Monday, February 29, 2016

Here Is What Panics the Neocons About Trump


  1. If it comes down to Trump vs Clinton, I’d vote for Trump.

  2. That is what it is coming down to.

    And a good show it will be too.

  3. He doesn't seem to have a foreign policy expect 'bomb the shit out of them'.

    Kind of a loose cannon in that regard.

    Probably beats bombing bed down positions and inoperable back hoes though.

  4. The candidate of Unrequited Racism.

    Vote for me; I'm just as fucking stupid as you.

    1. I'd never vote for you if you were the dumbest man in the universe, and you are.

  5. Replies
    1. :) That's why they have horse races, eh?


    2. Can't vote for family oligarchies.

      Which is why Gary Johnson has my support.
      Little doubt though that Trump will carry Arizona, regardless.


    US President Barack Obama, this week, signed into law a sweeping trade agreement which protects Israel from boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) by countries who oppose the ongoing military occupation of Palestine.

    The agreement — H.R. 644: Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015 — was passed 75-20, on February 11, and later signed into law by the president, on February 24.

    The agreement, according to Ma’an News Agency, reiterates that US Congress “opposes politically motivated actions that penalize or otherwise limit commercial relations specifically with Israel,” referring specifically to BDS activities.

    The act also cites that congress “supports efforts” to prevent international organizations or governments from carrying out investigation or prosecution of US citizens who do business with “Israel, with Israeli entities, or in any territory controlled by Israel.”
    The provision, in effect, allows US citizens immunity from conducting trade with illegal Israeli settlements, while its terminology fails to distinguish Israeli settlements from the state of Israel.

    1. Are you referring to Saudi Arabia?

      Oh you mean your bullshit slander about Israel...

      So you are at 7004 threads? what 5000 about Israel?

    2. .

      Another sellout to the Lobby.

      Obama in a signing statement indicated he wouldn't adhere to that section as it applied to the settlements; however, his reign will be short lived, another 10 months. A president Rubio would love the clause as it would give him further excuse for diminishing the 1st amendment.

      If there is any doubt that the US is currently in the pocket of Israel and the Lobby one only has to asks how many unique clauses are in the treaty that call out a specific country by name as beneficiary.


    3. Is that why aid to Israel has been cut?

      The embassy has not been moved to Jerusalem?

      That Bibi was treated like shit?

      Wow if that's in the "pocket"?


    4. America continues to bomb Arabs, support Iran's rise and bows to Russia...

      That's what Obama has given us...

      10 more months of shit...

    5. .

      Is that why aid to Israel has been cut?

      Are you nutz?

      The embassy has not been moved to Jerusalem?

      That's been US stated policy for a long time.

      That Bibi was treated like shit?

      What are you talking about? The Rubio/neocon/GOP sycophantic obeisance to the man is embarrassing. And if anyone actually treated him like shit can anyone deny he deserves it?


      Oh, I see, you were just offering us an example of your classic satire.


    6. Quirk are you ignorant?

      Can you actually listen and learn? Or just be knee-jerk reactionary?

      Of course AID to Israel under obama just has been cut.

      Obama just cut missile aid.

      Policy of America is to move the Embassy. If American is in Israel's pocket? Why has the move not been made?

      And if you think that Bibi has not been treated by Obama like shit? I got a bridge to sell you.

      The idea I was responding to, and commenting on...

      "If there is any doubt that the US is currently in the pocket of Israel and the Lobby"

      and not just about BDS....


    7. Lies, lies and more lies from the poster that equates Yahweh with Allah.

      Yahweh = Allah
      hat tip: "O"rdure

  7. Household Income Trends: December 2015

    Median Household Income Increases to $57,153 in December 2015

    Summary of Key Findings

    According to new data derived from the monthly Current Population Survey (CPS),
    median annual household income in December 2015 was $57,153, up $424 (or 0.7
    percent) from the November 2015 median of $56,729.

    As noted in our previous report,
    we have recaptured all of the ground in the median lost since the beginning of the last
    recession in December 2007 ($56,698). The Sentier Household Income Index for
    November 2015 was 99.6 (January 2000 = 100). Thus, we are getting very close to the
    real level of median annual household income that existed in January 2000 ($57,371).

