Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Who Controls The US Media and The US Congress?

  • Who wouldn't be obsessed with Israel ?

    After all, they control the US Congress and the banks.

    I'm focused on Trey Gowdy now, though.
  • Two for three...They don’t control the banks, but they totally control the media and absolutely control the US Congress. 
  • These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America

    This infographic created by Jason at Frugal Dad shows that almost all media comes from the same six sources.

    That’s consolidated from 50 companies back in 1983. 

    NOTE: This infographic is from last year and is missing some key transactions. GE does not own NBC (or Comcast or any media) anymore. So that 6th company is now Comcast. And Time Warner doesn’t own AOL, so Huffington Post isn't affiliated with them.

    But the fact that a few companies own everything demonstrates "the illusion of choice," Frugal Dad says. While some big sites, like Digg and Reddit aren't owned by any of the corporations, Time Warner owns news sites read by millions of Americans every year.
    Here's the graphic: 
    Source: Frugal dad

    DON'T MISS: This Chart Shows Bilderberg Group's Connection To Everything In The World >


    1. I take the odd view that Congress applauded Bibi cause most of them like him, and that about 70% of their constituents support Israel.

      But that's just me.

    2. Deuce ☂Tue Jun 28, 10:20:00 AM EDT
      Once again, you Israeli-firsters, obsessed with Israel, trash a post that has no relationship to Israel, occupied Palestine or apartheid Zionism.


      Funny Deuce, I see how if you point out that there are thousands of millionaires IN GAZA and the leadership of Hamas are BILLIONAIRES?

      Change the subject..


      1. And of course, let's suggest that the JEWS control the media and the banks... and Congress, and water, and the sun, and Hollywood, and social media, and the diamond trade, and medical devices, and water purification and reclamation, and weapons, and the Supreme Court, and Trump, and Obama, and Putin, and the chinese..

      2. LOL

        Funny Deuce, I see how if you point out that there are thousands of millionaires IN GAZA and the leadership of Hamas are BILLIONAIRES?

        Change the subject..

        The post (subject) had nothing to do with Israel or Palestine. Let me make it even more clear; the subject had nothing to do with ” thousands of millionaires IN GAZA “

        Learn how to read and comprehend the English language.


      3. I comprehend it just fine. Thanks

        Once again you seek to deflect the coming reality of what Trump and the Leave the EU means...

        The EU, great supporters of the terrorists that control the arabs of Gaza and Judea and Samaria (non-Israeli that is) are running out of cash and ordinary Europeans and others are tired of their money being funneled to the PA or Hamas to pay salaries of terrorists sitting in Israel jails with blood on their hands. You mentioned that Brexit would be harmful to Israel a few threads back, just the opposite.

        Once again the oppressed people of the Gaza Strip and the PA controlled lands of Judea and Samaria understand that the true enemy of freedom is NOT Israel but Abbas and the PA (fatah), Hamas, Assad and more...

        Let freedom ring...

    3. .

      Two for three...They don’t control the banks...

      Nobody controls the banks.

      A couple days ago, Hank Paulson, architect of the bank bailout and former CEO of Goldman Sachs the company paid Hillary a $700,000 speaking fee, came out with an endorsement of Hillary Clinton based on her 'globalist' views.

      This is merely more confirmation of the obvious, after November things will continue as they are today.

      Here comes the new boss, worse than the old boss.


    4. .

      At a time when the Pentagon is busy demanding more money from Congress, eliminating the word 'man' from designations of job titles, and allowing out of control spending on programs like the F-35, they still have found time for this...

      Pentagon Demands Years of Hazard Duty Pay to Bomb Squads Be Returned

      In January 2015, members of the Pentagon’s bomb squad got some financially devastating news: They had been overpaid for years, the Defense Department informed them, and the government wanted the money back — all of it.

      For some bomb technicians, that meant they had suddenly accrued debts of up to $173,000. And going forward, defense officials also told them, their annual pay would be cut by 25 percent. All because of what the government described as a clerical error that the Pentagon bureaucracy itself — not the bomb squad members — had made.

