Friday, March 11, 2016

Edged on by MSM, Protesters Threaten Violence and Trump Rally Postponed in Chicago

Trump rally in Chicago postponed amid growing security concerns

Chicago (CNN)Donald Trump’s campaign rally in Chicago on Friday was postponed amid growing security concerns.

"Mr. Trump just arrived in Chicago and after meeting with law enforcement has determined that for the safety of all of the tens of thousands of people that have gathered in and around the arena, tonight's rally will be postponed to another date," the Trump campaign said in a statement. “Thank you very much for your attendance and please go in peace."

Several fights between Trump supporters and protesters could be seen after the announcement, as a large contingent of Chicago police officers moved in to restore order.

Supporters of Trump still inside chanted “We want Trump" after the event was canceled.

A crowd of protesters outside the rally site had been steadily growing throughout the afternoon. Earlier Friday, 32 people were arrested in protests both inside and outside Trump's rally at the Peabody Opera House in St. Louis, police said. Thirty-one people were charged with disturbing the peace, and one was charged with third-degree assault. St. Louis police declined to provide further details.

CNN’s Mallory Thompson and Dylan Byers contributed to this report.



  1. Donald G.W. (George Wallace) Trump knows how throw a rally, eh?


    1. Hillary Clinton just sent out for a case of Baron Rothschild. :)

    2. Oh, wait, shit . . . she's ordered a whole fucking truck-load.

    3. Trumo is not a Democrat like George Wallace.

      To compare the two? Suggests you are either dumber than a rock? Or just a lying sack of shit...

      Which is it?

    4. galopin2 is speaking in Bud-tongue again.

  2. I am not sure if this helps or hurts Trump. The provocation by the anti-Trump crowd was obvious. This objection to free speech has been going on for some time at university speeches. The press has been encouraging and exaggerating the protests. The obvious beneficiaries of one part of the working class fighting other sides of the working class is the ruling class.

    Angry crowds waving Mexican flags (that is happening) is not going to hurt Trump, but nobody in their right mind wants to see this happening. Most people, me included, just want it to go away.

    1. you might not like this but the violent silencing of Jews on college campuses is going the same way, if they don't shut up? They get a brick in the back of the head...


      Your friends are out of control and this will not end nicely for them...

    2. This is a needless and unwanted distraction. The largest beneficiary should be Bernie Sanders.

    3. My hunch is that it helps Trump, marginally.

      I hope a Republican candidate is agreed upon before the Convention is held in Ohio.

      I like things orderly, peaceful, sane, and with due process and I don't think a wild Convention in Ohio with mobs of protesters all around is the best recipe for that.

  3. No friend of mine silences anyone.

    1. If I wanted to silence you, you would be long gone.

      You have all the silence you need over at your blog.

    2. Ah, so conditional censorship.

      Like I said, you silence my words on a very regular basis.

    3. I silence your libel, lies and slander.

    4. My "libel, lies and slander"?

      So you allow others to lie, libel and slander others without check...

      One standard for the Jew and none for those you like?

    5. Sorry Deuce the real world don't work that way..

      You should censor all those that lie, libel or slander or you are in fact being no better than the violent thugs on the street corner..

    6. Hardy...

      Just pointing out your hypocrisy...

  4. Those not born and raised in this country might not realize that the George Wallace Democrats became the core of the modern republican party.

    Trump has been baiting the minorities into an event like this ever since he kicked of his presidential campaign with the Mexicans are murderers, rapists, and drug dealers speech.

    1. "Get'em out of here."

      "In the old days they would have taken them out on a stretcher."

      "I'd like to hit him in the face."

      They're what's wrong with America. They're dragging us down."

      All in the last week.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Large throngs of anarchists will descend onto the cities this summer...

    So will be called "occupy", some "blacklivesmatter", so will be pro ISIS folks and such and in the spirit of Rizzo and Daley? They will be brought under control....

    If not?

    Cities will burn. again


    1. You have never made a successful 'prediction', "O"rdure, not about the US, nor your home country, Israel.

      The hate you project, it never seems to 'catch on'.

  6. Jorge Mena was introduced on The Rachel Maddow Show as an undocumented graduate student. Here is what Jorge has been up to this week:

    Donald Trump was set to hold a rally at UIC Pavilion on Friday, but postponed the event citing security concerns given thousands of protestors who rallied inside and outside the venue.

    Leading up to the rally, online petitions, letters, and social media indicated he wouldn't get a warm welcome from University of Illinois-Chicago students and professors.

    This week hundreds UIC staff and faculty signed a letter to UIC Chancellor Michael Amiridis saying they had concerns about safety on campus surrounding Trump's visit. Plus an online petition launched by a UIC graduate student calling for UIC to cancel the event has garnered over 50,000 signatures. Based on previous incidents of violence against protestors at Trump's campaign events, students and professors worried the rally could turn dangerous.

    "We are deeply distressed that this event threatens to create a hostile and physically dangerous environment to the students, staff, faculty and alumni who come out to express their opposition," according to the letter signed by approximately 300 UIC staff and faculty.

    "We base this claim on what happened recently at another public higher education institution, Valdosta State in Georgia, where university security ejected a group of peaceful protestors, all of whom were students enrolled at the university, who were seeking to attend the rally being held in a campus venue."

    As of Friday, over 50,000 people had signed an online petition created by UIC graduate student Jorge Mena Robles calling for UIC to cancel the event, and over 10,000 have said they would protest the rally, according to a Facebook event.

    ”The UIC Pavilion is where I walked across the stage to receive my Bachelor’s degree as an undocumented first-generation college graduate,” said Robles in a statement. "It is the same stage where I will receive my Masters this upcoming May. I do not want this to be the same stage where Trump threatens my family, my friends, and my community. In any other instance if known white supremacists and hate groups with a pattern of violence were found out to be planning to rally on campus, the University would likely (or hopefully) be implementing support and safety plans for students. But in this instance, it’s signing rental agreements.”

