Sunday, September 06, 2015

2007 - Joe Biden - Iraq



    The Neocon Foreign Policy Walmart
    by Daniel McAdams, September 05, 2015

    One of the most depressing things about watching – even from a distance – the quadrennial race for the White House is seeing what passes for debate on the one area where the president does have some Constitutional authority: foreign policy.

    Candidates who have spent little or no time studying or traveling to the rest of the world, and, in the fashion of many Americans in the age of Empire, see the rest of the world as just a series of US colonial outposts, apparently consider foreign policy unworthy of serious consideration.

    So little do Republican candidates care about foreign policy that most of them have “outsourced” their foreign policy to a single neocon-dominated foreign policy shop called the “John Hay Initiative.” If you wonder why most Republican candidates sound exactly the same on foreign policy, it’s because they are nearly all getting their advice from the same people.

    When nearly all candidates look to someone like Eliot Cohen, a founding member of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), to provide an off-the-shelf foreign policy, it should be no surprise that the “debate” in the Republican party is only over which country to attack first.

    Any candidate who thinks so little about something so important as America’s place in the world should be automatically disqualified.

    But the neocons love it! The “experts” who brought us the 2003 Iraq war and the Libya “liberation” are still in the driver’s seat when it comes to foreign policy.

    “Jeb!” has John Hay Initiative members Michael Chertoff and Michael Hayden (remember those crooks?) on board as his advisors.

    Marco Rubio reportedly draws from Hay Project member Roger Zakheim, the son of GW Bush administration “vulcan,” Dov Zakheim. Zakheim père, we remember, joined with his fellow neocons to lie the US into war with Iraq, enriching the military-industrial complex, before absconding to the “private sector” to make his millions from the same military-industrial complex. Zakheim quickly and quietly left his position as the Pentagon’s chief financial officer after a trillion dollars went missing and the Government Accountability Office was critical of his handling of matters.

    Scott Walker, a soporific candidate who nevertheless still gives neocons like Bill Kristol the vapors, also shops the neocon Walmart of foreign policy, the John Hay Initiative. It should be no surprise, then, that at his big foreign policy coming out speech at the Citadel military college Friday, he unveiled an “aggressive” foreign policy – crying out “America will not be intimidated. And neither will I” – as he promised more war and vowed that “the retreat is over!”

    Is this the retreat he is talking about?

    Walker reportedly taps into the McCain Institute’s David Kramer, a John Hay member, for his foreign policy wisdom. Kramer is another PNAC alumni, also putting in time at the CIA-affiliated Freedom House and as director of the Bush State Department’s Office of Policy Planning. This must explain Walker’s obsession with taking out Iran. He vowed to “roll back the theocrats in Tehran,” but in fact unlike the US, Tehran has not invaded another country in hundreds of years. What’s to “roll back?”

    If Walker actually paid any attention to the quality of advice he gets from his PNAC/John Hay gang he might call for his money back. Walker’s speech was peppered with macho language about “defeat[ing] the barbarians of ISIS,” while also vowing to destroy the two forces actually fighting ISIS – Syria and Iran! In fact, his vow to use the US military to overthrow the Syrian government would without question result in the greatest ISIS victory to date – control of Syria. One need not sympathize with Assad to recognize that he is literally the only thing keeping the whole of Syria out of the hands of ISIS.

    1. John Hay Initiative “experts” also wrote the foreign policy speeches of candidates Carly Fiorina and Chris Christie. No doubt they were behind Fiorina’s astonishingly ignorant vow to make her first call as president to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to “to reassure him that we stand with the state of Israel” and to make her second call to Iran to “to tell him that whatever the deal is that he signed with Obama, there’s a new deal and the new deal is this: Until you submit every facility [where] you have nuclear uranium enrichment to a full set of inspections, we’re going to make it as hard as possible for you to move money around the global financial system.”

      Pure PNAC.

      These neocons should be in jail, not still deeply ensconced in the Beltway foreign policy halls of power, dining in sumptuous splendor while the rest of America is impoverished by the destructive wars they push. Their lies have cost millions of innocent lives overseas as well. They are a cancer on the country. Any candidate who cares so little about the issues as to accept a “virtual staff” of foreign policy “experts” from those who have gotten every single major foreign policy issue of our time totally and catastrophically wrong has no business holding any elected office.

      John Hay? I’d rather shop for a foreign policy expert at Walmart.

      Daniel McAdams is director of the The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity. Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

    2. This deserves repeating:

      Fiorina’s astonishingly ignorant vow to make her first call as president to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to “to reassure him that we stand with the state of Israel” and to make her second call to Iran to “to tell him that whatever the deal is that he signed with Obama, there’s a new deal and the new deal is this: Until you submit every facility [where] you have nuclear uranium enrichment to a full set of inspections, we’re going to make it as hard as possible for you to move money around the global financial system.”

  2. What did we ever do to deserve the eternal punishment of being a friend of Israel?


    For generations, freshmen cadets at the United States Military Academy have marked the end of a grueling summer of training with a huge nighttime pillow fight that is billed as a harmless way to blow off steam and build class spirit.

    But this year the fight on the West Point, N.Y., campus turned bloody as some cadets swung pillowcases packed with hard objects, thought to be helmets, that split lips, broke at least one bone, dislocated shoulders and knocked cadets unconscious. The brawl at the publicly funded academy, where many of the Army’s top leaders are trained, left 30 cadets injured, including 24 with concussions, according to West Point.

    In interviews, cadets who asked that their names not be used for fear of repercussions in West Point’s strictly controlled culture, said the fight had left one cadet with a broken leg and dislocated shoulders in others. One cadet was knocked unconscious and taken away in an ambulance and had not returned to school, they said. But a spokesman for the academy, Lt. Col. Christopher Kasker, said all cadets had returned to duty.

    Though talk about the brawl on Aug. 20 had circulated on social media, West Point did not confirm it to The New York Times until Thursday.

    Colonel Kasker said the annual fight is organized by first-year students as a way to build camaraderie after the summer program that prepares them for the rigors of plebe year.

    Had this happened on any military base anywhere and the participants been enlisted men, the same age as these pampered pricks, military police would have been all over them, court-martials and jail time to follow. Instead, it has been covered up. What a surprise.

  4. U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Weston, who heads the national Democratic Party, has announced she will support the controversial Iran nuclear deal that is a top priority for President Barack Obama but has faced widespread voter criticism, including in Florida.

    In a five-and-a-half page statement released exclusively to the Miami Herald on Sunday morning, Wasserman Schultz wrote that after wrestling with the agreement she still has concerns but will support it.

    “I have subsequently come to the conclusion that the agreement promotes the national security interests of the United States and our allies and merits my vote of support ...” she wrote. “This agreement is not perfect. But I join many in the belief that with complex, multilateral, nuclear non-proliferation negotiations with inherent geopolitical implications for the entire world, there is no such thing as a ‘perfect’ deal.”

