Friday, July 15, 2016

Is There a Coup in Process in Turkey?

A military helicopter has reportedly opened fire in the district of Ankara where the Turkish National Intelligence Organization headquarters is situated.
Shooting is being reported in the Turkish capital, Ankara, with military jets and helicopters seen in the sky above the city.
According to reports on Twitter, the authorities have closed the two Bosporus bridges in Istanbul, where military jets have also been spotted flying....

Both Bosphorus bridges (Asia to Europe access) closed by troops, @cnnturk reports. Police helicopters over Beyoglu...

 Facebook and Twitter services were blocked in Ankara on Friday, RIA-Novosti reported.
According to local media, all security personnel have been urgently called in to work.

Curfew seems to have been enforced in Istanbul - army troops asking people to go home 


Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim says an "illegal attempt" by "a group" in the military is underway in the country and security forces are taking necessary measures to resolve the situation.
He says those involved in the coup attempt will "pay the highest price".
Gunfire can be heard across the Turkish capital of Ankara as military warplanes and helicopters seen flying over the city.
Helicopters have also been flying over Istanbul, the country’s biggest city, whose Bosphorus and Fatih Sultan Mehmet bridges are reported to have been closed.


  1. Replies
    1. TURKEY 'COUP': Low flying jets, gunfire in Ankara...DRUDGE

      Low flying jets and gunfire in Ankara are some signs.

    2. (the military may be trying to 'coop up' Erdogan.

    3. (whatever it is, soon I will be hearing that the Israelis are behind it all, from the usual suspects here)

    4. If it is a coup, I think I hope it succeeds.

      I don't much like Erdogan.

      Fox is reporting Erdogan hasn't been heard of in six days, which they say is very unusual.

    5. no wonder why Trump is your guy bob - you are a fan of dictators.

    6. Stupid shit comment, Ash.

      Erdogan IS a dictator.

      Turned into one long ago.

      Also Erdogan is very late to the game of fighting ISIS.

      It is true I think many of these muzzie countries are best ruled by a more or less enlightened military.

      My old girl friend's Egyptian high class friend, who hangs in Vegas, would wholeheartedly agree.

      She has said, I am told:

      "My people are to immature to rule themselves"

      Much like you, young Ash.

      This high class Egyptian Lady doesn't like being forced into a burka, absolute submission to some idiot male or other, things like that.

    7. Nearly all of us here agreed sometime ago it would be well to force Turkey out of NATO.

    8. bob, you've been pretty clear - if you don't like the politics of someone you prefer to have them removed by force. I wouldn't be surprised if you supported a military overthrow of Obama, or Hillary if she should win. You, sir, are simpleton.

  2. Previous Military Coups in Turkey:


  3. Turkish military announces they are taking over

  4. Turkey’s government appears to have been overthrown in a coup, as the military claimed taking control over the country.

  5. Soldiers deployed in other cities....DRUDGEo

    I suppose Obozo will say he is compelled 'to come to the aid of Turkey' by the terms of NATO, or some such nonsense.


  6. 21 mins | Tanks at Istanbul’s international airport, flights grounded

    Tanks have been spotted at Istanbul's Ataturk Airport and all flights have been halted, according to live images and Turkish media reports. Further details were not immediately available from the airport.

  7. .

    Probably won't know for sure what's happened and if it may succeed for at least a day or more.

    I always tend to favor secular governments over the religious nut jobs; but as with Sissi in Egypt, you never know what you are going to get. You might say its like a box of chocolates.


  8. Explosion hits training center of Ankara special police forces

    An explosion has occurred at the training center of special police forces in Ankara, according to Turkish media. There was no immediate word on the cause of the blast, but fire is visible. It is unknown if there are casualties.

  9. | Turkish Chief of General Staff Hulusi Akar taken hostage

    A number of hostages have been taken hostage at a military compound in Ankara. Among those taken hostage is army chief General Hulusi Akar, according to official news agency AA. Other details were not immediately known.

  10. | Soldiers surround headquarters of Turkish ruling party

    The headquarters of the Turkish ruling AK Party has been surrounded by soldiers. It is unclear whether they are loyal to the Turkish government or to the coup leaders.


  11. 2 mins | Turkish President Erdogan taken to secret location

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan has been taken to a secret location by forces loyal to him and extensive security measures are being taken to protect him, the Cumhuriyet newspaper reports.

  12. | Gunfire reported at Turkish intelligence agency in Ankara

    Gunfire has been exchanged at the headquarters of the intelligence agency in Ankara, according to an NTV reporter. Other details were not available.

  13. .

    It's reported that tanks are in the city center (Istanbul). Same happening in other cities (Ankara). The parliament was attacked. There is a fight to control the main media centers.

    Erdogan has called it an illegal coup. Sounded like the Defense Minister has said it's a legal coup due restore democracy and rights.

    Sounds widespread, coordinated, and big. took some planning. You wonder how something this big can be kept secret with the way things are today.


  14. Turkish military delcares takeover of country, top officials reportedly taken hostage

  15. "The power in the country has been seized in its entirety," said a military statement read on NTV television, without giving further details.

  16. The sounds of popping Champagne corks has been heard in the Pentagon.

  17. .

    My old girl friend's Egyptian high class friend, who hangs in Vegas,

    High class friend.


    She drinks her beer out of a glass and smokes e-cigarettes.


