Tuesday, October 13, 2015

David and Goliath



  1. Bethlehem ?

    But, but.......where o where have all the Christians gone ?

    I'll tell you......they have been run out by the 'Palestinian' savages, that is what has happened......

    Silent Night – Bethlehem’s Vanishing Christians

    As people around the world celebrate Christmas, what will the Christians of Bethlehem be feeling?

    Silent Night...

    Bethlehem; It's the birthplace of Jesus, and the traditional heart and soul of Christianity. Bethlehem, historically a Christian city governed by Christians, and, with its sister towns of Beit Jala and Beit Sahur, the largest enclave of Christians in the West Bank. However, since 1995, when the Palestinian Authority (PA) assumed control of the city, Bethlehem has undergone stunning and disturbing changes to its historic Christian makeup and character.

    The Palestinian Authority (PA) has changed the city's municipal boundaries to incorporate 30,000 Muslims from three neighboring refugee camps, and thus severely tipping the demographic balance. The city has also added a few thousand Bedouins of the Ta'amra tribe, located east of Bethlehem, and encouraged Muslim immigration from Hebron to Bethlehem.

    Although there are no confirmed figures, estimates put today's population at around 120,000 people. From a 60 percent majority in 1990, the Christians are now a 20 percent minority. The purging of Bethlehem's Christian character continues, viewed silently by their disinterested co-religionist and largely ignored by a world media focused elsewhere.

    Holy Night...

    PA officials publicly proclaim their respect for Christian holy sites and institutions. But events have demonstrated that PA officials and gunmen regard Bethlehem's revered Christian shrines as little more than handy objects for political and personal gain. The most blatant disregard for the sanctity of Christian holy sites has been at the Church of the Nativity...............


    Let us all sing the 'Silent Night' together.....

    The 'Palestinians' don't deserve a State.

    1. (It's really unlikely Jesus was born in Bethlehem, but it makes a great story.....and it's really doubtful he was born on December 25 too, which makes an even better story......)

    2. Nativity of Jesus



      Massacre of the Innocents
      Main article: Massacre of the Innocents

      According to Paul L Maier, most modern biographies of Herod do not believe the massacre took place.

      He's right. It's a ping pong ball plopped over from the Jewish scriptures....there's a lot of that going on in the Christian Bible.

    3. No shit Sherlock. You think?

    4. Ping pong balls plopping all over the place like ding dong uncles plopping over new found Hindu nieces undergoing another metamorphosis finding Judaic roots like so many sprouting Idaho potatoes. We get it Uncle Bob. Thanks for sharing.

    5. .

      Da man's a genius I tells ya, a genius.


    6. The Palestinians deserve nothing but what they have.

      No people is "given" a state no matter what.

      More money has been showered on the Palestinians than 4 Marshal Plans and to what avail?

      today you have Hamas in Gaza and the Fatah in the West Bank.

      Both are fine examples of the roots of ISIS.

    7. Deuce you dummy you were the one going on about the slaughter of the Innocents by Herod and trying to figure whether it 'really' happened just that way or not, or whether it happened at all......

      You sounded like a total fool and it was excruciating to read........

      Didn't want you to make the same mistake about the birth of Jesus.....

      I see you disregarded my remarks about Christians being run out of Gaza.....

      Quirk, I know you were brought up Catholic. If you wish to believe that "baby Jesus was a Jew but Mother Mary sure was not, she was Catholic" - well, it's ok with me.

  2. Here's one of the best little summaries of Bernie Sanders I have come across recently -

    Thieves, Liars and Idiots: The Two Hour Democratic Debate
    A night the Democratic Party should be ashamed of.
    October 14, 2015
    Daniel Greenfield

    Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.

    “A little bit of this town goes a very long way,” Hunter S. Thompson said. “After five days in Vegas you feel like you've been here for five years.”

    That went triple for the miserable parade of hypocrisies that was the Democratic debate where a gaggle of establishment political hacks claimed to be the voice of political change and where men and women whose combined net worth could break banks ranted about the rich in a debate hosted in a $2.7 billion dollar luxury resort and casino with its own Ferrari dealership so that the candidates can take a break from their income inequality spiels to test drive a 2015 Maserati GranTurismo.

    The Democratic debate only ran hours, but it seemed to last for years as the Democratic Party’s crazy Socialist grandpa Bernie Sanders nervously waved his hands, struggled to follow the answers of the other candidates and talked about himself in the third person.

    Sanders’ support comes from his authenticity and he was certainly authentic tonight promising to make Americans love Socialism, claiming that Global Warming was the greatest national security threat and warning that the planet will soon be uninhabitable.

    At one point he began talking about what has been happening to the middle class, then he paused having forgotten what it was the middle class was doing, and then he remembered his line. It was “disappearing”. Much like the middle class of Socialist states like the USSR, Cuba and North Korea.

    The Socialist parasite who lived off taxpayers by collecting unemployment so he could campaign, eventually convinced enough voters to elect him so that he could spend the rest of his career living off taxpayers while berating them for not paying enough taxes.

    Back when he was living off unemployment, he campaigned for an end to “all time limitations for unemployment benefits.” Up on stage, Bernie Sanders is still a miserable failure of a human being who couldn’t work for a living, and has spent his career fulminating against successful people because they have mastered the secret of success that eludes him. And the secret is… working for a living.

    Bernie Sanders isn’t bitter and angry because America is so unfair to working people. What horrified CNN viewers wondering why Grandpa Munster was running for president were seeing wasn’t righteous indignation. It was the venomous entitlement of a parasite who believes that those who work should support ‘leftectuals’ like him and Karl Marx while they draw up plans for a post-economic economy.

    In a better political system, Bernie Sanders mumbling something about how we “need to raise public consciousness” would be the worst thing on stage. But these were the Democratic debates...........


    1. When I look at these videos, I see brave young men, risking lives for freedom, using sling shots against a ruthless cowardly and sadistic band of thugs, the IDF. David and Goliath have always existed. Through time, honor and bravery, in the quest for freedom always trumps the gangsters.

      The World always cheers the felling of Goliath.

    2. .

      What horrified CNN viewers wondering why Grandpa Munster was running for president were seeing wasn’t righteous indignation. It was the venomous entitlement of a parasite who believes that those who work should support ‘leftectuals’ like him and Karl Marx while they draw up plans for a post-economic economy.


      Frontpagemag. Ya gotta laugh.

      What horrified CNN viewers? You mean what horrified a couple of old farts, one writing for frontpagemag and the other pounding down a stiff one in Idaho. Everyone else?

      Both CNN and FOX had focus groups watching the Dem debate, the one at CNN all Dems and the one at FOX a cross section of voters. The one at CNN came in favoring Hillary and left overwhelmingly favoring Sanders. The one at FOX left giving Sanders a slight edge over Hillary. They were the only two given a chance within those groups.

      Compare Sanders to some friggin nut who's campaign slogan is 'It's gonna be HUUUUuuuuuuuuge!!!!!!', the 'bestest ever', 'fantastic' etc., etc., etc.

      Anyone is preferable to Hillary (with the possible exception of Trump) but I can't get excited about Sanders either. He talks a good game but even taxing the rich more wouldn't pay for all the social programs he is asking for. And taxing the rich is the only answer he has. Like every Democrat, every politician for that matter, he finds it hard to make the hard choices. Trying to trim the bureaucracy is just not in their nature. When's the last time we heard of PAYGO being discussed?

      Sanders appeal is that he just wants to give, give, give. Like Trump, he has tapped into the populist stream that others are trying to ride. The GOP on the other hand just wants to take. Well, that is, they just want to take from social programs or regulatory agencies. They are perfectly willing to give, give, give to programs they like, tax cuts for the rich, increased military spending, etc.

      When you include ALL the costs for the military, the off-budget items, black ops, special operations funding, health care for past wars, the annual costs approach a $trillion. The rise in spending was cut by sequestration but that only lasted a year and now appears dead as both sides argue for increases for the programs they want which will in the end means all items will increase.

      They are all dicks.

      How anyone with good conscience could vote for any of this motley crew is beyond me. There were some interesting candidates that APPEARED to make some sense. Kasich comes to mind. But who knows, they are there for a moment and then are gone, they get winnowed out early on before you get to really know either their records or their positions so in the end you don't have the info to make and informed decision. The primaries are driven by the nuts who drive the major parties and what you are left with is a bunch criminals like Clinton, ideologues like Sanders, or clowns like Trump.


    3. .

      Lest there be any doubt, I do favor Sanders plan to tax the rich more. Deuce's list from the last stream would be a good starting point.

      My problem with him is that he seems to be a one trick pony. Make that a two trick pony. He is also against foreign entanglements which is another big plus for him.


    4. .

      I worry about ideologues holding the executive. In the past, I assumed our system of checks and balances would constrain the ideologues and ambitious and that over time it would all balance out. I am no longer that sanguine. The past two decades have changed my views.

      The fear and reflexive response that allowed rights abuses of all kinds under the guise of the WOT, the AUMF that allows for continual war without further Congressional approval, the willingness with which Congress has ceded its responsibilities to the executive, the deference of the courts to that same executive, and the, IMO, unconstitutional acts by two dicks who where elected president and then pushed their prerogatives way beyond anything envisioned by the founding fathers, has left me with a stark cynicism.


    5. A socialist is someone who wants to divide the money up with somebody that's got more than he.

      Shame on you, Quirk.

      But you are right to be distrustful of government.

      How you keep those two balls in the air at the same time in your mind will always remain a mystery.

      You'd have to have a quirk to do it.

  3. Deuce ☂Wed Oct 14, 06:16:00 AM EDT
    When I look at these videos, I see brave young men, risking lives for freedom, using sling shots against a ruthless cowardly and sadistic band of thugs, the IDF. David and Goliath have always existed. Through time, honor and bravery, in the quest for freedom always trumps the gangsters.

    The World always cheers the felling of Goliath.

    Yeah, 360 MILLION arabs have run out of the lands a few million Jews. Now the Jews have their state and the arabs seek to genocide it..

    By any means.

    Having lost a conventional war many times the arabs now send their children out to die...


    1. As the palestinians send out their lone wolves to stab women and kids the world rolls it's eyes and sees the palestinians as they are...

      ISIS light.

  4. Here is a great video of Deuce's heroes driving a car into pedestrians...


  5. Here is a great video of Deuce's heroes stabbing a civilian


  6. Deuce says...

    Deuce ☂Wed Oct 14, 06:16:00 AM EDT
    When I look at these videos, I see brave young men, risking lives for freedom, using sling shots against a ruthless cowardly and sadistic band of thugs, the IDF. David and Goliath have always existed. Through time, honor and bravery, in the quest for freedom always trumps the gangsters.

    The World always cheers the felling of Goliath.

    If the Palestinians self invented history is correct?

    They were the Goliaths of history..

    David is and was the Jew.

  7. .

    This from the Telegraph

    Our Great Ally Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia is a Muslim country in which Islamic law is strictly enforced.

    Saudi Arabia is a Muslim country in which Islamic law is strictly enforced.

    The Foreign Office says visitors should respect local traditions, customs, laws and religions at all times. They include:

    The public practice of any form of religion other than Islam is illegal, as is an intention to convert others
    Islamic codes of behaviour and dress are strictly enforced. Women should wear conservative, loose-fitting clothes as well as a full length cloak (abaya) and headscarf. Men should not wear shorts in public
    It is illegal for women to drive
    Homosexual acts and adultery are illegal and can be subject to severe sanctions
    Penalties for the possession of, or trade in, alcohol are severe. Both result in prison sentences
    Bringing medication to the country requires a doctor’s prescription
    Importing pork products is forbidden
    The possession of pornographic material - or of illustrations of scantily dressed people, especially women - is prohibited
    The punishment for smuggling drugs includes the death penalty
    Photographing government buildings, military installations and palaces is not allowed
    It is illegal to hold two passports in Saudi Arabia and a second will be confiscated by immigration authorities


    1. .

      The term batshit crazy comes to mind. It is the ME sickness.


