US & Canada
Eric Garner death: Protesters highlight other police killings
- 6 hours ago
- US & Canada
The US has seen a wave of protests over the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, two black men killed by white police officers.
During the demonstrations, activists have highlighted other cases across the US of civilian deaths involving police.
Here are some of the cases they are focusing on.

Freddie Gray - Baltimore, Maryland

Freddie Gray, 25, died in hospital from spinal injuries a week after police took him into custody.
In mobile phone video of the arrest, Gray can be heard screaming repeatedly before a police van arrives to take him away. Police said he "suffered a medical emergency" while in the van.
Gray's lawyer says that his "spine was 80% severed at his neck".

Walter Scott - North Charleston, South Carolina

Walter Lamer Scott, 50, was stopped for having a broken rear light on his car in North Charleston, South Carolina. He was then shot from behind eight times as he ran away from Officer Michael Slager.
Mr Scott died at the scene. The shooting was captured on video and Mr Slager has since been charged with murder.

Eric Harris - Tulsa, Oklahoma

Eric Harris, 44, was chased by police officers then shot as he lay on the ground during an undercover weapons sting. After he was shot, officers continued to subdue him and told him to "shut the [expletive] up" when he complained.
He was treated at the scene but died later in hospital. The volunteer police officer who shot him insists that he had meant to reach for his Taser instead.

Rumain Brisbon - Phoenix, Arizona

Rumain Brisbon, 34, was shot dead by a white police officer this week as he reached into his waistband when instructed to raise his arms, police said. It turned out that he had a pill bottle in his pocket, not a gun. Police in Phoenix, Arizona, said they were investigating drug-related activity at the time.

Tamir Rice - Cleveland, Ohio

Tamir Rice was shot in Cleveland, Ohio, after a 911 caller told police he was pointing a gun at people in a park.
He was 12 years old and the gun was found to be a toy, but the orange sticker denoting it was a replica had been removed.

Darrien Hunt - Saratago Springs, Utah

Darrien Hunt was shot by police officers in Saratoga Springs, Utah, while dressed as a samurai and holding a decorative sword.
The county attorney ruled last month that the killing on 10 September 2014 was 'justified', saying Mr Hunt had "swung or stabbed" the sword towards at least one of the officers. His family and civil rights activists are calling for a review of the findings.
An autopsy report reportedly showed Mr Hunt was shot in the back, while CCTV footage appeared to how him running away from officers.

Ezell Ford - Los Angeles

Ezell Ford was shot dead by police in Los Angeles on 11 August after officers said he tried to grab the gun out of an officer's holster. The 25-year-old, who was mentally ill, is said to have tackled the officer, but a witness told the LA Times she saw no such struggle.
Police are looking for more witnesses, while Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti has called for the release of an autopsy report.

Michael Brown - Ferguson, Missouri

Michael Brown was killed by Darren Wilson, a white police officer, on 9 August in the St Louis suburb of Ferguson, Missouri. Mr Wilson said he opened fire after a struggle in the patrol car during which Mr Brown reached for his weapon.
Some said the teenager, who was unarmed, had his hands up. His death sparked protests, sometimes violent, as police were criticised for using military grade riot gear. Further unrest followed a grand jury's decision not to charge Mr Wilson.

Eric Garner - New York

Eric Garner, 43, was stopped on a street in New York on 17 July 2014 on suspicion of selling loose, untaxed cigarettes. After a confrontation, police officer Daniel Pantaleo placed his arm round Mr Garner's neck in an apparent "chokehold".
Mr Garner, who had asthma, was wrestled to the ground and restrained by force. On video of the incident, he can be heard repeatedly saying "I can't breathe". He became unresponsive and later died.

Dontre Hamilton - Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Dontre Hamilton was killed by white police officer Christopher Manney in Milwaukee in April. Mr Hamilton, whose family said he had suffered from schizophrenia, was shot after workers at a Starbucks cafe called police to complain about him sleeping in a park.
According to Mr Manney, Mr Hamilton resisted arrest when he tried to frisk him, and hit him on the neck after the two exchanged punches. Mr Manney then shot him 14 times.
A local prosecutor said he would not bring charges against the officer because Mr Manney had acted in self-defence. The US justice department has said it will review the case.

