Tuesday, May 05, 2015

“The guiding military principle of ‘minimum risk to our forces, even at the cost of harming innocent civilians,’ alongside efforts to deter and intimidate the Palestinians, led to massive and unprecedented harm to the population and the civilian infrastructure in the Gaza Strip. Policymakers could have predicted these results prior to the operation and were surely aware of them throughout.”

'Fire at every person you see': Israeli soldiers reveal they were ordered to shoot to kill in Gaza – even if the targets may have been civilians

Israeli campaign group Breaking the Silence interviews more than 60 members of the Israeli army, air force and navy, including soldiers and officers

The Israeli military deliberately pounded civilian areas in the Gaza Strip with incessant fire of inaccurate ordinance during last year’s war against Hamas and was at best indifferent about casualties among the Palestinian population.
Those are the conclusions of a report complied by Breaking the Silence, an Israeli group that has spent the eight months since the end of the war, known as Operation Protective Edge, interviewing more than 60 members of the Israeli army, air force and navy, including soldiers and officers up to the rank of major.
The service personnel paint a picture that runs counter to official Israeli military claims that the surgical operation – which became a full-blown conflict after three Israeli teenagers were kidnapped and murdered in the occupied West Bank - took great care to avoid civilian casualties and that Gaza’s already fragile infrastructure was not unnecessarily targetted.
International critics of Israeli tactics during the seven-week conflict have argued that the army, the IDF, and the country’s other forces, responded disproportionately to rocket attacks from groups such as Hamas. This, they say, led to 2,220 Palestinians being killed, according to UN figures, the vast majority of them civilians.

There were seven civilian deaths on the Israeli side of the border as a result of rockets fired from inside the Gaza Strip by militant groups. A total of 66 Israeli military personnel were killed. Those Palestinian militants firing rockets across the border could not possibly have known where they were going to land.
This latest report by Breaking the Silence comes not only from within Israel itself, but includes more than 100 testimonies from soldiers who took part in the campaign.
The testimonies include examples of the acts of individual soldiers, including the shooting dead of civilians where those providing evidence say a more measured approach could have been taken. Others talk of incidents where confusion in the midst of a military campaign led to lethal decisions being made when there were other courses of action. A large number of soldiers maintain that the way in which the war was conducted was reasonable, but have decided to speak out against particular decisions or practices.
More worryingly, the report which runs to 240 pages, also details policies and norms – some of which came directly from IDF high command, which Breaking the Silence claims are systematic and led explicitly to greater loss of life and more damage.

“While the testimonies include pointed descriptions of inappropriate behavior by soldiers in the field, the more disturbing picture that arises from these testimonies reflects systematic policies that were dictated to IDF forces of all ranks and in all zones,” the report says.
“The guiding military principle of ‘minimum risk to our forces, even at the cost of harming innocent civilians,’ alongside efforts to deter and intimidate the Palestinians, led to massive and unprecedented harm to the population and the civilian infrastructure in the Gaza Strip. Policymakers could have predicted these results prior to the operation and were surely aware of them throughout.”
Chief among Breaking the Silence’s findings is that the IDF watered down the rules of engagement such that any person in a combat zone was considered an enemy threat.
“Many of the soldiers testified that the rules of engagement they were provided with before the ground incursion into Gaza were unclear and lenient. The soldiers were briefed by their commanders to fire at every person they identified in a combat zone, since the working assumption was that every person in the field was an enemy,” Breaking the Silence claims.
One solider, a First Sergeant in the IDF’s engineering unit who was sent to Gaza City, said: “The briefing on rules of engagement was [to open fire at], ‘Anything you think you should [open fire at]… Anyone you spot that you can be positive is not the IDF.’ The only emphasis regarding rules of engagement was to make sure you weren’t firing at IDF forces, but other than that, ‘Any person you see.’ From the very start they told us, ‘Shoot to kill.’ As far as the IDF was concerned, there wasn’t supposed to be any civilian population there.”
The Israeli air force dropped thousands of leaflets on areas it was preparing to attack, but according to the testimonies, it was assumed that once these leaflets had been distributed, anyone left would be from Hamas, or one of the other militant groups that took part in the war.
Another first sergeant, from an infantry division operating northern Gaza, said that he was told that, “if it looks like a man, shoot. It was simple: You’re in a motherf***ing combat zone. A few hours before you went in the whole area was bombed, if there’s anyone there who doesn’t clearly look innocent, you apparently need to shoot that person.”
A captain, who didn’t want his unit to be publicised, said: “During the briefing with the battalion commander on the night of the incursion, he was asked what the rules of engagement were, how we conduct ourselves, whom we shoot and whom we don’t. What he said was – and this was the general gist of things – ‘We are entering a war zone.’ Meaning, what we prepared for during training – combat in urban areas. The IDF distributed flyers informing the residents of the areas we were entering, and that anyone remaining in the area was in effect sentencing themselves to death. That’s what was said.”

Gaza, measuring about 40km by 10km, is one of the most densely populated areas on Earth with about 1.8 million residents. It is inconceivable that, even at a time of war, entire civilian populations could move to different areas of the strip. Moreover, the crossings between Gaza and Israel, and Gaza and Egypt, were for the most part closed to civilians during the war, meaning that civilians were unable to leave the enclave.
Another central claim by the Israelis was that buildings targetted by its bombers received a “knock at the door,” before they were destroyed. In practice, this was a small missile that caused only marginal damage to a building. The suggestion was that places being used by Palestinian fighters as command centres would receive a warning before they were destroyed, allowing civilians to leave.
During this war, this policy was lauded by the Israelis as a sign that civilian casualties were being kept to a minimum.
“I do remember there was this one house of five or six stories in Khirbet Khuza’a. I remember there was ‘hot’ intel [sic] data on a meeting between militants there,” said one of the soldiers quoted in the report.

“The head of the cell was there for sure, and a decision was made to ’knock on the building’s roof,’ … and then immediately after that drop a bomb on it.”
Asked by Breaking the Silence what he means by “immediately,” the soldier replied: “Not enough time for everyone to leave. Somewhere between 30 seconds and one minute.”
The bombing began on 8 July last year, nine days before Israeli forces entered the Palestinian enclave. Whole areas of Gaza, particularly Shuja’iyya and Beit Hanoun, were flattened during the campaign. Other military personnel interviewed by Breaking the Silence admit that this was part of a deliberate effort by the IDF, and say that inaccurate weapons were used to bombard neighbourhoods before ground troops arrived. “… shells, shells, shells. A suspicious structure, an open area, a field, a place where a tunnel shaft could be – fire, fire, fire. There was a period of about five days from the moment when we were first called in for duty until there was a ground incursion. Throughout that entire time, fire.”
Breaking the Silence has specifically condemned the IDF for the use of what it describes “statistical weapons” – mortars and other artillery that are almost impossible to aim accurately. In such a densely populated area, and where homes are built on top of each other, collateral damage was inevitable, the group argues.

“In practice, during the preliminary shelling, the army pounded populated areas throughout the Strip with artillery shells in order to scare off enemy combatants who were in the area, and at times also to urge the civilian population to flee,” Breaking the Silence say.
Israel won plaudits from its allies in London and Washington for the war was conducted. General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the US joint chiefs, the United States’ most senior military officer said in November last year that, “Israel went to extraordinary lengths to limit collateral damage and civilian casualties”.
Last week, in an interview with the Jewish Chronicle newspaper, David Cameron made one of his strongest defences of the Israeli position yet.
Using a phrase that was coined by Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister said that it was “important to speak out” about standing by Israel and said there was an “important difference” between Israel’s use of weapons to defend itself and Hamas’ use of them “to defend its weapons”.
Other Israeli soldiers interviewed by Breaking the Silence talked about the need to win the propaganda war. The war was characterised by a number of ceasefires that fell apart, and when an Egyptian brokered deal eventually brought an end to the fighting, both the Israelis and Hamas claimed victory.
One soldier described a system by which targets would come with a rating – zero, one and two, to describe the potential loss of civilian life that came with destroying it.
“It’s always ‘Targets, targets, targets.’ And at a certain point they say ‘You can start submitting targets to the planning crews, you can start submitting targets for approval that are at the highest collateral damage levels, at collateral damage level two.’ This was during a later stage of the fighting… So they just say that there was an instruction issued by the general staff (The IDF’s supreme command) that from now on we can plan strikes on targets that are level two collateral damage.
Asked why the target level changed, the soldier explained, “because the target bank was being depleted. Like, ‘Hamas is pushing for a display of victory,’ that’s always the expression used, ‘pushing for a display of victory’ is this sweeping expression that’s used at the end of every round [of fighting].”
Breaking the Silence argues that its findings justify an independent investigation into the conduct of last summer’s war. The group says each time Israel goes to war in Gaza, the threshold of what is acceptable is pushed up a level.
In a statement the IDF said: “The IDF is committed to properly investigating all credible claims raised via media, NGOs, and official complaints concerning IDF conduct during operation Protective Edge, in as serious a manner as possible.
“Today, as in the past the organisation ‘Breaking the Silence’ has been asked to provide any evidence or testimony related to IDF activities prior to publication, in order for genuine investigations to be carried out. Unfortunately, as in the past, ‘Breaking the Silence’ has refused to provide the IDF with any proof of their claims.”
In a letter seen by The Independent, Breaking the Silence approached the IDF on 23 March. The group wrote to the IDF chief of staff, Gadi Eizenkot, requesting a meeting. “With the completion of the first stage of gathering testimonies from the combatants from Operation Protective Edge, and in the light of the severity of the facts described in the [testimonies], we ask to present the findings to you, urgently,” the letter says.
The group says that it approached soldiers to interview, and that it rejected the testimony of some on the grounds that it was unreliable. Included in that number is a new Israeli MP from Mr Netanyahu’s Likud party, Oren Hazan, who approached the group with the intention of giving false testimony with the aim of discrediting the organisation. Mr Hazan did not take part in the conflict.


  1. Disgusting that we are politically laced to this open scab.

    1. What part of this is not believable? It has to be the case because so many innocent civilian Palestinians including women and children were killed. The IDF and some Israelis are simply paranoid and going to do anything to defend their "victimhood." What's horrible is Israel is the most powerful wealthy nuclear armed nation in the Middle East. Israel is NOT a victim of any Arab nation and certainly not a victim of Palestinians or even Hamas or Iran. Israel needs to be stopped.

    2. "open scab"

      You have jumped the shark fonzie...

    3. As for the "death" count in Gaza?

      You would think that a trigger happy IDF, destroying hundreds of thousands of homes could kill more than 2,000 sitting ducks among 1.2 MILLION people...

      Or maybe your report is crap?

      Crying wolf. again...

      don't know what it means? LOOK IT UP

  2. The Israeli government can now legally seize Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem after judges approved the use of a controversial law.

    The Palestinian side of the holy city had previously been exempt from the Absentees' Property Law, brought in after the 1948 war to allow arriving Israelis to move into abandoned homes.

    But now Israel’s Supreme Court has ruled that it can be applied to East Jerusalem, effectively allowing the state to take control of property whose owners live in the West Bank or Gaza.

    1. Abandoned homes

      Armed with a staple gun and a sheaf of bright pink posters, Derrick McCall is trying to stop this city's decline.

      He drives his noisy city truck through North Philadelphia, looking for a house on 26th Street, one of the 25,000 vacant structures in the city. He finds it in a line of row houses, its front door and window sheathed in plywood.

      McCall staples a poster to the plywood covering the door. The poster declares the building "a blighting influence," in violation of a city code that requires all buildings to have working doors and windows. Plywood or other boards are prohibited, and the fine is $300 per opening — per day.

      After decades of ignoring the blight that has spread through its neighborhoods, Philadelphia is trying to reclaim its vacant homes through aggressive initiatives designed to compel negligent owners to fix their properties or see them seized and torn down.

    2. Oh my, the crime!

      Abandoned homes taken back by the government....

      Call the UN....

      Call the ICJ....

    3. They are being called.

      The truth is coming clean.
      "O"rdure continues to rant, uncontrollably.

      Gotta get me a piece of chocolate, to celebrate.


    4. The truth?

      One standard for Israel no standards for anyone else is jew hatred...

  3. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/M/ML_ISLAMIC_STATE_TEXAS_SHOOTING?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2015-05-05-07-17-22

    The Islamic State group claimed responsibility on Tuesday for a weekend attack at a center near Dallas, Texas, that was exhibiting cartoon depictions of the Prophet Muhammad - though it offered no evidence of a direct link to the attackers.

    An audio statement on the extremist group's Al Bayan radio station said that "two soldiers of the caliphate" carried out Sunday's attack and promised the group would deliver more attacks in the future.