  7. Try that in Mexico or Costa Rica.

  8. Those protesters were, mostly, very young college kids.

    Republican candidates Never have rallies at that UIC (University of Illinois at Chicago) pavillion because it's not only in the middle of the city, but next door to one of the largest Hispanic populations in the country.

    1. Not exactly a hotbed of republican support, to say nothing of "skinhead, white supremacy, deport all the Mexicans" republican crazies.

  9. Breitbart Spokesman Resigns Over Trump Aide Assault: 'This S**t Just Sucks'

    He pointed to an "escalating pattern of behavior" at Trump rallies that is "incredibly dangerous."

    <a href="Kurt Bardella, who quit as Breitbart's spokesman on Friday over the news site's handling of an assault on its own reporter at a Donald Trump press conference, said that he could no longer go on.

    "It became untenable for me personally to continue in this situation. If you can't give 100 percent, you can't represent your client," Bardella, who also represents country music bands in Nashville, told HuffPost.

    He added, "This shit just sucks."

    In Bardella's view, the violence on the campaign trail is getting out of hand and needs to be called out. "There is this escalating pattern of behavior that's only happening at Donald Trump events. It's incredibly dangerous. His rhetoric is unmistakable and it is calculated and it is intentional," Bardella said.

    BuzzFeed News first reported Bardella's resignation.

    Asked why Breitbart seems to be siding with the Trump campaign over its reporter Michelle Fields, Bardella said he wasn't sure. "I think there certainly appears to be conflicting agendas at play here. Your guess is as good as mine," he said.

    He added that Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski had not, as was previously reported, admitted to the assault. In a text message exchange with Breitbart's Matt Boyle, Lewandowski only said that he didn't know Fields was a Breitbart reporter and that he would look into the situation, according to Bardella.

    Fields has filed a police report against Lewandowski. Video has also emerged showing that, despite Breitbart's earlier protestations to the contrary, Lewandowski reached out toward Fields and appeared to grab her -- as even the news site is now acknowledging.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. .

    They don't like what Trump is saying so they decide to shut down his rallies.

    They don't like the Halloween costumes some people wear so they demand the resignation of the professor whose wife said maybe they were overreacting.

    They don't like the idea that you throw a Mexican themed party with tiny little sombreros and so accuse you of micro-aggressions and cultural appropriations and then demand you to be expelled.

    Perhaps these very young college kids and the administrations that enable them should retreat to their safe places until after its all over. Or they could just go burn some books or something.


  12. now claims responsibility for the anti-trump rally...

    going to get bloody

  13. Quirk, WiO, and Deuce have made all sense concerning this business.

    galopin2 has made very stupid posts..

    On this topic of silencing free speech I count the score here as being 4 to 1 against silencing free speech.

    galopn2Fri Mar 11, 09:39:00 PM EST

    Those not born and raised in this country might not realize that the George Wallace Democrats became the core of the modern republican party.

    What horse shit.

    Was Eisenhower a 'George Wallace' Democrat ?

    Ronald Reagan ?

    The Bushes ?

    1. all made sense

      I suffered one of the indicators of becoming older today.

      I hadn't eaten for two days, trying the shed a few.

      But drinking buckets of coffee.

      Then I made two peanut butter, and butter, sandwiches.

      And took a blood pressure pill.

      Within the hour I was on the can, shitting brown gooey crap.

      I became dizzy, got up and made it to the hall where I immediately crashed over.

      Not certain whether I have broken a bone in my left hand but it is looking like it.

      Very hard to type.

      Thankfully my wife was here and helped me recover.

      No booze involved, not for months.

      Gentlemen, we at our age must make sure to use a little better judgement than I showed today and the last couple of days.

      Have lost a couple pounds though.

    2. My better half and helpmate drove in and got me some juice with electrolytes, whatever this helped a lot.

    3. .

      Have lost a couple pounds though.

      Don't worry, you will find them by tomorrow.

      [Not especially bright. The BP pill lowers your blood pressure. The coffer dehydrates you which lowers your blood pressure even further. Gotta drink water. MINIMUM of 64 ounces a day. Quit the fasting and watch the portion size. Basic stuff.]


    4. .

      I suffered one of the indicators of becoming older today.

      Poor judgement?



    5. Maybe a stroke ...

      Is your lip dripping, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson?

  14. The left has come up with a new slogan recently:

    White Privilege

    The USA is now, thankfully, one of the least racist countries in the world.

    There is not a racist statute in the entire country, save possibly those having to do with affirmative action.

    Ruf's 'modern Republican Party' has been begging Condi Rice to please run for office.

    So far she has declined. She seems to highly value her privacy

    It's the easiest thing in the world to shout "white racism" as he does.

    I've noticed though that it is not the whites that are playing 'the knock out game'.

    Is there some animosity all around ?

    Sure, some, but it is not 'racism'.

    Another idiot term the left has come up with is:

    Institutionalized Racism

    What a crock of shit.

    There is, again, not a racist statute in the entire nation, save those dealing with affirmative action.

  15. Brown Racism

    March 12, 2016

    So will Bernie denounce La Raza?

    By Russ Vaughn

    Recently we were subjected to endless speculation from the media as to why Donald Trump wouldn't denounce the Ku Klux Klan because a former leader of that white supremacist group, David Duke, had supposedly endorsed Trump's presidential candidacy. Well, Duke said he didn't, and Donald denounced until I was about ready to denounce Donald if he didn't quit groveling to the yapping media with more denunciations – truly uncharacteristic for him.

