Friday, May 15, 2015

The State Of Fear - When The Government Knows Everything About You, You Are No Longer Free - You Cannot Be Both An Empire And A Representative Republic


  1. If you want to know about state sponsored fear and the politics of fear, look at Israel. There is state control of whomever the state defines as an enemy. There is freedom by fiat. The government takes it away from one group and delves it out to another. All in the name of state security. The Lkud is the party of fear. The GOP is right behind and aping them.

    1. Wow that didn't take long...


      1st post it's ISRAEL.....

      sick deuce, sick

    2. And yet? You have never actually BEEN there...

      Israelis rate as very happy people over all and KNOW the state is preventing savage terror attacks.

      The fact is Deuce? The PEOPLE of Israel are very free.

      Now does the STATE keep a sharp look at the terrorists that are committed to murdering it's citizens? HELL YEAH.

      And the very fact that the State of Israel has fought and continues to fight against those committed to the genocide of the jewish people seems to piss you off...


      One success is the separation fence/barrier/wall (only 2% is a wall) the good news? IT WORKS..

      Amazing how a simple fence can prevent 98% of terror attacks... But it does...


    3. Israelis ranked 11th-happiest people in the world

      An annual survey ranked Israel the 11th-happiest country in the world, ahead of the United States, and far ahead of its neighbors in the region.

      The World Happiness Report, published on Sunday, was based on data collected for 156 countries between 2010 and 2012. Denmark, Norway and Switzerland took the top three spots.

      The report ranked the happiness of the world’s nations based on a “life evaluation score,” a number between 0 and 10 that measures several factors including health, family and job security, and social factors like political freedom, social networks and lack of government corruption.

      The index was a collaborative effort between the Vancouver School of Economics, the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, the London School of Economics, and Columbia University.

      Israel jumped three spots in the rankings from last year, coming in just behind Australia (10th). The United States dropped six spots, coming in at 17th, and the United Kingdom placed 22nd.

      Israelis are much happier when compared to their neighbors in the Middle East. Jordan ranked 74th in the survey, Lebanon 97th, and Egypt 130th.

      War-ravaged Syria ranked 148th on the list, and Togo’s citizens were ranked least happy.


      Fear I think not...

    4. Yes, really.

      If you want to know about state sponsored fear and the politics of fear, look to a Koran guided land.

      Say or write the wrong thing, you're dead meat.

      Or try China, Russia, North Korea, etc etc....


      I agree the Government knows too much about us these days.

      But I don't feel I'm quaking in fear.

      My lawyer is a phone call away..........

      The question about Empire and a Representative Republic is more complex.

      It would take days to adequately address this issue.

    5. Look at life in Hamas controlled lands or the PA, Iran or Syria....

      Yes this is what surrounds Israel and what is drooling at the prospect to slit the throat of every Jew and every ARAB that lives in Israel.

      And yet?

      The arabs and jews, of Israel are freer than any peoples within thousands of miles...


      The lands controlled by the PA and HAMAS? Are fascist and totalitarian.

      These are the people that Deuce, Rufus and Jack "the rat" Hawkins holds as decent humans...


      Lots of luck with that...

  2. The British political class play it and won with it. From the Washington Post:

    Two of the key planks in the Conservative platform were resolute opposition to increasing immigration and the commitment to hold a referendum on Britain’s membership in the European Union. The U.K. Independence Party also secured 12 percent of the vote by running on these issues. Both evoke fears about the economic effects of globalization, seen as a process of deeper international integration that might move jobs abroad or bring cheaper labor in to compete for the jobs that remain at home.

    But strong support for UKIP and the Conservatives in localities where there are relatively few immigrants and among those who are retired shows that these are not simply economic issues but emotive ones that evoke a resurgent, if inward-looking, nationalism. Nationalism was central to the appeal of both the SNP and the Conservative Party. In the English case, especially, it was a defensive nationalism, wary about the influence of foreign powers and worried about foreigners in the country. Such concerns are the natural complement to a politics of fear.

  3. The politics of fear is the coin of the realm in Russia

    KYIV, Ukraine — US Secretary of State John Kerry had to work his diplomatic best in a rare meeting with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin Tuesday in Sochi.

    Relations between their governments are at their worst point in 25 years.

    Good thing there were gifts: tomatoes, potatoes and a “Victory” T-shirt for Kerry; a leather portfolio for Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

    Even so, the friends-again act looks pretty hard to swallow for many residents in each country.

    According to a fresh survey by the respected Levada Center think tank, 59 percent of Russians now see the United States as a “threat.” That’s up from 47 percent in 2007.

    Of those who responded that there’s a US threat, 31 percent believed in the possibility of US military invasion and occupation of Russia.

    There’s plenty of aggressive media messaging from both sides to get the public worked up. But the Russians’ deepening concerns are largely thanks to Moscow’s powerful state media machine. It has exploited the ongoing Ukraine conflict, which Russia blames on the West, to shore up support for the Kremlin.

  4. How it works in China

    Chinese legal scholars have privately compared shuanggui to the CIA’s use of extraordinary rendition, in which a terror suspect is kidnapped and covertly interrogated outside of legal bounds. The CCDI’s toolbox is similar. Officials under investigation are whisked away to isolated hotels, appropriated government buildings, or other secret locations.

    Interrogators work in teams, rotating so that the same questions are asked again and again from different faces, keeping 24-hour schedules so that the suspects can be woken and questioned at anytime of day or night. Stress positioning and sleep deprivation are used to break suspects.

    In some cases, so is physical torture. “It’s very difficult to know the extent of physical or psychological torture,” Flora Sapio, a China law scholar specializing in criminal justice and administrative detention, told me. As with all of the Party’s inner workings, there is almost no external oversight of the detention process or the methods used. […]

    […] Cleansing the Party is only partially the point. The increased use of covert discipline reinforces a message being instilled by other campaigns, such as China’s wide-ranging crackdown on journalists, civil society, non-governmental organizations, foreign culture, feminists, and anyone else that might provide an alternative to Communist centralization: The Party is everything — and the only organization with the right to control it is itself.

    Is that in our future? Snowden knows what would happen to him, He already has heard from those that call him an enemy of the state. What is a US Supermax?

  5. America After 9/11

    Since 9/11, the Department of Justice has prosecuted more than 500 terrorism cases, yet there remains scant public understanding of what these federal cases have actually looked like and the impact they have had on communities and families. Published by The Nation in collaboration with Educators for Civil Liberties, the America After 9/11 series features contributions from scholars, researchers and advocates to provide a systematic look at the patterns of civil rights abuses in the United States’ domestic “war on terror.”

    * * *

    I just returned from Guantánamo, where I met with my client Ghaleb Al-Bihani, a Yemeni citizen who began his thirteenth year of detention without charge there this month. He has been deprived of a third of his life, from ages 22 to 35, because the United States government says that in 2001 he was a cook for a Taliban affiliate that no longer exists. In a few months, he will go through another government review that will either recommend his transfer from Guantánamo or his continued and indefinite imprisonment. We have words and images to describe waterboarding; it is harder to convey the suffocation of perpetual detention.

    The crisis of Ghaleb’s continuing detention—its injustice and pain—was at one time more visible. Guantánamo began as a prison the Bush administration declared was outside the law, and there was little pretense about it. People were shoved off the first transport planes in shackles and hoods and locked into outdoor cages. For two years, they were held incommunicado and denied the right to know or contest why they were being detained. When it came to torture, the “gloves were off,” to paraphrase top military and civilian officials.

    The wrongful detention and abuse of the men who remain are less overt now. Today, as the result of years of legal challenges and advocacy, detainees have the right to challenge the legality of their detention in federal court; indeed, it is a federal court that sanctioned Ghaleb’s indefinite detention for being a cook. Today, the cages of the makeshift “Camp X-Ray” are overgrown with weeds; the majority of detainees are held in “state-of-the-art” facilities that resemble maximum-security prisons in the United States and mask similar cruelties. Today, torture is the mental torment of 4,380 days behind the walls of an island prison without good reason or end. It is that which Ghaleb says is excruciating.

