Thursday, May 26, 2016

Fallujah has been in trouble since the US invaded in 2003. In the late Baath period under Saddam Hussein, in the 1990s and early zeros, Fallujah was a center both of Baathism (secular Arab nationalism and socialism) and of a growing Salafi fundamentalism, inspired in part by the brutality of the Israeli regime toward Gaza and in part by Jordanian truckers and smugglers who had come under Saudi, Wahhabi influence.

Iraq’s Fallujah: Grand Ayatollah Sistani Calls on Shiite Forces to protect Civilians

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – –

Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistine on Wednesday called on both regular Iraqi army forces and the popular mobilization units (Shiite militias) to avoid killing innocent noncombatants as they close in on Fallujah.

An hour west of Baghdad and largely peopled by the Sunni Arab Dulaym tribe, Fallujah has been in trouble since the US invaded in 2003. In the late Baath period under Saddam Hussein, in the 1990s and early zeros, Fallujah was a center both of Baathism (secular Arab nationalism and socialism) and of a growing Salafi fundamentalism, inspired in part by the brutality of the Israeli regime toward Gaza and in part by Jordanian truckers and smugglers who had come under Saudi, Wahhabi influence.

The George W. Bush administration overthrew the Baath and put a condominium of religious Shiite parties and Kurdistan nationalist parties in power in Iraq, demoting the previously dominant Sunni Arabs to second class citizens. Some in Fallujah took up arms against the US and the new, Shiite-dominated government. Others accepted the new reality and joined the local police. One of the groups that became ensconced in the city was Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s al-Tawhid (Unity), which morphed into al-Qaeda in Mesopotamia and ultimately into Daesh (ISIS, ISIL). Bush destroyed Fallujah in November of 2004, allegedly in an attempt to wipe out terrorism there. It turns out destroying a city just doesn’t make for social peace. If anything, al-Qaeda and then Daash were strengthened by the government’s hard line against them.

Fallujah fell to Daesh in January of 2014, which turned out to be a harbinger for the entire Sunni Arab region of the country. By mid-June, the major city of Mosul had fallen.

The Iraqi government feels that it has to retake Fallujah before launching an assault on the metropolis of Mosul in the north.

But as Sistani’s statement suggests, there are many who fear that the popular mobilization units are just Shiite vigilantes and may be looking for reprisals against Sunnis.

Sistani’s spokesman in Karbala, And al-Mahdi al-Karbala’i, underscored that it is necessary to abide by the laws of jihad, which forbid killing innocent non-combatants, even when non-Muslims are being fought.

On the other hand, some of the shine on this campaign may have come off a little when al-Karbala’i described it as a jihad.

The Iraqi military  and the Shiite militias have closed in on Fallujah since Saturday, liberating a dozen or so villages.
Related video:


  1. Ah yes, the arabs are perpetual victims...

    It's always someone else's fault why they suck.

    1. They suck Dick.

      Juan Cole is a valuable asset.

  2. Jaun Cole is a Dick.

    ...just ask Quirk.

    (they all are)

  3. The Marines were on the verge of taking Fallujah way back when.
    ...then W and Company Wussed Out.

  4. tick tock, the world is fed up with the arabs, the iranians, the islamists....

    and the problem AINT the Jews or Israelis...

  5. high level UN official on Wednesday issued a number of rare criticisms against Hamas in Gaza for holding public executions and using civilian cement for military purposes.

    “I urge Hamas not to carry out these executions and I call on [PA] President [Mahmoud] Abbas to establish a moratorium on the implementation of the death penalty,” UN special coordinator for the Middle East peace process Nikolay Mladenov told the Security Council in New York.

    “International law limits the application of the death penalty to the “most serious crimes” and pursuant to a trial and appeals process that scrupulously follow fair trial standards,” Mladenov said.


    “I have serious doubts as to whether capital trials in Gaza meet these standards,” he said.

    Even more alarming, he added, were reports of public executions.

    “This raises even more alarms as public executions are prohibited under international human rights law,” Mladenov said in a speech in which he spent more time criticizing Hamas in Gaza than Israel.

    The decision to carry out these executions was taken without Abbas’ required approval, which raises concerns about the continued split between Fatah and Hamas, Mladenov said.

    “Palestine is one and Gaza and the West Bank are its two integral parts,” he said.

    Mladenov also called on “individuals” and “groups” in Gaza to ensure that cement was used, as intended, to help rebuild Gaza homes and was not diverted for military purposes.

    “All sides need to ensure that cement is used for civilian purposes only. Individuals or groups seeking to benefit from the deviation of construction materials -- for corruption, for building tunnels, or other reasons — must understand that they selfishly compound the suffering of their own people and sow the seeds of future violence,” he said.

    “Palestinians in Gaza are growing ever more desperate, seeing their prospects for living a normal life and recovering their economy blocked by Hamas’s military build-up, by Israel’s security measures and closures, by the lack of Palestinian unity, and the insufficient fulfillment of aid pledges by donors,” Mladenov said.

    Maybe it's time for the USA and the Arab world to liberate Gaza from the Jihadists that control it?

    ISIS and Hamas agree on many issues. Jews and Israel must be destroyed, Islam is the way, the truth, the light and if you disagree? You should die, They both have VICE police, they both execute those they disagree with......

    ISIS and Hamas, two feathers of the same bird.

  6. The Iraqi military and the Shiite militias have closed in on Fallujah since Saturday, liberating a dozen or so villages.


    The torture and slaughter of Iraqi civilians is reaching unprecedented heights with estimates of up to 655,000 dead. Night after night death squads rampage through Iraq's main cities. In Baghdad, up to a hundred bodies a day are dumped on the streets. Often they've been tortured with electric drills. Yet those doing the killing have little to do with al Qaeda or Sunni insurgents. The majority of the killings are carried out by Shia death squads who want to turn Iraq into a Shia state aligned to Iran.

    This shocking film investigates the links between the death squads and high-ranking Shia politicians. It reveals how the Shia militia that these politicians control have systematically infiltrated and taken over police units and even entire government ministeries. It investigates how these units are closely linked to the death squads, indeed they often are the death squads. And the killers act with impunity - there's little investigation into their activities.