    Now we've had a mob of a few hundred self-described Bernie Sanders supporters stop a Trump rally in Chicago with an unruly demonstration that had fistfights breaking out in the streets. It was impossible not to notice that liberally distributed throughout that crowd were numerous Mexican national flags, with a very large one being center focus of Fox News's favored street shot of the mob. In spite of that flag being center screen for much of Greta Van Susteren's coverage of the event, she apparently couldn't see those broad white, green, and red bands waving in front of her because she kept asking the street reporters if they could identify the makeup of the crowd. And apparently the reporters were just as afflicted with colorblindness as Greta, for they never appeared to notice the half-dozen or so Mexican flags I counted in that small pack. And the color perception problem must be endemic at Fox, because Megyn Kelly couldn't see those foreign banners, either, even as she was asking a reporter on the ground to identify the affiliation of the protesters.

    Since this protest was taking place in Chicago and appeared to be well organized, it would seem unlikely that a few Hispanics carrying Mexican flags just happened to wander onto the scene. I'm more inclined to believe that an inquiring Fox reporter might have discovered that they were professional protesters from a militant Hispanic organization, perhaps La Raza Unida or, considering the protesters' youth, MEChA, both movements that advocate Hispanic racial superiority and separation and are entrenched in Chicago's large Hispanic minority. Of course, the leadership of these organizations, and certainly the protesters, will deny that they are racist, but consider one of their oft-repeated mantras: "Por La Raza todo, Fuera de La Raza nada," which translates, "For the Race, everything, outside the Race, nothing."

    Does that sound a bit racist to you?...........

    Read more:
    Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

    WHAT SAY YOU, galopin2 ?

    1. Chicago, by the way, is widely thought to be the most corrupt city in the USA.

      An old joke is:

      "When I grew up in Chicago, my father always used to vote Republican. Since he's died he's voted Democratic every election."


    If totalitarianism comes to the USA it will come from the left, not the right.

    Gary Kasparov had a long article about 'socialism', which he lived.

    I will try to find it.

    Even Putin warned us not to go down that road.

    1. Who were the protesters at Chicago ?

      Seems to have been a combo of Black Lives Matter, Bernie Sanders supporters, and La Raza.

    2. Brownshirts invade Trump rally
      March 12, 2016

      Near riot in Chicago as protestors shut down Trump event. More..........

      At American Thinker, which, overall, isn't that sold on Trump.


  17. ... modern republican party.

    What horse shit.

    Was Eisenhower a 'George Wallace' Democrat ?

    Ronald Reagan ?

    The Bushes ?

    Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson does not understand the meaning of 'modern'.
    None of the names he put up have any influence on the 'modern Republican Party"

    Eisenhower and Ronnie Reagan are dead.
    The "Bushes" could not even garner 10% support in the latest round of "Party" elections.

    They are RINOs


    1. Historic anomalies, with no point of reference, in the modern world.

      Another instance of Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson displaying his 'functional illiteracy'.

  18. .

    Donald Trump is not a fascist, and violence is nothing new in American politics

    The violence seen in Chicago is part of a long-term crisis: the nihilism of the Right, the authoritarianism of the Left and the weakening of republican institutions

    From the Telegraph,

    Distressing scenes last night in Chicago: activists infiltrated a Trump rally, Trump called it off, and fights broke out on the floor. Trump supporters argued that this wasn’t a legitimate protest but a sabotage. Critics, such as Marco Rubio, replied that violent actions are the consequences of violent rhetoric. Trump has had people forcibly ejected from his audiences before. One reporter, ironically from a sympathetic news outlet, claims that his heavies left her with bruises. Are we witnessing the birth pangs of a fascist moment?

    Yes and no. "Yes" in the sense that fascists do exist in America and they do seem to be attracted to Trump. "No" in the sense that mislabelling Trump as a black-shirt is both inaccurate and does his opponents few favours…



    1. .


      George Wallace?

      I was on BBC Question Time this week and, as always, we ran through a test question before filming began: “Will Trump be president?” One audience member asked if he wasn’t reminiscent of Hitler. I replied that while his rhetoric is extreme and his policies wrong-headed, some of his positions are surprisingly moderate and it is hard to identify proof of personal prejudice. Moreover, many people are supporting him precisely because they are tired of being called “fascist” simply because they support controls on immigration.

      He’s riding a backlash against political correctness – and the violence in Chicago is only likely to increase sympathy for him. In the Trump imagination, Middle America is besieged by radical, anti-American voices trying to drown out alternative opinion. Shutting down a Trump rally won’t silence Trumpism. On the contrary, it affirms it. Why does the Left continue to make this mistake?

      Trump's views are unconstitutional, illiberal and sometimes they trigger hate. But he did not take America to war in Iraq on flimsy evidence, establish Guantanamo in contravention of human rights law or licence the torture of enemy combatants.

      Trump’s political style bears comparison not with Mussolini but George C Wallace, who ran for the presidency in 1968 and 1972 on a conservative populist ticket. Protestors turned up to his rallies, too – and he loved it. Wallace perfected the anti-hippie zinger. When kids shouted “F**k Wallace!” he replied: “Why don’t you try learnin’ some other four letter words – like W.A.S.H. and W.O.R.K.?” The confrontations added to the Alabamian's appeal, confirming him as "the only guy willing to take on the mob".

      Wallace ran as a Democrat from the Deep South – a reminder that the history of demagoguery and racist innuendo runs at least as deep in the Democrats as it does the Republicans. Indeed, Wallace was routinely condemned by philosophical conservatives because they regarded him as a liberal with racist sensibilities. Exactly the same dynamic exists between Trump and the intellectual high-priests of modern Republicanism. To the scholars and the pundits of American conservatism, Trump is an interloper in the GOP and a threat to the Constitution. The Right is as alarmed by his authoritarian streak as the Left…



    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. .


      I would like to say that they should all have greater faith in their Constitution's ability to withstand populism. After all, if Trump won the presidency – which is highly unlikely – he would be bound by Congress, a military obliged to ignore illegal orders, the judiciary and the God-given rights enjoyed by every citizen. But the problem with any narrative that sees Trump as a fascist seeking to subvert America from within is that all of these fine institutions have already been subverted. Usually by the White House.