    She is scheduled to appear on CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday morning to speak about her decision.

    Read more here:

    1. Saudi Arabia is satisfied with assurances from US President Barack Obama about the Iran nuclear deal and believes the agreement will contribute to security and stability in the Middle East, a senior Saudi official said on Friday.

  5. Deuce, ever wonder why you are so hate filled against the Jews and Israel?


    in absolute numbers the palestinains have been murdered by their brother arabs by a factors off the scale.

    millions are homeless or living in squalor, not because of israel but because their brother arabs choose to have them live in shit..

    israel aint responsible.

    you scream "apartheid" "colony" "european settler" and yet you don't apply that standard (or any) to any other nation on the planet.

    Once again, I will remind you, that Israel sits on 1/900th of the arab conquered lands of the middle east. 20% of the population is arab. They are not leaving.

    the other lands of the arab world? 899/900? suck

    millions and million are fleeing.

    it aint Israel's issue or fault.

    Arabs in Israel are citizens, full citizens. They are not leaving or fleeing.

    Maybe one day you will see how evil and twisted your world view has become.

    I suggest you go and live in Gaza for a month. I doubt you will ever see an israeli. However you will see tons of armed men, with machine guns enforcing their version of Sharia.

    tell us much fun you had...


    Secretary of State John Kerry has warned the Congress that countries like India, China, and Japan – major customers of oil from Iran – would no longer side with the US if the historic Iranian nuclear deal is not approved by American lawmakers. “It is an illusion for members of Congress to think that they can vote this plan down and then turn around and still persuade countries like China, Japan, South Korea, Turkey, India – Iran’s major oil customers,” Kerry said in yet another passionate plea on Iranian nuclear deal in Philadelphia.

    “They ought to continue supporting the sanctions that are costing them billions of dollars every year? That is not going to happen,” Kerry said. “And don’t forget that the money that has been locked up as a result of sanctions is not sitting in some American bank under US control. The money is frozen and being held in escrow by countries with which Iran has commercial dealings,” he said in his speech.

    “We don’t have that money. We can’t control it. It is going to begin to be released, anyway, if we walk away from this agreement. Remember as well that the bulk of the funds Iran will receive are those that sanctions relief are already spoken for, and they are dwarfed by the country’s unmet economic needs,” he said.


      The "deal" is a sell out of America.

      Those that support the deal?

      Are fools, naive or evil.

      What is your excuse deuce?

  7. I doubt that there are not more than 10% of The GOP Likuds Force who even know about what China has been doing while they are doing their fool’s errand work for Israel. The GOP is committing dereliction of duty to the average US citizen, by not acting in the best economic interest of the vast majority of Americans.

    Case in point is the Asian Development Bank. China has committed $3 trillion in foreign reserves to finance infrastructure all around the globe. China will do it their way by exporting the maximum amount of material from China and sending armies of Chinese workers to do the work. China has been using this business model extensively the entire time that the US has subcontracted itself to the Neocon dream. What has been the return to the US citizens for this? Who benefits? None and not for the average American.

    The hosing of the US public continues by the corrupt US political apparatus.

    Iran is no threat to the US and never has been. Iran with a population of 80 million can be a far greater asset than anything Israel has to offer. The US has a free trade deal with Israel but Israel protects certain industries and has a huge trade surplus with the US. Iran has many unmet demands that can be met with US produced goods. The US Congress had better start asking what benefits the US working class. The obsession with Israel and the ME while China expands her economic empire and builds its military and global industry and commerce is dereliction of duty.

    1. Deuce: "Iran is no threat to the US and never has been"

      So you are just naive.

    2. Deuce: Case in point is the Asian Development Bank. China has committed $3 trillion in foreign reserves to finance infrastructure all around the globe. China will do it their way by exporting the maximum amount of material from China and sending armies of Chinese workers to do the work. China has been using this business model extensively the entire time that the US has subcontracted itself to the Neocon dream. What has been the return to the US citizens for this? Who benefits? None and not for the average American.

      Deuce, your gal Obama is President.

      Might I suggest you look to him for foreign policy issues?

  8. I would give my left nut to see Schumer, Cardin, and Menendez "Primaried Out" this election. What a signal that would send. :)

  9. NBC just released a new poll for NH that looks like really good news for anyone named Trump, and bad news for anyone named Clinton.

    That's not surprising, but the Magnitude of split is pretty eye-opening;

    and, then, you notice that it is a land-line only, poll. And, you ask, "Why?" (well, maybe You don't; but I do.) :)

  10. Gallup does more (and, gets paid for more) polling than anyone else, and they use a mix of 50 landline, and 50 cell phone.

    Gallup Methodologies

    1. With the rapid rise in cell phone use, and the way cell phone users skew heavily D. while landlines skew heavily R., and with the much greater difficulty (and expense) of polling cell phone users, . . . . ....

      and, the difficulty of figuring out just what Is the right percentage,

      brother, this election is going to be a trip.

  11. Fox News host Chris Wallace pointed out to Cheney that Iran had no uranium enrichment centrifuges prior to the Iraq War, but had 5,000 of them by the time Bush and Cheney left office.

    Cheney waved off the statistic. "I think we did a lot to deal with the arms control problem in the Middle East," he said.

    Cheney also claimed that the Iraq invasion forced Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi to dispose of his own weapons of mass destruction -- a claim that was debunked several years ago.

    In 2006, Time magazine reported that Hussein's ouster nearly derailed lengthy nuclear negotiations with Gaddafi. American and British leaders had been pressing since the Clinton years to cut a deal with Gaddafi that would require him to dispose of weapons of mass destruction. When Hussein was toppled, Time reported, Gaddafi nearly walked away from the talks, concerned that diplomacy with the United States would make him look weak in the face of the U.S. invasion of Iraq.

    Former Secretary of State Colin Powell spoke about the shortcomings of the invasion of Iraq on “Meet the Press” on Sunday.

    "The fact of the matter is, we did it right in the first Gulf War. We had to listen to arguments for years afterwards about, 'Why didn't you go to Baghdad?' And the 2003 war came along and you saw why you didn't want to go to Baghdad," Powell said. "We had a . . .

    Dick Cheney undressed on Fox News?

    1. .

      Reason doesn't apply when you are dealing with the neocons. I thought they were toast and would just slink away after the Bush clusterf**k but now they are back like some kind of zombie apocalypse.


    2. O o o

      Enlighten me Quirk, bring me up to speed....

      Didn't Hillary and Kerry vote "For" Bush's War ?

      Didn't that make it their war too ??

    3. You know, really, that was a long time ago, now.

      Darth Vader Cheney hasn't had a thing to say about any of it in all this time.

