Monday, July 04, 2016

'I was a maths teacher. I shot him in the back of the head. Three times. I felt nothing. Now I regret.’

Inside Bashar al-Assad's Syrian jail, an Islamist prisoner talks of the regret for his killing

Unlike his fellow prisoners, Hamoud Saleh Hamed does not wear leg shackles when he is pushed on a spanking new wheelchair into the Syrian prison governor’s guest room at the Mezze military jail. Impossible, since his trousered right stump and the missing lower half of his left leg mean that the 37-year old Saudi maths teacher from Mecca cannot escape by throwing himself from the second floor window. But he speaks with great calmness, a very intelligent man with long hair and a whispy beard who recounts with frightening lucidity his life as a Nusrah Front mortar platoon commander and an executioner who fired four shots into the head of a Syrian government "collaborator".

Hamed talks about fate, and says he regrets killing the 50-year old man whose name he never knew, but he recounts with some pride his weapons’ training and his role in the bloody July 2012 Battle of Damascus when thousands of Nusrah and allied rebels vainly tried to capture the city from its Syrian army defenders. He even used Google to plot his artillery ranges across the city but lived to witness the Syrian civilians he came to ‘save’, begging him to leave the country along with his fellow fighters. “When the people wanted us to go, it gave me great pain,” Hamed said, rubbing what was left of his left leg.

“Frankly,” the governor’s balding intelligence officer admitted before Hamed was brought into the room, “I’m very surprised they are going to let you meet this man.”  But I could well understand why "they" did. Hamed was a Saudi who fought against the Syrian regime alongside other Wahabi Sunni Saudis, saying he was misled about the Syrian war by the internet and the Qatari ‘al-Jazeera’ channel, describing in detail how he was groomed in Saudi Arabia for his ‘jihad’ by a friend who arranged his passage through Turkey into the Syrian killing fields. Terribly wounded, he was captured by Syrian troops last year while trying to flee to Idlib.

Hamed smiled a lot during his interview in the early hours of the morning, his words occasionally interrupted by the rumble of shellfire from the darkness outside. Like the other prisoners, he had broken his Ramadan fast the previous evening. The governor and his security officer left the room at our request and Hamed said he wanted to talk, even when we told him he did not have to speak with us and could just relax and drink the glass of orange juice beside him. He had never met a foreign journalist before but he enjoyed talking, he said. Ten months in a Syrian jail did not provide much opportunity to chat to anyone. He had not been harmed in prison, he insisted, and “the stories I had heard about what happened here were untrue.” Readers must make of this statement what they will.  

Many Islamists have expressed their fascination with mathematics, but Hamed said he gained his MA because he had good teachers in “respected Mecca”, where he married a Saudi woman and was father of a son and four daughters. His father, now dead, had been muezzin at a Mecca mosque, calling Muslims to prayer five times a day. “The Syrian war had started and there were many protests,” he said. “The internet and the television channels like al-Jazeera said that the Syrian people were asking for help. Jihadi slogans spread and the jihadis outside Syria began to call for help to defend the people and stop the brutality of the Assad regime. The idea of going to Syria and to participate grew in my mind. Some sheikhs and religious leaders in Saudi Arabia spoke on television and in the mosques and encouraged us. Jihad is like a duty in Islam.”

A Syrian friend in Mecca, whom he called ‘Abdul-Rahman al-Syri’ (Abdul- Rahman from Syria), organised his Saudi Airlines flight to the Turkish city of Antakya although his departure was kept secret for fear that the Saudi intelligence service would find out. “They were refusing to allow people to go to Syria,” Hamed said, “but for political reasons, nothing to do with Islamic ‘sharia’. There was coordination so that when I arrived a man called Abdul-Rahman abu Hajar took me and several others to an apartment for two nights and then took us to the border where, after a Turkish patrol had passed, we climbed through a hole in the fence and I met another Saudi called Abu Rawaha. He transported us to the Syrian town of Atme [in Idlib province] in a car.”

There was a ‘guest house’ in Atme, Hamed said, where their identity papers and passports were taken from them for "safekeeping". After two more days, they were taken to a Nusrah-al-Qaeda military training camp where they were taught to use Kalashnikov rifles, RGP B-7 anti-tank rocket launchers and mortars. The teachers were Egyptian, their instructor Turkish. After a month, Hamed was sent to the countryside of Deir-ez-Zour with seven men, an Egyptian, a Qatari and five Saudis, where they met the Nusrah leader of eastern Syria, ‘Emir’ Abu Maria al-Qahtani, who would later be demoted by the Nusrah leadership during a dispute over relations with Isis.

“After we met,” Hamed said, “we pledged our loyalty and obedience and prayed that we would accept good times and bad times and would not question the orders of our commander as we sought to see those who are infidels in the sight of God. We were taken to the city of Deir ez-Zour which was under siege and there was fierce fighting. Then, in a convoy of cars, vans and jeeps, on roads and through the desert, Hamed says he was taken with seven more men to the Damascus suburb of Ghouta where, staying in “a great house” he was told to train on mortars for a month, after which, “to prepare for a very big battle on Damascus”, he was sent to the area of Jobar.

“One of our leaders, ‘Abu-Bakr al-Jordani’ (Abu Baker from Jordan), pin-pointed our targets. I was to fire at the Abbasin stadium and the Panorama war memorial area. I was given the target points from Google maps. The idea was to separate the defending Syrian soldiers, to confuse them. The plan was for seven suicide car bombers to enter Damascus. Zero hour for me was 9.0am on 15 July [2012] and we started shelling.” Hamed admits he did not know who was in his target areas, but says that his own home-made mortars began to explode and one was hit by Syrian army fire and he was eventually forced to escape as government forces advanced. “There had been mistakes by our leaders, one of the car bombs exploded on the road into the city.”

As his men shelled al-Ghouta – which was now under siege by the army – Hamed retreated yet again, to al-Ateibi and then to the village of Marj al-Sultan  where a Nusrah man invited him to marry his niece as a second wife. She would later bear him two children. Near the village, Hamed was driving a vehicle in the company of his brother-in-law when a Syrian army rocket hit the vehicle, blowing off his left leg and severing his right leg at the knee. There followed months of medical operations in makeshift rebel hospitals and four days of surgery.

Hamed smiled at me as he said this. Was it worth it, I asked? He sighed and was silent for almost half a minute. “It was fate,” he said. “I will tell you about an incident. There was a man in the Ghouta area who had been caught signaling targets to the Syrian army. A religious judge, a mufti, condemned him to death. They asked me if I would kill him. It was outside, and the man was kneeling on the ground. He was about 50. He confessed before several of the leaders who were there. Then I shot him in the back of the head. I did not know his name. The others told me to keep shooting and I shot him three more times. I felt nothing. If this man was a Muslim and had made a sin, when I killed him I purified him from his sins.”

Hamed talked again about fate, of further months of medical operations and then of his regrets. “It was fate,” he said again. “In Ghouta, the siege was worse and people were very hungry and most civilians hoped the regime would come back to their area. When the people wanted us to go, it gave me great pain. The people who we wanted to help didn’t want us any more. And it was painful to me when fighting broke out between the different rebel groups, between Muslims, between the ‘Free Syrian Army’ and Nusrah and Daesh [Isis].”

Hamed hopes that one day he might be released from prison, to go to Turkey or another state to live with his second wife and children. “I telephoned my first wife in Saudi Arabia after I was wounded,” Hamed said. “She said she was glad that in my plight I had someone to look after me.”  But he was captured trying to escape. Now, in prison, he was well treated, he said. “I was told lies about what happened here.”

He paused again for half a minute and I told him how upset I was to hear of the killing of the 50-year old man and – aware of his obvious intelligence – I added that I wished so much that Hamed had not murdered this man. “So do I,” he said quietly. Later, a Syrian friend told me he thought the courts would sentence Hamed to death because he had blood on his hands. Against all capital punishment for any reason, I told my acquaintance that the court should not do that. Besides, would not Hamed be more useful in freedom, to tell the world how the people he and his fighters intended to save had ordered them to leave, and of how the Muslim ‘saviours’ of the Syrian people ended up fighting each other in the suburbs of the city they claimed to want to ‘liberate’?


  1. “In Ghouta, the siege was worse and people were very hungry and most civilians hoped the regime would come back to their area. ....

    That is the Assad regime, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson ...
    The one you would depose, and let Daesh rule Syria ...

    Just what your Israeli mentors wanted, all along ...

    Israel’s Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren told the Jerusalem Post ...

    Israel prefers Daesh (al-Qeada) in Syria, over the Alawites, Christians and their Kurdish allies

    Israel’s Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren told the Jerusalem Post that Israel so wanted Assad out and his Iranian backers weakened, that Israel would accept al-Qaeda operatives taking power in Syria.

    “We always wanted Bashar Assad to go, we always preferred the bad guys who weren’t backed by Iran to the bad guys who were backed by Iran.”
    Even if the other “bad guys” were affiliated with al-Qaeda.

    1. I was for setting up some safe zones, no fly zones, in Syria.

      Since that day half a million or so are now dead.

      For this I was called a warmonger by the SMIRK'n'QUIRK TWINS.

      Assad is a big war criminal and ought to be shot between the eyes.

      ISIS is a big war crime organization and they ought all to be shot between the eyes.

      Syria ought to be divided up into parts.

      The Kurds ought to get a state out of the whole mess, somehow, someway.

