Monday, May 30, 2016

Iraqi commanders says their forces have entered Fallujah in a major victory against Daesh militants.


Iraqi commanders says their forces have entered Fallujah in a major victory against Daesh militants.   
One commander, quoted by AFP, said troops entered the city from three directions on Monday in a new phase of the operation to recapture it.
"We started early this morning our operations to break into Fallujah," Sabah al-Norman, a spokesman for Iraq's elite counter-terrorism service, said.
The city, located about 40 miles west of Baghdad, is one of the last major Daesh strongholds in Iraq. The Takfiri group still controls territory in the country's north and west, including Iraq's second largest city of Mosul.
In a televised speech to parliament on Sunday, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi called on residents of Fallujah to either leave the city or stay indoors. 
Government officials and aid groups estimate that more than 50,000 people remain inside the center of the city.

Fallujah, which saw some of the heaviest fighting of the US military invasion between 2003 and 2011, was the first city in Iraq to fall to Daesh. 

The Takfiri extremists seized control of Fallujah in January 2014, six months before they swept across northern and western Iraq and declared a caliphate.


  1. Iraqi special forces were poised to assault one of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group's most emblematic bastions, Fallujah, as the group counter-attacked in both Iraq and neighbouring Syria.


    The ISIL fighters were also under pressure from Kurdish fighters east of their northern Iraqi stronghold Mosul and from US-backed Kurdish-led fighters in Syria.


    Northeast of Baghdad on Sunday, police said a suicide bomber killed at least seven people and wounded 22 when he blew himself up in a cafe in Moqdadiyah, in an attack claimed by ISIL.

  2. I'm taking it with grains of salt until more is known

  3. Jihad Watch

    Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts

    Islamic State achieves biggest advance along Turkish border in two years

    May 29, 2016 4:28 pm By Robert Spencer


  4. "Counter-terrorism service (CTS) forces, the Anbar police and the Iraqi army, at around 4am, started moving into Fallujah from three directions," he said.

    "There is resistance from Daesh," he added, using the Arabic acronym for Isis.

    On Sunday, Iraqi Major Dhia Thamir said troops had recaptured 80 per cent of the territory around Fallujah since the operation began

  5. The smartest military campaign of my lifetime.

    1. Islamic State achieves biggest advance along Turkish border in two years

      May 29, 2016 4:28 pm By Robert Spencer

  6. AFP news agency ✔‎@AFP
    #BREAKING Iraqi forces enter IS-held Fallujah: commanders

  7. Major Dhia Shamir told AP on Sunday that Iraqi troops had recaptured 80 percent of the territory around the city since the operation began last week. Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said, during a televised speech to parliament, that the “current second phase of the Fallujah operation” will last less than 48 hours.

    The large-scale assault, carried out by the Army, police counterterrorism units, local tribal fighters and a coalition of Shiite Muslim militias, continues on all fronts around the city. Besides making vast gains in the north, forces, aided by US advisers, have also been advancing on the city from the Sinjar direction.

    “We are moving in the right direction. We are killing those criminals,” a police unit fighter told RT last week, adding that approaches to the city are mined.

    1. Keep in mind that those politicians tend to be a little "optimistic."

      Fallujah was Not unfertile ground for the ISIS message. This operation could take quite a bit longer than Abadi thinks.

      The end result, however, is not uncertain. :)

    2. I, also, think that it's interesting that, although all the publicity is about the assault on Fallujah, most of our recent air activity has been in and around Mosul.

    3. Yep more mass genocide by the Iranian backed forces...

      Another couple hundred thousand dead sunnis...

      I wonder if rufus was a simple shop keeper there, surrounded by SHiite armies, hacking men, women and babies to death would he have joined ISIS against the Butchers of Persia?

  8. Also, the fact that ISIS has been unable to mount any successful counter-attacks is telling. They've attempted a couple, including one a couple of days ago in Hit, but they've been unsuccessful.

    1. Interesting standards...

      If judging Hezbollah or Hamas after a war with Israel, these same folks said that Israel lost. BECAUSE not every hamas member or Hezbollah member was dead.

