Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Who is Responsible for the Flood of Refugees Streaming Into Europe?


  1. Replies
    1. :) Damn, Deuce, did you quit your day job? :) :)

      You been busy, today. :)

    2. No, I am planning a business trip to Czech, Luxembourg and Holland. Working on an amazing Net Zero Energy project.

    3. Dang. You have all the fun. :)

  2. There needs to be a legal accounting and the US has an inordinate responsibility to provide refuge and amends for the criminal activity of US politicians and their mercenary armies.

  3. We'd better get busy, and make some better decisions, or we're going to lose what little soul we have left.

  4. Can you believe the photo of McCain on the Senate floor?

    1. Deuce, I didn't look at it. That picture just broke my heart.

    2. We've caused the death of too many children.

    3. We have a visceral reaction because he looks like he could be one of our children, or grandchildren.

      But, all the children, whose deaths we have caused, directly, or indirectly, look like someone's grandchild.

  5. Don't mail anything of value to Germany,

    I did. Pictures and jewelry,

    Vanished once it hit German customs.

    Did have it insured though.

  6. Good grief, just read that last thread.

    If you were armed you'd all be dangerous , even Ash.

  7. It looks like the chosen were chosen rather late.

    More evidence on the total rubbish about the mythical god of Abraham and the childishly absurd pap about claims of superior longevity:

    Scientists have discovered a new human-like species in a burial chamber deep in a cave system in South Africa.

    The discovery of 15 partial skeletons is the largest single discovery of its type in Africa.

    The researchers claim that the discovery will change ideas about our human ancestors.

    The studies which have been published in the journal Elife also indicate that these individuals were capable of ritual behaviour.

    The species, which has been named naledi, has been classified in the grouping, or genus, Homo, to which modern humans belong.

    The researchers who made the find have not been able to find out how long ago these creatures lived - but the scientist who led the team, Prof Lee Berger, told BBC News that he believed they could be among the first of our kind (genus Homo) and could have lived in Africa up to three million years ago.

    1. Sounds like your arab/moslem friends are just as full of shit, make sure you tell them that...

    2. All Abrahamic religions have equal standing as being full of shit. The level of toxicity varies.

    3. Christianity and Islam are far more toxic than Judaism.

    4. Eponymous ancestor - please look this up.

    5. 'All Abrahamic religions have equal standing as being full of shit. The level of toxicity varies'

      - depending upon the knowledge and skill of the reader......

      By the way, have a good trip......

  8. Homo naledi: 1,500 Fossils Revolutionize Human Family Tree

    Two years after being discovered deep in a South African cave, the 1,500 fossils excavated during the Rising Star Expedition have been identified as belonging to a previously unknown early human relative that National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Lee Berger and team have named Homo naledi.

    An account of naledi’s discovery and analysis is the cover story of the October National Geographic magazine, and is online now with photos, videos, animations, and graphics.

    The finds are described scientifically in two new papers published in the journal eLife.

    With at least 15 individuals of all ages and both sexes represented, the find adds an unprecedented amount of information to our understanding of early human evolution in Africa.

    Just as striking, the absence of any other animal remains or large debris in the fossil chamber strongly suggests that these creatures intentionally deposited their dead within the cave. Until now, only modern humans and Neanderthals had been known to practice burial.

    Join the discussion surrounding this remarkable discovery here and on Twitter using #NalediFossils.

    The NOVA/National Geographic documentary, “Dawn of Humanity,” chronicles the discovery and premieres in the U.S. Sept. 16, 2015, at 9 p.m. ET/8 p.m. CT on PBS in the U.S. and is streaming online now.

    1. Ab was an ancestor not a god and Swedes are longest lived of the world's people.

      Our tradition is to wait t0 days before burying one of us as we might just be faking.

      Ab was also a good President.


    GOP ‘Revolt’ Delays Iran Deal Vote
    Rep. Roskam Seeks to Block Vote Outright
    by Jason Ditz, September 09, 2015

    With the Senate now having enough votes to block a resolution against the P5+1 nuclear deal with Iran, the Republican leadership was seeking a consolation prize with a vote in the House, even though without the Senate version it is meaningless. The House vote was announced for 9/11, but now appears to be indefinitely postponed in the face of right-wing opposition.

