Thursday, February 25, 2016

Poor Kids and Patriots - The Moral and Ethical Impact of The US Recruitment of the Lowest 1% of Society

“Major General Dennis Laich is a citizen, a soldier, and a patriot. In Skin in the Game, he invites Americans to reflect on this very hard truth: the all-volunteer force is a bad bargain. Basic US military policy needs changing. Here is an essential guide on where to begin.” —Andrew J. Bacevich, author of Breach of Trust: How Americans Failed Their Soldiers and Their Country Major General Dennis Laich makes a compelling case that the all-volunteer force no longer works in a world defined by terrorism, high debts, and widening class differences. He sets up his argument by posing three fundamental questions: Is the all-volunteer force working? Will it work in the future? 

 The answers to these questions become all too clear once you learn that less than one percent of US citizens have served in the military over the last twelve years—even though we’ve been fighting wars the entire time. What’s more, most of that one percent comes from poor and middle-class families, which poses numerous questions about social justice. 

This one percent—the ones that survive—will bear the scars of their service for the rest of their lives, while the wealthy and well-connected sit at home. Fortunately, there are alternatives that could provide the manpower to support national security, close the civil-military gap, and save taxpayers billions of dollars per year. It’s possible to fight for what’s right while ensuring a bright future, Laich offers a wake-up call that a debt-burdened nation in a dangerous world cannot afford to ignore.


  1. Yesterday you called me an "asshole" because I personally did not serve...

    So by your own words? You call 99% of America and it's people, assholes.

  2. You really have a problem with logical transition. The present arrangement of our mercenary army is wrong for a myriad of reasons. It needs to be fixed.

    Your assertion defending the murder of US Servicemen by Israel included a claim that the US servicemen were to blame because the US Naval ship USS Liberty went rogue. In doing so you insult them.

    The claim is so preposterous or dishonest and I gave you the benefit of the doubt and considered the comment ignorant of reality. On reflection I will accept that it is dishonest.

    1. No, I asserted that the USS Liberty, the most advanced US comm/spy ship of it's day, defied direct orders to get out of a war zone, in Egyptian waters (10 miles) when the boundary was 12 miles for the international water's border.

      I assert that the NSA took command of the ship, the US sailors, all 34 that were KILLED, were put their by the NSA in harm's way and are responsibly for that.

      I also assert that the USS Liberty DID NOT INFORM Israel of it's being there. IN AN ACTIVE WAR ZONE, against US Navy ORDERS.

      Try to dispute any FACT I have laid out.

    2. .

      No, I asserted that the USS Liberty, the most advanced US comm/spy ship of it's day, defied direct orders to get out of a war zone, in Egyptian waters (10 miles) when the boundary was 12 miles for the international water's border.

      First, you are the only one here saying the Liberty was not in international waters. I'll take the US report that it was in international waters.

      Second, the Liberty couldn't disobey an order they never received.

      8 June 1967:

      0030: U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Joint Reconnaissance Center (JRC) orders Liberty to go from 12½ to 20 nautical miles off coast. An error by the U.S. Army Communications Center at the Pentagon results in message never reaching the ship.

      0130: JRC orders Liberty to approach no closer than 100 miles to the coasts of Egypt and Israel. Due to misrouting it will take 16½ hours for message to reach Liberty.

      1358: Two unmarked delta-winged Mirage jets attack Liberty. After taking out gun mounts, they target ship’s antennae and bridge with heat-seeking missiles.

      1405: Three unmarked Dassault Mystère IIIC jets attack with napalm and rockets. Ship tries to contact Sixth Fleet headquarters, but five of Liberty’s six shore circuits are jammed. Radio operator manages to send distress signal from Captain McGonagle: “Under attack by unidentified jet aircraft, require immediate assistance.” Attack lasts approximately 22 minutes, involving 30 to 35 sorties, killing nine men and wounding around 60.

