Sunday, September 18, 2016

Another FUBAR by the Incredible Ongoing Disaster of US Foreign Policy in The Middle East :

In Massive Intel Error, U.S. Kills 80 Syrian Troops, Helps Islamic State Advance

Posted on Sep 18, 2016

p> In a massive intelligence failure, the US Air Force hit a Syrian military installation in Deir al-Zor that it thought was Daesh (ISIS, ISIL).  But it turned out to be the Syrian Arab Army position at Deir al-Zor military airport.  The strike killed 80 soldiers and wounded another 100.  Deir al-Zor is one of two provinces significantly controlled by Daesh in Syria, the other being its home base of al-Raqqa.  The mistaken strike wily-nilly strengthened Daesh.  

Russia immediately took propaganda advantage of the error, suggesting archly that the United States must covertly be supporting Daesh.  That’s pretty low.  In fact, Russia had done very little against Daesh itself, while the US has expended a good deal of effort against it.

Samantha Power, the US ambassador to the United Nations, stormed out of a UN session where Russia made these charges and where Russia called for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council.  Power accused the Syrian government of continuing to hold and to deploy chemical weapons.

The error did reflect not on American intentions but on the tactics it is using to intervene in Syria.  Air strikes from 30,000 feet are always open to being inexact, and to producing civilian casualties and destruction of infrastructure.  Moreover, the US is hostage to local informants for information on targets, and sometimes they turn out to be double agents or mentally fragile or have other reasons for delivering false intel to the US military.

The problem with a mistake of this Himalayan proportions is that it will be extremely difficult in the aftermath to convince Syria that the US did not intentionally aid Daesh.




    Getting Fooled on Iraq, Libya, Now Russia

    Exclusive: After the British report exposing falsehoods to justify invading Iraq in 2003, a new U.K. inquiry found similar misconduct in the 2011 attack on Libya, but no lessons are learned for the West’s new propaganda about Russia, writes Robert Parry.

    By Robert Parry

    A British parliamentary inquiry into the Libyan fiasco has reported what should have been apparent from the start in 2011 – and was to some of us – that the West’s military intervention to “protect” civilians in Benghazi was a cover for what became another disastrous “regime change” operation.

    The report from the U.K.’s Foreign Affairs Committee confirms that the U.S. and other Western governments exaggerated the human rights threat posed by Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and then quickly morphed the “humanitarian” mission into a military invasion that overthrew and killed Gaddafi, leaving behind political and social chaos.

    President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron talk at the G8 Summit in Lough Erne, Northern Ireland, June 17, 2013. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
    President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron talk at the G8 Summit in Lough Erne, Northern Ireland, June 17, 2013. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
    The report’s significance is that it shows how little was learned from the Iraq War fiasco in which George W. Bush’s administration hyped and falsified intelligence to justify invading Iraq and killing its leader, Saddam Hussein. In both cases, U.K. leaders tagged along and the West’s mainstream news media mostly served as unprofessional propaganda conduits, not as diligent watchdogs for the public.

    Today, we are seeing an even more dangerous repetition of this pattern: demonizing Russian President Vladimir Putin, destabilizing the Russian economy and pressing for “regime change” in Moscow. Amid the latest propaganda orgy against Putin, virtually no one in the mainstream is exercising any restraint or finding any cautionary lessons from the Iraqi and Libyan examples.

    Yet, with Russia, the risks are orders of magnitude greater than even the cases of Iraq and Libya – and one might toss in the messy “regime change” projects in Ukraine and Syria. The prospect of political chaos in Moscow – with extremists battling for power and control of the nuclear codes – should finally inject some sense of responsibility in the West’s politicians and media, but doesn’t....


    US Troops Flee Syrian Town After US-Backed Rebels Threaten to Kill Them

    FSA Rebels Slam US ‘Crusaders,’ Vow a Slaughter

    A small group of US special forces troops entered the Syrian town of al-Rai, already occupied by Turkish troops and were quickly forced to flee from the city, amid vocal threats from the Free Syrian Army (FSA), accusing the US of being “crusaders” and vowing to “slaughter” them.

    The FSA, of course, is the centerpiece “moderate” rebel faction of all US cheerleaders of the Syrian Civil War, and heavily backed by the US throughout the war. They are also, interestingly, Turkish-backed, and were indeed brought into this particular region with Turkey as part of the invasion.

    Yet all it took was a handful of US troops, five or six according to some rebel sources, showing up to help Turkey with the planned invasion of nearby al-Bab to rile up these “moderates” into threatening to kill the US troops credibly enough that they were actually withdrawn from the area.