      Hillary, Kerry, Obama........those are the people responsible for the fiasco in the middle east......if any American is......I blame much of it......all of it finally.......on the Moslems themselves.......

      They are absolutely nuts......and have been since their beginnings 1400 years ago.....

      Always ululating, beheading, howling, torturing, stoning, whining.....

      I'm truly tired of these fuckers.....

      It is our job to protect ourselves and like minded people from them.....let's do that....and not import them into the backyard....

  12. Iraq on fire, Syria burning, Libya has a million refugees, Egypt in a civil war with the Moslem Brotherhood, Afghanistan? butchering it's own. Yemen... Sudan... The Fakistinians? Still killing each other..

    Iran using it's proxies Assad's troops and Hezbollah have slaughtered hundreds of thousands.... Now creating tens of millions of refugees.

    Hungry fighting tens of thousands of moslems that are trying to get into and settle in Hungry, Italy, France and Germany... (Not to mention the 3.6 million moslem foreigners in England)

    How are the Palestinians doing in Judea and Samaria?

    Well if you ask Deuce? horrible...

    If you ask anyone with a brain?

    they are comparatively doing quite well...

    Maybe the palestinians of the "west bank" and gaza should story the beaches of Greece?


  13. .

    Saudi-led coalition jets kill 20 at wake in Yemen

    SANAA - Jets belonging to a Saudi-led coalition accidentally killed at least 20 people at a wake in northern Yemen on Sunday, local tribesmen said, as Arab warplanes pounded Houthi positions and allied forces behind a missile strike in which dozens of Gulf Arab soldiers died.

    The air strikes targeted troops loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh, an ally of the Houthis, across the country and hit a Houthi base in what was the al-Imam University, a religious school in northern Sanaa, residents said.

    But the deadliest strike appeared to have been in the region of al-Yutma in al-Jouf province north of Sanaa, where warplanes accidentally bombed a wake for a local person who had been killed by the Houthis, local tribesmen said...


  14. Someone was mentioning the other day as to how young/old the human race is......current anthropological investigations do put us in the couple hundred thousand year range.......and our brain capacity may have actually shrunk, believe it or not, from that of our Cro-Magnon forebears......

    Then the criticism was the Jews and their Bible and their stupid stories....Adam and Eve and the rest......

    But this writer must have missed the many times I have told you here.......smuggled artfully into this popular narrative mostly unseen, till it's pointed out, in the ages of the Patriarchs, is and entirely different understanding of time, and history.....

    which points back exactly to India, the without end.....amen

    Joseph Campbell:

    "How this was so artfully accomplished is beyond my ability to express"

    It's a wonderful thing in my life to have put in so much time into reading and studying - mostly studying about -the Bible from the excellent writings of those others out there far greater than I can ever hope to be -

    so much time into reading on this marvelous subject that I can automatically tell now whether someone knows some stuff about the Bible, or not - just as my Niece tells me she can diagnose some with schizophrenia in about three glances..........

    It makes my joints ache to hear Deuce and Rufus and to some degree Ash too rap on about the Bible......

    Quirk has escaped my criticism here......he would not maintain some of the absurd Biblical criticism of some of these others....

  15. In James Joyce, Mr Bloom, a Jew, one of a very few in Dublin, Ireland, which was founded by us Swedes, wanders about Dublin, as does Stephen Daeduaus, a northern type, until, after all this wandering...........lightning strikes.

    Stephen is at odds, as many young men are, with his father, Mr Daedalus.....the last name obviously made up coming from the Greek mythology....

    The lightning father is just my biological father.......I have a spiritual man Daedalus was kind of a drunk, and card player, but not the worst sort....

    Hemingway loved this book of western literature.....

    In like manner when the time was 'right' I immediately recognized my Niece as my true Niece, even though I do not have a biological Niece.....we are now Uncle and Niece forever......

    She is Hindu......she would immediately recognize an old Jewish narrative, if she has read it, and I do not know if she has, for what it actually is.....something totally filled with meaning.....a narrative about life.......

    There is another wonderful passage in James Joyce......the recognition of true beauty.....the young girl singing all by herself along the surf of the sea....'Mother of God', Stephen exclaims.....

    then we get the explanation of beauty, as Joyce understood it...

    1. Mr Bloom was in the advertising business...he had a squat named Molly....whom he loved....she cheated on him....he loved her still......

      Molly was having her fun with one swank named

      Hugh 'Blazes' Boylan


      Immigrants to the United States should "speak American," former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin said on Sunday, adding her voice to a controversy triggered by Donald Trump's criticism of fellow Republican White House hopeful Jeb Bush's use of Spanish.

      "It's a benefit of Jeb Bush to be able to be so fluent in Spanish, because we have a large and wonderful Hispanic population that is helping to build America," Palin said on CNN's "State of the Union."

      "On the other hand, you know, I think we can send a message and say: 'You want to be in America? A, you better be here legally, or you're out of here. B, when you're here, let's speak American.' I mean, that's just, that's - let's speak English," added Palin, Republican presidential nominee John McCain's running mate in 2008.

    3. .

      So what?

      I saw the interview. She was going out of her way to not take sides between Trump and Bush on the issue but was pushed on it. She made the point that knowing a foreign language was a good thing. However, when t came down to it she said that immigrants should learn English and use it.

      I agree with her. Language is a unifying factor. It helps with the integration of foreigners coming to the US. It's needed in this country in business and everyday life. In general, it's necessary if you want to get ahead. It help's eliminate the hyphenated American impression.


    4. GOOD IDEA


      You want to squat in Idaho ?

      Speak Idaho.

      We need an English Language Amendment in this country...that doesn't mean English Language Only.....just English language for legal discourse, and so forth...

      Even my Jewish lawyer says so......

      It makes things much more pleasant....

    5. Gramps gave up Swedish....

      My Niece speaks English.....

      If it is good enough for those two, it's good enough for me..

  16. September 6 at 4:43 PM

    The Iran nuclear agreement gained more momentum Sunday as former secretary of state Colin Powell and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the head of the Democratic National Committee, announcement their support.

    Powell, secretary of state under President George W. Bush, called the agreement “a pretty good deal” that would reduce the threat of Iran gaining a nuclear weapon.

    Iran’s nuclear program “has been thrown into a detour” making it less likely it can produce a nuclear weapon to be used against Israel or other countries, Powell said. “So that’s pretty good,” he told NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

  17. : )

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday rejected a call to host refugees from Syria and elsewhere, saying that while Israel is "not indifferent to the human tragedy of the refugees," it is not in a position to take them in.

    Netanyahu was responding to Israeli liberals led by opposition leader Isaac Herzog, who said Jewish history demands that the nation show compassion. Having themselves felt the “world’s silence,” Herzog said, “Jews cannot remain indifferent” to the carnage in Syria and the refugees’ plight.