  18. | President Erdogan expected to address nation shortly

    Turkish President Erdogan is expected to address the nation shortly amid an ongoing military coup attempt, Turkish media report. No specific time has been given. Turkish media reported earlier that Erdogan was being taken to a secret location.

  19. ISIS leaders are reported as cursing Allah.

    1. SMIRK is supporting Erdogan, and the Muslim Brotherhood.

    2. From long experience, Quirk seems to be taking his usual 'wait and see' and 'hedge your bets' attitude.

    3. I'm in favor of democratic ascension to power.

  20. I haven’t had this much fun since December 1967

  21. .

    Idaho BobFri Jul 15, 04:07:00 PM EDT

    My proposals are designed to save lives, Quirk, even perhaps yours.

    What could be simpler and more just than ending moslem immigration to the USA ?

    Your views and those of people like you here sound like something out of Deliverance you old coot. Since Trump put these crazy ideas in your simple minds we might as well have 'Dueling Banjos' as the bar's theme.


    1. Lewis knew what the fuck he was doing, and he wasn't the guy that got sodomized, your illiterate.

      And please do tell me the meaning of that beautiful view in the moonlight of the river below, if you can.

      That albino banjo player knew a thing or two himself, unlike you, fatty willing ass.

    2. (fatty willing submissive ass)

  22. This has been a delightful political year and great entertainment for those aging like myself.

  23. The Turkish army says it has taken power over the country and that the rule of law must remain a priority.

    "The power in the country has been seized in its entirety," said a military statement read on NTV television, without giving further details.

  24. BREAKING: Turkish coup leaders declare nationwide curfew in statement broadcast on state TV

  25. I haven’t had this much fun since being in Greece for the December 1967 counter-coup in Greece by King Constantine.

    This coup feels as if it may stick.

  26. | Turkish coup leaders declare nationwide curfew

    Turkish coup leaders, calling themselves the "Peace at Homeland Council", have declared a nationwide curfew in a message read on state TV broadcaster TRT, which has been seized by rogue military forces. The rogue forces claim their coup was successful and that a new constitution will be prepared. It added that all airports in Turkey have been closed.

  27. If the people would begin to pour out into the streets in support it would be over.

    Not sure I like the news of a curfew.

  28. Well, I hope we were able to arrange to get that Syrian border closed.

  29. They need to have convincing control by daybreak. If they have the air force along with the army, as it seems to be, it the rest will happen fast.

  30. if you strike a king, you better kill him.

  31. The coup seems to have had complete surprise on its side.

  32. Turkish Armed Forces have now taken control of state broadcaster TRT; Martial Law Imposed. …

  33. It may be time to tear a patch or two off your uniform.

    1. :)

      The needle trembles, the mind and emotions must decide.

      They may well be warring between themselves....

  34. The Turkish military reportedly broke into the headquarters of state broadcasters Anadolu and TRT. Photos posted on social media show soldiers inside the offices.

  35. .

    Idaho BobFri Jul 15, 05:08:00 PM EDT

    From long experience, Quirk seems to be taking his usual 'wait and see' and 'hedge your bets' attitude.

    Gee, I wonder why.

    This thing started about an hour and 15 minutes ago. Just from memory, I think Turkey has an army of maybe 600,000 and at least some of the leaders were opposed to the coup or at least they were arrested for now. I believe Erdogan has been building up the national police force and think they are loyal to him or have been described that.

    I guess I could take the route of one prominent blogger here.

    "I may be reporting on a successful coup in Turkey"

    and later

    "Never mind."


  36. .

    ...or they have at least been described that way...



  37. Turkish defense minister condemns announcement by coup leaders as "fake" - Daily Sabah

    1. He was certainly put in by Erdogan.

      He may have just signed his own death warrant, as he has signed death warrants against so many others.

  38. Erdogan requesting exile in Germany.

  39. The source I found to be most reliable was the one posted on our links above. It no longer is because the government took it over a few months ago.

  40. Erdogan appears on CNN Turk, says 'will overcome' ongoing attempted coup

  41. Erdogan appears on CNN because the army did not take over that station. it would be more convincing if he was on a national station.

  42. He is desperate:

    | Erdogan vows to stop coup attempt, calls for citizen uprising

    Turkish President Erdogan, speaking through a FaceTime video broadcast on television, has confirmed that parts of the military are attempting to seize power, but promised to eliminate the threat very soon. He also called on citizens to go out into the streets and resist the attempt.

  43. My money is on the coup, but I have a dinner date to run to. Have fun!

  44. Tanks at airports.

    Update: Erdogan has been reduced to making a public statement on … FaceTime. His next stop: Germany?

    Insert your own joke about Merkel and Muslim refugees here.

    NBC is reporting that a senior US military source says Erdogan was refused landing rights in Istanbul and may be seeking to land in Germany.

    If he's in he air, perhaps he will run out of fuel, a poetic ending....

  45. Time for Doug and WiO to check in....

  46. AshFri Jul 15, 05:15:00 PM EDT
    bob, you've been pretty clear - if you don't like the politics of someone you prefer to have them removed by force. I wouldn't be surprised if you supported a military overthrow of Obama, or Hillary if she should win. You, sir, are simpleton.

    Ash, hitler was "democratically" elected, as was Hamas, as was the Moslem Brotherhood.