    Turns out, that one of the terrorists, Simpson, has been under the AZ FBI's watch for over 7 years.

    AZ is a hotbed for Islamic Terrorists.

    I wonder WHO HERE at this blog is from AZ and hates Israel, Zionism and the Jewish faith, but doesn't hate Jews (lol)

    I wonder...

    It's a felony to provide material support for terrorists....

    1. Th answer to the question posed, by "O"rdure.

      No one.

    2. Come on Jack, don't be shy...

      You are the supporter of Hamas....

      You win!

      You are the person that supports Hamas, hates Israel and slanders Jews on a daily basis..

      why are you so shy now?

      after all the AZ FBI does know you by name..

  4. 'Fire at every person you see': Israeli soldiers reveal they were ordered to shoot to kill in Gaza – even if the targets may have been civilians


    And yet so FEW deaths...

    Now in Syria, an example of 'Fire at every person you see" has resulted in the deaths of over 300,000.....

    Now that's a FINE example of slaughter....

    1. So few deaths ...
      That is the number of ISraeli killed by the Palestinians prior to the ISraeli assault.
      That number is ZERO.

      The number of Palestinaians killed in the ISraeli Operation, it is in the thousands ...

    2. Jack, you forgot the 3 kidnapped Israelis...

      And you forgot the ATTEMPT to murder thousands...

      Firing rockets at civilians, on purpose, as Hamas did, BEFORE any Israeli reaction, IS a war crime and each is attempted murder....

      Your slicing and dicing of facts stands tall with hamas.....

      The fact that Israel INVESTS in bunkers for it's citizens and defensive system to mitigate the terror attacks doesn't diminish the terror attack...

      No my Hamas supporting enemy, your case is shit...

      The point of the thread was the number of Palestinian deaths by the IDF...

      2,000 out of 1,200,000 folks...

      You call Gaza a concentration camp, that the IDF kills wantonly, and yet the numbers do not support your thesis...

    3. The kidnapped children were not kidnapped by Hamas.
      It was not part of the policy of Palestinian government of Palestine o kidnap or kill those three teenagers.

      That was a crime committed by individuals, not a government, not an Army.

    4. Actually PAID, Trained and organized by Hamas.

      But that's interesting now you use the "crime committed by individuals, not a government, not an Army." line...

      I guess I will save that when you slander Israel and Jews....



    5. I notice your parsing of words again Jack...

      those terror tunnels, those rockets that Hamas fired INTO Israel before Israel responded were done also by the government of Gaza, Hamas, the government that is 1/2 of the Unity government of the palestinians....

      can't have it both ways jack....

      Hamas started the war....

      3 times now....

      own it.

  5. It is interesting to watch the ISraeli and their 'Show Trial'.

    A local "Court" that finds the International Law to be invalid.

    Now ISrael put itself on the moral ground of North Korea and Iran.
    The "Equivalency Standard" provided another proof, by the criminal actions of the ISraeli regime.

    1. There is no place called ISrael

      Are you talking about Israel? The Nation State of the Jewish people?

      The only functioning democracy in the entire region?

      Try again Hamas supporter...

      BTW, how well did you KNOW the 2 ISIS shooters? They are from your neck of the woods..

      I am sure, seeing how one was on the AZ FBI watch list you and him knew each other...

    2. What is "Occupation" Sun Aug 10, 08:42:00 PM EDT
      Israel IS.

      Pasted from -http://2164th.blogspot.com/2014/08/published-on-aug-10-2014-in-this-video.html

      ISrael is just another piece of "O"rdure agitprop come back to bite the hand that fed it.

    3. Israel IS....

      There is no such place called ISrael.

      Only Hamas supporters, Iranian Mullah supporter call Israel that way...

      get with the program Jack...

      Your Jew hatred is showing, again.


  6. Burundi's constitutional court on Tuesday validated the president's controversial bid for a third term, but the deputy president of the court, who fled to Rwanda ahead of the ruling, called it unconstitutional.

    1. I hear the President of the Palestinians, Abu Mazen, is in his 8th year of a 2 year term...


    2. The ISraeli government endorses the government of Abu Mazen
      Funds it, too.

      That is where Abu Mazen gains his primary legitimacy, from ISrael.

      Any other claim is disingenuous to the reality of the situation.

    3. Nice changing the subject... again..

      Lies distortion and slander...

      that is your game...

      can't answer a straight point....

  7. The ISraeli PM, Bibi sounds just like President Obama, when the people are rioting in the streets.

    The riots in Tel Aviv Sunday by Ethiopian protesters have prompted politicians to comment on the situation. Speaking with Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said that there was definitely good reason to examine the issues raised by protesters,Netanyahu has called a government meeting for Monday to discuss Sunday's riots.

    Aharonvitch said that there was “no doubt that the protesters have justified complaints. In Ofer Prison today, 19% of the inmates are Ethiopian, and there have been times where 40% of the inmates have been from that community. But they do not have a permit for this protest, and that makes it illegal.

    “We have to understand the root causes of the protests,” Aharonovitch said. “I see what happens in my hometown of Netanya, I see the problems. But you cannot take a single incident – in this case the video of violence by a police officer – and turn it into a reason for a riot. These things happen, with Ethiopians, with Russians, with Arabs, with immigrants from France. The solution is not just with the police. On Monday there will be a government meeting about this,” said Aharonovitch. “I hope we will find some solutions.”

    The ISraeli government of Netanyahoo now selling "Hope & Solutions", sounds like a weak sequel of "Hope & Change".

    1. Zionist Camp/Labor Party chairman Yitzhak Herzog wrote that the riots by Ethiopian youths in Tel Aviv was a
      “sad moment for Israel. These youths were born in Israel and are graduates of our educational system and the IDF. They dream and speak Hebrew and find themselves over and over again helpless against the poor treatment they receive from the public.

      “I hope that the smug attitude the Prime Minister has displayed until now on this matter will soon evaporate,”
      said Herzog.
      “Racism and an unwillingness to pay attention to the suffering of others is a recipe for the explosion of a time bomb.
      Solving the pain and suffering of the Ethiopian community is a national challenge and necessity.”

    2. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/194926#.VUjO-pOn8zw

    3. Israel is not perfect and is taking steps to better it's self...

      Ethiopian Doctor Who Lit Yom Ha’Atzmaut Torch Heads IDF Team in Nepal

      Israel’s first Ethiopian doctor, who lit one of the traditional torches on Yom Ha’Atzmaut give years ago, is leading the IDF medical team in Nepal.

      Dr. Avi Yitzchak made Aliyah in the early 1990s in the Operation Shlomo airlift and has become a symbol of success for the Ethiopian community.

      He arrived in Nepal five days ago, when he said there was absolutely nothing in the realm of first aid, and decided where to set up a field hospital, which went into operation immediately.

      “We began accepting patients from the Nepalese army hospital that was not able to function well, especially in the field of surgery,” said Yitzchak, who specialized in surgery when he studied medicine at Soroka Hospital at Ben Gurion University.

      “We are receiving citizens of Nepal with medical problems that the Nepalese army hospital cannot treat beaus they accept only soldiers and their families,” Dr. Yitzchak said from Katmandu.

      When not in the army, Dr. Yitzhak works as a surgeon at Soroka.

      When he was in Haiti in 2010, he said, “It’s unbelievable how the small State of Israel managed in 20 hours to establish the most advanced field hospital in Haiti. There is a huge amount of gratitude for Israel’s efforts… I am proud to be a part of this.”

      Israel aint perfect, perfect is a moving target....


  8. Viral video spurs race riots in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu moved quickly to stanch the fallout from race riots that gripped both Jerusalem and Tel Aviv on the weekend. Israeli Jews of Ethiopian descent, protesting what they allege is frequent brutality by Israeli police, encountered violent resistance from security forces.

    Mr. Netanyahu met Monday with Damas Pakedeh, a 21-year-old Israeli soldier, who was recorded by a video surveillance camera being beaten last week by two policemen in Holon, a community just south of Tel Aviv.

    “I was shocked by the pictures that I saw,” Mr. Netanyahu told the young man. “We cannot accept inflammatory rhetoric, racism, looking down on people and the beating of an IDF soldier,” he said, referring to the Israel Defence Forces.

    “We cannot accept this and the police are dealing with it. We need to change things.”


    The ISraeli "Hope for Change" ...
    It is comical - the hypocrisy the hate the Ashkenazi harbors for 'the other' bubbles up in Tel Aviv, of all places.

    Tel Aviv devotes about $100,000 — more than a third of its international marketing budget — to drawing gay tourists. Though no exact figures exist, officials estimate that tens of thousands of gay tourists from abroad arrive annually.

    "We are trying to create a model for openness, pluralism, tolerance," Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai told The Associated Press. "Live and let live — this is the city of Tel Aviv."

    The city's first openly gay-owned hotel was opened recently and numerous city-backed travel sites direct gay visitors to the hottest clubs, bars and resorts in town.

    "We've long recognized the economic potential of the gay community. The gay tourist is a quality tourist, who spends money and sets trends,"
    said Pini Shani, a Tourism Ministry official who has been involved in the campaign.

    "There's also no doubt that a tourist who's had a positive experience here is of PR value. If he leaves satisfied, he becomes an Israeli ambassador of good will."


    1. Come on Jack, come up with some new content...

      Same old bullshit, day after day, you have posted the same tripe at least 600 times..

      We all know when you get in your rage about Israel you have your laundry list of issues...

      But to the issue at hand....

      I hear your home city is huge about Gays....

      DO you have a problem with gays too?

    2. Jack, I thought you said you were Queer and Proud,..

      what changed?

    3. Jack Hawkins, Gay, Hamas Supporter, Israel hater....

      Smokes weed, sells guns...

      Friends with the ISIS shooters in AZ....

    4. The truth of the situation on the ground, in Occupied Palestine and ISrael just drives our little piece of "O"rdure to distraction.
      He falls deeper into the delusions he has created, it is as if they have become, for "O"rdure a part of his own reality.

      Which he continues to rant on about.

    5. There is no place called "ISrael"

      Now there is great nation called Israel, is that to which you are referring?

  9. Jack Hawkins, a Hamas supporter, an Iranian Mullah supporter, hates Jews, israel and zionism.

    His lies and slander know no bounds...

    But that's the Elephant Blog Bar for you....

  10. Buddy Larsen Thu Aug 28, 02:03:00 PM EDT

    Naw --BC was shut down, so i thought to check in & do some housekeeping --something i've been meaning to do for some time now --which is to acknowledge a ''ok, so you were right'' to DR's early crit of foreign policy stuff.


  11. Even in the mot liberal of the Zionist controlled cities, Tel Aviv, the racism inherent in Zionist ideology raises its ugly head.

    Providing another illustration that ISrael was not established as a "Jewish Homeland" ...
    ... but as a colony for the Ashkenazi from Europe.

    Refugees from the collapse of the Khazar Kingdom

    1. Thanks for your Jew hatred Jack..

      Once again you prove my point.

      Now I think you are late for your Hamas meeting

  12. What is "Occupation"Tue May 05, 10:27:00 AM EDT

    Come on Jack, come up with some new content...

    Same old bullshit, day after day, you have posted the same tripe at least 600 times..

    We all know when you get in your rage about Israel you have your laundry list of issues...

    But to the issue at hand....

    This excellent point applies to Deuce as well. Same old Jew-baiting day after day.

    Can't he at least bait bears or wolves or something at least twice a week ?

    Since it is just robo-blogging at this point about Israel, today I'm not taking part.

    This place desperately needs some new subject matter.

    I'll try to think of something.

    If I knew how to do it I could post some really good pictures of our best wheat crop ever........

    My new farmer knows his trade, and the gods have been with him so far this year too............

    Now we need a price rise.............

  13. I guess I could waste some time taking another look at Q's massive list of Democratic Candidates -

    Here are those who have dropped OUT -


    The following people have been the focus of presidential speculation in multiple media reports during the 2016 election cycle, but such speculation has ostensibly ceased for a period of three months or longer.

