Sunday, July 19, 2015

GOP Likuds Force insulted by Obama going to UN first on Iran deal - GOP Likuds Force had no problem trying to humiliate Obama with the unwelcome visit of their titular head Bibi Netanyahu

US Secretary of State John Kerry says if the Republican-dominated Congress does not approve the Iran nuclear agreement, the sanctions against the Islamic Republic will not hold.
In an interview with CNN on Sunday, Kerry said that the possibility of not finalizing the nuclear conclusion reached between Iran and the P5+1 group of countries last week should scare the entire world, according to The Hill newspaper.
He added that the failure to resolve Iran’s nuclear issue peacefully could lead to a dangerous situation in the Middle East region.
“The fact is the real fear of that region should be if we don’t have the deal,” Kerry said. “If Congress doesn’t pass this, we have no sanctions,” he warned.
“They will then feel free to go and do the very thing this prevents,” Kerry said of the agreement reached on the text of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) between Iran and the P5+1 group of countries - the US, Britain, France, Russia, China, and Germany – in Vienna on July 14.
According to the text of the JCPOA, Iran will be recognized by the United Nations as a nuclear power and will continue its uranium enrichment program, but some restrictions will be placed on Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for the removal of sanctions against the Islamic Republic.
The Obama administration has submitted the text of JCPOA to Congress. US State Department said in a statement on Sunday that Congress members have received the text including annexes and other related materials.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest speaks during in the Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House in Washington, DC, July 9, 2015. (AFP photo)

On Friday, the White House said, if Congress goes ahead with Iran vote, and lawmakers reject the successful conclusion of nuclear talks, it will be “devastating” for the United States’ global standing.
White House spokesman Josh Earnest said international sanctions imposed against Iran would “collapse” if Congress votes against the nuclear agreement, removing any leverage the P5+1 group has in enforcing restrictions on Iran’s nuclear activities.
“Iran would still obtain the financial benefits of sanctions relief,” he added. “Iran will get all of the benefits of this deal without having to give up anything.”
The White House has launched a sales pitch to the Republican-controlled Congress, which remains skeptical of the nuclear accord with Iran, and has 60 days to vote to either approve or disapprove of it.

US President Barack Obama (R) and Vice President Joe Biden walk from the Green Room to speak on the nuclear agreement with Iran at the White House on July 14, 2015. (AFP photo)

Most Republicans oppose the nuclear agreement with Iran, but they need a two-thirds vote in both chambers of Congress to override a possible presidential veto, and to reach that threshold, Republicans need Democratic support.
The United States and its allies have imposed illegal sanctions on Iran based on the unfounded accusation that Tehran is pursuing non-civilian objectives in its nuclear program.
Iran rejects the allegation, arguing that as a committed signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it has the right to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.
In addition, the IAEA has conducted numerous inspections of Iran's nuclear facilities but has never found any evidence showing that Iran's civilian nuclear program has been diverted to nuclear weapons production.



  1. CBS (Leslie Moonves) giving Netanyahu all the time he needs to make his case. I am sure other heads of states that were actually part of the treaty negotiations were given equal time.

    1. The very idea that a Israel should be left out of the talks is quite interesting.

      After all Obama says the USA must talk to it's enemies, why should Iran not be held to the same standard?

      And thanks for calling it a treaty..

    2. It might come down to the Roberts court calling it a treaty.

  2. The Wall Street Journal ( Rupert Murdoch) Checks in with Ai[ac’s point of view:

    Dealing effectively with Iran requires understanding the differences between an Islamic theocracy and a democracy. One is a gap in attention spans: The mullahs since their 1979 revolution have patiently built a formidable terrorist state. Their negotiating partners are from an American political culture that has a hard time keeping straight from week to week what the negotiations were supposed to be about.

    When the nuclear talks began, President Obama said the goal was to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons without the U.S. or Israel having to use military force. Now Mr. Obama can’t imagine anyone opposing a deal that creates a calendar for Iran getting nuclear weapons and meanwhile provides a road map for Tehran to continue evading inspections.

    Mr. Obama last year told the New Yorker, “I don’t really even need George Kennan right now.” He rejects long-term strategic thinking represented by Kennan’s plan to contain the Soviet Union. Instead of a sustained strategy, Mr. Obama has hope that Iran will change, despite the most recent assessment by the State Department: “Iran’s state sponsorship of terrorism worldwide remained undiminished.”

    A realistic view starts by recognizing Iran’s consistency in word and deed since the 1979 revolution. Tehran has never wavered in its goals of getting a nuclear bomb and exporting its Islamic revolution through groups such as Hezbollah. Its decades of achievements range from the 1983 bombing of U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut to killing more than 1,000 U.S. troops in Iraq and now keeping Bashar Assad in power in Syria with the help of chemical weapons used against civilians.