    Herzog’s comments met with support from other liberal lawmakers such as Zehava Galon, who called for opening Israel’s gates to a token number of refugees from its violence-stricken northern neighbor.

    In responding to such statements, Netanyahu stressed Israel’s medical care for over 1,000 injured Syrians, as well as efforts to aid African nations and thus stem the flow of migrants. However, he said that Israel’s “lack of demographic and geographic depth” requires controlling its borders against both “illegal migrants and terrorism.”

  18. The 1000 Syrians were ISIS supporting groups.


    Protesters have gathered in front of the Israeli prime minister’s office to demand greater funds for Christian schools.

    Private Christian schools receive some state funding but protesters say it is lower than that given to equivalent Jewish schools.
    They say their funding has been reduced in an effort to make them join the Israeli public school system.

    Israel’s Christians come overwhelmingly from its Arab minority.

    The country's 47 Christian schools have been on strike since the beginning of the school year on 1 September.
    Ibrahim Fakhouri, a parent from Nazareth, was at the demonstration and said he believed Christian schools were being discriminated against.

    "As citizens of this country, we are law obeying citizens, and we deserve equal rights," he told AP.
    Arab members of parliament were also at the demonstration.

    1. There are no Christians left in most Arab/Moslem lands.

      They are all dead.

      Throats slit by the muzz...

      Free air line tickets still available one way to Gaza....

    2. Free air line tickets still available one way to Gaza....

      Courtesy of Uncle Bob, who has everyone's best interests at heart...

    3. There were plenty of Christians in Iraq, Syria and Libya before your Neocon masters attacked and destroyed them. The overwhelming numbers of the attackers, killers and occupiers were Christians like you. Do you think the Muslims, who were killed and wounded in the millions, didn’t notice? The Neocons that instigated the attacks and the country that displaced Muslims by hundreds of thousands and yearly takes target practice at Muslims are overwhelmingly Jews. The US that is the parasitic host is overwhelmingly Christian. Do you think the Muslims didn’t notice?

      Revenge is in the heart of every human being. It takes a tormenter to bring it out. Is that so hard for you to comprehend.

    4. Plenty.


      They, the Christians, most of them, are all dead long long ago....

      The Med basin was filled with them,and Jews too, long long ago...

      All gone now....

      And, I am not a Christian, I have expressed my ideas about the monomyth....

      Best expressed in Matthew 4 1-17

      In Christian dress....

    5. Please do not attribute to me theological beliefs which I do not hold.

      If anything, I am a Tat Tvam Asi kind of guy...

      ***Tat Tvam Asi (Devanagari: तत्त्वमसि), a Sanskrit phrase, translated variously as "That art thou," "That thou art," "Thou art that," "You are that," or "That you are," is one of the Mahāvākyas (Grand Pronouncements) in Vedantic Sanatana Dharma. It originally occurs in the Chandogya Upanishad 6.8.7,[1] in the dialogue between Uddalaka and his son Śvetaketu; it appears at the end of a section, and is repeated at the end of the subsequent sections as a refrain. The meaning of this saying is that the Self - in its original, pure, primordial state - is wholly or partially identifiable or identical with the Ultimate Reality that is the ground and origin of all phenomena.***

    6. I do not hold that Jesus "The Christ" was the one and only "Son of God".

      I'll go with my Niece, Walt Whitman, Roethke....we **may all be**

      I have never gone further.

      There is always something more...

  20. In India, all the schools have classes in English now....

    This allows this nation of 20 major languages of which my Niece knows four, 200 dialects and over a billion people to actually communicate with one another....

    My Niece speaks English like a champ, as normal as breathing.....

    I think it is truly wonderful.......

    1. It could just as well be Swedish, or some other, but we need a common language....


      Older etymology
      Via Germanic

      The word has probable cognates in other Germanic languages, such as German ficken (to fuck); Dutch fokken (to breed, to beget); dialectal Norwegian fukka (to copulate), and dialectal Swedish focka (to strike, to copulate) and fock (penis).[7] This points to a possible etymology where Common Germanic fuk– comes from an Indo-European root meaning "to strike", cognate with non-Germanic words such as Latin pugno "I fight" or pugnus "fist".[7] By application of Grimm's law, this hypothetical root has the form *pug–.

      Yet another possible etymology is from the Old High German word pfluog, meaning "to plow, as in a field." This is supported in part by a book by Carl Jung, Psychology of the Unconscious: A Study of the Transformations and Symbolisms of the Libido, in which he discusses the "primitive play of words" and the phallic representation of the plough, including its appearance on a vase found in an archaeological dig near Florence, Italy, which depicts six erect-penised men carrying a plow.

      The original Indo-European root for to copulate is likely to be * h3yebh– or *h3eybh–,[citation needed] which is attested in Sanskrit यभति (yabhati), Russian ебать (yebat' ), Polish jebać, and Serbian јебати (jebati), among others: compare the Greek verb οἴφω (oíphō) = "I have sex with", and the Greek noun Ζέφυρος (Zéphyros) (which references a Greek belief that the west wind Zephyrus caused pregnancy).

      There is a theory that fuck is most likely derived from Flemish, German, or Dutch roots, and is probably not from Old English roots.[8]

      One of the best uses of this fine word that I recall comes from a book by Ed Abby, where the old rancher has a business card printed up which says:

      (Desert Solitaire)

      ****A've listened to all you've said
      An' A've considered it well
      An' fuck you just the same****

  21. My last three comments disappeared. Never mind.

  22. My last three comments disappeared. Never mind.

  23. My last three comments disappeared. Never mind.

  24. My entry on the English language went missing. This is not the fault of Deuce.

    Somehow I made a mistake.

    I was talking of how malleable the English language is, going back to the Latin, and got into the word referenced above, and how the frogs still have a Commission to tell us what proper French is...

    1. As the young Lady early raped on the dock in early Hemingway said:

      "son bitch"

      We have a Hemingway Society here at the U of Idaho, with a beautiful pic of early young Hemingway, a lovely man, in our Library, with that quote and a reference to 'date rape' a legitimate concern to young Ladies here

      It comes from a very early short story by our writer.....

    2. a legitimate concern to young Ladies here, and everywhere....

  25. Deuce ☂Sun Sep 06, 09:24:00 PM EDT
    There were plenty of Christians in Iraq, Syria and Libya before your Neocon masters attacked and destroyed them. The overwhelming numbers of the attackers, killers and occupiers were Christians like you. Do you think the Muslims, who were killed and wounded in the millions, didn’t notice? The Neocons that instigated the attacks and the country that displaced Muslims by hundreds of thousands and yearly takes target practice at Muslims are overwhelmingly Jews. The US that is the parasitic host is overwhelmingly Christian. Do you think the Muslims didn’t notice?

