Monday, March 28, 2016

In the end, it was the Syrian army - and its Hezbolah chums from Lebanon, and the Iranians, and the Russians - who drove the Isis murderers out of Palmyra

Syrian, Russian, Iranian, Hezbollah Massive Offensive Forced ISIS To Flee From Palmyra:

Why is David Cameron so silent on the recapture of Palmyra from the clutches of Isis?

The biggest military defeat that isis has suffered in more than two years. The recapture of Palmyra, the Roman city of the Empress Zenobia. And we are silent. Yes, folks, the bad guys won, didn't they? Otherwise, we would all be celebrating, wouldn’t we?

Less than a week after the lost souls of the 'Islamic Caliphate' destroyed the lives of more than 30 innocent human beings in Brussels, we should - should we not? - have been clapping our hands at the most crushing military reverse in the history of Isis. But no. As the black masters of execution fled Palmyra this weekend, Messers Obama and Cameron were as silent as the grave to which Isis have dispatched so many of their victims. He who lowered our national flag in honour of the head-chopping king of Arabia (I’m talking about Dave, of course) said not a word.

As my long-dead colleague on the Sunday Express, John Gordon, used to say, makes you sit up a bit, doesn't it? Here are the Syrian army, backed, of course, by Vladimir Putin’s Russkies, chucking the clowns of Isis out of town, and we daren't utter a single word to say well done.

When Palmyra fell last year, we predicted the fall of Bashar al-Assad. We ignored, were silent on, the Syrian army's big question: why, if the Americans hated Isis so much, didn't they bomb the suicide convoys that broke through the Syrian army's front lines? Why didn’t they attack Isis?

“If the Americans wanted to destroy Isis, why didn't they bomb them when they saw them?” a Syrian army general asked me, after his soldiers' defeat  His son had been killed defending Homs. His men had been captured and head-chopped in the Roman ruins. The Syrian official in charge of the Roman ruins (of which we cared so much, remember?) was himself beheaded. Isis even put his spectacles back on top of his decapitated head, for fun. And we were silent then.

Putin noticed this, and talked about it, and accurately predicted the retaking of Palmyra. His aircraft attacked Isis - as US planes did not - in advance of the Syrian army's conquest. I could not help but smile when I read that the US command claimed two air strikes against Isis around Palmyra in the days leading up to its recapture by the regime. That really did tell you all you needed to know about the American "war on terror". They wanted to destroy Isis, but not that much.

So in the end, it was the Syrian army and its Hizballah chums from Lebanon and the Iranians and the Russians who drove the Isis murderers out of Palmyra, and who may - heavens preserve us from such a success - even storm the Isis Syrian 'capital' of Raqqa. I have written many times that the Syrian army will decide the future of Syria. If they grab back Raqqa - and Deir el-Zour, where the Nusrah front destroyed the church of the Armenian genocide and threw the bones of the long-dead 1915 Christian victims into the streets - I promise you we will be silent again.

Aren't we supposed to be destroying Isis? Forget it. That's Putin's job. And Assad's. Pray for peace, folks. That's what it's about, isn't it? And Geneva. Where is that, exactly?

Kurds vs ISIS Heavy clashes in the east of Syria - Russia Syria War


  1. Turkey and Saudi Arabia got their ass handed to them.

  2. Too bad they can’t destroy Saudi Arabia while they are at it. Would that be sweet or what?

    1. Saudi Arabia's sand is so whored out, they can't use if for Fracking or building high-rises. They have to import it from Wisconsin.
      (It's been blowing around so long it's all smooth, and worthless. Like a Liberal... or (insert local commenter here.))

      Even the name sounds strangely illicit: Northern White.

      It’s not a narcotic. It’s sand – a very particular kind of sand mined in Wisconsin and elsewhere in the Midwest. It’s prized in large part because it can stand the pressure of being rammed deep into the earth – an invaluable part of fracking, one of the world’s most lucrative industries.

      For years, sand has been one of the world’s most sought-after commodities. A decades-long construction boom in many of the world’s mega-cities has created insatiable demand. As a result, sand is quickly being siphoned away from beaches and other areas around the globe – from Jamaica to Morocco, India to Mexico.

      In two separate incidents recently, cops have been run over by Sand Mafia Trucks in 3rd World Countries.

      The material shortages have become so bad in the gulf region around Bahrain, that building work has had to slow for lack of material. Apparently steel and aluminum producers are reporting a drop in sales as projects are slowed and developers seek alternative supplies. Metal Bulletin has reported in a recent weekly news report that the lack of sand and gravel, coming on top of a recent ban on export of Saudi cement across the causeway to Bahrain, is adding to the woes of an already depressed gulf construction industry that the travails of Dubai will do nothing to improve.

      In Bahrain they have started importing from the United Arab Emirates and are mixing it with their own marine sand. The head of the contractor's committee says:

      "The quality of this will not be as good but we shall make do with it."

  3. ...This Syrian victory is an embarrassment to the West and the CIA-trained terrorists as well as Saudi Arabia and Turkey. For years the West has looked the other way as Turkey and Saudi Arabia sent terrorists into Syria to remove President Assad. Arrogant and ignorant leaders in the West never had the vision to seethe dangers like the Paris and Brussels bombings not to mention the refugee crisis. The West had one goal and that was "Assad must go". Thanks to Russia, Assad is now defeating these terrorists the West had sent to remove him. I have a simple one for the West, Saudi Arabia and Turkey: The terrorists must go.