Trayvon Martin, Sanford, Florida

Trayvon Martin, 17, was shot by George Zimmerman, a neighbourhood watch coordinator, in Sanford, Florida, and was unarmed at the time.
Mr Zimmerman, the man who shot him, was not a police officer, but the killing in February 2012 became particularly controversial due to Mr Zimmerman's eventual acquittal. The case has been cited by numerous commentators in the wake of the deaths of Mr Brown and Mr Garner.

Bernard Bailey, Eutawville, South Carolina

The killing of Bernard Bailey in 2011 came under the spotlight after a white former police chief was charged with his murder on Thursday.
Richards Combs is accused of shooting Mr Bailey, who was unarmed, after a fight outside the town hall in the tiny South Carolina town of Eutawville.
I see plenty of problems, but no pattern, except your habit of mixing apples and oranges.
ReplyDeleteYou have stirred into one pot some instances of what nearly everyone would agree are Police misconduct and some where it has been determined the Police, or in one case, Mr. Z, acted appropriately, along with situations that might be described as 'murky'.
And, of course, you have not stirred into the pot any instances of Police acting inappropriately to whites.
Delete...or in one case, Mr. Z, acted appropriately,...
Geez, Bob, what world do you live in. No one said Zimmerman 'acted appropriately'. The man is a nut job as subsequent events have proved. He got off because he was overcharged under Florida's weird laws.
GeezWhiz, Quirk, there was zero evidence he acted 'inappropriately'.
Deleterat's ass was certain he would be hit with Federal Civil Rights charges. We even had a bet on it which he refuses to pay.
In the event, they finally announced they had no evidence whatsoever to do so.
What would you do Quirk, if you were on the ground with anyone pounding your head into the cement ?
If I had a gun, I'd pull the trigger.
But then I still have at least a nominal survival instinct.
I call that 'appropriate'.
You could post a new one almost every day.
ReplyDeleteIt's the 21st Century. You're on "Candid Camera," all day, every day.
Policing must adapt.
I can't wait for the video of Rufus's clan stomping the crap out of a black man to hit the web...
More likely be some Jewish guy though.
Their defense would be the Rufie Philosophie that violence, "or the threat thereof" is a necessity to obtain "justice".
You two deserve each other.
DeleteWhat would be interesting is a list of the VICTIMS of the gentle giants you have posted…
DeleteYou like the Rufie Philosophie that violence, "or the threat thereof" is a necessity to obtain "justice", Deuce ?
DeleteYou would have made a shit poor lawyer.
You and Rufie deserve each other.
What is "Occupation"Tue Apr 28, 01:15:00 PM EDT
DeleteWhat would be interesting is a list of the VICTIMS of the gentle giants you have posted…
EXCELLENT SUGGESTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jack HawkinsTue Apr 28, 10:36:00 AM EDT
ReplyDeleteThe news of the day invalidates "O"rdure's claim.
The IDF shoots first, kills Palestinian teen
JERUSALEM (JTA) — A Palestinian teenager died hours after he was shot by Israeli troops ..
No attempt at arrest, just fire live ammo, it is the ISraeli Way.
Jack from your mouth to god's ear…
IF Israel would shoot to kill more often? More Jewish lives would be saved.
I can only hope that you too will be shot to death by the IDF when you are trying to cut thru a security barricade. OR when you launch that promised attack on a Jewish Community Center I hope they do not try to arrest you but shoot you dead like you deserve…
Yes Jack, actions have consequences, using a school for a missile silo? hiding behind kids to fire at the IDF? attempting to murder people will get you shot…
SO when you are being arrested? Don't reach for the cop's weapon, or better yet….. DO Reach for it…
Deuce's post of photos of such nice young men…
ReplyDeleteIt's a shame they all were in fact criminals, doing criminal things……
They are not innocent angels, they made stupid choices that put them in the circle of violence that they encountered.
There are bad cops and bad soldiers the world over, in the USA and yes in Israel.
When and if they do something that is a crime the officers will be prosecuted.
But to suggest that the killing of 6-10 blacks by police is a pattern? Hogwash.
I thought that the new Jew was locked and loaded to fight back against anyone threatening a Jew anywhere and at any time. I can understand that. I can’t understand that a New Jew, like you, can’t understand when others, Palestinians or fellow Americans have the same instincts.
ReplyDeleteyour comment is to broad to respond too.
