Thursday, June 09, 2016

South Aleppo Front - US tow missiles for the jihadists

Thank you Hillary Clinton


  1. These missiles go for about $180,000 each. An outstanding US export for the Jihadiis.

  2. If Hillary had any capacity to learn from her 100% failure rate we might have the makings of a Great Commander in Chief.

  3. Some of the emails on Hillary's personal server came from one B. Obama. And, they contained classified material.

    So Obama could be a co-indictee.....hehe heheh

    Obviously this is very unlikely to actually happen unless....

    Judge Napolitano is my source, from Fox News.

    I can tell he is getting aa hell of a big chuckle out this whole situation.


    Tim McGraw got a prize at Country Western (CWT) for 'Humble and Kind'....

  4. Trump Is Right to be Suspicious of Judge

    And sorry, lefties: “La Raza” means “Master Race.”

    June 9, 2016

    Matthew Vadum

    ....La raza “can be traced to the ideas and writings of Jose Vasconcelos, the Mexican theorist who developed the theory of la raza cosmica (the cosmic or super race) at least partially as a minority reaction to the Nordic notions of racial superiority,” New Mexico Highlands University professors Guillermo Lux (history) and Maurilio Vigil (political science) wrote.

    They continued:

    “Vasconelos developed a systematic theory which argued that climatic and geographic conditions and mixture of Spanish and Indian races created a superior race. The concept of La Raza connotes that the mestizo is a distinct race and not Caucasian, as is technically the case.”

    (Mestizo, by the way, is a Spanish word used in Latin America to refer to someone who is of mixed race, usually the child of a person of Spanish descent and an American Indian. One third of U.S. Hispanics identify as mixed-race while mestizos “represent a racial majority in Mexico[.]”)

    So la raza really does mean “the Master Race, but rather than based on notions of racial purity, La Raza’s inherent, biological superiority is based on its hybridity, on the mixing in Latin America of, in Vasconcelos’s words, ‘the black, the Indian, the Mongol, and the white,’” writes Krikorian. La raza really means that “Hispanics, and specifically Mestizos, are superior to those of us unfortunate enough not to be part of the cosmic race.”

    La raza “was a source of pride for many Latinos, the most militant of whom adopted the motto: ‘Por la raza todo, fuera de la raza nada’ — ‘For the race, everything, outside the race, nothing,’" according to Jerry Kammer, also of CIS. This la raza ideology animates the reconquista movement which aspires to return the territory the U.S. took from Mexico to Mexican sovereignty. Some radicals wish to recreate Aztlan.

    A hero of the Left, labor organizer Cesar Chavez, a natural born American of Mexican ancestry, thought la raza was a dangerous, un-American concept.

    “I hear about la raza more and more,” he said.

    “Some people don’t look at it as racism, but when you say ‘la raza,’ you are saying an anti-gringo thing, and our fear is that it won’t stop there. Today it’s anti-gringo, tomorrow it will be anti-Negro, and the day after it will be anti-Filipino, anti-Puerto Rican. And then it will be anti-poor-Mexican, and anti-darker-skinned Mexican.”

    That Chavez viewed this kind of Mexican race-consciousness as destructive was reinforced by his lieutenant LeRoy Chatfield around 1970.

    "Everyone should be proud of what they are, of course, but race is only skin-deep. It's phony and it comes out of frustration; the la raza people are not secure. … He said to me just the other day, 'Can't they understand that that's just the way Hitler started?' A few months ago the Ford Foundation funded a la raza group and Cesar really told them off. The foundation liked the outfit's sense of pride or something, and Cesar tried to explain to them what the origin of the word was, that it's related to Hitler's concept."

    Donald Trump may not even realize just how right he happens to be.

  5. Muslims Observe Ramadan in Tel Aviv

    Four dead, five wounded.

    June 9, 2016

    Robert Spencer

    Ramadan is the best time to kill unbelievers, so many moslems say.

    Brace yourselves.

    25 days to go until the end of Ramadan.

  6. Following the shooting, Salma al-Jamal, a Palestinian news anchor working at Al-Jazeera TV, wrote on Twitter: "The Ramadan operation is the best answer to stories about 'peace process'."

    Palestinians in the West Bank and east Jerusalem took to the streets to celebrate the deadly terrorist shooting in Tel Aviv on Wednesday night that left four people dead and several others wounded.
    Upon hearing the reports of the shooting, dozens of Palestinians gathered at Damascus Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem, singing out loud and cheering the gunmen.

    In the West Bank city of Tulkarm, many young men took to the streets and distributed candies to the local drivers, while in the Dheisheh Refugee Camp in Bethlehem dozens of Palestinians participated in a march praising the terror attack.

    Palestinians also expressed their joy on social media networks, where they created the hashtags “#Carlo Bullet,” after the name of the improvised submachine gun used in the attack, and “#Ramadan Operation” to laud the horrendous terror shooting.