    1. Christians used to live there in relative safety.
      Now they're gone, or dead.

  4. One of Hillary’s emails claims that the overthrow of Assad would be good for Israel

    A newly-released Hillary Clinton email published by Wikileaks has confirmed that the Obama Administration helped ignite the civil war in Syria as “the best way to help Israel.”
    The document was one of many declassified by the U.S. Department of State following the uproar caused by Clinton’s highly controversial private email server, which she used while serving as Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013. It was published by the famous website Wikileaks as Department of State case number F-2014-20439, document number C05794498.
    It should be noted that the Wikileaks transcript of the email is incorrectly dated to December 31, 2000, which is an obvious error due to references in the text to the Syrian Civil War, which began in March 2011, as well as references to the May 2012 negotiations in Istanbul between Iran and the west over its nuclear program. Most likely the actual date of the email is December 31, 2012. At the time, Clinton was Secretary of State for President Barack Obama.


    1. Hillary the neocon:

      “Iran’s nuclear program and Syria’s civil war may seem unconnected, but they are. For Israeli leaders, the real threat from a nuclear-armed Iran is not the prospect of an insane Iranian leader launching an unprovoked Iranian nuclear attack on Israel that would lead to the annihilation of both countries. What Israeli military leaders really worry about — but cannot talk about — is losing their nuclear monopoly.”


    2. Hillary should be in prison with George Bush:

      “Washington should start by expressing its willingness to work with regional allies like Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar to organize, train and arm Syrian rebel forces.”

      This disturbing email by Clinton is more proof that the United States foreign policy has done little to combat terrorism in the Middle East. The Syrian rebels, far from being secular or “moderate” rebels, have been proven to be overwhelmingly made up of Islamic extremists and jihadis who oppose the secular Syrian state, as the Telegraph reports.

      The Syrian Civil War and the chaos in Iraq, which are both the result of U.S. military intervention, were instrumental to the rise of ISIS. The leaked email also sheds new light on the origins of the refugee crisis that has been the source of much debate in Europe and the United States as millions of Syrians are displaced by the violence which Clinton thought would be a positive development in 2012.

      The very real possibility that these words could be coming from a politician who may very well become the next President of the United States should give many people pause.


    3. This week, Clinton demonstrated exactly why such a wide assortment of neocons and right-wing war hawks have been so quick to compliment her over the years. In a widely panned speech at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) annual meeting on Monday, Clinton pledged her undying loyalty to Israel, promised to go to war with Iran if necessary, and implied the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement was anti-Semitic.

      The speech was interpreted as an attempt to move to the right of Trump on Israel.

      Perhaps nothing sums up Clinton’s foreign policy better than a recent photo of her warmly hugging George W. Bush at Nancy Reagan’s funeral – an almost too-perfect metaphor for Clinton’s embrace of neocon policies. And as the picture makes clear, the war hawks are just as happy to cuddle her back.

      Branko Marcetic is a regular contributor to In These Times. Reprinted from In These Times with permission of the author.

  5. Syrian government forces backed by heavy Russian air support drove Islamic State out of Palmyra on Sunday, inflicting what the army called a “mortal blow” to militants who seized the city last year and dynamited its ancient temples.

    Remember the commentary when Russia’s Putin asked the question, “Do you realize what you’ve done?!”

    The liars said things would worsen, ISIS would gain an advantage, Russia would be in a quagmire for years with no escape.

    Here we are after six months, ISIS and al Nusra ( the darling of the CIA and John McCain) are being hunted down and killed and “all the forces of evil”, Iran, Russia, Assad and Hezbollah have accomplished the undoing of some of the damage the US and Nato started in its goal to destabilize Syria for the benefit of Israel.

    The Secretary of the Iranian National Security Council has congratulated Syrian President Bashar Assad on regaining the city of Palmyra, Tasnim news agency reported on Monday.

    ”The determination of the Syrian nation, government and army to eliminate terrorist and takfiri groups from the occupied territories is something to be proud of,” Ali Shamkhani was quoted as saying.

    "The Iranian government and armed forces will continue their full support of Syria and the Axis of Resistance," he added.

    (Iran refers to the regional anti-Israel alliance as the axis of resistance and to hardline Sunni Islamists as takfiris.)

  6. ITEM

    When the Russian bombing campaign started in Syria last fall, one could assume that Moscow's actions would begin to reveal more about the country’s foreign policy. This assumption is proving to be correct now, after President Putin announced the withdrawal of Russia's main forces. Moscow’s actions in Syria over the last half year have clarified both the guidelines of Russian foreign policy and how they help in dealing with very complicated problems of the Middle East.

    First, why did the Russian operation in Syria start? Answers abound, but there is a basic one: Russia started the operation in response to the official Syrian request. Again, one can argue about reasons for Russia’s actions, but Moscow followed the procedures of international and domestic law. It was logical, then, that the pullout announcement was followed by the news of President Assad thanking Russia for its support. Much has been written on how the principles of the Westphalian system have become increasingly irrelevant, and how states as major actors of international relations have significantly lost their relevance. But, in the Syrian conflict, as throughout the Middle East, states continue to be the dominating players. Russia's actions have shown that it is effective to deal with states according to the international law, rather than via slogans in editorial pages.

  7. ITEM


    Moscow proved that military power is far from obsolete in foreign affairs. The proponents of soft power and public diplomacy can argue their cases, but an effective military is essential for a power willing and able to have its say in world politics. President Obama famously said that Russia is a regional power, omitting to name the region where Russia acts. A significant stretch of imagination is needed to consider Russia a Middle Eastern regional power, but still, the Kremlin is able to meaningfully project its military power there. One can doubt that Russia reached all of its goals, but it is difficult to dispute that the Russian operation provided the circumstances for the current ceasefire. Is Russia then a multi-regional power?

