Friday, May 20, 2016

Colorado Republican U.S. Senate candidate Darryl Glenn reiterated his belief last week that humans are not contributing to global warming.

Glenn: Climate change, we can debate that until the cows come home, for lack of a better way of stating that. The bottom line is, I do not believe that man is contributing to that factor. We need to stand up for energy independence, and Colorado needs to lead the nation.

Rajasthan’s Phalodi sizzles at 51°C, highest ever temperature in country

| TNN | 
JAIPUR: The severe heatwave conditions intensified in dry Rajasthan on Thursday with a majority of stations witnessing maximum temperatures above 46 degrees Celsius. Phalodi in Jodhpur recorded a maximum temperature of 51 degrees Celsius - the highest temperature recorded in the country since 1956, while the state capital of Jaipur had its hottest day in last 11 years with a maximum temperature of 46.5 degrees Celsius.

Alwar, so long, had the record of registering the maximum temperature ever in the country since 1956 at 50.6 degrees Celsius. Meanwhile, the meteorological department said the heatwave condition would further aggravate in next couple of days.

"The Pink City had recorded its hottest day on May 25, 1932, when a maximum temperature read at 47.7 degrees Celsius. However, on Thursday, the maximum temperature was hottest in the last 11 years," said an officer with the Jaipur Met office.

According to Laxman Singh Rathore, director general (DG), IMD, Delhi, "It has been observed that since 2001, places in northern India, especially in Rajasthan, are witnessing a rising temperature trend every year. The main reason is the excessive use of energy and emission of carbon dioxide. Factors like urbanization and industrialization too have added to the global warming phenomenon. I think similar trend would be maintained in Rajasthan in coming days."

Phalodi was followed by Churu where a maximum temperature of 50.2 degrees Celsius was recorded. The roads in afternoon at Churu were empty as people confined themselves to their houses, while the OPD of government hospitals witnessed an increased number of patients coming with problems of heat stroke.

Churu was followed by Bikaner and Barmer where a maximum temperature of 49.5 degrees Celsius each was recorded, Sriganganagar 49.1, Jaisalmer 49.0, Jodhpur 48.8, Kota 48.2, Pilani 47.5, Udaipur 46.4, and a maximum temperature of 46.2 degrees Celsius was recorded in Ajmer.

In its forecast, Jaipur Met office said that similar conditions will prevail in the state, however, from Sunday onwards, there is a possibility of rainfall and dust storm which might provide some relief.


  1. QuirkThu May 19, 09:26:00 PM EDT

    the very idea that you need "evidence" "proof" or convincing? Is your problem.

    Thank you. The comment says it all.

    Quirk now demands that every statement made by any spokesperson of any nation be accompanied with "proof" and "evidence".

    One standard for all....

    1. .


      I don't 'demand' anything of these dolts.

      I merely laugh my ass off at the credulous fools willing to accept every self-serving comment coming out of the mouths of political or military 'leaders' without a shred of confirming evidence or corroboration from other sources. It is the definition of the useful idiot.

      In your case, I find it passing strange that you are willing to criticize your own country but find it impossible to criticize or question anything coming out of Israel.

      Glad to provide the clarification.


    2. I do find fault with Israel.

      DO it all the time.

      Sometimes you find fault with my finding fault with Israel.

      As for the specific topic of Hamas in Gaza helping the Moslem Brotherhood's offspring ISIS in Sinai?

      It's not hard to believe given the thousands of tunnels that have connected the gaza strip to the sinai, the tens of thousands of munitions, including those smuggled from libya, the fighters from Hamas leaving and fighting in the Sinai against the Egyptian government forces (since the obama supported MB was tossed from power)

      Your actual knowledge of the topic is still quite lacking.

    3. .

      If you want to buy this on the basis of this Israeli Genreral whose mandate is Gaza, go for it. Don't as me to do without providing some kind of confirming evidence.

      The things I have seen would make me question it.

      1. Egypt's closing of the Rafah crossing was the result of the Hamas affiliation with the MB not with anything to do with ISIS.

      2. Hamas denies any cooperation with ISIS.

      3. ISIS denies any cooperation with Hamas.

      4. The two organizations hate each other.

      5. Given the recent close working relationship between Israel and Egypt, you would think that any information Israel had on the alleged cooperation would be shared with Egypt; yet, I have seen nothing coming out of Egypt or any Egyptian statements on the subject reported by other sources.

      6. Hamas' main objective right now is to get Egypt to open the Rafah crossing. Why would they risk that objective by helping ISIS?

      7. There are conflicting stories like this coming out of the area.

      Israel, Hamas and Egypt form unlikely alliance against ISIS affiliate

      By Sudarsan Raghavan and William Booth

      CAIRO — The ISISs affiliate in Egypt is staging increasingly sophisticated and daring attacks, officials and analysts say, prompting Israel, Egypt and the Palestinian militant group Hamas to form an unlikely alliance against the terrorist group.

      Hamas deployed several hundred fighters last week to Gaza’s border with Egypt’s lawless northern Sinai as part of a deal with Egypt to keep ISIS militants from entering the coastal enclave.

      That came days after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised his country’s decision to build a new barrier along the Israel-Egypt border, warning that “we would have been overflowed by thousands of ISIS fighters from Sinai.”

      The growing concerns have given birth to the greatest cooperation between the militaries of Egypt and Israel since their 1979 peace deal, according to officials from both countries.

      The question is whether the militants’ ambitions can be stopped or, at least, contained...

      Yet, WiO says I am unreasonable in asking for something more than the word of this general and in fact implies that I wouldn't apply the same standard to say the comments of Josh Earnest, or Jeh Johnson, or the DOD reports coming out of Centcom in Iraq/Syria, or Hillary's saying Libya had to be invaded for 'humanitarian' reasons.

      This should be a clue to anyone who has been on this blog for any length of time that WiO is patently full of shit.


    4. .

      It's not hard to believe given the thousands of tunnels that have connected the gaza strip to the sinai, the tens of thousands of munitions, including those smuggled from libya, the fighters from Hamas leaving and fighting in the Sinai against the Egyptian government forces (since the obama supported MB was tossed from power)

      Of course, to a person like you who is merely looking for something that reinforces their confirmation bias. On the subject of Israel, you lack the ability to think logically and be objective.


  2. Quirk: I merely laugh my ass off at the credulous fools willing to accept every self-serving comment coming out of the mouths of political or military 'leaders' without a shred of confirming evidence or corroboration from other sources. It is the definition of the useful idiot.