      Hillary ought to be in prison, just like you, Jack.

      That's my overall outlook.

      Though I have no exact prescription for how this could all come to pass.

    2. "Hillary ought to be in prison, just like you, Jack, Dead Beat Dad"


    3. “... most civilians hoped the regime would come back to their area. ...."

      Assad is the legitimate President of Syria, acknowledged by the UN.
      Just as Bibi is the Prime Minister of Israel, acknowledged by the UN.

      No one from outside those countries should interfere in their domestic wars.
      The US should not support either side in either of those countries civil wars ...

      But the US should support anyone in combat against the Islamic State ...
      Even though the Republicans n Congress do not think ISIS is an enemy, based upon their lack of performance in providing the President with an AUMF.

    4. As for Jack being a criminal, Robert Peterson...
      Make your case against me, here and now ...

      I have mine against you, in your own words....

      Bob Thu May 27, 12:52:00 AM EDT

      But I did rip off the bank for $7500 hundred dollars, when I was on my knees, and fighting for my economic life, on my aunt's credit card. But that wasn't really stealing, just payback ...

      You are a thief, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, pretending to be an honorable man.


  2. Freddie Gray Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby Slammed With Complaint Seeking Her Disbarment

    by Chris White | 12:15 pm, June 29th, 201

    Mosby vis screengrab

    The prosecutor at the center of the Freddie Gray case has been slapped with a complaint seeking her disbarment. A law professor at George Washington University School of Law has filed the disciplinary complaint with the Attorney Grievance Commission of Maryland against Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby. has learned that the complaint seeks the disbarment of Mosby for her conduct regarding the investigation and prosecution the six police officers for the death of Freddie Gray.

    According to the complaint, filed by Prof. John F. Banzhaf, Mosby violated multiple provisions of the Maryland Lawyer’s Rules of Professional Conduct (RPC) including withholding exculpatory evidence, making improper public statements and continuing to prosecute a case after there is insufficient evidence to support a conviction.

    “In many situations somebody with legal knowledge to file a complaint — such as an attorney in private practice — would be relunctant to do so because they dont want to stir up controversy…. So, the only group that remains able to do soemthing like this would be law professors. They have legal skill … and we are reasonably impartial,” Prof. Banzahaf said to

    He added, “I do not represent anyone in the case, I have no direct involvement and I’m not in Baltimore. That makes me about as impartial as you can get.”

    Several news reports and developments in the Freddie Gray cases over the past few weeks also played a large role in Prof. Banzhaf’s decision to file complaint. Specifically, the allegations from the lead investigator who claims prosecutors misled the grand jury in order to obtain an indictment. An affidavit from a Baltimore Sheriff’s investigator who says they played a minimal role in the investigation. Mosby has claimed the Sheriff’s Office conducted its own independent investigation of Gray’s death, but in the new affidavit the investigator strongly denies the claims, saying he had “no involvement in the investigation whatsoever.”

    Prof. Banzahf has a history of involvement in high profile cases against overzealous prosecutors. Most notably, he played a role in the disbarment and civil litigation against Duke lacrosse prosecutor Mike Nifong. Banzahf also told he sees a lot of similarities in how Nifong conducted himself in the Duke lacrosse case to how Mosby has conducted herself in the Freddie Gray matter.

    Civil lawsuits have already been filed against Mosby by five of the six police officers she charged in the case. reached out to Mosby’s office for comment, but haven’t heard back.

    Of the six officers charged in the case, two have been acquitted at bench trials and a third, William Porter, is currently awaiting retrial after jury was one vote short of acquitting him of involuntary manslaughter charge after a trial last year. The three other officers still awaiting their original trials all filed motions earlier this week asking the court to dismiss the charges against them. A pretrial hearing in the case against Lt. Brian Rice is scheduled for July 5.

    View the bar complaint here:

    Mosby Bar Complaint

    1. Ms. Mosby is in deep legal do-do.

      Her longed for political career hanging by a thread.

    2. The other shoe is now upon her pretty little foot, so to speak.

      And, it fits, too.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. And how are things going down in BernieLand, Berniezuela ? --

    Venezuela’s democratic façade has completely crumbled

    A national guard member patrols a supermarket in Caracas in February of last year. (Juan Barreto/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/Getty Images)

    By Moisés Naim and Francisco Toro July 1

    Moisés Naim is a distinguished fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and served as Venezuela’s minister of trade and industry from 1989 to 1990. Francisco Toro is the founder and editor in chief of the Caracas Chronicles news site.

    Today, Venezuela is the sick man of Latin America, buckling under chronic shortages of everything from food and toilet paper to medicine and freedom. Riots and looting have become commonplace, as hungry people vent their despair while the revolutionary elite lives in luxury, pausing now and then to order recruits to fire more tear gas into crowds desperate for food.

    Bakery looted amid Venezuela food shortages
     
    Play Video0:55

    Surveillance camera footage shows violent looting take over a bakery in the Venezuelan capital of Caracas as the country battles widespread shortages of basic goods amid a reeling economic crisis. (Reuters)

    Not long ago, the regime that Hugo Chávez founded was an object of fascination for progressives worldwide, attracting its share of another-world-is-possible solidarity activists. Today, as the country sinks deeper into the Western Hemisphere’s most intractable political and economic crisis, the time has come to ask some hard questions about how this regime — so obviously thuggish in hindsight — could have conned so many international observers for so long.

    Chávez was either admired as a progressive visionary who gave voice to the poor or dismissed as just another third-world buffoon. Reality was more complex than that: Chávez pioneered a new playbook for how to bask in global admiration even as he hollowed out democratic institutions on the sly.

    Step one was his deft manipulation of elections. Chávez realized early that, as long as he kept holding and winning elections, nobody outside Venezuela would ask too many questions about what he did with his power in the interim. And so he mastered the paradoxical art of destroying democracy one election at a time.

    1. Venezuelans have gone to the polls 19 times since 1999, and chavismo has won 17 of those votes. The regime has won by stacking the election authorities with malleable pro-government officials, by enmeshing its supporters in a web of lavishly petro-financed patronage and by intimidating and marginalizing its opponents. It worked for more than a decade — until it didn’t work anymore.

      After every election, another little piece of the constitution would be chipped away: Courts and oversight bodies were stacked high with supporters, checks and balances stripped, basic freedoms eroded.

      The key was the torrent of oil dollars that poured into the country during the long oil boom of 2003 to 2014, complemented by massive debt now estimated at $185 billion. (Argentina defaulted on a $100 billion debt.) An enormous import-led consumption boom created an illusion of harmony even as the economy crumbled just out of sight.

      When oil prices fell, the illusion ended, and the government fell back on Plan B: Allow elections to go on, but strip virtually all power from every institution it lost control of.

      When Caracas elected an opposition mayor, his powers were stripped out from under him, and he was eventually jailed. When voters mischievously gave the opposition a two-thirds majority in the National Assembly, a newly packed Supreme Tribunal took to overturning its acts. The government’s faith in democracy lasted exactly as long as its majority.

      Something similar happened with the media. The government learned early on that shutting down dissident media carried major political costs. So it turned to cronies to buy up critical outlets and rein in their journalists. As dozens of critical journalists who’ve been intimidated or forced out of their jobs can attest, media freedom in Venezuela today is a sham: The airwaves have been scrubbed clean of dissent.

      Under Fidel Castro’s tutelage, Chávez successfully cultivated a pro-poor, anti-American posture . Endless professions of concern for the poor followed furious denunciations of gringo imperialism.

      But this, too, was a charade. We now know that the fiery speeches professing unconditional love and support for the poor were a ruse to deflect attention from the wholesale looting of the state. In fact, more than $100 billion in oil profits stashed in a “National Development Fund” were simply never accounted for.

      The regime’s actions reveal a deep, even cruel contempt for the poor. This year, the protests of the destitute have been met with open violence and repression while regime-connected politicians run their luxury yachts aground after drunken romps. While newborn babies die for lack of simple medicines at state hospitals, the stacked Supreme Tribunal censures the opposition-run parliament for asking for international humanitarian assistance.

      You would think that preying on the world’s largest oil reserves would be enough for even the most voracious of kleptocratic elites, but no. The regime is also deeply involved in drug trafficking. The DEA has put multiple high-ranking officials on its wanted lists....

    2. All this is so sad, and so utterly predictable.

      Now a leftist former bus driver without even a high school education is 'running' the country.

      What o what could possibly go wrong ?

    3. Largest oil supplies in the world, so I have read.

      You got to be really really incompetent to take your country from that to starvation in the streets.

  4. Nifty new high rise in Tel Aviv -

    July 3rd, 2016

    Skyscraper Concept in Tel Aviv Looks Like a Stack of Seashells

    (David Tajchman)

    With a growing traffic problem and complaints of inadequate public transportation, this mixed-use high-rise concept comes at an ideal time for Tel Aviv. David Tajchman, an architect from Paris, designed the building to house apartments, office and retail spaces, and public parking. The garage incorporates a car-sharing system and accommodates charging for electric cars. The Gran Mediterraneo, as Tajchman calls it, melds interior gardens into the building’s design, which can be seen from outside through the buildings glass facade.

    As demonstrated by the name, the high-rise has a heavy Mediterranean influence with its structure comprised of concrete slices that look similar to a stack of seashells. Located in a district colloquially called “White City” (for the predominant color of the houses), Gran Mediterraneo would fit in among the 4,000 Bauhaus-style homes. Learn more about Tajchman’s design here. Take a visual tour of the building below.