    Another popular hashtag on Palestinian social media networks was “#We broke the fast killing them,” referring to the fact that the two gunmen broke their Ramadan fast in the restaurant where they later shot people.

    Following the shooting, Salma al-Jamal, a Palestinian news anchor working at Al-Jazeera TV, wrote on her Twitter page: "The Ramadan operation that took place today is the best answer to stories we have been hearing about 'peace process' that some people are trying in vain to revive."

    In a striking contrast to the Palestinian reaction, the official Saudi media strongly denounced the Tel Aviv terror attack.

    yeah and I am the sick runt of humanity...

    You support Hamas and these savages.

    That says it all

    1. Sounds like the Palestinian media hasn't changed one bit since the days of Martha Gellhorn, who wrote about them that:

      "The Palestinian media is one long scream of hate."

    2. It was Martha Gellhorn that encouraged Ernie Hemingway enough to write 'For Whom The Bell Tolls'.

      Without Martha that book might not exist as Ernie was deep into marlin fishing at the time.

  7. ( Anbar –Anbar Police Command on Thursday informed that the joint security forces have stormed into areas towards the south of Fallujah city. The police command further informed that during the next few hours, results of some important military operations carried out so far would be announced as well.

    Anbar Police Chief Major General Hadi Zereeg in a statement issued to the media, which also got hold of, stated, “Anbar police forces along with the army and the anti-terrorism forces, stormed into several areas towards the south of Fallujah by noon today. During the operations, they managed to gun down a dozen ISIS members.”

    “The Tactical Regiment of Anbar Police is carrying out combat operations against ISIS and it is almost a certainty that the presence of ISIS would be completely wiped out from the city of Fallujah. Moreover, in the hours to come, results of some important military operations will also be announced,” Zereeg further added.

    Earlier today, Fallujah Liberation Operations Command announced that the security forces will storm the center of the city within the next few hours.

  8. A moslem refugee camp is being set up in Dresden, Germany next door to a nudist facility. The nudists say they have been there since 1904, are a part of the local culture, and their concerns should be addressed. They fear for their safety, understandably enough. The insane German government replies that accepting moslem refugees is a part of German culture too, and promise a wall to separate these two groups.

    Good luck with that.

    1. Sometimes I think everyone in Europe is nuts these days.

  9. Quirk Thu Jun 09, 12:22:00 AM EDT
    That snuff video you put up the other day. You know the one where it shows an Israeli sniper shooting an unarmed teen in the back as he was walking down the street. The one where you tried to justify it and say it was a righteous kill.

    Quirk and his made up facts.

    You have to OUT Palestinians the Palestinians with your dribble.

    "The witnesses said the soldiers opened fire "indiscriminately," immediately killing Mutasem Awad, 22, a law student at a local university, who was shot in the head, and Ali Khalifeh, 23, member of the Palestinian military intelligence, who was shot in the stomach and died on his way to hospital in Ramallah.

    read more:

    They were not KIDS

    They were not shot in the back.

    They were actually violent protesters.

    The rock throwing and violence had gone on for hours.

    The SNIPER took out these two as they ID'd them after hours of conflict.

    My question is?

    Quirk do you have any standards?

    Or JUST for the IDF?

    America bombs scores of ISIS targets every day, America drone strikes scores of folks as well.

    Are they all actively engaged in violence the MOMENT America take them out?

    Do you protest their killing?

    Watching a 2 minute clip of cut and paste, which actually did show the two 22 & 23 year old KIDS using sling shots at the IDF is hardly a SNUFF film.

    Your lack of standards show what a shit you are....

    4 INNOCENT civilians, including a 4 year old KID and a mother of 4 were gunned down by Palestinian terrorists.

    You support Hamas and the PLO.

    I support the IDF and America.

  10. .

    You support Hamas and the PLO.


    Why would I support them? They are mirror images of you and I don't support you. You are the two sides of the same coin.

    Your continued support of the willful killing of two unarmed teens walking down the street proves it. That IDF sniper was no better than the terrorists who killed those four Israelis.

    If you are so proud of his actions, I repeat show the snuff video to your family and explain to them what a great hero the sniper was as he shot the kid in the back. I suspect you would be ashamed to do it. If not, that would also be telling.

    America bombs scores of ISIS targets every day, America drone strikes scores of folks as well.

    I have condemned American drones strikes here many times for the indiscriminate killing of innocents in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Yemen. If you missed it, you are just not paying attention.

    As for ISIS, if you don't know the difference between killing ISIS militants and murdering a kid as he is walking down the street, there is no point in us talking further. You are beyond the point of redemption.



    1. since when are 22 and 23 year olds "teens"

      since when are a member of the palestinian military considered innocents.

      You are a moron.

    2. .

      For anyone who hasn't seen it, here's the video you put up...

