Saturday, October 03, 2015

Putin: “Obama and Hollande are not Syrian citizens, can't decide Syria's future"



    WASHINGTON — The already fragmented battlefield in Syria grew even more complicated on Friday, as Russia and Iran expanded their military efforts to defend the beleaguered Syrian government in defiance of President Obama, who predicted that their actions would lead only to a “quagmire.”

    In his first comments since Russia began airstrikes on Syrian targets this week, Mr. Obama said that Moscow was acting “not out of strength but out of weakness.” Bristling at criticism of his own Syria policy, he rejected domestic opponents who offer “half-baked ideas” that amount to “a bunch of mumbo-jumbo.”

    “An attempt by Russia and Iran to prop up Assad and try to pacify the population is just going to get them stuck in a quagmire and it won’t work,” Mr. Obama said during a news conference at the White House on Friday, referring to President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, a longtime ally of both Russia and Iran. “And they will be there for a while if they don’t take a different course.”

  2. The objective of both Iran and Russia is to maintain their presence in the region for "a while" ...

    Mr Putin is correct when he mentions that neither Mr Obama nor Mr Hollande have no business in Syria.
    Neither of those men, nor their respective countries, have been invited there to participate in the political machinations of Syria by the legitimate government there.

    1. What makes the Syrian government legitimate in your eyes Jack?

    2. It sits in the United Nations.
      That makes it legitimate.

    3. The US acknowledges that Assad is the President of the government of the country.
      The US government officials have stated he should "step down".
      That makes both Assad and his government legitimate.

    4. Pretty low bar for legitimacy - it certainly doesn't rise to the level where, say, the US, should risk blood and treasure to keep that government in power.

    5. I heard that the Russians and Syrians were calling on cell phones the people they were bombing in advance to alert them as to the upcoming attacks..

      Oh wait, my bad


    6. Assad is the President that the, like Israel, has signed but not ratified the Rome Statute. The Roe Statute being the basis of the International Criminal Court.
      Another indication of the legitimacy of the Syrian government, it is in a position of equivalence with the Israeli government.

    7. Just the same logic that says "a kite has a tale, a cat has a tale, so a kite is a cat"

      Jack shit is out of jail and BACK...

  3. Deuce ☂Sat Oct 03, 02:41:00 AM EDT
    Assad provided stability to Syria, protected the rights of minorities and provided general security by using methods that were sometimes harsh but apparently necessary. Who the fuck are we?


    Now that's entertainment.

    1. :)

      See my comment of yesterday mocking this insane statement, giving historical example of the Assad Family treatment of 'minorities' - which amounted to razing entire cities....

    2. Yes, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, the Assad's have a long history of fighting radial Islamists, in Syria.
      The Assad's have killed thousands of the Muslim Brotherhood Islamists ...
      Now the Muslim Brotherhood has morphed into ISIS, and the Assad regime is still in the fight against radical Islam.

  4. Home » IBD Editorials » Polls »

    Donald Trump Falls: Ben Carson Surges To Lead In Poll

    10/02/2015 05:54 PM ET


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    Donald Trump has boasted that he's "leading every poll and in most cases big." Not anymore. The latest IBD/TIPP Poll shows him in second place, seven points behind Ben Carson.

    The nationwide survey found that 24% of Republicans back Carson, compared with 17% who say they support Trump.

    Marco Rubio came in third with 11% and Carly Fiorina fourth at 9%. Jeb Bush, once considered a prohibitive favorite, ranked fifth with just 8% support, which was a point lower than those who say they are still undecided.

    The IBD/TIPP Poll has a proven track record for accuracy, based on its performance in the past three presidential elections. In a comparison of the final results of various pollsters for the 2004 and 2008 elections, IBD/TIPP was the most accurate. And the New York Times concluded that IBD/TIPP was the most accurate among 23 polls over the three weeks leading up to the 2012 election.

    The October poll, conducted from Sept. 26 to Oct. 1, included 377 registered voters who are Republican or registered independents who lean toward the Republican Party, with a margin of error of +/- 5 percentage points......

    Dad always said "Vote for the best person".

    Go, Ben !

    He would be our first REAL black AMERICAN President.

  5. Vandals up at 4:00 pm PDT today against Arkansas State in Jonesboro, Arkansas, Vandal Fans across the nation and around the world.