    I have ZERO problems with the military executing those leaders (Leaders of Hamas, MB, Nazis and such) to put the nation on a secular path.

    Democracy is overrated for those that believe that democracy is one vote one time, majority rule.

    Hope they execute the entire leadership of Islamist Turkey.

    1. Maybe tomorrow Abbas, Assad, Nasrallah too!!!!

    2. Thank you.

      Smirk's a young dunce.

    3. (and most likely, the way he is not progressing, to eventually turn into an old dunce)

    4. I am in favor of constitutional government and rule of law that exists within a democracy to prevent a tyranny of the majority. Many democratic governments do things I disagree with. To point out that Hitler won an election as support of authoritarian government is laughable. To use that as an argument in favor of a military faction seizing power in Turkey is worse than laughable.

  47. First mention of cheering street demonstrations in Turkey by Fox News.

    1. Erdogan's dream of a neo-Ottoman Empire may be fading into nightmare....

    2. Hope they drag him thru the streets like Italy's Dictator Mussolini

  48. Can one save face on Facetime?

    1. I don't care for the shape of Erdogan's head.

    2. :)

      For Smirk's sake, we should all hope so. He could sign on and save-face himself.

    3. Erdogan's head may soon have a bullet hole in it.

      That may improve its shape.

    4. one can only hope, they cannot futz around, they must kill him with extreme prejudice.

  49. Let's get the Turkish Military to oversee our election.

    Beats Loretta Lynch and Company.

  50. To early to project the outcome.

    But Turkey and it's embrace of Islamist ideology has been disturbing.

    I hope for a Military Coup d'etat might be a positive.

    Assad's military should do the same, kicking Iran, Hezbollah out and de-baathistizing the nation.

    Things are getting interesting.

    The moment the military FINDS Erdogan? They should put him up against a wall and liquidate him. After all once he is DEAD? He cannot come back to power...

    1. Liquidate, neutralize, either would good enough. KI suppose both would be best.

      Fox is reporting that there are more journalists in prison in Turkey than in China.

    2. Turkey under the worm Erdogan has arrested countless journalists, military general and such.

      One can only hope the overthrow is wanting a secular nation, think of the implications if a Turkey was supportive of a Kurdistan with autonomy and confederation with Turkey.. Could set the region on it's ear.... (in a good way)

    3. .

      You two just keep confirming the point many here have pointed out.


    4. What is a many?


      Hardly a big number

    5. QuirkFri Jul 15, 06:23:00 PM EDT

      You two just keep confirming the point many here have pointed out.

      Quirk, Hamas, in it's charter calls for the genocide of all Jews in the world.

      Being against those that support that ideology is hardly surprising. KILLING genocidal murderers who lead NATIONS in the want of killing Jews?

      I can live with that label.

      Mark me on the list that will crack open a 21 year old bottle of Macallan on the news of the liquidation of any the leadership of Hamas, Hezbollah, the Islamist Moslem Brotherhood, Assad, Alqueda, ISIS, Hezbollah, the PLO or the Iranian Ayatollah and the Revolutionary Guards.

      I will put you down on the list of those that are crying about the Rule of Law...

  51. Abbas is in France to condemn the terrorist attack in Nice...

    Perfect time for an overthrow of his regime, year 11 of a 4 year term.

  52. The French may yet demand bringing back Madame Guillotine: "A French government committee has heard testimony, suppressed by the French government at the time and not published online until this week, that the killers in the Bataclan tortured their victims on the second floor of the club.

    The chief police witness in Parliament said that an investigating officer, tears streaming down his face, rushed out of the Bataclan and vomited in front of him just after seeing the disfigured bodies. According to this testimony, Wahhabist killers apparently gouged out eyes, castrated victims, and shoved their testicles in their mouths. They may also have disemboweled some poor souls. Women were stabbed in the genitals – and the torture was, victims told police, filmed for Daesh or Islamic State propaganda. For that reason, medics did not release the bodies of torture victims to the families, investigators said."

    Bob will speculate on the Quirk Defense.

    1. Doug, it's time to use violence and repression.

      Deuce said Israel was unsuccessful at using such technics but if numerous nations do it and do it in a real way, not the pussy IDF way, things could change quickly...

      Strap in, it's going to be a interesting couple of days...

      meanwhile, Hillary is advocating an additional 1 MILLION syrians to come to America.


    2. Heads in a basket
      A cerebral casket

      Yes, Quirk would plead ignorance of the law.

    3. (fraud ? whuz that, Your Honor ? never heard of such a thing)

    4. include a guaranteed Path to Paradise.

    5. Hell, it might be the Quirk Plan for the torturers!

    6. Quirk will complain about the violation of the RULE OF LAW..



  53. Bouhlel, who had been known to the French police since January, had been on the radar for six months for petty criminality.

    Bouhlel's inspiration:
    It is understood he lost his job as a delivery driver when he fell asleep at the wheel and crashed into four cars and had also been involved in a bar brawl.
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    1. Maybe it's time to deport those who bow to Sharia law back to the arab world (or north africa)

    2. Notice I am NOT calling for genocide.

      The arab world deported every Jew they could in 1948-1967, 850,000 of them into the reborn Jewish state.

      Thus giving Israel the population base it needed to grow into the great nation it is today.

    3. alzaebo • 8 hours ago
      So I talked to the Somali, and he's got a problem.
      After the ritual complaints about discrimination, he got down to it:

      If he goes back home, the guy who just stamped his passport will be on the phone saying, "We've got an American spy here, he's CIA."