  8. Apparently deuce is out of step with his elected officials in the Keystone state.


    Pennsylvania Senate passes anti-BDS Resolution

    On Friday, Sept. 18, 2015, the Pennsylvania Senate by vote of 49 to 0 passed Resolution No. 136 Session of 2015 Printer’s No. 979. The Resolution condemned economic, social, cultural and other boycotts of Israel and growing incidents of anti-Semitism. The House previously passed a similar Resolution.

    House Resolution 370 Session of 2015 Printer’s No. 1697 was introduced by Matt Baker of Tioga County. The Senate Resolution was introduced by Senator Stew Greenleaf of Montgomery and Bucks Counties.

    The Resolutions note the historical fact that the first attempt to boycott Jewish interests in Pennsylvania in the Pennsylvania Colony occurred in 1662 and were rejected when Sir Robert Carr, in 1664, assumed command of the Delaware in the name of the English Crown. Instructions to Carr were that “all people should enjoy the liberty of their conscience,” and the proposed boycott of Jewish merchants ceased.

    The Resolutions further recognize a strong connection that American Jewry had in supporting the American Revolution. A prime consideration of the Resolutions is The International Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement (BDS), which has been one of the main vehicles for spreading antisemitism and advocating the elimination of the Jewish State.

    Activities promoting BDS against Israel have occurred in Pennsylvania, including on college campuses. The BDS campaign has utilized animosity and intimidation against Jews, including Jewish students on campus. It was clearly recognized by the Resolutions in the House and the Senate that the purpose of the BDS is to eliminate Israel as home of the Jewish people.

    I guess Deuce you will be MOVING soon?


  9. Breaking News.

    Palestinian terrorist tries to stab Israeli and gets bullets in reward....


    Deuce, your heroes just wasted another life.

  10. The Palestinians are not "David" they are a culture of terrorism.

    Fueled by islamic jihad.

    Murderous rage.

  11. Ah some more GOOD news

    BEIRUT – The former head of an elite unit in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as well as another top general have been killed in Syria, days after one of the country’s leading officers was killed in the war-torn country.

    “General Farshad Hasounizad, defender of the Sayyeda Zeinab Shrine and former commander of the Saberin Brigade, was killed in Syria,” a reporter in the state-controlled Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) wrote in a post on his Instagram account Tuesday afternoon.

    The Saberin Brigade is a special forces unit of the IRGC formed in 1998 to serve as a quick reaction force to prevent armed infiltration into Iran. The unit has reportedly been deployed in Iraq to fight ISIS.

    Hassan Shemshadi also posted that Hamid Mokhtarband had been killed in Syria, explaining that the officer was the former chief-of-staff of the 1st Brigade in Ahvaz, in reference to the 1st Brigade of Iran’s crack 92nd Armored Division, which is considered the country’s top armored unit.

    Bye bye Iranian terrorists....

    Dont care WHO killed ya, just glad you're dead.

  12. Highlights

    Producer prices show wide weakness and may raise talk that deflationary pressures are building, not easing. The PPI-FD fell 0.5 percent in September which is just below Econoday's low estimate for minus 0.4. Year-on-year, producer prices are falling deeper into the negative column at minus 1.1 percent.

    And it's not all due to energy excluding which and also excluding food, prices fell 0.3 percent though the year-on-year rate is still in the plus column, at plus 0.8 percent but down 1 tenth from August. Excluding food, energy and services, where the latter had been showing price traction, prices still fell 0.3 percent with the year-on-year rate at only plus 0.5 percent.

    The services weakness, down 0.4 percent in the month, follows two prior gains of 0.4 percent that had been cited as evidence of resilience in domestic demand. Exports remain very weak at minus 0.8 percent in the month following August's 0.4 percent decline. September energy prices fell 5.9 percent and are down 23.7 percent year-on-year. Gasoline fell a monthly 16.6 percent for a 42.8 percent year-on-year decline.

    Other readings include a 1.3 percent decline for finished goods where the year-on-year rate, following a long string of monthly declines, is down 4.1 percent. This is an important reading that points to pass through of low raw material prices.


    Hawks at the Fed are saying that the negative price effects from oil and low import prices will prove temporary. That may be, but the depth of ongoing price weakness continues to sink. Watch for the consumer price report on tomorrow's calendar.

  13. Deuce is oddly silent, as usual, on such thorny stuff as the Christians being run out of Bethlehem by the savages.

    Silent on the 'Palestinian' pledge that no Jews or Christians will ever set foot on 'their land'.

    And yet he rambles on about 'apartheid' in Israel..................

    Deuce has an impossible task.......trying to ram the actual facts of life in the mideast into his crazy anti-Semitic meme.....

    Got to shower and go to my last PSA testing, see how the old prostrate is doing.......

    Cheers !

    1. The 'Palestinians' don't deserve a State.

      One reason, only one among many, is that it would simply be used as a launching pad for further aggression against Israel.

      They are, the attentive reader should know by now, pledged to genocide the Jews, to push them in the Med Sea.

      See: The Hamas Charter, etc

    2. .

      Deuce is oddly silent, as usual, on such thorny stuff as the Christians being run out of Bethlehem by the savages.

      Why would he respond to such a stupid ass remark? The article you put up talked about changing demographics not about anyone being run out. I see you are oddly silent about the same thing happening in the Arab neighborhoods of East Jerusalem as the Jewish settlers move in through third party purchases, under police escort, in the middle of the night.
      Not a whisper from you and your bro.

      The same thing about the stabbings and other terrorist attacks. You mention a poor family of Jews attacked, the parents shot in front of their kids. Let me answer with a family of Arabs, the parents and a baby killed by settlers when their apartment was fire-bombed in the night. Another child still in the hospital with burns over 60% of his body. You want to talk about Palestinian youths knifing Israelis? Why don't you talk about settler price-tag attacks. The settlers get pissed at the government for stopping one of their illegal settlements, so do they attack the government? Hell no, they attack some innocent Arab that had nothing to do with the decision.

      You are a nitwit. Deuce excuses the Palestinian terrorists. You excuse the Israeli terrorists.

      Go back over the last few days of the Times of Israel. You will see plenty of articles on the violence going on right now. There have been attacks by both sides. Today, there was even the story of a Jew attacking another Jew because he thought he was an Arab. Batshit crazy.

      It's the ME. Get used to it. You'll see plenty more of it. The mayor in Jerusalem is telling the Jews to arm up. In looking for the perps that shot that Jewish couple Bibi mobilized four battalions of troops for the search. Read the stories. You might notice the pattern. An Arab attacks a Jew he ends up dead. A Jew attacks an Arab, somehow he gets taken into custody.

      Spare me your bullsit.

      They are all dicks.

      When this one dies down, wait. It's just a matter of time before it starts up again.


  14. A Palestinian terrorist stabbed and moderately-to-seriously wounded an approximately 60-year-old woman across the street from the Jerusalem Central Bus Station on Wednesday.

    The terrorist was Ahmed Sha'aban, a 23-year-old resident of the Ras el-Amud neighborhood in Jerusalem. He was released from prison earlier this years after serving a three-year sentence for terror activity.


    Of course Deuce will explain that the Jews/Israelis deserve this as they have kicked the "dog" to many times and the roosters have come home to roost.

    Deuce ☂Wed Oct 14, 06:16:00 AM EDT
    When I look at these videos, I see brave young men, risking lives for freedom, using sling shots against a ruthless cowardly and sadistic band of thugs, the IDF. David and Goliath have always existed. Through time, honor and bravery, in the quest for freedom always trumps the gangsters.

    The World always cheers the felling of Goliath.

    The attacking terrorists are not people to be glorified.

    This is what Deuce and his type do, elevate the thuggish, murderous behavior by terrorists and call them "honorable".

    SO Deuce, you are very un-honorable.

  15. The blood letting done, I return to my topic:

    The Democratic Party's War on Women -

    Katherine Mangu-Ward -- Bernie Sanders: “When a mother has a baby, she should stay home with that baby”.......Hot Air

    Deuce, a Bernie-ite, and Bernie Sanders, think a women's place is in the Kitchen, and in The Romper Room.

    What misogynist throwbacks these two are !

    Leading America back into the Past !


    1. There is something a litlle Islamic about this odd outlook........

    2. .

      You are accusing others of misogyny?

      Good lord.


  16. Idaho is lost to the Democrats for the next one hundred elections.....

    October 14, 2015
    Thousands of Muslim invaders slated for Idaho
    By Carol Brown

    As Muslims are imported, they’re thrust upon cities and towns across America. No location is immune. Case in point: Idaho. As reported by World Net Daily (WND), Idaho is slated to receive 2,000 “refugees” who will be settled in Boise and Twin Falls. This would be on top of the refugees Idaho has already absorbed. It turns out Idaho’s quite a hot spot for refugee resettlement. And of late, that means a lot of Muslims, as the current round of invaders will be from Syria, Iraq, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and possibly Somalia.

    WND reports that community leaders found out about the plan to import them at a conference at Boise State University, where church groups, social services providers, and other stakeholders were in attendance. Unfortunately, American citizens were not, and are not, seen as stakeholders, even though the stakes are as high as they get in this suicidal fiasco.

    So what’s going on in Idaho? WND reports:

    While Idaho remains largely a rural farm state, it is not new to the refugee business. The Agency for New Americans, an arm of Episcopal Migration Ministries, operates from an office in Boise doing the organizational work on the ground needed to resettle refugees and get them “integrated” into the community. The International Rescue Committee, whose top executive is former British Foreign Secretary David Miliband, also resettles refugees in Idaho.

    OK. Stop. Note that a religious charity is involved. This is common. Many Christian and Jewish charities are integral to this mess unfolding at warp speed before our eyes (“mess” = hijra). Also worthy of note is the involvement of far-left Brit David Miliband. Here is a short clip of him scolding the United States for not taking in more Syrian refugees. (Just when you thought we free of British rule.)

    The article continues:

    Muslim refugees began arriving in Boise in large numbers around 1995. Since that time, 11,000 refugees have been integrated into the city[.] … While there have been reports of culture-clashes between Muslims and non-Muslims in the school system and elsewhere…Mayor David Bieter said the city welcomes the refugees with open arms. “Diversity is essential for Boise’s prosperity and livability” according to the mayor’s blog.

    “Diversity isn’t a buzz word. It’s our birthright,” Bieter wrote in the blog for Welcoming America, an organization that received $150,000 in seed money from billionaire George Soros’ Open Society in 2010 and now works with the White House Task Force on New Americans to integrate new immigrants and refugees into cities across the U.S. ...

    1. Hold it! “Integrated into the city”? I guess that’s lefty-speak for “culture clashes.” And why is diversity “essential to Boise’s prosperity and livability”? And how is it Boise’s “birthright”? More lefty nonsense for the mindless masses.

      Then, on top of the fluff about how great Muslims are for Idaho, we learn that “seed money” was injected into the system by George Soros, and it all starts to make sense in a nothing-makes-sense-anymore kind of a way. Oh, yes. There is money to be made on the path to cultural ruin. And a lot of folks want to get in on the action.

      Boise’s mayor, along with mayors in…dozens of other cities, work with an organization called the Partnership for a New American Economy. This group includes a mix of progressive mayors, executives from some of America’s largest corporations and Chambers of Commerce all working to influence Congress to allow more immigrants into the country, both skilled and unskilled, claiming that more immigration leads to more economic prosperity for Americans, a claim that is rejected by think tanks such as the Center for Immigration Studies and the Economic Policy Institute.

      Stop again! (I do apologize for all the interruptions.) Just what exactly is this “new American economy” these progressive mayors, execs from large corporations, and the Chamber of Commerce embrace as they lobby Congress to open the floodgates for more “immigrants”? It’s this: businesses craving cheap labor don’t give a damn about the welfare of the community. In Idaho, for example, there is a meat-packing plant and a large yogurt company (Chobani) looking to take advantage of cheap Muslim labor. If it undermines the character and safety of the community, oh, well. Americans, be damned! The Muslims are coming! (To learn more about this “new American economy” put into practice in Idaho, see here, here, here, and here.)

