Sunday, July 31, 2016

Gideon Levy: Only if we had more human Israelis like this honest man will we have a hope for a future in the Middle East

Stop Living in Denial, Israel Is an Evil State

Israel may not be Nazi, nor even a fascist state. Yet it is a member of the same terrible family, the family of evil states. Just consider these acts of evil perpetrated by the state...

Gideon Levy 


After we’ve cited nationalism and racism, hatred and contempt for Arab life, the security cult and resistance to the occupation, victimhood and messianism, one more element must be added without which the behavior of the Israeli occupation regime cannot be explained: Evil. Pure evil. Sadistic evil. Evil for its own sake. Sometimes, it’s the only explanation.

Eva Illouz described its signs (“Evil now,” Haaretz Hebrew edition, July 30). Her essay, which challenges the idea of the banality of evil, considers the national group as the source of the evil. Using philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein’s concept, she finds a “family resemblance” between the Israeli occupation and history’s evil regimes. This similarity does not mean that Israel is Nazi, nor even fascist. And yet it is a member of the same terrible family, the family of evil states. It’s a depressing and brilliant analysis.

The evil that Illouz attributes to Israel is not banal, it cannot happen anywhere, and it has political and social roots that are deeply embedded in Israeli society. Thus, Illouz joins Zeev Sternhell, who warned in his impressive and resounding essay about the cultural soil out of which fascism is now growing in Israel (“The birth of fascism,” Haaretz Hebrew edition, July 7).

But alongside these analyses, we must also present a brief history of evil. We must present the instances that combine to create a great and horrific picture, a picture of Israeli evil in the territories, so as to stand up to those who deny the evil. It is not the case of the individual – Sgt. Elor Azaria, for example, who is being tried for the death of a subdued Palestinian assailant in Hebron – but the conduct of the establishment and the occupation regime that proves the evil. In fact, the continuation of the occupation proves the evil. Illouz, Sternhell and others provide debatable analyses on its origins, but whatever they are, it can no longer be denied.

One case is like a thousand witnesses: the case of Bilal Kayed. A young man who completed a prison term of 14.5 years – his entire sentence – without a single furlough, without being allowed to at least say goodbye by phone to his dying father; a clear sign of evil.

About six weeks ago, Kayed was getting ready for his release. A representative of the Shin Bet security service – one of the greatest agencies of evil in Israel – even showed him a photograph of the home his family had built for him to stir him up even more ahead of his release. And then, as his family waited impatiently for him at the crossing point and Kayed grew ever more excited in his cell, he was informed that he was being thrown into administrative detention for at least another six months, without trial and without explanation.

Since then, he has been on hunger strike. He is cuffed to his bed. His family is not allowed to see him. Prison guards never leave his room and the lights are not turned out for a moment. Evil.

Only evil can explain the state’s conduct toward Kayed – only an evil state acts this way. The arbitrary announcement, at the last moment, of a senseless detention is abuse, and the way he has been treated since then is also abuse.
Only evil can explain the detention last week of another young man, Hiran Jaradat, whose brother Arif (who had Down syndrome) was killed in June and whose father died two days ago. He is under arrest for “incitement on Facebook” and was not released to attend his father’s funeral. Evil.

The continuation of the detention of poet Darin Tatur – evil. The destruction of the tiny swimming pool that the residents of Khirbet Tana in the northern West Bank had built for themselves – evil. The confiscation of water tanks from a community of shepherds in the Jordan Valley in the July heat – evil.

A great many of the decisions of the occupation regime that decides the fates of individuals, families, communities, villages and cities cannot be explained without evil. The list is as long as the occupation. The extortion of sick people from Gaza to enlist them as collaborators, the blockades on cities and towns for weeks, the Gaza blockade, the demolition of homes – all evil.

