Sunday, March 15, 2015

Still need more proof that Netanyahu and the right wing Zionists want to push the US into war? Read on.

Report: Netanyahu tried to prevent Mossad briefing for US Senators on Iran

TIME magazine reports that day before announcing his controversial US Congress speech, Netanyahu tried to prevent a group of US lawmakers from meeting with head of Mossad who planned to warn them against more Iran sanctions.
Published: 03.15.15, 09:30 / Israel News

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tried to prevent a group of US Senators visiting Israel from meeting the head of Israel's foreign intelligence service because the two were in disagreement regarding Iran, TIME magazine said in an exclusive report published late Saturday.

According to the report, the Senators were slated to meet with Tamir Pardo, head of Israel's Mossad, where they were reportedly expected to hear of the dangers of more sanctions on Iran.

The report claimed that while Netanyahu supported the idea of additional US-led sanctions on Iran, the Mossad thought they ran the risk of derailing nuclear negotiations. The report cited sources familiar with the events.

Netanyahu addresses joint meeting of Congress, March 3, 2015 (Photo: AFP)
Netanyahu addresses joint meeting of Congress, March 3, 2015 (Photo: AFP)

TIME reported that Tennessee Republican Bob Corker, who heads the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, had requested the briefing for six fellow lawmakers visiting Israel at the end of January so that the Mossad could warn them against Senate-led sanction proposal.

Upon learning of the event, Netanyahu’s office reportedly removed the meeting from the schedule. In response, Corker reportedly threatened to cut his own visit short.

Only after Netanyahu confidante and Israel's ambassador to the US, Ron Dermer, intervened was the event put back on the schedule, TIME said citing unnamed sources.

The meeting with Pardo took place and Corker attended together with Republican Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham and John Barrasso, Democratic Senators Tim Kaine and Joe Donnelly, and Independent Senator Angus King.

This is not the first time the Mossad and Netanyahu have been at odds of Iran's nuclear program, especially in regards to the US.

As part of Al Jazeera and the Guardian's recent reports of secret leaked diplomatic cables, two weeks after Netanyahu addressed the US Congress in 2012 and claimed Iran was a year away from a bomb, the Mossad told with South Africa that Iran was “not performing the activity necessary to produce weapons."

According to the interim deal reached between Iran and the world powers last November, no new sanctions can be implemented.

The bill in question was proposed by Republican Mark Kirk and Democrat Robert Menendez and would have imposed new sanctions on Iran if it failed to reach a long-term deal by June 30.

According to Bloomberg news, US intelligence concluded that the Kirk-Menendez bill ran the risk of derailing talks and with them the interim deal. Corker wanted the Mossad briefing to back the assumption.

At the meet, Pardo likened the bill to “throwing a grenade” into the diplomatic process.

However, Netanyahu has been extremely vocal in his support of maintaining sanctions on Iran and cited cheap oil as a prime reason why the US and other powers could afford to hold off on signing a "bad" nuclear deal with Iran ahead of an end-March deadline for a framework agreement.

During his US Congress speech, Netanyahu said Iran was more desperate for a deal and would not walk away from talks. "They'll be back because they need the deal a lot more than you do," he told lawmakers.

Sanctions have halved Iran's oil exports to just over 1 million barrels per day since 2012, spurring inflation and unemployment that the Obama administration has credited for forcing Iran into negotiations.


  1. He could not even contemplate pulling something like this against the security of the US except for the support of the GOP Likuds Force.

    This will not get headlined by the large portion of US Media that is controlled by the US Zionist camp, whose loyalties belong beyond US shores.

  2. It would be interesting to find out who paid for the senatorial obligatory pilgrimages to the star chambers in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

    1. Senate panel probes whether Obama admin funded effort to oust Bibi.......Drudge

      We all know the truth of what is going on here.

      The Likud may control the US Congress.

      But the Zionist Union controls the US President.

      It is all as simple as that.

  3. Bibi is working as a shill for the Saudi Arabians.

    The desire to control the global oil market, the perceived need to keep the Iranians out of the market is the driving force behind the ISraeli action. ISrael and the Wahhabi have become joined at the hip.

    ISrael prefers al-Qeada.

