Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Facilitators of Clinton's Email Server Plead the Fifth, Leave House Oversight Hearing

Staffer who set up Hillary Clinton’s private email server skips out on Congress as two consultants refuse to testify

WASHINGTON — The former State Department employee who set up Hillary Clinton’s private email server refused to show up in Congress Tuesday, as two other former staffers asserted their Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination to avoid testifying.

Bryan Pagliano defied a congressional subpoena and didn't attend a hearing Tuesday morning. And while House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) let tech consultants Paul Combetta and Bill Thornton depart after they repeatedly invoked the Fifth, he clearly wasn’t pleased about Pagliano's snub.

“He made the decision not to appear and there are consequences for that," Chaffetz said, saying Pagliano "thumbs his nose" at Congress with his refusal to participate in House Republicans' latest attempts to stir up trouble for Clinton over her use of a private email server.

“If anybody's under any illusion I'm going to let go of this and let it just sail off into the sunset, they are very ill-advised," he said.

Pagniano's attorney had said he was willing to appear before a closed session to invoke his Fifth Amendment rights, but wouldn't show up in front of the cameras. He’s previously appeared in order to invoke those rights, and Democrats rolled their eyes at Chaffetz's bluster, with committee Ranking Member Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) calling it an "absolute abuse of authority."

One man who did testify was Justin Cooper, a former Bill Clinton aide who had supervised Pagliano in setting up the server. He said while he’d helped destroy Hillary Clinton's old Blackberrys as she got new phones, he'd always sought to back up the information.

"It was not in any way to destroy or hide any information at all," Cooper testified. "In fact, the opposite would be the case in that I was going out of my way to preserve all the information that was on those devices."


  1. Former State Department technology adviser Bryan Magliano did not show up at all, leaving an empty seat behind his name-card at the witness table. His lawyer said Magliano was willing to invoke his 5th Amendment rights in a closed session, but not an open one.

    Chaffetz excused Combetta and Thornton after they invoked their 5th Amendment rights in response to several questions, but the chairman sounded angry about Magliano’s refusal to appear.

    "He made the decision not to appear and there are consequences for that," the chairman said. "We'll look at the full range of options, but if anybody's under any illusion I'm going to let go of this and let it just sail off into the sunset, they are very ill advised. ... I have no intention of going into executive session when he thumbs his nose at the United States Congress and wastes its time."
    A top adviser to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said the witnesses’ decisions to rely on their 5th Amendment rights reflects poorly on Clinton.

    "The fact that the individuals who maintained Hillary Clinton’s secret email server pleaded the Fifth shows once again why she can’t be trusted in the White House," Trump adviser Jason Miller said. "Clinton’s server clearly ran afoul of the law and these developments only further demonstrate that she lacks the judgment to be president."

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/09/clinton-aide-no-show-email-hearing-228090#ixzz4KBw9vHkN
    Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook

    1. Pagliano really ought to be jailed for failing to show up.

    2. Wasn't he given immunity?


  2. Idaho BobTue Sep 13, 09:22:00 PM EDT

    I just can't fathom why all Hillary's IT aides are taking the 5th before the hearing in Congress today.

    Time and time again. In fact, one didn't even show up, taking a blanket 5th.

    Here's an example of a typical Question and Answer:


    "Who told you to delete or destroy Hillary Clinton's e-mails ?"

    IT Aide:

    "I politely decline to answer and invoke my 5th Amendment privileges"

    I don't get it.

    That seems like a simple enough question.

    It almost seems as if they are hiding something.

    Rufus, would you have any idea why all of Hillary's IT Aides are taking the 5th, and refusing to testify ?

    samTue Sep 13, 09:41:00 PM EDT

    Because they don't want to get whacked by the Clinton's thugs.

    Idaho BobTue Sep 13, 09:49:00 PM EDT


  3. Some lines of Walt Whitman from 'Song of the Open Road' are now being used in an automobile ad -

    Josh Brolin Reads Walt Whitman's "Song Of The Open Road" In Enigmatic New Volvo Ad

    It's not entirely clear what is going on here, and that's just how it's supposed to be.


    1. Walt would turn over in his grave because the realization of which he spoke doesn't come from owning and driving a Volvo.

  4. WikiLeaks has published what purports to contain "new" Democratic Party documents hacked by the Guccifer 2.0 hacker.


    US officials are now investigating whether Russia is pursuing a campaign to influence the outcome of the US presidential election between Ms Clinton and Republican candidate Donald Trump.

  5. I thought they gave Pagliano immunity?

    1. The FBI did.

      He ought to be jailed for contempt of Congress.

  6. https://www.facebook.com/westvalleycollege/posts/10154276555341928

    1. https://www.facebook.com/westvalleycollege/posts/10154276555341928

      When the thoughts of you come into my mind

      Its as if a breeze has passed through our rose garden and the sweet savory I smell

      The taste of roses upon my tongue bring the sweetness of your memory to my mind

      It comes upon me as the morning dew weighs the roses down

      Smooth and pleasant are the thoughts of you, as the petals of a rose

      And once again I am nourished with your love

      Dedicated to the memory of Nicole Carol Miller. Written by David James Miller, Nicole's Father, on September 11, 2001.

  7. Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy, perhaps France's most shamelessly opportunistic politician, has led French calls for a nation-wide burkini ban and pledged to introduce one if he is returned to the presidency in elections next year.