    Revenge is in the heart of every human being. It takes a tormenter to bring it out. Is that so hard for you to comprehend.

    Deuce you have gone off the deep end....

    There were plenty of Jews in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon and the rest of the arab controlled world until they threw them out in 1948.

    As for Christians?

    Once again your pals the Iranians and their proxies wiped them out.

    Forget the neocons, it was the shiites.

    Just as in the Fakistinian controlled lands. Christians are a dying breed.

    Now christians in Israel are growing...

  26. Deuce ☂Sun Sep 06, 07:01:00 PM EDT

    Protesters have gathered in front of the Israeli prime minister’s office to demand greater funds for Christian schools.

    Private Christian schools receive some state funding but protesters say it is lower than that given to equivalent Jewish schools.
    They say their funding has been reduced in an effort to make them join the Israeli public school system.

    Israel’s Christians come overwhelmingly from its Arab minority.

    The country's 47 Christian schools have been on strike since the beginning of the school year on 1 September.
    Ibrahim Fakhouri, a parent from Nazareth, was at the demonstration and said he believed Christian schools were being discriminated against.

    "As citizens of this country, we are law obeying citizens, and we deserve equal rights," he told AP.
    Arab members of parliament were also at the demonstration.

    Hey Deuce, ever wonder why if it sucks so bad in Israel for non-jews why do they not leave? Let alone flee?

    You don't see Israeli arabs fleeing... LOL

    But you can't be honest can you?

  27. There were plenty of Jews in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon and the rest of the arab controlled world until they threw them out in 1948.

    I realize you are somewhat challenged with the concept of “cause and effect” but is there anything else that happened in 1948 between Eastern European settlers and Arabs in Palestine that may be somewhat relevant to cause Arabs and Muslims to send Jews packing from parts of Arabia where they had been resident for generations? Nothing that rings your bell?

    Let me help.

    In late August 1948, during a United Nations-sanctioned truce, Israeli soldiers conducting what they called Mivtza Nikayon — Operation Cleaning — encountered some Palestinian refugees just north of the Egyptian lines. The Palestinians had returned to their village, now in Israeli hands, because their animals were there, and because there were crops to harvest and because they were hungry. But to the Israelis, they were potential fighters, or fifth columnists in the brand new Jewish state. The Israelis killed them, then burned their homes.

  28. Chapter by chapter, a long list of the guilty parties must bear responsibility for the Syrian catastrophe hacking the ruined country into bleeding parts.
    1. The first culprit is undoubtedly its insensate president Bashar Assad and his close family, who have had no qualms about spilling the blood of some 300,000 men, women, children and old people – some estimate as many as half a million – and making some 11 million people homeless, to keep himself in power. No one has ever counted the number of people maimed and crippled by the war, but they are conservatively estimated at one million.
    These figures add up to genocide or serial mass murder, which has been allowed to go into its fifth year.
    2. Iran warrants second billing for this mass crime.
    Tehran has laid out the stupendous sum of some $40 billion to keep the mass marderer Assad in power with total disregard for his methods of survival. The motives behind the ayatollahs’ military and political boost are well recorded. Worth mentioning here is that Tehran not only pressed its Lebanese proxy, the Shiite Hizballah group, into service alongside Assad’s army, but sent its its own generals to orchestrate the war, led by the Al Qods Brigades chief Qassem Soleimeni.
    We can reveal here that 22 Iranian generals have died fighting for the Assad cause.

    1. 3. The third place belongs to the United States and President Barack Obama. His refusal to put American boots on the ground may have been the correct decision for the US, but it had four direct consequences:
      a) The slaughter of the Syrian people continued unchecked. Even after President Obama declared that chemical warfare was a red line, he backed down at the last minute against intervening and ordered the US fleet to draw back from the Syrian coast.
      To this day, Assad continues to use chemical weapons to poison his enemies.
      b) Obama and his Secretary of State John Kerry let Iran use its military backing for Assad as a high card in the negotiations for a nuclear accord. Instead of making it a condition for a deal against the lifting of sanctions, Washington allowed Tehran to come away from the table with US non-intervention in Syria as one of its concessions for buying Iran’s assent to the Vienna deal.
      Tehran, in a word, won Washington’s tacit approval for propping up the atrocious Syrian ruler.
      c) The rest of the world, including the United Nations and the European Union, followed the Obama administration’s lead and stood aside as at least 11 million Syrians became homeless refugees.
      The lifeless body of a three-year old Syrian child washed up from the sea has figured in the Western media as a symbol of the tragic fate of Syria’s refugees. However, his tragedy came after the hair-raising atrocities endured by millions of those refugees for nearly five years.
      Many families were forced to sell their daughters as sex slaves to buy food, their young sons to pedophile predators. The slave markets were centered on the Persian Gulf. Young Alan Kurdi died aged three. Many thousands of Syrian refugee children still live in appalling circumstances. No humanitarian organization has started an outcry or a campaign to rescue them.
      d) US refusal to intervene in the most savage humanitarian tragedy the world has seen for many decades opened the door to the belligerent branch of al Qaeda, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, to march into the vacuum. The videotaped records of beheadings, the massacre of the Iraqi Yazdi people, the enslavement of its women and the burning alive of “apostates,” followed in quick succession.
      The strongest nation in the world fought back with an ineffective trickle of air strikes on ISIS targets, allowing the group to go forward to conquer terrain and gain in strength.
      4. Russia bears a heavy weight of guilt - and Israel would do well to watch its cynical conduct and draw the right conclusions. Like the ayatollahs, President Vladimir Putin led the second world power to total commitment for keeping Bashar Assad in power. Among other motivations, Putin pursued this policy to settle a score with Obama for the overthrow of Libya’s Muammar Qaddafi.
      With one world power on the sidelines and a second jumping in with two feet, the Syrian imbroglio was bound to have devastating historical repercussions.
      Throughout the Syrian conflict, Israel refrained from interfering, with only one exception: It supported Syrian rebel groups holding a strip of southern Syria, as a buffer against Iranian, Hizballah and Syrian army encroachment on its northern borders.
      More than a thousand injured Syrians were treated and their lives saved in Israeli hospitals after receiving first aid at a field hospital on the Israeli-Syria border.
      The esteemed Israeli historian Prof. Shlomo Avinery said Sunday, Sept 6, that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu did the right thing in steadfastly keeping Israel out of the Syrian conflict. He very much doubted that Syrian refugees would seek asylum in a country they regard as the Zionist enemy.

    2. General Wesley Clark:

      Because I had been through the Pentagon right after 9/11. About ten days after 9/11, I went through the Pentagon and I saw Secretary Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz. I went downstairs just to say hello to some of the people on the Joint Staff who used to work for me, and one of the generals called me in. He said, “Sir, you've got to come in and talk to me a second."