      Get back to us when you've had that screening with your family.


    3. .

      Plus you lie constantly....

      You say, 'the IDF ID'd the kids before they shot them'. Even if it were true it would still be murder. But we all know it's just bullshit you've pulled out of your ass and are throwing around. How could you possible know such a thing?

      You say the kid wasn't shot in the back. Look at the video. The two boys were walking in opposite directions. One of them had to be shot in the back.

      And since when are 22 and 23 year olds "teens". The dead boys were 16 and 17.

      And since when are a member of the palestinian military considered innocents. More bullshit. If that's true, why aren't the radical settler youths who are constantly throwing rocks summarily executed instead of being given slaps on the wrist or a good talking to?

      At about the same time you put up this video, Deuce had mentioned the incident where that IDF soldier shot the Palestinian terrorist as he was lying incapacitated on the ground. You mentioned that the Israeli medics were there to help the Palestinian. More bullshit. They were there to help the soldiers if needed. At the time, the IDF brass indicated they were investigating why the Palestinian was left lying on the ground bleeding out for 10-15 minutes before he was eventually shot.

      And as for those humanitarian medics, it appears one of them was too busy compromising evidence to worry about helping a Palestinian...

      These are the types of things we are offered from WiO World on a daily basis.

      Opening lines from WiO's Alternate History of the World, the Universe, and Everything: "If you don't like the facts, simply make up new ones."


    4. I love quirk's defense of violent protesters.

      the were not armed? how do you know?

      Now the really interesting thing?

      How do you know it was the Israelis that did the shooting?

      or is it guilty until proven innocent if you are a jew/israeli?

      Now reading the evidence from the PALESTINIAN's things get even odder...

      They should a photo of the bullet recovered.

      If it was the actual killing bullet would there not be distortion to the bullet?

      Sorry Quirk, another bullshit story.

      Yeah those kids were killed, but you cannot say who did it.

      It would not be the 1st time that Palestinians killed their own for the camera...

      But you have no standard of proof if it's arab who dies do you?

  11. Yeah just "screened it" with my family.

    My son noted what happened to the video from 13:38 to 13:45 when they show about 2 seconds of the guy being shot?

    the article says: apparently shot despite posing no immediate threat to Israel troops.


    So does that mean from 13:38 to 13:44 he was shooting at the IDF? Throwing rocks?

    Sorry quirk, your video proves NOTHING, 2 seconds showing the exact moment of the shooting..


    and then? another snippet at 14:58

    what happened from 13:46 to 14:58?

    why the edit?

    If someone was shot at 13:45 and at 14:58 now there are burning tires, what happened in the 45 minute edit?

    Quirk sorry you are an asshole

    1. funny thing? in the second snippet of the shootings the PRESS came storming out videoing..

      and you compared these two shootings to the hames's dressing up as orthodox jews, infiltrating a restaurant and opening fire on people eating there?

      you are one sick piece of work

    2. .

      You are the one who put up the initial video, asshole, making the point that the IDF should be using live ammunition on Palestinian demonstrators. You found no problem with it when you were showing it as an example of what should be done to them?

      Now, you come back talking about lapses in the video and asking questions that can't be answered except in your warped racist mind. There is nothing there that would indicate these two teens were part of the rock throwing. And even if they were, Israeli law or military rules of engagement would never condone the soldiers actions, yet you do.

      If you can't see that the IDF action is as bad as the terrorists actions, you are part of the problem and the reason Israel will never see peace.

      I wish I could say I'm glad to see you are passing on your racist hatred to your kids but it disgusts me.


  12. QuirkThu Jun 09, 02:00:00 PM EDT

    Plus you lie constantly....

    You say, 'the IDF ID'd the kids before they shot them'. Even if it were true it would still be murder. But we all know it's just bullshit you've pulled out of your ass and are throwing around. How could you possible know such a thing?

    You say the kid wasn't shot in the back. Look at the video. The two boys were walking in opposite directions. One of them had to be shot in the back.

    Even the palestinian autopsey says they were shot from the front..

    deny that...

    1. quirk amazing grasp of evidence from 2 seconds of video.

      but you don't explain the missing time line....

      1338 1345 1458

    2. quirk, when you can't answer a straight question?

      you bring up another issue unrelated.

      again, i hope those that you support? Hamas and the PLO?

      Marry your grandkids...

      you deserve it

    3. .

      In case you missed it...

      QuirkThu Jun 09, 02:18:00 PM EDT


      You are the one who put up the initial video, asshole, making the point that the IDF should be using live ammunition on Palestinian demonstrators. You found no problem with it when you were showing it as an example of what should be done to them?

      Now, you come back talking about lapses in the video and asking questions that can't be answered except in your warped racist mind. There is nothing there that would indicate these two teens were part of the rock throwing. And even if they were, Israeli law or military rules of engagement would never condone the soldiers actions, yet you do.