      None of the "refugees" or immigrants can go back.
      (Plus, he is truly afraid of our blacks.)

      NutherGuy alzaebo • 6 hours ago
      Gee, it's kind of too bad if they can't go back, isn't it? Maybe they need to assimilate?

      Those who won't need to be sent back whether they like it or not and those who object given CIA papers to take along. It is simply NOT REQUIRED that we tolerate in our midst GUESTS who support killing us in our own home.

      Joan NutherGuy • 5 hours ago
      Cry me a river.
      Most of us who are here had ancestors who worked half-starved, fought Indians, built sod houses and fought in all the wars that created the freedoms of this country. There was no nanny state Welcome Wagon to greet us. Act like an American, get your women out of black garbage bags and cease mutilating them and get to work.
      I personally think you may deserve some discrimination if you don't get with the program.

      NutherGuy Joan • 3 hours ago

    4. I'm not advocating killing the all the muzz either.

      Just not allowing them into our country, ever again.

      A perfectly peaceful procedure.

      Sorry, the gate is closed.

    5. I do advocate killing the ISIS folks, a matter of self defense.

    6. Quirk's nanny state Welcome Wagon:

      Come One, Come All !

      Rufus and Obama will throw you a welcoming party.

  54. Two Americans confirmed dead in Nice: Texas father and son, ages 51 and 11, were mowed down by terrorists in front of horrified family

    Sean was believed to be taking part in a 'dream holiday' to the Riviera when he was killed by terrorists believed to be affiliated with ISIS.

  55. "Idaho BobFri Jul 15, 06:32:00 PM EDT

    I'm not advocating killing the all the muzz either.

    Just not allowing them into our country, ever again.

    A perfectly peaceful procedure.

    Sorry, the gate is closed."


    wow he really said that in all seriousness....

    1. yep, guess what Ash, America for DECADES enforced a ban on those emigrating to the USA that advocated the over throw of OUR nation.

    2. you two are priceless

      It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

    3. Most certainly did, you fool.

      I like our Constitution and don't want a bunch of misogynist violent assholes striving to eventually overthrow it.

      You, Ash, are totally brain dead.

      If not you are a misanthropist of the very worst sort.

    4. AshFri Jul 15, 06:54:00 PM EDT
      you two are priceless

      It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

      And yet you deserted America for Canada....

  56. .

    Yes, Quirk would plead ignorance of the law.


    You assholes accuse me of ignorance of the law?


    You would ignore our laws, the Constitution, take matters into your own hands (well not your hands, you pussies wouldn't have the balls to do what you're advocating here, much easier having the others sociopaths in the CIA or military, or contractors or foreign countries where they love to do that stuff do the act while you guys jack off somewhere), perfectly willing to drop all pretext of adhering to principles about what America is supposed to be about as laid out at the time of its founding, ignoring Western culture and values, writing it all off so that you can get a little long-distance catharsis.

    With WiO, its understandable. Getting others to join in on the idea of torture, shootings, discrimination, etc. is the only way he can justify what is going on in Israel. As for the rest, well you have my opinion laid out in my comments above.


    1. LOL

      "With WiO, its understandable. Getting others to join in on the idea of torture, shootings, discrimination, etc. is the only way he can justify what is going on in Israel. As for the rest, well you have my opinion laid out in my comments above."

      From your mouth to G-d's ears...

      Israel doesn't do shit compared to Russia, China, US, France, Syria and many others.

      If Israel was 1/10000th as bad as you say?

      those bastards would have been liquidated YEARS ago.

      Like Israel doesn't KNOW where Abbas lives?


    2. "what America is supposed to be about"
      Require scum to be allowed in, fuck the natives.

      Obama's America

      Successfully Transformed

    3. The Constitution does not mandate accepting people who wish to destroy it.

      We have in he past excluded Nazis, commies, Japanese imperialists....

    4. .

      Your full of shit.

      You look at the EU, France, etc. and assume the US is anything like that. You're nutz.

      Europe is a bunch of PC pricks who have voluntarily given up control of their own borders. France is forced to accept these groups but they don't seem to have any plans for integrating them so they leave this sitting in their ghettos and try to forget about them.

      The US is the opposite. We integrate these groups the same way we have integrated every other group in the past, Irish, Italian, Polish, etc.

      There are 3 million Muslims in the US and you take isolated incidents with isolated nut jobs and project it on a whole.

      The Constitution does not mandate accepting people who wish to destroy it.

      The Muslims that have immigrated here from the ME and Africa for the most part come to get away from the very things you are whining about.


    5. And I guess you have actual facts to back up your bullshit?

    6. .

      Yes. Enough for me. The company I worked for most of my working life was headquartered in Dearborn, a city with largest Muslim population in this country. I've worked with them and around them for at least 30 years and never seen any problems.

      Are there problems? Of course. When you are dealing with millions of people there are always going to be some nut jobs. However, you guys single out the Muslim nut jobs while ignoring the black, or Irish, or Polish, or Jewish nutjobs.


    7. .

      Check out the crime statistics for Dearborn. I'm confident you will find they mimic those of the average city their size around the country.


    8. .

      Like Israel doesn't KNOW where Abbas lives?