    1. ITEM


      Russia's actions provide evidence that national interests matter, that the country can act based not on optimistic dreams of a better world with global consent and no conflicts, but rather on what is deemed necessary for a country within an intense international scramble. Again, one can argue that Russia is mistaken, but experts and diplomats in Moscow will easily provide a list of instances when Western “partners” (as President Putin often calls them) showed divergence in their own interests with Russia. Between political and ideological grandstanding and national interests, Russia has chosen the latter. When the Kremlin found it necessary, Russia stood by its ally Assad. However, when Moscow decided that enough support had been provided, it stopped the operation. The situation has changed and the interests have changed accordingly.


      These three cornerstones (a state and international law centered view of international relations, a capacity to project military power and a consideration of national interests) are essential to Russia’s strategy in the Middle East. What, then, is the environment for this strategy? Namely, what are the strategies of other major actors?

      It is not accidental that the cessation of hostilities was decided with the participation of Russia and the United States and that it was President Putin who called President Obama to inform him about the withdrawal of Russian forces from Syria. The United States continues to be a very significant, arguably dominating actor in the Middle East. But what is Washington’s strategy? This question is still waiting to be answered. The Republican criticism of Obama’s foreign policy is understandable, but the U.S. actions in Syria puzzle both America’s mostly liberal media and some of its European allies. Since the beginning of the civil war in Syria American rhetoric has been sympathetic to anti-Assad forces. But why did America not support these forces thoroughly before Russia’s involvement?

    3. WHY?

      One can suppose that the examples of Iraq and Libya, where Washington toppled secular dictators only to encounter new and more serious security problems have been noted. However, it is still unclear what the American position is in Syria. Both Washington and Moscow were vital for the talks, which resulted in the cessation of hostilities in Syria. Obviously, Russia stands militarily and diplomatically by its ally Assad. But who are America’s allies in Syria? What happened with the previous American position that "Assad must go"? Washington's acknowledgement that the talks on Syria “would go nowhere unless you got Russia and Iran at the table” might be helpful to the immediate stabilization of the Middle East, but what is America's long-term game plan?

      Without answering these questions it will be difficult for the United States to develop its policy in the Middle East. Other regional actors can see clear Russian moves, whether they like those actions or not. In many cases, the strategies of regional powers are also not too difficult to figure out, especially considering the fact that other powers are primarily interested in increasing their influence, improving strategic positions against opponents and curbing security threats. Against this background, lack of clarity in the American strategy in the region is not helpful either to the international standing of the United States or to the stability of international relations in general.


      Meanwhile, the clarity of Moscow’s moves, whether one can agree with them or not, has accelerated Russian interactions, if not cooperation, with the countries in the Middle East. Major regional actors are aware of Russian motives, interests, capabilities and goals and they can act accordingly.

      The closeness of Russian and Iranian positions in Syria and other places is well known. However, for example, the Kurds were considered the chief American ally against ISIS. After the launch of Russia’s campaign, the relations of Syrian Kurds with Moscow have significantly improved, as both sides understand the other side’s motives and are ready to bargain and make deals. Russia’s support to Assad notwithstanding, Moscow continues to be a strong proponent of Kurdish participation in the Geneva talks.


      It is possible to point to another result of Russia’s actions in the Middle East, one threatening American positions in the region even more significantly: Russia might prove to be a very good partner for Israel in developing its offshore natural gas fields. According to several experts and observers, a deepening Israeli partnership with Russia could substantially increase the security of Israeli natural gas production and transit facilities. If Hezbollah and Iran present a serious security threat to this infrastructure, Russia’s participation may go a long way in reducing this risk. For Russia, this partnership may significantly improve strategic standing on international gas markets, especially, in relations with the EU and Turkey.

      Russia's clear-cut approach to goals and interests keeps many channels of international communication open. One can suppose that Saudi Arabia is very far from supporting either President Assad or Russia’s actions to help him, but President Putin and King Salman are discussing the situation in Syria. According to the Kremlin, the two countries can put aside their differences, while King Salman expressed his readiness to work together with Russia to implement the cease-fire plan. After withdrawal of its forces, Russia will cease to be a combatant in the war, which will help its diplomatic efforts further.

      There is no doubt that the Middle East remains a turbulent and dangerous place. It is too early to declare the losers and the winners of the war in Syria. (The chances are high that, eventually, there will be no winners at all.) But Russia’s actions during the crises in Syria show both that the vigor and timing of these actions are effective and that the recipes of classical, realist diplomacy work in the twenty-first century. Announcing the withdrawal of Russian forces, President Putin has shown, again, that he still calls the shots.

    6. Nikolay Pakhomov is a political analyst and consultant in New York City. He is a Russian International Affairs Council expert. You can follow him on Twitter @nik_pakhomov.

  8. Russia's actions have shown that it is effective to deal with states according to the international law, rather than via slogans in editorial pages

    You must be joking.


    1. Read your Lincoln to understand secessions and the response of statist regimes.

    2. We hear all the time from you and your Joker that Eastern Europeans had rights to take back what was formerly theirs in Palestine. From your logic there is no statute of limitations regardless of even the most tenuous of claim.

    3. Really...blah blah blah

  9. I have a hard time believing that the taking of Palmyra is more important than the liberation of Ramadi, Heet, and Sinjar.

    1. It has iconic value in that everyone was shocked that ISIS could take charge of such a city and the brutal vandalization of it.

      Furthermore, the US, UK and EU and their Neocon masters were directing the wailing wall of public opinion on the disaster awaiting the Russians. The implication was that if the US army and air force could not dislodge ISIS from any recognizable area, it made ISIS appear to be ten foot tall.