      If you can't see that the IDF action is as bad as the terrorists actions, you are part of the problem and the reason Israel will never see peace.

      I wish I could say I'm glad to see you are passing on your racist hatred to your kids but it disgusts me.


    4. Low intensity war Quirk.

      Yeah I advocate using live ammo on those trying to kill cops or soldiers.

      No I do not see that the IDF shooting violent thugs as the same as terrorist's actions.

      But neither does the world.

      That's why America, Russia and others are bombing (with planes) ISIS and other groups on a daily basis.

      Israel will never see peace because of other reasons, the Palestinians, before they were called "palestinians", before there was an IDF to defend Israel, the arabs had a history of murder, rape and genocide of the Jews. Just like the Euro-trash.

      What disgusts me?

      Your support of violence rioters.

  13. War is hell.

    The Palestinians use gunmen, knife attacks, ieds, sniper shooting of babies and all sorts of other means.

    Israel fights back and people like Quirk want to give these "kids" the same rights as a protester in America.

    This is war.

    ISIS, Boko Haram, Hamas, Hezbollah, the PLO? Islamic Jihad? and on and on... are savages.

    They blow up trains, planes, buses, buildings. they rape, they murder, they train their kids to be hyper violent and genocidal.

    This is the world view that Quirk supports, good luck with that Quirk, please someday, when these types, split your kids skull open, burn your grandson, throw acid in your niece's face, hijack your grandson's plane to Greece tell me how you feel.


  14. quirk the WISE says: If you can't see that the IDF action is as bad as the terrorists actions, you are part of the problem and the reason Israel will never see peace.

    When your relatives were murdering the Jews in Europe during any one of a 100 different pogroms what was your reason that the Jews would not have peace then?

    Funny, "peace" is overrated.

    The islamic NAZIS of the world need to learn a hard but important lesson, FUCK with us? You die.

    The Palestinians? ISIS? Hamas? Hezbollah? (and another 40 or so groups around the globe) all call for the genocide of Jews, worldwide. NOT JUST ISRAEL.

    So until you can wrap your puny little mind around that thought?
    You are a pathetic appeasing coward.

    1. .

      The police in California showed how any civilized country handles demonstrators and rock throwers at the Trump rally in Anaheim. As I recall, there was no shooting and no deaths.

      With Israel it's not a matter of crowd control, it's a matter of duck hunting.

      Time for your aliyah. You'd fit right in.


  15. Here is a serious question for the Israel haters, the Jew haters and even the mildly disliking of Israel/jews.

    If the Jews acted like the rest of the world the if comes to those that proclaim their intention to slaughter them and simply shot a few dozen violent thugs the very 1st moment they started their crap would we have it common practice to appease thugs with firebombs and rocks ANYWHERE in the world now?

    If the Islamic nazis or the brown shirted German nazis, who marched in the streets throwing rocks and such (remember Kristalnaght?) Were simply shot on sight would we have the bullshit we have today?

    Those thugs, be they 14 years old or 40, who advocate the extermination of Israel and the Jews need to be met with lethal force.

    This lesson must be reasserted.

    So to quirk, no I do not feel the compassion for Islamic Nazis, be they 14 or 40.

    Maybe the words NEVER AGAIN need to be learned by you..

    After all one or two dead Jr Nazis aside, the arab world and the european world still have. collectively have the blood of 10,000,000 jews on their hands.

    So pardom me if I don't give a flying fuck for Jr Nazi wannabes getting shot if they are being violent, and as the standard of the USA when bombing ISIS or Nazis, or North Vietnamese, or whomever they do not need to be in ACTIVE combat once they are identified as the enemy.

    One standard for all or none.

    Not one standard for the Israelis/Jews

    1. lordy, WiO is arguing that IDF snipers can, and should, pick off anyone walking about in the occupied territories at any time they like.

      he is one sick puppy

    2. He has become what he says he hates. It's sad. Really.

    3. I don't recall anyone saying they hate Jews.

    4. To be honest, I don't know any Jews like you. You and Idaho Bob who is suspiciously solicitous about
      jews. Allen sniffed that out about the same time I did. The Jews I know are broadminded humanists. You on the other hand are some Catskill parody, an Archie Bunkerwitz, if in fact you are even a Jew.

    5. .

      Believe me. I am not singling Israel out. The same (and worse) happens in every other shit hole country in the ME.

      What is interesting though, is the difference in how the IDF treats Palestinian violence and how they treat Israeli settler violence.

      It is kind of hard to think of one side as victims when they have the guns and the other side has rocks; when they have the high ground and the other is surrounded in 70 or 80 well defined and separated cantons completely surrounded by roads and walls and checkpoints.


    6. American snipers prefer big bullets flung from drones. It's all ok - orders of Obama and he's got immunity.

    7. .