    In broad daylight, a Saudi-Israeli alliance
    Saudi Israeli alliance forged in blood
    Understanding the Israeli-Egyptian-Saudi alliance


  4. A Netanyahu loss — polls show him finishing a close second to the left-leaning Isaac Herzog-Tzipi Livni ticket — also could boost Obama's diplomatic efforts in the region, in particular by helping restart moribund Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, experts say.

    Days before the vote, Israeli polls projected Netanyahu's Likud Party to fall several seats short of the opposing Zionist Union party, a coalition of Israel's Labor party, led by Herzog, and Livni's Hatnuah party, which backs peace talks with Palestinians. Herzog and Livni have agreed to rotate as prime minister should their party win, with Herzog serving the first two years and Livni the second half of the term.

    It may be days after the Tuesday election before the outcome is determined. That's because it is likely that whoever wins will have to engage in prolonged deal making with smaller political parties in order to put together a majority governing coalition. Further complicating the picture is the uniting of Israel's once-marginal Arab factions into a single potentially formidable political party which polls show in third place behind Netanyahu.

  5. Yeah, No One saw this coming:

    Air strikes by the US-led coalition would help win the battle to retake the Iraqi city of Tikrit from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), one of the operation's commanders has said.

    Staff Lieutenant General Abdulwahab al-Saadi said on Sunday he had asked the defence ministry to request coalition involvement, but "no air support was provided".

    Asked if it would be better if air strikes by coalition aircraft did take place, Saadi said: "Of course... the Americans have advanced equipment, they have AWACS (surveillance) aircraft."

    "They are able to locate the targets exactly" and accurately strike them," Saadi told the AFP news agency.

    Saadi complained that support from the Iraqi air force had been "limited" and not always sufficiently accurate.

    He said he thought the reason there had been no coalition strikes to support the two-week-old Tikrit operation was political and not military.

    Shia Iran has been Baghdad's main foreign partner in the operation and Tehran's top commander in charge of external operations, Qassem Soleimani, has been omnipresent on the front lines.

    Officials in Washington have expressed unease at the level of Iranian involvement in Tikrit, an overwhelmingly Sunni city which was executed dictator Saddam Hussein's hometown.

    Coalition support elsewhere

    Coalition air strikes have supported several other operations to reclaim ISIL-held territory in Iraq in recent months, including some in which Iran-backed Shia militias were involved.

    Karim al-Nuri, a top leader from the Badr militia and the spokesman of the volunteer Popular Mobilisation units, said on Saturday it would take no more than "72 hours" to flush out holdout ISIL fighters in Tikrit.

    The Popular Mobilisation units account for the bulk of the manpower involved in the two-week-old offensive to wrest back Tikrit, alongside army, police, militia and tribal forces.

    Nuri's comments came as the Reuters news agency reported that Iraqi forces and mainly Shia militia battling ISIL had paused their offensive for a second day on Saturday as they awaited reinforcements.

    A source in the local military command centre told Reuters military commanders had "reached a decision to halt the operation until a suitable, carefully set plan is in place" to break into central Tikrit.

    Army and militia forces pushed into Saddam Hussein's home city on Wednesday in their biggest drive yet against the fighters who seized large swaths of land in Iraq and neighbouring Syria last year in a lightning campaign halted just outside Baghdad.

    More than 20,000 troops and allied militias entered the city about 160km north of the capital after retaking towns to the south and north in a campaign launched nearly two weeks ago.

    Warriors of God could use a little "help from above."

    1. Of course the decision by the Iraqi government was political.
      The added levels of destruction, in the city of Tikrit, applauded by Ash.

      Not really of any relevance to me, but the implementation of the Rat Doctrine in the battle of Tikrit could save lives and property ...
      In would however increase the size of the US footprint, so I applaud the decision by the Iraqi government, having little personal concern for the lives or property of Iraqis, as long as those people elected by the Freedom Loving Purple Fingers in Iraq have made their choice of representative fairly, per their Constitution, of which the US wholeheartedly approved.

    2. Soulimani (sp?) has spent the last several months disparaging the usefulness of our air campaign, claiming that it's all show, and that the "Warriors of God" deserve all the credit.

      So much for that bullshit. :)

    3. 2 sets of bad guys in a fight and the fighting grinds to a halt - as Rufus is wont to say "what's not to like?"

