Thursday, December 31, 2015

Trump Finds His Voice - Clinton’s attack on Trump backfires


This week Donald Trump pulled off yet another remarkable political feat: While several of his rivals have tried and failed to turn Bill Clinton’s decades-old sex scandals into a 2016 campaign issue, Trump is actually making it happen. 

After his complaint about Hillary calling him "ISIS's best recruiter" morphed into a debate about sexism just before Christmas, Trump changed the conversation again, tweeting on Monday "If Hillary thinks she can unleash her husband, with his terrible record of women abuse, while playing the women's card on me, she's wrong!" Tuesday on the Today show, he added, "there certainly were a lot of abuse of women, you look at whether it's Monica Lewinsky or Paula Jones, or any of them, and that certainly will be fair game."
Now with the former president set to begin campaigning for his wife in New Hampshire on Monday, other Republican candidates, including Carly Fiorina and Ben Carson, are joining in the discussion of Clinton's past sexual improprieties. The question now is whether their attacks on Bill Clinton can damage his wife’s campaign, while years ago they only boosted the first lady's popularity.
As the New York Times notes, in some ways Trump is "an imperfect messenger on the issue of fidelity," considering that his marital issues were documented in the tabloids for many years, and he was once accused of marital rape (Ivana Trump subsequently walked back her claim). And aside from his own spotty marital history, Trump has a long history of attempting to curry favor with the Clintons and dismissing the allegations against the former president. Over the years, Trump invited the Clintons to his wedding, donated to their foundation, called Bill his favorite president, and declared Hillary would be a "great president or vice-president."
He also defended the president against the "moralists" and hypocrites pursuing the Lewinsky scandal many times, saying Clinton would have been "everybody's hero" if he'd cheated with a supermodel, and "if the Clinton affair proves anything it is that the American people don’t care about the private lives and personal of our political leaders so long as they are doing the job."
While pulling a 180 on the Clintons might destroy another candidate, Trump is spinning his reversal as more proof of his business acumen. "As a world-class businessman, you have to get along with everybody," Trump told reporters on Tuesday. "I was able to get along with Clinton, I was able to get along with virtually every politician you can imagine ... When I went to Washington and I needed something, I got it." And of course, his willingness to accuse the former president of abusing women even as CNN's Don Lemon shut down a conservative commentator for making that same point reinforces the idea that Trump is willing to speak his mind.
Still, some Clinton supporters insist that Trump's focus on old sexual-misconduct allegations will only hurt Trump. "Why would he even bring Bill up? What good would that do? That’s not what America is really worried about right now," Bob Withington, who came to hear Hillary Clinton speak in New Hampshire on Tuesday, told the Boston Herald. "I don’t think people in this country are going to pay attention to that one bit."
Writing in the Hill, former Democratic congressional aide Brent Budowsky argued that taking on one of the greatest living politicians isn't a very smart move on Trump's part. "My advice to Trump, which he will regret not taking, is don't mess with Bill Clinton, who will bury him with a wink of his eye and a smile on his face," he said.
But this week, Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus said that while it may be hard for Clinton supporters to admit, "in the larger scheme of things, Bill Clinton’s conduct toward women is far worse than any of the offensive things that Trump has said." She continued:
Which leads to the next question: What is the relevance of Bill Clinton’s conduct for Hillary Clinton’s campaign? Ordinarily, I would argue that the sins of the husband should not be visited on the wife. What Bill Clinton did counts against him, not her, and I would include in that her decision to stick with him. What happens inside a marriage is the couple’s business, and no one else’s, even when both halves crave the presidency.
But Hillary Clinton has made two moves that lead me, gulp, to agree with Trump on the “fair game” front. She is (smartly) using her husband as a campaign surrogate, and simultaneously (correctly) calling Trump sexist.
Wall Street Journal opinion piece echoed her point, saying President Clinton "was a genuine sexual harasser in the classic definition of exploiting his power as a workplace superior, and the Clinton entourage worked hard to smear and discredit his many women accusers." It goes on to recount how Clinton adviser Sidney Blumenthal, who remains a friend of the couple, smeared Monica Lewinsky, and says this reflects on the "standards that would prevail in another Clinton Presidency."
So far the Clintons have remained mostly silent on the new round of accusations, but with Trump vowing to keep up his counterattacks, we'll soon see if the Clinton sex scandals are a serious campaign liability, or just a holiday distraction. "She's got a major problem, it happens to be right in her house," Trump said of Hillary's sexism allegations on Tuesday. "If she wants to do that we're going to go right after the president, the ex-president, and we'll see how it all comes out."


