Monday, October 19, 2015

Neocons Demand Escalation in Syria

Ron Paul: Neocons Demand Escalation In Syria

The neocons – and their left-interventionist allies – have been planning regime change in Syria since at least 2006. 

    The neocons – and their left-interventionist allies – have been planning regime change in Syria since at least 2006. Last week’s launch of Russian military strikes on ISIS and al-Qaeda at the request of the Syrian government has very quickly changed their plans. Now they are pushing President Obama to escalate, including directly against the Russians! Today’s Liberty Report looks at the increasingly dangerous situation and takes apart some of the media lies:


    1. What is left to "escalate"?

      Syria's Assad has already murdered 360,000 civilians (including over 10 thousand palestinians) Assad (with Iran, Hezbollah and Russia's direct backing) have already used barrel bombs in civilians shopping in markets, raped tortured and dismembered it's own civilian's children (read reports of what started the uprising in the beginning)

      Any reasonable person will acknowledge the murder and mayhem that Assad had created in his own nation is on par with some of the greatest murderers of modern history!

      Look at the results that Assad (iran, hezbollah and russia) have accomplished: 360,000 dead, over 14 million real refugees (as compared to the fake refugees of the israeli/arab conflict), a million syrians on the march into europe (which russia loves as it destabilizes europe) and now Russia has a direct path to a warm water port!

      Russia has dreamed on being in control in the middle east for 40 years......

      There is nothing to escalate.

      The country is bombed into shit.

      I for one could never have dreamed of an Israeli-Syria war that would have done 1/50th of the damage that Syria and ISIS have done to themselves...

      Maybe it's time for the arabs of the middle east to learn how to build and not bomb and ethnic cleanse.


    2. I was sound asleep this morning when I felt my bed begin to shack.

      Couldn't understand it for sure, but had my suspicions...

      Rubbed my eyes, cleared my head.......looked under the bed......

      NEO-CONS !

      Got the shotgun from the closet, pointed the barrel under the bed, pumped in a round, and ordered "out" -

      and out they came, the NEO-CONS,


      three or four of their left-interventionist allies.

      This is the fourth or fifth time this has happened.

      It is not going to happen again.

      1. Shake, not shack.

        I am still shacken by the incident.

      2. .

        Lay off the booze.

        Delirium tremens are rough.


    3. The worst play in NFL history -

      Video -

      (This play must have been called in by President Obama from the White House)

      (Or, the golf course)

      1. Though Head Coach Quart, always the stand up guy, tries valiantly to take the responsibility upon himself -

        “Alignment-wise, we weren’t lined up correctly and then a communication breakdown between the quarterback and snapper. That’s all on me. I take full responsibility on that, and I didn’t do a good enough job getting that communicated to the guys. Obviously, it played in a huge factor in this loss.”

    4. Moslems strive to create multi-cultural paradise in Bethlehem, while Israel languishes in apartheid -

      October 19, 2015
      Muslims burn a church in Bethlehem
      By Ethel C. Fenig

      All across the Muslim world Islamic extremist terrorists--and some Muslims not so extreme--are destroying ancient or even more contemporary places of religions or cultures that don't meet their approval, slaughtering thousands of people while dispossessing thousands more, forcing them to leave their ancestral homes. From ancient pagan temples to heritage sites, to Hindu temples, Jewish synagogues or Christian churches and sometimes even mosques of another Muslim sect, all are looted and then smashed and/or burned. Some instances have made the news but for the most part Christians and other minorities who have suffered remain fearfully silent.

      Just this last weekend the terrorists set fire to Joseph's Tomb, or as CNN so delicately phrased it, the tomb caught fire. Just like that.

      In Bethlehem, yes Bethlehem, whose name in Hebrew, Beit Lekhem , means House of Bread, the town revered by Christians of all backgrounds as the birthplace of Jesus, Christians are also suffering. Once a city with a substantial Christian majority, the Christian population has plummeted to less than 15% as we've mentioned as have others.

      For centuries, Bethlehem was a Christian city, with believers comprising around 80% of the population as recently as 50 years ago. Today, however, it is less than 15% Christian, and that number continues to dwindle. Bethlehem is increasingly occupied by Muslims, some of whom exert great pressure on their Christian neighbors.

      Since the Oslo Accords, it’s been the unspoken rule that “what happens to Christians in Bethlehem stays in Bethlehem.” (snip)

      Now that the silence has been broken, reports abound about confiscated Christian property, honor killings and sexual molestation.

      After weeks of quiet word has finally leaked out that just last month Muslims burnt a church and a monastery in Bethlehem.

      On September 26, Palestinian terrorists influenced by IS burned down the St. Charbel Monastery in Bethlehem, which is under the control of the Palestinians. Damage was caused to the church and its furniture.

