Sunday, May 22, 2016

The Music Doesn’t Lie

Applauding the return 
of Slowhand

It’s 1958. Rock and roll has just exploded on the world and for his 13th birthday, all a young Eric Clapton asks for is a guitar. 

The German-made Hoyer he was presented with was difficult to play – it had hard steel strings – so he put it to one side, left to gather dust. 
Fast forward three years, and times have changed.

Clapton, who had been studying at the Kingston College of Art, was expelled after one year. 

The reason? Playing the guitar and listening to the blues was taking up too much of his time.

He was determined to learn how to play guitar and make a career out of doing so – and he did just that.

Clapton has had a varied career in a number of different bands since the early 60s. He cut his teeth in The Yardbirds, but his heart lay in the blues.

As a professional musician, he has played in numerous bands, released an abundance of albums, sold out countless worldwide tours and collected an impressive array of accolades. 

His career has resulted in 18 Grammy Awards and the distinct honour of being the only triple inductee into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.Nearly 60 years later, Eric Clapton is still going strong. 

The guitarist has again teamed up with well-known producer Glyn Johns for his forthcoming 23rd studio album ‘I Still Do’, on his own Bushbranch Records/Surfdog Records label. 

Clapton and Johns – who has previously produced albums for The Eagles, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin and The Who – most famously worked together on Clapton’s iconic 1977 ‘Slowhand’ record. 

The new 12-track album includes original songs penned by Clapton. 
It follows his last release, the 2014 chart-topping tribute to singer-songwriter JJ Cale, ‘Eric Clapton & Friends: The Breeze’
“This was an overdue opportunity to work with Glyn Johns again and also, purely incidentally, it coincides with the 40th anniversary of ‘Slowhand’!” Eric said.
“Recording the album was a pleasure. For me, making music in any shape or form always is. It’s what I’ve always wanted to do, even from when I was young. I’m lucky I get to do what I love. Of course, I never would have thought I’d still be here getting ready to release my 23rd album.

“I think that most people my age, and who have been around for as long as I have, feel the same.”

Rumors have circulated for a few years about Eric retiring, so is it time for him to hang up his beloved guitar once and for all?

“There are loads of things I’d like to do, but I’m looking at perhaps calling it a day on the touring front,” Clapton said. “What I’ll still allow myself to do is perhaps carry on recording in the studio. 

“I don’t want to be on stage to the point where I’ll just be embarrassing myself.
“I don’t want to have someone come up to me and say, ‘You know what? You shouldn’t be doing this any more. It’s time to call it a day’. I’d rather come to that conclusion on my own, if you don’t mind!”

He’s certainly earned that right.

‘I Still Do’ is released on May 20. Visit


  1. The music doesn't lie...

    A new music video aired on Sunday on Hamas’s al-Aqsa TV network urges the resumption of suicide bombings on Israelis. The video shows portraits of Yahya Ayyash (Hamas’s deceased chief bombmaker) and the murderers of the Henkin couple, and a blackened Egged bus billowing smoke.

  2. That is what happens to occupiers, patriots resist:

    The very first suicide attacks are the Jewish zealots in Zakari(ph) in the first century AD. The Jewish zealots sought to foment a rebellion against Roman occupation by often walking up to a Roman soldier in a square and pulling out a knife and killing the soldier, often cutting his throat, knowing that there were other Roman soldiers standing right by that would immediately execute or kill the zealot.

    1. Suicide terrorism began in Lebanon in the early 1980s as a response to Israel's invasion of Lebanon.

    2. People would rather die than be occupied, tormented and humiliated



      800 Jews decided to kill themselves rather than accept capture by Romans, was, in large part, because they just simply couldn't stand the thought of having their women and children abused by the Romans, as they understood they would be, and many of the men in that case believed that they were going to be executed.

    3. Try your shit out on those that do not know the history of your own people.

    4. Thanks for re-establishing that the lands we are discussing are Jewish Historic lands.,

      There were no arabs in Jerusalem 2000 years ago.

      And Islam of course was not invented for 600 more years.

    5. The Zealots advocated violence against the Romans, their Jewish collaborators.

      Zealots objected to Roman rule and violently sought to eradicate it by generally targeting Romans and Greeks and killed Jews they considered collaborators.

      Sound familiar?

  3. Quirk, you listening, Dude ?

    1. the Hamas music ?

      It's basically the same now as back in Martha Gellhorn's day when she pointed out that the media of the Arabs of Palestine was one long scream of hate.

      You get in there dance to it now, Dude, you rock.

  4. Humans have been so for 200,000 years. Different civilizations over ten thousand years. How does a Jewish fairy tale justify Russians and Poles to occupy lands currently owned by others. It is all toxic nonsense up against the toxic nonsense of Islam.

    Religious fanatics against religious fanatics.

    1. One small problem is the moslem 'holy book' calls for them to exterminate the Jews, and then, finally, everybody else that doesn't pound the forehead on the ground during prayers.

      "First the 'Saturday People' then the 'Sunday People'...."

      IT's certainly not limited to Jews and moslems.

      80,000,000 Hindu dead in one 250 year period alone....

      We ALL have a problem here.

      In Hamtramck, Michigan, USA, it's now:

      "First we show the Poles, then everybody else"

      Stop moslem immigration to USA NOW !

    2. Here's an example of the problem rearing its ugly head right in Pennsylvania, land of peaceful Amish....

      Pennsylvania: Muslim posted names of U.S. military, exhorted Muslims to kill them
      By Robert Spencer on May 21, 2016 06:03 pm

      Pennsylvania: Muslim posted names of U.S. military, exhorted Muslims to kill them
      “Aziz told his followers to ‘kill them in their own lands, behead them in their own homes, stab them to death as they walk their street thinking that they are safe.'” What was that you were saying about “Islamophobia”? “Pennsylvania teen hit with new Islamic State-related charges,” by Joseph Ax, Reuters, May 18, 2016 (thanks […]
      Read in browser »

      from Jihad Watch