    Linehan may be out as quarterback this game, a walking wounded.

    He may be replaced by a "young freshman" redshirt QB of no experience whatsoever.....

    I will relay the scoring......

    I expect a slaughter on the order of Hafez al-Assad's treatment of Hama -

    1982: Syria's President Hafez al-Assad crushes rebellion in Hama
    In a three-week siege, Hama was razed and thousands died as Syrian security forces combed the rubble, killing surviving rebels. Read how the Guardian reported events

    Syrian president Hafez al-Assad, right, with his youngest brother Rifaat at a military ceremony in Damascus. Photograph: EPA

    The Syrian city of Hama was the scene of a massacre in 1982 when President Hafez al-Assad, father of the current president Bashar al-Assad, razed the city to crush a Sunni rebellion, slaughtering an estimated 20,000 of his own people.

    Assad's troops pounded Hama with artillery fire for several days and, with the city in ruins, his bulldozers moved in and flattened neighbourhoods.

    The 1982 massacre is regarded as the single bloodiest assault by an Arab ruler against his own people in modern times and remains a pivotal event in Syrian history......

    Such Syrian 'government' behavior is called here 'treating minorities with respect'.

    Go Vandals !

    1. Actually the Sunnis are the vast majority in Syria, Assad's folks are only 15% or so, but Deuce seems to love 'em cause they align with Iran.

      The Assad boys have always used extreme violence to keep the Sunnis in line.

      It's claimed by some that Assad the Younger got nearly 90% of the vote in some 'election' or other, but only a fool or a charlatan would claim he was legitimately elected....

      The Russkies have their work cut out for them......

  6. Deuce ☂Sat Oct 03, 02:41:00 AM EDT
    Assad provided stability to Syria, protected the rights of minorities and provided general security by using methods that were sometimes harsh but apparently necessary. Who the fuck are we?

    Deuce and his "allies" scream, pound and yell about Israel and it's elected leaders, currently "bibi" as the worst of the worst, that they and Israel have no legitimate right to even exist. That they are genocidal and stealing other's lands.

    But now Deuce says: Deuce ☂Sat Oct 03, 02:41:00 AM EDT
    Assad provided stability to Syria, protected the rights of minorities and provided general security by using methods that were sometimes harsh but apparently necessary. Who the fuck are we?


    The funny point?

    Syria and Russia, Iran and hezbollah, the Hamas and Fatah (PA) are Deuce's examples of decency.

    Assad uses barrel bombs on civilian markets, repeatedly. hundreds of thousands killed, maimed and more. He and his father are directly responsible for the deaths of over 400,000 civilians. Forget about their direct support for the worst Islamic terrorists on the planet that have murdered scores of innocent Israelis, Americans and Lebanese.

    Russia? LOL The list of mass murder and supporting the worst terrorists on the planet? Would take hours.

    but deuce hates Bibi and Israel


    Funny shit.

  7. .

    The last time US foreign policy in the ME did anything positive (with the exception of the Iran nuclear agreement, a big deal) was 25 years ago, a half decade before the neocons began their ascendancy. For the last 20 years, neocon foreign policy under both Democratic and Republican administrations have resulted in FUBAR within clusterf**k within quagmire.

    The current US strategy in Iraq/Syria is no strategy at all. We are merely biding our time at the moment, waiting for 2016 and the quadrennial power shift that will transfer the responsibility for this mess to someone else. (Of course, since no Americans have been killed it is, to some, the cleverest war ever.)

    Putin may be a prick, he may be doing what he is doing 'out of weakness' as some would say, but in an effort to hold on to and grow the influence he has in Syria he is at least doing SOMETHING.


    1. .

      Of course, Russia has national interests in Syria, the naval base in Tartus, commercial interests, a footprint in the ME where their influence has been declining.

      I am still trying to figure out what national interests got the US involved in the mess in Iraq/Syria.


    2. There are no good guys in Syria, except perhaps a few Christians and others.....

      I won't weep very loudly if the Russians take a good beating......

      *I am no longer in favor of USA imposed no fly zones in Syria. Too risky, the opportunity has passed*

      No moslem Syrian 'refugees' in USA, please !

      It is not our responsibility, and it will cause problems down the road, and we can't afford it.

      We should be taking Christian refugees from around the region if possible. They would assimilate here....many USA churches would chip in and help......