      The decision has caused chaos in the unit, with some opting to leave and others expressing exasperation that they never would have taken the job had they known what was coming. More than a year later, the cases of none of the nine employees involved has been fully resolved as they wade through a Pentagon appeals process.

      “When they tell you that they’re going to stop part of your pay, that’s tough,” said a bomb squad member, speaking on the condition of anonymity because of fear of retaliation. “But when they tell you ‘We want it back,’ It’s like ‘What?!” I think that’s what upset so many people. If I knew I was going to be in this mess … I never would have joined...”

      The article goes on to discuss suicides and dislocations associated with this case.


      1. I hope the Widows of those blown up are not overlooked.

      2. If so, they can always attach the earnings of the kids.

    5. How did six corporations get absolute control of US Media?

      Bill Clinton signed the 1996 Telecommunications Act into law at the Library of Congress.

      Designed to de-regulate aspects of the telecommunications business, it was the first overhaul of the law that created the Federal Communications Commission in more than six decades.

      Supporters of the law said it would create more competition in the telecommunications industry that, at the time, was only beginning to grapple with the transformative power of the Internet.

      “It promotes competition as the key to opening new markets and new opportunities,” Clinton said at the bill signing. “It will help connect every classroom in America to the information superhighway by the end of the decade. It will protect consumers by regulating the remaining monopolies for a time and by providing a roadmap for deregulation in the future.”

      Among other things, the bill brought deregulation to the cable industry and lifted the national cap on radio station ownership. It also eased the rules that apply to broadcasters.

      1. The Neocons know the formula with the Clinton’s.

      2. The original neocons were a small group of mostly Jewish liberal intellectuals who, in the 1960s and 70s, grew disenchanted with what they saw as the American left’s social excesses and reluctance to spend adequately on defense. Many of these neocons worked in the 1970s for Democratic Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson, a staunch anti-communist. By the 1980s, most neocons had become Republicans, finding in President Ronald Reagan an avenue for their aggressive approach of confronting the Soviet Union with bold rhetoric and steep hikes in military spending. After the Soviet Union’s fall, the neocons decried what they saw as American complacency. In the 1990s, they warned of the dangers of reducing both America’s defense spending and its role in the world.

        So when Deuce doesn't want to use the term "jews" he uses "neocons", "Israeli firsters" or zionsist...

    6. You can do your own search on who are the CEO’s of the media companies. Hint they are not Southern Baptists or Roman Catholics.

      "Today, seven Jewish Americans run the vast majority of US television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:

      Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner

      Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company

      Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd

      Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios

      Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc

      Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric

      Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

      Those seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.

      Most of the larger independent newspapers are owned by Jewish interests as well. An example is media mogul is Samuel I. "Si" Newhouse, who owns two dozen daily newspapers from Staten Island to Oregon, plus the Sunday supplement Parade; the Conde Nast collection of magazines, including Vogue, The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Allure, GQ, and Self; the publishing firms of Random House, Knopf, Crown, and Ballantine, among other imprints; and cable franchises with over one million subscribers."

      I could add that Michael Eisner could depart Disney tomorrow but the company will remain in the hands of Shamrock Holdings, whose principal office is now located in Israel".