    Do you deny the existence of the Moslem Brotherhood?

    Do you deny the historic connection between the MB and Hamas? The Connection between the MB and ISIS?

    Do you deny the presence of tens of thousands of assorted munitions smuggled thru the Sinai from Libya?

    Do you deny the Hamas's support for the MB?

    Do you deny Iran cutting off aid to Hamas because Hamas could not support Hezbollah, Iran in Syria?

    Do you deny that Hamas has helped supply and provided cover for "jihadists" in the Sinai to attack BOTH Israel and Egyptian targets?

    How much proof is needed for you to connect any dots?

    Things don't happen in a vacuum and it's the logical, closest, most plausible explanation for a ISIS presence and it's growth in the Sinai.

    if you lack historic knowledge of the area, the groups, the ideology?

    I can see how nothing makes any sense to you.

    1. my bad

      Do you deny the presence of tens of thousands of assorted munitions smuggled thru the Sinai from Libya TO GAZA?

    2. .

      Connecting the dots is a lot different than making the dots up.


    3. .

      There is no evidence of Hamas and ISIS cooperating and a lot to suggest they wouldn't cooperate.

      Maybe Mordecai got it wrong and was merely reporting on the cooperation between Israel and ISIS. After all, as I recall one of the charges was that Hamas was caring for wounded ISIS fighters.

      Hell if ISIS has both Hamas and Israel giving them medical care, who needs Obamacare?


    4. .

      Do you deny the presence of tens of thousands of assorted munitions smuggled thru the Sinai from Libya TO GAZA?

      I don't know the details but I wouldn't doubt it, just as I wouldn't doubt that the Libyan arms were smuggled to militant groups all over the ME. In fact, by all reports we helped facilitate the movement of a lot of those arms.


    5. .

      Do you deny the historic connection between the MB and Hamas? The Connection between the MB and ISIS?

      The MB has been the philosophic fountainhead for many of jihadi groups in the ME. Al Qaeda and subsequently ISIS split from them because the MB wasn't radical enough.


  3. .

    Things don't happen in a vacuum and it's the logical, closest, most plausible explanation for a ISIS presence and it's growth in the Sinai.

    Ansar Beit al-Maqdis was fighting Egypt in the Sinai for years before joining ISIS. They did for ideology but also for the weapons and training.


    1. We learned recently from Quirk that Israel has annexed and has occupation troops in Gaza.

      This move by Israel were it true would make it very easy for me to believe that Hamas may well be teaming up with anyone who can help, for instance ISIS.


      As for global warming, we don't have enough facts and figures nor reliable theory yet to know what is going on.

      On Israel and the middle east though my suggestion to the reader is to flush anything Quirk says on the subject as he has proven himself to be laughably full of shit on it.

      I often think of him as a 'dipshit' on this subject.

    2. You are the dumbest dolt in our little planetary system here, Ash

      Quart said what he said and must live with it.

      The congenial dipshit also rules out of 'Quart's Court' any Israeli or Jewish 'Commentary' and other input on the subject.

      He's been spot on with some other topics but shows his prejudice against Israel with great reliability.

      I am just warning the unwary reader.

  4. QuirkFri May 20, 11:18:00 AM EDT

    There is no evidence of Hamas and ISIS cooperating and a lot to suggest they wouldn't cooperate.

    Maybe Mordecai got it wrong and was merely reporting on the cooperation between Israel and ISIS. After all, as I recall one of the charges was that Hamas was caring for wounded ISIS fighters.

    Hell if ISIS has both Hamas and Israel giving them medical care, who needs Obamacare?

    So you deny there is a connection between the Hamas and ISIS.

    Your diversion about Obamacare is meaningless.

    I deny your denial.

    1. .

      Golly, I am surprised.

      (Sarcasm off)


    2. .

      Besides, don't put words in my mouth. What I said is that based on what I've read I doubt very much that there is any cooperation between them. Also, that is suspicious that one Israeli general seems to be the only one even suggestion that cooperation. I mean this is Israel we are talking about.

      Likewise, since you have been bringing this up for the last week you've probably forgotten that I said I was willing to accept Mordecai's claims as soon as you can produce some confirming information. To date, I have seen none.


  5. QuirkFri May 20, 11:14:00 AM EDT

    Connecting the dots is a lot different than making the dots up.
    QuirkFri May 20, 11:14:00 AM EDT

    Connecting the dots is a lot different than making the dots up.

    But we aint talking about "dots" we are talking about islamic jihadists that share an ideology and live within 20 miles of each other

  6. This should be a clue to anyone who has been on this blog for any length of time that WiO is patently full of shit.


    There is no discussing this with you.

    You are pathologically opposed to reality.

    I assert that your assertions are full of shit.

    So you keep reading the acme news papers and be stunned when the egyptians don't TELL you and the world their business

    Quirk? You are one ignorant stubborn fool.

    Seriously your retorts are nonsense.

    Generalized statements made by a college freshmen would be more specific..

    Look at a few of these:

    If you want to buy this on the basis of this Israeli Genreral whose mandate is Gaza, go for it. Don't as me to do without providing some kind of confirming evidence.

    ---Yeah the Israeli general who overseas Gaza wouldn't know shit...

    quirk: The things I have seen would make me question it.

    Like what Tea Leaves?

    Quirk: 1. Egypt's closing of the Rafah crossing was the result of the Hamas affiliation with the MB not with anything to do with ISIS.

    And yet you cannot MAKE the connection of the MB to ISIS...l

    You are one dense fucker

    QUIRK: 2. Hamas denies any cooperation with ISIS.

    WOW, say it aint so Joe... hamas DENIES it...

    Well that's proof

    QUIRK: 3. ISIS denies any cooperation with Hamas.

    WOW, that's PROOF.... you take the word of terrorists over the word of an Israeli General on the cooperation of ISIS and Hamas in Sinai

    Quirk: 4. The two organizations hate each other.

    Wow, that's proof... I guess no 2 groups in the arab world ever worked together that hated each other.

    Sometimes quirk you are one dumb motherfucker...

    The PA/Hamas unity government... They HATE each other, they toss each other off roof tops, they kneecap each other, torture each other... But wait, they are in a government together ...

    5. Given the recent close working relationship between Israel and Egypt, you would think that any information Israel had on the alleged cooperation would be shared with Egypt; yet, I have seen nothing coming out of Egypt or any Egyptian statements on the subject reported by other sources.