DeleteIn "O"rdure's world only the Jews have rights, others must suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune.
DeletePalestinians can be shot, rather than arrested, well, just because ....
DeletePalestinians that are cutting a war zone security fence can be shot....
DeleteJust because they are presumed to be terrorists.
Jack you really should get a grip..
But the good news?
One less terrorist and no drone was used, nor any civilians harmed like the USA does it..
The statistics of US cops killing blacks has been eclipsed by You Tube. The tube tells the tale.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was a kid,I had my run-ins with blacks and won and lost. I never had any idea that things were as bad as they are with white cops and blacks. I wouldn’t put up with it no more than I would put up with some uniformed IDF thug in a ski mask in Gaza killing my people. I would do what I have criticized German Jews in the 30s for not doing. Just saying.
There are almost no jobs in West Baltimore (unemployment rate of 42%,) and the few that are there do not pay enough to live on.
DeleteThese kids were born into poverty, and raised in poverty.
If they ever got caught with a marijuana cigarette (or, had one planted on them,) any chances of meaningful employment were further diminished.
They went to a school that could, most charitably, be described as a joke for 7 hrs. a day, and after that pretty well took care of themselves $7.25/hr leaves zero money for child-care.)
Every day, the tv has another story of their people being murdered by the cops.
Would You throw a brickbat, or two?
Half the kids supposed to be in high school don't even bother to go.
DeleteOn the other hand Baltimore, according to Juan Williams on Fox, has a thriving black middle class.
It's the ghetto blacks that are the problem. They are their own worst enemies in many ways.
And yet it's hell without dads, or drug addicted moms.
So the problem gets handed on down to the coming new generation.
How to break the cycle ?
No one, much less the Democrats, who politically control the place, really has the answer.
Deuce ☂Tue Apr 28, 01:21:00 PM EDT
The statistics of US cops killing blacks has been eclipsed by You Tube. The tube tells the tale.
This is obvious non sense except to those who let emotion do their thinking for them. And puzzling for someone who claims to believe in science, engineering, logic and the rest.
What is your solution?
DeleteSpend more money in the Middle East?
DeleteI haven't one.
DeleteAid to mothers with dependent children might be a place to start, but there are great humanitarian reasons to keep it flowing.
Trouble is, mo kiddies, mo money, and still no daddy.
Wash rinse repeat.
I do have this suggest - shoot the drug pushers.
But then that's unconstitutional without endless due process, so I don't really mean it.
Worked in China though.
To declare these areas a "Police Free Zone" is something I would NOT recommend.
After all these decades of spending money, and the situation not improving, maybe the money WOULD be better spent helping the Kurds, for instance.
What is your solution ?
I think there may well be violence sometime during the dog days of summer this year in Philly.
ReplyDeleteSince a man of decency wouldn't desire to be - the thought of it abhors - protected by the dreaded Police, it is time now for all good Phillyites to form their own self defense forces. Man the ramparts of the gated communities, so to speak............
Buy guns.
Violence is necessary to Justice, we have heard recently.
You are about as ignorant as is possible by having an opinion on everything and never offering a solution to anything.
ReplyDeleteMore of the same?
ReplyDeleteAnd what is your solution, Ignoramous ?
DeleteA "Police Free Zone" ?
I have gained this much wisdome -
Many situations are not susceptible to easy solutions, not in Gaza, not in the West Bank, not in the poorer sections of our cities.
And, I recognize what my dad use to say as having some real truth:
"Some problems don't have a solution"
My 'solution' to the middle east is, as you know, to support Kurdish Independence, to support Israel, to make friendly with Sisi and don't put ground troops in Iraq.
DeleteSo I do have a solution of sorts there.
I also have a solution to the outright vanishing (1,000 left in the whole of the Lolo) of our elk herds out here in Idaho:
Poison the wolves.
Give up the helicopter wolf gunships.
They don't work.
Wolves are smart, have good hearing, can put two plus two together, unlike, say, Rufus, and know how to 'duck and cover'.
Rand Paul, at least, has a solution to the looting of the Liquor Stores.
ReplyDeleteDrones with missiles.