    But Quirk will not accept this reality.


    2. .

      But Quirk will not accept this reality.

      Where do you come up with this bullshit? You've been making this kind of shit up about me for two days now.

      I can see why you are upset given the outcome of our recent disagreements but don't be a whiny little shit.


    3. .

      Now, if you are saying I make a distinction between 2012 and today in Iraq and the players involved rather than accepting the simplistic formulas you get from the comic books you read, you may be right.


    4. You don't accept any reality except what you say.

      You do not concede that the Iranians and their proxies have slaughtered hundreds of thousands in Iraq.

      You call Gaza an open air prison, ignore the actual history of the strip, the Hamas take over and civil war with the PA and blame Israel for a "slaughter" (2,200, most terrorists) and are silent about the 400,000 plus dead syrians and hundreds of thousands of dead iraqis by Shiite hands..

      You claim Israel is the same as iran and arabia as compared to it's honesty

      Live with it.

      Words have meanings.

      Your words have meaning too.

  7. iran-backed-shia-militias-are-reportedly-slaughtering-sunnis-in-iraq-while-fighting-isis-

    What insight, what a shock. One tribe kills members of your tribe and you kill back in retaliation. An eye for an eye, what have we come to?

  8. QuirkThu May 26, 09:49:00 AM EDT

    Now, if you are saying I make a distinction between 2012 and today in Iraq and the players involved rather than accepting the simplistic formulas you get from the comic books you read, you may be right.

    Ever quick to slander and make an insult but loose on facts.

    Ever the quick on the insult but loose on facts..

  9. Three Israeli teens killed by some Arab thugs and Israel kills 2500 Palestinians mostly children and women.

    1. They were kidnapped and murdered by Hamas.

      Hamas fired rockets into Israel and even built a billion dollar terror tunnel system.

      Hamas used human shields and fired thousands of rockets at Israeli citizens.

      2,200 palestinians MOSTLY terrorists, were killed.

      Meanwhile your friends in Syria? In Iran? In Hezbollah?

      Have killed over 450,000 in Syria, 655,000 in Iraq, and you are silent.

  10. srael claimed it is targeting “terror sites,” its first victim was a ten-year-old child in Gaza City. Ibrahim Dawawsa was killed while playing with some friends in the yard of a mosque close to his home, when a missile ended his life and injured his two young friends.

    During the nearly month-long military offensive on Gaza prior to the short ceasefire, Israel killed 448 children and injured 2,502, according to United Nations estimates. As of 8 August, the death toll in Gaza had reached 1,922.

  11. Ever the quick on the insult but loose on facts on a good day, incoherent on most others.

    1. I guess you missed the Irony class in Overbook High.

    2. If hamas wants to use kids as shields?

      That's their business.

      Over 127 arab kids were killed by Hamas after they were virtual slaves digging tunnels...

      Executed like yesterday's trash..

      And you defend them..

      Makes you proud?

      BTW I went to Haverford High, my Dad went to Overbook.

    3. If Israel was 1/1000th as bad as you claim?

      Gaza would have been exterminated.

      But guess what?

      You are wrong.

      Wrong about Israel, wrong about Bibi, wrong about the IDF and wrong in your support of Hamas.

  12. Security forces fully control al-karma District, Iraqi flag raised

    ( Anbar – A source in the Joint Operations Command announced on Thursday, that the security forces fully controlled al-Karma areas in eastern Fallujah (62 km west of Baghdad), while raised the Iraqi flag in the center of the district.

    The source said in a statement obtained by, “The joint security forces were able, at noon today, to control al-Karma District in eastern Fallujah completely,” pointing out that, “The security forces raised the Iraqi flag over the government buildings and al-Karma mosque in the center of the district.”

    The source, who asked anonymity, added, “The engineering teams began dismantling the improvised explosive devices and booby-trapped buildings in the center of the district.”


  13. Deuce ☂Thu May 26, 09:51:00 AM EDT
    Three Israeli teens killed by some Arab thugs and Israel kills 2500 Palestinians mostly children and women.

    Notice how you minimize who these 3 were?

    On 12 June 2014, three Israeli teenagers were kidnapped at the bus/hitchhiking stop at the Israeli settlement of Alon Shvut in Gush Etzion, in the occupied West Bank, as they were hitchhiking to their homes.[3] The three teens were Naftali Frenkel (16, from Nof Ayalon), Gilad Shaer (16, from Talmon), and Eyal Yifrah (19, from Elad).[4][5]

    You remember how you and rat suggested it was a "false flag" that Israel did this to themselves?

    Hamas official Salah al-Arouri, who had been publicly identified as the mastermind of the operation several days after the kidnapping, on 19 June,[33] said that the organization's armed wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, was behind the kidnapping and murder.

    August 2014 Israel announced that Israeli security forces arrested Hussam Kawasme, in Shuafat, in connection with the murders.[81] During interrogation, Kawasme admitted to being the mastermind behind the attack, in addition to securing the funding from Hamas.[82] Kawasme stated that after the boys were killed, Marwan Kawasme and Amer Abu Aysha drove to his house, and they proceeded to bury them in Halhoul, the land Kawasme purchased only a few weeks prior.[83]

    By the time of his arrest, Kaswasme had shaved his beard and received a fake passport, in what is believed to be, part of a plan to escape to Jordan.

    On 20 August, Hamas official Saleh Al-'Arouri spoke at the conference of the International Union of Muslim Scholars in Istanbul, where he said the group's military wing was responsible for the kidnapping of the three Israeli teens, saying it was an expression of popular will.


  14. .

    WiO, every time you open your mouth you show how little you know about even recent history.

    It wasn't that long ago you were spouting off about the 750,0000 killed in Iraq 'since 2011' which is absolutely nutz. A quick check shows that from 2003-2011 estimates vary from the official 151,000 to well over a million which is what the lady in the 2012 video you put up was talking about. But you insisted that the Shia militias had accomplished in a couple years what it took nearly 200,000 US troops, the Iraqi army, and the various sectarian militias to accomplish in the middle of an invasion and a civil war.