    The issue seems to stem from an “uprising” in the Freedom Caucus, which is demanding a whole set of bills against the deal, including one from Rep. Peter Roskam (R – IL) complaining that the White House didn’t submit the terms of any side deals between Iran and the IAEA, meaning that the review process wasn’t legally met.

    The effort seems to be an attempt to extend the fight over the Iran deal beyond the 60-day review limit, which expires on September 17. There is no indication, however, that the White House even has access to confidential deals between Iran and the IAEA, meaning even if the “side deals” were vital to the review process, it’s a problem with the design of the process in the first place.

    Rep. Roskam appears to believe that passing a resolution demanding these documents would put the 60-day review process in suspended animation, basically forever since they’re not going to get the documents. Other House leaders warn the more likely result is for the White House to simply consider the September 17 review deadline met, particularly since the Senate isn’t going to vote at all, and implement the deal.

    That’s probably going to be the case, indeed, since the White House doesn’t have a lot of alternatives. The P5+1 deal is finalized, and there was never more than a very outside shot Congress would prevent US involvement. The deal is going to be implemented either way internationally and the US really has no excuse not to follow through with its promises.


    A contest ensues to claim the most ridiculous objection.

    Steve Chapman | September 10, 2015

    When the Iran deal was completed, Republicans took on a creative exercise. The assignment: Come up with the most outrageously hyperbolic condemnation you can think of. And they aced it.

    With this agreement, said Mike Huckabee, President Barack Obama "will take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven." Under it, said Ted Cruz, "The Obama administration will become the world's leading state sponsor and financier of radical Islamic terrorism."

    Huckabee's comment was so over-the-top that Jeb Bush said it was "just wrong." Cruz's charge provoked an objection from Bobby Jindal, who is not normally a model of restraint.

    But Dick Cheney outdoes them all in his new book, Exceptional: Why the World Needs a Powerful America. The deal, he declares, will most likely lead to "the first use of a nuclear weapon since Hiroshima and Nagasaki."

    The critics don't realize that the more extreme their characterizations the less credible they are. It's not hard to make the case that the deal is flawed and inadequate. But it's hard to pretend it is, as Cheney claims, "madness."

    Two of the most interesting moments of the campaign came at the Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa, in July, which several GOP presidential candidates attended. Interviewing Marco Rubio and later Cruz, Republican consultant Frank Luntz asked: "If it's that bad, why would this president do this?"

    Rubio had a simple answer: "Because he wants a legacy. He is dying to build out exhibits for his presidential library." Cruz echoed him: "The answer is simple. They see this purely as a domestic political legacy and agenda."

    Really? According to them, the accord is a catastrophic blunder that will empower Iran, stimulate terrorism and invite a genocidal attack on Tel Aviv. How would a presidential library turn that into a glittering triumph? How could signing articles of surrender elevate your place in history?

    Cheney, hitting a familiar conservative theme, insists the Iran agreement is "tragically reminiscent" of the 1938 Munich agreement, under which British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain allowed Nazi Germany to annex a portion of Czechoslovakia. The concession only emboldened Adolf Hitler.

    But Obama, being familiar with Munich, may have noticed that 1) it didn't work and 2) Chamberlain has been notorious ever since as a foolish appeaser. If this deal has half the gruesome consequences the Republicans predict, he will spend his retirement years in disgrace, his name synonymous with monumental gullibility.

    The claim that he is seeking a legacy rests on the assumption that the deal will work well enough, and long enough, to resemble a great achievement. If it's going to lead straight to disaster, Obama had nothing to gain by signing it.

    Assuming the president set out to engage in futile appeasement, he had an odd way of going about it. The Munich agreement was drafted and signed in a matter of days. The Iran negotiations took two years. The Munich agreement was 522 words long. This one fills 159 pages.

    Had the administration been willing to settle for simply giving Iran everything it wanted, the talks would have concluded quickly and the text would be very brief.

    Cheney explains this deal as part of Obama's plan to disarm and weaken America. "He has dedicated his presidency to restraining us, limiting our power and diminishing us," he writes.

  11. This would come as a surprise to Moammar Gadhafi, Osama bin Laden and Anwar al-Awlaki, the U.S. citizen and al-Qaida leader who was killed in a targeted strike the president approved.

    It would be news to the more than 2,000 people killed by drones under Obama. It might evoke doubt among the Islamic State fighters in Syria and Iraq, who have been the target of thousands of U.S. air attacks over the past year. It would puzzle Robert Gates, a Republican who ran the Pentagon under Obama as well as George W. Bush.

