Tuesday, August 30, 2016

When is it time to take the law into your own hands? This looks close to me.


  1. Boared

  2. Coming to a neighborhood near you, if HRC gets elected.

  3. If Deuce was really Libertarian, he'd be open borders, since we believe that labor is a commodity that ought not be subject to government regulation.

  4. Deuce: Recently, the flames have gotten more difficult to smother as reports of Clinton’s frail health have bled into the mainstream media, despite the unanimous and unilateral decision by the MSM to treat anyone who even raises a question as akin to a Holocaust denier.

    Hillary could be in a coma and I'd still vote for her, because...Trump.

    1. Yep Hillary is the right man for the job!

      Between Obama and Hillary (and Lurk) we are looking at what 800,000 dead arabs?

      Yep Ms T, Hillary's your dude...

    2. Trump is thinking about going to Mexico tomorrow. If he does, I say we hurry up and build the wall before he gets back.

    3. Hillary overloaded her Depends while in a debate with Bernie, who has now bought a fine vacation home in Florida with the leftover campaign donations.

      She had to exit stage left for half an hour to clean herself up.

      If Hillary wins, Huma is effectively President.

      Which means Miss T is really voting for a muzz.

  5. WiO: The Democrat Party lost me 8 years ago, when the breath and width of the Clintons were exposed and they nominated a man whose "certificate of live birth" was and IS a crock of shit.

    Number one, there was a birth notice in the Honolulu paper that day in 1961 when our President was born. Second, when you tell African Americans the first black President in US history isn't even really born in this country, and you run for President, you end up polling, among that group, in the grass, near zero.

    1. I didn't say he wasn't born in America, I said the document "certificate of live birth" was a crock of shit..

      As for the birth announcement?

      Good for them, means nothing. Doesn't say who his DADDY really is..

    2. You could put a Black corpse up and African Americans would vote for it in overwhelming numbers...

      As a group they are too ignorant to think about real choices.

      That's why their non-appointed leaders (like Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton) rule the roost. Their elected representative like Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7XXVLKWd3Q Or even Cynthia McKinney are prone examples of race exploiting African Americans...

      The very fact that over 93% voted in 2012 for him speaks volumes of their lack of diversity to thought.


    3. The very fact that over 93% voted in 2012 for him speaks volumes of their lack of diversity to thought.

      Said the fellow who belongs to a group that typically votes 3:1 or even 4:1 for Donks.

    4. Says the fellow that calls American Jews ignorant and stupid about politics.

      I have been quite outspoken about the sheep mentality of the American Jewish political POVs...

      your point?

    5. Now try commenting on "certificate of live birth", it's still available for download at the whitehouse.gov...

    6. O'bozo didn't get his height from white little mama, or that short drunken black dude from Kenya, who finally killed himself in a fatal car accident, having lost at least one leg in a car accident previously.

      This grimness of this man's demise is one reason why I have urged Q to knock off the drinking and driving, which by all accounts he has successfully done.

      Who o who could daddy really be ?


  6. Replies
    1. Notice how when the muzz roughed on into India, the Hindus fought, and stood their ground, the Buddhists high tailed it to the mountains, and to the east.

      The muzz assholes killed 80,000,000 Hindus in one 250 year period alone.

      Islam shouldn't be considered a religion, but a death cult that panders to the very lowest instincts of the unregenerate human male.

  7. Deuce pronounced the Obama birth certificate a very poor fraud long ago.

    The issue is settled.

    I believe he also said he thought the s.o.b. was born in Kenya.

    Everybody in Kenya agrees with that, and I do too.

  8. It's good having Miss T back.

    I see this time she's in Libertarian clothing.

    Teresita RedingerTue Aug 30, 08:17:00 PM EDT

    If Deuce was really Libertarian, he'd be open borders, ((((since we believe)))) that labor....

    So many transformations.

    Once a good Catholic Woman, now she's voting pot smoker.

    And their position is basically legalize all drugs.

    Also, we can now think of her as on the same team as Dead Beat Dad.


    I hear the new head honcho back in the Philippines, Rod Duterte, knows how to deal with this shit.

    The Mao way....30 million bullets....

    And the people there support him, too.


    After Trump wins, I look forward to watching all the Trump haters make good on their promises to leave our fair land.

  10. .

    I hear the new head honcho back in the Philippines, Rod Duterte, knows how to deal with this shit.