      Everywhere that the US was fighting in the middle East, the time line stretched from months to years and was reaching well into the second decade, achieving nothing.

      The Russians, the ghastly Syrians, the blood thirsty Iranians and the horror of horrors, Hezbollah wrapped it up in weeks despite the efforts of the Saudis, Israelis, Turkey, France and the UK to hinder the operation.

      That my friend is how to win militarily, in public opinion and politically.

    2. Muslims and Russian unabashed ol’ time Christians, going in killing Islamic fascists, walking the walk instead of wailing the tale of mission impossible.

    3. Read the comments on any of the news reports that allow comments. Even the Israeli trolls are silent on how to spin it in their direction.

    4. While videos of the IDF shooting a disabled wounded man in the head, Syrian soldiers, Kurds, Iranians under Russian air power were filmed killing real terrorists, ISIS, and rescuing the iconic city of ancient Palmyra.

    5. Is that what you call 470,000 syrians in 5 years?

      No civilians?


  10. A, a, a, ha ha ha.

    1. What did they use to call the State Department ?

      Foggy Bottom ?

  11. The writer chastises the USA for military inaction and Deuce seems to praise him.

    This seems some sort of turning point, but not sure exactly what kind.

    And I was called a Nazi here for even suggesting a no fly zone.

    1. Anything USA does is wrong, and even if nothing is done, that is wrong too.

  12. Judge Napolitano said this morning he thinks something will happen by the end May....

    Report: Hillary Clinton to be interviewed by the FBI over emails

    posted at 8:41 am on March 28, 2016 by Taylor Millard

    Slipping into the news like the Easter bunny delivering eggs and chocolate - (YES !) - is a Los Angeles Times report suggesting Hillary Clinton is going to be talked to by the FBI. Agents are also looking to talk to some of her longtime aides.

    No dates have been set for questioning the advisors, but a federal prosecutor in recent weeks has called their lawyers to alert them that he would soon be doing so, the sources said. Prosecutors also are expected to seek an interview with Clinton herself, though the timing remains unclear.

    The interviews by FBI agents and prosecutors will play a significant role in helping them better understand whether Clinton or her aides knowingly or negligently discussed classified government secrets over a non-secure email system when she served as secretary of State.

    At least one person tells Los Angeles Times the Clintonemail probe is almost done.

    “The interviews are critical to understand the volume of information they have accumulated,” said James McJunkin, former head of the FBI’s Washington field office. “They are likely nearing the end of the investigation and the agents need to interview these people to put the information in context. They will then spend time aligning these statements with other information, emails, classified documents, etc., to determine whether there is a prosecutable case.”

    This could play out one of three ways because the FBI could decide to pursue charges against Clinton, ignore Clinton and focus on an aide or two, or just decide to exonerate everyone. LA Times seems to think Clinton is going to skate based on comments from American University law professor Stephen Vladeck who thinks the law doesn’t match up with the facts of the case. But Judge Andrew Napolitano doesn’t think so, telling Fox News back in January he expected the FBI to ask for an indictment.

    1. [Napolitano] said that the alleged crime would be negligence and failure by Mrs. Clinton “to protect national security secrets.”

      “The evidence of that is overwhelming. What’s new … is that she failed to protect information of the highest possible category,” said Napolitano.

      He explained that Clinton, like former CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus, signed a non-disclosure agreement as Secretary of State promising to protect the intelligence of Special Access Programs.

      “The fact that she failed to safeguard that [intelligence]. That she put it on a non-secured, non-government server after she swore an oath – the same oath General Petraeus did – to secure it, makes her a prime candidate for prosecution,” he explained.

      But does this actually mean anything from a political standpoint? It might, given the fact Bernie Sanders was able to sweep all three Democratic primaries and caucuses on Saturday. It means Clinton has a less than 300 pledged delegate vote lead, even though she’s got the superdelegates in the bag. It could be Democrats are worried about Clintonemail, but it’s also possible they’re just looking to stick it to the party itself (just as Donald Trump’s supporters seem wont to do with the GOP). There’s also the fact there’s no guarantee Clinton will be the Democratic nominee. If Sanders is able to close the gap even further (or take the lead), will more superdelegates start to defect to Sanders’ camp? Clinton probably has New York almost delivered, but California polls have her only with a seven point lead and Wisconsin with a six point lead (depending on the poll). It’s completely possible the Democratic nomination may take much longer than the GOP one (and wouldn’t it be interesting if Clinton had to go to President Barack Obama for help). The grandeur of Trump has all eyes on the GOP (for better or for worse), but the specter of Sanders has Clinton in a bind. An interview with the FBI might put her in even more of one, IF it becomes an issue during the general election campaign. Will the American people be willing to go for a candidate who is under indictment because she’s “the devil they know” versus the devil they don’t know? Time will tell, but it just depends on whether the public actually cares about Clintonemail, or if it’s something only those who are politically active care about.


    3. March 28, 2016

      Los Angeles Times previews Hillary’s strategy to dispute a criminal referral on email scandal

      By Thomas Lifson

      Hillary Clinton’s allies are carefully implementing a strategy to deal with a possible criminal referral to the Justice Department by the FBI....

  13. So the BIG murderers drove out the LITTLE murderers....

    Yet Deuce, makes fun of the IDF taking out a terrorist....

    If the goal is taking out terrorists?

    It's all good..

    In the end?

    Assad (of Syria), Hezbollah, Iran and some help from Russia have slaughtered 470,000 in syria. 80%+ innocent civilians and wounded over one million and (as the cherry on top) created 12 million (plus) refugees.