I also have a solution has to how to clean up this blog, increase readership, and stimulate intellectual discussion:
DeleteKick rat's ass out permanently.
Your Solutions Man
(by the way I don't support Rand Paul's position on safeguarding liquor stores)
$15.00 minimum wage.
ReplyDeleteInfrastructure, destruction, restoration, and rebuilding jobs.
Significant bonuses for bringing jobs, and capital, back from overseas if it's invested in depressed areas.
More money for schools, and childcare. Considerably more.
Training for urban solar jobs.
For a start.
The Federal Government can borrow for 30 yrs. for 2.67%.
ReplyDeleteTake advantage of it.
Btw, this isn't the first person the Baltimore Police have killed with these "Rough Rides."
ReplyDeleteIn fact, they have a couple of lawsuits going on right now from the families of "rough ride" victims.
Several people have been killed by "rough rides," lawsuits have been lost, and are pending, Baltimore is paying out $Millions in Judgments, and, still, the Baltimore Police Dept. has fought, tooth and nail, to avoid having Cameras in those Ambulance Vans.
DeleteExplain That.
Sounds like incompetence, stupidity and negligence.
DeleteThere has NEVER been a Palestinian ever killed by "rough rides" in Israel.
However there have been Israelis KILLED/MURDERED by Palestinians, just this week, by being run over by trucks. buses and cars
ReplyDeleteGeezWhiz, Quirk, there was zero evidence he acted 'inappropriately'.
Nonsense. He wasn't charged with inappropriateness, he was charged with second degree murder. He was overcharged. Had he been charged with some level of manslaughter the prosecution might have had a chance at a conviction.
What would you do Quirk, if...
I wouldn't have been in that situation. I wouldn't have been playing cowboy and stalking the guy through front and back yards. I would have done what my training and the police instructed me to do.
I call that 'appropriate'.
Then a more appropriate statement would have been 'you' determined he acted appropriately. I suspect you are in the minority.
I am not certain that the Jury could not have found a guilty on manslaughter. I don't know the case that well. It would have been a grave injustice had they done so.
DeleteYou wouldn't have been in that situation. OK, but what if you were walking your dog to your favorite piss hydrant and all of a sudden you found your head being banged into the concrete by a punk ? What then ? You have a gun, would you pull the trigger, or not ?
Your training ? You mean in SuperSalesManship ?
You would have called the Police while your head was being into the concrete, and done as they instructed you to do ?
I suspect I am in the majority.
Google and find out for us.
I am involved in deep intellectual matters at the current time.
The facts were easy to establish...
DeleteGun residue was on Trayvon's hoodie but not on his skin.
No powder burn marks, proving that tray von was on top and that his hoodie was extended away from his body when George shot and killed the attacking hoodlum on top of him...
If you try to MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) a fat white Hispanic? You might just get shot.... and there is NOTHING illegal about that.....
Sucks being stupid, stoned and hyped up on LEAN, Travyon's number was up, all the folks he beat up in the past, from bus drivers to teachers were not armed...
But a fat crazy "white hispanic" was armed and the scum sucker Trayvon?
Deuce: I wouldn’t put up with it no more than I would put up with some uniformed IDF thug in a ski mask in Gaza killing my people.
ReplyDeleteBut Deuce, the reason those IDF folks are in GAZA are to stop the Hamas from ROCKETING Israel.
Have you not learned any history?
Hamas STARTED the last several wars.
Israel withdrew completely from gaza, it was Hamas that murdered dozens of Fatah members and took over the strip, drove out the Europeans that were doing the monitoring of goods being imported....
Israel had to go into the Strip to stop Hamas from KIDNAPPING soldiers from tunnels they dug INTO israel...
Now as long as Hamas seeks murder Israel's citizens? Israel will kick it's ass...
As long as Hamas spends a BILLION Iranian funded dollars to build terror tunnels to go into Israel and kidnap, torture, rape and dismember Israelis? Israelis will fight back.
Hamas is ISIS of Gaza.
They execute their own kids, they execute political opposition, the put military bunkers under hospitals, schools and UN buildings.
The execute Palestinians in the street and drag them from chains attached to motorcycles.
Their charter calls for the genocide of ALL JEWS throughout the world.
Are you proud Deuce?