      Truly makes me chuckle the lack of standards these dudes have..

  9. Shia make up roughly 10% of all Muslims, and globally their population is estimated between 154 to 200 million, according to a 2009 report from the Pew Forum. Iran has the largest Shia majority, with more than 66 million making up nearly 90% of the population

    So 90% of moslems across the globe don't like it that SHiites are butchering sunnis...

    Rufus says: galopn2Mon May 30, 11:38:00 AM EDT
    Keep in mind that those politicians tend to be a little "optimistic."
    Fallujah was Not unfertile ground for the ISIS message. This operation could take quite a bit longer than Abadi thinks.

    The end result, however, is not uncertain. :)


    The "end result"?

    You don't know shit.

    Deuce and you used to bitch that Israel was creating more terrorists for every one they killed, that it was a natural reaction to an oppressor...


    You aint seen anything yet...

    Sunni/Shiite violence makes the Israel/Arab conflict look like a grape throwing contest..


      Were the Israelis agitating for war against Iraq, and was Israel a factor in the Bush administration’s decision to unilaterally and illegally invade Iraq in 2003? Opinion has always been split on the anti-war side. But Professors John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, in their much-discussed London Review of Books essay “The Israel Lobby”, back in 2006, made a persuasive case for the argument that Israel, and the pro-Israeli lobby, were key players on the road to war:

      Pressure from Israel and the Lobby was not the only factor behind the decision to attack Iraq in March 2003, but it was critical. Some Americans believe that this was a war for oil, but there is hardly any direct evidence to support this claim. Instead, the war was motivated in good part by a desire to make Israel more secure. According to Philip Zelikow, a former member of the president's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, the executive director of the 9/11 Commission, and now a counsellor to Condoleezza Rice, the "real threat" from Iraq was not a threat to the United States.

      The "unstated threat" was the "threat against Israel", Zelikow told an audience at the University of Virginia in September 2002. "The American government," he added, "doesn't want to lean too hard on it rhetorically, because it is not a popular sell."

      On 16 August 2002, 11 days before Dick Cheney kicked off the campaign for war with a hardline speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Washington Post reported that "Israel is urging US officials not to delay a military strike against Iraq's Saddam Hussein". By this point, according to Sharon, strategic co-ordination between Israel and the US had reached “unprecedented dimensions", and Israeli intelligence officials had given Washington a variety of alarming reports about Iraq's WMD programmes.

    2. ...{...}

      As one retired Israeli general later put it, "Israeli intelligence was a full partner to the picture presented by American and British intelligence regarding Iraq's non-conventional capabilities."

      Israeli leaders were deeply distressed when Bush decided to seek Security Council authorisation for war, and even more worried when Saddam agreed to let UN inspectors back in. "The campaign against Saddam Hussein is a must," Shimon Peres told reporters in September 2002. "Inspections and inspectors are good for decent people, but dishonest people can overcome easily inspections and inspectors."

      At the same time, Ehud Barak wrote a New York Times op-ed warning that "the greatest risk now lies in inaction". His predecessor as prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, published a similar piece in the Wall Street Journal, entitled: “The Case for Toppling Saddam”. ”Today nothing less than dismantling his regime will do,” he declared. "I believe I speak for the overwhelming majority of Israelis in supporting a pre-emptive strike against Saddam's regime." Or as Ha’aretz reported in February 2003, “the military and political leadership yearns for war in Iraq”.


      Old myths never die. So it is with the fable that neoconservatives and liberal interventionists alike keep telling: that President Bush left Iraq in pretty good shape in 2008 before President Obama’s withdrawal of U.S. troops in 2011 created a strategic opening for Iran today.

      Take the Wall Street Journal’s recent editorial. The Obama administration, we are told, is primarily responsible for Iran’s military surge in Iraq. After all, the withdrawal of U.S. troops in 2011 helped destroy the sectarian peace that Washington had brokered following the surge in 2007. And the failure to deploy U.S. ground troops or rally a coalition of surrounding Sunni states to fight the Islamic State created security vacuums for Tehran to exploit.