    I like.


    BEIRUT - The call came around noon, about four hours after U.S.-backed Syrian fighters announced they had taken over an air base outside a town held by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria near the Iraqi border. "We are trapped. Pray for us,” a commander called into the operation room.

    Then communication was cut. Six hours later, the exhausted fighters from the group, known as the New Syrian Army, returned to their base in Tanf, nearly 150 miles across the desert to the west, having lost four fighters, four vehicles and ammunition.

    The swift, humiliating defeat last Wednesday marked the end of a widely advertised offensive launched less than 24 hours earlier with intense U.S.-led air cover. The fighters had hoped to capture Boukamal, a prize possession of ISIS and the extremist group’s last border crossing between Iraq and Syria.


    The Boukamal offensive was the first serious attempt to take on ISIS in the northeastern province of Deir el-Zour, and the first major test for the nascent force of some 1,000 fighters, formed in November from a coalition of Syrian army defectors, local militias and Islamist fighting groups, many of them from the area.

    The quick collapse of the offensive reflects the difficulties the U.S. faces in creating an effective Syrian force against ISIS, given the complex terrain, competing personal and tribal loyalties - and the extremists' continued ability to fight on multiple fronts.

    The U.S. has struggled to find local partners in Syria. The exception has been the Kurds, who heavily dominate the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces, which have had success wresting territory from ISIS in the north.

    (This is from a CBS report)

  6. The genius who wrote the report of another US debacle observes:

    All other known attempts to train rebel groups have largely failed, in part because of Washington’s focus on the fight against ISIS rather than toppling the Syrian government, and its failure to protect its partners from better-equipped rivals.

    I read this paragraph five times to make sure that I was reading what was written. The US problem in Syria was that the US government did not topple the Syrian government. This from a so-called reporter from CBS. All I can say is keep praying for an end to criminal stupidity.


  7. AS far as the recurring GOP solution of a No Fly Zone, where have we heard that before? Does Iraq and Libya ring a bell? Is there no end to such serial stupidity? No Fly Zones in Iraq and Libya have produced an incalculable amount of damage, death and misery.

    Is there anyone that can explain to these idiots that ISIS has no aircraft.

    Whose air force are you denying? Israel, always the helpful US ally, effectively provided air cover for ISIS by repeatedly shooting down Syrian aircraft in Syrian air space that were trying to protect Syrians from the US and Saudi supplied killers. That was a no fly zone.

    The Turks tried to establish a Russian no fly zone. How did that work?

  8. NO FLY ZONES - 2002 -IRAQ

    Why 'No-Fly' Zone Clashes Won't Trigger an Iraq War
    By Tony Karon TIME

    The Bush Administration insists its policy is zero tolerance of Iraqi violations of the latest UN Security Council resolution. Administration officials announced Monday that Iraq had violated that resolution by firing on coalition planes patrolling the "no-fly" zone over northern Iraq. But, in the same breath, they said the U.S. would not take the matter up at the UN Security Council, where any move to punish Iraqi violations would have to begin. What's going on?
    The reason the Bush Administration won't take the latest firefight to the Security Council is that most of the Council doesn't share Washington's interpretation of the resolution as it applies to the "no-fly" zone. UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has made clear that the international body does not view "no-fly" zone confrontations as a violation of the resolution. "Let me say that I don't think the Council will say that this is in contravention of the resolution that was recently passed," Annan told reporters Tuesday during a visit to Kosovo....

    The U.S., Britain and France began in 1991 denying Iraq the right to fly in parts of its own airspace as a way of implementing UN resolutions urging protection for the Kurds in northern Iraq and the Shiites in the south from the wrath of Saddam. But the "no-fly" zone was never specifically mandated by the UN Security Council, and was rejected from the outset by Iraq as a violation of its sovereignty. Iraq's objections were backed by Russia and China, and in 1996 France withdrew its participation.

    ...While the U.S. may continue to cite the "no-fly" zone combat as evidence of Iraq's belligerent intentions, the violations that will count in the international conversation over how to deal with Iraq will be those concerning weapons inspections — either obstructing inspectors, or proof of continued deception or concealing of weapons programs. And for that, chances are, Washington may have to wait.


      After the 1991 Gulf War, Iraq’s civilian air traffic was halted. The US and Britain unilaterally imposed the so-called no-fly zones, allegedly to protect the Kurds in the north and the Shi’ites in the south from Saddam Hussein’s forces.

      According to Washington’s interpretation, the sanctions banned international flights to or from Iraq. To this day, passengers arriving at Queen Alia Airport in Amman, Jordan will see several Iraqi Airways planes grounded on the tarmac since 1991.

      It wasn’t until December 26, 1998 that Iraq very publicly stated its intent to defend its national airspace against invading aircraft. Baghdad’s declaration came just days after the end of Operation “Desert Fox”–four days of massive bombing by the Clinton Administration from December 16-19, 1998.



    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


      Outfucking standing with a glitch or two:

      With no declaration of war, American and British warplanes bomb Iraq an average of 3-4 times a week. Baghdad says over the last decade more than 1,400 civilians have been killed in the US and British attacks in the no fly zones. While this cannot be independently verified, UN statistics say that more than 300 civilians have been killed in the raids since December 1998.

    4. ...after-all, the enlightened use of air power by the empire boys saved hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives and Iraq continues to prosper today. This humanitarian military tactic is the

      US/UK gift to mankind, the gift that keeps on giving.

  9. Of course, there is always some leftwing liberal cynic without a single OOrah in him

    “If you want to be very cynical then you say what has in fact resulted from these zones is death and destruction,” says Hans von Sponeck, the coordinator of the UN Humanitarian Program in Iraq from 1998-2000. “On average, during the time I was in Iraq, there were bombing incidents every 3 days. The casualties were in the very areas that they allegedly established to protect people. How, at a 10,000-meter height, can you protect a Shi’ite population? That is a fantasy. The cruel reality is that people are dying as a result of these no-fly zones.”

    In 1999, von Sponeck began compiling what he called “Air Strike Reports” on the US and British attacks. He submitted these every three months to the Security Council and Secretary General Kofi Annan. He says that in 1999 alone, there were 132 bombings that caused civilian “casualties.”

    “The number of people killed were 120, the number of people hurt, 442,” von Sponeck said. “That’s only in the year 1999.”


    Date of Article: 2002


    Like no other people in recent history, the Iraqis know what it means to suffer. A once great civilization has been reduced to what Denis Halliday, a former UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Iraq, called a handout society. Their collective faces have been pressed into the mud and rubbed there for 12 years in front of the world’s eyes. Like a plague, US foreign policy has swept through the homes of all ordinary Iraqis, while leaving the government firmly in power. No assassination or coup or invasion will erase this from the hearts and minds and memories of the tens of thousands of Iraqi children who have grown up in pure misery, watching their parents humiliated, beaten down, killed. Long after Saddam Hussein is gone, no matter how he goes, America will be facing the children of Iraq for generations to come. Among them will be Mustafa and his siblings, whose 6-year-old brother Haider was killed by a US laser-guided cruise missile during Washington’s undeclared war against Iraq.

    JEREMY SCAHILL is an independent journalist. He reports for the nationally-syndicated radio programs Democracy Now! and Free Speech Radio News. He reports frequently from Iraq, where he and independent filmmaker Jacquie Soohen coordinate, the only website providing independent reporting from Iraq. He can be reached at

  11. REPEAT 2002

    Like no other people in recent history, the Iraqis know what it means to suffer. A once great civilization has been reduced to what Denis Halliday, a former UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Iraq, called a handout society. Their collective faces have been pressed into the mud and rubbed there for 12 years in front of the world’s eyes. Like a plague, US foreign policy has swept through the homes of all ordinary Iraqis, while leaving the government firmly in power. No assassination or coup or invasion will erase this from the hearts and minds and memories of the tens of thousands of Iraqi children who have grown up in pure misery, watching their parents humiliated, beaten down, killed. Long after Saddam Hussein is gone, no matter how he goes, America will be facing the children of Iraq for generations to come. Among them will be Mustafa and his siblings, whose 6-year-old brother Haider was killed by a US laser-guided cruise missile during Washington’s undeclared war against Iraq.


  12. We will face them alright. We got that message. Oh wait. We may not have gotten it. We may have another Clinton and another NO FLY ZONE.

  13. Iraq, a civilization for 7000 years wrecked by the most exceptional of all nations following the NEOCON strategy, planned and played flawlessly.

  14. UPDATE

    4 July 2016 (and counting)

    ISIS promised an uptick in terror attacks during Ramadan. The Baghdad assault came just days after massacres at a cafe in Dhaka, Bangladesh, the Ataturk International Airport in Istanbul, Turkey, and security targets in Yemen. There have also been recent suicide attacks in Jordan at a border crossing near Syria, and suicide attacks in a Christian area of northern Lebanon.

    Last month, a gunman shot up a nightclub in Orlando, Florida, killing 49 people before he was killed, and an attacker killed a police commander and his partner in France.

    ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attacks in Bangladesh and Yemen and there are news reports that ISIS claimed responsibility for the Jordanian attack. Experts believe the group might have conducted the attacks in Turkey and Lebanon.