    If the deal were a craven surrender, you would expect some of Obama's national security aides to resign in protest. You wouldn't expect it to win the endorsement of people like Colin Powell, who was secretary of state under George W. Bush and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under George H.W. Bush.

    All those facts don't mean the Iran deal is a good one. They do make it clear, though, that it's a good-faith effort that has to be taken seriously. You can pretend otherwise, but it takes a wild imagination.

  12. Highlights

    Significant declines sweep nearly all categories of the import & export price report pointing squarely to a deepening of cross-border deflationary pressures. Import prices fell 1.8 percent in August, slightly more than expected, while export prices fell 1.4 percent which is substantially more than expected. Petroleum pulled down the import side but even when excluding petroleum prices fell 0.4 percent. Export prices were hit by lower prices for industrial supplies, foods-feeds-beverages, and also agricultural products. And finished goods, whether on the import or export side, show a run of minus signs for both the monthly readings and the year-on-year readings. Year-on-year rates are severe, at minus 11.4 percent for imports and minus 7.0 percent for exports. This report highlights the risk of deflation which is a major argument on the side of the doves at next week's FOMC meeting.

    export / import prices

    (Details to follow)

    1. .

      There will ALWAYS be SOME excuse for not normalizing interest rates. To assume that a 1/4 point rise in interest rates will be the deciding factor that drives deflation is crazy. In fact, had the FED started the normalization path a year or so ago with a small, incremental, slow and steady glide path it might have had another tool to fight deflation. Right now the only arrow in its quiver is more QE.

      Deflation? Right now the Saudis have more influence on inflation or deflation than the FED.


  13. Dynamic Voodoo

    SEPTEMBER 9, 2015 9:10 PM September 9, 2015 9:10 pm 30 Comments

    We have a first score on the Jeb! tax plan — in answer to Matt O’Brien, I think we refer to this as the Bush! tax! cuts! It’s $3.4 trillion in lost revenue. But most of this will be made up through higher growth, Bush’s advisers, led by Glenn Hubbard, assure us.

    And that’s highly credible, right? After all, Hubbard was a big booster of the Bush (as opposed to Bush!) tax cuts, which he assured everyone would lead to much faster growth and 300,000 jobs a month. He was especially proud of the 2003 tax cut.

    And just look at the chart above, which compares private sector job creation after that pro-growth tax cut and after the job-killing 2013 Obama tax hike. As you can see — hmm, that doesn’t seem to go the right way, does it?

    It’s almost pathological how Jeb! seems to have learned nothing from what didn’t work under Bro! Why, next thing he’ll be saying that he’s leaning on W’s advice for dealing with the Middle East. Oh, wait.

    Krugman - NY Times

  14. I notice that the representative from the Israeli First Lobby is silent on the Wesley Clark video. I invite him or anyone else to pick a tine number off the video on any claim made by General Clark that they believe to be in error or untrue. Please pay attention to the dates stated in Clark’s timeline and the post date on the video.

    1. What is to comment?

      Iran, Iraq, Syria were and are enemies of America.

      What and why Americans are dying in the region is a great question.

      Maybe if when the asshole oil shits in 1973 started playing the oil card we as a nation should have done something to make middle eastern oil irrelevant. But we didn't.

      I could just as easily look at your comments from 2006 and post them to show how stupid were were then….

      I notice you are not specific about anything..

      Just put up a video and fling mud at me…

      Ok, Comrade Deuce, as the official representative of the Mullahs in Iran and a member of Hamas, what do you say that he was right or wrong about how Iran is and was an enemy of the USA?

    2. No they were enemies of Israel.

  15. These are the members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. They have an Observer seat at the UN.

    they are the ones that should be taking care of any arab or moslem refugees.

