty much depend a the FED getting and actual audit.


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I KNEW Doctor Quirk would have some kind of prescription to share !!

    Look how the Quetiapine has calmed down Rufus !

    He could be let out of solitary now and he'd be gentle as a lamb !

  13. Can Monty Python Rescue Hillary ?

    How does Hillary downplay her medical condition ?

    Hillary can always use a couple of ploys from Monty Python -

    The it's just a flesh wound sketch comes to does the Dead Parrot sketch -

    See sketches here:

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Trump's New 30 Second 'Deplorables' Ad

  16. People: Respiratory illnesses began sweeping through the Hillary Clinton campaign weeks ago

    posted at 10:01 am on September 12, 2016 by Ed Morrissey

    Old and busted: It’s just allergies! Old and busted II: It’s just a mild version of pneumonia, and no risk at all! New hotness: Hey, everybody gets pneumonia! That might actually have a ring of truth to it, finally. The respiratory illness that Hillary Clinton and her team didn’t acknowledge until the candidate collapsed in public yesterday has infected several of Hillary’s staff, according to People Magazine:

    The illness that sickened Hillary Clinton with pneumonia and caused her to have to be escorted away from September 11 ceremonies in New York on Sunday also struck down several members of her campaign team at Clinton headquarters in Brooklyn, PEOPLE has learned.

    “Everyone’s been sick,” a campaign source tells PEOPLE.

    At the end of August, two weeks before Clinton was diagnosed with pneumonia, a debilitating bug was making the rounds among staff at her headquarters and campaign aides who travel with Clinton, a source tells PEOPLE.

    At least half a dozen senior staff were felled, including campaign manager Robby Mook. Two top advisers even needed emergency medical treatment, the source says. One top adviser diagnosed at a Brooklyn urgent-care center with a respiratory infection was being treated with antibiotics in the days before Clinton’s diagnosis. Another top adviser was taken by ambulance to the ER by ambulance after collapsing from what turned out to be severe dehydration, the source said.

    Well, we think it’s severe hydration. That’s what the campaign claimed happened to Hillary yesterday before having to admit to pneumonia, and we’re still not sure that’s all this is. All we have is the word of the Hillary Clinton campaign staff, who haven’t exactly modeled transparency over the past few weeks.

    1. This calls into question almost everything they have said about Hillary’s health during that period. According to the timeline provided by People’s Sandra Sobieraj Westfall and Stephanie Petit, the pneumonia began sweeping through the Hillary campaign about the same time that people began questioning Hillary’s coughing fits in public appearances. The campaign responded by accusing people of participating in conspiracy theories even while sending some of their own staff to hospitals and clinics for a contagious version of pneumonia.

      The campaign announced yesterday that Hillary had been diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday. Do they expect people to believe that no one on Team Hillary connected her coughing fits to the sudden epidemic of pneumonia on the campaign and didn’t get her checked out immediately? And with this knowledge, why did her team take Hillary to Chelsea’s apartment and her toddler granddaughter rather than to a hospital to manage the acute health crisis of her collapse, where contagion could be contained?

      Even NBC News wants an answer to that question, among others:

      2.) Has Clinton been otherwise ill in recent days?

      Has she had pneumonia in the past? Pneumonia is common, but still a potentially dangerous disease that sends about 1 million people to the hospital every year and kills about 50,000, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

      3.) Who made the call not to go to the hospital and when?

      And did Clinton lose consciousness at all? After leaving the memorial, Clinton went to her daughter Chelsea’s apartment and was later examined by her doctor at her own home in Chappaqua, New York. Why was it decided not to visit a hospital immediately?

      The obvious answer is that the campaign didn’t want to admit that Hillary was ill at all. The collapse forced their hand, but even in the immediate aftermath of the news reports about her fainting spell, they tried to pass it off as “overheating” … on a 79-degree day. And now she’s canceling events in California today and tomorrow only because the secret’s out.