      Why would Israel want to get rid of Abbas? He is the perfect foil. Whenever they need a scapegoat he is perfect. Need to increase settlements? No problem, blame Abbas for something and then use him as an excuse for building more settlements. If they didn't have Abbas they would have to invent him.

      The same applies to the Hamas terror attacks. I've said they are nutz. They are also counterproductive. They provide the excuse for Israel's continued settlement building. The PA and the Palestinians are losing the optics. Their goals are the victim of the victims.

      Abbas is not the first. Arafat was at a nadir prior to Oslo. He had backed Sadaam in the first Iraq war. As a result, Israel would still enter into nominal two-state discussions with the Palestinians but refused to have anything to do with the PLO. Arafat was in exile in Tunisia. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the Gulf States all cut out support for Arafat and the PLO. The US did the same thing. Then out of nowhere Israel starts holding secret talks with Arafat and they come out with the basis for the Oslo Accords.

      Why would Israel even think of negotiating with Arafat?

      It appears obvious to me. Arafat was weak and he was corrupt. What more could Israel ask for?

      Why do you think Abbas is now refusing to enter into 'bilateral' negotiations with Israel, choosing instead to take his case to an international forum. You can't have a real negotiation when one side is so much more powerful than the other? You have a monologue.

      The pattern is clear. Israel demands bilateral negotiations. The US supports them in this demand. The kabuki begins. The key issues are put off until last so that 'progress' can me alleged. But the rules say you don't have an agreement until everything is agreed upon. But of course, the talks never reach the point of talking about final issues. The big stall continues. The settlement building continues. Eventually, the Palestinian street gets fed up both with the Israelis and with their own leaders, as well as, with the lack of any progress in the talks. They strike out. Israel says the talks can't continue until the terrorism stops. The settlement building continues. The violence continues for awhile and eventually peters out. After time passes, the process starts again. Wash, rinse, repeat. The only constant the settlements keep growing.

      The end-game is obvious.



    A British woman has claimed her shopping trip to Nice was 'spoiled' when a terrorist gunman killed 84 people and seriously injured 50 more after he drove a 25-tonne lorry into crowds celebrating Bastille Day.
    The tourist, named as Lucy Nesbitt-Comaskey, told Sky News: 'Maybe this is awful and maybe a bit selfish but it did spoil our shopping trip.
    'We bought all this lovely shopping and now I can't be bothered with it. It doesn't mean anything now,' she said.
    On Friday morning, Nesbitt-Comaskey issued a grovelling apology for her remarks via Facebook. She claimed that she was understandably 'in shock' at the time after witnessing the horrific events and misspoke while speaking to journalists.
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  58. Quirk respects the Hamas's rule of law....


    1. Quirk is off the sauce.

      He made more sense, and was more humorous too, and tolerable to be around, when he was on it.

    2. .

      Quirk respects the Hamas's rule of law....

      WiO's childish approach when he is losing the argument on the facts.


  59. quirk says: You would ignore our laws, the Constitution, take matters into your own hands (well not your hands, you pussies wouldn't have the balls to do what you're advocating here, much easier having the others sociopaths in the CIA or military, or contractors or foreign countries where they love to do that stuff do the act while you guys jack off somewhere), perfectly willing to drop all pretext of adhering to principles about what America is supposed to be about as laid out at the time of its founding, ignoring Western culture and values, writing it all off so that you can get a little long-distance catharsis.

    With WiO, its understandable. Getting others to join in on the idea of torture, shootings, discrimination, etc. is the only way he can justify what is going on in Israel. As for the rest, well you have my opinion laid out in my comments above.

    Notice his Sal Alinsly Rules for Radicals technic of slandering his foes?

    "(well not your hands, you pussies wouldn't have the balls to do what you're advocating here"

    "while you guys jack off somewhere"

    Quirk, how sad....

    Deporting Non-Americans who advocate the overthrow of the US government is not against the Constitution.

    Now notice Quirk's comment:

    "much easier having the others sociopaths in the CIA or military, or contractors or foreign countries where they love to do that stuff"

    Wow Quirk I see you are a patriot, but the question arrises for what nation?

    Iran? Hamas's Gaza?

    Rule of law?

    You don't adhere to it in anyway.

    You promote Dictators and autocratic governments.

  60. 'We are in your streets': Secret Service investigates ISIS Twitter taunt that included terror group's flag in photo held up in front of the WHITE HOUSE

    Pic first tweeted on August 9 by an account that was later deleted
    Followed a separate ISIS warning photographed June 20 in front of the Old Republic Building in Chicago with the warning: 'Soldiers of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria will pass from here soon'
    Secret Service says it 'will take the necessary and appropriate follow up steps'
    'We are in your state,' the latest tweet reads, 'We are in your cities / We are in your streets / You are our goals anywhere [sic]'
    The White House photo was originally tweeted with the message: '[W]e are here #America near our #target :) sooooooooooooon'
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  61. QuirkFri Jul 15, 05:08:00 PM EDT

    Idaho BobFri Jul 15, 04:07:00 PM EDT

    My proposals are designed to save lives, Quirk, even perhaps yours.

    What could be simpler and more just than ending moslem immigration to the USA ?

    Your views and those of people like you here sound like something out of Deliverance you old coot. Since Trump put these crazy ideas in your simple minds we might as well have 'Dueling Banjos' as the bar's theme.

    Wow quirk you mind goes to the gutter pretty darn fast.