    He is also the politician who, in the Elysee Palace for five years until 2012, dismantled and disorganised the kind of grinding, proximity policing best suited to detecting dangers early in the piece.

    It seems the current French government has failed to take the measure of those decisions, which now look to have been a major mistake.

  8. I still can't believe no one here complimented my Jungle Bunny.


    1. I missed it or I would have....Bunny took a little slip on the walking trail, looks like.

    2. I think she looks sexier that way.

  9. Lloyd Marcus, an Unhyphenated American

    Trump Train


  10. Scientists besieged by polar bears at remote Arctic post...

    Rescue Operation Could Take Month...DRUDGE

    1. RUSSIANS !


      Russian scientists are ‘besieged’ by polar bears at a remote Arctic post

      By Ishaan Tharoor September 13 at 11:20 AM 

      Polar bears 'besieged' remote Arctic weather post
       
      Play Video1:14

      A group of hungry polar bears are circling Russian scientists at a remote weather outpost in the Arctic. (Jenny Starrs/The Washington Post)

      A team of Russian weather experts claim that their station on an ice-covered Arctic isle is "besieged" by polar bears, according to a report by Russian news agency TASS.

      The five researchers charged with staffing the outpost on Troynoy Island say that there are about 10 adult polar bears as well as cubs circling their base. A female polar bear spends nights perched outside the station's windows, making it dangerous for the scientists to exit. They have reportedly run out of flares and have lost at least one of their dogs to the arctic beasts.

      The presence of the polar bears has made carrying out meteorological observations difficult, reports TASS. Russian law outlaws killing polar bears, a globally-listed endangered species, so scientists in the Arctic are mostly equipped with flares and guns with rubber bullets....


      I'm calling on Quirk, who fought the Nazis in the Italian Alps in the Winter of '44, to come out of retirement, rise, stride forth, leave the walking of the dog to the wife, and mount an expedition to Save The Russians !

    2. So FBI gave him immunity, but didn't get the truth.

      Can Congress give him immunity?

    3. Yes, I think Congress can give him immunity.

      I don't know what the FBI got out of him.

      I don't trust the FBI now anymore than I do Hillary.

      The Fix was in.

  11. Things are getting a lot better for the working poor

    Last year marked the greatest improvement in the typical American family's finances on record, according to a new annual report from the Census Bureau, especially for the working poor.

    The median household income before taxes increased 5.2 percent, the report published Tuesday showed, the largest increase in nearly a half-century of data. Average incomes increased more rapidly for poorer families than rich ones.

    "In the last year, we’ve seen steady job growth," said Michael Strain, an economist at the conservative American Enterprise Institute. "What we’re looking at is the recovery delivering, in a way that we’ve all kind of hoped it would."

    The share of overall income enjoyed by the poorest one-fifth of households increased by 3 percent.

    The change in the share of income claimed by more affluent groups of households was not statistically significant.

    Lawrence Mishel, president of the liberal Economic Policy Institute, also attributed the gains for poorer households to a rapid decline in unemployment, from 5.7 percent at the beginning of last year to 4.9 percent at the beginning of this year.

    "Their hourly wages also get a boost from having less competition among workers for jobs," Mishel said. "We may finally start seeing employers having to compete for workers."

    Those gains also appeared in the data for specific demographic groups that tend to be worse off.

    Incomes for women living alone increased 8.7 percent last year, while the incomes of married couples increased 4.3 percent. The incomes of younger householders increased more than the incomes of older householders. For householders ages 25 to 34, the increase was 5.6 percent, while incomes for those ages 55 to 64 increased just 3.5 percent.

    Hispanics and . . . .

    Washington Post

    1. Yup.

      After 8 years of the stagnant ObamaEconomy suddenly they are now living like Kings and Queens.

    2. Our nation's teen are doing particularly well -

      Growing number of teens starving, trading sex for food...DRUDGE

    3. At least they're having sex and performing a service.

  12. Following in Hillary's Footsteps

    EXCLUSIVE: John Kerry’s State Department Funneled MILLIONS To His Daughter’s Nonprofit

    U.S. Senator John Kerry (R) waves as he escorts his daughter Vanessa (L). (Reuters/John Schults) U.S. Senator John Kerry (R) waves as he escorts his daughter Vanessa (L). (Reuters/John Schults)
    More than $9 million of Department of State money has been funneled through the Peace Corps to a nonprofit foundation started and run by Secretary of State John Kerry’s daughter, documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation show.

    The Department of State funded a Peace Corps program created by Dr. Vanessa Kerry and officials from both agencies, records show. The Peace Corps then awarded the money without competition to a nonprofit Kerry created for the program.

    Initially, the Peace Corps awarded Kerry’s group — now called Seed Global Health — with a three-year contract worth $2 million of State Department money on Sept. 10, 2012, documents show. Her father was then the chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, which oversees both the Department of State and the Peace Corps.

    Seed secured a four-year extension in September 2015, again without competition. This time, the Peace Corps gave the nonprofit $6.4 million provided by the Department of State while John Kerry was secretary of state.


    1. I got to tell you, I don't think I'm gonna follow that story.

      I can't stand it no more.

      Meanwhile I read that Queen Hillary is overloaded with 'get well' flowers.....I wonder if Ruf has sent some ?