    Our resident IMA inmate speaks glowingly of Rodrigo Duterte's methods.

    Smoke a joint and become a mattress in Duterte's Phillippines


    1. It's the opiods he's cracking down on.

      And, where exactly did I speak 'glowingly' of his methods ?

      Please show us all where I spoke 'glowingly' of his methods ?

      In fact, I didn't give my opinion on his methods anywhere in my short post.

      I simply described it as 'the Mao way'.

      Quirk, if you can't read and comprehend, you really shouldn't comment.

      Just a hint....

      It was your lack of reading comprehension that the folks at IMA mostly mentioned when I tried to talk your case up to them.

      Some said you jump to unwarranted conclusions and sound half soused most of the time.

      Have you thought about getting a job with the Clinton Campaign for a couple of months ?

    2. Personally, I'd give the heroin dealers a fair trial, and after they are found guilty, then shoot them, on the grounds their behavior amounts to serial attempted murder, often successful.

      Mao and Duterte are simply skipping a step.

    3. .

      ...Rod Duterte, knows how to deal with this shit.



    4. .

      It was your lack of reading comprehension that the folks at IMA mostly mentioned when I tried to talk your case up to them.

      QuirkTue Aug 30, 04:29:00 PM EDT

      I once tried to sponsor Lightbulb for IMA, as a gesture of friendship, and encouragement to him, but they just laughed at me....

      Well, surely you are used to that by now.

      As for membership in the IMA (Idaho Mensa Asylum), I imagine everyone here realizes that the membership is highly selective and that the qualifications are very restrictive.

      Given those requirements, a request from you closest relative (or a law enforcement authority), a recommendation from your personal physician, approval by the state psychiatric board, and a court judgement ordering admission, I wouldn't even attempt to join.

      But it does sound like you folks have some interesting conversations there.



    5. Rod does, in the Mao Way.

      It worked in China.

      Granted the problem was quite severe.

      (did you know John Kerry's grandfather, or great grandfather, the original shipping guy, ran opium to China ? - Source: Michael Savage)

      My method, as I noted above, is slightly different.

      In short, Quirk, you need to learn -

      How To Think Like Shakespeare

      So how can you think like Shakespeare?

      His mind was shaped by rhetoric, a term that you probably associate with empty promises — things politicians say but don’t really mean. But in the Renaissance, rhetoric was nothing less than the fabric of thought itself. Because thinking and speaking well form the basis of existence in a community, rhetoric prepares you for every occasion that requires words. That’s why Tudor students devoted countless hours to examining vivid models, figuring out ways to turn a phrase, exercising elaborate verbal patterning.

      Antonio Gramsci described education in this way: "One has to inculcate certain habits of diligence, precision, poise (even physical poise), ability to concentrate on specific subjects, which cannot be acquired without the mechanical repetition of disciplined and methodical acts." You take it for granted that Olympic athletes and professional musicians must practice relentlessly to perfect their craft. Why should you expect the craft of thought to require anything less disciplined? Fierce attention to clear and precise writing is the essential tool for you to foster independent judgment. That is rhetoric....


      - rather than like a shoddy merchandise advertiser.

    6. .

      In other words, style over substance? Wake up and read a book on how to form a logical argument and stop making a fool of yourself. Think don't emote and posture.


    7. Well said, like a simple carnival barker, an advertising man....

    8. You have been defeated, Quirk. Give it up now.

      Don't become even more of a laughing stock....

    9. .


      That sounds like something a long term resident of the IMA might say.


  11. Early returns show McCain up 24% over Kelli Ward in Arizona Republican primary.

  12. Another Major Poll - this time, Monmouth - shows Hillary Clinton Up 8 in a 4-way race.

    1. Whatever comforts you....

    2. That should be "Clinton Up 9 in the head-to-head, and Up 7 in the 4-way.

  13. From PPP Polling:

    We find that 31% of them (Trump supporters) also support building a wall along the Atlantic Ocean to keep Muslims from entering the country from the Middle East.

    1. -We broke down how people were planning to vote for President this year based on whether they had been to their local library in the last year or not, and found a significant divide. Among voters who have been to the library, Clinton has a 17 point lead at 54/37.

    2. Among voters who haven't been to the library, Trump has a 14 point lead at 53/39.

    3. .

