Wednesday, April 06, 2016

US Ally Saudi Arabia: Who Are They?


  1. One of those files is titled “Finding, Discussion and Narrative Regarding Certain Sensitive National Security Matters.”

    It is twenty-eight pages long. In 2002, the Administration of George W. Bush excised those pages from the report of the Joint Congressional Inquiry into the 9/11 attacks. President Bush said then that publication of that section of the report would damage American intelligence operations, revealing “sources and methods that would make it harder for us to win the war on terror.”

    “There’s nothing in it about national security,”
    Walter Jones, a Republican congressman from North Carolina who has read the missing pages, contends.

    “It’s about the Bush Administration and its relationship with the Saudis.” Stephen Lynch, a Massachusetts Democrat, told me that the document is “stunning in its clarity,” and that it offers direct evidence of complicity on the part of certain Saudi individuals and entities in Al Qaeda’s attack on America.

    “Those twenty-eight pages tell a story that has been completely removed from the 9/11 Report,”
    Lynch maintains. Another congressman who has read the document said that the evidence of Saudi government support for the 9/11 hijacking is “very disturbing,” and that
    “the real question is whether it was sanctioned at the royal-family level or beneath that, and whether these leads were followed through.”


    1. Critics charge U.S. officials are trying to hide the double game Saudi Arabia has long played with Washington, as both a close ally and petri dish for the world’s most toxic brand of Islamic fundamentalism.

    2. Barbara and Bush Senior were good friends with the Royals, what kind of son would spoil his parent's friendships?

  2. .

    I've been down on Obama for most of his administration both for his domestic policies and his foreign policy. And, I still don't know why we haven't seen those 28 pages yet. However, with
    the Iran agreement my view has softened some. It makes up for a lot. However, the other positive is his current attitude towards Saudi Arabia. He appears to treat them with the contempt they deserve.

    Unfortunately, come January of next year, it will likely be back to the same ol same ol between the US and Saudi Arabia.

    Hillary is 'Ms. same ol same ol'. With Trump, you haven't a clue what the heck he would. You certainly couldn't tell by what he says. Cruz and Kasich, on foreign policy, they are the GOP establishment. If some unknown person were to get the GOP nomination at the convention you could pretty much count on him being one of the establishment hacks. The only current candidate you may be able to count on to call SA out on their shit might be Sanders.

    Of course, given the way the Dems have rigged the nomination process, Sanders is unlikely to get the call. However, though I haven't really paid much attention to this farce for the past month or so, if Sanders were to get the nomination, I might start paying attention again.



    1. " However, the other positive is his current attitude towards Saudi Arabia. He appears to treat them with the contempt they deserve."

      If so, his 'optics' sometimes don't broadcast it. I recall O'bozo bowing the Saudi King.

      Isn't it accepted protocol that no American President show bow to any world leader ?

    2. .

      Isn't it accepted protocol that no American President show bow to any world leader ?

      I don't know. Why don't you lodge a complaint with the Office of Protocol over at the State Department?


    3. What's "Peak Human" according to that fat bobblehead?

    4. Cit Sat Ananda

      Being Consciousness Bliss

    5. Why don't you read American history and the history of our traditions, Quirk, The Much Less Than "Peak Human", and answer the question for us all.

      It will be a learning experience for you.

      I believe a President not bowing to any foreign leader is in our traditions, until O'bozo of course.

      Can anyone think of it ever having happened before ?

  3. Roger Stone made an idiotic statement. He said they would reveal the room numbers of those at the convention attempting to 'steal' the nomination from The Donald.

    This is a very very bad statement, and The Donald should condemn it but probably won't.

    Roger Stone does not formally work for the Trump Campaign, but it makes no difference.

    This is the most uncivilized statement I have seen yet by anyone, except for O'bozo's statement that 'if they bring a knife to a fight, we'll bring a gun'.

    Trump should condemn Roger Stone's statement.

    It's over the line.

    1. .

      The worst part is that all the delegates are likely to open their doors to the 'trumpettes' mistakenly assuming it is the prostitute they ordered.


    2. .

      Confession. I heard that on Seth Meyers earlier.


    3. :)

      You got that right.

  4. Amnesty International reports that there was a dramatic 54 per cent increase in executions globally in 2015, with Iran, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia responsible for nearly 90 per cent of the killings.


    On the plus side, Amnesty pointed to the governor of Pennsylvania establishing a moratorium on executions last year and the legislature in Nebraska overriding the governor's veto of a bill abolishing the death penalty.

  5. Ted Cruz got booed and given the Bronx Cheer today in the Bronx.


    His fervid, straining, sweaty, contorted faced praises and thanks to the Lord Jesus, along with some of his supporters proclaiming him the new prophet or messiah or some shit, don't go over well there in the Bronx.

    Even Kasich is polling ahead of the new messiah in New York.

    The Donald is currently at 53% in New York.

    In two weeks Wisconsin will be forgotten.
    Not 'New York' values, it seems.

    1. ("His fervid, straining, sweaty, contorted face".....this is an apt description of one trying to take a shit when constipated)


    At a rally in Pennsylvania Wednesday night, Bernie Sanders declared that rival Hillary Clinton is not qualified to be commander in chief.

    The Vermont Senator cited her past policy positions and votes, and her acceptance of substantial donations to her super PAC.

    But earlier in the day, Clinton implied it was Sanders who was not ready to lead the nation, Sanders said.

    “Secretary Clinton appears to be getting a little bit nervous,” Sanders told a crowd of thousands at a rally at Temple University in Philadelphia. "She has been saying lately that she thinks that I am quote unquote, not qualified to be president. Now, let me, let me just say in response to Secretary Clinton, I don’t believe that she is qualified, if she is, through her super PAC, taking tens of millions of dollars in special interest donations.”

    He added, “I don’t think you are qualified if you have voted for the disastrous war in Iraq. I don’t think you are qualified if you have supported virtually every disastrous trade agreement which has cost us millions of decent paying jobs. I don’t think you are qualified if you supported the Panama Free Trade Agreement, something I very strongly opposed, and which is as all of you know, has allowed corporations and wealthy people all over the world to avoid paying their taxes to their countries.”

    1. ...During an interview with ABC News’ Cecilia Vega, Sanders listed several others reasons why he believed Clinton was not suited to be President, including Clinton’s support of the Keystone pipeline and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which he claims hurt her qualifications. Sanders, however, said his qualifications included "fighting for working families" and taking on “every special interest in this country.”

      Sanders added, "Let’s look at who voted for the war in Iraq. The worst foreign policy blunder in the modern history of the United States. It wasn’t Bernie Sanders. It was Hillary Clinton. Let’s look at who supported virtually every disastrous trade agreement, which has cost this country millions of decent paying jobs. It wasn’t Bernie Sanders -- it was Hillary Clinton. Let’s talk about who has vacillated on issues like the Keystone pipeline, finally coming on board, or the trans pacific partnership.”


      Salt Lake City, Utah (CNN)Bernie Sanders criticized Israel’s treatment of Palestinians, condemning the expansion of West Bank settlements and blasting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s withholding of tax dollars from Palestinian authorities, in a speech Monday in Utah.

      The Vermont senator was the only 2016 presidential candidate to skip an 18,000-attendee pro-Israel conference in Washington. Instead, he delivered his foreign policy speech in Salt Lake City, capital of a state which, along with Arizona and Idaho, will vote in Democratic nominating contests on Tuesday.

      Sanders is the only Jewish candidate in the race -- though he didn't mention that in his speech and rarely does on the campaign trail. He did, however, discuss living in a kibbutz as a young man.

      Still, much of what Sanders had to say wouldn't have gone over well at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee's gathering.

      Sanders promised to be a friend to both Israel and the Palestinians -- but didn't shy away from criticizing the U.S. ally.

      "We are obligated to speak the truth as we see it. This is what real friendship demands, especially in difficult times," Sanders said, according to a copy of his remarks provided by his campaign.

      "If elected president, I will work tirelessly to advance the cause of peace as a partner and as a friend to Israel. But to be successful, we have to be a friend not only to Israel, but to the Palestinian people," he said.

      He criticized Israel's expansion of settlements in the West Bank, saying it "undermines the peace process and, ultimately, Israeli security as well."

    3. ..."It is absurd for elements within the Netanyahu government to suggest that building more settlements in the West Bank is the appropriate response to the most recent violence. It is also not acceptable that the Netanyahu government decided to withhold hundreds of millions of Shekels in tax revenue from the Palestinians, which it is supposed to collect on their behalf," Sanders said.

      He called for an end to the economic blockade of Gaza and a "sustainable and equitable distribution of precious water resources so that Israel and Palestine can both thrive as neighbors."

      And he criticized Israel by suggesting it has overreacted to attacks.

      ”Peace will require strict adherence by both sides to the tenets of international humanitarian law. This includes Israeli ending disproportionate responses to being attacked, even though any attack on Israel is unacceptable,” Sanders said.


    Bernie Sanders is right: Saudi Arabia is more focused on the conflict in Yemen than fighting ISIS

    Bernie Sanders delivered his long-awaited speech on democratic socialism last week, also outlining his plan for fighting ISIS.

    Sanders called for a broad international coalition but stressed that Muslim nations must shoulder the fight, which he called "a struggle for the soul of Islam." So far, he said, wealthy and powerful countries in the region like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates have done very little.

    "Saudi Arabia, turns out, has the third-largest defense budget in the world," Sanders said on Nov. 19. "Yet instead of fighting ISIS they have focused more on a campaign to oust Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen."

    Sanders is correct that Saudi Arabia’s military budget is the third largest in the world. But is he also right that the Saudis aren’t prioritizing ISIS? In a word, yes.

    1. ...A striking scaleback

      The Saudi embassy in Washington did not return our requests for comment. But the Sanders campaign forwarded us a New York Times article that says, "Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have shifted most of their aircraft to their fight against Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen."

      In 2014, the Houthis — a longstanding Shiite separatist group in northern Yemen, a country with a Sunni majority — rebelled against the Yemeni government and seized the presidential palace. After months of tense peace brokered by the United Nations, the Houthis took over the government and placed the president under house arrest in early 2015.

      Saudi Arabia, which has a Sunni majority and is ruled by a Sunni monarch, led a 10-state Arab coalition and launched airstrikes against the Houthis on March 26. It pledged to use 100 warplanes and 150,000 soldiers. In a month, the Saudis conducted 2,415 sorties (a deployment of an aircraft), releasing at least 1,000 air-to-ground weapons.