    Omar Mateen, the killer in Orlando, and the attacker in France both pledged allegiance to ISIS.

    A second bomb exploded Sunday at an outdoor market in the Shaab neighborhood of southeastern Baghdad, killing one person and wounding five others, police said.

  15. Baghdad bombing kills at least 200; ISIS claims responsibility

    By Mohammed Tawfeeq, Joe Sterling and Susanna Capelouto, CNN
    Updated 5:20 AM ET, Mon July 4, 2016

    1. 'Do you realise what you've done?' Putin address to UNGA 28 Sept 2015

    2. The Iraqi people in Baghdad will not be getting a "Nifty" new high rise any time soon.

    3. According to Hossein Salami, deputy commander of the IRGC, "the opportunity to destroy Israel is now better than ever."
      “Today, the grounds for the annihilation and collapse of the Zionist regime are [present] more than ever,” he declared, saying there are “tens of thousands of destructive long-range missiles” from Islamic territories aiming at all of “occupied” Israel.

      “If the Zionists make a wrong move, all the occupied territories will come under attack from dedicated fighters and, God willing, the territories will be liberated,” Salami warned.

      Sounds like Iran is ready to bomb and destroy those "nifty" new high rises..

      And when they try to do so?

      I hope Iran is reduced to glass.

    4. Finally, Let"S Hear From The Israeli Brain Trust Of 2002. Israel Being Of Inestimable Value As A Precious Source Of Insight Into The Middle East And Always At The Ready To Selflessly Provide Guidance to Washington

      "If you take out Saddam, Saddam's regime, I guarantee you that it will have enormous positive reverberations on the region," ... "And I think that people sitting right next door in Iran, young people, and many others, will say the time of such regimes, of such despots is gone." Bibi Netanyahu to the genuflecting, electrified, rapturous applause and alleluias of the always helpful US Congress


    5. I hope Iran is reduced to glass.

      One would generally consider that statement to be equivalent to ...
      Wiped off the map!

      Other genocidal statement made by prominent Israelis about Palestinians

    6. Who could have predicted that an American president would empower and prop up a Shiite overthrow of Iraq?

      Taking statements without context?


  16. The LIBERATION of America, July 4th, the Independence day was not based on the cutting off of British school girls heads, or the destruction of London.

    Israel's liberation day the same.

    Only the Palestinians seek to destroy other folks nation more than their own building of a state.

    Iraq could have NIFTY new high rises if it had not been bent on destruction of others...

    How many did Iraq kill OF IT'S OWN? In it's war with Iran? When it invaded it's neighbors?

    Iraq's situation is of it's own making...


    1. Iraq's situation is of it's own making...

      "O"rdure, always quick to blame the victim of neocon aggression.

    2. The LIBERATION of America, July 4th, the Independence day was not based on the cutting off of British school girls heads, or the destruction of London.

      You are quite the expert on made up histories. Of course your premise has to be in the case of Israeli legitimacy. But really, face reality.
      US history is far from benignbbut let's focus on the little girls:

      The story began in 1614 when a band of English explorers sailed home to England with a ship full of Patuxet Indians bound for slavery. They left behind smallpox which virtually wiped out those who had escaped. By the time the Pilgrims arrived in Massachusetts Bay they found only one living Patuxet Indian, a man named Squanto who had survived slavery in England and knew their language. He taught them to grow corn and to fish, and negotiated a peace treaty between the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag Nation. At the end of their first year, the Pilgrims held a great feast honoring Squanto and the Wampanoags.

      But as word spread in England about the paradise to be found in the new world, religious zealots called Puritans began arriving by the boat load. Finding no fences around the land, they considered it to be in the public domain. Joined by other British settlers, they seized land, capturing strong young Natives for slaves and killing the rest. But the Pequot Nation had not agreed to the peace treaty Squanto had negotiated and they fought back. The Pequot War was one of the bloodiest Indian wars ever fought.

      In 1637 near present day Groton, Connecticut, over 700 men, women and children of the Pequot Tribe had gathered for their annual Green Corn Festival which is our Thanksgiving celebration. In the predawn hours the sleeping Indians were surrounded by English and Dutch mercenaries who ordered them to come outside. Those who came out were shot or clubbed to death while the terrified women and children who huddled inside the longhouse were burned alive. The next day the governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony declared "A Day Of Thanksgiving" because 700 unarmed men, women and children had been murdered.

      Cheered by their "victory", the brave colonists and their Indian allies attacked village after village. Women and children over 14 were sold into slavery while the rest were murdered. Boats loaded with a many as 500 slaves regularly left the ports of New England. Bounties were paid for Indian scalps to encourage as many deaths as possible.

      Following an especially successful raid against the Pequot in what is now Stamford, Connecticut, the churches announced a second day of "thanksgiving" to celebrate victory over the heathen savages. During the feasting, the hacked off heads of Natives were kicked through the streets like soccer balls. Even the friendly Wampanoag did not escape the madness. Their chief was beheaded, and his head impaled on a pole in Plymouth, Massachusetts -- where it remained on display for 24 years.

      The killings became more and more frenzied, with days of thanksgiving feasts being held after each successful massacre. George Washington finally suggested that only one day of Thanksgiving per year be set aside instead of celebrating each and every massacre. Later Abraham Lincoln decreed Thanksgiving Day to be a legal national holiday during the Civil War -- on the same day he ordered troops to march against the starving Sioux in Minnesota.

    3. You missed the course on Independent thing did you?

    4. ISIS only had to read the history to find out how it is done.

  17. Jack HawkinsMon Jul 04, 09:02:00 AM EDT

    I hope Iran is reduced to glass.

    One would generally consider that statement to be equivalent to ...
    Wiped off the map!

    Other genocidal statement made by prominent Israelis about Palestinians

    Jack, why do you distort and lie?

    Context my dear lying criminal, CONTEXT.

    When one threatens you with death, it is fine to call for a DEFENSIVE action.

    Just as when you threatened me with death? I called the AZ FBI against you, hoping that you'd be arrested and incarnated.

    1. No distortion, no lies...

      Just quoting you, "O"rdure ...

      Which may amount to repeating YOUR lies, in order to debunk them.

    2. Selective out of context statements is not quoting.

      but you know that.

      You are just a simpleton.

      Not capable of anything but simplistic lies and distortions.

      After all it was you that STALKED the WRONG JEW for 2 YEARS!!!

      Chocolate Emporium

      AND it was you that said I was multiple people all the time my IP never changed in Ohio...

      You sir are a fool, an ass, common thug.

  18. Jack, read again and LEARN

    According to Hossein Salami, deputy commander of the IRGC, "the opportunity to destroy Israel is now better than ever."
    “Today, the grounds for the annihilation and collapse of the Zionist regime are [present] more than ever,” he declared, saying there are “tens of thousands of destructive long-range missiles” from Islamic territories aiming at all of “occupied” Israel.

    “If the Zionists make a wrong move, all the occupied territories will come under attack from dedicated fighters and, God willing, the territories will be liberated,” Salami warned.

    Sounds like Iran is ready to bomb and destroy those "nifty" new high rises..

    And when they try to do so?

    I hope Iran is reduced to glass.

    1. Other genocidal statement made by prominent Israelis about Palestinians

    2. “It is time to honestly admit that Israeli society is ill – and it is our duty to treat this disease,”


      “I’m not asking if they’ve forgotten how to be Jews, but if they’ve forgotten how to be decent human beings. Have they forgotten how to converse?”
      - Reuven Rivlin, President of Israel

      The Zionists are focused upon committing genocide in the Middle East.

      IDF general in bombshell speech: Israel today shows signs of 1930s Germany


    3. Ehud Barak accuses the Netanyahu government of establishing apartheid


    4. Ethnic cleansing: An established plan in Israel’s apartheid policy

    5. Jack "our self confessed criminal of the blog" Hawkins.

      In discussions on the blog it would increase your creditibity (which there is none) if you didn't cut and paste like a 2nd grader, out of context and out of time and place.

      Iran's deputy commander of the IRGC, "the opportunity to destroy Israel is now better than ever."

      that is what is being RESPONDED too..

      Stay on topic Jack.

      “Today, the grounds for the annihilation and collapse of the Zionist regime are [present] more than ever,” he declared, saying there are “tens of thousands of destructive long-range missiles” from Islamic territories aiming at all of “occupied” Israel.

      “If the Zionists make a wrong move, all the occupied territories will come under attack from dedicated fighters and, God willing, the territories will be liberated,” Salami warned.

      To which I responded too...

      "Sounds like Iran is ready to bomb and destroy those "nifty" new high rises..
      And when they try to do so?
      I hope Iran is reduced to glass.

      Now try to read the entirety, in context and if you wish to comment? Then do so, but don't lie, distort, cut out of context, it just makes you look like a rat... Oh that's right, you are rat.


    6. “It is time to honestly admit that Israeli society is ill – and it is our duty to treat this disease,”
      “I’m not asking if they’ve forgotten how to be Jews, but if they’ve forgotten how to be decent human beings. Have they forgotten how to converse?”

      - Reuven Rivlin, President of Israel

    7. Cutting and pasting and not responding to the point once again shows you are a coward.

  19. Once again, our mentally retarded poster "Jack Hawkins" posts stupidity.

    Jack HawkinsMon Jul 04, 09:10:00 AM EDT

    Ethnic cleansing: An established plan in Israel’s apartheid policy

    Jack, please explain the presence of 1.2 MILLION arab citizens of Israel (more than the total of arabs from all the lands in 1948)

    If you look at a map you will find that the population of Palestinians is growing like cockroaches.... Both in Israel and in the Palestinian controlled lands of Gaza and the West Bank (to use your ignorant labels)

    Now is that "ethnic cleansing"?

