Monday, August 29, 2016

Necessity is the mother of invention

Iran deploys S-300 missiles at Fordow nuclear facility - report

Iran has deployed a Russian-made S-300 surface-to-air missile defense system at its Fordow uranium enrichment facility, the country’s state media have reported, as cited by Reuters.

"Our main priority is to protect Iran's nuclear facilities under any circumstances," Brigadier General Farzad Esmaili, commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps' (IRGC) air defense force, told state TV.
Esmaili did not say whether the new missile defense system was operational, however the IRGC commander did say that, “Today, Iran's sky is one of the most secure in the Middle East.

The Fordow site, which is around 100km south of the capital Tehran, has not enriched any uranium since a nuclear deal between Iran and six international powers came into effect in January.
The deal was signed in 2015 and was aimed at curbing Iran’s nuclear program. In return, Tehran saw the lifting of sanctions that had stifled economic growth.
The contract to deliver S-300s to Iran was put on hold in 2010 by then-President Dmitry Medvedev due to UN sanctions imposed on Iran.
Moscow said at the time that the delivery of the missile defense system would upset the balance of power in the region and escalate tensions.
The contract was revived in April of 2015 by President Vladimir Putin after Iran and six leading world powers signed a nuclear deal, which addressed concerns about Tehran achieving a potential breakthrough that would allow it to produce nuclear weapons.

In May, Iran announced that it had deployed the S-300 defense systems at its Khatam al-Anbia Air Defense Base.
The Fordow site is built 90 meters below a mountain, with its location being revealed by the West in 2009.

The deployment comes just over a week after Tehran unveiled its Bavar-373 air defense complex at a military expo. The system was developed as an alternative to the S-300 and is set to go into production later this year. 

We did not intend to make an Iranian version of the S-300 – we wanted to build an Iranian system, and we built it,” Iran’s Minister of Defense Hossein Dehghan said. The weapon was successfully test-fired for the first time in August 2014.


  1. This should be worth at least another $50 billion for the Pentagon’s defense budget. Northrup and Raytheon will be delighted.

    They will be high-fiving over at AIPAC

    1. Interesting how you try (and fail) to tie this to AIPAC.

      AIPAC has failed to stop Obama's will to lift Iran up and give Iran the hegemony it now enjoys.

      But what will be interesting how Iran continues it's ballistic missile program (as well its warhead miniaturization program)

      Israel does not fear Iran's ballistic missile program as Iran doesn't need ballistic missiles to strike Israel, but it does need those to hit sunni and european targets.

      AND who is to say that the s300's that Iran has, has not been compromised.

      S-300 Family
      Export Version

      the s300's was invented and implemented in 1979....

      what version does iran have????

  2. Iran was much better off under the Shah. The women were better off, they weren't hanging gays from cranes, the minorities were better off, and the leadership wasn't calling Israel The Little Satan and the USA The Great Satan and promising to wipe those two nations from the face of the earth.

    And Iran wasn't playing with the Bear.

    Back in those days your map would show USA flags flapping around Iran too, a much better situation for everyone involved.


    Not to worry Trump fans -

    Oh my: New poll shows Ohio tied, Pennsylvania and Michigan tightening

    posted at 12:01 pm on August 29, 2016 by Allahpundit

    It’s from Emerson College’s polling outfit, which somewhat famously caught Marco Rubio’s surge in Iowa just before this year’s caucus and which enjoys a respectable B rating from FiveThirtyEight. Post-convention polls of Ohio have been sort of close, with Clinton typically leading in the four-to-six point range. Post-convention polls of Pennsylvania have … not been close, with Clinton leading by nine points or more in four straight polls — although, notably, there hadn’t been a new poll of PA in three weeks. Realistically Trump needs to win both states to have any chance at an upset in November, so being within striking distance in Ohio in several polls this month meant little unless and until Pennsylvanians decided to play ball too.

    If you believe Emerson, they’re ready to play.....

    1. Note *

      Jimmah Carter, and incompetent Democrat, and Barack O'bozo, another incompetent Democrat, are responsible for Iran becoming a danger to the world.

    2. POLL: IT'S ALL TIED UP...


      Plans Labor Day Weekend in Detroit, appearance before black voters....DRUDGE

    3. People have been wanting Trump to go to the inner cities, criticizing him for not doing so.

      He's going.

      Probably a large riot will ensue, someone will be shot, flames will jump from buildings, and he will be blamed for that by the Democrats.

    4. Portman is well ahead of Strickland in Ohio Senate race.

      This means a lot. People out there voting for Portman will be voting for Trump.

      Ohio ? - The Donald

  3. "Anthony and I remain devoted to doing what is best for our son, who is the light of our life,' said Abedin in a statement, referencing their four-year-old son Jordan."