    Republic of AZERBAIJAN
    Member Since 1992
    National Day 28/5
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Hashemite Kingdom of JORDAN
    Member Since 1969
    National Day 25/5
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Islamic Republic of AFGHANISTAN
    Member Since 1969
    National Day 19/8
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Republic of ALBANIA
    Member Since 1992
    National Day 28/11
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Member Since 1972
    National Day 2/12
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Republic of INDONESIA
    Member Since 1969
    National Day 17/8
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Republic of UZBEKISTAN
    Member Since 1996
    National Day 1/9
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Republic of UGANDA
    Member Since 1974
    National Day 9/10
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Islamic Republic of IRAN
    Member Since 1969
    National Day 11/2
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Islamic Republic of PAKISTAN
    Member Since 1969
    National Day 23/3
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Kingdom of BAHRAIN
    Member Since 1972
    National Day 16/12
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Member Since 1984
    National Day 23/2
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    People’s Republic of BANGLADESH
    Member Since 1974
    National Day 26/3
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Republic of BENIN
    Member Since 1983
    National Day 1/8
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    BURKINA-FASO (then Upper Volta)
    Member Since 1974
    National Day 11/12
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Republic of TAJIKISTAN
    Member Since 1992
    National Day 9/9
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Republic of TURKEY
    Member Since 1969
    National Day 29/10
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Republic of TURKMENISTAN
    Member Since 1992
    National Day 27/10

    Republic of CHAD
    Member Since 1969
    National Day 11/8

    Republic of TOGO
    Member Since 1997
    National Day 27/4

    Republic of TUNISIA
    Member Since 1969
    National Day 20/3
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    1. People’s Democratic Republic of ALGERIA
      Member Since 1969
      National Day 1/11
      Ministry of Foreign Affairs

      Republic of DJIBOUTI
      Member Since 1978
      National Day 27/6

      Kingdom of SAUDI ARABIA
      Member Since 1969
      National Day 23/9
      Ministry of Foreign Affairs

      Republic of SENEGAL
      Member Since 1969
      National Day 4/4
      Ministry of Foreign Affairs

      Republic of The SUDAN
      Member Since 1969
      National Day 1/1
      Ministry of Foreign Affairs

      SYRIAN Arab Republic
      Member Since 1972
      National Day 17/4

      Republic of SURINAME
      Member Since 1996
      National Day 25/11

      Republic of SIERRA LEONE
      Member Since 1972
      National Day 27/4
      Ministry of Foreign Affairs

      Republic of SOMALIA
      Member Since 1969
      National Day 1/7

      Republic of IRAQ
      Member Since 1975
      National Day --/--
      Ministry of Foreign Affairs

      Sultanate of OMAN
      Member Since 1972
      National Day 18/11
      Ministry of Foreign Affairs

      Republic of GABON
      Member Since 1974
      National Day 17/8

      Republic of The GAMBIA
      Member Since 1974
      National Day 18/2

      Republic of GUYANA
      Member Since 1998
      National Day 23/2
      Ministry of Foreign Affairs

      Republic of GUINEA
      Member Since 1969
      National Day 2/10

      Republic of GUINEA-BISSAU
      Member Since 1974
      National Day 24/9

      State of PALESTINE
      Member Since 1969
      National Day 1/1
      Ministry of Foreign Affairs

      Union of The COMOROS
      Member Since 1976
      National Day 6/7

      KYRGYZ Republic
      Member Since 1992
      National Day 31/8
      Ministry of Foreign Affairs

      State of QATAR
      Member Since 1972
      National Day 3/9
      Ministry of Foreign Affairs

      Republic of KAZAKHSTAN
      Member Since 1995
      National Day 16/12
      Ministry of Foreign Affairs

      Republic of CAMEROON
      Member Since 1974
      National Day 20/5

      Republic of COTE D'IVOIRE
      Member Since 2001
      National Day 7/8

      State of KUWAIT
      Member Since 1969
      National Day 25/2
      Ministry of Foreign Affairs

      Republic of LEBANON
      Member Since 1969
      National Day 22/11
      Ministry of Foreign Affairs

      Great Socialist People’s LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA
      Member Since 1969
      National Day 1/9
      Ministry of Foreign Affairs

      Republic of MALDIVES
      Member Since 1976
      National Day 26/7
      Ministry of Foreign Affairs

      Republic of MALI
      Member Since 1969
      National Day 22/9
      Ministry of Foreign Affairs

      Member Since 1969
      National Day 31/8
      Ministry of Foreign Affairs

      Arab Republic of EGYPT
      Member Since 1969
      National Day 23/7
      Ministry of Foreign Affairs

      Kingdom of MOROCCO
      Member Since 1969
      National Day 30/7
      Ministry of Foreign Affairs

      Islamic Republic of MAURITANIA
      Member Since 1969
      National Day 28/11

      Republic of MOZAMBIQUE
      Member Since 1994
      National Day 25/6

      Republic of NIGER
      Member Since 1969
      National Day 18/12

      Federal Republic of NIGERIA
      Member Since 1986
      National Day 1/10
      Ministry of Foreign Affairs

      Republic of YEMEN
      Member Since 1969
      National Day 22/5
      Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    2. Any and all arab or moslem refugees should be settled, funded and cared for by this group that represents over 1/2 of all oil revenues in the world and almost 1/3 of all humanity.