    Mike Beebe, Governor of Arkansas 2007–2015; Attorney General of Arkansas 2003–2007[27][28]
    Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator from Colorado since 2009; Superintendent of Denver Public Schools 2005–2009[29][25]
    Steve Beshear, Governor of Kentucky since 2007; Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky 1983–1987; Attorney General of Kentucky 1980–1983[29][30]
    Steve Bullock, Governor of Montana since 2013; Attorney General of Montana 2009–2013[31][32][29]
    Russ Feingold, U.S. Special Representative for the African Great Lakes region 2013-2015; U.S. Senator from Wisconsin 1993–2011[33][34]
    Christine Gregoire, Governor of Washington 2005–2013; Attorney General of Washington 1993–2005[35][36]
    Luis Gutiérrez, U.S. Representative from Illinois since 1993; Member of the Chicago City Council 1986–1992[37][38]
    Kamala Harris, Attorney General of California since 2011[36][39]
    Maggie Hassan, Governor of New Hampshire since 2013[31][40]
    Gary Locke, United States Ambassador to China 2011–2014; United States Secretary of Commerce 2009–2011; Governor of Washington 1997–2005[41][42]
    William H. McRaven, retired Admiral and former Commander of the United States Special Operations Command[43][44]
    Janet Napolitano, President of the University of California since 2013; U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security 2009–2013; Governor of Arizona 2003–2009[45]
    Jay Nixon, Governor of Missouri since 2009; Attorney General of Missouri 1993–2009[31][46]
    Ed Rendell, Governor of Pennsylvania 2003–2011; Mayor of Philadelphia 1992–2000[47]
    Kathleen Sebelius, United States Secretary of Health and Human Services 2009–2014; Governor of Kansas 2003–2009[33][35]
    Antonio Villaraigosa, Mayor of Los Angeles 2005–2013[48][33]
    Tom Wolf, Governor of Pennsylvania since 2015; Secretary of Revenue of Pennsylvania 2007-2008[29][30]


    1. And here are those who never dropped IN -


      Individuals listed in this section have been the focus of media speculation as being possible 2016 presidential candidates, but have unequivocally ruled out a presidential bid in 2016.

      Tammy Baldwin, U.S. Senator from Wisconsin since 2013; U.S. Representative from Wisconsin 1999–2013[49]
      Evan Bayh, U.S. Senator from Indiana 1999–2011; Governor of Indiana 1989–1997[50]
      Michael Bloomberg, Republican turned Independent Mayor of New York City 2002–2013[51]
      Cory Booker, U.S. Senator from New Jersey since 2013, Mayor of Newark, New Jersey 2006–2013[52]
      Jerry Brown, Governor of California since 2011 and 1975–1983; California Attorney General 2007–2011; presidential candidate in 1976, 1980 and 1992[53][54]
      Sherrod Brown, U.S. Senator from Ohio since 2007; U.S. Representative from Ohio 1993–2007; Secretary of State of Ohio 1983–1991[55]
      Joaquín Castro, U.S. Representative from Texas since 2013[56]
      Julian Castro, United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development since 2014; Mayor of San Antonio, Texas 2009–2014[57][58]
      George Clooney, actor and filmmaker from California[59]
      Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New York since 2011; Attorney General of New York 2007–2010; U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development 1997–2001[60]
      Howard Dean, Chairman of the Democratic National Committee 2005–2009; Governor of Vermont 1991–2003; presidential candidate in 2004[61]
      Bill de Blasio, Mayor of New York City since 2014; New York City Public Advocate 2010–2013; New York City Councilman 2002–2009[62][63]
      Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago since 2011; White House Chief of Staff 2009–2010; U.S. Representative from Illinois 2003–2009[64]
      Al Franken, U.S. Senator from Minnesota since 2009[65]
      Kirsten Gillibrand, U.S. Senator from New York since 2009; U.S. Representative from New York 2007–2009[66]
      Martin Heinrich, U.S. Senator from New Mexico since 2013; U.S. Representative from New Mexico 2009–2013[67]
      John Hickenlooper, Governor of Colorado since 2011; Mayor of Denver, Colorado 2003–2011[68]
      Tim Kaine, U.S. Senator from Virginia since 2013; Governor of Virginia 2006–2010[69]
      John Kerry, United States Secretary of State since 2013; U.S. Senator from Massachusetts 1985–2013; presidential nominee in 2004[70]
      Amy Klobuchar, U.S. Senator from Minnesota since 2007[71]
      Dennis Kucinich, U.S. Representative from Ohio 1997–2013; presidential candidate in 2004, and 2008; Mayor of Cleveland Ohio 1977–1979[72]
      Joe Manchin, U.S. Senator from West Virginia since 2010, Governor of West Virginia 2005–2010[73]
      Claire McCaskill, U.S. Senator from Missouri since 2007; Auditor of Missouri 1999–2007[74]
      Deval Patrick, Governor of Massachusetts 2007–2015[75][76]
      Kasim Reed, Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia since 2010[77]
      Robert Reich, United States Secretary of Labor 1993–1997[78][79]
      Brian Schweitzer, Governor of Montana 2005–2013[80]
      Jeanne Shaheen, U.S. Senator from New Hampshire since 2009; Governor of New Hampshire 1997–2003[81]
      Mark Warner, U.S. Senator from Virginia since 2009; Governor of Virginia 2002–2006[82]
      Elizabeth Warren, U.S. Senator from Massachusetts since 2013; Special Advisor to the President 2010–2011[83][84]


    2. I still like these two guys best -

      Other candidates

      Jeff Boss 9/11 Truther and perennial candidate from New Jersey
      Robby Wells Former head football coach at Savannah State University; Candidate for the 2012 presidential nomination of the Constitution Party

      At first I leaned towards the football Coach but then I thought of d. rat and his insistence that one of the buildings was brought down by explosives, so I am weakening, and reconsidering.



      Let's see....think I've already mentioned it is only 20 days now until Iraq ISIS Free Day, so guess I'll go back to listening to Fox.

    3. .

      Obumble exits stage right, scurrying over to Fox to pick up his talking points for the day. As we know, this is usually the time he leaves for his 'job' as probational greeter at the local Walmart. Must be his day off.


    4. I'm gonna get one of those Willow Curves advertised on Fox for my hip pain. This has a 90 money back guarantee if you are in any way dissatisfied.

      Also, I'm really intrigued by The Eggstractor......I hate trying to unshell hard boiled eggs, and the Eggstractor looks to be the answer.

      That Stractor has the genius of Q written all over it......I wonder......there is no guarantee whatsoever with this item at all..........hmmmmm.....

  14. Jack HawkinsTue May 05, 10:52:00 AM EDT
    Even in the mot liberal of the Zionist controlled cities, Tel Aviv, the racism inherent in Zionist ideology raises its ugly head.

    Providing another illustration that ISrael was not established as a "Jewish Homeland" ...
    ... but as a colony for the Ashkenazi from Europe.

    Refugees from the collapse of the Khazar Kingdom

    This is an excellent example of Jew hatred.

    Someone who seeks to deny the Jewish people's authenticity.

    Thanks Jack, you prove my point again and again.

  15. The recent posts by Jack, that have not been deleted by the Blog's owner says a lot about what the blog is about..

    Jew hatred.

    Don't like the accusation? Then why do you allow such repeated comments?

    1. I have often wondered the same.......

      Just saw Huckabee's Presidential run announcement.

      Not bad, really.

      Over on the Democratic side, Jeff Boss and Robby Wells didn't do nearly so well......

      Jeff Boss 9/11 Truther and perennial candidate from New Jersey
      Robby Wells Former head football coach at Savannah State University; Candidate for the 2012 presidential nomination of the Constitution Party

      These two clowns are a major part of Q's massive Democratic Candidate Count.

    2. .

      Over the past couple days, you have displayed the paucity of thought we have all come to expect from you. Superficial thinking and rote repetition are the mark of the Idaho English major. On subjects as diverse as judgments on people like Pamela Geller and Tom Cotton to views on media outlets such as FOX or AT to issues as simple as the motivating factors in people seeking the presidency, you once again have displayed the shallowness and lack of critical thinking that is you calling card and all with the casual insouciance of the Idaho casino lounge lizard.



  16. QuirkTue May 05, 12:17:00 PM EDT


    Obumble exits stage right, scurrying over to Fox to pick up his talking points for the day. As we know, this is usually the time he leaves for his 'job' as probational greeter at the local Walmart. Must be his day off.

    It's honest work, Quirk.

    Work -- Quirk.

    A new concept for you, I'm sure.

    Here, renew your faith -

    Using the Shroud of Turin, Italian Police 'reveal' what Jesus looked like as a boy....


    1. And may your Dog miss the Fire Hydrant and piss on your Shoes.....

    2. .

      Using the Shroud of Turin, Italian Police 'reveal' what Jesus looked like as a boy....


      I know that you are trying to introduce a new subject for the blog, admittedly a worthy goal given what we have seen this morning from WiO and rat. However, in this case your reach seems to have exceeded your grasp. Please try harder.


    3. Next Fox break, I promise to try harder.

      I certainly do get tired of d. rat's continual B.S.

  17. Down in Moscow, Idaho, the Renaissance Fair doesn't have a King and Queen this year, but, showing social progress, Two Queens, one rumored locally to be transgendered.

    1. Both are white though, a major error, mostly ruining the effect.

  18. Jack HawkinsFri Jul 18, 12:36:00 AM EDT
    I mean, you are an Israeli, and here is nothing worse than that.

    In all the world, the Arabs of Israel are the scum.

    Now if you were a European, well thatd be different, but Israelis are all Arabs, Semites.
    Scum of the Earth


    Have a nightmare tonight and a shitty tomorrow,

    QuirkFri Jul 18, 01:13:00 AM EDT

    And the voice of the rat is heard in the land.

    And the world once again cringes

    1. Aha !

      I recognized that quote, and Q's good reply.

      I recognize it as I've quoted it a few times myself.

  19. Rufus IIFri Jul 18, 09:03:00 AM EDT
    I'm pretty sure that if I were born a Palestinian, my kids and I would be members of Hamas. Card carrying, rocket toting members of Hamas. I don't see what the choice would be.


  20. The April ISM Non-manufacturing index was at 57.8%, up from 56.5% in March. The employment index increased in April to 56.7%, up slightly from 56.6% in March. Note: Above 50 indicates expansion, below 50 contraction.

    From the Institute for Supply Management: April 2015 Non-Manufacturing ISM Report On Business®

    Economic activity in the non-manufacturing sector grew in April for the 63rd consecutive month, say the nation’s purchasing and supply executives in the latest Non-Manufacturing ISM® Report On Business®.

    The report was issued today by Anthony Nieves, CPSM, C.P.M., CFPM, chair of the Institute for Supply Management® (ISM®) Non-Manufacturing Business Survey Committee. "The NMI® registered 57.8 percent in April, 1.3 percentage points higher than the March reading of 56.5 percent. This represents continued growth in the non-manufacturing sector. The Non-Manufacturing Business Activity Index increased substantially to 61.6 percent, which is 4.1 percentage points higher than the March reading of 57.5 percent, reflecting growth for the 69th consecutive month at a faster rate. The New Orders Index registered 59.2 percent, 1.4 percentage points higher than the reading of 57.8 percent registered in March. The Employment Index increased 0.1 percentage point to 56.7 percent from the March reading of 56.6 percent and indicates growth for the 14th consecutive month. The Prices Index decreased 2.3 percentage points from the March reading of 52.4 percent to 50.1 percent, indicating prices increased in April for the second consecutive month, but at a slower rate. According to the NMI®, 14 non-manufacturing industries reported growth in April. The majority of respondents indicate that there has been an uptick in business activity due to the improved economic climate and prevailing stability in business conditions."
    emphasis added

    Read more at http://www.calculatedriskblog.com/2015/05/ism-non-manufacturing-index-increased.html#1rAGQMQ55BWaWesD.99

    Calculated Risk

  21. Legal ARREST of Freddie Gray, a 26 time arrested thug.

    […] Meanwhile, a police investigation continues as Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby builds her case. The separate investigations have some conflicting findings.

    While Mosby said Friday that the officers had made an illegal arrest because a knife Gray was carrying was not a “switchblade,” a violation of state law, the police task force studied the knife and determined it was “spring-assisted,” which does violate a Baltimore code.

    1. Important to note this “task force” is the hand-picked Baltimore City Sheriff’s Office task force previously mentioned. Mosby is being deconstructed by her own personal investigative unit.

  22. Baltimore City Received $1.8 Billion In Federal Stimulus Money….
    Posted on May 5, 2015 by sundance
    In a city of 600,000 residents, that would be $3,000 per person.

    (Via WFB) The city of Baltimore received over $1.8 billion from President Barack Obama’s stimulus law, including $467.1 million to invest in education and $26.5 million for crime prevention.

    Such a wonderful investment

    1. Disgusting that we are politically laced to this open scab.

    2. Baltimore spending on the 'education' of its 'kids' is either the highest in the USA or the third highest in the USA. I have seen both quoted.

      No other country on earth spends nearly so much on the education of it young students than Baltimore spends on its 'kids'

      Also, I have read that 40-50% of the 'kids' don't show up for High School at all.