    These findings come from a report issued today by Sentier Research, titled “Household
    Income Trends: December 2015,” which presents monthly trends in household income
    from January 2000 to December 2015.

    There is a generally upward trend in income that has been evident since the low point in
    our household income series that occurred in August 2011. Median income in December
    2015 ($57,153) was 4.3 percent higher than in December 2014 ($54,785), and 10.2
    percent higher than in August 2011 ($51,859). However, a significant portion of the
    increase in real median annual household income is due to the falling price of energy. For
    example, if the CPI less food and energy is used instead of the CPI including all items,
    the increase in real median annual household income between December 2014 and
    December 2015 was 2.9 percent, not 4.3 percent.

    The period since August 2011 has been marked by an uneven, but generally upward trend
    in the level of real median annual household income. Many of the month-to-month
    changes in median income during this period have not been statistically significant.
    However, the cumulative effect of the various month-to-month changes since August
    2011 resulted in the income improvement noted above. (See Figure 1 at the back of this

    Sentier Research - Press Release


  8. The Anti Defamation League (Read Zionist Shakedown Lobby) had to step over Trump’s endorsement from Sessions>

    Jewish groups are up in arms after Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump declined to disavow support by the Ku Klux Klan in a televised interview Sunday.

    During an appearance on CNN’s State of the Union, host Jake Tapper repeatedly asked Trump if he would distance himself from the white supremacist organization, prompting the candidate to respond that he did not know “anything about David Duke.”

    On Friday, Trump distanced himself from Duke, a former KKK leader, telling reporters: “I didn’t even know he endorsed me.”

    On Sunday, however, he moderated his statements, telling Tapper he did not “know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists.”

    “I have to look at the group.

    I mean, I don’t know what group you’re talking about,” he continued.

    “You wouldn’t want me to condemn a group that I know nothing about. I’d have to look. If you would send me a list of the groups, I will do research on them and certainly I would disavow if I thought there was something wrong,” the candidate said. “You may have groups in there that are totally fine – it would be very unfair. So give me a list of the groups and I’ll let you know.”

    Rabbi Steven Wernick, CEO of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, took to Facebook to condemn the politician, stating that while it would be inappropriate as a faith leader to discuss his political preferences, “there are moments when one must speak out” concerning “what they are against.”

    1. Confidential polling data shows Hillary Clinton could lose the presidential election in heavily Democratic New York to Donald Trump as the GOP front-runner’s support grows to the point of being “surprisingly strong,” The Post has learned.

      The poll results, from Democratic and Republican legislative races, have surprised many leading Dems, virtually all of whom have endorsed Clinton, while confounding and energizing GOP leaders, many of whom until recently have been opposed to Trump.

    2. Deuce ☂Mon Feb 29, 09:06:00 AM EST
      ... like Apartheid.

      Do you have a clue what that word actually means?

    3. Look to Saudi Arabia or what was South Africa.

      Sure you hate Israel, you love the PLO and HAMA...

      By the way, how is freedom for Jews under any arab or moslem nation going?

    4. “To the many people who have questioned why I came, I say: Israel worked very closely with the apartheid regime. I say: I’ve made peace with many men who slaughtered our people like animals. Israel cooperated with the apartheid regime, but it did not participate in any atrocities…My view is that talk of peace remains hollow if Israel continues to occupy Arab lands.”

      Nelson Mandella - to reporters during a visit to Israel in 1999, following a meeting with Israeli Foreign Minister David Levy.

    5. Pork Rinds for YahwehMon Feb 29, 12:21:00 PM EST

      Full Definition of apartheid. 1 : racial segregation; specifically : a policy of segregation and political and economic discrimination against non-European groups

    6. Pork Rinds for YahwehMon Feb 29, 01:26:00 PM EST

      • Four million Palestinians in the Occupied Territories lack the right to vote for the government that controls their lives through a military occupation.