    A colleague, the first civilian attorney allowed access to the prison in 2004, talks of that first visit. The barbarity of the way human beings were being treated was raw and exposed. My visits nowadays begin with a mint on my pillow in my lodging quarters. I can bring pizza to my clients. The crisis at Guantánamo is as present now as ever, but it has been given legal cover, sanitized, normalized. It took a mass hunger strike at the prison last year to wake us up to it.


    1. {...}

      A few years ago, at an event in January marking yet another anniversary of the Guantánamo prison’s existence, I met the father of Fahad Hashmi, a US citizen of Pakistani descent who grew up in New York City. Fahad is incarcerated at another infamous US prison—the Administrative Maximum Facility (ADX) in Colorado. As a lawyer, I had spent the last several years trying to extend the protections of the American legal system to Guantánamo. But that meeting was an introduction to a slice of unjust punishment and torture on American soil—another outrage born of the “War on Terror,” where government zealotry produces grotesque outcomes, the façade of legal process can legitimize profound unfairness, and barbarity is masked by utter normality.

      ADX sits a few minutes from Main Street in Florence, a small southern Colorado town with antique shops and a good diner. Down the road is a Super 8 motel, which provides accommodations for family members from across the country visiting the prison. Just outside the massive prison complex that contains ADX, there is a duck pond.

      The prison itself is a gleaming $60 million structure. The lobby is pleasant and light, with big windows and clear views of the mountains, an efficient front desk attendant, a stand selling T-shirts, and framed pictures of the prison leadership, including President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, and employees of the month. “The Best Prize that Life Offers Is the Chance to Work Hard at Work Worth Doing,” reads a large plaque that hovers above a doorway leading down two flights of stairs to a sub-basement where over 400 human beings are decaying in single cells for 22 to 24 hours a day, some for as long as thirty years. More plaques decorate the long hall to the meeting booths where I “visit” Fahad from across a thick pane of glass while he remains shackled at five points—wrists, waist, ankles—tires easily, and forgets basic vocabulary: “Dignity of All,” “Integrity,” “Responsiveness.”

      Last September, the man in the cell next to Fahad hung himself from the bars in his cell. His dead body was shackled before it was carried out. Above ground, in the lobby, an employee mopped the floors. The desk attendant answered the phone. The prison leadership smiled from their framed photos.

      Fahad was transferred to this harshest of federal prisons—this “cleaner version of hell,” in the words of a former ADX warden—after a conviction in 2010 for material support to Al Qaeda. Since 9/11, the government has deployed the material support statute as the most common basis for charges in terrorism prosecutions, turning it into a catchall to prosecute conduct ranging from weapons training to the translation of public texts.

      In Fahad’s case, the government alleged that he had allowed an acquaintance to keep a suitcase with socks and ponchos meant for Al Qaeda in Pakistan in his apartment for two weeks, which the indictment characterized as “military gear,” and allowed the acquaintance to use his cell phone to call co-conspirators. It charged him with four separate counts of material support and conspiracy, carrying a possible sentence of seventy years. There was no trial. After three years in pre-trial solitary confinement at the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in Manhattan, layered with Special Administrative Measures (SAMs)—a euphemism for gagging Fahad and a small circle of people permitted access to him only after agreeing to be gagged as well—Fahad pleaded guilty on the eve of his trial to spare himself an effective life sentence. In exchange for fifteen years of his life, the government got a conviction. This plea deal followed the predictable path of most criminal convictions, terrorism cases being no exception. Of terrorism convictions since 9/11, more than 65 percent resulted from plea bargains by defendants facing the stark possibility of decades in prison.


    2. {...}

      Unlike during the early period at Guantánamo, the injustice of Fahad’s punishment did not result from being rendered to an offshore prison and held in blatant violation of the law; it emerged out of the warp of the legal process itself. Fahad’s prosecution was based on a broad theory of guilt by association, not individual culpable conduct. It achieved in peacetime, on American soil, the breadth of detention usually only permitted in wartime, and meant to be temporary, reserved for the exigency of battlefields, and not punitive. Fahad’s conviction came from the compromised calculation of a young man of 30 facing the prospect of imprisonment until age 100 and deciding not to take that risk, not the government proving its case against the panoply of Fahad’s rights as a criminal defendant.

      Fahad’s torture has also not been flagrant; it has been silently mind-crushing. For over 2,100 days, he has been alone in a space he can touch both sides of simultaneously. He has not touched another human being since 2007. While he has been at ADX for nearly three years, he has no sense of his surroundings, because all he can see of the natural world is a patch of sky through steel mesh from an outdoor “recreation” cage two to three times a week, if that. He has not set foot on anything other than concrete in over six years. The image of Fahad’s torture is not that of a person being led around an interrogation room on a dog leash, or held in a stress position with heavy-metal music blasting. It is a person sitting still in a small cell, slowly deteriorating in a modern prison on the outskirts of a small Colorado town.

      To the extent that Fahad’s story is unknown to the broader public, that is additionally because he and his experience have been walled off by deliberate government barriers, including the prohibitions of Special Administrative Measures as well as tightly controlled access to prisons like ADX and the MCC. When Fahad was under Special Administrative Measures during his pre-trial detention at the MCC and for a year after his conviction at ADX, no member of the public except for his attorneys and three family members—not a reporter, researcher, or United Nation expert—was able to communicate with him in any form, even by sending a letter. The few people allowed to communicate with him were also forbidden, under threat of criminal sanction, from speaking about him to the public.

      During Fahad’s pre-trial proceedings, his criminal defense attorney gave media interviews about the injustice of Fahad’s case, but he could not relate any information from Fahad, including about his crushing conditions at the MCC. If I had wanted to write this article after my first visit to Fahad at ADX, I would not have been able to incorporate any detail he had said to me during our meeting about what was happening in the prison. His father, if he had needed to seek solace in a friend after a call with Fahad, would have been prohibited from discussing that conversation. The gag on advocacy and speech under Special Administrative Measures is in a way even more restrictive than what I experience at Guantánamo, because notes from my Guantánamo visits can be “cleared” for public consumption after a process of government review.


    3. {...}

      Even now that Fahad’s Special Administrative Measures have been lifted, he remains mostly cut off and inaccessible, because direct access to prisoners at ADX, as at the MCC, is extremely restricted under the most basic circumstances. Independent human rights monitors like the UN expert on Torture have made repeated requests to visit both prisons but to no avail. No journalist has yet been allowed direct access to inmates at these prisons. These denials mirror the experience of the press and human rights monitors vis-à-vis Guantánamo.

      Fahad is one of more than 400 people who have been convicted on terrorism charges by the Department of Justice since 9/11. As with his case, many of these cases raise sobering questions that need to be examined. We recognize, to a certain extent at least, that the criminal justice system produces unjust results in other contexts—that there is often a wide gap between personal culpability and the punishment deemed deserved; that the process is often not meaningfully adversarial, but stacked against defendants; that conditions of confinement are sub-human for thousands of prisoners. Yet, paradoxically, the dominant narrative in the context of these terrorism cases has been largely limited to praising the strength and competence of the civilian system. That narrative developed in opposition to the ad-hoc, illegal military system at Guantánamo. But a fair critique of one cannot continue to wait for the dismantling of the other.

      There are times after particularly hard days—after an upsetting visit to ADX, or after missing a phone call from Fahad, knowing it will be at least two weeks before Fahad can attempt another 15-minute call—when Fahad’s father asks me questions, rhetorically, about whether his son’s punishment is just, whether his conditions are fit for human beings. I gather he is asking more fundamentally whether we see the injustice he does.

      The Torture That Flourishes From Gitmo to an American Supermax
      A civil rights attorney reports from the belly of the post-9/11 justice system.

      Pardiss Kebriaei January 30, 2014

  6. No problem, move along. It will never happen to any of us.

    1. It's a subject we on which we basically all agree.

      It's up to us to prevent it, which we can do.

      That is the good news.

      Are we too lazy to prevent it ?

      That is the question.

  7. Photo of the Day


  8. Russian Hackers Read Obama’s Unclassified Emails, Officials Say

    WASHINGTON — Some of President Obama’s email correspondence was swept up by Russian hackers last year in a breach of the White House’s unclassified computer system that was far more intrusive and worrisome than has been publicly acknowledged, according to senior American officials briefed on the investigation.

