Friday, July 01, 2016

Fear is the Mother of All Gods: A History of Disbelief Epicurus,Lucretius,Aristotle,Cicero and Seneca



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.


  3. More utter nonsense by Deuce.

    But, why argue with him ?

    He believes that the Israelis control the US Congress.

    And many other odd unsupportable notions as well.

    Left you a note at the end of the last thread, Doug.

    You're good, I'll tell you that.

    Heading to bed here....

  4. CBS Dismisses ‘Innocent’ Meeting Between AG Lynch and Bill Clinton

    Turning to Bloomberg Politics editor John Heilemann, co-host Charlie Rose downplayed: “...the former President and a meeting with Loretta Lynch which seems on the face of it, simply to be an innocent meeting of two politician saying hello. But – ”

    Heilemann replied: “Yes. Just not just smart, right? Not a smart thing to do. You know? The case she is still being investigated by the FBI. The Justice Department has jurisdiction over that case.”

    Fellow co-host Gayle King whined: “They are at the airport at the same time....Why can't he just go over and say hello?”

    Heilemann worried about the bad “optics” of the meeting but gave the Clintons the benefit of the doubt:
    Because none of us will never know if all he did was just go and say hello. So, I take them for their word it was all perfectly innocent.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. CBS Dismisses ‘Innocent’ Meeting Between AG Lynch and Bill Clinton

    Turning to Bloomberg Politics editor John Heilemann, co-host Charlie Rose downplayed: “...the former President and a meeting with Loretta Lynch which seems on the face of it, simply to be an innocent meeting of two politician saying hello. But – ”

    Heilemann replied: “Yes. Just not just smart, right? Not a smart thing to do. You know? The case she is still being investigated by the FBI. The Justice Department has jurisdiction over that case.”

    Fellow co-host Gayle King whined: “They are at the airport at the same time....Why can't he just go over and say hello?”

    Heilemann worried about the bad “optics” of the meeting but gave the Clintons the benefit of the doubt:
    Because none of us will never know if all he did was just go and say hello. So, I take them for their word it was all perfectly innocent.