    WHY? Are you on crack?

    6. Hamas' main objective right now is to get Egypt to open the Rafah crossing. Why would they risk that objective by helping ISIS?

    Once again your stupid, naive, lack of understanding projects on to the topic.

    Hamas doesn't want egypt to open the crossing, if it did that hamas would not be able to TAX the goods coming thru the tunnels.

    Hamas's main goal is getting ready for the next war.

    Quirk you are dumb. seriously stupid is as stupid does...

    7. There are conflicting stories like this coming out of the area.

    In closing Quirk, you are really full of shit.

    1. .

      You are an idiot, WiO. I would go over all the points again but it's a waste of my time.

      You just don't get it. I don't have to prove anything. You are the one that posted Mordecai's charges. I simply said I don't believe them, that there is nothing out there, no evidence provided by him, no confirming charges coming out of Egypt or anyone else, no nothing.

      If you want to believe the guy, go for it, dipshit.

      But don't ask me to do it without evidence. Remember, this is Israel we are talking about, a country where the prime minister is a bigger liar than Hillary Clinton and says things stupider than Donald Trump. And as they say, shit runs down hill.


    2. You forget the big difference, WiO, the U.S. had the balls to admit what
      we were doing.

      Israel didn't. They still refuse to say that they have effectively annexed
      the West Bank, Gaza, parts of East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. Until
      they admit it, under international law, they are an occupying force.



      I call Quirk 'Quart' when he seems to have been drinking, even though he's given it up.

      Here, in this recent example, he has Israel having annexed Gaza, and occupying it with troops.

      A gentle interpretation is that it's simply his old ingrained Polish Roman Catholicism coming out.

      It may be some other malady, perhaps blockage of information flows in the brain.

      Me Niece might be able to help him with this.

    3. My Niece....little info flow blockage there....

  7. Trump is giving a good speech being covered by Fox now.

    1. NRA endorses Trump.

      This is somewhat unusual as they often don't endorse anyone.

      But they understand the dangers of Hillary Clinton to our liberties.

  8. Islam at its finest -

    Daily Mail: ISIS executes 25 people by lowering them into NITRIC ACID

    Hot Air

  9. Big to-do at White House....shots fired....somebody in hospital....whole area locked down..

  10. Mechanical failure is looking a little more likely than terrorism in the downing of the EgyptianAir craft right now.

    The Donald may have gotten this one wrong.

    Only the black box knows for sure...

  11. Quirk: But don't ask me to do it without evidence. Remember, this is Israel we are talking about, a country where the prime minister is a bigger liar than Hillary Clinton and says things stupider than Donald Trump. And as they say, shit runs down hill.

    Now that says it all....

    Now you can go back to your self imposed bubble of idiocy.

    Please do me a favor, boycott Israel and anything it creates.

    Do not take the weekend off, please don't.

    You do not deserve a "weekend"....

    1. Yeah Israel, not America where we have a leader that doesn't believe in the laws, a Sec of State that praises Iran as it kidnaps our soldiers and I could go on and on...

      yeah, I'd support Israel and her word, her leaders over Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Clinton and Kerry in a nanosecond.

      You deserve Obama and Hillary

    2. .

      You do not deserve a "weekend"....


      :o) :o)

      :o) :o) :o)

      "No weekend for you..."


      You guys crack me up.


    3. Quirk, I hereby revoke your TGIF privilege.

      Please do not take one day a week off as it's a Jewish contribution to the world and we all KNOW what you feel about jews and their contributions.

      No proof or evidence that the G-d of Israel exists that would satisfy you?

      Then you don't get to have the concept of "week end"


      Dont agree?

      Write Bibi a letter of apology.

    4. .


      But Bibi ought to apologize to all of us. In 2002, as former PM and expert on all things ME he took part in a Congressional panel for the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, looking into the alleged threat from Iraq. He said...

      “There is no question whatsoever that Saddam is seeking and is working and is advancing towards the development of nuclear weapons – no question whatsoever,” And is no question that once he acquires it, history shifts immediately..."


      "There’s no question that [Saddam] has not given upon on his nuclear program, not [sic] whatsoever. There is also no question that he was not satisfied with the arsenal of chemical and biological weapons that he had and was trying to perfect them constantly…So I think, frankly, it is not serious to assume that this man, who 20 years ago was very close to producing an atomic bomb, spent the last 20 years sitting on his hands. He has not. And every indication we have is that he is pursuing, pursuing with abandon, pursuing with every ounce of effort, the establishment of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons."

      And he continues...

      "If anyone makes an opposite assumption or cannot draw the lines connecting the dots, that is simply not an objective assessment of what has happened. Saddam is hell-bent on achieving atomic bombs, atomic capabilities, as soon as he can..."

      Gee, that all sounds so familiar...

      The evidence...


      "And every indication we have is that he is pursuing, pursuing with abandon, pursuing with every ounce of effort, the establishment of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons."


      General Mordacai says Hamas is cooperating with ISIS.

      The preemptive rebuttal...


      "If anyone makes an opposite assumption or cannot draw the lines connecting the dots, that is simply not an objective assessment of what has happened."


      Connect the dots. It's all so obvious. If you deny it, you are an Israel hating idiot.

      And if we ignore those obvious facts, the Threat...


      “And is no question that once he acquires it, history shifts immediately..."


      No weekends for you.



    5. .

      Luckily, no one bothered to ask Bibi and his other bros on the committee to provide some independent cooberating evidence.


    6. You sound like Rat.

      Two unconnected points (dots) that share nothing in common except by the most shallow of circumstances..

      Iraq and Saddam and WMD verses Hamas and Isis cooperating..

      Yeah that's rat's logic..

      a kite has a tail,

      a cat has a tail,

      hense a kite is a cat..

      stupid quirk, no weekend for you.

    7. .

      My [point is a simple one. Every statement coming out of the mouth of any politician or military man should be questioned and wen I say ANY I mean any.

      Anyone who doubts it, who willingly accepts what they are fed without question is simply a useful idiot, a sheeple, and a fool.

      Anyone who has no arguments left and so turns to violating the Godwin rule or charging some other form of racism or bigotry is pitiful and disgusting.



    1. Looking like the end of el camino for el chapo.

      Maybe he'll end up in the same federal prison as Hillary 'Livia Drusilla' Clinton.

      We can hope !

    2. Hillary said recently that she's "not going to get into defending the honor of my husband".


      A wise decision.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. .

    Don and I both know it's terrorism.

