Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Secretary of State John Kerry called Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Tuesday to discuss the operations. Underscoring the U.S. confusion, State Department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters that Washington was "still trying to assess what exactly they're doing."

Does this Change Everything? Russia’s first strikes on Syria from Iran Airbases

By  | Aug. 17, 2016 |By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – 

Russian bombers for the first time have taken off from bases in Iran to carry out air strikes on rebel targets in Syria. 

The US military is complaining that under a Russian agreement with the US, it was supposed to get a timely notification of Russia air strikes so they could avoid any conflicts. The Russians appear to have given the Americans last-minute notice– enough so that the US could make the necessary arrangements, but only barely so. Likely Russia did not want to give the US time to complain about the basing in Iran or to try to pressure Moscow back out of this plan.

According to Russian sources, this procedure is a matter of saving money on logistics. But the move will inevitably be seen in the light of grand strategy. A tightening of Russian-Iranian security cooperation will be seen by Saudi Arabia and Israel as a threat, and since those two countries have the most powerful lobbies in Washington, it will view the development as threatening, as well.
BBC Monitoring says that “Admiral Vladimir Komoyedov, chair of the State Duma’s Defence Committee and a former commander of the Black Sea Fleet, told RNS (Rambler News Service, 0952 gmt 16 Aug 16):”
“It is expensive and takes a long time to fly from bases in the European part of Russia. The issue of the cost of military combat activities is, at present, a priority. We must not go over the current Defence Ministry budget. Flying Tu-22s from Iran means using less fuel and carrying larger payloads . . . Russia won’t be able to find a friendlier and more suitable, from the point of view of security, country in that part of the world, and strikes must be carried out if we want to end this war . . . Airfields in Syria are not suitable because of the constant [need for] flying over areas of combat activities.” 
TeleSur reports that the “long-range Russian Tupolev-22M3 bombers and Sukhoi-34 fighter bombers” took off from Iran’s Hamadan air base. These are the first strikes by Russia on Syrian targets from the territory of another country.
It is also unprecedented since 1979 for the Islamic Republic of Iran to allow a foreign power to use its facilities for military purposes. The United States had bases in Iran in the 1960s and 1970s and US soldiers were guaranteed immunity from prosecution in Iranian courts. After 1979 when Iran and the US cut off relations, the slogan of Iran was “Neither East nor West, an Islamic Republic.” This slogan referred to the Cold War exigency of allying with the US or the USSR, and Khomeini’s refusal to play that game. 

From an Iranian point of view, closer military relations with the Russian Federation at this juncture have advantages. They are some protection from the belligerence toward Tehran of Binyamin Netanyahu’s far-right, expansionist Israeli government, and of the new and reckless Saudi government, which is bombing Yemen, supporting Salafi extremists in Syria, and rattling sabers at Iran.
Asked about the Russian basing, Ali Shamkhani, the head of Iran’s National Security Council, said that it was a matter of strategic cooperation against terrorism– given the importance of defeating ISIL.

Shamkhani appears to have been a little embarrassed about the de facto return of Iran to being a military asset of a great power. He went on to underline that in all its struggles in the region against terrorism, in Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, Tehran was depending primarily on local people power.

What Russia and Iran aren’t talking about is that apparently they have given up on the February cease-fire in favor of an aggressive campaign to conquer rebel-held East Aleppo as a way of ending the Syrian civil war. The Russian air strikes from Iran are in service to that goal.

Since it is likely that there will be a Clinton administration in January, this Russian-Iran cooperation on Syria will pose a problem for a president Hillary Clinton. She is on record as wanting to overthrow Bashar al-Assad in Syria, to impose a no-fly zone over that country, and to support the remnants of the Free Syrian Army– exactly the opposite of the policies of Moscow and Tehran. You could imagine a clash.