      The piece continues:

      Boise, a self-described “Welcoming Community,” has seen waves of refugees sent its way by the United Nations in recent years from Afghanistan, Somalia, Turkey, Iraq, Uzbekistan, Congo, Bhutan, Myanmar and Bosnia. With the exception of Bhutan, which is Hindu, most of the refugees from these countries are Muslim.

      The greater Boise area already has several mosques, the largest of which is the Islamic Center of Boise, with plans unveiled recently for a large mega-mosque on the outskirts of town in Kuna, Idaho.

      A “welcoming community.” How touching. (And lucrative.) And look at that long list of countries of origin. So diverse! Of course, they’re spewing out only Muslims, but no matter. The fact that the U.N. can inflict this upon us is another detail hardly worthy of attention.

    2. And then, of course, there are the mosques – each one bigger than the next. A mega-mosque in Boise will surely help with the “livability” factor the mayor speaks of.

      But amidst all this madness there is a bit of (potentially) good news.

      Per Ann Corcoran of Refugee Resettlement Watch (RRW), citizens in Twin Falls are taking action. Signatures are being gathered for a ballot measure that will ban all “refugees” from being settled in the county. If they manage to get the measure onto the May ballot, and if they are successful, the ban will take effect in November 2016.

      Another effort is being waged by a group called III Percent of Idaho. They are organizing to petition the governor to shut down refugee resettlement statewide. One downside to this approach is that Idaho is a Wilson-Fish state. Because Wilson-Fish states give up direct control of refugee aid to the federal government, the governor of Idaho does not have the authority to do what III Percent of Idaho is pressing for. He would first have to change Idaho’s status so it is no longer a Wilson-Fish state. (To learn more about Wilson-Fish, see here.)

      What a tangled web of money, stupidity, cowardice, and evil, as invaders conquer Idaho as they are conquering towns and cities across America. Power-brokers in government, business, and non-profits are facilitating this madness, along with people and organizations outside the United States.

      What to do?

      Ann Corcoran serves as an inspiring example. Learn. Get involved. Speak out. Light a fire under others. Every one of our communities is a front line against the Islamic advance.

      To learn more about the Muslim conquest in Idaho, see here (4-minute video of Ann Corcoran speaking about this invasion), here (overview, including rapid rise of Muslim students at Idaho State University), here (Muslim “refugee” arrested on terror charges involving WMD), here (members of the GOP warn of Muslim infiltration in Idaho), here (former Muslim turned Christian speaks about the Muslim threat in Idaho), here (citizen concerns about a Muslim cemetery in Idaho), and here (video of Muslim police officer in Idaho screaming at, kicking, and the shooting someone’s dog).

      Hat tips: Refugee Resettlement Watch, Bare Naked Islam


      I must get busy and join up with these anti-moslem immigrant groups, start writing letters, sign petitions.

      I don't want people here that come from a culture whose followers are pledged to either put me in dhimmihood, or kill me.

      I welcome Jews, Basques (we have a lot of these wonderful people), many others, and freethinkers of most stripes.

      But not people who come from an insane culture that wishes to either kill me or put me into subservience.

    3. I welcome Jews, Basques (we have a lot of these wonderful people), many others, and freethinkers of most stripes.

      Hindus, Buddhists, Quirkists, many others.....

    4. *(Intense background check required of Quirkists)

    5. .

      It turns out Idaho’s quite a hot spot for refugee resettlement. And of late, that means a lot of Muslims, as the current round of invaders will be from Syria, Iraq, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and possibly Somalia..

      Well, at least, it should help raise the average IQ level.

      If anything can.


  17. Stand up Americans !

    Stand up for your Constitution !

    Stop moslem immigration to the USA now !

  18. Scary -

    Scientists claim they can change your belief on immigrants and God – with MAGNETS
    ATTITUDES towards God and immigrants can be changed by beaming magnetic waves into the brain, scientists have claimed.
    By Selina Sykes
    PUBLISHED: 10:47, Wed, Oct 14, 2015 | UPDATED: 12:25, Wed, Oct 14, 2015


    Magnetic test on manGETTY
    Attitudes towards God and immigrants can be changed by beaming magnetic waves into the brain

    A bizarre experiment claims to be able to make Christians no longer believe in God and make Britons open their arms to migrants in experiments some may find a threat to their values.

    Scientists looked at how the brain resolves abstract ideological problems.

    Using a technique called transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), researchers safely shut down certain groups of neurones in the brains of volunteers.
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    TMS, which is used to treat depression, involves placing a large electromagnetic coil against the scalp which creates electric currents that stimulate nerve cells in the region of the brain involved in mood control.

    Researchers found the technique radically altered religious perceptions and prejudice.

    Belief in God was reduced almost by a third, while participants became 28.5 per cent less bothered by immigration numbers.

    Brain testGETTY
    Magnetic waves were used to shut down certain groups of neurones in the brain

    Dr Keise Izuma, from the University of York, said: "People often turn to ideology when they are confronted by problems.

    "We wanted to find out whether a brain region that is linked with solving concrete problems, like deciding how to move one's body to overcome an obstacle, is also involved in solving abstract problems addressed by ideology."

    The scientists targeted the posterior medial frontal cortex, a brain region a few inches up from the forehead that is associated with detecting and responding to problems.

    Woman undergoing testGETTY
    Researchers found the technique radically altered religious perceptions and prejudice

    These findings are very striking

    Dr Colin Holbrook

    Volunteers were asked to rate their belief in God, heaven, the devil, and hell after undergoing pre-screening to ensure that they held religious convictions.

    Dr Izuma said: "We decided to remind people of death because previous research has shown that people turn to religion for comfort in the face of death.

    "As expected, we found that when we experimentally turned down the posterior medial frontal cortex, people were less inclined to reach for comforting religious ideas despite having been reminded of death."
    Get Flash Player

    The American participants were also shown two essays written by newly arrived immigrants - one highly complimentary of the US and the other extremely critical.

    Dr Izuma said: "When we disrupted the brain region that usually helps detect and respond to threats, we saw a less negative, less ideologically motivated reaction to the critical author and his opinions."

    Immigrants passing a sign in Calais GETTY
    The experiment changed people's opinions on immigrants, claimed scientists

    The research, published in the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, suggests our brains use the same basic mental pathways to solve practical problems such as following directions or ideological issues such as immigration and religion.

    Lead author Dr Colin Holbrook, form the the University of California at Los Angeles, said: "These findings are very striking, and consistent with the idea that brain mechanisms that evolved for relatively basic threat-response functions are re-purposed to also produce ideological reactions."


    Off to the prostate doc

    Cheers !

    1. But first a hat tip to Rufus and Quirk who have been sniffing the right track all along -

      October 14, 2015
      The Climate Is Indeed Changing: Cooling Ahead
      By Brian C Joondeph

      Global warming became climate change in response to the inconvenient truth that there has been no warming over the past 17 years. This is called a "pause," with the expectation and anticipation that any day now temperatures will begin climbing again. And when temperatures do rise, it could be called a "pause" in global cooling – or, in other words, another turn in the endless cycle of the Earth warming and cooling.

      Pope Francis and President Obama continue to preach the perils of global warming, not concerning themselves with any pause or faulty climate models. One of the world's leading climate change experts disagrees about those perils noting some "mathematical anomalies which effectively 'disprove' global warming."

      Dr. David Evans was a climate modeler for the Australian government. He has six degrees in applied mathematics. In analyzing "complex mathematical assumptions widely used to predict climate change," he predicts stable temperatures until 2017, after which the Earth will cool for the next decade, ushering in a mini-ice age by 2030.

      Dr. Evans is a true academic. Compare and contrast with our very own climate expert, former vice president Al Gore. At Harvard, Mr. Gore earned a D in a natural sciences course named "Man's Place in Nature." He improved by his senior year, earning a C+ in another natural sciences class. Moving on to Vanderbilt divinity school, Gore flunked 5 classes, including a course in theology and natural science. Yet Mr. Gore is viewed as a visionary, an oracle.

      The problem, according to Dr. Evans, lies in the validity of the climate models. He describes two specific problems.......


    2. .

      Magnetic waves were used to shut down certain groups of neurones in the brain

      A half inch drill will have the same effect.


  19. My nurse and friend at the prostate doc's office showed me a picture of a Bigfoot footprint taken by a relative or friend around Sandpoint, Idaho.

    These Bigfoot folk are properly named. His shoe beside it was less than half the size.

    I carefully counted the toes...one, two, three, four, five.....one less than the normal Quirkian six that I had expected.

    I told her she must send this photograph into George Noory at the Coast to Coast site, and am going to check back and confirm she has done so.....

  20. The two best persons running for President are Dr. Ben Carson, and Jim Webb.

    Always vote for the best person.

    Take your choice between these two fine persons.

  21. The Obama 'opening to Cuba' is bearing fruit -

    Too bad to check: Cuba reportedly sends general, military operatives to … Syria, to assist Assad
    Oct 14, 2015 5:21 PM by Allahpundit

    Hot Air

    Didn't the Light Worker say Assad must go ?

  22. Quirk: Let me answer with a family of Arabs, the parents and a baby killed by settlers when their apartment was fire-bombed in the night.

    DO you have any evidence that an Israeli settler did this?

    Any evidence at all?

    Quirk: Why don't you talk about settler price-tag attacks. The settlers get pissed at the government for stopping one of their illegal settlements, so do they attack the government? Hell no, they attack some innocent Arab that had nothing to do with the decision.

    Actually once again you are specious.

    What are 'price tag' attacks?
    The name given to certain types of attack by militant Jewish settlers and their supporters in the West Bank and Israel
    Such attacks commonly involve graffiti including the words 'price tag', vandalism, arson and destruction of Palestinian olive trees
    Carried out as a form of retribution for Israeli government curbs on settlement activity and for attacks by Palestinians

    Price tag attacks are usually property damage.

    But your point is well taken, Israelis should match palestinian stabbings with stabbings, fire bombings with firebombing and of course sniper fire with sniper fire.

    How dare an Israeli SPRAY PAINT the word "price tag" on a wall, better Israelis should start blowing up palestinians while grocery shopping, eating a pizza or boarding a bus..

    Then what will you say QuirK?

    1. .

      I've accused you of knowing little of what occurs in Israel, WiO. I have no idea how you could have missed the story on the Duma arson. I can understand how you might be confused though. Israel has seems to come up with a different story every week.

      There have been dozens of stories put out on the Duma bombing. Every paper in Israel has carried the story and updates. Bibi has made speeches about it. The Guardian, NYT, and other papers and blogs have carried the stories.

      Anyway, here is the first one I came across.

      Haaretz - Israel News
      Thursday, October 15, 2015.
      Cheshvan 2, 5776 Time in Israel: 04:09 AM

      Ya'alon says suspects not being identified to protect the sources; since attack that killed members of Dawabsheh family, three Jewish assailants have been detained.

      The Dawabsheh family's torched house
      A Palestinian inspects the Dawabsheh family's house after it was torched in the village of Duma near the West Bank city of Nablus, July 31, 2015.AP

      Israel clamping down on Jewish terror - but not tightly enough
      Rage and restraint: Duma's third funeral
      Shame on Shin Bet: Almost 6 weeks pass and baby killers still walking free

      Israel’s defense establishment knows who is responsible for the arson attack that killed three members of a Palestinian family two months ago, but has chosen to prevent legal recourse in order to protect the identity of their sources, Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon told a closed meeting of some 20 young Likud activists in Tel Aviv on Wednesday.

      Three Jewish suspects were put under administrative detention following the attack.
      The Dawabsheh family: the father Sa'ad, the mother Reham and Ali Saad – who was killed.
      The Dawabsheh family: The father, Sa'ad, the mother, Reham and their son, Ali, all killed in an arson attack in their home in the West Bank village of Duma. Family photo

      The Dawabsheh family home in Duma, West Bank, was torched on July 31, immediately killing 18-month-old Ali and critically wounding his mother, father and brother. His mother, Reham, and his father, Sa'ad, have since died as well. His 4-year-old brother Ahmed is still hospitalized in serious condition.