      Team Hillary won’t tell the truth until all of the lies stop working. That, even more than Hillary’s health, is a big lesson for voters in 2016. This parade of obfuscations has begun to resemble Soviet prevarications about the health of Politburo members back in the 1980s.

      Addendum: Andrew Malcolm writes in his McClatchy DC column today that it’s high time we start discussing the health and age, not just of the two candidates but also of the remaining Supreme Court justices:

      Of all the central national issues our presidential candidates are hotly debating only eight weeks from Election Day – disputed medical conditions, a border wall that won’t be built and who’s a bigot – the most important topic is tagging along as an afterthought.

      That is the Supreme Court and the three, maybe four, appointments the next POTUS will make. The average age of Supreme Court retirements the last half-century was a little past 78. Three justices now are older than 77, and one is 83.

      Hillary (69) and Donald Trump (70) aren’t that far behind, either.

    2. Bill Clinton won't get sick because he's at least got the good sense to never be around her.

      He knows she toxic.

  17. September 12, 2016

    Spengler: ‘Deplorably, Trump will win’

    By Thomas Lifson

    David P. Goldman, aka Spengler, tells how bad it is for Hillary Clinton and her supporters. He seems to agree with the call I made Saturday morning, that Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” remark could cost her the election.

    I think this paragraph is brilliant:

    You can’t win an American presidential election without the deplorables’ vote. Deplorables are America’s biggest minority. They might even be the American majority. They may or not be racist, homophobic and so forth, but they know they’re deplorable. Deplorable, and proud. They’re the median family whose real income has fallen deplorably by 5% in the past ten years, the 35% of adult males who deplorably have dropped out of the labor force, the 40% of student debtors who deplorably aren’t making payments on their loans, the aging state and local government workers whose pension funds are $4 trillion short. They lead deplorable lives and expect that their kids’ lives will be even more deplorable than theirs.

    Class is the mostly ignored huge divide in American society and politics. Hillary has sided against the majority.

    David P. Goldman, aka Spengler, tells how bad it is for Hillary Clinton and her supporters. He seems to agree with the call I made Saturday morning, that Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” remark could cost her the election.

    I think this paragraph is brilliant:

    You can’t win an American presidential election without the deplorables’ vote. Deplorables are America’s biggest minority. They might even be the American majority. They may or not be racist, homophobic and so forth, but they know they’re deplorable. Deplorable, and proud. They’re the median family whose real income has fallen deplorably by 5% in the past ten years, the 35% of adult males who deplorably have dropped out of the labor force, the 40% of student debtors who deplorably aren’t making payments on their loans, the aging state and local government workers whose pension funds are $4 trillion short. They lead deplorable lives and expect that their kids’ lives will be even more deplorable than theirs.

    Class is the mostly ignored huge divide in American society and politics. Hillary has sided against the majority.

    Read more:
    Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

  18. Trump is making a good speech about "The Deplorables" on Fox right now.

  19. Probably the best advice for the "Deplorables" is,

    if you don't like being identified as "deplorable,"

    don't be Deplorable.

  20. Looking at that video again, I doubt Hillary has pneumonia. IMO, she has all the symptoms of someone with MS and reoccurring relapse.

    1. It's all pure speculation but I'd guess more along the lines of some sort of addiction - like painkillers...

      ... she had a medical incident and they rush her to her daughters apartment - un hunh, and she emerges 2 hours later feeling great - riiiight.

      The way the SS were handling her it was as if she were plastered and they weren't thrilled about it.

    2. heck, can you imagine having to sit through yet another droning memorial? I'd want a nip of something to get through those functions myself.

  21. The new ABC/Wash. Post Poll found that 62% of likely voters think Trump's Campaign is Racist and Anti-Woman.

    1. They didn't poll me. I don't think he is either. Just more name calling by the libs.

  22. Unlike Trump, Hillary Clinton has released Real Medical Information from a Real Doctor.

    And, her Press Secretary, Brian Fallon, was on television just a few minutes ago, saying that they would be releasing even more medical information, later this week.