The development may also hurt Donald Trump, since he says he wants an alliance with Russia against Daesh (ISIL, ISIS). Since Russia has such an alliance with Iran, wouldn’t that in reality make Trump allied with Iran? (Actually the US is already de facto allied with Iran against Daesh, but no one is willing to admit it.)
Related video added by Juan Cole:


  1. Hey, Ash, Paul Manafort no longer mans the fort.

    The evil sleezoid done got 'fired' by The Donald, who took your advice.

    Now your way is open to voting against the warmongering and corrupt Hillary....

    1. Trump Shakes Up Campaign, Demotes Top Adviser

    2. Ummm, dude, he didn't get fired, he has the same job still.

    3. Ummmm, dud, 'fired'.....

      He got 'demoted', dud, by having someone placed above him.

    4. I know English idioms are tough for you ole boy but 'demoted' is not fired and one can argue he hasn't even been demoted and just remains one of the team.

      "Paul Manafort, Trump’s controversial campaign chairman, will retain his title, but it is unclear if his role will changeÈ

  2. Good Morning, Rufus.


    1. And put this in your breakfast cereal too -

      Seven Myths Driving The Trump Doomed Story

  3. Underscoring the U.S. confusion, State Department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters that Washington was “still trying to assess what exactly they’re doing.”

    1. This realpolitik move, by Putin is significant in geopolitical terms. It shows that Russia can and will deploy strategic bombers to overseas bases for combat operations. Furthermore, in the past six months, Putin has reestablished tightened contacts with Israel, Syria, Iran and Turkey.

    2. Putin sure knows how to squeeze the juice out of a lemon.

    3. The Tu-22 is almost as old as the B-52.

  4. .

    Underscoring the U.S. confusion...

    You've noticed?

    US actions have been so 'confused' and erratic in the ME and ofttimes contradictory that the whole world has been confused.

    Less there be any confusion, that is not a good thing.


  5. Yeah, Russia cranks up an old, 1960's bomber, and drops some dumb bombs, probably killing more civilians than terorists, and they're "winning."

  6. They are winning in the politics. Surely, the momentum changed when the Russians entered the picture. That is simply undeniable. That is squeezing the juice out of a lemon.

  7. Obama has only methodically, and with great precision, and ultra-minimal loss of civilian life, killed 45,000 of the terrorists, and he's only accomplished "confusion."


    1. ISIS has between 20,000 and 31,500 fighters, CIA ... - CNN

      Sep 12, 2014 · Video embedded · A CIA assessment puts the number of ISIS fighters at possibly ... 20,000 and 31,500 fighters across Iraq and Syria," a CIA spokesman told CNN …

      Number of ISIS Fighters in Iraq and Syria Drops ... - ABC News

      Feb 04, 2016 · Now on ABC News; Local. Local; New York ... The U.S. now estimates that the number of ISIS fighters in Iraq and Syria has decreased to between 19,000 …

      According to our Spoofus, we have killed around twice the total number of ISIS in BOTH Iraq and Syria.

      The most intelligent military operation of my lifetime, for damned certain.

    2. And still have Mosul to go.....

    3. .

      Of course, Obama has sown confusion. He basically did shit in Iraq/Syria before Russia entered the fray last September and embarrassed him because they took the fight seriously.

      [Might just be my own personal conspiracy theory but I believe the inaction was intentional so as to not weaken ISIS or al Nusra and the other dicks too much before they could take out Assad. And it was working. Last summer Assad was on the ropes before Russia entered the fray.]

      And even after the US stepped up their game a recent report posted here says that the US coalition has conducted less than 15,000 airstrikes in Iraq/Syria over the last two years. The NATO coalition conducted over 26,000 airstrikes in less than seven months in Libya.

      In the same Centcom report that said the US had taken out 45,000 ISIS fighters it reported they estimated there were between 15,000 and 30,000 ISIS left.

      Between 15,000 and 30,000? That to me bespeaks confusion.

      Hell, when we started out there were only supposed to be 10,000 ISIS fighters.

      Progress? Don't get me started on how ISIS has metastasized to a dozen other countries.

      Yep. I would say the boys in D.C. are real confused.


