Friday, April 15, 2016

Spike Lee Interviewing Bernie Sanders


  1. That's more like it.

    Spike definitely has the credentials to interview The Bern.

    1. They ought to do a movie together.

  2. April 15, 2016

    Polls: Trump with commanding national lead in GOP nomination race

    By Sierra Rayne

    Despite a concerted effort over the past couple weeks, polling data reliably shows that Donald Trump's opponents have failed to reduce his popularity.

    At this point, enough polls have been conducted to assess the impacts of the respective GOP candidates' choices of foreign policy personnel and viewpoints, as well as any personal attacks that have flown both ways.

    Trump's support at the national level is continuing to consolidate in the low to mid-40s, while Ted Cruz is stuck in the high 20s to low 30s. Third-place candidate John Kasich oscillates between the high teens and mid-20s.

    These trends are unchanging. Every now and then a poll will come out purporting to show a trend with either a loss or gain in Trump's support, often going to or coming from Cruz, but within a day or two, several more polls will appear returning the status quo.

    As the latest CBS News poll conducted April 8-12 shows, if Kasich drops out, the gap between Trump and Cruz remains essentially unchanged – meaning Kasich's supporters effectively split in going to the two frontrunners, and Trump comes out near 50% with at least a 10% lead in the two-person race.

    Trump is dominating the polls in all the upcoming primaries. In New York, he is ahead by somewhere between 23% and 43%. In Pennsylvania, his lead looks to have expanded up to 16% to 26%. Next door in Maryland, Trump's lead is probably close to 20%, and in Connecticut it is 24%, while in California he looks to be ahead by 7-8%.

    The real race is over, as it has been since the polling data came out a few days before Super Tuesday and I called the overall nomination for Trump.....

  3. DR. Sebastion Gorka is on Fox, Quirk, if you are up and cogent.

    1. .

      Talking about wendigos and chubracabras?


    2. When you're sober, you are the last guy I'd vote for.

  4. Highlights

    After a deeply negative run from August to February, the Empire State report is showing real life. Today's index, which is the first factory indication on April, rose sharply to a higher-than-expected 9.56 level that is in solid expansion ground.

    New orders are even a bit stronger at 11.14 which follows February's 9.57. Unfilled orders are still shrinking but only just barely, at minus 0.96 which is the best reading since July. Shipments are at 10.17 for a second straight gain. And for the first time since August, employment is back over zero, at plus 1.98. Prices paid shows a sharp increase to 19.23, the result of higher petroleum prices.

    What's really impressive in this report is that key readings are all in solid and sustainable positive ground. This year's depreciation in the dollar is a certain plus for exports and may now be emerging as a plus in factory data. Watch for industrial production at 9:15 a.m. ET this morning for the first definitive factory indications on March.

    Empire State Manufacturing

  5. Spike Lee is one weird dude. But of course, so is Bernie Sanders. Having stated that, If I were a left wing dim, I would certainly vote for Bernie over the despicable Hillary R. Clinton.

  6. I would vote for anyone before Hillary Clinton.

  7. My wife's comment last night upon hearing HRC's voice on the news: "nails on a chalkboard."

  8. I would vote for Mussolini before Hillary Clinton.

    1. I vote for Pee Wee Herman both either of them.

    2. I'd vote for Ash before any of them.

    3. now that's a stretch....:-)

    4. You're right.

      I'm back to Pee Wee Herman.

      What WAS I thinking of....

  9. PALIN: 'We will rise up' if election stolen....DRUDGE

    Sarah's talkin' the 'R' word - not thoughtful - try a National Strike first....or

    make your terms a little clearer..

    IN "Q"World, for instance, 'rise up' means finally getting up in the late morning, near noon.

  10. The US-led campaign in Libya left the country in chaos, but Hillary Clinton says she isn’t to blame.

    The Democratic candidate said she exercised “due diligence,” and the country's chaos is actually a result of the Libyans' “obstruction” of US efforts.
    Since the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi's government in 2011, Libya has been consumed by violence, with rival governments and armed groups fighting for control of the oil-rich state. It has also become a key operating base for Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).