      http://wais.stanford.edu/History/history_KennedyAssassination(092803).ht ml

      1. Are you going to start demanding that any "JEW" own business have a STAR of DAVID painted on it?


      NBC Advertising Sales
      NBCUniversal Owned Television Stations
      NBCUniversal Owned TV Stations
      WNBC 4 - New York
      KNBC 4 - Los Angeles
      WMAQ 5 - Chicago
      WCAU 10 - Philadelphia
      KNTV 11 - San Jose/San Francisco
      KXAS 5 - Dallas/Fort Worth²
      WRC 4 - Washington
      WTVJ 6 - Miami
      KNSD 39 (cable 7) - San Diego²
      WVIT 30 - Hartford
      Cozi TV
      New England Cable News
      Telemundo Station Group
      KVEA/KWHY - Los Angeles
      WNJU - New York
      WSCV - Miami
      KTMD - Houston
      WSNS - Chicago
      KXTX - Dallas/Fort Worth
      KVDA - San Antonio
      KSTS - San Jose/San Francisco
      KTAZ - Phoenix
      KBLR - Las Vegas
      KNSO - Fresno
      KDEN-TV - Longmont, Colorado
      WNEU - Boston/Merrimack
      KHRR - Tucson
      WKAQ - Puerto Rico (independent Spanish station)
      Affiliate Relations
      Network Research
      NBCUniversal Television Distribution
      NBCUniversal Digital Entertainment Special Events
      NBC Entertainment
      NBC - National Broadcasting Company -prime time and late night programming, business affairs, West Coast research, marketing, public relations and network scheduling
      NBC Studios
      Universal Television
      NBCUniversal News Group
      NBC News
      Peacock Productions
      The Weather Company - with private equity firms Bain Capital and the Blackstone Group
      The Weather Channel
      Weather Underground
      Weather Services International
      The Weather Channel Interactive
      The Weather Channel Mobile
      The Weather Channel Desktop
      EMKA, Ltd.
      NBCUniversal Cable
      USA Network
      CNBC World
      NBC Universo
      Universal HD
      Esquire Network (joint venture with Hearst Corporation)
      NBCUniversal Hispanic Group
      NBC Universo
      Puerto Rico Studios
      Telemundo Television Studios
      NBC Sports Group
      NBC Sports
      Golf Channel
      MLB Network (part owner)
      NHL Network (part owner)
      Alli Sports
      Comcast SportsNet
      Bay Area (45%)
      Chicago (20%)
      New England
      SNY (8%)
      The Comcast Network[1]
      NBCUniversal International Networks
      Universal Channel
      Latin America (operated by Fox International Channels and distributed by HBO Latin America Group)
      United Kingdom and Ireland
      Syfy (Latin America)
      Movies 24
      Eastern Europe
      Russia and Moldova
      Movies 24+
      Style Network
      Australia and New Zealand
      East Asia
      Southeast Asia
      South Asia
      Iberia (includes Spain and Portugal)

      1. Who Controls Comcast?

        Philadelphia Jewish entrepreneur is one of the most powerful Americans in the media industry.
        Brian Roberts, 54, chairman and CEO of Comcast, a cable and broadband provider that announced on February 13 its intention to take over Time Warner Cable in a $45 billion deal, seeks to control the cable services of more than 32 million American homes, which would make him the unchallenged leader in the field.

        Read more: http://forward.com/news/193521/brian-roberts-jewish-roots-and-outsized-ambition-d/#ixzz4Cu4lIzIW

      2. Yep Deuce the Jews...

        Are you going to require Jews to register their assets?

        Make them wear arm bands?

        Pointed hats?

    8. Please don’t be bashful or coy about Jews owning and controlling US media. They have it buttoned down lock stock and barrel. The US media also has vastly inordinate influence on who gets into Congress and manipulating the media to be both pro-Israel and anti Palestinian.

    9. Is it beneficial that a group that represents less than 3% of the US population and has lifelong conflict of interest by a birthright to a foreign country and has dual nationality to Israel, controls 90% of what Americans read, see, watch and hear?

      1. It is not healthy and mocks even a pretense of impartiality. It would not be acceptable if it were any other group.

      2. When do you wish to deport us or line us up and simply execute us?

      3. Now Deuce is playing the dual loyalty card, the blood libel canard of the Jew hater.....

        And yet Deuce claims he's not against the Jews...

        He's not an anti-semite..



      4. You are the one that posted :

        What is "Occupation"Tue Jun 28, 01:19:00 PM EDT
        And of course, let’s suggest that the JEWS control the media

        I accepted the challenge and discovered that in fact that Jews do control the media. I know it is impolite to notice and audacious in the extreme to mention it.

        It is not a suggestion. It is a fact.

      5. I was using sarcasm, better study the English language some more

      6. If Jews control the media how is it possible that Israel gets so much bad press?

        Hmmmm inquiring minds want to know..

