Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Let’s enter another war: This time, after seventy years of consistent failure, we can be assured that with the combined efforts of the CIA. Pentagon under the guidance of The US Congress, we will get it right!

Kerry meets with diplomats urging more military action in Syria

Smoke rises from Manbij city, Aleppo province, Syria, on June 8. (Rodi Said/Reuters)
Secretary of State John F. Kerry met Tuesday morning with several of the diplomats who signed an internal memo urging the United States to use more military force in Syria to compel the government to abide by a truce and negotiate a political solution.
A senior State Department official, speaking on the condition of anonymity about the private conversation, said Kerry met for 30 minutes with 10 of the memo’s 51 signatories. The official declined to discuss the substance of their conversation.

The memo, marked “Sensitive But Unclassified,” was posted last week on an official “dissent channel” established during the Vietnam War for employees to voice their concerns without fear of repercussions. The signatories were all mid-level diplomats who have worked on Syrian policy issues over the past five years since peaceful protests against the government mushroomed into a civil war. The fighting in Syria has left more than 400,000 people dead, displaced more than half the population, and created a wave of refugees in neighboring countries and Europe.

Memos are sent to the dissent channel every year, and they are typically written by individuals or small groups of diplomats. The large number of signatories to this memo reflects a growing frustration within the State Department over continued ceasefire violations, the Syrian government’s blocking of humanitarian aid convoys, and the ongoing violence and suffering.

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Although U.N.-brokered talks between the government and the opposition started earlier this year, they are on hold. The United States is leading coalitions of countries that are trying to get the talks back on track, and conducting a military campaign against the Islamic State that has carved out a caliphate in Syria and Iraq.

The 10-point memo that the diplomats submitted argues that the Russian and Iranian military support of the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad weakens the potential for an enduring ceasefire and negotiations.

“Initiating targeted military strikes in response to egregious regime violations of the [cessation of hostilities] would raise the cost for the regime and bolster the prospects for a real ceasefire – without cities being bombed and humanitarian convoys blocked – and lead to a more serious diplomatic process, led by the United States,” the memo stated.
The memo contends that a “more muscular military posture under U.S. leadership” would assert the willingness to impose “consequences” on the Assad government, and increase U.S. negotiating leverage.

“We are not advocating for a slippery slope that ends in a military confrontation with Russia,” the memo said. “Rather, we are calling for a credible threat of targeted U.S. military responses” to enforce a truce and negotiations.


  1. Wow, heard Trump, if he has skeletons in his closet, Hillary has cemeteries.

    1. :)

      I call her America's 'Livia Drusilla'.

    2. Livia wasn't so damned sloppy though -

      Clinton Foundation hacked by Russians

      posted at 7:21 pm on June 21, 2016 by John Sexton

      The hacking of entities connected to the U.S. presidential election went much further than previously reported. Bloomberg News reports one of the organizations targeted by hackers believed to be operating out of Russia is the Clinton Foundation:

      The Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation was among the organizations breached by suspected Russian hackers in a dragnet of the U.S. political apparatus ahead of the November election, according to three people familiar with the matter…

      Clinton Foundation officials said the organization hadn’t been notified of the breach and declined to comment further. The compromise of the foundation’s computers was first identified by government investigators as recently as last week, the people familiar with the matter said.

      The recent spate of hacking is said to involve as many as 4,000 individuals and entities connected to the election. Bloomberg reports that the FBI and the NSA are now involved in identifying the scope of the attack and trying to identify who is responsible. The Russian government has denied any responsiblitly.

      Hackers released some information taken from the Democratic National Committee last week, specifically an oppo-research book on Donald Trump. This week the hacker (or collective) known as Guccifer 2.0 released another set of documents from the DNC hack. It seems the Democratic Party is somewhat nervous that there is much more, and worse, yet to come. From Bloomberg:

      If the Democrats can show the hidden hand of Russian intelligence agencies, they believe that voter outrage will probably outweigh any embarrassing revelations, a person familiar with the party’s thinking said.

      So far the released documents have revealed little that is new or explosive, but that could change. Guccifer 2.0 has threatened to eventually release thousands of internal memos and other documents.

      Guccifer is the handle of a hacker who was recently extradited to the United States where he made a plea deal, signaling possible cooperation with the FBI in an ongoing investigation. That hasn’t been confirmed but, given that Guccifer claims to have hacked Clinton’s private server, the most obvious possibility is that he is cooperating with the FBI in the ongoing Clinton email investigation.

  2. A man who says he was a lover of Omar Mateen, the gunman who fatally shot 49 people at an LGBT nightclub in Orlando just over a week ago, sat down for an interview with Univision last night.

    His facial features obscured by a disguise, his voice digitally altered, and going solely by the name “Miguel,” he told Univision anchor Maria Elena Salinas that Mateen and he had been involved in a sexual relationship for two months. In interviews conducted in both Spanish and English, “Miguel” stated that he believed Mateen specifically targeted Pulse nightclub as an act of revenge against LGBT Puerto Rican men, by whom he felt rejected and abused.

    “Miguel,” who described his relationship with Mateen as “friends with benefits,” said the two met 15 to 20 times after originally connecting on Grindr. He claimed that Mateen told him that his wife "knew he was gay... and she accepted it.” Miguel also stated that Mateen’s father likely played a large role in his son’s decision to enter a heterosexual marriage despite being “100 percent” gay.

    "For him, being married was because his father forced him to marry," Miguel said. When asked if Mateen’s father knew his son was gay, Miguel said he believed he did, but that "he could not accept” the idea.

    When asked about Mateen’s decision to brutally murder 49 people at Pulse nightclub, Miguel suggested the mass shooting had been a tragic and horribly misguided act of revenge. He said Mateen had engaged in a threesome with two Puerto Rican men, one of whom later told him he was HIV-positive.

    1. Honest to God.

      Perhaps it's best to stay away from gay nightclubs ?