  11. Dumb Ignorant ass Libyan wogs, not appreciating what exceptional mother fuckers we are, ungrateful pricks not getting a clear picture about the privilege of being hit with OOrah mission accomplished strength firepower.

  12. As he campaigns in New York, Bernie Sanders is learning what many Jews know—Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu makes it tough for a Jew to be a Zionist.

    A friend gave me that line about the prime minister making it difficult for a Jew to be a Zionist. Maybe the Vermont senator knew it already. But Sanders, as a Jew, is being forcibly reminded in his battle against Hillary Clinton in the New York presidential primary, where every word is magnified and every nuance scorned.

    Jews compose almost 20 percent of the New York City electorate. And because they relish the act of voting, they are a force in politics beyond their number. Ostensibly, they should be Sanders’ people. He lived in Brooklyn for the first 18 years of his life. He spent a year in Israel. He had family members in Europe who were destroyed in the Holocaust.

    But Sanders is a secular Jew, not an observant one, and he does not immerse himself in the Jewish community. He’s Jewish, but, some say, maybe not Jewish enough.

  13. .

    Hillary is the consummate liar. She claims if elected president she would take on the banks. Bull, they are her biggest source of income. She would simply continue the Obama administration's corrupt policies. Shake down the banks? Possibly. Break up the banks? Forget about it.

    Saw a report on the Goldman Sachs settlement the other night. Goldman has agreed to pay a $5 billion penalty for their part in the 2008 fiasco where they were guilty like so many other big banks in defrauding their customers with the sub-prime mortgage scam.

    Last year, the government in replying to criticism that banks and their stockholders (and ultimately the public) were being forced to pay money to the government for their part in the various scams (read crimes) that led to the financial crises while none of the executives at these firms (JP Morgan, Citi, AIG, Bank of America, etc.) where being help personally responsible though they directly profited from the crimes, promised that DOJ would be pursuing criminal charges against individual executives at these firms.

    The Goldman Sachs case was the first to be brought after that announcement. The result?

    Goldman Sachs will pay $5 billion in fines [note: GS had net revenue of $34 billion last year.] As part of the settlement,

    - GS will not admit any wrongdoing.
    - There will be no criminal charges against GS executives.
    - Under terms of the agreement, GS will actually end up getting a tax deduction from this settlement.

    There was a guy caught in a traffic stop a couple weeks ago down south who was arrested because of an overdue VHS tape rented back in 1982. Goldman Sachs execs will be given bonuses.

    After the settlement, GS stock price rose by 1%.

    This is the Obama administration. This is Hillary Clinton.

    On foreign policy, Hillary IS the Obama administration.

    I also would vote for Pee Wee Herman before voting for Hillary.

    Ash? Well, I have to think pretty hard before committing.

    Draft Pee Wee.


  14. .

    When you're sober, you are the last guy I'd vote for.

    Nonsense, you would vote for me.

    You would be looking to become Director of the Fish and Wildlife Service that or some ambassadorship.

    Of course, if I actually was sober you wouldn't stand much of a chance at either.


    1. Thankfully you're easy to keep liquored and I know how to do it.

      You take the West Wing I'll the East.

  15. So far -

    2 votes for Pee Wee

    0 votes for Ash

    1. .

      I'll still thinking about Ash. Remember, Pee Wee's had his legal problems too.


    2. Think of it this way - Pee Wee will have his own private theater in the White House, and no one but staff will be embarrassed by his behavior.

  16. As euphemisms were deployed to cloak that war’s bitter and brutal realities, over-the-top honorifics were assigned to America’s embattled role in the world. Exceptional, indispensable, and greatest have been the three words most commonly used by presidents, politicians, and the gung ho {mother fuckers} to describe this country.

    The dishonesty of words illustrates the dishonesty of America’s wars.