      7. Does any other US citizen have dual nationality because of their ethnicity ? Which country? The practice permanently imbeds a conflict of loyalty dilemma for the dual nationals. How could it not? Israel practices the policy in two different directions, one by the awarding of dual nationality and discrimination on an apartheid basis to non-Jews in Israel.

        The distinction between Jews and none others is an insult to the United States. It is an implicit and explicit suggestion that Jews are not safe in the US and will not be protected by US laws as is any other citizen. It says, if the US government fails to protect, Israel gives them an insurance policy and will take them in.

        Jonathon Pollard is an extreme example of a convicted felon, who did great harm to US security is welcome in Israel under an Israeli passport.

      8. .

        The most bad press Israel gets is in the Israeli press.


      9. Dual Citizenship Generally Allowed After U.S. Naturalization
        Burkina Faso
        Cape Verde
        Central African Republic Colombia
        Costa Rica
        Côte d ́Ivoire Croatia
        Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador
        El Salvador
        Grenada Guatemala
        Hong Kong Hungary
        Lesotho Liechtenstein Macao
        New Zealand Nigeria

        Poland Portugal Romania
        St. Christopher St. Kitts
        St. Lucia Slovenia
        Sri Lanka Switzerland Syria
        United Kingdom
        Dual Citizenship Generally Not Allowed After U.S. Naturalization
        Andorra Azerbaijan Bahrain
        Burundi Cameroon
        Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Gabon
        Guinea Honduras India Indonesia Iraq
        Japan Kazakhstan Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos
        Mongolia Myanmar (Burma) Nepal
        New Guinea Nicaragua Niger
        North Korea Norway
        Oman Pakistan
        Príncipe Island Qatar
        Rwanda Saudi Arabia Sierra Leone Singapore

        South Korea
        United Arab Emirates Uzbekistan Venezuela
        Vietnam Yemen Zimbabwe

      10. deuce: The distinction between Jews and none others is an insult to the United States. It is an implicit and explicit suggestion that Jews are not safe in the US and will not be protected by US laws as is any other citizen. It says, if the US government fails to protect, Israel gives them an insurance policy and will take them in.

        Given your points of view?

        Jews are not safe in America


      At least two explosions have been reported at Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport. Several people have been wounded, according to Turkish media.
      The blasts occurred in the airport’s International Arrivals Terminal.

    11. Richards Kalniņš @Rihards_Kalnins

      At Ataturk Airport in Istanbul. There's just been some kind of explosion. Running. Possibly a bomb.

      3:16 PM - 28 Jun 2016

      1. Two suicide bombers....remains to be seen....how many dead, wounded....

      2. Were the victims Gay?

        I'd hate to have another Hate Crime on our hands.

      3. No more hate crimes.

        I can handle work place violence but I hate hate crimes.

        Among the 40 or so wounded and dead there may have been a gay or two.

        Does that make it a hate crime ?

      4. I've changed my mind, I now hate people who hate hate crimes, so your question will remain unanswered due to hate.

      5. But what's your opinion on workplace violence ?

        That is the question.

      6. Mixed Case?

        I doubt if those Turk travelers killed along with the counter people were all traveling on business.

        So certainly it would not be a straight case of workplace violence.

        Let's stick to Gun Violence, until we've gleaned all the evidence.

    12. Deuce you will be happy to know that if and when you and your friends seek to murder us in the middle of the night?

      SOME Jews will actually fight back.

      Now of course some Jews, the ones you approval of, will be happy to get down on their knees begging for mercy as you and your buddies drive a screwdriver into their spines....

      But some of us?

      will see your kind coming and will not allow thugs like you to murder us without a good fight...


      So I suggest that even your body armor won't stop a head shot...

      1. What is "Occupation"Tue Jun 28, 04:01:00 PM EDT
        Deuce you will be happy to know that if and when you and your friends seek to murder us in the middle of the night?

        SOME Jews will actually fight back.