      There is obviously something very wrong here.

      Ah !

      I have it.

      It is white racism and the Republican Party !

      (which hasn't held power in Baltimore in forever)

  23. President Barack Obama's job approval rating is positive for the first time in two years, according to a WSJ/NBC poll released Monday.

    The survey finds that 48 percent of Americans say the president is doing a good job, while 47 percent disapprove of his performance.

    The Wall Street Journal warns that "Obama shouldn't celebrate too much," considering a one-point net positive score is within the margin of error. Still, it marks the highest approval that WSJ/NBC has recorded since June 2013 and is far better than the president's all-time low approval rating of 40 percent, which polls conducted in August and September of 2014 found.

    The new results echo the findings of an April CNN/ORC poll, which also found Obama's approval rating to be 48 percent. The HuffPost Pollster chart, which combines all publicly available polls, shows that the WSJ/NBC results are consistent with an overall trend of ratings modestly improving since January.

    Obama's approval on the economy has also hit positive territory. Forty-nine percent say the president is doing a good job handling the economy, while 47 percent say he is not. Although this is only a two-point net positive rating, it is still an improvement over the 10-point net negative rating Obama had as recently as November.

    Most people disapprove of how Obama has handled foreign policy. The poll shows a 53 percent disapproval rating, and a 40 percent approval rating, on the subject. This is still improvement over a March WSJ/NBC poll that found only 36 percent of Americans approved -- and 58 percent disapproved -- of the president's performance as it related to foreign policy.

    When asked how they feel about the president in general -- rather than about any of his specific policies -- many Americans said they like him. A plurality of Americans, 47 percent, rate the president favorably, while 40 percent rate him unfavorably.

    According to Gallup, Obama's increase . . . .

  24. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S.-led military coalition launched 12 air strikes in Iraq and one in Syria against Islamic State militants since Monday, the Combined Joint Task Force said in a statement.

    The military statement on Tuesday said the strike in Syria involved attack aircraft and was near Al Hasakah, while those in Iraq involved attack, bomber, fighter and drone aircraft and were near Bayji, Fallujah, Mosul, Ramadi and Tal Afar.

    The strikes all took place between 8 a.m. on Monday and 8 a.m. on Tuesday local time, the statement said.

    For a Reuters graphic on the strikes, see: http://reut.rs/10khCuA

    (Reporting by Will Dunham; Editing by Doina Chiacu)

    Flyin' around, Killin' headcutters

    1. Thankfully we only need endure 20 more days of this, as Iraq is to be ISIS Free on Memorial Day 2015, according to d. rat, and the wonders of his 'rat Doctrine'.

  25. The 8th largest economy on planet Earth is, at present, getting 30% of its electricity from non-large hydro Renewables.


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I have no idea what you are talking about.

      All I can figure is, you're a moron.

    5. I was wrong, you were showing a 24 hr chart not a year over year production chart

    6. yeah posting a chart of the 24 output that shows nothing about how much of the total power is generated ways a lot about your genetic worth...

      The 8th largest economy on planet Earth is, at present, getting 30% of its electricity from non-large hydro Renewables.


      the charts says NOTHING about 30%....


  26. May 5, 2015
    ISIS claims responsibility for Garland jihad attack, making Pamela Geller a target
    By Thomas Lifson

    Pamela Geller is apparently on the hit list of ISIS. French press agency AFP reports that ISIS is claiming responsibility for the attack on the Draw Muhammad cartoon competition in Garland, Texas:

    "Two of the soldiers of the caliphate executed an attack on an art exhibit in Garland, Texas, and this exhibit was portraying negative pictures of the Prophet Mohammad," the jihadi group said.

    "We tell America that what is coming will be even bigger and more bitter, and that you will see the soldiers of the Islamic State (ISIS) do terrible things," the group announced.

    It marked the first time the extremist group, which has captured swathes of territory in Syria and Iraq, claimed to have carried out an attack in the U.S.

    Pamela, a longtime AT contributor, is no shrinking violet. She has announced that she wants to have more such events.

    ISIS can be expected to plan and attempt to carry out more attacks. We are in a battle of wills. Pamela has baited the trap. Will the Obama administration rise to the challenge? It is an opportunity to take down ISIS.


    Video of that wonderful woman Pam Geller.

    I'd think Rufus would support Pam Geller.

    She too wants to whack ISIS.

    Right here on American soil too, where there are ISIS folk in almost all the 50 States according to the FBI, or the NSA or some US Government Agency, can't quite recall which one right now.

    1. But, according to Rufus, Geller, who is Jewish, is a "crazy bitch".

      Shame on you Rufus.

  27. Randomly obliterating homes with no warning, for revenge

    Staff Sargent, Armored Corps:

    On the day the fellow from our company was killed, the commanders came up to us and told us what happened. Then they decided to fire an ‘honor barrage’ and fire three shells. They said, “This is in memory of ****.” That felt very out of line to me, very problematic. . . .

    A barrage of shells. They fired the way it’s done in funerals, but with shellfire and at houses. Not into the air. They just chose [a house] – the tank commander said, “Just pick the farthest one, so it does the most damage.” Revenge of sorts. So we fired at one of the houses. Really you just see a block of houses in front of you, so the distance doesn’t really matter.

  28. Bulldozin Chozin

    “By the time we got out of there, everything was like a sandbox”

    Staff Sargent, Mechanized Infantry:

    By the time we got out of there, it was all like a sandbox. Every house we left – and we went through three or four houses – a D9 (armored bulldozer) came over and flattened it. . . .

    First of all, it’s impressive seeing a D9 take down a big two-story house. We were in the area of a fairly rich, rural neighborhood – very impressive houses. We were in one spot where there was a house with a children’s residence unit next door – just like in a well-off Moshav (a type of rural town) in Israel. The D9 would simply go in, take down part of the wall and then continue, take down another part of the wall, and leave only the columns intact. At a certain point it would push a pile of sand to create a mound of rubble and bring down other parts, until the house was eventually left stripped, and from that point it would simply hit the house [with its blade] until it collapsed. The D9 was an important working tool. It was working nearly non-stop.

    Non stop bulldozin chozin. God made them do it.

    1. Chozin mutherfuckers that they are.

    2. How is that settlement you live in?

      Any INDIANS left alive?

  29. Got 'im !!

    Two days he's been 'bugging' me, and I outhunk the little bastard in the end.

    Turned my window air conditioner on full cold and that slowed him down enough so I could whack him with a newspaper.

    Both he and the newspaper are now in the trash can.

    Air condition turned off now, as is the fly.

  30. All we need is crazy-assed bitches bringing that race/religious hatred over here.

    1. You're no ISIS fighter.

      You just talk a good game.

      And, Pam Geller hardly brought them here.

      These two may have been born here.

      The race/religious HATRED is NORMAL for Islam.

      It's in their book, as you should know by now.

      Their books says TO KILL YOU, Rufus, or put you in Dhimmitude, dimwit.

      She is for Freedom of Speech, and keeping you ALIVE and no dhimmi, dummy.

      She is not responsible for Moslem behavior.

    2. Stop Moslem immigration to USA now !

    3. You used to agree with my outlook here, Rufus.

      I remember it well.

    4. Unlike you, and the crazy-assed bitch, I have actually fought.

    5. She is fighting a cultural war, Rufus, in which jack asses like you are actually the enemy. Here in the USA it is not yet, except here and there, a bang bang war. She is actually trying to prevent that.

      No, she, nor I, have ever rolled off a bar stool drunk and into the Marine Recruiting Station and headed out god knows where to kill people one knew nothing about, and said later "I know I didn't have any business over there" as you have done.

      We must be lesser beings. I know I'm a lesser being than Pam, and that you are too.

    6. Rufus IITue May 05, 08:09:00 PM EDT
      Unlike you, and the crazy-assed bitch, I have actually fought.

      Really and yet you don't remember your unit number....

    7. You're confusing me with someone else, asshole.

    8. It's crazy-assed bitches like her that start "cultural wars."


  31. Norway ranks as world's best place to be a mother

     See Gallery of Pictures

    Norway ranks as the world's best place to be a mother, well ahead of the United States which dropped to the 33rd spot in the annual scorecard released by Save the Children

    United Nations (United States) (AFP) - Norway ranks as the world's best place to be a mother, well ahead of the United States which dropped to the 33rd spot in the annual scorecard released by Save the Children on Monday.

    Somalia is the worst place, just below the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Central African Republic.

    Save the Children released its 16th annual Mothers' Index, which rates 179 countries based on five indicators related to maternal health, education, income levels and the status of women.

    This year, the United States dropped from number 31 on the list to 33, behind Japan, Poland and Croatia.

    American women have a one in 1,800 risk of maternal death, the worst level of risk of any developed country in the world, according to the report.

    An American woman is more than 10 times as likely to die in childbirth than a Polish woman.
    View gallery
    Save the Children also reported that mothers are having …
    Save the Children also reported that mothers are having a tougher time in the world's expanding …

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Scandinavian countries have consistently taken the first spots in the Mothers' Index, with Norway this year beating out Finland which held the top spot last year.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    Among the top ten, Australia is the only non-European country, at number nine.

    France and Britain take the 23rd and 24th spot, below Canada at number 20.

    The ten worst places are all sub-Saharan African countries, with Haiti tied with Sierra Leone for the 169th spot.

    Nine of the bottom ten countries are wracked by conflict.
    View gallery
    Somalia is the worst place to be a mother, just below …
    Somalia is the worst place to be a mother, just below the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Centr …

    The disparity in terms of infant mortality is striking.

    In the top 10 countries, one mother out of 290 will lose a child before the age of five. In the bottom 10, that rate stands at one in eight.

    - Dying young in Washington -

    Save the Children also looked at infant mortality rates in the world's 24 wealthiest capital cities and found Washington had the highest rate at 7.9 deaths per 1,000.

    By comparison, Stockholm and Oslo had infant mortality rates at or below 2 deaths per 1,000.

    Save the Children CEO Carolyn Miles said the data confirmed that a country's economic wealth is not the sole factor leading to happy mothers, but that policies need to be put in place.

    In the case of Norway, "they do have wealth, but they also invest that wealth in things like mothers and children, as a very high priority," Miles said.

    Save the Children also reported that mothers are having a tougher time in the world's expanding cities, with survival gaps between rich and poor widening.

    Cities in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Ghana, India, Kenya, Madagascar, Nigeria, Peru, Rwanda, Vietnam and Zimbabwe have the highest gap for child survival, with poor children three to five times more likely to die than their affluent peers.


  32. And, btw, I don't care if pam geller is jewish, wiccan, or Mongolian. Whether she's white, black, or Presbyterian makes no difference, whatsoever.

    The fact is, she was safely inside, tapping on her computer, and raising racial/religious shit, while some poor policeman shmuck had to put his life on the line "fighting" it out.

    1. "raising racial/religious shit"

      She is supporting the First Amendment to the Constitution, and you call it raising racial and religious shit.

      You are a work of art right. People should hold a cartoon contest with you being the subject.

      No one would come shoot it up.

      But there would be lots of 'belly laughs'.

    2. Rufus IITue May 05, 08:23:00 PM EDT
      And, btw, I don't care if pam geller is jewish, wiccan, or Mongolian. Whether she's white, black, or Presbyterian makes no difference, whatsoever.

      The fact is, she was safely inside, tapping on her computer, and raising racial/religious shit, while some poor policeman shmuck had to put his life on the line "fighting" it out.

      Except she has faced for years, DEATH THREATS....

      You on the other hand are too drunk to understand the concept of "principle" and "spine"

    3. .

      You on the other hand are too drunk to understand the concept of "principle" and "spine"

      Principle and spine?


      I'm sure David Duke supporters also say that his rants are based on "principle" and that he is one of the few that has the "spine" to say what he believes. However, when it comes right down to it, all of these dolts are of the same ilk, bigoted trouble-makers seeking attention.


  33. The Moslems should grow up and begin to behave themselves -

    May 5, 2015
    I support free speech, but, however, and except...
    By Carol Brown

    After Pamela Geller’s free speech event in Texas and the terror attack that followed, it has been stunning to hear one journalist after another ask Ms. Geller why she held the event, question the wisdom or need for such an event, and go so far as to insinuate that she was somehow to blame for the violence.

    Just as the media’s coverage of the war between Israel and Hamas said that of course Israel had a right to defend herself, buuuuuuut…, these same journalists interviewing Ms. Geller start out by saying that of course we support free speech and that there’s no excuse for violence, buuuuuuuut…

    Alisyn Camerota, CNN, said: “There’s always this fine line between freedom of speech and being intentionally incendiary and provocative.” (Alisyn, please do share exactly who determines the location and nature of this fine line that you speak of.)