      The words "Vengeance" and "long live the Messiah" were spray painted on the torched Dawabsheh family home, and an empty house was set ablaze as well. An eyewitness reported seeing four men flee the scene toward the settlement of Ma'aleh Ephraim.

      Graffiti reading 'revenge' found at the scene of the arson terror attack in Duma, July 31, 2015.
      Graffiti reading 'revenge' found at the scene of the arson terror attack in Duma, July 31, 2015.AP

      The IDF described the incident as "Jewish terrorism." At Ya’alon's request following the attack, the political-security cabinet approved the use of administrative detention against suspected Jewish terrorists. Such practice is commonly used against Palestinians suspected of terror activities.

      Three Jewish suspects are currently being held without trial for terrorist activities: Meir Ettinger, who according to the Shin Bet headed an extreme rightist organization intent on toppling the Israeli government though violent means, and encouraged others to carry out terrorist acts; Mordechai Meyer, the alleged arsonist behind a fire at Dormition Abbey in Jerusalem; and Eviatar Slonim, accused of setting fire to a home in the Palestinian town of Khirbet Abu Falah.

      None of these names has been explicitly tied publicly to the attack on the Dawabsheh family home in Duma.

      read more: http://www.haaretz.com/news/israel/.premium-1.675422


    2. None of these names has been explicitly tied publicly to the attack on the Dawabsheh family home in Duma.


      so no evidence. no actual suspects.

      In America we are innocent until proven guilty.

      In your mind, it's the Jew, unless proven otherwise.

    3. .

      What are 'price tag' attacks?

      From the NYT

      The firebombing was quickly attributed to the movement Israelis call “price tag,” in which extremist Jews attack Palestinian holy places or property in retribution for their own government’s actions regarding settlements. Settlers were forcibly removed from two apartment blocks that were bulldozed in Beit El this week, as the government pushed forward the construction of 300 new housing units.

      A man showed a picture of Ali Dawabsheh. Credit Jaafar Ashtiyeh/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

      It could have been revenge: Duma lies near several Jewish settlements, including Shilo, where Mr. Rosenfeld was killed.

      What is a 'price tag' attack?

      From Wiki,

      This is a list of attacks reported or suspected as being part of the price tag policy (Hebrew: מדיניות תג מחיר). This policy refers to acts of random violence aimed at the Palestinian population and Israeli security forces[1] by radical Israeli settlers, who, according to The New York Times, "exact a price from local Palestinians or from the Israeli security forces for any action taken against their settlement enterprise".[2][3][4] The Wall Street Journal states that the term refers to "a campaign of retribution by fundamentalist Israeli youths against Palestinians in the West Bank".[5] Over the period from January 2012 to June 2013, Israeli police registered 788 cases of suspected price tag assaults in which 276 arrests were conducted, leading to 154 indictments.[6]

      List of Price Tag Attacks From 2008 - 2015


    4. .

      None of these names has been explicitly tied publicly to the attack on the Dawabsheh family home in Duma.

      That is exactly the point you nitwit.

      1. According to Moshe Ya'alon Israel’s defense establishment knows who is responsible for the arson attack that killed three members of a Palestinian family two months ago...

      2. ..., but has chosen to prevent legal recourse in order to protect the identity of their sources.

      3. Bibi has called the perps "Jewish Terrorists'.

      4. So its been six weeks since the crime, they know who the perps are, they consider them terrorists, yet no one has been arrested, indicted, or even named. Hell, if they had a Palestinian 'suspect' the family homes would have been torn down weeks ago.

      Have you noticed that in every article you put up about about a Palestinian attacking a Jew, the perp always seem to end up dead, yet when it is a Jew attacking a Palestinian, the perp always seems to end up in jail.

      What ever happened to the perps that poured gasoline down the mouth of Mohammad Abu Khdair and set him on fire. As of last month, nothing, no conviction, no houses burned.

      As for the names mentioned, I wasn't accusing them of anything. Not sure why they were even mentioned in the story. It just confuses things, but then, maybe that was the intent.


  23. The Waaaaah Street Factor

    Following up on my point about how this is looking like a Dodd-Frank election: to understand what’s going on this election cycle, you really need to know about the dramatic shift in Wall Street’s political preferences.

    There was a time when Wall Street was quite favorable to Democrats. Partly this was probably cultural: finance does, after all, center in New York, it tends to be fairly liberal on social issues, and it’s not comfortable with what Ben Bernanke calls the “knuckle-draggers.” Partly it reflects the reality that the economy has tended to do better under Democrats. And for a long time, to be frank, Democrats were all too willing to go along with financial deregulation.

    But that all changed in 2010, when Democrats actually pushed through a significant although far from adequate financial reform, and Barack Obama said the obvious, that some financial types had behaved badly and helped cause the crisis. The result was a great freakout — the coming of “Obama rage”.

    Wall Street doesn’t like the regulations, which really do seem to have more or less eliminated the implicit too-big-to-fail subsidy. Beyond that, with great wealth comes great pettiness: financial tycoons are accustomed to constant deference, and they went berserk at even the mild criticism they faced.

    You can see the result in the chart: a drastic shift of campaign giving away from Democrats toward Republicans. And this will have consequences: if a Republican wins, he or she will be very much in Wall Street’s pocket. If a Democrat wins, not so much.


  24. The Waaaaah Street Factor

    Following up on my point about how this is looking like a Dodd-Frank election: to understand what’s going on this election cycle, you really need to know about the dramatic shift in Wall Street’s political preferences.

    There was a time when Wall Street was quite favorable to Democrats. Partly this was probably cultural: finance does, after all, center in New York, it tends to be fairly liberal on social issues, and it’s not comfortable with what Ben Bernanke calls the “knuckle-draggers.” Partly it reflects the reality that the economy has tended to do better under Democrats. And for a long time, to be frank, Democrats were all too willing to go along with financial deregulation.

    But that all changed in 2010, when Democrats actually pushed through a significant although far from adequate financial reform, and Barack Obama said the obvious, that some financial types had behaved badly and helped cause the crisis. The result was a great freakout — the coming of “Obama rage”.

    Wall Street doesn’t like the regulations, which really do seem to have more or less eliminated the implicit too-big-to-fail subsidy. Beyond that, with great wealth comes great pettiness: financial tycoons are accustomed to constant deference, and they went berserk at even the mild criticism they faced.

    You can see the result in the chart: a drastic shift of campaign giving away from Democrats toward Republicans. And this will have consequences: if a Republican wins, he or she will be very much in Wall Street’s pocket. If a Democrat wins, not so much.


  25. Maybe they just don't want all their money confiscated, as Bernie and Hillary wish to do.

    By the way, Bernie was honey mooning in the Soviet Union when Jim Webb was being wounded in Vietnam.

    1. The Soviet Union is, you must admit, a really odd place for a honey moon.

      Unless you are a commie at heart......

  26. Good news for all of us here -

    WaPo Study: Actually, sitting isn’t associated with an increased risk of dying..........Hot Air

    1. Sit and read these, you will live longer......and experience lots of life at the same time -

      10 Russian Novels to Read Before You Die
      On the occasion of the Nobel Prize in Literature being awarded to Belarusian author Svetlana Alexievich, here’s an annotated list of the cream of Russian literature.

      As Belarusian author and journalist Svetlana Alexievich wins the Nobel Prize in Literature amid political turmoil at home, and Russian President Vladimir Putin continues to drop bombs in Syria, Belarusians and Russians alike have a lot to think about these days.

      Both nations would do well to get beyond their ideological differences and follow the example of generations of readers, who in troubled times have turned to Russian literary masterpieces for solace, insight, and inspiration. In fact, given the current state of the world, we all could benefit from following that example.

      All of the 10 works of fiction below are acknowledged classics of Russian literature. With the possible exception of Ulitskaya’s The Funeral Party, published only recently, all of these books have stood the test of time. What they also have in common are great stories, artistic prowess and originality, and the capacity to engage readers in deep, personal reflection about life’s most important questions. These books will make you think and feel and grow as a human being. “Read the best books first,” Henry David Thoreau once admonished, “or you may not have a chance to read them at all.” So here they are, some of the best Russian books I suggest you read first:

      Eugene Onegin (1833) by Alexander Pushkin

      In this lesser known masterpiece of Russian fiction, Alexander Pushkin combines an engrossing love story, an encyclopedia of early 19th century Russian life, and one of the wittiest social satires ever penned. And he does so entirely in verse! At once playful and serious, ironic and passionate, this novel in verse is the starting point for most college survey classes on modern Russian literature, because in it Pushkin creates the template for nearly all of the themes, character types, and literary techniques that future Russian writers would build upon. It’s no accident that Pushkin is often dubbed the father of modern Russian literature, and Eugene Onegin is considered his most representative work.
      ‘Eugene Onegin: A Novel in Verse’ by Alexander Pushkin (Author), James E. Falen. 288 p. Oxford Paperbacks. $9.79. (Amazon)

      A Hero of Our Time (1840) by Mikhail Lermontov

      Often referred to as Russia’s “first psychological novel,” A Hero of Our Time tells the tale of Pechorin, a young, charismatic, womanizing rebel without a cause, who has fascinated and disturbed readers for more than a century and half. The novel consists of five interlinked stories that delve into Pechorin’s complex soul from multiple perspectives. The result is an unforgettable portrait of Russian literature’s first antihero, who leaves a wake of destruction in his path, even as he charms and fascinates characters and readers alike.

      Fathers and Sons (1862) by Ivan Turgenev

      This deeply felt and poetic novel subtly captures the social and familial conflicts that were emerging in the early 1860s, a time of great social upheaval in Russia. The book set off a journalistic firestorm with its powerful portrayal of Bazarov, a steely-eyed and passionate young nihilist who is as recognizable today as he was in Turgenev’s time.

    2. War and Peace (1869) by Leo Tolstoy

      Often hailed by critics as the greatest novel ever written, this epic tale traces the fortunes of five aristocratic families living through Russia’s wars with Napoleon at the beginning of the 19th century. War and Peace is many things: It is a love story, a family saga, and a war novel, yet at its core it is a book about people trying to find their footing in a ruptured world and about humans trying to create a meaningful life for themselves in a country torn apart by war, social change, and spiritual confusion. At once an urgent moral compass and a celebration of the deep joy of living, Tolstoy’s epic is also the Russian classic for our time.

      The Brothers Karamazov (1880) by Fyodor Dostoevsky
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      In this emotionally and philosophically intense story of patricide and family rivalry, Dostoevsky explores as deeply as any Russian writer has the themes of faith, evil, and meaning. The novel describes the different world views of the three Karamazov brothers—the monastic Alyosha, the sensual Dmitry, and the intellectual Ivan—as well as their lecherous father, whose mysterious murder and its investigation become the focal point of the riveting, final third of the novel.

    3. Doctor Zhivago (1959) by Boris Pasternak

      Inspired by War and Peace, this historical novel tells the tale of a poet-physician Yuri Zhivago, who struggles to find his place, his profession, and his artistic voice amid the turmoil of the Russian Revolution. A masterpiece of evocative prose as beautiful as the Russian countryside it depicts, Doctor Zhivago takes readers on a journey of love, pain, and redemption through some of the harshest years of the 20th century.

      And Quiet Flows the Don (1959) by Mikhail Sholokhov

      Often compared to War and Peace, this epic historical novel traces the fate of a typical Cossack family over a tumultuous 10-year period, from just before the beginning of World War I to the bloody civil war following the Russian Revolution of 1917. Early 20th century Russian history comes alive in Sholokhov’s well-developed and relatable characters who must contend not only with a society under siege, but ill-fated romances, family feuds, and a secret past that still haunts the present.

      Life and Fate (1960) by Vasily Grossman

      This sprawling epic does for mid-20th century Soviet society what War and Peace did for 19th century Russia: It interweaves the tale of an epochal event, the horrific siege of Stalingrad during World War II, with the private stories of characters from all layers of society whose lives are violently uprooted by the forces of war, terror, and Soviet totalitarianism.