    The mechanic did it. In the hanger. With a torque wrench.


    1. That puts it in a slightly new category - that of 'mechanical terrorism'.

    2. Old Category
      Alaska Airlines engaged in long term 'mechanical terrorism'

      ...faked the maintenance records and simply failed to lubricate the elevator mechanism in the tail, and waited for it to fail.

      Ultimately, it did, and passengers and crew were treated to one final loop de loop fun ride prior to impact in the Pacific 2 miles from Anacapa Island, off Santa Barbara.

      A mechanic was working undercover with the FAA or whoever, and even though he pointed out this particular issue with this particular plane, nothing was done until after the disaster.
      Alaska was fined half a million, he lost his job!
      Not a nice experience for the pilots to gradually lose pitch control, try to fix it with trim, and ultimately have it completely fail and take them inverted, etc. etc.
      Better to be blown out of the sky.

  15. Ultimate Downer:



    ...will bring Rufus back to lord it over us for however many of the next eight years each one of us continues to live.

    1. I agree.

      Criminal/Commie would be hard to beat.

      I might give up watching Fox, and turn to the Bible until The Nightmare is over....

  16. EgyptAir flight attendant posted picture on Facebook of plane crashing a year before she died in flight MS804

    By Robert Spencer on May 20, 2016 02:22 pm

    EgyptAir flight attendant posted picture on Facebook of plane crashing a year before she died in flight MS804

    What a coincidence. Might Samar Ezz Eldin have been part of a jihad cell that worked to take down the plane? The possibility cannot be dismissed out of hand. “EgyptAir cabin crew posted picture of plane crashing on Facebook year before tragic flight MS804,” by Simon Robb,, May 20, 2016: A flight attendant on […]
    Read in browser »

  17. May 21, 2016

    Hillary's other woman may be named Jill

    By Silvio Canto, Jr.

    The media didn't see the great Democratic crackup of 2016 coming. They were obsessed 24/7 with the divisions in the GOP.

    Under President Obama, the Democrats have lost state houses in most of the country, the U.S. House and then the U.S. Senate.

    Add the fact that ObamaCare is falling apart and you have a very restless base that didn't get to enjoy any of that "Hope and Change" that they were promised.

    The base's anger is what the Sanders' campaign is all about. I should add that Mr. Sanders is the only Democrat telling the truth about the Obama economy.

    Enter Dr. Jill Stein of The Green Party. I just read their platform and it could have been written by Senator Sanders!

    Where are all of those "Sanderistas" going this November? Many will go Green. I believe that it's very possible that Dr. Stein could get 5% of the vote in many states and deny Mrs. Clinton a lot of those blue states that she's supposed to win.

    Can Mr. Trump carry New Jersey or Pennsylvania? Yes, with a little help from the Greens!

    There have been a lot of other women in the Clinton's story. However, the one who may deny her presidency is one named Dr. Jill Stein!

    P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

  18. What's needed here is a humility, not a humidity, chamber.

    Go away.

  19. What you say??

    Shut your mouth...

    YERUSHALAYIM - The Coordinator of Government Activity in the Territories Maj. Gen. Yoav Mordechai released on Thursday fresh details concerning cooperation between Hamas and Islamic State in the Sinai.

    The new information came following a flat denial by a Hamas spokesman of any cooperation with ISIS.

    In response, Mordechai disclosed information about ISIS operatives who have received medical treatment in Gaza hospitals, including one who had been wounded in a shooting incident with Egyptian soldiers in Sinai.

    When asked if it were not possible that he was spreading disinformation aimed at creating tension between Hamas and Egypt, Mordechai named Ibrahim Mattar from Rafiach, a Hamas member who has overseen the medical assistance given to ISIS operatives in return for financial payment.

    In recent months, senior Hamas officials have been working to strengthen ties with Egypt in the hope of effecting a more lenient policy toward Gaza, including the opening of the Rafiach crossing.

    At the same time, Hamas has maintained its connection to Iran and Islamic and Salafist extremists in Sinai, that the Egyptians have been fighting.

    dig dig dig

    BTW WHEN israel spreads lies among the Hamas, PA and other assorted savages? They don't use the press, all they have to do is whisper it in the right ear....

    Or maybe they put something in the hamas tunnels they discover BEFORE they allow them to blow up.. :)


      According to the report published in the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram, al-Shater transferred large sums of money to Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri so that he could take control of radical Islamic organizations operating in the Sinai.

      He also gave at least $5 million to Hamas's Al-Qassam Brigades, to encourage them to assist in terror activities on the Brotherhood's behalf.

      Matar noted that al-Shater was in contact with senior commanders in the Al-Qassam Brigades, including Marwan Issa and Muhammad Sanwar; that he visited the training camp of Al-Qassam Brigades; and that al-Shater also met with senior Hamas officials, including Ismail Haniyeh.

      Shater was apprehended by Egyptian security forces as he tried to return to Egypt through one of the tunnels on the Rafah border. Videos documenting military training in Gaza were found in his possession.

      what you say?

      Shut your mouth.

  20. quirk:
    But Bibi ought to apologize to all of us. In 2002, as former PM and expert on all things ME he took part in a Congressional panel for the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, looking into the alleged threat from Iraq. He said...

    “There is no question whatsoever that Saddam is seeking and is working and is advancing towards the development of nuclear weapons – no question whatsoever,” And is no question that once he acquires it, history shifts immediately..."

    In 2002

    saddam was working on WMD

    Didn't say they were an easy button FINISHED.

    Your level of rational discourse has sunk to new levels quirk.

    You are Rat. (metaphorically)

  21. Quirk, as for your Israel hatred?

    You have made that clear.

    No weekend for you.

    But if you celebrate Christmas with your grandkids?

    I want you to remember that Jesus, the Jew, was a ZIONIST.

    And he hates you....

    1. .

      I want you to remember that Jesus, the Jew, was a ZIONIST.

      Careful, someone will think your serious.


  22. What you say????

    JORDAN restricting Gazans????

    Shut your mouth....

    GAZA - Abu Abdallah, the owner of a women's fashion store in Gaza, traveled to Jordan seven times last year so he could fly on to Turkey and Egypt looking for new stock. This year, he has not been allowed out of the fenced-in strip once.

    Under President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, Egypt has applied even stricter measures since 2013, barely ever opening its border with Gaza at Rafah and flooding a network of tunnels along the frontier to stop smuggling.

