Friday, April 03, 2015

Israel and the Israeli Lobby and The so-called US Representatives in the GOP will do everything to wreck this deal with Iran.

Gradually the GOP and Israeli lies about Iran will be exposed. Israeli disruption of US politics and influence  has peaked and from this time forward will diminish as the lies and prejudices of The Israeli Lobby become more widely known by the American people.

The US has paid a terrible cost for the malignant US - Israeli axis. Netanyahu and his minions in the GOP realize they are in danger of being exposed and will try to reverse the positive steps which began today. Don’t let them get away with it. 


  1. When there is breaking news on a controversy-laden topic, it’s not unusual for a politician to decline to respond publicly until the facts -- and, let’s face it, the talking points -- are sorted out.

    What is atypical, however, is for a soon-to-be official presidential candidate to issue what amounts to a multiday “no comment” on two of the most pressing stories of the day.

    But that is exactly what Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has done this week when his aides have been asked for the senator’s response to the controversy surrounding Indiana’s contentious “religious freedom” law and the agreed framework to a nuclear deal with Iran that was announced Thursday.

    On Tuesday, The Hill reached out to the Paul camp regarding his position on the Indiana law. In declining to comment, a representative of Paul’s PAC said that the senator “is out of pocket with family and not doing any media all week long.”

    Paul is expected to announce his candidacy for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination in Lexington, Kentucky, on Tuesday.

    And sure enough, when The Huffington Post asked for Paul’s reaction to the nuclear deal with Iran on Thursday, Paul spokesperson Sergio Gor replied, “Senator Paul is out of pocket all week with family leading up to April 7th. At this time our office will have no comment to any news.”

    Other potential candidates for the Republican presidential nomination issued their own detailed statements Thursday expressing skepticism on the Iran deal.

    Despite the Paul camp’s avowal of reticence in the week leading up to his announcement, in a story published in Politico on Wednesday afternoon, an anonymous Paul aide was quoted affirming the senator’s support for a bill backed by the ethanol industry -- an influential lobbying bloc in Iowa.

    That may not count as an official statement, but Paul did also speak briefly to a reporter on Monday following a fundraiser in Florida.

    The typically loquacious first-term senator will have plenty of opportunities to weigh in on the Indiana law and the Iran nuclear agreement when he embarks next week on a post-announcement fly-around tour of the four early-voting states on the 2016 calendar: New Hampshire, South Carolina, Iowa and Nevada.


  2. Here is a real security fact you will not see in the US Media

    A total of 111 people were killed by police in the United States in March of 2015. Since 1900, in the entire United Kingdom, 52 people have been killed by police.

    Don't bother adjusting for population differences, or poverty, or mental illness, or anything else. The sheer fact that American police kill TWICE as many people per month as police have killed in the modern history of the United Kingdom is sick, preposterous, and alarming.

    1. If you subtract black crime out of the equation, the United States is as peaceful as any European nation.

      And in the United States the criminals all have guns.

      In the United Kingdom mostly nobody has guns except perhaps the Moslems.

      Don't bother adjusting ?

      Why hell no, because if you do your entire thesis comes tumbling down.

    2. If one were to subtract bank fraud from the statistics, Robert 'Draft Dodger" Peterson would drop of the list of miscreants.

  3. WASHINGTON, D.C. — Secretary of State John Kerry is in the political fight of his life, one that will have a far greater impact on his legacy than even his failed 2004 presidential bid.

    The stakes are much higher for Kerry in his quest to reach a final deal that would prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon: If he succeeds, he could cap off his long career with a Nobel Peace Prize. But if he fails, he’ll be blamed for destabilizing the Mideast and putting the U.S. and its allies in dire peril. It’s an all or nothing proposition.

    One piece of good news for Kerry is that he has the strong backing of the White House, for a change. President Obama has publicly undercut Kerry’s efforts on a number of fronts, from the strategy in Syria to Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.

    Obama even initially doubted the viability of Kerry’s quest for an Iran nuclear deal. Just 15 months ago, as Kerry appeared on Capitol Hill to urge congressional lawmakers not to torpedo efforts to reach an accord by ratcheting up sanctions during the negotiations, Obama made a public statement placing the likelihood of a final agreement at 50-50 at best. “But we have to try,” he added.

