Thursday, September 03, 2015

Israeli Warrior

Why we have tied ourselves to the colonial apartheid state of Israeli is beyond me. You will not see this video on the US media for all the obvious reasons but we all pay the price for the support we provide to such a state.

A radical scene unfolded Friday after Israeli forces intercepted the weekly protest in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh, Palestine against the illegal confiscation of their land and spring. The courageous actions of the Tamimi women of Nabi Saleh rescuing their captured child spread immediately on social media after the UK’s Daily Mail published a series of breathtaking photographs taken at the scene. The event was captured on video by Bilal Tamimi and Roya News TV.
As a masked and armed Israeli soldier chases down a hillside you can hear voices yelling, then the unmistakable sound of a screaming child. The boy appears in view as he turns to face the soldier. Screaming, the boy pivots then rushes past the soldier and up the hill through a mass of boulders as the soldier finally catches up with the boy and captures him. Placing the boy in a chokehold the soldier forces the struggling child over a bolder as cameras close in on the scene and record what’s happening. What follows, captured on video and camera, is a sight to behold.
The boy has a cast on his left arm. Every move the soldier makes, briefly loosening his chokehold before tightening his grip again, I wince at the thought of the boy’s arm and throat. The soldier looks exhausted and somewhat bewildered as the camera pans in on his face (1:13). As the camera pans out you can see the child struggling as the soldier tightens his grip on the child’s neck. One wonders, what threat does this child pose for the soldier? His bravery perhaps, did he throw a stone with his un-cast arm at Goliath?
The struggling continues over the wild screams of the boy. The soldier, ironically gasping for breath, yells out at the top of his lungs – calling for assistance from his comrade forces – unable to pull off this arrest of the boy on his own. He adjusts his rifle, pulls back the boy’s good arm and shoves the boy’s face towards the boulder, then stands and tries lifting the boy up from under the child’s armpits as the boy’s arms and cast fly into the air he lets out a painful scream. The soldier struggles to contain the squirming writhing boy who’s wildly kicking his legs into the air. The soldier is not up for this mission. He’s getting taken to task by a little boy. And that was before the Tamimi women of Nabi Saleh descended on the soldier.
Determined lionesses intent on rescue, showing no hesitation or fear whatsoever, they courageously plunge down on the soldier, pulling him off the child (2: 05). He thrusts them off and struggle ensues, he tackles the boy again as women and girls proceed yanking his limbs, beating his head, biting him, slapping him (while the soldier is yelling for backup), mounting his back, putting a chokehold on his neck, ripping his mask and finally tearing it off his face, unmasking him completely (2:52).  Other soldiers enters into the scene and rescue him from the Tamimi women of Nabi Saleh. The boy is bravely fighting him off the whole time.
Note the last scene of the video. The humiliated, defeated soldier draws a teargas canister, arms it, and throws it to the ground. This is an act of pure punishment and spite, reminiscent of the famous video of the UC Davis pepper-spray incident, which resulted in a wide-scale investigation. If there is ever a security reason for using teargas, this certainly is not such an occasion. Will the soldier face any consequences for this abuse of civilians’ rights?

- See more at:
- See more at:

This shocking image which appears to show Palestinians fighting to free a little boy held by an Israeli soldier appeared online on Friday
This shocking image which appears to show Palestinians fighting to free a little boy held by an Israeli soldier appeared online on Friday
But it is thought the young girl in the photographs is Ahed Tamimi, whose parents Bassem and Nariman - also pictured - are well-known Palestinian activists in their village of Nabi Saleh.
The teenager has appeared in a string of similar videos where she challenges Israeli security forces and rose to prominence after she was filmed confronting one who arrested her brother, which resulted in her being presented with a bravery award.
She was handed the 'Handala Award for Courage' by the president of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, in Istanbul, where she reportedly expressed she would like to live.
Online blogs have dubbed her 'Shirley Temper' and accused her of being a 'Pallywood' star - a term coined by author Richard Landes, describing the alleged media manipulation by Palestinians to win public relations war against Israel.
The Israeli soldier is said to have put the young boy in a headlock at gunpoint following a march against Palestinian land confiscation to expand the Jewish Hallamish settlement in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh
The Israeli soldier is said to have put the young boy in a headlock at gunpoint following a march against Palestinian land confiscation to expand the Jewish Hallamish settlement in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh
According to an Israeli army spokesperson, the boy in the pictures was accused of throwing stones at IDF soldiers and was arrested
According to an Israeli army spokesperson, the boy in the pictures was accused of throwing stones at IDF soldiers and was arrested
It was then that the soldier was ambushed by a  girl, who forces the weapon from his grasp, while two other women desperately fight to free the little boy
It was then that the soldier was ambushed by a girl, who forces the weapon from his grasp, while two other women desperately fight to free the little boy
Her father, Bassem al-Tamimi, was convicted by an Israeli military court in 2011 for 'sending people to throw stones, and holding a march without a permit' - a charge his lawyers deny.
He has been jailed eight times, while his wife has been detained five times. Other family members, including their son Waed, has also been arrested.
Bassem organises weekly protests and it was reportedly at one of these demonstrations that the shocking images are said to have been taken.
An Israeli army spokesman said that Palestinians had been throwing stones at an IDF force which was set up in the area.
An image has emerged on the internet of a boy, said to be the youth that was held at gunpoint, throwing rocks with one arm, while his other remained in plaster and in a sling.
The spokesman added that a decision was made to arrest the boy and it was during the detention that a 'violent provocation' began, including a number of Palestinian women and children.
He told Haaretz that there was 'a violent disturbance of the peace in Nabi Saleh, in which Palestinians threw stones at IDF forces that were in the place.
It has emerged that the girl in the pictures (far left) is believed to be Ahed Tamimi, who has appeared in similar videos online where she confronts Israeli soldiers
It has emerged that the girl in the pictures (far left) is believed to be Ahed Tamimi, who has appeared in similar videos online where she confronts Israeli soldiers
She rose to prominence after she was filmed confronting a soldier who arrested her brother, which resulted in her being presented with a bravery award
She rose to prominence after she was filmed confronting a soldier who arrested her brother, which resulted in her being presented with a bravery award
Online blogs have dubbed her 'Shirley Temper' and accused her of being a 'Pallywood' star - a term coined by author Richard Landes, describing the alleged media manipulation by Palestinians to win public relations war against Israel 
Online blogs have dubbed her 'Shirley Temper' and accused her of being a 'Pallywood' star - a term coined by author Richard Landes, describing the alleged media manipulation by Palestinians to win public relations war against Israel 
'The youth who was photographed was identified by the lookout force as a stone-thrower, and because of this it was decided to detain him. At the time of the arrest, a violent provocation by a number of Palestinians developed, including women and children. In light of the violent altercation, the commander decided to not to go ahead with the detention.'
He added: 'Two additional Palestinian youths were arrested for throwing stones during the violent clashes. The soldier pictured was lightly wounded as a result of the violent actions against him.' 
The clash happened in the village of Nabi Saleh, near Ramallah, during protests against Palestinian land confiscation to expand the nearby Jewish Hallamish settlement.
In another flashpoint, Palestinian protester hurled stones at Israeli army bulldozer during clashes which following a protest against Israeli settlements in Qadomem, Kofr Qadom village, near the the West Bank city of Nablus.
They come a day after the European Union's outgoing envoy to the Palestinian territories said the 28-nation bloc was moving forward with measures against Jewish West Bank settlements.
The envoy, John Gatt-Rutter, did not provide a timeframe. But his remarks to reporters underline European discontent with Israel's continued expansion of settlements in territory that Palestinians want for a future state. 
A Palestinian protester, with a petrol bomb in his pocket, hurls rocks towards Israeli security forces during clashes following a demonstration against the expropriation of Palestinian land by Israel on August 28, 2015 in the village of Kafr Qaddum, near Nablus in the occupied West Bank
A Palestinian protester throws stones towards a vehicle of Israeli security forces firing tear gas canisters during clashes following a demonstration against the expropriation of Palestinian land by Israel on August 28, 2015 in the village of Kafr Qaddum, near Nablus in the occupied West Bank
Violent: A Palestinian protester (left), with a petrol bomb in his pocket, hurls rocks towards Israeli security forces during clashes after a demonstration against the expropriation of Palestinian land by Israel in the village of Kafr Qaddum, near Nablus in the occupied West Bank
Palestinian protester hurls stones at Israeli  army bulldozer during clashes which following a protest against Israeli settlements in Qadomem
Palestinian protester hurls stones at Israeli army bulldozer during clashes which following a protest against Israeli settlements in Qadomem
Gatt-Rutter said 'there is support within the union to go on', adding that there are 'more tools' the EU can use.
The EU, Israel's biggest trading partner, is exploring guidelines that would require Israel to label settlement products. 
It already bars goods produced in settlements from receiving customs exemptions given to Israeli goods.
Gatt-Rutter's remarks come as a grassroots movement promoting boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israel is gaining steam.
Members of Israeli security forces aims their weapons towards Palestinian stone throwers during clashes following a demonstration against the expropriation of Palestinian land by Israel in the village of Kafr Qaddum, near Nablus in the occupied West Bank
Members of Israeli security forces aims their weapons towards Palestinian stone throwers during clashes following a demonstration against the expropriation of Palestinian land by Israel in the village of Kafr Qaddum, near Nablus in the occupied West Bank