    4. Carl von ClausewitzSun Mar 15, 10:41:00 AM EDT

      We see, therefore, that war is not merely an act of policy but a true political instrument, a continuation of political intercourse carried on with other means.

    5. Don't get me wrong; they'll finish this the way they started it. A few days off to perform maintenance on their aircraft, and a couple of battalions of fresh troops, all gussied up in their new uniforms, and riding in their new MWraps, and they'll knock out the remaining handful of headcutters, and move on to the next show - everyone's pride intact.

      But, Soulimani should be noticeably less vocal from here on out.

  6. Who is this Souliman that has such a burr up your ass?

    1. Good Lord, Ash; we've covered Ol' Soulimon a lot on this blog. Super Duper Al Quds General, Big-Time Mischief Maker.

      Very powerful dude. Talks straight to the Mullahs; enemy of Rohanni. Would love to scuttle the Nuclear Talks.

    2. Haven't seen him posting here. Where does he publish his troubling prognostications?

    3. Does your computer-thingy have google?

    4. I did and the spelling led to linkedin profiles.

    5. It is funny that you justify your, ummmm, odd rationalizations on a need to refute his craziness.

    6. The New Yorker article on him was quite interesting:

  7. This is just another Daffy Duck hate the Jews hate Netanyahu thread.

    I find it reprehensible and disgusting and shameless and impossible to read so I am out of here on this one.

    The monomania continues.........

  8. Reprehensible two times over since Deuce, who will never win the Freedom of Speech Award, has banned WiO.

    Shame on you.

  9. Yep, post something truthful about Bibi, and you hate the joooz.

  10. Meanwhile, the great satan is keepin' busy.

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States and coalition partners carried out seven air strikes against Islamic State militants in Iraq and four in Syria since Saturday, the U.S. military said.

    The raids in Iraq hit Islamic State tactical units, vehicles, excavators and staging areas near al Asad, al Hawayja, al Qaim, Falluja, Ramadi and Tal Afar, the Combined Joint Task Force said in a statement on Sunday.

    The air strikes in Syria were focused near Kobani, at the border with Turkey, and destroyed nine Islamic State combat positions and a vehicle, the statement said.



    Deuce is true to form...

    whether I am here or not..

  12. Replies
    1. Might I suggest a English Comprehension class for the new "Blog Editor" as I am sure anything but Farsi throws you off meaning.

  13. The Zionist Union criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Sunday for an interview he did with The Jerusalem Post last week in which he confused the historical reality of the Gaza Strip.

    In the interview, Netanyahu said that voters who had cast their vote for Likud in 2006 could have prevented the withdrawal from Gaza. Nationalist camp voters "paved the way for the left" in 2006, the prime minister told JPost's Gil Hoffman, when "we [Likud] didn't get the support and, of course, Kadima formed the government and went [through with] the withdrawal from Gaza with such horrible consequences for Israel's security."

    However, the withdrawal, which actually happened in the summer of 2005, was initiated by a Likud-led government in which Netanyahu was finance minister. Moreover, Netanyahu voted for the withdrawal 3 times, before he eventually resigned to protest it.

    Ariel Sharon's Kadima party was not formed until November of 2005, ahead of the 2006 elections.

    The Zionist Union wrote on their official Facebook page that "the worse Bibi does in the polls, the more he lies."

    Netanyahu's mistake was one of many made in recent days as tired politicians reached the end of the election campaign. On the other side of the political landscape, Zionist Union leader Isaac Herzog said in an interview with Channel 2 Saturday night that he would keep "Netanyahu United," intending to say Jerusalem when asked on the future of the Israeli capital if negotiations with the Palestinians were to resume.

    Another public slip-up occurred when Bayit Yehudi faction chairwoman Ayelet Shaked mistakenly called upon people to cast ballots for Likud in an interview with the Ba-Rama radio station.

  14. “The Zionist Union criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “ hates jooz as well.

  15. WiO is here !

    I retract my statement about Deuce.

    He is in the running for the Freedom of Speech Award.

    An arrest has been made in the shooting of the two Police Officers in Ferguson, Missouri.

    A young black guy who claims he was not targeting the Police but was in a dispute with some other folks.

    He might be telling the truth.

    The Police spokesman didn't dismiss the claim out of hand.....