    1. Btw, Trump left the Memorial Service early, also. Why is no one mentioning that?

    2. because there are no videos of him being carried away.

    3. There are no videos of Hillary "being carried away," either.

    4. "...

      Video of the incident suggested a far more serious event. Ms. Clinton, held up by aides and leaning for support against a concrete pylon, suddenly lurched forward, stumbled and was prevented from falling only because a burly security man caught her arm. Then she was half-carried, half-lifted into a black van, apparently losing one shoe as it was dragged along the sidewalk..."

    5. She buckled at the knees like she was making a left turn into a right hook.

    6. galopn2Mon Sep 12, 02:19:00 PM EDT

      There are no videos of Hillary "being carried away," either.

      True, just videos of her buckling at the knees, beginning to collapse, being held vertical by her aides, and being stuffed into her waiting van/ambulance and driven away....and it's later given to us that she collapsed due to pneumonia...

      Quit this daily making a fool out of yourself, Rufus, would you please ?

  23. ISIS launches offensive near Mosul, 100 members killed

    ( Nineveh – Nineveh Police Command announced that 100 ISIS members were killed after the security forces repulsed their attack in southern Mosul, and also added that five booby-trapped vehicles were destroyed during the attack.

    The command said in a statement, “Today, ISIS launched an offensive on the axis of Nineveh police’s 8th regiment near the wilderness area on the road linking between Baghdad and Mosul.”

    The statement revealed, “Personnel from army and police killed 100 ISIS men, apart from wounding dozens during the attack.”

    “Also, five booby-trapped vehicles were destroyed during the attack. No human or material casualties were inflicted on the security forces,” the statement added.


    1. 24 coalition airstrikes in Syria and Iraq, 55 ISIS oil trucks destroyed

      ( Baghdad – The Joint Task Force announced that the international coalition air force are continuing to target ISIS headquarters and hideouts in Syria and Iraq, and added that in its recent raids, it destroyed more than 55 oil tanker tanks belonging to ISIS in Syria.

      The Combined Joint Task Force (CJTF) released a statement revealing that they have carried out 24 airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq and Syria in the last 24 hours.

      The statement said, “Fourteen airstrikes across the ISIS-held areas in Syria destroyed dozens of ISIS tactical units, heavy machine guns, cache of weapons, supply routes and anti-aircraft artillery systems,” adding, “55 tanker trucks delivering oil to ISIS were destroyed on Sunday.”

      In Iraq, the US-led coalition warplanes conducted 10 airstrikes near Mosul, Tel Affar, Beiji, Ramadi and Samarra, and inflicted heavy losses on the jihadist group.

      “Near Mosul, four strikes destroyed three ISIS tactical units, 18 rocket rails, three vehicles, a financial center, and a weapons cache, as well as damaging four tunnels,” the statement added.


  24. The problem the GOP is going to have with the "deplorables" comment is, it's backed up, over and over again, by the polling.

    Let's face it, there's no other reason to support the crazy bastard.

    1. One must hand it to Rufus. He always gives it the old college try.

      His Queen makes a totally idiotic comment and he defends, even agrees with it.....

      Hillary's got so many symptoms she must have multiple problems.

      I stay with my original opinion.....I think the god's have finally gotten sick of the old bitch and are slowly taking her out.....

    2. Most people I know are not voting FOR Trump, but voting AGAINST Clinton. That is THE REASON to vote for Trump. Liberals always, ALWAYS resort to name calling when someone disagrees with them. They are very predictable in that way.

      I find it deplorable that the Libs continue to support modern day slavery with their handouts and freebees, and continue to take advantage of those useful idiots that are on the receiving end of the handouts and freebees. They should be ashamed of themselves.

    3. You should be voting Libertarian MOME ole boy...

    4. I don't like him either. Too goofy. He acts like he took one too many bong hits in college.

    5. He strikes me more as a policy wonk than a stoner but, ya, he has the charisma of a wet noodle. That being said his ideas seem to be quite rational and I think having someone who is neither a Democrat nor a Republican in the White House would make for a better functioning government given how it has devolved into hyper-partisan stalemate.