      I assert that the NSA took command of the ship, the US sailors, all 34 that were KILLED, were put their by the NSA in harm's way and are responsibly for that.

      The NSA is a service organization that responds to the SIGENT needs of its customers, the Joint Chiefs, the NRO, the CIA, etc. They are the experts so they also make recommendations on the best means for achieving their tasks, Aries aircraft, Belmont class surveillance ships, etc. In this case, they recommended using the Liberty. Given the situation in the ME we also had other listening post in the area from which we can get confirmation information on the Liberty incident.

      However, in this case, it was the Joint Chiefs who were the customer and it was them that ordered the Liberty to leave Abidjan and move to the eastern Mediterranean. You obviously recognize this fact from some of your arguments. However, to argue that the NSA countermanded an order from the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Joint Reconnaissance Center (JRC), its customer and the lawful authority is absurd.


    3. .

      I also assert that the USS Liberty DID NOT INFORM Israel of it's being there. IN AN ACTIVE WAR ZONE, against US Navy ORDERS.

      I don't know where you come up with this stuff.

      The USS Liberty was under close Israeli surveillance and/or attack from 0600 when the first Israeli Nord 2501 Noratlas (flying boxcar) arrive and began reconnoitering the Liberty to 1412 when the Israel apologized for their 'mistake', over 10 hours.


    4. .

      The Liberty was under actual attack in waves from 1358 when the first two Mirage planes began raking the ship with rockets until 1515 when they riddled the life boats with holes.

      The Israel operation against the Liberty involved surveillance craft, torpedo boats, jets, and helicopters.

      The Liberty was attacked by machine guns, cannons, missiles, and torpedoes.


    5. Quirk: The USS Liberty was under close Israeli surveillance and/or attack from 0600 when the first Israeli Nord 2501 Noratlas (flying boxcar) arrive and began reconnoitering the Liberty to 1412 when the Israel apologized for their 'mistake', over 10 hours.

      And yet the USA did NOT tell the Israeli government that ONE of their ships was inside an active war zone inside egyptian territorial waters.

      JUST because Israel saw a the ship doesn't mean shit.

      But then you say, it flew an American flag...

      So what dip shit?

  3. Security forces & tribal fighters advance toward new bridge in Fallujah

    ( Anbar – Anbar Provincial Council announced on Thursday the advance of the security forces and tribal fighters toward the new bridge in Fallujah, while pointed out to the liberation of the road linking between al-Salam center and Amiriyah Fallujah south of Fallujah.

    The council member Ragee Barakat said in a brief statement followed by, “Today the security forces and Albu Eissa tribal fighters advanced from Amiriyah Fallujah area toward al-Hassa area,” pointing out that, “These forces are advancing toward the new bridge on Euphrates River in Fallujah.”

    Barakat added, “The security forces and tribal fighters managed to liberate the road linking between Amiriyah area and al-Salam police station in northern Amiriyah Fallujah.”


    1. Liberation of Fallujah will be faster than Ramadi, says Anbar Governor

      ( al-Anbar – The Governor of Anbar Province, Suhaib al-Rawi, announced on Wednesday, that the liberation of Fallujah is going to be a lot faster than retaking the city of Ramadi, while emphasized that the local government has completed the establishment of safe paths and havens for the displaced.

      Rawi’s Office said in a statement received by, that the latter “visited a camp belonging to al-Hashed al-Sha’bi in Ramadi and met with the commanders, while listened to a detailed explanation of the military set plans to liberate the rest of the province,” adding that, “The liberation regiments will be launched towards areas under ISIS control. The liberation of Fallujah is coming and it will be faster than Ramadi.”


  4. And Israel apologized and paid reparations.

    Which you refuse to accept.

    But you defend Hezbollah's murder of 200 plus Marines in Beirut. You do not seek an Iranian apology for the bombing of the Kobar Towers, nor the Embassy hostage take over.

    You defend Iran's supply of illegal rockets for Hezbollah and Hamas to murder civilians in Israel.