    Ending mass immigration of moslems, who are not vettable, is hardly ass rape....

    there are 51 members of the OIC, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, they are tasked to help the Islamic community.

    Why should moslems be brought to the pagan nipple freeing west?

    Where dudes are chicks, gays are protected by the law not to be stoned, women show off their tits (if we are lucky) and they don't speak the language.

    Why should they NOT be resettled into the the Umma?

    Why must you say this the same as anal rape?

    1. Because he hasn't been drinking, and is not his old more normal, more rational self.

    2. Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome.....he's got the shakes.

      I'm thinking UPS and a case of Scotch....

    3. By the way, Quirk has shown he doesn't know a damn thing about 'Deliverance'.

  62. 4:29 P.M.
    President Obama: Support Turkey's 'democratically elected government'
    4:12 P.M.
    State Department to U.S. citizens in Turkey: Do not go to our consulates or embassy
    4:10 P.M.
    Helicopter attack kills 17 Turkish police officers just outside Ankara
    4:06 P.M.
    Map: Bridges, airport closures in Istanbul

  63. "The Nice terrorist parked on the promenade for nearly nine hours yesterday before launching his horrific attack, but was allowed to stay because he told police he was delivering ice cream"

  64. Very confusing.

    But if one statement is true, that the Police are firing on the people, that is bad for Erdogan, for, if I understand the situation correctly, the Police support Erdogan, and then the people do not.

    The military seems to have killed something under 20 Police in an air attack on some Police headquarters somewhere.

    There are of course dueling narratives, some 'sources' saying the coup is defeated, others not, all serving their own interests.


    1. 4:10 P.M.
      Helicopter attack kills 17 Turkish police officers just outside Ankara

      Doug above

  65. Congress Releases Secret 9/11 Document Detailing Possible Saudi Ties to Al Qaeda

  66. I swear I am telling the truth....someone on Fox just expressed it as a Qoup, a "Q", not a coup.

    Perhaps he momentarily misspoke.


  67. Rasmussen isn’t the only poll showing Trump with a national lead now

    posted at 7:21 pm on July 15, 2016 by Allahpundit

    As noted yesterday, from mid-May until this morning the one and only national poll with Trump actually ahead of Clinton was Rasmussen. Which was a sweet pretty niche for Ras, given what it meant in terms of traffic from Trump superfan Matt Drudge.

    But all things must pass. New from the brand new USC/LA Times tracking poll: Trump 43, Clinton 40.

    The poll shows big gaps along the lines of race, gender, age and education that have surfaced consistently during the campaign. Through Thursday’s results, Trump led among men, 47% to 36%, while Clinton had a smaller, 41%-34% edge among women. Trump led among voters 45 and older, Clinton among those younger.

    Some of Trump’s strongest support comes from white voters who have not graduated from college, among whom he led 53% to 24%. Clinton, by contrast, dominates among minorities, leading 77% to 3% among blacks and 51% to 30% among Latinos.

    Clinton also held a narrow edge among white college graduates, 42% to 40%. If she wins that group, Clinton would be the first Democrat to carry white college graduates since polls began asking such demographic questions in the early 1950s.

    Reasons to question the result: The poll is, as I said, brand new, and just because Rasmussen’s not out on the limb by itself anymore doesn’t mean it’s not out on the limb. This result is awfully hard to square with those gruesome NBC battleground polls this morning. Reasons not to question the result: This actually makes three national polls in a row showing Trump tied or ahead. Ras is one, of course, and the other was yesterday’s NYT/CBS survey putting Trump and Clinton each at 40 percent. Whatever the true number is, there’s solid evidence that Hillary was damaged last week either by Comey’s Emailgate announcement, the police ambush in Dallas, or both. The demographic splits in the LA Times poll seem plausible too. The tilt among college and non-college voters is familiar, as are the age and gender divisions. The really striking number, though, is Clinton’s lead among Latinos. 51/30 is shockingly poor given Obama’s 71/27 domination of that group four years ago; if the LAT is right, Trump is already outpolling Romney with room to grow. Nor is this the only poll recently to show him doing better than expected with Latinos. McClatchy’s survey from a few days ago had Hillary with a strikingly similar 52/26 advantage. Hard to believe a Democrat would be stuck in the low 50s among a core group, but the numbers are what they are....

  68. Some American Turks demonstrating in front of White House in support of coup....Fox

    1. Two more explosions hit Turkish 'Parliament', Turkish military 'on the move'....Fox

    2. Think of 'Deliverance' this way Quirk -

      The two mountain men, Grinner and the other guy, with the old shotgun with string attached to trigger, are muzzies, humping a fat buffoon over a log (you) and Lewis represents the US Constitution, fighting against the primitive sodomizers.

      Does that help ?

      The Vision of the River from high on the cliff, shining in the moonlight, represents the rise of consciousness, here brought about by the survival of the fittest, rather than in the normal spiritual way, via the monomyth.

      James Dickey, a dick, wasn't capable of going there.

      James Dickey

    3. The tune the albino banjo player plays represents the rise of consciousness through conflict.

    4. (via the monomyth, that is to say, through a Conquest of Oneself, rather than of The Other)

    5. .

      The monomyth, the clever concoction of a flim flam man easily sold to dolts looking for a single, very very simple answer to the world, the universe, and everything else.