    2. I'm not reading it but here it is from AT if you're interested -

      More double-dealing at State - 9/14/16
      First Clinton, now Kerry. More

      See: American Thinker

  13. VIDEO: Obama talks about himself 137 times during speech for Hillary


    Rufus can Tivo it and beat off 137 times.

    1. At one point, after running down a list of what he considered accomplishments of his presidency, someone in the audience shouted out about lower gas prices.

      “Thank you for reminding me,” he replied. “Thanks, Obama,” he said to himself.
      Rufus will explain.

    2. No one has ever talked about themselves more than Obama.

    3. Hope he got to how he invented and promoted Fracking.

  14. http://a.disquscdn.com/uploads/mediaembed/images/4249/3698/original.jpg?w=800&h


  15. Fox has a piece coming up about you diving off the falls in Kauai, Doug.

    1. Video of your whole jump, Doug.

      Fox reports you hit the water a loud 'thud'.

      I've been to Kauai but can't recall where that is....

    2. hit the water with a loud 'thud'

      You were lucky there were some tourists around to pull your unconscious sorry ass out.

    3. What the hell were you trying to do, anyway, impress Jungle Bunny ?

    4. What else?

      ...I'm afraid of heights, unless I'm in a Boeing.

    5. She seems to be impressed.

    6. If so, did it work, or has she broken off the relationship ?


    7. Missed that.....good to hear it !

      I'm afraid of heights too.

      If I'm high up somewhere, I always jump off to get down as fast as I can.

    8. She made me wash off the mud.

  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQMocUMpO98

  17. Dr. Ted Noel Explains Why The Pneumonia Story Is Bunk, And Hillary Likely Has Parkinson's Disease

    Dr. Ted Noel, former Director of the NovaMed Surgery Center in Orlando, rocketed to fame with a video in which he explained the close match between the signs of Parkinson’s disease and Hillary Clinton’s visible symptomatic behavior. Now, he has returned to VidZette with a video explaining why the pneumonia story is unlikely to be the entire story. Instead, the Parkinson’s theory – an ailment that affects the mind – is much more likely to be genuine.


    Parkinson's affect the mind.

    1. Parkinson's affects the mind.

      Find out about it by watching the video.

    2. Input or counter diagnosis by Dr. Quirk welcome.

    3. Pneumonia can affect the mind as well.

      Do we really need a President who can't think ?

    4. I agree we have one now, but why not break the cycle ?

  18. American cities are getting richer. Rural areas are getting left behind.

    The latest Census Bureau data on income and poverty has good news for almost everyone. It shows the first significant growth in average household incomes in almost a decade — 5.4 percent between 2014 and 2015 — with all races, age groups, and regions of the country enjoying gains.

    But one group that didn’t have a lot to celebrate from the new numbers were people in rural areas:

    The census counted more than 20 million households as being located outside any metropolitan area — that is, in rural America. And it found that these households saw their incomes drop by 2 percent between 2014 and 2015: from $45,534 to $44,657.

    There were 63 million households inside metropolitan areas but outside the area’s principal city — that is, in the suburbs. These households enjoyed healthy income growth of 4 percent, from an already high $61,671 to $64,144.

    But the biggest gains accrued to the 41 million households located in the principal city of a metropolitan area. They saw their incomes grow an impressive 7.3 percent. Their incomes went from $47,095 to $51,378.

    In short, this is proving to be a fundamentally urban economic recovery. Cities are gaining income faster than their suburbs, which in turn are doing better than rural areas. And while suburban households still earn more, on average, than urban households, city-dwellers are closing the gap.

    1. This recovery isn’t like other recent ones

      The latest census numbers confirm a trend that I’ve reported on before: The current recovery is seeing big cities reap the largest economic gains. That was a big change from the economic boom of the 1990s, which saw less populous areas gaining more.

      In the past, smaller counties tended to grow faster than larger counties. This made a certain amount of sense — large counties like Los Angeles or Dallas were already expensive and crowded places to live, so it was easier for economic growth to happen in smaller towns or outlying suburbs.

      But in the latest recovery, the pattern has reversed. The largest counties saw the fastest growth in jobs, with Los Angeles County, Miami-Dade County, and Kings County (Brooklyn) leading the way. Meanwhile, the least populous counties have been suffering the weakest recovery in decades.

      To be clear, this chart isn’t directly comparable to the new census numbers, since it shows gains in jobs rather than incomes. And it breaks regions of the country down somewhat differently — based on county populations rather than whether a region is a principal city, suburb, or rural area.

      But both charts show the same clear pattern: Economic gains are flowing disproportionately to urban areas, while less populous areas are getting left behind.

      Ezra Klein - Vox

  19. TRUMP +5...


    1. Bloomberg Poll: Trump out to five-point lead in Ohio

      James Pindell: New poll shows competitive 2016 race in Maine

      See: Hot Air

    2. Dems Fear Their Senate Takeover Chances Dimming: Erica Werner, Associated Press

      See: RealClearPolitics

    3. Republicans Gain Ground on Dems in Voter Registration in Key States

      Latest State Polls

      Ohio (Bloomberg): Trump +5

      Florida (JMC Analytics): Trump +4

      See: RealClearPolitics


    4. Congress

      Republicans pounce on vulnerable Bayh in Indiana

      Senate Democrats see Indiana as a linchpin of their efforts to take back the majority, but the state suddenly doesn’t look like a lock....