  8. I believe the fact is, some people would rather support a "White" Russian Dictator, than a "Black" American President.

    Now, let the squalling begin.

    1. Is Russia taking in Syrian and other Moslem 'refugees' ?

      I need to know that before expressing an opinion.

  9. How bad is the future looking for the Republican Party? In the latest Michigan Poll (Mitchell,) in the 18-29 cohort, Trump came in 4th.

    Clinton 61

    Johnson 16

    Stein 10

    Trump 5

  10. I don't see that we know what we are doing, let alone know what the Russians are doing.

    Malia was having a joint on Martha's Vineyard. O'bozo probably has been doing the same.

    Even if he is not, he's too busy playing golf to try and consider the mid-east, which he would get wrong anyway.

    So it might be best that O'bozo knows nothing, and does nothing.

    1. Russia would have to have permission to overfly Iraq to bomb from Iran. Isn’t that interesting?

  11. In the new Morning Consult/Bloomberg Politics Poll:

    Those with more than $50,000 invested are more likely to view Clinton as better for their portfolios than Trump, 46 percent to 36 percent.

    1. But white working stiffs with nothing like Trump....

    2. and then there are the stiffs not even working...

      like our bud in Idaho.

    3. .

      Merely, another indication she is in the pocket of Wall Street just like Obama just like every other dick who has occupied the Oval Office of late.


    4. ooooooo....that hurt, dud.

      I used to be in advertising but am now retired.

      Which means I've never really worked a day in my life, and I'm not starting now.

  12. Pics of Hillary on the Pillows

    Livia Drusilla would be reclined on pillows.

    That is how things have changed.

  13. .

    French Prime Minister Backs Local Burqini Bans and Urges Calm


    PARIS — France’s prime minister is expressing support for local bans of burqini swimsuits, saying the swimwear is based on the “enslavement of women” and therefore not compatible with French values.

    However, Prime Minister Manuel Valls said Wednesday in the La Provence newspaper that he’s not in favor of a national law against them.

    Three French Mediterranean towns have banned the burqini, citing security concerns after a summer marred by extremist attacks. Critics say the bans are discriminatory.

    Valls said the swimwear represents a “provocation” and an “archaic vision” that women are “immodest, impure and that they should therefore be totally covered.” The Socialist premier also warned that the far-right is profiting from the burqini tensions.

    Burqinis, which cover the head and body, are very rare in France.


    1. {...}

      The French are batshit crazy and they represent the perfect example of why the EU has such a massive Muslim problem compared to the US.

      They share the same problems the other EU countries have. The liberal government in Brussels has been very open in welcoming immigrants from Muslim countries. Even the EU countries that don't welcome the immigrants are forced to accept them because of EU laws allowing for the free movement of people and labor. This has led to some countries bearing more of the burden of the immigration than others.

      Worse are the policies adopted by Brussels encouraging countries to accept refugees from the current wars in the ME primarily Syria. While the intend of the policy was commendable the implementation was disastrous. Europe accepted 1.3 million migrants in 2015 and more in 2016 yet had no idea what to do with them which led to some countries (Germany, Hungary, Sweden and now Greece and Italy) taking on an inordinate share of the burden. This had led to tension and at times violence.

      However, the worst mistake made by the EU was a demographic one. Seventy five percent of the refugees (plus the illegals) allowed in are male youth. Only twenty-five percent were female. Some have charged this was intentional due to the high birth rate among Muslim women. Whatever the reason, it creates a situation where you have a million young men walking around with no money, no livelihood, and no women. Not a good situation.



    2. {...}

      The French take it a step further. Not only are they not welcoming to the Muslims, the government does little to try to assimilate them through integration. Admittedly, this is not easy given that France's unemployment rate is consistently above 10% and youth unemployment approaches 25%. Add to this the discrimination within the society and the government and you are left with a country dotted with isolated Muslim communities characterized with unemployed youth with nothing to do but cause trouble.