    A remaining lifeline for Gaza's 1.95 million residents was a transit permit from Jordan, allowing the bearer to travel through Israel and the West Bank to Jordan. But Jordan has now cut back those permits, residents and rights groups say, leaving Gazans in despair and livelihoods at risk.

    "I have been going around like crazy, trying to find a reason or someone who can help. If this continues I may lose my work," said Abu Abdallah, 43, who had to delay the opening of a second store because he could not travel to buy stock.

    "With Egypt's crossing almost always closed, I am trapped like a rabbit in a cage," he told Reuters at his shop, decorated with mannequins dressed in clothes from Turkey.

    Jordan says it has not changed policy, but rights groups say many fewer permits have been approved since last August. A Palestinian official with knowledge of transit to Jordan said the number of travelers from Gaza had dropped to around 10 a day, from dozens each day in 2015.

    In a letter, Human Rights Watch this week called on the Jordanian authorities to ease the restrictions, saying it was making the situation for Gazans ever more difficult.

    "Palestinians from Gaza have found it increasingly difficult to get permission to transit through Jordan to travel abroad, without any explanation for the change," HRW's Middle East director Sarah Leah Whitson wrote to the Jordanian authorities.

    "Jordan certainly should control its borders but it should continue to recognize the special duties it has toward those whose freedom of movement from Gaza it has facilitated until now."

    An official in Jordan, which has been struggling to handle an influx of refugees from the wars in Syria and Iraq, told Reuters the policy had not changed but did not elaborate.

    Oh no you didn't.....

    Jordan restricts Gazans...

    Aint that a peachy pie....

    Now what are those Gazans DOING in Gaza...

    Since 2006, following Hamas's victory in elections and a short conflict between Israel and Hamas, the population of Gaza has increased by 500,000 - more than 30 percent.

    Sounds like a whole lots of baby making going on...

    Dont sound like they are being genocided to well....

    1. Egypt opens Rafah only a few days every three months. It last opened it on May 11 for 48 hours, allowing 700 people to cross, mostly medical cases and students. That was a fraction of the 30,000 who applied.

      What you say????

      Egypt has a border with Gaza and CONTROLS it?????

      Shut your mouth......

  23. Quirk's Israeli occupation troops in annexed Gaza aren't doing an acceptable job.

    1. Yeah some open air prison controlled by the Jews...

      they gave keys to the Egyptians

  24. Why Hillary Clinton is sinking faster than the Titanic

    Wayne Allyn Root
    ·Published May 20, 2016

    I’ve predicted publicly for a year now that Hillary Clinton, although a prohibitive favorite, still may never become the Democratic Party’s nominee.

    Don’t look now, but at this moment Hillary is still far from a sure thing to become the Democratic standard-bearer. This week, she lost Oregon and barely squeaked by in Kentucky. Bernie has now won 11 of the last 14 primaries and caucuses.

    I ask Democrats, is this your nominee? The winner of your presidential nomination has lost just shy of 80 percent of her races coming down the homestretch. If Hillary were a racehorse with that record, she’d be sent home.

    Call me crazy but don't presumptive nominees usually win about 80 percent of their races? This has to be the first time in history the leader of her party has lost 80 percent of them. I'm not sure you call someone like that a "leader" or "nominee." Usually you call someone like that..."loser!"

    Hillary is certainly still the favorite -- if only because of the scam of superdelegates. The Democratic nomination is basically rigged. Because of those superdelegates Hillary already has the nomination locked up. But she appears to be crawling on her knees, over razor blades, towards the finish line.

    First, while she’s the clear-cut delegate winner and we all know that everyone loves a winner, it’s gotta be downright frightening for Democrats that she still can’t put away a wild-eyed radical socialist from Vermont who wants tax rates as high as 90 percent and would add an estimated $18 trillion to the national debt.

    Then, there’s the FBI. They are closing in. No matter how many times Hillary or her delusional aides claim the investigation is only a “security inquiry” it doesn't change reality.

    FBI Director Comey recently set them straight. Turns out the FBI doesn’t do “security inquiries.” Hillary is the subject of a “criminal investigation.”

    1. Then there’s that millstone hanging around Hillary’s neck -- Bill Clinton. Can you become president when your husband’s past behavior with women raises more questions every day? We’re about to find out.

      The stories about Bill’s reckless and possibly criminal behavior keep popping out of the closet. First there’s the beautiful blonde “friend” who got $2 million from the Clinton Global Initiative and another $800,000 in government contracts with Bill's help. Don’t we all wish we had friends like that?

      Worse, there’s the new disclosure that Bill took 26 flights on a sex offender’s plane, an aircraft actually called “The Lolita Express.” It flew nonstop to “Orgy Island” where old men cavorted with young (13 to 15-year old) girls. Bill flew five times on this aircraft without his Secret Service detail. This isn’t a scandal, it’s a disaster for Hillary.

      It’s already May and now the question is: Can Hillary crawl past the primary finish line? And if she does, will she be so crippled for the general election that she becomes a sitting duck for Donald Trump?

      Have you seen the latest polls? Last week the experts were shocked to see Hillary tied with Trump. This week it got even worse. In the latest Fox News poll Trump leads Hillary.

      I have close friends in high Democratic Party circles. Trust me, they are beginning to panic. They are starting to think about Plan B… and that doesn’t include either Hillary or Bernie being their nominee.

      So let me lay out a very plausible scenario. What if Hillary’s approval ratings slide continues? What if over the next 60 to 90 days she finds herself down by 5 to 7 points to Trump? What if she goes down by double digits? Would the panic become hysteria?

      What if the FBI recommends indicting Hillary over the email scandal -- my law enforcement sources tell me this is a very real possibility.

      But it gets worse. Have you heard that Russia claims to have 10,000 of Hillary's hacked emails? They say they will release them. If this is the case, Hillary better stop worrying about the White House and start worrying about the Big House.

      Would President Obama allow the Justice Department to indict his former secretary of state? I used to think “no.” But I now believe the answer to that question depends on only one factor -- is Hillary beating Trump?

      Every Washington insider knows that Obama has no love or loyalty for Hillary.

      I’m betting if Obama senses Hillary is a sinking Titanic -- and he still has time before the convention -- he will throw her under the bus.

      At this point, I would guess the president gives Hillary a choice that is no choice at all. Be indicted, lose the presidential race, and risk a long jail term, or announce to the world that your cough has become a real medical issue and you will have to decline the nomination, then receive a presidential pardon.