      One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (1962) by Alexander Solzhenitsyn

      This short, harrowing, yet strangely hopeful masterpiece tells the story of a single day in the life of an ordinary Soviet labor camp inmate, of which there were tens of millions in the Soviet Union. Based on Solzhenitsyn’s personal experience as one of those prisoners, this book is authentic, full of rich detail, and devoid of sentimentality, which intensify its powerful emotional impact.

      The Funeral Party (2002) by Lyudmila Ulitskaya

      This English-language debut of one of contemporary Russia’s most important novelists describes the bizarre and touching interactions among a colorful cast of Russian émigrés living in New York who attend the deathbed of Alik, a failed, but well-liked painter. At once quirky and trenchant, The Funeral Party explores two of the biggest “accursed questions” of Russian literature—How to live? How to die?—as they play out in a tiny, muggy Manhattan apartment in the early ’90s.

      Andrew D. Kaufman, Russian literature scholar at the University of Virginia, is the author of Give War and Peace a Chance: Tolstoyan Wisdom for Troubled Times, published by Simon & Schuster.


  27. For Quart -

    Blaming the Victims of the Palestinian Death Cult
    The international community's response to unabashed slaughtering of Jews.
    October 15, 2015
    Joseph Klein

    Vicious attacks by Palestinians, using knives, guns and vehicles as weapons of choice against Israeli civilians, are escalating to an alarming degree. In response, the so-called “international community” is siding with the Palestinian killers and blaming the Jewish victims, despite the clear source of the violence. Spurred on by hate-filled social media postings exhorting Palestinians to go out and kill as many Jews as possible, would-be Palestinian martyrs – including women and teenagers -- set out to do just that. In two dozen violent incidents since October 1st, at least seven Israelis have been killed and scores more have been wounded.

    As just one example of the incitement to violence appearing on social media, the following tweet was posted last week under the hashtag “The Intifada Has Started”: "There is no greater reward in Islam than the one given for jihad, and there is no greater reward than the one given for #Slaughtering_the_Jews... Kill them wherever you find them." (Source: The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI))

    There are also tutorials on how to most effectively stab Jews to death. For instance, in a tweet posted from an individual in Gaza under the hashtag " Poison The Knife Before You Stab," the following ghastly advice was offered: "Dip [your] knife in an active poison before carrying out [a stabbing], so that even if the knife does not manage [to kill], the poison will do the job." (Source: MEMRI)

    Israel’s new ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon described in a communication to the United Nations Security Council and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon one recent horrific attack involving a 13-year-old Palestinian perpetrator and a 13-year-old Israeli victim. It may well have been the product of the call to kill Jews appearing on Palestinian social media:

    “On Monday, in a particularly shocking and horrific attack, two Palestinian teenagers, one of them merely 13 years old, stabbed a 13 year old boy riding his bicycle and an Israeli man who was walking down the street. This was just one of the four attacks that took place on that day alone, three of which were carried out by minors.”

    This disturbing account fell on deaf ears at the United Nations.

    When Palestinian assailants die or are injured after Israeli security forces respond to quell the violence and take down the murderous aggressors, the Palestinians are hailed as martyrs in their own communities and are excused by the “international community” for simply acting on their “frustration.” Israeli security forces are accused of using “disproportionate” force even as they themselves are attacked.

    The United Nations regularly issues statements condemning the violence by both sides and calling for restraint. However, when the UN does look to assign blame, inevitably the pro-Palestinian UN bureaucracy targets Israel.......


    1. More for Quart -

      Iraqi Ayatollah: 'Abducting Women' and 'Destroying Churches' Is 'Real Islam'
      Offensive Jihad: the insurmountable obstacle between Muslims and non-Muslims.
      October 15, 2015
      Raymond Ibrahim

      Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

      During a recent televised interview with Grand Ayatollah Ahmad al-Baghdadi, the leading Shia cleric of Iraq made clear why Islam and the rest of the world can never peacefully coexist.

      First he spent some time discussing “defensive jihad,” saying that all capable Muslims are obligated to fight for the “liberation” of “occupied” territory, for instance, Israel (see here for a list of European countries also deemed “occupied” in the eyes of Islam).

      He then explained “offensive jihad, Islam’s primary bloodline, which forged what we now call the “Muslim world” over the centuries.

      According to the ayatollah, when they can—when circumstance permits it, when they are strong enough—Muslims are obligated to go on the offensive and conquer non-Muslims (a fact that should be kept in mind as millions of Muslim “refugees” flood the West).

      The Muslim cleric repeatedly yelled at the secularized host who kept interrupting him and protesting that Islam cannot not teach such intolerance. At one point, he burst out: “I am the scholar of Islam [al-faqih]. You are just a journalist. Listen to me!”

      Expounded Al-Baghdadi:

      If they are people of the book [Jews and Christians] we demand of them the jizya—and if they refuse, then we fight them. That is if he is Christian. He has three choices: either convert to Islam, or, if he refuses and wishes to remain Christian, then pay the jizya [and live according to dhimmi rules].

      But if they still refuse—then we fight them, and we abduct their women, and destroy their churches—this is Islam!... Come on, learn what Islam is, are you even a Muslim?!

      As for the polytheists [Hindus, Buddhists, etc.] we allow them to choose between Islam and war! This is not the opinion of Ahmad al-Husseini al-Baghdadi, but the opinion of all five schools of jurisprudence [four Sunni and one Shia].

      Towards the end of the interview, because the clean-shaven, suit-and-tie-wearing host kept protesting that this cannot be Islam, the ayatollah burst out, pointing at him with contempt and saying, “Who are you? You’re going to tell me what to believe? This is the word of Allah!”

      Indeed. Not only is it the word of Islam’s deity, but it is the fundamental, insurmountable obstacle for peace between Muslims and non-Muslims. Al-Baghdadi—and the countless other Muslim clerics, Sunni and Shia, that hold these views—are not “radicals.”

      The fact is, offensive jihad is no less codified than, say, Islam’s Five Pillars, which no Muslim rejects.

      The Encyclopaedia of Islam’s entry for “jihad” states that the “spread of Islam by arms is a religious duty upon Muslims in general … Jihad must continue to be done until the whole world is under the rule of Islam … Islam must completely be made over before the doctrine of jihad can be eliminated.” .........


    2. .

      It's the ME disease. They are all nutz. (See my responses to WiO above.)

      Reason #34 why the US should actively avoid the place.

      Objective information is out there for anyone who is really interested and willing to look at the reporting from both sides. Unfortunately, there are many people whose minds are closed and won't be moved, people who read the same media all the time, the same media with the same world view. It's called confirmation bias. That's why they are so easily defeated in any debate. They are repeatedly caught by surprise.

      The only enjoyment you can take in debating these folks is the guilty pleasure of shooting fish in a barrel.


    3. Here's the solution to the Palestinian problem -

      Before All Hell Breaks Loose

      Pay The Palestinians To Move To Chile, Starting With The Palestinian Women


      I vote for that.

      It's far enough from Idaho that I'll feel secure.

    4. The only enjoyment you can take in debating these folks is the guilty pleasure of shooting fish in a barrel.

      You read my emotions correctly, Quirk.

      As a fly fisherman, I always do feel guilty in simply shooting fish in a barrel.

      There is no sport to it at all.

    5. Objective information is out there for anyone who is really interested and willing to look at the reporting from both sides. Unfortunately, there are many people whose minds are closed and won't be moved, people who read the same media all the time, the same media with the same world view. It's called confirmation bias. That's why they are so easily defeated in any debate. They are repeatedly caught by surprise.

      And, I too get tired of Deuce continually putting up pieces by Juan Cole.

      I am with you there, as well.

  28. Was William Safire the first journalist to call Hillary Clinton a 'congenital liar'?

    When the late William Safire called Ms. Clinton a “congenital liar,” he knew whereof he spoke. Mendacity is in Hillary’s DNA.

    October 15, 2015
    Hillary's 'Genocide' Lie
    By Jack Cashill


  29. Iran rejects Obama’s nuke pact, writes own ‘deal’ to disarm Israel

    October 14, 2015 5:08 pm By Robert Spencer 39 Comments

    Peace in our time.


    “Iran Rejects Obama’s Iran Nuke Pact, Writes Own ‘Deal’ To Disarm Israel,” by Jordan Schachtel, Breitbart, October 13, 2015:

    The Iranian parliament has rejected the formal, legal text of President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal, negotiated in July by the U.S., U.K., France, Germany, Russia, China and the Tehran regime.

    Instead, the majilis approved their own version of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), creating a situation where the Iranian government simply hasn’t signed on to the accord that Obama and Democratic Senators obligated the United States to uphold.

    Western media incorrectly reported that the majilis approved the actual text of the JCPOA, according to experts.

    New York Post columnist Amir Taheri has explained in a series of social media posts that Iran’s version of the deal calls for the cancellation of sanctions against the regime in Tehran.

    He also noted that Iran’s version of the nuke deal calls for the dismantling of Israel’s nuclear weapons program, citing Iranian parliamentarian Kazem Jalali.

    The Middle East Media Research Center (MEMRI), a regional watchdog organization, has confirmed that Iran did not pass the deal agreed upon in July. They instead voted to pass the amended version by a vote of 161-59.

    Iranian lawmakers tried to unilaterally amend the deal to strip the United States’ ability to “snapback” sanctions should the Tehran regime cheat the agreement. They also replaced the language to ensure that the deal will “cancel” sanctions forever, instead of “suspending” them, MEMRI reported.

    The Middle East monitoring group added that the decision to amend the deal unilaterally came at the behest of Iran’s dictator, Ali Khamenei, who on September 3 promised not to honor the agreement with Obama.

    Moreover, the American Enterprise Institute’s Iran Tracker site noted that Iran considered its unilateral amendments to the deal as four “minor changes.”…


  30. Highlights

    Jobless claims are settling in right at historic lows, continuing to point to a significant lack of slack in the labor market. Initial claims fell 7,000 in the October 10 week to 255,000 which matches the 42-year low posted in July. But as a share of the increasingly larger labor market, this level may very well be a record. The 4-week average is down 2,250 in the week to a 265,000 level which is also a 42-year low and more than 5,000 below a month ago in a comparison that offers an early hint of strength for the October employment report.

    (Details to follow)

    Jobless Claims

    1. Inflation, Year on Year, according to today's CPI Report, is Exactly 0.0%.


  31. Israel on Thursday charged five Palestinian teens with manslaughter over a fatal incident in which they are accused of throwing rocks at a man’s car in Jerusalem, causing it to crash and killing him last month.

    Alexander Levlovitz was killed during Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, when he was driving on a road in East Talpiot, a neighborhood of southern Jerusalem close to the pre-1967 Green line.

    The five youths, aged 16-19, all residents of the adjacent East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sur Baher, admitted in their investigation that they threw the rocks at Levlovitz’s car.

    quirk: Have you noticed that in every article you put up about about a Palestinian attacking a Jew, the perp always seem to end up dead, yet when it is a Jew attacking a Palestinian, the perp always seems to end up in jail.

    Go fuck yourself quirk.

  32. .

    Thanks for the suggestion; however, despite how well endowed I am, at my age attempting such a thing would likely result in me hurting my back. I'll pass.

    As for the article you posted, I am not quite sure what your point is. My statement that you post above was written within the context of attacks aimed to take a life. As of the other day, of the 20 or so Palestinians involved in such attacks, 12 or more of them of them are dead. I put up examples of how Jewish perps (even IDF identified Jewish terrorists) are handled differently.

    It will be interesting to follow the case of these 5 Palestinian teens for the rock throwing to see what their sentences are. Within that context, we have a history of rock throwing by the Jewish side and how it was handled (or not) that we can compare it to.

    If you are right in your views then it should be evident in the comparison.


    1. quirk: Thanks for the suggestion; however, despite how well endowed I am, at my age attempting such a thing would likely result in me hurting my back. I'll pass.

      I am so sorry, i forgot I was talking to an old, physically nd mentally handicapped person.

