Wednesday, June 08, 2016

The US had initially offered a $40 billion deal which required the Israeli government to promise not to lobby the US Congress for more money during the 10-year plan, but this was rejected by Netanyahu

Says Upping Military Aid 'An Enduring American Interest'

by Jason Ditz, June 07, 2016
While her speech today at the American Jewish Committee Global Forum included some vague criticism of ongoing Israeli settlement expansion, as usual that will have no impact on US policy, as National Security Adviser Susan Rice centered the speech on pledges of a record military aid package being agreed to soon.
The aid package, which Rice reiterated would be the “single largest military assistance package – with any country – in American history,” is expected to be between $37.5 and $40 billion over the next decade, which Rice said proved increasing aid to Israel isn’t a partisan issue in the US, but “an enduring American interest.”
The US had initially offered a $40 billion deal which required the Israeli government to promise not to lobby the US Congress for more money during the 10-year plan, but this was rejected by Netanyahu. Other offers, in the realm of $35 billion but without the restrictions, have similarly been spurned.
Getting Israel to agree to accept the record package remains the focus on Obama’s side, while many are warning Netanyahu that waiting Obama out and trying to get more from his successor risks alienating many Democrats, particularly in Netanyahu’s deal comes from a Republican president.
Initial reports suggested Netanyahu was looking for a deal in the realm of $45 billion, though much of the discussion is based around the assumption of always demanding at least a bit more than was offered, no matter how gaudy the package already is.


  1. Kimbo Slice street fight:

    Kimbo Slice Defeats Dada 5000 With the Most Pathetic Knockout Ever:

    Remembering a protector of pornographers, backyard brawler, primetime fighter and father.

    1. Kimbo don' fight with arms akimbo, fo shur.

  2. How would Trump handle this under the America First agenda?

    1. Hopefully he'd transfer a good deal of the money we spend defending Europe to the Israelis.

    2. 70% or so of the American people would approve.

  3. SANTA MONICA — On a night when Hillary Clinton celebrated clinching the Democratic Party presidential nomination, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) refused to concede, vowing to fight on to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia in July.
    “Next Tuesday, we continue the fight in Washington, D.C.!” he declared defiantly, sending an audience of several hundred fervent supporters inside a municipal airport hangar into ecstatic cheers. “The struggle continues!”

    Sanders acknowledged that Clinton had some victories on the night, but refused to concede the California primary, or the larger nomination fight, vowing to compete for every vote remaining. He reminded his supporters that he had won a total of 22 states thus far, and added that he would be meeting with President Barack Obama on Thursday to discuss their common goals.

    Before Sanders spoke, the mood in the room had a somewhat bitter edge, despite the upbeat music and enthusiastic chants. Clinton’s speech earlier in Brooklyn, New York had the air of a coronation, and early returns from the California polls were not looking good.

    Reporters quietly discussed whether Sanders might, in fact, leave the race entirely, given that it is impossible for him to win his party’s nomination without persuading hundreds of superdelegates to abandon their presumptive nominee.

    That speculation quickly faded in a sea of signs and raised fists, as the cheers bounced off the corrugated iron ceiling.

  4. With 90% of California counted, it's Clinton 56%, Bernie 43%.

    I extend my record breaking run of election prediction failures.

  5. June 8, 2016

    Sufficient evidence exists to require Judge Curiel to recuse himself from any litigation involving Trump

    By Sierra Rayne

    The most important argument in favor of forcing U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel to recuse himself from the Trump University lawsuits was published today by the Conservative Treehouse.

    The Treehouse linked to a copy of Judge Curiel's "United States Senate: Committee on the Judiciary -- Questionnaire for Judicial Nominees" in which, on page four of his response, Judge Curiel states that he is a "Life-time Member" of the "Hispanic National Bar Association [HNBA]."

    The HNBA made public a press release in July 2015 that called for the following actions against Donald Trump and his enterprises:

    The HNBA calls for a boycott of all of Trump business ventures, including golf courses, hotels, and restaurants. We salute NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy's for ending their association with Trump, and we join them in standing up against bigotry and racist rhetoric. Other businesses and corporations should follow the lead of NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy's and take similar actions against Donald Trump's business interests.

    A case can be made that no sitting judge should be aligned with any such activist organization in general, but for a judge to preside over a case involving a defendant's business whereby said judge is also a lifetime member of an organization that very recently made public calls for a general boycott of the defendant's businesses is an undeniable stain on the purported impartiality of the judiciary....

  6. Obama's policy? Offer money and pull the rug out.

    Bibi and Israel understand that Obama does not give a hoot about Israel real security and the offer's of "cash" are bullshit.

    You can't buy off the Jews.

    It aint about money honey....

    Israel has every RIGHT to be.

    Israel has every RIGHT to defend it's self from enemies. (even if America protects, funds and supplies those enemies)

    Sorry Chuckie but Israel and it's LIFE are not for sale.

    Obama's deals? Are bullshit.

    keep your money...

    1. The funny thing?

      America arranges for trade, takes sanctions off Iran, provides for 150 billion in assets returned, and pushes (sec kerry) for folks to do business with Iran......

      But shove some cash at the Jews... that will fit things...


      America, the real one, not the Obama version, has value to Israel, not in it's cash, but in it's true friendship and interests.

      Obama's day is almost over.

      Allies (collectively) are praying for that day..

      Meanwhile China & Russia buzz US warships and planes. China and Russia are expanding it's lands. Iran is being protected (and hezbollah) by US planes in Syria, US planes are protecting Iraqi Troops (iranian proxy) in Iraq....

      Naw it aint the money honey it's the deal with the devil...

  7. .

    You can't buy off the Jews.