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  1. Israeli manhood depicted by the IDF to the Muslim World. Can you imagine the outcry if the boy were a Jew? The US has outsourced its image to the outside to the IDF. Thi is nothing but a daily occurrence. Who pays the price for The Colony? We do.

  2. Keep in mind that this protest is over Israeli theft of Palestinian land and a spring. Think about it.

  3. The action Team of the IDF Brownshirts.

  4. (Google translate)

    The Israeli occupation forces suppressed the march, which began after Friday prayers in the village, heading towards the confiscated areas of Nabi Saleh land.

    In a statement, the Palestinian Popular Resistance Movement in the village said that Israeli soldiers attacked the march and had fired tear gas and bullets and sound towards participants.

    As it heaped Israeli soldiers with rifle butts on the Palestinians, wounding seven of them injured.

    - See more at:

  5. Sure let’s all join The GOP Likuds Force, the same crowd that got us into Iraq and let’s get Iran.OOrah.

  6. The Neocon dream was to destabilize Iraq, Iran, Libya and Syria. A spectacular success in all but Iran which is proving to be a rather tough nut to crack.

    However it is OOrahs all around for the misery of the unfortunate three by the popcorn munchers. The popcorn munchers on their lawn chairs, must be having quite a treat as the entire Middle East disruption plan has generated over 8 million refugees, more than the population of the popcorn source. Her is a story of one of the eight million.

    At least 12 migrants fleeing the war in Syria, including two young boys, drowned on Wednesday while trying to reach the Greek island of Kos from the Turkish resort town of Bodrum, according to Turkey’s state-owned Anadolu news agency.

    A sense of weary resignation at the plight of the Syrians — and hundreds of thousands of other refugees and migrants taking desperate risks to reach the safety of Europe — was briefly punctured by horrifying images of one of the young victims, a small boy whose body was discovered, face down in the sand, by a Turkish police officer.

    The boy, in a red shirt and blue shorts, was identified by Turkey’s private Dogan news agency as Aylan, 3. The body of his 5-year-old brother, Galip, washed up on another part of the beach.

    1. WE, the US own this because the Neocons bought our politicians to support Irsael at any and all costs. Not because they love Israel but because they love their jobs, power and future careers. It make you prowd to be on the exceptional side of the street.