      Never mind that the U.S. troops left Iraq according to the very timetable President Bush himself had negotiated with Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki in 2008. Never mind the hatred and rivalries that are so much a part of Iraqi religious and tribal animosities were bound to erupt in the absence of a strong unitary state.

      The point here is that the Journal, like most supporters of the decision to invade Iraq twelve years ago, still can’t acknowledge the taproot of today’s disaster: the toppling of Sunni rule that led to the Shia ascendancy in Baghdad.


    4. {...}

      Go back to those heady days in the lead up to Operation Iraqi Freedom. The hawks—from Christopher Hitchens, Paul Berman and the Washington Post editorial page on the left to William Kristol, Robert Kagan and the Journal editorial page on the right—had confidently predicted that the “liberation” of the Iraqi people from a brutal dictatorship would lead to a flourishing democracy and viable state.

      But the unintended consequences of the war were not just the dear costs in blood, treasure and prestige for the United States. Nor were they the hundreds of thousands of deaths of Iraqi civilians. They were what amounted to a strategic victory for the Islamic Republic of Iran.

      Tehran’s presence in the Shia south, moreover, was felt well before the withdrawal of U.S. forces. Recall that General Qasem Soleimani, the commander of the Revolutionary Guards’ Quds Brigade, spearheaded Iran’s political and military involvement in Iraq a decade ago. Recall, too, al-Maliki’s debt to Iran in helping secure his presidency in 2006.

      By toppling a Sunni regime and bringing democracy to Iraq, the U.S.-led coalition brought to an end the sectarian imbalance that had been in place for generations. The Baathists, like the Hashemites, British and Ottomans ­before them, had kept in place minority rule, giving Sunni Arabs a disproportionate share of power and resources while brutally suppressing Shia and Kurds.


    5. {...}To say again: the invasion in 2003 meant that the majority Shia became the new winners in post-Saddam Iraq; and the minority Sunnis the new losers. The former turned to their Shia brethren in Tehran for support; the latter turned to a Sunni insurgency that has morphed into a plethora of Sunni jihadists, including the Islamic State.

      Now the chickens are coming home to roost. Sectarianism remains ascendant. The Iraqi state as the world has known it since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire nearly a century ago is coming apart. Portraits of Iran’s late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and his successor Ayatollah Ali Khamenei litter central Baghdad. And the only group capable of liberating Sunni strongholds, such as Tikrit and Mosul, from Sunni jihadists are the Iranian-backed Shia militias.

    6. It's all Obama's fault.


  11. It's the smartest military campaign of my lifetime.

  12. Have a good Memorial Day everyone.

    1. Memorial Day 2016

      posted at 8:01 am on May 30, 2016 by Jazz Shaw

  13. One senior Bush administration official who never bought the neoconservative myths was Christopher Hill, a former ambassador to Iraq. In Outpost: Life on the Frontlines of American Diplomacy, Hill argues:

    The failure of neoconservatives and their fellow travelers to explain what they were trying to accomplish in Iraq remains one of the most disgraceful performances by a foreign policy class in America. It has been a failure to acknowledge mistakes, and a shameful effort to shift the blame, in the case of Iraq, to nameless intelligence analysts, as if they were responsible for the full-court pressure on President Bush to convince him to go to war.

    They quickly attacked Obama, and like architects who blame the builder, they never tire of offering bad advice then attack the implementers for not following their plans to the letter.

    . . . they bear much responsibility for reducing America’s own discourse on foreign policy to little more than a barroom brawl. They have much to answer for. Perhaps, for starters, they could observe a period of silence while the rest of us try to deal with the practical realities of a difficult global structure.

    According to Hill, “a majority-ruled Iraq, which necessarily involves Shia leadership” was never going to become “an inspiration to the Sunni-dominated Arab Middle East.” Nor was it likely to shun a close relationship with Shia Iran.