  3. Once again, Israel is your hysterical issue..

    Iran has stated even if it gets all it seeks it will continue to fight Israel and America.

    With that message clearly delivered I wonder Deuce, do you plan on moving to Iran and renouncing your American citizenship anything soon?

  4. No, and don’t be so naive. Iran has its own crazies to deal with. Trash talk for the Iranian whack jobs like our Colonel Cotton.

  5. From one of my favorite Jews:

    "Everybody Knows"

    Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
    Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
    Everybody knows that the war is over
    Everybody knows the good guys lost
    Everybody knows the fight was fixed
    The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
    That's how it goes
    Everybody knows
    Everybody knows that the boat is leaking
    Everybody knows that the captain lied
    Everybody got this broken feeling
    Like their father or their dog just died

    Everybody talking to their pockets
    Everybody wants a box of chocolates
    And a long stem rose
    Everybody knows

    Everybody knows that you love me baby
    Everybody knows that you really do
    Everybody knows that you've been faithful
    Ah give or take a night or two
    Everybody knows you've been discreet
    But there were so many people you just had to meet
    Without your clothes
    And everybody knows

    Everybody knows, everybody knows
    That's how it goes
    Everybody knows

    Everybody knows, everybody knows
    That's how it goes
    Everybody knows

    And everybody knows that it's now or never
    Everybody knows that it's me or you
    And everybody knows that you live forever
    Ah when you've done a line or two
    Everybody knows the deal is rotten
    Old Black Joe's still pickin' cotton
    For your ribbons and bows
    And everybody knows

    And everybody knows that the Plague is coming
    Everybody knows that it's moving fast
    Everybody knows that the naked man and woman
    Are just a shining artifact of the past
    Everybody knows the scene is dead
    But there's gonna be a meter on your bed
    That will disclose
    What everybody knows

    And everybody knows that you're in trouble
    Everybody knows what you've been through
    From the bloody cross on top of Calvary
    To the beach of Malibu
    Everybody knows it's coming apart
    Take one last look at this Sacred Heart
    Before it blows
    And everybody knows

    Everybody knows, everybody knows
    That's how it goes
    Everybody knows

    Oh everybody knows, everybody knows
    That's how it goes
    Everybody knows

    Everybody knows

  6. What was it all about?

    WASHINGTON – More than a half century of Cold War and lingering enmity came to an abrupt but quiet end on Monday as the United States and Cuba restored full diplomatic relations.

    The new era began with little fanfare when an agreement between the two nations to resume normal ties on July 20 came into force just after midnight Sunday and the diplomatic missions of each country were upgraded from interests sections to embassies. When clocks struck 12:00 in Washington and Havana, they tolled a knell for policy approaches spawned and hardened over the five decades since President John F. Kennedy first tangled with youthful revolutionary Fidel Castro over Soviet expansion in the Americas.

    Without ceremony in the pre-dawn hours, maintenance workers were to hang the Cuban flag in the lobby of the State Department alongside those of other nations with which the U.S. has diplomatic relations. The historic shift will be publicly memorialized later Monday when Cuban officials formally inaugurate their embassy in Washington and Cuba's blue, red and white-starred flag will fly for the first time since the countries severed ties in 1961. Secretary of State John Kerry will then meet his Cuban counterpart, Bruno Rodriguez, and address reporters at a joint news conference.

    The U.S. Interests Section in Havana plans to announce its upgrade to embassy status in a written statement on Monday, but the Stars and Stripes will not fly at the mission until Kerry visits in August for a ceremonial flag-raising.

    1. For 50 years the US Conga Line railed about the danger and threat of Cuba to not only the US, but to the Hemisphere. Africa was also imperiled. For decades rational Canadians, most of Latin America and Europeans could enjoy the tropical island in peace and calm. The World’s superpower, ninety miles offshore could not even dare to smoke one of Cuba’s finest.

      Congressional contests were won or lost based on fear and loathing of Cuban terror. Americans were frightened and tens of billions of Yankee dollars were made by the always patriotic US arms merchants.

      The 50 year old hurricane has moved on, the sun shines again and the Congressional nerves have calmed as another existential threat has evaporated.

      Who is next?

  7. Some in the Conga Line did not get the memo:

    A trio of Cuban-American lawmakers will hold a news conference Monday in Miami to denounce the embassy reopening.

    “Allowing the opening of the Cuban Embassy in Washington is nothing but another indefensible capitulation by the Obama administration to an avowed enemy of the U.S.,” said Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R., Fla.), who will host the conference along with Reps. Mario Diaz-Balart (R., Fla.) and Carlos Curbelo (R., Fla.).