    Certainly not for a mere $40 billion.


    1. $4 billion a year.

      Chump change.

      Besides we get some consideration back from Israel.

      $150 billion to Iran, with terrorism back to us.

    2. Quirk, it aint the cash...

      it's blood money.

    3. Out comes the Jewish kryptonite.

    4. When defeated in logic, flash the AS card to watch the gents duck and cover.


    Richard Simmons is having difficulty transitioning.

    Thus the odd behavior of late.

    Her new name is Fiona.

    1. Drudge page was opening, I saw just the hair, and thought it was Milo!
      Don't tell Milo, tho.

      What if he went to hospital after saw ing it off?

  9. Quirk has been so odd, irrational, and nasty of late it makes one wonder if perhaps he might be transitioning.

    Quirka ?

    Quirtette ?

    Naw, he's too old.

    It'd kill him.

  10. .

    It aint about money honey....


    keep your money...

    :o) :o) :o)

    Stop it you're killing me.

    $40 billion

    $4 billion a year

    About $13 dollars a year for every man, woman, and child in the US.

    About $50 a year for the average family of four.

    More than most of those families can afford to give to real charities.


    1. What does every US man, woman and child owe Israel?

    2. Money for nothing.

      I guess you really don't KNOW the situation do you?

      Israel now is shifting it's munitions acquisition from the USA to internal production due to Obama cutting of supplies in the middle of a war.

      Obama has ripped up agreements without any hesitation.

      Obama give hundreds of billions in cash to the enemies of Israel, Israel has learned, Obama is not to be trusted.

      But you can continue to make snide, ignorant comments about Jews and money. (and Deuce too)

      In the end?

      Israel has learned a great lesson, America's system allows for radical departure from signed agreements.

      From LBJ to Obama the lesson has been reenforced.

    3. I'll gladly give my $12.50 a year. That's about 3 and 1/2 cents a day.

      What the hell kind of cheapskate are you, anyway ?

      Besides most of it is paid by the 1%, we all know that.

    4. .

      Money for nothing.

      Yet, Bibi continues to 'demand' more.

      I guess you really don't KNOW the situation do you?

      It's not me that doesn't know what's going on, son. You merely offer up Bibi's talking points as printed daily in Israel Hayom.

      In truth, Israel has received more support (financial and otherwise)from the Obama administration than any other administration in history. The problem Israel and you really have with Obama is that he is willing to cry 'Bullshit!' when dealing with Bibi's lies even as he continues to write out those checks.


    5. .

      Money for nothing.

      Freudian slip?


    6. You cheapskate. 3 1/2 fucking cents a day and you're whining like a stuck pig.

  11. Hillary's vote total in California yesterday was down 30% from her total there in 2008.

    1. Hillary plus Bernie, 3 Million, Trump 1 Million.

      Saw off California and let it sink.

  12. Meanwhile China & Russia buzz US warships and planes. China and Russia are expanding it’s lands.

    Where are these US warships and planes that are bing buzzed by China and Russia? Surely off the coast of Florida, California and Virginia.

    Ob, I see, they are probing the coasts of Russia and China. The fucking audacity of the Chinese and Russians to take acceptation to implode threats against their sovereign territory.

    1. So when the USS Liberty was 9 miles off the coast of Gaza, spying on Israel and giving the Egyptians the intel was ok?

      You cannot have it both ways.

      All these incidents have been in international waters...

    2. Oh trust me, I would have had it one way. Israel would have never gotten another dime from the US and would have been left with not one aircraft that wasn’t burning.

    3. .

      So when the USS Liberty was 9 miles off the coast of Gaza, spying on Israel and giving the Egyptians the intel was ok?

      citation: Chapter 13, p. 3623 WiO's Alternate History of the World, the Universe, and Everything


    4. You cheapskate. 3 1/2 fucking cents a day and you whine like a stuck pig.

    5. G-damned advertising man.

      Bilks the fools, and tight as the bark on a tree himself.

      You suck !

    6. You suck so bad I'm going back to bed.

    7. .

      No need to thank me folks.


    8. America squanders trillions on protecting Europe, the Arab and Islamic world.

      And yet you focus on aid to Israel, most of it spent on overpriced American weapon systems.

      Maybe it's time for Israel to say no thanks to the aid offered (with all sorts of strings)

      Oh yeah, it did...

      1st it ended (Thanks BIBI) all economic aid, no other nation has done that.

      Now it refuses to accept aid from an untrustworthy partner. Obama.

    9. .

      You are hilarious.

      America squanders trillions on protecting Europe, the Arab and Islamic world.

      In announcing the American offer to Israel, Susan Rice emphasized the point that the offer to Israel was for the largest aid deal in American history and that Israel is by far the biggest recipient of American aid.

      And yet you focus on aid to Israel, most of it spent on overpriced American weapon systems

      I talk about Israel aid only when I see you talking about how much of a victim Israel is in taking tens of billions of American dollars. Like Bibi and all the rest you are ungrateful for everything the US does for Israel and not just in monetary terms. The US is the only Israeli partner that constantly has Israel's back on the world stage and specifically at the UN; yet, current government under Bibi complains constantly, acting entitled and ungrateful. You are the same.

      Maybe it's time for Israel to say no thanks to the aid offered (with all sorts of strings)

      Oh yeah, it did...

      Right, Bibi refuses to accept a deal that says he can't come back a change that deal in the future by demanding more money from the American people.

      I will admit that he is taking a stand on principle. His principles.

      Now it refuses to accept aid from an untrustworthy partner. Obama.