      In addition to controlling the borders, air space, water, tax revenues, and other vital matters pertaining to the Occupied Territories, Israel alone issues the identity cards that determine the ability of Palestinians to work and their freedom of movement.

      • About 1.2 million Palestinian Israelis, who make up 20 percent, or one-fifth, of Israel’s population, have second-class citizenship within Israel, ...
      ... which defines itself as a Jewish state rather than a state for all its citizens.

      More than 20 provisions of Israel’s principal laws discriminate, either directly or indirectly, against non-Jews, according to Adalah: The Legal Center for Minority Rights in Israel.

  9. John Oliver's recent bit on Trump is well worth watching:

  10. Trump couldn't beat Hillary in NY in a million years.

    The Demographic Edge, alone, is Dem. +29

    538 Blog

    1. Kalian bisa raskakan keseruan bermain di situs online satu ini


  11. Trump appeared to continue to steamroll toward Super Tuesday. He staged a massive rally at a football stadium in Madison, where he received the endorsement of Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, a Capitol Hill veteran and a nationally recognized opponent of illegal immigration.

    “I told Donald Trump, ‘This isn’t a campaign; this is a movement,’ ” Sessions exhorted.


    1. “You have asked for 30 years and politicians have promised for 30 years to fix illegal immigration. Have they done it?”
      Sessions asked the crowd.

      thousands shouted back.

      “Donald Trump will do it,” Sessions promised.

      Pointing to his latest endorsements, Trump told the raucous Alabama crowd, “I hate to say it, but I’m becoming mainstream.”

    2. But the most telling quote in the WaPo piece ....

      South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who has endorsed Rubio, said on ABC’s “This Week.” She added: “I think what he’ll do to the Republican Party is really make us question who we are and what we’re about. And that’s something we don’t want to see happen.”

      And that’s something we don’t want to see happen.”

      The "Establishment" does not want their lack of performance on the key issues that animate the GOP base questioned.


    3. “I’m representing a lot of anger out there,”
      Trump said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
      “We’re not angry people, but we’re angry at the way this country’s being run. And a lot of them are angry at the way the Republican Party is being run.”

  12. Watch Va. in the General Election.

    The winner in Va. is probably a 90% favorite to win the election.

    <a href=" it would take to flip the election</a>

    1. The caveat would be if Va. narrowly went Dem, but Pa. went pubbie.

      If either of these states goes Pubbie, that means Fla., Ohio, Colorado, and NH have likely flipped, giving the prize to the party of stupid.

    2. Trump does understand marketing and television.
      He has the 'hot button' down pat and really aggravates the 'Establishment'.
      He has been steadily gaining ground since he announced he was running.
      People seem to embrace the message, even if they dislike the messenger.

      Have not been to New York in ages, but do not doubt that he could be competitive there against Hillary. Do not doubt he could be competitive against her anywhere, really.

    3. We'll see, said the blind man. :)

    4. A Real Public Poll in NY State (not a private, confidential poll of Long Island - a Republican stronghold) shows Clinton beating Trump by 25.

      Siena Poll - Dec 31 - Feb 3


    5. From Jan 31 to Nov 7 is a long time.

      I see said the blind man, as he picked up the hammer and saw


    6. From September ...

      Trump leads the Republican primary pack with 25 percent, followed by 17 percent for Carson, 12 percent for Fiorina, 10 percent for former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and 9 percent for U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida.

      Where are they now?

  13. Military Strikes Target ISIL Terrorists in Syria, Iraq
    From a Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve News Release

    SOUTHWEST ASIA, February 29, 2016 — U.S. and coalition military forces have continued to attack Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant terrorists in Syria and Iraq, Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve officials reported today.

    Officials reported details of the latest strikes, noting that assessments of results are based on initial reports.

    Strikes in Syria

    Attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft conducted 12 strikes in Syria:

    -- Near Abu Kamal, a strike struck an ISIL gas and oil separation plant.

    -- Near Raqqah, a strike struck an ISIL gas and oil separation plant.

    -- Near Ayn Isa, three strikes struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed eight ISIL buildings, an ISIL fuel tanker, an ISIL tactical vehicle and seven ISIL vehicles.