      America is but 4% of the world.

  16. Ah, Deuce's friends hit by sanctions..

    U.S. hits Hamas officials, company with sanctions
    The U.S. Treasury Department on Thursday sanctioned four Hamas officials and financiers and a Saudi Arabia-based company controlled by one of them for providing financial support to the Palestinian militant group.

    Among those named by the Treasury Department were Salih al-Aruri, a Hamas political bureau member who it said was responsible for Hamas money transfers, and Mahir Salah, a Hamas financier based in Saudi Arabia and dual British and Jordanian citizen who Treasury said leads the Hamas Finance Committee in Saudi Arabia.

    Also named were Abu Ubaydah Khayri Hafiz al-Agha, a Saudi Arabian citizen, and Mohammed Reda Mohammed Anwar Awad, an Egyptian national.

    The Treasury Department also sanctioned Asyaf International Holding Group for Trading and Investment, a Saudi Arabia-based company that it said is managed by al-Agha and used to finance Hamas.


    Sanctions against Hamas…

    Gee Deuce, not Israel.

    What will you do??


      Who would have thunk it?

    2. Stop the presses.

      Washington did it's OWN bidding.

      Hamas has murdered Americans.

      What part of that do you not understand?

      Oh yeah, you are a supporter of Hamas. A terrorist organization as described by the very government you say you respect…

      How can this be???

      You support a terrorist organization that murders Americans?

      How sad deuce, I hope they are putting you on the Homeland Security Watch List as you are a supporter of jihadists.

    3. .

      Hamas has murdered Americans.

      So has Israel.

      Reason #30 on why America should not be in the ME militarily and why American citizens should avoid it like the plague.

      It's a mosh pit with guns and explosives filled with batshit crazy people.


  17. Huma back in the news -

    Justice Department declined to prosecute Huma Abedin on $10k embezzlement - 9/10/15 The attitude that rules are for little people is contagious. More


    US government alarmed by reports of Russian troops on the ground in Syria - 9/10/15 The construction of a large air base that may be used for combat air operations worries US officials. More

    50 Intel pros at CENTCOM claim senior officials 'cooking the books' on ISIS - 9/10/15 Painting a rosy picture of progress against Islamic State that isn't based on reality. More

    Trump flipflops on crucial issue of importing Muslim refugees - 9/10/15 Doubleplus doublespeak. More

    Fourteen years after 9/11 the terror threat has increased - 9/10/15 It's far more dangerous than we are led to believe. More

  18. I say send the Syrian refugees to Russia.......lots of open space, even a declining population perhaps.....the Russians can just fly them in from their new airbase in Syria.......

  19. The Russians did not cause the problem. There is much more space in Idaho and the state is just screaming for some civilian residents who have a life experience on what happens to human beings when ignorant political scabs start wars on demand.

    1. We have no space left in's all in National Forests, thankfully.......

      Russia is much better......

  20. And -

    Weiss, Nimmo Putin sends his dirty war forces to Syria

    And -

    ABC Al Qaeda leader al-Zawahiri declares war on ISIS “caliph” al-Baghdadi

    It's hard for me to understand how we are responsible for all this chaos in Syria......

    And -

    Donald Trump is attacking Dr. Ben Carson for no reason whatsoever.

    I am getting really tired of The Donald.

    1. Arm both Al Qaeda and ISIS ?

      Obama has been running everything for the last 7 years.......

      Time to quit blaming Bush, etc......

    2. Is there a statute of limitations on disastrous decisions? Is there a timeline for unintended consequences?

    3. No, but taking the troops out right after he got into office..............that led directly to the rise of ISIS -.if we have a new Republican President does that mean eight years from now I can still blame it all on Obama.....?

      Whole thing has turned into one big c--f, I agree on that and I really have no idea what should or should not be done about Syria now..