    And you refuse to accept the Jewish State's right to exist.

    You call it a "european colony" and lambast it all the while sitting in Philadelphia, occupying indigenous Native American's lands...

    Why do you stay? Correct the occupation and go back to your homeland.

    1. The you will whine about how that was long ago and you are only interested in modern occupations..

      And yet not a peep in 7000 threads about the Jews that were thrown out of their homes by the arabs and driven into the newly liberated state of Israel.

      Nary a word about the Syrian and Iranian (and Iraqi and turkish) occupation of Kurdistan, not a peep out of the Chinese occupation of Tibet...

      As for European colonies? America stands tall and large...

    2. .

      And Israel apologized and paid reparations.

      Israel apologized for a mistake not for deliberately attacking the Liberty.

      Israel, in two payments (1968 and 1969), paid a total of about $7 million for the victims.

      [Liberty casualties: 34 killed, 171 injured]

      In 1980, Israel paid $6 million in compensation for the Liberty damage.

      [The electronic equipment on the ship alone was valued at $40 million.]


    3. And the aggrieved party, the USA accepted it.

      Dont like how it was structured? Don't like the amount?

      Too fucking bad.

      My point stands.

    4. [The electronic equipment on the ship alone was valued at $40 million.]

      LOL for equipment that you claimed failed to receive 3 direct orders?

      I'd value it as bird shit..

      Cant have it both ways...

      If the ship was 10 miles off the coast of gaza, it was NOT in international waters.

      It had ignored 3 direct orders to get the fuck out of the way in an ACTIVE war zone.

      It did not communicate with the Israelis or Egyptians that it was there...


      Some great comm/spy ship....

      Could not even get direct orders...

      Of course, all orders when received are LOGGED as protocol...

      I wonder how that "excuse" came to be..

    5. [The electronic equipment on the ship alone was valued at $40 million.]

      Is that like the 400 dollar hammer?


      [The electronic equipment on the ship alone was valued at $40 million.]

      And yet you used to claim it wasn't SPYING....

      so much about the truth gets stinkier and stinkier and it's not the Israeli side..

      Why was that ship there?

      Why did it ignore orders?

      What did it do with the intel it received?

      Who logged in the direct orders to leave?

      How many NSA spooks were on board?

    6. .

      And yet you used to claim it wasn't SPYING....

      Don't be ridiculous. I have never said it wasn't a spy ship. That is one of the biggest pieces of evidence arguing against the fact that this was all an accidental mistake. There is no way over 10 hours of surveillance and attack the Israelis could have mistaken the Liberty, bristling with antennas and recording devices up the ass, for the Egyptian ship they named.

      Why was that ship there?

      To pick up SIGENT on the ongoing situation in the area at the request of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

      Why did it ignore orders?

      They didn't receive any.

      Who logged in the direct orders to leave?

      If you read the timeline above, you would have seen that they didn't receive the orders until after the attack was over.

      How many NSA spooks were on board?

      What difference does it make? We know at least 23 were on board because that was how many NSA personnel were taken out with the torpedo.


    7. .

      [The electronic equipment on the ship alone was valued at $40 million.]

      Oh, that's right you don't pay retail.


  5. ISIS withdraws its fighters from left coast in Mosul

    ( Nineveh – A local source in Nineveh Province revealed on Tuesday, that ISIS withdrew the majority of its fighters from the left coast in Mosul, while pointed out that more than 400 ISIS members fled to unknown destinations.

    The source said in a press statement obtained by, “This evening, ISIS withdrew the majority of its members from the left coast in Mosul,” pointing out that, “ISIS used to deploy its fighters in the majority of axes, but these troops disappeared before sunset.”

    The source added, “More than 400 ISIS members escaped from the organization’s headquarters to unknown destinations,” indicating that, “ISIS is collapsing, and its fighters are escaping due to the lack of financial resources.”