    -- Near Mar’a, three strikes destroyed four ISIL fighting positions.

    -- Near Tal Abyad, four strikes struck three separate ISIL tactical units, destroyed two ISIL buildings and an ISIL vehicle and suppressed an ISIL fighting position.

    Strikes in Iraq

    Fighter and remotely piloted aircraft and rocket artillery conducted 12 strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of Iraq’s government:

    -- Near Baghdadi, a strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle bomb.

    -- Near Fallujah, a strike destroyed an ISIL front end loader and an ISIL tunnel system.

    -- Near Kisik, a strike suppressed an ISIL rocket fire position.

    -- Near Mosul, a strike struck an ISIL vehicle bomb factory.

    -- Near Ramadi, four strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed an ISIL heavy machine gun, an ISIL fighting position, two ISIL staging areas and two ISIL petroleum, oil and lubricant trucks.

    -- Near Sinjar, three strikes destroyed six ISIL fighting positions and suppressed an ISIL mortar position and an ISIL sniper position.

    -- Near Sultan Abdallah, a strike suppressed an ISIL mortar position.

  14. WASHINGTON – The U.S. military has launched a newly aggressive campaign of cyberattacks against Islamic State militants, targeting the group's abilities to use social media and the Internet to recruit fighters and inspire followers, U.S. officials told The Associated Press.

    The surge of computer-based military operations by U.S. Cyber Command began shortly after Defense Secretary Ash Carter prodded commanders at Fort Meade, Maryland, last month to ramp up the fight against the Islamic State group on the cyber front.

    U.S. officials confirmed that operations launched out of Fort Meade have focused on disrupting the group's online activities. The officials said the effort is getting under way as operators try a range of attacks to see what works and what doesn't. They declined to discuss details, other than to say that the attacks include efforts to prevent the group from distributing propaganda, videos, or other types of recruiting and messaging on social media sites such as Twitter, and across the Internet in general.

    Other attacks could include attempts to stop insurgents from conducting financial or logistical transactions online.

    Several U.S. officials spoke about the cyber campaign on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss it publicly. Much of the effort is classified.

    Carter mentioned the operations briefly Thursday, telling a House Appropriations subcommittee only that Cyber Command is beginning to conduct operations against the Islamic State group. He declined to say more in a public setting.

    The more aggressive attacks come after months of pressure from Carter, who has been frustrated with the belief that the Pentagon — and particularly Cyber Command — was losing the war in the cyber domain.

    1. Late last year Carter met with commanders, telling them they had 30 days to bring him options for how the military could use its cyberwarfare capabilities against the group's deadly insurgency across Iraq and Syria, and spreading to Libya and Afghanistan. Officials said he told commanders that beefing up cyberwarfare against Islamic State was a test for them, and that they should have both the capability and the will to wage the online war.

      But the military cyber fight is limited by concerns within the intelligence agencies that blocking the group's Internet access could hurt intelligence gathering.

      Officials said Carter told commanders that he wanted creative options that would allow the U.S. to impact Islamic State without diminishing the indications or warnings intelligence officers can glean about what the group is doing.

      On Jan. 27, Carter and Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, went to Fort Meade for an update.

      Officials familiar with Carter's meetings said the secretary was frustrated that as Cyber Command has grown and developed over the past several years, it was still focused on the cyberthreats from nations, such as Iran, Russia and China, rather than building a force to block the communications and propaganda campaigns of Internet-savvy insurgents.

      "He was right to say they could be more forward leaning about what they could possibly do against ISIS," said James Lewis, a cybersecurity expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "You could disrupt their support networks, their business networks, their propaganda and recruitment networks."

      However, Lewis added, the U.S. needs to be careful about disrupting the Internet to insure that attacks don't also affect civilian networks or systems needed for critical infrastructure and other public necessities.

      U.S. officials have long been stymied by militants' ability to use the Internet as a vehicle for inspiring so-called lone wolf attackers in Western nations, radicalized after reading propaganda easily available online.