    There are MILLIONs and MILLIONs of Palestinians now living and breeding in the lands....

    Now if you look at Syria?

    Now that's and EXCELLENT example of ethnic cleansing... 13 MILLION displaced...

    And if you'd like a great example of ethnic cleansing and apartheid ?

    Look to the the other 899/900th of the arab controlled middle east where Jews USED to live until they were ethnically cleansed and pushed into Israel by the arabs from 1948-1967

    Now that's ethnic cleansing and apartheid.

    But Jack, you need to grow your skills, rather than just cutting and pasting the same disjointed nonsense day after day, you need to learn to thing and be rational...


    1. Ehud Barak accuses the Netanyahu government of establishing apartheid

    2. All that needs to be done ...
      When discussing Israel, quote Israelis.

      They know so much more about the situation there, in Israel, then can a US citizen in Ohio, if that is your reality.

      Left hanging on your own petard, "O"rdure ..
      Real Israelis who speak the truth

      TRUTH, "O"rdure, I realize it is an alien concept, for you ...

      But the rest of us, here, recognize it.

      Israel’s Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren told the Jerusalem Post that Israel so wanted Assad out and his Iranian backers weakened, that Israel would accept al-Qaeda operatives taking power in Syria.

      “We always wanted Bashar Assad to go, we always preferred the bad guys who weren’t backed by Iran to the bad guys who were backed by Iran.”
      Even if the other “bad guys” were affiliated with al-Qaeda.

    3. The truth?

      you side lost.

      Israel won.

      that's the truth.

      1.2 MILLION Arab citizens of Israel say you are wrong.

      They stay.

      Meanwhile you hide.

  20. It is so much more accurate when the Israelis speak of Issrael, "O"rdure.

    They know so much more about the place, than you do.

    IDF general in bombshell speech: Israel today shows signs of 1930s Germany

    1. All you can do is out of context comments.

      Meanwhile your side the Hamas? The Jihadists?

      Lost in Palestine.

      You hide in a hole.

    2. The President of Israel says I am right.
      The #2 man in the IDF says I am right
      A previous Prime Minister of Israel says I am right.

      "O"rdure claims that Arabs know Israel better, than those prominent Israelis.

      His petard, it is still holding strong.

    3. Quoting out of context lines proves nothing except you are a moron.

      But I like your idea...

      Palestinians must be moved to syria.



    4. Excellent?, "O"rdure, that Syria will be moving to Palestine?

      You still trying to speak for the Palestinians, or just blowing gas out of your ass.

  21. Jack repeats lies and distortions about Israel and ethnic cleansing.

    I wonder what would Israel be like if it ethnically cleansed the problematic Palestinians of the region.

    there are ONLY 1.8 million palestinians of gaza, 1.7 in the west bank and 1.2 in Israel.

    So about 4.7 million arabs...

    I think Jack makes a good idea.

    What Jack is suggesting is that the 4.7 million palestinians SHOULD be cleansed of living in the region and be moved to other lands...

    So since Assad of syria has cleansed about 14 million from syria?

    There is a opening for the palestinians...

    Now 4.7 million palesitnians would hardly replace the total that have left it would be a good start.

    Jack hawkins, has a Great idea..

    Move the palestinains from israeli control to Syrian control...

    Thanks Jack.


    1. Now "O"rdure wants to give the West Bank and Gaza to Assad ...
      When the Zionists will not allow Syria to control the Golan Heights, which really is Syria ...

      He is spouting foolishness ...

      Because he is a fool.

    2. No, you need to learn to READ english better....

      After all it's not your 1st language.

      The Arabs of the west bank and gaza need to move (with you) to syria.

      You are getting dumber by the year.

  22. Newsflash from Israel and the occupied Territories,.

    The Arabs of the land reject Jack's suggestion...

    They like Israeli control...



    1. ... amid a new spate of violence in Israel and the West Bank. In separate attacks over the past few days, two Israelis were killed and five were injured. Three Palestinian assailants were also killed.

      The facts on the ground provide the evidence that denies your statement

    2. Hardly Jack, but thanks for your interest,

      when are you moving to Gaza?


  23. It is interesting ...

    Now that "O"rdure can no longer speak for Israel, he pretends to speak for the Palestinians ...

    1. I suggest you don't move there.

      Since all you do is find fault with Israel.

      Maybe you should move off the lands you occupy and return to your native lands?


    2. Are you done being a spokesman for the Palestinians, "O"rdure?

    3. Are you done misquoting Israeli leaders?

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


    5. You should post that alleged confession ...

      But you cannot, can you?

      Because it is another of your lies, "O"rdure.

      As for Israeli leaders, if the JPost misquotes them, write a letter to the Editor.

  24. Jack is moving to Gaza to take up arms with Hamas and Isis against Israel.

    When is the question.

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. More lies from the "O"rdure.

      He cannot even tell us the year he supposedly made the complaint, that data point is not in the back story file.

      Israel Pays Students For Pro-Israeli Social Media Propaganda

      The move was publicised in a statement from Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office, the Associated Press reported. Students will receive scholarships to "engage international audiences online" and combat anti-Semitism and calls to boycott Israel, it was alleged.

      According to Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz, the most recent proposition is being spearheaded by Danny Seaman, who was slammed by the media for writing anti-Muslim messages on Facebook.

      Students will be organised into units at each university, with a chief co-ordinator who receives a full scholarship, three desk co-ordinators for language, graphics and research who receive lesser scholarships and students termed “activists” who will receive a “minimal scholarship”, the Independent reported.

    2. He even goes so far as to tells us that Eleanor Newman is a liar.

      Chocolate Emporium, which sells mostly dark chocolate, is the only store in Ohio with a kosher, dairy-free candy kitchen, Newman said.

      He also tells us that Michael Resnick, owner of Cedar Green Wine & Cheese at the Cedar Green Plaza, and Barbara Kleckner, the store’s manager are liars.

      ... both said they are sad to see Chocolate Emporium go.

      “I’m flabbergasted,” Kleckner said. “There’s no one else doing what they do.

      But that is how "O"rdure rolls ....

    3. Jack you KILLED Chocolate Emporium?

      How sick

      You should go to jail

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


    1. Post any of those alleged comments, if you can, "O"rdure.

      But you cannot, can you?

      Your petard, it is still holding strong, "O"rdure.

    2. As always, "O"rdure, your reading comprehension of what was written, just abysmal.

      Which is why you should post the alleged comments, or at least a link to the page.
      What you report was written, was not.

      Your lack of aptitude with regard reading comprehension, in English, is not a reflection upon me or what I wrote.

    3. Sorry Jack, anything that proves your guilt?

      Is deleted by Deuce.


    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


    5. No, "O"rdure, we do not know that what you wrote is true.
      We do know that the ATF was informed of "O"riginal's self-proclaimed gun business, and he subsequently left the blog ...

      To be replaced by you and your squad of English illiterates.

    6. LOL

      Denial aint just a river in Egypt you sick twisted retarded moron.

    7. But then again?

      You are a hamas supporting Jihadist...

  27. Max Blumenthal — senior writer for AlterNet and author of Goliath and The 51 Day War: Ruin and Resistance in Gaza, a virulently anti-Israel book about Operation Protective Edge in the summer of 2014 – took to Twitter to say, “Elie Wiesel is dead. He spent his last years inciting hatred, defending apartheid & palling around with fascists.”

    Wiesel, he wrote, “did more harm than good and should not be honored.”

    In a series of additonal tweets in the aftermath of the announcement that Wiesel had died, Blumenthal — whose close association with presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was revealed in the batches of emails released from her server over the past year– proceeded to explain his antipathy to the beloved chronicler of Nazi atrocities, who was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Barack Obama in 2013.

    He “went from a victim of war crimes to a supporter of those who commit them,” wrote Blumenthal, referring to Wiesel’s staunch support for Israel.

    1. Max is a self hating jew.

      And you love them don't ya?


    2. Any Jew that does not agree with your ideological doctrine is accused of "Self-Hating"

      An IDF General, an Israeli Prime Minister, the current President of Israel ...
      Your regular retort that they are anti-Semites ... just does not pass muster.

      The are Israelis waking up to the fascism that is inherent to Zionism, they seem annoyed by that reality.

  28. It took 24+ hours for Trump's weak "Sheriff Star" defense of his anti-semitic meme. Hillary has gotten inside Trump's OODA loop and she's there to stay.

    1. .

      Wasn't Boyd also the guy who came up with the pooper-scooper?


    2. .

      Hillary has gotten inside Trump's OODA loop and she's there to stay.

      She's become the portly ghost in the machine? Hmmm, scary thought.


    3. Apparently he sold one to CNN. They hired Corey Lewandowski.

    4. .

      Apparently, Lewandowski has no hard feelings about being 'dumped'. More instinctive genius on Trump's part. Now he has a whole cable network giving him free air time.


    5. As soon as CNN figures out Trump doesn't have enough cash to air any ads on their network the stockholders might rebel.

  29. .

    Happy Independence Day.

    Good to see all the guys (and gal) are doing well.