    6. by the way, flew WestJet last week. They did a good job. Full service, positive experience. As good as any experience I've had on Canada Air.



    She won't allow it.

    I don't she has it in her to step aside.

    1. I don't think she has it in her to step aside.

  26. This may be the best diagnosis of all -

    Diagnosis: Clinton Suffers From Reflexive Urge to Lie - Laura Ingraham, LifeZette

    "Allergy To Transparency"

  27. Former CIA chief under Clinton joins Trump campaign

    By Jeremy Diamond, CNN

    Updated 2:01 PM ET, Mon September 12, 2016

    (CNN) — A former CIA director under President Bill Clinton joined Donald Trump's presidential campaign Monday as a senior adviser, the campaign announced.

    James Woolsey, a former national security official under Republican and Democratic administrations who has been a fierce critic of President Barack Obama, said in a statement he will advise Trump "on the urgent need to reinvest in and modernize our military in order to confront the challenges of the 21st century."....


  28. Want to Know How Trump’s Doing? Just Look at Mexico’s Peso

    Eric Martin

    September 11, 2016 — 6:00 PM PDT

    Updated on September 12, 2016 — 2:06 AM PDT

    Peso reaches 2 1/2-month low as Clinton suffers from pneumonia


    Who needs ’em.

    If you want to know how Donald Trump is doing, all you need to do is check the Mexican peso.

    Over the past four months, Mexico’s currency has repeatedly declined when Trump’s election outlook improves and rallied when his odds of winning slump. The peso tumbled to a 2 1/2-month low Monday after his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, canceled a two-day trip to California because she’s suffering from pneumonia....

  29. Someone who witnessed HRC stumbling said they saw the SS throw her in the van like a side of beef. Now that's funny, I don't care who you are.

  30. .

    If, as they say, 4 out of 5 people suffer from occasional diarrhea, does that mean 1 out of 5 enjoys it?


    1. :)

      Ask Hillary.

      She should know.

      The warfarin blood thinner makes her overload her Depends with regularity.

      And, you know how woman talk to other woman about things....

    2. .

      I know it's an old joke but it always comes to mind when I see comments like Bob's post on the Mexican peso or Rufus' comment on why voters will be voting for Trump.


    3. .

      And, you know how woman talk to other woman about things.

      Then you must pick up a lot of juicy gossip.



    4. well, you know how he likes to lurk in the women's washroom at the Casino and Walmart.

    5. Did that Wide Stance Guy come from Idaho?

    6. Larry Craig aka Wide Stance aka Toe Tapper was born in Council, Idaho and grew up on a ranch near there.

      Longest serving politician in Idaho history with the exception of William Borah.

      U of Idaho grad in political science, went back east for grad school.

      In his youth there were 'rumors' concerning his behavior with sheep, cattle and Basgues.

  31. Sept. 12, 2012 - Trump calls for 2nd attack on Libya:

    An attack on our Embassy is an attack on our soil. We have been attacked by Libya. Go into Libya & take the oil--like we should have done in the first place!


    1. If Trump gets his mouth sewed shut, he'll win in a landslide.

  32. THIS is the MOTHERFUCKER that screwed up my night:

    If Deuce is in any way responsible, he will be held accountable.

    That is all.

    1. It started with this simple checkbox:


      The newer V2 reCAPTCHA looks like this:


      Then turned into a nightmare of Picture Matching Impossibilities.

      ...I'm going to check out Dr. Quirk's Medical Advice.

    2. .

      Maybe it was because I reported you as a robot.

      Well, actually didn't even report you.

      All I said is, 'Hey Google, does this blogger seem like a robot to you'?


  33. Maybe it was:

    Doug Mon Sep 12, 08:00:00 AM EDT

    That set GOOGLE off on their Jihad against me?