    2. "Why should they be able to communicate? Why should they be using the Internet?" Carter said during testimony before the defense appropriations subcommittee. "The Internet shouldn't be used for that purpose."

      He added that the U.S. can conduct cyber operations under the legal authorities associated with the ongoing war against the Islamic State group.

      The U.S. has also struggled to defeat high-tech encryption techniques used by Islamic State and other groups to communicate. Experts have been working to find ways to defeat those programs.

      Cyber Command is relatively new. Created in 2009, it did not begin operating until October 2010.

      Early on, its key focus was on defending military networks, which are probed and attacked millions of times a day. But defense leaders also argued at length over the emerging issues surrounding cyberwarfare and how it should be incorporated.

      The Pentagon is building 133 cyber teams by 2018, including 27 that are designed for combat and will work with regional commands to support warfighting operations. There will be 68 teams assigned to defend Defense Department networks and systems, 13 that would respond to major cyberattacks against the U.S., and 25 support teams.


  15. Justice Clarence Thomas breaks 10-year silence during Supreme Court arguments......DRUDGE

    Records are made to be broken, rat, let's see if you can top that.

    Starting now:


  16. .

    Quirk are you ignorant?

    Can you actually listen and learn? Or just be knee-jerk reactionary?

    Of course AID to Israel under obama just has been cut.

    Obama just cut missile aid.

    Policy of America is to move the Embassy. If American is in Israel's pocket? Why has the move not been made?

    And if you think that Bibi has not been treated by Obama like shit? I got a bridge to sell you.

    The idea I was responding to, and commenting on...

    "If there is any doubt that the US is currently in the pocket of Israel and the Lobby"

    and not just about BDS....


    You're kidding right?

    This is another example of your cutting satire?

    Surely, you don't want me to respond to these charges.

    You can't be THAT stupid.


    1. You should have just answered "yes" to the original question and saved us all paragraphs of your b.s.

    2. .

      I wasn't talking to you Bozo.


    3. *

      No matter, the advice remains worthy, Bozgillo.



    4. "Counterfeit Bob" was just a coward and that was the worst luck any man could have.

      Ernest Hemingway

  17. Ash, it's late in the game, but you still have time to buy your "Bernie Action Figure".

    After Bernie's inevitable defeat, your "Bernie Action Figure" will still comfort you as you sleep.

  18. Rubio is getting desperate. He's is talking himself into silence. Nobody is listening to him any longer.

  19. Deuce, if you wish to quote me use the correct avatar.

    "Pork Rinds for Yahweh Mon Feb 29, 12:21:00 PM EST
    Full Definition of apartheid. 1 : racial segregation; specifically : a policy of segregation and political and economic discrimination against non-European groups"

    IF you want to use the Pork Rinds for Allah avatar, use it.

    Pork Rinds for Yahweh is rat aka Jack.

    Full Definition of apartheid. 1 : racial segregation; specifically : a policy of segregation and political and economic discrimination against non-European groups"

    So you are all for the segregation and political and economic discrimination against Jews?

    Please name one Arab country or territory that allows Jews to live anywhere and enjoy equal rights?


    1. If the Arab countries practice apartheid, you should cite them, chapter and verse.

      The fact of the matter, they do not receive 25% of all US foreign aid, as Israel does.

  20. Deuce continues:

    • Four million Palestinians in the Occupied Territories lack the right to vote for the government that controls their lives through a military occupation.

    But they do have elections, when their arab masters permit. Infant they have used these elections to proclaim Palestine as an independent nation at the UN...

    Deuce: In addition to controlling the borders, air space, water, tax revenues, and other vital matters pertaining to the Occupied Territories, Israel alone issues the identity cards that determine the ability of Palestinians to work and their freedom of movement.

    You raise several issues. But if Palestinians want to work in another country? They need ID's and permission.

    No different than any other foreigners seeking to come into a nation that is not theirs to travel and work..


    1. The South Africans were the first to use Bantustans, the Israeli merely copying the technique.
      It was a fraud in South Africa, it is a fraud in Israel.

  21. deuce's cherry on top...