  69. Recent footage from Fox seems to show the people cheering the military, rather than fighting them.

  70. I have no idea where this coup is heading.The only thing that looks clear is that those responsible for the insurrection have no way to back down.

    1. .

      Initially this thing looked well planned. Now, I'm not so sure.

      If they lose they are dead.

      If they lose, they will have provided Erdogan with the excuse to get what he always wanted, dictatorial power.

      They made some serious mistakes. They weren't able to get their hands on Erdogan. They didn't close down all the major media so Erdogan was able to keep talking and rallying his supporters. Now, Erdogan has reached additional media outlets.

      Through previous coups, the army has never attacked the public. Now, half the country hates Erdogan while the other half loves him. It looked like it was the Erdogan people who took to the streets at his urging and confronted the military. Now, the military loses if they confront the protesters and they lose if they allow them to dictate the terms.

      Hard to say were this will go. I guess it depends on how far the military is willing to go or how nervous they get about their fate if they lose.


    2. If they lose they are dead.

      One might as well not get nervous then, but fight like hell, there being no option of surrendering.

      Fox had one short video that seemed to show some crowds cheering the military. On the other hand the crowds cheered Erdogan at the airport.

      The military must have lost control of the airport, but who took it from them ?

      All very confusing.

      Now, half the country hates Erdogan while the other half loves him.

      Maybe it will turn into a three or four year slugfest, like in Spain in the 1930's.

      Who knows ?

    3. Would have been wonderful if the military could have shot down Erdogan's plane while landing.

  71. Iranian Press

    The Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MIT) says a coup attempt in the country has been "repelled" and the situation has been restored to “normal”.

    In comments carried by Turkish broadcaster NTV on Saturday morning, the MIT spokesman said the intelligence agency’s headquarters was targeted by hijacked military helicopters, but the coup attempt was "foiled”.

    Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim also announced in the early hours of Saturday morning that the situation is largely under control and that a no-fly zone was imposed over the capital Ankara.

    Yildirim added that Chief of Military Staff Hulusi Akar and other high-ranking commanders are now in charge of the situation. The country’s state news agency had earlier reported that Akar was being “held hostage” at the military headquarters.

    According to Reuters, Turkey’s state broadcaster TRT is also now back on air.

    Citing witnesses, Reuters also reported that some 30 soldiers in the coup attempt surrendered their weapons to police in Istanbul’s Taksim Square.

    An NTV report said a Turkish Air Force F-16 jet shot down a Sikorsky helicopter operated by the army group attempting the coup.

    Hours earlier, the Turkish military said it had fully seized control of the country and that the rule of law must remain a priority.

    "The power in the country has been seized in its entirety," said a military statement read on NTV television, without giving further details.
    The statement went on to say that the military aims to "reinstall the constitutional order, democracy, human rights and freedoms," and "to ensure that the rule of law once again reigns in the country, for the law and order to be reinstated."

    "All international agreements and commitments will remain. We pledge that good relations with all world countries will continue," the military statement added.

    It further vowed to try all those who “have betrayed the country” in “fair courts.”

    1. Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Saturday that bloodshed should be avoided in Turkey, and that the situation should be settled within a constitutional framework. He also called on his countrymen in Turkey to stay indoors.

      The Russian foreign minister made the statement during a joint press conference with his US counterpart John Kerry, who also expressed hope for peace in Turkey.

      “I hope there will be stability and peace and continuity within Turkey, but I have nothing to add on what has transpired at this moment,” Kerry was quoted by US media as saying.

      European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini called for "restraint" in Turkey after the attempted coup.

      "In constant contact with EU Delegation in Ankara & Brussels from Mongolia. Call for restraint and respect for democratic institutions #Turkey," she wrote in a tweeted from a regional summit in Ulaanbaatar.

      NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also said in a statement that the Western military alliance supports Turkey’s democratic institutions.

      “I call for calm and restraint, and for full respect for Turkey’s democratic institutions and its constitution. Turkey is a valued NATO ally,” Stoltenberg said. “I have just spoken to Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. I am following events in Turkey closely and with concern.”

  72. I think it is safe to say if the coup fails, Turkey will become more of an Islamist state.

    1. Wonderful.

      Quirk will suggest absentee ballots for the Turks in our future elections.

    2. I think it is safe to say you are right.

    3. And Doug is right about Quirk, too.


    4. In the hardscrabble life that is Turkey, Millennials grow up fast.

      I suggest a voting age of 14 for Turkish Youth.

  73. One way or the other, it ain't no Chicken Coup.

    1. Won't be any Chicken Soup for the losing side, either.

  74. Drudge is Fucking with our minds:

    Drudge Red Headline:

    Coup in Turkey Fails

    Linking to:

    The Turkish military claims to have "fully seized control" of the country amid reports of aerial attacks, gunfire and explosions in Istanbul and the Turkish capital Ankara.

    Soldiers stormed Turkey's state broadcaster TRT, forcing a presenter to read a statement live on air announcing that a military coup is under way.

    The statement said the country, a NATO member, is now being run by a "peace council". It declared that martial law and a nationwide curfew are in place.

    1. There aren't any honest Turkish journalists to rely on....they are all in Erdogan's jails.

  75. Wisdom of the East for Quirk:

    1. Excellent.

      Quirk however is liable to rely on his winning personality, and love, and kindness and understanding all around.

      His head will soon thereafter be detached from his body.