      True, but every once in a while when they wade through the body parts they come up with parts from an 'important' bad guy and it is reported in every news outlet in the free world and beyond and it's the source of great joy in Mudville.

      Of course, in a week or so the bad guy is replaced by a guy no one has ever heard of before but who turns out to be just a bad a guy as the last bad guy.

      Wash, rinse, repeat.

      See the new boss same as the old boss.


  16. ( Anbar – Leaders of al-Hashd al-Shaabi in Anbar province announced on Thursday that the ISIS members have started to evacuate their families from the city of Fallujah through the southern axis.

    The commander of the 1st regiment of Karmat Fallujah brigade, Colonel Mahmoud Mardi al-Jumaili, in a press statement issued to the media and also received by, said, “Intelligence information emphasized that the ISIS has begun evacuating the families of its members from the city of Fallujah through al-Gomhorya Bridge and they are moving towards somewhere near al-Amiriyah.”

    Continuing further Jumaili added, “The security forces are checking the names of the displaced people from the city before evacuating them to the IDP camps.”

    It may be mentioned here that the leaders of al-Hashd al-Shaabi on May 2016 had announced that the security forces began the second phase of Fallujah liberation operation from ISIS control.

    1. Strikes in Syria

      Bomber, fighter, attack, and remotely piloted aircraft conducted 16 strikes in Syria:

      -- Near Raqqah, four strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL vehicle-bomb factory and destroyed six ISIL oil pump jacks and an ISIL vehicle.

      -- Near Manbij, 11 strikes struck 10 separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed nine ISIL fighting positions, three ISIL vehicles and an ISIL mortar system and damaged a separate ISIL fighting position.

      -- Near Mara, a strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position.

      Strikes in Iraq

      Bomber, fighter, ground-attack and remotely piloted aircraft and rocket artillery conducted 18 strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of the Iraqi government:

      -- Near Huwayjah, a strike struck an ISIL improvised weapons factory.

      -- Near Beiji, a strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle-borne bomb.

      -- Near Fallujah, two strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed 23 ISIL fighting positions, eight ISIL light machine guns, six ISIL heavy machine guns, two ISIL recoilless rifles, an ISIL supply cache and an ISIL rocket propelled grenade system and denied ISIL access to terrain.

      -- Near Habbaniyah, a strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

      -- Near Haditha, two strikes struck an ISIL staging facility and destroyed three ISIL vehicles and an ISIL weapons cache.

      -- Near Kisik, a strike stuck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle and an ISIL tunnel system.

      -- Near Mosul, three strikes struck three separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL assembly areas.

      -- Near Qayyarah, five strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, an ISIL weigh station, an ISIL beddown location, an ISIL headquarters and an ISIL meeting site and destroyed an ISIL weapons cache.

      -- Near Ramadi, a strike destroyed an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL heavy machine gun.

      -- Near Sinjar, a strike destroyed an ISIL rocket rail and an ISIL supply cache.

    2. wow, I wonder does quirk cry when these Jew haters are killed?

  17. TOW Missile is "only" 60 Grand.

  18. There are 250,000.000 Americans who would be thrilled to have $60,000 for one year to live on.

  19. And your genius rulers and masters are giving them to jihadiis to kill 5 at a time with them.

  20. correction: OUR genius rulers and masters

  21. Up up and away with my beautiful balloon

  22. " You and Idaho Bob who is suspiciously solicitous about
    jews. Allen sniffed that out about the same time I did."


    What the hell does that mean ?????

    "suspiciously solicitous"

    Really, what are you trying to say, Deuce ?

    I've said what I feel about Jews, and my relation to them.

    Dad was partner with a nice Jewish guy for perhaps 40 years. I've known some others. I support Israel. I don't like Islam, not at all. Never have had any argument with Jews.

    And this is 'suspiciously solicitous' ?

    What does that mean, please.

    And I can't recall Allen saying anything like that, though it's possible I missed it I guess.

    'suspiciously solicitous' - heh


    1. O, and I did have a Jewish lawyer who represented me for 8 years during a long drawn out extended family argument over property. He loaned me $250,000 dollars towards the end to pay the Federal taxes on the asset exchanges.

      Without him, I'd be dead in the water.

      Lawyers are sometimes called 'solicitors', at least in England.

      Perhaps that is what you mean ?

      I admit I love that guy, and always will.

      Nothing suspicious about that.

      You wouldn't Deuce, but practically anyone else on earth would love the guy too, save the muzzies.

    2. I must be 'suspiciously solicitous' about Hindus too, since I love my Niece and like the Hindus.

      Ah, Lord, this place is truly bizarre at times.

      Then stir in Quart, you might almost call it a looney bin.


    Looks like the fix is in, all right.

    Meaning, the top echelon of our Federal Government is now a true criminal enterprise.