      By Maggie Severns

      09/14/16 05:17 AM EDT

      Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/09/evan-bayh-indiana-senate-228133#ixzz4KEn7G6yA

    5. Politico: Democrats brace against potential 2018 Senate “disaster”

      See: Hot Air

    6. Hillary is sinking like a rock and taking others down with her.

      The gods are not mocked.


  20. The Clinton Subpoena Dodge

    Two witnesses take the Fifth and one fails even to honor a subpoena.

    Bryan Pagliano on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. on Sept. 10, 2015. Photo: Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

    Sept. 13, 2016 7:09 p.m. ET

    The Clinton entourage is known for their faulty memories under oath, but Bryan Pagliano is setting a new standard. The former Clinton aide chose Tuesday to ignore a congressional subpoena.

    The House Oversight Committee held a hearing to dig into some of the issues surrounding Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Mr. Pagliano, who worked as an IT specialist for Mrs. Clinton’s 2008 campaign and set up the private server in her New York residence in 2009, was issued a subpoena compelling attendance.

    Mr. Pagliano’s lawyers replied in a letter to the committee that their client couldn’t be bothered. They said that since he’d previously appeared before a different House committee and asserted his Fifth Amendment rights, any effort to make him appear again “furthers no legislative purpose and is a transparent effort to publicly harass and humiliate our client for unvarnished political purposes.”

    Two other witnesses who helped maintain Mrs. Clinton’s server— Paul Combetta and Bill Thornton of Platte River Networks—did show up. But then they took the Fifth as well.

    Mr. Pagliano might think his presence serves no purpose, but that’s not his call. Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz is conducting a legitimate inquiry into Mrs. Clinton’s failure to preserve federal records while Secretary of State. He’s entitled to put questions to those involved with the server that allowed her to take government work off-grid. Mr. Chaffetz says he is considering what action he will take against the subpoena-dodger, but he says that “if anybody is under any illusion that I’m going to let go of this and just let it sail off into the sunset, they are very ill-advised.”.....


    Jail the smart ass son of a bitch

  21. Yuk, b00bie droppings all over the place.

    1. Just trying to put Rufus in a bad mood with all the newest polling results, SMIRK.

      Would you have any idea why all those Hillary IT Aides would be taking the 5th before Congress, SMIRK ?

    2. Rufus knows cities are the center of all that's great about America.

      The rest is trash.

      Trust him.

    3. Ash takes his stand for lying traitors and crooks.

  22. TRUMP +5...
    30% believe Clinton will die by 2020...
    Doug prays a Meteor will hit him in the head before 2020...

    1. As long as he gets to see Rufus crushed by an International Harvester Farmall Tricycle first:


      Ours was bigger than that piece of shit.

    2. ...and it only had ONE front tire.


  23. Monsanto, American, may be bought out by Beyer, German.

    They have genetically modified foods in mind.

    Deal may not go through though, depending on who is in control in D.C.

    If you want to lower hunger in the world, support this deal.

    1. .

      If the deal Bayer/Monsanto deal goes through the company will control 25% of the worlds seeds production.

      If you support monopolistic practices, the end of biodiversity, the TTP and TPIP, the further erosion of democracy, control by the elites, or the end of the world, support this deal.


    2. The Rufus Genome will save Humanity!

      Vote Hillary!

    3. Maui supports (and benefits from) Monsanto.

    4. We grow seeds while you poor SOBs are freezing.

    5. .

      Maui will be the first to go.


    6. .

      Monsanto is the biggest threat to the world and Obama is their bitch.


  24. .

    DougWed Sep 14, 03:15:00 AM EDT

    I still can't believe no one here complimented my Jungle Bunny.


    The best I can come up with is that she looks like she washed up on the Jersey shore.

    I hope that's mud.


    1. Sad

      If only you knew her.


    2. https://www.google.com/search?q=Pacific&rlz=1C1AVSU_enUS357&oq=Pacific&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i61l3j69i65j69i59&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=pacific+definition

    3. Pacific

      a steam locomotive of 4-6-2 wheel arrangement

      Ah, now I see what you were talking about.

    4. Pics of Pacific Steam Locomotives


      Why do they call them 'Loco' - motives ?

      That sounds like the kind of motive Quirk might act upon.

    5. .

      If only you knew her.

      I think I have known her.

      On a visit to Waikiki at about 2:00 am over on Kuhio ave. Of course, I could be mistaken as I was pretty drunk at the time.


    6. His motives are most definitely Loco.

  25. .

    I see Trump has backed out of that reality show he was setting up with Dr. Oz.


    1. I read Trump was negotiating with some 'Dr. Quirk' who would do a similar show for less money.

    2. And ask only vetted questions, too.

    3. (Dr. Quirk ain't much of a Doctor. He runs an 'internet clinic' and swears that Hillary's only problem is a little touch of pneumonia - but he'll do and prescribe what he's told for money)

    4. He'll change your diagnosis, too, if you want.

      Extra fee, though.

    5. .

      ...swears that Hillary's only problem is a little touch of pneumonia...

      Dr. Quirk's observation: Once again, the English major proves his inability to read and understand.

      Dr. Quirk's diagnosis: The faux farmer has once again withdrawn to Bob-world.

      Dr. Quirk's prognosis: Chronic illiteracy.

      Dr. Quirk's prescription: Demote Farmer Bob from English major to English recruit.