    Jake Tapper, CNN, said: “Nothing justifies the violent attack…but…” and “Who do you think was offended by your event last night?” as he opined about whether peaceful Muslims might have been offended. (Hey Jake, how do you like enforcing the sharia?!)

    Carol Costello, CNN, was also concerned about offending Muslims when she said during an interview with a Muslim guest: “… you talk about poking in the eye, there are many in the Muslim community that might say Pamela Geller is certainly guilty of that[.]” (Carol, my dear, are you just as concerned about things that might offend Christians or Jews? I thought not. And anyway, that’s beside the point. The whole point is that being offended is not a litmus test for free speech.)

    1. Bill O’Reilly, Fox News, said: “It’s always cause and effect, okay? Because they did it [held the conference], two jihadis are dead. Now, I know a lot of people aren’t feeling sorry for them, and I’m certainly not, either, because they were trying to kill other people. However, this is what happens when you light the fuse. You get violence.” (Billy, Billy, Billy, you do realize that you’ve blamed the truth-teller for the violence that occurred, don’t you? In your inverted universe, was it Paul Revere’s fault that the British attacked?)

      Donald Trump even got in on the act during an interview on Fox & Friends, saying: “I watched Pam prior, and it looks like she’s just taunting people[.] … Why are they drawing Mohammed? Isn’t there something else they can draw? ... What is she doing, and why is she doing it? I’m one that believes in free speech probably more than she does[.]” (Donald. Where to begin? I’d ask you to please be quiet, but our First Amendment affords even those who ramble on insufferably and ignorantly to do so.)

      Pamela Geller deserves our support, respect, admiration, and thanks. She is an American citizen doing extraordinary things.

      Shame on the media for being, or acting, deaf, dumb, and blind on such monumental issues as free speech and the growing threat of Islam. Every day they set a new low, and in so doing, they commit professional malpractice. It would be loathsome, and in some cases laughable, if it weren’t so dangerous.

      Thomas Lifson adds:

      Have any of the people cited above spoken out against the multiple Tony-, Grammy-, and New York Drama Critics Circle award-winning Broadway musical The Book of Mormon? New York swells have been yukking it up over mockery of scared texts of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints since 2011, and the show has had two road tours and a production in London’s West End.

      When I hear people express their sense that it is wrong to offend Muslims, I wonder why it is OK to offend Mormons. Of course, the answer is twofold: first, Mormons are not likely to kill you, and second, Mormons are very wholesome, almost stereotypically American, and in general an extraordinarily successful and prosperous group with extremely low rates of social pathologies, while Muslims are regarded as oppressed. In the twisted world of contemporary elite sensibilities, success must be mocked and pathological behavior lionized.


    2. .

      Pamela Geller deserves our support, respect, admiration, and thanks.



    3. .

      Regarding Geller's cartoonish exhibition, there are none that argue that the perps shouldn’t be punished. There are none that would deny Geller, Wilder, et al their right to say what they want. There is also no reason not to call them exactly what they are, bigoted fame whores stirring the pot.

      And my opinion isn’t restricted to Geller and her ilk. For instance, the first amendment also applies equally to guys like photographer/artist, Andres Serrano. He has the right to exhibit his works, ‘Piss Christ’, photos of corpses, ‘art’ covered in feces. Anyone who physically attacks him or his ‘work’ deserves to be punished. On the other hand, I have a right to my opinion of the moron. He is a shock artist and exhibitionist and a waster of good piss.


    4. Geert Wilders is a " bigoted fame whore stirring the pot" ?

      And what planet do YOU live on ?

      The question is whether it is worth it.

      The argument is not whether they have a right to do it but the wisdom of doing it.

      I grant there is an argument there.

      I think it and argue they are in the right. You take another view.

      Under the circumstances (Charlie Hebdo, the nature of Islam, etc) to not hold a few 'outrageous', in the view of some, demos of this type is a surrender of sorts.

      The Islamics need to know they can't silence Americans by blowing things up.

      Robert Spencer, Pam Geller, Geert Wilders are not "bigoted fame whores stirring the pot".

      They are certainly not bigoted. It is not bigoted to tell the truth about Islam.

      Most people have never heard of any of them.

      Your description of these good people is totally wrong.

    5. .

      They are certainly not bigoted. It is not bigoted to tell the truth about Islam.

      I heard parts of Wilder's 'keynote' speech.

      He is exactly what I called him, the Dutch David Duke.


    6. Geller, and our very own b00bie, scream free speech yet they want to deny the same for Muslims. Hypocrites the lot of them!

    7. The 1st Amendment isn't worth squat if we are always worried about offending somebody.

      It is the FIRST Amendment, after all.

      To constantly be worried about offending somebody leads to the unconscious weakening of the First Amendment.

      Let the Moslems grow up, let them get over their childish idiocy.

      The weakening of the blasphemy laws was the beginning of freedom of speech.

    8. Look at much of Europe, and Canada.

      The opposite is happening.

      These places are losing their soul.

      Consider Geert Wilders, who has been indicted in that lost country, the Netherlands, twice for simply speaking some truth.

      He has permanent bodyguards these days.

      As does Hirschi Ayan by the way.

      Do you call her a publicity whore ?

      Here is this brave woman - who has not left Islam, by the way -

      Her she is -


      (Great GREAT ad you put together there Quirk, absolutely Top Notch Work for your new product Poo-Pourri - you are back in your natural grove again with that one, SuperSalesMan !! )

      And here -


      And here -


      I wish them all long life.

    9. .

      The weakening of the blasphemy laws was the beginning of freedom of speech.

      Another talking point Obumble picks up from these dolts. Hilarious.

      Next, he'll be comparing Geller to Rosa Parks just as Geller herself did on Fox.


  34. Deuce: Non stop bulldozin chozin. God made them do it.

    Actually building can be rebuilt...

    the 10,000 Jewish lives that have been ;lost to terrorism cannot come back....

    Deuce you seem to recommend that Israel and the Jews just destroy the palestinians, be like America and the rest of the world...

    You blame the Jews for not fighting the Nazis...

    But maybe?

    they learned and the arab nazis that are attacking Israel are being offed...

    far to few if you ask me...

    2,000 total including 1000 terrorists out of 1.2 MILLION, hardly scratch on the folks of gaza...

    Maybe Israel can learn from iran and syria?

    take out 300,000 or so, then the problem will be over...

    and all thanks to Deuce and his idea...

  35. EVERYONE ought to watch Quirk's GREAT ad for his new product, Poo-Pourri, before the Hirshi Ayan talk cited above.

    Our old dog finally hit a home run with that one, folks.

    A true SuperSalesMan has finally proven his worth, beyond dispute.

    1. Mətušélaḥ Fri Nov 14, 12:48:00 AM EST

      Fuck, you're a dumbass, Bob.


    2. EVERYONE but YOU, ratshit and universally recognized liar.

      You have ZERO sense of humor, like many psychopaths, and would not get a thing out of it.

      If my friend Mat, who invited me to go to Israel with him, were here, I do believe he would agree with me.

      Mat and his family have a place in Haifa, I think it is, on the northern coast of Israel.

      >>>Our old dog finally hit a home run with that one, folks.<<<

      Only to add, a bases loaded home run.

      Yes, it was THAT good.

    3. bob Thu May 27, 12:52:00 AM EDT

      But I did rip off the bank for $7500 hundred dollars, when I was on my knees, and fighting for my economic life, on my aunt's credit card. But that wasn't really stealing, just payback. …

      Just like a meth head, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, tries to justify his crime by saying that the loot was owed him, by the people or institution he ripped off.

    4. Now the confessions of your crimes against society, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, now that is funny


  36. ISIS POSTS WARNING: “We Have 71 Trained Soldiers in 15 States” – NAMES 5 TARGETS
    Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, May 5, 2015, 8:59 PM

    isis flag
    ISIS released a new online threat today on JustPasteIt.

    The terrorist group says they will murder Pamela Geller and kill anyone who shields her.

    The terrorists also say they have 71 fighters in 15 different states and they 23 have signed up already for missions like the failed Sunday attack in Garland, Texas.

    Via Sooper Mexican:

    Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Raheem

    “The New Era”

    To our brothers and sisters fighting for the Sake of Allah, we make dua for you and ask Allah to guide your bullets, terrify your enemies, and establish you in the Land. As our noble brother in the Phillipines said in his bayah, “This is the Golden Era, everyone who believes… is running for Shaheed”.

    The attack by the Islamic State in America is only the beginning of our efforts to establish a wiliyah in the heart of our enemy. Our aim was the khanzeer Pamela Geller and to show her that we don’t care what land she hides in or what sky shields her; we will send all our Lions to achieve her slaughter. This will heal the hearts of our brothers and disperse the ones behind her. To those who protect her: this will be your only warning of housing this woman and her circus show. Everyone who houses her events, gives her a platform to spill her filth are legitimate targets. We have been watching closely who was present at this event and the shooter of our brothers. We knew that the target was protected. Our intention was to show how easy we give our lives for the Sake of Allah.

    We have 71 trained soldiers in 15 different states ready at our word to attack any target we desire. Out of the 71 trained soldiers 23 have signed up for missions like Sunday, We are increasing in number bithnillah. Of the 15 states, 5 we will name… Virginia, Maryland, Illinois, California, and Michigan. The disbelievers who shot our brothers think that you killed someone untrained, nay, they gave you their bodies in plain view because we were watching.

    The next six months will be interesting, To our Amir Al Mu’mineen make dua for us and continue your reign, May Allah enoble your face.

    May Allah send His peace and blessings upon our Prophet Muhummad and all those who follow until the last Day.

    Abu Ibrahim Al Ameriki

    The threat was posted by Abu Al Ameriki.

    Read more: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2015/05/isis-posts-warning-we-have-71-trained-soldiers-in-15-states-names-5-targets/#ixzz3ZKBLJoAX



    Oh, oh

    That means Detroit, surely.

    1. Quirk, you can always refuge out on the farm.

    2. .

      What did you expect them to say when a couple of dead nitwits claim association with them?


    3. .


      After the Charlie Hebdo attacks, I berated the news media for not having the courage to publish the cartoons in question. There was no reason for not doing it, they were the news. Why am I arguing against what Geller pulled off?

      Charlie Hebdo is a satirical publication. Their cartoons make fun of everyone, Christ, the Pope, political figures, anyone and everyone, and yes, Muhammad. Unfortunately, according to a number of critics, what they do isn't even that good but that is what they do. More importantly, the cartoons are tied to what is going on in the news so it has relevance.

      Geller's affair was different. Despite her protestations to the contrary, her affair was designed to incite and promote her Islamophobic views and blanket condemnation of Islam. This was a point made by the editor-in-chief of Charlie Hebdo who distanced himself from the Geller affair.

      Everyone recognizes Geller's 'right' to organize the cartoon contest, even Muslims and CAIR have stated as much. However, when you have sources from FOX news to the cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo either distancing themselves from or denouncing Geller's cartoon contest, you know there is something questionable about it.


  37. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. :):)

      You took my snorkel man comment down ?

      Why, for goodness sakes ?

      It was really quite mellow.

      What the hell ?

      Surely d. rat can handle about anything by now.

  38. Freddie Gray officer threatened to kill himself and ex-partner’s husband, court document alleges

    Baltimore lieutenant Brian Rice, who has been charged with manslaughter over Gray’s death, was disciplined over incidents and twice had guns confiscated

    Jon Swaine and Oliver Laughland in New York
    Tuesday 5 May 2015 17.09 EDT Last modified on Tuesday 5 May 2015 18.25 EDT

    The Baltimore police lieutenant charged with the manslaughter of Freddie Gray allegedly threatened to kill himself and the husband of his former partner, during incidents that led to him being disciplined and twice having his guns confiscated.

    Brian Rice, who pursued and arrested Gray after the 25-year-old “caught his eye” on 12 April, was reportedly given an administrative suspension after being hospitalised for a mental health evaluation when he warned he was preparing to shoot himself in April 2012.

    Rice, 41, also received an internal discipline when a judge granted a temporary restraining order against him after a request from Andrew McAleer, the husband of Karyn McAleer, who is the mother of Rice’s young son and a fellow Baltimore police officer. Rice has been married to and divorced from two further women, according to court records.

    A sharply critical 10-page complaint against Rice, which Andrew McAleer filed to a court in Maryland in January 2013, is being published in full for the first time by the Guardian. It details what McAleer, a Baltimore firefighter, described as a “pattern of intimidation and violence” by the officer.

