Saturday, September 12, 2015

A Jewish-American Internet Troll - How much of this goes on?

‘Aussie jihadi’ behind 9/11 memorial threat 

is actually a Jewish-American internet troll

Joshua Goldberg, who has multiple social media accounts with varying identities and agend
Joshua Goldberg, who has multiple social media accounts with varying identities and agendas, is accused of posing as a Perth-based Islamic State jihadist and trying to plan a 9/11 commemoration bomb attack. Source: Twitter
A YOUNG Jewish American man has been charged with pretending to be a Perth-based Islamic State jihadist after an FBI joint investigation with the AFP, with the help of Australian journalists.
Joshua Ryne Goldberg, 20, is accused of posing online as an IS supporter called “Australi Witness” and inciting attacks against western civilians, all from the safety of his parents’ Florida home.
Australi Witness recently claimed online that he was working with other jihadists to plan attacks in Australia and the United States.
On Thursday, Mr Goldberg was arrested and accused of trying to plan a bomb attack on a September 11 memorial event in Kansas City this weekend.
The arrest came after information was passed on to the Australian Federal Police by journalists Elise Potaka and Luke McMahon, SBS reports.
The U.S. Attorney’s Office said that Mr Goldberg was arrested and charged with distributing information relating to explosives, destructive devices and weapons of mass destruction. He faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted.
A criminal complaint says Goldberg, of Orange Park, about 15 miles south of Jacksonville, began communicating online with an FBI informant in July and gave that person information on how to build a bomb with a pressure cooker, nails and rat poison. Instructions on how to build such devices have been widely publicised by Islamic terror groups, including al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s digital magazine “Inspire,” which released its most recent issue this week.
The remains of a pressure cooker that the FBI says was part of one of the bombs that expl
The remains of a pressure cooker that the FBI says was part of one of the bombs that exploded during the Boston Marathon. Photo: AP Source: AP
An affidavit by U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agent William Berry said that investigators had been informed by Australian authorities that Goldberg had been identified as a “proponent of radical free speech.” The affidavit says that Goldberg posed as an ISIS supporter living in Perth, who used social media handles like “@AusSecret” “@AusWitness” and “Australi Witness.”
The affidavit says that when he was arrested, Goldberg admitted to posting a Twitter message urging followers to attack a Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest in Garland, Texas. Two Muslim men were killed by security on May 3 when they attempted to attack the event.
According to the affidavit, an Australian informant asked an online user believed to be Goldberg “Are you not all at concerned by the way that some of these jihardi [sic] nut cases might actually kill someone at your behest?”
Goldberg allegedly replied, “These guys are [expletive] keyboard warriors.”
Fox 30 reported that a judge issued a search warrant for Goldberg’s home Wednesday and undercover agents took him into custody less than 24 hours later. Neighbours told the station that they initially thought Goldberg was an intruder because they had never seen him before.
“They are active in the neighbourhood association and their other kids come to community events, but the older son has never even walked down the street that I’m aware of,” neighbour Al Keene said of the family. “I’m not surprised at all if his parents didn’t know anything about this. They seem like a great family.”
“We are not aware of anything at this point. There has not been a prehearing. We have not been told any information and that’s all I can tell you,” said Frank Goldberg, the suspect’s father. It wasn’t immediately clear if Goldberg had an lawyer.
The criminal complaint says Goldberg instructed the informant to target the Kansas City 9-11 Memorial Stair Climb. The event involves 343 firefighters climbing 110 stories to the top of a downtown high-rise to pay tribute to the 343 FDNY firefighters killed in the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks.
In the affidavit, Berry says Goldberg admitted to instructing the informant to build and place the bomb, but claimed he hoped that the informant would either blow himself up constructing the device or give Goldberg enough time to alert law enforcement before the planned attack, letting him take credit for stopping it.
This year’s memorial event was scheduled to take place on Sunday. Organisers told Fox4 the event would proceed as planned.
The complaint alleges that Goldberg settled on the Kansas City event because it was the closest major commemoration to where the informant lived. In one alleged conversation from Aug. 20 of this year, someone using a user name attributed to Goldberg asked the informant, “Have you decided what kind of attack to carry out on 9/11, akhi [brother]? I was thinking a bombing.”
The informant agreed, saying “I’ve been having trouble with the planners in the dawlah [caliphate] who want me to just do a gun attack. But that doesn’t seem big enough to bring true glory to Allah. Look at [Chattanooga] the kuff [unbelievers] have already forgotten.”
“What city are you in akhi?” Goldberg allegedly asked later in the conversation. “We need to find the best place to place the explosive.”
The informant responded, “I’m in the Midwest the closest place is Kansas City if you’re familiar. But I can travel I’m just a student.”
“All right [sic] so will you be able to drive to Kansas City to carry out the attack?” Goldberg allegedly asked.
“Yes Easily” was the response.
Friday is the 14th anniversary of the terror attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and Shanksville, Pa.
Fox News’ Matt Dean and the Associated Press contributed to this report.


  1. Ali Abunimah 4 January 2012

    The National Union of Israeli Students (NUIS) has become a full-time partner in the Israeli government’s efforts to spread its propaganda online and on college campuses around the world.

    NUIS has launched a program to pay Israeli university students $2,000 to spread pro-Israel propaganda online for 5 hours per week from the “comfort of home.”

    The union is also partnering with Israel’s Jewish Agency to send Israeli students as missionaries to spread propaganda in other countries, for which they will also receive a stipend.

    This active recruitment of Israeli students is part of Israel’s orchestrated effort to suppress the Palestinian solidarity movement under the guise of combating “delegitimization” of Israel and anti-Semitism.