      Meanwhile, as part of the U.S.-led coalition of 60 countries, Saudi Arabia has also been involved with the international effort against ISIS since September 2014. Since then, it has deployed just four F-15 fighter jets and an unspecified number of Typhoon combat jets against ISIS. (Saudi state media trumpeted the participation, releasing photos of pilots who flew in the strikes and highlighting that the son of King Salman was among them.)

      Experts said Saudi Arabia doesn’t publicize the exact number of airstrikes it has carried out, but the data shows that the amount of non-U.S. airstrikes overall has been scaled back since the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen began in late March. Conversely, the United States has beefed up its strikes.




      ...on Sunday that 12 fighters from Lebanon’s Shiite Hezbollah were killed fighting the Al-Qaeda-affiliated Al-Nusra Front and allied rebels in the northern province of Aleppo.

      They died “in shelling and fighting in the south of Aleppo province, during the fierce offensive by Al-Nusra...

  8. McCain’s guys, armed by the US: Al-Nusra

  9. US actions under Republican and Democratic presidents . has been the deliberate advancement of a consistent pro-Sunni Islamic Policy since Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger and Sheikh Yamani that led, among other things, to sending the Seventh Fleet up the Bay of Bengal to defend Pakistan;s right to practice Islam (mass rapes, sex slavery, genocide, vandalism etc) in 1971 and Turkey’s annexation of half of Cyprus in 1973 and the persecution of Shia Iran in International affairs.


  10. Clinton is an embarrassment to many in the Democratic Party. She has pandered to Wall Street and U.S. capitalist interests as we dominate the world with our military in 147 countries.

    She’s a proud admirer of Henry Kissinger, whose interventionist policies have paved the way for disasters around the world today, including the intervention in Latin America (Chile, 1973) that caused many people to be killed and set back democratic movements for generations.

    We financed and nurtured the Taliban in Afghanistan to fight the Soviets. We supported Saddam Hussein against Iran, and then we toppled his regime, creating an endless bloodbath and a vacuum in Iraq that led to the evolution of the Islamic State. Hillary Clinton supported all of this.

    Clinton used to support the concept of Medicare for all; if that was truly her belief, Wall Street money has convinced her to abandon that conviction.

    Bernie Sanders has opposed U.S. interventionist policies consistently. He truly believes in Medicare for all. He has fought for the rights of blacks. While he was being arrested in 1963 for supporting black liberation movements, Clinton was a Goldwater girl.


    Mail letters to: Mailbag, 3500 Chad Drive, Eugene, OR 97408-7348


  11. At Thursday night’s Democratic presidential debate, one of the most heated exchanges concerned an unlikely topic: Henry Kissinger. During a stretch focused on foreign policy, Bernie Sanders, the senator from Vermont, jabbed at former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for having cited Kissinger, who was Richard Nixon’s secretary of state, as a fan of her stint at Foggy Bottom.

    "I happen to believe that Henry Kissinger was one of the most destructive secretaries of state in the modern history of this country," Sanders huffed, adding, "I will not take advice from Henry Kissinger." He referred to the secret bombing of Cambodia during the Vietnam war as a Kissinger-orchestrated move that eventually led to genocide in that country. "So count me in as somebody who will not be listening to Henry Kissinger," Sanders roared. Clinton defended her association with Kissinger by replying, "I listen to a wide variety of voices that have expertise in various areas." She cast her interactions with Kissinger as motivated by her desire to obtain any information that might be useful to craft policy. "People we may disagree with on a number of things may have some insight, may have some relationships that are important for the president to understand in order to best protect the United States," she said.

    What Clinton did not mention was that her bond with Kissinger was personal as well as professional, as she and her husband have for years regularly spent their winter holidays with Kissinger and his wife, Nancy, at the beachfront villa of fashion designer Oscar de la Renta, who died in 2014, and his wife, Annette, in the Dominican Republic.

    This campaign tussle over Kissinger began a week earlier, at a previous debate, when Clinton, looking to boost her résumé, said, "I was very flattered when Henry Kissinger said I ran the State Department better than anybody had run it in a long time. So I have an idea about what it's going to take to make our government work more efficiently." A few days later, Bill Clinton, while campaigning for his wife in New Hampshire, told a crowd of her supporters, "Henry Kissinger, of all people, said she ran the State Department better and got more out of the personnel at the State Department than any secretary of state in decades, and it's true." His audience of Democrats clapped loudly in response.


    1. {...}

      This Clinton lovefest with Kissinger is not new. And it is not simply a product of professional courtesy or solidarity among former secretaries of state, who, after all, are part of a small club. There is also a strong social connection between the Clintons and the Kissingers. They pal around together. On June 3, 2013, Hillary Clinton presented an award to de la Renta, a good friend who for years had provided her dresses and fashion advice, and then the two of them hopped over to a 90th birthday party for Kissinger. In fact, the schedule of the award ceremony had been shifted to allow Clinton and de la Renta to make it to the Kissinger bash. (Secretary of State John Kerry also attended the party.) The Kissingers and the de la Rentas were longtime buddies. Kissinger wrote one of his recent books while staying at de la Rentas' mansion in the Dominican Republic and dedicated the book to the fashion designer and his wife.



    Hillary’s Henry

    Kissinger’s achievements during his tenure as Richard Nixon’s top foreign policy–maker. He

    (1) prolonged the Vietnam War for five pointless years;

    (2) illegally bombed Cambodia and Laos;

    (3) goaded Nixon to wiretap staffers and journalists;

    (4) bore responsibility for three genocides in Cambodia, East Timor, and Bangladesh;

    (5) urged Nixon to go after Daniel Ellsberg for having released the Pentagon Papers, which set off a chain of events that brought down the Nixon White House;

    (6) pumped up Pakistan’s ISI, and encouraged it to use political Islam to destabilize Afghanistan;

    (7) began the US’s arms-for-petrodollars dependency with Saudi Arabia and pre-revolutionary Iran;

    (8) accelerated needless civil wars in southern Africa that, in the name of supporting white supremacy, left millions dead;

    (9) supported coups and death squads throughout Latin America;

    (10) ingratiated himself with the first-generation neocons, such as Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz, who would take American militarism to its next calamitous level. Read all about it in Kissinger’s Shadow!

    A full tally hasn’t been done, but a back-of-the-envelope count would attribute 3, maybe 4 million deaths to Kissinger’s actions, but that number probably undercounts his victims in southern Africa. Pull but one string from the current tangle of today’s multiple foreign policy crises, and odds are it will lead back to something Kissinger did between 1968 and 1977. Over-reliance on Saudi oil? That’s Kissinger. Blowback from the instrumental use of radical Islam to destabilize Soviet allies...

  13. The last thing this country needs is another Bush, Clinton or Kennedy or anyone else struck with level 4 Neoconeisseria Gonorrhoeae



    According to findings by the Bosnian Ministry of Security, not only were munitions from Bosnia used in the January 2015 attack on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, but some of the weapons used in the November 13 Islamic State attack on Paris were also from former Yugoslav production.

    It increasingly looks as though a new sanctuary for IS fighters, planners and recruiters has been established right in the middle of Europe. In some remote villages, the black flag of IS is flown and, as a share of the population, more fighters from Bosnia-Herzegovina have joined IS than from any other country in Europe, except for Belgium. Around 30 Bosnians have lost their lives in the Middle Eastern battlefields, with some 50 having returned home.



    ...The Bosnian intervention resulted in the imposition of the “Dayton Accord” on the parties involved and the creation of the dysfunctional state of Bosnia-Herzegovina. The Kosovo intervention five years later (justified by the scaremongering, subsequently disproven reports of a Serbian genocidal campaign against Kosovars) involved the NATO bombing of Belgrade and resulted in the dismemberment of Serbia. Kosovo, now recognized by the U.S. and many of its allies as an independent state, is the center of Europe’s heroin trafficking and the host of the U.S.’s largest army base abroad. The Kosovo war, lacking UN support and following Albright’s outrageous demand for Serbian acquiescence—designed, as she gleefully conceded, “to set the bar too high” for Belgrade and Moscow’s acceptance—of NATO occupation of all of Serbia, was an extraordinary provocation to Serbia’s traditional ally Russia. “They need some bombing, and that’s what they are going to get,” Albright said at the time, as NATO prepared to bomb a European capital for the first time since 1945.

    *Clinton has been a keen advocate for the expansion of an antiquated Cold War military alliance that persists in provoking Russia.

  16. Hillary Clinton is the single worse choice available to be crowned for her lifetime policy of war mongering, lying and being wrong.


  17. .


    I take most of the stuff the presidential candidates say or promise with a grain of salt, not only because half of what they say is bullshit and they are simply lying about their real views but also because most presidents are limited in what they can do especially on the domestic front where you can't get anything done without consensus and funding.

    True, presidents have to present their budgets but it is really Congress that in the end must put the final bill together. Now, the president can rally public opinion and in the end can veto the budget Congress comes up with if he doesn't like it. But Congress holds the purse strings and they guard that right jealously and in the end with enough votes they can override a presidential veto.

    Likewise, major social issues usually end up in the Supreme Court and the president is left to simply follow existing law. So, for the most part (except on trade agreements) I am not so concerned with what a candidate says he/she would do on domestic issues while he/she is campaigning. Saying you will do something and being able to do it are very different things in D.C. especially given the partisan divide that exists today.

    On the other hand, foreign policy is a completely different matter. Here, the president as commander-in-chief is granted wide discretion under the constitution which makes sense. However, the constitution also puts up checks and balances on the most important decision he can make, taking the country to war. The responsibility to declare war was given to Congress. Unfortunately (I wish there was a stronger word), Congress has willingly ceded that responsibility all the way back to the Korean War through documents like the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, the Patriot Act and other similar documents so that now a president can pretty much do anything he damn well pleases without restraint.

    On the domestic side, Trump might simply embarrass the nation as president, Cruz might scare anyone he comes in contact with, and Hillary might follow Bill's lead and sell out the Lincoln bedroom, but they shouldn't be able to do anymore damage than we have become used to. However, on foreign policy anyone of them could bring the country to war(s).

    Sanders, on the other hand, though a socialist on domestic policy seems to be a libertarian when it comes to foreign policy; and to my mind that is a good thing.


    1. They asked Sanders how he would break up the banks.

      His answer was he didn't know. but he would have the banks and the regulatory agencies figure it out.

    2. "But Congress holds the purse strings and they guard that right jealously and in the end with enough votes they can override a presidential veto."