  7. I would like to express, if I may, something of the opinions of my Dear Adopted Niece, a Hindu, at the Max Planck Institute of Brain Research, Dresden, Germany -

    "The ones in the middle east are the worst, Uncle Bob"

    This, I submit, is really saying something, seeing as her country has Eighty Million Dead over the centuries of Moslem aggressions.

    You can take the words of Deuce, or my Niece, who actually knows something, at the Max Planck Institute of Brain Research, just as you will....

    The Institute of Brain Research there in Dresden, Germany, takes on the very best of the very best.

    She doesn't have an anti Jewish molecule in her beautiful Hindu body....


    Millions of displaced children are being deprived of a basic education, according to a startling report from the United Nation’s (UN) children’s agency, Unicef, which adds how the hopes of an entire generation are at stake unless the international community acts.

    Surging conflict and political turmoil across the Middle East and North Africa is preventing 13.4 million young people from going to school, according to the charity’s latest report, Education Under Fire.

    Just a few years ago, Unicef says the region had goal of universal education well within its reach. Today, however, the charity has been forced to highlight what it calls a “disastrous situation” involving nine countries which are being affected – either directly or indirectly – by armed conflict.

    Attacks on schools and education infrastructure – sometimes deliberate –is one key reason why many children do not attend classes, and in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Libya alone, almost 9,000 schools are out of use because they have been damaged, destroyed, are being used to shelter displaced civilians, or have been taken over by parties to the conflict.

    Regional director for Unicef in the Middle East and North Africa, Peter Salama, highlighted how the destructive impact of conflict is being felt by children right across the region and said: “It’s not just the physical damage being done to schools, but the despair felt by a generation of schoolchildren who see their hopes and futures shattered.”

    The findings highlight how the conflict in Syria has displaced 7.6 million people inside the country and has driven more than four million refugees abroad – mainly to Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan.

    Families from Syria and Iraq have featured strongly among the desperate migrants arriving in Europe in recent months – and among those who perished in the attempt.

    Hostilities in the Gaza Strip last summer caused massive destruction to infrastructure including schools, and left deep scars in the psyche of children and their caregivers, says Unicef.

    In Yemen, the intensification of violence since March 2014 “is bringing an already fragile country to the verge of collapse,” the report adds. As of August 2015, thousands of schools have closed and at least 1.8 million children have been without an education. This number is in addition to more than 1.6 million who were out of school before the conflict escalated.

    Unicef has also issued a reminder of the “less-noticed”, but just as devastating for children, area Sudan where some 2.9 million people are estimated to have been displaced.

    “Conflicts wipe out years of investment and achievements in education and can cripple the development of education systems.

    “The effect of violence and insecurity in Iraq and Yemen is clear, as educational achievements for children have fallen steadily,” says the report.

  9. I would like to express, if I may, something of the opinions of my Dear Adopted Niece, a Hindu, at the Max Planck Institute of Brain Research, Dresden, Germany -

    "The ones in the middle east are the worst, Uncle Bob"

    This, I submit, is really saying something, seeing as her country has Eighty Million Dead over the centuries of Moslem aggressions.

    You can take the words of Deuce, or my Niece, who actually knows something, at the Max Planck Institute of Brain Research, just as you will....

    The Institute of Brain Research there in Dresden, Germany, takes on the very best of the very best.

    She doesn't have an anti Jewish molecule in her beautiful be jeweled Hindu body....

  10. How many future terrorists will result from 13 million children being deprived from school?

    What would they do in Texas?

    All of Europe and the US will be taking in refugees by the millions regardless of religion because that is who we are. One state, Israel, will take none because of religion. That is who they are.

    Think about it.

  11. The Monomyth, the rise of the Hero, the rise of higher consciousness, very familiar to the Jews, expressed in Christianity, migrating via ancient Egypt "from the East,in the form of a White Bull", that is to say, from India, to Christianity in Matthew 4-1 through 17 was immediately understood by the excellent example of Humanity my Niece, when I pointed it out to her.

    Where Christianity goes wrong is attributing this rise of consciousness to a single individual, now wrongly worshiped as "God"

    For the American experience, see Walt Whitman "Song of Myself" or Theodore Roethke....

    1. The Rise of Consciousness is a disclosure, forever, that the world, contrary to most experience and expectation, is actually formed out of love, and there is always something more. We are reminded in this context in Jewish writings of seeing only 'the back parts of Yahweh, passing by the cave'....which is to say, exactly - there is always something more.

      See: Black Elk: Black Elks Speaks

      "Nothing I have ever experienced was as clear as my great vision. I did not have to remember it, it remembered itself all these years"

      For confirmation see:

      William James:

      The Varieties of Religious Experience.

      It is a disclosure, in the language of the learned literature on the subject.

    2. All this wonderful stuff has been perverted....are we allowed to say this now, post Trump? the Moslem literature which says you can 'get there' simply by being a true asshole, and killing someone.

      Iran is an excellent example of this current perversion.


    Israel’s prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, has ordered his security officials to examine changing the rules governing when soldiers can shoot young Palestinian stone-throwers.

    A statement issued by his office on Wednesday revealed Netanyahu was considering giving security forces a freer hand to open fire with live ammunition after meeting with his cabinet to discuss a recent increase in the number of incidents involving firebombs and stone-throwing in Jerusalem and on the West Bank.

    Despite rules of engagement that in theory permit potentially lethal live fire to be used only in life-threatening situations, a number of recent incidents have led to young Palestinians being killed by Israeli soldiers – including a brigade commander – while fleeing and posing no immediate threat.

    The re-examination of open-fire regulations comes as the Israeli parliament is due to consider sweeping anti-terrorism legislation, which some have criticised for what they say are draconian new provisions.

    Palestinian teenager 'shot in back by senior Israeli soldier while fleeing'
    Read more
    It was unclear from the statement, however, what the new rules might look like or the implications of any new open-fire regulations would be.

    The proposed changes to the open-fire regulations came after a meeting with several cabinet ministers and security chiefs to discuss an increase in stone-throwing in Jerusalem and on a highway in the occupied West Bank.

    “Since the justice system finds it difficult to deal with minors who throw rocks, changes to orders on opening fire towards stone- and petrol bomb-throwers will be examined,” the prime minister’s office said in a statement.

    Netanyahu was quoted as saying at the session that his government’s policy was one of “zero tolerance towards stone-throwing and zero tolerance towards terror”.

  13. Highlights

    What global turbulence? The ISM non-manufacturing index held on to the great bulk of its historic July surge, coming in at 59.0 in August vs the Econoday consensus for 58.5. Outside of July's 60.3, this is the second strongest rate of monthly growth since December 2005!

    New orders are especially strong, at a robust 63.4 for only a 4 tenth downtick. Not much effect there. And backlog orders? They're up 2.5 points to 56.5 which is the highest rate of accumulation since May 2005.

    Employment edged back from July's near record level but remains very strong at 56.0. Export orders continue to expand, at 52.0 vs July's outsized 56.5 in what pessimists can hang on to as an indication of global-related trouble.

    But the non-manufacturing sector, unlike manufacturing, is insulated to a large degree from global effects, as illustrated in today's report.

  14. 37

    Booker, Warner, and Heitkamp will support Iran Nuclear Deal.

  15. China will cut 300,000 from its Army.

    1. I talked for half hour or 45 minutes to a young Chinese lady who I bumped into showing one of my apartments at Moscow one day.

      Her father is an officer in the Chinese Armed Forces. She was asking me all about developments here, as my development came up as a subject.

      She said : "Dad loves to play around with real estate"

      It's a new China today, Mao is a distant memory, it's just another iron clad dictatorship now, no particular ideology, except they seem to love "playing around with real estate".

      One learns a lot simply by renting and getting to know foreign students in a university town such as mine.....

      Go Vandals !!!

    2. They are all fluent, all these people, Hindu, Chinese, whatever - they are all fluent in English, a blessing for the entire Earth.

  16. Ed Morrissey Show

    Trump: Okay, okay, I signed the GOP loyalty pledge
    posted at 3:21 pm on September 3, 2015 by Allahpundit

    Share on Facebook

    Look closely at the screencap and you’ll see he listed the date mistakenly as “August 3, 2015,” which I believe makes this non-binding. TRUMP WINS AGAIN.

    In all seriousness, I was kind of hoping he’d walk out to the podium, produce the pledge, then wipe himself with it. That’s how much it’s worth. Instead, this:

    Statement from Donald J. Trump on Signing the RNC Pledge

    It is my great honor to pledge my total support and loyalty to the Republican Party and the conservative principles for which it stands. This is far and away the best way to secure victory against the Democrats in November 2016. I am leading in all local and national polls — my whole life has been about winning and this is what must be done in order to win the election and, most importantly, to Make America Great Again!

    Joshua Green of Bloomberg argues that this may well amount to Trump signing his own political death warrant because, supposedly, all the grassroots righties who dig his indie cred will be disappointed that he’s sold out to the DC RINO hivemind. Eh. It’s certainly true that refusing to sign would have put a little more polish on his outlaw image, but no one expects him to take the pledge seriously. If he gets any in any trouble for it with Trump fans, all he needs to do is say that he’s committed to turning the Republican Party into the Trump Party instead of building the Trump Party from the ground up. It’s a hostile takeover of the GOP, he’ll say. He won’t lose a single vote for it. On the contrary, the only reason for Trump to play along with this dopey stunt is if he had reason to believe from his polling that his flirtation with an independent candidacy was holding him back with some GOP voters. That problem is (momentarily) solved. If anything, it’s the RNC that’s following strange logic here. Their one big talking point against Trump was that he wasn’t a committed Republican and might even screw all of conservative America next year by running third-party and enabling a Clinton win. Now that’s off the table, at least in theory. What’s their argument against him at this point?

    1. Elsewhere in Trump news, a new poll from Monmouth has him cruising in the lead with 30 percent of the vote. Only Ben Carson, at 18 percent, cracks double digits among the rest of the field. When asked if they’d prefer someone from outside government who can bring a new approach to D.C. or someone with experience in government who knows how to get things done, Republicans split … 67/26. Trump may fade and Carson seems wildly implausible as nominee, but I don’t know how any of the professional pols in the field climb that mountain. Maybe Carly Fiorina, the most polished non-politician of the group, will break out once a big audience gets a look at her in the next debate. In the meantime, though, Trump is stomping everyone head to head — except the good doctor, who stomps him by nearly 20 points.


      Carson’s favorable rating is an astounding 67/6. Trump finally took a shot at him yesterday, telling the Daily Caller that Carson’s a wonderful guy but that doctors don’t know how to create jobs. That’s probably his best play against someone who’s so well liked — terrific man, but wrong skill set for this job. But then, the people backing Carson already know what he does for a living and have found that no obstacle for the job. Who’s going to dump Carson upon being reminded that he’s “merely” a world-famous neurosurgeon? Besides, Carson has an easy zinger available when he’s asked about what Trump said: “How hard can creating jobs be? It ain’t brain surgery.”

      Here’s Trump pledging his allegiance to the Republican Party, an organization despised by pretty much everyone in the United States apart from its own leadership. He signed a second copy of the pledge with the correct date at some point this afternoon, so if you were hung up on the date thing that I mentioned up top, forget it. Oh, one other detail about that Monmouth poll: Scott Walker’s now down to … three percent. I looked back at McCain’s polling in the 2008 election, remembering that he had a terrible rough patch at one point, to see how low he fell before rebounding to win the nomination. Unless I missed something, McCain never dipped lower than seven percent in 2007. I wonder if any presidential candidate, widely acknowledged as a top-tier threat to win upon his entry into the race, has ever fallen as low as Walker and then come back to win the primaries.

      I have pointed out some of the humor in American politics to my Niece, but so far she has not replied......

    2. ******Carson’s favorable rating is an astounding 67/6.******

      Go, Ben !!!!!

    3. Everybody with at least half a brain left, a high hill in our degraded society, loves Ben Carson......

  17. .


    Booker, Warner, and Heitkamp will support Iran Nuclear Deal.

    It's been argued that until the actual vote there is still a risk that the agreement won't pass; however, the risk runs both ways.

    Unless opponents of the bill get 60 votes in the senate, Reid can automatically force a filibuster unless McConnell changes the rules. If the filibuster held the GOP wouldn't even be able to force the bill to Obama and force him to veto it. The PR hit to the opponents of the bill would be substantial.

    Those who are voting with Obama are taking a big risk or at least that is the conventional wisdom. However, if they end up not paying a price for their vote that could go a long way to weakening the mythology.

    Risk often cut both ways.


  18. What happens when a white man (or, woman) marries outside of his/her race?

    His/her children are classified "non-white" (and, also,, will, 4 times out of 5, vote Democrat.)

    Think about it.

    1. galopn2Wed Sep 02, 06:46:00 PM EDT

      Demographic upheaval may be understating it. From 1970 to 2010, the Hispanic population of the United States grew fivefold, from 9.6 million to 50.5 million. From 2000 to 2010, the number of white children under 18 declined by 4.3 million while the number of Hispanic children grew by 4.8 million. In 2013, white children became a minority, 47.7 percent of students ages 3 to 6.

    2. One more time (just in case that post had too many words in it:

      From 2000 to 2010, the number of white children under 18 declined by 4.3 million

    3. Still too many words? Okay.

      declined by 4.3 million

  19. In the 2000 election, the 18 to 29 cohort was 17% of the vote, and was, basically split (48 - 47 D.)

    How They Voted

    1. In 2012, the 18 to 29'ers were 19% of the electorate, and voted 60 - 37 for the Democrat..

      How They Voted

  20. Three Real US Senators, the non-scabs, those that are concerned with US interests and those of their non nationally conflicted constituency are to be commended.

    Democratic Sens. Cory Booker of New Jersey, Mark Warner of Virginia and Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota announced their support in quick succession for the deal that aims to curb Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for wide relief from economic sanctions.

  21. Covering their losses, Israel’s new best friend (Besides the GOP) King Salman of Saudi Arabia will visit President Obama at the White House on Friday.

    1. King Salmon don't much like the idea of Iranian nuclear bombs blowing up Mecca, perhaps ?

      This would collapse his 'base'.

      If I was a King Salmon I might feel the same.

      We used to fish, dad and I, for King Salmon off the coast of Oregon.

      Boat rental.

      When they hit, they really really hit, bang bang bang

      They hang out in groups....

  22. What the fuck are you talking about, Rufus ?

    Your whole scroll there made ZERO sense.

    And I mean ZERO SENSE.

  23. The 18 to 29 voting bloc is 24.09 Million.

    To get beat by 23 points in that group is to lose a net 5.54 Million Votes.

    (just about Obama's margin of victory in 2012)

    1. We should bring back the literacy test for voting.

      You are the best advertisement for this move that I know.

    2. This age group was 20.4 Million Voters in 2004.,

      How They Voted - 2004

    3. An increase of 40% in 8 years.

      This leads me to think it might be close to 30 Million in 2016.

      If trends continue, the Republicans could lose this cohort by 10 Million Votes.

    4. The hardest thing for the ignorant to grasp is the "exponential function."

    5. heh, where do you come up with comedy like this.....

      You should be on TV

      The "exponential function"


    6. i repeat again, what this country needs is a chicken in every pot, a Bud in every fridge, and a literacy test for voting.

  24. SNOWDEN: Clinton email server 'a problem'...
    FBI Scours for Evidence of Spying...
    Aide expected to plead the Fifth before House panel...
    CROWLEY: Clintons' plan to counterattack Obama...
    FLASHBACK: Julian Assange Will Be Hillary's Worst Nightmare in '16.........Drudge

    Hillary is toast.

    I recall some time ago that one Quirk, on these august pages, opined that, all things considered, he might actually cast his thoughtful vote for Hillary.

    I hope Quirk will update us all on his political tendencies now in these latter days.....

    1. Huma, Hillary's hmmm is going to parachute out soon......

      Degradation Without Pay
      No Way

  25. I've said it all my life, and here it is.....Hillary is a dumb ass, whatever Quirk may say -

    September 3, 2015
    Hillary May Just Be Dumb
    By Bruce Walker

    Hillary is losing her party's presidential nomination to a man who is not even a Democrat and to another man who has not yet entered the race. How can a candidate who began with such an enormous edge that twelve months ago she was deemed "inevitable" have fallen so far? The usual explanation is that the Clintons are too secretive, too paranoid, and too much like lawyers.

    Consider another possibility: Hillary may be dumb. We presume otherwise because she went to Ivy League schools and because she belonged to a prominent Little Rock law firm and because she has held a couple of important offices since her husband left the White House. But we all know the real source of her success: she has been Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton for forty years.

    Hillary's undergraduate degree was in political science, a major that requires nothing more of a student than slavish aping of the radical leftist positions of one's professors. Her admission to Yale Law School was during the heyday of affirmative action, when schools were desperate to find young women to balance the gender quotas.

    The jobs Hillary had out of law school were purely ideological positions, first as a staff attorney for the so-called "Children's Defense Fund" and as a member of the impeachment inquiry staff of the House Judiciary Committee at the time of Watergate. Hillary then tried to become a lawyer in the District of Columbia and took the bar exam for that jurisdiction. She failed, despite the fact that two thirds of those who took the exam passed. Soon thereafter, Hillary accepted Bill's wedding proposal and moved to Arkansas.

    1. Her first "real" job was with the Rose Law Firm, but did she "earn" that job the way most of us would have? Well, Hillary was hired a couple of months after her husband was sworn in as Arkansas attorney general. That continued to be where Hillary worked as her husband was elected again and again as governor of Arkansas.

      Hillary was rarely in court. Her role was that of a "rainmaker," an average sort of lawyer who can nevertheless bring in clients because of her connections. Hillary certainly had those connections. Her husband was either Arkansas attorney general or governor of Arkansas for 14 out of the 16 years from January 1977 to January 1993.

      Few doubt today that Hillary knew about her husband's behavior as a philanderer and sexual predator. Few doubt also that Hillary could have ruined her husband's career in one afternoon news conference. Why didn't she do that and then strike out on her own? One plausible explanation is that she felt like a very ordinary sort of person on her own.

      Since being first lady, what has Hillary done? She was elected almost by default as a Democrat to the Senate from New York, a state that last elected a Republican to the Senate in 1992, and then as Obama's secretary of state. Her books, of course, are ghostwritten, and her board memberships over the last few decades are meaningless gestures to the wife of a powerful husband. Hillary has shown in her life no serious intelligence at all.

      So might she not just be sort of…dumb? She is never unscripted, and the script she reads has been written by other people who are smart. Hillary almost never takes questions, and her responses to the few questions she condescends to answer are profoundly dull. Hillary's private email server was a decision that was not just sneaky, but also stupid. In fact, Hillary's imploding campaign is entirely the result of self-inflicted wounds.

      Leftism, of course, elevates dummies and whispers into the ears of these sock puppets that they are actually brilliant. Mouthing hoary leftist nostrums is always deemed terribly wise, and parroting the party line is invariably thought subtle and profound. Why would we suspect that Hillary would be the exception to the process of leftism dumping hapless mediocrities on America after pronouncing these people smart?

      More than most leftists, Hillary has made stupid mistake after stupid mistake. More than most, Hillary has fallen back on her spouse and her "experience" as first lady as proof that she is up to the job as president. One explanation is that Hillary is super-clever. A better explanation is she is not too bright.

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      Max Planck Institute of Brain Research ?

      I don't think so.

      Only as a patient, as Niece calls those she tries to help....