    You call Gaza an open air prison...


    ...ignore the actual history of the strip

    No, it is you who ignores the actual history of the strip.

    ...the Hamas take over and civil war with the PA

    I don't ignore it. What do you want me to say about it?

    ... and blame Israel for a "slaughter" (2,200, most terrorists)

    No, I blame Bibi for it.

    ...and are silent about the 400,000 plus dead syrians and hundreds of thousands of dead iraqis by Shiite hands...

    Nonsense, I have talked about the innocents there plenty of times, about the dead, the 'collateral damage', the refugees, the destroyed cities. The difference of course is that I am concerned about all the victims not just the ones killed by the Shia militias and I recognize that it is not just the Shia doing the killing, not just Iran and Hezbollah but also Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Turkey, Russia and the US.

    Do I mention it every day like you? No. But seriously you don't expect anyone here to fall for your crocodile tears about the victims in Syria/Iraq, certainly not when every post you put up talking about the deaths there is followed by LOL. You are a flaming hypocrite.

    You claim Israel is the same as iran and arabia as compared to it's honesty

    Of course Israel is the same as Iran and Arabia when it comes to honesty. Anyone who unquestioningly accepts what they are fed by their politicians is a fool.

    Has Israel financed and backed militant groups to the extend of Iran or Saudi Arabia? No, of course not. Not even close. However, when it comes to honesty, need I once again post a list of the 'Lies of Bibi Netanyahu'?

    Words have meanings.

    Not yours.


  15. Deuce, do you KNOW the names of these arab kids?

    Do you care?

    Militant group used child labor to construct underground network in Gaza

    As the death toll of Operation Protective Edge rises, the deaths of children are firmly in the spotlight—and rightly so. It pains all reasonable people to hear of children dying as the consequence of war. Hamas and its supporters display gruesome pictures of dead and wounded children in order to gain sympathy for their portrait of Israel as the villain intent on killing Palestinians. In response, Israel cites the need to stop Hamas from firing thousands of rockets at its own children, who are being forced to live in bomb shelters, as well as the need to eliminate the tunnels that Hamas dug into Israel in order to carry out terror attacks against Israelis. One tunnel opening was found underneath an Israeli kindergarten.

    Deuce, really, do you KNOW the names of these kids?

    1. Now that's a whole lot of concrete...

      Not only are Hamas misappropriating much of the humanitarian aid supplied to Gaza—800,000 tons of cement were used to construct the terror tunnels into Israel—they are also directly exploiting and endangering Gaza’s youth in their construction and operation.

      Where is your outrage?

      Oh yeah, it's Israel's fault.

  16. QuirkThu May 26, 11:01:00 AM EDT

    WiO, every time you open your mouth you show how little you know about even recent history.

    It wasn't that long ago you were spouting off about the 750,0000 killed in Iraq 'since 2011' which is absolutely nutz. A quick check shows that from 2003-2011 estimates vary from the official 151,000 to well over a million

    And that's "nutz"?

    Tell me oh wise one, how do you KNOW how many have been killed if the range is 150,000 to a million....

    Why is my number of 750,000 nutz?

    Because America didn't kill that many?

    You are off your rocker.

    1. .

      That range was given for the entire Iraq war from 2003 to 2011. You said there were 750,000 deaths in Iraq 'after 2011'. Utterly ridiculous.


  17. Quirk: But seriously you don't expect anyone here to fall for your crocodile tears about the victims in Syria/Iraq, certainly not when every post you put up talking about the deaths there is followed by LOL. You are a flaming hypocrite.

    My insincerity as for death tolls in iraq and syria mean nothing...

    It's you and your outrage at the death toll of Hamas and it's supporters that is the issue...

    Yep you blame Bibi for a war that Hamas started and lost.

    2,200 dead in the gaza strip, most of them terrorists.

    You can't even call Hamas members terrorists.

    how many Americans have Hamas murdered?

    Oh that's right you don't care cause they were either Jews or pro-israel.

    1. .

      That you draw some of these conclusions shows your faulty thinking process.

      It's you and your outrage at the death toll of Hamas and it's supporters that is the issue...,

      I frankly could give a shit about the Hamas death toll. However, I do care about civilian casualties.

      Yep you blame Bibi for a war that Hamas started and lost.

      Of course, I blame Bibi. His actions caused it. The end result may have been unintentional but I doubt it.

      2,200 dead in the gaza strip, most of them terrorists.

      You can't even call Hamas members terrorists.

      Nonsense. I have said Hamas is a terrorist organization. If you want to get into a discussion on who is or is not a terrorist or who is or is not called a terrorist we can do that.

      how many Americans have Hamas murdered?

      Please don't go there, you little shit. You could give a shit about Americans except where their deaths can be used to promote Israeli interests.


  18. As I have said quirk, you side with Hamas, you deserve them.

  19. "inspired in part by the brutality of the Israeli regime in Gaza"

    What a crock of shit that one is.

    1. Baathism and Salafi fundamentalism are now inspired by the Israelis.....who would have guessed ?

      What a crock of shit.

    2. That one is what I call 'a real crock of shit'.

    3. Juan Cole (Uninformed Comment)

  20. Bernie has pulled into 'the margin of error' in some California polls....

    Good grief....

  21. QuirkThu May 26, 11:41:00 AM EDT
    I do care about civilian casualties.


    You only care when the IDF kills a civilian.

    America kills hundreds of times as many civilians in the arab world. no contest

  22. how many Americans have Hamas murdered?

    Please don't go there, you little shit. You could give a shit about Americans except where their deaths can be used to promote Israeli interests.

    Like I said, you could GIVE a shit if Americans are murdered by the PLO, the PA or Hamas.

    Not so high and mighty in that castle of glass?

  23. ME : You can't even call Hamas members terrorists.

    Quirk: Nonsense. I have said Hamas is a terrorist organization.

    And yet you support it, make excuses for it.....