      Your disingenuous statements about Israel and it's legal system are slick. You'd make Johnnie Cochran proud.

      Israel and it's legal system are world class, but reading your slimy comments you'd be lead to believe they are equlivant to some back water nation...

      Might I suggest you go and live in Gaza for a bit to investigate?

    2. YES !!!

      My free air line ticket offer to Quirk and Deuce is still open.....

      Offer conditional on acceptance of a few simple conditions.......

      And, since Quirk, in his product sales pitches recently, has always been adding "White Privilege Penalties Not Assessed" I will throw that added benefit into the offer as well.

      I am hoping Quirk will be able to blog us straight from Gaza about his wonderful adventures there......

      What a boom to this blog, and all bloggers everywhere this would be !

    3. Should have been 'boon' not 'boom' but then, thinking it over, 'boom' is just as good, since the Gazans are great at creative ways of killing people, and they just might blow po' old demented Quart up and end his intellectual misery.

    4. .

      Once again, you are being non-responsive.

      I doubt you remember where this discussion started so let me remind you. It started with Farmer Bob's comment

      Deuce is oddly silent, as usual, on such thorny stuff as the Christians being run out of Bethlehem by the savages.

      and my rebuttal that

      1. Bob evidently didn't read the article he himself put up since what he had posted talked about the changing demographics of Bethlehem but said nothing about Christians being 'driven out'.

      2. I pointed out the hypocrisy of you guys when you point out the crimes committed by the Palestinians but then act as if Jews aren't committing the same type of crimes. I went on to point out comparisons in order to make my point.

      It was at that point that you jumped in and claimed I was being 'specious'.

      I quickly pulled up links to show that you were wrong. Since, unlike some here, I usually check things our 'before' opening my mouth on a subject, my comments may be contested but they are rarely 'specious'.

      Now, you suggest that go live in Gaza. This is the same stupid equivalency argument you guys bring up all the time. If you can find some regime somewhere that is worse than yours, that absolves you of all sins?



    5. 1. Bob evidently didn't read the article he himself put up since what he had posted talked about the changing demographics of Bethlehem but said nothing about Christians being 'driven out'.

      You really don't get it do you?

      Christians have been driven out and HENSE there is CHANGING demographics.

      Just as the Jews were driven out of the other 899/900th of the middle east.

      Don't let facts and truths confuse you.

      There is a simple reason for the reduction of Jews in the arab occupied world and christians in the same.

      ISLAM and the Arabs.

      Talk about an Idiot?

      Look in the mirror

    6. quirk: 2. I pointed out the hypocrisy of you guys when you point out the crimes committed by the Palestinians but then act as if Jews aren't committing the same type of crimes. I went on to point out comparisons in order to make my point.

      Palestinians are committing thousands of crimes involving stabbings, shootings, rock throwing, shooting rockets.

      You post one or two (one being not proven at all) examples as the same behavior..

      You are really a nitwit

    7. It was at that point that you jumped in and claimed I was being 'specious'.

      I quickly pulled up links to show that you were wrong. Since, unlike some here, I usually check things our 'before' opening my mouth on a subject, my comments may be contested but they are rarely 'specious'.

      You distort, lie and present misinformation to prove your point.

      You are not an honest person Quirk.


      you are dishonest.

    8. Quirk: Now, you suggest that go live in Gaza. This is the same stupid equivalency argument you guys bring up all the time. If you can find some regime somewhere that is worse than yours, that absolves you of all sins?

      Nope. I just hope that you get to deal with, live with the scum you defend on a daily basis.

      You do not deserve to live with decent people.

    9. .

      Because I don't accept the bull you put up here every day?

      You are a funny man, I'll give you that.


    10. .

      You distort, lie and present misinformation to prove your point.

      You are not an honest person Quirk.


      you are dishonest.

      Sorry, I will admit that I didn't pull the links or the quotes from the august WiO's Alternative History of the World, the Universe, and Everything

      However, the stories, the links, the quotes that I put up were carried in major newspapers around the world and many of the blogs. From what I could see, all of the papers in Israel carried the stories. I believe the one I put up was from Haartz.

      You were perfectly free to investigate on your own. But of course you didn't. To do so might uncover some uncomfortable truths. Instead, like Farmer Bob, you search for those publications that confirm your biases. It's so much more comfortable that way.

      You guys are an insult to intelligent conversation.


    11. .

      You post one or two (one being not proven at all) examples as the same behavior..

      Not being proven at all?

      How stupid are you?

      Moshe Ya'alon says he knows who the arsonists are but refuses prosecute them.

      The IDF calls them 'Jewish terrorists'.

      Bibi repeats that terrorist claim and proposes the administrative detention previously reserved for Palestinians now be used for Jewish terrorists also.

      You post one or two (one being not proven at all) examples as the same behavior..

      Did you open the link to the list of 'Price-tag' attacks from 2008-2015 that I put up?


      Naw, I didn't think so.


    12. .

      You really don't get it do you?

      Christians have been driven out and HENSE there is CHANGING demographics.

      Pure nonsense. Nothing in the article suggests your interpretation. It merely talks about the growing population of Arabs. It says zip about anyone being driven out. It reflects the same changing demographics we see here in the US as the white population quickly becomes less and less a majority population.


    13. Denial aint just a river in Egypt.

      You sir live in a fairy tale.

    14. The specific case of the firing bombing of the palestinian's home is under investigation.

      Yes, some in israel say it's Jews that committed the crime.

      Others also say that there have been 5 other firebombing by other palestinians in a clan dispute with them

      Who is to blame?

      No one has been convicted of this crime.

      If it's a Jew? So be it and they will go to jail for a very long time.

      If it's a Palestinian? So be it and they will go to jail for a time, until they are released to to more terrorism.

      The issue remains.

      The Palestinians do thousands of acts of terror and you compare this to the relatively FEW acts of Jewish caused terror.

      Jews that are convicted of terror are NOT PRAISED by the Government, the Government of Israel calls them criminals.

      Now in the Palestinian world, (one that you defend constantly) terrorists are rewarded with salaries to be paid, by the state, to their families for their honorable role in slaughtering jews.

    15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    16. .

      A fairy tale?



      Yes, it's titled Reality. You should visit sometime. Just for a change.


    17. .

      Yes, some in israel say it's Jews that committed the crime.

      Some? The defense minister, the IDF, Bibi. Some?


    18. .

      Who is to blame?

      No one has been convicted of this crime.

      Gee, I wonder why that is?

      Israel’s defense establishment knows who is responsible for the arson attack that killed three members of a Palestinian family two months ago, but has chosen to prevent legal recourse in order to protect the identity of their sources, Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon told a closed meeting of some 20 young Likud activists in Tel Aviv on Wednesday.


      They will talk to Likud activists about the status of the case, but the last I heard after 2 months they have still not got back the the family of the dead about the status of the 'investigation'.


    19. .

      If it's a Jew? So be it and they will go to jail for a very long time.

      If it's a Palestinian? So be it and they will go to jail for a time, until they are released to to more terrorism.

      If it was a Palestinian 'suspect' their homes would have already been torn down. Yet, Jewish suspects have after two months not been named, not been arrested, not been indicted in order to protect the identity of their sources.
      As for their houses? You got to be kidding.


    20. .

      The issue remains.

      The Palestinians do thousands of acts of terror and you compare this to the relatively FEW acts of Jewish caused terror.

      You belittle reference to 'price-tag' attacks or attacks by the ultra-orthodox Jews in Israel including their rock throwing while condemning rock-throwing by Palestinians evidently either assuming the former is merely the acts of some rambunctious kids or else fully justified. Well lets see who is really being killed in Israel. I googled Israeli and Palestinian deaths since 2000. I'll put up the results in a couple minutes. I'm on a different computer right now.


    21. .

      Now in the Palestinian world, (one that you defend constantly)...

      More, lies. I do not defend the Palestinians. I have not tried to justify any of the killing they have committed. I'll leave that to
      Deuce to rationalize. When asked point blank, I have said I condemn any acts of terrorism in Israel. ANY acts. And that is the point. Just because you and Bobo refuse to recognizes certain Israeli acts as terrorism doesn't mean they are not. When even Bibi has come to recognize the fact and you don't, perhaps you should take a time out and think about it.

      You were putting up posts here for a couple days on Israeli's being attacked by Palestinians in Jerusalem and the WB. I didn't offer up any excuses for the Palestinian perps. I didn't say anything until Bobo began editorializing on an article he put up and had the facts ass backwards. Then, when I used examples, not to justify any Palestinian actions but to point out his hypocrisy, you jumped in.

      I'd suggest you guys post your articles and let the facts speak for themselves without editorializing.

      If you want me to butt out do us all a favor and quit the hyperbole and lies.


    22. .

      I mention googling Israeli/Palestinian conflict deaths since 2000. Here are the first few...






  33. To engage Autosteer, you must first enable that capability in the driver-assistance menu while the Model S is switched on in Park. Then, while motoring between 18 and 90 mph, two rearward yanks of the cruise control stalk in quick succession enable Autopilot. (If there’s a car ahead in your lane, the greater-than-18-mph requirement is waived.)

    Tesla’s legal eagles are quick to note that, "Autopilot is a hands-on feature. You must keep your hands on the steering wheel at all times." Flaunting those admonitions, we quickly discovered it works just fine hands-free. To choose the spacing between you and the car ahead, you twist the end of the cruise control stalk to adjust between one and seven car lengths. Symbols in the cluster indicate your speed, the posted limit (a display that swells in size when you exceed that velocity), cruise-control engagement, lane borders marked in blue when the system is active, and the presence of a car ahead. Possible modes are: no car ahead, tracking the path of the car ahead (forward car marked blue if you engage below 18 mph), and maintaining the center of your traffic lane (distant car ahead marked white, close car ahead in black).

    Autosteer feels smooth and confident with no path wobbling as long as the lane markers are clean and clear. When the system loses the scent—because of missing or obscure marks or sharp turns—a "hold steering wheel" advisory appears, followed by a display depicting red hands on the wheel and a “! Take over immediately" message followed, if necessary, by a wake-up chime. We noticed that the . . . . . . . .

    It's going to be a hell of a Century

    1. How does all this self driving car non-sense work in back country off - road pickup trucks ?

      I think I'd like to do all the driving entirely myself, thank you very much.

  34. .

    Obama announces another troop extension in Afghanistan, indicating that up to 15,000 troops will remain there at least through 2016 and possibly longer. 9800 will be involved in counter insurgency, anti-terror, and training operations. 5500 will be there with the embassy and scattered in various lily-pad bases around the country.

    No doubt this news will gladden the hearts of the neocons and their groupies here.

    We have been assured that this action will help stabilize and maintain Afghanistan and its government. No doubt, we can look forward to...

    - Terrorism will be constrained.
    - The 're-birth' of al Queda there will be snuffed out.
    - The nascent ISIS surge there will be killed in the cradle.
    - The rising Taliban 'resistance movement's' insurgency will be controlled and they will be forced to the negotiating table.
    - The poppy crop will continue to be protected.

    We shall see.


    1. Since you are for withdrawing all the troops, it is evident you are for turning the entire place back over to the Taliban, from which situation all the trouble first arose.

      Our Commander -in - Chief has said this is the necessary war, the war we must win, the war we cannot lose. He must keep some troops there for political purposes, to ensure he scoots out of office not having lost Afghanistan too.

      And truth be known, Black Americans serving in Afghanistan are most probably safer there than living in Detroit or Philly.......

      And you don't give a hoot about the Afghan women.

      It's all a part of your Democratic Party's war on women, not only in USA but around the world.

      What a knight gallant you are...

      Even you were for going into Afghanistan.

      And you want to walk away with defeat.

      What kind of urban hick are you, anyway ?

      One thing about you, you always see the trees, not the forest.

      Hence, your nitpicking, continually - God it gets boring - the Israelis, when the entire problem arises from the outlook of Islam, which is, first, to kill all the Jews, then the Sunday People, and then the Deuce/Rufus folks.

      The platform of Hamas explicitly calls for the genocide of the Jews. The PA outlook is exactly the same. Both endorse explicit ethnic cleansing.......see the situation in Bethlehem.....etc....