      What nonsense. If Israel didn't have the US to back it up, it would be in a world of shit. It might have one of the most powerful militaries in the region, but for anything more than a short decisive war, it needs the US. We saw it in '73. Hell, we saw it in that little dust up in 2014 where Israel had to come back for additional hundreds of millions in aid to replenish its Iron Dome System, a system which by the way ever since 2011 Obama has been the biggest supporter of.

      The ingratitude is galling.


    10. so many lies so little time.

      In announcing the American offer to Israel, Susan Rice emphasized the point that the offer to Israel was for the largest aid deal in American history and that Israel is by far the biggest recipient of American aid.

      What defines AID?

      IS AID the free protection given to protect the oil that is sold to china via the Persian GulF?

      Is AID what we spend in Afghanistan or Iraq? Or what we send in propping up Assad in Syria?

      The term "aid" is bullshit.

      America SPENDS TRILLIONS on other nations all the time without a dime in payback.

      So yeah, your analogy is crap.

      As for the "OFFER" by the Obama administration and Susan Rice?

      Obama and Rice are not trustworthy.

    11. Quirk: I talk about Israel aid only when I see you talking about how much of a victim Israel is in taking tens of billions of American dollars.

      Israeli "aid" is given because it's in the INTEREST of the USA, America doesn't give anything for free... There are strings.

      Quirk: Like Bibi and all the rest you are ungrateful for everything the US does for Israel and not just in monetary terms.

      Everything? I guess you didn't listen to Bibi's speech to the Joint session of Congress. He laid out a lot of gratefulness to the American people and nation, but you don't accept his statements do you?

      So no matter what he said, you'd call him a liar, scoundrel and a money grubbing jew?

      Quirk: The US is the only Israeli partner that constantly has Israel's back on the world stage and specifically at the UN

      Actually the American PEOPLE overwhelmingly support Israel, but the United States has a spotty record. After all LBJ's cowardliness sent the signal to the Egyptians that it was ok to throw out the UN troops from the sinai, call for the destruction of the Jewish people and the state of Israel. Thus causing the 1967 war...

      Many other examples of Obama's double dealing exist,.....

      Quirk: ; yet, current government under Bibi complains constantly, acting entitled and ungrateful. You are the same.

      It's my RIGHT to complain, criticize and generally find fault with the current administration. As an American?

      My right.

      Too bad of you that Americans who are Jews have equal rights.

    12. Quirk: Right, Bibi refuses to accept a deal that says he can't come back a change that deal in the future by demanding more money from the American people.

      I will admit that he is taking a stand on principle. His principles.

      Now it refuses to accept aid from an untrustworthy partner. Obama.

      How is that DEAL that israel made with President Bush working out?

      Remember when Obama promised that Iran would never have a complete nuclear cycle?

      Yeah making "deals" with obama is meaningless.

      Not about the cash. About the principle.

      Remember Obama shutting down Israel's only international airport for a day?

      Remember Obama's lies on Iran and the deals?

      Yeah i am not grateful to obama and his double dealings with Iran...

      deals that, as they come to light, are more and more disgusting by the day....


    13. Supporter? You mean like the mafia boss that demands to be a "partner" in a business?

      Israel, if it fought it's wars like America did, would not need to invent and use an "Iron Dome" system if not for the world holding Israel back. Unlike Russia and the USA do in Syria... :)

      Quirk: The ingratitude is galling.

      Sorry Quirk, Obama is a skank. Rice is a skank. And you have proven yourself to be an Israel bashing as well..

      So I suggest if you don't like Israel?

      Shove it...

  13. Deuce ☂Wed Jun 08, 09:39:00 AM EDT
    Oh trust me, I would have had it one way. Israel would have never gotten another dime from the US and would have been left with not one aircraft that wasn’t burning.

    But you don't have your way....


  14. QuirkWed Jun 08, 09:42:00 AM EDT

    So when the USS Liberty was 9 miles off the coast of Gaza, spying on Israel and giving the Egyptians the intel was ok?

    citation: Chapter 13, p. 3623 WiO's Alternate History of the World, the Universe, and Everything


    Ah yes the glib retort from the empty thinker....

    FACT the USS LIBERTY was the most advanced spy ship for the USA.
    FACT it was ordered out of the area but was commanded by the NSA
    FACT it was 9 miles off the coast of Gaza
    FACT The USA was sharing intel with the Brits who were, with America's permission sharing intel.

    Now Deuce believes it was a cold blooded attack. If so WHY.

    Quirk, do you now say it was an accident and that Israel made a mistake?

    If so, then why do you demonize Israel for the attack?

    America has dozens of recorded friendly fire incidents.

    1. .

      Quirk, do you now say it was an accident and that Israel made a mistake?

      Of course not. Why would you infer that from anything I've said.


    2. SO here you are saying Israel attacked the Liberty on purpose, but you don't admit the ship was 9 miles from the gaza coast, you don't admit that they were not supposed to be there, and you don't admit that the USS LIBERTY was the most advanced spy ship in the US Fleet?

      talking out both sides of your israel hating mouth is confusing...

    3. .

      This is what get's me about you and your bro from Idaho, your faulty thought process and the weird assumptions you draw from it.

      Of course, I think Israel attacked the Liberty on purpose. Why that is confusing to you is beyond me. All the evidence says it is so. At one time, you agreed.

      ...but you don't admit the ship was 9 miles from the gaza coast,

      No, of course not. As far as I know, Jay Cristol the author with the habit of quoting 'old spies' and anonymous sources was the only one who offered that one up. The Johnson administration, despite the fact they sold the Liberty crew down the tubes, always insisted the Liberty was in international waters when attacked. I don't even know if Israel offered that up as an excuse. don't admit that they were not supposed to be there,...

