Saturday, March 19, 2016

UPDATE: Hillary’s Wet Dream to Destroy Syria is Unravelling

A video grab made available on the Russian Defense Ministry's official website on March 15, 2016 reportedly shows Russian Su-34 bombers and a Tupolev Tu-154 transport plane flying above an unknown location on their way from the Hmeimim airbase in western Syria to their permanent bases in the Russian Federation. ©AFP

Syrian soldiers stand next to a tank on the outskirts of Raqqah, Syria, February 19, 2016. ©AFP
Syrian forces backed by Russian airstrikes have made major gains to the west of the central city of Palmyra, which is held by the Takfiri Daesh terrorist group, a report says.

The Syrian troops were supported by “heavy air cover from Russian jets,” the Lebanese satellite television station affiliated with the resistance movement of Hezbollah reported on Tuesday.

On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the bulk of Syria-based Russian military forces to withdraw from the conflict-ridden country. The pullout process started on Tuesday.

Putin’s order came hours after the new round of indirect peace talks between the Damascus government and the foreign-backed opposition, aimed at resolving the five-year deadly crisis in Syria, resumed in Geneva, Switzerland.
The negotiations are underway as a ceasefire has stood in Syria since February 27.

UN, EU welcome Russia’s Syria pullout

UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura said the Russian drawdown was a “significant development.”
“We hope it will have a positive impact on the progress of the negotiations in Geneva aimed at achieving a political solution to the Syrian conflict and a peaceful political transition in the country,” de Mistura said in a statement released on Tuesday.
The European Union also welcomed Russia’s announcement that it was pulling out its troops from Syria.

Catherine Ray, a spokeswoman for the EU's foreign service, said, "Any steps that help achieve de-escalation of violence inside Syria and the prolongation of the cessation of hostilities is very important for the overall peace process."
Russia launched an aerial campaign against terrorist groups in Syria last September upon a request from Damascus.

According to a February report by the Syrian Center for Policy Research, the conflict has claimed the lives of over 470,000 people and displaced nearly half of Syria’s pre-war population of about 23 million within or beyond its borders.


  1. The Russians aren't really withdrawing from Syria. They will protect their air and naval base. They have flown some jets home that can be back in a few hours. They are switching their helicopter forces are a bit.

    That's about it.

    Good to see them attacking ISIS.

    Those have the look of old Greek or Roman ruins in the photo. Can't get my video player to work.

    1. At least according to one source I read recently but can't find now.

  2. They are good videos. You won’t find them on US media.

    1. .

      Hillary’s Wet Dream to Destroy Syria is Unravelling

      If that's er wet dream she must have had an eventful night's sleep.


    2. Beats sleeping with Huma, or Bill, or both.

  3. Ah, now you are posting this:

    According to a February report by the Syrian Center for Policy Research, the conflict has claimed the lives of over 470,000 people and displaced nearly half of Syria’s pre-war population of about 23 million within or beyond its borders.

    Congrats on getting up to speed.

    Assad and his Iranian backers and Hezbollah have been busy...

    "According to a February report by the Syrian Center for Policy Research, the conflict has claimed the lives of over 470,000 people and displaced nearly half of Syria’s pre-war population of about 23 million within or beyond its borders."

    The vast majority have been murdered NOT by ISIS and their affiliates. But by the Syrians, Iran and Hezbollah.

    OF course, Russia (France and America) have been bombing and killing now also)

  4. Security forces liberate 2 areas, kill 40 ISIS militants in eastern Fallujah

    ( Anbar – The leadership of al-Hashed al-Shaabi in Anbar Province announced on Friday the cleansing of two regions in al-Karma area in eastern Fallujah, while pointed out to the killing of 40 militants of the so-called ISIS.

    The commander of the 1st regiment in Karmat Fallujah brigade Col. Mahmoud Mardi Jumaili said in a statement followed by, “The security forces from the army’s 1st division in Anbar Operations, as well as the tribal fighters were able to cleanse the areas of Albu Sayeh and laboratories in al-Karma (19 km east of Fallujah), while killed 40 ISIS fighters and destroyed three booby-trapped vehicles belonging to them.”

    Jumaili added, “The military units are working to cleanse the liberated areas in the center of al-Karma, in addition to preparing the ground combat operations during the next few hours to liberate the rest of the areas and progress toward the entrances of Fallujah.”


  5. Good Luck -

    Pentagon chief: Obama wants to defeat ISIS by end of his term

    By Kristina Wong - 03/18/16 04:40 PM EDT

    President Obama wants the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) defeated by the end of his term, Defense Secretary Ash Carter says.