    While a lot of the rhetoric at the rally demanding the US pullout centered on them not liking Christians and believing Americans to be “infidels,” there is speculation that a lot of the anti-US sentiment is because the US is so closely aligned with the Kurdish YPG, who both Turkey and the FSA are planning to fight.

    Indeed, secondary reports indicated that Kurdish YPG forces are flying American flags over the town of Tel Abyad in an effort to try to dissuade Turkey from attacking certain targets within it. The Pentagon has warned against the practice, but while Turkey seems placated enough to work directly with the US on their assorted wars in Syria, the FSA for whatever reason will brook no cooperation, at least in between accepting huge caches of CIA-provided weapons.


    One in three Saudi air raids on Yemen hit civilian sites, data shows

    More than one-third of all Saudi-led air raids on Yemen have hit civilian sites, such as school buildings, hospitals, markets, mosques and economic infrastructure, according to the most comprehensive survey of the conflict.

    The findings, revealed by the Guardian on Friday, contrast with claims by the Saudi government, backed by its US and British allies, that Riyadh is seeking to minimise civilian casualties.

    The survey, conducted by the Yemen Data Project, a group of academics, human rights organisers and activists, will add to mounting pressure in the UK and the US on the Saudi-led coalition, which is facing accusations of breaching international humanitarian law.

    It will refocus attention on UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia, worth more than £3.3bn since the air campaign began, and the role of British military personnel attached to the Saudi command and control centre, from which air operations are being mounted. Two British parliamentary committees have called for the suspension of such sales until a credible and independent inquiry has been conducted.

    How Saudi Arabia's airstrikes have hit civilian life in Yemen
    Read more
    Saudi Arabia disputed the Yemen Data Project figures, describing them as “vastly exaggerated”, and challenged the accuracy of the methodology, saying somewhere such as a school building might have been a school a year ago, but was now being used by rebel fighters.

    The independent and non-partisan survey, based on open-source data, including research on the ground, records more than 8,600 air attacks between March 2015, when the Saudi-led campaign began, and the end of August this year. Of these, 3,577 were listed as having hit military sites and 3,158 struck non-military sites.

  4. 24 Consecutive Years Of US Good Intentions


    Claiming US attacks on Somalia, Sudan, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria – and the USA’s obvious support and instigation of the Saudi attack on Yemen, the violent illegal coup d’etat in Ukraine – were well-intentioned is downright ridiculous.

    To make one of the obvious foreign policy, military intervention “mistakes” would be disastrous and should be career-ending – indeed, it should result in the instigators being imprisoned or worse, but to accept that more than one was an honest mistake is utter nonsense. Even for the occupation forces in Washington DC, there must be some limits to stupidity. Frankly, no one is that stupid.

    This is intentional.

    24 years of murder and mayhem

    $5 Trillion in wasted money


    Destabilization by millions of refugees

    Incalculable suffering

    ...and with all this quarter century of humanitarian disaster and war criminality, we are expected to stay the course with the worst Clinton?

    She should be running with Jeb Bush.

  5. Ray McGovern, “Propaganda, Intelligence and MH-17” on Consortium News (August 17, 2015):

    “The key difference between the traditional ‘Intelligence Assessment’ and this relatively new creation, a ‘Government Assessment’ is that the latter genre is put together by senior White House bureaucrats or other political appointees, not senior intelligence analysts. Another significant difference is that an ‘Intelligence Assessment’ often includes alternative views, either in the text or in footnotes, detailing disagreements among intelligence analysts, thus revealing where the case may be weak or in dispute.

    “The absence of an ‘Intelligence Assessment’ suggested that honest intelligence analysts were resisting a knee-jerk indictment of Russia, just as they did after the first time Kerry pulled this ‘Government Assessment’ arrow out of his quiver trying to stick the blame for an Aug. 21, 2013 sarin gas attack outside Damascus on the Syrian government.”

    The primary source in both “Government Assessment” episodes, both the 2013 chemical attack in Syria and the 2014 crash of MH-17 in Ukraine, the one person in common who generated what McGovern accurately described as “pseudo-intelligence product, which contained not a single verifiable fact”, was British blogger and media darling Eliot Higgins.

    Higgins and the Bellingcat site serve as deception “conduits” as defined by the Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms (Joint Publication 1-02), a compendium of approved terminology used by the U.S. military.

    Within military deception, “conduits” are information or intelligence gateways to the “deception target”, defined as the “adversary decision maker with the authority to make the decision that will achieve the deception objective.”