      The burqini ban trend is just the latest in the official French discrimination against Muslims. Driven by their pathological drive towards secularism (a major problem but a discussion for another day) the French have banned all 'ostentatious' displays of religiosity in their public schools. This was followed by their idiotic and elitist burka ban in 2011. Both of thes actions only led to more discrimination and more isolation of the Muslim populations. The burqini ban continues the trend.

      The results of the ban on religious symbols also affects Christians wearing crucifixes or medals and Jews wearing Stars or David and Hindus wearing turbans; but most people recognize the law was really targeted towards Muslims. Excuses for the Burka ban were 'security' and to assure the dignity of women. Bullshit and bubblegum of course. When the EU voted to allow the Burka ban, they said nothing about the dignity of women or security. Instead they cited the 'unique French culture'.

      The unique French culture? A bunch of elitist pricks.

      The French argue that their drive to secularize their society epitomizes their principle of 'vivre ensemble,' or living together. In fact it is divisive and drives the country apart. For instance, the burka ban is ineffectual. First, it was hardly needed. There are about 5 million Muslims in France. Before the burka ban, even the Muslims didn't like the burka. Only about 2,000 women chose to wear the burka for religious reasons. Today, after the ban, it's estimated that at least 2,000 women still wear the burka. But in general it is different women. It is younger women and new converts pissed off about what they perceive as discrimination wearing the clothing as a protest. Others, those with the money to pay the fines, consider it a big joke and willingly pay their fines to protest. One man has invested over 235,000 euros paying fines for the women. More importantly, the ban is viewed by French Muslims as one more example of official French discrimination against Muslims.

      As for the ban on religious symbols, it to divides rather than unites. In light of the ban, many Muslims are now leaving the public schools and setting their own religious schools. I would imagine Saudi Arabia would be willing to provide funds for these madrasas. Not a god thing. And certainly not designed to promote 'vivre ensemble'.


    3. They are total dumbfucks to let any moslems in at all.

    4. .

      This from our resident nativist hick.


  14. 700 ISIS fighters killed in Khalidiya Island liberation battles

    ( Anbar – Anbar Operations Command announced that 700 ISIS members have been killed since the beginning of the liberation operations of Khalidiya Island in eastern Ramadi.

    Commander of Anbar Operation Major General Ismail al-Mahalawi, in a statement, said, “Security forces so far has killed 700 ISIS members since the beginning of Khalidiya Island liberation battles. Khalidiya Island has been liberated two weeks ago.”

    Mahalawi added, “The security forces are working to search all the areas in Khalidiya Island and re-deploy the combat and military troops to avoid any possible terrorist violation.”


  15. .

    There is no doubt the employment situation is slowly improving. There is no doubt that in a tight economy any job is a good job.

    However, how far have our expectations sunk when we get excited about an increase in 'good jobs' when the 'good job' is defined as 30+ hours per week for an employer who provides a regular paycheck, and with no indication between whether the job is for an auto worker or a hamburger flipper, especially when not even half the jobs are considered 'good jobs' under this definition?


    1. It's called 'the Obama Economy'.

      You want to improve things vote Trump.

      Hillary wants to raise taxes which will make things worse.

  16. Here's one of the many reason I gave up watching the Clinton News Network -

    Lesbian CNN Commentator All In For Sharia Law

    Brain death.

  17. .

    Pics of Hillary on the Pillows

    Could work to Trump's advantage.

    The Fluffy Cushions


    1. :):)

      Where do you come up with this shit, how do you remember it all...?

      Even The Comfy Chair's not getting the truth out of Hillary.

  18. .

    What Hillary and Trump Should Learn from Ike and George Washington

    Washington was an expert at the conduct of war. He nevertheless regarded war as the worst tool of foreign policy of attaining beneficial outcomes for the United States. Instead, he argued that “the Great Rule” in conducting American foreign policy is to maintain commercial partnerships without becoming involved in the politics of foreign lands, while also encouraging open debate and discourse regarding foreign policy, humanity, and national interests.