      It's hard to see the value of Trump's previously proposed wall (Trump's estimate 1,000 miles) when the Mexican and Canadian borders together are about 12,000 miles long. And if you wanted to cover every nook and cranny of the coast we could be talking about 50,000 miles. And I don't think that includes Hawaii (sorry Doug).

      Tough job, although Netanyahu seems to think Trumps wall idea is great though. Israel is planning on building a wall (fence, whatever) around the entire country. Of course, we are only talking about approx a 1000 miles there.


    4. Our border with Canada is 12,000 miles ?

      Wow, what map ARE you looking at ?

      And, you will see, Quirk, if you were to think about it, most Mexicans sneak in from Mexico, not Canada.

      To get to Canada, they would have to come through the USA, and what's the point of going to all the trouble of going through the USA just to sneak back in from Canada ?

      The other option is to swim to Canada, but most Mexicans aren't know as great ocean swimmers.

      The Rio Grande is another matter.

      Say true now, you've been drinking again, haven't you ?

    5. If you are getting info from PPP you are not getting real info, Rufus.

      Besides, you've obviously never been to a library, and you are for Clinton.

      Doyle's yes, a library, never.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. .

      Our border with Canada is 12,000 miles ?

      Wow, what map ARE you looking at ?

      Once again, you prove your inability to read a simple sentence.

      Once again, you prove your inability to follow a string of posts, this one starting with Rufus' comment about the 31% of Trump supporters who think we need to build a wall along the Atlantic coast.

      What are you capable of?

      Do we have to now also start calling you the faux English major?


    8. Shit !

      I missed your statement about 50,000 miles....

      we could be talking about (((((50,000 miles)))))

      What in hell ARE you talking about ?

      Hudson's Bay, or some shit ?

      What the hell is WRONG with you ?

      You've got to be back on the sauce, and I am soooooo disappointed in you.

      O Quirk.....

    9. .

      Look it up you moron.

      They invented a thing called a 'google search' some years back. It can be helpful, especially for an ignorant hick like you.


  14. State finds 30 deleted Clinton emails on Benghazi

    By Sarah Westwood (@sarahcwestwood) • 8/30/16 12:58 PM

    State Department attorneys said Tuesday the agency had discovered 30 Benghazi-related emails among the records recovered from Hillary Clinton's private server.

    A judge asked the agency to hasten its review of the documents in preparation for release to Judicial Watch, the conservative-leaning group that filed the Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

    The emails were included among the roughly 15,000 emails FBI agents said they pulled from Clinton's server in the course of a year-long probe.

    Others were deleted beyond recovery after the Democratic nominee's team used a digital tool called BleachBit to scrub the hardware that was eventually confiscated by law enforcement agents.


    Hillary lied right to the faces of the grieving relatives of the dead, saying it was all caused by a video from some unknown dude in California.

    Great candidate you got there, Rufus.

  15. Idaho Bob: (Quoting me): "If Deuce was really Libertarian, he'd be open borders, ((((since we believe)))) that labor...."

    So many transformations.

    Christ on a crutch, Bob, I've never not been a Libertarian. That's why me and WiO go at it alla time. I don't want to send boys and girls over there to fight wars for Israel.

    1. Ms T, America doesn't send our boys and girls over there to fight wars for israel.

      Please grow and learn...

      You sound quite ignorant of the reality.

    2. Christ on the Old Rugged Cross, Miss T.

      "I've never not been a Libertarian"

      You used to be Catholic Woman


      They have a definite moral code, which doesn't include humming every Miss Feely that comes hopping along the path.

      For awhile you were a Taoist.

      You're as fucked up as poor Quirk.

    3. Ms T,

      a few questions for you.

      Are you married to a man?
      Do you label yourself a member of the LGBTQ population?
      Are you a Taoist, Catholic or what?
      Do you support the Iran deal that Hillary and Obama accomplished?
      Do you support Israel's right to Jerusalem?
      Do you support an independent Palestine with the right to Iranian support and confederation?
      Do you support an Independent Kurdish state?
      Do you approve of Obama's ACA (obamacare)
      Do you support the integration of all military members ( and private contractors) to be part of the Obamacare market place/ (governmental subsidies for those within the military of course) and the elimination of the VA hospital system?
      Do you support school choice (i.e. vouchers) or are you a Obama/hillary supporter of the current educational system?

  16. .

    A "safe zone" in Syria sounds like a great idea. In reality, it would be a disaster.