  1. Unfortunately for Clinton, this happens on a slow news week when that long time fraud Bill Cosby gets indicted.

    I watched the entire speech by Trump. He is amazing.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. He has this habit of saying something, then two or three more sentences, then repeating it again at the end of a verbal 'paragraph'.

    It irritated at first, then I got so I kinda liked it.

    I think only The Donald could have attacked Hill and Bill in this way, been effective with it, and gotten away with it.

    The openness is admirable.

    Go, Trump !

    (I'm still with Ben, formally)

    I think Trump can beat Hillary.

    He needs to win in New Hampshire first....

  4. Yeah, "let's go back and get the oil," "wages are too high," "Mexico will pay for the fence," "kill their families," Trump.

    He da man.

    1. Stop moslem immiqration
      Bomb the shit out of them
      I can get along with Pooty
      Hillary's a witch/criminal and is running to stay out of jail
      Make America Great Again
      Liberate language

      He da man.


  5. Before Mosul, Iraqi army may face fight at the gates of Baghdad
    Reuters By Ahmed Rasheed and Stephen Kalin
    5 minutes ago


    A tank of the Iraqi army is seen on the outskirts of the city of Falluja

    View photo
    A tank of the Iraqi army is seen on the outskirts of the city of Falluja, Iraq May 19, 2015. REUTERS …

    By Ahmed Rasheed and Stephen Kalin

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi forces may face a big battle near Baghdad before they can try to retake the Islamic State stronghold of Mosul: Falluja, a long-time bastion of Sunni Muslim jihadists at the capital's western gates.

    Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi's government and the U.S.-led coalition backing it have been cagey so far in plans for Falluja, which lies between Baghdad and Ramadi, the capital of western Anbar province that the Iraqi military recaptured this week from the militants.

    Falluja was the first Iraqi city to fall to Islamic State in January 2014, six months before the group that emerged from al Qaeda swept through large parts of Iraq and neighboring Syria.Abadi said on Monday the army would head next to Mosul, the biggest urban center under Islamic State control. He said its capture would mark the end of the "caliphate" proclaimed from the northern city's main mosque in June 2014.

    But with many western and northern areas still held by Islamic State, the authorities have not made clear what path they intend to take to Mosul, 400 km (250 miles) north of Baghdad."The government will need to control Falluja before Mosul," Jabbar al-Yawar, secretary-general of the peshmerga - the forces of the Kurdish regional government fighting Islamic State in northern Iraq - told al-Hadath TV.

    Ahmed al-Assadi, a spokesman for the Hashid Shaabi - a coalition of mostly Iranian-backed Shi'ite militias set up to fight Islamic State - said Falluja would likely come before Mosul. "But the final decision is with the commander-in-chief," he added, referring to Abadi, to whom the Hashid formally report.

    Daily military statements mention air strikes and attacks by the Iraqi army and the international coalition in and around Falluja, a city with a pre-war population of around 300,000 located 70 km (45 miles) west of the capital.

    But there has been no indication of if and when a battle will be launched to take the city, which Baghdad-based analyst Hisham al-Hashimi said contains around 1,000 Islamic State fighters."There's a military leadership; there's planning and a military vision," Brigadier-General Yahya Rasool, spokesman for the joint operations command told Reuters on Thursday. "If a battle starts to liberate the center of Falluja, Falluja itself or any other area, we will announce it officially."

    About 3,000 families remaining in Falluja could be used as human shields, said Hashimi, who has worked with the Iraqi government.

    Around 70,000 families have taken refuge around Baghdad, according to Iraq's High Commission for Human Rights.......

  6. SOUTHWEST ASIA, December 31, 2015 — U.S. and coalition military forces have continued to attack Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant terrorists in Syria and Iraq, Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve officials reported today.

    Officials reported details of the latest strikes, noting that assessments of results are based on initial reports.

    Strikes in Syria

    Attack and remotely piloted aircraft conducted seven strikes in Syria:

    -- Near Ayn Isa, two strikes destroyed an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL building.