  34. How the Hell can this in any way, shape, or form, be legitimate?

    (When Hillary takes the lead, Rufus will explain.)

    The UPI/CVoter online tracking poll surveys about 200 people each day, leading to a sample size of roughly 1,400 people during any seven-day span.

    Because the poll is conducted online and individuals self-select to participate, a margin of error cannot be calculated. The poll has a credibility interval of 3 percentage points. This seven-day span includes data collected from Sept. 5 to 11, when 1,815 individuals were surveyed. Of them, 1,260 identified themselves as likely voters.

  35. Mr. Perfect, for a change:

  36. You can see her glass slipper fall off at 16 seconds.

    ...she didn't manage to clear the curb as she stepped off.

    Poor Dear.

    Like Trump, I hope she gets well soon.


  37. The conservative media’s obsession with Hillary Clinton’s coughing

    "Let's also say that it is fair to ask whether presidential candidates — especially older ones like Clinton — are up to the physical demands of running the country.

    Clinton will be 69 on Inauguration Day; Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders will be 70 and 75, respectively. All three have released doctors' notes documenting good health. If Clinton actually had a serious medical problem, or otherwise appeared too frail to be president, it would be a big deal.

    But mainstream media outlets haven't made a big deal of Clinton's coughing because, as Dr. Philip Weintraub explained last fall to an inquiring patient — The Fix's Philip Bump — it probably doesn't indicate anything more than a dry throat brought on by prolonged talking.

    [Which doctor is smarter about Hillary Clinton: Matt Drudge or a doctor?]"

  38. KY Governor: A Hillary Win May Require The "Blood Of Patriots"

    He encouraged the audience to fight in every possibly [sic] way so that they aren’t forced “to do it physically.” However, he argues that it may come to the shedding of blood.

    “I will tell you this: I do think it would be possible, but at what price?” he said, after being asked if he thought America would survive Clinton. “At what price? The roots of the tree of liberty are watered by what? The blood, of who? The tyrants to be sure, but who else? The patriots.”

    He continued wondering whose blood will be shed in this possible physical confrontation. “It may be that of those in this room. It might be that of our children and grandchildren. I have nine children. It breaks my heart to think that it might be their blood that is needed...”

    Deplorable Enough for You?

    There's video at the link (in case you think I'm making this up.)

    1. You're saying then that you wouldn't resist Hillary's new National Police Force ?

      And its All Seeing Eye of Tyranny ?

      Think carefully, Patriot.

    2. (my first move, upon the inevitable gun confiscation, would be to Montana to lobby that it invoke its right to secede from the USA in such a case)

  39. North Korea said that the flooding had been caused by the "strongest storm and heaviest downpour" since the end of World War II and has redirected people involved in a "200-day campaign" to increase production to help with the relief efforts.


    Tens of thousands of houses and public buildings had collapsed, while railways and roads, along with factories and crops had been destroyed or submerged, KCNA reported.

    North Korea is particularly prone to flooding because of deforestation - the result of people cutting down trees to fuel fires in their houses - and a tendency to turn every inch of arable land over to crops. Making matters worse, houses, particularly in the downtrodden northern areas, are often made of substandard locally produced bricks.



    Hillary's own pack of wolves is beginning to circle the weakened one.


    I answered your question about Wide Stance above, Doug.

    1. Poor dear Hillary is so often 'dehydrated'.

      Perhaps she has some rare disorder that causes her not to become thirsty when she becomes dehydrated.

      Most people simply get thirsty and drink water when becoming dehydrated.

      Or, 'dehydrated' may just be another line of craparoo put out by her campaign.

    2. I think 'dehydrated' is just another line of craparoo that has so often been put out by her campaign to cover other more serious issues, in the latest instance, pneumonia.

    3. .

      Getting dehydrated is extremely easy to do and it can have serious consequences.


    4. Most of us when we are thirsty have the good sense to drink water.

    5. .