      Trump is not a political crisis in isolation but, rather, a symptom of wider institutional failure. A symptom of American political decline. Trump is a blowhard. His views are unconstitutional, illiberal and sometimes they trigger hate. But he did not take America to war in Iraq on flimsy evidence, establish Guantanamo in contravention of human rights law, licence the torture of enemy combatants, oversee the gargantuan NSA data-gathering operation, launch a dirty war of drone strikes against both terrorists and those unfortunate enough to live near them, undermine the religious freedoms of employers who do not want to subsidise the sex lives of their workers, overrule the states’ wishes on marriage, compel citizens to buy healthcare products or deport thousands of illegals through aggressive round-ups. No: these things were done by “moderate” Republicans and “liberal” Democrats.

      Trump is not new. The violence in Chicago has been a part of American politics for a very long time. The angry nihilism of the far-Right has incubated for decades; the “no platform” tendency of the Left is authoritarianism by any other name. And the slow corruption of American republicanism – the growth of the state and the willingness of politicians to do anything to get votes – began long before The Donald threw his hair into the ring. Trump is not a political crisis in isolation but, rather, a symptom of wider institutional failure. A symptom of American political decline


  19. .

    A symptom of American political decline.

    I highlighted the last sentence in order to make this point, if there is an American political decline, it has been happening for a long time, since 1860 at least and probably since the beginning.

    Honest Abe and Dirty Tricks

    The Chicago convention site was a big wooden barn at Lake and Market (Wacker) called The Wigwam. Local boosters bragged the building could hold 10,000 people, making it the largest auditorium in the country.

    As the delegates and party faithful arrived, Lincoln looked like a longshot, one of a half-dozen minor candidates. He had served a single term in Congress, then gone back to practicing law in Springfield. He'd also waged a spirited — but losing — senatorial campaign against Stephen Douglas.

    The favorite for the nomination was William Seward, Senator from New York. He was known and respected throughout the country, and had the largest number of delegates. His people exuded a confidence that bordered on arrogance.

    What Seward and his followers didn’t know was they were about to be present at a historic event. They were about to witness the birth of Chicago’s reputation for hardball politics.

    Balloting was to begin on May 18th. That morning, thousands of Seward fans marched through downtown. They waved banners, they shouted, they sang. But when they got to The Wigwam, they couldn’t get in. Lincoln’s supporters had printed counterfeit tickets and packed the hall.

    First ballot. As expected, Seward led. Yet whenever a speaker mentioned Lincoln’s name, the audience exploded into cheers that shook The Wigwam. Uncommitted delegated were impressed. Honest Abe seemed to be the people’s choice!

    The Seward delegates were in shock. Meanwhile, Lincoln’s people wheeled and dealed. On the third ballot, Lincoln was nominated…


  20. .

    Are we finally reaching ‘peak Trump’?

    George Will, pundit and symbol of the conservative establishment, castigates Trump and the people who vote for him, Trump as a buffoon and the people who vote for him as idiots.

    IMO, it's voices like those of Will, east coast elitists who haven't a clue as to what is going on among a huge slice of the US population, who fuel the Trump phenomena every time they put out one of their pompous hit pieces.


  21. Deuce ☂Fri Mar 11, 10:04:00 PM EST

    I silence your libel, lies and slander.

    And yet you allow Jack to lie:

    Jack HawkinsSat Mar 12, 09:11:00 AM EST
    You have never made a successful 'prediction', "O"rdure, not about the US, nor your home country, Israel.

    I am an American.


    Jack HawkinsSat Mar 12, 09:06:00 AM EST
    Is your lip dripping, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson?


    Jack HawkinsSat Mar 12, 09:44:00 AM EST
    Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson

    Slander and libel:

    Jack HawkinsSat Mar 12, 09:49:00 AM EST
    Another instance of Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson displaying his 'functional illiteracy'.

    Deuce, why not be just?

    1. Deuce, you hate Israel, Zionism and Jews.

      Why not make your case without supporting slander, lies, distortion and libel?

      Unless of course you can't...

    2. Zionism is bullshit developed by a Ukrainian Jew, based on some religious myth that cultist Eastern Europeans have been given permission by some make believe god who talked to some psychopath named Abraham to practice apartheid, ethnic cleaning and cultural aggression against indigenous people in The Middle East.

      Israel is another militarist expansionary country that is sustained by a corrupt US political system and the largesse of ordinary American taxpayers. There is nothing to love there.

      Jews that mind their own business and are decent human beings are just fine with me.

    3. Total nonsense.

      And as I'm here, yeah why Deuce to you the fellow from Arizona to stalk me and slander me every time I drop by?

  22. Obamacare's latest 'failure:' $1 trillion saved for Medicare

    That horribly failed program, Obamacare, has done it again. In the next five years or so, it's going to save the federal government more than $1 trillion on Medicare over what the Congressional Budget Office projected when the law was enacted. The Commonwealth Fund highlights those savings, along with some other significant achievements of the law in one of its series of reports on Medicare at 50.

    The ACA addresses gaps in Medicare preventive and prescription drug benefits. It initiates ambitious testing of new payment methods to improve the value of care received by beneficiaries and, indirectly, all Americans. And it substantially extends the solvency of the Medicare Health Insurance Trust Fund by slowing the growth of future Medicare outlays.

    Here's the sexy way of saying that: 37 million Medicare enrollees have gotten free preventive care since 2013, including flu shots and cancer and chronic disease screenings; and 8 million beneficiaries have saved more than $11.5 billion since 2010 on prescription drugs. That's $11.5 billion in seniors and disabled people's pockets. That's a big deal. And the savings to the federal government? Just look:

    1. {cool chart}
      One trillion dollars is a lot of money, and while it can't all be attributed to Obamacare (the recession was a factor, too) the law is saving money and more importantly, saving lives. The reforms the law is making to Medicare, Commonwealth says, "have the potential to reshape not just the Medicare program but the entire U.S. health care system."