    The hackers, who also got deeply into the State Department’s unclassified system, do not appear to have penetrated closely guarded servers that control the message traffic from Mr. Obama’s BlackBerry, which he or an aide carries constantly.

    But they obtained access to the email archives of people inside the White House, and perhaps some outside, with whom Mr. Obama regularly communicated. From those accounts, they reached emails that the president had sent and received, according to officials briefed on the investigation.

    White House officials said that no classified networks had been compromised, and that the hackers had collected no classified information. Many senior officials have two computers in their offices, one operating on a highly secure classified network and another connected to the outside world for unclassified communications.

    But officials have conceded that the unclassified system routinely contains much information that is considered highly sensitive: schedules, email exchanges with ambassadors and diplomats, discussions of pending personnel moves and legislation, and, inevitably, some debate about policy.

    Officials did not disclose the number of Mr. Obama’s emails that were harvested by hackers, nor the sensitivity of their content. The president’s email account itself does not appear to have been hacked. Aides say that most of Mr. Obama’s classified briefings — such as the morning Presidential Daily Brief — are delivered orally or on paper (sometimes supplemented by an iPad system connected to classified networks) and that they are usually confined to the Oval Office or the Situation Room.

    Still, the fact that Mr. Obama’s communications were among those hit by the hackers — who are presumed to be linked to the Russian government, if not working for it — has been one of the most closely held findings of the inquiry. Senior White House officials have known for months about the depth of the intrusion.

    “This has been one of the most sophisticated actors we’ve seen,” said one senior American official briefed on the investigation.

    Others confirmed that the White House intrusion was viewed as so serious that officials met on a nearly daily basis for several weeks after it was discovered. “It’s the Russian angle to this that’s particularly worrisome,” another senior official said.


  9. Deuce ☂Fri May 15, 07:17:00 AM EDT
    If you want to know about state sponsored fear and the politics of fear, look at Israel. There is state control of whomever the state defines as an enemy. There is freedom by fiat. The government takes it away from one group and delves it out to another. All in the name of state security. The Lkud is the party of fear. The GOP is right behind and aping them.

    The most paranoid statement every known..


    1. The State doesn't need to DEFINE who and what is an enemy in Israel.

      The Jew hating, Israel hating, Zionism hating folks that stab, blow up, shoot at, poison the water, and shout for the lives of Jews define themselves as the ENEMY,

      They do it with their hatred, their support of violence and assorted other numerous acts of savage behavior.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. The only one to use the word fraud in connection to Jews, is "O"rdure.

      The rest of what he wrote is a lie.
      He continues to promote the agitprop that ISrael is synonymous with Judaism, and that is just not true.

      ISrael is a rogue, secular, apartheid state, which if "O"rdure were to change his wording ...
      Exchanging the word Jew, for the word Israel, he would be telling us the truth

      ISraeli are killers,

      ISrael is illegitimate

      ISraeli are frauds


      ISraeli sell organs

      ISraeli steal lands

      ISraeli are colonizers

      ISraeli israelis zionists israeli firsters....

      All accurate statements for which there is documentation.

      That is "Occupation"

    4. ISraeli promote torrid gay behavior

      mea culpa


    5. Not something a Jewish country that respected the Law of Moses, as written in Leviticus, would do.

    6. Since the ISraeli do promote torrid gay sex, it must follow that ISrael is not a Jewish country.

    7. Since the founders of Zionism, the ideology of ISrael, referred to their proposed country as a colony, it follows that the Zionist country that was founded is a colony and those that populate it colonizers.

    8. Thanks Jack for being so candid.

      As Martin Luther King Jr said:

      The following "Letter to an Anti-Zionist Friend" is held by some to be an actual letter from Dr. King to an acquaintance, others say it is a compilation of his statements.

      ". . . You declare, my friend, that you do not hate the Jews, you are merely 'anti-Zionist.' And I say, let the truth ring forth from the high mountain tops, let it echo through the valleys of God's green earth: When people criticize Zionism, they mean Jews--this is God's own truth.

      "Anti-semitism, the hatred of the Jewish people, has been and remains a blot on the soul of mankind. In this we are in full agreement. So know also this: anti-Zionist is inherently antisemitic, and ever will be so.

      "Why is this? You know that Zionism is nothing less than the dream and ideal of the Jewish people returning to live in their own land. The Jewish people, the Scriptures tell us, once enjoyed a flourishing Commonwealth in the Holy Land. From this they were expelled by the Roman tyrant, the same Romans who cruelly murdered Our Lord. Driven from their homeland, their nation in ashes, forced to wander the globe, the Jewish people time and again suffered the lash of whichever tyrant happened to rule over them.

      "The Negro people, my friend, know what it is to suffer the torment of tyranny under rulers not of our choosing. Our brothers in Africa have begged, pleaded, requested--DEMANDED the recognition and realization of our inborn right to live in peace under our own sovereignty in our own country.

      "How easy it should be, for anyone who holds dear this inalienable right of all mankind, to understand and support the right of the Jewish People to live in their ancient Land of Israel. All men of good will exult in the fulfillment of God's promise, that his People should return in joy to rebuild their plundered land. This is Zionism, nothing more, nothing less.

      "And what is anti-Zionist? It is the denial to the Jewish people of a fundamental right that we justly claim for the people of Africa and freely accord all other nations of the Globe. It is discrimination against Jews, my friend, because they are Jews. In short, it is antisemitism.

      "The anti-Semite rejoices at any opportunity to vent his malice. The times have made it unpopular, in the West, to proclaim openly a hatred of the Jews. This being the case, the anti-Semite must constantly seek new forms and forums for his poison. How he must revel in the new masquerade! He does not hate the Jews, he is just 'anti-Zionist'!

      "My friend, I do not accuse you of deliberate anti-Semitism. I know you feel, as I do, a deep love of truth and justice and a revulsion for racism, prejudice, and discrimination. But I know you have been misled--as others have been--into thinking you can be 'anti-Zionist' and yet remain true to these heartfelt principles that you and I share. Let my words echo in the depths of your soul: When people criticize Zionism, they mean Jews--make no mistake about it."

      M.L. King Jr., "This I Believe: Selections from the Writings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr." (New York, 1971), pp. 234-235.)

    9. Jack, you are a Jew hating, Israel hating, Judaism slandering, Zionist smearing troll of a man.

      But we ALL KNOW your meaning.

      You are an publicly avowed enemy of the Jewish people, Zionism, Israel and the Jewish Faith.


    10. And so much of a coward and a pussy you play stupid word games…

    11. "O"rdure, you continue to use your standard agitprop.
      Lies, deceit and misinformation.

      You continue to conflate ISrael nd its government with Judaism and that is just not an accurate conflation.
      Judaism does not exemplify apartheid, but ISrael does.
      Judaism does not kill children, but ISrael does.
      Judaism does not promote sodomy but ISreal does.

      ISrael's continued claim to be a Jewish state is a lie.
      It may be a Jewish homeland, but the government of that homeland, it is not Judaic in its policies.

      It is more of a Babylonian creation.
      A Talmudist regime, not Judaic.

    12. Once again, you show your true colors.

      No need to split hairs with your absurd bullshit.

      Wormtongue you are…

      A liar. Jew hater and invented of nonsense.

      You spin and wiggle and twist.

      But the truth is easy to see…

      A Jew hating, Israel trashing, Judaism slandering, Zionist bashing troll of a man.

      simple really.

      Embrace your self honestly, you are a spiritual nazi.

    13. Spiritually ...

      Leviticus 20:13

      If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

    14. Once again, you show your true colors.

      No need to split hairs with your absurd bullshit.

      Wormtongue you are…

      A liar. Jew hater and inventer and poster of nonsense.

      You spin and wiggle and twist.

      But the truth is easy to see…

      A Jew hating, Israel trashing, Judaism slandering, Zionist bashing troll of a man.

      simple really.

      Embrace your self honestly, you are a spiritual nazi.

  10. Once again, the rabid dog names jack JUMPS on command like a trained Beagle.

    Woof. Woof.

    1. Once again, you prove the point…

      You are a hated filled soul-less shit of a human.