      Christian witnesses said that two days before the fire broke out, vandals broke in and stole items from the church. Apparently this was part of a mission to gather information.

      Father Gabriel Naddaf, an Arab-Israeli priest of the Greek Orthodox Church, was the first to make the fire public and wrote on his Facebook page:

      "We call upon [Palestinian Authority President] Mahmoud Abbas to condemn the attack and ensure the safety of the Christian Holy Places within their territory. It is exactly this type of attitude by the leadership of the Palestinian Authority (PA) that encourages vandalism and terrorism against Christian sites as Palestinians extremists know that they will not be brought to justice or punished for their acts."

      "In contrast to the state of Israel, which safeguards the rights of all its citizens, including its Christian and Muslim community, the Palestinian Authority allows corruption and intimidation, especially towards its Christian population. This is why historical places like Bethlehem that had a Christian majority before the Palestinian Authority was given control of these territories, they now have only a small percentage of Christians as they were driven away due to the unfavorable conditions and persecution against them," he continued.

      For all the superficial good will Muslims publicly demonstrate to Christians who brave travel to Bethlehem over Christmas or any other time, the distressing reality is there is now one less church there for Christians. The truth is the Muslims want them out. Or forcibly converted. And this burnt church is more proof.

      1. Bethlehem was 80% Christian not so long ago, now down to 15%.

        Why ?

        Moslem religious and cultural cleansing.

        The only truly safe place for Christians in the middle east these days is in Israel.

      2. "In contrast to the state of Israel, which safeguards the rights of all its citizens, including its Christian and Muslim community, the Palestinian Authority allows corruption and intimidation, especially towards its Christian population. This is why historical places like Bethlehem that had a Christian majority before the Palestinian Authority was given control of these territories, they now have only a small percentage of Christians as they were driven away due to the unfavorable conditions and persecution against them," he continued.

        Father Gabriel Naddaf, an Arab-Israeli priest of the Greek Orthodox Church

      3. .

        You show your lack of intellectual curiosity by automatically assuming that Muslim violence is THE reason for the percentage of Christians declining in Bethlehem.

        From a purely statistical look, the story you yourself put up the other day cited the hundreds of thousands of Muslims that have moved to the city and surrounding area recently. This factor alone would assure the percentage of Christians would have declined significantly. There are likely other reasons as well...

        From Wiki on Bethlehem...

        The percentage of Christians in the town has been steadily falling, primarily due to emigration. The lower birth rate of Christians also accounts for some of the decline. In 1947, Christians made up 85% of the population, but by 1998 the figure had declined to 40%.[64] In 2005, the mayor of Bethlehem, Victor Batarseh explained that "due to the stress, either physical or psychological, and the bad economic situation, many people are emigrating, either Christians or Muslims, but it is more apparent among Christians, because they already are a minority."[68] The Palestinian Authority is officially committed to equality for Christians,although there have been incidents of violence against them by the Preventive Security Service and militant factions.[69] The only mosque in the Old City is the Mosque of Omar, located in the Manger Square.[26]

        The outbreak of the Second Intifada and the resultant decrease in tourism also affected the Christian minority, as they are the owners of many Bethlehem hotels and services that cater to foreign tourists.[70] A statistical analysis of the Christian exodus cited lack of economic and educational opportunity, especially due to the Christians' middle-class status and higher education.[71] Since the Second Intifada, 10% of the Christian population have left the city.[68]

        In 2006, the Palestinian Centre for Research and Cultural Dialogue conducted a poll among the city's Christians according to which 90% said they had had Muslim friends, 73.3% agreed that the PNA treated Christian heritage in the city with respect and 78% attributed the exodus of Christians to the Israeli blockade.[72] However, it is likely that there are many factors, most of which are shared with the Palestinian population as a whole.[73]

        Every day you guys post incidents of Muslims attacking others, Christians or Jews. Why, to point out that the whole situation there is for shit?

        A couple months ago Jews attacked and burned The Church of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes in Galilee. Settler and ultra-orthodox Jews are carrying out attacks all the time. What's the point of putting them up? This will simply continue. It's the nature of the situation there.


      4. To point out the nature of Islam, for my part.

        Nearly every day Deuce calls Israel an apartheid nation.

        It is not. You know that as well as I.

        To get a little truth out in this place.....

        the mayor of Bethlehem, Victor Batarseh explained that "due to the stress, either physical or psychological...

        What is 'physical stress' ? o Quirk ?

        A gun in the face ?

        A mugging ?

        I've been reading about Christians being run out of Bethlehem for years.