    The involvement of the official Israeli student union as well as Haifa University, Tel Aviv University, Ben-Gurion University and Sapir College in these state propaganda programs will likely bolster Palestinian calls for the international boycott of Israeli academic institutions.

    1. Paying students to spread Israeli propaganda online

      This is our opportunity, as Israeli students, to provide hasbara [state propaganda] that is correct and balanced, to help in the struggle against the delegitimization of the State of Israel and against hatred of Jews in the world.

      That is one of the exhortations in a Hebrew document issued by NUIS, and translated by The Electronic Intifada, inviting Israeli students to apply for a program to help spread Israel’s message.

      The project seeks to take advantage of the fact that “Many students in Israel master the Internet and are proficient at using the Internet and social networking and various sites and are required to write and express themselves in English.”

      The paid scholarship will allow them to get training and then work from home for five hours per week for a year to “refute” what it calls “misinformation” about Israel on social networking sites.

      Among the stated goals of the scholarships is “to deepen and expand hasbara activities of students in the State of Israel.” The document explains:

      The Internet allows uncontrolled access to content from marginal groups and therefore can influence many audiences who are exposed to such information, particularly young people who are more easily influenced.

      The Internet, then, is used as a major tool for the dissemination of anti-Semitism, hatred of Israel and of Jews and thus the Internet is also the place to battle against such sites, pull the ground from under them and to provide reliable and balanced information.

    2. Work from the “comfort of home”

      The NUIS program document explains:

      After training, the student will begin his activities. The student will do the activities in the comfort of his home, where every week he will be obligated to about 5 hours of activities for a period of one calendar year (not academic year). Students will be paid a total of NIS 7,500 [$2,000] to perform the tasks of the project, at least 5 hours weekly for a total of 240 hours of activities under the project umbrella.

      What is completely missing from the program is any indication that criticism of Israel could be valid. Rather the National Union of Israeli Students apparently seeks to indoctrinate Israeli students that every criticism of Israel is “hate” and “anti-Semitism” and that the Internet should be seen as a battlefield on which they are foot soldiers.

    3. Using e-learning tools for government propaganda

      An interesting aspect of the NUIS program is that it uses the common open source virtual learning environment Moodle as its interface with program participants. This interface can be found at

      Whereas Moodle was designed for education – to spread mind-opening learning beyond the constraints of geography – the Israeli innovation here is to use it for mind-narrowing propaganda: getting students to be uncritical, to not think for themselves, but rather to spread Israel’s state-sponsored propaganda.

    4. See the world, spread more propaganda

      NUIS has also partnered with the Jewish Agency, the Israeli state body that encourages Jews from around the world to settle on stolen Palestinian land, to spread propaganda on college campuses around the world.

      The Jewish Agency website announces, as translated from Hebrew by Dena Shunra for The Electronic Intifada:

      For the first time in Israel – a unique, world-encompassing scholarship, in cooperation between the Student Union and the Jewish Agency.

      Every year the Jewish Agency of Israel sends approximately 150 emissaries to various places around the world - North America, England, South Africa, Australia, Germany, Italy and South America, who engage in Jewish education and hasbara in three main streams - Hillel emissaries (to campuses around North America), community emissaries and youth movement emissaries.

      Training for these overseas missions for successful applicants will take place at Haifa University, Tel Aviv University, Ben-Gurion University and Sapir College, after which the would-be missionaries “will set off for a one-year mission in the various Jewish communities around the world, and will also receive a scholarship of up to NIS 5,000 [$1300].”

      Applications are open to Israeli citizens who have lived in the country for three years, those who have completed service in the Israeli army, and those who speak foreign languages, among other criteria.

    5. A student union in the service of the state

      In most countries student unions often find themselves at odds with state authorities, fighting for the rights of students. But it would appear that Israel’s “student union” does not so much represent students and fight for their rights, but represents the state in the state’s efforts to recruit students to do its political bidding.

      In this sense, the NUIS functions in a very similar way to Israel’s “trade union” the Histadrut.

    6. The US government funds BDS.

      And other NGo's.

  2. Who funds NUIS and what role do they play in government propaganda efforts?

    1. Translation: Students in the Struggle against Anti-Semitism on the Internet
      National Union of Israeli Students

      Students in the Struggle against Anti-Semitism on the Internet

      Vision and background:

      The National Union of Israeli Students [NUIS] unites about 300,000 students from all over the country. NUIS promotes the goals and objectives of students, guards the status of students and impacts the public agenda in all aspects from the perspective that the future generation should be a full partner in shaping the Israeli reality of tomorrow.

      For young people the Internet is first of all a tool for work and study. Many students in Israel master the Internet and are proficient at using the Internet and social networking and various sites and are required to write and express themselves in English. Like other web users, students encounter anti-Semitic websites disseminating hatred of Israel and hatred of Jews on the Internet.

      In recent years use of the Internet for work, finding information and leisure has become accepted and common all over the world. Alongside the development of the Internet and its use, websites have developed that disseminate anti-Semitic and false information that one could not find a publisher [for] in the pre-Internet age.

      The Internet allows uncontrolled access to content from marginal groups and therefore can influence many audiences who are exposed to such information, particularly young people who are more easily influenced.

      The Internet, then, is used as a major tool for the dissemination of anti-Semitism, hatred of Israel and of Jews and thus the Internet is also the place to battle against such sites, pull the ground from under them and to provide reliable and balanced information.

      In the present reality, in which the Internet has become a key tool in spreading anti-Semitism, and given that most students use this medium, it is requested that Israeli students will be the ones to lead the battle against hostile websites.