    The primary “deception targets” are the populations of the United States and Europe Union.

    The Internet offers a ubiquitous, inexpensive and anonymous method for “open source” deception and rapid propaganda dissemination.

  6. We are ruled by criminals. Trump knows that in his guts. So, the American public is learning.

  7. The US Press delirium over Trump is nearing breakout velocity. For some light entertainment, go to Google news and type in one word:


  8. Clinton Foundation Spent 6% On Charitable Grants In 2014.

  9. She certainly had the "Spiraling out of control" part right:

    Almost immediately after the 9/11 attack, while bodies were still buried in the rubble, George W. Bush demanded from Congress the legal authorization to use military force against those responsible for the attack, which everyone understood would start with an invasion of Afghanistan.

    The resulting resolution that was immediately cooked up was both vague and broad, providing that “the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons.”

    1. It’s impossible to overstate how correct Lee was when she warned that this resolution would constitute “a blank check” to wage war “anywhere, in any country,” and “without time limit.” Fifteen years later, this “war” is raging as destructively as ever, with no end in sight. Indeed, as my Intercept colleague Alex Emmons documented today, “Fifteen years after the September 11 attacks, it looks like the war on terror is still in its opening act.” Either one of the two leading presidential candidates is certain to use this resolution for all new expressions of this war.

      Lee has never given up on this cause, repeatedly attempting to lead a repeal of the AUMF, though — in the face of opposition from two successive administrations, one from each party — she has never been able to convince her colleagues to do so. While her “blank check” warning turned out to be incredibly prescient, the other warning she issued, from the House floor on September 14, was even more profound: “Let us not become the evil we deplore.”

  10. Garrison Keillor pays homage to Saint Hillary

  11. "DougSat Sep 17, 05:40:00 PM EDT

    NOT some phoney ass conspiracy video.

    Watch the whole thing!"

    Oh lordy Doug that is exactly what it is - a conspiracy video. You take a series of events spread out over a period of time and posit something that explains it all. If you want a more detailed debunking get of that video take a look at

    You and your butt buddy Bob really are quite the pair!

    1. Here, for the search impaired:

    2. Yes, Mr. Idiot, Snopes is God.


    3. Fantastic list of Medical Credentials.

      I was a Biochem Major, Ash.

      And you?

    4. ...and of course Hillary is perfectly healthy and NORMAL.

      EVERYBODY looks like Charlie McCarthy and frequently falls on his or her fat ass.

      ...and is always accompanied by a neurologist with an autoinjector.

    5. What has that got to do with the bullshit diagnosis? I didn't see any biochemical evidence offered - just some politically motivated Doctor making a specious diagnosis.

      By the way - the ability to memorize does not amount to intelligence. Ohhhhh Doug did a biochem major he's soo smart.

    6. You failed to mention your education.

    7. You also did not respond regarding her frequent falls, brain damage, obviously failing health, and Charlie McCarthy appearance. if she's a normie, just like all of us.

    8. Are YOU accompanied by a Neurologist with an autoinjector?

    9. There are many possible explanations ranging from bad luck to drug addiction (I. E. Alcohol) to Parkinson. Tell me Mr Biochem, how many years does it take for Parkinson symptoms to escalate until one cannot function properly?

      Would my degree influence how you perceive the coherence of my posts?

    10. No, but your reluctance to tell me says a lot.

      Doctor Noel notes the side effects of the ONLY drug useful for Parkinson's and adds that the OBVIOUS side effects start to manifest after ten years of use.
      She is not a short timer. She's significantly impaired, and progressing.
      We all die.
      Not at the same rate.


      Snopes also did not address the video showing Hillary freezing, and her Neurologist rubbing her shoulder and telling her to keep talking.

      ...ALL of us stop talking without such professional assistance.

      We're normal.

    11. That is the stuff of classic conspiracy theories Doug.

      Since you seem to care about my educational history Doug I earned a Combined Honours Degree in Philosophy and Psychology. My area of concentration in Philosophy was the Philosophy of science and perception (particularly vision) in psychology.

    12. You didn't learn nothin' that I can see.

      How does the spectrum of light entering our brains become a picture of the world that we believe we have in common ?

      Huh ?

    13. My thesis was an experimental study examining how the perception of distance affects the phi phenomenon

  12. Iv'e worked with some real smart intelligence analysts. They come from many fields. They are naturals at it and have an ability to look at unrelated events and sew them together.

    This doctor is a brilliant analyst

    1. Lol. Reminds me of past analysis here of Obama's Crack addiction or his birth certificate. Why not be consistent and hop on the Parkinsons bandwagon and flog it for all its worth.

