Thursday, June 23, 2016

U.S.-backed rebels in northern Syria are using U.S.-supplied weapons to attack other Syrian fighters backed by the U.S., according to recent reports

Ron Paul on Neoconned At State: ‘Diplomats’ Urge War

Daniel McAdams, June 21, 2016
Recently, 51 State Department employees signed a memo urging the president to change his focus in Syria from fighting ISIS to fighting the secular Assad government. They argued that targeting Assad would weaken Assad’s enemy, ISIS. The logic is not immediately apparent. They also dismissed any danger that a US attack on Russia’s ally in Syria might annoy the Russians, who spent more than six months bombing ISIS and al-Qaeda in Syria. Although these 51 represent a very small faction within the Department, the neocon war propaganda immediately latched on to it. It made front page news in the New York Times. This is likely a preview of a Hillary presidency. More on this important development in today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:



    f all the myths that pass for conventional wisdom in Washington in the late Obama years, perhaps one of the most intractable is the idea that the president has “done nothing” concerning Syria.

    According to a Robert S. Ford, who served as US Ambassador to Syria (2010–14), and is now a senior fellow at the Middle East Institute, the Obama administration has followed a “hands-off” policy regarding Syria, claiming that the president and other senior administration officials have “been reluctant to use all tools available to create pressure” on the Syrian government. And last week The New York Times reported that 51 mid-level State Department officials authored a “dissent cable” to Secretary John Kerry urging the United States to carry out “military strikes against the government of President Bashar al-Assad.” The Times noted further that Foggy Bottom’s pinstriped dissidents have long “chafed at the White House’s refusal to be drawn into the conflict in Syria.”

    Yet far from “refusing to be drawn into the conflict in Syria,” the Obama administration has actively financed and trained so-called “moderate” Syrian rebels (who are in fact Salafist extremists in league with Al Qaeda) since 2013. The administration’s parallel efforts—one by the CIA, followed by another run out of the Pentagon—has helped to destabilize the region, contribute to the refugee crisis, and, in targeting the sovereign government of Bashar al-Assad, helped strengthen the geostrategic position of ISIS.

    Still worse, American proxies have been working hand in glove with radical Sunni opponents of the secular Assad government. Even Ford publicly admitted in January 2015, “For a long time we have looked the other way while the Nusra Front and armed groups on the ground, some of which are getting help from us, have coordinated in military operations against the regime.”


  2. {...} Indeed, by 2015 the fiction of a “moderate” opposition had become increasingly difficult to maintain. According to the journalist Gareth Porter, “the idea that an independent ‘moderate’ armed opposition still existed” was “necessary to provide a political fig leaf for the covert and indirect U.S. reliance on Al Qaeda’s Syrian franchise’s military success.”

    Efforts to halt the administration’s illegal and counterproductive war for regime change in Syria have been lead by Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii. Last year, Gabbard, a two-tour Iraq war veteran, sponsored a bill that would cut off funding for what Gabbard calls the administration’s “regime-change war in Syria.”

    While that bill has yet to make it to a vote in the House, last week Gabbard sponsored an amendment to the Defense Appropriations Act that would block funding for the so-called “Syrian Train and Equip” program. While the amendment garnered the support of 135 House members, including staunch conservatives like South Carolina Congressman Trey Gowdy and Michigan Congressman Justin Amash and leading Democrats like Maryland Senate candidate Chris Van Hollen, it ultimately did not pass. And the amendment’s defeat happened to coincide with the release of the State Department dissent cable calling for military strikes against Syria.


    Taken together these are troubling developments because, as Gabbard correctly notes, should the regime-change war succeed in overthrowing Assad, it will be ISIS and Al Qaeda who will step in and fill the vacuum. It is this prospect, which would be a strategic, tactical and moral catastrophe, that American policy should seek to avoid. Far from alleviating the humanitarian and refugee crises, military action by the United States would only exacerbate them. And yet, the administration persists, via the CIA’s “Train and Equip” program, in doing the bidding of our most odious allies—Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar—by putting pressure on Assad to leave the scene.