    1. Independence Day is a film about aliens who arrive and destroy Washington DC but later we find out they are hostile.

    2. .


      I've heard it before but it never gets old.


  30. .

    You may have noticed nothing has changed much since you gone, TD.


    1. It was all-Israel all the time before I left, Q.

    2. .

      Hey, pick a side. It doesn't matter which. When it comes to the ME they are all the same.

      Same shit, different tribes.


    3. It turns out the Hebrews where just Canaanites with an aversion to pork. Later they wrote a novel where their tribal god told them they had title to all the land of their neighbors.

    4. Ah back again with your flip flopping stuff...

      Glad to see you are not passed away, your opinions about the Hebrews? I could give a hoot, but remember don't have a Christmas tree or easter candy for the nieces either...

    5. The Hebrews BOUGHT the land, read that novel...


      Jewish owned, with title.

    6. The Hebrew that "bought" the land was about as real as Paul Bunyan. Abram means "father". What father names his kid "father" ?

    7. Ms T, I see you are now on an anti-judaism bent.

      Enjoy yourself.

      By yourself.

      Please do not believe, quote or reference ANYTHING from the the novel of my ancestors.


    8. Funny, Muslims would say I was on an anti-Islamic bent, calling the father of Ishmael a figment.

  31. Idaho Bob:"Hillary ought to be in prison, just like you, Jack, Dead Beat Dad"

    Gosh, what did Hillary do to deserve prison? Ordered a hit at Benghazi? That didn't pan out. Broke the rules of the State Department about handling email? The Secretary of State IS the State Department.

    1. Hillary killed Foster.

      New Documents Prove Hillary Clinton Murder Cover-Up

    2. Documents from the Babylonian Vacation prove there really is a solid dome over the Earth with windows in it for dumping water.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Idaho Bob: I was for setting up some safe zones, no fly zones, in Syria.

    I would be for that too, Bob, as long as you got to ride shotgun in the F-15E. Get some skin in the game. Otherwise people might think you were a chickenhawk.

  34. WiO:Max is a self hating jew.

    By that logic, if I oppose the policies of Duterte I'm a self-hating Filipina.

    1. Sorry Ms T, not sure how you come to that logic or conclusion.

      Are you, in this edition of you, straight, lesbian, christian, or Filipino?

    2. Just wondering if you still had a Christmas Tree for your Jew worship as god?


    3. Why is it of concern, to you, "O"rdure?

    4. An oft-overlooked part of the Normandy landing is how many sheriffs died during the invasion.

    5. Jack HawkinsMon Jul 04, 02:05:00 PM EDT

      Why is it of concern, to you, "O"rdure?

      Jack, how many women have you beaten this year?


  35. I insist on the truth, not out of respect for scientific but political realities.
    The acknowledgement of this truth leads to inevitable and serious conclusions regarding our work in Palestine…
    let us not build on the hope the terrorist gangs will get tired. If some get tired, others will replace them.

    A people which fights against the usurpation of its land will not tire so easily…

    it is easier for them to continue the war and not get tired than it is for us...

    1. Are you scared the First Americans will be coming after you for usurping their lands Jack?


    2. No, "O"rdure, I am letting the world know that Ben-Gurian KNEW that he had started an endless war, in Palestine.

      That the Arabs held the moral high ground.

    3. That the facts, as found in Ben-Gurian's remarks are indicative of the truth found ...


      Ethnic cleansing: An established plan in Israel’s apartheid policy

    4. Just cause you say it don't make it so...

      One can only hope and dream of a Land of Israel, from the river to the see without arabs. But that's not happening.

      1.2 MILLION Arabs live inside israel, more than existed in the entire region in 1948.

      And if you count Gaza and the Jewish lands of the West Bank that are occupied by the Arabs? Another 3.5 million...

      Hardly "ethnic cleansing', more like ethnic propagation....

      Try again Jack...

      As for the Gulf News? How many Jews are citizens of the arab gulf states?

      How many christians?

      Oh yeah...


  36. Wow, just like the good ole days - Jack and WiO hollering, Ms. T sniping and bob, well, he's still way out there.

    1. Speaking of Bob, those dark and stormy clouds are Idaho. Sunny part is Steptoe Butte, Washington.

    2. .

      Hopefully, he will stay out there for awhile.



    3. I can show you a lot better views than that from the top of that little pimple, Miss T.

      We got wolves and elk out at my farm too.

      Quirk was gonna come visit but he's chickened out, now.

  37. .

    The worst ISIS attack in days is the one the world probably cares least about

    By Ishaan Tharoor July 4 at 11:42 AM

    At least 95 are dead and approximately 200 have been injured after a deadly Islamic State suicide car bomb in the Iraqi capital, according to officials. Most of the dead were killed in a resulting fire that raged through two nearby shopping centers.

    First, they came for Istanbul. On Tuesday night, three suspected Islamic State militants launched a brazen assault on Turkey's main airport, exploding their suicide vests after gunning down numerous passengers and airport staff. At least 45 people were killed. The world panicked; Istanbul Ataturk Airport is one of the busiest hubs in Europe and the Middle East, and it is among the most fortified. Are our airports safe, wondered American TV anchors. Could this happen here on the Fourth of July?

    Next, they came for Dhaka. Gunmen whom many have linked to the Islamic State raided a popular cafe in an upscale neighborhood in Bangladesh's teeming capital. After a 10-hour standoff, authorities stormed the establishment; at least 20 hostages, mostly Italian and Japanese nationals, died at the militants' hands. U.S. college students also were among the dead. The Islamic State's reach is growing far from the Middle East, security experts fretted. Foreigners are at risk all over the Muslim world.

    Then, they attacked Baghdad. In the early hours of Sunday morning, as hundreds of Iraqis gathered during the holy month of Ramadan, a car bomb exploded in the crowded Karrada shopping district. The blast killed a staggering number of people — the latest death toll is at least 187 — including many children. The area is predominantly Shiite, making it a choice target for the Sunni extremist group.

    It's unlikely that this attack, just the latest in an unending stream of tragedy to envelop the Iraqi capital, will generate the same panic in the West as the earlier two incidents. For years now, we have become almost numb to the violence in Baghdad: Deadly car bombings there conjure up no hashtags, no Facebook profile pictures with the Iraqi flag, and no Western newspaper front pages of the victims' names and life stories, and they attract only muted global sympathy.


    1. And with Ramadan still not over yet? Those suicide bombers won't get their 72 raisins fer sure.

    2. {...}

      The BBC has a timeline of the recent attacks linked to the Islamic State in the city and elsewhere in Iraq, including a hideous week of bombings in Baghdad in mid-May:
      9 June 2016: At least 30 people killed in and around Baghdad in two suicide attacks claimed by IS

      17 May 2016: Four bomb blasts kill 69 people in Baghdad; three of the targets were Shia areas

      11 May 2016: Car bombs in Baghdad kill 93 people, including 64 in market in Shia district of Sadr City

      1 May 2016: Two car bombs kill at least 33 people in southern city of Samawa

      26 March 2016: Suicide attack targets football match in central city of Iskandariya, killing at least 32

      6 March 2016: Fuel tanker blown up at checkpoint near central city of Hilla, killing 47

      28 February 2016: Twin suicide bomb attacks hit market in Sadr City, killing 70

      And all of this is only from this year. Since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, and the bungled occupation that followed, Baghdad has been the site of numerous rounds of sectarian bloodletting, al-Qaeda attacks and now the ravages of the Islamic State. Despite suffering significant defeats at the hands of the Iraqi army, including the loss of the city of Fallujah, the militant group has shown its willingness and capacity to brutalize the country's population.

      Public anger in the Iraqi capital, as my colleague Loveday Morris reports, is not being directed at foreign conspirators or even — first and foremost — at the militants, but at a much-maligned government that is failing to keep the country safe.

      "The street was full of life last night," one Karrada resident told The Washington Post, "and now the smell of death is all over the place."


      When confronted with this news the patriots here respond after their fashion, one laughs out loud, another talks about an influx of Canadians assaulting the streets of LA, another denies that the US had any responsibility for the ongoing carnage until after 2011, and our resident god-squad member when asked if he has any pangs of conscience for the damage we have done or the carnage he espouses we continue simply gives the expected Christian response, no!


  38. .

    And with Ramadan still not over yet? Those suicide bombers won't get their 72 raisins fer sure.

    Ah, you've seen that too.

    Now, don't be getting uppity around here. We all like our memes whether they be true or not.

    How else would we justify all the bullshit.


  39. Jack HawkinsMon Jul 04, 02:08:00 PM EDT

    No, "O"rdure, I am letting the world know that Ben-Gurian KNEW that he had started an endless war, in Palestine.

    That the Arabs held the moral high ground.

    The Arabs hold 899/900th of the middle east.

    That's what they hold.

  40. .

    The Balkans have always been a hotbed of sectarian conflicts; however, there wasn't that much conflict on religious lines until Saudi Arabia (and other Gulf States) started pumping billions into the area about 15 years ago to promote the radical Islamism of the Wahabbis.

    The Terrorists the Saudis Cultivate in Peaceful Countries

    ...For decades, Saudi Arabia has recklessly financed and promoted a harsh and intolerant Wahhabi version of Islam around the world in a way that is, quite predictably, producing terrorists. And there’s no better example of this Saudi recklessness than in the Balkans.