      I said, "Well, you're too busy." He said, "No, no." He says, "We've made the decision we're going to war with Iraq." This was on or about the 20th of September. I said, "We're going to war with Iraq? Why?" He said, "I don't know." He said, "I guess they don't know what else to do." So I said, "Well, did they find some information connecting Saddam to al-Qaeda?" He said, "No, no." He says, "There's nothing new that way. They just made the decision to go to war with Iraq." He said, "I guess it's like we don't know what to do about terrorists, but we've got a good military and we can take down governments." And he said, "I guess if the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem has to look like a nail."

      So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, "Are we still going to war with Iraq?" And he said, "Oh, it's worse than that." He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, "I just got this down from upstairs" -- meaning the Secretary of Defense's office -- "today."

      And he said, “This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.” I said, "Is it classified?" He said, "Yes, sir." I said, "Well, don't show it to me." And I saw him a year or so ago, and I said, "You remember that?" He said, "Sir, I didn't show you that memo! I didn’t show it to you!”

    3. The Neocons subcontracted to the US military to take out Iraq then Syria. That was then plan by George W. Bush and his Neocon masters. See any possible connection?

    4. .

      We can reveal here...

      We? Here? You mean here at Debkafile?

      I love #3, 3. The third place belongs to the United States and President Barack Obama. His refusal to put American boots on the ground may have been the correct decision for the US, but it had four direct consequences:

      Typical right-winger response. Blame Obama for doing what was right for the US. Blame him for not once again putting US troops into that shit hole that is the ME.

      What arrogance.


  29. What would they do in Texas, Ohio or Overbrook?

  30. Israel started this crap in 1948. Christian Germans killing German Jews and the solution was that Christians and Jews would displace and kill Muslims to make things right.

    What could possibly go wrong?

    1. jews have lived in their lands for 3000 years.

      in fact, in the early 1920s?

      Arabs drove the jews (murdered also) of hebron.

      It didn't start in 1948.

      Arabs have been treating jews like shit since they realized that their mother was JUST the maid.

      Your depth of history is staggering.

      Your ignoring the arabs throwing out 850,000 Jews is breathe taking

      The Jews of europe that came from the death camps didn't create the modern state of Israel

    2. That’s obvious, they were dead.

  31. I know, god promised you it was all ok.

  32. The Christians were the killers of Jews not the Muslim farmers in Palestine. Christians murdered the Jew in the millions, not Palestinian farmers.

    1. There were no such things as "palestinian farmers" in the 1920s, 30, 40, 50 or even the early 60's...

      The term Palestinians referred to the Jews til Yasser Arafat (the Egyptian) took it as his own....

      The arabs of the middle east were in fact killers of the Jews...

      learn history..

    2. You claimed that 800,000 Jews came from Arab lands to Israel. I assume they were alive when they got there. Now, how could that many Jews have survived in Arab lands to achieve those numbers if they were always being killed? The creation of the State of Israel was the event that caused them to move.

    3. Jews did not have a Muslim problem, they had a Christian problem.

    4. Jews had a muslim problem since the day they invaded the Jewish lands of Medina.

  33. Everyone would understand if the Jews carved out a part of Germany. That would have made some sense. Destroying farmers in Palestine is bizarre and absurd unless of course you claim god gave you the wink.

    1. You just can't accept that Jews lived there for thousands of years?

      Of course more came.

      Just like your pals, the Fakistinians migrated there for jobs, after the Jews came.

      Just watch the news, you see how arabs migrate by the milliions..

    2. By your logic, what right do arabs have to live in America, Briton or Sweden???

  34. Deuce makes it clear, Israel has no right (in his mind) to exist. Period.

    But he insists he is not an anti-semite.

    He's not anti-Jew.

    But he sure loves to MOCK Jewish rituals, faith, G-d and people.

    Me thinks he protest too much.

    Deuce's feels that the state of Israel has created all sorts of issue and problems, in fact he blames the millions of arab refugees from multiple arab nations on the Jewish Neocons and Israel.

    Amazing revisionist history.

    Sorry Deuce, you have evolved into a petty Jew hater.

    You can't see any blame in Iran, Syria, Hamas, Moslem Brotherhood for any ills that the moslems of the middle east are suffering from.

    You sir are blinded by your hatred.

  35. Deuce ☂Sun Sep 06, 11:30:00 PM EDT
    You claimed that 800,000 Jews came from Arab lands to Israel. I assume they were alive when they got there. Now, how could that many Jews have survived in Arab lands to achieve those numbers if they were always being killed? The creation of the State of Israel was the event that caused them to move.

    800 thousand from across the arab world. Yep not such a big number when you compare it to arab populations in those same areas.

    Are you saying the arabs were nice because they didn't kill them all?

    Hitler didn't get to kill them all either, should we think of him as a jew lover too?

    you are hysterical.

    1. The arabs ENSLAVED the Jews by a system of 2nd class being, it's called being a dhimmi.

      Of course the Arabs didn't kill off all of them, how else could the lazy shit arabs collect their JIZA tax?

      But you know that don't you?

      Hitler and the Arabs had a use for the jews. Forced labor, excessive taxation etc...

      Today there are over 1.2 billion moslems and barely 8 million jews worldwide.

      Israel sits on 1/900th of the middle east and the arabs have 899/900th

      why are your buddies, the arabs, such greedy pricks?


    Israel plans to demolish 17,000 Arab buildings in West Bank, UN says

    UN finds only 33 of 2,020 Palestinian planning applications approved, with demolitions causing poverty and leaving families in ‘state of chronic uncertainty’

    Kate Shuttleworth in Az-Zayyem, West Bank
    Sunday 6 September 2015 20.00 EDT

    Israel plans to demolish up to 17,000 structures, most of them on privately owned Palestinian land in the part of the illegally occupied West Bank under full Israeli military and civil rule, a UN report has found.

    Between 1988 and 2014, Israel’s Civil Administration, the governing body that operates in the West Bank, issued 14,000 demolition orders, of which more than 11,000 are still outstanding and could result in the demolition of up to 17,000 structures owned by Palestinians in Area C, including houses, sheds and animal shelters, according to the report by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). In Area C, according to the Israeli human rights group B’Tselem, Israel retains control of security and land management and “views the area as there to serve its own needs”.

    Nearly 4,500 of the demolition orders affected Palestinian Bedouins, who human rights groups argue are at the centre of Israeli plans to force them off their land to allow for expansion of Jewish settlements in the West Bank, which are illegal under international law.

    The figures for the report were taken from the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics and showed that in contrast to demolition orders against Palestinians, only 6,950 demolition orders had been made against illegal structures inside Jewish settlements.