    Advancing to the Rear

  6. QuirkThu Feb 25, 11:35:00 AM EST

    No, I asserted that the USS Liberty, the most advanced US comm/spy ship of it's day, defied direct orders to get out of a war zone, in Egyptian waters (10 miles) when the boundary was 12 miles for the international water's border.

    First, you are the only one here saying the Liberty was not in international waters. I'll take the US report that it was in international waters.

    The sailors said they were so close to Gaza they could feel the vibration from the bombing and they say 10 miles.

    But you want to pick and choose what parts of the report to accept?

    Then accept the apology and the fact that Israel said they thought it was an Egyptian vessel.

  7. QuirkThu Feb 25, 11:48:00 AM EST

    I also assert that the USS Liberty DID NOT INFORM Israel of it's being there. IN AN ACTIVE WAR ZONE, against US Navy ORDERS.

    I don't know where you come up with this stuff.

    The USS Liberty was under close Israeli surveillance and/or attack from 0600 when the first Israeli Nord 2501 Noratlas (flying boxcar) arrive and began reconnoitering the Liberty to 1412 when the Israel apologized for their 'mistake', over 10 hours.

    The Liberty was in an active war zone..

    Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

    1. America's most advanced spying ship, with advanced comm gear, worth over 40 MILLION dollars failed to receive 3 direct orders?

      Come on Quirky, you are sounding more lame by the moment...

    2. .

      You dumb ass, what do you do speed read over responses? All of this shit was answered in the first couple of posts I put up and you come back asking the same questions over and over again.


    3. .


      At least, I am consistent. You jump around like a cat chasing a light beam.

      First, it was all a conspiracy by the NSA.

      Then, it was all a big accident and we should all st accept Israel's 'apology' and 'recompense' ad walk away happy.

      Then it was a deliberate attempt by Israel to stop the Liberty from spying on it.

      And then you start all over again.

      You're full of shit.


    4. You cannot agree on any basic facts...

      I STILL think it was the NSA spying on Israel.

      And I do believe we should accept Israel's apology and cash, otherwise it would show how NEGLIGENT if not criminal the NSA behaved... (as still does)

      And YES it was an attempt for Israel to take out a US spy ship, in an active war zone, 10 miles off the coast of Gaza..

      I am consistent.

      You cannot bring yourself to accept ONE fact.

    5. .

      I do accept one fact. That fact is that you are an Israeli apologist so conditioned to making excuses for Israeli that your judgement is clouded.

      We see that in the alternative history you post here daily.


  8. I would have taken recompense in a slightly different form by showing them what it means to attack a US ship.

    1. Sure you would, you'd support the destruction of every "Israeli" on the planet.

      That's why I am pleased you are not in charge, nor even a substantial minority here in America.

      Now in your adopted homeland? Iran and Palestine?

      They share your blood lust for Jew

  9. QuirkThu Feb 25, 01:38:00 PM EST

    You dumb ass, what do you do speed read over responses? All of this shit was answered in the first couple of posts I put up and you come back asking the same questions over and over again.

    Ah, the "dumb ass" retort...

    When you can't deal in fact?

    Call names.

    Fact: The USS Liberty was the most advanced US Spy/comm ship in the US NAVY
    Fact: 3 orders were sent telling it to GET OUT of the war zone.
    Fact: Either on purpose the orders were ignored or they failed with as you say "40 million dollars" worth of equipment.
    Fact: The Liberty NEVER informed either Egypt of Israel of their presence.
    Fact: If Israel wanted to sink the ship? It could have with the fire power described. 34 killed out of a crew of HOW many? 240 crew members.

    In February 1965, Liberty steamed from the west coast to Norfolk, Virginia, where she was further outfitted (cost: US$20 million) to suit her for a mission of supporting the National Security Agency by collecting and processing foreign communications and other electronic emissions of possible national defense interests.

    1. In the end?

      American tomfoolery, putting it's nose where it didn't belong is what got Americans killed.