      That means all her delegates become free agents and a new nominee can be substituted at the Democratic convention in July.

      I’ve always predicted Obama would prefer Joe Biden or Elizabeth Warren as the nominee, or the combination of Biden/Warren. He may yet get his wish. But this much I know:

      Hillary is sinking faster than the Titanic

  25. Iran gives Hezbollah it's leadership.

    How Iran Shapes Hezbollah

    Following the mysterious death of Hezbollah senior military commander Mustafa Badreddine in Syria last week, speculation continues to swirl over the identity of his possible successor. The prevailing theory holds that this role will fall to Ibrahim Aqil and/or Fuad Shukr, ranking members of Hezbollah’s military council and veterans of the group and its security apparatus. However, a report in the London-based Asharq al-Awsat on Tuesday, citing anonymous Lebanese sources, claimed that Hezbollah had decided to name Mustafa Mughniyeh, the son of its former military commander, Imad Mughniyeh, as Badreddine's replacement.

    Mustafa's brother Jihad was killed last year in an Israeli strike while in a convoy with senior Iranian and Hezbollah officials in Quneitra. Unlike Jihad, who was frequently seen in public and in photographs, little is known about Mustafa.

    Remember how some here always claimed that Iran never had any troops outside of Iran in a 150 years?

    Now they are dying daily in Syria..

    And their hand picked stormtroopers?

    Dying next to them.

    Not in Iran, not in Lebanon (but hopefully there too)

    In Syria...

    Iran is now telling the world the next round of targets.


  26. 17 ISIS militants including prominent leaders killed near Fallujah

    ( Anbar – A security source in Anbar Province announced on Saturday, that 17 members of the so-called ISIS had been killed or wounded in a shelling conducted by the Iraqi aircraft in Fallujah (62 km west of Baghdad), while pointed out that the dead included a number of ISIS leaders and suicide bombers who were planning to target the capital, Baghdad.

    The source said in a statement followed by, “Falcons Intelligence Cell observed a group of 11 ISIS suicide bombers in a headquarters near the city of Fallujah,” indicating that, “The security forces monitored the headquarters for several days.”

    The source, who asked anonymity, added, “The Iraqi Air Force aircraft backed by the Joint Operations Command carried out an air strike, resulting in the destruction of the headquarters, as well as killing 13 ISIS terrorists, including nine suicide bombers, and injuring 4 others.”


    1. Strikes in Syria

      Attack, bomber, ground attack and remotely piloted aircraft conducted seven strikes in Syria:

      -- Near Raqqah, four strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL weapons cache and destroyed an ISIL oil pump-jack and an ISIL checkpoint.

      -- Near Ayn Isa, a strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position.

      -- Near Mara, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and three ISIL command and control nodes.

      Strikes in Iraq

      Bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft and rocket artillery conducted 18 strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of Iraq’s government:

      -- Near Baghdadi, a strike destroyed an ISIL anti-air artillery piece.

      -- Near Huwayjah, a strike suppressed an ISIL mortar position.

      -- Near Fallujah, three strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed an ISIL improvised explosive device cache, two ISIL staging areas and an ISIL excavator.

      -- Near Habbaniyah, a strike suppressed an ISIL mortar position.

      -- Near Kisik, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position, an ISIL heavy machine gun, an ISIL-used bridge and four ISIL-used culverts.

      -- Near Mosul, four strikes struck four separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed an ISIL fighting position, two ISIL assembly areas, three ISIL vehicles, an ISIL supply cache, an ISIL weapons cache and an ISIL rocket rail.

      -- Near Qayyarah, two strikes struck an ISIL weapons cache and destroyed an ISIL mortar system.

      -- Near Rawah, a strike struck an ISIL staging area and an ISIL safe house.

      -- Near Sinjar, a strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL assembly area.

      -- Near Tal Afar, two strikes destroyed an ISIL vehicle storage area, two ISIL weapons caches, two ISIL command and control nodes, and an ISIL IED facilitation node.

  27. EgyptAir black box recovered. Cause of crash should soon be known.

  28. The Socialist Republic of Venezuela is looking at 2,000% inflation this year. (Fox News)

    That's where Bernie wants to take us.

    1. (our college students don't know jack shit)

    2. Venezuela, where hamburger is officially $170...

      Socialist paradise turned living hell...

      'We are like a bomb'....DRUDGE

  29. Another A- Rated Pollster, NBC/WSJ, will be out this weekend, with a poll that I predict will show Hillary Clinton up by about 8 points, plus or minus a bit.

    538 ranks both ABC/Wash Post and NBC/WSJ, but I have to look at ABC just a little more favorably, due to their more prolific calling of cellphones (65% vs. NBC's approx. 50%.)

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. .

    What you say????

    Egypt has a border with Gaza and CONTROLS it?????

    Gaza is a prison. It was originally set up by Israel. Then Egypt joined in.

    I have never argued that Egypt doesn't share in the control of Gaza. You on the other hand have argued that since Egypt is involved Israel has no responsibility even though Israel controls 10 times the area Egypt does and maintains a blockade of the coast.

    If you want to say Egypt shares the responsibility or even that what they do is equivalent to what Israel does, I have no problem with that. But don't be ridiculous in arguing that Israel has no responsibility for operating a prison.

    If you have any doubts, read this...

    Gaza-Egypt Border

    Buffer zone by Israel

    As early as 1971, Israel started mass house demolitions throughout the Gaza camps, including the two camps near Rafah, displacing some 4,000 refugees.[4] Some of them were resettled in Canada Camp, others in the Rafah Brazil Quarter. Until 2000, the Israel Defense Forces(IDF) used a 20-40 meter wide buffer zone along the Gaza/Egypt border with a 2.5 to 3 meters high concrete wall topped with barbed wire.[5]

    Israel built a barrier and a 200–300 meter buffer zone in the Philadelphi route during the Palestinian uprisings of the early 2000s. It was made mostly of corrugated sheet metal, with stretches of concrete topped with barbed wire.[6] The construction of the buffer zone required the demolition of entire blocks of houses at the main entrance to Rafah's central thoroughfare, as well as in the Al-Brazil block, Tel al Sultan and "Block O".[5]

    2001–03 expansion

    Since 2001, the IDF has routinely demolished Palestinian houses in Rafah, to create a buffer zone. In 2002, the IDF destroyed hundreds of houses in Rafah, needed for expansion of the buffer zone and the building of an eight meter high and 1.6 kilometers long metal wall along the border. The wall also extends two meters underground. The wall is built some eighty to ninety meters from the border, which doubled the width of the patrol corridor. After the metal wall was completed in early 2003, the demoltions continued and were even increased dramatically. According to Human Rights Watch, the wall was built far inside the demolished area to create a new starting point for justifying further demolitions.[5]
    2004 expansion, Operation Rainbow

    After the death on 12 May 2004 of 5 Israeli soldiers who were operating in the buffer zone, the Government approved on 13 May a plan to further expand the buffer zone, which would require the demolition of hundreds of homes.[7] The Israeli military recommended demolishing all homes within three hundred meters of its positions, or about four hundred meters from the border. The plan elicited strong international criticism.