    2. So tell us Deuce, what benefit to the blog is Jack's disgusting posts provide?

      I notice you, by leaving up his filth are actively condoning it..


      If you are only anti-Israel, anti-zionist and not a jew hater yourself, as you claim, why do you allow jack to post hundreds of Jew hating, Judaism bashing/slandering comment with out deletion?

      It's your blog..

      You make it what you want.

      But don't get pissy when we JUDGE you for the fruit of your tree..

    3. The Talmud is not the Torah

      I've enjoyed your women.

      Woof, woof.

    4. Your attempts at slander point back at you.


    5. "Spengler's Laws": "When a nation is reduced to selling its women, it's lost."

      Unlike many countries, prostitution in Israel is legal.

      To many people it is shocking to learn that in the "Holy Land" prostitution is allowed.

      Prostitution in Israel is legal and not kept on the down low.
      Everyone knows about it and where to go to find a prostitute.
      It is a choice whether they decide to pay for sex or not.
      Prostitutes are known to be discrete.
      They do not go around talking about the men they have sex with.
      Some of the places where prostitution is more popular is in cities like Tel Aviv and Haifa.

      Spengler's Universal Law #9: A country isn't beaten until it sells its women, but it's damned when its women sell themselves.

      That could be because the population is more secular and not as religious.
      Prostitutes can be found on the streets, strip clubs and "massage parlors."
      Politicians, businessmen and even police officers are known to visit the upscale "massage parlors" and high price strip clubs.

      Regular citizens are more likely to just look for a prostitute on the streets.

      When Arab Israelis or Orthodox Jews, whether married or not, want to have sex with a prostitute, they go somewhere far from their homes.
      The reason for them going far is so they will not be recognized by anyone.

      One negative effect of the rising popularity of prostitution is that venereal diseases have rapidly increased over the years.

    6. Like a retarded child, Jack continues his nonsense.

      Posted hundreds of times before, Mr Cut and Paste.

  11. The approaching end of Egypt's Jewish community

    The Egyptian Jewish community is facing the ugly truth that its existence is coming to an end. The population of Jewish Egyptians has fallen from 75,000 to 80,000 in 1947 [1] to only seven today [2]. Most of those left are elderly women, who need daily medical care.

    I met Nadia Haroun, the deputy leader of the Jewish community in Egypt, for the last time in November 2013. I remember that day because I met her at the same time as her older sister Magda, the community’s leader. Nadia was smiling while telling me, “Magda told me a lot about you, I was looking forward to seeing you.” For me, I couldn’t quite believe it. “Today I met two Jews? I was the one looking forward to that.”

    The Jewish community is the oldest religious community in Egypt, and it has faced a wave of propaganda, defamation and hate speech. That legacy is still felt today through stereotypes and slurs that persist in everyday language.

    I was criticized for writing an article in Arabic entitled, “We are sorry, Jews.” Critics wondered how a Christian could defend Jews, when they took part in the crucifixion of Jesus. Ironically, many of those critics are Muslims extremists, some of whom may themselves be discriminating against Christians.

    1. Unfortunately, Egyptian history is full of violations of the essential rights of minorities and vulnerable groups.

      On November 2, 1945, anti-British, anti-Zionist (and anti-Jewish) demonstrations took place in Cairo on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration. A synagogue was burned down, 27 Torah scrolls were desecrated, and a soup kitchen, a home for the aged, a shelter for poor transients, the Jewish hospital, the quarters of the Art Society and several Jewish public buildings were damaged or destroyed [7].

      After the 1948 war, a hostile environment against Jews strengthened, as they were suspected of acting as a “fifth column” for Israel. After the 1952 coup, Jews were subject to detention, deportation and sequestration. At least 900 Jews had been arrested as of December 7, 1956 [8]. In the mid-50s, then-President Gamal Abdel Nasser started his policy of nationalization, which had a devastating impact on the Jewish community, as they controlled a broad sector of the Egyptian economy. American diplomats noted that sequestration decisions were filed against 539 Jews by name and 105 firms, in addition to Jews covered in the sequential orders filed against British and French nationals [9].

      In November 1956, the regime modified its citizenship and nationality laws in order to keep Jews and other minorities from becoming Egyptian citizens [10]. The situation became more complicated at the end of November, by when at least 500 Egyptian and stateless Jews had been expelled from Egypt [11], not including a considerable number of Jewish citizens of Britain and France. Most of the expellees were heads of families. They were ordered to leave the country within two to seven days. In most cases, the individual served with a deportation order was responsible for supporting his family, so all members of the family would have to leave the country [12]. Thus, this measure lead finally to the mass migration of Jews. They almost vanished from Egypt.

      A small number of Jewish families stayed in Egypt, among them leftist activist Chehata Haroun and his family. According to Haroun’s daughter, Magda, when her father tried to fly her older sister to Paris for treatment, Egyptian authorities agreed only to give him an exit visa with no return, so he left his daughter to die and never left the country [13]. When he died in 2001, his family had to bring a French rabbi to perform the ritual prayer for him, because they did not have a Jewish rabbi in Egypt.

      The same happened with the death of Nadia.


    2. Nadia died in March 2014, and I had the honor to attend her funeral. Egyptian state officials did not attend, although they typically attend funerals of Al-Azhar sheikhs or bishops from the Coptic Church. Nadia left her older sister Magda alone to carry the burden of the Jewish community in Egypt.

      Early this month, it was the first anniversary of Nadia’s death, and Magda went to her older sister’s grave along with her current Christian husband and her Muslim daughters to perform their rites. She found that a group of youth had desecrated her sister’s grave. They also insulted her and insulted Judaism [14]. I can’t imagine how Magda felt about that. It’s very hard for anyone to see his beloved ones insulted in life and death, just because they had a different religion.

      Despite the fact that we have the oldest Jewish cemeteries in the world, they have been left vulnerable to desecration and vandalism. Cemeteries are not the only neglected part of Jewish legacy in Egypt. According to Magda, there are about 12 Jewish synagogues in Cairo and Alexandria left without maintenance. The majority were closed because there is no one left to pray there.

      Furthermore, there are registers belonging to the Jewish community in Egypt, which are part of history that need to be digitalized and safeguarded. The original written Torah also needs to be restored and kept in a museum, along with other parts of the heritage of this dying community.

      Magda told me once about her deepest fear — that after she is gone, what remains of Egypt’s Jewish heritage will be lost. I remember Magda’s speech at her sister's funeral. She just looked in my eye and said, “It’s your history, Mina.” Then she turned to one of her friends and said, “It’s your history, Mohamed.”

      About six decades of propaganda and hate speech finally led to the end of this country’s Jewish community. The same hate speech led to the forced evictions of the Baha’i from Sohag in 2009 [15]. The same hate speech led to the brutal murder of four Shia men in June 2013 [16]. The same hate speech led to a swell of sectarian violence against Christians, with dozens of churches burned down, and dozens more Christian homes and stores looted since 2011.

      Hate speech and lack of equal protection under the law inside the community creates a hostile environment for minorities, where violence could be justified. Since 2011, at least 40 incidents of sectarian violence occurred in Egypt [17]. Most of these incidents followed hate speech, which incited the perpetrators to commit the attacks. Since 2011, sectarian violence took the lives of at least 100 Egyptians, where the absence of accountability and lack of protection for vulnerable groups had become a common feature [18].

      We should learn from our mistakes. We should start preserving our Jewish heritage and restore synagogues. We should face hate speech and discrimination. We should stop sectarian violence and bring its perpetrators to justice.


  12. The Entrance Fees at Grand Canyon National Park to RISE

    The Grand Canyon has raised the price to enter the national park and camp overnight in the backcountry areas.

    Park officials announced a proposal last year to increase the entrance fees that have been in place since 2006. Starting June 1, a seven-day, single-vehicle entry pass will cost $30, up from $25.

    Anyone driving a motorcycle in will pay $25. Pedestrians or bicyclists will pay $15 instead of $12.

    1. Jack HawkinsFri May 15, 11:25:00 AM EDT
      I doesn't matter what you call them, Jews, Israelis, Zionists or whatever, they are all scum of the earth.

    2. "O"rdure, you continue to use your standard agitprop.
      Lies, deceit and misinformation.