    3. Putin may be a prick, he may be doing what he is doing 'out of weakness' as some would say, but in an effort to hold on to and grow the influence he has in Syria he is at least doing SOMETHING.


      A most excellent prescription for behavior generally.......

      I won't even start.......

    4. "Do something....Do SOMETHING......Goddammit do ANYTHING, DO SOMETHING !!!"

      Introduction to Human Ethics 101

    5. .

      You moron.

      You don't go to war except in defense or pursuit of your national interests.

      If you go to war, you go to war full out. You don't to war restricting it to dropping the occasional bomb on targets that may be a wedding as easily as a group of terrorists.

      Right, now we are doing zip. We are trying to sanitize the conflict to the point where the best you will ever achieve is stalemate.

      Yea, it's time to shit or get off the pot. I would prefer Obama just pick up his checkers and come home if he isn't going to fight.



  8. “Non-religious” Oregon gunman targeted Christians, had Muslim friend who praised “the brave Mujahideen heroes”

    October 2, 2015 11:56 am By Robert Spencer 98 Comments

    Does having a jihadi friend make Chris Harper Mercer a jihadi? Certainly not, and his dislike for “organized religion” and identification as “not religious” virtually ensures that he was not a Muslim. But his hatred for Christianity and friendship with Mahmoud Ali Ehsani, an open sympathizer with jihad killers, is telling: those who love and hate the same things tend to gravitate to one another, and in this case, what drew these two together may have been a shared hatred for Christianity and love for violence and murder, whether the motivation for that bloodlust be the jihadists’ oft-repeated love for death, or a love for death springing, as in Chris Harper Mercer’s case, from other motivations.

    Chris Harper Mercer

    “Father of Umpqua college shooting victim: Gunman singled out Christians,” by Ed Payne, Sara Sidner and Kyung Lah, CNN, October 2, 2015:

    Roseburg, Oregon (CNN)The gunman who opened fire at Oregon’s Umpqua Community College singled out Christians, according to the father of a wounded student.

    Before going into spinal surgery, Anastasia Boylan told her father the gunman entered her classroom firing.

    “I’ve been waiting to do this for years,” the gunman told the professor teaching the class. He shot him point blank, Boylan recounted.

    Others were hit too, she told her family.

    Everyone in the classroom dropped to the ground.

    The gunman, while reloading his handgun, ordered the students to stand up and asked if they were Christians, Boylan told her family.

    “And they would stand up and he said, ‘Good, because you’re a Christian, you’re going to see God in just about one second,'” Boylan’s father, Stacy, told CNN, relaying her account.

    “And then he shot and killed them.”…

    1. He identified himself as “not religious, but spiritual,” and said that he disliked “organized religion”: “Oregon Shooting: Umpqua Gunman Chris Harper Mercer — What We Know,” by Cassandra Vinograd, NBC News, October 2, 2015:

      The gunman who shot Christians in the head at a Oregon college after asking for his victims’ faiths appeared to be sympathetic to the predominantly Catholic Irish Republican Army — but also posted online that he was “not religious.”…

      The profile describes “not religious, but spiritual” beliefs and was linked to a group called “doesn’t like organized religion.”

      Survivors of the Umpqua shooting told relatives that Harper Mercer asked people whether they were Christian or not. Anyone who responded “yes” was shot in the head and those who said “other” or didn’t answer were shot elsewhere in the body, said Autumn Vicari, whose brother was in the classroom.

      Yet while mainstream media reports have played up the IRA angle, they have ignored the fact that Chris Harper Mercer had only two friends on MySpace, and one was an Islamic jihadist. From Pamela Geller:

      On his myspace page, Chris Harper-Mercer, 26, posted a photograph of himself holding a rifle, alongside images of masked IRA gunmen and an IRA terrorist video. The IRA and Palestinian terrorism have a long history.

      He has just two friends — a girl and a jihadi. Check out the terror sympathizer’s page — “kill the jews.”

      The media has avoided mentioning this at all.

      There is not much else — a profile from a “long dormant” dating site and a couple of random posts, that frankly give little to no insight into motive..............

      Lonely, confused, violent......

      "Never give a rifle to a melancholy bore"

      W.H. Auden

      Out this way some locals in North Idaho are holding demos to get rid of the Concealed Weapons Permit requirement to carry concealed weapons.

      I am against this. I like the idea of background checks. It is no big imposition.