      Republican House of Representatives has given up that right quite willingly, along with every other responsibility they once were tasked with.

    3. Have you quit on the Republicans, too?

      Gary Johnson 2016.

      Though that presupposes that Hillary gets the Democratic nomination.

  18. Nasty, violent, lying young bitch gets her just rewards in two stages:

  19. Nice anti-Hillary screed, guys, and congratulations on that, but Sanders is an embarrassing joke on all topics. He's full of shit, and full of himself.

    Recently he was asked during a long interview with an eastern newspaper if he would have the power, as President, to bust up the big banks, as he is always yapping about doing. He didn't have a clue.

    Can't recall which newspaper conducted that interview but it was one of those in D.C. or New York. I will put it up if I find it.

    It was a total disaster all the way through.


    Meanwhile The Donald gave an excellent speech to a rip roaring crowd of 10,000 standing supporters in New York City. He was hitting all the right buttons and they were totally in tune....

    1. He doesn’t have to know how to break up the banks, no more than a race car driver needs to know how to fix a transmission.

      It is an idiotic question.

      There are thousands of technocrats that will show hime how to do it.

    2. And they need to be broken up big time.

    3. The banks got their power and size by political payoffs and traitorous corrupt congressman signing bills written by the banks for the banks, bills not read or understood by the signers of the bills, but paid for in political graft, transferring billions of wealth for pennies on the dollar.

    4. Out here in the hicks, the smaller banks do better than the bigger ones.

      We had Bank of America for awhile. Long gone.

      People like Clearwater Credit Union, Banner Bank, Bank of Fairfield, Columbia Bank, Community Bank, Twin Rivers Bank, and many many more...


    5. Banks, Corporations, are not people, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.
      They are independent legal entities.

      Any real Republican would know that, going back to the core values of both Lincoln and Roosevelt.

  20. I see Doug beat me to it.

  21. Panic as College Students Mistake Priest -- for KKK Member!.......DRUDGE

    The Kids today.....jeez, we're lost.

  22. Eject! Eject!

    1. Buckle Up !

      Actually it all depends. I know a women who survived the toll over of her convertible because she wasn't buckled up....she got tossed over into the passenger seat, head down on the floor and legs sticking up to the back of the seat. The car was flat as a pancake but she hardly got a bruise....

  23. April 6, 2016

    Trump ally Roger Stone threatens harassment of Trump-dumping delegates in Cleveland

    By Thomas Lifson

    It’s thug time in Republican politics. Nick Gass of Politico reports on plans to bully GOP delegates who switch support away from Donald Trump:

    Longtime Donald Trump ally Roger Stone is threatening to make public the hotel room numbers of Republican National Convention delegates who switch from Trump to another candidate.

    This is obviously in response to Ted Cruz’s effort to recruit delegates who will switch to him after they are released from their pledge to vote for others on the first and sometimes second ballot rounds. Lacking a ground game and network of supporters, Trump’s side is resorting to hints of intimidation to prevent this.

    "We’re going to have protests, demonstrations. We will disclose the hotels and the room numbers of those delegates who are directly involved in the steal," Stone said Monday in a discussion with Stefan Molyneux on Freedomain Radio, as he alleged that Trump's opponents planned to deny the democratic will of Republican primary voters.

    "If you’re from Pennsylvania, we’ll tell you who the culprits are. We urge you to visit their hotel and find them. You have a right to discuss this, if you voted in the Pennsylvania primary, for example, and your votes are being disallowed," Stone said.

    Hotels generally refuse to release the room numbers of guests, so as to prevent harassment, sexual assaults, burglary, and other crimes. Going back many years, when checking in, hotels will hand a printed room number to the guest rather than saying the room number aloud. So privacy rights are pretty well established in policy, and possibly in law, for all I know, in the State of Ohio.

    So how would Stone and his harassers get ahold of room numbers? There is adequate time for delegations to formally make a policy of not publishing room numbers of their members.

    ABC World News Tonight gleefully reported Stone’s threat last night, further damaging the Republican brand – a party in which delegates can be bullied.

    Stone used to work for Trump but now says he doesn’t. Oddly enough, he appears to be spending a lot of time promoting Trump’s candidacy. I wonder who is paying him...

    One statement by an idiot doesn't mean 'thug time in Republican politics' but it certainly doesn't help either.

    On the other hand it's not in the category of a big city mayor sanctioning looting as a legitimate form of leftist protest, either.

  24. I can't believe anyone who has ever done anything at all would ever vote for a man like Bernie who wants to have the tax rate start at 52%, and go up from there.

    Bernie = Venezuela, Cuba, Zimbabwe.

    Bernie's crazy.

    I read recently we're already the most taxed people on the planet.

    Socialism ?

    We already have it.

    "We have an income tax, don't we"?

    Robert Frost

    1. ISIS = Israel

    2. An absurd statement that has zero to do with US tax rates.

    3. The ISIS = Israel statement was made in reply to

      Bernie = Venezuela, Cuba, Zimbabwe.

      Which is an absurd statement that has zero to do with US tax rates.

  25. Actually The Donald drew about 15,000 folks to his ripping New York speech, while Lyin' Ted couldn't get 100 to his, many protestors included.

    Even a high school cancelled a Ted event, due to complaints.

    Wisconsin is receding in the rear view mirror...

  26. Madame Arbour gets hers from Mark Steyn in formal debate about muslims, assimilation and gang rapes of teenagers --


    Great going, Mark !

    Nigel Farange and Mark Steyn were the 'Cons', Madame Arbour and some other dunce the 'Pros'.

  27. Sanders need say no more than this:

    “I don’t think you are qualified if you have voted for the disastrous war in Iraq,”

  28. We morphed from winning hearts and minds to creating reasons to become a jihaddi:

    The Human Rights Watch (HRW) says Saudi Arabia used US-made cluster bombs in two recent airstrikes on a busy market in Yemen, which killed scores of civilians.

    The March 15 bombing targeting the northwestern town of Mastaba marked the second-deadliest airstrike conducted by the Saudi campaign since it began its war in March 2015.

    The strike also wounded at least 47 people and left charred bodies lying next to flour sacks and twisted metal.

    Human Rights Watch said Thursday its investigators traveled to the town in Yemen's Hajjah province the day after the attack and listed the names of 97 civilians killed in the strike, including 25 children.

    The team said that another 10 bodies were burned beyond recognition, bringing the total number of victims to 107.

    They found fragments of a GBU-31 satellite-guided bomb as well as its guidance equipment supplied by the US, matching an earlier report by British television channel ITV.

    1. It is US munitions that slaughter Palestinians and others that oppose "Western" dominance of the Middle East.

      It is being fired by the Turks, Israelis and Saudis, to kill anyone that opposes the operatives of radical Wahhabist Islam gaining political power in that region of the world.

    2. Why do they hate us? Does anyone have any idea why they cannot see what exceptional mutherfuckers we really are?

      Have they no clue as to the good intentions and honor we are endowed with?

  29. Another "Elite Republican" ...

    Dennis Hastert accused of sexual abuse by at least 4, sources say

    ... federal authorities have hinted at the motive behind the hush-money payments former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert has admitted to making: the sexual abuse of a teenage boy when Hastert was still a suburban high school teacher and wrestling coach.

    ... at least four people have made what law enforcement sources say are credible allegations of sexual abuse against Hastert.

    The Tribune has determined the identities of three of them, all men, whose allegations stretch over a decade when they were teenagers and Hastert was their coach. One is dead. The Tribune has approached the other two — described in federal court records as Individuals A and D — and confirmed their roles in the case.

    The man who received $1.7 million from Hastert and is at the center of the federal indictment — Individual A — declined to be interviewed by the Tribune. Behind the government's carefully worded court documents, reporters discovered a sometimes-pained narrative of his life since his days as a standout wrestler in the 1970s and how his interactions with Hastert might have affected him.

    Remember this example of "Republican Values", come November.

    1. Show him the same mercy that they showed to Jim Traficant. He got seven years for padding a bill to get his driveway paved/

  30. Advice from an old farmer to an old city slicker nick named Q -

    Raise backyard chickens:

    Chickens Build Character

    All of these benefits are more or less quantifiable, but one is slightly less easy to measure but no less important: animal husbandry is good for the soul. Do not mistake this for something it is not. At least among the urban set, the pragmatic realities of animal farming tend to get lost under a lot of trendy pretensions and sentimental baloney. But there is really no need for this, and it is easily avoided.

    Raising animals—even a little flock of dimwitted backyard chickens—teaches us practical and visceral lessons.

    Raising animals—even a little flock of dimwitted backyard chickens—teaches us practical and visceral lessons about ecology, economics, attentiveness, time management, health, weather and locale, soil health, and patience. Spend a month with a backyard chicken flock and you’ll understand. All of these things are critical to the proper formation of the human heart and the human mind. Because of this, a flock of backyard chickens will particularly benefit your young children, who should learn these lessons early and often.

    Backyard chicken farming is of course often dismissed by a hardheaded sort of person who thinks of it as a retrograde throwback to preindustrial days. But this is wrong. Urban animal husbandry is in fact as postindustrial a consumer choice as any you might make; perhaps even more so, because it requires and is a result of more knowledge and more careful attention to one’s health and abilities than simply buying your eggs from a grocer. Problems will arise, of course—but the same could be said about owning a car, and nobody wants to give up owning a car because it might have problems.

    One also often hears the complaint that it is too expensive to run your own chicken flock. This is easily avoided by eschewing some of the modish traps many backyard “flocksters” fall into. Do not, for example, buy a fancy pre-made chicken coop: they are ridiculously expensive and needless. Instead, build a simple coop with as many wood scraps as you can. Many people feed their chicken rather pricey organic feed, but you can get excellent eggs with “conventional” layer feed as well. There are plenty of ways to save money without compromising the best values of backyard farming.


    1. My Name is really Bob. I am not really a Farmer

      I Live on just over a 1/4 acre of land, well within the city limits of Moscow, Idaho. I do engage in many farm-like activities there, such as gardening, chicken-keeping, home-cooking, and DIY building and repairs, because of this my family and friends often call me "Farmer Bob" to tease me.

      I started this narrative mainly to amuse them

      All of my stories are retelling of things that I have witnessed at some point while pursuing the behaviors that define my "Farmer Bob" identity

    2. Very funny, Quirk.

  31. Remember BillyGoat when you vote in November.

    Remember how Hag Hillary, Princess of Democrat Party values, slandered and harassed BillyGoat's victims when you vote in November.