    1. {...}

      At a speech this weekend at the People’s Summit in Chicago, Gabbard took direct aim at the 51 State Department “dissidents.” According to Gabbard, “too many people have not learned from the past—they’ve learned nothing from Iraq and that overthrow of Saddam Hussein, they’ve learned nothing from overthrowing Gaddafi in Libya the chaos that ensued as a result.”

      Gabbard said to The Nation on Monday, “Escalating the war to overthrow Assad will make things even worse. It will cause more suffering and chaos and strengthen ISIS and Al Qaeda to the point where they may be able to take over all of Syria.” That result would, according to Gabbard, mean disaster, “including a genocide against religious minorities, secularists, atheists, and anyone who refuses to accept the extremist Wahhabi theology. The refugee crisis will increase exponentially, and it could lead to a direct confrontation with Russia.”

      Yet the dissident diplomats insist that they are not advocating for a “slippery slope” that would end in a military confrontation with Russia, only for the “credible threat” of a targeted US military response to regime violations. However, according to a Pentagon official who spoke to The Nation, “What happens if a Russian SAM [surface-to-air missile] shoots down a US fighter over Syria? Russian S-400s could be used to take out US cruise missiles, making it not-so-proxy of a war. And what do we do to counter that? Attempt to take out Russian S-400 sites? Looks like a slippery slope to me.”

      The official, a 20-year Army officer with multiple assignments at US embassies across the globe, says the dissent cable “appears to be another case of careerists who have invested significant effort into achieving an ill-sought goal—the removal of Assad—while also refusing to accept that the priority has shifted to defeating ISIS, and this may require allowing Assad to reassert control.”

      In the final analysis, the policy the dissent cable argues for would launch the United States on the path to a war with Syria and almost certainly a wider war with Russia. Meanwhile, serious-minded attempts to get the administration to focus on efforts to combat ISIS and end the Syrian civil war, like those of Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard’s, are needed more than ever.


  3. It is hard to figure out who is behind US foreign policy when so much of it has been outsourced to Israel.

    1. You should seek professional help, you suffer from Israeli Derangement Syndrome or IDS

      Your last couple of dozen threads scream Israeli, zionist, neocon, Jew, Israel firster,

      Maybe as your friends destroy one another you will continue to scream and scream, louder and louder but the funny thing?

      Israel is doing better and better and not one of the 1.2 MILLION arab citizens of the Jewish State of Israel would LEAVE and move into ONE of the 51 islamic shit holes you call nations....

    2. .

      WiO, I answered your post to me on the last stream.


    3. Yes you did, with a lot of assumptions and lies. But the best line you had?

      "No, doubt WiO thinks the cold blooded and premeditated murder of that Palestinian knife wielder as he lie incapacitated and bleeding out on the ground was excellent."

      I see your usage of the term "premeditated murder" shows your sickening bias.

      A terrorist, using a knife, stabbed and tried to murder (premeditated murder since he had PLANNED IT and executed it) is now the innocent victim in your eyes.

      The Israeli/Jew, is guilty.

      This is why you are doomed to a spiral of decay and decadence. Your moral clock is broken.

      You root for the terrorist and bitch like a school girl that poor little "knife wielder" was "premeditated murdered"..

      Absolute bullshit.

      But that doesn't stop America from drone striking the very same ideology folks day after day in Syria, Iraq and numerous other locations across the globe.

      And just for clarification, those that seek out to stab Jews? Are no different than the Orlando shooter, the Paris shooter, ISIS.

      But you defend them.

      Keep it simple of you and me.

      You stand for hamas and terrorists and I stand for America and Israel.

      And where I come from? A terrorist SHOULD be double tapped when possible.

    4. Quirk is a quirk.

      'quirk' definition - moron, fool, idiot, jackass, stupid head....

    5. Let me say this WIO. You don’t speak for all Jews. You don’t think like all Jews. You don’t share the same ethics as all Jews. Your morality is not the same as all Jews.

      My issue is not with Jews. My interest is politics. I have equal contempt for most of the members of Likud, most of the GOP, some Democrats, some Catholics, some Baptist, some Muslims and some Jews. None of my contempt is based on who they are. I save that for what they are.

      I do not generalize about Germans, Polish or anyone else.I have been around long enough, done enough things and been to enough places to know that there are small minded, ethnocentric, supercilious assholes everywhere.