      The following proposed scholarships will allow students to map the anti-Semitic websites and to deal with what is said on them. During the project students can work on social networks to refute misinformation comprehensively available throughout this medium.

      This is our opportunity, as Israeli students, to provide hasbara [state propaganda] that is correct and balanced, to help in the struggle against the delegitimization of the State of Israel and against hatred of Jews in the world.
      Project goals

      To deal with, struggle [against] and reduce dissemination of anti-Semitism on the Internet;

      To deepen and expand hasbara activities of students in the State of Israel;

      To increase the awareness and involvement of the National Union of Israeli Students, local student associations, and students in general about what is happening in the world concerning Jews and the status of Israel.

      Student activities

      After training, the student will begin his activities. The student will do the activities in the comfort of his home, where every week he will be obligated to about 5 hours of activities for a period of one calendar year (not academic year). Students will be paid a total of NIS 7,500 [$2,000] to perform the tasks of the project, at least 5 hours weekly for a total of 240 hours of activities under the project umbrella.

      The scholarship will be given to the student at three periods; in April, in August at the NUIS scholarship award ceremony, and in November.

      Students will be admitted into the project only if they are members of student union at their institution of higher learning, provided such institution is a member of NUIS. Applications are made through the NUIS website at the scholarships page.

    2. Translation: Student Union and Jewish Agency scholarship
      Shacham Scholarship - Jewish Agency and Student Union

      A scholarship which is a mission - the Jewish Agency and Student Union

      Shacham - Mission, Education, Action

      For the first time in Israel – a unique, world-encompassing scholarship, in cooperation between the Student Union and the Jewish Agency.

      Every year the Jewish Agency of Israel sends approximately 150 emissaries to various places around the world - North America, England, South Africa, Australia, Germany, Italy and South America, who engage in Jewish education and hasbara in three main streams - Hillel emissaries (to campuses around North America), community emissaries and youth movement emissaries.

      The scholarship introduces program participants with content relevant to the position, in a 12-meeting course, which is held every other weeks and deals with various issues:

      Jewish identity
      Israeli society
      Tikkun Olam [the religious obligation to repair the world - or make it better]
      Hasbara skills
      History of the Nation of Israel in modern times
      and more…
      The course is experiential and includes lectures from the very best lecturers in the country, an active and reflective workshop, an educational experience of collaboration and coping both intellectually and emotionally with a variety of different topics. In August 2012, course graduates will set off for a one-year mission in the various Jewish communities around the world, and will also receive a scholarship of up to NIS 5,000.

      The course will be held in four regional centers:

      South: Sapir College/Ben Gurion [University]
      Center: Tel Aviv University
      Jerusalem: the Hebrew University
      North: the Haifa University.
      Eligibility for application:

      Students in their last years of study for an academic degree;
      Holding Israeli citizenship and having lived in Israel for at least 3 years.
      Having completed military or national service.
      With good command of English/Russian/Spanish/French/Portuguese/or other languages.
      Having experience as camp counselors, teachers, and the ability to speak publicly.
      Having an affinity to Judaism and the Israeli culture and familiarity with Diaspora Jewry.
      Admittance to the program is conditional upon passing the screening process, which will be held in November-December 2011 at the various campuses.

      Applications can be filed here: []
      For further information, call Karen at 02-6216233


  3. Wow such an big fish Deuce!!

    When are you going to do an report on Jack and his activities??

  4. Great news about the middle east.

    No longer will Deice and his internet trolls for Palestine be able to complain about jewish "refugees" from Europe, now that he is calling for millions of syrian refugees to be settled in America and Europe.

    The issue is settled.

    Thanks Deuce..

  5. Only an information or comprehension challenged fool could equate the two. Case in point:

    Russian emigrants to Israel were in the hundreds of thousands. There was no war in Russia. There was no ethic cleansing. There was an Israeli plan to flood Palestinian land, held by Israeli occupation forces, with nominal Jews from Russia. New housing was provided to them as well as transportation and settlement subsidies. The US provided tens of billions in housing subsidized financing.

    Almost half the Syrian population has been displaced by a war of terror, death and destruction, fostered by US Neocons and supported by Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel and the US. Much of the violence spread over the border from Iraq as a result of the US war against Iraq. They were fleeing for their lives. Israel has been attacking the forces opposed to ISIS and has provided ISIS with medical assistance. The US and Saudi have been providing arms. There are no subsidized housing waiting for any of these pathetic human beings fleeing for their live.

    Only a pathetic racist or a feeble mental incompetent could justify a comparison between the two.

    1. Your welcome. I hope that settles it in your disturbed brain. By the way, get lost.

    2. It does settle it.

      You should never bitch that Israel exists, is the Jewish State and it's people have all the rights that everyone else in the world has.

      By the way, no.

    3. Most of the 11 million have been displaced by Assad of Syria and Iran.

      Interesting point, many of the so called "migrants" are supporters of Assad and not refugees.

  6. I am calling for the US taking in 4,000,000 Syrian refugees. The US would be enriched by their numbers and it would remind Americans of the consequences of not minding our own business and fucking with people’s lives.

    I am absolutely convinced that any decent human being, Christian or Jew would welcome the opportunity to undo the injustice done to these people.

    1. I wonder why you cannot blame Iran and Syria, (and russia) for the so called injustice to these people?

      "I am absolutely convinced that any decent human being, Christian or Jew would welcome the opportunity to undo the injustice done to these people."

      I suggest that these folks settle in the islamic world, one that speaks their language help.

      Oh yeah... That is asking too much


    WACO — One of nine bikers killed at a shootout outside a Texas restaurant was a Vietnam veteran and Purple Heart recipient whose family members dispute police claims he was in a criminal group.