    But this time, Kerry has a full-throated supporter rather than an underminer in Obama, who yesterday praised the secretary of state’s work as representing “the best tradition of American diplomacy.” Senior administration officials said the president has worked closely with Kerry throughout the negotiation process.

    But there are still major obstacles facing the former Bay State U.S. senator in this high-stakes endeavor — including getting it done. Yesterday’s announcement of the framework of a deal between P5+1 — China, France, Russia, England and the U.S., plus Germany — the European Union and Iran was just the first step. As with any effort of this magnitude, the devil is in the details, and in this case all the details have yet to be worked out, much less an implementation plan. With the clock ticking to the June 30 deadline, the road to the finish line will be steep and difficult.

    Another obstacle is Congress. Few issues have rallied GOP lawmakers against the White House as Iran’s nuclear program, spurring stunts like Speaker John Boener’s unilateral Capitol Hill invitation to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Republicans’ open letter to Iran last month.

    Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker said yesterday he would press forward with his bill to bar any sanctions from being lifted without congressional approval.

    In a statement, U.S. Sen. John McCain praised Kerry’s efforts but was blunt in his skepticism of Iran’s motives. “Ultimately, we must recognize that Iran is clearly on the offensive across the Middle East. Its malign activities, from Iraq and Syria to Lebanon and Yemen, are provoking a regional sectarian conflict of massive proportions,” McCain said.

    Sailing these hurdles won’t be easy. But for Kerry, failure is not an option — at least if he wants to save his legacy.


    2. Save his legacy ?

      What legacy ?

      He doesn't have a legacy.

      Neither does Hillary. She never did a damn thing as Secretary of State.

      Obama has a legacy. Taking the troops out too soon thus facilitating the rise of ISIS.

      Kerry thinks he is trying to create a legacy.

      Perhaps he thinks he is trying to 'save' Obama's legacy, which desperately needs saving.

      I'm naive, I guess.

      I thought the goal in all this was to do something that's of some benefit to the United States of America, and not one's personal 'legacy'.

      Kerry should have gone into acting in horror movies. He's got the face, the mannerisms, the profile.

    3. Sec of State Kerry has a much greater legacy of public service than does Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, a man who had better things to do, than stand up for his country, he studied English Literature, instead.

    4. Jack HawkinsFri Apr 03, 09:38:00 AM EDT
      Sec of State Kerry has a much greater legacy of public service than does Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, a man who had better things to do, than stand up for his country, he studied English Literature, instead.

      Notice the absurd usage of words by Jack?

      Hense the term "jackshit" applies more than ever.

  4. Kerry seems to be a little confused as to what's up -

    reposting but it's on your point -

    Iran Accuses U.S. of Lying About New Nuke Agreement
    Says White House misleading Congress, American people with fact sheet

    Javad Zarif / AP

    BY: Adam Kredo
    April 2, 2015 5:40 pm

    LAUSANNE, Switzerland — Just hours after the announcement of what the United States characterized as a historic agreement with Iran over its nuclear program, the country’s leading negotiator lashed out at the Obama administration for lying about the details of a tentative framework.

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif accused the Obama administration of misleading the American people and Congress in a fact sheet it released following the culmination of negotiations with the Islamic Republic.

    Zarif bragged in an earlier press conference with reporters that the United States had tentatively agreed to let it continue the enrichment of uranium, the key component in a nuclear bomb, as well as key nuclear research.

    Zarif additionally said Iran would have all nuclear-related sanctions lifted once a final deal is signed and that the country would not be forced to shut down any of its currently operating nuclear installations.

    Following a subsequent press conference by Secretary of State John Kerry—and release of a administration fact sheet on Iranian concessions—Zarif lashed out on Twitter over what he dubbed lies.

    “The solutions are good for all, as they stand,” he tweeted. “There is no need to spin using ‘fact sheets’ so early on.”

    Zarif went on to push back against claims by Kerry that the sanctions relief would be implemented in a phased fashion—and only after Iran verifies that it is not conducting any work on the nuclear weapons front.

    Zarif, echoing previous comments, said the United States has promised an immediate termination of sanctions.

    “Iran/5+1 Statement: ‘US will cease the application of ALL nuclear-related secondary economic and financial sanctions.’ Is this gradual?” he wrote on Twitter.

    He then suggested a correction: “Iran/P5+1 Statement: ‘The EU will TERMINATE the implementation of ALL nuclear-related economic and financial sanctions’. How about this?”

    The pushback from Iran’s chief diplomat follows a pattern of similar accusations by senior Iranian political figures after the announcement of previous agreements.

    Following the signing of an interim agreement with Iran aimed at scaling back its nuclear work, Iran accused the United States of lying about details of the agreement.

    On Thursday evening, Zarif told reporters the latest agreement allows Iran to keep operating its nuclear program.

    “None of those measures” that will move to scale back Iran’s program “include closing any of our facilities,” Zarif said. “We will continue enriching; we will continue research and development.”

    “Our heavy water reactor will be modernized and we will continue the Fordow facility,” Zarif said. “We will have centrifuges installed in Fordow, but not enriching.”

    The move to allow Iran to keep centrifuges at Fordow, a controversial onetime military site, has elicited concern that Tehran could ramp up its nuclear work with ease.

    Zarif said that once a final agreement is made, “all U.S. nuclear related secondary sanctions will be terminated,” he said. “This, I think, would be a major step forward.”

    Zarif also revealed that Iran will be allowed to sell “enriched uranium” in the international market place and will be “hopefully making some money” from it.

    Gonna sell enriched uranium in the open market but will it be bomb grade material ?

  5. This seems to be a change from about two days ago -

    >>>If you’re looking for good news, here you go: Starting at the bottom of page two, not only has Iran agreed to “regular access” by inspectors to all of its nuclear facilities, including the fortified plant inside the mountain at Fordo, but they’ve agreed to the IAEA’s “Additional Protocol,” which authorizes “snap inspections.” That had been a sticking point during the home stretch of the talks; eight days ago, Iran’s chief spokesman called snap inspections “illegal.” Unless there’s a legal wrinkle I’m missing, they ended up caving on that. They also supposedly agreed to let UN inspectors investigate suspected nuclear sites, not just sites that are already known. That’ll be useful when, not if, they eventually try to cheat by building covert enrichment sites under the IAEA’s nose. Iran, meanwhile, gets to sell this as a victory back home insofar as they haven’t agreed to close any site that’s already operating. (They have, however, agreed not to build any new ones, another important point when they inevitably try to cheat.) Even Fordo will keep operating with centrifuges in place, albeit as a monitored “research” facility with no uranium allowed on the premises.<<<

    If Iran has actually agreed to this.. ...who knows right now for sure.

    Revealed: U.S. releases “fact sheet” on nuclear deal; Update: No need to spin with “fact sheets,” says Iran
    posted at 3:21 pm on April 2, 2015 by Allahpundit

    1. Jihad Watch

      Iran runs the table at Lausanne, then brags about US nuke concessions

      April 2, 2015 2:52 pm By Robert Spencer

      The catastrophe of this cannot be overstated. The US and the free world will be paying for this deal for a long time to come.

      “Iran Brags About Nuke Concessions,” by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, April 2, 2015:

      LAUSANNE, Switzerland—Iran and world powers on Thursday announced that following the latest round of nuclear negotiations, Western powers agreed to permit Iran to continue operating the core aspects of its nuclear program and that all sanctions of the Islamic Republic would be terminated.

      After failing to meet a March 31 deadline for the announcement of a firm political agreement, Secretary of State John Kerry and Javad Zarif, his Iranian counterpart, said that the sides had agreed in principle to let Iran continue running major portions of its nuclear program.

      Despite threats from Obama administration officials that the United States would abandon talks if Iran continued to demand greater concessions, Kerry extended his trip and conducted a series of meetings aimed at hashing out a statement of progress—a far cry from the detailed document officials vowed would be finalized by now.

      The sides continue to disagree over Iranian demands that it be permitted to continue key nuclear research and granted the ability to ramp its program up to industrial capacity after a decade.

      However, Zarif said many of these issues are closer to being resolved.

      “None of those measures” that will move to scale back Iran’s program “include closing any of our facilities,” Zarif said. “We will continue enriching; we will continue research and development.”

      “Our heavy water reactor will be modernized and we will continue the Fordow facility,” Zarif said. “We will have centrifuges installed in Fordow, but not enriching.”

      The move to allow Iran to keep centrifuges at Fordow, a controversial onetime military site, has elicited concern that Tehran could ramp up its nuclear work with ease.

      Zarif said that once a final agreement is made, “all U.S. nuclear related secondary sanctions will be terminated,” he said. “This, I think, would be a major step forward.”

      Zarif also revealed that Iran will be allowed to sell “enriched uranium” in the international market place and will be “hopefully making some money” from it….

  6. Hillary is not going to be the next President of the USA, thank the Living Lord -

    April 3, 2015
    April Fools for Hillary
    By Silvio Canto, Jr.

    It came out on April Fool's Day but that's just a coincidence. Or is it?

    The latest ABC/Washington Post tells us that it's over. Why even have an election? Why not just give Hillary Clinton the keys to the Oval Office and get Bill his own version of Air Force One for joy rides?

    It's over! Hillary Clinton will be #45 and she promises to use only one fancy device the next time around.

    It's over until you look at the methodology of the poll:

    "This ABC News/Washington Post poll was conducted by landline and cellular telephone March 26-29, 2015, in English and Spanish, among a random national sample of 1,003 adults. Including design effects, results have a margin of sampling error of 3.5 points for the full sample, 4 points for registered voters and 6 points for registered leaned Democrats and registered leaned Republicans alike.

    Partisan divisions are 30-22-38 percent, Democrats-Republicans-independents."

    Are you kidding me?

    First, a recent Gallup has a different partisan breakdown for March 2015: 27% GOP, 44% Independents & 28% Democrats! Wonder what the election results would look like with these numbers? By the way, these numbers were about the same in November 2014: 28-41-28.........

    1. One should always properly adjust the metrics used in one's thesis or one is apt to come off as an April Fool.

      This applies to weight loss, police shootings, crime statistics, alcoholism and drug use, election predictions, body counts, sexual performance, poker, horse racing and anything you might think of including religion and sun tan lotion.

  7. Hoodwinked

    April 3, 2015
    Tehran Hoodwinks Clueless U.S. Negotiators
    By James M. Waurishuk

    *******Jim Waurishuk is a retired USAF colonel, served for nearly 30 years as a career senior intelligence and political-military affairs officer, with expertise in strategic intelligence, international strategic studies and policy, and asymmetric warfare. He is the former deputy director for intelligence for U.S. Central Command, MacDill AFB; a former White House National Security Council staffer; and former distinguished senior fellow with the Atlantic Council, Washington, D.C. He lives in Tampa Bay, FL.**********

    >>The other serious discussion that needs to be addressed, and is not part of the ongoing negotiations, deals with Iran's Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) program, which is a key part of its nuclear weapons program. If the Iranians have a "peaceful nuclear program" as claimed, then why are they rushing to advance their ballistic missile technology? In fact, why are they working so closely with the North Koreans in joint nuclear and ballistic missile projects? These joint programs have been going on for years, where Iran shares know-how in ballistic missile technology in exchange for North Korean expertise in the nuclear arena.<<<

    Gute Nacht!

    Cheers !

    ***** 'It's not an ending unless it's a happy yet' *****

    1. Whatever made you think there would be an "Ending" to the play?

      That is just sophomoric thinking, typical of a draft dodging English Lit major.
      One who's greatest 'foreign adventure' was traveling to Hawaii.

  8. Israel and the Israeli Lobby and The so-called US Representatives in the GOP will do everything to wreck this deal with Iran.
    Gradually the GOP and Israeli lies about Iran will be exposed. Israeli disruption of US politics and influence has peaked and from this time forward will diminish as the lies and prejudices of The Israeli Lobby become more widely known by the American people.

    The US has paid a terrible cost for the malignant US - Israeli axis. Netanyahu and his minions in the GOP realize they are in danger of being exposed and will try to reverse the positive steps which began today.

    Iran is no friend of the west, the USA or Israel.

    those that are so desperate to slander the Israel - USA relationship cannot tolerate the truth.

    Not to worry, Iran WILL stab the USA in the throat.

    It's not a question of if, but when.

    1. The US has no friends, it has interests.

      It is not in the US interest to maintain Iran as a country non-grata.
      It just makes no sense. The US wanted the Iranians to negotiate a settlement, the US convince the P5+1 to 'Go Along".

      Now the P5+1 are going to garner the positive results of the 12 years of foreign policy diplomacy they have been pursuing, in concert. The Allies are satisfied the German, French and Brits, along with the Russians and Chinese, they all get a say in how it ends.

      It's the way Mr GW Bush set the program up.

    2. ... the US convinced the P5+1 to 'Go Along".

    3. Jack, you, the only person on this blog to have been actually reported to the FBI due to your threats, are in no position to comment. You have bragged about doing illegal things including killing of civilians in Central America and now you are the blog's cheerleader for Iran.

      Says it all…

      Now respond and take your time as English is NOT your primary language and we don't want to misunderstand you.

    4. "O"rdure, if what you claim is true, you should post the quotes.
      But you cannot do that, because those post were never made, the quotes do not exist.

      As to what you have done, with regards to the FBI and your delusions, that is for you to know ...
      No one else cares that you reported your delusions to the FBI, they took it for what it was worth.

      A laugh.

    5. The truth is clear to all.

      You are a liar and a fraud. You stalk and threaten folks.

      Heck you even stalked the WRONG JEW for almost 10 years….

      We all KNOW about your failure to out me! Go ahead and rant about Chocolate Emporium some more…..

      You are a despicable lout of a person. You lie, you cheat, you distort and you slander and defame.

      Your opinions on world events? worthless….

      Just as you are…. worthless.

      the readers have decided, they don't come here anymore.

      A lot in part because you have destroyed, with deuce's help, any credibility, rationality or value of this blog.

    6. You have no friends nor interests, d. rat.

      NO cattle
      NO hat
      NO profolio
      NO friends
      And everybody knows you are a liar

    7. I agree the Blog has zero credibility left.

      d. rat is a big part of that problem, but not all of it.

      It's totally propagandist tone is a good part of it too.


  9. Iraq
    After expelling ISIS, Iraqi bomb squads begin clearing Tikrit

    TIKRIT, Iraq — After a month of ferocious street battles that finally pushed Islamic State militants out of Tirkrit, a dangerous calm has descended on this city north of Baghdad as Iraqi bomb squads fan out to remove booby traps and explosives left behind by the extremists.

    Ahmed Khamis and his team of 12 explosives experts from Iraq's Federal Police have their work cut out for them.

    Their labor is slow as they crawl on their hands and knees, street by street, searching painstakingly for any sign of improvised explosive devices, or IEDs, which have inflicted heavy losses on their comrades and kept them from taking the city for so long.

    The government declared victory in Tikrit on Wednesday over extremists of the Islamic State group, and warned IS militants holding other Iraqi provinces that they would be the next to fall.

    Most of Tikrit's residents fled when the fighting began. Now, the government has ordered security forces to finish the job by ensuring that Saddam Hussein's hometown is cleared of booby traps before residents start returning.


  10. Iraqi PM orders the arrest of any lawless gangs in Tikrit

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi called on security forces on Friday to arrest anyone breaking the law in the city of Tikrit, where looting has been seen following the ousting of Islamic State militants.

    "The prime minister calls on the forces in Tikrit to arrest any person who performs such acts and to preserve the belongings and facilities in Salahuddin province," the prime minister's office said in a statement.

    The Iraqi government claimed victory over Islamic State insurgents in Tikrit on Wednesday after a month-long battle for the Sunni Muslim city fought by the Iraqi army and federal police, with the support of Shi'ite militiamen.

    Abadi said enforcement of the law was essential in order to "bring life back to the province as well as returning families" to the city, the capital of Salahuddin province, which was seized by Islamic State extremists last June.

  11. So, it took a month for the Iranian advised Iraqi troops to take Tikrit from the Islamic State.
    The Daesh just could not hold the ground.

    The US and its Coalition partners provide what seemed to be about thirty hours of air support to the Iraqi Security Forces, right before those troops and the Shiite militias closed in on the last of the Daesh strong points in the government buildings.

    The government now mopping up and clearing the last of the boobie traps.

    The Iranian's lead advisor has already advised that he and his core cadre were moving north, up to recon Mosul.
    Memorial Day may find the Daesh in Iraq in the fight of their lives, it may be that by the Fourth of July the Daesh will be rolled backed to Syria ... may have to wait for Labor Day.

    Matters not at all, there are no US ground troops on the line.
    But the tactical outcome, that is as sure as the fact that time marches on.

  12. The man really does appear to be trying to keep the Shiite militias in line.

    And, so far, he appears to be succeeding.

    1. That depends on which source you read.

      I have read some very bad reports.

    2. Yeah Obama is keeping the Shia militias of Yemen in line..


    3. The Houthis are rebelling against a Dictator, dick.

    4. So that's the justification for mass slaughter of civilians?


    5. Iranian stormtroopers help topple another country and Rufus cheers the Iranians.

      Rufus, why do not live in Iran? After all you are an Iranian firster now...

    6. Fuck you, Bibi, and all the other Zionist assholes that want to get my kids into another war. Fight your own battles.

      At least Iran produces oil. All Israel produces is a bunch of leeching assholes like you, and bibi.

    7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. I stated a week ago that today's employment report would come in weaker than expected, and that next month's would come in much stronger. I got this week's right, now we'll see about the second part. :)

  14. Jack HawkinsFri Apr 03, 10:02:00 AM EDT

    Whatever made you think there would be an "Ending" to the play?

    That is just sophomoric thinking, typical of a draft dodging English Lit major.
    One who's greatest 'foreign adventure' was traveling to Hawaii.

    You don't know what she is talking about, being on a lower level as you were born to be.

    Not talking about a play in the sense you seem to mean. But it would be futile to try to explain it to you.

    I am thinking of going to see her in Germany this summer, if things fall in place.

    I've been to England, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden and Spain.

    Sweden and Spain were the best.

    I am hoping to take her to Spain.

    She's is looking forward to it.

    She is currently working hard on two more papers soon to be published.

    Cursed work calls -

    Cheers !!

    (by the way the situation in Tikrit is still far from clear)

  15. North America is the best place on Earth, all considered.

    I am so so glad I was born here.

  16. d. rat, being on the no fly list, has trouble leaving Arizona.


  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. There is no surrender, there is victory.

      You and yours, in ISrael, just do not know when they've won, instead they over played their hand.
      Instad of taking the pot, the ISraeli have 'let it ride', and now stand at the threshold of losing it all.

      Good deal, that, a more deserving group that should lose their 'right' to "self government". Their 'dream' of a homeland for the Jews of Europe has descended into an apartheid colonial adventure.

      Poor management choices were made, the prognosis is clear...

      “It is time to honestly admit that Israeli society is ill – and it is our duty to treat this disease,”

      “I’m not asking if they’ve forgotten how to be Jews, but if they’ve forgotten how to be decent human beings.
      Have they forgotten how to converse?”

      - Reuven Rivlin, President of Israel

  18. Brazil is raising the percent of ethanol in its gasoline to 27%.


    1. Rufus, tell us, when do you get your SS Uniform?

    2. My uniform was that of the United States Marine Corps.

      What was yours?

    3. Three, here, have Served.

      Three are strong advocates of Diplomacy, and Peace.

      Care to try to match them up?

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. .

    More news from Coeur d’Alene and Sandpoint.

    Police shooting of mentally disturbed woman goes unremarked while shooting of Arfee, a Labrador, results in protests, on line campaigns, apologies from the city, and $80 k in compensation. [1,000 people are killed by police each year and half of them are mentally ill.]

    1. Arfee was a very special dog and the Police should not have shot 'arf arf', as he was affectionately known around town.

      As to the mentally disturbed woman story I seem to have missed that......I will check it out here, locally, and get back to you.

      I am certain Quirk is in Detroit even as I type, advocating on behalf of the mentally disturbed there, while using his I-phone to blog here.

      He could also advocate for rat, Deuce and Rufus here, if he so chose.

      There should be no idle hands in God's Great Creation.

    2. Quirk could also advocate for the repressed women of Gaza if he so wished. Instead he seems to support the idiotic idea of a "Palestinian" State. a Sexist, Genocidal, Apartheid State in which the 'others' are all Dead, which will make the situation of the women of Gaza and the West Bank even worse, and permanent.

      He would also do well if he were to advocate for the blessed peaceful 'Palestinians' to take up Sisi on his offer of free land for them west of Gaza.

    3. Were YOU the Miscreant that Slandered Andrea Tantaros, Advocate Quirk ?

      Rufus pleads innocent to the charge, and named YOU as a Prime Suspect.

  20. Somehow my wife and I got to talking about the old movie 'Exodus' with Paul Newman and Sal Mineo.

    We both liked it a lot, as did my OGF in Vegas who was a big Paul Newman fan, like my wife.

    OGF and I went to it together long long ago.

    Lots of women were crazy about Paul Newman (my wife too) back in those days, and still are....

    1. Back in those days Hollywood wasn't the cesspool of non sense which, for the most part, it has now become.


  21. Video: Survivors describe Kenya terror attack that left 147 dead
    Apr 3, 2015 2:41 PM by Ed Morrissey

    “If you were a Christian, you were shot on the spot.”

    46 Christians churches were burned down in one day in Niger. In Nigeria the slaughter continues. Somalia. Sudan.

    It is not Hindus doing this, it is not Jews doing this, it is not retired farmers from Idaho doing this - it is people just like those of Hamas doing this.

    Yet the morons here are of the high opinion that the savages on the West Bank and in Gaza 'deserve' some kind of State.

    Those that support a Palestinian State support genocide, apartheid and sexual repression, by definition.

  22. ‘Are You Muslim or Christian? Death to Christians!’
    April 3, 2015 by Raymond Ibrahim 12 Comments
    Print This Post Print This Post

    147 die in an attack on Kenyan universityMuslim wholesale slaughter of Christians struck again on April 2 in Kenya. Gunmen from the Somali Islamic group, Al Shabaab—“the youth”—stormed Garissa University, singled out Christian students, and murdered them, some beheaded. A total of 147 people were killed in the attack—making this jihad more spectacular than the 2013 Al Shabaab attack on a Nairobi mall, which left 67 people dead (then, Islamic gunmen also singled out Christians for slaughter).

    According to eyewitnesses present at Garissa University, the Islamic gunmen were careful to separate Christians from Muslims before they began the carnage of the former. After all, although Kenya is 83% Christian, it is approximately 11% Muslim. Joel Ayora, who survived the attack, said gunmen burst into a Christian service, seized worshippers, and then “proceeded to the hostels, shooting anybody they came across except their fellows, the Muslims.”

    Collins Wetangula, vice chairman of the student union, said he could hear from inside his room where he was hiding the gunmen opening doors and inquiring if the people inside were Muslims or Christians: “If you were a Christian you were shot on the spot. With each blast of the gun I thought I was going to die.”

    The fact that Christians were singled out and slaughtered has received little attention in the mainstream media: most mention it, but only towards the very bottom as an incidental, peripheral matter of little significance (see for example the BBC’s minimal treatment near the bottom of its report); others portray it as a new tactic or phenomenon.

    In fact, Al Shabaab has a long history of singling Christians out from among Muslims for slaughter. The following are just a few examples from Kenya that took place in the last few months, most never reported on any mainstream media................

    Al Shabaab = Hamas = ISIS = PA = Hebollah = Boko Haram

    It is not Jews doing these things.

    It is not Hindus doing these things.

    It is not USA farmers doing these things.

    The Palestinians do not merit a State.

    1. bob Mon Nov 16, 04:13:00 PM EST (2009)
      I have the feeling we're going to get hit again, and soon, and hard.


    2. Al Shabaab = Hamas = ISIS = PA = Hebollah = Boko Haram

      It is not Jews doing these things.

      It is not Hindus doing these things.

      It is not USA farmers doing these things.

      The Palestinians do not merit a State.