Banal or not, its existence must be acknowledged and it must be recognized as one of the most influential values in Israel. Yes, there is an evil regime at work in Israel, and therefore it is an evil state.
What sort of society feels absolutely nothing after killing hundreds of children?
'Reasonable suspicion' leads to death of Palestinian who went to buy cookies
U.S. strongly condemns 'accelerated, systematic' settlement activity by Israel
read more:


  1. If you watch the video and if you read the article, then I challenge you to quote accurately any of the points made by Gideon Levy and put up an intelligent rebuttal.

    This should be good.

  2. The fact is, you can’t.

    Gordon Levy tells the truth in a simple, logical and direct manner. Any honest person with intellectual integrity will recognize his commitment to the truth, his thoughtful recognition of it and his genuine sadness at the consequences to the truth about Israel and the toxic parasitic relationship with the US government, the Israeli lobby, US media and power elites.

  3. Another bull shit propaganda piece, unnoted for any good qualities.....nothing worth reading or writing about.....Harvey Davidson motorcycle giveaway to day at the Casino ! Cheers !

    If Quirk hadn't retreated to The Barber Shop he might have helped you out but today I got better things to do....

    Cheers !

    1. The b00b from Idaho offers no argument, no information, just invective. Typical.

    2. Predictable. He has no clue on how to make an intelligent and honest rebuttal.

    3. Supporters of Israel have lost all moral reason.

    4. The Israeli army's deputy chief of staff, Maj.-Gen. Yair Golan in bombshell speech: Israel today shows signs of 1930s Germany

      Ehud Barak accuses the Netanyahu government of establishing apartheid

      Ethnic cleansing: An established plan in Israel’s apartheid policy

      “It is time to honestly admit that Israeli society is ill – and it is our duty to treat this disease,”
      - Reuven Rivlin, President of Israel

    5. No, you have given us the moral reason to strike down our genocidal enemies.

  4. Ben Ehrenreich’s new book, The Way to the Spring, Life and Death in Palestine (Penguin Press 2016), is a tough read. Tough because of what it evokes in any civilized reader: anger and despair — in equal doses. And particularly tough for an American Jewish reader because it does not let you stop thinking or feeling about what Ehrenreich told me, in a telephone interview last week, he sees as an injustice that Israel purports to perpetrate on behalf of all Jews everywhere. And so he was compelled to document it as a way of standing up against injustice that is a strong part of his identity as a Jew.

    Moreover, as an American, he said, “we are all participants in this.” Because of the enormous amount of aid we provide to Israel, “there is no other place in the world where Americans bear so much responsibility for what happens.”

    Want to know what the occupation really is, and what it means for any human being to live under it? In this book you will get an education that will sicken you, by a journalist who traveled and lived in the West Bank from June 2013 to end July 2014. Through the stories of the Palestinian families he met and lived among, supplemented by insights from settlers and former Israeli soldiers he interviewed, Ehrenreich gives you a birds’-eye-view of “the entirety of the occupation, the almost infinitely complex system of control that Israel exercised over Palestinians throughout the West Bank,” and of the terrible losses it imposes on those who struggle to resist it.


    1. {...}

      This system of control is “not just the settlements and the soldiers in their hilltop bases, but the check points, the travel restrictions, the permits, the walls and fences, the courts and prisons, the stranglehold on the economy, the home demolitions, land appropriations, expropriation of natural resources, the entire vast mechanism of uncertainty, dispossession and humiliation that for four decades has sustained Israeli rule by curtailing the possibilities, and frequently the duration, of Palestinian lives.”

      And here is the cost of non-violent protest just in one small village of 600 souls (who belong to the same extended family), Nabi Saleh:

      “The army threw tear gas grenades into people’s homes, returning at night to search houses and make arrests. In 14 months of protests, 155 residents were injured, 40 of them children. A 13 year old boy from a neighboring village spent three weeks in a coma after being shot in the head with a rubber coated bullet. Nearly every home had been damaged. Gas grenades had sparked fires in 7 houses. Seventy villagers had been arrested, 29 of them children. The youngest was 11 years old. 15 villagers were still in prison, six were in hiding.”