    2. ...and in other videos he gives credit to commenters who have experienced these events first hand living with family members with Parkinson's.

    3. Lol. Reminds me of past analysis here of Obama's Crack addiction or his birth certificate. Why not be consistent and hop on the Parkinsons bandwagon and flog it for all its worth.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I added the video to this post. It is relevant to the disasters ahead for us if another Clinton rules us from Washington.

  14. I like Dr. Ash's diagnosis:

    "There are many possible explanations ranging from bad luck to...."

    Dr. Ash 'covers the waterfront'.

    I can't recall another Doctor that diagnosed Hillary's Disease as bad luck


    "What have I got, Doc ?"

    "Bad luck"

    "What's that mean ?"

    "You're outta luck, chump. That'll be $500 dollars. Pay at the desk and don't come back."

    1. Even Dr. Quirk missed the obvious symptoms of 'bad luck'.

    2. Rub my shoulders and tell me to keep posting Dr. Farmer Bob.

    3. Lordy, my point is there is no where near enough information to make a diagnosis.

    4. Whynt you just say that then....?

      Huh ?

      Why'd you say there were many possible explanations there, huh ?

      You never said there is now where near enough information to make a diagnosis.

      If that is what you wanted to say whynt you say it ?

  15. Your point is the top of your head.

  16. .

    I was a Biochem Major, Ash.


    I love it.


    1. .

      By the way, Bob, was an English major (now demoted to English recruit).


    2. Care to bet on whether Hillary has Parkinson's or not?

    3. Quirk is proud of his Advertising Degree from the faux college, what was it, or that on line shcool ?

      We should all be proud of our educations.

    4. DougSun Sep 18, 10:58:00 AM EDT

      Care to bet on whether Hillary has Parkinson's or not?


      Don't bet with Rufus.

    5. Or with Idaho Bob. Neither honors their pledges.

  17. He said that, but that is how intelligence analysis works. They call it connecting the docs. 99% of what the CIA publishes internally is based on analysis and is classified, not by the data but by the conclusions of the analyst. Smoking guns are rare finds.

    As to Obama's birth and past drug use, I have not seen seen anything where I would punch the "Slam Dunk" button. I'll defer to Arlen Spector's "Not Proven".

  18. .

    This doctor is a brilliant analyst.

    The doctor is a political hack and propagandist. As pointed out by Snopes, he could give a shit about Clinton's health other than as a tool to attack her.

    Anyone who can't tell the difference between analysis and propaganda probably thought it was a great idea for the US to attack Iraq in 2003.


    1. Sorry, you probably just need a Neurologist to rub your shoulders and advise you to keep typing. all us normals.

    2. .


      It's not polite to scream, Dougo. You appear to be getting overheated.

      Take a couple deep breaths and if it persists put a cold compress on you forehead and lie down for a while.

      Hmmm. Let me check with Dr. Dean. It could be a symptom of any one of numerous serious mental diseases that could ultimately disqualify you from blogging here.


    3. Here's a shoulder rub for you, Doug.

      Take a little coconut milk too and you'll be fit for another day of mocking SMIRK'n'QUIRK

      I know it gets tiring but we must do it.

  19. .

    He said that, but that is how intelligence analysis works. They call it connecting the docs. 99% of what the CIA publishes internally is based on analysis and is classified, not by the data but by the conclusions of the analyst.


    Yea, how's that worked out for us over the past couple decades?

    Smoking guns are rare finds.

    Nonsense, our government finds them all the time, Dem administration, GOP. How many have we been presented with over that same two decades?


    1. I can only speak from my own experience. I worked for three years as an analyst for the US Air Force and the NSA on an early warning ballistic missile detection system. I specialized in monitoring three Soviet launch sites in Tyura Tam, Kapustin Yar and Plesetsk. I probably reported on data from several hundred missile launches and a dramatic false alarm from an above ground Chinese nuclear test at Lop Nor.

      My job boiled down to making the best guess from observed data. {Exactly what the doc did on this video)

      Our work product, combined with other sources was used by our military leadership and politicians to determine if we should go to nuclear war. I know what data looks like and how it is used in analysis. It is proactive before and during an event. The diagnosis comes afterward. The video is not a diagnosis.

      You want hard smoking gun facts. About the only time you get them is from a "Leaker" or an after the fact analysis which is forensic based.