      Dr. Quirks medical log: Push for repeal of the law that made 'divorce from reality' no-fault.


      Dr. Quirk's


  26. Mexico builds its own wall against migrants

    Pressure builds for measures to stem flow of refugees from the south heading for US


    And they got the Guatemalans to pay for it.

  27. I've said all along we should just imitate Mexican immigration, visa, and enforcement policies.

    1. Why hasn't Trump publicized this yet???

    2. He's been Trumped by some unpopular Beaner President, til now.

    3. I hope he does.

      Just read about it a few minutes ago.

      I just got another e-mail from The Donald this morning.

      In my reply I'll mention it.

  28. 4 L over R on 'Outnumbered' again this morning.

  29. Clinton 9.7 over Trump in Colorado.

    The only state dumber than California.

    ...cause the dumbest shits in California moved to Colorado.

  30. .

    Monsanto, American, may be bought out by Beyer, German.

    In which case, you will have the producer of neonicotinoids, the chief suspect for the kill-off in the bee population worldwide, with one of its biggest users.

    Support biodiversity, screw Monsanto and the other corporate giants trying to monopolize food production.



  31. Terrell Lewis ‏@SgBz 6h6 hours ago

    Trump Supporters Pepper Spray, Yell “N*gg*r Lover" at 15yo girl-

    http://www.patheos.com/blogs/markshea/2016/09/trump-supporters-pepper-spray-yell-nigger-lover.html … #p2 #tcot #Christian #Catholic

    "Deplorable" enough for you?

    1. I tried three times, Rufus, and this is what I got back each time -

      Not Found, Error 404

      The page you are looking for no longer exists. Perhaps you can return back to the site's homepage and see if you can find what you are looking for.

      I don't doubt some Trump supporters might misbehave, but then it's been minor compared to the Hillary supporters, and especially the Bernie supporters.

    2. The BernieFolk were the real bad offenders during the primaries.

      It's been pretty calm since then.

  32. neonicotinoids, the chief suspect for the kill-off in the bee population worldwide

    Confirm the suspect is guilty, then ban the suspect.

    Without Monsanto we'd be struggling to feed ourselves.

    1. ,

      You look at the short term benefits and ignore the long term potential for disaster.

      You are simply a big-agra apologist, a faux farmer.


    2. .

      It's estimated a third of the food supply would disappear without bees.

      You must know this.

      Or must he?

      I repeat...

      Dr. Quirk's observation: Once again, the English major proves his inability to read and understand.

      Dr. Quirk's diagnosis: The faux farmer has once again withdrawn to Bob-world.

      Dr. Quirk's prognosis: Chronic illiteracy.

      Dr. Quirk's prescription: Demote Farmer Bob from English major to English recruit.

      Dr. Quirks medical log: Push for repeal of the law that made 'divorce from reality' no-fault.


    3. I haven't read much about the bees lately.

      Around here the hives are turning out honey like always.

      If it is a problem, and that is the cause of the problem, then obviously ban the chemical.

      Did you miss this -

      Confirm the suspect is guilty, then ban the suspect.

      And actually I think our farms have gotten too big and have said so many times.

      You weren't listening, though.

      Overall, in farming, without Monsanto things would be tougher.

      Now, get out there and feed us all through organic agriculture, City Dude.

    4. It's actually bben estimated that without bees more than a 1/3 of the food supply would disappear.

      Have you noticed any dramatic drop in food production around the world lately ?

      The crops were good here this year, and prices have fallen.

      Why are you getting hysterical about me when I'm actually basically with you ?

      I just don't want to throw the entire baby out with the bathwater.

      I say again, get off you ass, City Dude, and get out there and feed us all organically.

    5. (Quirk thinks to himself.....but, but, that would be WORK !)


  33. I think you have your little hate story backwards, dude.


  34. Let me define deplorable for you. Deplorable is all those Democrats that were looting stores around the area in downtown Dallas, during the incident where another Democrat was shooting and killing police officers a few months ago. A little pesky fact that the pro Democratic media would not report. That's deplorable.

    1. Fuck the Pigs, support your local loser quarterback posing as a reborn hero.

  35. Hillary is slipping under the waves like the Titanic -

    Oh my: New polls show Trump leading in Nevada and … Colorado

    posted at 1:31 pm on September 14, 2016 by Allahpundit

    Good lord. Colorado has been solid blue for nearly two months. If that state is back on the board now, Clinton won’t be the only member of her team to faint this week.

    A Reuters/Ipsos survey released this week gave Trump a narrow edge in a two-way race, 43 percent to 41 percent — his first lead in Colorado in the 2016 election. It follows two other recent polls showing the presidential race as a dead heat or within 5 percentage points…

    “Anybody who thought Hillary Clinton was going to win the state of Colorado by double digits was dreaming,” said Ridder, a veteran of six presidential campaigns. “The history in Colorado shows that it is difficult for a Democrat or a Republican to get over 50 percent of the vote.”…

    Republican pollster David Flaherty at Magellan Strategies conducted a Aug. 29-31 poll that showed Clinton with a 41 percent to 36 percent lead among likely voters in a four-way race, just outside the 4.4 percentage point margin of error.

    But he cautions against Trump’s camp getting too optimistic. “Trump is not gaining in momentum or support. Gary Johnson is,” he said, referring to the Libertarian candidate for president, who is getting significant support in Colorado.