    Just don’t tell the fairy-tale writers at the Journal.


  14. Any more Israeli Firster fairy tales for today?

    1. Deuce if israel controlled the world as you see it?

      The Fakistinians, or as you call them, Palestinians would never have succeeded in any UN successes.

    2. Israel does not control the World. It does control the US media and both majority parties in the US Congress, Total control of the GOP and a slight lesser control of the Democrats.

    3. According to you Israel does.

      But that aside.

      Your side? The pro-hames, pro-terrorist, pro-Iranian Guard, pro-Hezbollah forces around the world?

      Are brutal savages.

    4. The Iranians, Syrians, Iraqis and Hezbollah forces JUST DURING THE SYRIA war have killed a thousand times more than Israel has in 65 years.

      Actually in the entire history of the Jewish people.

      Put that in your pipe and smoke it Iranian Firster Deuce.

      Does it make you proud?

  15. Israel doesn't control the US Congress, or the President, contrary to your assertions.

    Bush and Congress got us into it, and Obama got us out too soon.

    Smartest military campaign of my lifetime.

  16. These reduced forces may have a valid mission or they may be just extending US errors. But their presence is not what we need to understand on Memorial day. We need to remember the wrongful causes of US military action since WWII, because those predominate today.
    The causes are muddied in the Middle east, but not elsewhere. We must always look to the causes of rebellions. Remember the Vietnam War: the cause was colonial exploitation and denial of self-government, far worse than the causes of the US revolution. The US was the first nation to rebel against colonialism and the last to defend it, and its defense had no rational basis whatsoever. The propaganda changes but the cause is the same. The fault was entirely in the demagogic US leadership, the corrupt military industry, and the control of US elections and mass media by economic concentrations. They simply have no good intentions at all, and would act quite oppositely if they had. If the US had spent its bloated military budget on humanitarian projects since WWI, it would have lfted half the world from poverty, and would have no enemies. Instead we have made the world our enemy and have killed over six million innocents for nothing at all.
    Every US war since WWII has attacked socialist governments on behalf of rich oligarchies, and the US has denounced all anti-colonial, nationalist, and egalitarian insurgencies as “terrorist” to prevent public awareness of the real causes of insurgency and the real causes of US “foreign policy.” In fact these are not wars of foreign policy, they are wars of domestic policy. These foreign wars are intended to prevent socialism in the US and to subvert constitutional rights in the US.
    The people of the US need to learn that ideas like “terrorism” and “communism” are nothing but the standard rationales for right wing power grabs that have destroyed democracies since long before Aristotle warned of this millennia ago. The right wing Must create foreign enemies to pose falsely as protectors and accuse their moral superiors of disloyalty. That is why the US right wing must have continual war or cold war. That is the only reason for the mass media propaganda about “GWOT” and “terrorism.” The destruction of constitutional rights is not an unfortunate accident, it is the motive.

    1. Nice screed, but very confused.

      Even your Aristotle is a mess.

  17. So far, this operation has cost us 3 kia, virtually no hit on the national treasury, and we don't have thousands of U.S. Servicemen lying in military and VA hospitals with torn-apart, wrecked bodies.

    And, we have forced a potential ally in a vital region to become more democratic, and to develop an army capable of providing for its own defense.

    Yes, I'd say it's been a Brilliant Campaign.

    1. Brown lives don't matter to you unless it's the IDF doing the killing?

  18. .

    There are wars of aggression and conquest; there are 'preemptive' wars, a lovely euphemism right up there with kinetic engagement; there are wars of resistance and independence: there are religious wars; there are sectarian wars; at times though rarely there may even be a defensive war that is necessary; but there sure as hell are no 'brilliant' wars. The term is an egregious oxymoron.


    1. .

      It's estimated the 911 operation cost al Qaeda $400,000 to $500,000 to pull off. It's also estimated that the cost of responding to that attack has cost the US 10 million times that amount $4 to $5 trillion, $4,000,000,000,000 to $5,000,000,000,000.