    1. April 7, 2016

      Hillary just boxed in AG Loretta Lynch

      By Thomas Lifson

      Hillary Clinton yesterday made it very difficult for Attorney General Loretta Lynch to decline to prosecute a possible criminal referral from the FBI. Using her trademark sandpaper tone of voice when she is being emphatic, speaking to a rally in Pennsylvania, Hillary flat out declared: “Everyone who violates the law anywhere should be held accountable.”

      She was, of course, thinking about other people -- specifically those people exposed in the Panama Papers hack. But this sort of blanket statement could be used against Lynch if she were to decline to prosecute following a criminal referral. And (under my dream scenario), if she were to continue to run for president following a referral that was not prosecuted, this snippet could be played over and over again in campaign ads and emails.

      I seriously wonder if Hillary’s unconscious mind is trying to sabotage her campaign. Consider that at that very same podium, she allowed a hot mic to pick up a devastating admission about the state of her campaign.

      Maybe she just wants to go play with her grandchildren. That would be totally understandable. Maintaining enthusiasm for her power lust quest has got to be difficult in the face of Bernie Sanders drawing crowds roughly ten times as large and ten times as enthusiastic as her own.

  32. Someone must have whispered in Bernie’s ear that if you strike a queen, you have to kill her.

  33. "slaughter Palestinians"

    Simple Definition of slaughter
    : the act of killing animals for their meat
    : the violent killing of a large number of people

    slaugh·ter (slô′tər)
    1. The killing of animals especially for food.
    2. The killing of a large number of people; a massacre

    One can only guess at the Non-primary English speaker and his thoughts.

    1. The Israelis do not eat Palestinians nor do they 'slaughter' them for any food purpose.

    2. The Israelis do not "slaughter" Palestinians, one could hope that the Israelis could kill the ISIS of the West Bank and Gaza like the Iranians, Hezbollah and Syria do, but in what constitutes a "large" number? It is relative.

    The best and most recent example would be the 2014 "war" with hamas in Gaza. In that war, 2200 arabs were killed. Israel says 1400 were terrorists, Hamas says 1400 were civilians. Now one could argue that is a large number, but in comparison to the Syrian, Iranian, Hezbollah efforts in Syria alone (not counting the hundreds of thousands of sunnis killed in iraq by Iran and it's proxies in recent years) ( Or American forces killing of 100,000 Iraqis in the Iraq war) that is approaching 400,000 dead....

    Now most rational people can agree that 400,000 civilians is a large number and could classify as a "slaughter". Of course the majority of those 400,000 were not fighting the regime, nor being human shields but simple civilians barrel bombed at the market...

    Once again the blogger who said "slaughter Palestinians" must not KNOW English very well.


    1. 85,902 Palestinians have been killed since Israel was founded in 1948.

      That's a slaughter.

    2. Sorry you cannot simply make up definitions as you go...

      The total dead from war over almost 70 years does not constitute a "slaughter".

      It's war dead.

      But even your number is paltry as compared to other wars in the very area.

      The Iran - Iraq war, over 1 million dead..

      that short war caused 920,000 more dead in 1/5 the time...

      try again, might i suggest going to English as a 1st language class?

    3. But if we use your odd logic?

      In America?

      73,000,000 babies are dead since Roe v Wade.

      Now that's a slaughter...


    4. 73 million eh? riiiight.

    5. Ash:

      I was wrong, only 58,000,000

      I am sure that will come as a relief to you.


    6. No doubt of that, "O"rdure.

      But it was not government sponsored, here in the US.

      Unlike abortion in Israel, where an average 20,000 Jews are slaughtered by the Zionist governments' socialized healthcare system, each year.

    7. 58 million hmmmm, where do you get that number from?

    8. .

      It's been pointed out before that you are wrong on this, rat.



    9. Point it out, again, with references, Q.

      It is the number often quoted, by the JPost and Haaratz, etc.
      If you have some other sources, please provide them.


    10. It's not a war, "O"rdure, it's an "O"ccupation.

    11. Ash, since you are a lazy cocksucker and cannot google anything I will provide a link.

      Now will admit you are a moslem jihadist apologist and you are not worthy of citizenship in the west?

    12. Looks like a lot of a Americans should learn how to use a condom...

      "Myth: Since Roe v Wade, the abortion rate has skyrocketed and the legalization has caused an unprecedented number of abortions.

      Abortions did not begin when they became a legal right 41 years ago, and abortions will not end if they become illegal tomorrow. A big point that pro-lifers like to make is that there have been approximately 50 million abortions in this country since Roe. This is actually true. Most years since 1973, there have been somewhere around 1.2 million abortions.

      The thing that is left out of that argument, is that prior to the legalization, there was virtually an equal number of abortions performed. In the 1950s and 1960s, abortion numbers ranged all the way up to 1.2 million per year.

      Another interesting fact is that since the 1980s, abortion rates have been steadily dropping in this country."

      heh, kinda funny - it's the ole WiO standard argument 'well they had just as many abortions before RoevsWade therefore abortion is cool'.

  34. An update from those super secret operations, down Panama way.

    ‘Panama Papers’ Implicate Client of Clinton-Linked Lobbying Firm

    BY: Lachlan Markay
    April 5, 2016 5:00 am

    A firm with ties to senior members of the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign registered to lobby on behalf of a major Russian bank just weeks before a massive leak exposed the bank’s role in a web of secret financial dealings that have enriched members of Russian president Vladimir Putin’s inner circle

    1. .

      Part of the reset with Russia.


    2. Let's all just admit it openly.....our Hag is really really good at corruption, world class.

      We can all proudly proclaim :

      "Our Hag is our Livia Drusilla"

  35. In their won best interests, the Arabstinians should not attack the Israelis.

    They would live longer.

    Same with the Gazans.

    They too should not attack the Israelis.

    They would live longer.

    1. The Fakistinians are the genesis of the ISIS sunni movement in the world.


    2. own best interests


      Charlie Sheen is being investigated by the LAPD on possible felony charges.

      It's about time he got his.

    3. That is one of the most ignorant and false things you have ever written, "O"rdure, and that is saying 'something'.

    4. .

      WiO remains stiff-necked and intractable in his misguided obduracy.


    5. Jack HawkinsThu Apr 07, 12:08:00 PM EDT
      That is one of the most ignorant and false things you have ever written, "O"rdure, and that is saying 'something'.

      Your statement is ignorant and false.

      Just name calling, as always, will slurs and slime...

      Maybe you should learn better communications skills?

    6. Quirk, good one, never heard of the term "obduracy" before.

      Simple Definition of obdurate
      : refusing to do what other people want

      But if you alluding to my belief that the Fakistinians are the genesis of the Sunni ISIS? It's not a literally interpretation but rather the way the Sunni's murder, stab, blow up, and rampage.

      And with that I am convinced regardless of your differences with my opinion, that ISIS and Fatah/Hamas are 2 leaves from the same tree and the Fatah/Hamas cult of death gave rise to ISIS and their behaviors.


    7. How could a 'nonexistent' people, from a land that never existed in history, both points you have continually made, now be the genesis of 1,400 years of Islamic expansion?

    8. QuirkThu Apr 07, 12:26:00 PM EDT

      WiO remains stiff-necked and intractable in his misguided obduracy.

      But I notice your lack of specificity.

      Is that your intent so that you cannot be "pinned" down on a point?


    9. 1,400 years of Islamic expansion of which the Islamic State is now the temporary public face of, was created by the Palestinians.

      genesis = the origin or mode of formation of something.


    10. The Palestinians are the genesis of Wahabbist Islam?

      Prove it, "O"rdure.

    11. Again, you are SLOPPY with your language.

      Try reading and commenting on what is written, not what you wish to argue against.

      And again, your slander and usage of a false name ""O"rude." proves you lack the ability to have reasonable dialogue.

      I will say this, it's amazing to watch you "jack" distort, mislead and actually change other people's statements when trying to argue a point...

      We call those folks "liars" where I come from (Ohio) :)

    12. .

      Quirk, good one, never heard of the term "obduracy" before.

      I don't believe it is a neologism. I have heard it used before. When I looked it up the definition was 'the quality or state of being obdurate'.

      If it were a neologism, I would gladly take credit for it. Within my sentence, it flows much better than obdurate.


    13. .

      But I notice your lack of specificity.

      Is that your intent so that you cannot be "pinned" down on a point?

      So, sorry. I keep forgetting about your short attention span and inability to follow a single and relatively short stream of discussion even when you start it off. Do you remember this...

      The Fakistinians are the genesis of the ISIS sunni movement in the world.

      This was your 180 degree divergence from Bob's initial comment as you wandered off into WiO-World.

      Mine was merely the second comment after you put up this silliness, What the heck did you think I was referring to?

      But if you alluding to my belief that the Fakistinians are the genesis of the Sunni ISIS? It's not a literally interpretation but rather the way the Sunni's murder, stab, blow up, and rampage.

      Yet you accuse me of lack of specificity. When you have to explain what you meant one might think that your first statement wasn't all that specific.

      Worse than that is the lack of clarity. I am surprised that you don't seem to understand the meaning of the word genesis.


    14. I know it all too well...

      And I stand by my comments.

      But if you alluding to my belief that the Fakistinians are the genesis of the Sunni ISIS

      Yep that's accurate.

    15. .

      But if you alluding to my belief that the Fakistinians are the genesis of the Sunni ISIS

      Yep that's accurate.

      If that's the case, then I hope I am being specific enough, as well as, easy and clear when I say IMO you, sir, are batshit crazy and lack any knowledge of the genesis of ISIS and only an impaired knowledge of Palestinians.


  36. .

    Raise backyard chickens:

    It's against zoning restrictions here. We have a saying, 'leave it to the hicks in the stix'.

    However, I'm sure, as you insinuate, it builds character. Hell, given the opportunity I'd be out there every morning pruning my flock of Wyandottes or Sussex' layers and broilers, taking their eggs, trimming the chicks beaks, ringing the necks of the broilers.

    And it teaches you visceral lessons?

    You bet. It doesn't get much better than wringing the neck of an animal you have raised from the time it first hatched. Nothing takes you back to the glory days of our atavistic past like looking down at that limp body. Damn. I'm getting a hard on just thinking about it.


    (For rat, sarcasm off)


    1. If you're really good at it, like a wonderful lady I spent a lot of time with when I was a kid, (this family farmed Grandfather's land) with just one practiced expert twirl/twist of the arm and wrist, you can flip a chicken's head right off.