  16. It's been claimed here by some that the Israelis inject themselves into American politics.

    Obama has been doing just that in Israel, by sending 'operatives', Democratic Party 'operatives' of course, and you can bet cash as well to the anti-Netanyahu folks in Israel.

    Looks like a really close election with the inevitable coalition forming maneuvering at the end.

    1. professional Democratic Party 'operatives' - does this not have a truly scary ring to it?

    2. (Think Rufus in a suit with sunglasses, alligator shoes, and suitcases of cash - see what I mean?)

    3. .

      Obama has been doing just that in Israel, by sending 'operatives', Democratic Party 'operatives' of course, and you can bet cash as well to the anti-Netanyahu folks in Israel.

      You dicks keep posting this shit but you have provide absolutely zero evidence.

      Please put up some of your 'evidence' so that I can tear it apart.


    4. Let them do it. Let them burn.

    5. .

      professional Democratic Party 'operatives' - does this not have a truly scary ring to it?

      it sure does. But not half as scary a GOP Party 'operatives'. You know, guys like McConnell who runs their bullshit in plain site.

      The latest genius play by the Pubs. There is a human trafficking bill being pushed through Congress. It is much needed and has almost unanimous bipartisan support. However, at the last minute the Pubs write anti-abortion language into the bill, something that has nothing to do with the issue of human trafficking. But knowing that he has the majority of votes, McConnell demands a vote on the bill. Reid refuses to play ol Mitch's game and refuses to allow a vote unless the anti-abortion language is pulled.

      Ok, up to this point, it the usual political give and take, the same bullshit that is the reason Congress' approval rating is at 18%. Sure it shows the Pubs indifference to women and children who are suffering daily due to human trafficking abuse but what do you expect from these callous bastards?

      But then we have the latest turn that shows just how stupid these guys are. McConnell says that unless the bill is brought to a vote he will hold up the confirmation process for Loretta Lynch for AG.

      So within a couple of days, McConnell demonstrates his indifference to the plight of thousands of abused women and children, he is threatening to hold up the confirmation of a highly qualified lady who has bipartisan support, and in doing so he guarantees that Eric Holder will continue on as AG something the Pubs have been complaining about for years.

      It's called cutting off your nose to spite your face or simply just the spiteful machinations of a tired old prick.


  17. The GOP Likuds Force, the last bad actors in a rotten party

    It was a marriage made in heaven – or, more likely, in the other place – one that’s been waiting decades to be consummated, as in an old-fashioned soap opera whose sundered lovers pine for each other from afar but are kept apart by one plot device after another. The Republican Party and the ruling Israeli faction of Bibi Netanyahu and his Likud party have long played footsie under the table and passed mash notes back and forth, so the flowering of their forbidden love over the last two weeks is no big surprise. Just to jump way ahead, I’m arguing here that the secret key to this romance lies in the fact that both groups are doomed by history. Beneath their shared posture of arrogance and triumphalism – so maddening to their political opponents – lies a deep-seated, half-conscious awareness that the end is nigh. It’s like the medieval legend of Tristan and Iseult, except with ugly people.

    Many people on both sides of this affair have long believed that their hearts beat as one and their destinies were joined; Fox News and the New York Post have been pimping for Netanyahu since the ’90s. But this love story has faced daunting obstacles. To the endless frustration of Netanyahu and his loyalists, most American Jews remain allied with the Democrats, and a large proportion are liberal or left-leaning Democrats. For generations the social-justice movements of American politics – the labor movement, the civil-rights movement, feminism, the LGBT struggle — have been closely allied with the Jewish intellectual tradition. If Noam Chomsky is an extreme example, he is certainly not an isolated one. Yes, it’s actually a longer and more tangled story than that, since the neoconservative movement also has Jewish roots stretching back to the Trotskyist left of the 1930s. We might get back to talking about the spectral force of Leo Strauss, dragging his chains through the corridors of American political life like Marley’s Ghost, but that’s way too big a tangent right now.