      I doubt this idea of doing away with the Concealed Carry Permit law will get much traction in the Idaho Legislature......

      A letter to my local Rep. is on my to-do list......

    2. .

      The media has avoided mentioning this at all.

      Gee, I wonder why.

      If you work for or contribute to Jihad Watch and can't tie every crime from murder to jaywalking to Muslims, you are not doing your job.


    3. Ah, ignoring the fact that the murderer hates jews?


    4. In defense of Jihad Watch, an excellent site -

      Does having a jihadi friend make Chris Harper Mercer a jihadi? Certainly not, and his dislike for “organized religion” and identification as “not religious” virtually ensures that he was not a Muslim.

    5. .

      Does having a jihadi friend...not religious ensures that he was not a muslim...but,...


  9. another day, another Jew dead..

    Two Jews are dead, and two others were wounded Saturday night after a Palestinian terrorist stabbed five Israelis in the Old City, and then shot a gun wildly into a crowd of tourists before being shot and killed by Border Police.

    According to Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld, the attack occurred at approximately 7:30 p.m., when the unidentified suspect began stabbing the family members while they were walking past Lion’s gate, en route to the Western Wall.

    After stabbing two others, Rosenfeld said the terrorist took a pistol from one of the victims and fired wildly into a crowd of tourists before being shot and killed by Border Police officer on patrol some 50 meters away.

    that is 2 attacks on Jews in 2 days...

    the palestinians are not getting the press they want, so they are itching for a fight...

    don't complain when it comes.

    1. Yup, just the other day mom and dad were shot dead by a Palestinian while driving in their car, the four kids luckily surviving.

      A short time earlier, a few days, an elderly Jewish man was killed by thrown stones while driving along in his auto....

    2. Nothing compared to the numbers killed by Israel. Tit for tat-tat-tat-tat-tat....tat etc.


      PCHR Weekly Report: Israeli troops kill 3 Palestinian civilians, wound 28 in the past week
      author Friday October 02, 2015 12:23author by Celine Hagbard - IMEMC News Report post

      In its Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territories for the week of 17 - 30 September 2015, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) found that 3 Palestinian civilians, including a girl and a deaf young man, were killed in the West Bank. 28 Palestinians, including 12 children, were wounded. And 135 Palestinians, including 46 children and women, were abducted by Israeli troops.

    4. Case in Point:
      In the West Bank, on 22 September 2015, Israeli forces stationed at a military checkpoint at the western entrance of al-Shuhada Street used lethal force and killed Hadeel al-Hashlamoun (18) from a range of 3 meters under the pretext that she was holding a knife. As a result, she sustained 10 bullet wounds throughout her body. She was taken to Tsha'ari Tsediq Hospital in West Jerusalem, but she was pronounced dead in the evening.

    5. It is impossible to suffer at the hands of an oppressor without making someone pay for it; every complaint and indignation already contains its own revenge. It is only a matter of time.

  10. Big shock. Treat people like dog shit, day in, day out, year after year, exercise every form of control, humiliation, intimidation, degradation, mass killings, bombings, destruction and you are shocked, just shocked that you push some over the edge and they strike at the first target. Animals in a zoo and every living species will do the same. Human beings have been doing it since the beginning and in the end it will be predictable. It won’t be pretty. It won’t last and no one with an ounce of honesty will wonder why.


    An air strike, probably carried out by U.S.-led coalition forces, killed 19 staff and patients, including three children on Saturday, in a hospital run by Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) in the northern city of Kunduz, the aid group said.

    The U.S. military said it conducted an air strike “in the vicinity” of the hospital as it targeted Taliban insurgents who were directly firing on U.S. military personnel and an investigation into the incident had begun.

    U.N. Human Rights chief Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein led a chorus of condemnation, without saying who carried out the strike, noting that an assault on a hospital could amount to a war crime.

    "This event is utterly tragic, inexcusable, and possibly even criminal," he said.

    The medical charity said its staff phoned military officials at NATO in Kabul and Washington during the morning attack, but bombs continued to rain down for nearly an hour.

    "All indications currently point to the bombing being carried out by international Coalition forces," MSF said, demanding "a full and transparent account".

    MSF said it had given the location of the hospital to both Afghan and U.S. forces several times in the past few months, most recently this week, to avoid being caught in crossfire.

  12. Why are we still killing in Afghanistan?

    1. .