    Clinton led by 12 in one poll of Colorado in early August, then by eight in a poll taken a week later, then by five in the Magellan poll mentioned above, and now she trails by two in the latest Reuters poll. WaPo’s recent 50-state survey found her leading by two head-to-head in CO and dead even with Trump at 37 percent in the four-way race. There’s every reason to believe the state has tightened significantly. What Flaherty says about Johnson is true, too: Colorado is consistently one of his best states. He hit 15 percent in one poll taken there this month and reached 16 percent in another, then hit 16 again in the WaPo poll. There’s a strong libertarian base in CO, especially among young voters; Johnson actually topped Trump for second place among the 18-29 group in one poll of the state not long ago. If Trump pulls the upset there, it’s likely to be because Johnson is siphoning off enough young adults from Clinton to make a winning vote share for Trump in the mid-40s possible. Which is yet another reason why Trump is being foolish in not demanding that Johnson be allowed to debate. He could end up being a Nader to Hillary’s Al Gore because of his appeal to twentysomethings. If you’re Trump, whose base skews older, why wouldn’t you want him in the spotlight?

    As for Nevada, yep, he’s ahead there now too. That’s not as much of a shock as Colorado since NV has been close throughout the summer, but this is further evidence of a Clinton slide. She led by four in Monmouth’s last poll of the state and now trails by two.....


    1. Import more Californians to Colorado.

      Los Angeles County has the highest population of Hispanics outside of Mexico City.

      CA ain't never not voting Blue.

  36. September 14, 2016, 12:32 pm

    Trump shares physical exam results on 'The Dr. Oz Show'

    By Mark Hensch


    1. .

      Right, the doctor who said Trump's health was 'astoundingly excellent' provided another one-page letter saying that Trump's health was 'astoundingly excellent'. After a confirmation of the first letter, you have to believe it is true.

      Dr. Oz spent the rest of the hour explaining to Trump issues like brain damage and hormones.

      Dr. Oz is a Republican who voted for John McCain in 2008.

      Well, that should take care of that issue.


    2. My Doc says he's never see such a huuuge dick as mine on an elderly dude.

    3. .

      And there's a sign on the Docs waiting room wall...

      We Accept TIPS!


  37. Quirk, my computer is giving me fits in all ways this morning and I am having trouble accessing links.

    Type in 'cause of bee die off' and look for an article there that says 'new evidence points away from nicotinoids' and read that.

    I can't access it.

    Many many articles are listed from all points of view but I can't access any of them.

    One talks about 'multiple causes'.....

    I'm all for banning the chemical if that is the problem.

    1. .

      Quirk, my computer is giving me fits in all ways this morning...


      If you would just stop pulling up those alt- and outre-websites you visit to get all your news and views you wouldn't be saddled with all the malware they contain and propagate.

      For a start, don't visit DRUDGE.


    2. :-)
      Yeah Bob, switch over to CNN and MSNBC with Quirk.

      ...get your news STRAIGHT.

    3. .


      Listen to Doug...

      DougMon Sep 12, 05:24:00 PM EDT

      It started with this simple checkbox:


      The newer V2 reCAPTCHA looks like this:


      Then turned into a nightmare of Picture Matching Impossibilities.

      That should work out well.


    4. Get a Chromebook, Bob.

      Never have a problem again.

  38. Strikes in Syria

    Attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft conducted 17 strikes in Syria:

    -- Near Abu Kamal, a strike destroyed five ISIL supply routes.

    -- Near Shadaddi, four strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed five vehicles and a vehicle bomb.

    -- Near Raqqah, four strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle, seven supply routes and an oil wellhead.

    -- Near Dayz Ar Zawr, three strikes destroyed four ISIL oil tanker trucks, an oil tanker trailer, five vehicles and an oil wellhead.

    -- Near Mara, five strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units and destroyed two fighting positions and three mortar systems and damaged another mortar system.

    In addition, due to a delayed strike assessment two strikes near Dayz Ar Zawr that were conducted on Sept. 11 were not reported on the Sept. 12 strike release. The correct assessment reads:

    -- Near Dayz Ar Zawr, two strikes destroyed four ISIL supply routes.

    Strikes in Iraq

    Attack and fighter aircraft conducted three strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of Iraq’s government:

    -- Near Mosul, three strikes engaged three ISIL tactical units and destroyed a vehicle, two tunnel entrances and four assembly areas.

  39. Lets take a poll of how many words each of us reads every day of Rufuseses posts.

  40. Clinton is plus six in PA.

    Unless that place gets nuked, were fucked.

    I hold Deuce responsible.

  41. A North Carolina mother and her adult son were charged with incest in Asheville, North Carolina, according to multiple reports.


    This isn't the only incest case to make headlines recently. Oklahoma mom Patricia Ann Spann, 43, was arrested and charged with incest after marrying her daughter, Misty Velvet Dawn Spann.

  42. Hillary's Health takes turn for the worse in Chappaqua:


  43. Schraufnagel: Sex, drugs claims against Chappaqua teacher now a federal lawsuit

    New federal claims against ex-Chappaqua drama teacher Christopher Schraufnagel allege he had a five-year "coercive" sexual relationship with one student, engaged in oral sex with teens in school and on a class trip to Greece, and that students were "occasionally" drunk or high during performances.