    1. {...}Then there’s the fact that the most enthusiastic supporters of Israeli expansionism on the American right include many people who believe that all Jews will go directly to hell and suffer eternal torment (following the reign of the Antichrist and the blowing of the trumpets and all that), unless they abandon their ancient tradition and embrace the heretical sect their ancestors specifically rejected 2,000 years ago. No doubt we can shave that reed a little finer, and observe that there are the people who really believe in that pre-millennial Rapture doctrine, who at least are not hypocrites, and then there are the shameless cynical bastards who manipulate such pseudo-Christian superstition – as they were taught by Leo Strauss! — in order to gain power. I’m sure true believers like Pat Boone and Mike Huckabee feel heartbroken about that aspect of the End of Days, and plan to look down from heaven on their slow-roasting Jewish friends with nothing but love and pity in their hearts.

      Details, details. The course of true love never did run smooth, and so on. With Netanyahu’s, um, “controversial” speech to Congress on March 3, and last week’s not-so-well-thought-out open letter from Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Arkansas, and 46 other Republican senators to the Iranian leadership – both seeking to undo a nuclear deal that does not yet exist – the GOP-Likud love affair has come out of the closet and into the streets. They’re here, they’re queer; get used to it. (To the forces of sexual liberation: I’m so sorry. I couldn’t help myself. Merriam-Webster reminds us that “queer” can also mean odd, questionable or “mildly insane.”)

      But here’s the thing: These declarations of love may have felt good at the time, but they have been totally counterproductive, at least in terms of the avowed goals of the right-wingers in Washington and Jerusalem. Bibi and his GOP love machine overplayed their hand, by a lot, and now they are likely to reap the rewards of that hubris. Sure, the conservative punditry has put up a brave front and anointed Netanyahu the real “leader of the free world” and all that, but none of it has stuck. A deal with Iran is now more likely, rather than less likely. (To take a darker view, it’s also more likely that Iran will wind up with the Bomb after all.) Netanyahu’s prospects in next week’s Israeli election continue to slide, with the final polls showing Likud falling further behind the center-left opposition.

    2. {...}

      As for the Republicans – sure, in a certain light, they appear unbothered by all this. They control both houses of Congress until at least 2017, and they’re about to have a really exciting presidential campaign in which 85 candidates will strive to outdo each other in fire-breathing, Koch-pandering and promises to expel all the Muslims and Mexicans. So what if their Congressional leadership has been humiliated on the international stage, not once but twice within 10 days? Republicans will tell each other in private that their xenophobic, know-nothing constituents welcome the world’s scorn – and they are largely correct. So what if Cotton and his pals just got schooled in public on both international law and American constitutional law by Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, who holds a Ph.D. in international relations from the University of Denver (making him better educated than any member of the U.S. Senate)? Zarif is a diabolical Muslim liar, first of all, and if it’s a contest between the finer points of book-learnin’ and the dumbest and most dogmatic version of American exceptionalism, Republicans know how their bread is buttered.

      But beneath all the bluster and confrontational rhetoric many Republicans can feel the whirlwind coming, even if they don’t want to admit it. A deep strain of panic runs beneath everything they say and everything they do. Through the magical kismet produced by blending their stupidity with Netanyahu’s, the GOP has managed to make the leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran look reasonable, which is quite a feat. In fact, Iranian officials are behaving more reasonably than their histrionic enemies on the Israeli and American right, as virtually the entire world has noticed. One should never treat nuclear weapons lightly, and an agreement to restrict them is always a good thing. But I have never felt remotely convinced by the argument that a nuclear-armed Iran will lead to the end of the world, or the destruction of Israel.


    3. {...}

      North Korea has the Bomb (despite our repeated efforts to stop them). Pakistan has the Bomb (ditto). Those places are several orders of magnitude crazier and less stable than Iran, a nation that has been incrementally if unsteadily moving toward more democracy and more engagement with the outside world over the last two decades. To offer the obvious rebuttal, Israel has had a nuclear weapons program since the mid-1960s, one of the most poorly kept secrets in world affairs. (There are two known gag orders that prevent U.S. officials from discussing Israel’s nukes, an especially bizarre symptom of the Frankenstein-monster relationship between the two nations.) Facing an Israeli arsenal variously estimated at 75 to 400 nuclear warheads, the Iranians would literally have to be insane and suicidal to launch a first strike. You don’t need to endorse Iran’s recent actions in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and elsewhere to conclude that they appear calculated and strategic, and reflect no such apocalyptic delusions.