    Hmmm... So you are a TERRORIST SUPPORTER and you don't give a shit about Americans murdered by Hamas..

    Yep Quirk getting clearer by the hour..

  24. Quirk: Please don't go there, you little shit. You could give a shit about Americans except where their deaths can be used to promote Israeli interests.

    Oh but you are wrong oh mentally defective one...

    I care a lot about America, I also care about israel.

    But I can pat my head and rub my tummy at the same time........



    Well good luck.

    1. Notice how Quirk tries to say that I cannot be PRO-American and PRO-Israel at the same time?

      Sorry that canard about duel loyalty don't wash...

    2. .


      You are constantly talking about 'your country' when you criticize the US never 'our country'. Your first allegiances are obvious.


  25. 'Quirk: Please don't go there, you little shit. You could give a shit about Americans except where their deaths can be used to promote Israeli interests.'

    Ahem, that does go too far, Quirk.

    Go to your corner for an hour of quiet time.

  26. Quirk: Yep you blame Bibi for a war that Hamas started and lost.

    Of course, I blame Bibi. His actions caused it. The end result may have been unintentional but I doubt it.

    His actions?

    Bibi didn't spend 1 BILLION dollars digging tunnels into Israel to kidnap civilians.

    Bibi didn't kidnap Israelis and murder them

    Bibi didn't fire 10,000 rockets into Israel.

    Learn some history, Hamas had a civil war with fatah and took over the strip, threw out the european inspectors, shut down the crossings......

    You have admitted that Hamas is a terrorist organization. America flies 9000 miles to bomb isis for far less...

    Bibi didn't cause shit.

    He responded to the violence by Hamas.

    Hamas was offered, when it took the strip, to recognize past agreement with israel and it refused.

    Hamas started the war, it planned the war and it LOST the war.

    Bibi didn't do any of that. No matter who was the leader of Israel at the time, Hamas would have started another war.

    JUST as America is bombing jihadists in Yemen, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria and more, Israel is responding to far more violence at a distance of 12 miles.....

    America travel 9000 miles to take the fight to the savages, Israel has them next door.

    You don't seem to care about the civilians that America, Russia, Syria, Hezbollah (and others) kill in any other location, except gaza....

    You have made yourself clear.

    You blame "bibi", not hamas..

    you are a fool


    1. Bullshit.

      Once again, I point out your credulity in just accepting the words of the Israeli political leadership.


      Murders happen in the Occupied territories and Israel on a regular basis. Here is an example from May, 2014 a month before the 3 Israeli youths were kidnapped and murdered.

      On 15 May 2014, two Palestinian teenagers, Nadim Nuwara (17) and Muhammad Abu Thahr (16) were shot dead at the same site, each while walking away some distance from the protest, and reportedly by Israeli Border Police, within an hour of each other after a solidarity demonstration outside the jail in Beitunia. In both cases, video caught the event in real time. Neither of the youths was armed. Israeli sources at first dismissed the shootings shown on the videos as a fiction staged by Palestinians. In November, after forensic examination on a bullet that killed one of the victims revealed its provenance in Israeli equipment, a border policeman was arrested on suspicion of the unauthorized use of lethal arms with regard to Nuwara's death,[34] and was indicted and charged with manslaughter. The indictment stated that "[t]he defendant used the blanks magazine so that his live fire, as opposed to rubber-bullet fire, would not be observed", and that he targeted Nuwara's torso "with the intent of causing him grave injury, and while anticipating the possibility that he would cause his death."[35],_2014


    2. QuirkThu May 26, 01:42:00 PM EDT


      Once again, I point out your credulity in just accepting the words of the Israeli political leadership.


      Murders happen in the Occupied territories and Israel on a regular basis. Here is an example from May, 2014 a month before the 3 Israeli youths were kidnapped and murdered.

      The disputed territories is what the UN resolutions call them..

      But I posted the very admissions from Hamas leaders that it was in fact a Hamas kidnapping..

      Your refusal to accept anything from Israel is suspect. But your ignoring of what the terrorists themselves say?

      Just shows how low you have sunk..

      One of those boys was an American.

      I guess you don't care.


    3. {...}


      1. In 2012, Israel and Hamas signed a truce. Israeli sources admitted that Hamas had reduce rocket attacks after the truce was signed and was stopping attacks by other groups like Islamic Jihad. The number of rocket attacks had been reduced by 98% in 2013. Bibi even admitted the drop.

      2. Starting at the end of 2013 and going into 2014, Israel launched a number of attacks into Gaza.

      3. This was going on while Kerry’s ‘peace talks’ were continuing. When the talks stalled, one of Bibi’s excuses was that he had no negotiating partner because the PA didn’t represent ‘all’ the Palestinians.

      4. At the time, Hamas was in bad straights. Their influence was minimal. Support and aid had been cut. They were pretty much bankrupt.

      5. The decision was made to join a coalition government with the PA. As part of the deal, Hamas agreed to accept PA technocrats to run key position in Gaza and to accept the PA positions on key issues regarding Israel.

      6. Most of the major countries in the world accepted the deal as a positive.

      7. Despite Bibi’s claim he was looking for a government that represented a government of all the Palestinian people, he went batshit crazy over the deal.

      a. He refused to give the PA the tax revenues ($100 million per month) Israel collects for them as part of the Oslo Accords.
      b. He authorized new settlements in the WB.
      c. The IDF attacks on Gaza continued.



    4. {...}


      1. On June 6, 2014, three Israeli youths were kidnapped and murdered by Hamas members in Hebron.

      2. The police knew almost immediately that the kids were dead. One of the kids had a 911 call in progress as the murders went down. The burnt out car when located was only a short distance from where the boys were kidnapped.

      3. Bibi immediately placed a gag order on all communications except the ones he wanted put out.

      4. He immediately ordered attacks on Hamas in Gaza.

      5. For over two weeks, Bibi used the deaths as an excuse for a crackdown on Hamas in the WB. Thousands of homes were searched. Hundreds were arrested. 5 Palestinians died.

      6. For political reasons, Bibi left the family and friends of the three victims hanging and believing that the kids might still be alive for almost three weeks.