      And that's just in treasure. As Erik pointed out above, the cost in lives lost, in lives ruined, in prestige lost, in enemies created, etc., etc. is immeasurable.

      Less measurable, is the growing fascism around the world and here in the US. The loss of privacy, the lack of transparency, the growing police state tactics.

      The only people who profit from our wars are those whose business it is to profit from war.


    2. .

      Speaking of which...

      In 2008, the Convention on Cluster Munitions was signed by about 120 countries and signatories. they were trying to ban cluster munitions because of the indiscriminate manner in which they deal destruction, the fact that they kill an inordinate amount of civilians, and that they can lay around for years unexploded and then suddenly take out civilians or kids that come across them.

      People denounce Syria for the use of barrel-bombs on civilian populations and rightly so; yet, cluster munitions amount to nothing more than higher-tech barrel bombs.

      Recently, in the face of growing criticism from human rights groups around about Saudi Arabia's use of cluster munitions in Yemen and the resulting civilian deaths, the US has decided to put a temporary hold on selling cluster munitions to SA. One gets the impression that if not for the public outcry we would still be selling them these weapons. And we can be pretty sure this recent action isn't going ver too well with Textron the supplier of the munitions.

      Here is the list of countries that have signed the Convention on Cluster Munitions...

      Here is the list of the countries that haven't signed the convention.

      The next time you see some country denouncing the Syrian use of barrel bombs, check which list they are on.


    3. .

      The hypocrisy is palpable.

      The euphemisms and platitudes are legion.


  19. .

    After all that, lest there be any misunderstanding, I mean it when I say...

    Thanks to all the vets here on Memorial Day.


  20. On Dec. 7, 1941, the Empire of Japan attacked our naval base at Pearl Harbor while belatedly declaring war against us.

    Three days later, Germany declared war against us.

    I defy anyone to declare WWII an "unjust war" from the perspective of the United States.

    Once into the war, we kicked the dogshit out of Japan, and with the help of our allies, totally defeated the Germans, and freed the world from Nazi Death Camps, and Crematoriums.

    We accomplished all this in a little more than 4 Years. How would a thinking man (or, woman) not call that a "brilliant campaign?"

    1. .

      As I said above, there are rare instances of defensive or justified wars. IMO, WWII was one of them

      As for it being a 'brilliant' war, I disagree. For the most part, it was merely a bloodbath were 50 - 80 million people died depending on who you are listening to. Ignoring luck, such as the fact that the US carriers were out of port when Pearl Harbor was hit (and face it all sides had luck both good and bad throughout the war); the end result, after the US entered the war combined with major mistakes by the Axis powers (Germany invading Russia and Japan invading the US), was almost inevitable.

      Oh, there were tactics and operations some might call 'brilliant' such as Nimitz' ambush of the Japanese fleet at Midway. But these were what I would call expected given that Nimitz was a highly qualified and experienced officer and given the fact that with the US having broken the Japanese code he knew exactly were Yamamoto was going to be.

      No, the real reason the US won was not brilliance but the overwhelming industrial potential f the US economy.

      Just comparing the US to Japan. The US had...

      Nearly twice the population of Japan.
      17 time's Japan's national income.
      5 times more steel production.
      7 times more coal production.
      80 times the automobile production.

      Also, US factories and production were a lot more modern than that in Germany or Japan. And while the US may have looked weak just coming out of the depression it had tremendous potential that could be tapped almost instantaneously. Equipment utilization was low. Unemployment was high. We had both manpower and resources. We also had no problem putting our women to work unlike some of the countries we were fighting. At the time, American managerial practices lead the world and American productivity was the highest in the world.

      Compare the slack in the US economy to that of Germany or Japan both of which were running balls out and fully utilized by 1941. Adding the US access to natural resources and energy, etc. and you get the picture.

      It's been estimated that by 1941 the US' potential for war making was about...

      3 times that of Germany
      3 times that of Russia
      4 times that of the UK
      and nearly 15 times that of Japan.