    Rufus will explain we live in a Globalized World, men and boys together are the rule in Afghanistan, thus pictures of Weiner's Dick next to his son in bed are perfectly normal, as are these three ravishing "females:"
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

    1. Blogger provided the spacing, which worked out quite nicely.

    2. In other texts allegedly sent to the unnamed woman, a brunette divorcee, Weiner spoke about being 'horny as f***' and sent a variety of emojis that were sexual in nature.
      He also reportedly admitted to masturbating while thinking about the woman in a text, allegedly calling her a 'fantasy chick.'
      The most damning of the snaps though is Weiner laying in bed wearing nothing but his boxer briefs while his five-year-old son with Abedin, Jordan, sleeps next to him.
      'Someone just climbed into my bed,' Weiner allegedly wrote to the woman before sending the photo, which clearly showed the outline of his manhood.
      She responded by writing back: 'You do realize you can see you[r] Weiner in that pic??'
      The photo was sent shortly after 3am on July 31, 2015 from Weiner, who reportedly grew concerned moments later thinking that he may have publicly posted the photo.
      'Ooooooh . . . I was scared. For half a second I thought I posted something. Stop looking at my crotch,' Weiner reportedly wrote back to the brunette beauty, who is a Trump supporter.
      Weiner also talked about the size of his manhood frequently in conversations with the woman, at one point saying: 'Id [sic] put someone’s eye out with this thing. #Overdue.'
      That text came following a workout, which Weiner reportedly said left him 'raging.'

      Hillary, Huma, and two guys obsessed with spreading their Dicks around in public.

    3. No description needed:

    4. High class people, one and all.

      Fit to lead the nation into the sewer.

      What took Huma so long ?

    5. Notice she didn't say they were getting divorced, nor announce that Weiner would no longer be their child's caretaker.

      Imagine what the reaction would have been to an average Joe doing this two decades ago before Bill Clinton exposed every young child in America to oral sex.

    6. Just a separation ?

      What the hell ?

      They've been separated for years.

      What does Huma see in this guy, other than the obvious....

      Does The Weiner have some goods on Huma ?

      Huma is really really really messed up....

      And if Hillary 'BleachBitch' Clinton gets elected and goes vacant from ill health, Huma's President....

      This is a critical election.

  4. Note to MSM: This Race Isn’t Over

    Media cites the polls, the polls, but Election 2016 begins on Labor Day

    by Keith Koffler | Updated 29 Aug 2016 at 5:56 AM

    And then, of course, there are the emails. We may not have seen the worst yet of Clinton's self-damaging missives. Wikileaks' Julian Assange has all but promised an "October surprise," indicating he has held some of the juicy stuff back for later use.

    But perhaps the most important factor that should give Trump's supporters cause for optimism is the most essential dynamic of the election — this is simply not a status quo year. Americans are not happy with the way things are going, with respect to foreign policy, the economy, and even the culture of the country.

    Nobody is more status quo than Hillary Clinton. And nobody is less so than Donald Trump.

    The polls already show Trump ahead in Florida and Ohio.

    Hillary 'BleachBitch' Clinton is doomed.

    Dooooooooomed, I tell ya.....

  5. Rufoid says The Donald is a racist, and a fascist -

    Jesse Jackson, native son of the civil rights movement, disagrees -

    August 29, 2016

    Shock video: Jesse Jackson gushes with praise for Donald Trump

    By Carol Brown

    A C-SPAN video documents at least one, if not two, Push Coalition forums from as early as 1998 that focused on Wall Street, minority business executives, and the black community, honoring those who’ve made a difference. In addition to one other notable individual, the clips feature Jesse Jackson. (I know. Hang in there with me.)

    Who is the other notable person being honored at the gathering?

    Donald J. Trump.

    Why? Because of his support of and investment in the black community.

    Jesse Jackson was absolutely gushing with praise for Trump, whose work crews comprised a disproportionately high percentage of black and Hispanic builders, stating:

    Let me bring forth a friend who has, well, he is deceptive in his social style [inaudible], one can miss his seriousness and his commitment for the success is beyond argument…He has a sense of the curious and a will to make things better.

    Jackson went on to enumerate various ways that Trump had shown himself to be a genuine partner in promoting inclusivity and helping those living in underserved communities....


    Never in my life did I think I would be quoting Jesse Jackson, but there it is. As loud as Trump can be, in his own quiet way (as described by Ivanka Trump at the GOP convention in Cleveland), he helps people, provides jobs, reaches out, and tries to make thing better.

    Fight the lies. Spread the truth.

    A C-SPAN video documents at least one, if not two, Push Coalition forums from as early as 1998 that focused on Wall Street, minority business executives, and the black community, honoring those who’ve made a difference. In addition to one other notable individual, the clips feature Jesse Jackson. (I know. Hang in there with me.)

    Who is the other notable person being honored at the gathering?

    Donald J. Trump.

    Why? Because of his support of and investment in the black community.

    Jesse Jackson was absolutely gushing with praise for Trump, whose work crews comprised a disproportionately high percentage of black and Hispanic builders, stating:

    Let me bring forth a friend who has, well, he is deceptive in his social style [inaudible], one can miss his seriousness and his commitment for the success is beyond argument…He has a sense of the curious and a will to make things better.

    Jackson went on to enumerate various ways that Trump had shown himself to be a genuine partner in promoting inclusivity and helping those living in underserved communities.

    Read more:
    Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

    1. Sorry for the double, an error

      But it does deserve to be stated at least twice....