    3. Hardly, you have left HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of Rat Droppings all over the blog…

      Heck, you left a dozen on this thread alone..

      The readers are clear, that is why they have left this blog.


    4. Once again, you show your true colors.

      No need to split hairs with your absurd bullshit.

      Wormtongue you are…

      A liar. Jew hater and invented of nonsense.

      You spin and wiggle and twist.

      But the truth is easy to see…

      A Jew hating, Israel trashing, Judaism slandering, Zionist bashing troll of a man.

      simple really.

      Embrace your self honestly, you are a spiritual nazi.

    5. I love Jewish women.
      ISrael trashing es verdad.
      Judaism is not trashed, it is defended by my posts.
      Zionist bashing es verdad, tambien.

      Spiritually ...
      Leviticus 20:13

      If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

      No follower of the Torah would subsidize sodomy, or defend the subsidy of that capital crime in a Jewish society.
      Unless they were a part of the "Synagogue of Satan" founded in Babylon. Using the Talmud as its guide.

    6. "O"rdure continues to defame Judaism, claiming that the policies of the ISraeli government ...

      Telling us that apartheid, child murder, torture and sodomy are all embraced by Judaism, as they are by the ISraeli government.

      That is a defamation of Judaism.

    7. Jack your message is clear.

      Once again, you show your true colors.

      No need to split hairs with your absurd bullshit.

      Wormtongue you are…

      A liar. Jew hater and invented of nonsense.

      You spin and wiggle and twist.

      But the truth is easy to see…

      A Jew hating, Israel trashing, Judaism slandering, Zionist bashing troll of a man.

      simple really.

      Embrace your self honestly, you are a spiritual nazi.


    8. Judaism And Zionism Are Not The Same Thing

      Read your Torah, "O"rdure, abandon the Talmud.
      Quit that "Synagogue of Satan"


    9. Do not continue to be deceived by the Bitches of Babylon !

    10. Do the readers see the Jew hatred for themselves?


    11. No longer any guise about being "anti-zionist" here folks..

      Pure anti-semetic crap..

  13. Yikes! They're back.

    This will make the Bar's ISIS cheerleaders giddy. :)

    ISIS is back in Ramadi, and kicking some serious ass. I swear, this Iraqi "army" has to be the worst in the world. Oh well, no skin off our noses. Just more assholes to bomb. :)

    back in play

    1. The standard ebb and flow of a war zone in Arabia ...

  14. There are many, many Jews in the world that agree with me.
    ISrael does not represent Judaism, not in any way, shape or manner.

    Judaism And Zionism Are Not The Same Thing

    You have always without a doubt heard and read much about the political crises in the Middle East in which the State of Israel plays a central role. This is, in fact, an ongoing series of crises with potential to bring the greatest misfortune on the entire world. Tragically many believe that Zionism and Judaism are identical. Thus they conclude that the entire Jewish people is responsible for the actions of the Zionist government and the world crises which emanates from it. This is a Grave Error!

    The truth is that the Jewish faith and Zionism are two very different philosophies. They are as opposite as day and night.

    The Jewish people have existed for thousands of years. In their two thousand years of Divinely decreed exile no Jew ever sought to end this exile and establish independent political sovereignty anywhere. The people's sole purpose was the study and fulfillment of the Divine commandments of the Torah.

    The Zionist movement created the Israeli state. The latter is a persuasion less than one hundred years old. Its essential goal was and is to change the nature of the Jewish people from that of a religious entity to a political movement. From Zionism's inception the spiritual leaders of the Jewish people stood in staunch opposition to it.

    To this day Torah Jewry remains forever loyal to its faith. Zionists want the world to believe that they are the representatives of the entire Jewish people. This is false! The Jewish people never chose them as their leaders.

    The Zionists have deceived many well meaning Jewish people via terror, trickery and false propaganda. They have at their disposal the use of a nearly universally subservient media. Whoever attempts to criticize them puts his livelihood and, at times, his very life in danger.

    However, despite the media blackout and easy resort to terror the simple truth remains unrefuted and irrefutable:


    1. To this day Torah Jewry remains forever loyal to its faith.
      Zionists want the world to believe that they are the representatives of the entire Jewish people.
      This is false! ...

    2. Jack, you can paste crap til the cows come home.

      You cannot put lipstick in a pig…

      You and your so called sources are shit.

    3. Once again, you show your true colors.

      No need to split hairs with your absurd bullshit.

      Wormtongue you are…

      A liar. Jew hater and inventer and poster of nonsense.

      You spin and wiggle and twist.

      But the truth is easy to see…

      A Jew hating, Israel trashing, Judaism slandering, Zionist bashing troll of a man.

      simple really.

      Embrace your self honestly, you are a spiritual nazi.


    Zionism is a movement founded by Theodor Herzl in 1896 whose goal is the return of Jews to Eretz Yisrael, or Zion, the Jewish synonym for Jerusalem and the Land of Israel.

    The name of "Zionism" comes from the hill Zion, the hill on which the Temple of Jerusalem was situated.

    Supporters of this movement are called "Zionists".

    Today there is much confusion among Jews over the meaning of the term Zionism. It means different things to different people.

    The reason for this is that historically, Zionism has been a movement dominated by secularist Jews. Herzl and most of his colleagues were assimilated Jews, who did not believe in or practice the Torah. Some Zionists were vehemently anti-religious, and saw the Torah and mitzvos as outdated rituals with no place in their modern state.

    Yet the essence of the Zionist idea - that Jews should return to the Holy Land and establish a government - is not inherently secular, and in fact the Zionist movement had some religious members from the very beginning.

    Some Jews today use Zionism as a synonym for Israeli secularism, and thus support the State of Israel while claiming to be anti-Zionist. These people's only complaint about the State of Israel is that it is not religious enough. They hope for the day when the state will be dominated by the religious parties.

    But this is not the meaning of the term Zionism as used on this site. When we talk about Zionism here, we are refering to the concept that Jews should rise up, emancipate themselves from exile without waiting for the messiah, and establish a Jewish government in the Holy Land.
    Using Jewish texts, we demonstrate that this concept is against the Torah and has been opposed by rabbis in all generations.

    There have been hundreds of rabbis over the past century who spoke out against the Zionist movement.

  16. Jack HawkinsFri May 15, 11:23:00 AM EDT
    The Talmud is not the Torah

    I've enjoyed your women.

    Woof, woof.

    1. Ellie's Sweet Treats ...

      Yum, yum.

    2. And there is the reason for the hatred.

      Jack got dumped by a Jewish girl, who would not be a REAL Jew by his definition…


    3. Judaism And Zionism Are Not The Same Thing

      Read your Torah, "O"rdure, abandon the Talmud.
      Quit that "Synagogue of Satan"

      Do not continue to be deceived by the Bitches of Babylon !

    4. Like I said Jack, you are calling millions and millions of Jews all sorts of slurs.

      Thank you for being honest about your Jew hatred.

    5. Once again, you show your true colors.

      No need to split hairs with your absurd bullshit.

      Wormtongue you are…

      A liar. Jew hater and inventer and poster of nonsense.

      You spin and wiggle and twist.

      But the truth is easy to see…

      A Jew hating, Israel trashing, Judaism slandering, Zionist bashing troll of a man.

      simple really.

      Embrace your self honestly, you are a spiritual nazi.

  17. Once again, you show your true colors.

    No need to split hairs with your absurd bullshit.

    Wormtongue you are…

    A liar. Jew hater and inventer and poster of nonsense.

    You spin and wiggle and twist.

    But the truth is easy to see…

    A Jew hating, Israel trashing, Judaism slandering, Zionist bashing troll of a man.

    simple really.

    Embrace your self honestly, you are a spiritual nazi.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. The ISraeli government, allied with the Wahhabi of Saudi Arabia, continue to subsidize sodomy.
      It is a sign of their spirituality.

      Leviticus 20:13
      If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

      To this day Torah Jewry remains forever loyal to its faith.
      Zionists want the world to believe that they are the representatives of the entire Jewish people.
      This is false! ...

    3. Once again, you show your true colors.

      No need to split hairs with your absurd bullshit.