      So, yeah, Obamacare has been a total disaster and has to be repealed. That's the message Republicans are going to run on—again!—in 2016, no matter what the facts say. Whether you agree with Hillary Clinton that Obamacare needs to be maintained and built upon, or prefer Bernie Sanders’ proposal to transition away from it to a single payer system, it’s clear that a Republican White House would be a disaster for American health care.

      A Trillion here, a Trillion there

    2. .


      Surely, you are kidding.


    3. .

      Like most advocacy groups, the Commonwealth Group and Daily Kos adopt the usual government practice of taking reduced projections as actual cost savings.

      The cool chart is no more than a cartoon.

      Though they admit in a couple places it is hard to assign where the reductions came from throughout the two reports they continue to assign them to the ACA.

      They talk about reductions in Medicare but fail to talk about the increases in Medicaid.

      It addresses neither the negative impact on the individuals who will be impacted by the Cadilac Tax if it is implemented as scheduled or the more likely cost effects to the program if they are not as is being discussed right now.

      It talks about drug savings to millions of Americans by the drop in the donut-hole but ignores the fact that as part of the ACA Obama negotiated a deal with the drug companies guaranteeing them that the government would negotiate drug prices, an issue that is highlighted by recent events and the campaigns of half the presidential candidates.

      In its appeal to the choir, Daily Kos offers us

      Here's the sexy way of saying that: 37 million Medicare enrollees have gotten free preventive care since 2013...

      ignoring the fact that someone has to pay for that free healthcare.

      That's just looking at the post on it's face without going into any details. Of course, Daily Kos didn't offer much detail.


      The study

    4. .

      ...Obama negotiated a deal with the drug companies guaranteeing them that the government would not negotiate drug prices...


  23. Cruz, Obama, Kasich, Rubio:

    Bill Ayers good, Trump Bad.

    1. Bill "Asshole" Ayers, out from under the rock again.

      "What a great country. Guilty as hell, free as a bird."

      There's a special hole in hell waiting for that guy.

  24. Deuce ☂Sat Mar 12, 12:43:00 PM EST
    Zionism is bullshit developed by a Ukrainian Jew, based on some religious myth that cultist Eastern Europeans have been given permission by some make believe god who talked to some psychopath named Abraham to practice apartheid, ethnic cleaning and cultural aggression against indigenous people in The Middle East.

    Israel is another militarist expansionary country that is sustained by a corrupt US political system and the largesse of ordinary American taxpayers. There is nothing to love there.

    Jews that mind their own business and are decent human beings are just fine with me.

    So Deuce, is Islam and Christianity just as vile to you?

  25. Deuce ☂Sat Mar 12, 12:43:00 PM EST
    Zionism is bullshit developed by a Ukrainian Jew, based on some religious myth that cultist Eastern Europeans have been given permission by some make believe god who talked to some psychopath named Abraham to practice apartheid, ethnic cleaning and cultural aggression against indigenous people in The Middle East.

    Israel is another militarist expansionary country that is sustained by a corrupt US political system and the largesse of ordinary American taxpayers. There is nothing to love there.

    Jews that mind their own business and are decent human beings are just fine with me.

    Deuce, what about 1/2 of the israelis that hail form the arab occupied middle east? Are they frauds too?

    Do Jews have the right, as all peoples in the world, to self determination or does this disqualify them as "nice" to you?

  26. Deuce ☂Sat Mar 12, 12:43:00 PM EST
    Zionism is bullshit developed by a Ukrainian Jew, based on some religious myth that cultist Eastern Europeans have been given permission by some make believe god who talked to some psychopath named Abraham to practice apartheid, ethnic cleaning and cultural aggression against indigenous people in The Middle East.

    Israel is another militarist expansionary country that is sustained by a corrupt US political system and the largesse of ordinary American taxpayers. There is nothing to love there.

    Jews that mind their own business and are decent human beings are just fine with me.

    How is Israel a military expansionist country since it gave away the Sinai, Gaza, Southern Lebanon, 96% of the west bank and even offered in a peace settlement 1/2 of Jerusalem?

    Is there one standard for Israel that doesn't apply to any other nation on the planet?

  27. Deuce ☂Sat Mar 12, 12:43:00 PM EST
    Zionism is bullshit developed by a Ukrainian Jew, based on some religious myth that cultist Eastern Europeans have been given permission by some make believe god who talked to some psychopath named Abraham to practice apartheid, ethnic cleaning and cultural aggression against indigenous people in The Middle East.

    Israel is another militarist expansionary country that is sustained by a corrupt US political system and the largesse of ordinary American taxpayers. There is nothing to love there.

    Jews that mind their own business and are decent human beings are just fine with me.

    So when Palestinians murder Americans are they "decent" human beings?


  28. What is "Occupation"Sat Mar 12, 11:35:00 AM EST
    Deuce, you hate Israel, Zionism and Jews.

    Why not make your case without supporting slander, lies, distortion and libel?

    Unless of course you can't...


    Jack HawkinsSat Mar 12, 11:38:00 AM EST


    One standard for the Jews, no standards for the pitbull

    So Deuce, is this your vision for the world?

  29. Deuce ☂Sat Mar 12, 12:43:00 PM EST
    Zionism is bullshit developed by a Ukrainian Jew, based on some religious myth that cultist Eastern Europeans have been given permission by some make believe god who talked to some psychopath named Abraham to practice apartheid, ethnic cleaning and cultural aggression against indigenous people in The Middle East.

    Israel is another militarist expansionary country that is sustained by a corrupt US political system and the largesse of ordinary American taxpayers. There is nothing to love there.

    So Deuce, you do not believe that Jews, any Jews, have the right to self determination in the lands of the river to the sea.