      And, they really do run around with their heads off for a while, sometimes.

      It's much better and more satisfying than pinching flies, as Churchill used to do, and the flipping them away with thumb and middle finger as if they were enemy infantrymen.

    2. .

      I was born and raised to a young age in rural Tennessee. I don't require instructions on how to wring a chicken's neck.


    3. Really....that's in hell did you end up in a shithole like Detroit ?

      Sounds like another sad archetypical tale of the fall of another American from the rural into the intolerable urban, to me.

      And shows me you really could be a successful urban chicken farmer if you wanted to do so.

      Might bring back memories of an happier time......"was good, now heap shit", as Hemingway's elder Indian said when the two first met in Wyoming.

    4. Just say the hell with the zoning restrictions on the grounds you are building character, that you are 'pursuing happiness' as our traditions say we have a right to do.

      Take it all the way to The United States Supreme Court !

  37. Anyone who thinks "raising chickens" is the answer has never raised chickens.

    1. On this one, you and I agree totally.

      Though nearly every hut in rural China has a flock.

  38. Bernie Sanders is down by a little over 200 pledged delegates (does Not include Super Delegates,) and is looking at a bunch of Closed primaries coming up in NY, Pa, De, and Pa -

    he gets over a third of his support from Independents, who cannot vote in a Closed primary.

    He'll go into the Convention down about 300 Delegates - again, this does Not include Super Delegates.

    He's toast.

  39. I'm hoping for an FBI criminal referral of The Hag to the Justice Department before the Dem Convention.

    Yes, I admit in my darker moments I am hoping for chaos at the Dem Convention.

    1. The jackpot would be an indictment handed down by a Grand Jury.

  40. Jack HawkinsThu Apr 07, 01:00:00 PM EDT

    1,400 years of Islamic expansion of which the Islamic State is now the temporary public face of, was created by the Palestinians.

    Notice how Jack creates whole comments that he attributes to others?

    Liar Liar, pants on fire....

    1. I've noticed that myself.

      One finds one saying things one never said.



    2. You obviously do not understand the meaning of the word ... genesis, "O"rdure.

  41. another example of Jack's lack of English comprehension.

    Jack HawkinsThu Apr 07, 12:57:00 PM EDT

    How could a 'nonexistent' people, from a land that never existed in history, both points you have continually made, now be the genesis of 1,400 years of Islamic expansion?

    Once again, Jack lies and misdirects, distorts and out right makes it up as he goes...

  42. Quirk: Mine was merely the second comment after you put up this silliness, What the heck did you think I was referring to?

    Who knows? I don't pretend to be a mind reader....

    1. But it is good form, for those of us less "gifted" as you, to refer to the specific statement when commenting..

      Most of the modern day computers have this cut/copy and paste feature.....

      Makes communicating a specific point easy and clear...

    2. .

      But it is good form, for those of us less "gifted" as you, to refer to the specific statement when commenting..

      Thanks for the lessons on blogging etiquette.

      As for easy and clear, I think I commented on that above.



    3. To claim that the Palestinians are the genesis of the Islamic State is the most ignorant thing you have ever written, "O"rdure.

      That you continue to defend it, comical.

  43. ash: heh, kinda funny - it's the ole WiO standard argument 'well they had just as many abortions before RoevsWade therefore abortion is cool'.

    Actually I have never said any such thing...

    Can you have a discussion without lying?

    1. That's Ash for ya.

      A potato (but NOT a Noble Idaho Potato) is a fitting image for our young smart arse Ash !

    2. you two really aren't that swift are you?

    3. Don't you capitalize the first word in all your sentences, Swifty, as you were taught in school to do ?

    4. Or were you dozing off again ?

  44. Strikes in Syria

    Attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft conducted eight strikes in Syria:

    -- Near Raqqah, two strikes destroyed an ISIL front-end loader, disabled seven ISIL well-heads and neutralized an ISIL pump-jack.

    -- Near Ayn Isa, a strike destroyed four ISIL fighting positions.

    -- Near Manbij, three strikes struck three separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL mortar systems, an ISIL rocket system, four ISIL vehicles, three ISIL excavators, and three ISIL fighting positions.

    -- Near Mar’a, two strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed an ISIL fighting position.

    Strikes in Iraq

    Rocket artillery and attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft conducted 19 strikes in Iraq, coordinated with Iraq’s government:

    -- Near Baghdadi, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position and a cache of ISIL improvised bombs.

    -- Near Rutbah, a strike struck an ISIL tactical unit.

    -- Near Habbaniyah, a strike destroyed two ISIL-used bridges.

    -- Near Hit, two strikes struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed 10 ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL front end loader, an ISIL supply cache and an ISIL vehicle bomb and denied ISIL access to terrain.

    -- Near Kirkuk, two strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed an ISIL supply cache, three ISIL assembly areas and an ISIL fighting position.

    -- Near Kisik, a strike destroyed an ISIL tunnel system.

    -- Near Mosul, five strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed an ISIL tunnel system, an ISIL assembly area, an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL vehicle.

    -- Near Qayyarah, a strike destroyed eight ISIL fighting positions.

    -- Near Sinjar, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL assembly areas, an ISIL vehicle and an ISIL fighting position.

    -- Near Sultan Abdallah, two strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL assembly areas.

  45. Obama’s sneaky concession to Iran

    USA Takes In 2 Muslim Migrants For Every 1 From Europe...

    Tehran announces plan to produce explosives used in missile warheads...

    KERRY: 'No path' to nuke...

    1. Only about 10 months to go and we'll be rid of the whole incompetent crew.

    2. Bill Clinton Takes On Black Lives Matter Protestors


      Actually BillyGoat wasn't so bad here.

    3. This Gal deconstructs black lives, forget which podcast, but she's only got 3 so far:

      Her Website:

  46. I keep seeing this ad on Fox News where this guy gets shot out of cannon, with a lithe young beauty sending him off.

    Quirk-O, have you ever had a job like that at a carnival when your times were bad, or your luck had run out ?

    Guy made me think of you somehow.

    1. .

      Yes. Yes, I have.

      It was hell losing enough weight to get into the tutu but the worst part was the sexist comments the guy getting shot out of the cannon was continually making.


    2. :):)

      You're certainly a man of many talents, chicken farmer, human cannon ball, advertising executive, political ought to write a book....maybe 'Q's Guide to the Varieties of Economic Experience'.

      'but the worst part was the sexist comments the guy getting shot out of the cannon was continually making'

      What ?

      Comparing yourself to an ejaculation ?

      Commenting on the sexual allure of the lithe young beauty ?

      Could the carney crowd hear you ?

      Were you arrested ?

    3. .

      Once again, you misconstrue my meaning.

      I have never been an objectifier (out loud). In this case, I was the innocent object of the misogynistic wise cracks and cat calls.

      It was a painful lesson in humility.

      When times are hard and your luck has run out you do what you got to do.

      Of course, payback is a bitch and when I got back on my feet the last that was seen of the cannonballer was his disappearing towards a nearby quarry as he somehow overshot his net by a wide margin.


    4. Sincerely, your meaning is very difficult to properly construe.

      Kindly, what is a 'tutu' ?

      A Desmond of some kind ?

      Mrs Tutu came to our church one time, and everyone thought she was rad, and clapped and cheered. She was a fat arse in an extremely large and very very colorful tent dress.

      Perhaps you were in drag again and were yourself the beautiful lithe young woman ?

      If you could clarify, did you pull the trigger, or have your trigger pulled ?

      Even a hint would help.

      This makes my head hurt and I am about to give up.

      I am going to go peel another orange.

    5. .

      Kindly, what is a 'tutu' ?


      noun, plural tutus

      [too-tooz; French ty-ty] (Show IPA)

      a short, full skirt, usually made of several layers of tarlatan or tulle, worn by ballerinas and assistants to carnie magicians and cannonballers.

      I apologize for forgetting I was talking to a rustic hayseed. We used to get your type all the time at the carnie, unsophisticated yokels out for an exciting night riding the tilt-a-whirl.


      Oh hell, I know it's coming



      a thin, plain-weave, open-mesh cotton fabric finished with stiffening agents and sometimes glazed.




      1.a soft, fine silk, cotton, or nylon material like net, used for making veils and dresses.



      NOUN uneducated and unsophisticated person from the countryside.

      synonyms: bumpkin · peasant · provincial · rustic · country cousin ·


    6. I like 'bumpkin' best cause it rhymes with 'pumpkin'.

      Country cousin is OK, cause we often marry them folk.

    7. .


      Farmer Bob Bumkin aka Pumkin, wasn't that the name they listed on your Interpol Blue Notice when they were trying to get their hands on you for questioning on the big Idaho potato scam up in Canada back in '09?

      You remember, when the Bob and Wayne gang were trucking phony Idaho spuds up to Canada and selling them to unsuspecting Harvey’s franchises there.


  47. Rudy Giuliani, America's Mayor, has endorsed The Donald.

    He was only waiting for the proper time.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Top 10 American Companies that Aided the Nazis

    In 1933, International Business Machines began providing Germany with punchcard machines that functioned as precursors to modern computers and databases. Documents have since been uncovered that show that as late as 1941, IBM was working in tandem with the Reich to liquidate Jews from Holland. IBM employees were training SS personnel how to use their machines to record the movement, sorting, and mass execution of large numbers of undesirables, at times right in the headquarters of death camps. These machines, however, remained IBM property at all times.

  50. QuirkThu Apr 07, 02:27:00 PM EDT

    But if you alluding to my belief that the Fakistinians are the genesis of the Sunni ISIS

    Yep that's accurate.

    If that's the case, then I hope I am being specific enough, as well as, easy and clear when I say IMO you, sir, are batshit crazy and lack any knowledge of the genesis of ISIS and only an impaired knowledge of Palestinians.

    Thank you for your opinion. And it's my opinion you really don't know shit about the Palestinians, ISIS, Moslem Brotherhood.


    So, now that we have established that we do not hold each other's opinion in high regard?

    Move on.

    Some Jews and Israelis certainly understand the savage behavior that Hamas / Fatah share with ISIS, the religion that they share, the land, the culture and of course understand the real history..

    But you are smarter than us..

    Good luck with that.

    1. .

      But you are smarter than us..

      Of course. Thank you.

      You indicate you know the definition of genesis. If so, it is hard to understand your faulty application of the word.