      The book is an extended exegesis on why and how Palestinians continue to struggle in the face of these fearsome costs. Ehrenreich told me that he tried to figure out how the occupation worked and to try to portray the realities to an audience not familiar with them. But it is also an investigation of what it means to resist a power that is exponentially stronger than you are.

      - See more at:

    2. The Palestinians will never give up. Israel armed to the teeth has less security than it ever has. No colony or fortress state has ever maintained a military technological monopoly. 95% of the World disproves of the Illegal ruthless occupation and humiliation of the Palestinians by the Israeli regime.

      Quirk and others make an important point in that the alternate reality Israeli World only exists because it is propped up by Washington. One day it won’t be. They all exist forever until they don’t and they all fall fast when the breaks appear.


    3. “there is no other place in the world where Americans bear so much responsibility for what happens.”

    4. Deuce ☂Sun Jul 31, 03:04:00 PM EDT
      The Palestinians will never give up.

      No they will self destruct.

    5. deuce: 95% of the World disproves of the Illegal ruthless occupation and humiliation of the Palestinians by the Israeli regime.


      99.99% had no moral problems with gassing Jews.


  5. Fact is simple Deuce.

    the Arabs (aka the Palestinians and their supporters) have caused their own situation by refusing YES for statehood numerous times.

    What if the arabs had created a state in 1948? 1966?

    There would be no "occupied" territories unless there is solution to the problem as long as Israel exists.


    But as I said on the last thread, you and your pals that do not accept Israel's right to be the Jewish state and will fight for the destruction of any Jewish state is the problem, not the so called "occupied" lands..

    There was a problem with arab hatred of Jews BEFORE the national liberation of Jewish lands in 1948, there was a problem with arab hatred after 1948.

    Why did the arab league not create a Palestine from 1948 to 1966? No one stopped them, they had the west bank and Jerusalem.

  6. But you twist and confuse the issue all you wish.

    The Jewish state will not kill itself for your feel good nature...


  7. Deuce ☂Sun Jul 31, 02:53:00 PM EDT
    Supporters of Israel have lost all moral reason.


    Where are the death camps? And don't quote me Gaza, no death camp on the face of the earth ever had a 5x population increase.

    Want death camps? Look to Syria (Iran and Hezbollah)

    "Deuce ☂Sun Jul 31, 02:53:00 PM EDT
    Supporters of Israel have lost all moral reason."

    No once again you have made it clear the time for "debate" is over.

    You want Israel dead.

    Israel refuses.

    If you try to kill Israelis? you will get a bullet in the head by the IDF.

    Dont like it?

    Dont attack Israel with violent attacks. :)

  8. Deuce ☂Sun Jul 31, 03:04:00 PM EDT
    Quirk and others make an important point in that the alternate reality Israeli World only exists because it is propped up by Washington. One day it won’t be. They all exist forever until they don’t and they all fall fast when the breaks appear.

    So you are advocating Israel destroy it's enemies while it can?

  9. I have obviously overestimated the schooling at Haverford. You seem to be incapable of rational sequencing. What do you suppose happens to Israel the day, the week or year after it commits a holocaust against any or all of its enemies?

    Now take a breath and try again. Answer and refute one point made by Levy with a rational response. Save your histrionics for Bob when he gets back here after the casino buffet. Check in with Mossad or something.

    1. No, you have over estimated the game.

      The brinkmanship is the issue.

      Your side?

      Wants to genocide Israel, it's now surrounding Israel with 150,000 missiles, Hamas and Hezbollah are tunneling into Israel, Iranians troops are now sitting 2 miles from the Israeli border.

      It seems to me?

      That Israel will have to defend itself from genocide, no matter how painful against those that seek it's destruction.

      If Israel has to do what it needs to do?

      the world will sanction Israel, say it's a bad evil nation and maybe even put it's leaders on trial (in absentia) like they have done to the President of Sudan.

      Certainly it will not be pretty, but in a decade or so?

      With no Iran, no palestinians, no assad or hezbollah?

      There will be peace.

      And the world will get over it.