    -- Near Mar’a, four strikes struck four separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed an ISIL vehicle, an ISIL fighting position, and wounded four ISIL fighters.

    -- Near Manbij, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit.

    Strikes in Iraq

    Fighter, attack, and bomber aircraft conducted 17 strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of Iraq’s government:

    -- Near Kisik, one strike destroyed an ISIL bunker.

    -- Near Mosul, nine strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, two ISIL staging locations, three ISIL headquarters, and destroyed 21 ISIL fighting positions.

    -- Near Ramadi, five strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed an ISIL staging area, 10 ISIL fighting positions, seven ISIL heavy machine guns, an ISIL sniper position, an ISIL rocket-propelled grenade position, and denied ISIL access to terrain.

    -- Near Sinjar, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle and an ISIL fighting position and suppressed an ISIL mortar position and a light machine gun position.

  7. Joint US-Iraqi force kills 27 ISIS militants, arrests 8 in Hawija

    ( Kirkuk – On Wednesday, a security source in Kirkuk Province announced, that a joint force from the Anti-Terrorism forces and the American tactical forces had carried out an air landing operation in central Hawija west of Kirkuk (250 km north of Baghdad), while pointed out that 27 elements of ISIS were killed and eight other elements including prominent leaders were arrested.

    The source said in a statement received by, “A joint force from the Anti-Terrorism forces and the American tactical forces had carried out an air landing on a house behind the Technical Institute in Hawija District (55 west km Kirkuk), killing 27 elements of ISIS and arresting eight others including foreign leaders.”

    The source added, “The operation was carried out based on accurate information,” pointing out that, “The joint force managed to withdraw without any losses.”


  8. 700 ISIS elements exist on the outskirts of Ramadi, says Anbar Council

    ( Anbar – On Thursday the Head of Anbar Provincial Council Sabah al-Karhut revealed the existence of 700 elements of ISIS on the outskirts of the city of Ramadi (110 km west of Baghdad), while emphasized that the security forces are working to address the strongholds of the elements of the organization.

    Karhut said in a statement received by, “The security information revealed the existence of 700 elements of ISIS on the outskirts of the city of Ramadi, including al-Sofiya, Khalidiya Island and other areas,” adding that, “The strongholds of ISIS have been addressed by the security forces.”

    He added, “The ISIS organization has collapsed after the cleansing of the government complex and the important areas in the center of Ramadi,” pointing out that, “The security forces are working on the cleansing of the government buildings in Ramadi, as well as dismantling the improvised explosive devices and booby-trapped houses.”


  9. That looks like one hell of a fire in that hotel in Dubai.

    20 or more stories.

    I don't see how there can be that much fuel in a structure like that.

    On Fox News now.

    1. The Address Hotel in Dubai.

      $5,000/night (joking but bet it ain't cheap)

    2. $59.95/Motel 6, Spokane.

      Ain't The Address Hotel, Dubai, but at least you can get out.

      Which means a lot when your ass is on fire.

    3. World's tallest skyscraper is just down the street.

      Which doesn't mean anything either if one is a charred corpse.

    4. If you can't get Fox News there in rural Mississippi, Ruf, you can read about it at Drudge Report.


      Burning debris rains down on street......Drudge

    6. Notice, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson that when the fire is out, the steel skeleton of the edifice will still be standing.

      Unlike Building 7 at the World Trade Center in NYC.

    7. Dat's cause da Jews got a secret fire flame that eats steel we all know dat.

      Dat's why we all know da Jews didn't do this un.

    8. Strange response, there, "Draft Dodger"

  10. :(

    Carson campaign imploding:

    DMR Report: Two of Ben Carson’s top aides, including his campaign manager, have resigned

    Hot Air

  11. Jeb! has quit buying advertising.

    Going to concentrate on 'the ground game'.

    Jeb! is finished.

    Santorum is finished.

    Rand is finished.

    1. O'Mallard had one voter at his last event.

      After speaking with O'Mallard for a long while, the voter remained uncommitted.

      O'Mallard is finished.

  12. I am unable to recall a single mention of farting in all the works of Hemingway.

    Belching, yes.

    Quirk is well known as a man who will do damn near anything for money.