      You purport to know everything about ISIS and Hamas and now Fatah; yet, it is obvious you know little of the origins or nature of the Muslim Brotherhood or Saudi or American influence or of, dare I say it, the meaning of the word genesis.


  51. Don't take Quirk too seriously.

    He claims to have been 'ejaculated' out of a 'cannon' by a beautiful lithe young woman who 'pulled his trigger'.

    He is demented from too many Freudian Dreams.

    1. The world is learning.

      Slowly but it's learning.

      The Palestinians are a fake nationalistic group of well funded "crips". The are sunni arabs.


      But the world has decided to anoint a peoplehood them.

      The false construct will crumble in time.

      The same is true with Arab "democracy".

      All across the globe these arabs who call themselves "palestinians" are responsible for all sorts of crimes.

      You remember Sirhan Sirhan?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Cannon

    4. .

      No, Bob. That is not a tutu.

      However, she could probably provide you with that 'happy ending' you are always talking about.


    5. 1) What's not a tutu ?

      2) Well she's got some utility then.

      Was unable to access Doug's link about a 'cannon'.

    6. Said it was adults only and put in your google password, dang it, and I have forgotten it.

    7. .

      Was it referring to chronological age or mental age.

      Perhaps, you are on their list. I didn't have any problem pulling up the link.


    8. No problem, eh ?

      That's because you're a smart assed dirty old man.


    9. .

      You should have told them you were the High Poobah over at the IMA.


    10. .

      That or just showed them your pass the Coeur d'Alene Dart Palace and Pole-Dancing Club.


    11. The Palestinians are a fake nationalistic group that is supposed, by "O"rdure, to be the genesis of the Islamic State.


  52. Security forces liberate area in central Karma, 13 ISIS members killed

    ( Anbar – The leadership of al-Hashed al-Shaabi in Anbar Province announced on Thursday the liberation of an area in central Karma east of Fallujah from the control of ISIS, while pointed out to the killing of 13 ISIS members during the operation.

    The commander of the 1st battalion in Karma Fallujah brigade in al-Hashed al-Shaabi Colonel Mahmoud Mardi Jumaili said in a statement followed by, “The security forces were able, at noon today, to liberate Albu Tayeh area in central Karma District through a security operation, and killed 13 ISIS members.”

    Jumaili added,”The operation resulted in the destruction of four car bombs and a truck equipped with a rocket launcher,” indicating that, “The cleansing battles of Karmat Fallujah are ongoing and the security forces are achieving a notable progress.”

    Karma is a bitch

    1. Yep...

      'Two senior Hezbollah leaders killed in Syria'

      Beirut: Two Hezbollah commanders were among a dozen fighters from the militant Lebanese Shia group killed in attacks at the weekend in northern Syria, medical sources close to Hezbollah said Tuesday.

      The sources named the men as Fawzi Taha, said to have been Hezbollah's most senior leader in Syria, and Bilal Nadir Khayreddine, also known as 'Abu Jaafar', who is also said to have played a key role.

      Karma is a bitch, don't ya love it?

    2. .

      It is truly gratifying to note that in the Baghdad Bob reports coming out of the Iraqi Security Forces as reported in that only so-called ISIS fighters and elements are taken out in these attacks but never any government or coalition forces or civilians. And even more impressive is that it is only the so-called ISIS vehicles, buildings, and sleep locations the are taken out.

      Must be the precise pin-point attacks.

      Makes you feel good. Proud

      Welcome to Lake Wobegon, where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average.


    3. The military has been feeding us bullshit info on the real situation right along, on the orders of O'bozo.

      There are ten of thousands of ISIS 'sleeping positions' to go before this is over.

      And hundreds of backhoes.

    4. And all the time the "Purple Fingers of Freedom" need to manage their country.

  53. Bavarian police said on Thursday they have arrested two men, an Iraqi and a Nigerian, on suspicion that they may have been preparing a "serious act of violence", The Associated Press reported.


    Germany has announced a ban on ISIS in an attempt to prevent the group from recruiting young jihadists in the country.

    1. They ban neo-Nazi shit, too.

      It is not very effective.

  54. Coalition airstrike kills 30 ISIS fighters south of Mosul, rockets laboratory destroyed

    ( Nineveh – A source in Nineveh Liberation Operations Command announced on Thursday, that the US-led coalition aircraft bombed a laboratory of chlorine-filled rockets and other toxic substances south of Mosul, while pointed out that 30 ISIS militants were killed during the aerial bombing.

    The source said in a statement obtained by, “The international coalition aircraft carried out, before noon today, an air strike targeted a laboratory of chlorine-filled rockets, chlorine gas and other toxic materials belonging to ISIS in al-Saawiya village in Qayyara District, killing 30 ISIS fighters who were inside the laboratory.”

    The source, who asked to remain anonymous, added, “The bombing also destructed the laboratory completely.”


    1. ISIS most prominent media official dies of his wounds in Mosul

      ( Nineveh – A local source in Nineveh Province announced on Wednesday, that one of ISIS most prominent media officials died of his wounds, while pointed out that the media official was wounded during the air strike that was carried out last week on ISIS headquarters in central Mosul.

      The source reported for, “Today, one of ISIS most prominent media officials in Mosul, known as Abu Osama al-Lubnani, died of his wounds in Mosul Hospital,” pointing out that, “The dead media official was wounded during the air strike that was conducted on ISIS headquarters in central Mosul last week.”

      The source, who asked anonymity, added: “A number of ISIS Facebook pages were stopped since the injury of Abu Osama al-Lubnani.”

  55. The U.S. and Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) have the beginnings of a plan to retake the ISIS stronghold of Mosul but nothing is in the works as yet to reclaim Raqqa in northeastern Syria, a U.S. military spokesman said Thursday.


    In recent news conferences and congressional testimony, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter and Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford have repeatedly said that retaking Mosul and Raqqa was the primary objective in an "accelerated' campaign to defeat ISIS.

  56. The "Employment - Population Ratio" of 25-54 year olds is starting to get back into the land of the living territory.

    Calculated Risk

  57. Low unemployment, check. Low underemployment, not check.

    By Jared Bernstein April 5

    Jared Bernstein, a former chief economist to Vice President Biden, is a senior fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and author of the new book 'The Reconnection Agenda: Reuniting Growth and Prosperity.'

    For the past six months, the unemployment rate has toggled between 4.9 and 5 percent, about the rate many economists consider the lowest jobless rate consistent with stable inflation. Does that mean we’ve arrived at the critical destination for an economic expansion: full employment, meaning a very tight matchup between labor supply and labor demand?

    No, because at 9.8 percent, underemployment is still too high. In earlier work, I showed that the underemployment rate commensurate with full employment is around 8.5 percent. Just in case you think that’s unrealistically low, note that underemployment bottomed out at 8 percent in the last expansion and 7 percent in the 1990s boom (see figure).

    Easy Chart - probably understandable to most . . . . . . bloggers

    Thus, we’d better learn something about underemployment – what it is, why it’s still elevated, and what can be done to knock it down to where we need it to be.

    Underemployment, called u6 by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, combines three groups: the unemployed, part-time workers who’d prefer full-time jobs (workers who are literally underemployed), and “marginally attached” workers (a small subset of people neither working nor actively looking for work, but who would be willing to work if there were more good opportunities available).

    The big story in the rise of u6 was and remains the involuntary part-timers (IPTs). Without at all dismissing the uniquely stark psychological costs of unemployment (especially long-term joblessness), when computing labor market slack, it actually makes more sense to think in terms of desired hours worked. Someone who wants to work full-time can, in reality, work between zero hours (unemployed) and 40 hours (fully employed). This continuum, versus the 0-1 metric of unemployed/employed, provides a more nuanced and accurate measure of labor market slack.

    1. As the figure shows, one reason it’s taking so long for u6 to come back down is because it went up so much in the recession, climbing about 3 percentage points more than unemployment (u6 rose about 8 points; unemployment, about 5 points). What’s important, albeit obvious, here is that what drove u6 up so high was the big, negative demand shock known as the Great Recession. That’s a cyclical increase, one that can be (and is being) reversed by strong job growth, as opposed to a structural increase, one we’d expect to persist even as the economy strengthened.

      Some who disagree with that assessment blame the rise in IPTs on Obamacare. Since the law includes employer mandates, phased in over 2015-16, that apply to firms with over 50 full-time workers, some argue that the Affordable Care Act (health-care reform) is already causing employers to move full-time employees into part-time work to avoid the mandate.

      Not so. The Bureau of Labor Statistics breaks data on part-time work into two categories: voluntary and involuntary. The data clearly show a decline in IPTs and an increase in voluntary part-timers. As I show here, the decline in IPTs is of a magnitude you’d expect given the pace of the recovery. As Dean Baker shows here, the increase in voluntary part-time work has been largest among young parents, which is an unequivocally positive development. These parents likely had to work full-time to obtain health insurance in the pre-Obamacare world, but now, as Dean explains, “It seems the ACA [is] allowing . . . . . . .

      Washington Post

  58. Clean Energy Is Growing Faster Than Ever Before

    Ah, 2015. Bad year for oil investments, OK year for wine, GREAT year for renewable energy.

    Add this to the list of reasons 2015 was a turning point in the fight against climate change.

    Renewable energy capacity grew faster than ever before, with a worldwide increase of 152 gigawatts, or about 8.3 percent, according to a report released Thursday by the International Renewable Energy Agency, an Abu Dhabi-based nonprofit.

    “Renewable energy deployment continues to surge in markets around the globe, even in an era of low oil and gas prices,” Adnan Z. Amin, director general of IRENA, said in a statement. “This impressive growth, coupled with a record $286 billion invested in renewables in 2015, sends a strong signal to investors and policymakers that renewable energy is now the preferred option for new power generation capacity around the world.”

    The renewable energy sector got a major boost last year from the booming solar industry, which last year grew by 47 gigawatts, or 37 percent, as the cost of photovoltaic panels dropped by 80 percent. Wind, which has proved a tougher sell than sun as an energy source, grew by 63 gigawatts, or 17 percent, as the price of onshore turbines dropped by as much as 47 percent since 2010.

    Energy produced from water, biological sources (think food waste, sugarcane or farming byproducts) and geothermal also saw an uptick. Hydropower capacity climbed by 35 gigawatts, an increase of about 3 percent. Bioenergy capacity rose by 5 gigawatts, or about 5 percent. Geothermal energy capacity increased by 1 gigawatt, also a 5 percent hike in that category.