    "That's what he said he wants. That's what he told me and [Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford]. He said, 'Get this done as soon as possible. I'd like to not leave this to my successor,' " Carter said Friday an event hosted by Politico.

    He added that Obama called for the process to be accelerated last fall — about a year after the U.S. first began its counter-ISIS campaign.
    The administration now has only nine months left, but Carter said he's optimistic.

    "I'm confident that we'll do it. And we have an operational plan now," he said.

    A military spokesman later Friday gave a more cautious assessment as to when the coalition could take back Mosul and Raqqa, ISIS's respective strongholds in Iraq and Syria.

    "I'm not going to put a timeline on it other than to say, you know, we are going to work with our partners on the ground, and the coalition to move as fast as possible," said Air Force Col. Pat Ryder, spokesman U.S. Central Command......


    2. .

      "I'm confident that we'll do it. And we have an operational plan now," he said.

      You would have thought they would have had a plan before they went in.


    3. .

      Pentagon chief: Obama wants to defeat ISIS by end of his term

      And even if they're not, that's our story and we are sticking to it.

      [Though some may deny it given the spread of ISIS since 2014 to countries like Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Philippines, Yemen, Somalia...]


    4. You forgot Tunisia.

      And Nigeria too.

      Boko Haram (books are bad)/Hamas/ISIS....all the same.

  6. ISIS executes 20 of its fighters for refusing to fight on outskirts of Mosul

    ( Nineveh – Kurdistan Democratic Party Nineveh Province announced on Saturday, that the so-called ISIS executed 20 of its militants in the city of Mosul (405 km north of Baghdad) after refusing to join the fighting axes in Mosul.

    Kurdistan Democratic Party Media Official Saeed Mamouzini said in a statement obtained by, “This morning, ISIS executed 20 of its fighters in the city of Mosul, after refusing to join the fighting axes on the outskirts of the city.”

    Mamouzini added, “ISIS carried out the execution by firing squad inside one of its camps in Mosul.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. If totalitarianism comes to the good old US of A, it will come from the left, not the right -

    March 19, 2016

    P.C. – R.I.P.

    By Scott S. Powell

    There should be no surprise that former Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers, who played a role in launching the political career of Barack Obama, was found among the street demonstrators in Chicago who succeeded in forcefully disrupting and shutting down Republican frontrunner Donald Trump’s campaign rally on March 11, injuring two police officers who were trying to maintain order.

    When Trump proceeded to move to his next campaign stops in Ohio the following day, he came before crowds and naturally addressed the previous night’s unfortunate descent into violence, only to experience another attempt at disruption. Four secret service agents raced to surround Trump after something was thrown and someone attempted to rush the stage. What is going on?

    With provocative and occasional unrestrained rhetoric, Trump can be polarizing -- sometimes inviting a raucous response. But the real problem that gave rise to Trump is intolerance and the soft tyranny of humorless political correctness that envelopes communication and culture in America.

    No one wants to admit it, but the seeds of ideological control characteristic of totalitarian political regimes reside predominantly in the Democrat Party and in its liberal constituencies that dominate the knowledge, information and entertainment industries -- the media, the universities, and Hollywood. And because of their leverage, these institutions have a disproportionately large effect on the population at large. Slowly, over the last few decades, but with accelerating pace in the Obama years, the soul of America has been silenced by political correctness. And the nation is weaker and more divided than ever.

    It’s time to connect the dots on the growing intolerance of the political left in America....

  8. Contra Trump Army blocks highway in Arizona, won't let Trump Folk through to get to campaign event.

    "No one wants to admit it, but the seeds of ideological control characteristic of totalitarian political regimes reside predominantly in the Democrat Party"

  9. Activists chain themselves to cars...
    Trump supporters confront...
    Thousands of fans turn out...
    Sheriff Joe policing...
    Clashes in Manhattan...
    Trump effigy beheaded.......DRUDGE

    Moslem/ISIS influence spreading to USA ?

    1. Moslem/ISIS, is that like KKK/Christian influence spreading in the US ?

    2. Kurdish woman murdered at a wedding in Germany after refusing to marry her own cousin

      Victim's grieving father posted a graphic image on Facebook demanding justice

    3. Those Moslems are ruining Europe.

      And, yes, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, most Kurds are Moslems ...

      Why you wanted US troops to be on the ground, in Iraq and Syria, defending those clit clippers ...
      One of the minor questions that still lingers over the Elephant Bar.