    An Associated Press review of Texas court records and a database maintained by the state Department of Public Safety turned up no criminal history in Texas for Jesus Delgado Rodriguez, 65, of New Braunfels. And his son Vincent Ramirez told the San Antonio Express-News that he was not violent.

    Rodriguez was one of nine bikers killed Sunday when gunfire erupted at Twin Peaks restaurant in Waco, where motorcyclists had gathered for a meeting. Authorities have said the shooting began during an apparent confrontation between two rival motorcycle gangs — the Bandidos and the Cossacks.

    Waco police spokesman Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton told the AP on Wednesday that all those killed were part of those two gangs. He was less specific on Thursday, saying all those killed or injured were part of five criminal motorcycle gangs.

    Military records show Rodriguez was a Marine on active duty from 1969 and 1973, and received the Purple Heart, given to those wounded or killed in action. He also received a Navy commendation medal and other awards.

    1. He survived the Viet Cong, not so well with the peace officers from Waco, Texas.

      Oorah mutherfuckers, OOrah!

    2. from Waco, the scene of “Save the children foundation” sponsored by the US DOJ and ATF.

    3. Jesus Delgado Rodriguez, US Marine

      Rodriguez, 65, of New Braunfels, was shot in the head and in the back. The projectile that was recovered on the left side of his head was not described in the report. The bullet went from front to back and slightly downward.

      He also was shot in the right, mid-back. The projectile perforated a rib, his right and left lungs and his heart and exited through his left chest wall. That bullet traveled from right to left, back to front and upward.

      Rodriguez tested negative for alcohol or illegal drugs.

      Included in a description of what he was wearing was a white metal U.S. Marine Corps tag.

    4. Hint to those with reading comprehension and atrophied essence of logic:

      Head shots with bullets on a downward trajectory came from above. the Waco cops were above the restaurant shooting downward.

  8. Meanwhile, in other interesting news around the world:

    Socialist Elected UK Opposition Labour Leader


    "The Tories have used the economic crisis of 2008 to impose terrible burden on the poorest people in this country," Corbyn, dressed in a dark jacked and unbuttoned blue shirt, told supporters.

    "I am fed up with the social cleansing of London by this Tory government," he said of Prime Minister David Cameron's Conservatives.

    Corbyn defeated two former Labour ministers, Yvette Cooper and Andy Burnham, and Liz Kendall, regarded as the heir to Blair.

    A left winger and parliamentary veteran with a long history of voting against his own party, Corbyn triumphed on a message of promising to increase government investment though money-printing and renationalising vast swathes of the economy.


    The prospect of a return to the party's socialist roots has drawn stark warnings that . . . .


    There's Hope, Bernie

  9. Here is an interesting point of fact.

    Iraq and Syria, and it's people are some of the biggest Jew hating folks on the planet.

    They have collectively supported the suicide bombings of jews across the globe for decades.

    Now both of their countries are shit.


    1. I guess I was premature.

      Libya, Yemen, Sudan, Lebanon and more...

      All shit...


      Let's not exclude Pakistan and the turds in Afghanistan.

      All Jew haters, all falling into shit...


      Now deuce will blame the neocons and the israeli firsters...

      So maybe we should be proud and take that accusation and promise more...


      I deem that Gaza will crumble...

      I deem that Arabia and Jordan, Russia and the Shits in England will all turn to shit...


      I like this..

    2. Welcome to the new face of Zionist Hasbara to malign the Muslims. One of the most successful pull offs by the Zionist Hasbarats was the creation, support and funding of ISIS by the puppet Israeli governments in the West and the Arab world ........

    3. You are one sick puppy WiO!

    4. I am not the sick puppy, I am just saying the people and nations of the world that are jew hating scum are self destructing..


      That aint sick, that's called reporting the news.

    5. .

      For Syrian refugees in Italy, Israel remains enemy #1

      Despite fleeing civil war and exposure to hardships in crossing the Mediterranean, migrants still have energy to bash the Jewish State

      The article seems to represent that the following attitude is prevalent among the the Syria refugees he met,

      “First of all I respect all religions, including Judaism… In Syria we have all races and religions living together, we are all brothers… but Israel, Israel is the ultimate enemy, that’s what we’ve been told since we were kids,” said baby Mahmud’s cousin Adman, 21, who studied tourism in Syria. “But I want to stress something: Jews are not my enemy. Zionists are my enemy.”

      I believe the attitude is common throughout the ME. And just as the Arabs are taught to hate Israel from the time they are young, I suspect a good portion of Jewish kids in Israel are taught the same thing regarding Arabs. The same hate is taught on a sectarian, tribal and religious basis, as well. It's why there will always conflict in the ME. Reason number #31 why America and Americans should avoid the place like the plague.


    6. Quirk, i suspect you don't know shit.

      Israel does not teach to HATE arabs.

      However it is clear it is fine to hate those that hate you.

      Israel has 1.2 million arab citizens, they are not hated.

      You speak from ignorance once again.

    7. “First of all I respect all religions, including Judaism… In Syria we have all races and religions living together, we are all brothers… but Israel, Israel is the ultimate enemy, that’s what we’ve been told since we were kids,” said baby Mahmud’s cousin Adman, 21, who studied tourism in Syria. “But I want to stress something: Jews are not my enemy. Zionists are my enemy.”


      They can like jews that are embracive of being 2nd class people.

      How dare Jews to be ZIONISTS.

      Fuck him and the camel he rode in on...

    8. .

      I merely offered my opinion based on what I have seen and read, most of it coming from Israeli/Jewish newspapers and magazines, JP, Times of Israel, Ynet, Forward, etc.