    4. I might ask President Sisi of Egypt what he thinks should be done.....

    5. Here we go: White House preparing to accept at least 10,000 Syrian refugees in FY2016

      Hot Air

  21. Germany Won't Save Greece, But Renewable Energy Can

    Little has been transformed more in recent years than the world of energy. It's hard to think of a sector that has undergone more changes in the years between the 2000 launch of the Millennium Development Goals and the new 2015 Sustainable Development Goals that will be formally endorsed at a global Summit at UN Headquarters this September.

    There is now 15 times more solar power and three times more wind power in the world than in 2007. On a global level, more clean-power capacity is being installed than coal, oil and gas put together. Solar power is growing faster than even we at Greenpeace predicted, and renewables are now the cheapest way to provide additional electricity in an ever-growing number of countries. In other words: renewable energy is winning the race against fossil fuels.

    In this context, it is almost disappointing that the UN's Sustainable Development Goal 7 calls on us only to "by 2030, increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix." This "substantial increase" is already on its way and inevitable. The question for planet and humanity alike is whether this transformation will deliver energy access to all -- and whether the switch to 100 percent renewable energy will be fast enough to prevent dangerous climate change.

    Renewable energy can certainly meet the world's energy needs. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recently confirmed that the technical potential is much higher than global energy demand. Many countries, such as Denmark, but also communities, regions, and megacities are already committed to making 100 percent renewables a reality.

    1. Sydney, the most populated city in Australia, will switch to 100 percent renewable energy in electricity, heating, and cooling by 2030. Reykjavik has achieved a similar goal already. Even leading businesses like Ikea, Mars, Philips, or Swiss Re are campaigning to ensure that by 2020,100 of the world's largest companies will run on 100 percent renewable power.

      Dharnai, a solar-powered village in India, has shown how we can make this renewables boom deliver for all -- including the rural poor. This village is located in Bihar, one of the poorest provinces in India. The community faces extreme poverty, deep caste divisions, and very high illiteracy rates. But life there has been transformed in the 10 months since an affordable solar-energy grid arrived. It is the first village in India where all aspects of life are powered by solar. The 100 kilowatt (kW) system powers the 450 homes of the 2,400 residents, 50 commercial operations, two schools, a training center, and a health-care facility. A battery backup ensures power is available around the clock.

    2. Solar Powered Street Light in Dharnai Village in India. Photo Credit: Vivek M./Greenpeace

      Solar-powered lighting means children can now go out and play after school and finish their homework after sunset. Women feel safer venturing out after dark. The arrival of solar water pumps has brought new hope to many farmers for improving access to fresh-water resources. With solar energy, more villagers have further been able to recharge their mobile phones regularly, so the solar grid has also opened up this community to the world of the Internet.

    3. Solar Water Pump of Vivek Mundkur in Pune. Photo Credit: Vivek M./Greenpeace

      This is just the beginning. Improvements in the quality of life of its residents have become the talk of neighboring villages that are eager to understand and replicate the Dharnai model. India has 80,000 villages that still need solar micro-grids.

      And this story goes well beyond India. Hundreds of millions of people worldwide live without electricity. For them, this village solar-powered micro-grid could be a game-changer, a model for bringing clean, reliable energy to all.

      The switch to renewables can deliver for people in industrialized countries, as well. For example, while Greece's debt crisis has received worldwide attention, few are aware that energy poverty is one of the most dramatic symptoms of the Greek recession: six out of every 10 households are struggling to pay their energy bills.

      Worse, through their electricity bills, Greek consumers pay around €800 million a year to subsidize the oil imports providing power to the country's many islands. This is equivalent to the cuts in pensions that were recently forced through by Greece's creditors. These oil imports are also unnecessary. Solar could power Greek islands very well. Indeed, Greece's short-lived "Photovoltaic Spring" of 2009-2013 provided a glimpse of the country's solar potential. Within five years, installed solar capacity jumped from 47 to more than 2,500 megawatts. A total of €4.5 billion was invested in modernizing the energy sector and created around 50,000 jobs. In all, around 100,000 Greek families benefitted. The "Solarize Greece" campaign by Greenpeace Greece aims to build on this success, which was undermined by austerity. We the people of the world must unite and once again kickstart solar power as a driver of the Greek economy.

    4. From Dharnai to Greece, there is no question that, all over the world, people and the planet will benefit if Sustainable Development Goal 7 is implemented in a truly ambitious manner. The world of energy is transforming fast and a real energy revolution is within our grasp. Governments must follow up the many fine words that will be spoken at the UN Sustainable Development Summit with actions that put our world on the path to 100 percent renewables by 2050.