  10. Bill Luke Bass Days 2016 – Cornhole Festival

    1. The Cornhole Festival ?

      My old man told me once that Art C., a realtor, had caught Cliff L., a big construction company owner, cornholin' his main man, Louie, one time.

      I couldn't believe it.d I said you got to be shitting me. Cliff had been on the city council. Had a huge house. Rich. Always nice to me. City Father type. He'd done work for us. Louie was always driving his big trucks. Cliff had a wife, too. But, Art stuck by his story and swore to it.

      Art and Dad used to go duck hunting together.

      Everybody believed Art.

  11. Counter-ISIL Fight Enters Second Phase to Dismantle Terrorist Group

    WASHINGTON, March 18, 2016 — As U.S-led coalition forces enter the second phase in Iraq and Syria to degrade and ultimately defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, a spokesman for U.S. Central Command today discussed operations to dismantle the extremist group.

    In a teleconference with Pentagon reporters, Air Force Col. Patrick Ryder gave an overview of this year’s three operational approaches: coalition-enabled pressure on ISIL to isolate Raqqah, Syria; isolating and eventually seizing Mosul, Iraq; and stabilizing Iraq’s Anbar province.

    ISIL’s ‘Last Route’

    In Syria, the Manbij pocket near the Mara line comprises complex terrain and large numbers of mixed groups of people to whom the territory is important, Ryder said, but he added that the area is the final route available to ISIL.

    “[That] is ISIL’s last route to move people, money and supplies into Syria and Iraq, and the territory continues to go back and forth,” Ryder said. “This will be one of the most difficult fights going forward,” he said.

    Farther east, the Syrian Democratic Forces’ forward line of troops continues to move closer and apply pressure on ISIL fighters who hold Raqqah, Ryder said.

    The SDF also has made “fairly good progress” in northeastern Syria to liberate ISIL-held territory near Shaddadi, he said.

    ISIL Movement Narrows

    “Operations are working to isolate Raqqah from Mosul and deny ISIL freedom of movement between the two important cities,” Ryder said.

    In the Hit and Hadithah corridor, Iraqi security forces are working with local tribes to clear the Euphrates River Valley and hold liberated territory, which will help to set conditions to stabilize the province in the future, he added.

    Particularly encouraging is the progress Iraqi security forces have made, Ryder said, noting that they are becoming better at holding terrain they’ve taken back from ISIL, “even against an occasional complex ISIL attack.”


    1. Strikes in Syria

      Fighter aircraft conducted one strike in Syria:

      -- Near Ayn Isa, a strike destroyed an ISIL rocket position and an ISIL mortar position.

      Strikes in Iraq

      Rocket artillery, ground attack, bomber and fighter aircraft conducted 25 strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of Iraq’s government:

      -- Near Al Baghdadi, four strikes struck two ISIL bed-down locations and two ISIL staging areas.

      -- Near Al Huwayja, a strike destroyed an ISIL anti-air artillery piece.

      -- Near Fallujah, two strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units.

      -- Near Hit, seven strikes struck an ISIL training camp, two ISIL car bomb factories, an ISIL bomb factory, two ISIL tactical units, destroyed an ISIL tunnel, an ISIL vehicle, an ISIL supply cache, and an ISIL car bomb.

      -- Near Kisik, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL bunker and two ISIL assembly areas.

      -- Near Mosul, six strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed an ISIL assembly area, an ISIL supply cache, and three ISIL vehicles, and damaged an ISIL-used bridge section and suppressed an ISIL fighting position.

      -- Near Qayyarah, a strike destroyed an ISIL mortar position and an ISIL vehicle.

      -- Near Sinjar, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle and suppressed an ISIL fighting position.

    2. Obama says he's going to wrap this ISIS stuff up before he leaves office.

      Though some in the military seem not for certain.

      This will leave Trump with nothing to do when he takes over.

      And undercut Trump's argument for a bigger military.

      No need for a bigger military if peace has broken out all over.

      Iran's all hemmed in with the nuclear 'deal'.

      The Rooskies are in the driver's seat in Syria.

      Nothing left for The Donald to do....

  12. Cliff had a wife, too. But, Art stuck by his story and swore to it.
    Ari Shaffir told a story on some podcast about some guy buttfucking some bitch who complained:

    "You're being selfish !"

    When he pulled out before he came.

  13. It wasn't here:

    Memory fails.

    1. "Two US Army defense contractors met me in a secret location in America to discuss what it’s like to go work for the government on foreign soils. They both work as contractors in stations all over the world and they gave a first hand account of how much waste goes into our imperialism.

      It was an interesting look into the life of a hired grunt in the middle of a war zone."