    Do you propose shipping these folks back from whence they came?

    Even though over 60% were born there?

    If you believe that the arabs are indigenous and should have all the lands?

    Why should black be allowed to live outside Africa?

    And you live in America?

    Or is this just a Zionist Jew thing, as Israel sits on 1/900 of the middle east and that's too much for you...

  30. Think hard Deuce, if you claim that the European jews have no rights in the middle east, what about the Jews that are sephardic?

    DO arabs have a RIGHT to live in Europe?

    Or again, is this standard JUST for Jews not willing to 2nd class citizens?

    1. Arabs in Europe are not taking down homes with bulldozers.

    2. No they are raping and murdering the citizens who are doing nothing to them.

      The arabs of are attacking and as a penalty? Their unpopulated homes are being destroyed.

      Do you have an issue with the Egyptians, the Syrians and the Turks destroying 1000 times more arab homes?

    3. What do you say about the Americans nuking the Japanese homes?

      Or the Iraqis?

      America is drone striking arabs and moslems across the globe and they are taking out people with those homes...

      Israel bulldozes what 15 terrorist homes a year?

      How many homes have been destroyed or damaged by Hezbollah and Hamas's rockets?

  31. What is "Occupation"Sat Mar 12, 03:02:00 PM EST
    Deuce ☂Sat Mar 12, 12:43:00 PM EST
    Zionism is bullshit developed by a Ukrainian Jew, based on some religious myth that cultist Eastern Europeans have been given permission by some make believe god who talked to some psychopath named Abraham to practice apartheid, ethnic cleaning and cultural aggression against indigenous people in The Middle East.

    Israel is another militarist expansionary country that is sustained by a corrupt US political system and the largesse of ordinary American taxpayers. There is nothing to love there.

    Deuce the Arabs believe that the Jew's "myths" are real and Islam and their nationalism is based on it..

    Do you condemn them as well?

  32. I think everything about Islam is bullshit.

    1. And their claims to the lands of the middle east are JUST as bullshit.

    2. The arab peoples are from arabia.

      NOT the disputed lands of Israel.


    3. The only people that have disputed the land in and around Jerusalem, the refugees from Europe who invaded the land and claimed it for their own.

    4. Jack, but what of the Jews that have lived there for 3200 years?

      What of the Jews that never left the middle east?


      What of YOU living in America?

    5. Jack you live on occupied lands...

      They are not yours, they belong to the natives, why do you stay?


    6. Yahweh = Allah
      Hat tip: "O"rdure


  33. Violent suspect who rushed the stage is a Bernie Sanders supporter

    Trump Ohio Attacker, Tommy DiMassimo, Connected To ISIS – Suspect Featured In ISIS Propaganda Videos 2015…

    Tommy DiMassimo on Facebook:

    Tommy DiMassimo Fan Page:

    1. Soros gave Two Hundred Thousand to Kasich !

  34. Video of attack on Trump in Ohio by Tommy DiMassimo:

  35. I like Kasich. I think he would make a fine VP.

    1. .

      You need someone who knows what the heck is going on in government.

      Even Trump admits this.


    2. I like Kasich too. (I think, don't get a real 'feel' for him)

      I've developed a 'thing' against what I've come to call to myself 'the messianic strivers'.

      O'bozo, Rubbio, and Cruz.

      O'bozo most famously with that truly 'messianic striving' at his idiotic acceptance speech with the Styrofoam Pillars and all, then both Rubio and Cruz with their 'spiritually upwardly mobile' Christian stuff.

      Hell, I'd take old Bob Dole first, and in this regard Trump is kinda a breath of fresh air.

      O'bozo was the worst with those Styrofoam Pillars.

  36. Deuce ☂Sat Mar 12, 12:43:00 PM EST
    Zionism is bullshit developed by a Ukrainian Jew, based on some religious myth that cultist Eastern Europeans have been given permission by some make believe god who talked to some psychopath named Abraham to practice apartheid, ethnic cleaning and cultural aggression against indigenous people in The Middle East.

    Israel is 20% arab.

    In the gaza strip there were 200,000 arabs in 1948, today there are over 1.2 million

    some example of ethnic cleansing and genocide.

    try again deuce..

  37. Jack HawkinsSat Mar 12, 05:15:00 PM EST

    The only people that have disputed the land in and around Jerusalem, the refugees from Europe who invaded the land and claimed it for their own.

    Jack and Deuce by what logic can you defend ANY European colony anywhere in the globe that had populations living there 1st?

    I do contest your opinion, false that it is, that the Jewish people have no rights to liberation of their historic lands, usurped by the invading peoples over the millennium.

    BTW the world and it's legal bodies all agree, that the Jewish people have a historic connection to the lands between the river and the sea.

    Just because a few peoples dispute this? Doesn't mitigate the jewish people's right to self determination and statehood.

  38. What is funny here is the Deuce and Jack show that denies the historic connection to Jerusalem to the Jews.

    They are wackier than the worst jihadist and nazi...

    Those jew haters admit that the Jews came from Jerusalem and from the lands from the river to the sea, they just hate them.. The Deuce and Jack show is so off the reservation no one can take the seriously.

    1. Listen, I have no American Indian Blood. Do I have a claim to London or Rome or Berlin because someone in my family is from there? It is preposterous bullshit.

      Do Icelanders have a claim to colonize Stockholm?

      Only the arrogance of religion would allow someone to nurture such a delusion. Only an arrogant asshole would say so without a smile. Get over yourself.

      As to haters, people like you and your self-important ethno-centric, chosen by your make believe god and your constant warring with the other make believe god seem quite capable of generating enough hate with plenty to spare..

    2. Jews have lived in lands of Judea and Samaria for 3000 plus years.

      They have as much right to live there as you do to live in America IF NOT MORE.

      So get over yourself.

      The Arabs? OCCUPY 899/900th of the middle east, they have ethnically cleansed the Christians and the jews from any lands they touch.