      Just like ingot over america nuking civilians in Japan, or the Japanese death march, or the bombing of london by the germans, or dresden or any war that has preceded it.

      If you don't like the idea of Israel killing those seeking to kill it?

      I suggest anger management for the enemies of Israel.

  10. Clinton seems to running off the rails:

    Headline over at The Independent, Hillary Clinton says Russia hacked DNC computers and accuses Donald Trump of supporting Vladimir Putin.


    Former White House Director for Cybersecurity Policy Chris Finan harshly criticized calls from officials to launch cyberattacks against Russia as “revenge” for their suspected involvement in the hacking of the Democratic National Committee, saying they are “idiots” and “aren’t thinking very creatively or critically.”

    Finan warned there was a broad disconnect between rhetoric and what people assume is possible and the reality of the situation, adding that in practice, “you’re often guessing” on hacks. He added that a good attack wouldn’t leave behind much evidence, and would probably leave false evidence to try to implicate someone else.

    He went on to say that even if the US decided it does want to implicate Russia for the hack, retaliatory cyberattacks are a bad idea, both because the US has been telegraphing such a move, and because there is no reason to think that such an anticipated move would actually serve as a deterrent.

    Finan went on to say that such a move would be a political minefield, likely to appear as an attempt to help the Clinton campaign by shifting attention to the hack itself and not the content of the data that the hackers released.

    A number of Democrats have not only presented the attack as obviously Russian in origin, despite the lack of evidence, but tried to spin this as evidence that the Trump campaign is basically of Russian manufacture. Finan warned this position could backfire, cautioning that the Democrats “look at the glass house you’re living in before you start throwing rocks.”

  12. Russian Scholar Stephen Cohen says Donald Trump is being wrongly linked to Putin and criticized because he’s trying to end the new Cold War.

    1. The shock wave of normalized relations with Russia is rattling the teacups at The Mad Scrambled Egg Hatters Tea Party at the Pentagon.

    2. Is it a holocaust to nuke Iranian, Syrian and Hezbollah sites?

      Especially since those sites are inside of mountains?

      I am sure that nuking of Iran's, Syria's and Lebanon's power plants & military bases would be remembered for quite a while

      Is it the ordinance you object too?

      After all America, France & Russia are using conventional weapons to kill moslems every day....

      And of course, Assad uses barrel bombs, Iran uses cranes and militias...

      What's the difference?

      Look at what Russia did in Chechnya...

      Not a peep out of the world...

    3. Show list of targets Israel should nuke in Iran

      I could see the collective world laughing if these sites were taken out..

    4. Maybe its time to advocate the displacement of Palestinians from Gaza to Europe too...

      After all there are only 1.2 million of them...

      And the world is looking at upwards of 30-60 million refugees...

      Whats another 1.2 million? AND Europe LOVES them...

  13. Ever hear of Rich Seth? How about Molly MacCauley? 2 folks connected to the DNC, the Clintons, and leaked emails. 2 recent unsolved murders. Hmmm.


    2. By William Hicks | 10:08 pm, July 28, 2016

      It has been almost a month since professor Professor Molly Macauley was stabbed to death near her North Baltimore home while walking her dogs. And still no arrests, no suspects and no motives.

      On Saturday, family, friends and colleagues held a memorial service for the world-renowned “space economist”, but Baltimore police have yet to release any new information about the killing, which took place late at night on July 8th in the city’s affluent Roland Park neighborhood. It was the neighborhood’s first murder since 1998.

      At Saturday’s memorial, attendees were in despair over the tragic incident and lack of resolution, according to the Baltimore Sun. Macauley’s longtime partner Lee Lasky said he’s “not been able to keep track of the time or day since this happened.”

      The killing has sparked enormous outrage on social media, with some commenters suggesting that the attack was racially motivated (no evidence of this has been made public, nor anything about the race of the killer or killers), or that the killing has not received the same attention from the media or law enforcement as the deaths of young black men shot by police.