      Israel states their attack on Gaza in 2014 was forced on them by Hamas rocket attacks but…

      On July 5, it was Israel that launched an attack in Gaza that killed 5 Hamas members. By July 7, Israel had launched about 50 attacks in Gaza. All this before Hamas began launching its rocket barrage.

      The Israeli military basically said this was a political war, that is, it was waged for political purposes.


  27. Notice how the American who was murdered by Hamas doesn't even raise a eyebrow by Deuce...

    The latest Hamas kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers included another American citizen, Naftali Fraenkel, 16, one of many foreign citizens murdered by the terrorist organization that rules Gaza with an iron Islamic fist and is increasingly imposing its influence on the West Bank.

    That American was a Jew, so his life is worthless...

  28. .

    And yet you support it, make excuses for it.....

    This implies that because I point out the lies Bibi and his bros throw around I support Hamas.

    That's like saying because I point out the lies of the GOP I am making excuses and supporting the Dems. Or vice versa.

    Obviously, you can't actually 'pat your head and rub your tummy at the same time........'



    1. And yet you still cannot bring yourself to condemn the murder of Americans by Hamas

    2. .

      I have condemned the murder of all innocents by Hamas just as I condemn the murder of all innocents by the Israelis.

      Why would I make a distinction on what nationality they are. Is a dead American more important than a dead Palestinian. If they are both innocents how do you make that distinction? I am interested.


  29. Time to send Quirk to Gaza for a reality adjustment.

    1. (don't worry, folks, the little shit will be fine. He's told us that Gaza has been annexed By Israel and Israeli troops are occupying it, so the little shit should be fine !)


  30. According to Judge Napolitano on Fox, Hillary is REALLY in deep shit now, after the State Department IG Report.

    He thinks the FBI Report will be out before the Democrat Convention in July.

    Watch for all hell to break loose....


  31. Quirk quotes wiki....


    Now that's a standard of evidence...


    1. .

      Hilarious given you didn't even bother to put up a link to your post on the killers of the three dead Israelis.

      The Wiki post lists footnotes, a number of them. Look them up.


    2. Here is an interesting video about your example of palestinian youths being killed

      I watched the vide and noticed something interesting. These youths? were in fact violent protestors using sling shots, of course the very moment they were hit they were not doing an act, but if you watch the film, it's clear that the sniper knew the ID of the perps exactly...

      Good shooting!!!

      Let's brush it all aside.

      Try to murder Jews?


      Do not collect $200, Do not pass GO.

      This is the reality that must be driven home.

      Hamas kidnaps hitchhikers and murders them is not equivalent to violent rock throwers getting shot.

      Maybe it's ok for the Quirk system of justice.....

      another funny point?

      RT news, pravda is doing the reporting...


      Now that ironic.

      BTW the 3 dead Israel kids? One was American. But he doesn't matter since he's a jew eh?

    3. .

      If you can watch that video and try to justify those shootings, you and I have nothing to talk about.

      But you can take solace. Your type is gaining power in Israel. To get a few votes added to his government coalition, Bibi appointed Avignor Leiberman Defense Minister. Leiberman is supportive of troops doing this sort of thing. He attended the trial of the soldier currently charged with manslaughter for shooting an unarmed and incapacitated terrorist as he lay on the ground. Leiberman attended the trial to show his support.

      It's a brave new world. Enjoy it.



    4. .

      BTW the 3 dead Israel kids? One was American. But he doesn't matter since he's a jew eh?

      The crime is despicable regardless of who the victims are. It is despicable if the victims were all American or none were. It is despicable if all the victims were Jewish or none were.

      Are you implying that that crime wouldn't be despicable if all the victims were Palestinians?

      The fact that you would even ask the question says it all. When you start prioritizing the severity of a crime like this by who the victims are, what race, what nationality, it reflects a troubled mind.




  32. ( Anbar – On Wednesday, Anbar Provincial Council announced liberating an area in Amiriya in southern Fallujah (62 km west of Baghdad), while pointed out to the killing of 13 ISIS members and the destruction of three car bombs during the operation.

    The security committee member in Anbar Council Raji’ Barakat al-Eissawi said in a press statement obtained by, “The joint security forces were able to cleanse Albu Hamad region near Fallujah Dam in Amiriya vicinity in southern Fallujah from the ISIS control,” noting that, “The operation resulted in the killing of 13 ISIS members, including Arabs and foreigners, and the destruction of three car bombs that were prepared to target the security forces.”

    Eissawi added, “The security forces are advancing to cleanse Fallujah Dam and storm the areas of Ihsi and Abu Huah near the southern entrance of Fallujah in order to reach the bridges of al-Gomhoreya and al-Hadid on the banks of the Euphrates River.”


    1. Strikes in Syria

      Fighter and remotely piloted aircraft conducted five strikes in Syria:

      -- Near Shaddadi, a strike struck an ISIL tactical unit.

      -- Near Raqqah, a strike struck an ISIL tactical unit.

      -- Near Ayn Isa, two strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions.

      -- Near Palmyra, a strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

      Strikes in Iraq

      Rocket artillery and bomber, attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft conducted 25 strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of Iraq’s government:

      -- Near Fallujah, four strikes struck three separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL tunnels, four ISIL vehicles, an ISIL artillery piece, an ISIL weapons cache and three ISIL fighting positions.

      -- Near Habbaniyah, a strike struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed three ISIL fighting positions, three ISIL bunkers and an ISIL heavy machine gun.

      -- Near Haditha, a strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle bomb.

      -- Near Hit, a strike destroyed two ISIL vehicles.

      -- Near Mosul, five strikes struck three separate ISIL tactical units, five ISIL headquarters, an ISIL media center and an ISIL communication headquarters and destroyed two ISIL vehicles, an ISIL weapons cache and an ISIL supply cache.

      -- Near Qayyarah, two strikes struck two ISIL rocket production facilities and an ISIL headquarters and destroyed an ISIL rocket position.

      -- Near Sinjar, a strike suppressed an ISIL mortar position.