    • About 1.2 million Palestinian Israelis, who make up 20 percent, or one-fifth, of Israel’s population, have second-class citizenship within Israel, ...
    ... which defines itself as a Jewish state rather than a state for all its citizens.

    More than 20 provisions of Israel’s principal laws discriminate, either directly or indirectly, against non-Jews, according to Adalah: The Legal Center for Minority Rights in Israel.

    Arabs are not "2nd class citizens" in Israel.

    Your facts are really amusing...

    Now I would contend that the so called palestinians of Lebanon & Syria are in fact 2nd class citizens....

    maybe you need to learn the term "2nd class" and apply if equally thru out the world.

    After all you have no clue about the term apartheid either...


    1. Apartheid has been defined, "O"rdure.

      The definition fits Israel to a 'T'.

  22. Under Trump's newly announced tax plan it looks probable that galonpin2 will be paying -0- taxes.

    Therefore he's going to vote for Hillary 'Definitely'.

    There's got to be something in that alligator piss they drink down that way.....


  23. Federal judge rules Apple cannot be forced to aid in NY iPhone unlocking, cites 'unreasonable burden'
    Apple Insider - ‎

    Apple was handed a crucial win in its fight for encryption on Monday, as a New York federal judge denied a government All Writs Act-based motion to compel Apple's assistance in bypassing the encryption safeguards of an iPhone linked to a years-old drug ...

  24. Not sure I do either but I heard or dreamed a blurb about no fed taxes on less that 25k single payer, 50k married.


  25. Go find the references, "Counterfeit Bob", or don't post it.

    Only a fraud would post something without any real knowledge ...
    Oh, yea, you are a fraud, an identity thief, too


  26. General Jack doesn't have any income except what his mom gives him so it doesn't affect The General.

    Possible it might affect his mom, though.

  27. She died, long ago, "Counterfeit Bob"...
    You steal money, without remorse ...

    bob Thu May 27, 12:52:00 AM EDT

    But I did rip off the bank for $7500 hundred dollars, when I was on my knees, and fighting for my economic life, on my aunt's credit card. But that wasn't really stealing, just payback. …

    Just like a meth head, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, tries to justify his crime by saying that the loot was owed him, by the people or institution he ripped off.

  28. Well, if General Jack's mom pays a little less it is possible she will be able to slip him another $20, now and then, maybe on "Memorial Day" each year.


  29. WASHINGTON (MarketWatch)— The primary election system is proving once again to have some drawbacks as a way to choose presidential candidates.

    The Republican Party is going nuts as Donald Trump racks up primary victories and delegates, making it increasingly likely he will secure the nomination against the will of the establishment.

    On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton’s romp in South Carolina increases her chances of wrapping up her party’s nomination in March.

    The problem is that she is winning the nomination by capturing the African-American vote in states she is bound to lose in the general election.

    No amount of turnout by minority voters in November is going to turn the solidly red states of South Carolina, Alabama, Oklahoma, Tennessee, or Texas into blue states, even though Clinton has won or is expected to win the primaries in these states with crushing margins.

    The majority of Democratic voters in these states may be African-American or Latino, but white voters gravitate to the Republican Party and will deliver these states as usual to the Republican nominee.

    And that nominee, thanks to his runaway popularity in the primaries, is likely to be Trump.

    The problem for the Democrats is that Clinton’s prowess with minority voters won’t necessarily win her the big swing states that will push the Electoral College victory one way or the other — Pennsylvania, Ohio, Georgia, Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, Wisconsin and some smaller ones.

    It is precisely here that Trump’s appeal to white blue collar voters could tip the scales and turn many of these states red in 2016.

    Combine this with the enthusiasm factor that is making Republican voter turnout higher than usual in the primaries, while Democratic numbers are lagging, and you have a plausible case for Trump, if he is the nominee, beating Clinton.

    Trump bragged in last week’s Republican debate in that he is expanding the base of Republican voters.

    “But one thing I’m also going to do, I’m going to be getting — bringing a lot of people in who are Democrats, who are independents, and you’re seeing that with the polls, because if you look at anywhere, look at any of the elections, every single election, it has been record-setting,” he said, referring to the first four primaries. “I think I have something to do with that.”