      Conspiracy theories also abound on social media. Some people are trying to connect Macauley’s murder with the also unsolved killing of Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich, who was shot to death in nearby Washington DC earlier this month. There is no evidence to support this suggestion.

      And some users on Twitter are just incensed at the lack of progress in Macauley’s case.

      Since the murder, police have canvassed the neighborhood, knocking on doors and looking for clues. They have not revealed any details of their ongoing investigation.

      At the memorial service, Macauley was remember as a loving “mom” to her dogs and a cherished neighbor who loved Baltimore.

      The secretive investigation into her murder continues.

    3. Thanks for the detail, Mr. Hawkins.

      Conspiracy theories abound. Yessiree Bob.

      On the other hand, both Comey and Sanders erred on the side of caution and heeded the warnings.

  14. Now take a breath and try again. Answer and refute one point made by Levy with a rational response.

    Levy stated: Israelis are not monsters.


    But his whole idea that Israel should simple end the "occupation" (not my word) and leave the disputed areas.

    Of course this is insanity.

    The moment Israel would leave?

    It would become a violent base to destroy Israel.

    Gaza is a point in study.

    As is southern Lebanon.

    One does not just "leave" lands to turn turn it over to warlords and terrorists.

    If you don't like the "occupation" and you are a fan of the palestinians?

    Liberation will be a murderous clusterfuck...

    Look at Gaza as the blueprint.

    Fatah / PA troops went in and were slaughtered by Hamas. Tossed off rooftops, kneecaps broken...

    No other nation in the world would do that....

    So maybe, as sick as it sounds?

    Israeli "occupation" saves palesitnian lives...

    Between me and you?

    I say Israel should leave all areas that palestinians live, annex lands they wish to keep and if any attack occurs form over the border?

    Invade, depopulate and annex the lands from where the attacks originated.


    1. Previously, "O"rdure, you advocated for killing folks, just because they may pose a threat.

      Guess you are making progress

    2. Please show me where I ever suggested killing "folks" because the MAY pose a threat?

      Please define threat.

  15. Jack HawkinsSun Jul 31, 05:33:00 PM EDT
    Previously, "O"rdure, you advocated for killing folks, just because they may pose a threat.

    Guess you are making progress

    Jack your words are sloppy.

    I am all for killing those trying to kill me and mine.

    they are not "folks" they are jihadists and or people under armed violence.

    Learn English better Herr Rodent.

    Killing Nazis was not killing folks, nor is America bombing "folks"...


    1. I am for "killing" all islamic nazis....


    2. It's funny how you describe Hezbollah, and the storm troopers of Iran, the Revolutionary Guards as "folks"

      Hamas aint "folks"

      Cant you be precise?

    3. Wrong, again, "O"rdure.
      You advocated for nuking nations that may, someday, pose a threat.

      You advocated for mass murder of civilians, you know, "folks".

      That's a fact.

    4. What is "Occupation" Sat Dec 26, 07:46:00 PM EST

      Rufus: Eventually, Every Nation on Earth will have "Nukes." That's just the way it is.

      Then all the more reason to nuke those without them that are a threat asap....


    5. The Israeli stooge, "O"rdure advocates for mass murder.
      He fits right in with the fascist Zionists in Israel.

      Good thing that REAL Israelis are speaking truth to power, in Israel and the United States

    6. The Israeli army's deputy chief of staff, Maj.-Gen. Yair Golan in bombshell speech:
      Israel today shows signs of 1930s Germany

      Ehud Barak accuses the Netanyahu government of establishing apartheid

      Ethnic cleansing: An established plan in Israel’s apartheid policy

      “It is time to honestly admit that Israeli society is ill – and it is our duty to treat this disease,”
      - Reuven Rivlin, President of Israel

  16. Jack HawkinsSun Jul 31, 05:58:00 PM EDT
    Wrong, again, "O"rdure.
    You advocated for nuking nations that may, someday, pose a threat.

    You advocated for mass murder of civilians, you know, "folks".

    That's a fact.

    No nuking Israel's enemies is a broad statement. I also posted a list of military sites that would be on the short list.