      Wormtongue you are…

      A liar. Jew hater and inventer and poster of nonsense.

      You spin and wiggle and twist.

      But the truth is easy to see…

      A Jew hating, Israel trashing, Judaism slandering, Zionist bashing troll of a man.

      simple really.

      Embrace your self honestly, you are a spiritual nazi.

  18. Love you therefore the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt (Devarim, 10:19).

    The ger of the Torah is, at the pshat level, the resident alien, the person who is not a citizen but resides in our land. Because she lives among us, we are responsible to ensure that she be given equal protection under the law, and we must protect her from possible abuse. The ger is an outsider, someone vulnerable and easily excluded, but because she is among us, we must treat her like one of us.

    This is the way of the Torah, the way of Mos, but the ISraeli, they have a different way, a fascist apartheid method of governance.

    Israel's 'equality under law' doesn't apply to Palestinians

    Israel's pretention to be a country with a just legal system appears ridiculous in the face of the other justice system that applies to juveniles that are not Palestinian.

    Haaretz Editorial

    1. This is the way of the Torah, the way of Moses, but the ISraeli, they have a different way, a fascist apartheid method of governance.

    2. Once again, you show your true colors.

      No need to split hairs with your absurd bullshit.

      Wormtongue you are…

      A liar. Jew hater and inventer and poster of nonsense.

      You spin and wiggle and twist.

      But the truth is easy to see…

      A Jew hating, Israel trashing, Judaism slandering, Zionist bashing troll of a man.

      simple really.

      Embrace your self honestly, you are a spiritual nazi.

    3. It is not about Jack Hawkins, "O"rdure.

      It is about the apartheid and fascist state of ISrael.
      The government, there, that would accept al-Qeada ruling in Syria.
      The government that is allied with the Wahhabi of Saudi Arabia.

      The government that has abandoned Moses, the Torah and the very essence of Judaism.


    4. The Zionist government that "O"rdure embraces and defends has, by its actions, has denounced Judaism.
      All the while claiming to be its public face, here on Earth.

      The ultimate "False Flag" operation...

    5. The truth of Zionism can be found in its own history, in Palestine.

      Zionists murder Jewish refugees

      On Nov. 25, 1940, a boat carrying Jewish refugees from Nazi Europe, the “Patra,” exploded and sank off the coast of Palestine killing 252 people.

      The Zionist “Haganah” claimed the passengers committed suicide to protest British refusal to let them land.

      Years later, it admitted that rather than let the passengers go to Mauritius, it blew up the vessel for its propaganda value.
      “Sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice the few in order to save the many,” Moshe Sharett, a former Israeli Prime Minister said at memorial service in 1958.

      Murder most foul of Jewish refugees, defended by the Zionists politicians.
      Murdered for the greater good of all, they said ... echoing Hitler and his henchmen.


    6. That is the essence of Zionism, that is what "Occupation" has wrought

    7. Once again, you show your true colors.

      No need to split hairs with your absurd bullshit.

      Wormtongue you are…

      A liar. Jew hater and inventer and poster of nonsense.

      You spin and wiggle and twist.

      But the truth is easy to see…

      A Jew hating, Israel trashing, Judaism slandering, Zionist bashing troll of a man.

      simple really.

      Embrace your self honestly, you are a spiritual nazi.


    8. Murder of Jewish refugees, that is "Occupation"

    9. Once again, you show your true colors.

      No need to split hairs with your absurd bullshit.

      Wormtongue you are…

      A liar. Jew hater and inventer and poster of nonsense.

      You spin and wiggle and twist.

      But the truth is easy to see…

      A Jew hating, Israel trashing, Judaism slandering, Zionist bashing troll of a man.

      simple really.

      Embrace your self honestly, you are a spiritual nazi.

  19. .

    BAGHDAD – Islamic State militants on Friday captured the main government compound in Ramadi, the capital of Iraq's western Anbar province, after fierce clashes with security forces.

    Ramadi's Mayor Dalaf al-Kubaisi says the militants raised the black flag of ISIS over the area after troops were forced to withdraw from the compound, which houses most of the city's government offices.

    He said the IS militants, who also seized other parts of the city, are now attacking the Anbar Operation Command, the military headquarters for the province.

    Dalaf said at least 10 policemen were killed in the fighting and dozens of other security forces were wounded. He said IS militants killed several captured policemen and army officers in the city, where most civilians have fled...

    Since there are no pictures of ISIS on patrol some are denying this story.


    1. I posted this story 3 or 4 hours ago.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. .

      Gee, sorry. I didn't see it.

      Is there a redundancy charge or something I owe?


    4. Update::


    5. No redundancy charge. I just wanted to point out that the snark was unnecessary.


    Another candidate gunned down; armed commando interrupts rally to assassinate candidate, former Autodefensa leader, he received serval bullet impacts by gunman

    Enrique Saucedo Hernandez, former leader of the Michoacán autodefensas and a Morena (political party)candidate running for mayor of Yurécuaro, was killed last night at a rally, confirmed the Municipal Public Security and Michoacán Atty General.

    According to local authorities, at 19:30 pm yesterday, a commando aboard a truck open fire on the candidate, wounding three people, including a minor.

  21. .

    Some opponents of Turkish president Erdogan question whether he has lost his mind as he seeks constitutional changes undisclosed at this time) that would make the Turkish presidency a dictatorship.

    Certainly Erdogan has a lot at stake. If the result of the June election does not allow him to introduce the presidential rule he wants, it might never happen. “If he cannot achieve this goal, it could mark the first defeat in his political life,” writes columnist Murat Yetkin in the English-language Hurriyet Daily News.

    A nationalist politician claims the prime minister was telling people behind closed doors that Erdogan “is out of his mind.”

    So Erdogan is scrambling. According to news reports, he is scheduled to appear at more than 30 rallies before polling day, most of them officially billed as opening ceremonies for public projects. Erdogan traveled to Germany and Belgium to address Turkish voters there.

    Most polls say the AKP is likely to receive between 40 and 45 per cent of the vote, much more than any other party. But a simple victory is not enough for Erdogan. He wants to pulverize the opposition in order to introduce a presidential system that Kurdish party leader Selahattin Demirtas has called a “constitutional dictatorship.”

    Erdogan says the current parliamentary system is too cumbersome if Turkey wants to take on a bigger role in the world. But critics like Demirtas say Erdogan’s ambition means the new system is unlikely to include the checks and balances that limit the power of the president in the United States and in other countries. In fact, Erdogan has not given any details of the sort of presidential rule he has in mind, he is just telling voters they have to give him the parliamentary power to make whatever changes he wants.

    On the campaign trail, AKP officials and candidates are facing an uphill battle to fulfill Erdogan’s wishes. A party needs the support of at least 367 of the 550 lawmakers in parliament to change the constitution; with at least 330 deputies, a party can send a bill for constitutional changes to a referendum. At the election in 2011, the AKP received 327 seats after it raked in almost 50 per cent of the popular vote. This time, the president has called on voters to give him 400 deputies to change the constitution. All polls agree that this is out of the question.

    Erdogan’s critics are concerned that the president might resort to foul play to ensure an AKP landslide. The secularist Republican People’s Party (CHP), Turkey’s biggest opposition group, says it will send a total of 525,000 volunteers to observe vote-counting on polling day. One reason the opposition is worried is that several power cuts hindered vote-counting after local elections last year, triggering accusations of vote-rigging to the AKP’s benefit. At the time, the government said a cat had entered a power distribution unit and caused a short circuit.

    CHP deputy chairman Tekin Gursel warned Erdogan might take even more desperate steps and start a military adventure in Syria in an effort to cash in on a wave of nationalism or postpone the election. Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu denied the claim...


    1. Turkey, a real NATO ally.

      A Treaty with a lot of obligations, but without an expiration date

    2. Once again, you show your true colors.

      No need to split hairs with your absurd bullshit.

      Wormtongue you are…

      A liar. Jew hater and inventer and poster of nonsense.

      You spin and wiggle and twist.

      But the truth is easy to see…

      A Jew hating, Israel trashing, Judaism slandering, Zionist bashing troll of a man.

      simple really.

      Embrace your self honestly, you are a spiritual nazi.