        This is the truth -

        "In contrast to the state of Israel, which safeguards the rights of all its citizens, including its Christian and Muslim community, the Palestinian Authority allows corruption and intimidation, especially towards its Christian population. This is why historical places like Bethlehem that had a Christian majority before the Palestinian Authority was given control of these territories, they now have only a small percentage of Christians as they were driven away due to the unfavorable conditions and persecution against them," he continued.

        Father Gabriel Naddaf, an Arab-Israeli priest of the Greek Orthodox Church

        On this topic you truly are spinning shit.

      5. Palestinian Centre for Research and Cultural Dialogue

        What is this ?

        Looking it up all I found was an advertisement for jeans:

        Palestinian Center for Research & Cultural Dialogue …

        Diesel Skinny Jeans THANAZ 0074K. $354.15 $194.15 Save: 45% off. Diesel Skinny Jeans THAVAR 008X2

      6. .

        If you take the stance that radical nuts define the nature of the Palestinians then I take it you would accept that Jewish radical nuts would define Israel


        List of Israeli price tag attacks





    5. Some good news from Europe - the Swiss are waking up -

      October 19, 2015
      Europe's first national election since mass Muslim invasion drives power to conservatives
      By Thomas Lifson

      Switzerland just elected a new parliament, and a conservative, anti-immigration party, the Swiss People’s Party (SVP) won a record vote, enabling it to form a government with a conservative majority. The political fallout in Europe is just beginning, and Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats in Germany had better take notice. The BBC reports on the Swiss election:

      Have you noticed ?

      Where moslems are near, there is always trouble:

      etc and etc and etc

      Do we really want 4 million Syrian moslems in USA ?


      1. All reasoned and rational people can admit that there enormous resources in the arab occupied areas of the middle east.

        They control 899/900th of it. (Israel just /900th)

        Why do the arab nations not step up to help the arab refugees?

        Why should the USA and Europe be on the front lines of this effort?

        If we expand this area of responsibility to include Islamic nations?

        The number jumps from 21 dozens of nations..

        the OIC, where are they?

      2. Are not many Arab countries hosting hordes of refugees (like millions)? How many is Israel accepting?

      3. Why in hell would Israel accept refugees that are moslems and want them dead ?

        Why, for the same reason, would we ?

        I want a list of the Arab countries that are hosting 'hordes' - good word - of refugees (like millions).

        The nations, and the numbers, Ashlikins.

        You asked the question, now get out their and give us the answer.

      4. Recall for us all, Ash, how the PLO got run out of 3 or 4 Arab nations........

        They got run out of Jordan......etc

        Nobody in the larger arab world wanted them.....

      5. Let’s see, when the Jews were thrown out of country after country it was a travesty. Nobody wanted them. Many were like you, gleeful.

      6. There are about 4 million UNHCR registered Syrian Refugees. Approximately 2 million are in Turkey, 1 million in Lebanon, approx. 600,000 in Jordan and 245,000 in Iraq. There are others in other countries.

        WiO's post in nonsense - top to bottom. He asked why Arab countries weren't stepping up to help the refugees and they are. Since that is his litmus test, and he is all about Israel, I asked what Israel were doing about the Syrian refugees and the answer appears to be nothing which is a lot less than the 1/900th ratio he loves to trot out.

      7. WiO is a lying fool and you, Bob, are a dumb fool.

      8. yo, Dougman, are your ears on?

        Which is a sin, from a Christian point of view - lying or stupidity?

    6. Charter of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation

      In the name of Allah, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful
      We the Member States of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, determined:
      to acknowledge the Conference of Kings, Heads of State and Government of the Member States convened in Rabat from 9 to 12 Rajab, 1389 H, corresponding to 22 to 25 September 1969, as well as the Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Jeddah from 14 to 18 Muharram 1392 H corresponding to 29 February to 4 March 1972;
      to be guided by the noble Islamic values of unity and fraternity, and affirming the essentiality of promoting and consolidating the unity and solidarity among the Member States in securing their common interests at the international arena;
      to adhere our commitment to the principles of the United Nations Charter, the present Charter and International Law;
      to preserve and promote the lofty Islamic values of peace, compassion, tolerance, equality, justice and human dignity;
      to endeavour to work for revitalizing Islam’s pioneering role in the world while ensuring sustainable development, progress and prosperity for the peoples of Member States;
      to enhance and strengthen the bond of unity and solidarity among the Muslim peoples and Member States;
      to respect, safeguard and defend the national sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all Member States;
      to contribute to international peace and security, understanding and dialogue among civilizations, cultures and religions and promote and encourage friendly relations and good neighbourliness, mutual respect and cooperation;
      to promote human rights and fundamental freedoms, good governance, rule of law, democracy and accountability in Member States in accordance with their constitutional and legal systems;