    You aint no Perry Mason...

    You are a misleading, distorting liar.

    Nuking Iranian, Syrian and Hezbollah's crucial military infrastructure and troops aint the same as leveling cities.

    But that's how you think.

    You support Hamas's and Hezbollah's bombing of israeli "folks"

    Just as you killed in central america you want for the same type of just killing "folks" in Israel.

    you sir are a war criminal

    1. Tell us, "O"rdure about thae alledged war crime.

      Who, when, where, how ?

      Should be a Simple Simon assignment for a Mossad agent, like you ...

    2. Please post a copy of the statement when or when I supported the bombing of Israelis.

      You cannot do it.

      You are a liar.


    3. Please post a copy of the statement when or where I supported the bombing of Israelis.

      You cannot do it.

      You are a liar.

    4. I never claimed to be a mossad agent, I claimed that I forwarded the personal information I had collected about you to the mossad..

    5. Jack, you support hamas.

      Nothing more needs to be proven.

    6. Jack are you now backtracking your support for Hamas?



    7. Post where that support for Hamas was supposedly given, "O"rdure.

      You were and remain, a liar

  17. Jack HawkinsSun Jul 31, 06:41:00 PM EDT
    Tell us, "O"rdure about thae alledged war crime.

    Who, when, where, how ?

    Maybe Ollie North will be called to testify against you?

    1. Doubtful, that, "O"rdure.

      You cannot provide specifics, because there are none.

      You remain a liar.

  18. Jack HawkinsSun Jul 31, 06:01:00 PM EDT

    The Israeli stooge, "O"rdure advocates for mass murder.
    He fits right in with the fascist Zionists in Israel.

    Ah, so you are against bombing of iran's military sites when the advocate the destruction of a Member Nation of the UN?

    America has plans for that bombing as well...

    Is that "mass murder"?


    Jack you simply are laughable.

    You advocate for the destruction of Israel and get your panties in a wad when I suggest that Israel strike 1st before Iran can do so..



  19. Jack was diagnosed as a 'psych-rat' by most of those here, especially by Quirk.

    Don't waste a lot of time on him. Not worth it.

    Heading into the Big Motorcycle Give-a-Way at the Casino here.....

    Can's miss that !

    Cheers !

    1. Idaho Bob Thu Jan 14, 05:57:00 PM EST
      I'm for carpet bombing Detroit and environs as a necessary precursor to urban renewal.

      "To destroy is to create" saith the Lord of Hosts and Urban Renewal.

    2. Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson has advocated for for mass murder of US citizens, then their butchery and eventual cannibalism.

      No Soylent Green for our "Draft Dodger" he wants to feed the poor the meat.

      Bob Sun Feb 23, 10:56:00 PM EST
      "The argument that they are not native is amazing in light of the fact that neither are Europeans native."


      Shoot the Arizonans as well, give the meat to the poor

      Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, obviously emotionally disturbed for a long, long time.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. The Elephant Bar blog's most adamant supporters of Zionism in Palestine, "Draft Dodger" and "O"rdure, both support the mass murder of civilians.

      The most telling of the truths to be learned today.

    2. Once again, Jack has to lie and distort to express himself

      I never heard hezbollah, hamas, revolutionary guards described as "civilians"

      More have I ever heard that actual war was murder.

      once again Jack proves himself to be a twit.

    3. You did not mention hezbollah, hamas, revolutionary guards, "O"rdure.

      You said ...

      What is "Occupation" Sat Dec 26, 07:46:00 PM EST

      Rufus: Eventually, Every Nation on Earth will have "Nukes." That's just the way it is.

      Then all the more reason to nuke those without them that are a threat asap....

      Entire Nations is what you wrote, "O"rdure, not hezbollah, hamas, revolutionary guards.

      But then again, who 'hears' when they read, but one who reads aloud?


    4. hezbollah, hamas, revolutionary guards.

      Not one of the three names you have written, "O"rdure is a Nation

      Not a single one.