      You have your opinion. However, as you have proved here on a number of occasions you know little about what actually is going on in Israel except for that which comports with your skewed perspectives. You probably should expand your reading list beyond Israel Hayom and the Jerusalem Post op-ed section.

      You will pardon for not being too upset when accused of ignorance by you.


    9. .

      By the way, had you bothered to open the link (unlikely), you would have seen the story came from The Times of Israel. I put it up as reflective of the attitudes of the Syrian refugees. If you would like I can dig up some quotes and videos that reflect the attitudes of Israeli youths.


    10. Selective Israeli youths that you would post to prove your inept theory would be nonsense.

      Once again, you attempt to think you can lecture me about the quality of my perspective.

      Sorry Quirk, you are the ignorant one.

      Israel, regardless of my opinion, proves it's self to be one of a nation of tolerance.

      My opinion is clear, you are ignorant of the topic.

      Israel is not perfect. But compared to the rest of the middle east or even America (and it's imperfect past of slavery, jim crow, the klan) Israel's record of arab - israeli relations is quite spectacular. If you are too biased to want to understand? your problem.

      My original statement holds.

      The people of the arab middle east who have hated the Jews and worked for israel's destruction are now seeing their own nations crumble...


      As for any one, of any race or faith that can say that Jews have as much right as anyone else to self determination is cool by me. But those that advocate, support or agree with the concept that Jews have no right to live in Zion are in fact racists.

      If the shoe fits?

      wear it.

    11. .

      You revert to form.

      Selective Israeli youths that you would post to prove your inept theory would be nonsense.

      yet, you do the same with selective Arab youths all the time. I don't need specific examples of the youths, although, the growing bands of settler youth gangs is unsettling. But we only need to look at the text books used in Israeli schools for instances. Or some of the practices there like the pre-training for IDF membership conducted with 17-18 year-olds where they are allowed to practice with weapons shooting at targets with pictures of people wearing kaffiyahs.

      Israel, regardless of my opinion, proves it's self to be one of a nation of tolerance.

      but, only from your perspective. Above you stated,


      They can like jews that are embracive of being 2nd class people.

      The comment reflects your zero-sum mindset. 2nd class is a bad thing if it is applied to Jews; however, to non-Jews, well...,not so much. Surely, you will not deny that non-Jews are discriminated against in Israel.

      And as always you end up with the 'racist' or 'anti-semitic' charge, so much easier than arguing the facts.


    12. And there goes WiO scurrying away with his tail between his legs.

  10. Netanyahu’s Victory Over Iran
    The Israeli prime minister mobilized the world to confront Tehran. But the world’s definition of success was not his.

    The international agreement to restrain Iran’s nuclear program, which will likely go into effect next week, should count as the crowning diplomatic achievement of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The ratification of this deal marks the first time Iran has agreed to radically curtail its previously unregulated nuclear activities, and it would not have happened without Netanyahu.

    For more than a decade, he has lobbied, cajoled, and pressured the United States and Europe to thwart Iran’s nuclear ambitions. He played by far the largest role in focusing the attention of the great powers on the threat of a nuclear Iran. His single-minded, insistent lobbying, his powerful speechmaking, and his orchestration of a highly potent publicity campaign in Washington, when combined with the presence, in the White House, of a president predisposed to believe that a nuclear-armed Iran would pose a profound national-security threat to the U.S. (I am not referring here to George W. Bush), led to the application of crippling, multilateral sanctions on Iran, a sanctions regime that brought Iran to the negotiating table. At the negotiating table, Iran’s leaders eventually agreed to a set of limitations and controls on the country’s nuclear program that are quite stringent, and which, if properly implemented, reduce the chance that Israel will find itself the target of an Iranian nuclear weapon for many years to come. And all this was achieved without preventative military strikes that might have delayed, but not prevented, Iran from crossing the nuclear threshold. Of course, the threat of a unilateral Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities—a threat deemed credible by the Pentagon, by the White House, and by many European leaders—also helped concentrate the world’s attention on the problem, and aided President Barack Obama in his campaign to convince sometimes-balky allies to join in the sanctions regime in order to prevent an Israeli strike.

    Suck it..

    1. .


      Tell it to Bibi.

      Should have quit while he was ahead but that's not the way he rolls.


    2. I hate the Iran deal.

      As does Bibi.

      But it was Bibi that brought the issue to the world and kept it there.

      In the end?

      The world will be screwed by Iran (again) and I will, with all joy and vigor be around to say I TOLD YOU SO...


  11. Now this is from Debka, so it may not be 100%

    Iran this week sent its first ground troops to Syria, around 1,000 marines and elite troops of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC). They moved straight into Ghorin, a small military air facility just south of the port town of Latakia, and hooked up with the just-landed Russian marines at Jablah. Three weeks ago, DEBKA file began reporting on Russian-Iranian military intervention afoot for saving the Syrian ruler Bashar Assad, followed on September 1 by the first disclosure of the Russian buildup in Syria.

    I hope that each and everyone of the Iranians are captured and executed by ISIS.

    1. WiO has categorically stated his support for ISIS. Yep, one sick puppy.

  12. Deuce ☂Sat Sep 12, 09:34:00 AM EDT

    I am calling for the US taking in 4,000,000 Syrian refugees.


    Good Christ

    And not one in twenty five real Americans would agree with you.

    But if we must, just keep them east of the Mississippi, please, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Mississippi. Pack 'em into Detroit, they will fit right in there, and Philly, and northern Mississippi.

    Russia too comes to mind, too, east of the Urals.

    Perhaps we should just move ALL the Syrians here, and stop the fighting that way.....? eh ?