    In Cuba, leading dissidents say the regime has sharply increased its repression and detained a growing number of its opponents since the December announcement that the two countries would work to re-establish diplomatic relations.

    “Without a doubt there has been a big increase in the number of arbitrary detentions and beatings of activists,” said José Daniel Ferrer, the leader of the Cuban Patriotic Union, by telephone.

    Like the nuclear agreement reached last week with Iran, the normalization of diplomatic relations with Cuba has grown out of the Obama administration’s policy of engaging with longstanding adversaries.

  8. Everybody knows, everybody knows
    That's how it goes
    Everybody knows

  9. Young Muslims are drawn to fundamentalist Islam in the same way young Germans were attracted to fascism in the 20th century, David Cameron will suggest today, as he sets out a five-year strategy to combat Isis-inspired radicalisation.

    In a speech in Birmingham, Mr Cameron will say Islamic extremist ideology is based on the same intolerant ideas of “discrimination, sectarianism and segregation” that led to the rise of Hitler and that still exist in the far right.

    He will also reject suggestions that Western foreign policy has contributed to the rise of Isis and its popularity among Muslim populations in the West, arguing that such extremism existed long before the Iraq war.

    The Prime Minister will also announce details of a new drive to promote integration led by the Government’s “tsar” for troubled families, Louise Casey. This will include addressing issues around integration, language and employment and learning from “past mistakes” where government funding was “simply handed” over to “self-appointed ‘community leaders’” who “sometimes used it in a divisive way”.

    Downing Street said Mr Cameron was determined to make tackling Islamic extremism in Britain a central priority over the next five years with a comprehensive strategy that involved not just the police and the criminal justice system but also “softer interventions” to tackle the root causes of radicalisation.




    Monday 20 July 2015
    What a choice for Egypt – a megalomaniac president or the madness of Isis

    Egypt is following the path of so many other countries that are being torn apart. If you torture your people enough, Isis will germinate in their wounds

    The images of an Egyptian gunboat exploding off the coast of Sinai last week were a warning to our Western politicians. Yes, we support Egypt. We love Egypt. We continue to send our tourists to Egypt. Because we support President Field Marshal Abdel Fattah el-Sisi – despite the fact that his government has locked up more than 40,000 mostly political prisoners, more than 20,000 of them supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood, hundreds of whom have been sentenced to death. The Egyptian regime continues to pretend that its Brotherhood enemies are the same as Isis. And Isis – in its dangerous new role as the Islamist power in Sinai – has killed hundreds of Egyptian troops, more than 60 of them two weeks ago, after which a military spokesman in Cairo announced that Sinai was “100 per cent under control”. However, after last week’s virtual destruction of the naval vessel, we might ask: who does control the peninsula?
    Yet, while the biggest battle is fought in Sinai since the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, we psychologically smother this conflict with our fears about Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen. So relieved are we in the West that a secular general has replaced the first democratically elected president of Egypt that we now support Sisi’s leadership as benevolently as we once supported that of Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Americans have resumed arms supplies to Egypt – and why not when Sisi’s men are fighting the apocalyptic Isis?

    To Egyptians, though, it all looks a bit different. They are being treated to Sisi’s almost Saddam-like mega-mind. This includes his grotesque ambitions for a new super-capital to replace poor old Cairo, to be completed in a maximum of seven years, not far from the new two-lane Suez canal which must be finished – and those who know Egypt will literally gasp here – in a maximum of 12 months. The “new” Cairo is going to be 700sqkm in size and will cost £30bn. The unveiling of this preposterous project a few weeks ago was accompanied by none other than our own Tony Blair, who used to be a British prime minister but is now (among other burdensome chores) advising the Egyptian president through a UAE-backed consultancy.


  11. {...}

    This “spendthrift dream of modernity”, as the American writer Maria Golia puts it, betrays an indifference to Egyptians’ real interests. Over 60 per cent of Cairo – the real Cairo that exists today – was built in the past few decades and is spread across miles of tree-bald rotting concrete estates of poverty and heat. Its thousands of newly developed villa-suburbs high above the city are largely empty; no one can afford to purchase them. Could there be a better environment for Isis?

    So let’s take a brief look at Sisi’s real Egypt. Rather than rejuvenate the weary, fetid city that Cairo became under the British and then King Farouk and then Nasser and then Sadat and then Mubarak, Sisi wants to start all over again. There is already a New Cairo outside the original Cairo – it was constructed as an expansion of the city under Sadat and Mubarak – so Sisi’s megalopolis will be new New Cairo, a second attempt to alleviate social failure.