        Now of course some Jews, the ones you approval of, will be happy to get down on their knees begging for mercy as you and your buddies drive a screwdriver into their spines....

        But some of us?

        will see your kind coming and will not allow thugs like you to murder us without a good fight...


        So I suggest that even your body armor won't stop a head shot...


      2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

      3. Better choose your words more cautiously bad ass.

      4. What's to choose?

        People like you and your friends have been butchering Jews for centuries, I was just letting you know that some of us will be armed and ready if and when you and yours seek to murder us (again), but this time? Head shots....

      5. I aint no "bad ass" like you, who singles out 3% of the American population for persecution.

        Own it Deuce.

        You are the BAD ASS that threatens the liberty of Jews in America.

      6. My words are good and DEFENSIVE.

        your words spread blood libel and violence against Jews.

        Are you proud?





      Rufus thinks these are some of Obama's most Outstanding Accomplishments.

    14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

      1. I didn't make a comment. It was simply a link to a well regarded international site that shows the Jews control the entirety of America.

        I'll sneak it in later when he's asleep.

        Deuce is a little jumpy today.

    15. Deuce,

      Are you saying all Jews support Israel? Sounds like something our resident b00bie would say.

      1. Only Jews that are neocons, zionists or non-self hating are worthy of deuce's wrath

      2. I wouldn't say that, Smirky. It sounds like something you'd say I'd say.

        I do think most Jews in USA have a warm place in their hearts for Israel.

        I do too, and I'm not Jewish.

        Being much more well read than you on a variety of topics, Smirk, and for a much longer time, I know what they are facing.

        You do not.

    16. All those DUDES are also WHITE!!!!!

      Does that mean Jews are part of the White Power movement???

    17. No and have said so. The US media supports Israel reflexively and the consistency of a sycophant . It is controlled by Jewish moguls who are overwhelmingly pro-Israel.

      Considering the unhealthy support given to Israel by the US government to Israel, it is a legitimate concern. It only became possible because of legislation signed by Bill Clinton. Why deny it?

      1. Well I move more healthy support of Israel.

        Move the embassy to Jerusalem

        Cut off all money to the PA that is given to terrorists in jail.

        Cut off UNRWA funding.

        Cut off all non-medical and food aid to the Palestinians until all incitement is removed from the schools and the PA's news media.

        Cut off all funds to Hamas in Gaza.

        That would be a good 1st step in making the Israel/America relationship "healthy"

    18. The Istanbul bombing sounds like Hamas.

      After all Turkey is renewing normal relations with Israel and has just stopped Hamas from launching ATTACKS against Israel from their lands.

      Also Turkey today announced that hamas would not be allowed to support the moslem brotherhood any longer from her shores..

      1. News is reporting that ISIS and the PKK are allies..

        Now we all KNOW that Hamas and ISIS are allies, as is the Moslem Brotherhood and Hamas...


      2. .

        As is Israel and ISIS.

        Same shit. Different tribes.


      3. .

        And if reports are correct, so is the US when it suits them.


      4. QuirkTue Jun 28, 05:34:00 PM EDT

        As is Israel and ISIS.

        Same shit. Different tribes.

        Same Shit?


        Please list for me Israel burning alive prisoners in cages?

        mass executions of prisoners?

        Killing people for shaving?

        really quirk, why do you act like a dick so many times a day?

      5. I have the answer to that.

        He's never been quite his old jolly self since he returned from Damanhur, where his brains got fried out a bit.

        Quirk was a member of this group, in fact claimed to be the engineering supervisor of the project, and painted some of the murals himself. This was in what he called his 'secret time' aka his 'DSL' time, as he also referred to it, before he rejoined society at large, and began contributing to The Elephant Bar.


        Inside the Nine-Room Temple Buried Beneath the Italian Alps

        Exploring Damanhur's Temples of Humankind

        In 1978, the followers of Oberto Airaudi, founder of a cult-like group the Federation of Damanhur, began secretly digging at the foothills of the Italian Alps. When police raided the site in 1991, they were stunned to find a series of underground chambers ornately decorated with psychedelic new-age paintings. The nine rooms, some with 25-foot-high ceilings, were built over a 15-year period with the help 150 people, none of whom had architectural experience.