    ISIS?? Yeah they suck, have murdered about 40,000....

    Now if you could ever look at Iraq? the Shits with Iran's direct involvement have slaughtered countless..

    And America keeps bombing a few dozen ISIS (and civilians) a day...

    It's called a clusterfuck...

    1. Certainly is...I put up a post showing that CIA backed rebels were fighting Pentagon backed rebels.

      That's got to be one great definition of a clusterfuck.

    2. Tangle deepens in Syrian war as U.S.-backed factions clash with each other

      By Nabih Bulos, W.J. Hennigan and Brian Bennett
      Tribune News Service
      21 hrs ago

      Syrian militias armed by different parts of the U.S. war machine have begun to fight each other on the plains between the besieged city of Aleppo and the Turkish border, highlighting how little control U.S. intelligence officers and military planners have over the groups they have financed and trained in the 5-year-old civil war.

      The fighting has intensified over the last two months as CIA-armed units and Pentagon-armed ones have repeatedly shot at each other while maneuvering through contested territory on the northern outskirts of Aleppo, U.S. officials and rebel leaders have confirmed.

      In mid-February, a CIA-armed militia called Fursan al Haq, or Knights of Righteousness, was run out of the town of Marea, about 20 miles north of Aleppo, by Pentagon-backed Syrian Democratic Forces moving in from Kurdish-controlled areas to the east........


  14. So.....when it's all said and done with the Clinton server investigation, and a possible indictment, Obama, pressured by Soros and the rest of the left wing retards, will pardon her. End of story.

    1. I'm uncertain if someone can be pardoned for something before a conviction.

      You might ask Quirk.

      Even a bad FBI report will make her look really bad, maybe swing the election.

      Trump, at least, has said he will have her prosecuted if he's elected.

      What a marvelous year....Trump used to 'donate' to Clinton in the ago.


    2. Deuce ☂Mon Mar 28, 07:58:00 AM EDT
      Read the comments on any of the news reports that allow comments. Even the Israeli trolls are silent on how to spin it in their direction.

      So for the record, Deuce is celebrating the mass murder of who knows how many...

      One standard for those that Deuce likes...


      The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

      Translated and edited by Israel Shahak

      from Oded Yinon's

      ”A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties”

      The Association of Arab-American University Graduates finds it compelling to inaugurate its new publication series, Special Documents, with Oded Yinon's article which appeared in Kivunim (Directions), the journal of the Department of Information of the World Zionist Organization.

      Oded Yinon is an Israeli journalist and was formerly attached to the Foreign Ministry of Israel. To our knowledge, this document is the most explicit, detailed and unambiguous statement to date of the Zionist strategy in the Middle East.

      Furthermore, it stands as an accurate representation of the "vision" for the entire Middle East of the presently ruling Zionist regime of Begin, Sharon and Eitan. Its importance, hence, lies not in its historical value but in the nightmare which it presents.

      The plan operates on two essential premises. To survive, Israel must

      1) become an imperial regional power, and

      2) must effect the division of the whole area into small states by the dissolution of all existing Arab states. Small here will depend on the ethnic or sectarian composition of each state. Consequently, the Zionist hope is that sectarian-based states become Israel's satellites and, ironically, its source of moral legitimation.

    4. I LIKE that plan. Been calling for the division of Arab states myself for a long time.

      Iraq ought to be three states, without the ISIS of course.

      Syria, three or four. The Sunnis there seem to be resisting this idea however, thinking they will run the whole thing sooner or later.

      Libya ought to be divided into two.

      The Kurds ought to have a State of their own.

      All this seems quite just, and the violence might go down too.

      The Christians and others ought to have some safe havens as well.

    5. The Arabs seem to be managing well enough to go in this direction all on their own, without any Israeli help.

      Clinton and Obama have helped a great deal in this effort, it must be admitted.

    6. I don't see the Israelis as having anything to do with:

      1) The Iran/Iraq War
      2) The American invasions of Iraq
      3) The events in Egypt
      4) The events in Syria
      5) The events in Libya
      6) The rise of ISIS

      And anyone who does is hallucinating.

  15. Strikes in Syria

    Attack and remotely piloted aircraft conducted four strikes in Syria:

    -- Near Mara, three strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed five ISIL fighting positions.

    -- Near Manbij, a strike destroyed two ISIL bed-down locations and two ISIL fighting positions.

    Strikes in Iraq

    Attack and fighter aircraft conducted 10 strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of Iraq’s government:

    -- Near Mosul, four strikes struck an ISIL security headquarters and an ISIL tactical unit, destroyed an ISIL assembly area and suppressed an ISIL mortar position and an ISIL tactical unit.

    -- Near Qayyarah, three strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units; destroyed four ISIL mortar positions, an ISIL machine gun and an ISIL supply cache; and suppressed an ISIL mortar position.

    -- Near Sinjar, a strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL heavy machine gun position.

    -- Near Sultan Abdallah, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed five ISIL fighting positions and an ISIL assembly area.

  16. CHICAGOLAND: Supreme Court rejects Blagojevich appeal.....DRUDGE


    1. Makes me happy thinking of that smart ass punk sitting in the klink.

      Four Illinois governors have been convicted in the last 20 years or so.

    2. All Democorruptos I imagine.

      Blago was into selling a United States Senate seat, among dozens of other craparoos.

      Them Democrats !

  17. .

    Larry Russell Dawson.

    Sounds Muslim.

    A 'prophet of god'. Investigation still pending on which god.

    As he began attack, was heard to shout, "Owwwww."