      This post is part of a series produced by The Huffington Post, "What's Working: Sustainable Development Goals," in conjunction with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The proposed set of milestones will be the subject of discussion at the UN General Assembly meeting on Sept. 25-27, 2015 in New York. The goals, which will replace the UN's Millennium Development Goals (2000-2015), cover 17 key areas of development -- including poverty, hunger, health, education, and gender equality, among many others. As part of The Huffington Post's commitment to solutions-oriented journalism, this What's Working SDG blog series will focus on one goal every weekday in September. This post addresses Goal 7.

      To find out what you can do, visit here and here.

      Huffington Post

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. 'With his blue tie loosened and slung over his shoulder, Trump sits back to digest his meal and provide a running byplay to the news. Onscreen, they’ve cut away to a spot with Scott Walker, the creaky-robot governor of Wisconsin. Praised by the anchor for his “slow but steady” style, Walker is about to respond when Trump chimes in, “Yeah, he’s slow, all right! That’s what we got already: slowwww.” His staffers at the conference table howl and hoot; their man, though, is just getting warm. When the anchor throws to Carly Fiorina for her reaction to Trump’s momentum, Trump’s expression sours in schoolboy disgust as the camera bores in on Fiorina. “Look at that face!” he cries. “Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?!” The laughter grows halting and faint behind him. “I mean, she’s a woman, and I’m not s’posedta say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?”

    And there, in a nutshell, is Trump’s blessing and his curse: He can’t seem to quit while he’s ahead. The instincts that carried him out to a lead and have kept him far above the captious field are the same ones that landed him in ugly stews with ex-wives, business partners, networks, supermodels and many, many other famous women. At 69, he can still carry on like the teen who was yanked out of prep school ...'

    Boooo booooo booooo booooooooooo

    Really getting tired of Donald Trump..............

    What happened to "you don't speak ill of a fellow Republican" ?

  24. WASHINGTON — Senate leaders have set a showdown vote for Thursday around 3:45 p.m. that could definitively end Republican efforts to derail President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, with the fate of the bill hanging by a handful of Democratic votes.

    With a largely partisan divide over the accord — which is uniformly opposed by Republicans and also by a handful of Democrats — it was unclear whether the measure allowing the Senate to move forward on formally disapproving it had the required 60 votes.

    “Let’s be clear about who is moving to end debate,” said Senator Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada and the minority leader, on the Senate floor Thursday morning. “The Republican leader.”

    Iran’s Supreme Leader Says Israel Won’t Exist in 25 YearsSEPT. 9, 2015
    Senators Chuck Schumer of New York and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut in May. Mr. Blumenthal was among four senators who announced their support on Tuesday for the Iran nuclear deal, which Mr. Schumer opposes.4 More Senators Back Iran Deal, Assuring Cushion for White House SEPT. 8, 2015

    1. Will Netanyahu move to start a war with Iran (since he told us that the World as we know it in immediate and dire peril) or will he just sucker the US into the next scam?

    2. Iran has already started a war with Israel.

      they have deployed tens of thousands of rockets on to Israel's border and have used Hezbollah and Hamas repeatedly to murder Israelis and jews both in Israel and world wide.

      Iran has also murdered hundreds of American and is hold hostages, not the 1st time.

      Iran has already declared war.

      And I thought you knew how to read!!!

  25. Iran’s Supreme Leader Says Israel Won’t Exist in 25 YearsSEPT. 9, 2015
    Senators Chuck Schumer of New York and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut in May. Mr. Blumenthal was among four senators who announced their support on Tuesday for the Iran nuclear deal, which Mr. Schumer opposes.4 More Senators Back Iran Deal, Assuring Cushion for White House SEPT. 8, 2015

    What no link?

    Oh yeah, only I have to provide the lazy liars of the blog with links..

  26. Iran should be destroyed asap.

    I personally will applaud when the Mullahs are hung from the lampposts.

  27. September 10, 2015
    Best Quotes from Stop Iran Rally
    By Karin McQuillan

    This is a very dark moment in American history, and indeed world history. As the Rally Against Iran was in progress on the lawn before the Capital, inside the building, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced he will do nothing to stop the Democrats from arming and funding Iran, the world’s greatest terror state, Iran. Is the fate of our country really to be left to such weak and cowardly hands?