      But you are ok with that.

      Israel sits on 1/900th of the land and 20% of it's population are arabs.

      How you can claim I am the hater when you support the destruction of Israel and it's people is beyond me...

    3. For myself, I'm only hoping my Niece becomes a USA citizen :)

      As for Israel and the European Jews, I'm fully with WiO.

      After that treatment in the 30's and 40's what the hell would YOU want to do?

      I'd want to get the hell out of Europe and go home.

    4. To follow your logic, they should have been given Bavaria.

    5. .

      I say no more Indian immigrants until we can figure out what's going on.

      We don't need their caste system migrating here.


    6. "I say no more Indian immigrants until we can figure out what's going on."


      Caste is a no-no in India at this time, has been basically since Independence I think, but they are struggling with it. It's a big country, much of it rural, old ways die hard.

    7. Exactly, Q.

      Those caste lovers do not assimilate into US culture

      Indian diplomat who kept her servant like a 'slave' at New York home is RE-indicted just days after charges were dismissed

      The new indictment, filed on Friday, essentially reinstates recently-dismissed charges against the diplomat Devyani Khobragade

      Khobragade is back in India and extradition appears unlikely

      By Associated Press

      Published: 15:20 EST, 14 March 2014

    8. .

      Those caste lovers do not assimilate into US culture

      They do not assimilate into Indian.

      The country’s great, liberal constitution was supposed to end the millennia-old obsession with the idea that your place in life, including your occupation, is set at birth. It abolished “untouchability”—the practice whereby others in society exclude so-called untouchables, or Dalits, as polluting—which has now mostly disappeared from Indian society. Various laws forbid discrimination by caste. At the same time (it is somewhat contradictory) official schemes push “positive” discrimination by caste, reserving quotas of places in higher education, plus jobs in government, to help groups deemed backward or deprived. In turn, some politicians have excelled at appealing to voters by caste, promising them ever more goodies. For example Mayawati, formerly chief minister of Uttar Pradesh state (population: over 200m) and just possibly a future prime minister, leads a Dalit party. In another northern state, Bihar, parties jostle to build coalitions of caste groups. Everywhere voters can be swayed by the caste of candidates.

      But don’t blame politicians alone. Strong social actors—such as leaders of “khap panchayats” (all-male, unelected village councils) or doughty family elders—do much more to keep caste-identity going. Consider marriages. In rural areas it can be fatal to disregard social rules and marry someone of a different, especially if lower caste. Haryana, a socially conservative state in north India, is notorious for frequent murders of young men and women who transgress. Even in town, caste is an important criterion when marriages are arranged. Look at matrimonial ads in any newspaper, or try registering for a dating site, and intricate details on caste and sub-caste are explicitly listed and sought (“Brahmin seeks Brahmin”, “Mahar looking for Mahar”) along with those on religion, education, qualifications, earning power and looks. Studies of such sites suggest that only a quarter of participants state that “caste is no bar”. Such attitudes also reflect the anxieties of parents, who are keen for children to marry within the same group, because marriages bring extended families intimately together...

      It's been said that reverse discrimination laws in India now guarantee only the lower castes can get into college.


  39. Navy and Air Force give money to Bernie.
    Is that legal?

  40. .

    "As is the case virtually every day, Donald Trump is showing the American people that he is a pathological liar. Obviously, while I appreciate that we had supporters at Trump's rally in Chicago, our campaign did not organize the protests," Sanders said in a statement Saturday.

    How Sanders Supporters Shut Down The Trump Rally


  41. Deuce ☂Sat Mar 12, 06:48:00 PM EST
    Listen, I have no American Indian Blood. Do I have a claim to London or Rome or Berlin because someone in my family is from there? It is preposterous bullshit.

    So you are a occupier of native American lands and have no claim of justice to live in the Americas, by your own standard.

  42. The Deuce and Jack show makes less and less sense.

    They claim that Israel is nothing but a european colony and thus has no legal standing...

    they say this from a Former European Colony the USA....

    What is Occupation?

    Tell me deuce and jack, by what rights do you have to live here in America (with me) and advocate the removal of as you say "europeans" from israel?

  43. Which European colonies should be uprooted and destroyed?


    British Virgin islands?

    Should America leave Hawaii and take all the Europeans off?

    Should all Africans be forced to move back to africa?

    Or are the Deuce and Jack Show SOLEY upset about the European Jews and their occupation of lands between the river and the sea.?


    1. Solely concerned that such large amount of US foreign aid is given to people that do not need it, do not deserve it and are as criminal a regime as there is in the world.

      Nuclear outlaws, Israel and North Korea.

    2. Well thanks there Jack, you surely KNOW your facts.

      But wait, do you really?

      As Israel is NOT a signor of the NPT it is NOT in violation of the NPT, so it's hard to be an "outlaw" when you have not "broken" any nuclear laws....

      Try again Jack.. You are slipping

    3. Now the Jack, of the Deuce and Jack Show comment on the "foreign aid" given to Israel.

      I guess Jack you make a case to stop all economic aid to Israel...

      Oh wait Bibi did that years ago...

      But they get military aid you might respond...

      they sure do and over 75% is spent on overpriced American weapons that create thousands of jobs!!!

      Maybe if america would stop supplying the arab enemies of Israel with weapons and providing iran with over 150 BILLION in cash Israel would not require that aid...

      But as long as America feeds both sides of the issue? Israel would be foolish not to take it.

    4. Jack, of the Deuce and Jack Show is now going down his laundry list of Israel complaints...

      wait for it...

      what's #4?


    5. That there can be a complete laundry list ...

      Indicative of the state of the State of Israel.

      Spengler's Universal Law #9:
      A country isn't beaten until it sells its women, but it's damned when its women sell themselves.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Thomas Dimassimo: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know W's link

    1. The man who tried rushing the stage, Thomas Dimassimo, was later arrested and charged with disorderly conduct and inducing panic, the Montgomery County Sheriff’s office said. It was not clear if he entered a plea or has an attorney. According to records, his next court date is March 14.