    Since 9/11, can there be any doubt that the public has become numb to the euphemisms that regularly accompany U.S. troops, drones, and CIA operatives into Washington’s imperial conflicts across the Greater Middle East and Africa? Such euphemisms are meant to take the sting out of America’s wars back home. Many of these words and phrases are already so well known and well worn that no one thinks twice about them anymore.

    Here are just a few: collateral damage for killed and wounded civilians (a term used regularly since the First Gulf War of 1990-1991). Enhanced interrogation techniques for torture, a term adopted with vigor by George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and the rest of their administration (“techniques” that were actually demonstrated in the White House). Extraordinary rendition for CIA kidnappings of terror suspects off global streets or from remote badlands, often followed by the employment of enhanced interrogation techniques at U.S. black sites or other foreign hellholes. Detainees for prisoners and detention camp for prison (or, in some cases, more honestly, concentration camp), used to describe Guantánamo (Gitmo), among other places established offshore of American justice. Targeted killings for presidentially ordered drone assassinations. Boots on the ground for yet another deployment of “our” troops (and not just their boots) in harm’s way. Even the Bush administration’s Global War on Terror, its label for an attempt to transform the Greater Middle East into a Pax Americana, would be redubbed in the Obama years overseas contingency operations (before any attempt at labeling was dropped for a no-name war pursued across major swathes of the planet).

    1. We will have more on this in the next post...

    2. Don't forget 'workplace violence' when some muzzie at Fort Hood shoots up the place yelling the Akbar.

  17. George W. Bush got 58% of the White Vote, and beat Kerry by 3%.

    Mitt Romney got 59% of the White Vote, and Lost by 4%.

    The White Vote was 77% when Bush beat Kerry,

    and it was 72% when Obama beat Romney.

    This election it will be 70%.

    And, there lies your problem.

    1. Just come out of your closet as full red, galopin2.

      Lay off the paleface for awhile.

    2. I fought for my right to be any color I want. You didn't. fuck you.

    3. Come out of your tepee any way you wish. Be chartreuse then, for all I care.

      All I say is lay off whitey.

      Fuck you.

      I'm heading out to my last prostate appointment.

      Science whipped it. No shaman needed.

      Cheers !

    4. You rolled off a barstool into the recruiting station and went and fought in a war and upon returning said you had no business being any where near it.

      I stood for the draft and lucked out.

      So, again, fuck you.

      Cheers !

  18. Some Republicans seem to hate "Math," and "Science."

    A hell of a way to go through life, "uninformed, bigoted, and stupid."

  19. Strikes in Syria

    Attack and ground attack aircraft conducted six strikes in Syria:

    -- Near Raqqah, a strike destroyed an ISIL bulldozer.

    -- Near Mara, five strikes struck five separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions and four ISIL vehicles.

    Strikes in Iraq

    Attack, fighter and ground attack aircraft conducted 30 strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of Iraq’s government:

    -- Near Hit, three strikes struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed 18 ISIL boats, an ISIL command and control node and an ISIL weapons cache and denied ISIL access to terrain.

    -- Near Kisik, a strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL tunnel system.

    -- Near Mosul, 21 strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, 18 ISIL modular oil refineries and two ISIL crude oil stills and destroyed an ISIL assembly area.

    -- Near Qayyarah, a strike destroyed 33 ISIL boats.

    -- Near Sultan Abdallah, three strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL assembly area, an ISIL fighting position, an ISIL mortar cache and an ISIL mortar system.

    -- Near Tal Afar, a strike suppressed an ISIL mortar position.

  20. And those 30% you refer to are the lowest informed of all voters. They are stuck in the Barracoon the Dims have had them in for 60 years. Feed them, clothe them, and pat them on the head. All is good. The Dims should be ashamed of themselves.

  21. Ah Rufus, you are so predictable. Let's review, shall we?

    RACISM: noun, the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

    So you are mistaken, little one! It's the Democrats (not me) who have developed the most complex kind of modern day slavery known to man. It's really shameful! I weep for those they mistreat.