    The goal of a “safe zone” is a laudable one: to protect civilians from attacks in a designated area. But despite its misleadingly simplistic name, establishing a “safe zone” in Syria would put civilians in even greater danger and risk prolonging Syria’s bloody nightmare.

    Here, then, are the three main reasons so many humanitarian organizations, human rights advocates, and other experts in civilian protection warn that Washington and its allies militarily imposing a safe zone in Syria would harm, not help, civilians:

    1) A safe zone would concentrate vulnerable people in one place, making them a perfect target

    When one combs through interviews from United Nations officials, humanitarian aid workers, human rights advocates, and Syrian refugees regarding their concerns about a safe zone in Syria, one word will continually resurface: Srebrenica...

    2) A safe zone would need consent from the warring parties to really be safe

    Like the “safe areas” in the Bosnian war, a safe zone in today’s Syria would not have consent from all of the major warring parties. None of the major parties to the conflict — including the Assad regime, Russia, Iran, ISIS, and other groups — could be expected to recognize any safe area imposed by the United States. In fact, they would almost certainly be expected to violate the rules of the safe area...

    3) Defending the safe zone would widen the war and make a political settlement less likely

    To impose a safe zone in the absence of a diplomatic agreement, the United States would have to massively escalate its military intervention in Syria. This means Washington waging an all-out war against the Assad regime and its allies — including Russia and Iran.

    Enforcing a safe zone implies an open-ended commitment to the use of military force in a designated safe area of Syria to stop air and ground attacks from the Assad regime, Russia, Iran, ISIS, and other extremist groups.

    Secretary of State John Kerry told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee earlier this year that it would take up to 30,000 US troops to maintain a safe zone in Syria.

    If 30,000 US troops were deployed to northern Syria and attacks continued from Assad, Russia, Iran, or ISIS, it seems all the more likely that the US response at that point would simply be to send even more troops. Militarily imposing a safe zone, then, would ultimately be a colossal escalation, taking the US further down an already very slippery slope of military intervention...

    'Safe Zones' and 'No-Fly Zones' in Syria were always a bad idea. Now they have become an oxymoron.


    1. Your 'do nothing' policy is a proven winner.

      500,000 dead later....

    2. .

      Give me a break.

      Do nothing?

      You dummy, we have been fighting over there for two years.

      Where have our interventions got us in the ME? A million dead in Iraq under Bush. Four million turned into refugees there. We brought al Qaeda to Iraq. We've spent tens of billions in Afghanistan and it's worse there than before we went. We turned one of the most prosperous states in North Africa into the 'failed state' of Libya and in doing so created more refugees and terrorists. We are complicit in the civilian slaughter in Yemen. Hell, there would be a couple million more people alive and multiple millions not wandering around as refugees if the US had adopted a 'do nothing' policy.

      What planet are you from?


    3. Maybe the best thing to do is for America to become oil independent and in fact become an exporter of natural gas....

      thus devaluing oil income for all sorts of folks...

  17. .

    Non-interference vs Responsibility to Protect?

    …Although the NAM [non-aligned movement] continues to represent more than 50 per cent of the world’s population, it is decades since it was considered a body with either clout or relevance. And "non-interference" appeared to be overwhelmed by the tide of universalist triumphalism that swept the globe after the dismantling of the Eastern Bloc.

    In more recent years, the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) doctrine adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2005 explicitly overrode the notion of absolute state sovereignty that underlies the principle of non-interference. And while R2P imposed strict conditions for approving outside intervention – only in cases of genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity – it nevertheless fuelled the ardour of those liberal interventionists and neoconservatives who champed at the bit to impose their views on countries that did not share them, regardless of whether those states had, strictly speaking, contravened the four conditions or not.

    After the chaos and devastation intervention has brought to countries in the Middle East, however – and how lightly David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy walked away from the collapse of Libya, as though they had smashed a plate and hoped no one would notice if they crept away quietly – R2P is increasingly discredited.

    Non-interference, on the other hand, appears to be making a comeback. In fact, it never truly went away. It’s one of the principles of a number of other organisations, including the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the Gulf Cooperation Council, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and the Southern African Development Community…


  18. Questions for Rufus:

    Did Hillary delete those Benghazi e-mails on purpose ?

    If 'yes':

    Why ?

    (questions designed to force Rufus to think)

  19. I think all three, Quirk, Rufus, Miss T, might be helped by a daily dose of SuperBeets.


  21. Aha !

    I KNEW it !!