      Israel was not our ally at that time.

      It was in the middle of a HOT war.

      What kind of incompetence would put that ship there at that time?

      You already blame Israel, now start looking in the mirror.

    2. .

      Ah, the "dumb ass" retort...

      When you can't deal in fact?


      I've made the point before and I've made it again today. You seem easily confused and by the end of a blog stream seem unable to remember what you wrote at the beginning of that same stream.

      My full quote was,

      You dumb ass, what do you do speed read over responses? All of this shit was answered in the first couple of posts I put up and you come back asking the same questions over and over again.

      But more to the point, the comment came at [QuirkThu Feb 25, 01:38:00 PM EST]

      A full 17 minutes after you started us down that road with this gem,

      What is "Occupation"Thu Feb 25, 01:21:00 PM EST

      But then you say, it flew an American flag...

      So what dip shit?

      What was that old saying about people in glass houses?


    3. You called me the "dumb ass" I responded with "dip shit"

      No glass houses here...

      Just the facts.

    4. .

      Once again, you prove you inability to read (or remember). Look at the time stamps on the posts.


  10. "Lowest 1% of society" ??

    That female helicopter pilot that I saw interviewed on Fox definitely wasn't from the lowest 1% od our society. She was from the highest 1% of our society.

    What a woman !

    We have female fighter jocks now too.

    Don't know where you get this lowest 1% nonsense.

    The standards are quite high, according to all I read.

    Much of the equipment is high tech.

    You can't be a lowest 1% dumbshit to handle it.

  11. Let's recap.

    The USS Liberty was sailing CLOSE to the Sinai. Spying on Israel. Ignored or could not get it's orders from it's state of the art electronic comm gear.

    The Liberty did not inform Israel or Egypt that is was in the active war zone.

    Israel attacked, 34 Americans died. Israel apologized and paid restitution which was accepted by the US Government.

    Now can we ask the following.

    Was the NSA on board?

    I think the answer is clear. Yes.

    What was the purpose of the USS Liberty?

    To collect electronic intel.

    If America was "neutral" why was it spying on Israel or Egypt? In a WAR ZONE?

    Israel was fighting for it's survival, America was not even involved.

    So why was America 9000 miles from home, with a spy ship 10 miles off the coast?

    Israel accepted the blame for the mistake. America accepted it's apology.

    OF course now that leaves us to the QuirkQuandry.

    Quirk thinks it was on purpose. Deuce thinks it was murder. (Deuce doesn't think that Hezbollah blowing up the Marine Barracks was murder, how odd)

    So IF Israel attacked on purpose??? Why?


    Or maybe MY original idea is plausible.

    The USA was spying on Israel (maybe egypt too) and Israel could not take the chance, given America's hostile behavior towards the Jewish state (remember the 1956 situation?) (let's not forget the weapons the Jordanians were using were supplied by America) (let's not forget the pressure America was putting on Israel to stop and withdraw)

    Things are not as black and white as the QuirkQuandry would have you believe.

    What would America do if during a military situation a "neutral" spy ship meddled into the fry?

    Oh here is an example...

    On May 7, 1999, during the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia (Operation Allied Force), five US JDAM guided bombs hit the People's Republic of China embassy in the Belgrade district of New Belgrade, killing three Chinese reporters and outraging the Chinese public. According to the USA, the intention had been to bomb the nearby Yugoslav Federal Directorate for Supply and Procurement. President Bill Clinton later apologized for the bombing, stating it was accidental.[1] Central Intelligence Agency director George Tenet testified before a congressional committee that the bombing was the only one in the campaign organized and directed by his agency,[2] and that the CIA had identified the wrong coordinates for a Yugoslav military target on the same street.[3] The Chinese government issued a statement on the day of the bombing stating that it was a "barbarian act".[4]

    What you say????


    1. .