    According to Israeli Civil Administration data, Palestinians submitted 2,020 applications for building permits in Area C between 2010 and 2014 and only 33 (1.5%) were approved.

    1. Why would anyone possible hate the Israelis?


      The report found the planning and zoning regime applied by the Israeli authorities, including the way land is allocated, “made it virtually impossible for Palestinians to obtain building permits in most of Area C”.

      Less than 1% of Area C had been planned for Palestinian construction – even basic residential and livelihood structures, such as a tent or a fence, required a permit.

      “Structures built without permits are regularly served with demolition orders. While only a minority of the orders issued are executed, these orders do not expire and leave affected households in a state of chronic uncertainty and threat.

      “Where the orders have been implemented, they have resulted in displacement and disruption of livelihoods, the entrenchment of poverty and increased aid dependency,” the report found.

      Of the 11,134 demolition orders, 570 were classified as ready to be carried out immediately – during the first half of 2015 the Civil Administration demolished 245 Palestinian structures in Area C.

      Another 2,454 orders were on hold due to legal proceedings, while 8,110 demolition orders were classified as “in process”.

      Area C covers 60% of the West Bank, which was temporarily divided into three parts – A,B and C – under the 1995 Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, signed by Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO). Area C was supposed to be transferred to the Palestinian Authority by the end of 1998 but Israel has maintained military control of the area.

      Today 300,000 Palestinians live in Area C, while nearly 360,000 Jewish settlers live in 135 settlements and 100 settlement “outposts”, which are illegal under international law. The outposts built outside the 135 core settlements are illegal under Israeli law but, according to B’Tselem, “the Civil Administration turns a blind eye to settlers’ building violations”.

    3. Mohammed Saidi lives on the periphery of eastern Jerusalem with his two wives, 11 children and another 25 family members in two tin sheds that have been demolished and rebuilt more than four times in four years.

      The Palestinian Bedouin family live in Az-Zayyem, inside Area C, farming goats and camels for milk. Saidi said his situation had become increasingly desperate, explaining that he faced poverty and a higher risk of displacement each time a demolition occurred.

      The Saidi family have been told that the Civil Administration wants to move them to Azaria, a Palestinian town in Area B on the outskirts of Jerusalem.

      “I can’t move because I need this area to feed by animals,” he said. “There is no grazing land for us in Azaria.

      “For 70 years they have been trying to get Arabs off the land so the Jews can move in. We feel like we can’t live, it’s not something people feel in the west, only us here. When I tell Israeli forces that I have a family to provide for they don’t care.”

      Each time a demolition is carried out on his land it results in about £1,000 worth of damage, Saidi said, adding that he had lost about 150 goats and 26 camels over the last four years and had to rebuild structures once a year.

      “I applied for a permit in 2011 but I haven’t ever been granted one.”

      The PLO general secretary, Saeb Erekat, said Palestinian officials were providing legal and financial support to the families.

    4. It's tough there, Deuce. The situation is impossible. They are not going to get along.

      See: Martha Gellhorn

      The wonderful neighborly Palestinians are pledged to genocide the Jews.....

      If I were on the Planning and Zoning Committee I wouldn't want to issue a building permit to those who are pledged to kill me either...

      Are there some 'injustices' ? Sure......

      Three or four Arab countries kicked them out of their countries, not wishing to deal with it.....

      What to do, what to do ?

      I think my dad would say, 'hold your position'.

      I recall dad looking out the window one time, and sighing, and saying 'it's a tough one'......

    5. Your continual use of the phrase 'Bulldozin' Chosin' is upsetting this reader.

      Our Arab friends and neighbors find the same in their book, that call to Arab Supremacy, the Koran.

      In spades......

      'First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people' say the Friday people of this book.

      "Kill the unbeliever"

      That would be you, Deuce.

      And me too, and my Niece, and Quirk, and Rufus, and WiO, and Ash would be all of us...


  37. Meet the Press
    Meet the Press
    Sep 6 2015, 7:52 pm ET
    Bernie Sanders Leads Hillary Clinton by 9 in New Hampshire, Gains in Iowa: Poll

    by Mark Murray


    Bernie Sanders has jumped out to a nine-point lead over front-runner Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire, and he's gained ground on her among Iowa voters in the Democratic presidential race, according to a pair of brand-new NBC News/Marist polls.

    In New Hampshire, the Vermont senator gets the support of 41 percent of Democratic voters, Clinton gets 32 percent and Vice President Joe Biden gets 16 percent. No other Democratic candidate receives more than 1 percent............

    This once again puts me in my proper place at the back of the political prognostication class....

    I always get it wrong and once said here that Bernie didn't stand a chance.....

    In my favor this was before the e mail scandals, but still....

    1. Question -

      How can you be the 'front runner' as the article says, when you are nine points behind ?

      "Bernie Sanders has jumped out to a nine-point lead over front-runner Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire"

      Eh, ?

  38. Crime
    Las Vegas Cop Shot ‘Ambush-Style’ While Sitting in Patrol Car at Traffic Light; Officer Hit in Hand, in Stable Condition (UPDATED)
    Sep. 6, 2015 6:14pm Dave Urbanski

    UPDATE 8:01 p.m. ET: The suspect in connection with the Las Vegas police shooting is a Hispanic male, Undersheriff Kevin McMahill said at a news conference Sunday, KSNV-TV reported.
    Image source: KVVU-TV

    Image source: KVVU-TV

    The man’s identity has not been confirmed, McMahill added, and a motive has not been determined.

    When the shooting started, the officers figured their patrol car had been rear-ended by another vehicle, McMahill explained. When they knew they were being fired at, he said they exited the cruiser and one officer chased down and arrested the suspect. The man had ditched a Springfield handgun which was later located, McMahill said.

    Police officers have been going on patrol in pairs since Friday’s shooting for safety reasons, he said.

    The undersheriff added that the officers showed “remarkable restraint” by not firing back at the suspect and that the men and women on the Las Vegas police force are “doing one hell of a job.”...............

    Is it, indeed, 'one hell of a job' being a cop in these lawless big cities now a days.....

    Hats off to the 'thin blue line'.....