      80,000,000 MILLION Hindus have been killed by the Moslems over the centuries, etc......

      Yet you only see the trees, not the forest.

      Quit with you goddamned nitpicking the Israelis, you arse.

    2. .

      Since you are for withdrawing all the troops, it is evident you are for turning the entire place back over to the Taliban, from which situation all the trouble first arose.


      You are fucking hilarious you damn liar. Where you suggesting Obama leave a 100,000 troops in Iraq in 2011? Of course not. Yet, AQI/ISI was committing terrorists attacks right up to the time all the troops were pulled out. According to the AUMF Bush signed, ALL American troops were pulled out of the Iraqi cities in 2009 and the draw down was started. By 2010, all combat troops were pulled out of the country. All anyone has ever talked about, even your neocon buddies, was keeping between 3,000 and 10,000 troops there.

      As for the Taliban, your bros drove them out in 2 months in 2001 and then allowed them back in. In Obama's speech this morning, he indicated the Afghan is in full control and taking back territory from the Taliban. He gave the city of Kunduz as an example. We are only there to provide them with training.

      Quit trying to weasel out of your previous comments.

      And you don't give a hoot about the Afghan women.

      As if having a few thousand US troops scattered around in 'Lily Pad' bases where any interaction with the Afghan population will be minimal at best is going to change cultural norms going back centuries. You, sir, are nutz.

      Even you were for going into Afghanistan.

      The US aims as stated by the Bush administration, the aims I supported, were accomplished in a few months in Afghanistan. But then we stayed. The goals shifted, we became nation builders, people died. Walk away with defeat? Only a fool wouldn't realize we lost in Afghanistan years ago.

      Quit with you goddamned nitpicking the Israelis, you arse.

      I'll be glad to quit when you (as you did above) and WiO quit putting up statements that are absurd on their face and are easily refuted.

      Quit it you arses.


  35. Bernie Sanders, a candidate only a former Any Randean or snot faced college students could love (and don't forget, Bernie wants all this free stuff while keeping the women confined to the Kitchens, and Romper Rooms of USA) -

    Bernie Sanders: The 18-trillion-dollar man
    posted at 12:01 pm on October 15, 2015 by Jazz Shaw

    Share on Facebook

    Most of the attention which Bernie Sanders received following the Democrats’ debate in Las Vegas centered on his dismissal of Hillary Clinton’s email scandals, but when you go through the entire replay there were plenty of good bits to be found in there. One of them was his fierce defense of socialism and declaration that “capitalism has failed,” as demonstrated by some people in the United States being quite wealthy. Bernie sang the praises of modern “democratic socialist” nations like Denmark and offered plenty of prescriptions for how America can learn from our socialist betters and bring on a new era of peace, love and flowers. He would be expanding healthcare programs, forgiving debts and giving away all sorts of goodies. But what would all of that cost?

    Ed Morrissey is on vacation at the moment, but he left us a column at The Fiscal Times which adds up the bill. And boy howdy… it’s a big one.

    What Sanders doesn’t want to explain is the costs involved in democratic Socialism. On Monday, Reuters columnist Daniel Indiviglio analyzed Sanders’ proposals and foresaw an $8 trillion deficit in its first decade. Expanding Medicare would cost $9.6 trillion alone, with another Obama-style infrastructure stimulus for supposedly shovel-ready jobs adding another trillion dollars. His tax hikes would only bring in $4 trillion, leaving a massive hole in the US budget. “If Sanders wants to realize his socialist dream, he’ll need much higher taxes to achieve it,” Indiviglio concludes.

    The Wall Street Journal priced out Sanders’ agenda and found that it would require “at least $18 trillion in new spending over a decade. That may be a low estimate. Last month, The Wall Street Journal priced out Sanders’ agenda and found that it would require “at least $18 trillion in new spending over a decade,” an amount that surpasses the current total national debt of the United States. Nationalizing the US health industry into Medicare will cost $15 trillion, according to Laura Meckler, and Sanders’ expansion of Social Security will cost another $1.2 trillion.

    As Ed goes on to note, even the big ticket items spelled out in those two reports don’t tell the full story. The “free college” programs being pushed by Barack Obama and endorsed by both Clinton and Sanders will run up another 3/4 trillion in bills. (I don’t think anyone has ever let them know that nothing is ever actually free.) Also not included is the hit to the economy from mandating extended family leave for workers by employers who will have to make up for the loss in productivity and replacement labor elsewhere.

    And to pay for all of this Sanders is talking about a tax hike not seen in most of our lifetimes. Even if he managed to collect every bit of it from both wealthy Americans and those who are lucky enough to simply have a decent job, the total revenue increase over the same period might be as high as $6.5 trillion. The rest of that mountain of bills would accrue directly to the national debt. But hey… the Democrats have never worried about paying those bills off anyway, so why would the Socialist?

    This is a pattern we’ve seen before and we know how the story ends. But Bernie is wrong to point to Denmark as his model. That’s a tiny nation with a lot of nationalized energy income. If he wants to see what America looks like after a decade or so of those sorts of policies the example he should be highlighting is Greece.


    I think the comparison should be to Venezuela, not Greece, but that a Quartian nitpick.

  36. Obama’s Afghan decision translated: Maybe that Iraq withdrawal was a bad idea in hindsight
    posted at 2:01 pm on October 15, 2015 by Allahpundit

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    That’s the takeaway from today’s big announcement, no matter how vehemently lefties may insist that yanking everyone out of Iraq was the right call regardless of what the consequences, a new terrorist caliphate included, might be. In fact, watching this clip, it occurred to me that all of Obama’s biggest foreign policy decisions over the past four years are really just attempts to relitigate Iraq by the left’s uneasy coalition of doves and R2P enthusiasts. Libya, for instance, was his way of showing how a modern, truly multinational western coalition might go about liberating an Islamic country ruled by a psycho. We’d seen what sort of unholy mess the cowboy approach could make in Iraq; now we were going to see what the “smart power” approach could do. Result: An unholy mess.

    So Obama tried a different approach in another Arab Spring country, Syria. This time we wouldn’t put American servicemen into the field at all. We’d send some weapons to Assad’s enemies, but we wouldn’t so much as attempt to train our own proxy force of Sunni rebels (until very recently, that is, when the project collapsed in failure). If we’d minded our own business 12 years ago vis-a-vis Iraq, maybe that country, and the region, would be much more stable than they are now. Result: Syria’s become the unholiest mess on the planet, worse even than post-Saddam Iraq, with a seemingly inexhaustible army of Salafist fanatics squaring off against Assad, Iran, Hezbollah, and Vladimir Putin......


    1. .

      No problem now, at least for Afghanistan, not with the troops staying.

      I expect the tourist industry will explode...whoops, I mean it will grow rapidly and in short order. From there, the sky's the limit.


    2. The tourist industry might well experience some 'explosions' - of the human jihadi suicide type.

      Keep up your smart assery, and I'll soon be offering you a free air ticket to southern Afghanistan in addition to Gaza.

      Maybe I'll send you on a 'whirlwind tour', the type you advertise at Souls R Us, where 'white privilege penalties' do not apply, and everyone gets a free Cuban cigar.

      Land in Gaza, then up through Hezbollah controlled southern Lebanon, then head to southern Afghanistan, hop over to northern Nigeria, coming back through Yemen, weekend over at the Grand Mosque in Saudi, then on to Syria, then back to the States.

      Good Luck to ya, and

      Cheers !


      Vandal Fans across North America and around the World - Idaho up against Troy in Troy, Alabama this Saturday.

      Your Vandal reporter will be posting the running score.

      The outcome is not in doubt.

      "Boosting the Vandals Builds Character"

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Ben's got it right.

    One of the many reasons I'll vote for Ben if I get the chance -



    10/14/2015 11:58
    ‘Never Again’ means standing with Israel

    In recent days I suggested that things might have unfolded in a very different manner in Europe had the Jewish people been armed and better able to defend themselves.

    Ben Carson . (photo credit:MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)

    Sometimes it is hard to find the right words to talk about the kind of evil that defies reason and destroys lives. We saw that evil on full display during the Holocaust perpetuated by the fanatical and tyrannical Nazi regime under Adolph Hitler. The lessons to be drawn from those darkest of days in world history are plentiful, and as relevant today as they were nearly 80 years ago.

    In recent days I suggested that things might have unfolded in a very different manner in Europe had the Jewish people been armed and better able to defend themselves. What would have been the impact on Hitler’s war machine if his victims had had more access to guns? It is something that we will never know for sure.

    What I do know however, beyond any shadow of a doubt, is that I never intended for my words to diminish the enormity of the tragedy or in any way to cause any pain for Holocaust survivors or their families.

    Both those who perished and those who survived the Nazi camps deserve our deepest reverence, as do the partisan fighters who rose in armed opposition.

    It is truly incomprehensive to imagine what these men, women and children endured, and it is impossible for us to put ourselves in their shoes. This I know, since I have seen some of those actual shoes first-hand at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. and at Yad Vashem in Israel. Those shoes, stripped from just some of the millions of Holocaust victims, are a jarring symbol that humanizes the loss.

    1. They are poignant and painful reminders. I have learned about the Holocaust and studied the history. So should every American, as well as others all around the world. 

      When I was in Israel last year, stepping from the dimmed lights of their Holocaust Museum into the bright Jerusalem sunshine underscored for me in a literal and figurative manner that often out of darkness comes light. And upon reflection, I concluded that there are vital lessons that can be drawn from the Holocaust’s senselessness and savagery. One is that going back centuries the Jewish people have somehow managed to find a way to overcome every oppressor who sought to destroy them.

      Another is that the Jewish people need a state and that they must have the ability to defend themselves in order to ensure that “never again” remains a reality. That state, Israel, has been re-established in their historic homeland.

      The founding of the State of Israel in 1948 was an accomplishment that almost never fully came to pass. Just hours after declaring its independence, Arab armies descended on the fledgling state in a war of annihilation only to be overcome by spirited Israeli forces who fought with the conviction and valor of those with nowhere else to go and no other option for survival.

      Sadly for Israel, serious threats remain and its people must still live in a perpetual state of readiness to confront those who seek her destruction. Israel’s armed forces and the country’s qualitative military edge over other nations in the Middle East are essential elements that ensure that the Jewish people continue to have a state of their own and that Israel can thrive.

      The Middle East is a region awash with dictatorships, ruthless violence, turmoil and political instability where Israel is the only Western-style democracy.

      As Americans we stand with Israel because the Jewish state embodies many of the same aspects that make the United States the greatest nation in the world: commitment to human rights, religious liberty for all citizens, the rule of law, equal rights for women, a free press, a robust judicial system.

      America’s relationship with Israel is one with deep benefits for both nations. This proves invaluable every day in term of strategic cooperation and in specific arenas of homeland security and counterterrorism.

      In the years to come, America’s ability to defend herself against all enemies, foreign and domestic, will be critical. Our determination to secure our homeland and to safeguard our citizens against adversaries and radical Islamist terrorist groups must be stronger than ever.

      Looking to the future, while remaining mindful of the past, I believe that it is in America’s national security interests to deepen our commitment to Israel. If elected president in November 2016, I will explore every opportunity to strengthen ties between our two nations and to ensure that Israel always has the tools it needs to protect herself and our shared interests.

      While Israel must be able to go it alone, it should never have to stand alone. In recent years, personalities and politics have been permitted to negatively affect America’s relationship with Israel despite the fact that the bonds between our two nations are so unique and vital. When the enemies of Israel and the United States sense rifts between us, they are emboldened and grow even more dangerous.

      The strength of the U.S.-Israel relationship can and must be strengthened.

      That is precisely why I look forward to my first conversation as President of the United States with the Prime Minister of Israel. On that phone call I will utter four important words that reflect the future direction we will take together: "Our relationship is restored."

      The writer, Benjamin S Carson Sr MD, is Emeritus Professor of Neurosurgery, Oncology, Plastic Surgery and Pediatrics at Johns Hopkins and a 2016 Republican candidate for President of the United States.