    Kosovo and Albania have been models of religious moderation and tolerance, and as the Clinton statue attests, Kosovars revere the United States and Britain for averting a possible genocide by Serbs in 1999 (there are also many Kosovar teenagers named Tony Blair!). Yet Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries poured money into the new nation over the last 17 years and nurtured religious extremism in a land where originally there was little.

    The upshot is that, according to the Kosovo government, 300 Kosovars have traveled to fight in Syria or Iraq, mostly to join the Islamic State. As my colleague Carlotta Gall noted in a pathbreaking article about radicalization here, Saudi money has transformed a once-tolerant Islamic society into a pipeline for jihadists...

    Kosovo is also now a main transit hub for radicals traveling from states like Morocco to join up with ISIS in the ME.

    Despite this, the US continues it's support of Saudi Arabia.

    More surprising there have been recent reports that in addition to Poland and Romania the US is talking of putting missiles into the Balkans. Add this to the recent NATO announcement that it will be beefing up forces in the Baltic Sea and you can see why Russia might be getting nervous.


  41. ISIS' month of pain for civilians claims 830 lives in just 4 weeks of Ramadan. Hope there's enough virgins to go around.

  42. Strikes in Syria

    Bomber, attack, ground-attack and remotely piloted aircraft conducted 18 strikes in Syria:

    -- Near Manbij, 14 strikes struck 12 separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed 18 ISIL fighting positions, four ISIL tactical vehicles, an ISIL vehicle bomb-making facility, an ISIL vehicle bomb and six ISIL vehicles.

    -- Near Mar’a, three strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL tactical vehicles, an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL vehicle bomb.

    -- Near Washiyah, a strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL tactical vehicle.

    Strikes in Iraq

    Bomber, attack, ground-attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft conducted 11 strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of Iraq’s government:

    -- Near Baghdadi, two strikes destroyed two ISIL bunkers.

    -- Near Qaim, a strike damaged an ISIL headquarters building.

    -- Near Albu Hayat, a strike struck an ISIL weapons cache.

    -- Near Beiji, two strikes struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle, an ISIL vehicle bomb, an ISIL weapons cache and denied ISIL access to terrain.

    -- Near Kisik, a strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL assembly area.

    -- Near Mosul, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and two ISIL bomb-making factories and destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

    -- Near Ramadi, a strike destroyed two ISIL weapons caches and denied ISIL access to terrain.

    -- Near Sultan Abdallah, a strike suppressed an ISIL tactical unit.

  43. Just, please, don't show any more gals sharing dildos, and I'm fine, Miss T. I'm on blood pressure meds now and even then it would push me over the top.

    Other than that, welcome back, you old shape shifter.

    What do you think of Rodrigo Duterte ?

  44. .

    1.2 MILLION Arabs live inside israel, more than existed in the entire region in 1948.

    More Jews live in settlements in the occupied territories today than lived in all of Palestine before 1948.


    1. More pollacks live in Michigan now than injuns in the good old hunting/gathering days.

      "Was good, now heap shit"

    2. QuirkMon Jul 04, 06:07:00 PM EDT

      1.2 MILLION Arabs live inside israel, more than existed in the entire region in 1948.

      More Jews live in settlements in the occupied territories today than lived in all of Palestine before 1948.

      More Jews still lie in mass graves in Europe and the Arab world than live in Israel

      happy independence day, and with that? A giant middle finger at you.

    3. Bob you sound like you wouldn't want Fauxcahantas as VP.

    4. QuirkMon Jul 04, 06:07:00 PM EDT
      1.2 MILLION Arabs live inside israel, more than existed in the entire region in 1948.
      More Jews live in settlements in the occupied territories today than lived in all of Palestine before 1948.

      More Jews live in their historic homeland, as per the Balfour Declaration today then at anytime in 2000 years.
      No thanks to you quirk.

      Quirk prefers dead Jews as they don't annoy him when they are dead and silent.

    5. QuirkMon Jul 04, 06:07:00 PM EDT
      1.2 MILLION Arabs live inside israel, more than existed in the entire region in 1948.
      More Jews live in settlements in the occupied territories today than lived in all of Palestine before 1948.

      The "occupied" territories is actually called the "disputed" territories as per UNSC 181 and UNSC 242

    6. I want a real injun, not a part injun, if we are going to have some injun blood in the VP spot, Miss T.

      I don't think Fauxcohantus has any injun blood at all.

      I think she just said so to get a free ride to the white man's colleges.

      Therefore I withdraw my voting token form her token pile.

    7. .

      The "occupied" territories is actually called the "disputed" territories as per UNSC 181 and UNSC 242

      That was 50 years ago. You might as well call them the "annexed" territories. I doubt if there is any serious person that believes Israel intends to give them back.


    8. .

      Quirk prefers dead Jews as they don't annoy him when they are dead and silent.

      Always reaching for the lowest common denominator. That's our WiO. But then what can you expect from a guy who watches snuff films with his kids and wishes ill on the families of those who call him on his disregard for facts?


    9. Sorry Quirk, didn't see any "snuff" films to which you allude, I saw a film that showed 2 palestinians shot and killed for assaulting IDF troops.

      Just because you love rock throwing, fire bomb tossing jihadists doesn't mean they were "snuffed"

      But they were killed I presume.

      I guess footage from war zones can be graphic.

      As for calling on ill for you and yours?

      Got me there..

      I hope you get what you excuse on a daily basis..

  45. Joni would be good -

    Donald Trump to Meet With Senator Joni Ernst, a Possible Running Mate


    Senator Joni Ernst of Iowa gave the Republican response to the president’s State of the Union address in January 2015. Credit Jabin Botsford/The New York Times

    Donald J. Trump said on Twitter on Monday that he would meet in New Jersey with Senator Joni Ernst, Republican of Iowa, as he screens potential running mates in a series of meetings.

    One person briefed on the process, who was not authorized to speak publicly, said that the campaign began vetting Ms. Ernst in recent days as a possible vice-presidential pick.

    Jason Miller, a senior communications adviser for Mr. Trump, declined to comment. A spokesman for Ms. Ernst could not be reached, but in a statement on Monday, Ms. Ernst confirmed that she had met with Mr. Trump.

    Ms. Ernst is a retired National Guard lieutenant colonel and a veteran of the Iraq war. Her military background could help Mr. Trump given his lack of foreign policy experience or national security experience. The fact that she is a woman could also help Mr. Trump with a group of voters with whom he currently polls poorly.

    Ms. Ernst is also considered a possible keynote speaker at the Republican National Convention, which begins on July 18 in Cleveland.

    In the statement, Ms. Ernst said that her focus was on defeating Hillary Clinton, saying, “I had a good conversation with Donald Trump today, and we discussed what I am hearing from Iowans as I travel around the state on my 99-county tour, and the best path forward for our country.”

    She added: “I will continue to share my insights with Donald about the need to strengthen our economy, keep our nation safe and ensure America is always a strong, stabilizing force around the globe.”

    It is unusual in recent history for a presumptive nominee of a major party to tease out the process for choosing a running mate in such a public way, but it is in reflective of Mr. Trump’s approach on his reality TV show, “The Apprentice.”

    Earlier in the weekend, Mr. Trump met with Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana, another potential vice-presidential candidate. The two met at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J., where Mr. Trump is expected to meet with Ms. Ernst.

    In another post on Twitter on Monday, Mr. Trump praised Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas, another military veteran who some Republicans hope will be chosen by Mr. Trump.

    1. She's bad on some key issues, I think, but might help with the Cunt Vote.

  46. For Quirk:

    What famous event occurred in what we now call the USA on the Fourth of July, 1776 ?

    (100 free bar points for correct answer)

    1. Worms

  47. More Americans live in Occupied Indian lands today than at any point in history.

    Even with the current rates of abortion...

    1. Indians occupied Wooly Mammoth lands 13,000 years ago, that has never been redressed.

    2. .

      Exactly my point. You use that meaningless factoid here repeatedly.

      Here's another. Jewish population has increased tenfold there since 1948 while the Arab population has increased by 5 or 6 times. That and a five spot might get you a cup of joe at Starbucks.



    3. It wasn't meaningless to the Mammoths and the Wooly Mammoth Lovers Club.

      Hi Teresita, long time no see, glad you didn't go the way of the Wooly Mammoth.

    4. .

      If not obvious, my comment was a response to WiO's post.


    5. That didn't fit my narrative.

    6. QuirkMon Jul 04, 06:57:00 PM EDT

      Exactly my point. You use that meaningless factoid here repeatedly.

      Here's another. Jewish population has increased tenfold there since 1948 while the Arab population has increased by 5 or 6 times. That and a five spot might get you a cup of joe at Starbucks.


      Quirk, since you have a learning disability, I will be kind to your retarded state.

      The point was that Jack was pontificating that Israel had an "ethnic cleansing" policy of arabs from the "river to the sea"

      I am sorry if you could not follow that.


    7. Quirk: Here's another. Jewish population has increased tenfold there since 1948 while the Arab population has increased by 5 or 6 times. That and a five spot might get you a cup of joe at Starbucks.

      Jewish population went from 850 thousand to less than 3000 in 899/900th due to arab ethnic cleansing of Jews in the 899/900th of the middle east they occupy.,

      In real numbers Arabs in Israel alone now stands at 1.2 MILLION, coupled with the gaza and the arab occupied west bank? Another 3.8 million, if you wish to another cool fact?