      Face it, all you do is sit around the casino or Wayne's porch. It's easy for you to remember to drink water. A busy person, someone who is actually doing something important 16 hours a day can easily get wrapped up in their itinerary and forget to take in enough liquids.


  41. Clinton Admits She Has Passed Out 'A Few Times'...
    Can't Remember...
    Campaign Avoided ER To Conceal Details of Medical Treatment...
    Allies grow angry over secrecy...

    If that is saying she can't remember how many times she has passed out that is quite bad, and she really should step aside.

  42. .

    Trump and Hillary both say they are going to release medical records.

    Medical records as of a point in time are pretty much meaningless. What both of them need to be doing is releasing their medical histories.

    Along with the current data.

    If they are going to release anything at all.


  43. .

    Hillary Clinton said she did not disclose her pneumonia diagnosis earlier because she "didn't think it was going to be that big a deal" and called on the press to hold Donald Trump to the "same standard" of transparency.

    At her age, Hillary should know better. The assume pneumonia is not 'that big a deal' s pretty dang stupid.

    Perhaps even stupider is her message that Trump be held to 'same standard" of transparency'. Even using the word transparency shows what balls this gal has.


  44. My daughter passed out from dehydration, once - while she was driving an Aircraft Carrier. :) oops.

  45. NBC News ‏@NBCNews 2h2 hours ago

    U.S. says it killed ISIS No.2 Abu Muhammad al-Adnani

    1. There are thousands of Abus out there itching to take Abu's place.

  46. Bob's Foreign Policy Reason # 7 to vote Trump

    North Korea:

    China is the only country that can 'solve' that situation.

    Trump is going to 'renegotiate' our trade policies with China.

    Link the two.

    Vote Trump for Peace, Security and Prosperity !

  47. Heh heh heh

    Trump is urging the debates be done without moderators.


    I'm for that !

  48. Well, maybe just one moderator should be allowed. Megan Kelly!

    1. :)

      I suggest Judge Jeanine Pirro, if it must be someone from Fox !

    2. Judge Jeanine, after destroying a Blackberry with a four pound hammer, could ask each candidate:

      "How do you best describe this behavior ?"



      Good one !

      "I don't feel no ways tired!"

      Hardy har har

      And there's Badge Man with his syringe, too !

  50. Two United States B-1 bombers flew over South Korea on Tuesday (Sept 13) in a show of force and solidarity with its ally after North Korea’s nuclear test last week, while a US envoy called for a swift and strong response to Pyongyang from the United Nations.


    The pair of supersonic B-1 Lancer strategic bombers, based in Guam, were escorted by South Korean and US fighter jets, in a low-altitude flight over South Korea’s Osan Air Base, which is 77km from the Demilitarised Zone border with the North and about 40km from the South’s capital Seoul.


    South Korea said on Monday the North is ready to conduct an additional nuclear test at any time after setting off its most powerful blast to date on Friday.

  51. "Q"Nit of the Day: "Q"Nittery Getting Grip in Ohio

    The contagion is spreading -

    Ohio columnist compares jihad terrorism to car accidents

    September 12, 2016 2:11 pm By Christine Williams 50 Comments

    “You’re far more likely to die in a traffic accident than in a terrorist attack in Ohio. But a recent poll shows terrorism ranks among the top four concerns for Ohioans, while car accidents received no mention.”

    I would conclude that this had to be a bad joke, but the publication is actually serious about comparing terrorism to car accidents, and this piece was written on 9/11. There are a couple differences at least that should scare your socks off: first, a car accident is one thing, but the threat of random murders at any time, any place – the more gruesome the better and the more people the better – are another; second, there is a civilizational jihad underway against all Western interests, and infiltration has already taken place into the highest levels of the American government, so voters who are prioritizing terrorism as an issue are hardly clamoring for four more years of a failed administration.

    How dare this writer trivialize the memory of 9/11, a day chosen for its significance by jihadists to assault the infidel. It also just happened to be the day that “Christian armies led by Jan III Sobieski, the King of Poland, arrived at the Gates of Vienna” and stopped the second Islamic siege on Vienna, when jihadi marauders had been expected to continue their violent conquest of Europe.