    "This first sexual assault of John Roe occurred between May 1, 2011, and June 24, 2011, on the 'catwalk' area above the auditorium, when Schraufnagel insisted that it was time for the 15-year-old to 'hook up' with him," the 37-page complaint said. "On the catwalk, Schaufnagel pushed John Roe to his knees and directed the frightened 15-year-old student to perform oral sex upon him."

    "The two then rejoined the nearby students in the auditorium," the lawsuit said.


    1. Never trust a Schaufnagel from Chappaqua with children.

    2. Particularly on one of those ocean 'pleasure' cruises to, what was it, Pedophile Isle.....

  44. President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker dismissed claims that he is an excessive drinker… during a boozy interview.


    “I have to work 14, 15 hours a day, and I had not been accustomed to that,” he said.

  45. The Donald doesn't look like he weighs in at 267 pounds....

    Does he ?

    Hillary's blood pressure at 100/70 seems quite low on the upper side to me. No wonder she falls over....no blood getting to her head...

    1. The Donald needs to knock off the fast food, the Big Macs....

    2. ....the Triple Cheeseburgers....


  46. Colin Powell says BillyGoat is 'still dicking bimbos at home'...


    Colin Powell: Bill Clinton ‘still d—ing bimbos (according to the NYP)’

    By Daniel Halper

    September 14, 2016 | 2:06pm


    Meanwhile -

    Witness recalls Juanita Broaddrick was injured, crying after alleged rape

    Sep 14, 2016 7:21 PM by John Sexton

    “…the thing I think I remember most is that her mouth was all swollen up.”


    It never hurts to remind what kind of people we are dealing with in The Clintons.....

  47. The Clintons are the scummiest people in our entire political history as a country.

    1. Rufus says he will suck Bill's dick if it will help get Hill into the Whitehouse.

  48. Hillary Lies, says Benghazi Station Chief Hicks
    Daniel John Sobieski

    Hillary Clinton ignore the pleas for added security at Benghazi, the terrorist threat that was building, and then let pleas for a rescue fall on deaf ears. More


    One wonders if Hillary Clinton will call Hicks a liar, just as she has called Benghazi parents Patricia Smith and Charles Woods liars for their testimony that she blamed the terrorist attack on an Internet video in front of their son's caskets as their bodies were brought home.

    1. Quirk believes nothing if it comes from Drudge or American Thinker.

      He's an MSNBC Morning Joe kinda man.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  49. Rivers of blood flow down Dhaka streets as Eid animal sacrifices stain Bangladesh roads red

    19:27, 14 Sep 2016
    Updated 23:36, 14 Sep 2016
    By Jon Dean

    Grisly animal sacrifices for Eid combined with heavy rains have made the streets of one city run red with blood.

    Police in the Bangladeshi capital Dhaka had allowed the traditional slaughter to take place in certain designated areas of the city.

    However heavy downpours made many of the spots impossible to use.

    The blood from the slaughtered liverstock, killed by some Muslims to mark Eid al-Adha, or the Feast of Sacrifice, mixed with the flood water - as can be seen in these dramatic pictures.


    Good Lord, those streets really are running red with blood.

  50. FORD shifting all US small-car production to Mexico...DRUDGE

    1. Uber sending all drivers replaced by robots to Mexico.

    2. Quirk's Quality Qwik Cure, an internet clinic, is reported relocating to Mexico to evade investigations by Michigan State Medical Examiner's Office.

      Thousands of complaints were lodged complaining he didn't know the difference between pneumonia and the common cold, others saying he offered to alter diagnosis to the patients desires for a fee.

  51. I think Doug's 03:35 Comment will do it for me, Deuce.

    I'll see you on the flip side. Have a good one.



  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Good question for Hillary:

      "What percent of your Moslem supporters are deplorable homophobes ?"

  54. Even the NYT has it even -

    NYT Poll: Trump 42, Clinton 42, Johnson 8, Stein 4

  55. Does Hillary use a body double ?

    Read the short article, view the pics, and you decide.

    Hillary's Body Double - Am I Nuts or What ?


    1. Why did she have no bodyguards when she came out of Chelsea's apartment, huh ?

    2. And, she seems to have lost 30lbs in two hours.

      Compare the photos - Is that lady really the Cankles we've come to love ? Or, hate ? Eh ?

    3. Rufus ?

      Inspector Quirk ?

      Ash ?

    4. I think we've had a pantsuit pulled over our eyes.

  56. NYT/CBS: Tied, Clinton +2 | RasRpts: Trump +2 | LAT: Trump +6

  57. You have to admit, Inspector Quirseau, there is something startling about Hillary's Appearance

    It is like Jesus risen from the dead, new and transformed.

    It took him three days, and Hillary less than two hours.

    A Miraculous Recovery !

    I am interested in your opinion on this, Quirseau.

  58. Trump delivered a great line in Flint, Michigan:

    "It used to be the cars were made in Flint, and the water was undrinkable in Mexico, and now the cars are made in Mexico and the water is undrinkable in Flint."

  59. .

    I am interested in your opinion on this, Quirseau.

    My opinion? Think about it? Hell, I predicted it.

    QuirkTue Sep 13, 01:36:00 PM EDT

    That is, damn, you are annoying when you go off on one of your 'investigative' crusades.

    Having run out of pathologies to speculate on, I expect you will next be talking about body doubles emerging from Chelsea's apartment or clones manufactured by the Clinton Foundation programmed to walk straight and give stump speeches.