    The Democrat and Republican politicians are knowingly sacrificing thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands or millions of lives to their short-term well-being. For them, it is mere politics as usual.

    But in front of Congress, thousands of citizens gathered to express their outrage and hear from a list of fabulous conservative patriots. There were great lines from many speakers. Senator Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Mark Levin, Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck were there. Some of the lesser known speakers were amazing.

    The standouts for me were the lead speakers, Mark Levin, Senator Cruz, and Donald Trump.

    Michele Bachmann was an unexpected standout. She alone called for both a legislation and military alternative to what I call the Obama-Iran Treaty................

    quotes follow

    We must keep fighting Congress. The Iran Rally was the kick-off of that effort by patriots who understand the disasters that will follow Obama’s betrayal of our country. All of us must lobby Congress and let them know: each and every legislator who votes for this calamitous treaty will be defeated the next time they face the voters.

    Read more:
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  28. Filibuster holds. No Veto Pen necessary.

    The "Duck Commanders" can go back to the bayou, and Sarah-baby can go back to . , . ., wherever.

    1. And, Donald Trump can go back to ridiculing Carly Fiorina's face.

  29. Obama says we'll take in 10,000 refugees.

    This would be the equivalent to a city of 100,000 taking in a family of 3.

    I think we can stand it.

    1. Things add up.

      Take a look at Los Angeles these days.

  30. Science
    Moving From Creation Of The Cosmos To Human Life
    September 09, 2015 3:18 AM ET
    Marcelo Gleiser
    A stellar nursery consisting of a group of thick clouds of dust, known as the Thackeray globules, silhouetted against the pale pink glowing gas of the nebula, as captured by the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope.

    A stellar nursery consisting of a group of thick clouds of dust, known as the Thackeray globules, silhouetted against the pale pink glowing gas of the nebula, as captured by the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope.

    Few questions of our time are more perplexing than the transition from non-living to living matter.

    How did a sample of inorganic chemicals self-organize to become a living creature, capable of absorbing energy from the environment and reproducing? Although the question remains open, there are a few things that we can say based on present-day knowledge.

    We know that life has been around on this planet for at least 3.5 billion years. It could have emerged even earlier, but evidence is still controversial. For one thing, the first 500 million years of our 4.5 billion year-old planet were very dramatic — huge tides due to the moon's proximity, constant bombardments from outer space, massive volcanic activity, a nasty atmosphere. Things only quieted down around 3.9 billion years ago.

    Somehow, the right chemicals combined to create a living creature, ancestor to all living creatures that followed. Where did life emerge first? How did it emerge? Did it emerge only here, or is it all over the universe?

    A few years ago, I presented a lecture at an astrobiology conference where I explored the connections between the universe and life, including intelligent life. The lecture, titled From Cosmos to Intelligent Life: The Four Ages of Astrobiology, was aimed at a young audience of scientists from different areas. The main theme, one that resonates with other 13.7 entries, is the notion of interconnectedness: Each age relates to all other ages, and a reasonable picture only emerges as we take them together. This is quite exciting for astrobiology, a field that brings in expertise from many different scientific lines of inquiry.

    In short, the four ages are: the physical, the chemical, the biological and the cognitive. Although they can be arranged chronologically from the Big Bang onwards, they are still ongoing; they don't end, their boundaries being somewhat fluid..........

    All fine and good, we learn as much nowadays in junior high school. The monomythians however, hold that beyond the cognitive, and based on human experience, lies the spiritual.....See:Black Elk Speaks, etc

    Here is an interesting fellow -

    Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (German: [ˈlɛsɪŋ]; 22 January 1729 – 15 February 1781) was a German writer, philosopher, dramatist, publicist and art critic, and one of the most outstanding representatives of the Enlightenment era. His plays and theoretical writings substantially influenced the development of German literature. He is widely considered by theatre historians to be the first dramaturg.[1]

    Some today continue to insist the Bible be read in the simplest of all possible ways.....and then rejected because of their own misreading.

    Most had gotten far beyond this way of misreading long long ago......Lessing is just a very recent Enlightenment example...

    1. I will put up Mr. Lessing's blue suit against that of The Donald any day.

  31. The Hindus, it is worth repeating, see it this way - Consciousness(Spirit) comes first, always is, and life strives to organize itself in such a manner as to finally experience this

    Tat Tvam Asi