    Let oddly enough, he seems to have stayed away from professional farting -

    The History of Farting for Money
    How the internet brought about the demise of an illustrious profession.
    By Linda Rodriguez
    December 30, 2015

    Farts are and have always been funny—an odiferous, invisible thread in the rich tapestry of global comic tradition. They are funny in virtually every culture, every language, every era. The oldest joke in the world, according to the University of Wolverhampton, is a fart joke: “Something which has never occurred since time immemorial; a young woman did not fart in her husband’s lap” would have cracked up the Sumerians of 1900 BC. Master Athenian playwright Aristophanes peppered his comic plays with fart jokes, as did Shakespeare. Geoffrey Chaucer used well-placed farts to puncture pretension in his Canterbury Tales, and at least two stories in theThousand and One Nights hinge on farts. An ode to a fart in Parliament from 1607 was popular for decades after the fart itself had dissipated; François Rabelais’s stories of Gargantua and Pantagruel reek of farts; Mark Twain’s fart joke, a mock-Elizabethan diary entry titled “1601” or “Conversation as it was by the Social Fireside in the Time of the Tudors”, was long considered unprintable, featuring as it did Queen Elizabeth sputtering, “Verily in mine eight and sixty yeres have I not heard the fellow to this fart.”

    The 1942 Bing Crosby and Bob Hope vehicle, Road to Morocco, got big laughs out of a whoopee cushion gag. In a 2007 interview with The New York Times, Sarah Silverman called fart jokes “the sign language of comedy” and her 2009 book is called Eat, Pray, Fart. The World Fart Championships are—or at least were, in 2013—a thing in Finland. Farts are funny and they’re everywhere.

    However, most of that kind of fart humor hinges on the unexpectedness of the fart, and the subsequent shock, shame, and giddy embarrassment it engenders. So what about Roland and the rare others like him, the performance fartists?

  13. Merry freakin' New Year, everybody. :)

    And, be careful out there. :)

  14. Wishing everyone, at a minimum, a 'nuke free' New Year, and at the maximum health, happiness, prosperity and blessed peace.

    1. And lots of humor too.

      What's life without a lot of good laughs?

  15. Swedish New Year's Resolution ? -

    By Griff Witte and Anthony Faiola December 30, 2015

    MALMO, Sweden — When the small, crumpled body of 3-year-old Alan Kurdi washed up on the Aegean coast Sept. 2, Europe’s humanitarian superpower sprang into action.

    Sweden’s prime minister headlined gala fundraisers, Swedish celebrities starred in telethons, and a country that prides itself on doing the right thing seemed to rally as one to embrace refugees fleeing for their lives.

    But after taking in more asylum seekers per capita than any other nation in Europe, Sweden’s welcome mat now lies in tatters. Overwhelmed by the human tide of 2015, the center-left government is deploying extraordinary new border controls and slashing benefits in an unmistakable signal to refugees contemplating the long trek to Sweden in the new year: Stay out.

    “We’re willing to do more than anyone else,” said Swedish Migration Minister Morgan Johansson. “But even we have our limits.”

    Those limits can be readily seen in a tent camp where dozens of migrants are bedding down in the frigid Nordic winter and at the train station where many new arrivals are turned back within minutes of setting foot on Swedish soil.

    “You have your ID?” a police officer asked passengers one recent evening after their train had traversed the 7.5-mile Oresund Bridge and crossed from Denmark into Swedish territory.

    Five young Afghan men did not. They were given a choice: immediately claim asylum or catch the next train back to Denmark. Until recently, there would have been no ID check — and under rules set to take effect next week, the men might have been prevented from reaching Sweden at all.

    [As hostility flares, Hungary’s Muslim community mobilizes to aid refugees]

    The impact of such controls could be felt far beyond Sweden: The country’s dramatic shift threatens to wreak havoc all the way down Europe’s migrant trail in 2016 by setting off a domino effect in which countries seal their borders for fear that their neighbors will do the same.....

  16. New Year 57, just like the last 56, to be worse than the preceding -

    January 1, 2016
    Year 57 and Raul tells Cubans to get ready for hard times
    By Silvio Canto, Jr.

    For those who may not know, it was 57 years ago today that Batista fled Cuba and Fidel Castro filled the vacuum created. It did not happen as depicted in Godfather II, but he did leave in a military plane with Mrs. Batista, a few friends, and lots of personal belongings. In other words, people were not running for their boats or revolutionaries willing to blow up themselves for the cause. In fact, most Cubans heard the news on radio or TV, as my parents did.