    In this current environment, leaders and would-be leaders in America seek to bolster their bona fides by showing how tough they are with their ability to use force abroad.

    President Eisenhower, in stark contrast, was eager to avoid war, particularly with a major power. As the military commander of the victorious Allied forces in Europe during World War II, he had seen the horrific destructive results of war. As president, he did not shy away from using harsh language to articulate American foreign policy. But in his relations with the Soviet Union and China, he chose to demonstrate his bona fides differently.

    Instead of using or threatening to use force if Moscow or Beijing didn’t bend to his will, Eisenhower, from a position of clear military and economic strength, used the language and actions of peace, demonstrated respect, and looked for win-win solutions.

    In a 1953 speech Eisenhower articulated his administration’s foreign policy principles. First, he said, “No people on earth can be held, as a people, to be an enemy, for all humanity shares the common hunger for peace and fellowship and justice.” Second, no other country’s “security and well-being can be lastingly achieved in isolation but only in effective cooperation with fellow nations.” And third, “any nation's right to a form of government and an economic system of its own choosing is inalienable.”

    Not sure how much of this is true but it sounds good and I agree with the sentiments.


    1. He was as full of shit as a Christmas turkey - see: Eisenhower - Iran

      or, Eisenhower - Latin America

    2. .

      Thus my reservations. See also Eisenhower and the domino theory or Eisenhower and Vietnam. As for Washington, I'm not that well read on him but I assume the article is correct on his views of foreign entanglements.

      Regardless, I agree with the sentiments expressed by the author despite his examples.

      I consider it a parable designed to educate the unenlightened.



    3. Rufus is no longer taking reservations.

  19. Airstrike in Mosul kills 50 ISIS fighters

    ( Nineveh – A security source in Nineveh informed that an airstrike in Mosul carried out by the US-led international aviation killed at least 50 ISIS men and destroyed a chunk of their vehicles and other belongings.

    Sharing details about the incident, the source seeking anonymity said, “International coalition aviation jets today bomb ISIS headquarters at Masaref, Kahera, Ghabat and Somer in central Mosul, killing 50 men of the outfit.”

    “The airstrike also destroyed a number of ISIS headquarters and 22 vehicles of the outfit,” the source further added.


    1. “International coalition flying airplane aviation jets today bombeded ISIS headquarters at Masaref, Kahera, Ghabat and Somer in central Mosul, killing 50 men of the Urban Outfit.”

      I hope hope he finds his anonymity.

  20. That's 750 in one day. Folks, we are now up to 45,750.

  21. Westy and Abrams would be proud.

    1. The number of Toyota pickup trucks destroyed was not mentioned.

    2. Shouldn't Toyota have some sort of cash-back insurance plan?

  22. .

    For those interested in such things, a rather long article on the history of Michelangelo's David and the flaws that may bring it down.

    How Imperfections Could Bring Down the World’s Most Perfect Statue


  23. Rufus has a picture of Hillary in a Miniskirt on the wall next to his bed.

  24. WASHINGTON, Aug. 17, 2016 — U.S. Africa Command officials today announced results of precision airstrikes conducted Aug. 16, against Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant targets in Sirte, Libya.

    Africom is conducting the strikes at the request of, and in coordination with, the Libyan Government of National Accord, officials said.

    The following targets were struck by U.S. forces:

    -- Seven enemy fighting positions.

    -- Four vehicle-borne bombs.

    -- One pickup truck with a mounted recoilless rifle.

    -- Twelve enemy fighting positions.

    -- One command-and-control vehicle.

    These airstrikes bring the total number to 57, in support of Operation Odyssey Lightning, which began Aug. 1.

    Officials said the U.S. stands with the international community in supporting the GNA as it strives to restore stability and security to Libya.

    These actions and those taken previously will help deny ISIL a safe haven in Libya from which it could attack the United States and its allies, officials said.


  25. .

    "Paul Manafort, Trump’s controversial campaign chairman, will retain his title, but it is unclear if his role will changeÈ

    When told he would be keeping his title, Manafort said, "What about my pay?"