    HILLARY TO HUMA: 'Just knock on door to the bedroom if it's closed'....DRUDGE

    (could just as easily be Miss T - our Catholic 'Libertarian' Woman - to Miss Feely)

    1. It's wonderful having Miss T back.

      What a great target.

  22. August 30, 2016, 08:59 pm

    Obama's former doctor: Clinton should have neurological exam

    By Lisa Hagen

    President Obama’s former physician said that he believes Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton should have a neurological examination due to her history of brain injury.

    During an interview on CNN, Dr. David Scheiner argued that Clinton’s note from her doctor isn’t enough. The letter details that Clinton had follow-up testing in 2013 that showed a full recovery from a concussion and that she tested negative for clotting disorders.

    “I think she should have had a neurological examination, a thorough neurological examination in 2016,” Scheiner said Tuesday night. “We know what happens to football players who have had concussions, how they begin to lose some of their cognitive ability. I think both of them should release their records.”

    Scheiner also critiqued Trump’s health, saying he believes the GOP nominee needs to release real medical records that include information like height and weight. He also panned Trump’s doctor''s note, which the doctor said was written in five minutes.

    “I think you need real details, I think you need actual medical records,” he continued. “I’d like to know his height and weight. He looks a little bit overweight to me.


  23. Has Quirk Been Right All Along ?

    This article argues cogently enough that we have no responsibility to protect, should embrace the chaos, and let them all kill one another, which is as I understand it the Quirkian View.

    Setting up no fly zones/safe zones may be folly.

    Embrace Chaos

    What if Chaos Were Our Middle East Policy?

    Chaos may be our best defense against the Caliphate.

    August 31, 2016

    Daniel Greenfield


    This is also the view of my friend 'Uncle Ed' out at the Casino, who has been over there, and his son, too.

    1. .

      This article argues cogently enough that we have no responsibility to protect, should embrace the chaos, and let them all kill one another, which is as I understand it the Quirkian View.

      You moron, of course it's not the Quirkian view. You never cease to surprise with the level of your obtuseness.

      This dolt argues that we've been spending an inordinate amount of time, effort, and money not to mention bombs and other ordinance trying to bring 'democracy' and 'Western culture' as well as hot dogs and apple pie to the ME and Africa and the ungrateful savages there have rejected everything we have done for them, in fact, they have handed us our asses.

      So in his view the only possible alternative is to double down, launch even more aggression, fund more low intensity wars, support more militant groups, go balls out on the chaos.

      My view is we've been spending an inordinate amount of time, effort, and money not to mention bombs and other ordinance trying to bring 'democracy' and 'Western culture' as well as hot dogs and apple pie to the ME and Africa and the people there have rejected it because they see the hypocrisy behind it. They see we support their exploitation by a bunch of dictators and monarchs because it forwards our perceived interests and those perceived interests certainly to not include their interests.

      I see we have launched numerous wars of aggression by choice not because our critical interests were involved but because we wanted to and we could. I see that though we say we are doing it for 'humanitarian' reasons somehow we end up killing multiple times the amount of people we 'save'. I see that our efforts have devastated populations and turned countries into failed states, that the towns and cities we have 'saved' are now rotting hulks being reclaimed by the desert. And I see that despite employing the greatest military force the world has known on numerous occasions, being allied with nominally huuuugge coalitions, in some cases using armies of nearly 200,000 troops, our best and brightest, we have been fought to a standstill by a few tens of thousands of militants riding around in pickups and SUV's.

      Unlike our learned friend from frontpagemag, my solution is not to double down on solutions that haven't worked, it is to quit digging the hole.

      The chaos will continue in the ME. That doesn't mean we have to play a part in it. Do no harm.

      ISIS (and the other terrorist dicks over there) do not pose an existential threat to the US. There are enough powerful players in the ME and Africa to stop them from forming any kind of caliphate. And they are not about to launch an invasion of the US. We have seen what they can do here, lone wolf and even coordinated attacks that can cause serious damage and loss of life but which do not threaten this nation. That is what we should be concentrating or efforts on. And of course, cracking down on their sources of funds and influence. That and continuing the Humint and Sigent efforts to locate their key leaders and take them out with informed and targeted mission. We do not need to be indiscriminately dropping bombs all over the desert or on wedding parties hoping we get someone important.