    1. There was progress in the United States in 2015: Renewable energy made up a remarkable 68 percent of new power capacity, a Bloomberg New Energy Finance report found. That’s the second year running that renewable energy has trounced fossil fuels in terms of new projects.

      Falling costs of renewable energy, as well as government support, are making clean energy power sources competitive with fossil fuels. And that, of course, is before you take into account the health and environmental costs that aren’t included in the market price for dirty energy.

      The historic climate accord reached in Paris in December, which the U.S. and China are expected to sign this month, could hasten these trends this year.

      “The significant growth rates for renewable generation capacity in developing economies are a testament to the strong business case for renewable energy,” Amin said. “Renewables are not just a solution for industrialized countries, they are also powering economic growth in the fastest growing economies in the developing world.”

      Washington Post


  59. QuirkThu Apr 07, 06:21:00 PM EDT

    But you are smarter than us..

    Of course. Thank you.

    You indicate you know the definition of genesis. If so, it is hard to understand your faulty application of the word.

    You purport to know everything about ISIS and Hamas and now Fatah; yet, it is obvious you know little of the origins or nature of the Muslim Brotherhood or Saudi or American influence or of, dare I say it, the meaning of the word genesis.


    Nice string of words there Quirk, if you put 1/2 the effort to try to understand the actual situation in the middle east you'd have figured it out years ago.


    1. We did, once the smoke generated by the Israeli bullshit was cleared from the discussion, "O"rdure.

      The Israeli are not well managing their "O"ccupation of Palestine.
      They have created an environment of desperation on all sides.

      “It is time to honestly admit that Israeli society is ill – and it is our duty to treat this disease,”
      Rivlin told the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities on Sunday at a conference titled “From Xenophobia to Accepting the Other.”

      “The tension between Jews and Arabs within the State of Israel has risen to record heights, and the relationship between all parties has reached a new low,”
      he said.
      “We have all witnessed the shocking sequence of incidents and violence taking place by both sides.
      The epidemic of violence is not limited to one sector or another, it permeates every area and doesn’t skip any arena.
      There is violence in soccer stadiums as well as in the academia.
      There is violence in the social media and in everyday discourse, in hospitals and in schools.”

      “I’m not asking if they’ve forgotten how to be Jews, but if they’ve forgotten how to be decent human beings. Have they forgotten how to converse?”
      - Reuven Rivlin, President of Israel

    2. .

      Look, WiO, this is what we are arguing about...

      The Fakistinians are the genesis of the ISIS sunni movement in the world.

      The comment is not true. I assumed it was just another of the ISIS-Hamas memes you are wont to put up here which are equally untrue. Thus my rather snarky comment. I assumed when it was pointed out that yours was a poor word choice you would simply put up something like this...

      But if you alluding to my belief that the Fakistinians are the genesis of the Sunni ISIS? It's not a literally interpretation but rather the way the Sunni's murder, stab, blow up, and rampage.

      which you did. Had you left it at that my argument with you would have been over. But you didn't. Instead, you doubled down and followed that statement with this...

      And with that I am convinced regardless of your differences with my opinion, that ISIS and Fatah/Hamas are 2 leaves from the same tree and the Fatah/Hamas cult of death gave rise to ISIS and their behaviors.

      and then followed it up with this again...

      But if you alluding to my belief that the Fakistinians are the genesis of the Sunni ISIS

      Yep that's accurate.

      What can I say? You're comments are just inaccurate. They are historically wrong. If there is any genesis involved between the two groups, ISIS and Hamas, it's the philosophical and ideological influence of the Muslim Brotherhood an organization first formed back in the 1920s, and founded by Egyptians not Palestinians. Leaders of both Hamas and al Qaeda were influenced by the MB's militant Islamist philosophy and its call to take back all Arab land and put it under Sharia law.

      Now, if you want to talk of genesis you can talk of ISIS flowing out of al Qaeda or of al Qaeda and Hamas flowing out of the MB, but ISIS flowing out the Palestinians doesn't make all that much sense. Hamas and al Queda were birthed at about the same time in the late 1980's, Hamas in Palestine and al Queda in Afghanistan. We've talked enough here about how ISIS' lineage runs right back to al Qaeda.


    3. .

      By 1973, the MB had pretty much stopped military action in pursuit of their aims. The formation of Hamas right after the start of the First Intifada in the late 1980's allowed the Palestinian MB to keep its hand in the game while still publicly disavowing militancy. At around the same time, Russia decided to withdraw from Afghanistan and OBL decided to form al Qaeda, with its leadership made up of a rich Saudi, an Egyptian militant, and a Pakistani thinker and philosopher. By now all three had broken with the MB because of its public disavowal of militant jihad.

      Hamas' position was based primarily on nationalistic aims, to drive Israel out of the land that was previously the Palestinian Mandate. Al Qaeda on the other hand had much broader goals. While they also wanted to drive the Jews out of Israel, they also wanted to carry the jihad to Kashmir, and even Arab and African countries where they felt Sharia law wasn't being fully implemented.

      So while Hamas might be a primarily Palestinian organization, al Qaeda (and eventually ISIS)didn't flow out of it.


    4. a Pakistani thinker and philosopher

      You got to be joshing, Quirk.

      And as for your 'point', they are all the same. 'Birds of a feather flock togehter'.

      They ALL want to drive the Israelis into the Mediterranean Sea, wish to kill YOU Quirk, or put you in slavery and make you pay the tax, and eventually control the entire earth.

      "First we show the Poles, then everybody else."

      (That means YOU, Quirk)

      Hey, read their Book, and you will see.

    5. Just for Quirk -

      Revive Clear Thinking And The Jihad Dies

      Try clear thinking, and don't be so emotional and sappy and confused.

      Reject your inner Pope Francis.

      Return to the root.

    6. .


      Clear thinking is anathema to you. The term become a bad joke when t rolls off your tongue. Take a look at your post. What has your little rant have to do with the argument WIO and I have going regarding Palestinians being the progenitors of ISIS. You are merely jumping in to something you have never even thought about before and doubling down on his error.

      Critical thinking? You make me laugh.

      Me read their book? You read their book. All you've ever read has been interpretations of their book from Jihad Watch,, or American Thinker.


  60. In 1995, Sanders introduced a bill to terminate America’s nuclear weapons program. He has since called for very steep cuts in overall defense spending – reportedly as much as 50 percent.

    Senator Sanders is channeling the deceased 1972 anti-war Democratic presidential nominee George McGovern’s message of retrenchment, which McGovern summed up by proclaiming “Come home, America.” The far left loves the message.

    But if Sanders ever were given the opportunity as commander-in-chief to implement it, our homeland, as well as other freedom loving countries, may well burn in the process.

    Against Israel

    1. Yup, Bernie's crazy as hell. On domestic politics, and foreign policy as well.


      Disarm, 52% starting tax rate, (Deuce will pay more)....

      We would be as functional as Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Cuba....

      If you want destitution, and to wipe your ass without toilet paper, vote for Bernie.

      Bernie is crazy as hell.

    2. galopin2, at least, has better sense than to see all of Clan Rufus giving 52% of their hard earned money away to an old demented commie.

      He chooses to have them give it away piecemeal by voting for The Hag, instead.

  61. Sukhoi warplanes destruct 4 ISIS headquarters north of Ramadi

    ( al-Anbar – Media officials with the Ministry of Defense announced on Thursday destroying four headquarters and a cache of weapons belonging to the ISIS in an aerial bombardment by the Iraqi Army Aviation in Ramadi.

    The officials said in a statement obtained by, “Based on intelligence information, Sukhoi warplanes conducted accurate air strikes that targeted ISIS sites resulting in the destruction of four headquarters for the terrorists in Albu Bali region north of Ramadi, in addition to destroying a store of weapons and a laboratory for manufacturing improvised explosive devices.”

    The statement also added, “A headquarters and tunnels belonging to the terrorists were destructed in the area of al-Mahamdh.”

    Ahoy, it's a Sukhoi

    1. Security forces kill 40 ISIS fighters south of Mosul

      ( Nineveh – A source in the leadership of Nineveh Liberation Operations announced on Thursday, that the security forces destructed a tunnel connecting between two villages south of Mosul, and killed 40 ISIS fighters.

      The source said in a statement received by, “The international coalition aircraft bombed, before noon today, a tunnel used by ISIS militants to move between the villages of Mawazin and al-Nasser south of Mosul, killing 40 ISIS fighters and completely destructing the tunnel.”

      The source, who asked anonymity, added: “The tunnel was used by ISIS to transport car bombs and chlorine gas.”

      Live like a rat, die like a rat

  62. Last December, 26-year-old Mohamad Jamal Khweis told his family he was setting off on a European vacation. He fell out of touch not long after his departure, but his parents didn’t worry too much – they figured he was sightseeing in London or Amsterdam.


    The treatment of “formers,” authorities’ slang for ex-militants, is far less clear-cut in Europe, where nations struggling with homegrown jihadists are cautiously trying out rehabilitation and prevention programs in some cases. The United Kingdom and the Netherlands have enlisted formers to undermine jihadist recruiting;


    The Justice Department, State Department and Kurdistan Regional Government, which oversees the mostly autonomous Kurdish north of Iraq, all declined to comment on the record. Privately, U.S. and foreign officials as well as nongovernmental figures with knowledge of the Khweis case said he remains in northern Iraq as the FBI, CIA and Kurdish security continue their investigations.

    Tough Choice for U.S.

  63. Our two 'Politicians of he People', Bernie, and The Hag, don't do subways.

    Hillary just could NOT make her swipe card work, try as she might, and Bernie, who is soooooo yesterday, thought they still took 'token's.

    They should both be in rest homes.

    1. Last sentence is amended to:

      The Hag should be in prison, and Bernie should be in a secured rest home.

    2. April 8, 2016

      Straphanger Hillary sinks to new lows

      By Jeannie DeAngelis

      Hillary Clinton is the woman who, in her quest for planetary supremacy, once dredged up an old Yankee baseball cap, stuffed it into a carpetbag, and moved to New York. Now, in an effort to exploit that blue state once again, Hillary took sucking up to a whole new level when she boarded a subway outside Yankee Stadium.

      It was on the 4 train that Mrs. Clinton found herself sandwiched among the unwashed masses. What did she do? Hold her breath, close her eyes, picture the White House, and use that iconic image to help her endure a trip through a dark tunnel to an uptown Bronx diner?

      After living in Illinois, Massachusetts, and Connecticut, making a name for herself in Arkansas, and spending a lot of time knocking around Washington, D.C., Hillary must have thought strap-hanging was an ingenious way to re-establish her standing as a real New Yorker.