    2. There are many different and equally credible inferences that can be drawn from the 'Data points' in that video. Why should we accept Parkinsons as the correct one? Because a self admitted HRC opponent Doctor said so? Because a geriatric biochem major lying in bed in Hawaii said so? There are two reasons right off the top not to accept such a conclusion. Heck, you can assert with equal credibility that blue dragons exist out of sight amongst the clouds.

    3. OK wise guy. Try this. Play analyst. Break up his individual observations and assertions in the video. Rate them as follows

      1. Not true.
      2. Possible, but not likely.
      3. Highly likely.
      4. True.

      Average them and if you come to a calculation over 2.1, you can confirm that it is likely the doctor is correct in his analysis and further testing is warranted.

      My bet. You won't do it.

    4. Pretty crude use of statistical analysis there deuce.

    5. Elementary analysis beats opinion all the time.

    6. With analysis conducted like that no wonder the US intelligence community gets it so wrong so often - rate statements of fact based on your opinion of its truthiness and then take the average and if it is greater than 2.1 the tru5h is determined.

      Absurd on it's face. If you are faced with a black or white decision that must be made quickly it might have some use in assuming your conscience that the drcisi9n is better than using a dart board.

    7. ...some use in assauging your conscience...

  20. I think the Doc's analysis on Hillary's Parkinsons is superior to the quality of the analysis done by our intelligence agencies as corrupted by our political establishment to get her vote for the Iraq war.

    1. .

      Of course, you do.

      But you might consider your opinion may be clouded by what appears to be your intense dislike of Clinton.

      Just saying.


    2. Almost correct. My intense dislike comes from observation of what she has done.

    3. Hillary Clinton is a dangerous sick unhinged power craven sociopath supported by the entire US media and the US political establishment and could become the next absurd Commander In Chief, an archaic and dangerous office that we do not need but are cursed with.

    4. That's a really large conspiracy you are alledging that encompasses all of the US media and political establishment. I did not realize that a tinfoil hat could be so big.

    5. .

      Hillary Clinton is a dangerous sick unhinged power craven sociopath supported by the entire US media and the US political establishment and could become the next absurd Commander In Chief, an archaic and dangerous office that we do not need but are cursed with.

      Dr. Quirk's diagnosis: Slightly hyperbolic. Probably brought on by jet lag. Easily treated by a day of rest.

      As for Hillary's medical condition, I realize I am in a no-win situation here. Doug has posted her known medical conditions here over the last couple days. In fact, he has done it two or three times. Not to mention, Dr. Dean's video. Between the Bobbsey Twins and others here they have probably posted every conspiracy theory out there. Hillary has been accused of every disease known to man (with the possible exception of dehydration or pneumonia). She appears to be a regular Typhoid Mary or one of the antagonists in The Walking Dead.

      Given how many things she has been accused of having, at the end of the day, you guys will have the satisfaction of saying, "I told you so."

      Unless, of course, it was just dehydration and pneumonia.



    6. You would think that after keeling over from "dehydration" one would learn to DRINK SOME WATER.

  21. Several "Q"Nits around the country just recently.

    Here's the latest:



    'Allah' before rampage...

    Asks victims if Muslim...DRUDGE

    I will select one for Nit of the Day after checking with Geller and Spencer tonight....

    Here's another up north:

    Canada: Machete attack on cop in Calgary mall, shots fired in Grand Prairie mall

    Machetes and meat cleavers seem to be catching on right now.

    1. .

      I will select one for Nit of the Day after checking with Geller and Spencer tonight....

      signed: The Deplorable



    2. I'll make it "Quirk's Night".

      You get to choose.

      Would you rather a

      2)Machete attack
      3)Meat cleaver attack

      Just pick a number from 1 to 4 and your wish shall be granted.

    3. You may also stipulate as to USA or Canada.

    4. .

      A game of Clue?


      #3 in Canada


    5. :)

      Damn, you may have me there.

      But, the day is young, and I'll do some research.

      Please understand that a 'meat cleaver' is often called a 'machete' in Canada, you know, particularly in Quebec.

    6. Synonyms for machete

      Synonyms for machete


    7. .


      Ok. Bladestar in Canada.

      You are too much.


  22. A Frail Looking Hillary Hits Trump for Calling NYC Attack ‘Bombings’ — After Doing the Same

    ‘I’ve been briefed about the bombings in New York and New Jersey’

    A noticeably frail-looking Hillary Clinton discussed the bombing in New York City Saturday night, hitting Donald Trump for saying the explosion resulted from a "bomb."

    Clinton herself, however, began her remarks by likewise referring to the "bombings."

    "I've been briefed about the bombings in New York and New Jersey," she told reporters.