      One example, in 1939 the US merchant fleet production in tonnes was just slightly above that of Japan. In 1941, it was about 5 times that of Japan.

      Add to that the motivation provided by Japan's sneak attack and Yamamoto might have been right when he spoke of waking a sleeping Giant.


    2. Yama had it right. It was an insane move. Much better for them if they had attacked up into eastern Russia, as the Germans were urging them to do. The outcome might have been much different.

      Our actions in WWII were fully justified.

  21. The vets here thank the guys that didn’t make it or got maimed for their needless trouble.

    The sad fact is that if you under 90, you did not serve in any war worth fighting and none of the wars, not a one, was about protecting any freedom or anyone in the US or one square meter of land.

    1. You really are quite the piece of anti-American work.

      Your Iranian masters would be proud

    2. You wouldn’t know since you never were in the US military. I was and would be happy to not see another wounded or dead veteran again. Your military experience is defending the Israelis, your team, that shakes down Congress for $4 billion per year and the annual shakedown has continued annually since 1967 unbelievably after The Jewish State of Israel killed and wounded over 125 American servicemen.

      You consistently excuse your tea,m that killed and wounded all those gentile US sailors.

  22. Meanwhile,

    Strikes in Syria

    Bomber, attack, and fighter aircraft conducted nine strikes in Syria:

    -- Near Raqqah, two strikes struck an ISIL vehicle bomb factory and an ISIL weapons storage center.

    -- Near Manbij, four strikes destroyed 11 ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL ammunitions facility and an ISIL heavy machine gun.

    -- Near Mar’a, three strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL tactical vehicles and an ISIL vehicle.

    Strikes in Iraq

    Attack and fighter aircraft conducted 21strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of the Iraqi government:

    -- Near Baghdadi, two strikes destroyed an ISIL vehicle bomb and an ISIL weapons cache.

    -- Near Fallujah, a strike struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions, two ISIL vehicles, two ISIL mortar systems, an ISIL vehicle bomb, an ISIL weapons cache, an ISIL tunnel entrance, and an ISIL heavy machine gun.

    -- Near Habbaniyah, two strikes struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position, 12 ISIL rocket rails, and an ISIL bunker.

    -- Near Hit, a strike struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions, two ISIL heavy machine guns, and an ISIL boat.

    -- Near Kisik, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL headquarters and destroyed an ISIL fighting position.

    -- Near Mosul, 12 strikes struck eight separate ISIL tactical units; damaged an ISIL assembly area; suppressed three ISIL tactical units and an ISIL headquarters; and destroyed 15 ISIL assembly areas, an ISIL supply cache, five ISIL weapons caches, four ISIL vehicles, and two ISIL command and control nodes.

    -- Near Qayyarah, a strike destroyed five ISIL rocket rails with rockets.


    1. An average of 25 airstrikes/day, every day, for a year and a half - I estimate that we've probably killed somewhere in the vicinity of 35,000 Headcutters since we started.

      I think that'd qualify as "doing something." :)

    2. How many women and kids did we kill?

  24. I think the zoo director made the right call, and that they damned well better get a barrier a little kid can't crawl through.

  25. Amid ISIS bombings, Iraqi troops push into Fallujah

  26. Gotta love this Drudge headline -


  27. Belmont Club

    Hiroshima as Gun Control

    By Richard Fernandez May 27, 2016

  28. Deuce ☂Mon May 30, 01:21:00 PM EDT
    Israel does not control the World. It does control the US media and both majority parties in the US Congress, Total control of the GOP and a slight lesser control of the Democrats.

    You forgot to list the banks, hollywood, diamond trade, tele com, bio technology, nanotech, cellular tech, bio tech, solar power, natural gas and of course the very nature of being..

    Yeah deuce, we got your number..

    1. Your number is throwing a seven every time anyone pricks your country, Israel.

  29. Deuce ☂Mon May 30, 12:22:00 PM EDT
    Any more Israeli Firster fairy tales for today?

    Yeah, Islam is dying and murdering each other at every higher and higher numbers by the hour.