      You will not find one post critical of Jews but lots critical of dyed in the wool Zionists and right wing Israeli thugs.

    6. There is a distinction between Jews and the Jewish Lobby. If you are too stupid or two dishonest to not see the distinction, That is your problem.

    7. And yet you do not have equal chastising of any other people in the world but Jews. You can call them zionist, israeli firsters, neocons and such but your problem seems to be your hatred of those Jews that refuse to be your bitch.

    8. You will not find one post critical of Jews but lots critical of dyed in the wool Zionists and right wing Israeli thugs.

      You were quite critical of Jews of europe for not fighting (to your level of approval) the nazis.

      You were quite critical of jews fleeing europe seeing safety in Israel after ww2

      You have used the term "bulldozin chosen" which is a bitchslap towards Jews.

      Doth protest too much

      I have watched you regal against Israel, Jews, Zionists for several years.

      You support those that seek to murder Israeli civilians doing nothing but live.

      Right wing Israeli thugs verses genocidal palestinians that rejoice in crushing the heads of Jewish kids....

      I'll stand with right wing thugs

  4. Deuce has a monomania about Israel and the Jews.

    He has said, and not just once, that the Jews control the US Congress, the banks, the media....

    WiO delightfully added:

    And the world's bagel supply too


    I'll always remember that one.

    It was a high hilarious moment around here

    1. The Jews control our foreign policy too (see above) which would surely come as a surprise to O'bozo.

    2. Both of you bozos are a joke. I can put up a post on clam chowder and WIO will trash it about Israel and his racist screeds and you will be there with your Hayseed Hosannas. I read them and say to myself if they want a post on Israel, I’ll give it.

    3. Nonsense.

      You put thread after thread up about jews, Israel on a constant basis.

      When was the last time we saw a critical thread concerning The Palestinian Authority or Hamas?



    Officer Goodson, the white racist cop (in Rufus World) has been four NOT Guilty on all charges.

    He opted to have a bench trial rather than a jury trial.

    The Judge is a black fellow, who Rufus would think of as an Uncle Tom black racist, or something.

    Now three out of the three tried have walked.

    Rufus wanted to hang 'em all high.

    I believe judicial process is the way to go.

    Read all about it here:

    Freddie Gray Van Driver Found Not Guilty On All Charges

    What will the Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby do now ?

    She was banking on these prosecutions to launch a political career.

    1. *found not guilty, not four not guilty

      Mosby is shit out of luck.

      She is going to go 0-6, unless she wisely drops the charges on the other three remaining officers now.

      Goodson was charged with 'depraved heart murder'.

      She couldn't even get a conviction for 'misconduct in office' or 'reckless endangerment'.

      In other words, the black Judge found Goodson didn't do a damn thing wrong.

    2. The Corner: The one and only

      The Mosby Disgrace Continues: Officer Goodson Acquitted of All Charges in Freddie Gray Case

      Andrew C. McCarthy June 23, 2016 12:39 PM @AndrewCMcCarthy

      Make it 0-for-3 for Marilyn Mosby, the incompetent demagogue prosecutor who trumped up cases against six Baltimore police officers after the death of Freddie Gray. Today, a judge acquitted Officer Caesar Goodson of all seven charges, including the outrageous allegation of “depraved heart murder.” Goodson is the third cop to be tried. Mosby has yet to win a conviction on any count. As I have repeatedly observed (see, e.g., here and follow the links), that is because there is no criminal case here. Gray’s death was an accident. He suffered a severe spinal injury, which strongly appears to have been self-induced, while being driven in a police van after he was lawfully arrested. Gray, a 25-year-old African-American man with a record of drug charges and minor crimes, was under the influence of drugs. He was wildly uncooperative with police who attempted to restrain him. He would have survived had he remained in the prone position in which the police placed him.

      The medical examiner conceded that there was no intent on the part of the police to harm him. He was thrust into the hard interior of the van because of his own actions, which included banging on the walls and attempting to stand up despite being in restraints – i.e., abandoning the position in which the police had placed him. Police repeatedly checked on him during the ride, and got him medical attention once it was clear to them that he might have sustained a serious injury. Mosby is not so much a prosecutor as a propagandist.