      That's why, with the April 19 New York primary looming, rather than spend the morning cuddling with her 1-year-old granddaughter, Charlotte Mezvinsky, the candidate from Chappaqua frivolously wasted precious time politicking with Bronx borough president Ruben Diaz, Jr.

      Hillary and Ruben made an appearance outside Yankee Stadium, where the former first lady/senator/secretary of state told people who plan to vote for her anyway that she was "so proud to have represented this state."

      The brown-nosing politician also praised "New York values [and] the people of New York."

      Hillary told those gathered before her that "there is no place like [New York] in the world, and [that she's] going to take [her New York] experiences ... to the White House."

    3. Then Hillary climbed aboard a subway train, an idea that took root when Hillary's Brooklyn-born opponent, Bernie Sanders, mentioned that all one needs to ride the subway is a token. In response, Mrs. Clinton did not want to squander an opportunity to prove that she, not Bernie, is the consummate New Yorker.

      Moving forward in her relentless five-decade schlep toward the White House, shadowed closely by the press, the Secret Service, and a bewildered person carrying a Hillary sign, Mrs. Clinton valiantly set her sights on the subterranean Petri dish.

      After numerous failed swipes with a Metro card, Hillary shimmied through the turnstile and then miraculously materialized on the No. 4 platform. From there, the woman in the $1,500 pantsuit boarded the train and pretended to enjoy riding it from 161st Street, Yankee Stadium, all the way uptown to 170th Street, where she disembarked and headed to the Bronx diner Munch Time.

      Munch Time was a perfect spot for down and dirty Hillary to drink tea and be interviewed after her subway ride, because the diner is renowned for a famous girl fight that took place there a few years back.

      Nonetheless, it's likely that Hillary, who admitted that she's been chauffeured around since 1996, headed to the Bronx after spending the night in Chelsea's $10-million Madison Avenue apartment. That's why this New Yorker can only hope that while mingling in with the commoners, the former senator was treated to the full flavor of the subway, where pizza rats scurry about, shoes stick to chewed up bubble gum, and the odor of urine indelibly soaks the concrete.

      Either way, it's quite clear that Hillary Clinton endured the slimy underground experience because in Clinton's economy, every vote counts.

      Let's face it: Hillary is a vote vampire. The former first lady stays up nights thinking up ways to suck votes out of poor people, minorities, felons, illegal immigrants, the LGBT community, union employees, and pro-choice women.

      So why not attempt to add Bronx commuters to that mix?

      Knowing Hillary, she counted the cost and figured she could attract new followers by volunteering to immerse herself in a sweaty pool of culturally diverse body odor. Why not share a seat with a couple of man-spreaders and pretend to enjoy hugging a bacteria-coated subway pole?

      Based on Hillary Clinton's history of calculated political moves, what's more likely is that the presidential hopeful figured that if she sacrificed her dignity for a station or two and just let herself be groped between 161st and 170th Streets, she could pull way ahead of Bernie on primary day.

    4. Trump is refreshing in comparison.

      I doubt we'll see The Donald riding a subway.

      Can you think of any other super rich American politician that has shown zero guilt over being super rich ?

      He flaunts it.

      "I'm really really really rich"

      It's refreshing.

      If you got it, flaunt it, as someone here said once upon a time.


  65. A Vast Email Conspiracy

    Hillary’s biggest problem isn’t Bernie. It’s the Freedom of Information Act.

    Kimberley A. Strassel

    April 7, 2016 6:45 p.m. ET

    Hillary Clinton is good at imagining partisan plots, and to listen to her team, no less than several inspectors general, the intelligence community, and the entire Republican ecosphere are colluding to turn her home-brew email system into a fake scandal. To this conspiracy, she must now add the federal judiciary.

    In recent weeks, not one, but two, esteemed federal judges have granted an outside group—Judicial Watch—the right to conduct discovery into the origins and handling of her private email system. It’s a reminder that Mrs. Clinton’s biggest problem this election isn’t Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump. Her problem is a 1966 statute known as the Freedom of Information Act, and the judges who enforce it.

    The judges have taken unprecedented steps to resolve this case. It is exceedingly rare—almost unheard of—for a judge to allow discovery in a FOIA proceeding. This is a testament to how grave Mrs. Clinton’s email problem is. In the usual course of things, an outside group demands documents, a judge requires a federal department to hand them over, and the public learns something.

    In this case—as we all know—the problem is that the State Department doesn’t have the documents. Or rather, it can’t confirm that it has them all, because State left it to Mrs. Clinton and her aides to possess them, and then to unilaterally decide what to hand over. To Judge Royce Lamberth, this is cut and dry “evidence of government wrong-doing and bad faith,” and the law demands a full accounting of how this situation came to be, what records exist, and where they are now.

    Speaking of the judge’s words, they too are a testament to Mrs. Clinton’s mess. Judge Lamberth was unplugged in his order, calling the former secretary of state’s email set up “extraordinary,” and slamming “constantly shifting admissions by the government and former government officials” about the setup. Judge Emmet Sullivan, the first to allow discovery, referred in his own hearing to Mrs. Clinton’s “totally atypical system” and noted that it “boggles the mind that the State Department allowed this circumstance to arise in the first place. It’s just very, very, very troubling.”

    1. Fueling the judges’ suspicions has been new evidence that Mrs. Clinton didn’t turn everything over. Judicial Watch recently obtained emails showing that State Department and National Security Agency personnel had big concerns with Mrs. Clinton’s early demands that she be allowed to use a BlackBerry for secure correspondence. They wanted her to sit at a computer in a secure facility—as everyone else does. These documents include a February 2009 email from then-Clinton chief of staff Cheryl Mills to her boss, crowing that State was coming around to Mrs. Clinton’s demands, and a return email the same day from Mrs. Clinton saying, “That’s good news.”

      These are clearly work-related emails. They speak to the question of Mrs. Clinton’s communications while at the State Department. They aren’t about yoga routines. And yet, guess what? That email chain was not included in the 55,000 pages of documents Mrs. Clinton turned over. Perhaps it was an oversight, but far more likely, the Clinton team—knowing the firestorm over a home-brew system—chose to withhold documents showing that State and NSA considered Mrs. Clinton’s email demands unsafe and unreasonable. What else did Mrs. Clinton choose to withhold from the public?

      One other aspect of these new emails: Mrs. Clinton sent her “good news” email to Ms. Mills via her private account in February 2009. And yet the former secretary of state has publicly claimed she didn’t start using that address until March 2009, well after she was sworn in as secretary of state.

      Judicial Watch is hoping to use discovery to interview eight current and former State Department officials, including Ms. Mills, Clinton aide Huma Abedin, top State Department official Patrick Kennedy, and former State IT employees Bryan Pagliano (who is reported to have recently been granted immunity by the FBI). And yet in a hearing this week in Judge Sullivan’s court, State Department officials were already moving to limit or shut down what questions Judicial Watch could ask—including those pertaining to how classified information was handled on the system.

      Put another way, State wants to put off-limits the questions that are at the heart of the Clinton email scandal. And no surprise. The Judicial Watch discovery holds the potential to expose the many and varied ways Mrs. Clinton may have skirted the rules, and in turn to put enormous pressure on the FBI to act. These depositions meanwhile are currently set to happen this summer, right before the Democratic convention.

      The beauty of FOIA is that it is designed to bring things to light. Mrs. Clinton has grown talented at outfoxing investigators, Congress, inspectors general, the press. But she made the error this time of playing games with a law that federal judges take seriously, and that gives outside watchdogs real leverage.


    3. These depositions meanwhile are currently set to happen this summer, right before the Democratic convention.


  66. What can I say? You're comments are just inaccurate. They are historically wrong. If there is any genesis involved between the two groups, ISIS and Hamas, it's the philosophical and ideological influence of the Muslim Brotherhood an organization first formed back in the 1920s, and founded by Egyptians not Palestinians. Leaders of both Hamas and al Qaeda were influenced by the MB's militant Islamist philosophy and its call to take back all Arab land and put it under Sharia law.

    Now, if you want to talk of genesis you can talk of ISIS flowing out of al Qaeda or of al Qaeda and Hamas flowing out of the MB, but ISIS flowing out the Palestinians doesn't make all that much sense. Hamas and al Queda were birthed at about the same time in the late 1980's, Hamas in Palestine and al Queda in Afghanistan. We've talked enough here about how ISIS' lineage runs right back to al Qaeda.

    Quirk WHO is Yasser Arafat?

    An Egyptian.

    1. Now I have argued that the Moslem Brotherhood is the modern seed of it all.

      But the political terrorism that ISIS does? Directly shared and inspired by the Fakisitinians.

      The PLO/Fatah/hamas is the progenitor of ISIS.

      And the Fatah and Hamas (and PLO) are now the ISIS of the west bank and gaza)

      The baseball caps have been ordered....

      Give it time..

    2. But now that you admit that the moslembrotherhood is a evil and vile organization, you also will agree that that Obama's support of them is evil and vile.


    3. Political terrorism in the modern Middle East, it began at the King David hotel.

      As for Arabfat being an Egyptian, Ted Cruz is a Canadian.


    4. .

      Now I have argued that the Moslem Brotherhood is the modern seed of it all.

      No, your not. You are arguing that the Palestinians started it all which is bullshit. All the Palis did was latch onto the MB ideology for nationalistic reasons. If you are arguing that Hamas is source for ISIS then you might as well argue that Israel is the fountainhead. In 1988, Hamas was formed in response to 20 years of Israeli occupation of the territories. Israel actually encouraged the rise of Hamas as a counter to the PLO and Fatah. It was only later that the decision came back to bite them in the ass.

      Your comments are absurd. They ignore both the ideological basis and the precipitating events that led to the formation of al Qaeda and the development of ISIS through al Qaeda.

      I'm sorry I can't agree. I haven't received the latest edition of WiO's World Magazine.

      I do agree Obama's support for the MB is evil and vile just as I think his support of EVERY player in the ME is vile and evil. It is a position I have repeated numerous time. It is the reason we shouldn't be involved with ANY of the dicks over there.


    5. You just don't get it.

      None of this crap started in the last century.

      It started 14 centuries ago.

      Who did this, who did that, in the last 60 years is of no significance whatsoever to the 'situation'.

    6. .

      Can it, Bob

      It was your buddy who started this whole conversation. Talk to him.

      And then do us a favor and go to the casino.