    1. Sounds Catholic to me.

      With that 'son' on the end of Daw, he ain't Scandinavian.

      The "Owwwww" is a mystery.

      Might be an old Catholic Crusader war cry though.

  18. PAPER: Justice Dept to withdraw legal action vs. APPLE...


    FBI may have acted on the Isreali offer of help.

    The Israelis don't like terrorist any more than we do.

    1. you don't "crack" into the phone, you take it apart and duplicate the contents.

      then you can (after copying the hard drive and the access node) try and fail as many times as you wish....


  19. The government is still engaged in a broader fight with Apple over what role, if any, the company should play in helping investigators access data on their customers' phones.

    Previous court filings indicated prosecutors were seeking similar orders against Apple involving at least 15 phones seized as part of unrelated criminal investigations around the country.

    State and local prosecutors, most notably Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance, have also pressed technology companies to help detectives access data on suspects' phones.

    1. .

      The government has been fighting these IT companies for decades over this same issue. Their claim that the phone from the San Bernardino terrorist was a one-off deal was bullshit. What they were looking for was to set a legal precedent to use for the next time. The AG in NY indicated he was sitting on 157 phones and was ready to issue lawsuits to get them opened.

      The FBI chose the San Bernardino phone because it was high profile and they thought they could get public support for their case. They were starting to lose the legal case and even public opinion was starting to shift so they backed off.


    2. I agree, Q. The FBI should be able to open that phone in 5 minutes.

  20. .

    Iraq ought to be three states, without the ISIS of course.

    Syria, three or four. The Sunnis there seem to be resisting this idea however, thinking they will run the whole thing sooner or later.

    Libya ought to be divided into two.

    The Kurds ought to have a State of their own.

    Israel ought to be divided into two states.

    The Scots should have their own state.

    Belgium is a buffer not a state. It should be divided in two.

    Canada and Russia are too big for their britches and each should be divided into at least 10 states each.

    The US needs to be divided into north and south.

    Mexico should be divided into three states, Mexicali, Texas, and California.

    The Vatican should be divided into about 100 one acre separated condominiums.

    India is already divided into 29 states. Make it official and declare them all independent.

    Divide Afghanistan into Talabani and Afghani.

    All this seems quite just, and the violence might go down too. Or it might go up.

    The Christians and others ought to have some safe havens as well.

    The Mormons ought to have their own Mormon and democratic state on their historic homeland. After all there are as many LDS in the world as Jews.

    [More appeals for self-determination on page two…]


    1. And Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming ought to secede, and form the Nation of Idamoning. Maybe British Columbia should be include to...

      None of us give a tinker's damn about LA, Vegas, Philly, Detroit, New York City, Miami...

    2. LA, Vegas, Philly, Detroit, New York City, Miami.....let them stew in their own juices and drugs...

      Basically, you have some good ideas their Quirk

    3. there Quirk

      You got me excited by all the fascinating possibilities.

      Long Live Self Determination !

      Stop Moslem Immigration To USA Now !

    4. .

      The new City States of LA, Vegas, Philly, Detroit, New York City, Miami could form a Confederation of Pain, declare war on the Nation of Idamoning, and confiscate the only thing of value they have, their elk jerky.

      We shall crush our enemies. See them driven before us. And hear the lamentations of their women.

      Good stuff.


    5. .

      Long Live Self Determination !

      I suppose the same applies to the Palestinians.


    6. No, my Principle does not apply to misogynist, homophobic, apartheid, aggressive peoples.

    7. .

      So we can't expect you to apply for your own statehood?


    8. If the Palestinians can apply for "statehood" so can the crips and the bloods.

    9. That is really nasty, Quirk, and unwarranted, but you already know that.

      I like WiO's statement directly above.

      That makes sense.

      Let the crips and the bloods apply for City-State status in Detroit.

      After all, they damn near run that shit hole now.

      Might as well formalize it.

  21. Despite the condemnations, the Hebron shooting has sparked a debate in Israel about whether the soldier was justified in his actions. Naftali Bennett, Israel's Education Minister and head of the right-wing Jewish Home party, has criticised Netanyahu for not supporting the soldier.

    Palestinian Minister of Health Dr. Jawad al-Awad called the shooting a "war crime," and urged the international community to protect Palestinians. "This is very clear evidence that Israeli soldiers are committing field executions documented by cameras against Palestinian civilians," said al-Awad on Thursday.

    "The terrible pictures that were shot in Hebron... shocked me, and they need to shock every person that has a conscience and everyone who has not lost their moral judgment in the terrible reality of the past months," said Dov Khenin, an Arab-Israeli politician from the Joint Arab List.

    1. More information is coming out...

      Heavy coat and would not stop moving, soldier heard screams about him having a bomb..

      Good kill..

      Lesson dont fuck with the Jews.

    2. .

      You've got to be kidding.


    3. .

      Heavy coat and would not stop moving...

      Perhaps it was because he was shot and bleeding out.


    4. .

      Here is a story from Ynet describing what happened with an accompanying video.

      Delayed Double-Tap


    5. .

      Remember the soldier wasn't even on the scene until a few minutes after the two terrorists had been incapacitated. The Ynet video has been edited. A longer one from say the Independent shows the scene well before the shooting.


    6. .

      Brig. Gen. Almoz added, "As far as the orders given to soldiers are concerned, the moment terrorists are neutralized, soldiers are supposed to immediately give medical assistance to the wounded, including the terrorists. This is the IDF, these are the values of the IDF, and this is not up for interpretation. We are unambiguous about this."