      Once again, you misconstrue my words. In fact, the Liberty was not supposed to be there. However, it was not there because some rogue NSA agents decided to commit piracy on the ship. It was there because of screw ups in the Pentagon that resulted in the message not making it to the Liberty until after the attack. In fact, a separate investigation was launched to find out how the whole process was so screwed up.

      That being said, it doesn't make a difference. This is simply another bullshit excuse. The Liberty was an American Ship in international waters and the US and Israel were not at war, they were, in fact, allies; yet, Israel attacked the ship.

      you don't admit that the USS LIBERTY was the most advanced spy ship in the US Fleet?

      Another stupid remark. Why would I deny it? In fact, it is one of the primary reasons given to prove the Israeli attack was intentional. The profile of the ship was unmistakable. You had radar, listening devices, and antennas up the ass and easily visible especially to Israeli planes flying 100 foot above the decks.

      So, some of what you say is true and some false but absolutely none of these things mean shit when trying to explain away the fact that Israel attacked the ship of one of its allies without provocation.


    4. "It was there because of screw ups in the Pentagon"

      Aha !

      The Pentagon can make mistakes.

      But perhaps the Israeli command can make mistakes too ?

      They were in the thick of a hell of a fight.

      Maybe their command and control got messed up, maybe not once but twice.....perhaps there were rotations at the command station - people get tired - perhaps messages were not received, sent....It makes zero sense to think the higher ups in the Israeli chain of command intentionally attacked the ship.....unless they knew it was passing information to the Egyptians that case I wouldn't blame them at all....I'd attack it too....thinking my soldiers in Sinai deserve all the help I've got to give them.

      Deuce always brings this incident up without knowing one bit more than I do about what actually happened. And you don't know one more thing than I do Quirk so quite making out like you do.

      I don't know what happened and you don't either.

      Nor do I know who killed Kennedy.

  15. Why Only Countries Willing To Take Risks Will Survive And Prosper

    June 2016

    ....Israelis may be reluctant warriors, but war for the most part has brought them success. An April 2016 survey found that two-thirds of Israeli 11th- and 12th-year students agreed with the statement, “It’s good to die for our country,” surely a far higher proportion than we might find in Europe or the United States. When mobilised, more than 100 per cent of the members of Israeli reserve units report for duty — that is, some older than the age of service report as well.

    Willingness to take uninsurable risk pervades all facets of Israeli society, and doubtless contributes to this small country’s outperformance in business and technology as well as in art and war. In this respect Israel is of particular interest because it perpetuates an aspect of European culture that contributed so much to the continent’s inventiveness during the 19th century. Wartime emigration brought many of Central Europe’s best teachers to Israel, and a part of Europe’s musical culture was frozen in amber, as it were....

    ....The exception is America, where according to the Gallup poll 70 per cent of respondents had a favourable opinion of Israel. That is not surprising; America and Israel share a hunger for innovation and a strong national spirit at a time when nationalism has fallen into disrepute. The polarisation of global attitudes towards innovation is probably inevitable. Entrepreneurship unleashes creative destruction, and the creation and destruction are not meted out in equal measure in the world market. Modernity is a boon to many but seems like a plague to countries incapable of adapting. That is a leading complaint of the postcolonial theorists who proliferate at universities. I do not believe that we can turn the clock back to suit them, but we should not be surprised at their rancour.

    It appears that we cannot have it both ways: cultures that produce large numbers of individuals ready to embrace uninsurable risk also manifest risk-friendliness in all areas of life. The same kind of people who start innovative businesses also go to war, raise families, and endeavour to create art that evinces a sense of existential risk. The Jewish sages of antiquity spoke of the “evil impulse,” or yetzer ha-ra, a term that refers to ambition, assertiveness and sexual desire. A parable in the Talmud says that the rabbis once captured this evil impulse and confined it to a large pot. The next morning no one went to work and not a single egg was laid in all of Israel. The rabbis had to let it go.

    1. No cheapskate advertising executive would appreciate any of this. The Bedouin or the Gazans are more likely to be to an ad man's liking.

  16. After an interminable time watching the lovely legs of the ladies on The Five, Outnumbered, and such, I can report that over 3/4ths of the time 3/4ths of their lovely left legs are crossed over their right.

    I do not know why this is, but it is.

    Today all the lovey left legs were crossed over the right.

    I have wondered if it might be correlated or rather counter correlated to right or left handedness.

    *On those extremely rare occasions when the upper legs are not crossed, the lower legs will be crossed down around the beautiful ankles.

    **The sitting postures of the males is always brutish by comparison.

    1. ALL these lovely creatures would be wiped, or worse, in Iran, or Gaza, for such a delightful display.

      But none, not one, would be so treated in Israel.

  17. Terror attack in Tel Aviv.

    Multiple suspects....dressed as Hasidic Jews....indiscriminate gun fire....some in custody....

    At least four Israelis dead....

    Took place in largest market in Israel.

    See: Fox News

    1. Culprits: Two Palestinian cousins/brothers from Hebron area....known to the Israelis....

      4 dead at least 3 critically injured Israelis....

    2. I wonder will Deuce, Rat, Rufus and Quirk have a celebration drink?

    3. I mean the Palestinian freedom fighters got to snuff out a 4 year old Jewish girl's life.

    4. At a New Years celebration at a local pub an Arab-Israeli opened fire, killing two individuals (including the pub's manager), and injuring eight. The suspect was located and killed in a shootout on January 8, 2016.