      What is "Occupation"Thu Feb 25, 03:24:00 PM EST

      Fact: The USS Liberty was the most advanced US Spy/comm ship in the US NAVY
      Fact: 3 orders were sent telling it to GET OUT of the war zone.
      Fact: Either on purpose the orders were ignored or they failed with as you say "40 million dollars" worth of equipment.
      Fact: The Liberty NEVER informed either Egypt of Israel of their presence.
      Fact: If Israel wanted to sink the ship? It could have with the fire power described. 34 killed out of a crew of HOW many? 240 crew members.

      The first two are basically true except as far as I know only two messages were sent. Other than the number of messages sent, I don't think anyone is arguing about the first two.

      The third still reflects your misconception that any problem with receiving the messages to withdraw further was on the Liberty's end. In fact, the problems originated in both cases on the Pentagon's end.

      Why should the Liberty have to notify either Israel or Egypt that they were cruising in international waters. They were, a you have pointed out, a neutral nation.

      Despite all this, the funniest 'fact' you offer is the fifth. No one, not the Israelis and not the US argue about the actual facts of the attack though they may argue about the reasons for it.

      But you go beyond any of those arguments and, denying the utter incompetence of the Israeli attack, argue that despite the fact that they attacked in waves for a couple hours using jets and PT boats, missiles, cannons, machine guns, napalm, and torpedoes if they had wanted to sink the Liberty they would have done it, and that, despite the fact that they strafed all he lifeboats including those on the decks and already in the water they weren't really concerned about witnesses.

      I assume you are saying that the attack was merely an object lesson to prove a point, that the torpedoes that were fired but missed were just warning shots.

      The following link provides pictures of the damage done to Liberty in the attack. Clicking on any one of the thumbnails allows you to cycle forward or back through the whole series. Clicking on any individual picture enlarges it.

      Your fifth 'fact' is reflective of much that you put up and the reason it s so hard to take you seriously.


    2. Why should the Liberty have to notify either Israel or Egypt that they were cruising in international waters. They were, a you have pointed out, a neutral nation.

      America was putting a spy ship into a war zone, Just as America notifies Russia of it's flights in Syria, it's called good procedures.

      As for the claims that they were in "international" waters is shaky. But regardless, it's stupid to put American lives at risk for no reason.

    3. QuirkThu Feb 25, 06:08:00 PM EST


      Should we post all the pictures of the dead kids Obama has drone striked?

    4. Once again you "assume" facts not in evidence.

      The fact is clear.

      America was spying in a place that put American solders at risk, into an active war zone..

      Time to look in the mirror

    5. .

      Should we post all the pictures of the dead kids Obama has drone striked?

      Go ahead.

      That also is bullshit, IMO.


  12. Just because a ship is flying a USA flag doesn't necessary mean it is a USA ship.

    In like manner, just because Quirk is dressed up in a Brink's Armored Car Security Uniform doesn't necessarily mean he is a Brink's Armored Car Security Officer.


  13. CDT University of Missouri curators vote to fire Melissa Click ...Hot Air

    Looks like they finally got some muscle in there....


  14. February 25, 2016

    Thinking About Trump’s Muslim Blockade

    By Michael Stopa

    In December, Donald Trump famously called for a temporary ban on all non-citizen Muslims entering the United States until our politicians “can figure out what the hell is going on.” This proposal immediately accrued the condemnation of all the other Republican Presidential candidates and most of the GOP establishment while simultaneously provoking outrage from virtually everyone on the left. Both President Obama in the State of the Union Address and Governor Nikki Haley in the Republican response to it made unambiguous, if not explicit, criticisms of the proposal. Say what you will about Trump’s bombast and boorishness, there is an intuitive genius behind anyone who can engender essentially universal scorn from opinion professionals across the political spectrum by offering a proposal which nevertheless, according to Rasmussen, wins the approval of 66% of likely Republican voters and (46%-40%) of all voters to boot.