    1. You may call, but will anyone listen ?


    2. Here's who the American People are listening to:


      Dallas Rally Sold Out...

      WIRE: Trump has 'TONIGHT' audience 'eating out of his hand'.........Drudge

      And, the Europeans don't want anymore, it's just trouble:

      Thousands flock to anti-migrant demos in E.Europe...
      'Abandon plans to welcome Muslims'...
      'Islam will be death of Europe'...
      New Rift Emerges as East Resists Quotas...
      Hungary threatens mass arrests........Drudge

      And Surprise !


      The politicians closest to the American People in the House of Representatives votes 2 to 1 against this farce of a 'deal'.

      And thank you, Corker, and the spineless Republican leadership.....

      The Democrats are going to get their asses kicked next November, you can feel it coming.......

      Hillary loses to Dr. Ben Carson now 51% to 46% in the theoretical match up polls, she also loses to Trump, and IIRC, Bush....

      I hope she gets the nomination.......if she were indicted and found guilty before the election, but still somehow, maybe massive voter fraud ? somehow won the's a good question......could she pardon herself ?

      What say you, Quirk, you were giving her some of your 'classical critico/logical thinking' at one time, were you not ?


  13. Deuce ☂Sat Sep 12, 07:28:00 AM EDT
    See the world, spread more propaganda

    Deuce just told us that the BDS movement, partially funded by Soros and the US Government is up 31% this year....

    Talk about astroturf...

    1. Bush Derangement Syndrome is still alive and well,

      BDS is losing strength

  14. Amazing, 14 years after the 9/11 attacks to listen to the cowards and appeasers at this blog...

  15. OoOh bad ass and dumb ass singing in asinine harmony, neither of which ever even bothered to do what their betters had to do and did. Spit in your eye punk ass and dumb ass.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. As I have said repeatedly, I stand with America and Israel.

      deuce and his stooges? Stand with the Terrorists in Gaza, the Terrorists in Syria, the Terrorists in Iran.

    3. WIO stands with ISIS too! Just look upstream for confirmation.

    4. No ash, don't lie.

      I stand with America and Israel,

      I want ISIS and Iran to kill each other.

    5. now ash, don't take this the wrong way,

      You support Assad and his killing machine...

      So ISIS would love to meet you too...


      Ash you just don't get it do you?

      I hate all jihadists, that is why I hate you....

      ALlah akbar back at ya..

    6. Ash I will give you a chance to redeem yourself.

      SAY this:

      I do not support Hamas, Hezbollah, Assad of Syria and Iran's pursuit of the destruction of Israel and the Jews across the globe.

      Go ahead, we are listening.

  16. Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Assad of Syria and his storm troopers are all considered to be officially enemies of the USA.

    Ash, Deuce, Rufus, rat and quirk, do you renounce these groups?

    1. I choose my own enemies. We can handle our enemies. The most dangerous is our useless ally, Israel.

    2. But alas, your opinion about Israel flies in the face of even President Obama.

      Israel is a great friend to America and vice versa... America is a great friend to Israel.

      As for your description of Israel as "useless", once again your black bitter heart is controlling your brain....

      It must be lonely for you...

    3. But you avoid renouncing any ties to Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran or Syria...



    4. Deuce, you are sounding more and more like an agent for the enemies of the USA.

      How much do they pay you to write this blog?

    5. .

      You mentioned quirk.

      If you are talking to me, the answer is no. To renounce would imply that at some time in the past or even recently I held a positive view of any of these states, groups, or individuals. I would think words like reprove, castigate, and renounce might be better choices for what I think you are trying to say.

      As for the state, Iran is a ME state. If you don't know my views on EVERY state in the ME by now, I can only assume you don't know what words like 'batshit crazy' mean. As for Hamas and Hezbollah they employ terrorist tactics, to be specific, they take innocent civilian lives to make political points. How many times must I say it here, there is absolutely no acceptable excuse for deliberately taking innocent lives. None. Nada. As for Assad, he is a corrupt dictator like so many others in the ME. Is that clear enough for you?

      Now, let me editorialize a little.

      First, you preface your statement with 'all are considered enemies of the US' as if that meant a damn thing. Yesterday, the Taliban were terrorists, now they are a resistance movement. They PKK and the YPG are basically branches of the same group. Yet, the US calls the PKK a terrorist group and supports the YPG with air sorties. The US works in tandem with their 'enemy' Iran in fighting ISIS in Iraq. Classifications change all the time. Jewish terrorist groups were instrumental in the birth of Israel. Irgun was the precursor to Likud. At least two of Israel's prime ministers were former terrorists. It's funny how things change when you win and can write your own history.

      Second, and more importantly, your question is representative of the childishness you and you bro from Idaho indulge in all the time. You get in trouble answering on an issue so you pull some shit question out of your ass to change the direction of the conversation. It diverts from the issue at hand.

      For instance, you ask a question that has an obvious answer but you ignore the other half of the question. Sure I reproach all those you mentioned but I also reproach plenty of others in the ME. I consider Saudi Arabia a lot worse than Iran. I consider Sisi as bad as Assad. Qatar is an equal opportunity enabler. There are few militant/terrorists groups they won't support. Yemen? Israel? I can lay out cases against all of them and the reasons I don't like any of them.


    6. Sisi as Assad ?

      You're nuts, is what I consider you.

      What is "Occupation"Sat Sep 12, 09:55:00 PM EDT

      Deuce, you are sounding more and more like an agent for the enemies of the USA.

      How much do they pay you to write this blog?

      This thought also occurred to me just recently reading criticisms of 'Jewish friendly' bloggers as working for AIPAC.

      I thought, sincerely, maybe this guy is working for IAPAC.