    You are nothing if not predictable.

    Next, you will be humming Here Come the Clones.


  60. .

    I think Doug's 03:35 Comment will do it for me, Deuce.

    Come on, Rufus, it's merely Doug's Tourettes acting up again.

    You should give him a little slack considering his condition, Remember, Jesus said 'Pity the people who are 'special' for even though they may have the longest dick their Doc has ever seen, at that age it just gets in the way.'


    1. .

      I mean, this is the guy who through his own passive aggressive style insinuates to Bob that American Thinker is a more reliable source than CNN.

      I won't even comment on his reference to MSNBC since the only one I've seen around here talking about 'Morning Joe' are the two Bobbsey Twins themselves.

      Need I say more?


    2. .


      To pacify the delicate (anal?) sensibilities of our new school marm.


    3. American Thinker doesn't pretend to be unbiased.

      CNN does.

      Are you aware of the CBS/Bill Clinton editing affair?

    4. .


      But what does CBS have to do with CNN?

      More importantly, are you saying that just because American Thinker doesn't pretend to be unbiased, that the bullshit (in general, even a blind squirrel and all) that they put out is actually a legitimate news source?


    5. I thought po' Ruf's comment a little ironic given he was the guy always inviting people to 'blow me'.

      I have never watched nor commented on 'Morning Joe'.

    6. I'm gonna laugh like hell when the Body Double is exposed.

    7. She couldn't walk two hours earlier then she waltz's down looking 30 pounds lighter without S.S protection right nearby.

      You're losing it, Inspector Quirseau.

    8. The Donald, by the way, has often used a Body Double in the past as a security decoy, though not in this campaign, as far as I know.

      Source: old girl friend in Vegas who saw him once....

    9. And I remember the time you once hired a Body Double to do a six month jail term for you, Quirseau.

    10. What if your wife reads about your Vegas girlfriend here?

    11. .

      Source: old girl friend in Vegas who saw him once....

      Well, at least, this is a step up from American Thinker.


  61. .

    Wells Fargo fired 5,300 workers for improper sales push. The executive in charge is retiring with $125 million.

    Wells Fargo will be fined $185 million. That is a nit to a company making $20 billion a year. They write it off as a business expense in the same way drug cartels write off the loss of one of their shipments to the Coast Guard as a business expense.

    The slobs at the lower levels will be fired. The executive in charge, Carrie Tolstedt, will walk away with $125 million when she retires this year. An 27-year veteran of the bank, Tolstedt ran the community banking division where regulators said aggressive sales goals fueled illegal behavior by bank employees...

    Most telling is an earlier quote from WF CEO Strumpf who said Tolstedt 'represents the very culture of Wells Fargo'.

    How true.

    From the abuses that led to the 2008 financial crisis to the fixing of the Libor rate to numerous other high profile cases to the latest, Wells Fargo, the banking industry has proved itself unworthy of the slightest bit of trust. Yet, not one top executive of any large bank has suffered either financial pain or criminal prosecution, in fact they have walked away with $ millions, hundreds of $ millions.

    Break up the banks, prosecute the criminals.


    1. A giant problem

      The rise of the corporate colossus threatens both competition and the legitimacy of business


  62. Trump's Doctor


    1. .

      Just some general comments and observations on the photos you put up.

      1. Being charged with malpractice only 3 times over as long as he practice medicine and at his age doesn't sound bad. I think almost every doctor in America has faced a malpractice suit.

      2. Judging strictly on appearances I would quess I know where Trump goes to get a little something to keep him 'up'.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. .

      Well, that didn't work very well...

      The reference and question above were regarding the picture in the 4th row from the bottom.

      What do the topless chicks in the water have to do with Trump and Bornstein?

      Or, is this simply what we can expect from the English tabloids?


    4. .

      Or, the women applying for the position of Trump's personal nurse in Row 9 (from the bottom)

      She never did get the right finger but she did get the job.


    5. .

      Or, the officers, O'Malley and Chuck, in line 37 (from the top) who have been on the day shift watching Bornstein's office for suspicious activity since 2006.


    6. Doctor Feelgood

      Harold Bornstein agreed to pay $86,250 to the family of Janet Levin, who allegedly died after falling when she took “unhealthy amounts” of prescription drugs that Bornstein had given her unnecessarily, according to archived court papers.

      Levin’s family accused Bornstein of being “negligent and grossly reckless” for prescribing her barbiturates, morphine and valium “greatly in excess of appropriate dosages” and despite the drugs not being suitable for any condition for which she was being treated.

      Levin, 52, “became addicted to narcotics” and was “rendered sick, sore, lame and disabled”, according to the lawsuit, which blamed Bornstein squarely for setting in motion a series of factors “all leading to her death” from the apparent drug ingestion and fall in 1998.


    7. I could have gotten a hell of a lot more than 86 thousand for what they did and didn't do for my wife, but I was too stupid to get a lawyer in time.

      Should be more than one year for loss of a loved one, but such is life in America.

      I just figured out my Doc makes 400 k a year for doing nothing just from the Concierge practice fees we pay him. (see below, but I'm not ridiculously rich, or even close. Rufus will say we all get quality care for free)
      ...especially if we are refugees.

      The Doctor Won’t See You Now

      Concierge medicine serves the ridiculously rich at the expense of everyone else.


  63. The Clinton Campaign’s Self Awareness Is Astounding