    Opponents of Trump’s proposed ban, including President Obama, argue that: (a) it would not be consistent with our “values” or our Constitution, (b) it would be playing right into ISIS’ hands by driving hapless, moderate Muslims into their radical waiting arms and (c) it would be impractical and easily evaded by actual Islamic terrorists anyway.

    I wish to argue here that the instincts of the ordinary voters who agree with Trump are fundamentally sound – that it is Islam that is often disturbingly inconsistent with our values, that failing to stand up for those values is pusillanimous and will ultimately work to our detriment and that maybe a clever business guy might develop a plan whereby, with the right balance of incentives, the United States could drive a wedge between ISIS and the peaceful segment of the Islamic world.

    Americans’ suspicion of Islam goes far beyond the fear of a small, radical minority murdering our citizens. There is a longer term concern that both at home and abroad a populous Muslim culture exists that is stubbornly incompatible with liberal ideals. Polls consistently show that overwhelming majorities of Middle Eastern Muslims support the death penalty for apostasy, blasphemy and homosexuality and the view that Sharia law supersedes all other human law. They show that anti-Semitic beliefs are registered in large majorities of Islam and that while open support for ISIS is only in the high single digits in most Middle Eastern countries, still, for example, 62% in Pakistan, refuse to give an unfavorable opinion.

    There is no constitutional requirement that we must admit anyone to America, much less those who subscribe to pernicious ideologies.........

  15. Security source: ISIS asks for forgiveness, prepares to leave to Libya

    ( Anbar – Baghdady Police Chief in Anbar Province Colonel Salem al-Obedi revealed on Thursday, that the so-called ISIS asked for the forgiveness of Heet and Kabisa residents, while pointed out that ISIS members are seeking to leave to Libya.

    Obedi said in a press statement obtained by, “ISIS gathered a large number of residents in one of the district’s mosques,” pointing out that, “One of ISIS foreign leaders gave a speech in front of the residents.”

    Obedi added, “The ISIS leader asked the residents of Heet and Kabisa for forgiveness on ISIS crimes,” indicating that, “ISIS will leave Heet and Kabisa and will travel to Libya by orders of Abu Bakr al-Baghdady.”

    Sorry 'bout that

    1. Security forces cleanse Albu Daeig, kill 19 ISIS militants

      ( Anbar – On Thursday, a source in Anbar Operations Command announced the cleansing of Albu Daeig area in southern Fallujah, while indicated to the killing of 19 ISIS members during the operation.

      The source said in a statement received by, “This morning the security forces carried out a military operation to cleanse the areas around al-Amiriyah, liberating Albu Daeig area after fierce battles and killing 19 ISIS members.

      The source added, “The security forces also destructed four vehicles, in addition to detonating four headquarters and a missile launcher,” pointing out that, “The security forces searched Albu Daeig area and dismantled the improvised explosive devices to secure the area for the ground troops.”


    2. Strikes in Syria

      Attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft conducted seven strikes in Syria:

      -- Near Abu Kamal, two strikes struck an ISIL modular refinery and an ISIL gas and oil separation plant.

      -- Near Hawl, five strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed seven ISIL buildings and an ISIL fighting position.

      Strikes in Iraq

      Fighter and remotely piloted aircraft conducted 15 strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of Iraq’s government:

      -- Near Qaim, a strike struck an ISIL bomb-making and storage facility.

      -- Near Fallujah, a strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL bunker.

      -- Near Hit, a strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle bomb.

      -- Near Kisik, a strike struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL light machine gun and an ISIL vehicle.

      -- Near Mosul, nine strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units, an ISIL improvised weapons factory, an ISIL bomb factory, an ISIL mortar factory, and an ISIL vehicle-borne bomb facility and destroyed seven ISIL fighting positions, and ISIL vehicle, an ISIL light machine gun, and suppressed an ISIL mortar position.

      -- Near Sultan Abdallah, a strike suppressed an ISIL rocket position.

      -- Near Tal Afar, a strike suppressed an ISIL light machine gun position.