      Talk about a cultural illiterate. The slaughter happened in Kenya not in the Israeli managed ghetto of Palestine. The only connection I can see is the destabilization done to the entire area by US and Israeli Neocon wars.

    3. You really don't have any other life than to follow me around ?

      God you must be bored, and utterly unimaginative.

  23. From Veterans Today ( You’ll get a kick out of this)

    [ Editor’s Note: These measured remarks by Rouhani are in line with his past calm and measured geopolitical demeanor. There is no showboating with this Muslim gentleman.

    He is the antithisis of Bibi “the clown” Netanyahu who is the now the world’s negative stereotype. Fortunately, despite his false claims…he does not represent all Jews.

    I was happy to finally hear the subject of compliance involving BOTH sides finally getting some press.

    But despite it’s being brought up now by Rouhani, there is nothing in the agreement regarding dealing with Israel’s WMD stockpiles or programs, or even insisting on the beginnings of inspections, when they are the biggest threat in the region, and always have been.

    So while Nentahyahu and his Congressional sockpuppets whine that a new war is bound to result from this “bad deal”, they never connect the dots as to how that is going to happen and why no one in the world views it that way other than the aforementioned biased parties.

    It is time for all of us to go on the offensive now against the self-proclaimed “Neo-Axis of Evil”, the Likud Zionists regime and their espionage wing in Congress and throughout the US, so there is no need to keep the white gloves on any more.

    They will continue to undermine the final details last step, and then scheme to create some non-compliance scenario even after a final deal is signed. They have chosen to stand against everybody while pretending to be concerned about Mid east security. This is the attitude of gangsters, and they deserve to be treated as such… Jim W. Dean ]

  24. Israel says all options including military action are on the table in the face of Iran’s nuclear program.

    Israel’s intelligence minister said Tel Aviv would attack Iran if it has no other choice. Yuval Steinitz also said that Israel does not need permission from the United States for military action against Tehran.

    Iran has already warned that it will give a crushing response to any aggression on its soil. Israel, the sole possessor of nuclear weapons in the Middle East, has repeatedly claimed that Tehran is seeking arms in its nuclear program. Iran has strongly rejected that as fabricated and baseless.

    In the USA, Netanyahu’s political arm AIPAC is working overtime to give it’s members within the US Congress their talking points while unsuspecting Americans are about to be hit with a blitzkrieg of mis-information designed to spook them into thinking that the deal is a danger to their lives and that war with Iran is far better than global diplomacy.

    Moreover, insiders are reporting that war hawks feel strongly that the nuke deal jeopardizes their prospects for world war and profits. Thus a last resort false flag attack to be blamed on Iran may hit the USA or Europe very soon. The design would be to put fear into citizens and swing those who are on the peace train back to the fear train where the war hawks, GOP and AIPAC need them to be so they assist and help derail peace to insure future war profits.


    1. Good God.

      >>>Moreover, insiders are reporting that war hawks feel strongly that the nuke deal jeopardizes their prospects for world war and profits. Thus a last resort false flag attack to be blamed on Iran may hit the USA or Europe very soon. The design would be to put fear into citizens and swing those who are on the peace train back to the fear train where the war hawks, GOP and AIPAC need them to be so they assist and help derail peace to insure future war profits.<<<

      You really have gone totally totally daffy.

    2. Well, I guess that's the opinion of Veteran's Today.

      But you don't seem opposed to it.

      It is totally detached from reality.

    3. It's odd.

      The few Veterans I bump into these days are all - a guy I call Uncle Ed, Departed Dale, OGF's hubby, the lawyer I mentioned, an ex-Marine - all are of one voice in being very supportive of Israel.

  25. Happy Easter to the Christians.

    Happy Passover to the Jews.

    >>>When is Passover in 2015?

    Passover in 2015 will start on Saturday, the 4th of April and will continue for 7 days until Friday, the 10th of April.

    In the USA, Passover ends one day later, so in 2015, Passover will end on Saturday, the 11th of April.

    Note that in the Jewish calander, a holiday begins on the sunset of the previous day, so observing Jews will celebrate Passover on the sunset of Friday, the 3rd of April.<<<