    Ironically, it is the white blue-collar workers who are responding to Sanders’s message of a rigged economy and oppressive inequality who could switch their allegiance to Trump instead of Clinton.

    So the Democratic primaries may preponderantly favor the candidate who has less chance of beating Trump in the swing states in the general election, while the Republican primaries could result in a nominee who abjures Republican orthodoxy but may win the White House.


    1. a nominee who abjures Republican orthodoxy but may win the White House.

      Which does dovetail nicely with the comment from South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley

      “I think what he’ll do to the Republican Party is really make us question who we are and what we’re about. And that’s something we don’t want to see happen.”


  30. Worse than stealing the money from the bank, "Counterfeit Bob" stole his Aunt's honor, ruined her good name.
    Made her out to be a deadbeat, as he shuttled her off, institutionalized in a Death Home


  31. "Counterfeit Bob" did not need the consent of a 'Death Panel' for his Aunt ...
    He made the decision all on his own.


  32. To cover up your identity theft and fraud, you killed your Aunt, "Counterfeit Bob"

    The first year of residence in a nursing home is the highest risk of death for the resident.

    It is known that mortality rates are high, initially, when people move from their own

    ... individuals living in institutional care (regardless of age) will have significantly shorter life expectancies than their contemporaries living independently. Mortality is not only driven by their condition, but also by the impact of the significant change in environment. homes. Mortality rates are especially high in nursing homes.”


  33. SodaStream CEO slams government 'disregard for human dignity'


    1. “This is all I’ve been doing for many weeks, trying to save the State of Israel from the public global humiliation of doing an act that is once again perceived to be immoral, unjust – an act that eradicates an island of peace that proves that we can coexist,” he said. “The Israeli government just lost its best ambassadors against the lies of BDS.”

    2. LOL


      It's all a game.

      But BDS?

      Is losing...

      BTW Jack, better stop using all those Israeli inventions..

    3. .

      A bit surprising. A week ago, SodaStream vowed to shut down the entire plant if Israel refused to re-issue the work permits.

      Second thoughts, evidently.

      Israel would rather make a political point, I suppose. The have put a lot of ink into portraying the BDS as a job killer for Palestinians.


  34. Statue of limitations apply to Bob, now your leaking FBI classified info happened in the last 30 months...

    You are still a wanted person.

  35. My Aunt died in my arms aged 98 1/2 at Good Samaritan Village, Moscow, Idaho after living a wonderful life. I placed here there after her pneumonia as I couldn't bath and care for her properly. They called me that morning saying she is going now, come. Raced up there. She was waiting until I came, they said. I told her I loved her. And lay with her in my arms.

    She after a bit tilted her head slightly and that was that.

    Go fuck yourself ratass.

    I gave her a Christian burial with all her old friends attending than scattered her ashes out at the farm where she grew up.

    She was the best person I've ever known. Never angry, always helpful.

    Truly wonderful.

    I look forward to seeing her again.

    1. Before that I cared for her something like 7 or 8 years.

      Which is nothing.

      She cared for her mother to the point she had worn a hole through a Persian rug from standing there tending to Grandmother.


    2. I still have that thick Persian rug in the living room, great shape except for where my Aunt wore it through standing tending Grandmother.


    3. A real Persian rug? Interesting if for no other reason than irony.

  36. US Secretary of State John Kerry says all alleged violations of the partial truce in Syria will be investigated.


    The UN and its partners have been stepping up deliveries of food, water and medicine, and plan to reach more than 150,000 people over the next five days.


    Riad Hijab, general co-ordinator for the main opposition umbrella group the High Negotiations Committee (HNC), has warned that continued violations would jeopardise the resumption of UN-brokered talks aimed at finding a political solution to the five-year conflict.

  37. Trish:

    "There's something really wrong with you, rat."

  38. Setelah melihat pengalaman dari daftar judi bola, selanjutnya perhatikan juga sepak terjangnya. Tidak jarang ada agen sbo indonesia yang memiliki usia cukup lama tapi namanya sempat tercoreng.

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