    How dare this writer also dismiss the trauma of families who lost loved ones to jihad terrorism as too insignificant in number to be seriously concerned about during an election issue. This terror goes beyond the American continent. Those traumatized include the parents who are scarred over the loss of their children after they were mown down by a 19-ton truck in Nice, and the loved ones of the one million girls who were violated and brutalized by Muslim rape gangs in the UK. The number of people affected by the jihadi crimes sweeping Europe is incalculable, as is the number of Christians who suffer persecution globally under Sharia law. Then there are the millions of Muslims murdered by fellow Muslims for not being Muslim enough, the heinous atrocities committed against gays and women globally at the hands of jihadists, etc. etc.

    The Western lives on 9/11 and beyond that were snuffed out by jihad were maliciously and violently taken by jihadis on a mission to strike terror into freedom-loving Western infidels, with the goal of expanding territory and conquering the free world.

    Somehow I don’t think that Americans need to wait and see the stats on terrorist attacks climb to match those of car accidents to prove this outrageous numbers argument wrong. How could someone in his right mind state: “A recent poll shows terrorism ranks among the top four concerns for Ohioans, while car accidents received no mention,” as if there were something wrong with this?

    The message delivered in the article is not only beyond embarrassment; it is dangerous propaganda.

    1. .

      According to Pew, 80% of Americans consider ISIS the greatest threat facing America.

      In America, where in a single city, Chicago, there has been more than 500 murders already this year, they consider ISIS the greatest threat to this country.



  52. Question for Rufus (and Ash ?) -

    There is talk all the way from Twitter to the Internet blogs to the highest reaches of the Democratic Party Central Committee and the lowest reaches of the mean streets of USA about yanking Hillary's chain and replacing her with a more 'suitable' candidate -

    What person would you recommend as this replacement ?

  53. Forget Trump for now, Hillary’s big problem is the ‘dump Hillary’ impulse among powerful Democrats - 9/12/16

    After months of gloating over the ease of defeating Donald Trump, the pit-of-the-stomach fear is growing of losing to an insurgent who might actually upset the political elite’s applecart. More

  54. Take a real look at this picture -

    September 13, 2016

    The Democrats have one very sick candidate

    By Russ Vaughn

    Numerous conservative websites are reporting on the fact that prior to Hillary’s possible seizure and collapse at the 9/11 ceremony, she was wearing a pair of cobalt blue sunglasses. They note that Z1 cobalt blue lenses manufactured by Zeiss, are known to have a preventive effect on seizures associated with epilepsy and are widely used for that purpose. Such lenses block most of the red spectrum of light, that part considered most likely to induce seizures in people who have photo-sensitivities associated with neurological disorders such as epilepsy and Parkinson’s which share some common symptoms.

    What’s even more disturbing though is what is revealed in this picture from the 9/11 ceremony. Hillary is wearing the blue glasses sure enough but she has a woman holding her left arm, wrist upturned, who appears to be continuously monitoring her pulse. Also the large black man who has been Hillary’s constant public attendee (and rumored to be carrying an anti-seizure injector) hovers but a single step away. One other tell from this picture is Hillary’s right hand being held to her chest, an abnormal posture for a walking human but a common one for those with Parkinson’s who employ it to mask both tremors and unnatural finger positioning and movement of the fingers, as well as a phenomenon called pill-rolling most usually associated with that disease.

    It’s understandable that the Democrats don’t want to admit they selected a very sick person to represent their party simply because she had dutifully waited her turn back in 2008 so the first black president could precede the first woman president. But that’s what they have done and she is what they are now saddled with. The sooner they fess up to the fact that their candidate is not up to the task, the more time they will have left to salvage something from the mess they’ve created with their political greed and dishonesty....


    2. How do we really know she has pneumonia ?

      Maybe she had a severe seizure.