    Trump instinctively screamed, "You're fired."

    At that point, Don Jr jumped in to defuse the situation.

    A minute later, as is his want, Trump changed his mind. He told Manafort, "You are being promoted. We are going to get you out of that stuffy corner office you've been sitting in and move you to a brand new desk right next to the door".

    "What about my money?" queried Manafort.

    Trump turned from orange to red and appeared ready to scream "you're fired" again when Don Jr. once again jumped in and said, "Don't worry, Paul, you'll get paid. You can trust The Donald."

    And once again the 'Peter...or rather, 'The Donald Principle' claims another victim.


  26. DR. DREW: 'Gravely Concerned' Over Her Health...

    'Brain Damage' Affecting Balance...

    VANISH Where's she going for next 96 hours? .... DRUDGE

    She needs brain surgery from Dr. Ben Carson.

  27. "We need more facts on the hypotheticals"

    AG Lynch

  28. There was no immediate response from the State Department to Konashenkov's remarks, which came shortly after Russia said its warplanes had launched a second wave of airstrikes Wednesday targeting ISIS in Syria.

    Washington says Russia is in fact targeting moderate Syria rebels rather than ISIS.


    1. Of course the Rooskie are targeting moderate rebels.

      We've killed all of ISIS more than two times over......

      See above....

      Idaho BobWed Aug 17, 12:05:00 PM EDT

      ISIS has between 20,000 and 31,500 fighters, CIA ... - CNN

      Sep 12, 2014 · Video embedded · A CIA assessment puts the number of ISIS fighters at possibly ... 20,000 and 31,500 fighters across Iraq and Syria," a CIA spokesman told CNN …

      Number of ISIS Fighters in Iraq and Syria Drops ... - ABC News

      Feb 04, 2016 · Now on ABC News; Local. Local; New York ... The U.S. now estimates that the number of ISIS fighters in Iraq and Syria has decreased to between 19,000 …

      According to our Spoofus, we have killed around twice the total number of ISIS in BOTH Iraq and Syria.

      The most intelligent military operation of my lifetime, for damned certain.

    2. And we still have Mosul to go....

    3. I heard at the Casino one night we'd killed 65,000 ISIS.

    4. With no civilian or collateral damage.

  29. The German military has resumed weapons shipments to Iraqi Kurdistan, which were suspended in January after media reported that some of previously supplied weapons ended up on black market.


    However, in January, the German parliament also agreed to increase the number of German military trainers working with Peshmerga forces in Iraq to 150 from 100. Kurdish forces have also been trained in Germany.

  30. Reading about the Olympics, Brazil sounds really f...ed up -

    2 US Swimmers Removed From Plane in Rio Amid Robbery Probe

    A judge ordered passports belonging to Ryan Lochte and James Feigento be seized as authorities investigate an alleged robbery, but two of their teammates were removed from a plane in Rio

    By Danielle Abreu and Asher Klein

    Getty Images - AP

    (Clockwise from top left) Jimmy Feigen, Ryan Lochte, Jack Conger, Gunnar Bentz.

    Two Americans swimmers at the Rio Olympics were removed from their flight to the United States by Brazilian authorities, according to the United States Olympic Committee.

    The move comes after a Brazilian judge issued an order to seize the passports belonging to American swimmers Ryan Lochte and James Feigen, prohibiting the Olympians from leaving the country.

    •Sportsmanship, Perfection Interrupted and Biles' 4th Gold

    Lochte is already back in the United States, and his lawyer said Wednesday he's being treated like a "pawn" by Brazilian authorities to get out from under the "dark cloud around these Olympics." Feigen is still in Brazil, where Lochte's attorney told NBC he is stuck.

    Lochte, Feigen, Gunnar Bentz and Jack Conger say they were robbed at gunpoint in a taxi Sunday morning as they returned to the Olympic Village from a party, several hours after the last Olympic swimming events were held....

  31. Campaign Carl is reporting for Fox News from Trump Tower....

    Paul Manafort has been 'layered'.