    Rice was released on bail after being charged with manslaughter, assault, misconduct and false imprisonment following an inquiry into Gray’s death on 19 April. Prosecutors say Gray died after his neck was broken during a prolonged van journey in handcuffs and shackles. All six officers involved in his arrest have been bailed on criminal charges.

    State’s attorney Marilyn Mosby said on Friday the arrest of Gray initiated by Rice was illegal because a knife in his pocket, which he was charged with illegally carrying, was in fact legal. Rice and two other officers put Gray in the police van without seatbelting him as required by police rules, according to Mosby.

    An attorney for Rice did not respond to an email and message requesting comment. The restraining order against him was lifted after a week when a judge ruled there was no basis in Maryland law for it to continue. The McAleers previously declined to comment when reached via telephone by the Guardian.

    McAleer said in his court filing, which was first reported by the Guardian last month, that Rice forced one of Karyn McAleer’s young children to “shoot” a photograph of her and her husband that Rice had “taped to a piece of cardboard intended for target practice”. It was not clear from the filing whether any weapon was actually used.

    McAleer said that two months before this, in April 2012, his wife called to tell him to protect himself and her five children from Rice because the lieutenant had called her threatening to kill himself.


    1. A 10-page complaint against Brian Rice, filed to a court in Maryland in January 2013. Some redactions have been made by the Guardian.
      Deputies from the Carroll County sheriff’s department responded to an emergency call and transported Rice to a hospital, before confiscating his police service weapon, his personal 9mm handgun, two rifles and two shotguns.

      It is unclear how long Rice spent as a patient. The police response to an incident at Rice’s home was first reported earlier this month by the Associated Press, which said it resulted in an administrative suspension from Baltimore police.

      Asked to confirm details of Rice’s suspensions, a Baltimore police spokesman said: “I can confirm that individual has been employed with Baltimore police department since 1997. He is currently suspended. I am not able to provide you with any other information on personnel issues.”

      Rice was allegedly given another administrative suspension and had his guns confiscated again eight months later, according to court filings, after McAleer obtained the week-long peace order against the police lieutenant.

      “I am seeking protection immediately,” McAleer wrote to a court in Carroll County, Maryland, in January 2013. He alleged Rice’s behaviour had caused him “to have constant fear for my personal safety” and a “fear of imminent harm or death from Brian Rice”.

      Rice was ordered to stay away from McAleer, his home and his workplace after a series of alleged confrontations, including one armed standoff in June 2012 when officers from two police departments responded to a 911 call and spent 90 minutes defusing the situation.

      McAleer alleged Rice was screaming and smelled of alcohol during the 2am confrontation in front of McAleer’s house. He said his wife later said Rice had told her he planned to kill McAleer during the June 2012 encounter.

      “I witnessed Brian Rice remove a black semi-automatic handgun from the trunk of his vehicle,” wrote McAleer, who said officers from Carroll County sheriff’s department and Westminster police department arrived after he called 911.

      Among other alleged incidents detailed in his complaint, McAleer said Rice bombarded him with “harassing and sexually explicit text messages” sent on his police department-issued BlackBerry.

      McAleer said he finally applied for a restraining order in January 2013 because five days earlier, Rice had arrived again at the man’s house in his Hyundai Sonata, before exiting and slamming his car door, yelling and waving his arms.

      Rice finally returned to the driver’s seat, “racing the engine” while inching the car towards the man and flashing the headlights, according to McAleer. “This caused me to become distraught and fear my life was about to end,” he wrote.Freddie Gray officer threatened to kill himself and ex-partner’s husband, court document alleges

  39. .

    After the last two winters, Michigan has possibly the worst roads in the nation. The poor infrastructure is costing us $billions in auto repairs, higher insurance rates, lost business and jobs. Everyone here is fed up and would do almost anything to get the roads fixed.

    Enter Proposal 1

    Proposal 1 was a taxing plan devised by the Legislature, supported by the governor, both of the big newspapers, big business, the Chamber of Commerce, etc., etc. We voted on it today and it was thoroughly rejected.

    The voters were pissed. The plan was so complicated no one could understand anything about it except that it involved the taxpayers getting it stuck up their ass again. Not only did the dolts in Lansing fail to do the job they were elected for to do and set priorities that included paying for proper infrastructure, they passed this proposal so that if it came up in the future they could deny responsibility and simply say "Hey, the people have spoken". The cynicism and hypocrisy was galling. Can't remember when anything was so universally hated.

    Michigan voters reject Proposal 1 tax hike
    Leonard N. Fleming and Gary Heinlein, The Detroit News 11:53 p.m. EDT May 5, 2015
    Rick Snyder

    (Photo: Jose Juarez / Special to The Detroit News)

    Michigan voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly rejected Proposal 1 — the sales tax increase and road funding measure crafted by Gov. Rick Snyder and legislative leaders — setting off a fight about how to find more money for transportation fixes.

    Voters were rejecting the measure 79 percent to 21 percent with 88 percent of precincts reporting in 22 of Michigan's largest counties for registered voters. The ballot proposal was being rejected 81 percent to 19 percent in four-fifths or 67 out of the 83 counties that finished voting, according to the Secretary of State's Office — most of them small-population areas.

    They made clear their disdain of the complex proposition that included vehicle registration fee increases as well as more money for education, local governments and a tax credit for the working poor.

    Lake County was the only one to support Proposal 1 — 55 percent to 45 percent.

    It was one of the worst ballot measure defeats in more than a generation. Political historian Bill Ballenger said the margin of defeat rivals some "doozies" from the 1970s and 1980s when voters rejected a series of property tax questions.

    "This is up there with the rest of them as one of the greatest ballot turkeys of all time," said Ballenger, associate editor of Inside Michigan Politics...



  40. QuirkTue May 05, 10:51:00 PM EDT


    "The weakening of the blasphemy laws was the beginning of freedom of speech."

    Another talking point Obumble picks up from these dolts. Hilarious.

    Next, he'll be comparing Geller to Rosa Parks just as Geller herself did on Fox.

    Truth, Quirk-O.

    I realize you didn't know that before, but it was part of the growth of freedom of speech.

    Recently the Moslems were demanding that American Sniper not be shown.

    Do you think so, too ?

    Where is this sort of thing to end ?

    Will you always counsel submission ?

    Bow to intimidation ?

    What if some fine day they wish to shut your flapping gums up ?

    As they surely would wish to do at some point, to all of us.

    What then, O Quirk ?

    1. Geller to Rosa Parks isn't that bad, actually.

      Not perfectly accurate by any means, but - I like.

      And, are you aware of the Supreme Court decisions on these matters, Quirk ?

      They are quite strong on freedom of speech.

      You will be able to flap your gums, unless some Moslem shoots you.

    2. The Supreme Court is much better on freedom of speech than our Host Deuce.

      He just deleted me for comparing d. rat to a snorkel man.

      The reference is to a psychological poetical meme I know of.......an accurate one, too.....I would explain it if I knew I wouldn't get deleted.

      But I don't.

      So, you will have to use your imaginations.

    3. I am urging Quirk and others of like mind to not abandon the Public Square to the Moslems.

      This would be a true disaster.

  41. Ben Carson to be on Kelly File on Fox tomorrow night !!!

  42. Chris Matthews has blamed Pam Geller for the recent terrorist attack attempt.

    That should say it all.

  43. Think Livia Drusilla

    May 6, 2015
    The Hill-Billy Cash Pump
    By Janet Tassel

    Hillary Clinton: We knew her as a grim, charmless harridan; a pear-shaped harpy. Now, after reading Peter Schweizer's new book, Clinton Cash (HarperCollins, New York, May 2015), we see the ultimate Hillary, one of the world's truly scary women. Think Lady Macbeth, Messalina, Evita. Add Bill to the sordid picture and you have Bonnie and Clyde -- elected to high office, and lionized all over the world..............

    ..............Schweizer has written an explosive and damning book. It is no wonder that, according to Business Insider, he has had to arrange full-time security for himself and his family. Shades of Vince Foster.


    Good long article showing a lot of detail about what swine the Clintons are and have always been.....and always shall be.

  44. QuirkTue May 05, 11:56:00 PM EDT


    After the Charlie Hebdo attacks, I berated the news media for not having the courage to publish the cartoons in question. There was no reason for not doing it, they were the news. Why am I arguing against what Geller pulled off?

    Charlie Hebdo is a satirical publication. Their cartoons make fun of everyone, Christ, the Pope, political figures, anyone and everyone, and yes, Muhammad. Unfortunately, according to a number of critics, what they do isn't even that good but that is what they do. More importantly, the cartoons are tied to what is going on in the news so it has relevance.

    Geller's affair was different. Despite her protestations to the contrary, her affair was designed to incite and promote her Islamophobic views and blanket condemnation of Islam. This was a point made by the editor-in-chief of Charlie Hebdo who distanced himself from the Geller affair.

    Everyone recognizes Geller's 'right' to organize the cartoon contest, even Muslims and CAIR have stated as much. However, when you have sources from FOX news to the cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo either distancing themselves from or denouncing Geller's cartoon contest, you know there is something questionable about it.


    Geller didnt cause shit.

    Those that purchase body armor and AK47s and LOOKING for a target will find a target.

    The target? Wasn't on their radar until 2 US Congressmen fought to prevent Gert Wilders from coming into the USA. Then, according to the reports from homeland security, the chatter started by the Islamists...

    The very fact that the MSM have not and will not publish silly Mohammed cartoons this time, the Charlie Hebdo and the original cartoon drawing contest in europe that started the entire concept (those roots in pakistan didn't occur until moslem radicals brought the copy TO pakistan and even ADDED more cartoons to the mix)

    Pisschrist, and thousands of cartoons showing Jews with blood dripping from their hands, nazi insignia, various anti-christian cartoons are shown in the moslem world all without ONE reaction of violence by christians or jews...

    Want to show some spine? some guts?

    PUBLISH the cartoons, no apology. Just do it...

    Otherwise? you have given up your freedom of speech.

    1. Go ahead, "O"rdure, publish those cartoons !
      Be competitive in the world of art and media manipulation !

      Get on it !

  45. Israel saves the lives of scores of Palestinian children yesterday....

    Wednesday 6th May 2015: Israeli Airstrikes Hit Hamas Weapons in Sudan. Arab media reported on Wednesday that Israeli war planes struck sites around the Sudanese capital of Khartoum, destroying weapons sites apparently destined for Hamas terrorists in Gaza.The London-based Arabic-language Al-Araby Al-Jadeed and other Arab news sources reported the strikes saying they hit a factory producing long-range Scud missiles, a rocket storage site, as well as a convoy that was leaving the military site.

    Israel, by destroying these weapons of war before they could be hidden in schools, hospitals, UN buildings and apartments, have saved the lives of scores of human pawns used by Hamas as human shields....

    A giant shout out to Israel for a job well down....

    Weapons of war imported to the gaza strip will only cause more and more civilian deaths...

    1. Not to worry, Iran, will fight to the last Palestinian standing....


  46. Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson was just telling US that for safety's sake, the people of Baltimore should move to Idaho.
    But ... what the "Draft Dodger" does not tell US ...
    Idaho can be much more dangerous than Baltimore.
    There is just not much respect for life, in Idaho.

    SPOKANE, Wash. – A northern Idaho police officer shot by a man who stole his patrol car died of his injuries Tuesday evening, police said.

    Sgt. Greg Moore died at 5:50 p.m. local time at Kootenai Health in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, police spokeswoman Sgt. Christie Wood said in a statement.

    Moore was shot about 1:30 a.m. Tuesday after checking on a suspicious person in a neighborhood, Coeur d'Alene Police Chief Lee White said.

    Police arrested Jonathan Renfro, 26, after a car chase that reached speeds of 125 mph. The pursuit ended when a police dog dragged the man from his hiding place underneath a commercial truck.

    Renfro appeared in court Tuesday afternoon and was charged with attempted murder, theft of a police vehicle, theft of an officer's gun and being a felon with a gun. Bail was set at $2 million. He was held in the Kootenai County, Idaho, jail.


    1. Your constant defaming and slander only proves that it is you that has issues...

      Serious phycological issues.........

    2. There is no defamation in any of my posts, "O"rdure.
      Certainly no slander.

      Posts of past quotes from the other contributors to the Elephant Bar, that is neither defamation nor slander.
      To point out the misconceptions that some contributors attempt to make, then posting a News story to illustrate just how misconceived the meme being propagated is ... information sharing.

      The reality of the situation, quoting someone is not slandering them,
      Those referenced quotes are things that were written.

      Not like the baseless accusations from the backwaters of delusion that you provide us with.