      1. to promote confidence and encourage friendly relations, mutual respect and cooperation between Member States and other States;
        to foster noble Islamic values concerning moderation, tolerance, respect for diversity, preservation of Islamic symbols and common heritage and to defend the universality of Islamic religion;
        to advance the acquisition and popularization of knowledge in consonance with the lofty ideals of Islam to achieve intellectual excellence;
        to promote cooperation among Member States to achieve sustained socio- economic development for effective integration in the global economy, in conformity with the principles of partnership and equality;
        to preserve and promote all aspects related to environment for present and future generations;
        to respect the right of self-determination and non-interference in the domestic affairs and to respect sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of each Member State;

      2. now the good line:

        to support the struggle of the Palestinian people, who are presently under foreign occupation, and to empower them to attain their inalienable rights, including the right to self-determination, and to establish their sovereign state with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital, while safeguarding its historic and Islamic character, and the holy places therein;


      3. to safeguard and promote the rights of women and their participation in all spheres of life, in accordance with the laws and legislation of Member States;
        to create conducive conditions for sound upbringing of Muslim children and youth, and to inculcate in them Islamic values through education for strengthening their cultural, social, moral and ethical ideals;
        to assist Muslim minorities and communities outside the Member States to preserve their dignity, cultural and religious identity;
        to uphold the objectives and principles of the present Charter, the Charter of the United Nations and international law as well as international humanitarian law while strictly adhering to the principle of non-interference in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any State;
        to strive to achieve good governance at the international level and the democratization of the international relations based on the principles of equality and mutual respect among States and non-interference in matters which are within their domestic jurisdiction;
        Have resolved to cooperate in achieving these goals and agreed to the present amended Charter.

      4. Membership Article 3
        The Organisation is made up of 57 States member of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and other States which may accede to this Charter in accordance with Article 3 paragraph 2.

        57 nations...

        all doing a circle jerk...

      5. Here is a link of the nations that are part of this amazing group of Islamic values...

    7. Looks like Drinkin' Joe Biden is entering the race, according to what I heard on Fox, though I was slumbering.....

      If so the Dems have

      A Criminal
      A Crazy Communist
      And now a plagiarist, a guy who got a F in law school for cheating, a buffoon, a functional alcoholic, Obama's puppy dog and 2nd banana

      Great choices.......

      If I was forced to vote for one of those three I'd vote for Joe, I do admit that.

      1. Sources reportedly tell Fox News: Biden’s running
        Oct 19, 2015 12:41 PM by Allahpundit

        See: Hot Air

        I heard it on Fox.

        What a gas......

    8. German anti-migrant rally highlights European backlash...
      As winter looms, struggle to find homes...
      Thousands stranded on borders...
      VIDEO: Brawl with police...
      Muslims condemn Britain's plans to combat extremism...
      **Austrian Town Drowns in Feces and Garbage...** (look up the pictures)
      Turkey 'not concentration camp', won't host permanently...
      Uruguayans see Syrian refugees as rude, ungrateful guests...
      Anti-immigration party wins Swiss election in 'slide to the Right'...............Drudge

      HUNGARY: FENCE STOPPED THEM! .........Drudge Headline



    10. Have you noticed ?

      Where moslems are near, there is always trouble:

      etc and etc and etc

      Have you noticed the places where the U.S. is or near, there is trouble, death and destruction:

      Viet Nam
      Dominican Republic

    11. Do you understand the word “ irony”?

    12. OK, but I'm not sure what you are getting at......all those items in the above were to the point of moslem immigration and to the idea it might not be such a great idea to accept them in the USA.

      I'm outta here right now anyways......


      Cheers !

    13. .

      From the Idaho Spud,

      Idaho BobMon Oct 19, 04:11:00 PM EDT

      Palestinian Centre for Research and Cultural Dialogue

      What is this ?

      Looking it up all I found was an advertisement for jeans:

      That is because you are a nitwit.

      Googling Palestinian Center for Research and Cultural Dialogue the first link that shows up is...

      Partners in Palestine | The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for ... - 55k - Cached - Similar pages
      The Palestinian Center for Research and Cultural Dialogue (PCRD) was established in Bethlehem in 2003, by a group of Palestinian academics in the West ...

      Going to the link

      you get a list of Palestinian organizations. Scrolling down you get...

      Palestinian Center for Research & Cultural Dialogue (PCRD)

      The Palestinian Center for Research and Cultural Dialogue (PCRD) was established in Bethlehem in 2003, by a group of Palestinian academics in the West Bank. The center’s mission is to promote dialogue between social, political and cultural groups as a means of conflict resolution, accepting differences between peoples, citizenship, and respecting other’s convictions. The center with this belief directs its projects and programs to young men and women from different social, economical and political affiliations.

