Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Closer You Look at Hillary Clinton, the Worse it Gets

The Gaps in Hillary Clinton's State Department Calendar

The U.S. presidential candidate excluded several events during her tenure as secretary of state, according to the AP.

NEWS BRIEF Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state has been an ongoing controversy in the United States. Add to that an Associated Press report published on Friday calling into question omissions in her official State Department calendar.

According to the AP, a number of events and meetings with private individuals, including chief executives of various companies, are missing:
The AP review of Clinton's calendar—her after-the-fact, official chronology of the events of her four-year term—identified at least 75 meetings with longtime political donors and loyalists, Clinton Foundation contributors and corporate and other outside interests that were either not recorded or listed with identifying details scrubbed. The AP found the omissions by comparing the 1,500-page document with separate planning schedules supplied to Clinton by aides in advance of each day's events. The names of at least 114 outsiders who met with Clinton were missing from her calendar, the records show.
Clinton Foundation contributors apparently participated in meetings not listed or detailed in Clinton’s calendar. As David Graham has noted, the former secretary of state’s time in the government and her ties to the Clinton Foundation have been a source of criticism about Clinton among Republicans, like her rival Donald Trump. Even so, the AP adds, “no known federal laws were violated and some omissions could be blamed on Clinton’s highly fluid schedule, which sometimes forced late cancellations.”

Still, it’s unclear why some names were not added to Clinton’s official calendar—among them “longtime adviser Sidney Blumenthal, consultant and former Clinton White House chief of staff Thomas ‘Mack’ McLarty, former energy lobbyist Joseph Wilson and entertainment magnate and Clinton campaign bundler Haim Saban.” The AP also notes that it could not determine who specifically was in charge of the calendar in its review.

The revelation comes on the same day as a separate AP report noting the State Department confirmed that an email exchange between the former secretary of state and deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin was not included in a batch of emails provided to the agency by Clinton. It was, however, part of a set of documents Abedin provided to officials earlier this year. “Secretary Clinton had some emails with Huma that Huma did not have, and Huma had some emails with Secretary Clinton that Secretary Clinton did not have,” the Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon told the AP.

Clinton has said the use of a private email server was “allowed” at the time, but conceded, “It was a mistake and if I could go back, I would do it differently.”



    Washington (CNN)The U.S. ambassador who resigned his post in 2012 amidst official criticism that he used a private email account for official business told CNN Friday that he was “very surprised” to learn that his boss at the time, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, had been doing essentially the same thing at the same time.

    "I was very surprised to learn of the double standard," former Ambassador to Kenya and Air Force General Scott Gration told CNN.
    Ration noted that Cheryl Mills, the then-State Department Chief of Staff "obviously knew Secretary Clinton was using commercial email, yet she stated my use of Gmail was one of the reasons I had to move on."

    The retired Air Force Major General, who flew 274 combat missions over Iraq as a fighter pilot and served as President Obama's Special Envoy to Sudan, recalled he had been "prohibited from sending a Gmail message to a State Department computer except in an emergency." Considering that "Department of Defense dot mil accounts, USAID accounts, and every Kenyan account used the same routers and security firewalls as a Gmail account," he took issue with State Department protocols. “It didn’t make sense to me that the State Department would ban my '' while letting all other commercial and foreign accounts through its computer firewall," he told CNN.

    SURPRISE : )

    A spokesman for Hillary Clinton declined comment.

    Spokespeople at the State Department repeatedly declined to address whether any sort of double standard had been applied and instead continually noted that in the State Department Inspector General report about the U.S. embassy being run by Gration there were "several concerns with management and leadership" discussed, not just about his use of private email.
    The Inspector General report charged that Gration "lost the respect and confidence of the staff to lead the mission" and "damaged the cohesion of Embassy Nairobi's country team."
    Gration said he makes "no apology for 'rocking the boat' in the State Department to improve physical security, to enhance cyber policy, and to conduct several other initiatives that the State Department Inspector General misrepresented to build the case that Secretary Clinton's Chief of Staff used to terminate my tenure as the U.S. ambassador in 2012."
    The State Department’s continued referencing of the other allegations against Gration came amidst fruitless attempts by CNN to ask the department spokespeople to explain why it was acceptable for Secretary Clinton to use private email to conduct official business given that the 2012 Inspector General's report against Gration repeatedly hammered him for the use of "commercial email for official government business" which was considered to be "flouting of direct instructions to adhere to Department policy."