    On January 1st, the Cuban government will celebrate another anniversary. Usually, Fidel Castro gave a multi-hour speech that you had to watch on TV unless you had a radio that could pick up a Miami AM music station.

    This year, Raul Castro, who is filling in for sick brother, is telling Cubans to get ready for very hard times ahead. My friend Dr. Carlos Eire brought this speech to my attention today and commented this:

    Well…. as unpleasant as it is to say “we told you so,” it’s appropriate to do so after reading today’s article in the Washington Post.

    As long as the Castro dynasty and its feudal hierarchy control Cuba, the island’s 11.5 million serfs and slaves will know nothing but abject misery.

    And as long as the U.S. continues to support that regime, the misery will only worsen. Read the last paragraph of the article below to get a glimpse of one of the many reasons for this.

    King Raul is taking his theater of the absurd taken to new levels of absurdity. Call it post-absurdity or neo-absurdity or hyper-absurdity. Unfortunately, the actors in this insane asylum theater have no choice but to play their part or to flee.

    And the rest of the world thinks that this theater is absolutely normal, and quite wonderful for the exotic noble savages who are forced to act in it.

    1. This is from the Washington Post:

      Castro appeared to be preparing Cubans for harder times ahead, saying that “we must cut any unnecessary spending and make use of the resources that we have with more rationality and with the goal of developing the country.”

      He dedicated a lengthy section of his speech to Venezuela, where the opposition to Cuba-backed socialist President Nicolas Maduro recently took control of parliament amid widespread shortages and spiraling violence.
      Cheap oil “has affected our relationship of mutual aid with various countries, particularly the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the target of an economic war aimed at undermining popular support for its revolution,” Castro said.

      He urged Cubans to avoid what he labeled “defeatism” in the face of a drop in Venezuelan aid, saying “the history of our revolution is full of glorious pages despite difficulties, risks and threats.”

      More than 3 million tourists visited in 2015, an increase of nearly 20 percent in the wake of President Barack Obama’s declaration of detente with Cuba. The surge in visitors pumped cash into the state-controlled tourist economy and the growing sector of private bed-and-breakfasts and restaurants, but it also drove up household inflation. In the absence of a wholesale market for private businesses in Cuba’s state-controlled economy, entrepreneurs have been forced to compete with cash-strapped consumers, driving up prices by driving off with cartloads of basic foodstuffs like eggs and flour.

      Raul Castro did not blame the embargo or Guantanamo. I guess that will come in the next speech.

      Year 57 of Castro starts today and Cuba has gone backward every single year. Of course, I'm not speaking about the Castro family or their Castro Inc. Not at all! Castro Inc. is doing better than ever, especially now that President Obama's decision is putting more tourists (cash) in the Castro Inc. hotels.

      Year 57 will bring more misery and shortages to people in Cuba.

      Gotta love the Revolutionary Calendars !

      Cambodia of course started out at Year 1, and by Year 3 fully 1/3 of the population was dead.

      The Vietnamese finally went in and restored something mimicking 'order'.

      In Cambodia at the time, if you happened to live in a city you were a counter-revolutionary, and oh ! did they know what to do with you !

  17. 2019.09.03酒店經紀受到美中貿易戰的影響,七月份酒店工作震盪不小,不過台灣風俗部基金運用局卻傳來好消息,七月份酒店經紀投資績效繳出漂亮成績單,總計今年一到七月底,大學生/上班族酒店兼職的酒店小姐已經賺了3244億,其中八大行業基金和勞退舊制通通有超過9%的績效。即便是下午,還是有不少人到勞保局申辦業務,因為攸關自己的退休金能夠領多少,不得不關心,而剛好勞動部勞動基金運用局傳來好消息,今年的大學生酒店打工是7月就大賺261.8億。酒店經紀梁小尊指出,「美中貿易的問題,或者是在歐洲包括英國脫歐的狀況,或者是日韓貿易戰,其實這種種的跡象,告訴我們金融市場的震盪其實是越來越加劇,我們基金作法是比較屬於多元分散布局的概念,那我們收益其實還是比較能夠平穩。」儘管全球局勢動盪,梁曉尊出招孫子兵法局用分散策略,讓投資績效一極棒!一到7月底,整體勞動基金投資收益達3244.6億,收益率8.21%。其中勞保基金收益達613億、收益率9.07%;新制勞退金收益1825億、收益率8.02%;舊制勞退金收益786.9億,收益率9.27%,在國際金融大幅波動下,勞動基金還能賺錢,真的不容聽到退休金投資有賺錢,不少勞工都很開心,尤其去年勞動基金虧損726億,今年賺回3244億,等於把去年賠的都賺回來,也讓操作團隊鬆了一口氣。