      We are going for the record.

      We already have it for the longest US war, but there is still the 30 Years War, and after that the 100 Years War.


  13. I'm about ready to put up the Big List of Palestinian suicide and other bombings and killings inside Israel, but am wearying of the topic, and beginning to meditate in preparation for the Idaho Vandal Football Game.

    The Security Fence has reduced such attacks considerably.

    Go Vandals !

  14. Is there a more bullshit expression than “Our hearts and prayers are with (fill in the blanks)”?

    Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter issued a statement saying: “While we are still trying to determine exactly what happened, I want to extend my thoughts and prayers to everyone affected. A full investigation into the tragic incident is underway in coordination with the Afghan government.”

  15. It doesn't bother me so much.

    Beats "well fuck it shit happens".

  16. Holy Shit the new untested young redshirt freshman Quarterback Jake Luten has taken the Vandals all the way down the field on the opening drive for the TD -

    Idaho 7
    Arkansas State Red Wolves up to bat

    Luten is 6'6" and can pass and run both, it seems so far....

    1. Well that didn't take long, fourth or fifth play AS goes 50 on the run for the TD -


      Idaho 7
      AS 7

    2. :)

      After couple of exchanges, Idaho intercepts on the 20 and runs the 20 yards for the TD.

      Idaho 14
      AS 7

      This new young freshman Quarterback is playing well enough......he may take the job full time if he keeps playing as he is...

    3. Arkansas State's starting Quarterback is out too, and they also are using a freshman Quarterback....

    4. O Shit - Arkansas State goes right over the center 57 yards for a running TD -

      Idaho 14
      AS 14

    5. AS has a played named Money Hunter.

    6. AS 21
      Idaho 14

      on a long run and three more short plays.....AS runs well, passing not so hot....

    7. Money Hunter 'laid the lumber' to Duckworth......third down......fourth and 3....punting.....

      Nice kick by Idaho down to the 9...

    8. Half time:

      AS 28
      Idaho 14

      Long 19 play drive by Arkansas State...

      Arkansas State takes the second half kickoff....

    9. If anyone is wondering why Quirk isn't disrupting the halftime ceremonies this season it is because the NCAA convinced a Judge to put him under Court Order, and a violation brings an automatic 5 years in prison.

    10. Poor kickoff by Idaho, usually Rico does great, a bad toe into it....

      AS set to go....2nd and 14......

    11. 3rd and 14 this is a biggie......Vandals hold !

    12. Idaho has to kick......1sr and 10 for AS...

    13. Arkansas State 35
      Idaho 14

      I'm about ready to give it up and head to the Casino.

      It's the Second Half Vandal Collapse Syndrome kicking in.......

    14. Holy Shit 66 yard run by Penney with text book blocking, Idaho on the 3......

      2nd and 3....

      Touchdown on a Quarterback sneak by the young red shit freshman Jake Luten !!

      AS 35
      Idaho 21

      Go Vandals !

    15. Shit pass interference by Idaho, 1st and 10 at the Idaho 34

    16. No Vandal game next week, Vandal Fans.

      Week of rest.

      Delay here while a Red Wolf gets carried off the field....

    17. Idiotic unsportsmanlike conduct foul by Idaho.....late hit

      Ball at 14, 1st down.....2nd and 7.....time out AS.....

      1st and goal from the 3.......

      Illegal substitution by Idaho....1st and goal from the 1 1/2.......

      2nd and goal, no gain.....


      Arkansas State 42
      Idaho 21

    18. "Being a Vandal Booster Builds Character"

    19. Intercepted by AS at the 32.......

      My character can't take any more building this evening, will report final score later....

    20. Before I leave.....touchdown Arkansas State on a pass....

      Arkansas State 49
      Idaho 21

      Collapse Syndrome in full bloom......

  17. Idaho never ever ever gives up....2nd and goal from the 2.......

    Touchdown on the Quarterback sneak....

    AS 49
    Idaho 35

    If we had been able to capitalize on our opportunities, Vandal Fans.....

    Little over 1 minute left....

    1. There will be no Idaho loss next week, Vandal Fans, I can guarantee that.....

      Onside kick fails....

    2. Final:

      Arkansas State 49
      Idaho 35

      Thanks to all the Vandal Fans for all your emails, postcards, letters, texts in support of my efforts....I appreciate it so much.