      Dafna Meir, an Israeli mother of six was attacked outside of her home by a Palestinian terrorist wielding a knife. The attacker approached from behind and stabbed Meir in the back of the head, and a struggle ensued eventually leading into Meir's home. She was killed by the attacker in her kitchen, but none of her children were harmed. The 16-year old assailant fled the scene, but was arrested two days later and charged with murder

      Two Israeli women were stabbed while walking outside of a market in their village. After attacking the women the terrorists, aged 17 and 23, tried to enter the market but were stopped by employees who used shopping carts to block the market entrance. The terrorists were also carrying homemade pipe-bombs and other explosive devices at the time of the attack. One of the victims, 24-year old Shlomit Krigman, died of her wounds the following morning.

      Three terrorists armed with knives, guns, and explosives, attacked a group of IDF soldiers at the Damascus Gate after the soldiers approached them. Three people including two Israeli police officers were seriously injured. 19-year old Israeli officer Hadar Cohen died of her wounds later in the day. The attackers were shot dead on scene by arriving Israeli security forces. The number and scale of the weapons recovered from the attackers made it clear that they were planning a more devastating attack, and the Israeli soldiers sacrificed themselves to protect civilians. Israeli police officers referred to this attack as an escalation, and a turning point, from the types of attacks that they had seen over the previous months. All of the attackers had family members associated with Fatah.

      Two teenage Palestinian boys entered a supermarket and stabbed two Israelis, before being apprehended and shot by other customers in the store. One of the victims, off duty IDF soldier 21-year old Sergeant Tuvia Yanai Weissman, was killed.

    5. A Palestinian man attempted to stab a reserve IDF Captain and failed, nearby Israeli security forces saw the incident and responded by attempting to neutralize the stabber. The security forces accidentally shot the stabbing victim and he succumbed to his wounds on the scene. The attacker was lightly wounded and taken to an Israeli hospital for treatment.

      A Palestinian attacker began stabbing random Israelis at the entrance to the Jaffa Port, and wounded four people before taking off away from Israeli security gaurds. The attacker continued to stab pedestrians and motorists as he ran down a residential street, seriously injuring three people before being shot and killed by police. One victim stabbed by the attacker later identified as a American tourist Taylor Force, died of his wounds in an Israeli hospital soon after the attack. Force was a U.S. Army veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan, and was on a school sponsored trip to Israel through Vanderbilt University. Although he was with a group of fellow students at the time of the stabbing, he was the only one injured.

      These are the people that Deuce supports giving a state too....

  18. .

    I wonder will Deuce, Rat, Rufus and Quirk have a celebration drink?

    Sounds like like a classic case of projection to me.

    As far as I know, none of those you mention have ever applauded or 'celebrated' murder by any of these groups.

    On the other hand, we regular see you here not only trying to justify but also applauding cold blooded murder by Israelis. The recent incident when you tried to excuse the actions of the IDF officer who murdered those teens is the last example I recall. It is also you who takes apparent joy in the death of Arabs in the ME. No doubt you are popping that popcorn corn as we speak.

    You are the worst kind of hypocrite.



    1. Unbeknownst to you and WIO, I've got stealth energy collector/transmitters tied to both your keyboards.

      You've been running my Air Conditioning for years with finger power.

    2. .

      I applaud your initiative but my lawyers will be contacting you soon with a bill for unbilled keystroke charges plus applicable Michigan sales tax.


    3. You can charge me for this too:

      I listen to a podcast that consists of casting the KFI Los Angeles Tim Conway Jr. Radio Show,
      free, w/o commercials.

      How does that work to benefit KFI?

    4. .

      They make it up on volume.


    5. Thanks, Asshole.

      You're the fucking admaster.

      I'm paying my Michisocold taxes under protest.

  19. People are enraged after Austin high school valedictorian brags about being undocumented

    She graduated with a 4.5 GPA from Crockett High School in Austin, had more than 13 cords and medals combined and received a full ride to the University of Texas at Austin — but it's what one Texas teen closed with that has many across the nation enraged.
    "...Oh and I'm undocumented," Mayte Lara tweeted on Friday before deleting her Twitter and Facebook account.

    RELATED: Trump's remarks prompt 100-year-old Mexican immigrant to become U.S. citizen, vote against him

    Why Republicans Won’t Renounce Trump

    Far too many in the G.O.P. share his racism, even if they’re not as open about it.

    Somebody else can read this and tell me exactly what kind of BS this asshole is spreading.

  21. .

    Btittania Rules the Waves

    The Royal Navy faces a “bloody dangerous” delay in replacing its ageing fleet of frigates because the Ministry of Defence has run out of money to order new ships, a former First Sea Lord has told MPs.

    Further delays to the long awaited Type 26 frigates will leave the Navy with a “grossly inadequate” fleet to meet its duties, Lord West of Spithead told the Commons defence committee.

    MPs also heard that Britain’s £1bn destroyers are breaking down while serving in the Middle East because the Navy did not order power systems designed for long tours in the heat of the Gulf.

    You think that's bad, Lord Lord West of Spithead? Let me tell you a little story about problems with the F-35.


    1. It's funny, the current Canadian Government is saying 'err, no F35 please....

      Can't we all just print to pay?

      Jobs, performance ... right?

  22. Jeb Bush ✔ @JebBush
    Today Obama proved again why he’s 1 of most liberal & divisive presidents in history. I’ll repeal his exec orders & protect 2nd Amend. helping Hillary become POTUS.

    - 5 Jan 2016

    1. Jeb Bush ✔ @JebBush

      Today is another reminder that we can’t afford to give @HillaryClinton the opportunity to expand on @POTUS’ gun-grabbing agenda.

      8:07 AM - 5 Jan 2016

  23. L.A. NOW
    O.C. judge who was censured for having sex in chambers wins reelection bid

    Please tell me if this is juicy enough to read.

  24. Dem Vote Down

    Kent Lemon · Artist at Self-Employed

    This is a surprise?