    3. Video: Robert Spencer on the Kelly File discussing Texas Muhammad cartoon jihad attack


      Ben Carson to be on The Kelly File today on Fox News.

      Look for him !


      >>>>the people of Baltimore should move to Idaho<<<<

      Not what I said, rats- O - Liar.

      I said I would move to Idaho if I were in Baltimore.

      Anyone who has read anything I've said would know I'd never invite anyone to move to Idaho, except a few special people like WiO, Sam - he lived here at one time - and Quirk, if he were homeless again, or perhaps again running from some threat to his way of life , like ISIS USA or some such, or perhaps the bankruptcy court. I often offer Quirk refuge - who showed yesterday - did he not ! - with his GREAT new ad about Poo Pourri that he deserves a place in the sun and a stress free life too.

  47. A US military veteran did, by happenstance, more damage to US than the two wackos in Texas did by design.
    You fellas want to be afraid ...

    The Stoffel family set out on a walk on a beautiful spring evening, the young Wisconsin couple and their three children pedaling across a bridge they had ridden before. They were halfway across the Little Lake Butte des Morts when a gunman, apparently upset over a fight with his ex-fiancee, opened fire.

    By the time the gunman shot himself, Jonathan Stoffel, 33, of Neenah, and his 11-year-old daughter, Olivia Stoffel, were dead in what police called a random attack. Stoffel's wife, Erin Stoffel, 32, was struck three times but survived, guiding her other two children, ages 5 and 7, off the bridge and sending the older one for help.

    Another man, Adam Bentdahl, 31, of Appleton, was also killed in the attack Sunday in Menasha, a community of around 17,000 about 30 miles south of Green Bay.

    Police identified the gunman as 27-year-old military veteran Sergio Daniel Valencia del Toro, and said he apparently was upset over a fight with his ex-fiancee earlier in the day.

    "They were just in the wrong place at the wrong time," Menasha Police Chief Tim Styka said of the Stoffels and Bentdahl.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. You do know, "O"rdure that Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson is deathly afraid of wolves, don't you?

    3. I reported rats - O - pyropsychoass to FOUR Police agencies around here and the FBI in Lewiston too after he threatened my life for the third time.

      This was the threat that Deuce finally took down.

      So if I get bumped in the night rats the first they look to..........

      Only 19 short days left now till Iraq ISIS Free Day as predicted by the 'military expert' General rat.

      I can't wait to celebrate that day !

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  48. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


  49. Idaho gunman faces 3 murder charges in shooting spree

    January 11, 2015 - A gunman faces three first-degree murder charges and an attempted murder charge after a Saturday shooting spree that left three people dead and one wounded at three locations in Moscow, Idaho, authorities said.


    1. Boy, 2, accidentally shoots mother to death at Idaho Walmart

      Authorities in Idaho say a 2-year-old boy accidentally shot and killed his mother after he reached into her purse and her concealed gun fired.

    2. My wife and I were staying in the motel right across the street when this went down at Arby's Restaurant there.

      He also wounded a guy in my life insurance agent's Life Insurance Office.

      He was captured in Washington State and I have read has been sent back to Moscow, Idaho just recently to face the charges.

      After the due process he will never get out of prison again.

      He will try to plea mental illness but there was way too much pre-planning for this to work.

      He shot to death his adoptive mother, his employer, some other I can't recall and wounded a guy in the Life Insurance office.

      An odd rare experience for people in Moscow.


  50. Seems that Idaho is just as dangerous as Maryland or Texas.
    That 'evil doers' are mixed in amongst the rest of US.
    .... from Sea to Shining Sea.

    1. Not nearly as dangerous as Baltimore.

      Since you are going about your usual bullshitting again today, I'll go watch Fox News, snorkel man.

      Talk to yourself for awhile.

      Cheers !!

  51. The second-ever comprehensive Clean Jobs Illinois Report found that there are 104,449 clean energy jobs in the land of Lincoln.

    For the report, clean energy jobs were those connected with electric or alternative transportation fuels, greenhouse gas management, energy efficiency, wind power, geothermal, or solar power.

    Can you believe a single Midwestern American state has over 100,000 clean energy jobs? We often hear about the “problems” with renewable energy in the mainstream media, but do you think the national news networks will report this story? The situation involving a small number bird deaths (based on a problem that was quickly solved) at a solar power tower went viral, but let’s see if this very positive story gets anywhere near the attention. (That would seem to be quite unlikely.)

    “Clean energy businesses in Illinois are leading drivers of new economic opportunities. Clean energy businesses are creating new jobs, positioning Illinois as a national leader in this critically important sector and creating new, innovative products which have a positive, real life impact on the cost of energy and the environment,” explained Amy Francetic, the CEO of Clean Energy Trust.

    Increasingly, investing in renewable energy makes good economic sense, meaning that the choice to do so is not only about trying to be “green,” as the Union of Concerned Scientists detailed. “Legislation that would strengthen Illinois’s renewable electricity and energy efficiency standards would drive billions in new clean energy investments and save consumers $12 billion between 2015 and 2030, reducing the typical household electricity bill by 23 percent, or $22 per month, in 2030, according to a Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) analysis to be unveiled today.”

    Remember the old, false notion “jobs or the environment.” Well, it turns out that in many cases it is “jobs and the environment.”

    100,000 Jobs


  52. Obama, Biden Tell Kurdish Leader US Stands by Unified Iraq

    WASHINGTON — May 5, 2015, 7:42 PM ET
    Associated Press

    President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden told the president of the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq that the United States remains committed to a united, federal and democratic Iraq.

    The White House says Obama and Biden met with President Masoud Barzani Tuesday and praised the Kurdish peshmerga campaign against Islamic State militants.

    The peshmerga forces have borne the brunt of the fight against the Islamic State in the north of Iraq. Tuesday's meeting came as Congress debated whether to use some money destined for the Iraqi army to send weapons directly to Arab Sunnis and Kurds.

    The Kurdistan region has long sought independence from Iraq. The White House says both sides agreed to seek improved relations between Baghdad and Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region.

  53. Judge Napolitano over at Fox News has just commented again on the arrest of Sir Freddie.

    On the issue of the knife, he says the arrest might be legal if the Police had seen the knife is Sir Freddie's waistband.

    None of the Police have commented on this yet so we still don't know enough to say.

    Lacking that, or some other indication of criminal activity, Judge Napolitano is still of his opinion that the arrest was illegal as lacking as any probable cause to go chasing after Freddie in the first place, even though he was a known drug dealer.

    I began wondering if mere eye contact with the Police and immediate flight by a known drug dealer itself might be some evidence of guild and probable cause just in itself.

    If I understand the Judge rightly, he doesn't think so.

    I'll stick with the Judge.

  54. guilt not guild an in not is

    Coffee needed

    I agree with Rufus on this - jobs and the environment are certainly not always, maybe not even normally, mutually exclusive.

    Both are really important.

  55. WASHINGTON, May 6 (Reuters) - The U.S.-led military coalition launched 11 air strikes in Iraq against Islamic State militants since early Tuesday, the Combined Joint Task Force said in a statement.

    The strikes targeting the militants in Iraq destroyed vehicles, fuel tanks, buildings and other structures near the cities of Bayji, Ramadi, Mosul and others, the task force said on Wednesday.

    The coalition conducted no strikes in Syria during the 24-hour period through Wednesday morning, the task force said. (Reporting by Washington newsroom)

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/reuters/article-3070530/U-S--allies-conduct-11-air-strikes-Iraq-statement.html#ixzz3ZNHfYEpV
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

    Daid, Daid, and Daid

  56. .

    Geller didnt cause shit.

    Geller's actions were the precipitate cause of what happened in Texas. She was looking for confrontation and she got it. There was no need for the contest she sponsored 'except' incitement. Just because you have a right to do something doesn't necessarily mean you should be doing it. There are always plenty of nut jobs out there to take up the challenge. I mentioned Andres Serrano yesterday. Most of his most famous (or infamous) work is shallow and meaningless, lurid and meant to push limits. Invariably, this has resulted in protests, death threats, and vandalization of his works mostly by Christian fundamentalists and right-wing nut jobs.

    The events in Texas may have been deployable but they were also predicable. Still, the event might have been excusable if it weren't so clearly a PR stunt.

    The promoters of the event claim it was held in support of Charlie Hebdo but representatives of Charlie have publicly distanced themselves from the event. Geller and the other speakers at the event claim the event was meant to promote the 1st Amendment and to fight the drip-drip-drip of creeping of sharia law taking over this country, an idiotic claim that shows they know zip about the 1st Amendment and the principles established by US case law that prevent that from happening.


    1. .

      Of course, I should have prefaced my post with 'In my opinion...


    2. We disagree, the Geller event didn't cause those 2 savages to up armor, go out and buy ak47's, the savages were looking to kill infidels, they made statement as such…

      The Geller situation was an opportunity that presented it's self

      They would never had heard of the opportunity but for Congressman Ellison brining it to ISIS attention…

      Savages were going to kill…

      Geller just lured them to her event…

      In the end?

      I'd rather have the savages killed there then attack a church or a mall...

  57. Some are saying I provoked this attack. But to kowtow to violent intimidation will only encourage more of it.

    Sunday in Garland, Texas, a police officer was wounded in a battle that is part of a longstanding war: the war against the freedom of speech. Some people are blaming me for the Garland shooting — so I want to address that here.

    The shooting happened at my American Freedom Defense Initiative Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest, when two Islamic jihadists armed with rifles and explosives drove up to the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland and attempted to gain entry to our event, which was just ending. We were aware of the risk and spent thousands of dollars on security — and it paid off. The jihadis at our free speech event were not able to achieve their objective of replicating the massacre at the offices of the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine last January — and to go it one better in carnage. They were not able to kill anyone. We provided enormous security, in concert with the superb Garland police department. The men who took the aspiring killers down may have saved hundreds of lives.

    And make no mistake: If it weren’t for the free-speech conference, these jihadis would have struck somewhere else — a place where there was less security, like the Lindt cafe in Australia or the Hyper Cacher Kosher supermarket in Paris.

    So, why are some people blaming me? They’re saying: “Well, she provoked them! She got what she deserved!” They don’t remember, or care to remember, that as the jihadis were killing the Muhammad cartoonists in Paris, their friend and accomplice was murdering Jews in a nearby kosher supermarket. Were the Jews asking for it? Did they “bait” the jihadis? Were they “provoking” them?

    Are the Jews responsible for the Nazis? Are the Christians in the Middle East responsible for being persecuted by Muslims?

    Drawing Muhammad offends Islamic jihadists? So does being Jewish. How much accommodation of any kind should we give to murderous savagery? To kowtow to violent intimidation will only encourage more of it.

    This is a war.

    Now, after the Charlie Hebdo attack, and after the Garland attack, what are we going to do? Are we going to surrender to these monsters?

    The attack in Garland showed that everything my colleagues and I have been warning about regarding the threat of jihad, and the ways in which it threatens our liberties, is true. Islamic law, Sharia, with its death penalty for blasphemy, today constitutes a unique threat to the freedom of speech and liberty in general.

    Freedom of speech is the foundation of a free society. Without it, a tyrant can wreak havoc unopposed, while his opponents are silenced.

    Putting up with being offended is essential in a pluralistic society in which people differ on basic truths. If a group will not stand for being offended without resorting to violence, that group will rule unopposed, while everyone else lives in fear.

    Islamic law as it’s interpreted by extremists forbids criticism of Islam, the Quran, and Muhammad. If they cannot be criticized in the United States, we are in effect accepting Islamic law as overriding the freedom of speech. This would establish Muslims as a protected class and prevent honest discussion of how Islamic jihadists use the texts and teachings of Islam to justify violence.

    Some say that “hate speech” should be censored. But what constitutes “hate speech” is a subjective judgment that is unavoidably influenced by the political perspective of the one doing the judging.

    1. Allowing this sort of censorship would mean nothing less civilizational suicide. Many in the media and academic elite assign no blame to an ideology that calls for death to blasphemers — i.e., those who criticize or offend Islam. Instead, they target and blame those who expose this fanaticism. If the cultural elites directed their barbs and attacks at the extremist doctrine of jihad, the world would be a vastly safer place.

      You can try to avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality. The shootings in Garland, Paris, and Copenhagen targeting defenders of free speech, and the raging jihad across the Middle East, Africa, and Europe, are the disastrous consequences of avoiding reality.

      I encourage all Americans to watch the videos of the Garland event and see what Islamic supremacists wish to silence: basic, elemental free speech arguments.

      But we are unbowed. Even when the venue was in lockdown and hundreds of attendees were ushered down into the auditorium, the crowd was singing the Star Spangled Banner and G-d Bless America. In the face of fear, they were staunchly and uniquely American.