  18. 2019.09.17.八大行業酒店快報酒店經紀30歲「竹聯十五份幫」成員酒店工作下班陳男昨晨與酒店經紀友人搭計程車回台北市萬寧街住處,下車時卻遇槍手伏擊,陳男右大腿中1槍,送醫院急救,暫無生命危險,涉嫌開槍的酒店兼職20歲四海幫份子梁男案發1小時後,主動到派出所投案並交槍,警方還在釐清其開槍動機。警方初步調查,涉嫌開槍的梁男是四海幫份子,擔任酒店經紀的陳男是林森北路大型酒店的「酒店打工圍事項目」成員,雙方人馬今年4月間曾在東區1間酒店酒後衝突,事後多次尋仇鬥毆,警方目前積極偵辦中。

  19. 2019.09.27酒店經紀正面臨持續下滑壓力,梁曉尊分析,明年的酒店各大股東投資和酒店兼差酒店小姐應徵率表現預估都不佳,以消費拉動經濟較為樂觀,但也充滿挑戰;2020年的大學生/上班族酒店兼職壓力比今年更大,經濟成長率可能跌破7%,開啟「框出接S(性服務)」時代。知名酒店經紀指出,專家梁小尊25日在中國上海發表對中共經濟展望的看法。他表示,美「中」貿易戰就算能達成協議,衝突仍可能長期化。他也點出,「中」方以美元計價的出口額,今年8月中罕見出現負成長,夜總會酒店業者年減2%。

  20. 2019.10.20酒店經紀酒店上班調查,高達7成上班族對目前職場不滿,尤其在薪資、工作氛圍以及職場階級相處等不滿比例逾4成。多數上班族女性對酒店工作想當的榮譽感,更有高達7成4上班族有酒店兼職計劃在1年轉職酒店小姐。知名酒店經紀今天公布「大學生、上班族酒店打工調查」,調查結果顯示,9成大學生對於酒店兼差任職感到興趣,其中對酒店薪資比例最高,達33.8%;有42.8%不滿白天工作薪資,第三名則是對企業管理方式不滿達51.6%。

  21. 2019.10.29台北市八大行業酒店上班即時新聞:隨著近年知名網紅跨國賣淫,讓酒店工作市場發展酒店小姐接S(性交易)崛起,然而有特別性服務文化仍為消費者的青睞,如:顏射(精子射在臉上) 、口交口爆(精子射在嘴裡) 、戴套肛交進行交易專業精緻化,也大大提昇上班族願意酒店兼職提高薪資水平,尋找優秀人員的意願。本次大學生酒店兼差有為1節最高可達$200元,對於找兼職求職者可以說是敞開大門,彈性排班的多元酒店上班就業機會,釋出兼差兼職酒店打工最高可達$100K。本週還邀請「知名酒店經紀有限公司」,以[翻轉低薪、搶救年輕人]為軸心,致力於推動八大行業酒店上班為目標。歡迎就業、轉職、兼職需求的民眾把握難得八大行業徵才酒店小姐的機會,著正式服裝至現場與徵才直接面試,找到合適的酒店工作。