    3. .


      Maybe she had heat prostration.

      Maybe she had the vapors.

      Maybe she had athlete's feet.

      Give it up, old timer.


    4. First they said she'd been overheated, poor dear, heat prostration.

      Then, all of a sudden, it changed to pneumonia.

      The cough was, first, due to pollen....

      Why just that type of 'sun' glasses ?

      Why emergency syringe man - ESM ?

      In case she gets a 'sudden pneumonia attack' - an SPA ?

      Think again, Old Timer.

      Don't believe everything you're told by the Clinton Campaign.

      Not that we have any evidence at all that they have ever ever tried to deceive the American People, those Deplorables.

    5. Having collapsed and having been dragged off in the Scooby Van, she was on the phone shortly thereafter, saying she was fine....doing well.....

      Does this sound more like recovery from a seizure or a sudden pneumonia recovery - SPR- to you, Old Timer ?

    6. .

      You sitting there trying to take on the role of faux doctor (along with all your other faux credentials) isn't going to add anything to the conversation.


    7. Having deceived people during an entire lifetime in 'advertising' how can YOU be so gullible ???

      <:o) !

    8. Put this in your discussion pipe and smoke, Old Timer -

      They note that Z1 cobalt blue lenses manufactured by Zeiss, are known to have a preventive effect on seizures associated with epilepsy and are widely used for that purpose. Such lenses block most of the red spectrum of light, that part considered most likely to induce seizures in people who have photo-sensitivities associated with neurological disorders such as epilepsy and Parkinson’s which share some common symptoms.

      And YOU are sitting and talking about 'the vapors' and 'athlete's feet'.....

      You add nothing to the discussion !

      Nothing !!

    9. 'The Vapors' and 'Athlete's feet' - our specialty - easily cured by Quirk's Quality Qwik Cure, an internet clinic - call 1-800-QQQ-CURE or Press 1

    10. Clinton Admits She Has Passed Out 'A Few Times'...
      Can't Remember....DRUDGE

      Obvious signs of sudden pneumonia attacks - SNAs -

    11. Campaign Avoided ER To Conceal Details of Medical Treatment...DRUDGE


    12. .


      I love this.


      It looks like a farmer wearing a dunce cap.


  55. .




    You do realize that about a third of the stories at DRUDGE are untrue and that another third are disputed don't you?

    You do realize that the site is loaded with malware and that many organizations won't allow their employees to pull up the site, right?


    1. That makes them right 1/3 of the time which is 1/3 more than you.

  56. Memo

    From: Dr. Bob
    To: Dr. Quirk

    For Your Consideration

    NY Post: Clinton team skipped ER yesterday in order to conceal her medical treatment

    posted at 7:21 pm on September 12, 2016 by Allahpundit

    I noted this myself yesterday after the swoon heard ’round the world. On no planet does it make sense to bring a 68-year-old with pneumonia who’s just gone limp to her daughter’s apartment instead of to the ER. The only reason to do that is if you’re more worried about third parties examining her than you are about her condition.

    But what would the ER doctors and nurses have learned about her that the rest of us haven’t learned from the announcement that she has pneumonia? The most innocent explanation is that her team wasn’t planning to reveal the pneumonia, even after she had collapsed, and knew they’d have to disclose it to the ER doctors if she went to the hospital. They were going to go on keeping it a secret and were willing to deny her emergency treatment at first to do so. Then, hours later, they decided for whatever strategic reason that public disclosure would be the smart move after all. The less innocent explanation is that there’s something going on with Clinton’s health that’s even more ominous than pneumonia and under no circumstances will they risk disclosing that by involving doctors whom they don’t trust. The pneumonia revelation, in other words, could be a limited hangout designed to deflect the public from the even more terrible truth.....

    Dr. Quirk -

    Does this make any sense on your planet ?

    Dr. Bob

    1. P.S. - What causes all the Athlete's Feet on Earth Proxima ?

      Dr. Bob