    1. Unfuckingbelievable. You make This statement:

      "And those 30% you refer to are the lowest informed of all voters. They are stuck in the Barracoon the Dims have had them in for 60 years. Feed them, clothe them, and pat them on the head. All is good. The Dims should be ashamed of themselves."

      And, then you accuse the Dems of being the racists.

      This is, exactly, the reason that the modern Republican Party is a favorite for at least 8 more years of White House Exile.

  22. Ruf's in a "fuck you' phase today. Either out of booze or out of votes.

  23. PSA reading .52 - we want .50 - going back in six months. .5 is fine though, perfectly livable. Thank you modern medicine.

    1. My doc says use it or lose it. Words to live by.

    2. Spirit's willing, sometimes the flesh is not. :(

  24. Do you know the difference between racism and reality, dear one? I have worked voting stations off and on for over 20 years. I have seen the borrowed school buses roll up and the low information voters (shall we call them LIVs?) pile out, free lunches in hand, along with an image of the voting booth screen complete with ballots and choices pre marked for their convenience. I know, does it make you go all queasy? it's a sad program, and like I said, the Dims should be ashamed of themselves. Turn a blind eye to it if you choose, but perhaps you should remove the plank from your eye before you hurl insults.

  25. Let's keep Rufus in a foul F.U. mood - OBAMACARE BLEEDING OUT: Insurers warn losses unsustainable......DRUDGE

    1. There's no "plank in my eye." You and Bob are racist assholes. I been around them my whole life, recognize'm when I see'em.

      Here's the bad news for you: It's going to get worse.

  26. Bob's advice for your trip to Coachella:

    • Be aware of your environment and any possible dangers.

    • Take note of the two nearest exits in any facility you visit. Have an escape route and plan in mind.

    • If a dangerous situation develops, leave your belongings behind.

    • If you see something, say something; don't feel embarrassed about reporting a suspicion to authorities.

    1. *And, finally, Don't go to Coachella. Stay home and irritate Rufus.

    2. I thought Coachella was something in one's ears.

      Or, maybe, a female coach.

    3. It was the site of the Heavyweight Winged Insect Championship:

      "Roachella in Coachella"

  27. Hillary says O'bozo is responsible for the mess in Libya, Syria, and Iraq. She's got it partly right.

  28. What is Pee Wee's Stand on Dildos?

    Ted Cruz Defended Texas Ban On The Sale Of Sex Toys

    The law, approved in the 1970s, banned as obscene any device “useful primarily for the stimulation of human genital organs.” The same law also declared that anyone possessing six or more such items was presumed to be promoting sex-toy usage through manufacture, sale, lending, delivery or other means.

    Joanne Webb, a 43-year-old mother of three and former fifth-grade teacher, was arrested in 2003 after selling a sex toy to an undercover police officer during a gathering of adult couples similar to a Tupperware party held at a home in a Fort Worth suburb.

    1. Pee Wee is 100% in favor of sex toys, especially for use in Movie Theaters. (accent on indoor movie theaters)

    2. Pee Wee Busted in 1991 for masturbating in theater -

      (And, that's not the only time)

    3. Pee-wee’s
      After disappearing for nearly three decades,
      Paul Reubens’s subversive alter ego returns
      — and seems more radical than ever.

    4. He wasn't busted for masturbating, he was busted for indecent exposure.

    5. • If you see something, say something; don't feel embarrassed about reporting a suspicion to authorities.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Example:
      "I saw something, I suspect he was masturbating."

    8. Masturbating is in the eye of the 'beholder'.

  29. Who needs Coachella?

    The Drummers of Japan Yamato in Bakuon: Legend of the Heartbeat

    Inspired by the sound of the heartbeat in every one of us – continuous from birth to death, pulsing quiet and strong – Yamato weaves this beat into its story. Each beat from the taiko drums represents who we are. It is a life’s history of sweat and tears, and the endless memories recorded in the sound of every heartbeat, all on display.