  24. And more bad news for Rufus -

    GOP Gets Higher Turnout Than Dems During Florida Primary

    Kerry Picket


    11:16 PM 08/30/2016

    Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton (Getty Images)

    The Republican Party attracted more voters to the polls Tuesday night than Democrats during Florida’s primary.

    With 99 percent of precincts called, Republicans attracted more than 1,429,000 voters to the polls for GOP candidates running for an open Senate seat, while Democrats attracted more than 1,127,000 voters to choose the party’s nominee for the Senate run.

    Florida Sen. Marco Rubio easily trounced his competition on the Republican side, garnering just over 70 percent of the GOP vote, while Florida Democratic Rep. Patrick Murphy won his primary with almost 60 percent of Democratic support.

    Florida is seen as a key state in the general election and both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are fighting to win favor of voters from the sunshine state.

    Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/08/30/gop-gets-higher-turnout-than-dems-during-florida-primary/#ixzz4IvTCV5pH

    1. Hillary Rising

      ABC Poll: Clinton’s unpopularity reaches new high, on par with Trump

  25. Hillary is giving a speech covered by Fox News.

    She said:

    "We must only send our troops into harm's way as a last resort"

    But she voted for Bush's War to overthrow Saddam, which was hardly a last resort.

    Then there's Libya....

    1. Many have said Hillary is the warmonger in this race, not Trump.

      Our Hillary supporters here, Miss T and Rufus and Ash, need to explain this all to us.

    2. Lester doesn't believe in the Fujiwhara effect.

  26. Quirk's a dick and a moron. He called me a warmonger for wanting to protect the Syrians even though they are moslems and don't deserve it. Trump will keep them out! I hate Hillary. Go Trump!!!

    1. Not me.

      I'll have to go back to my google account, but can't remember the password.

      And I don't think Quirk's a dick, just taken to drinking again, and not thinking straight sometimes.

    2. .


      Do you mean it's some other nut?


  27. This comment has been removed by the author.


      Today, Americans’ views Hillary Clinton hit a record low.

      A new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows 41 percent of Americans have a favorable impression of Clinton, while 56 percent have an unfavorable one.

      This, before the fun begins.

  28. CNN

    The Republican presidential candidate made a last-minute trip Wednesday to Mexico in his first visit after becoming the nominee to meet with a world leader -- one who has publicly insulted him and criticized his immigration and border policies.
    Peña Nieto began his remarks in Mexico City alongside Trump by saying the two held a constructive exchange of views even though "we might not agree on everything." He then launched into a detailed explication of US-Mexican trade and the benefit to both countries delivered by the North American Free Trade Agreement -- a common punching bag for Trump on the campaign trail.
    Trump, who listened to his host's long remarks with a somber look on his face while a woman stood beside him at the podium translating for him, said that Mexicans were "spectacular" people when it was his turn to talk.

  29. Sick Hillary


  30. Hillary leads among people with goiters.


    1. Her biggest fan:


    2. Rufus playing banjo for Hillary:




  31. Watched the Trump / Nieto news conference.

    Trump spoke respectfully and as if he was already president.

    Trump’s speech was substantial but Nieto scrambled a bit realizing that Trump was speaking as if he were in office and Nieto went out of his way to say he invited Clinton as well.

    I give Trump an “A” for his political audacity, a “B+” for delivery and an “A+” for holding to his convictions and not doing the usual political weasel.

    1. .

      Trump spoke respectfully and as if he was already president.


      Stop it. You're killing me.


    2. Sorry, he did.

      Has Hillary been to Louisiana yet? She is miffed that Trump beat her to Mexico.

    3. Quirk's Lethal Threshold is low.

    4. .

      I don't keep up on their itineraries. The only times I hear about them are here and in late night monologues.


  32. Replies
    1. That wasn't me above that called Quirk a dick.

      I don't think Quirk is a dick.

    2. Even though he called me a warmonger, a faux farmer, and a faux English major, the dick.

    3. .

      QuirkWed Aug 31, 06:53:00 PM EDT


      Do you mean it's some other nut?


    4. I think it's just another someone that thinks you are a moron and a dick, but doesn't wish to put their own name to it.

      I don't think you are a moron and a dick.

      Deluded ?


      Drunk ?


    5. After all, you were blabbering the other day about a 50,000 mile wall around, I guess, Hudson's Bay.

  33. I truly gasped today when I watched BleachBitch say she would use military force only as a last resort.

    She will get elected if the USA is as dumb as she imagines.....