    1. White House calls FBI probe into Clinton's classified emails a 'criminal investigation' – to glee of Republicans – on the same day Obama endorses her
      •Within an hour of Barack Obama's endorsement of Hillary Clinton, his spokesman acknowledged that she faces a 'criminal investigation'
      •The misstep sent Republicans cackling to reporters

      •Clinton faces the possibility of prosecution for housing classified documents on a private email server
      •She used the homebrew setup for all her emails – including sensitive government matters – when she was secretary of state
      •White House press secretary Josh Earnest insisted that the endorsement wouldn't be interpreted inside the FBI as a signal to let her off the hook

      By David Martosko, Us Political Editor For

      Published: 16:22 EST, 9 June 2016 | Updated: 16:30 EST, 9 June 2016

      Barack Obama's spokesman described the FBI's probe into Hillary Clinton's classified email scandal as a 'criminal investigation' on Thursday, less than an hour after the president endorsed his embattled former secretary of state to succeed him.

      Josh Earnest told reporters during a White House press briefing that Obama was committed to keeping his hands off the investigation, trusting career investigators and prosecutors to follow evidence wherever it leads.

      'That's what their responsibility is,' Earnest said. 'And that's why the president, when discussing this issue in each stage, has reiterated his commitment to this principle that any criminal investigation should be conducted independent of any sort of political interference.'

      Read more:
      Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


  24. Still no indictment, nor any FBI resignations ...

    Is no news really good news?
    Not for the Republic, but then neither are the Republicans.

    Gary Johnson - 2016

    With an electorate totally disenchanted with the two major parties’ offerings, Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson has a unique chance to make a splash this year — and he’s determined to do things differently than in his 2012 campaign.

    Gone are the low-yield interviews with “internet radio” shows, and Mr. Johnson also says he’ll probably skip out on trolling the Democratic and Republican conventions.

    More significantly, he said he’ll probably reverse his 2012 decision and reject public financing this year, instead trying to raise his own campaign cash.

    “The target is tens of millions of dollars, and we need to show that or we’re not credible,” Mr. Johnson told The Washington Times. “That’s just the reality.”

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.


    2. One major difference this time is that Mr. Johnson, a former two-term governor of New Mexico, has former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld as his running mate.

      Not only do they each have more executive elected experience than either Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Trump, but Mr. Weld’s presence has already helped the ticket line up meetings with potential financiers.

      And the Libertarians are getting outside help from political action committees that know how to play the game.

      Ed Crane, the founder and president emeritus of the Cato Institute, a libertarian-leaning think tank, said recently that he’s switching his Purple PAC group, which had backed Sen. Rand Paul’s 2016 GOP presidential campaign, to be a pro-Johnson outfit.

      “I think there’s going to be significant money outside of the campaign,” said Mr. Crane. “The purpose of all the PACs, as far as I am concerned at this juncture, is to raise Gary’s profile to the point where he gets 15 percent in the polls or more and, therefore, is in the debates.”

    3. What does one, like Johnson, need do to be on the ballot across 5heir country?

  25. Damning Report On Mexico Another Blot On Clinton’s Record

    Focusing on a nine-year period between 2006 and December 2015, the Open Society investigation determined that Mexican police and security forces routinely used torture methods to obtain confessions, and were connected to forced disappearances and extrajudicial killings which were rarely investigated let alone prosecuted.

    As Secretary of State, Clinton moved to aggressively expand the Obama administration’s Plan Mérida which has provided over $2.5 billion for the War on Drugs, in addition to around one billion dollars in arms that the United States sells to Mexico annually.

    The State Department under Clinton’s direction, as Jesse Franzblau reported in The Nation, worked to bolster Mexico’s wiretap capabilities, provided communications systems and computers, and installed information sharing software, biometric databases, and radar systems. It also peddled Blackhawk helicopters, surveillance aircrafts, satellites, and all-terrain vehicles, and built joint-intelligence fusion centers for targeting high-value cartel leaders.

    Raising serious questions of conflict of interest, several of the contractors profiting from U.S. security assistance including General Electric, Lockheed and United Technologies which owns Sikorsky contributed to the Clinton Foundation.

  26. I've been finding Deuce to be suspiciously solicitous of muzzies lately.

      Four dead, five wounded.

      Shoppers who were strolling through Tel Aviv’s upscale Sarona Market on Wednesday when they suddenly encountered two (and possibly three) Palestinian Muslims observing Ramadan. The death toll is now four, and as five other people were wounded, it could rise. Ramadan has just begun, and there have already been jihad murders in Bangladesh, Egypt, and Jordan, among others -- and now Israel. There will be many more.