    This means he is no longer 'the top dog'....

    The campaign has been 'expanded'....

  32. Increased humanitarian assistance is urgently required to alleviate the suffering of millions of Iraqis displaced across the country and to provide basic services to hundreds of thousands of people who are expected to be displaced by military operations to recapture territory controlled by the group calling itself Islamic State (IS), said Amnesty International today following a three-week research trip to the country.


    Security measures and restrictions combined with unclear bureaucratic requirements have also exacerbated the growing humanitarian crisis.


    These often arbitrarily imposed restrictions severely limit the ability of displaced people to access the job market leaving them dependent on humanitarian aid.

  33. Hillary really looks like shit, see photo with Biden -

    REST TIME? No more public events for Hillary until Sunday

    August 17, 2016

    By Kyle Olson

    Hillary Clinton just wrapped up her one public appearance for the day, and she has nothing else scheduled until Sunday.

    Hillary Clinton resting

    With 83 days to go, what’s she doing for the next 96 hours?

    She just held a rally in Cleveland, Ohio, where she struggled to fill a high school gymnasium — if it wasn’t for hundreds of students.

    But according to the schedule tracking website, she doesn’t have another event announced until Sunday, when she’ll make a Massachusetts fundraising appearance with Cher.

    She apparently is prone to exhaustion, which may be why she has no events planned.

    Discussing the Democratic National Convention, Clinton recently said during a campaign podcast, “By the end of those two weeks that’s exactly how I felt, it was, ‘Oh my gosh, I don’t know that I can get up, let alone what I will do if I am vertical.'”

    She added, “I, knock on wood, am pretty lucky because I have a lot of stamina and endurance, which is necessary in the kind of campaign I’m engaged in.”

    Does she?

    The Gateway Pundit noted Clinton took 7 of the first 14 days off in August.

    In contrast, Donald Trump has three events planned: Charlotte, North Carolina on Thursday; Dimondale, Michigan on Friday and a weekend rally in Fredericksburg, Virginia on Saturday, according to his website.

    “She makes the speech, she turns off the teleprompter,” Trump said last week, according to the New York Times. “Look, what happens, she gives a short speech then she goes home, goes to sleep, she shows up two days later.”

  34. The new focus is to be Florida (where Clinton leads by 4.5 points in the Real Clear Politics polls average}; North Carolina (Clinton, by 2 points); Virginia (Clinton, by 11.2 points) Ohio (Clinton, by 2.6 points); and Pennsylvania (Clinton, by 9.2 per cent).

    Their prescription for a winning message focus is two-fold - terrorism and law enforcement. We're left asking how smart are these new hires because, in 2007, Trump told a CBS interviewer: "You have to keep great people around you …you always have to be on top of them [and] you have to be smarter than they are.

    "I head so many times, 'Oh, I want my people to be smarter than I am.' It's a load of crap - you want to be smarter than your people, if possible."

  35. "I heard so many times, 'Oh, I want my people to be smarter than I am.' It's a load of crap - you want to be smarter than your people, if possible."



    1. I always wanted to be smarter than my wife, but it's not possible, she tells me.

  36. “You know, I am who I am,” Trump told a local Wisconsin television station on Tuesday. “It’s me.

    I don’t want to change. Everyone talks about, ‘Oh, well you’re going to pivot, you’re going to.’


    Mr Bannon, who has no experience with political campaigns but is an outspoken supporter of Trump, will temporarily step down from his role running Breitbart News to assume his new title “designed to bolster the businesslike approach of Mr Trump’s campaign,” the statement read.


  37. “You know, ((((I am who I am)))),” Trump told a local Wisconsin television station on Tuesday. “It’s me."

    It's just The Donald, claiming to be God again....

    1. I Am that I Am

      From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Jump to: navigation, search

      For other uses, see I Am Who I Am (disambiguation).

      For the song by Peter Tosh, see Equal Rights (album).

      "Hayah" redirects here. For the village in Iran, see Hayyeh.