  34. Trump's Big Immigration Speech coming up in two hours on Fox News.

  35. Gov. Pence: Trump's visit with the Mexican president is 'the beginning of a conversation'


  36. UFOs hovering near International Space Station -



  37. Even Wisconsin is getting close -

    Wisconsin (Marquette): Clinton +3

    If The Donald can win Wisconsin he doesn't need Pennsylvania, the tough one.

  38. President of Mexico: I made it clear to Mr. Trump that we ain't payin' for any fucking "Walls."

    1. I can't believe the President of Mexico was so crass as to say that.

    2. How do you say "ain't" in Spanish? Who cares what he thinks.

    3. Hillary is making an election losing mistake in backing sanctuary cities, advocating open borders, and even mocking those who wish to enforce current immigration law.

    4. I think that was asshole Fox who said that anyway. His daughter is probably on the Clinton payroll too. Shitbags one and all.

    5. All the USA has to do is tax remittances being sent back to Mexico.

      wall paid for..


  39. Meanwhile, BleachBitch continues to rest at Martha's Vineyard, and gain her strength, and meet with rich mega-donors expecting future favors.

  40. Saw HRC on the news today. She looked like she hadn't washed her hair in a week. Nasty. Gross. Smelly looking.

    1. Huma must be distraught over the tragic breakup with her noble husband, and not tending to Hillary's personals lately.

    2. Hillary being incapable of tending to her own hygiene.

    3. Yet you think Trumps hair is so nice - interesting!

    4. SMIRK, I've never praised Trump's hair, except when he was younger.

      It looked fine then.

      Looks like a yellow rag now, though.

      So what, either way ?

    5. Judging by this speech, Trump basically lit a bag of poo on fire, rang Mexico's doorbell and ran back across the border.

  41. Enrique Peña Nieto ✔ @EPN

    Al inicio de la conversación con Donald Trump dejé claro que México no pagará por el muro.

    5:51 PM - 31 Aug 2016

    1. Hillary Clinton ✔ @HillaryClinton

      "It turns out Trump didn't just choke, he got beat in the room and lied about it." —@JohnPodesta

      6:22 PM - 31 Aug 2016

    2. The Daily Edge @TheDailyEdge

      "Trump went in like a pit bull and came out like a chihuahua." -- Mayor Antonio Vilaraigosa

      #TrumpEnMexico #MTPDaily

      4:17 PM - 31 Aug 2016

    3. Hillary Clinton ✔ @HillaryClinton

      “I will never lie to you.” —Donald Trump, August 18, 2016

      https://twitter.com/BrettLoGiurato/status/771119015611731968 …

      6:08 PM - 31 Aug 2016

    4. Reuters TV ✔ @ReutersTV

      VERBATIM; 'Didn't discuss who'd pay for wall' @realdonaldTrump #TrumpEnMexico


      5:23 PM - 31 Aug 2016

    5. Kyle Griffin ✔ @kylegriffin1

      Clinton campaign chair statement on Trump Mexico visit: "Trump choked".

      5:45 PM - 31 Aug 2016

    6. Hillary Clinton ✔ @HillaryClinton

      Trump just failed his first foreign test. Diplomacy isn't as easy as it looks. -H

      8:21 PM - 31 Aug 2016

    7. Sounds like Trump had to check his balls at the border and then pick them up again in Arizona.

    8. Sounds like you both are full of shit.

      Everyone on all the networks have been praising his trip.

      Hillary continues to squat with her 'donors'.

    9. Classic bully: Trump was too weak and cowardly to deliver say any of this to the Mexican president. Real tough behind his podium, though.

  42. Trump: Hillary Clinton didn't go to Louisiana, and now she didn't go to Mexico. She doesn't have the drive or stamina to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

    What's the use of going to Mexico, pal, if you and the President can't even agree on what you agreed on?

    Trump says he didn't talk about his border wall — but Peña Nieto said he told Trump Mexico wouldn't pay for it

  43. WiO: Are you married to a man? - Irrelevant

    Do you label yourself a member of the LGBTQ population?

    Some people like cake, some people like ice cream. I like cake and ice cream.

    Are you a Taoist, Catholic or what?

    I am a student of daojia, or philosophical Taoism. Religion doesn't come into it.

    Do you support the Iran deal that Hillary and Obama accomplished?