    In 2007 they had a "Magic Negro" (David Eherinstien of the LA Times characterization)
    Now the have a "Rape Enabling, Lying, Corrupt, Wildly Unlikable, Doormat Harridan"
    Any wonder why the numbers are down?

  25. Rangers end search for man's body in Yellowstone hot spring

    BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — Rangers suspended their attempts on Wednesday to recover the body of a man who wandered from a designated boardwalk and fell into an acidic hot spring at Yellowstone National Park, another in a string of incidents raising concerns over visitor behavior.

    "They were able to recover a few personal effects," park spokeswoman Charissa Reid said. "There were no remains left to recover."....

    ...."It's sort of dumb, if I could be so blunt, to walk off the boardwalks not knowing what you're doing," said Kenneth Sims, a University of Wyoming geology professor and member of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory....

    1. Probably too much pot smoking....

    2. Wonderful picture of the acidic hot springs described. Take a look.

      I know exactly where that is and have walked those very boardwalks myself.

      You'd have to be, basically, already brain dead to wander off those boardwalks.

    3. That was my favorite family vacation.
      We took the train.

      The guy suffered from acid digestion.

      Or in da acid digestion.


    It has just been revealed that the Prosecution has been withholding exculpatory evidence from the Defense in the latest, and most important and serious, Freddy Gray case.

    This defendant, a black police officer and the driver of the transportation van, is charged with 'depraved heart murder'.

    He is going to walk, like all the others.

    The exculpatory evidence withheld was in the form of supressed eye witness testimony.

    Fox News just broke this story.

    One of our racist contributors here, someone called galopin 2 by moniker, wanted to hang all the officers involved without knowing any of the true evidence because they were cops, and white cops.

    The six charged individuals are, in fact, three black and three white police officers.

  27. A BIG up yours to Quirk

    Hamas leader: ‘Glory and salutation’ to Tel Aviv shooters

    You, Deuce, Rufus and Rat support Hamas.

    They are your pals.

    May KARMA kick you and your loved ones in ass...

    1. My Niece fully believes in karma.

      She's brilliant, and beautiful too. and finishing up her Ph.D at this very moment.

      She knows of what she speaks.

      You best mend your ways, Quirk, or you will end up in a Yellowstone Park acid bath, so to speak, having wandered off the proper and well signed boardwalks....

      Proper religion is not a wish fulfilling dream, and The Nature of Things is not mocked.

      Always looking out for you....

    2. .

      You are a moron, WiO.

      Your last comment confirms everything I have said about you.


    3. IMHO, and with due regard, Quirk, as sometimes on other topics you are very insightful, you have shown YOURVERYSELF to be the moron here when you affirmed that Israel had annexed Gaza and it was being occupied by IDF troops.

      Free transport to Gaza offer still open, usual protocol and rules to apply.

    4. Quirk you support Hamas.

      You are an evil shit.

      I may be a moron, but you are now crossing into the dark skanky world of pure EVIL

      FUCK YOU.

    5. .

      I'm evil?

      You make me laugh.

      That snuff video you put up the other day. You know the one where it shows an Israeli sniper shooting an unarmed teen in the back as he was walking down the street. The one where you tried to justify it and say it was a righteous kill.

      Did you show that to your family and explain to them what a hero that sniper was as I suggested?

      I doubt it. Any normal person would be ashamed of it. They certainly wouldn't be defending the murder of the kid.

      You come here daily with views like that. You laugh about the deaths in the ME and talk about popping popcorn. Every time you report on another Arab death over there you always add the obligatory LOL. And instead of simply arguing with me when I call you on it, you wish harm on my family. There is definitely something wrong with you, son.

      Me evil?

      You got to be kidding. Compared to you, I'm a saint.

      I don't know how evil you are but you are certainly are one sick puppy. You should try to get some help.


    6. He is a loathsome runt of the human litter. He no more represents Jews than any other racist thug represents their nationality.

    7. And yet you hate jews and Israel.

      Not just me.

      You support the PLO and Hamas.

  28. Detroit Free Press Editor Calls For Murder Of GOP Lawmakers

    June 7, 2016 By Mollie Hemingway

    The Pulitzer prize-winning editorial page editor of the Detroit Free Press has called for the murder of Michigan lawmakers with whom he disagrees.

    The reason? The lawmakers voted for legislation that would give parents more choices to avoid Michigan’s failing public schools....

    "We really ought to round up the lawmakers who took money to protect and perpetuate the failing charter-school experiment in Detroit, sew them into burlap sacks with rabid animals, and toss them into the Straits of Mackinac."


    After noting that charter school advocates support charter schools, he doubled down on the violent rhetoric:

    "It is every bit deserving of an old-school retributive response.

    A sack. An animal. A lake.

    No lover of actual democracy could weep at that outcome."

    I am beginning to think there may be an environment cause for some of the crazed opinions mouthed off by folks in the Detroit, Michigan area.

    Perhaps lead in the water systems, perhaps an airborne pollution of some a weird sort. Perhaps both.

    1. If totalitarianism comes to the USA it will come from the left not the right

      From: The Immortal Sayings of Farmer Bob

  29. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Tuesday, marking the 25th anniversary of resumed diplomatic relations between the two countries.


    “We certainly feel at home,” Netanyahu said. “Israel’s doors are open to Russia and Russia’s doors are open to Israel.

  30. Pressure From Local Forces Restricts ISIL, Inherent Resolve Spokesman Says

    By Cheryl Pellerin DoD News, Defense Media Activity

    WASHINGTON, June 08, 2016 — Local forces in Iraq and Syria are pressuring the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant at multiple points on the battlefield, restricting the terrorist army’s mobility and options, the Operation Inherent Resolve spokesman said today.