    5. Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Uzbekistan all could be considered 'threats'
      Any or all could, or already have, nuclear weapons.

      You want to nuke them... no excuse, that's not war, it is murder, mass murder.


    6. Just because "O"rdure is afraid he still does not have a moral or legal right to murder those he is afraid of.

      You just don't, "O"rdure.
      And to say entire nations should be nuked, because you are afraid ...
      Well, that is emblematic of true cowardice, is it not.

    7. Nope, a military strike against those that threaten genocide ON Israel, that are in a state of war with Israel is simply a military strike, nuclear or not.

      You and play with yourself all you wish, but in the world it's simple.

      If you are the aggressor, like iran, take steps to erase Israel from the planet? Genocide it's people? The UN is clear, Israel has a right to self defense, even if it means using nukes against, as I said before, it's military site and major infrastructure, just like America did in Iraq.

      Now you can jerk off all you want about "mass murder" and Israel but it's Israel that is threatened with mass murder by the Jihadists of the middle east.

      And what is interesting is your applying a standard to Israel that you don't apply to your own nation, America.

      Unless of course your just scared that Israel will take your real nation's (loyalty) threats seriously.

      You are loyal to those that wish to murder Jews.

      I love the way you change words of others to fit your lies.

      Typical of you Jack the "jew hater" Hawkins..

  21. Deny the existence of G_D but acknowledge evil huh?

    Sorry if I don't take you seriously.

    1. But I will watch the video and read the article and maybe get back to you.

  22. Jack HawkinsSun Jul 31, 09:17:00 PM EDT

    hezbollah, hamas, revolutionary guards.

    Not one of the three names you have written, "O"rdure is a Nation

    Not a single one

    They all have military bases smart ass...

    1. You did not mention nuking military bases, "O"rdure.

      The discussion was of NATIONS
      NATIONS that could, someday, pose a threat, so you advocated nuclear strikes against them.
      Not NATIONS that posed a threat, today.
      But COULD in the future.

      The topic is what you wrote, not what you wish you had written.

      You advocated initiating a nuclear war.
      Mass murder, that's "O"rdure's ticket.

  23. What sort of society feels absolutely nothing after killing hundreds of children?

    What kind of ideology uses women and children as shields?
    Oh yea! It's Islam, isn't it?

    1. There comes a point when evil must be met with cold determination.

      It seems that the Israelis have reached that point.
      And I don't blame them...not a damn bit.


    2. since the Second Intifada began on September 28, 2000. In total, at least 2,134 Palestinian children and 134 Israeli children have been killed.

      The Palestinians did not kill their children, the Israeli did.

      The children were not killed in Israel, but in the Occupied Territories, by Israelis.
      Children killed by a military occupation.

      That you do not blame the perpetrators condemns you, not the victims of Zionism.


    3. Israeli security forces 'killed 25 Palestinian children' in three months, UNICEF says

      Twenty-five Palestinian children were killed in the last three months of 2015 during a wave of violence, the United Nations' children's agency says

      It said more than 1,300 Palestinian children were injured during the spike in attacks, almost all in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, while three Israeli children were hurt in the West Bank and west Jerusalem.

      UNICEF cited the example on October 25 in Hebron in the West Bank of a 17-year-old girl who was "taken by IDF (Israel Defence Forces) soldiers for a search, shot with at least five bullets and killed".

      "Israeli authorities said that she had attempted to stab a policeman, however an eyewitness stated that she was not presenting any threat at the time she was shot, and was shouting that she did not have a knife," it said.


    4. Zionism is the ideology that has killed 2,100 children in the Occupied Territories.

    5. ...and 134 Israeli children have been killed.

      How were they killed?
      By the IDF< or a fucking Islamic retard with a knife following the edicts of a mad pedophile?

  24. Someone needs a to buy desert rat a Pokémon Go thingy so he can keep himself entertained.

  25. I'm fine with being condemned by atheists and islamic sympathizers.

    1. Well that has not happened, here.


    2. How were the 2,100 children in the Occupied Territories killed?.