        After Airaudi failed to cooperate with local authorities in navigating the underground structure, the local prosecutor threatened to demolish the structure only to be persuaded later to allow the followers of Damanhur to continue construction. Today, the Temples of Damanhur has five floors and reaches 100 feet below the surface at its deepest point. Located about 30 miles north of Turin, it has become a tourist attraction and is often referred to as “the 8th wonder of the world.” Take a short visual tour of the temples below and then watch a video on Damanhur at the bottom to learn more.


      6. Nowadays he often gets his words and sentences screwed up too, I have noticed.

      7. .

        Please list for me where Hamas, the MB, or the PKK burning alive prisoners in cages?

        mass executions of prisoners?

        Killing people for shaving?

        Really WiO, why do you act like a dick so many times a day?


    19. MSNBC just said Hamas is a potential terrorist group that is responsible.....

      They just stated that Turkey and israel were normalizing relations, MUCH to the disappointment to Hamas.. LOL (and Iran)

      1. .

        Who won on the Israel/Turkey deal is in the eye of the beholder.

        If you look at the Israeli papers they are all over the map on the subject. Turkey won. Israel won. Hamas won.

        From what I can see, it appears the major advantage of the deal for both Israel and Turkey is the restart of trade between the two countries. I haven't seen anything as to whether military cooperation between to two will be started.

        On key issues, Israel held firm in refusing the Turkish demand that the Gaza blockade be dropped. Also, Hamas will be prevented from launching any military operations from Turkish soil.

        For the Turks, Israel had previously apologized for the deaths on the Gaza flotilla and now with this deal agrees to pay $20 million in compensation and while they will still not be allowed to ship aid directly to Gaza, they will be allowed to ship the aid through Ashod in the WB. Also, has agreed to allow the rebuilding of a much needed hospital in Gaza as well as an energy generating facility and a new desalination plant as well as other facility improvements.

        As for Hamas, the JP yesterday printed an analysis that said Hamas was the winner for while they will be prevented from launching any military operations Turkey everything else remains the same. However...

        Israel apparently has agreed to the presence of Hamas in Turkey as long as it does not involve itself directly in terrorist attacks against Israel, but limits itself to political and other supposedly nonviolent activity.

        However, the sanction of the presence and “political” activity of Hamas in a country with diplomatic ties with Israel undermines years of Israeli public relations against the terrorist group, which sought to identify Hamas with other Sunni groups such as al-Qaida and Islamic State.


    20. Does any other US citizen have dual nationality because of their ethnicity ? Which country? The practice permanently imbeds a conflict of loyalty dilemma for the dual nationals. How could it not? Israel practices the policy in two different directions, one by the awarding of dual nationality and discrimination on an apartheid basis to non-Jews in Israel.

      The distinction between Jews and none others is an insult to the United States. It is an implicit and explicit suggestion that Jews are not safe in the US and will not be protected by US laws as is any other citizen. It says, if the US government fails to protect, Israel gives them an insurance policy and will take them in.

      Jonathon Pollard is an extreme example of a convicted felon, who did great harm to US security and yet is welcome in Israel under an Israeli passport.

      1. Being Jewish doesn’t mean you are an Israeli national. US citizens have many opportunities to become a citizen of other countries which Wong affect their allegiance to America.

      2. Very good, Ash.

        Except for the minor spelling error.

      3. He's talking about Wong's feelings wrt Jew's allegiance to America.
        He's Sinophobic.

    21. deuce: How could it not? Israel practices the policy in two different directions, one by the awarding of dual nationality and discrimination on an apartheid basis to non-Jews in Israel.


      Non-Jews are not "discriminated" against by the State in Israel.

      Once again you are shooting off your mouth to policies and facts you are not privy too...

      After all, you have NEVER been there.

      You have never lived there.