      The arabs supported hitler and the genocide of the Jews and in 1948 they stood at 125 million and now they have a population of about 330 million, although only a 3 fold increase in actual numbers it's a gain of 205 MILLION people.

      I guess those that hate jews and support Hitler breed well.

    8. BTW there are no Starbucks in Israel.

    9. .

      Luckily, I'm not planning to travel to Israel to get a cup of coffee.


    10. there are MUCH better options.

      Might I suggest a trip to israel for many reason aside from their wonderful, awesome coffee?

      (the free instant coffee packets in every hotel beats starbucks by a mile)

      Maybe that's why the Starbucks failed there?

    11. But you might go and check out the apartheid, ethnically cleansed Israel for yourself.

      Of course you will never see an arab, christian, druze, Ethiopian, catholic, Bhai, unless you open your eyes..

      It's a great nation, with an even greater diversity of great peoples...

      Not that you'd get that impression here at the Bar.

  48. The Injuns hunted the woolly to extinction, and would have the bison too, once they got the horse.

    Happily a few here and there survived the onslaught and are being brought back, the Nez Perce having a bison breeding program for instance. If you've ever seen one of those huge male bison full grown up will be impressed.

    The Sioux used to cut off their fingers to the Great Spirit in thanks to a successful hunt, so that many of the old Sioux hunters only had fingers enough to hold and draw the bow....four fingers....

    1. Finger joint by finger joint to The Great Spirit.....

    2. When the Sioux were pushed out into the Great Plains their religion didn't really change, only the reference points were adapted to the new environment....

    3. .

      The Sioux used to cut off their fingers to the Great Spirit in thanks to a successful hunt, so that many of the old Sioux hunters only had fingers enough to hold and draw the bow....four fingers....

      That's where the old expression came from, "Give me four fingers of fire water, heap fast."


    4. The Sioux had earlier been a forest folk pushed out of their southern forestlands up towards the north by militant aggressive, liquor loving slavers and killers known as the Cherokee, who to this day live on their reservations, drunken, and vote Democratic for some reason they can't recall, a dim memory of what they have always done, thoughtlessly.

      Our Rufus is a distant cousin of these old thoughtless drunken democrat killers....

  49. .

    Idaho BobMon Jul 04, 06:31:00 PM EDT

    I can show you a lot better views than that from the top of that little pimple, Miss T.

    We got wolves and elk out at my farm too. I know. I saw the prints. The wolf prints look a lot like Wayne's dog's. And of course, the elk prints are a little hard to see since the wolves have pretty much et em up...


    1. Listen up, pimpled ass, Wayne's now lost 10 animals to the wolves - cattle, calves, horses....

      But what would you care, you with your food stamps ?

      A miserable consumer, one of mega millions, and not a creator or grower....only an internet fraud always a step ahead of the Consumer Protection Agency.

    2. .

      Are you sure he hasn't just misplaced them?


  50. Gamera finished off Godzilla

    He makes his appearance here at 57 minutes, 30 seconds, much to the delight of The Children:

    1. (Godzilla had no chance against a Rocket Powered Turtle)

  51. What in the World

    Proud to Live in a Town Called Dildo

    By DAN LEVIN JULY 4, 2016


    Credit Cari Vander Yacht

    An hour’s drive from the town of Come By Chance, past Spread Eagle Island, there is a large green traffic sign that often functions as its very own destination: “Dildo,” the sign proclaims, with an arrow pointing straight ahead.

    The idyllic fishing village of Dildo, Newfoundland, is home to about 1,200 people, most of whom refer to themselves quite proudly as Dildoians. Where did the town get its name? The locals, eager to dispel misguided notions about sex toys, offer a variety of theories — a 16th-century Spanish sailor, maybe, or an archaic term for an oblong piece of nautical gear.

    The fishing and whaling industries have defined Dildo society for centuries, and the town celebrates them with an annual waterfront festival known as Dildo Days (July 27-31 this year). A flotilla of boats circles the bay, led by a wooden statue of a certain Capt. Dildo in a rain slicker painted bright yellow. Souvenir-hunting visitors can purchase commemorative apparel, but be forewarned: The “I Survived Dildo Days” T-shirts sell out fast.

    A few Dildoians have had second thoughts over the years. A local electrician even started a public campaign in 1990 to have the town rechristened. But he was forced to drop the effort after a wave of harassment from residents who were offended by anyone’s taking offense at the name.

    Still, Dildoians can count themselves lucky. At least they do not live just a bit farther up the Newfoundland coast — on Ass Rock.

    1. I recall one Quirk being so proud when he got to act the part of Mayor's Fool during Dildo Days, there in Dildo, Newfoundland.

    2. Quirk dressed the part, too.

      And everyone cheered and jeered and threw bananas at him.

    3. .

      The question at hand: Would cherries be more appropriate at Dildo Days or not?


    4. Frankfurters

      NEW YORK (AP) — Joey "Jaws" Chestnut beat his own record in regaining the Mustard Yellow International Belt on Monday, downing a stomach-churning 70 hot dogs and buns to top Matt "The Megatoad" Stonie at the annual July Fourth eating contest.
      Chestnut, 32, easily secured victory by polishing off 17 more hot dogs than Stonie, who last year ended Chestnut's streak of eight straight wins in a major upset to take the championship title at Nathan's Famous on Coney Island.

  52. Karenna Gore found lying in a Trench:

    BOSTON (AP) — Organizers say the daughter of former Vice President Al Gore was among 23 people arrested during a protest of a Boston pipeline under construction.
    The arrests happened Wednesday at the site of Spectra Energy's West Roxbury Lateral pipeline.
    Forty-two-year-old Karenna Gore was among demonstrators that tried to block construction activity on the site by lying in a trench.

    1. Shoulda taken the backhoe and backfilled the trench.

      Let them protest forever....

  53. Quirk, for your upcoming trip to Israel I recommend this coffee shop in Jaffe

    Check it out... And you will see why Starbucks sucks

  54. Quirk, make sure to visit the Bahai Gardens..

    The Bahai fled for the lives from Iran, where they were put under literally a death sentence.

    Now they make their home in Israel, (Haifa)

  55. Of course Quirk a visit to Israel is not complete without seeing the tunnel my direct ancestors dug....

    Now you can call it fiction, Ms T can call it a novel, but the real HISTORY is there for you to actually see.

    Once you go there and see the facts on the ground?

    You will NEVER see it the way the world, rat, jack, rufus, deuce claim it to be....

    Reality has a way of biting you in the ass...

    Sometimes it's good.

    1. .

      I have never denied the Jews were in the land millennia ago.

      I certainly wouldn't deny archeological sites from ancient times.

      What I have said is that there were also plenty of other people there through the same millennia.

      I assume those people have their archeological sites there too.

      What I have said is that the ancient history you cite is irrelevant and that the only thing that matters is the recent history over the last hundred years or so.

      As for going to Israel...

      Back 15 - 20 years ago, I had a trip arranged to go to Egypt for a couple weeks, nice set-up, river cruise, etc. A couple months before we were supposed to leave, there were a number of terror attacks there on Western tourists. I cancelled the trip and we went to Cancun instead. Why put up with that B.S.?

      Why would I go to Israel? Why would I go to Gaza or the WB? Why would I go to anywhere in the ME?

      There are archeological sites all over the world. I've seen the Great Wall. I've seen Stonehenge. What I've found is most of them disappoint. I was more impressed with the landing coming into Hong Kong before they put in the new runway. What a rush.

      I might not see the religious sites and churches in Israel but I have very little interest in that. If I want to see churches or holy sites I would simply return to England or France or Thailand for the architecture and grandeur. They have them up the ass in all of those places. I didn't see the Egyptian pyramids but I did see the Mayan pyramids in Chichen Itza and Tulum.

      Natural beauty? It's hard to beat the Grand Canyon, Mammoth Cave, any of the national parks, the northeast in the fall, the everglades.

      As for the coffee, I've got a place just down the street from me that brews a pretty good cup.

      No, the ME, including Israel, would be the last place I would consider visiting.


  56. Iraq is experiencing REAL Apartheid and Ethnical Cleansing and no one at the management of the Bar cares...

    Many of Iraq's minorities are on the verge of disappearance after 13 years of war, campaigners warned on Monday.

    "The impact on minorities has been catastrophic. Saddam was terrible; the situation since is worse. Tens of thousands of minorities have been killed and millions have fled for their lives," said Mark Lattimer, head of Minority Rights Group (MRG).

    Iraq's Christian population, which before 2003 numbered as many as 1.4 million, is now under 250,000, according to a report by MRG and other rights organizations.

    1. Minorities including the Yazidi, Turkmen, Shabak, Christians and Kaka'i have been disproportionately affected by the recent violence, the report said.

      Tens of thousands have been murdered, maimed or abducted and many women and girls forced into marriage or sexual enslavement.

      "One cannot say anything positive about Saddam - he was a genocidal dictator, but for many minorities the situation is now much worse," said co-author Lattimer.

  57. Quirk might even take a side trek down to Gaza and find out what's going on there, too.

    1. He can give us a report -- if he comes back in one piece.

    2. .

      You sing the praises of Israel; yet, I don't see you going there. Why is that?

      If you are a little short on money you can tell AIPAC you are planning to run for city council or dogcatcher and see if you could get one of those Jewish charities to pay for your trip.