    On 14 May, a large IDF force entered the "Brazil block" of Rafah and in a heavy fighting, as reported by UNWRA, 12 Palestinians were killed and 52 injured...

    The article goes on and gets to the Egyptian actions and timeframe.


  32. Hamas really ought to take that 'push the Jews into the Sea clause' out of their Charter.

    They really should.

    It looks bad.

    And it worries the Israelis, along with the missiles smuggled in from sea and land which they fire at Israel, along with the tunnels they dig for attacks into Israel.

    Thus Israel is compelled to take defensive measures.

    1. It's a genocide clause, is what it is....

      Sane people look unfavorably to such intentions, and groups.

  33. .

    YERUSHALAYIM - The Coordinator of Government Activity in the Territories Maj. Gen. Yoav Mordechai released on Thursday fresh details concerning cooperation between Hamas and Islamic State in the Sinai...

    Mordecai, minister in charge of the ISIS/Hamas portfolio.

    When asked if it were not possible that he was spreading disinformation aimed at creating tension between Hamas and Egypt, Mordechai named Ibrahim Mattar from Rafiach, a Hamas member who has overseen the medical assistance given to ISIS operatives in return for financial payment.

    In the three articles we have seen put up here, Mordecai has named an Hamas member he claims is responsible but does this really prove anything? The man runs Israel's Gaza section. Surely, he has a long list of Hamas members he can pin charges on if he chooses whether they are true or not.

    BTW WHEN israel spreads lies among the Hamas, PA and other assorted savages? They don't use the press, all they have to do is whisper it in the right ear....

    From his mouth to your ear.



    1. .

      I wasn't able to locate the story in the Egyptian state-run newspaper, Al-Ahram, but I did go back to the link you posted and checked out the complete story.

      Ibrahim Matar, the representative of the "Tatir" (lit. purification) movement, presented a copy of the documents, which he claims are authentic. The documents allege the involvement of senior Muslim Brotherhood official Khairat el-Shater in terrorist acts committed in the Sinai Peninsula against Egyptian security forces. Those attacks not only were carried out in connection with Al-Qaeda, but were also assisted by Hamas's military wing, Matar alleges.

      So the main proof for the allegations are documents provided by a guy named Matar from the Tatir movement. I was unable to find any information on Matir or the Tatir Movement through a google search. So, the only thing I have to go by is the Israeli news report.

      That article goes on to say that the documents claim that el-Shater, the MB representative

      1. Gave money to ISIS to support terrorist operations.
      2. Paid money to Hamas to support terrorist operations.
      3. When el Shater was captured in one of the tunnels he was carrying film of military training exercises in Gaza.
      4. He confessed to recruiting Hamas to aid in training MB groups.

      What he didn't confess to was any connection between ISIS and Hamas. As for Mater's 'documents' Hamas calls them a forgery. As for el-Shater's confession, if it exists, it was no doubt given in Egypt's Tora prison, famous for its torture and the same place the US used for 'extraordinary rendition' during the Bush year's.


      what you say?

      I say more intricate than Mordecai's blank statements and that there may be some truth in the overall report but if you are using it to show a connection between Hamas and ISIS rather than between ISIS and the MB it's still pretty thin. I remain skeptical.

      For the same logical ‘connect the dots’ reasons I reject Mordecai’s.



    2. .

      Sorry, the above response was to

      What is "Occupation"Sat May 21, 08:41:00 AM EDT

      what you say?

      Shut your mouth.


    3. .

      At the same time it was being reported in The Times of Israel article that Mordecai was saying Hamas was aiding ISIS, ISIS was actually fighting ISIS in Syria and Gaza.

      ISIS militants besieging a Palestinian refugee camp in Syria's capital have savagely beheaded the leaders of a Hamas-linked group opposed to President Bashar Assad, it has been claimed.

      Having seized control of up to 90 per cent of the Yarmouk camp in south Damascus, the jihadis posted gruesome images showing the severed heads of two alleged members of Aknaf Beit al-Maqdis online.

      Like ISIS, the Palestinian group has declared Israel its sworn enemy, although its presence in Yarmouk has until now been to defend the camp's 18,000 residents from a crippling two year siege carried out by the Assad regime.

      ISIS' decision to publicly execute the men - as well as reports of the deaths of dozens more Palestinians during clashes inside Yarmouk - has prompted outrage in Gaza, where hundreds of furious Hamas supporters swore bloody revenge on the terror group during a march yesterday....

      Read more:


      A Gaza Strip group claiming to be linked to the Islamic State (IS or ISIS or ISIL or Daesh) has given Hamas, the governing authority of the Gaza Strip, a 48-hour deadline to stop cracking down on the members of the group.

      The group calls itself the “Islamic State supporters in Bayt al-Maqdis (Jerusalem)” (ISIS in Gaza), and is linked to Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis (Supporters of Jerusalem), a group in Egypt’s Sinai that has committed numerous terrorist bombings that we have reported on several times.

      The ISIS in Gaza group has been conducting terror attacks against Hamas targets for the last couple of months, and Hamas has been cracking down on the group by arresting dozens of its members.

      On Monday, the ISIS in Gaza group sent a statement to the media giving Hamas 48 hours to end the crackdown. The statement did not say what the group would do if the crackdown continued.

      The statement included a claim taking responsibility for a rocket fired at Israel from Gaza last week. That claim could not be verified, but the rocket firing did occur on Tuesday, and early on Wednesday the Israeli Air Force attacked four targets in the Gaza Strip in response.

      However, following the rocket firing, Hamas security forces arrested a number of militants from the al-Quds Brigade, the armed wing of Islamic Jihad. At the same time, Egyptian officials on Wednesday demanded that “Israel hold its aggression,” and practice restraint toward the Gaza strip. Jerusalem Post (27-May) and AP and Times of Israel


  34. Black boxes of Flight #804 haven't been found, after all....

  35. Why wouldn't Hillary choose Bernie if she had to?

    1. I don't know of any reason why she wouldn't.

      Don't know how Bernie would feel about it, either.