      Your claims of apartheid in Israel is bullshit


      1. 10. In Israel, there are 1.6 million Arab citizens integrated within Israeli society.

        They make up 20 per cent of Israel's population. There was no such integration in South Africa. Furthermore, according to a poll done by Harvard University, 77 per cent of Arab citizens living in Israel would rather live there than any other country in the world. If these citizens were experiencing "apartheid," why are so many of them supportive of Israel?

        To proclaim that Israel is an "apartheid state" is to undermine and trivialize the harsh and actual struggles many blacks went through during that dark time of human history. These are the words of many South Africans who would also concur that Israel is not an "apartheid" state.

        Arabs have the right to move freely, vote, obtain an education, work in prominent positions, receive world-class health care, own land and speak freely. Blacks in South Africa had none of these rights.

        Regardless of the unfounded criticisms, Israel will still strive in the face of growing adversity. Those who seek to delegitimize, malign and deprecate Israel have lost their moral compass.

        While those who are able to discern the truth for themselves, are able to recognize the fact that Israel is a beacon of freedom and democracy in the Middle East.

      2. 11) Arabs can participate fully in the political process. They have equal voting rights. Coloured people during apartheid were not allowed to participate in the political process.

        12) Israeli Arabs have their own political parties in the Knesset – some of whom are Israel’s harshest critics. The Joint List is an example of this. They received 13 seats in the 2015 Israeli election. This is a testament to Israel’s vibrant democracy. Non-white South Africans were often tortured or killed for small political actions like peaceful protests.

    22. I get tired of deuce's apartheid libel.

      It gets tiresome, and makes me want to scream.

    23. QuirkTue Jun 28, 05:34:00 PM EDT

      As is Israel and ISIS.

      Same shit. Different tribes.


      Same Shit?


      Please list for me Israel burning alive prisoners in cages?

      mass executions of prisoners?

      Killing people for shaving?

      really quirk, why do you act like a dick so many times a day?

      To which quirk "the Crazy" said:

      QuirkTue Jun 28, 06:13:00 PM EDT

      Please list for me where Hamas, the MB, or the PKK burning alive prisoners in cages?
      mass executions of prisoners?
      Killing people for shaving?
      Really WiO, why do you act like a dick so many times a day?

      Really getting bat shit crazy lately?

      1. .

        Really getting bat shit crazy lately?

        It sure is. You remain unable to follow a point to its conclusion. You also continue to take what was said out of context.

        Why not put up the entire string with the post that started it.

        What is "Occupation"Tue Jun 28, 05:20:00 PM EDT

        News is reporting that ISIS and the PKK are allies..

        Now we all KNOW that Hamas and ISIS are allies, as is the Moslem Brotherhood and Hamas...


        Now, I'm not sure what the 'YUMMY' meant but I would imagine anyone familiar with the English language would assume you are talking groups that are 'allies'.

        That's when I put up my statements pointing out additional 'allies' of ISIS which prompted your little tirade.


      2. Maybe you should learn to post the complete thought?

        After all you tell us that we are not in your intellectual league....

    24. The attacks have increased in scale and frequency, scaring off tourists and hurting the economy, which relies heavily on tourism revenues.

      Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport was the 11th busiest airport in the world last year, with 61.8 million passengers, according to Airports Council International. It is also one of the fastest-growing airports in the world, seeing 9.2 percent more passengers last year than in 2014.

      The largest carrier at the airport is Turkish Airlines, which operates a major hub there. Low-cost Turkish carrier Onur Air is the second-largest airline there.

    25. To summarize.

      ISIS and Alqueda are part of the tree of the moslem brotherhood.

      Hamas is also part of that tree...

    26. Spokesman Brian Fallon said in a statement the report has “not found anything to contradict the conclusions of the multiple, earlier investigations.”

      He said that’s evidence the panel’s main goal was to politicize the four deaths “in order to try to attack the Obama administration and hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign.”

      Fallon said the way in which the committee released the report shows the GOP members of the committee “are clearly seeking to avoid any fact-checking of their discredited conspiracy theories.”