Someone sort of hinted around about that Israel had started 30 offensive wars, the other day.
DeleteI called bullshit.
Israel existing is OFFENSIVE to the arabs......
DeleteThat is a crime that is justified in the minds (or lack of) the arabs of the world to murder Jews....
It really sucks that the Jews fight back and kick their asses over and over again...
Maybe Israel and the Jews should take lessons from how the arabs treat one another?
Naw, that's just to sick and demented to consider..
Deuce ☂Tue Apr 28, 01:21:00 PM EDT
ReplyDeleteThe statistics of US cops killing blacks has been eclipsed by You Tube. The tube tells the tale.
When I was a kid,I had my run-ins with blacks and won and lost. I never had any idea that things were as bad as they are with white cops and blacks.
Deuce you take the cake, you don't remember Frank Rizzo?
He hated blacks, Jews, kids from Jersey, college kids, hispanics, chinese and anyone that didn't look like him...
I didn’t grow up in Philadelphia.
DeleteAh, you came to occupy there later in life...
DeleteI grew up there and Rizzo was a POS and he equally hated all except the Italians from South Phila.
Interrupting my intellectual labors, I have found this:
ReplyDelete40% Now Say Trayvon Martin Shot in Self-Defense; 24% Say It Was Murder
This was an early poll and I imagine it's over 50% by now.
I submit that acting in one's self defense is an appropriate thing to do.
Counter polls are welcome.
It is NOT appropriate to insert yourself into a situation where you unnecessarily might need to shoot someone to death in self defense!
DeleteWalking in your apartment complex is totally within your rights and privilege.
DeleteTrayvon ATTACKED George.
Sorry Ash, if you attack a stranger? Get on top of him MMA style and start to whomp the shit out of you? YOU CAN AND SHOULD BE SHOT...
And Trayvon is dead....
Now Ash, someday soon, a gang of burka clad Jihadists will see you on the street, wearing to revealing clothes and they will beat the snot out of you....
DeleteTake it like a man, even if you are a mouse.
I notice Deuce, always with an eye to good propaganda, has used a fifth grade or whatever photo of Trayvon Martin, who had been kicked out of school, was unable to live at peace with either parent, and was hanging with his grandfolks at the time.
DeleteYour opinion is timely and unwelcome, Ash.
Does that mean you are against Neighborhood Watch Programs ? Or any kind of local community fight crime efforts ? Does this mean you wish to increase the Police presence in all neighborhoods as an alternative ?
By the way, Zimmerman, IIRC, did get on the line to 911 or the cops. Then he got bum rushed.
If so, why ?
Recall with me, Ash, that the neighborhood in question here had been plagued by petty crime, house burglaries, car break ins, etc for a long time. All done by outsiders.
DeleteDeuce could have used one of those more contemporary photos of innocent Trayvon posing with gun and smirk.
ReplyDeleteSmoking gun: Report alleges the Clintons personally profited from Hillary’s tenure at State
posted at 12:41 pm on April 28, 2015 by Noah Rothman
As investigations into the Clinton Foundation’s fundraising practices intensify, the indications that improprieties occurred while Hillary Clinton served as secretary of state have become impossible to ignore.
The Clintons’ self-defense is the same as it ever was; deflection, deception, and misdirection. But Hillary Clinton’s campaign team did make the substantive claim that no one has produced firm evidence of malpractice on the part of either Hillary or Bill Clinton.
This was a contention that was confirmed by Clinton Cash author Peter Schweizer during an appearance on ABC’s This Week on Sunday when he admitted that he had not been able to uncover “direct evidence” of corruption on the part of the Clintons.
“The smoking gun is in the pattern of behavior,” Schweizer said. “Most people that engage in criminal insider trading don’t send an email and say, ‘I’ve got inside information — buy this stock.’”
That’s true, but extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence. Thus far, despite myriad allegations that Hillary Clinton’s influence as America’s chief diplomat was for sale to the highest charitable donor, no direct evidence of dirty dealings on the part of the former first family had been uncovered.
That may have just changed.
An investigation conducted by reporters with The International Business Times has revealed that Bill Clinton personally profited from speeches sponsored by 13 corporations or trade associations that were also lobbying Hillary Clinton’s State Department.
“Many of the companies that paid Bill Clinton for these speeches — a roster of global giants that includes Microsoft, Oracle and Dell — engaged him within the same three-month period in which they were also lobbying the State Department in pursuit of their policy aims, federal disclosure documents show,” the IBT report read. “Several companies received millions of dollars in State Department contracts while Hillary Clinton led the institution.”
Ten of the 13 firms that both lobbied the State Department and paid Bill Clinton speaking fees did so within the very same three-month reporting period. This group includes five technology firms — Oracle, Dell, Microsoft, SalesForce and VeriSign — that collectively paid Bill Clinton a total of $1.05 million.
Federal records show that Microsoft and Oracle were lobbying Clinton’s State Department on, among other issues, immigrant work visas. Oracle was also lobbying in pursuit of legislation dealing with penalties for aiding espionage. Dell was concerned with tariffs imposed by European countries on its computer products. VeriSign was lobbying on cybersecurity and Internet taxation. SalesForce was lobbying on cloud computing, security controls and electronic privacy issues.
Three of the technology firms that paid Bill Clinton while lobbying Hillary Clinton’s agency also received lucrative State Department contracts. Microsoft received almost $4 million in such contracts after receiving none the year before Clinton joined President Barack Obama’s Cabinet. Oracle received $6.5 million in State Department contracts, a large increase from prior years. Dell secured contracts worth more than $28 million, up from just $2.5 million in the year before Clinton became secretary of state.
In order to accept the notion that Bill Clinton was unknowingly cashing seven-figure checks from the same firms that were asking his wife for a favor, one has to suspend disbelief and abandon common sense to an absurd degree. Surely, some committed ideologues will be able to do just that, but perhaps not enough to salvage Hillary Clinton’s presidential ambitions.
Quirk is on record here as pledged not to vote for Hillary. Count me in as well.
Can we get similar pledges from Rufus, Deuce, Ash ?
ReplyDeleteIt appears the state MENSA clubs of Idaho and Ohio have decided to get together for a sleepover.
In Idaho BobTue Apr 28, 05:26:00 PM EDT Obumble starts out OK, but what if you were... and then goes on to describe a set of circumstances that are 180 degrees different from those of the Martin/Zimmerman incident. Not even close. Though Obumble uses the term analogy often, I can only conclude that he hasn't got a clue as to what the word actually means.
Worse, he even confuses the facts of the case, something he shares with our whiz from Ohio.
Your training ? You mean in SuperSalesManship ?
You would have called the Police while your head was being into the concrete, and done as they instructed you to do ?
Zimmerman's training came when he joined the neighborhood watch. He was told to observe and report, that's it. On seeing his Martin, he called the police, something that was part of his MO. More importantly, he was told by the police 'not' to follow or engage with Martin. What did the jerk do? The exact opposite, he stalked Martin, followed him down the street and through yards until it led to the confrontation.
What would I do if I saw some asshole following me down the street? I would ask him what the fuck he was up to. If he then decided to ask me what I was doing walking through a neighborhood, I would have told him it was none of his fucking business. Then I would have suggested he go piss up a rope. We would have seen where it went from there.
And we get this gem from WiO,
Our Ohio MENSA candidate's channeling Hillary's "We came, we saw, and he's dead", two of a kind.
The question I raised was with your use of the word 'appropriate' in describing Zimmerman's actions not whether the shooting was legal. As I recall, there was not one person on this blog that alleged that Zimmerman should be found guilty of second degree murder. That is a whole lot different than whether his actions were appropriate.
Zimmerman is a moron. We see it in his ongoing troubles with the law. He wanted to be a cop but couldn't cut it. So he joined the neighborhood watch riding around with his gun looking for trouble. Even when warned by the police to back off he just couldn't do it. Sees a guy in a hoodie (ooohh) and decides to follow him, then to stalk him even after being warned off by the police. Zimmerman is a loser.
Rufus wanted to hang Zimmerman from Day One.
DeleteIt was not Zimmerman's CHARACTER that was on trial, it was his ACTIONS.
I know you are unlearned in the law, but think about it for awhile, nitwit.