    3. Lie on top of lie, continually repeated, "O"rdure, does not become truth.

      Explain the morality of those murders of Jewish refugees, by Zionist terrorists, for propaganda purposes.
      Explain why we should not believe Jews who claim that Zionism has no relationship with the Torah or Judaism.

      Disdain for the truth, that is "Occupation"

    4. Abandon the Book of Babylon, "O"rdure.
      Abandon the "Synagogue of Satan" and return to the the Torah

      A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them.
      Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17

      It is not right to lie, to defend the Talmud and the "Synagogue of Satan"
      It is plainly written in the Torah, read it ...

      "Thou shall not bear false witness" (Exodus 20:16),
      "Thou shall not steal, thou shall not deny falsely, and thou shall not lie one to another" (Leviticus 19: 11),
      "Distance yourself from a false matter" (Exodus 23:7).

      Discard the lies, "O"rdure, abandon the Talmud of Babylon and embrace the word of Moses ...
      Your soul can still be redeemed, if you embrace the spirit of Moses and begin to tell the Truth.

      For it is in truth that you will find freedom.


    5. Once again, you show your true colors.

      No need to split hairs with your absurd bullshit.

      Wormtongue you are…

      A liar. Jew hater and inventer and poster of nonsense.

      You spin and wiggle and twist.

      But the truth is easy to see…

      A Jew hating, Israel trashing, Judaism slandering, Zionist bashing troll of a man.

      simple really.

      Embrace your self honestly, you are a spiritual nazi.

  22. Jack HawkinsThu May 14, 01:12:00 PM EDT
    How much cash I got from the cartels is hard to say, but they were happy
    with the body count I gave them…

    I was desperate to raise money for my 350 acres of bottom lands in AZ

    I am going to strive to not comment when The Criminal is about the Blog.

    It is demeaning to myself, the other posters, and the blog and it's owner.

    He should be kicked out of here.

    Cheers !!

  23. Jack today proves my point.

    He is a spiritual nazi.

    His points are crap.

    1. "O"rdure writing it certainly does not make it true.
      Anything but ...

      "O"rdure knows that, but he needs the scholarship money more than he respects truth.

      Israel Pays Students For Pro-Israeli Social Media Propaganda

      The move was publicised in a statement from Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office, the Associated Press reported. Students will receive scholarships to "engage international audiences online" and combat anti-Semitism and calls to boycott Israel, it was alleged.

      According to Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz, the most recent proposition is being spearheaded by Danny Seaman, who was slammed by the media for writing anti-Muslim messages on Facebook.

      Students will be organised into units at each university, with a chief co-ordinator who receives a full scholarship, three desk co-ordinators for language, graphics and research who receive lesser scholarships and students termed “activists” who will receive a “minimal scholarship”, the Independent reported.

    2. Once again, you show your true colors.

      No need to split hairs with your absurd bullshit.

      Wormtongue you are…

      A liar. Jew hater and inventer and poster of nonsense.

      You spin and wiggle and twist.

      But the truth is easy to see…

      A Jew hating, Israel trashing, Judaism slandering, Zionist bashing troll of a man.

      simple really.

      Embrace your self honestly, you are a spiritual nazi.

  24. The similarities of Zionism and Islam become ever more apparent.
    Little wonder, then, that the Zionists and the Wahhabi have formed an alliance.
    They share the same spiritual values

    A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them.
    Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17

    Muslims (Zionists) lie when it is in their interest to do so and “Allah” ("Jehovah") will not hold them accountable for lying when it is beneficial to the cause of Islam (Zionism). They can lie without any guilt or fear of accountability or retribution.
    A lie in the defense of Islam (Zionism) is approved even applauded in their “holy” books.

    1. Once again, you show your true colors.

      No need to split hairs with your absurd bullshit.

      Wormtongue you are…

      A liar. Jew hater and inventer and poster of nonsense.

      You spin and wiggle and twist.

      But the truth is easy to see…

      A Jew hating, Israel trashing, Judaism slandering, Zionist bashing troll of a man.

      simple really.

      Embrace your self honestly, you are a spiritual nazi.

  25. Even our old contributor, Mat, knew the truth ...

    Mətušélaḥ Thu Dec 20, 11:18:00 PM EST
    Israel is wrong on this issue, as it does not follow the Biblical precepts.
    The Talmud is an abomination, and is not a source of authority.

    The Torah is the only authoritative source we should be referring to.

    As far as the Sanhedrin goes, it, as well as the Temple Complex should never have existed.
    That they no longer exist is good thing.

    Embrace the Torah, O"rdure and abandon the Babylonian "Synagogue of Satan".

    There is still time for you to redeem your soul.

    1. Once again, you show your true colors.

      No need to split hairs with your absurd bullshit.

      Wormtongue you are…

      A liar. Jew hater and inventer and poster of nonsense.

      You spin and wiggle and twist.

      But the truth is easy to see…

      A Jew hating, Israel trashing, Judaism slandering, Zionist bashing troll of a man.

      simple really.

      Embrace your self honestly, you are a spiritual nazi.

  26. Wanted to post this before I forget -

    Majority of Americans Say Obama Should Support Israel, But Doesn’t

    May 15, 2015 by Daniel Greenfield

    There are a lot of areas where Obama is out of step with the American people. Israel is just one of them.

    The overwhelming majority of Americans believes the US president should be a “strong supporter” of Israel, but only 38 percent believe President Barack Obama to be one, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released this week.

    According to the poll, 67% of the public feel the president should be strongly supportive of Israel, while 20% said he should not be. Forty-eight percent of the respondents said Obama is not a strong supporter – a number that has increased from 42% in April 2010.

    Americans say 48 to 38 percent that Obama is not a strong supporter of Israel.



    The majority of Dems say that Obama is pro-Israel, but Republicans and Independents dissent.

    About Daniel Greenfield

    Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.


    The support of the American People for Israel has not faltered in decades, or ever, really.

    Mine has gotten stronger, as I age and become wiser.

    Our current Administration is definitely at odds with the people of USA on this issue.

    Cheers !

    1. And, this for Rufus -

      ISIS on the Run, Takes Capital of Iraq’s Largest Province

      May 15, 2015 by Daniel Greenfield


      pic of ISIS militants on patrol at the above

      Remember when the media told us that Obama was on this ISIS thing and we didn’t have to worry about it? Just like Iraq after the withdrawal, the bad news recedes until ‘suddenly’ something goes wrong.

      The Islamic State on Friday took control of the provincial government center of Ramadi, the capital of Iraq’s largest province, in a major defeat for the Iraqi government.

      Islamic State forces launched a fierce assault of car bombs on Iraqi government security facilities overnight, and by late afternoon, their black flag was flying over the governor’s office. Security forces appeared to be in full flight as militants consolidated control over the area and prevented anyone from leaving the area.

      “Daash has surrounded the Anbar Operations Center and heavy fighting is taking place near the headquarters of operations,” said the official, who was inside the operations center. Gunfire and explosions could be heard over his phone line.

      Local residents and security officials confirmed that not only was the Islamic State blocking residents from leaving the area, but had been going house to house gathering mobile phones of residents and had executed at least 50 pro-government tribal fighters as well as several top tribal leaders as they took control of the area.

      One police officer told McClatchy that the Islamic State used armored bulldozers to move blast walls and other fortifications to clear the way for the wave of suicide bombers in vehicles, who then decimated much of the city center’s defenses.

      Obama’s strategy clearly isn’t working, largely because he refuses to understand that the real problem here is Iran’s control over the Iraqi government.

      He can’t accept that as the problem because his current strategy depends on an alliance with Iran. And that incentivizes Iran to further break down defenses against ISIS in Iraq, wrecking the police and military, and replacing them with their own militias.

      This is a two-sided dance and Obama’s alliance with Iran is helping wreck what’s left of Iran, reducing it to a country divided between Iran and Al Qaeda.

      About Daniel Greenfield

      Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.

      I have assigned the $1,000 dollars Rufus owes me over to WiO.

      Being closer to the source, he can more easily hire lawyers to enforce payment of the debt due.

      I am hoping he will donate the precedes to the Likud Party in Israel.


      Cheers !