    3. Lots of news on Fox today about how the Pentagon has been cooking the books to make things look better.

      I think they need better book cookers myself, because the reports passed on by galonpin2 just aren't that impressive.

  16. That's really bizarre.

    But, like somebody said, it's the thought that counts....?????

    So, it's off to Libya for more head cutting, having cut all the deserving heads locally....

  17. “Even under the best of circumstances, we don’t expect the violence to end immediately,” Mr. Obama said, noting that the militant groups aren’t part of the cease-fire. “We are certain there will continue to be fighting.”


    “The coming days will be critical and the world will be watching,” he said.

    The military advisers, including Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, outlined the coalition’s next phase of fighting in Iraq, which includes an effort to retake Anbar province and the city of Mosul.

  18. ISIS uses special forces in Sharqat after collapse of defensive lines

    ( Salahuddin – A local source in Salahuddin province said on Thursday, that ISIS used a special force called “the red streaks” after the collapse of the defensive line in the vicinity of Sharqat.

    The source said in a statement received by, “A combat force called the red streaks belonging to al-Asra army that forms the special guards of the leader of ISIS Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, arrived from Mosul to the vicinity of Sharqat.”

    The source, who requested to remain anonymous, added, “The ISIS leadership in Sharqat had employed that force after the collapse of the defensive lines in the past two days as a result of low morale and serious concerns about the approaching security forces and al-Hashed al-Sha’bi [militia] towards Sharqat.”


  19. One of the three newly-sanctioned IS leaders is Gaza-based Salafi jihadist Husayn Juaythini. Treasury accused Juaythini of providing support and services to IS “by facilitating communications and the movement of foreign terrorist fighters and conducting financial activities in support” of the terrorist organization.


    The profile continued:

    Juaythini traveled to Syria in September 2014 to pledge allegiance to ISIL and was tasked to return to Gaza and establish a foothold for ISIL there. …

    Juaythini not only maintains ties with ISIL, but as of mid-2014 was deputy head of the extremist group and U.S.-designated SDGT Mujahidin Shura Council (MSC). In 2013, Juaythini attempted to acquire supplies for the MSC in the environs of Jerusalem to conduct attacks against Israel and help the group overcome financial difficulties.

  20. Video:
    Here’s Kerry yesterday, appearing before the Senate Appropriations Committee to justify the State Department’s 2017 budget request. Senator Mark Kirk showed Kerry a picture of Ibrahim al Qosi, who was released from Gitmo in 2012 and sent back to Sudan, and who is now actively recruiting for Al Qaeda. Kirk expressed the opinion that the U.S. shouldn’t be releasing terrorists to terrorist nations, because the terrorists just go back to doing what they were doing before they went to Gitmo.

    And the indomitable John Kerry’s response will echo throughout the halls of Eternity:

    “Well, uh, Senator, he’s not supposed to be doing that.”
    And, "there will be consequences"

    (Not to include no longer releasing terrorists.)

  21. Evil Mouse:
    “During the holiday season of 2014, I was sent a meeting invitation by a prominent Disney executive. With an excellent review in hand along with company announcements of record profits my mind buzzed with thoughts of a promotion or a bonus,” Leo Perrero, the former Disney worker testified before the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest. “I walked into a small conference room with about two dozen highly respected fellow IT workers. The Disney executive made a harsh announcement to us all.”

    That harsh announcement, Perrero said, was that Disney was laying him and hundreds of others off. He would be without a job in 90 days.

    “Your jobs have been given over to a foreign workforce,” Perrero recalled the executive saying. “In the meantime you will be training your replacements until your jobs are 100 percent transferred over to them and if you don’t cooperate you will not receive any severance pay.”
    During the meeting Perrero said, he began to worry about not only his future but also the future of America.
    “Later that same day I remember very clearly going to the local church pumpkin sale and having to tell the kids that we could not buy any because my job was going over to a foreign worker,” he said, his voice beginning to crack.