      -- Near Sultan Abdallah, two strikes suppressed two ISIL mortar positions.

      -- Near Tal Afar, eight strikes struck eight ISIL-used bridges and an ISIL-used culvert and suppressed an ISIL mortar position.

    2. Were the ISIS folks actually engaged in violent acts when they were being killed?

      Otherwise under the Quirk ROE it's a war crime.

  33. Deuce, really, do you KNOW the names of these kids?

    Why would I be interested in their names or nationalities?

    Your observation and question shows your focus and bias. You check to see if they were Jews. If anywone of them was named Muhammed, you could care less. You examine for details important to you: Were they Jews or were they American-Jews?

    To me they were kids. There religion and nationality is meaningless to me.

    With you, it is all Jews, all the time. You are not alone. At this time a majority of Israelis are just like you. Fortunately, there are many Jews that oppose you Judaic fervor and your transparent racism.

    1. BULLSHIt Deuce, you care about those you deem important....

      You don't give a flying fuck if an American Jew or Gentile is murdered by your pals.

      You give excuses why it was ok with you that Hezbollah blew up the towers, murdering marines.

      But if an anti-Israel protestor is shot?

      you go ape shit...

      The racist here is you.

      You think that it's perfectly legit to murder Jews because of a land dispute.

      We read your words.

      We understand your points.

      The only solution for the Jewish question in the middle east?

      Kill them. That's why you support Hamas that supports genocide of the Jews.

      But sorry if Jews and gentiles reject your racist shit....

      We will fight back and as you bitched about Jews being pussies during ww2 will have learned, we will not cooperate with your friends attempts at murder..

      SO bitch all you want, your friends? Will die if they continue to try to murder us....


  34. Man o man, is Hillary ever in deep shit.

    1. Clinton’s inexcusable, willful disregard for the rules

    2. No big deal, right wing bullshit from WaPo all over again.

      Rufus and the rest of the MSM will justify the lady's behavior. just wait.

  35. ( Anbar – On Thursday the international coalition spokesman Steve Warren announced, that the international coalition aviation targeted 30 ISIS headquarters in Fallujah, while indicated that the security forces moved toward Fallujah and will enter it soon with the participation of four thousand Sunni fighters.

    Steve Warren said in an interview obtained by, “The international coalition aviation targeted 30 headquarters belonging to ISIS in the city of Fallujah during the liberation operations,” noting that, “ISIS used shells and improvised explosive devices against the security forces.”

    Warren added, “The security forces moved toward Fallujah and will enter it soon,” indicating that, “4,000 Sunni tribal fighters will participate in the liberation battles of the city.”

    1. Al-Hashed al-Shaabi forces will stay outside Fallujah, says Warren Baghdad – On Thursday the international coalition spokesman Steve Warren announced, that al-Hashed al-Shaabi forces will stay outside the city of Fallujah and will not enter it, while pointed out that the Iraqi security forces and Sunni fighters are the only forces that will enter the city.

      Warren said in a press interview followed by, “The Sunni fighters and Iraqi forces will enter the city of Fallujah,” indicating that, “The Shiite fighters (al-Hashed al-Shaabi) will stay outside the city.”

      Warren added, “There are nearly 50 thousand civilians in the city of Fallujah,” pointing out that, “The ISIS fighters, who were in the city of Ramadi, fought fiercely, while the members in al-Rutba area were cowards and left their weapons.”


  36. Magazine | Essay

    On Reading ‘Portrait of the Artist’ as a Young Man


    If The New York Times would only give up politics....sigh....

    1. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

  37. Exiting the EB:


  38. During the 1933–1934 Century of Progress Exposition in Chicago, Todd produced an attraction called the "Flame Dance." In this number, gas jets were designed to burn part of a dancer's costume off, leaving her naked in appearance.

    In 1945, Todd floated the idea of holding the Major League Baseball All-Star Game in newly liberated Berlin. Although baseball's new commissioner Happy Chandler was reportedly "intrigued" by the idea, it was ultimately dismissed as impractical. The game was finally cancelled due to wartime travel restrictions.

  39. I demand a Trump/Bernie Debate !!

    What a gas that would be !

    It may happen, both have accepted, and Charles Krauthammar calls it 'a genius idea' !

    Only the details need to be worked out....

    The sure loser ?

    Hillary !!

  40. Fantasy Baseball, Beltway Style

    Why Hillary Clinton really used a private email server.

    May 26, 2016

    Ann Coulter

    In a campaign season with lots of surprises, how's this for a wild prediction? It would never happen, of course, but pull up a chair and indulge me.

    My premise is, President Obama hates Hillary Clinton and always has. Why?

    (1) Because everyone hates Hillary;

    (2) Obama has special reasons for hating her based on the things she has done and said;

    (3) His senior adviser, Valerie Jarrett, also hates Hillary, so, if by some accident, Obama wakes up one day not hating Hillary, Jarrett is there to say, Oh yes you do!

    (4) Obama adores his vice president, Joe Biden;

    (5) He knows that Hillary can't beat Trump.

    Obama must be having withdrawal symptoms as his second term draws to a close. If he were Reagan, he'd just want to go home and chop wood. But he's not Reagan. The most powerful man in the universe is about to become just some schmuck in an airport. And he's got Valerie Jarrett chirping in his ear, You need to protect your legacy!

    Who more perfectly encapsulates white privilege than Hillary Clinton? Hers was a charmed political life. She rose to political power in the draft of her husband, was given infinite breaks, then ruthlessly fought Obama for the nomination, long after it was clear she was not the Democrats' choice in 2008.

    Obama resented her campaign and resented Bill Clinton's not-so-coded racism.

    While the rest of the world assumes Hillary used a private server as secretary of state to hide her emails from the media or congressional investigators, Obama and Jarrett know that the private server was to prevent them from finding out what she was up to.

    There was always the sneaking suspicion that Hillary was keeping her powder dry to challenge Obama in 2012, as Teddy Kennedy had challenged President Carter. On this theory, it wasn't FOIA requests Hillary was worried about, but the prying eyes of Valerie Jarrett.