      IDF Spokesperson Brigadier General Moti Almoz announced Thursday that the soldier was arrested and questioned. He mentioned that all those involved in the event will be questioned, and that it was "a very severe incident. This is not the IDF culture or the Jewish peoples' culture."

      Evidently, WiO doesn't share the Jewish People's Culture either.


  22. has criticised Netanyahu for not supporting the soldier

    When, o when, has the Arabstinian leadership ever NOT supported their killers and suicide bombers ?

    It is just the opposite - they encourage them, their media is full of hatred, one long scream of hatred, they urge them on, celebrate them....

  23. Some Gentleman of much wisdom once said:

    If totalitarianism come to the USA it will come from the left, not the right

    At Emory, Campus Totalitarianism Has Arrived

    Emory's response to pro-Trump messages shows that the college campus is now a one-party surveillance state.

    March 28, 2016 By Robert Tracinski

    Universities, once supposedly the great centers of American “liberalism,” have spent decades working their way toward becoming totalitarian monocultures in which only one approved set of political opinions is tolerated. And now they have arrived at their goal.

    Last week at Emory University in Atlanta, person or persons unknown went around campus late one night chalking messages on sidewalks in support of Donald Trump for president. It’s an example of perfectly normal campus political activity during an election year, except that there is no such thing as normal life on a contemporary campus any more.

    The usual suspects went berserk, with a coterie of protesters marching on the administration building and demanding a meeting with the university’s president, James Wagner, and that he denounce Trump and any pro-Trump students. As one protester complained, Trump “is being supported by students on our campus and our administration shows that they, by their silence, support it as well.” Another declared that the administration is “supporting this rhetoric by not ending it.” Nothing less than full censorship will purge the university of the stain of Trumpism.....


    2. "the administration is “supporting this rhetoric by not ending it.”
      Hilarious, if satire, terrifying, since it's real.

  24. In recent weeks, Pakistan's Islamist parties have been threatening widespread demonstration to protest what they say is Sharif's pro-Western stance. They have also denounced draft legislation in Punjab province that outlaws violence against women.

    Earlier this month, Sharif had officially recognised holidays celebrated by Pakistan's minority religions, including Easter and the Hindu festival of Holi.

    But of the 72 dead from Sunday's attack, 14 have been identified as Christians and 44 as Muslim, said Lahore Police Superintendent Mohammed Iqbal. The rest have not been identified.

    1. They killed more Moslems than Christians ?

      A silver lining....

  25. January 2016 – Donald Trump Warned Brussels, Belgium – The New York Times Mocked Him For It…

    “There is something going on, Maria,” he said. “Go to Brussels. Go to Paris. Go to different places. There is something going on and it’s not good, where they want Shariah law, where they want this, where they want things that — you know, there has to be some assimilation. There is no assimilation. There is something bad going on.”

    Warming to his theme, he added that Brussels was in a particularly dire state. “You go to Brussels — I was in Brussels a long time ago, 20 years ago, so beautiful, everything is so beautiful — it’s like living in a hellhole right now,” Mr. Trump continued.

    Donald Trump Finds New City to Insult: Brussels
    JAN. 27, 2016

    1. Sarah Palin called the Rooskie invasion of Ukraine years before that occurred.

    2. That's why they must be silenced.

      ...besides, I'm allergic to Chalk.

      Actually, differently abled wrt Chalk.

    3. Trump should have a reality show:

      "Campus Late Night Chalking"

    4. Hoisted by my own Retard.

  26. DeuceMon Mar 28, 05:10:00 PM EDT

    The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

    Translated and edited by Israel Shahak

    from Oded Yinon's

    ”A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties”

    Yeah Deuce the Israelis aka the "jews" control it all...

    You are as bad as David Duke.

    1. David Deuce

      Who is David Duke?

    2. :) heh

      At your service, Doug -

      David Ernest Duke (born July 1, 1950) is an American white nationalist, anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist, politician, and former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.[6][7]

      A former one-term Republican Louisiana State Representative, he was a candidate in the Democratic presidential primaries in 1988 and the Republican presidential primaries in 1992. Duke unsuccessfully ran for the Louisiana State Senate, United States Senate, United States House of Representatives, and Governor of Louisiana. Duke is a felon, having pleaded guilty to defrauding supporters by falsely claiming to have no money and being in danger of losing his home in order to solicit emergency donations; at the time, Duke was financially secure, and used the donations for recreational gambling.[8]

      Duke describes himself as a "racial realist," asserting that "all people have a basic human right to preserve their own heritage."[9] Duke also speaks against what he describes as Jewish control of the Federal Reserve Bank, the U.S. federal government and the media. Duke supports the preservation of what he considers to be Western culture and traditionalist Christian family values, Constitutionalism, abolition of the Internal Revenue Service, voluntary racial segregation, anti-Communism and white separatism.[10][11][12] He has been accused of supporting Holocaust denial.....


      Can't accuse David Duke of not being Ernest.

    3. There you go, Joshing again.

    4. I did not know that David, as well as Senator Byrd had been Grand Gizzards.
      (Understandable for a Senator named Byrd.)

      My mom liked Gizzards.

    5. My wife likes Gizzards.

      I'd really rather eat Lizards, if forced to choose.

      I've often compared galopin2, no Wizard he, to a Gizzard.

  27. Some background: The American Freedom Party is one of the dozens of minor political parties in the U.S., and it’s got its own candidate for president in the person of lifelong segregationist Robert Whitaker. Whitaker, as you might expect, is a super-chill guy who does things like try to put up billboards that read “Say NO to #WhiteGenocide!”


    Finally, the AFP left what it considers to be the most important job in the Trump administration to former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. She would be President Trump’s chief of staff, a role that would involve dismantling a number of other government posts, among them the secretary of education.