    2. Has Bernie said she's not fit to be Pres ?

      So many have said that about so many this year.

      It would be hard to run with someone who had said you weren't fit to be Pres.

      Wouldn't it ?

    3. Not for an ambitious Commie Hippie.

    4. Vice President and career politician Joe Biden spoke candidly at a Democratic fundraising event Thursday night in Chicago, saying he’s glad he’s never had “a real job”—because people with real jobs “have to produce.”

      I think that is true for Bernie, also, as well as Hillary and Obama.

    5. Vice President Joe Biden offered a frank assessment of his career in remarks at a Democratic fundraiser in Chicago Thursday night. According to a White House pool report, Biden, surrounded by the city’s movers and shakers, praised former Mayor Richard M. Daley and then said: “I never had an interest in being a mayor ’cause that’s a real job. You have to produce. That’s why I was able to be a senator for 36 years.”

      Biden was elected to the Senate in November 1972, when he was 29 years old. When he took office in January 1973, he had turned 30, the minimum age set in the Constitution for membership in the Senate. Biden served in the Senate from that time until January 2009, when he became vice president.

  36. Community Organizer in Chief.

  37. The real "news" this cycle is the movement of the "white, college-educated" away from the Republican Party to the Democrats.

    The trend-line would predict that cohort to vote approx. 57% Republican. Right now, it's favoring the Dems by probably between 4 and 10 percent (CBS/NYT Poll, and Reuters Ipsos, respectively.)

    This has thrown the polling somewhat out-of-whack, inasmuch as differentiating between "white, college educated, and white, non-college has never been a really large necessity - white, college educated has normally only differed by 4 or 5 points from non-college educated.

    1. Admittedly, the White, College Educated will drift home to mama, but 11 to 15 points is pretty far from shore; I wouldn't want to bet on them making it all the way home.

    2. Certainly stands to reason, what with 95 percent of Profs and Curriculum being hard left.


      Open exchange of ideas.


    3. AAUP: U of Missouri Violated Rights of Professor Melissa Click

      The original video shows a human wall composed of students, faculty, and alumni formed around the camp to keep the media from advancing. When videographer Mark Schierbecker approached Click, the communications professor grabbed Schierbecker’s camera and told him he needed to leave, saying, “I need some muscle over here!”

      Another video later surfaced showing Click berating members of the Columbia Police Department. She joined members of Concerned Student 1950 to block former UM System President Tim Wolfe’s car at the University’s homecoming parade, and when told to leave, responded to the police with, “Get your fucking hands off me!”

    4. Such a warm and pleasant beauty:

  38. .

    What is "Occupation"Sat May 21, 08:44:00 AM EDT

    But Bibi ought to apologize to all of us. In 2002, as former PM and expert on all things ME he took part in a Congressional panel for the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, looking into the alleged threat from Iraq. He said...

    “There is no question whatsoever that Saddam is seeking and is working and is advancing towards the development of nuclear weapons – no question whatsoever,” And is no question that once he acquires it, history shifts immediately..."]

    In 2002

    saddam was working on WMD

    Didn't say they were an easy button FINISHED.

    Your level of rational discourse has sunk to new levels quirk.

    You are Rat. (metaphorically)

    Damn, WiO, have you been living in a cave for the last 13 years? Haven't you heard the Bush claims for justifying the Iraq war have been totally discredited. Mention the UN speech to Colin Powell and he just slinks away. The 'aluminum tubes' that turned out to be sleeves for artillery shells? The yellow-cake fiasco? The moving WMD labs that weren't? The forgeries and faked documents? Chalabi? Curveball? Don't you remember any of this?

    Are you willing to give up the last pretense of your dignity to defend a guy who openly lies about everything?

    He lied about Iraq's WMDs. The following year he was caught on film bragging about the way he could manipulate America and how he had managed to destroy the Oslo Accords while at the same time he was arguing that he wanted peace negotiations with the Palestinians. One minute he is saying there will never be a Palestinian state on his watch. The next he says he is willing to sit down and negotiate at any time. He lied about the Iran deal. His etch-a-sketch cartoon bomb speech at the UN was embarrassing. The Germans are outraged about him misrepresenting Merkel's words on settlements. Good lord, the man even tried to excuse Hitler for coming up with the idea of the holocaust.

    These are just off the top of my head. I'm sure if I went to google and searched for 'Bibi's Biggest Lies' I could fill up a few pages.

    Good heavens, WiO, think.


    1. I Googled 'Quirk's Worst Crocks of Shit' and was directed right here to these recent posts of yours.

      The one about Israel annexing and occupying Gaza was at the top in big black letters.

  39. Saddam had gas, a prohibited item.

    1. It was all that goat meat.

    2. Iraq, Israel, Saddam Hussein, Syria, Weapons, WMD

      Saddam’s Mustard Gas in Syria? Israel Warned Us – Iraq Warned Us

      by Maggie • February 24, 2012 • 0 Comments

      Remember the rumors that Syria had Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction? The State Department is warning neighboring countries that some of Syria’s WMD might cross their borders. Probably also quietly warning them that he, Assad, might decide to use them, but State isn’t owning up to that. Oh, well actually they did – far down in the article. And there is no mention of Saddam, who actually did use Mustard and Sarin gases and maybe others, killing tens of thousands. Israel’s top General, Lieutenant General Moshe Yaalon, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Force, told the U.S. that Saddam moved his chemical weapons to Syria some six weeks before we invaded. We know the exemplary nature of Israel’s intelligence. After all, they were right there, but the General said “no one went to Syria to find it.” Iraqi General Georges Sada said the same.

    3. They eat them post coitus ?

      Good Grief, that is gross.

    4. You wouldn't believe the Israeli General, Quart, but you will believe the Iraqi moslem, I am certain. So you're cornered. Treed. Up Shit Crick without a paddle, where you deserve to be.

    5. Mostly, they eat sheep:

      ...57% sheep. 27% beef, 12% goat meat, 3% water buffalo and 1% camel meat.

  40. Coke Has Suspended All Production in Venezuela

    1. And the only thing Venezuela has left to export is coke.

    2. All the oil and gas of dreams and a great cocaine industry and, due to socialism, they still can't make it.

    3. How did socialism impact the Cocaine Trade?