  39. Why Is the CBO Concocting a Phony Debt Crisis?

    A simple accounting trick is arming austerity hawks with a powerful, phony weapon.

    All the serious people in Washington know we have a debt problem. “Rapidly Growing Debt Threatens America’s Economic Future” blared a typical press release from Senate Budget Committee chairman Mike Enzi. “It is clear from [Congressional Budget Office] analysis that rapidly growing public sector debt threatens America’s economic future,” he said.

    There’s just one problem. The numbers relied upon by Enzi and far too many others inside the Beltway, including the Congressional Budget Office itself, are completely bogus. The methodology used by the CBO to create these projections exaggerates the federal government’s long-term debt projection by as much as 440 percent, creating a phony fiscal crisis where none exists.

    In reality, data provided to The Nation by Stephen Goss, chief actuary of the Social Security Administration, shows that starting in 2032 the federal government’s debt held by the public is on track to rapidly decline as a share of GDP, bottoming out at 40 percent. This is in stark contrast to the CBO’s sharply rising debt-to-GDP ratio, which peaks at 176 percent in 2090.

    How can there be such a large discrepancy in the numbers? The answer is fairly simple. The CBO assumes that Social Security and Medicare Part A will draw on the general fund of the US Treasury to cover benefit shortfalls following the depletion of their trust funds, which at the current rate will occur in 2034.

    That would obviously lead to an exploding debt, but it’s a scenario prohibited by law.

    In the case of both programs, benefits must be paid either from revenue collected via payroll taxes or from accumulated savings in the programs’ trust funds. When those funds run out, full benefits will simply not be paid. “Because there is no borrowing authority, there is really a hard stop,” said Goss.

    1. Congress could pass a law saying that Social Security and Medicare Part A would begin drawing on the US Treasury general fund after 2034. Or, Congress could preemptively pass laws to avert the situation before the deadline; it could take the approach favored by progressives and increase revenue to the programs by lifting the payroll tax cap, or alternatively raise the retirement age and lower benefits.

      But the bottom line is the CBO projections disregard the actual law and assume a worst-case legislative scenario—and one that is politically unlikely, to boot. It’s hard to imagine Congress would simply leave the problem alone and watch Social Security and Medicare Part A devour the nation’s budget.

      “Congress has always stepped up and done the right thing, and made changes necessary. Now that is a fact,” said Goss.

      Indeed, in 1983, then-President Ronald Reagan and Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill passed legislation raised the retirement age from 65 to 67, among other structural changes.

      Congress acted at the time on the recommendations of the National Commission on Social Security Reform, which was chaired by Alan Greenspan. His assistant on the commission was Nancy Altman, who is currently co-director of Social Security Works, a group that advocates for the expansion of Social Security.

      “[The CBO is] pretending that when we get to 2034 all of a sudden we will borrow a whole bunch of money to pay benefits, when nobody is talking about doing that. There are a dozen of expansion bills that have been introduced and all of them bring in additional revenue,” Altman said. “No one has suggested [funding Social Security through deficit spending] since the 1940s. No one on either side of this debate.”

    2. This is not a small accounting matter. Our national conception of debt distorts the political debate by creating a climate of fear around a potentially bankrupt nation. In particular, a imminent monster debt casts a shadow over progressive policy proposals. Just this week, Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell is floating a budget deal that would cut Social Security benefits and raise the Medicare age.


      “CBO estimates are often used as a kind of gold standard in these debates, and when they generate these out-year debt projections that are in the stratosphere, you see a lot of scare mongering based on those numbers,” said Jared Bernstein, senior fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, and former chief economist and economic adviser to Vice President Joe Biden. “I interact with politicians all the time who use the threat of future deficits and debt to block not just a progressive agenda but basic investments in public goods like infrastructure and education,” Bernstein continued.

      Altman said the CBO’s score “puts pressure on spending. It’s really the conservative agenda to starve the beast…. It’s an attempt to force a crisis where there is no crisis.”

      The CBO hasn’t gone rogue here, but rather it’s acting under order of Congress. The CBO confirmed to The Nation that its scoring convention is based on Section 257(b)(1) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, which states that “funding for entitlement authority is assumed to be adequate to make all payments required by those laws.”

      To get at the real picture, Congress could and should simply ask the CBO to correctly score these numbers, or at least note that this score is not consistent with current law.

      That would remove a central talking point for austerity hawks who seek deep cuts in federal spending. So maybe we shouldn’t hold our breath. In the meantime, we need to realize that there really is no debt crisis.

      The Nation

  40. Does all that mean we can spend bunches and bunches more on free stuff ?

    The Nation is a lefty socialist rag of long standing.

    The Nation is the oldest continuously published weekly magazine in the United States, a successor to William Lloyd Garrison's The Liberator.[2] The periodical, devoted to politics and culture, is self-described as "the flagship of the left".[3] Founded on July 6, 1865, it is published by The Nation Company, L.P., at 33 Irving Place, New York City.[4] It is associated with The Nation Institute.

    The Nation has bureaus in Washington, D.C., London, and South Africa, with departments covering architecture, art, corporations, defense, environment, films, legal affairs, music, peace and disarmament, poetry, and the United Nations. Circulation peaked at 187,000 in 2006 but by 2010 had dropped back to 145,000 in print, though digital subscriptions had risen to over 15,000.[5]


    If you like having the wool pulled over your eyes, read The Nation.

  41. By the way, scientists might have discovered a gigantic alien megastructure in deep space
    posted at 10:01 pm on October 15, 2015 by Allahpundit


    Exciting ?

    Spooky ?


  42. October 15, 2015
    Germany changing in the wake of Muslim invaders
    By Carol Brown

    See also: Muslim 'refugees' sue Germany for not paying benefits fast enough

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel has propelled Germany into a descent into madness and ruin. Here is a short tour of the new Germany, courtesy of Bare Naked Islam (BNI).

    Garbage and feces are visible in public spaces. But that’s okay. German schoolchildren can clean it up. What better way to introduce them to the dhimmi status that awaits than to have them start young and perform duties as if indentured servants for the invaders (here and here)?

    Meanwhile, many trains are out of service, unusable until they are completely disinfected. Muslim invaders do not use toilets or garbage disposals.

    Schoolgirls are told to cover up because male invaders might “misunderstand” or be “offended” and unable to control themselves. Germany has just imported the true rape culture: Islam (here and here).

    BNI also reports on a tiny town just across the border in Austria. It is unrecognizable. There are invaders, garbage, and feces everywhere. Women dare not venture out alone for fear of being attacked. With few police and no political will to do anything about it, the situation continues unabated.

    There are rumors that some police officers stationed in areas particularly hard hit by these savages have come down with mysterious illnesses.

    One female Christian volunteer stated they are continually berated as “Christian whores.”

    None of this should surprise anyone. All of it could have been avoided. But Europe has chosen death over life.

    Some Germans are trying desperately to stop this suicidal insanity by trying to block busloads of invaders from entering their towns. To no avail. The German police protect the buses, not the German citizens. Watching a video clip of this (here) was like watching the seeds of a civil war.

    One can only imagine the joy terrorists feel to see this unfolding – all going according to plan. Perhaps even easier than planned. Who would have guessed that Germany would have flung open the doors so wide?

    Is there hope? Yes, because there is always hope. Masses of Germans have been rallying to defend their nation, though you’d never know because the media doesn’t cover it (here, here, here, here, and here for recent rallies).

    May the German people prevail. And may we, here in America, do everything possible to ensure that this is not our future.


    My Niece, and her new boyfriend, are thinking of getting out of Europe.

    Too much chaos for her in Dresden where she is located.

  43. Carson is now leading Clinton in the national polls -


    I notice Carson and Trump are refraining from criticizing one another...so far.

    Really can't see Trump running as the second banana, he seems too egotistical for that, but Carson might agree to run with Trump.

    Jeb! is drowning.

    Christie is finished, never having gotten the engine going.

    Huckabee is finished.

    Rand Paul is finished.

    Rubio, Cruz and Fiorina hanging on.

    They have all had big to-dos with The Donald......

    The Donald and The Doctor may be the ticket....

    Carson and Trump have teamed up demanding some changes in the next debate, or threaten to sit it out.

    Ratings being a big deal, they will get their changes.

  44. "They're all dicks"......on the left.

    Quart is, at least, half right, for once.

    They Really Hate Ben Carson
    The Left's campaign to destroy another high-profile black Republican is in full swing.
    October 16, 2015
    Dennis Prager

    The invective against Dr. Ben Carson coming from the left is extraordinary, even for the left. Now that Carson, one of the pre-eminent brain surgeons in America, has become a viable candidate for president, the left has labelled him everything awful it can come up with. One left-wing columnist, Charles Blow of The New York Times, even disparaged his intelligence.

    But there were two attacks made this past week that should be beyond the pale even for the left.

    The first was that Carson "blamed the victims" in the Roseburg, Oregon, community college mass murder.

    How did that happen?

    On Fox News, Carson noted that "the poor families of those individuals had to be hurting so badly." One of the hosts then made the following comment: "Dr. Carson, if a gunman walks up and puts a gun at you and says, 'What religion are you?' that is the ultimate test of your faith."

    To which Carson responded: "I'm glad you asked that question. Because not only would I probably not cooperate with him, I would not just stand there and let him shoot me. I would say, 'Hey, guys, everybody attack him. He may shoot me, but he can't get us all.'"

    He was asked, in essence, what he would do. Whether one agrees or disagrees with what he says he would do, it was hardly "blaming the victims."

    Yet, that is what the left accuses of him doing.

    Chris Matthews on MSNBC: "Why would someone running for president ... lay the blame on those young people in Oregon who were just killed by a mass murderer?"

    New York Daily News headline: "2016 contender Ben Carson defends remarks criticizing victims of Oregon shooting."

    It was a grotesque libel.

    1. But even that libel might have even outdone by the reaction to Carson's comments about the Holocaust and guns: "The likelihood of Hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people had been armed."

      Those comments were actually labeled anti-Semitic.

      Now, while "greatly diminished" is debatable, the general view strikes me as simple common sense: Why wouldn't it have been a good thing if many Jews in 1930s Europe had had weapons? Of course it would not have prevented the Holocaust, but it might have saved some lives; and just as important, it would have enabled armed Jews to die fighting rather than to die unarmed and with no ability to fight.

      If Jews in Europe had been asked, "Would you like to be armed when the Nazis come to round you up?" what do Carson's critics think the great majority of European Jews would have answered? Indeed, what would the critics themselves answer?

      No normal person thinks that armed Jews would have prevented the Holocaust (nor did Carson make such a claim). But no normal person should think that it would have not have been a good thing if many European Jews had weapons. The hallowed Warsaw Ghetto Uprising began with the Jews in the Ghetto possessing a total of 10 handguns. Imagine if they had a thousand.

      In The Washington Post, David Kopel of the Cato Institute, who teaches Advanced Constitutional Law at the University Denver Sturm College of Law, cited the diaries of Jews who died in the Warsaw Ghetto. They expressed unalloyed joy at being able to kill some of their Nazi tormentors, and deep regret about not having been armed and been able to fight back sooner than they did.

      But even if one believes that Carson and Kopel are wrong, how could one characterize Carson's comments as "anti-Semitic" or "blaming the victims [the Jews]"? How could one label statements expressing the wish that the Jews of the Holocaust had been armed "anti-Semitic"? Yet, among others, a contributing editor to the Forward, a leading Jewish newspaper, wrote that these remarks were "profoundly anti-Semitic, immoral and disgusting." And Carson was attacked by prominent Jews in Time and by the Anti-Defamation League.

      The left is in full-blown smear-Carson mode. He is, after all, the left's worst nightmare — a black Republican who is brilliant, kind and widely admired, including by many blacks.

      It is a rule of left-wing life that black Republicans must have their names and reputations destroyed. The left knows that if blacks do not vote overwhelmingly Democrat, Democrats cannot win a national election.

      So, the smearing of Dr. Ben Carson has just begun.