      Observing Ramadan? Yes. The killers, reportedly Palestinian cousins from Hebron, were performing what they no doubt thought was a pious act: punishing the Jews, about whom the Qur’an says: “You will surely find the most intense of the people in animosity toward the believers to be the Jews…” (5:82) The Qur’an exhorts believers: “Fight them; Allah will punish them by your hands and will disgrace them and give you victory over them and satisfy the breasts of a believing people…” (9:14)

      Thus in fighting against unbelievers, a Muslim becomes an executor of the divine wrath. It was against this backdrop that Islamic State spokesman Abu Mohammad al-Adnani recently called on Muslims to use this Ramadan to “get prepared, be ready … to make it a month of calamity everywhere for nonbelievers.” Ramadan is the perfect time for a “month of calamity everywhere for nonbelievers”

    2. Casualties and losses in the "Wave of Terror since 2015

      Suffered by the Zionists
      34 killed, 466 wounded[a][5]

      Suffered by the Palestinians
      218 killed[b][6][7][8] (137 attackers),[9][8]
      15,620 injured (10,231 from smoke inhalation)[10]
      2,400+ detained[11]

      3 foreign civilians (2 U.S., 1 Eritrean) killed[12] and 2 (1 U.S., 1 Nepalese) wounded[13]

      a One Israeli killed by Israeli soldier[14]
      b One Palestinian killed by Palestinian,[5] while the toll also includes a Sudanese attacker[8]

      So just what holiday have the Zionists be celebrating, while they killed 81 Palestinians civilians in the Occupied Territories in the past 18 months?


    4. jack you support Jew killers.

      That says it all.


  27. If totalitarianism comes to the USA it will come from the left not the right

    from 'The Immortal Sayings of Farmer Bob'

    Who Threatens Democracy?

    Violent opposition to Trump is alarming.

    By Philip Jenkins • June 9, 2016

    ....We can guarantee that certain things are going to happen within the next two months. One is that at least a handful of Trump supporters are not going to turn the other cheek. They know they cannot rely on police protection, and so some will turn up to meetings prepared to defend themselves, possibly with firearms. At that point, someone is going to be wounded or killed. At that point, expect a media outpouring about the inherent violence of Trump, his supporters, and the political Right. These animals are vicious! When attacked, they defend themselves.

    The other prediction we can make with fair certainty is that in mid-July, we are going to be facing a major political crisis. The Republican convention will be held in Cleveland July 18-21, and it will assuredly be held in a state of siege. The exact outcome of that event very much depends on police behavior, preparation, and organization. If protesters can be kept sufficiently far removed, then perhaps some semblance of order can be preserved. If not, it is possible that the convention itself might be forced to suspend its activities. Either way, it is highly likely that individual convention delegates and participants are going to be attacked and, conceivably, harmed.

    Political protests on some scale are not new, and political conventions are a natural target. But in modern U.S. history, has there ever been a national election where the candidates of one party were simply unable to show their faces without being met by violence? Where mob action simply makes it impossible for one campaign to function? We are not here talking about the candidate of some neo-Nazi sect or Klan group, but the Republican Party itself....

  28. .

    9th Circuit Rules Concealed Carry is not a Constitutional Right

    The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Thursday that the Second Amendment does not protect a right for ordinary citizens to carry concealed firearms in public, a major decision on the constitutional boundaries of gun rights that could elicit review by the U.S. Supreme Court.

    In his 52-page majority opinion in Peruta v. County of San Diego, Judge William Fletcher laid out an exhaustive history of British and American laws prohibiting concealed weapons, tracing a continuous thread from a decree by Edward I to his sheriffs in 1299 to a series of state supreme-court decisions in the 19th century.

    “Based on the overwhelming consensus of historical sources, we conclude that the protection of the Second Amendment—whatever the scope of that protection may be—simply does not extend to the carrying of concealed firearms in public by members of the general public,” Fletcher wrote.

    The 7-4 ruling upheld California’s broad restrictions on concealed-carry use in their entirety. Under current law, California residents must show “good cause” when obtaining a concealed-carry license from their county sheriff. What constitutes “good cause” is defined by policies outlined by each sheriff.

    It amazes me that the courts can define a corporation as a person or that they can say that the 'constitution' guarantees gay marriage and then ignore the 2nd Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms.


    1. .

      Normally, I would say 'well, at least it will end up in the Supreme Court'; however, with the Robert's 'corporate' court it's likely the 9th Circuit ruling will be upheld. You know the FED's and local law enforcement would love to see it upheld


    2. Quirk has said something intelligent.

  29. Fox News Poll


    Trump 44%
    Clinton 44%

  30. AshThu Jun 09, 05:03:00 PM EDT
    lordy, WiO is arguing that IDF snipers can, and should, pick off anyone walking about in the occupied territories at any time they like.

    he is one sick puppy

    Actually no Ash I never said that.

    I said that after several hour of fighting the snipers ID those that are doing violence with firebombs and such.

    Why do you distort and lie?

    1. Ash, it's rather sickening to see how you out and out make things up....

      See professional help.