      Before investigators could finish their probe of the circumstances surrounding Gray’s death, she rushed before the cameras claiming to have conducted her own parallel investigation. She filed overwrought criminal charges not because there was evidence but because, as she told demonstrators, she wanted to satisfy their howls of “no justice, no peace.”

    3. She has had to dismiss some charges because she was ill-informed about the local law she is responsible for enforcing. In her desperation to win convictions, she has recklessly adopted lunatic legal theories that would induce police to refrain from making arrests (for fear of being prosecuted for “false arrest”), and refrain from assisting each other in the processing or transporting of arrestees. Mosby’s office has repeatedly changed its theory of how police supposedly caused Gray’s death – because she can’t keep her facts straight, and because the facts that have been proven show that no criminal charges should have been brought.

      Rigging the process, Mosby has tried to influence the jury pool and has concealed exculpatory evidence from the defendants. And as Andrew Branca observes at Legal Insurrection, it has now emerged that (a) the state’s medical examiner originally believed Gray’s death was an accident despite claiming she had always believed it to be a homicide, and (b) Mosby’s parallel investigation never actually took place. To be blunt, Mosby wanted to file charges, including murder charges, against cops. She was not going to risk a conclusive, professional investigative finding that there was nothing close to sufficient proof to justify charges, so she filed them without a real investigation, calculating that she could exploit the racially-charged atmosphere to browbeat juries into convicting.

      In the first case to be tried, against Officer William G. Porter, the jury hung despite the dearth of evidence. Seeing this, the next two officers, Edward Nero and Caesar Goodson, decided not to risk being railroaded by Mosby’s venire-poisoning antics. They demanded non-jury trials, and with today’s verdict, Judge Barry Williams has now acquitted them of all charges. The prosecution of these police officers is a travesty. Goodson was supposedly the most culpable of the cops, and Mosby had no case against him either. The remaining cases should be dropped … as should Marilyn Mosby.

      Read more at:

      Read more at:

    4. Some of the civil suits by the Police have been filed. Others will now soon follow.

  6. Replies
    1. Whatever he is, he's a white racist cop, and ought to be hung !

      These trials, and due process, and all that horse shit are a waste of time !

    2. (Miss Mosby is up Shit Crick without a paddle)

  7. I think we ought all be disturbed by the recent take over and sit-in of the our House of Representatives.

    According to my sources at Fox News nothing like this has happened before.

    There have been a couple fights between this person and that person in the past....not very often.

    But this is something new. A take over. A suspension of the People's business. A Demotoddler temper tantrum.

    If the Pubs had done this - they aren't that immature - everyone would be crying fascists.

    But -

    If totalitarianism comes to the USA it will come from the left not the right

    - as we have read in 'The Immortal Sayings of Farmer Bob'

    1. .

      Who gives a shit?

      All they did was delay going on vacation a little. They certainly weren't to get anything done before they left.

      A suspension of the People's business

      What crap.

      It was a publicity stunt and I doubt it worked. How many Americans really care about these antics?



    2. I give a shit.

      You don't but then you're a quirk, a dummkopf.

      How many Americans really care about these antics?

      I do. I don't like to see our institutions turned into romper rooms. I don't like to see the floor of the House turned into a romper room to disrupt the People's business.

      It's rude, aggressive, proto-total and disgusting.

      And it's never happened before, a 'sit-in' in the House.

      From such acorns mighty distorted oaks grow.

      Put that in your exit hole, you dummkopf, you quirk.

    3. 'How many Americans really care about these antics?'

      And, empty cranium, when did truth and right depend on numbers ?

    4. .

      Right. Unless its the GOP doing it. Then its just harmless horseplay to make a point.

      And think (even if it hurts) before you respond. Don't try to deny it and show yourself to be a bigger buffoon than usual.


    5. Tell me, O Nobly Born Brain Dead, just when the GOP has held a sit-in and near riot in the House of Representatives....when have they shut it down ?

      And don't give me some craparoo about a filibuster, which even you should know is not even close to being the same thing.

      You're not a buffoon, you that even worse abomination, a quirk, a dummkopf.