    Obama ordered Hillary not to hire Sidney Blumenthal because of his association with the worst of the Clinton years . As we now know from their constant chattering on email, Hillary effectively hired Blumenthal anyway.

    Obama also has to worry that if Hillary were elected, she'd undo everything he's done. She was the health care expert. As Obamacare goes into effect and the catastrophe expands, he can imagine Hillary heading to Capitol Hill to say, Obama, bless his heart, tried to move health care forward, but this novice had no idea what he was doing.

    1. It's a nightmare! Only Biden can be trusted to be the protector of Obama's legacy.

      So what if instead of sitting back watching Bernie and Hillary's frenzied battle to the death, Obama could contrive to give the nomination to a guy he likes? What if he could force Hillary to drop out? What if he could snooker the Republicans -- not hard! -- into confirming his Supreme Court nominee?

      It might go like this. FBI Director James Comey releases his report on Hillary, recommending indictment. Obama comes out and gives a fiery speech denouncing the report and firmly standing by her. Meanwhile, Valerie Jarrett is on the phone to Loretta Lynch, saying, Disregard everything the president is saying about Comey, if you get my meaning, Loretta ...

      Lynch, contrary to the well-worn practice of Democrats never indicting Democrats, proceeds to indict Hillary. Obama is indignant, makes vague threats, provoking Republicans to rally around Lynch, as the brave Democrat who defied her party to kill the Wicked Witch.

      Obama's hands are tied! He can't pull a Saturday Night Massacre. But he grudgingly says he will make the best of it. He withdraws his white-guy fake-nominee to the Supreme Court and replaces him with Lynch. Republicans, overjoyed at Hillary's indictment, confirm Lynch to the high court (where she proceeds to vote in lockstep with Ruth Bader Ginsburg).

      The Democrats' presidential race is in shambles. They can't run a crazy old Marxist for president. Obama steps forward and gives his blessing to a Joe Biden-Elizabeth Warren ticket. Biden, having mounted one presidential bid plagiarizing Neil Kinnock, will mount a second one plagiarizing Obama.

      The super delegates are overjoyed! Biden is the nominee and Loretta Lynch is headed to the Supreme Court.

      Once this switcheroo is done, the Clintons would retreat to Chappaqua, in a white-hot rage, finally consoling themselves with raking in money from speeches at half a million dollars a pop. They'll be in for a big surprise. The going rate for guy whose wife is about to be president is much higher than for an aging rapist whose wife is facing criminal charges. Ask any speakers bureau.

      Naturally, this would never happen. American politics is so stolidly predictable. This year, especially, is not one where crazy things keep happening.

      It's madness to think that a man of Obama's characteristic integrity would act with such duplicity.

      He was absolutely straight with us about the program to transfer guns to Mexican drug cartels, known as "Fast and Furious."

      His IRS was never caught engaging in political witch hunts.

      As we know from foreign policy aide Ben Rhodes, the administration was stunningly transparent on the Iran deal.

      Most famously, Obama kept every single promise on health care he ever made.

      So, Hillary supporters: Relax! If you like your nominee, you can keep your nominee.

    2. Hillary's battle, Rahm's future and growing tomatoes

      John Kass and Jeff Carlin are joined by Chicago Tribune Editorial Board member Kristen McQueary and Tom Bevan of to discuss growing the perfect tomato, why Hillary Clinton keeps losing to Bernie Sanders and Rahm Emanuel’s waning political influence.

  41. Bookings at Trump Hotels plummet by more than half in response to The Donald's controversial presidential campaign

    Reservations at Trump Hotels plunged by 59% through travel firm Hipmunk
    Year-on-year bookings fell from 1.7% to 0.7% market share in major cities
    Trump's hotel in SoHo, New York, saw a huge decline in bookings of 74%

    Las Vegas, Atlantic City, Toronto and Chicago Trump hotels also struggled
    Difficult Q1 could be a sign that Trump's politics are affecting his business

    Read more:
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

    1. In the first three months of 2015 - long before Trump declared he was running for the White House - Trump Hotels had a market share of 1.7 per cent of bookings made in major cities where they are located.
      In Q1 this year, Trump Hotels have just 0.7 per cent of the market share of bookings made through Hipmunk.
      That fall represents a 59.3 per cent fall year-on . . . . . . .

      Read more:
      Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

      Daily Mail


  42. Greek Archaeologist Says He Has Found Aristotle’s Tomb


    A bust of Aristotle.

    ATHENS — A Greek archaeologist who has been leading a 20-year excavation in northern Greece said on Thursday that he believed he had unearthed the tomb of Aristotle.

    In an address at a conference in Thessaloniki, Greece, commemorating the 2,400th anniversary of Aristotle’s birth, the archaeologist, Konstantinos Sismanidis, said he had “no proof but strong indications, as certain as one can be,” to support his claim.

    The tomb was in a structure unearthed in the ancient village of Stagira, where Aristotle was born, about 40 miles east of Thessaloniki. According to Mr. Sismanidis, the structure was a monument erected in Aristotle’s honor after his death in 322 B.C.

    “We had found the tomb,” he said. “We’ve now also found the altar referred to in ancient texts, as well as the road leading to the tomb, which was very close to the city’s ancient marketplace within the city settlement.”

    Although the evidence of whose tomb it was is circumstantial, several characteristics — its location and panoramic view; its positioning at the center of a square marble floor; and the time of its construction, estimated to be at the very beginning of the Hellenistic period, which started after the death of Aristotle’s most famous student, Alexander the Great, in 323 B.C. — “all lead to the conclusion that the remains of the arched structure are part of what was once the tomb-shrine of Aristotle,” Mr. Sismanidis said.

    Aristotle, who was born in 384 B.C., was a pupil of Plato in Athens and became a crucial figure in the emergence of Western philosophy. His work forms the basis of modern logic, and his metaphysics became an integral part of Christian theology. His “Poetics” still offers penetrating analysis of what works, and does not work, in theater. King Philip II of Macedon engaged him as a tutor to his son Alexander.