      I Am that I Am (אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה, ehyeh ašer ehyeh [ehˈje aˈʃer ehˈje]) is the common English translation (JPS among others) of the response God used in the Hebrew Bible when Moses asked for his name (Exodus 3:14). It is one of the most famous verses in the Torah. Hayah means "existed" in Hebrew; ehyeh is the first person singular imperfect form and is usually translated in English Bibles as "I am" or "I will be" (or "I shall be"), for example, at Exodus 3:14. Ehyeh asher ehyeh literally translates as "I Am Who I Am." The ancient Hebrew of Exodus 3:14 lacks a future tense as modern English does, yet a few translations render this name as "I Will Be What I Will Be", given the context of Yahweh promising to be with his people through their future troubles.[1] Both the literal present tense "I Am" and the future tense "I will be" have given rise to many attendant theological and mystical implications in Jewish tradition. However, in most English Bibles, in particular the King James Version, the phrase is rendered as I am that I am.

      Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh (often contracted in English as "I AM") is one of the Seven Names of God accorded special care by medieval Jewish tradition.[2] The phrase is also found in other world religious literature, used to describe the Supreme Being, generally referring back to its use in Exodus. The word Ehyeh is considered by many rabbinical scholars to be a first-person derivation of the Tetragrammaton, see for example Yahweh.


  38. If you ever get the chance, vote for God, not a She-Devil.

  39. Why doesn't Trump start challenging her to do a News Conference every time he does?

    1. Joint town hall meetings....

    2. I doubt her handlers would allow it -

      Dr. Drew “Gravely Concerned” About Hillary Clinton’s Health

      "It's gotta wonder"

      Paul Joseph Watson - August 17, 2016 2987 Comments

      Board-certified medicine specialist and TV personality Dr. Drew Pinsky says he is “gravely concerned” about Hillary Clinton’s health, noting that the treatment she has received is “bizarre” and could explain the “weird side-effects” that people are seeing....

      Pinsky noted that after her fall, Hillary suffered from a “transverse sinus thrombosis,” an “exceedingly rare clot” that “virtually guarantees somebody has something wrong with their coagulation system.”

      “What’s wrong with her coagulation system, has that been evaluated?” asked Dr. Drew, adding, that Hillary was being given “weird” medication that could be exacerbating her health problems.

      “So the very medicine doctors are using may be causing this problem and they’re using an old fashioned medicine to treat it – what is going on with her health care?” asked Pinsky.

      Pinsky said the situation was “bizarre,” adding that Hillary’s medical condition was “dangerous” and “concerning”.

      Dr. Drew also highlighted when Hillary had to wear prism glasses after her fall, declaring, “that is brain damage, and so that’s affecting her balance….tell us a little more about that – that’s profound.”

      Pinsky pointed out that the treatment for Hillary’s hypothyroidism – Armour Thyroid – was also “unconventional” and that it has “weird side-effects”.


      If Dr. Drew says she's screwed up, she's screwed up.

    3. Maybe she's on warfarin for the clotting.

      Warfarin Side Effects

      Loose stool

    4. Didn't she overload her Depends during one debate ?

      She's dizzy most of the time, falling over.

      And she says she's so weak she can barely stand up.....'I don't know what I'd do if I'm vertical'....

      I think she needs to be under the care of Quirk's Quick Quackery Care out of Detroit, Michigan.

    5. He will undertake to cure her.

    6. We used to kill wood rats using warfarin.

    7. It Couldn't be possible that she's on ObamaCare, Could it ?

      That might explain it.

  40. August 18, 2016

    Dogs Turn Paws Down on Hillary

    By Elise Cooper

    The 18th century German philosopher Immanuel Kant once stated, “We can judge the heart of a man (or a woman) by his treatment of animals.” If that is the case, then Hillary Clinton does not have the temperament to be president.

    What a bitch.

    Read more:
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  41. SHOCK POLL: CLINTON 44.0% TRUMP 43.4%...