      Be back in two weeks.....

      Go Vandals !!

  18. from Iran's Press TV:

    "A senior member of Russia's parliament says an ongoing air campaign by Moscow against militants operating in Syria is going to intensify. Alexei Pushkov, who serves as the chairman of the Committee for International Affairs at the Russian State Duma, said Friday that Moscow will be intensifying its attacks against the militants in Syria while studying the risks associated with an extensive operation.

    "There is always a risk of being bogged down, but in Moscow, we are talking about an operation of three to four months," Alexei Pushkov said, Reuters reported.

    Russia started to launch coordinated airstrikes on the positions of militants in Syria on Wednesday. The move came shortly after members of the Russian upper house of the parliament, the Federation Council, authorized the operations in Syria."
    (Press TV)

    1. Here's Putin again:

      "We are supporting the government of Syria in the fight against a terrorist aggression. We are offering and will continue to offer it necessary military-technical assistance. We must continue a dialogue for the sake of reaching consensus. But it's impossible to achieve real success as long as bloodshed continues and people don't feel secure. We won't achieve anything until we defeat terrorism in Syria."

  19. Deuce ☂Sat Oct 03, 03:44:00 PM EDT
    Nothing compared to the numbers killed by Israel. Tit for tat-tat-tat-tat-tat....tat etc.

    The arabs themselves have stated that 1000 arabs are equal to one Jew.

    So Israel needs to step up its game.

  20. Deuce ☂Sat Oct 03, 05:16:00 PM EDT
    It is impossible to suffer at the hands of an oppressor without making someone pay for it; every complaint and indignation already contains its own revenge. It is only a matter of time.

    So by this logic the Jews, who have been oppressed by the arabs for centuries in dozens of nations should be plotting it's revenge....

    oh well, living well is revenge.

    Israel is doing fine and it's historic oppressors?

    Live in shit.

    1. It is time for Israel to take the Fakistinians at their word.

      Tear up the Oslo Accords, Annex any and ALL lands that Israel deems important and cut the arabs of the west bank and gaza loose.

      Of course at the sighting of the 1st rocket or stabbing?

      Drive the hostile populations out...

      war is hell..

  21. Throngs of Palestinians took to the streets on Thursday night to celebrate the brutal slaying of an Israeli couple in a shooting attack in the West Bank.

    The festivities included the launching of fireworks and the waving of flags in the streets, Ofir Gendelman, a spokesperson for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said.

    Gendelman posted on Twitter a photo of the scene. Most of the flying banners were of the Palestinian Fatah faction, the armed wing of which claimed responsibility for the attack that killed Eitam and Naama Henkin. Revelers in Nablus, near the site of the shooting, set off fireworks, he said, adding that Palestinians on social media networks were “ecstatic” about the killings.

    The Henkins, who were in their early 30s, were shot dead on Thursday night in northern Samaria while travelling in their vehicle near the Palestinian village of Beit Furik. Paramedics found them at the scene with bullet wounds to their torsos. Their four children, who were in the backseat of the car, were unharmed. The couple was buried on Har Hamenuchot in the Givat Shaul neighborhood of Jerusalem on Friday morning.

    Leading members of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah party, Azzam Al-Ahmad and General Sultan Abu Al-Einen, praised the attack, Gendelman said. He added that General Al-Einen, who serves as Abbas’ adviser on NGOs, called for more attacks on Israelis.

    Rival Palestinian terror group Hamas also applauded the attack. Spokesman Husam Badran congratulated Palestinians on the killings and referred to the shooting as a “heroic operation.”

    I am so relieved that Assad of Syria, Russia and Iran are murdering tens of thousands of these so called "palestinians" after all it has been said here: "We are supporting the government of Syria in the fight against a terrorist aggression. We are offering and will continue to offer it necessary military-technical assistance. We must continue a dialogue for the sake of reaching consensus. But it's impossible to achieve real success as long as bloodshed continues and people don't feel secure. We won't achieve anything until we defeat terrorism in Syria."

    Maybe russia and Assad have it right... Killing the Palestinians is the way to go?

  22. For centuries, if not several thousand years the arabs have been oppressors to the Jews, as well as every other culture it has come in contact with.

    There is not one group of people that the arabs have come in contact with that have not been killed or looted from.

    This goes back to the days of Abraham.