    A separate excavation in another part of northern Greece, Amphipolis, in 2014 led to the discovery of the largest ancient tomb ever found in the country. Speculation linking the tomb to Alexander the Great set off huge media interest, but archaeologists later concluded that it had probably been built for a close companion of the king and conqueror.

  43. Welcome to the Election From Hell

    Frank Luntz

    'What I see and hear, night after night is all about passion, not compassion. It’s about catharsis, not consensus. Payback, not progress. Posturing, not policy.

    In today’s social media, talk radio, cable news-driven campaigns, where reason and emotion collide in politics, emotion usually triumphs. And we are in the midst of a campaign of demonization and destruction—and every topic and person is fair game thanks to voter encouragement. From “Low Energy Jeb” to “Little Marco” to “Lyin’ Ted,” Donald Trump has taken character-labeling and personal attacks to a new level— and straight to the Republican nomination. To my shock, the more Trump insulted and excoriated those who stood in his way, the more laughter and head-nodding I saw from Republicans. When I reminded participants of Reagan’s 11th Commandment, “thou shalt not attack another Republican,” they were unmoved. “These establishment Republicans deserve it,” was the most common response.

    On the Democratic side, it has gone beyond harsh words to actual violence. At the Nevada Democratic convention earlier this month, over a dozen police officers had to be called in to keep the peace. The party’s state headquarters was vandalized the next day, and the state party chairwoman had to accept a security detail because she was receiving death threats from people nominally on her own side. At Trump rallies coast-to-coast, liberal activists openly embrace screaming over their opponent in an attempt to silence him. And it’s only May. We still have two conventions, three debates and more than five months to go ....'

    1. Blitzer v. Fallon


  44. QuirkThu May 26, 06:05:00 PM EDT

    If you can watch that video and try to justify those shootings, you and I have nothing to talk about.

    Quirk, you compare the KIDNAPPING of 3 innocents kids to the shooting of VIOLENT rock throwing protesters.

    yeah we got nothing to talk about because you are morally bankrupt.

    I hope, that those thugs, those violent rock throwing pieces of shit that were trying to kill people meet your family someday..

    really, you disgusting piece of shit.

    1. .

      Quirk, you compare the KIDNAPPING of 3 innocents kids to the shooting of VIOLENT rock throwing protesters.

      Yes I do, especially after watching the video you put up.

      Initially, my point in mentioning the shootings in May, one month before the Israeli kids were killed, was to point out the difference in how the cases were handled and to show the cynical way Bibi used the killing of the Israelis to justify his purge of Hamas officials in the WB and his rocket attacks on Gaza.

      After watching the snuff video you put up I'm more convinced than ever that the incidents were comparable. The video talks of rock throwing protesters earlier in the day that was broken up by the army using tear gas and rubber bullets. At the time of the video, there is no sign of protests going on in the area.

      After a while a kid comes walking by and is shot in the back by a sniper and killed. The is nothing in the video that shows the kid was carrying any kind of a weapon.

      Later in the video, in approximately the same area, another kid is coming from the opposite direction. Wash, rinse, repeat, he is taken out. Again, no weapon was visible.

      Apparently, a third kid was also shot but lived.

      Your response, Good shooting!!!.

      Impersonating Carnac the Magnificent you offer this reasoning, ...of course the very moment they were hit they were not doing an act, but if you watch the film, it's clear that the sniper knew the ID of the perps exactly...

      This is your reason for rationalizing extrajudicial killings by the sniper?

      The term one sick puppy comes to mind.


  45. Hey Quirk!!! Are you disgusted every time America bombs an ISIS target?

    Strikes in Syria

    Fighter and remotely piloted aircraft conducted five strikes in Syria:

    -- Near Shaddadi, a strike struck an ISIL tactical unit.

    -- Near Raqqah, a strike struck an ISIL tactical unit.

    -- Near Ayn Isa, two strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions.

    -- Near Palmyra, a strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

    Strikes in Iraq

    Rocket artillery and bomber, attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft conducted 25 strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of Iraq’s government:

    -- Near Fallujah, four strikes struck three separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL tunnels, four ISIL vehicles, an ISIL artillery piece, an ISIL weapons cache and three ISIL fighting positions.

    -- Near Habbaniyah, a strike struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed three ISIL fighting positions, three ISIL bunkers and an ISIL heavy machine gun.

    -- Near Haditha, a strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle bomb.

    -- Near Hit, a strike destroyed two ISIL vehicles.

    -- Near Mosul, five strikes struck three separate ISIL tactical units, five ISIL headquarters, an ISIL media center and an ISIL communication headquarters and destroyed two ISIL vehicles, an ISIL weapons cache and an ISIL supply cache.

    -- Near Qayyarah, two strikes struck two ISIL rocket production facilities and an ISIL headquarters and destroyed an ISIL rocket position.

    -- Near Sinjar, a strike suppressed an ISIL mortar position.

    -- Near Sultan Abdallah, two strikes suppressed two ISIL mortar positions.

    -- Near Tal Afar, eight strikes struck eight ISIL-used bridges and an ISIL-used culvert and suppressed an ISIL mortar position.

    After all they are not all actively shooting at a target the moment we BOMB the shit out of them...


    1. .

      The ISIS fighters are part of an army. They shoot guns and throw grenades not rocks.

      What do you think the reaction would have been here if the other day the police had opened up on those Trump protesters in Aneheim with live ammunition?

      You are truly bizarre.


  46. The same resettlement agency that is funneling Syrian Muslims into Sen. Bernie Sanders’ state of Vermont and also into Nevada is now delivering them to Sen. Rand Paul’s hometown of Bowling Green, Kentucky.


    Bowling Green is not new to Muslim refugees. The city has been transformed over the past decade from a typical Middle America town that had no Muslims to one that now has more than 7,000 who account for at least 10 percent of the city’s population.


    In a June 2013 article in the Huffington Post, the senator said the U.S. should be skeptical of accepting refugees, from the Mideast in particular, because they take welfare and could plan attacks on American soil.