      I doubt it but the thought did come dancing along.....

    7. .

      In my opinion, you are a hypocrite, WiO. Above you say, "Israel is not perfect. But..."

      The problem is that everyone here is willing to say what they don't like about the US or any other country for that matter. However, when you say "Israel isn't perfect" it's a throwaway line. It's a generalization that means nothing. I have yet to hear you offer one 'specific' criticism of Israel. Bibi not killing enough Gazans doesn't count.

      And the statement is always followed by 'but'.

      As I said above, this is a zero-sum game with you. There is no room for compromise. To admit their were two sides to a story, to suggest that Israel has done anything wrong at all, would in your mind mean that Israel lost.


    8. .

      You are good at asking questions. Let me ask you one.

      Do you feel that your views are representative of the views of the average Israeli Jew, or at least, of a significant portion of the Jewish population there?


  17. On further consideration of the suggestion of importing 4 MILLION Syrians into USA, I might support the proposal if it were amended to mean ALL Syrians, and that they be settled east of the Mississippi, but not in Ohio, or other areas with Amish groups, whom I like, and that Syria then be given over entirely to Israel.

    You go back a ways and you'll find Jews in Syria.......

    What's right is right, and we should do what's right.....

    Another acceptable move might be to park all the Syrians up with Ashit up there in Canada..............

    1. Did I ever tell you I hired some wonderful Amish fellows to work on my wife's place in Ohio ?

      I did indeed, and they did a marvelous job of whatever they did that day, work on the roof I think.

      We chatted a good deal, and one of these young fellows indicated his dislike of Obama and his smooth modern ways by saying "I think somebody ought to take Obama on a coon hunt".

    2. We should all be against occupation, and I think the Cherokee ought to give much of their land back to the Sioux from they stole it.

      The Sioux at that time were a gentle Mississippi forest people, and the Cherokee had always been slavers....

  18. more reports about Iranians going to Syria..

    Iranian troops join Russians in Syria fighting

    Israeli security sources claim Quds Force sending hundreds of elite troops in unprecedented cooperation with Russia to save embattled Syrian regime.

    Qasem Soleimani, commander of Iran's elite Quds Force, has sent hundreds of ground soldiers into Syria in the past few days apparently in cooperation with Russia's President Vladimir Putin, said a senior Israeli security official Thursday.

  19. Deuce, you rail against Israel 24/7/365 for various issue, one "the liberty" you claim israel ,murdered americans..

    you bitch and pout, scream and shout for years about this...

    But you re silent on the Iranians killing of Americans..


    Marine Corps General Joseph Dunford, Obama’s nominee for chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Congress last week that the deaths of 500 soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan could be attributed to Iran.

    On Wednesday, the Military Times highlighted an exchange from General Dunford’s confirmation hearing last week. Senator Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR)60%
    , a leading critic of President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, asked General Dunford how many deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan were attributable to intervention by Iran. Dunford replied, “I know the total number of soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines that were killed by Iranian activities, and the number has been recently quoted as about 500. We weren’t always able to attribute the casualties we had to Iranian activity, although many times we suspected it was Iranian activity even though we didn’t necessarily have the forensics to support that.”

    Most of the casualties attributed to Iran are the result of a deadly type of roadside bomb known as an explosively formed penetrator (EFP). These bombs were manufactured in Iran and brought to Iraq for use against U.S. troops. The bombs used an explosion to create a slug of molten copper which could penetrate the armor of most U.S. vehicles. During 2006 and 2007 they were the most deadly bombs used against U.S. troops in Iraq.

    Other recent estimates of the number of deaths attributable to Iran have been higher. A report published in March of this year by two former UK commanders concluded, “Iranian military action, often working through proxies using terrorist tactics, has led to the deaths of well over a thousand American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan over the last decade and a half.” The same report notes Iran was also connected to a large shipment of high-end Austrian-made sniper rifles recovered in Iraq.

    Javad Zarif, recently the lead negotiator for Iran on the nuclear deal, was Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations at the time this was going on. He became a leading voice disputing Iran had any weapons in Iraq. In an interview with NPR in February 2007 he said, ” the United States has decided on a policy and is trying to find or fabricate evidence if it cannot find one.” Two days later the Pentagon gave an intelligence briefing in Baghdad at which it displayed EFP devices with Iranian serial numbers. The day after that was the day a cache of 100 .50 caliber sniper rifles were discovered in Iraq and traced to Iran.

    Every instance of Iranians killing Americans you sweep under the rug or make excuses...


    Why one standard for Israel and no standard for the Iranians or Palestinians who have murdered, on purpose Americans?

  20. Palestinian terrorists have killed more Americans than ISIS

    By ALEX VANNESS • 11/23/14 5:00 AM

    On Tuesday, two Palestinian terrorists entered a synagogue in Jerusalem and killed four people during morning prayers, then killed an Israeli police officer responding to the scene. This attack is the latest in a recent string of heinous attacks by Palestinian terrorists.

    Three other recent victims were U.S. citizens. The American victims include both Naftali Frankel, a student who was abducted and murdered while hitchhiking home from school, and Chaya Zissel Braun, a 3-month-old baby murdered by a terrorist who used his car as a weapon.

    But those Americans were Jews so you have no mercy for them....

  21. The Mid-East is in one hell of a mess as a direct result of the action and inactions of the Neo-Traitors in the Democratic Party -

    Glenn Reynolds: The Obama-Hillary Mideast debacles
    Glenn Harlan Reynolds 8:28 a.m. EDT September 10, 2015
    As Obama's Middle East policies continue to unravel, can Hillary Clinton escape the taint of disaster?