    If there’s good news to be had here, it’s that it is extremely unlikely this white nationalist fantasy cabinet will ever be assembled. The bad news, of course, is that a cabinet handpicked by Trump himself could very well be much, much crazier.

    Trump's Cabinet


    Wow, Sarandon is flipping..

    1. Between you, me, and her, one of us may very well not be around to vote, come November!

    2. Let us both hope it is her that is not around, then !

      Never did like her much except in that movie where she and her friend drove off the rim of the Grand Canyon !

  29. Grassley repeated the response that he has maintained since February — no hearings until there is a new president.

    “There has been broad consideration that when you have a lame duck president that during the last year the appointment should go over to a new president,” Grassley said.

    Garland is, however, meeting with other senators this week while Congress is in recess. He is set to meet with his first Republican, Sen. Mark Kirk of Illinois, on Tuesday and has met with several Democrats.

  30. .

    If the Palestinians can apply for "statehood" so can the crips and the bloods.

    In Bob-World, that is a viable alternative.

    Let's face it, the boy is a few fries short of a Happy Meal.


    1. Well in the historic world, not the one Alice in Wonderland of the current world stage, their has never been a real distinct arab people called "palestinians".

      Their behavior, their culture is closer to the crip and the bloods than a people seeking self determination and statehood.

    2. .

      You mean like Hagana, Irgun and the Stern Gang or the JDL.

      Or were those merely 'resistance groups'?



  31. Terrorists from the so-called Islamic State have advanced plans to murder Jewish children in Turkey, targeting kindergartens and schools and youth centres, Sky News can reveal exclusively.


    'We don't know when it's scheduled for. It could be in the next 24 hours or next few days,' the source said.

    1. See? Not a lick of difference between ISIS and the Palestinians.

      Cut from the same cloth.

      Just different baseball caps.

    2. .

      Why does Israel support them?


    3. Israel supports Israel.

      Can you show me, or post any specific information that Israel supports "ISIS"?

      Now be careful here as there are over 100 syrian rebel groups. Some that the USA supports as well...

    4. Quart has topped off those two Buds I sent him with a quart of Vodka and became incoherent about an hour ago.

      I just hope he hasn't gone driving.

      Try asking him tomorrow.

    5. Perhaps he has gone drunk jogging after eating the energizing Wolf sausage I included.

    6. .

      Can you show me, or post any specific information that Israel supports "ISIS"?

      Information has already been posted here asserting Israel is buying oil pillaged by ISIS. Given the fact that Israel has already bought oil from Kurdistan when US and Baghdad say it was the property of the nation of Iraq, I find the charge credible.

      There were also the posts on the UN report from last year indicating that Israel was aiding the Syrian militant groups including al Nusra and ISIS.

      I don't recall seeing any statements from Israel denying that story regarding the IDF colonel caught in Iraq fighting along side ISIS troops. If they have let me know.


  32. The United States on Monday welcomed the victory of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad's Russian-backed forces over the Islamic State (ISIS) group in the historic city of Palmyra, despite concern over his brutal record.


    "We can't forget what Daesh did in this place; destroying our common heritage -- human history -- beheading a renowned archeologist who was responsible for maintaining those sites," said Kirby.

    1. The savages just crucified a Catholic priest to celebrate Easter.


  33. Pakistan:

    The army and Rangers will conduct a widespread operation across Punjab to target militants, their facilitators and their hideouts, military sources told media on Monday.


    Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, while chairing a high-level security meeting in Lahore on Monday, called for more proactive coordination amongst law enforcement and intelligence agencies against terrorism, Radio Pakistan reported. He said all provinces must step up intelligence-based operations against terrorists, adding that the goal is not only to eliminate the terror infrastructure but also to get rid of the extremist mindset.

  34. Japan's parliament is set to approve on Tuesday a record 96.72 trillion yen (£597.9 billion) state budget for fiscal 2016, paving the way for a fully-fledged debate on additional stimulus spending to spur the flagging economy.


    Until the annual budget passes parliament, Abe has steered clear of debating in public additional fiscal spending, as doing so would risk a delay in passage of the budget bill.

  35. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's ambitiously blueprinted security laws took effect on Tuesday, historically switching Japan back to a fighting stance for the first time in seven decades, as the controversial laws ordered Japan's Self-Defense Forces (SDF) to stand ready to particulate in armed conflicts overseas.


    Let the future annals of Japan's history not read that it was foolish enough to allow history to repeat itself, as history has already confirmed that such echoes of aggression will likely not end well for Japan.

    Abyss of Instability

  36. Following last week’s warnings about travel to Turkey, the Israeli government has issued a “level 3” warning, urging all citizens to leave Turkey as soon as possible, claiming an imminent, active threat of ISIS and other similar groups carrying out attacks.


    Between ISIS, the ongoing Turkish war against the Kurds, and intermittent attacks by a Marxist-Leninist group, Turkey has no shortage of threats, and in recent weeks seems to be facing near constant threats of new bombings.

  37. A toddler has been beheaded after being snatched by a knifeman in Taiwan.


    Meanwhile, police across Taiwan were instructed to increase patrols of neighbourhoods.

  38. A three-year-old girl was wrenched from her mother and decapitated with a meat cleaver in a Taipei street in a random and unprovoked attack.

    A 33-year-old man with a history of drug problems and mental illness allegedly grabbed the girl from her mother as they were near a subway station in the Taiwan capital around midday on Monday.

  39. There must be a happy story somewhere....

    1. Somebody should develop a screw on replacement head.

    2. Somebody should develop a screw on replacement head.