      Dimassimo is a white dude with some beard and a blank look on his face.

      "Inducing panic" - never heard of that one before, but throw the book at him.

    2. Hell Quirk could get arrested for just walking down the street.....


  46. There is some 'Soros' behind these protests.

    The last Billionaire in American politics before this round, that I recall, was Ross Perot, and he gave us the Clintons.

    Overall, I count more Billionaires supporting the Dems than supporting the Republicans over the years.

  47. Deuce ☂Sat Mar 12, 08:00:00 PM EST
    To follow your logic, they should have been given Bavaria.

    You ignore the Jews of the middle east at your own peril.

    40% of Israel directly comes from Jews that have never left the region.

    By my logic applying YOUR logic?

    All blacks should go back to africa.

    Never heard of the Jews of the middle east?

    Better get honing of your facts, as they are now launching lawsuits against the collect arab world for property theft, ethnic cleansing and reparations...

    1. I don't follow how 'my logic' arrives at giving Bavaria to the Jews.

      Following that logic, if I am following correctly, one should give all Germany to the Jews, most of Poland, and large areas of Russia too.

      Anyway I really doubt that after what they went through that their eyes were turned in longing to Bavaria.

    2. If the Jews had been given Bavaria, two here would accuse them of 'occupying' Bavaria.

    3. The Deuce and Jack Show ignores the fact that Jews have lived WITHOUT interruption for 3400 years in the lands from the river to the sea.

      Thye ignore the middle eastern Jewry that has never left the lands and of course those Sephardic Jews tossed out of the arab occupied lands in 1948

  48. Meanwhile, I read we are about to declare that ISIS is committing genocide.

    This is rare good news. Because that is exactly what they are doing.

    1. ISIS is small potatoes when compared to Assad, Hezbollah and Iran.. They are topping 350,000 dead in syria alone...

    2. Oh wait, the Deuce and Jack Show consider what israel has gone to the arabs of gaza genocide...

      200,000 in 1948 to well over 1.2 million today...

      the NEW definition of genocide... GROWTH by 600%

    3. "ISIS is small potatoes when compared to Assad, Hezbollah and Iran..."

      True enough.

  49. The Deuce and Jack Show implies that Europeans have no rights to live outside Europe..

    And yet both are supposedly from European stock and live in the United States, the biggest European Colony Project on the planet.. (well actually that's inaccurate Canada, Brazil both are larger)

  50. A mysterious little symbol arises from Smirking Jack.

    Looks a little like an acorn that is very proud of itself.


    1. Been using it for years, now, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson

    2. You have indeed, Stalker. I think of you as our Smirking Stalker.

    3. Notice how Jack's arguments are so weak he must use libel, slander and lies to try to diminish your posts?

    4. Diminish? ... I just repost 'em.
      Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson's posts speak for themselves, he is our bobal head.

      bobal Sun Oct 19, 04:02:00 PM EDT
      Colin Powell served as a kitchen nigger, just like Belafonte said, and sent youth, black and white, to their deaths, and served the Republican 'machine' all those years.

      And, now jumps ship.

      Colin Powell is a black piece of crap.

      He sent youth to their deaths.

    5. bobal Sun Oct 19, 04:07:00 PM EDT
      Colin Powell went to the U.N., carrying water for Bush.

      And now he is for the black that was against the whole thing.

      Colin Powell is a black piece of shit.

    6. Now who is it that diminishes a retired US Army officer, a combat veteran ?

      Why it is little Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson ...

      Bob Sun Jun 22, 01:42:00 PM EDT

      When did I ever say I was a scholar??

      I don't recall saying that.

      I have a college degree in English Lit. from U of Washington.

      To avoid being drafted in part. ...

    7. And you, "O"rdure, calling for preemptive nuclear war ...

      Just because you're afraid, you think that justifies millions of people dying in a nuclear holocaust.

      Yahweh= Allah
      Hat tip: "O"rdure

  51. Deport Melania Trump

    by Kevin Williamson

    Heh. I fully agree Trump isn't my idea of the Ideal Billionaire....but I certainly wouldn't want to see poor Melania deported. That goes just too far.

  52. There was a time I'd easily have voted for Colin Powell for President.

    But Powell turned out to be a racist, a piece of crap.

    Powell served with heroism in Vietnam, rose to the highest pinnacle of military command, supported directly the efforts in Iraq and.......then -

    Having always billed himself as a Republican, the first chance that comes along he supports Obama, an Alinsky type, pals with Ayers, etc and betrays for skin color all he once stood for.

    Colin Powell is a piece of shit, and dishonored those that obeyed his orders, and the policies he once supported.

    And look at the Mideast now.


    1. You are not happy with the "Purple Fingers of Freedom", Robert?

      Did Bush/Cheney lie ?


    2. Not happy that the Kurds are becoming ever more Autonomous?

      You wanted US troops to provide them security, when they are doing just fine, with just a little close air support.

      Does that make you feel unfulfilled, that US troops are not dying doing what the Kurds are doing for themselves?

  53. Powell showed the true colors of his fingers, Jack.

    No I actually don't think Bush and Cheney lied, but I don't know for certain.

    I think they followed the intelligence they were given, which turned out to be faulty as far as nuclear weapons were concerned.

    I recall Powell talking about yellow caked from Africa.

    Was he lying ?

    If so they were all a bunch of crap from the beginning, adding to my complaints about Colin Powell.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You mean to say that Mr Bush did or did not know the outcome of the Iraqi elections, beforehand?

      Was he lying to US about the long term consequences of those elections, or do you not know about that, either?

  54. If Trump wins Florida, Illinois and North Carolina, even if he loses Ohio, he is going to be really tough to beat.