    (Photo: Pablo Martinez Monsivais, AP)

    Over the weekend, Washington Post editorial page editor Fred Hiatt was unsparing in his criticism of President Obama’s Syria policy. According to Hiatt, Obama has “presided over a humanitarian and cultural disaster of epochal proportions” and, worse, has done so while telling Americans that it’s no big deal.

    Hiatt is certainly correct about the humanitarian and cultural disaster, and also about Obama’s do-nothing approach. He notes, “On those rare occasions when political pressure or the horrors of Syrian suffering threatened to overwhelm any excuse for inaction, he promised action, in statements or White House leaks: training for the opposition, a safe zone on the Turkish border. Once public attention moved on, the plans were abandoned or scaled back to meaningless proportions (training 50 soldiers per year, no action on the Turkish border).”

    Obama initially called for the removal of Syrian President Bashar Assad, only to back down in the face of opposition from Vladimir Putin. Since then, the United States has postured a bit, but done nothing of consequence. The signal to our enemies: It’s safe to ignore us. The signal to our friends: It’s foolish to rely on us.


    Clinton and Nixon both really sorry: Updated Column

    Now, as the war in Syria has expanded — with the U.S. arming and supporting various groups that have shown a disturbing tendency to take our guns and then switch sides — refugees are flooding Europe. It is, as Ron Radosh correctly states, Barack Obama’s refugee problem.

    1. This would be bad enough if Syria were the Obama administration’s only foreign policy misstep, but instead it is merely representative of a larger problem. President Obama bragged about Yemen as a showpiece of his administration’s anti-terror program’s success; a few months later, Yemen was taken over by terrorists and now an ugly civil war, featuring Saudi troops, rages there. The administration’s responses, as even the Obama-friendly notes, have been ”cringe-worthy.”

      Then there’s Libya. Under President George W. Bush, the United States reached an agreement with Libyan strongman Moammar Gadhafi under which Gadhafi would give up his weapons of mass destruction in exchange for the United States no longer trying to depose him. But just years later, the Obama administration, spearheaded by then-secretary of State Hillary Clinton, went ahead and toppled him anyway. Now Libya, too, is wracked by bloody civil war, and sending waves of refugees pouring into Europe. At the time, Hillary thought the war on Gadhafi would be a strong selling point in her 2016 presidential campaign ("We came, we saw, he died," she joked after Gadhafi fell, and advisor Sidney Blumenthal told her to tout her "successful strategy” to the press); now she’s not talking about it much.

      But Democratic presidential candidate Jim Webb has gone after her: "We blew the lid off of a series of tribal engagements. You can't get to the Tripoli Airport right now, much less Benghazi." And others are likely to ask her whether toppling Gadhafi was justified, and, if not, why we should trust her judgment in the future. Others are likely to note that she also supported the invasion of Iraq.


      Martin O'Malley: Lady Liberty should open arms to Syrian refugees


      Donald Trump: Amateur hour with the Iran nuclear deal

      And Iraq is an issue, too. As late as 2010, Joe Biden was bragging about how well things were going in Iraq, and as late as 2014, Obama was mocking ISIS as a terrorist JV team. In 2011, in a move calculated to solidify support among Democrats before the 2012 elections, Obama removed U.S. troops from Iraq. Not only did we lose the stabilizing influence of a U.S. troop presence, but we also lost the painstakingly built up intelligence networks that American forces had assembled over a decade, allowing the Administration to be blindsided by the rapid growth of ISIS.

      As journalist Bob Woodward noted: “Look, Obama does not like war. But as you look back on this, the argument from the military was, let’s keep 10,000, 15,000 troops there as an insurance policy. And we all know insurance policies make sense. We have 30,000 troops or more in South Korea still 65 years or so after the war. When you are a superpower, you have to buy these insurance policies. And he didn’t in this case.” And we, and Iraqis, are paying the price.

      In the Middle East, everything Obama has touched has failed disastrously — and he’s had help in this failure from Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. With 2016 coming, will that provide an opening for Democratic candidates — like Webb, perhaps, or Bernie Sanders — who are untouched by these failures? Maybe so. But a bigger question is what burdens will America, and the world, have to bear because of this awful record. I fear that they will be very heavy indeed.

      Glenn Harlan Reynolds, a University of Tennessee law professor, is the author of The New School: How the Information Age Will Save American Education from Itself, and a member of USA TODAY's Board of Contributors.

      And now with the Iran 'deal' it's going to get worse.....

  22. Final Score Time ! Vandal Fans Here At Home And Around The World

    USC 59
    The Mighty Vandals 9

    USC played subs much of the game, gained nearly 800 total yards, which, divided by the number of their offensive plays, averaged out at nearly 10 yards - a first down - gained each snap.

    We received a true ass drubbing, not unexpected.

    I've said it before, I'll say it again:

    "It's tough being a Vandal Booster, but it builds character"

    Next week we play Wofford 'at Home in the Dome'.

    We might have a chance beat this non-entity.

    Go Vandals !!!!!!!!!!!

  23. I have analyzed Quirk's political thinking at great length, and have determined his character flaw that leads him constantly astray.

    It is tragic in its possible implications.

    It is inveterate habit of over analyzing and always, so to say:

    cutting the cheese to thin

    He is much better when he is in a seemingly impossible and truly possibly life threatening personal situation. Then his thinking vanishes, his automatic reactions kick in and are always flawless, and he is a true marvel to behold.

    Good Night

    1. It is inveterate his habit of over analyzing and always, so to say:

      cutting the cheese to thin

    2. Ah SHIT, I'm still coming down from the bull fighting like excitement of rooting for the Vandals.....

      It is his inveterate habit of over analyzing and always, so to say:

