Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Israel’s Concentration Camp: Gaza

Israeli official calls for concentration camps in Gaza and 'the conquest of the entire Gaza Strip, and annihilation of all fighting forces and their supporters'

  • Moshe Feiglin is Deputy Speaker of the Israeli Knesset
  • He posted the message on his Facebook page at the weekend
  • Plan includes shipping the people living in Gaza across the world
  • IDF would 'exterminate nests of resistance' as part of his plan
  • The Gaza war has left more than 1,800 Palestinians dead
Moshe Feiglin called for concentration camps in Gaza in his action plan
Moshe Feiglin called for concentration camps in Gaza in his action plan
An Israeli official has called for concentration camps in Gaza and ‘the conquest of the entire Gaza Strip, and annihilation of all fighting forces and their supporters’.
Moshe Feiglin, Deputy Speaker of the Israeli Knesset and member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling Likud Party, posted the inflammatory message on his Facebook page at the weekend.  
He lays out a detailed plan for the destruction of Gaza -  which includes shipping its residents across the world - in a letter he addressed to the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The message, which received more than 2,000 likes on his page, lists four action points which he wants to be enforced as soon as possible.
Feiglin details the first one as 'defining the enemy' and states: 'The strategic enemy is extremist Arab Islam in all its varieties, from Iran to Gaza, which seeks to annihilate Israel in its entirety. The immediate enemy is Hamas. (Not the tunnels, not the rockets, but Hamas.)'
He says another important part of his plan is the 'conquest of the entire Gaza Strip, and annihilation of all fighting forces and their supporters.' 
Moshe Feiglin is Deputy Speaker of the Israeli Knesset and member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu¿s ruling Likud Party, and posted the message on his Facebook page at the weekend
Moshe Feiglin is Deputy Speaker of the Israeli Knesset and member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling Likud Party, and posted the message on his Facebook page at the weekend

He lays out a detailed plan for the destruction of Gaza - which includes shipping its residents across the world - in a letter he addressed to the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
The Gaza war, now in its fourth week, has left more than 1,800 Palestinians dead. 
Feiglin details how he wants the Israeli PM 'to turn Gaza into Jaffa, a flourishing Israeli city with a minimum number of hostile civilians.' 

In his plan the supply of electricity and water to the Gaza would be disconnected before being 'shelled with maximum fire power'
In his plan the supply of electricity and water to the Gaza would be disconnected before being ‘ helled with maximum fire power'

Feiglin  states: 'The strategic enemy is extremist Arab Islam in all its varieties, from Iran to Gaza, which seeks to annihilate Israel in its entirety. The immediate enemy is Hamas. (Not the tunnels, not the rockets, but Hamas.)'
Feiglin states: 'The strategic enemy is extremist Arab Islam in all its varieties, from Iran to Gaza, which seeks to annihilate Israel in its entirety. The immediate enemy is Hamas. (Not the tunnels, not the rockets, but Hamas.)'
Feiglin explains how the IDF would then 'exterminate nests of resistance, in the event that any should remain.'
 Establish 'tent encampments...until relevant emigration destinations are determined'
Part of his plan includes shipping the people living in Gaza across the world. 
He says to encourage the movement those who willingly agree to emigrate will be given 'a generous economic support package.'
But those who resist leaving their home will be required to publicly sign a declaration of loyalty to Israel, and receive a blue ID card similar to that of the Arabs of East Jerusalem.
Then Israeli law will be extended to cover the entire Gaza Strip and 'the city of Gaza and its suburbs will be rebuilt as true Israeli touristic and commercial cities.' 
A second Gaza ceasefire collapsed in just six minutes this morning after an Israeli F16 jet destroyed a house in a beach-side refugee camp, killing an eight-year-old girl and wounding dozens.
Israel announced the temporary ceasefire to facilitate the entry of humanitarian aid and allow some of the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians displaced by an almost four-week-old war to go home.
Hamas said it would not be observing the truce, and warned people to exercise extreme caution when venturing out onto the streets after earlier temporary ceasefire arrangements collapsed into a frenzy of bloodshed.
Feiglin’s Facebook page is verifiable as it is linked from his official page on the Knesset website. 
Palestinians remove the body of an eight-year-old from the rubble from a house hit by an Israeli airstrike in the al-Shati refugee camp in Gaza City today
Palestinians remove the body of an eight-year-old from the rubble from a house hit by an Israeli airstrike in the al-Shati refugee camp in Gaza City today

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2715466/Israeli-official-calls-concentration-camps-Gaza-conquest-entire-Gaza-Strip-annihilation-fighting-forces-supporters.html#ixzz3YaMT0y5J
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  1. Moshe Feiglin – who was a Likud MK in 2013-2015 – is out of the Knesset, for now at least, but his nonconformist thinking continues to arouse interest and spark fiery debate.

    Feiglin took issue with the uniformly uncritical and adoring way Israel's media has been covering the plight of gay parents who were stranded with their newborn babies in harsh conditions, following the Nepal earthquake. These men hired poor Indian women to serve as surrogate mothers for their babies and then brought them to Nepal in order to give birth, because Indian law no longer allows gays to enter the country for the purpose of taking babies who were born through surrogacy.