  22. 2020.05.18酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容受到疫情影響,全台酒店、我在酒店上班的日子遭勒令停業,酒店小姐也暫時失業。一名網友就表示酒店小姐一定有S?,他看到有些新時代的獨立女性都會說,做酒店 八大行業是哪八種行業呢?不一定會賣身,只是趁年輕趕緊存錢,且不偷不搶已經存到人生第一桶金;不過原PO好奇,「酒店妹職場須知 【酒店PT 】不是會被帶出場嗎,難道只是單純吃宵夜?」貼文曝光後引發熱議。原PO在PTT指出,他看到一些新時代的獨立女性,都會說做酒店不一定會賣身,只是趁年輕存錢,「不偷不搶已經存了第一桶金,酸民有嗎?」而這種文章下面一堆女孩點讚,但原PO疑惑,「酒店妹不是會被帶出場嗎,難道只是單純吃宵夜?有沒有酒店打工這方面的八卦?」貼文一岀引發熱議,網友紛紛回應:「不一定賣身是在說別人,用別人的案例說服你」、「好像帶出場做什麼都可以,就是賣時間陪你,但S要另計的樣子」、「就S…不然能幹嘛」、「看是哪種框」。除了發生性行為外,也有過來人舉出自己的經驗,紛紛表示「玩動物森友會」、「麻將缺一位,湊酒店妹不行哦?」「有錢人都花錢帶酒店妹去聊天啊」、「吃清粥小菜」、「唱歌、打保齡球、打撞球、射飛鏢」、「看臉,臉不OK就吃消夜」、「打遊戲王卡」、「踏青旅遊逛書展」、「上次帶一個大學生出場,請她幫我寫期中報告」、「我朋友上次框酒店妹出來幫他解微積分題目,給你參考 」、「談情說愛」、「遊戲王決鬥啊,妹子沒輸過」、「探討人生哲理」、「補習英文啦」、「相約考國考」。

  23. 2020.06.01酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容背滿學貸信貸,優渥人生對妳而言好遙遠?快來哈囉舒壓,我在酒店上班的日子給自己一個機會,不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因成就日收破萬高薪人生! 工作環境單純,安全更無憂。想脫貧?這次好機會別錯過。酒店上班-酒店兼職-兼差如何達成人生的第一桶金免繳保證金/免證件/不綁約。薪資超透明 月入10萬不是夢。服務: 安全面試, 最佳顧問, 單純保證, 安全呵護。一、酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?酒店小姐的收入有多少?有急用可以借支嗎? 職場須知 【酒店PT 】以一個〝單純〞陪酒的酒店小姐,一天的收入約3000~7000(不含小費)除非有〝額外〞的服務,一天可以領。酒店小姐藝名用疊字感覺活潑易記
    雙雙 寶寶 安安 依依 佩佩 菲菲 婷婷 飄飄 麗麗
    蓉蓉 師師 小小 圓圓 蕊蕊 水水 珊珊 堯堯 嘉嘉
    冰冰 霜霜 柔柔 寧寧 薇薇 佳佳 露露 娜娜 暄暄
    茶茶 琪琪 巧巧 妞妞 玲玲 妍妍 晨晨 莎莎 芳芳
    點點 慧慧 真真 嬋嬋 珍珍 佳佳 婷婷 芊芊 多多
    便服店: #王牌酒店 #香閣里拉酒店 #麗園酒店 #龍亨酒店 #香水酒店 #金典酒店 #威晶酒店 #威士登酒店。
    禮服店: #麗緻忠孝酒店 #麗緻敦南酒店 #維多立亞酒店 #百達妃麗酒店 #萬豪酒店 #金荷酒店 #大富豪酒店 #絕色酒店。
    制服店:#麗都 #淘寶酒店 #金碧輝煌酒店 #金昌酒店 #金聰酒店 #君悅酒店 #盛世酒店 #奧斯卡酒店 #龍昇酒店 #龍昌酒店 #百富酒店 #台北東區酒店兼職。
    2者不同的差異性,給各位做個酒店工作內容: 桌面服務,一般人通常會想偏,其實桌面服務
    是很簡單,也很單純的一件事。桌面服務有以下幾個要點: 看了很多篇酒店文,好像很少有男生寫經驗? 我是酒店少爺,在滿18歲那天開始上班雖然不是第一次進去酒店,不過以工作人員的身份倒是頭一次,有一些沒有接觸過酒店的姐妹來找我應徵酒店小姐的時候,我們談的都很融洽,實際上她們也很需要來酒店上班賺錢,可是後來卻沒有來上班,不是沒有休假?那個是有簽約的對吧?