    2. I think Mr. Greenfield made a typo error in his last sentence, where 'Iran' should read 'Iraq'.

    3. Do you mean to say that the JPost is not reporting the truth, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson?

      The study saw that Republicans, by a ratio of more than 2-to-1, thought the US should stand behind Israel even if its positions diverge considerably from American interests. Conversely, those who identified as Democrats said the opposite was true at roughly the same ratio and that American interests override those of Israel.

      The Bloomberg Politics poll also found that Republicans had more sympathetic feelings towards Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over US President Barack Obama at 67 percent to 16.

      Democrats, on the other hand, felt more allegiance towards the US commander-and-chief at a 76 percent to nine percent advantage.

  27. No Prizes for entries After the next contest has started.

  28. Paul Krugman: Fraternity of Failure

    Mistakes were made:

    Fraternity of Failure, by Paul Krugman, Commentary, NY Times: Jeb Bush wants to stop talking about past controversies. And you can see why. ... The big “Let’s move on” story of the past few days involved Mr. Bush’s response when asked ... whether, knowing what he knows now, he would have supported the 2003 invasion of Iraq. He answered that yes, he would. ...

    Then he tried to walk it back. He “interpreted the question wrong,” and isn’t interested in engaging “hypotheticals.” Anyway, “going back in time” is a “disservice” to those who served in the war.

    Take a moment to savor the cowardice and vileness of that last remark. ... Mr. Bush is trying to hide behind the troops, pretending that any criticism ... is an attack on the courage and patriotism of those who paid the price for their superiors’ mistakes. That’s sinking very low, and it tells us a lot ... about the candidate’s character...

    Wait, there’s more: Incredibly, Mr. Bush resorted to the old passive-voice dodge, admitting only that “mistakes were made.” Indeed. By whom? Well, earlier this year Mr. Bush released a list of his chief advisers on foreign policy, and it was a who’s-who of mistake-makers ... in the Iraq disaster and other debacles. ...

    In Bushworld, in other words, playing a central role in catastrophic policy failure doesn’t disqualify you from future influence. ...

    1. Take my usual focus, economic policy. ... Having been completely wrong about the economy, like having been completely wrong about Iraq, seems to be a required credential.

      What’s going on here? My best explanation is that we’re witnessing the effects of extreme tribalism. On the modern right, everything is a political litmus test. Anyone who tried to think through the pros and cons of the Iraq war was, by definition, an enemy of President George W. Bush and probably hated America; anyone who questioned whether the Federal Reserve was really debasing the currency was surely an enemy of capitalism and freedom.

      It doesn’t matter that the skeptics have been proved right. Simply raising questions about the orthodoxies of the moment leads to excommunication, from which there is no coming back. So the only “experts” left standing are those who made all the approved mistakes. It’s kind of a fraternity of failure: men and women united by a shared history of getting everything wrong, and refusing to admit it. Will they get the chance to add more chapters to their reign of error?

      Economist's View

  29. .

    The House of Representatives passed a defense bill authorizing more than $600 billion in funding for the Pentagon, setting up a potential showdown with President Obama, who has threatened to veto the measure.

    The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 passed, 269-151, on a mostly party line vote, though eight Republicans opposed the measure and 41 Democrats supported it. The legislation authorizes $612 billion in funding for the Defense Department.

    The debate over the bill proved contentious, despite it passing the Armed Services Committee last month with only two no votes. One of the main disagreements is not over the level of funding, but the method. Democrats pushed Republicans to fund the military above the mandatory levels set by the Budget Control Act, commonly known as sequestration. Instead, the legislation adds $89 billion to the Overseas Contingency Operations fund – known as OCO – which is meant to finance overseas operations and is not subject to the budget caps. Democrats have repeatedly referred to this as a “budget gimmick.”

    Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi sent a “Dear Colleague” letter to House Democrats Thursday urging them to vote no on the measure.

    “The Republican defense authorization bill before the House is both bad budgeting and harmful to military planning – perpetuating uncertainty and instability in the defense budget, and damaging the military’s ability to plan and prepare for the future,” Pelosi wrote...

    Obama has threatened to veto it.

    I would be surprised if he does it. Very surprised, although pleasantly so.


  30. .

    In watching this Stephanopoulos brouhaha, for some reason I keep thinking of Candy Crowley moderating the debate.



    1. If financially success is an indicator of which person should be elected to the office of President ...

      New York Times -
      Hillary Rodham Clinton and her husband made at least $30 million over the last 16 months, mainly from giving paid speeches to corporations, banks and other organizations, according to financial disclosure forms filed with federal elections officials on Friday.

      Miami Herald -
      U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio earned more than $30,000 in additional book royalties in 2014, according to his latest financial disclosure and pulled in considerably more this year as he emerged as a presidential contender.

      $30 million is an indicator of financial success, especially when compared to $30 thousand.
      But perhaps financial success is not important ....

  31. For Rufus, know here as 'The Welsher' -

    Beer Map of the World

    I just KNEW what brand RULES in North America !

    Most popular beer in each country world wide.


    1. welsh
      [welsh, welch]

      Word Origin

      verb (used without object), Informal: Sometimes Offensive.
      to cheat by failing to pay a gambling debt:
      You aren't going to welsh on me, are you?
      to go back on one's word:
      He welshed on his promise to help in the campaign.
      Also, welch.
      Origin of welsh
      1855-60; perhaps special use of Welsh
      Related forms
      welsher, noun
      Usage note
      Use of this verb is sometimes perceived as insulting to or by the Welsh, the people of Wales. However, its actual origin may have nothing to do with Wales or its people; in fact, the verb is also spelled welch. Unabridged
      Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2015.
      Cite This Source
      British Dictionary definitions for welsh
      verb (slang) ( intransitive) often foll by on
      to fail to pay a gambling debt
      to fail to fulfil an obligation
      Derived Forms
      welsher, welcher, noun
      Word Origin
      C19: of unknown origin

      Word of the Day

      Few English speakers likely know this word

  32. Rufus IIThu May 14, 11:11:00 AM EDT
    Rat, and I, were a little optimistic on our timelines, but it doesn't matter a whit.

    The headcutting assholes are steadily dying, and our troops aren't.

    There is no fighting in Ramadi. Every now and then the headcutters try to take back one of the surrounding towns that they were kicked out of in this last round of fighting, but every time they are beat back.

    ISIS is slowly getting weaker, and the Iraqis are getting stronger - and, we continue to fly around and drop some ordnance when the occasion presents itself.

    Undoubtably, the most intelligent military operation of my lifetime.


    Rufus the military genius strikes again.

    1. "There is no fighting in Ramadi."
      Rufus Welsher

      If there isn't, it's cause all the Government troops have now fled.

      :) heh

    2. >>>>>>>"we continue to fly around and drop some ordnance when the occasion presents itself.

      Undoubtably, the most intelligent military operation of my lifetime. "<<<<<<<

      Rufus Welsher


    3. Ramadi, provincial capital of western Iraqi Anbar, fell to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant Friday, May 15. The town, 110 km west of Baghdad, controls the traffic on the Euphrates River. Small pockets of Iraqi troops are still stranded there after taking hundreds of casualties

    4. I blame the greater part Ruf's non sense on a killer mixture of Budweiser Light ( the most favored beer in USA ) and Jim Beam, added to his innate optimism.

  33. The latest issue of The Journal of Near Death Studies has an article entitled "Iranian Shiite Muslim Near Death Experiences:Features and After-effects including Dispositional Gratitude" by Alinaghi Ghasmiannejad, M.A.; Jeffery Long, M.D.; Farnoosh Faith Nouri, Ph.D.; and Komeyl Farahnakian, M.A.

    Dr Long is well known to American readers of the Journal.

    The upshot, backed by many graphs, questionnaires, much scientific numbering and such, is that, as I expected, Iranian NDE's are much like those all over the world, unrolling in a given predictable form, regardless of the differences in language and 'culture'.

    Death brings out our common deep humanity and clarity.

    It's life and culture that does the confusing and brings forth the inhumanity.


  34. Tsarnaev sentenced to death in Boston bombing...

    'No emotion at all'..........Drudge

    Tsarnaev is going to get his justice here, and an unhappy surprise 'over there'.

    Cheers !