    About 20 such babies were born in Nepal in the days that immediately preceded the earthquake there. As a result, their gay parents reported situations of extreme distress. TV reports show the back seats of cars replacing the incubators in which some of the preemie babies had been held, and other difficulties faced by the parents.

    In a Facebook post, Feiglin quoted two such men, who had been staying at a hotel that collapsed, as telling the press: “We got away with the children but the state [Israel – ed.] is not helping us. We have no diapers, there is no Materna [breastmilk substitute – ed.] and it will soon be nighttime, and it is starting to rain.”

    Feiglin noted the obvious: the reason the fathers cannot feed their babies is that "they do not have breasts": "In other words, suddenly, when the outer shell of enlightenment and progress was abruptly shed, when the shaking earth left you and your child alone with it, without go-betweens – it suddenly turned out that a man has no breasts, and he cannot feed a newborn baby.”

    “Of course”


  2. Feiglin represents a significant minority of Israelis. Read this and tell me that there is not an Israeli based lobby wanting a war with Iran. His religious nut jobs are joined by others in the US Congress who represent Christian conservatives who are also in favor of another war in the ME

    Translated from NRG [Maariv online]

    I am very ashamed of the Holocaust. How my people were taken, stripped, humiliated, tortured and led to their deaths – before the eyes of the joyous Poles, Ukrainians, French and other offspring of Christian enlightenment; how newborn babies were impaled on pitchforks on the way to the death pits; how millions were led to the factories of death, and suffocated and burned, fertilizing the fields of Poland and Europe with our people’s ashes – and all with almost no resistance.

    I am very proud of the Holocaust. If the German Asmodeus – the most explicit essence of absolute evil ever revealed in history – sees me, the Jew, as its ultimate enemy, then that means that I am on the other end of the scale. In other words, there is something very good about my people. If the German Asmodeus represents absolute evil, then it is very afraid of the absolute good – G-d – which I represent.

    There is no way to explain the Holocaust. I know survivors who are not on speaking terms with G-d. I know many who are the opposite. I have no right to go there – and I have neither the ability nor the desire to do so. But irrespective of the theological questions surrounding the Holocaust, one thing clearly occurred in its wake: Jewish history stopped being written in exile and started to be written in the Land of Israel.

    Now, for the first time since the First Temple period (!), the majority of the Jewish People will be living in the Holy Land. This fact constitutes a spiritual critical mass. Jewish law changes in several realms by virtue of the demographic fact that “most of its sons are on [the land].” The absolute number that we are approaching in the Land of Israel is chilling. Six million.

    1. G-d, Who chose us to be His eternal people and to attest to His existence, has made us a target for extermination by every evil in the world.

      It is certainly understandable why there are Jews who constantly try to escape this fate. As individuals, this may be possible – an individual may be able to assimilate and rid him/herself of this trouble. But as a people, we cannot escape our destiny. We cannot exist without it.

      When the time of national awakening comes, when the gates of the Land open before us but we insist on remaining merely the bearers of religion in exile – the ground burns under our feet. And when we flee to the other extreme, create an alternative Israeli nationalism and shun Judaism and the Torah, then even if we have decided that we are no longer Jews, but only normal Israelis, even if we have established a modern state and hold 200 atom bombs in our nuclear arsenal – we are still six million Jews under the mounting danger of annihilation.

      Our obsessive need to maintain international recognition of our normalcy forces us to pay in the hard currency of homeland and security in exchange for the peace process – or in other words, the process of our “acceptance” as a normal people among the nations.

      There are two historical lessons that we should remember well from the Holocaust:

      One is that the armies of Czechoslovakia and France – both much stronger before the war than the German army – went down like dominoes, because their leaderships failed to understand the nature of the conflict and based their policies on peace processes.

      The second lesson, which pertains directly to us as Jews, is that before physical destruction there is spiritual destruction. Before we are murdered, our dignity is murdered, and we are rendered illegitimate. Der Stuermer always precedes Auschwitz. When you agree to be humiliated, you have not forestalled your end; you have brought it closer. Jewish history is being written today in the State of Israel. The desire to destroy the state is the same desire to destroy the Jews – to fight against good.
      When the state’s leadership lets Biden or Erdogan humiliate us, it sows hope and uncontrollable desire to destroy us. When Ahmadinejad started to talk about Israel’s destruction – it should have been clear that from Israel’s standpoint, he had lost his right to breathe in this world. Since we did not eliminate him, he has been gaining strength. He and his ministers roam freely around the world, while Israel has become a pirate ship that has lost the legitimacy for its existence, its ministers fugitives in European capitals. We have returned to the days of the “Jewish Question.” We are no longer in 2010. It is now nineteen thirty-something.

      Whoever warns against a preemptive strike in Iran and prefers to let the world do its work, is behaving just like the Jewish community leaders who denounced anyone who tried to resist the German annihilation machine. It is clear that resistance had a terrible price. But the price of appeasement and cooperation was a thousand times more horrific.

  3. Nicely blended hate speech, out of context, meaning and pure bullshit...

    Nasrallah should give you a medal.

    But wait, nasrallah is actually supporting a real concentration camp against palestinians... in syria...

    Deuce the boy who cried wolf...

    1. Which part of Feiglin’s comments are out of context? What was his inner intent? As to Palestinian camps in Syria, It wasn’t the Paraguayans that put them there. It was Eastern European colonists, the Zionists, that did the ethnic cleansing.