  8. .

    Yes you did, with a lot of assumptions and lies. But the best line you had?

    "No, doubt WiO thinks the cold blooded and premeditated murder of that Palestinian knife wielder as he lie incapacitated and bleeding out on the ground was excellent."

    I see your usage of the term "premeditated murder" shows your sickening bias.

    Evidently you haven't watched the film or listened to the testimony of witnesses.

    Soldier Said Palestinian Assailant 'Needs to Die' Before Shooting, Army Probe Finds

    "Army investigation into shooting reveals fellow soldiers tried to calm shooter."

    A terrorist, using a knife, stabbed and tried to murder (premeditated murder since he had PLANNED IT and executed it) is now the innocent victim in your eyes.

    No, he is dead in my eyes.

    The Israeli/Jew, is guilty.

    Of course. The Palestinian was a terrorist and he was shot. Fair enough. His act was very likely premeditated. But after he was incapacitated he should have been taken into custody, tried, and given the proper punishment for his crimes. Shooting him while he was incapacitated and bleeding out on the ground and no threat to anyone is murder in any civilized country. He was charged with manslaughter and much of the Israeli public went batshit crazy.

    This is why you are doomed to a spiral of decay and decadence. Your moral clock is broken.

    I'll put my moral clock up against a guy who holds snuff video viewings with his kids any day.

    You root for the terrorist and bitch like a school girl that poor little "knife wielder" was "premeditated murdered"..

    I don't root for the terrorists, Palestinian or Israeli. I have condemned them all on many occasions. However, if you can use that as an excuse to rationalize your enthusiasm for murder go for it. Perhaps, it will make you feel better when you look in the mirror.

    Absolute bullshit.

    I agree.

    But that doesn't stop America from drone striking the very same ideology folks day after day in Syria, Iraq and numerous other locations across the globe.

    I've stated my views on US policy on earlier drone strikes here before (Afghanistan and Pakistan). I've also said that I believe civilian casualty in Iraq/Syria are likely sanitized.

    However, what we are talking about is an individual act, by an individual soldier. Surely, you are not trying to say that immoral acts anywhere else in the world justifies an immoral and criminal act by this guy. If that were the case, anyone would be free to do anything they want anytime. Not the kind of world I would want to live in.

    And just for clarification, those that seek out to stab Jews? Are no different than the Orlando shooter, the Paris shooter, ISIS.

    I agree.

    But you defend them.

    Nonsense, you know you are on the wrong side of this argument and you are merely trying to justify yourself to yourself.

    Keep it simple of you and me.

    I don't know what that means.

    You stand for hamas and terrorists and I stand for America and Israel.

    See my comment on you and self-justification above.

    And where I come from? A terrorist SHOULD be double tapped when possible.

    Well, you got your wish in this case. It certainly was possible. The IDF soldier had a gun and the terrorist cooperated by laying there in a pool of blood bleeding out.


    1. If only you were in such high dudgeon each time a Palestinian offs a Jew....

    2. .

      Actually I am. I find the killing despicable. IMO its insane and abhorrent from a moral standpoint. There is no excuse for killing innocents.

      I also see it as counter-productive. Had the Palestinians restricted their protests general strikes, peaceful marches, economic boycotts, initiatives like Abbas is currently pushing at the UN, they would have had their state decades ago. the world would have forced it.

      You say that I only talk about it when Palestinians die. I believe that is a bit of projection. I realize your reading is restricted but it's as if you have never heard of settler violence, the hilltop youth, and other Israeli terrorism in the WB and East Jerusalem. And even with the 'knife intifada'that is said to have started last October the last time I looked there were around 40 Israelis killed. There were about 4 times that many Palestinians killed in the same period with about a third of those killed in protests.

      I usually comment only on what I feel are egregious examples and usually only in response to the examples you put up here daily of Palestinians, examples like burning a kid alive, firebombing families in their sleep, and shooting unarmed protesters when they are not involved in active protest.

      If I wanted to I could put an example of Palestinian violent on Israelis every day. I could do the same with Israeli violence against Palestinians. This has been going on for 60 years. It isn't going to change. Same shit. Different tribes.