    Speaking via on Skype from Baghdad, Army Col. Christopher Garver told Pentagon reporters the coalition sees increased pressure in Iraq and Syria.

    “As we've said all along, the goal is to increase that pressure, making the enemy fight in multiple directions at once,” he said, adding that the multifaceted push has made it harder for the ISIL fighters to move and harder for them to reinforce their numbers.

    “Everywhere we've got pressure, that's a place that you can't send fighters from,” Garver said. “We still have operations going on in the Euphrates River Valley in Iraq and in Hit, and they're clearing in Ramadi.

    Reinforcements for ISIL fighters aren't coming from Mosul, he said. “Any fighters that can get in, these are very small numbers,” he added. “We don't see convoys of big trucks where they're moving around. So it's getting harder for them to reinforce, [and] it's getting harder for them to resupply.”

    1. Clearing Fallujah

      In an update on operations, Garver began with the fight in Fallujah, where operations continue clearing the town on multiple axes entering the city.

      “Brigades from three Iraqi army divisions, Counterterrorism Service units, federal police and tribal fighters from the Anbar province are pushing in toward the center of Fallujah proper,” he said. Northwest of Fallujah City, brigades from the 14th Iraqi Army Division have been clearing the area and in the southeast brigades from the 1st Iraqi Army Division have been clearing toward the city near the Euphrates River, the spokesman said.

      Farther to the south, elements of the 17th and 8th Iraqi Army Divisions and Anbar tribal fighters have been back-clearing pockets of ISIL fighters from bypassed areas, and the 8th Iraqi Army Division has been clearing west of the city, Garver added.

      “The Counterterrorism Service is on the southern edge of the city proper and has been clearing before entering the city,” the colonel said. “The federal police and popular mobilization forces are continuing [to isolate] the Fallujah area and have cleared some suburban neighborhoods around the city.”

      ISIL has offered stiff resistance, Garver said, fighting with heavy machine guns and indirect fire from mortars and artillery.

      “The coalition conducted 67 airstrikes in the last three weeks in Fallujah in support of the operation,” Garver said, “including 31 in the last week and seven in the last 48 hours.”

      The coalition will continue to support the operation by sharing intelligence, and it has conducted hundreds of hours of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance support for the Iraqi forces over Fallujah to help the Iraqis develop an intelligence picture inside the city, he said.

    2. Shaping Operations for Mosul

      Describing two significant operations near Mosul, Garver said peshmerga forces conducted a swift attack to the east of Mosul on May 29 to extend their forward line of troops and to control the Khazir River about 12 kilometers east of Qaraqosh.

      Peshmerga forces liberated eight villages and extended their forward line of troops about 15 kilometers. The fighters encountered moderate resistance from ISIL, the spokesman said, but secured their tactical objectives.

      Also near Mosul, Garver said, the coalition struck another Operation Tidal Wave II target about 9 kilometers west of Mosul to degrade ISIL's revenue from illicit oil and natural gas activities. Coalition aircraft struck a group of more than 100 ISIL trucks and dropped warning leaflets before the attack, he added.

      “The attack destroyed the bulk of the tanker trucks, and we had no reported civilian casualties in the strike,” Garver said.

      Fighting in Syria

      In northern Syria, Garver said, operations continue against ISIL near the town of Manbij.

      “Over the past several days the Syrian Democratic Forces -- led by the Syrian-Arab Coalition and composed of about 85 percent local Arabs fighting to liberate their homeland -- has … made significant progress in seizing territory from and further isolating [ISIL] around Manbij,” he said.

      Manbij is strategically important to ISIL, whose fighters rely on its proximity to the Turkish border to smuggle in foreign fighters and supplies, and export terrorism to the West, Garver explained.

      “The SDF launched the attack a week ago … from multiple points to the east of Manbij, the southernmost position being near the Tishrin Dam,” the colonel said. “The force of more than 3,000 troops advanced along multiple axes from east to west toward Manbij, [and] the SDF has made significant progress so far, including successfully executing a river crossing operation across the Euphrates River north of Tishrin.”

      ISIL offered heavy resistance as the operation began and at points along the way, he said, adding that coalition ofrficials believe ISIL will fight hard to retain Manbij, which is key terrain on the line of communication out of Raqqa.

      “The SDF continues to press the attack toward Manbij, though the cost has been high. They have suffered [about 12] killed and more than 100 wounded during the fighting, [including] the death of Abu Layla, leader of Shams al-Shamal, a multi-ethnic unified local liberation force and a suborganization of the Syrian-Arab Coalition,” Garver said.

      Since the start of the operation, he added, the coalition has conducted 102 airstrikes in Manbij, 84 of them since the operation began last week, and support continues to provide intelligence and ISR support.

      ISIL Capabilities Diminished

      ISIL is still unable to mount large-scale attacks in Iraq and Syria, instead creating small-scale, localized attacks designed to terrorize and disrupt rather than retaking lost territory, Garver said, and is shifting its tactics to conduct more suicide attacks than military attacks.

      “This does not mean the enemy is defeated yet,” the spokesman told reporters, noting that ISIL remains dangerous and still can attack both military forces and civilian targets. During the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, he added, officials expect ISIL to attempt more high-profile, headline-grabbing attacks “to sow terror and to distract from the fact that they keep losing militarily on the battlefield.”

      (Follow Cheryl Pellerin on Twitter @PellerinDoDNews)

    3. Strikes in Syria

      Attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft conducted 18 strikes in Syria:

      -- Near Manbij, 15 strikes struck 13 separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed seven ISIL fighting positions, four ISIL vehicles, an ISIL cave entrance and an ISIL command and control node.