    The President need not worry too much about industrial disputes in his fantasy city. The Egyptian Supreme Administrative Court has made strikes illegal on the grounds (Brotherhood-like) that practising the right to strike – albeit legalised under Article 13 of the Egyptian constitution – “violates Islamic sharia”. The court has already “retired” three civil servants and imposed penalties on 14 others for striking in the governorate of Monufia, arguing that withdrawing labour “goes against Islamic teachings and the purposes of Islamic sharia”. Under Islamic law, the court announced with almost Isis-style formality, “obeying orders by seniors at work is a duty”. This was a very weird ruling. The teachings of the Prophet forbid alcohol consumption (mercifully, for millions of Muslims, cigarettes had not been invented in the seventh century), but trade unions would have been incomprehensible in any ancient caliphate.

    Not that the Egyptian government has much to worry about from its officially sanctioned unions. Gebali al-Maraghy, chairman of the Egyptian Trade Union Federation, declared in an interview with Al-Musry Al-Youm newspaper that “our task is to carry out all the demands made by the President … increasing production and fighting terrorism”. Former deputy prime minister Ziad Bahaa Eddin found the court’s ruling absurd. “Didn’t we demonstrate against the constitution drafted by the Muslim Brotherhood because it attempted to mix religion with the state?” he asked.


    1. {...}

      True. Indeed, we in the West are now encouraging a very familiar “new” state in Egypt: paternalistic, dictatorial, haunted by “foreign” enemies – it’s only a matter of time before the Egyptian government declares Isis an arm of Mossad – in which an ocean of poverty is regarded as the very reason why ever more draconian laws must be used against free speech. The people want bread, we are told, not freedom; security rather than “terrorism”.

      Egypt is, in fact, following the path of so many other countries that are being torn apart by Isis. For, if you torture your people enough, Isis will germinate in their wounds.

      Thus Sinai is now as much under the “control” of Isis as it is of Egypt. The Cairo bomb that assassinated President Sisi’s chief prosecutor proves that Isis operations have crossed the Suez Canal. And even the Egyptian navy can be attacked.

      Was there ever a more potent symbol of our choice? Between the devil and the deep blue sea.


    "Trump’s financial disclosure showed that he had raised $1.9m since entering the race a month ago. That included a $1.8m loan from himself – but Trump also had about 60 individual donors."

  13. Washington and The Conga Line (CNN)

    The State Department transmitted to Congress on Sunday the nuclear agreement the United States and five other world powers struck with Iran.

    That move means the 60-day clock for lawmakers to review the deal -- which Republicans have already criticized -- starts on Monday.

    Secretary of State John Kerry defended the agreement alongside Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz on Sunday in an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper for "State of the Union."

    "The fact is that the real fear of that region should be that you don't have the deal. If Congress doesn't pass this, if Congress were to kill this, then we have no inspections, we have no sanctions, we have no ability to negotiate," Kerry said

    "Because I assure you, the ayatollah -- if the United States arbitrarily and unilaterally kills this -- you're not going to have another negotiation," he said. "And they will feel free to go do the very things that this prevents."

    Republican presidential candidates have said they'd undo President Barack Obama's Iran deal.

    Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said Sunday on "State of the Union" that he'd revoke the national security waiver under which Obama is implementing the deal, effectively re-instituting U.S. sanctions against Iran.

    "We will not use the national security waiver to hold back U.S. sanctions against Iran -- especially not as a result of this flawed deal that he is pursuing," Rubio said.

    Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker told CNN's Dana Bash that he would rip up the agreement on "Day 1" of his presidency.

    The Obama administration got some help lobbying for the agreement Sunday from foreign allies who were involved in the negotiations.

    British Prime Minister David Cameron hailed the agreement as a victory in an appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press."

    "The threat of a nuclear-armed Iran -- that is now off the table. I mean, that's a success," Cameron said. "What we've done is make sure the timeline for them possibly getting a nuclear weapon has gotten longer, not shorter."

    But Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the deal's leading critic, questioned whether Iran can be trusted not to build hidden sites that would make its path to a nuclear bomb easier in an interview on ABC's "This Week."

    He said Iran gets to keep too much of its nuclear infrastructure in the deal.

    "The hardliners in Iran are actually going to come out strong because they're getting everything they want," Netanyahu said. "They're getting a pathway down the line, within a decade or so, to the capacity to be a threshold state with practically zero breakout time to many nuclear bombs, and billions of dollars, hundreds of billions of dollars, which they'll siphon off to their terror and war machine."

    1. Billion. hundreds of billions, nukes all over the place. We are all doomed, I tell you.

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