    2. It could be worse:

      The chief police witness in Parliament said that an investigating officer, tears streaming down his face, rushed out of the Bataclan and vomited in front of him just after seeing the disfigured bodies. According to this testimony, Wahhabist killers apparently gouged out eyes, castrated victims, and shoved their testicles in their mouths. They may also have disemboweled some poor souls. Women were stabbed in the genitals – and the torture was, victims told police, filmed for Daesh or Islamic State propaganda. For that reason, medics did not release the bodies of torture victims to the families, investigators said."

  76. "Robert Amsterdam said in a statement Friday evening that he and his firm "have attempted repeatedly to warn the U.S. government of the threat posed" by Fethullah Gulen and his movement."
    Doug Kahului said:


  77. .

    What is "Occupation"Fri Jul 15, 07:00:00 PM EDT

    quirk says: You would ignore our laws, the Constitution, take matters into your own hands (well not your hands, you pussies wouldn't have the balls to do what you're advocating here, much easier having the others sociopaths in the CIA or military, or contractors or foreign countries where they love to do that stuff do the act while you guys jack off somewhere), perfectly willing to drop all pretext of adhering to principles about what America is supposed to be about as laid out at the time of its founding, ignoring Western culture and values, writing it all off so that you can get a little long-distance catharsis.

    Wow Quirk I see you are a patriot, but the question arrises for what nation?

    From the statement and the context, it's easy to see WiO's idea of a patriot.

    Torture? Sure, why not?

    Extraordinary rendition? Of course. Why get your hands dirty when you can pay some a-hole in the ME to do it for you?

    Abusing prisoners? Why even ask?

    Pictures get leaked. Hire contractors to do it.

    All those studies by the CIA and the military saying torture doesn't work and can be counter-productive? No problem. Just hire a couple of sadistic psychologists that for a few million bucks will tell you anything you want to hear.

    But what about the law, the U.S. and international? Not a problem. Lawyers are a dime a dozen. Easy to find someone who will tell you what you want to hear. However, declare their opinions (those of the psychologists too) as top secret so that you don't have to defend them in public.

    What about Western culture, ideals, mores? Fuck em.

    And if you think it's all bullshit? In WiO world, you certainly are no patriot. But that's how WiO rolls. Must be his culture and tradition.


    1. .

      As for the other two stooges, we will try to lure them out from in under their beds later for comment.


    2. Must be his culture and tradition.


      You certainly dropped your pants, bent over, and showed the entire world your true ugly asshole with that one, Quirk.

      I have a rustic mountaineer named Grinner waiting for you, if you wish, who will make you 'squeal like a hog'.

      You deserve it, as Ash deserves a good mugging, for that disgusting comment, a window to your soul.

    3. Bob's at the Casino.

      Doug says: "Whatever"

      Who knows, you might enjoy having your testicles shoved into your mouth.

    4. The torture was, victims told police, filmed for Daesh or Islamic State propaganda.
      Maybe Quirk will end up on Comedy Central.

    5. .

      Oh, I love it. Are you saying WiO is an aberration? That he doesn't represent the tradition he was raised in? That he is some weird outlier? If true, I would have to apologize. Not to him but to the tradition and culture.

      Which is it boys?


    6. I haven't read the last ten interactions between you and WiO.

    7. .

      Or maybe its because you two ladies agree with WiO and your umbrage comes from being associated with it. Remember what preceded the comment on tradition and culture. Does it fit you too?

      From the statement and the context, it's easy to see Bob/Doug's idea of a patriot...

      What about Western culture, ideals, mores? Fuck em.

      And if you think it's all bullshit? In Bob/Doug world, you certainly are no patriot. But that's how Bob/Doug rolls. Must be their culture and tradition.


    8. .

      I haven't read the last ten interactions between you and WiO.

      That makes it even worse. You sure as hell are willing to jump in and offer an opinion.


    9. On the Quirksters comments, nothing else.

  78. Alleged Turkish coup plotter donated to Clinton Foundation


    Other lawmakers may have taken Gulen-linked money

    1. "Robert Amsterdam said in a statement Friday evening that he and his firm "have attempted repeatedly to warn the U.S. government of the threat posed" by Fethullah Gulen and his movement."
      Y. Alp Aslandogan of the New York-based Alliance for Shared Values tells The Associated Press "we categorically deny such accusations and find them to be highly irresponsible
      They were just sharing values with the Clinton Foundation.

    2. A former president of the Gulen-linked Turkish Cultural Center, Ozkan gave between $500,001 and $1,000,000 to the Clinton Foundation in recent months, the charity’s website shows. He also served as a national finance co-chair last year for a pro-Clinton political action committee called Ready PAC.

      According to Portland State University political science professor Birol Yesilada, who has studied the Gulen movement for more than 25 years, Ozkan is the New York liaison for the 74-year-old Gulen, who has lived in the Poconos since 1999 when he went into exile after he was accused of attempting to undermine Turkey’s secular regime in order to institute an Islamic state.

  79. .

    'Ban all Muslims'

    Simple answers for very simple minds. A sure winner the for any politician willing to appeal to the electorate's ignorance and baser instincts.


    1. Syrian Muslim Dr Zuhdi Jasser is one of my favorite commentators.

    2. Quirk Majored in Virtue Signaling prior to going into advertising.

      Complementary, to be sure.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.