    For those whose eyes glaze over at the mere mention of "abraham"?

    Move forward a couple of thousand years to the time of ole Mohammed. Mister Conquest himself...

    The Jews of Medina had been there for hundreds of years before the rise of Islam.

    Treat people like dog shit, day in, day out, year after year, exercise every form of control, humiliation, intimidation, degradation, mass killings, bombings, destruction and you are shocked, just shocked that you push some over the edge and they strike at the first target. Animals in a zoo and every living species will do the same. Human beings have been doing it since the beginning and in the end it will be predictable. It won’t be pretty. It won’t last and no one with an ounce of honesty will wonder why.

    So by our host's own words he tells us that the Jews have a right to attack and destroy the arabs...

    but funny, the Jews don't

    that's why 1.2 million arabs are now citizens of Israel.

  23. A terror unit within Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party has claimed responsibility for Thursday’s murder of an Israeli Jewish couple.

    The Abdel Qader al-Husseini Brigades, a terror group that is affiliated with Fatah’s al-Aqsa Martyr’s Bridgade, said Friday that it was behind the slaying of Eitam and Na’ama Henkin, Israelis in their 30s who were shot dead inside of their vehicle while driving home with their four children in northern Samaria. The four children were not wounded.

    “With Allah’s help and in keeping with our right for resistance and our duty to sacred jihad, our forces on Thursday night carried out a necessary action in which they fired on a car of occupying settlers that left the settlement of Itamar, built on Palestinian lands in the south of the city of Hebron. They fired on the car and killed the settler and his partner,” the Fatah-linked terror group said.

    Maybe it's time to take out the Fatah leadership?

  24. Excellent replies, WiO.

    I like this - There is not one group of people that the arabs have come in contact with that have not been killed or looted from.

    I would expand to say 'moslems', thinking particularly of the Hindus, who have suffered something around 80,000,000 or more dead thanks to the moslems over the centuries, but could add many many more groups.

    1. Here's where the trouble arises -

      our duty to sacred jihad

      And the idea of jihad arises in the later parts of the Koran, which are, like our latest Supreme Court decisions, considered authoritative.....but the Koran, unlike the latest Supreme Court rulings, is a closed body of work, and can't be overturned by some new Justices.....

  25. Ben Carson raising millions to become fundraising juggernaut

    U.S. Republican candidate Dr. Ben Carson speaks during the Heritage Action for America presidential candidate forum in Greenville, South Carolina September 18, 2015.
    REUTERS/Chris Keane

    RANDLEMAN, N.C. -- She had never before given more than a few hundred dollars to a politician. But two weeks ago, Jacquelyn Monroe, a single mother who plays the piano for a living, decided to raise $100,000 for Ben Carson.

    Inspired by a brief meeting at the hotel where she works, the 45-year-old Georgia woman joined an army of middle-class Americans fueling the fundraising juggernaut that is Carson's Republican presidential campaign.

    Play Video
    Ben Carson on why he enjoys running for president

    "It's not something that I would normally set out to do," said Monroe, who added she was moved by Carson's authenticity and Christian faith and coaxed into collecting money from friends and business associates by his ambitious campaign staff. "$100,000-plus is a big deal for me."

    While the GOP establishment remains deeply skeptical of the retired neurosurgeon's chances in 2016, even the most seasoned political operatives concede that Carson's ability to raise money, if not his rising poll numbers, exceeds their expectations and ensures him a prominent place in the packed Republican contest four months before voting begins.

    Carson's team confirmed Wednesday he has raised more than $20 million in the three-month period that ended Wednesday and $31 million overall since he entered the race in May -- much of it from small-dollar donors or newcomers to presidential political politics.

    In a campaign stop in New Castle, New Hampshire on Tuesday, Carson praised the donors contributing to his campaign.

    "This is a campaign of for and by the people and I've made it very clear that I'm not going after the billionaires, the special interest groups," Carson told a crowd of medical doctors and supporters. "I'm not licking anybody's boots and I'm not going to be beholden to a bunch of special interests groups. There's only one special interest group that I'm interested in and that's the American people."

    Poll: Ben Carson closes gap with Donald Trump
    Ben Carson says he wouldn't want a Muslim president

    Senior campaign staffers had a special cake made Wednesday to celebrate their fundraising haul, which was more money than what was raised by the GOP's entire White House field combined over the same period four years ago.........