      -- Near Mara, three strikes struck a large ISIL tactical unit, an ISIL command and control node and an ISIL headquarters and destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

      Strikes in Iraq

      Attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft conducted 17 strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of Iraq’s government:

      -- Near Beiji, three strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed three ISIL fighting positions and an ISIL mortar system.

      -- Near Fallujah, four strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and an ISIL vehicle bomb factory; destroyed three ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL weapons cache, three ISIL heavy machine guns and an ISIL front end loader; damaged an ISIL fighting position; and denied ISIL access to terrain.

      -- Near Habbaniyah, a strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position.

      -- Near Haditha, a strike struck an ISIL tactical unit.

      -- Near Kisik, a strike struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed five ISIL weapons caches, two ISIL bed-down locations and an ISIL command and control node.

      -- Near Mosul, three strikes struck an ISIL oil tanker storage area, an ISIL logistics facility and an ISIL vehicle bomb factory.

      -- Near Qayyarah, two strikes destroyed seven ISIL rocket rails.

      -- Near Rawah, a strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

      -- Near Sinjar, a strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

    4. June 8

      Strikes in Syria

      Bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft conducted 10 strikes in Syria:

      -- Near Raqqah, two strikes destroyed an ISIL crane and an ISIL front-end loader.

      -- Near Manbij, eight strikes struck five separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed three ISIL vehicles and an ISIL-used bridge.

      Strikes in Iraq

      Fighter and remotely piloted aircraft and rocket artillery conducted 15 strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of the Iraqi government:

      -- Near Fallujah, three strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed an ISIL fighting position, an ISIL vehicle, an ISIL front-end loader, an ISIL weapons cache and an ISIL heavy machine gun and denied ISIL access to terrain.

      -- Near Habbaniyah, two strikes destroyed two ISIL fighting positions and an ISIL staging area and denied ISIL access to terrain.

      -- Near Haditha, two strikes destroyed an ISIL vehicle, an ISIL staging area and an ISIL artillery piece.

      -- Near Mosul, two strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed an ISIL fighting position, an ISIL vehicle and an ISIL command-and-control node.

      -- Near Qayyarah, two strikes struck an ISIL staging area and an ISIL headquarters.

      -- Near Ramadi, a strike damaged an ISIL tactical vehicle.

      -- Near Rawah, a strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

      -- Near Tal Afar, two strikes struck an ISIL modular oil refinery and destroyed an ISIL supply cache.

    5. ISIS is beginning to eat its own, as is the way with evil.

      They are executing their own members on suspicions of being spies, etc.

      They have been putting them in their version of a Yellowstone Park acid water bath.

      It's hard not to think of this in an 'earthly karma' context.

      They are weakening.

  31. That southern neighborhood of Naymiyah, which was secured by Iraqi forces on Sunday, bears the scars of a protracted fight, a now-common sight in Iraqi territory that has been won back from IS.

    Walls stood shredded by artillery fire, with almost every home either partially collapsed or pancaked. Craters from airstrikes left many main roads unusable.


    “We’re expecting another big fight like this one before Fallujah falls,” the officer said, explaining that he anticipated Iraqi forces would encounter another heavily fortified neighborhood. The officer spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to brief reporters.

  32. Megyn Kelly just had a remarkable Hispanic guy on her program. He had gone to support Trump in San Jose and on the way out got the hell knocked out of him for wearing a Trump cap by other Hispanics. He is an American citizen. Very impressive guy. Really nice looking, suit and tie, well and softly spoken.

    He said it was easier for him coming out as a guy than coming out for Trump in his community.

    He also said he is for building a wall on the Mexican/USA border. He said he looks at it just as he would look at our northern border with Canada if illegals of any race were coming flooding in, and often with drugs too.

    The Mexicans - we might even emulate them. They have fierce laws on immigration. If you are there beyond your welcome you are looking at a Mexican prison. They have an enforced southern border themselves.

    Other than that they are a failed state.

    Trump ought to get hold of this guy and ask him to be presented at one of his rallies.

    The young woman that got egged, too.

    This young impressive Hispanic American also said there was much more punching and rioting going on all over than the impression given on TV, as bad as that was....

    1. 'He said it was easier for him coming out as a guy' should read 'He said it was easier coming out as a gay'...

    2. I thought she had turned into a he.

  33. A hero of the Left, labor organizer Cesar Chavez, a natural born American of Mexican ancestry, thought la raza was a dangerous, un-American concept.


    “Some people don’t look at it as racism, but when you say ‘la raza,’ you are saying an anti-gringo thing, and our fear is that it won’t stop there. Today it’s anti-gringo, tomorrow it will be anti-Negro, and the day after it will be anti-Filipino, anti-Puerto Rican.


    That Chavez viewed this kind of Mexican race-consciousness as destructive was reinforced by his lieutenant LeRoy Chatfield around 1970.

    "Everyone should be proud of what they are, of course, but race is only skin-deep. It's phony and it comes out of frustration; the la raza people are not secure.

    1. “Some people don’t look at it as racism, but when you say ‘la raza,’ you are saying an anti-gringo thing, and our fear is that it won’t stop there. Today it’s anti-gringo, tomorrow it will be anti-Negro, and the day after it will be anti-Filipino, anti-Puerto Rican."



      I remember Cesar Chavez well. He was a good guy.

      I was called a gringo by Ocio O. back in high school. He was a decent guy too, living with a white family near our school. He later got married and truly loved his two children. I don't know if he married a gringo, or a spic, though, or something else....he used to work with a farm flying service then I lost track of Ocio.

    2. Ocio didn't speak spiggoty but spoke English like a champ.

    3. Cesar was against hiring illegals, also.