    I support the deal, because jaw jaw is always preferable to war war.

    Do you support Israel's right to Jerusalem?

    Jerusalem was to be administered by a multi-party entity. Israel conquered Jerusalem in the 1967 War. I do not recognize Israel's "right" to J-lem, but accept it as fait accompli.

    Do you support an independent Palestine with the right to Iranian support and confederation?

    I support an independent Palestinian state, should they choose to build one. If that state attacks Israel, I will support Israel's right to defend itself.

    Do you support an Independent Kurdish state?

    I welcome the day when we recognize Kurdistan as an independent state, especially in light of Erdogan's recent moves.

    Do you approve of Obama's ACA (obamacare)

    It doesn't go far enough. I support the model of the health co-op that I belong to (a kind of Credit Union, but for medicine) as the national system, where doctors and patients are co-owners, and not answerable to stockholders.

    Do you support the integration of all military members ( and private contractors) to be part of the Obamacare market place/ (governmental subsidies for those within the military of course) and the elimination of the VA hospital system?

    The VA system is killing people. See the above answer with respect to my HMO (Group Health).

    Do you support school choice (i.e. vouchers) or are you a Obama/hillary supporter of the current educational system?

    I will not subsidize schools that teach that evolution is a myth, genetically modified food is poison, and vaccines are unsafe.

    1. WiO: Are you married to a man? - Irrelevant

      Do you label yourself a member of the LGBTQ population?

      Some people like cake, some people like ice cream. I like cake and ice cream.

      So, you really aren't married to this Redinger character, then ?

      That was just another bs turd in your long line of horse manure ?

      You're as pathological a liar as Hillary.

      No wonder you like her.

      I am relieved for poor old man Redinger, though, even if he doesn't exist.

    2. Trump is tearing the bark off the tree with his teeth in Arizona speech.

  44. Trump is giving a great speech.

    'Immigration to be based on skills, benefit to our country, ideology'


    This means Hindus, Jews, Christians, not moslems as Islam wishes to end our way of life.

    Hindus, Jews, Christians do not.

  45. Kurt Eichenwald ✔ @kurteichenwald

    Oops. Peña Nieto had aides in the meeting with Trump. He says they are witnesses to what was said and that Trump is lying. This is fun.

    7:22 PM - 31 Aug 2016

    1. :-) Don’t bet your 401K on that !

    2. Deporting 11 million immigrants would cost around $400 to $600 billion and harm the economy by reducing national output by another $600 billion. That's on top of the cost of building the damn wall, since the Mexican President said he won't pay for the fucking thing.

    3. Nieto probably said he wasn't paying for the wall.

      Trump listened.

      Trump said they didn't discuss it.

      It takes two to discuss things like who is paying for a wall.

      What the hell else is the Mexican President expected to say ?

      The Donald wasn't there to argue.

      'Diplomat' Donald - everyone on the news is saying how Presidential he looked, and behaved.

      And again, Hillary squats in Martha's Vineyard.

      Looking like shit, according to MOME.

      MOME Wed Aug 31, 08:59:00 PM EDT

      Saw HRC on the news today. She looked like she hadn't washed her hair in a week. Nasty. Gross. Smelly looking.

      Trump is introducing many Americans who have lost loved ones to illegal alien criminals right now....

    4. MOME luvs on Trumps hair-do but not HRC'S.

  46. George Wallace couldn't get elected President on a platform of Racism, and Bigotry (and, he didn't stiff damned near anyone that ever worked for him,)

    and Donald Trump won't, either.

    1. What's racist about not allowing people to just wander into one's country ?

      Nothing at all.

      What's wrong with a passport ?

      Every country on earth does it, except us.

    2. There's more than 11 million illegal immigrants here, if you ask Native Americans. Closer to 330 million.

  47. Bases loaded home run by The Donald today !

    1. Dude went to Mexico and had a photo op with an unpopular president then lied about what they talked about before flying to Arizona and giving a speech that would have Leni Riefenstahl creaming her jeans.

  48. Love him or hate him, Trump has evolved into a populist political genius.

    1. His 23% support among Latinos just dived ten points, I reckon.

    2. Nah, he's at rock bottom already.

  49. He has the oratory skills of Huey Long lined up against Nurse Ratched.

    1. David Duke gives Trump's immigration speech two thumbs up

  50. Let’s take a look at Huey Long and see what has changed.