  39. View this email in your browser
    The 09/07/2015 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:
    “Whose streets? Our streets!” UK Muslims riot in Rotherham, where rape gangs ran wild
    By Robert Spencer on Sep 06, 2015 04:31 pm
    “Whose streets? Our streets!” UK Muslims riot in Rotherham, where rape gangs ran wild
    Their streets indeed. Hardly anyone is contesting that, least of all the British government. “VIDEO: Muslim Protesters Clash With Rotherham Police,” by Liam Deacon, Breitbart, September 6, 2015 (thanks to Fjordman): A “Rotherham Unites Muslim Lives Matter” rally descended into a riot yesterday afternoon. Two separate demonstrations were organised in the town that day; one […]
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    Netherlands: Muslims assault elderly Jews, authorities searching for motive
    By Robert Spencer on Sep 06, 2015 04:00 pm
    Netherlands: Muslims assault elderly Jews, authorities searching for motive
    “The Blugs say two men, who looked to be of Moroccan descent, knocked on the door to their apartment, claiming to be the police and demanding entrance….The assailants threw the couple on the floor, kicked them repeatedly and shouted: ‘Dirty Jews – from now on your property is ours.'” What motive could they possibly have? […]
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    “Kashmir will be liberated through jihad by the Pakistan Army”
    By Robert Spencer on Sep 06, 2015 01:58 pm
    “Kashmir will be liberated through jihad by the Pakistan Army”
    By the Pakistani Army. The Hizb ut-Tahrir Wilayah of Pakistan seems to be aware that the Pakistani Army is an ally of the global jihad. No one in Washington, by contrast, has any inkling of this. “‘Kashmir will be Liberated through Jihad by the Pakistan Army,'” Kashmir Watch, September 6, 2015: Islamabad (PR): Hizb ut-Tahrir […]
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    UK call for imprisoned jihadis to be segregated in their own prison wings
    By Robert Spencer on Sep 06, 2015 01:45 pm
    UK call for imprisoned jihadis to be segregated in their own prison wings
    Here is a highly unusual phenomenon: a recognition by an influential group of the reality of prison dawah, and a call to try to contain it. It is all the more unusual in coming from clueless, compromised, dhimmi Britain. “Jailed Muslim extremists should be segregated in their own prison wings, say experts,” by Andy Gardner, […]
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    “Just wait”: Islamic State says it has smuggled 1000s of jihadis into Europe
    By Robert Spencer on Sep 06, 2015 01:34 pm
    “Just wait”: Islamic State says it has smuggled 1000s of jihadis into Europe
    Just as it threatened to do. Authorities should not dismiss this claim lightly. After all, European officials are doing absolutely nothing to determine if there are jihadis among the refugees. “‘Just wait…’ Islamic State reveals it has smuggled THOUSANDS of extremists into Europe,” by Aaron Brown, Express, September 6, 2015: AN OPERATIVE working for Islamic […]
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    1. US airstrikes said to kill two Islamic State Sharia court judges
      By Robert Spencer on Sep 06, 2015 11:41 am
      US airstrikes said to kill two Islamic State Sharia court judges
      Sharia court judges? First of all, can John Kerry or David Cameron or the U.S. Catholic bishops kindly explain why an entity that has nothing to do with Islam has Sharia court judges? And second, Hamas-linked CAIR has fought hard against anti-Sharia initiatives as being “Islamophobic.” Will Hamas-linked CAIR now denounce the US airstrikes against […]
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      Story told by father of drowned toddler Aylan Kurdi is full of holes
      By Robert Spencer on Sep 06, 2015 11:28 am
      Story told by father of drowned toddler Aylan Kurdi is full of holes
      “Abdullah Kurdi’s story is made-up. But his lies are now being used and rewarded by the media in full blown propaganda, while pressuring policies to force Europe to take in more economic migrants who have never experienced a war zone. The dead toddler pornography is a dream-come true PR campaign serving ISIS and their overwhelming […]
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      UK: Father-in-law of Islamic State recruit blames government
      By Robert Spencer on Sep 06, 2015 11:16 am
      UK: Father-in-law of Islamic State recruit blames government
      “Omar Bakri (radical preacher) was preaching in English and that’s how he caught these children… The British allowed him to speak.” Of course they did. To have done anything else would have been “Islamophobic.” “Father-in-Law of Indian-Origin Islamic State Recruit Blames UK Government,” Press Trust of India, September 6, 2015: London: The father-in-law of an […]
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      Gaza Islamic State jihadist used surgeon’s home to attack IDF
      By Robert Spencer on Sep 06, 2015 11:02 am
      Gaza Islamic State jihadist used surgeon’s home to attack IDF
      If Israel had responded to these attacks emanating from the surgeon’s house, the international headlines would have been “Israel destroys Palestinian doctor’s home,” complete with large full-color photos of the surgeon’s wife and children grieving next to the rubble, and no hint whatsoever that the site was used as a base for jihad terror attacks. […]
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    2. Muslim countries refuse to take Syrian refugees, cite risk of terrorism
      By Robert Spencer on Sep 06, 2015 07:24 am
      Muslim countries refuse to take Syrian refugees, cite risk of terrorism
      But woe to you if you cite the same concerns regarding Europe. If you do, you’re a racist, bigoted “Islamophobe.” “Muslim Countries Refuse to Take A Single Syrian Refugee, Cite Risk of Exposure to Terrorism,” by Donna Rachel Edmunds, Breitbart, September 5, 2015: Five of the wealthiest Muslim countries have taken no Syrian refugees in […]
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      “Quebec is a land of Allah. Convert or else.”
      By Robert Spencer on Sep 06, 2015 07:02 am
      “Quebec is a land of Allah. Convert or else.”
      Could be an attempt to “strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah” (Qur’an 8:60). “Quebec – Police Investigate Pro-Islamic State Propaganda,” a translation of “Des autocollants montrant l’État islamique à Repentigny : la police enquête,” by Hadi Hassin, Le Huffington Post Québec, September 5, 2015, via Blazing Cat Fur: The Repentigny police […]
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      Debunking the Religious Equivalency Fallacy
      By Ralph Sidway on Sep 06, 2015 05:49 am
      Debunking the Religious Equivalency Fallacy
      Or, Why there are no ‘Podvig’ terror attacks. On the Islam and Christianity blog, the author, Abu Daoud (a Christian evangelist living in the Middle East), offers critical remarks regarding an interview given by an Orthodox Christian priest/professor/author, who was presenting guidance for Christians in their interactions with Muslims. Some of it was useful, some […]
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      Egypt: “You’re a Christian? Then I will kill you!”
      By Raymond Ibrahim on Sep 06, 2015 05:44 am
      Egypt: “You’re a Christian? Then I will kill you!”
      The shop of a Coptic Christian located in Qena, Egypt, was bombed earlier this week and severely damaged. The first, failed attempt was caught by the shop’s security camera. In it, a bearded Salafi looking man comes into the shop holding two bags. He purchases nothing but surreptitiously leaves one of the bags behind in the […]
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      More jihad terror cases in US in 2015 than in any year since 9/11
      By Robert Spencer on Sep 06, 2015 05:28 am
      More jihad terror cases in US in 2015 than in any year since 9/11
      Clearly the jihadis are more emboldened than ever. Clearly the Islamic State’s declaration of the caliphate has been an impetus for renewed jihad terror activity in the West. That there has been and can be no honest public discussion of why this is happening only ensures that it will continue, and grow more virulent. “There […]
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