    "Do you have any reaction to Donald Trump immediately ... referring to the explosion as a bomb?" a reporter asked.

    "Well I think it's important to know the facts before responding to an incident like this," Clinton said. "I think it's always wiser to wait to until you have information for making conclusions, because we are just in the beginning stages of trying to determine what happened."


    CLINTON: "I've been briefed about the bombings in New York and New Jersey and the attack in Minnesota. Obviously, we need to do everything we can to support our first responders. Also to pray for the victims. We have to let the investigation unfold. We've been in touch with various officials including in the mayor's office in New York to learn what they are discovering as they conduct this investigation and I'll have more to say about it when we actually have the facts."
    REPORTER: "Secretary, do you have any reaction to the fact that Donald Trump immediately took the stage tonight, calling the explosion a 'bomb'?"
    CLINTON: "Well I think it's important to know all of the facts about an incident like this. That's why it's critical to support the first responders, the investigators who are looking into it, trying to figure out what did happen. I think it's always wiser to wait to until you have information for making conclusions, because we are just in the beginning stages of trying to determine what happened."

    Her mind has gone soft. Her talk is meaningless, robotic, contradictory.

    It's gonna be 'bad luck' for USA if we elect this woman whom the gods are deconstructing before our eyes.

  23. Deuce's Hillary video above:

    Julian Assange segment:

    1:17 - 1:32

    1. I would give that clip a 4. There is no evidence that it is either a lie or a forgery. It was a routine assignment.

  24. OH...oooo



  25. Heh :)

    Jane Goodall: Trump debates like a chimp in a dominance ritual

    By Joseph Lawler (@josephlawler) • 9/17/16 10:02 AM

    It's a political jungle out there, Jane.

    What else do you expect the winner to do ?

    Shrivel up like Lil' Marco, or Low Energy Jeb ?

    1. Lil' Marco is kicking ass for Senate, however.

      Hope he thanks Trump.

  26. .

    Samantha Power, the US ambassador to the United Nations, stormed out of a UN session where Russia made these charges and where Russia called for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council. Power accused the Syrian government of continuing to hold and to deploy chemical weapons.




  27. .

    The error did reflect not on American intentions but on the tactics it is using to intervene in Syria.

    Who knows?


    1. Can't you pull something cool out of your arse as you usually try to do, like "tactics are intentions" or some such, instead of an uberlame 'Who knows" ?

      What's happening to you ?

  28. Undermining Quirk's claim that American Thinker is nothing but a phony lying right wing racist rag -

    See how clean these folks come when they believe they have erred, Quirk - (take a lesson)

    September 18, 2016

    Hillary’s [photshopped] body double

    By Bill Schanefelt

    I wrote recently about the possibility that Hillary Clinton has a "Body Double."

    I should not have so written, for I was misled by photo-shopped images, and I, in turn, misled readers of these pages and others.

    Therefore, I extend a deep apology to all who were misled by my ill-advised blog post. My failure to perform due diligence has left me “red faced”---and do please excuse my possibly driving you into a safe space by my politically incorrect cultural misappropriation of that very insensitive term.

    An astute reader has established to my complete satisfaction that three of my images were false:

    Comparing apples to apples: Screen capture from the video vs. the tweeted image: - and why didn’t the… guy…notice it when he viewed the video? Will be interesting to see if anyone corrects him….

    Tin Eye Reverse Image Search, a free app, is often helpful in determining the origin of photoshopped or real pics. You can sort according to oldest or newest, etc. It shows McMom is the first person to post the narrowed image, and was the first to post the ‘body double’ [phony] comparison:

    I think he was fooled by the narrowed photo of Hillary in front of Linea: Compare the text ‘linea’ and see how it - and Hillary - has been narrowed:

    Additionally, I have viewed several videos of the event in question, and I am unable to conclude that the person featured in those videos was not, in fact, Mrs. Clinton herself. Readers may find links to pertinent videos here.

    However, I have received numerous emails from people who have concluded otherwise and who have pointed to various aspects of the person's aspect that support their contention. Hence, my mind is still open to further question.

    My friend, Maggie, draws particular attention to the photo of the person standing with feet widespread and with heels turned outwards as in a dancer’s “First Position.”

    This posture awkward and far from customary for a non-dancer, and my offer of that cold beer still obtains for the first person to show me a photo of Hillary so standing.