    1. By Jake Tapper and Tia Brueggeman, CNN
      Updated 12:47 PM ET, Fri March 6, 2015

  2. This country needs a CLEXIT

    No more Bush’s
    No more Kennedy’s
    No more Clinton’s


    Email exchanges released on Wednesday by Judicial Watch, a conservative advocacy group, show that in December 2010, filters were blocking messages from then US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her staff, sending them to the spam folder or making them bounce.

    So the State Department turned them off.

    The department’s IT staff did so nervously, given that there were plenty of reasons not to. And following the step, the State Department’s unclassified email system has been breached – repeatedly.

    As shown in one of the email exchanges, a State Department contractor support tech confirmed that two filters needed to be shut off in order to temporarily keep Clinton’s email from bouncing or from being labeled spam – a measure that it took in spite of the fact that the filters had “blocked malicious content in the recent past.”

    Turning the filters off potentially exposed the department to phishing attacks and other malicious email.


    According to the email exchanges released by Judicial Watch, this is how the filter shutdown went down:

    17 March 2009: State Department staff wrote up a memo about the server they found in the basement of Clinton’s New York house.

    November 2010: Secretary Clinton and her Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations discussed the fact that her emails to Department employees were being sent to spam. Clinton Chief of Staff Huma Abedin suggested to Clinton that she move her email over to an official address:

    We should talk about putting you on State e-mail or releasing your e-mail address to the department so you are not going to spam.

    Clinton shot down the idea, replying with this suggestion:

    Let’s get [a] separate address or device but I don’t want any risk of the personal [e-mail] being accessible.

    Clinton never did wind up using a government-issued account. She relied solely on a non-government BlackBerry to send and receive emails.

    According to Judicial Watch, the director of the State Department’s information resources management office of the executive secretariat – that would have been John Bentel at the time – noted in another email conversation that an email account and address had already been set up for the Secretary and also stated that “you should be aware that any email would go through the Department’s infrastructure and subject to FOIA searches.”

    October 2011: An exchange discussed how the mail filter system was causing some emails from Clinton’s private server – – to be blocked. Some messages were “bounced,” while the server accepted some but quarantined others and failed to deliver them.

    According to email threads, the IT team turned off both spam and antivirus filters on two “bridgehead” mail relay servers while waiting for a fix from the vendor. One question was whether that fix would arrive before the State Department upgraded to the latest version of the mail filtering software. One member of the IT team, Trey Jammes, doubted whether it would, given that the problems hadn’t been fixed over the course of two years: from 2010 through 2012.

    The email threads don’t show whether the email problems were ever resolved.

    They do, however, include an email from a former aide to President Bill Clinton, Justin Cooper.

    In that thread, Cooper explains to Abedin that the server had been shut down briefly because “we were attacked again.”

    I had to shut down the server…Someone was trying to hack us and while they did not get in I didn’t want to let them have the chance. I will restart it in the morning.


      Hillary Clinton’s email was blocked, so the State Dept. turned off spam filters

      24 JUN 2016

  5. I've listened to Judge Jeanine Pirro's program twice today. She has really been hitting on Hillary, her favorite target, the sarcasm dripping from her lips.

    She would make a great running mate for The Donald, in my view, though she doesn't have any connection to any swing state she might put in play. She is an up and front Trump supporter.

    She is now saying that the e-mails won't get her, as if she were to be indicted on that, she could call President Obama as her first defense witness....and he's not gonna allow that. Some e-mails to and from Hillary/O'bozo have been found on the private server discussing matters unrelated to wedding preparations or yoga classes....

    Corruption charges are another matter though. She thinks that is where Hillary's soft underbelly lies, and Hillary does, let's face it, have a large underbelly these days, though we shouldn't mention the physical characteristics of the politicians, I suppose.

    That uranium deal that benefitted the Russians.....jeez...even Livia Drusilla would not have done that....

    It's quite distressing when one knows that the Democrat candidate for President is actually worse than Livia Drusilla....

    1. There is more to this than her private emails. Just wait.

  6. Clinton was more concerned with the security of her private emails than State Department security.


    We should talk about putting you on State e-mail or releasing your e-mail address to the department so you are not going to spam.

    Clinton shot down the idea, replying with this suggestion:

    Let’s get [a] separate address or device but I don’t want any risk of the personal [e-mail] being accessible.