      My references to Israel fall into three categories.

      1. When there s something regarding Israel that affects the US. Examples would be the recent vote in Congress shifting hundreds of millions of dollars away from the US military and shifting it to Israeli missile programs. Or, when Bibi was trying to influence the vote in Congress on the Iranian nuclear deal.

      2. When one of you two dolts puts a post out directed to me I respond as I did to WiO's post earlier.

      3. And when Wio tries to rewrite history and offer it up here as fact, history that is easily checked with a quick look in google, I have to respond.

      When Bibi was trying to influence the vote on the Iranian nuclear .

    3. We should have listened to Bibi on that deal.

      I read the other day some nuclear materials have been or were discovered in Iran, in breach of the treaty.

      It was some days ago and I'm not going looking. If it comes across my plate again I'll post it.

    4. And, you are hardly even handed.

      Or even moderately intelligent.

      You, Sir Quirk, had Israel annexing Gaza and occupying it with IDF troops, you double dolt.

      We shall never forget that one.

    5. .

      It was some days ago and I'm not going looking. If it comes across my plate again I'll post it.

      Don't bother.

      You concentrate on trivia. Who gives a shit what they were doing 15 years ago? Before this deal everyone argued that Iran was only a couple months away from having the 'capability' of going nuclear. The deal covers 15 years but even if it was cancelled tomorrow, Iran's lead time for even becoming nuclear 'capable' is now over a year. It's a good deal.


    6. .

      You, Sir Quirk, had Israel annexing Gaza and occupying it with IDF troops, you double dolt.

      As Ash pointed out, you have problems, both with English and International law. Try looking up the rules of military occupation in google. Then go to the dictionary and try to noodle out the concept of 'effective control'. Maybe your daughter could help you.


    7. The Smirk'n'Quirk Twins trying to deny the obvious again, I see.

      This is not one of your advertising games, Schmee.

    8. By the way, you never denied what you said till Smirk came up with your phony excess, arsehole.

    9. Schmee

  9. First exit polls show Brexit failing by about 2%

    1. Northern England going Brexit.

      Down around London going Bremain.

      Too close to call.

    2. hmmm....

      Early Results Favor Brexit; Markets Roiled; Gold Jumps....DRUDGE

    3. Update: Like I said, it really could go either way.

      BBC reports from the counts in Sunderland and Newcastle don't quite seem to tally with these big Remain poll leads…

      — Nico Hines (@NicoHines) June 23, 2016

      Update: An unexpected result.

      Sunderland result:
      –Remain: 51,930
      –Leave: 82,000

      — Jim Waterson (@jimwaterson) June 23, 2016

      With repercussions!


      — Joe Weisenthal (@TheStalwart) June 23, 2016

    4. Here's the best place to follow the action:

  10. The central role played by Article 42 of the Hague Regulations

    After some fluctuations,8 the definition of occupation was conclusively established in Article 42 of the Hague Regulations: ‘Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army. The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised.’

    Bottom line?

    Gaza is NOT occupied by Israel.

    It is however a hostile lands, controlled by a terrorist organization that is propped up by the UN, America and Europe (and with a little help from the islamic world)

    It's historic position was that of a part of Egypt, the world's largest arab nation, that shares a border with Gaza.

    In fact, Rafah is spilt between Egypt and Gaza.

    IF Israel had effective control?

    there would not have been a capital investment of 1 billion dollars in terror tunneling, there would not be a thousand metal shops making rockets, there would not be 10,000 gazans under arms with weapons.

    Quirk twists and distorts the simplest meaning of everything so he can win an argument.

    He could care less than the only real occupiers of gaza? Are hamas...

    1. Exactly spot on.

      And, if Gaza were annexed and occupied by IDF troops, as he clearly stated, the Israelis would not be building a wall, as I recently read they are beginning to do, on the Israel/Gaza border.

      Quirk ought to get off his high horse habit of trying to shame others and go out and actually help someone.

      It would do him good.

    2. Smirk, I fear, is beyond worldly help.


    3. This is where I got my new attack line on Quirk -

      Stop Virtue Signaling On Social Media And Help Someone

      I'm opening a new front, so to speak, on Smirk'n'Quirk