    Wesearchr notes that:

    …Hillary Clinton attended the 9/11 ceremony at Ground Zero in lower Manhattan, but unexpectedly left early….[after] a "medical episode" and may have fainted….[And then] went to Chelsea's apartment….We got video of fainting Hillary stumbling into a black SUV. Let's get video of her leaving it and entering Chelsea's apartment….This could be Hillary's biggest and most serious "medical emergency" yet. The American people need as much evidence of it as possible….[Therefore a video] of Hillary Clinton exiting her black van and entering Chelsea Clinton's apartment….certainly…must have [been] caught….

    They are offering a still-uncollected bounty for such a video. My guess is that it will evermore remain so!

    Furthermore, I remain open because Team Hillary has been untruthful about all of the events of last Sunday to say nothing of Mrs. Clinton’s long history of disingenuousness, prevarication, obfuscation, and, well, outright lies and fabrications from the origin of her name to the dodging of snipers as she was being greeted with a bouquet of flowers to you-name-it!

    And, of course, who can ever forget the late Bill Safire’s dubbing of her as a “congenital liar” a generation ago?

    Nevertheless, I, and all who read this, owe a debt of gratitude to "Ms. D" for her efforts in this regard.

    The author is retired, his profile may be found on LinkedIn, and he usually replies to comments sent to

    1. .

      Undermining Quirk's claim that American Thinker is nothing but a phony lying right wing racist rag -

      See how clean these folks come when they believe they have erred, Quirk - (take a lesson)


      Sometimes you can only laugh.

      Points to the author for admitting his mistake. However, any points he gained in that admission are immediately lost in the wild and meandering explanation (rationalization) for the mistake. More points are lost when he keeps up the same line of bull with stuff like this...

      My friend, Maggie, draws particular attention to the photo of the person standing with feet widespread and with heels turned outwards as in a dancer’s “First Position.”

      This posture awkward and far from customary for a non-dancer, and my offer of that cold beer still obtains for the first person to show me a photo of Hillary so standing.

      You can't make this up.

      And of course, there was the infinite amount of points lost in the beginning from writing an article based on evidence provided by sites like Tells you a lot about American Thinker.

      The real question is...

      When will Idaho Bob admit his mistake for believing the original story and defending it here?


    2. .

      ...feet widespread and with heels turned outwards as in a dancer’s “First Position.”

      This posture awkward and far from customary for a non-dancer...

      Wasn't Larry Craig caught in that position in that restroom stall?


    3. Larry was taking a crap.

      That's entirely different from a dancer's "First Position".

    4. If Larry had been doing a #1 you might be onto something.

    5. You need to apologize for saying multiple times what a shit site American Thinker go first, then I might think it over, and probably come to the conclusion I've nothing to apologize for....

      So go ahead, ball is in your court.

    6. .

      Did you scroll right past my response to your initial post?

      You've go to be nutz.


  29. Blacks must be among Hillary's Deplorables - seeing these polls she might say they are the sexist variety of Deplorables -

    Black voters are turning from Clinton to Trump in new poll

    By Mary Kay Linge

    September 18, 2016 | 7:02am

    Donald Trump is gaining support among African-American voters — whose enthusiasm for Hillary Clinton is eroding, a tracking poll released Saturday revealed.

    Trump saw a 16.5 percentage-point increase in backing from African-American voters in a Los Angeles Times/University of Southern California tracking poll, up from 3.1 percent on Sept. 10 to 19.6 percent through Friday.

    Meanwhile, the same poll showed Clinton’s support among that group plummeting from 90.4 percent on Sept. 10 to 71.4 percent....

    Doomed, I tell ya, Hillary is doooooomed....

    1. Trump saw a 16.5 percentage-point increase in backing from African-American voters....

      Yuuuuge !

  30. A Dallas Police sergeant filed a lawsuit on Friday against Black Lives Matter and its supporters, alleging the group is inciting a race war.
    Sgt. Demetrick Pennie, a 17-year veteran of the force, is seeking between $500 million and $1.5 billion in the complaint filed in federal court, the Dallas Morning News reported.
    The defendants in the class-action suit include Black Lives Matter; President Obama; Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton; the Rev. Al Sharpton; Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and billionaire activist George Soros.
    "Defendants incite people to violence and cause violence by telling those people that they are under attack. Defendants are encouraging disaffected blacks, Black Muslims, Muslims and others allied with them including certain whites to ignore, disrespect, and assault law enforcement officials, and commit violence and lethal force," the lawsuit states, according to the paper.
    The lawsuit alleges the defendants "have repeatedly incited their supporters and others to engage in threats of and attacks to cause serious bodily injury or death upon police officers and other law enforcement persons of all races and ethnicities."
    The lawsuit was filed hours before two Texas police officers were injured in a shooting while responding to a suicide call.
    Pennie, who is black, is being represented by Larry Klayman, founder of the organization Freedom Watch.
    "The defendants, if not legally reined in, are allegedly responsible, along with others, for igniting a race war that will ultimately totally destroy the freedoms that our Founding Fathers bequeathed to us," Klayman said in a press release.
    This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

  31. Nothing out of the ordinary about stopping in mid-sentence with a fixed stare, having a neurologist RUN over and rub your shoulders while saying "It's OK, keep talking," then repeating "keep talking" yourself.