      To learn who rules over you, simply find out whom you cannot criticize. If the international media had run the Danish cartoons back in 2005, none of this could have happened. The jihadis wouldn’t have been able to kill everyone. But by self-censoring, the media gave the jihadis the power they have today.

      We must take back our freedom.

    2. .

      The 1st Amendment guarantees the right of hate-groups of all stripes to demonstrate, hold get-togethers, and have their views heard. I am not obligated to approve their efforts whether they are jihadis or wig-jobs on the right.


    3. No where in American law or rights, do the Jihadists have the right to target for execution Jews or Christians or anyone who they find offensive.

      And they do target jews, christians and others.

      You just don't take it seriously since it's not you (or yours) they target.

  58. Actually, the whole thing was just a charade from the Obama Administration to divert attention away from Jade Helm 15, and the coming conquest/occupation of Texas.

  59. QuirkWed May 06, 02:28:00 PM EDT


    Of course, I should have prefaced my post with 'In my opinion...

    Good idea.

    In my opinion, you are exonerating the people who wanted to kill and blaming the innocent.

    You don't want to 'offend' the oh so sensitive Moslems.

    They don't want you to see 'American Sniper'.

    They have threatened movie theaters that show 'American Sniper'.

    You don't want to 'offend' the Moslems.

    How far are you willing to take your submissive attitude ?

    Fair question.

    What if they want you to get rid of your beloved Mutt, not walk Mutt in public ?

    Dogs are haram to them, you know.

    And books too - Boko Haram

    Will you comply ?

    Where is your line in the sand ?

  60. An article for our Quirk the Submissive, aka Quake -

    Actual WaPo headline: “Event organizer offers no apology after thwarted attack in Texas”
    posted at 7:21 pm on May 5, 2015 by Allahpundit

    Share on Facebook

    The media is so, so angry at Pam Geller for putting them in a position where they have to side with her (sort of). They already despised her. Now that she’s made them unwilling allies in defending her right to mock Mohammed, they’ll never forgive her.

    So they’re going to try to make her the instigator of the Garland attack rather than the two turds who actually tried to pull it off. Why else would she, the ostensible victim, need to apologize?.............


    The Washington Compost is the paper for you, Quirk.

    1. A fitting T-Shirt for Quirk:

      I Apologize
      For Everything

    2. As well he should, with his rap sheet.

      (sorry, just couldn't help it )

    3. .

      You are a buffoon, Obumble. It is sad to see how easily a simple mind is turned.

      In my opinion, you are exonerating the people who wanted to kill and blaming the innocent.

      As you stated, everyone has their own opinion; however, since this discussion has only been going on for a couple days, I don't think it will cause any undue hardship to ask that you document the post where I 'exonerating the people who wanted to kill'. If true, you should be able to quickly post it.

      You don't want to 'offend' the oh so sensitive Moslems.

      Lord, Bob, you are a nitwit. Why should I be concerned about Muslims in the US? I just don't come in contact with that many of them, at least not to the extent that our interaction would effect me personally. The fact is I just view Geller and her ilk the same way I view Davis Duke or Terry Jones or any of the many other wig-jobs walking around out there.

      They don't want you to see 'American Sniper'.

      So what? Who in America really gives a shit what they want or think? Except nitwits like you.

      What if they want you to get rid of your beloved Mutt, not walk Mutt in public ?

      Bob, you should really seek professional help. You are a sick man.

      And books too - Boko Haram

      There are nitwits and book-burners everywhere in the world, in Nigeria, in Israel, and in the US. It's people like Geert Wilders that lead the simple-minded to things like book burning.

      Your heroes, Geller, Wilders, et al go on and on about the drip, drip, drip of sharia law taking over in the US but they evidently haven't got a clue as to checks and balances as well as case law here that prevents that. She spouts about the 1st Amendment but she evidently doesn't realize that it guarantees more rights than just freedom of speech and freedom of religion is one of them. The American justices system considers all of these various rights and comes up with what I consider a reasonable compromise.

      Where is your line in the sand ?

      It's time you grow up old man. When seconds count, the police are only minutes away. I am prepared to defend me and mine (including the dogs) but believe me I consider the chances of any one of us being hurt by a jihadi terrorist attack is so far down my list of concerns that it rarely crosses my mind. It is simply the sheeple like you, frightened of your own shadow, that seem to be concerned about it.

      When you aren't hiding under your bed you are being led around by the nose by bigoted assholes like Gellers and Wilders.

      I am much more worried about sickos like you than about an Islamic terrorist attack in my neighborhood. When we accumulate enough of your ilk, America will really be in trouble.

      Duke, Jones, Geller, Idaho Bob, a strange and scary brew.


    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Too many typos in my first effort there, in shocked confusion and bewilderment as I was....


      Bwa ha HA !

      Your are just upset I called your mutt Mutt.

      You reference David Duke ?

      Good Grief, you have misread me completely.

      He's is the neo Nazis anti-semite is he not ?

      And you have me down as an anti-semite ?

      Goodness, goodness....

      And Terry Jones ?

      Is he a monomythean like myself ?

      I don't think so.

      >>>They don't want you to see 'American Sniper'.

      So what? Who in America really gives a shit what they want or think?<<<

      I don't care what they THINK either, but they have threatened to blow the movie theaters. Perhaps with you in one of them. I don't wish this for you. Your popcorn would go flying, and the blood everywhere....no,no,no

      "I am much more worried about sickos like you than about an Islamic terrorist attack in my neighborhood."

      You have nothing to fear Quake-O.

      I would be afraid to come anywhere near your neighborhood.


      Ah, Quirk, stick with advertising.

      You did a marvelous job with your Poo Pourri ad.

      Play to your strengths, my lad, play to your strengths.

      I tell you what.....I'll go to outpatient psychiatric if you'll pledge to go to inpatient psychiatric for your needed help. And take all the drugs they recommend.

      Have we a deal ?

    6. The sedatives, Quirk, and ALL the Anti-hallucinogenic drugs.

      You must promise to take ALL those in hospital.

    7. (I am making this remarkable offer, folks, in a last ditch effort to finally get Quirk off our streets for awhile)

    8. I make the same offer to Deuce and Rufus.

      rat's ass is beyond all help.

    9. .

      You are bufoon, Obumble, or am I being redundant?

      You are the sheeple, frightened of your own shadow, scared by the isolated 'terrorist threat' here in America when each year thousands are murdered on our streets by drive by shootings and domestic disputes and death by cops. It is sheeple like you that have willingly bowed to the extreme measures ensconced in the WOT and Patriot Act in the name of protecting us from the Islamic threat here in America. You eat up the bull you are fed by AT and FOX and suck it up like a pig eating shit. however, you waste your time trying to spread that bull to anyone here who as any idea of what has happened in this country since 2001.

      You are the sheeple, you are the enabler, you are the problem.


    10. and here I thought Quirk was headed down the rabbit hole but, nope!


    11. >>>You are the sheeple, you are the enabler, you are the problem<<<


      Go ahead and say it, Quake, say what you must really think, that I was the one that attacked the Free Speech Event in Garland, Texas.

      I extend my offer to Noble Ash, as well.

      I have now offered to fly Rufus, rat'sass, and Deuce to Gaza, along with desperately needed medical for Four (4) folks here.

      Can anyone here even come close to matching my largesse ?


  61. Hillary is the favorite among millionaire voters: Survey
    Robert Frank | @robtfrank
    15 Hours AgoCNBC.com

    COMMENTSJoin the Discussion

    Hillary Clinton is the favorite U.S. presidential candidate among millionaire voters and would win a head-to-head contest with former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, according to the third CNBC Millionaire Survey conducted in March that was released today.

    The survey, which polls 750 Americans with a net worth of $1 million or more, found that 53 percent of millionaires would vote for the Democratic ex-Secretary of State, compared with 47 percent for the GOP presidential hopeful, in a hypothetical general-election match-up. Clinton had the support of 91 percent of Democratic millionaires, 13 percent of Republican millionaires and 57 percent of Independent millionaires. (Tweet this)

    When asked about the broader field of candidates, Clinton got the most support, with 36 percent of millionaires. Jeb Bush came in second with 20 percent, followed by Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) with 8 percent, and Governor Chris Christie (R-N.J.) with 7 percent.............


    Hillary and the Democrats also have more of the super duper rich behind them.

    This puts the lie to another of Ruf's memes.

    I'm your typical Republican voter, a country, not country club, Republican, of modest means, who knows enough not to expect much out of politics in the first place.

    1. The Democratic Party - The Party of the Rich and Super Rich

  62. The United States and its allies have carried out 3,713 air strikes in Iraq and Syria since August, officials said.

    That should make for about 11,000 Daid headcutters.

    1. and about 4000 women and children…

      but who cares?

      what difference does it make?

  63. QuirkWed May 06, 04:50:00 PM EDT

    You are bufoon, Obumble, or am I being redundant?

    You are the sheeple, frightened of your own shadow, scared by the isolated 'terrorist threat' here in America when each year thousands are murdered on our streets by drive by shootings and domestic disputes and death by cops. It is sheeple like you that have willingly bowed to the extreme measures ensconced in the WOT and Patriot Act in the name of protecting us from the Islamic threat here in America. You eat up the bull you are fed by AT and FOX and suck it up like a pig eating shit. however, you waste your time trying to spread that bull to anyone here who as any idea of what has happened in this country since 2001.

    You are the sheeple, you are the enabler, you are the problem.

    Quirk, thank you for reassuring me….

    I feel so much safer now knowing that there is no threat to Jews here in America..

    Thanks quirk, for opening my eyes to the truth according to you…

    I feel so much better….

    PS Quirk? between you and I? I have to ask you think, when you speak, does the shit run out of both your ass and mouth at the same time or just your mouth? You are either naive or just retarded….

    I mean that sincerely…

    naive or retarded…..

    or if there is a 3rd possibility, I will not be like Ratboy and corner you into false choices…

    Is it possible that you really don't KNOW shit about the real threat to the Jewish community in America? (forget the world)

    Do you really think that repeated shooting at Jewish day schools, community centers, letter bombs, stabbings etc are all imaginary?


    1. Idaho BobWed May 06, 06:18:00 PM EDT

      >>>You are the sheeple, you are the enabler, you are the problem<<<


      Go ahead and say it, Quake, say what you must really think, that I was the one that attacked the Free Speech Event in Garland, Texas.

      I extend my offer to Noble Ash, as well.

      I have now offered to fly Rufus, rat'sass, and Deuce to Gaza, along with desperately needed medical for Four (4) folks here.

      Can anyone here even come close to matching my largesse ?


    2. .

      Matching your lardass...? Your large ass...?

      In either of those cases, I don't think so.


    3. .

      Do you really think that repeated shooting at Jewish day schools, community centers, letter bombs, stabbings etc are all imaginary?

      No. Not at all. What I said is the numbers are insignificant when compared to the real threats we face in this country from other violent crimes.

      If the Jews have a special case, which I don't see from the numbers, they should be concerned but please don't try to convince me that this is a high priority problem that would justify the actions we have seen the government impose on the nation in the last 15 years.

      Here is an article that lists the attacks committed in the US over the last two centuries including those committed by Jewish radicals.



    4. .

      I can't help but note the analogy you have offered here on a number of occasions and the conclusion you drew that the Israelis must be pikers because they only killed about 2,000 Palestinians last summer out of a population of 1.2 million in Gaza. Add up the number of Jewish deaths from terrorist attacks in the US listed in the Wiki article above which covers the last couple centuries and then tell me what it says to you given the current population of Jews in the US (around 7 million).


    5. The analogy of how many palestinians have been killed is to reflect those here at the blog that Israelis are wonton in their killing...

      As for number of Jew murdering the USA by moslems? One is more than tolerable.

      Two different issues

  64. Our Napoleon on the Potomac has lost Iraq.

    Shiite Iraq is now a Satrapy of Iran

    Sunni Iraq is and will continue to be pure chaos.

    The one thing we could do to actually be constructive in this Iraq Fiasco is help the Kurds obtain Independence.

    That, of course, is not the policy of our Napoleon on the Potomac.

  65. Thankfully, blessedly, we are nearing the sacred 200 comment mark, after which I am unable to follow.....


    Cheers !!


  66. I wonder if the kennedy's cared about the Palestinians after Sihan SIrhan, the palestinian murdered bobbie.

  67. quirk: If the Jews have a special case, which I don't see from the numbers, they should be concerned but please don't try to convince me that this is a high priority problem that would justify the actions we have seen the government impose on the nation in the last 15 years.

    amazing depth perception...