  24. 2020.06.06酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容有YouTube頻道是以辛辣話題做為主題,其中一集他們跟酒店幹部預約小姐「框到底」(包整晚),訪談了我在酒店上班的日子從事八大行業的酒店紅牌小姐的不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因生態,並且大公開要工作技巧。
    YouTube頻道「酒店上班-酒店兼職-兼差如何達成人生的第一桶金」親自前往酒店帶人出場,回到家中做了酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?訪談,一開始就談及職場須知 【酒店PT 】「薪資」話題,這名「酒妹」(未透露姓名,以此做為代替)的月薪居然高達30幾萬,她甚至還吃驚做為工程師的蔗糖男月薪5到6萬「好低」。

  25. 2020.07.02酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容酒店經紀老師@到底要做些什麼呢?
    我在酒店上班的日子一位專業的酒店經紀?在酒店什麼叫做專業的經紀人呢? 我的認定是:誠信與能力。專業的酒店經紀人要具備甚麼樣的條件呢?不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因
    1、酒店小姐上班通常會取什麼名字?把現在市場、文化全部做了解後,針對女孩們的需求和尺度做最貼切的規劃。 挑選適合的店家類型(制服店、禮服店、便服店、鋼琴酒吧)、 適當的酒店上班時段
    3、酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?酒店應徵妹妹的外在包裝和酒店上班之後的生活問題。 衣服、髮型、化妝、住宿與交通安排。
    4、我梁小尊會不斷的觀察和了解女孩們對這間店的試應度和收入。 女孩們的上檯的情況,是否有賺到錢、是否習慣? 如有不習慣立即做處置。
    5、了解女孩們的酒店上班情形及給予照顧和保護。 酒店工作後的突發狀況、生病、臨時請假、休檔、下檔。
    6、酒店薪資的處理和罰款的了解。 除了將店家的票換成現金之外,也要注意上面的節數或金額有沒有正確。 或是莫名其妙的罰單,也要即時處理掉。
    7、做為小姐的發言人。 因酒店小姐長時間待在店裡的關係,有些問題她也不便多發言。 而經紀人就可以站在她的立場幫他發言,這樣酒店兼差小姐又不會得罪店家的人,也不會委屈到!
    8、酒店經紀給予經驗指導。 沒有人天生下來就會做酒店的! 有時因現場很忙,人手不足就會直接讓女孩們上戰場。 所以酒店經紀在公關上班前就會先教導新人, 公關的基本職責跟應對方法讓新人能夠在短時間內進入狀況。
    9、給予女孩們心理建設。 酒店工作公關的職業病就是越做會越空虛。 因為每天服務形形色色的客人,所須扮演的角色也因客人的不同而有改變。 因此常為了迎合壓抑自己的情緒,這時後酒店經紀就是公關抒發情緒的一個管道, 給予輔導、教育。 以下是我們梁曉尊專業酒店經紀公司的網站

  26. 2020.08.06【工作相關職場分享必看不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因】就算是酒店應徵也是有求職陷阱的!梁小尊來告訴你。
    梁曉尊來幫你解答: 酒店小姐上班通常會取什麼名字?
    再來普羅大眾網路PTT時常發問: 酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?如果真的要應徵酒店小姐 有什麼要注意的?要如何保護自己?
    梁曉尊再教你另一種保護自己的方式: 透過Google搜尋酒店經紀的名稱,是否有相關事業! 。如果只是看到漂亮的網頁 ,但沒有任何內容也別輕易相信(因為很多不肖酒店人士,透過假網頁做非法之事)共同點 經紀人名稱Google搜尋不到,更沒有本人照片(女孩們千萬要特別注意)。

  27. 2020.08.24不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因雖然我不知道這篇貼文是否有人願意看但我們有義務表達我們在八大行業-酒店工作的想法與立場酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容許多人對八大行業-酒店都有所誤解,認為是偏門社會中不正派的人在做的工作但是你們有沒有想過?我們我在酒店上班的日子依然是服務業的一環,也是憑著自己的努力在賺錢,這當中一定也有些毒瘤在破壞我們的名聲,酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?在這行我們看了太多人在這花花世界沈淪,許多剛入行很乖巧的妹妹,入行後整個人變調了。開始吃藥、吸毒、每天開趴..活在EDM的世界裡當初的初心?忘了吧?

  28. 2020.10.18酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容第一次是剛入社會工作時,陪主管到台中出差,他們帶我去的;那晚,看到2個已婚主管大解放的樣子,讓我有點驚恐…他們玩得很瘋,我和一個年紀比我小、和我一樣菜的小姐,2個躲到隔壁沒人的包廂「避難」。