  31. Deuce ☂Thu Jun 09, 05:17:00 PM EDT
    To be honest, I don't know any Jews like you. You and Idaho Bob who is suspiciously solicitous about
    jews. Allen sniffed that out about the same time I did. The Jews I know are broadminded humanists. You on the other hand are some Catskill parody, an Archie Bunkerwitz, if in fact you are even a Jew.

    Ah yes, I can be a real Jew since you only know "passive Jews" that apologize to you for existing..

    Sorry deuce, I suggest it is you that is the fraud.

    Tell your so called jewish friends your hatred of the existence of Israel, your opinion about jews allowing the holocaust, your hatred if Bibi...

    and so on..

    You won't, cause we both know they'd bitch slap your ass in a nanosecond.

    Why can't you be honest?

    you support the murder of Jews in israel, and you support those same organizations that exist in the palestinian culture that support the genocide of all jews...

  32. Canada’s federal government has ordered Canada Post to stop delivering an anti-Semitic Toronto newspaper which repeatedly denied the Holocaust, praised Adolf Hitler and derided Jews as well as Muslims, The National Post reports.


    For its part, the Toronto police said in April that an investigation into Your Ward News found no evidence of a hate crime.

  33. QuirkThu Jun 09, 04:39:00 PM EDT

    The police in California showed how any civilized country handles demonstrators and rock throwers at the Trump rally in Anaheim. As I recall, there was no shooting and no deaths.

    With Israel it's not a matter of crowd control, it's a matter of duck hunting.

    Time for your aliyah. You'd fit right in.

    Quirk you are specious.

    We both know that the violence that the palestinians do during a riot is not the same as some rock throwers in California.

    But if it makes you feel good distorting and lying to yourself and others?

    go for it.

    The simple fact is telling, there have been 2,200 palestinian terror attacks at jews in Israel in 12 months.

    You dismiss the rockets by hamas, you dismiss the firebombs, the rocks, the stabbings, the car rammings.

    you are a shit.

  34. QuirkThu Jun 09, 04:39:00 PM EDT

    The police in California showed how any civilized country handles demonstrators and rock throwers at the Trump rally in Anaheim. As I recall, there was no shooting and no deaths.

    With Israel it's not a matter of crowd control, it's a matter of duck hunting.

    Time for your aliyah. You'd fit right in.

    Quirk your words are simply amazing....

    Since I do not think of you as a stupid man, (evil and a shit yes) but not not stupid, I wonder what makes you lie, distort and be an all around evil prick?

    1. The Mayor and Police Chief are La Raza Fans.

      They ordered police to stand down as innocent citizens were mugged, suckerpunched, hit with bottles, etc. by Mexican Flag waving legal and illegal Hispanics.

  35. This is an example of Quirk's new found friends...

    A Hamas spokesman openly welcomed news of a terror attack in Jerusalem by one of its terrorists, which left nine people injured and killed a three month-old baby.

    “This is a natural response to the crimes of the occupation and invasion of our land by the Jews, particularly on the Al-Aqsa Mosque (Temple Mount – ed.),” Hamas spokesman Hossam Badran stated on official Hamas television.

    Hamas television has also confirmed the identity of the terrorist – who was shot and wounded by police, but is not dead, as initially reported in the press – as 21 year-old Abdelrahman Shaludeh of Shiloach (Silwan). Slodi had previously served in Israeli prison for terrorist activities.

    On Wednesday, Shaludeh rammed his car into the pedestrian crosswalk near the Ammunition Hill (Givat Hatachmoshet) light rail stop, injuring nine people, including the baby.

    An American citizen, a baby, murdered on purpose by Quirk, Deuce, Rufus and Rat's comrades in arms.

    1. .

      An American citizen, a baby, murdered on purpose by Quirk, Deuce, Rufus and Rat's comrades in arms.

      You put these examples up here all the time, this one going back to 2014. trying to reinforce your point. What you don't put up are all the examples from the Israeli side, the settler youth trowing stones, damaging property, the ultra-orthodox attacks, the right-wing murders, the arsons, the nuts like the group that burned that kid alive, the settlers who firebombed that family killing the parents and that baby, the IDF soldier that killed that Palestinian terrorist as he lay incapacitated and bleeding out on the ground, you know, your comrades in arms.

      You may enjoy putting this stuff up here. I don't. You've already made my point many times over. The fact that you approve the murder of those kids simply puts the cherry on top.

      My point it simple. After 70 years of this stuff there is no way its going to change. The two sides are way too far apart. It's like Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 90's. The chances of a peaceful resolution, other than one imposed from the outside, is nil.

      There's not much reason for discussing it further. It's not going to change while you and I are still around. You've made it clear what you think of me and I suspect you know what I think about you. No sense wasting our time arguing about it further.


    2. What about my electricity?