    Perfectly normal, perhaps a minor case of the sniffles.


    1. But our biochem major has assessed it is obviously parkinsons disease.

    2. I concluded a Medical Doctor's analysis was highly likely to be correct.

    3. Right, cause he's an expert especially when diagnosis via video.

    4. You can certainly learn more by viewing videos than by listening to her doctors or the MSM.

    5. Hell, Ash, what do you know ?

      You diagnosed it as bad luck.

      Your prescription ?

      A rabbit's foot --

      "Here, Hillary, rub this, you'll be fine"

  32. Police Sift Clues in Hunt for Bomber
    No Tie to Global Terrorism Is Seen

    Bomb placed under dumpster, blew it from one side of the road onto the sidewalk on the opposite side of the road.

    De Blasio refuses to join Cuomo in calling Chelsea blast ‘terrorism’

    “We know there was a bombing, that much we do know. We know there was a very serious incident,” de Blasio said during the media scrum at One Police Plaza.

    Pure Brilliance

  33. Hillary Clinton Finally Releases Statement on Terrorist Attacks – 31 Hours After First Bomb Blast

    "I strongly condemn the apparent terrorist attacks in Minnesota, New Jersey, and New York."

    1. A strongly worded statement by Miss Parkinson, indeed.

  34. Radical Hispanic Activist Who Condemned Trump’s Mexican Rapist Comments – Is Arrested for Rape

    Hispanic activist Tony Yaplas, who has led protests against Donald Trump in Salt Lake City, was arrested for raping an illegal immigrant.

  35. I've lost my Fox News.

    What do I do now ?

    It's really irritating, and I've tried everything I can think of....

    Always says 'channel is off line, try again later'

    1. :O)

      Tried that for three days.

      I'm going to take the computer to my server and have them deal with it.

      I can't get by without Fox News.....I miss Judge Jeanine so much....

  36. OOOOHHHH....oooo

    WASH POST LEAD MONDAY: Clinton losing Hispanics....DRUDGE

    She's a cooked goose.

  37. Large bladed weapon attacker at mall in Minnesota was born in Somalia.


    1. Suspect in Calgary large bladed weapon attack hasn't been identified yet -

      “Suspect shot, police officer injured during physical struggle in Marlborough Mall,” by Ryan White, CTV News, September 18, 2016:

      An investigation into a fight involving a man with a weapon at a CTrain station resulted an on-duty CPS member being slashed with a large bladed weapon and the suspect suffering from a gunshot wound.

      Acting Calgary Police Service Chief Trevor Daroux says police responded to the area shortly after 2:00 p.m. following reports of a fight on the nearby LRT platform where a suspect was seen assaulting people with a weapon.

      “A single vehicle officer was circulating and he saw an individual behind the dumpster that matched the description of the individual that was involved in the fight earlier on,” said Daroux. “The officer verbally engaged the suspect who then fled.”

      Crime scene tape outside of Marlborough Mall on Saturday afternoon following an incident that sent two to hospital

      Daroux says a foot chase ensued into Marlborough Mall.

      “The offender turned to engage the officer at which time the officer engage deployed his Taser, however, it proved ineffective,” explained Daroux. “A physical struggle then ensued when the man produced a large bladed weapon and severely injured our officer.”…

      Daroux confirms the unnamed suspect is known to police….


    2. 5 from Afghanistan arrested in connection with NYC explosion.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. An Early Fall Blizzard of Quirkian Coincidences

    A Weekend of Coincidences

    Incidents in NYC, New Jersey and Minnesota look an awful lot like jihad, but the denial is as thick as ever.

    September 19, 2016

    Robert Spencer

  40. Meet Ahmad Khan Rahami

    VIDEO: Device explodes in NJ; 5 people in custody for questioning in Chelsea bombing UPDATE: Ahmad Khan Rahami

    posted at 6:21 am on September 19, 2016 by Larry O'Connor

  41. Mr. Rahami is said to be from Afghanistan.