      That may seem like an inflammatory side argument, but it’s important because the real current of delusional, apocalyptic thinking is not found in Tehran. All those dire pronouncements made by Likudniks and Republicans about how a nuclear-armed Iran will bring the end of civilization are a form of psychological displacement. They have almost nothing to do with Iran or civilization, and everything to do with the Republican Party’s continuing decline and the perilous, self-inflicted predicament that Israel now faces. If the American right and the Israeli right had sealed their love with a suicide pact, vowing to destroy each other so they can be together in the hereafter, they could hardly be fulfilling it more perfectly.

      I want to drop the mode of political snark and observe that the human consequences of all this are dire, and likely to get worse. The not-so-secret Israeli-GOP scheme of self-immolation is more than a clown show or a badly played melodrama; it’s also an unfolding tragedy. Let’s take the question of Israel first, which has bedeviled the world for more than 60 years and fueled numerous wars, waves of international terrorism and the rise of Islamic extremism. In their darkest moments of sleeplessness, every major Western leader from the time of Truman and Churchill onward has probably wished they could undo the events of 1948 that brought Israel into being. It’s decades too late for that, of course, and for all its abundant problems modern Israel is a vibrant and distinctive society, armed with the aforementioned non-secret nukes. But as Netanyahu’s Iran paranoia reflects, albeit in distorted form, the question of Israel’s survival hangs in the balance.


    4. {...}It has been obvious for years that Netanyahu’s aggressive policy of expanding Jewish settlements on the West Bank (exhaustively detailed this week in a Pulitzer-friendly New York Times feature) has pretty much killed off any realistic prospect for a two-state solution to the “Palestinian question.” Indeed, as former Salon editor Alex Halperin and I discussed with settler leader Dani Dayan two years ago, this is just about the only place where radical Palestinians, international leftists and right-wing Israelis can all agree: There will be no independent nation east of the Green Line. About one in five people living inside Israel is a Palestinian, and between the West Bank and East Jerusalem, the Jewish proportion of the occupied territories approaches one in four. Extricating these two peoples from each other has, by design and by accident, become nearly impossible.

      Barack Obama and John Kerry and everybody else in American politics still are not allowed to say this, but the only plausible long-term future is one state that comprises the entire territory both sides have been fighting over, with its Jewish and Arab populations alike. But what kind of state is that likely to be? From the viewpoint of present-day Israel, not to mention present-day America, there are few good outcomes. Dayan and Netanyahu presumably envision some form of “soft” apartheid, in which Palestinians self-govern at a local level but have few political rights within the nation as a whole. Leftists like Palestinian-American journalist Ahmed Moor or Israeli sociologist Yehouda Shenhav imagine a binational, bilingual federal democracy. That sounds almost utopian, and as a question of political reality it’s inconceivable that the current Israeli majority would surrender the Zionist dream – their nation’s core identity – for a future that is likely to mean a Palestinian majority.

      It seems more likely that Netanyahu’s policies have committed Israel to what political scientist Khalil Shikaki describes as an “ugly one-state dynamic,” a poisonous and divisive future of repressive half-measures and continued conflict that can produce “no happy ending” for anyone involved. No doubt that could be sustained for a long time, perhaps decades, or at least as long as the Israeli government retains the backing of the world’s lone military superpower. But how long is that? As Netanyahu has just learned, the American public’s patience with Israeli arrogance and Israeli misbehavior may not be limitless. For that matter, how long will America remain unopposed as a military power, and do we even want that status anymore?


    5. {...}

      Compared to that bleak prospect in the Middle East, the ideological and intellectual decay of the Republican Party may seem inconsequential, a matter of internal political realignment.

      But liberals who remain hypnotized by the question of who will win the next election, and who are eager to dance on the GOP’s grave, are essentially surrendering to the dynamics of America’s political paralysis and dysfunction. It’s really no different from the conserva-trolls who are about to remind me about the glorious Republican victory in last year’s midterm elections, or to assure us that “real Americans” will resurface en masse in 2016 to put Jeb Bush or Scott Walker or Marco Rubio in the White House. It’s the wrong answer to an irrelevant question.

      For one of our only two political parties to degenerate into an all-white, Southern-based festival of fear, ignorance and empty nostalgia, whose only agenda is to devolve all power to the corporate sector while pumping up the military and the spy bureaucracy, is not good news for anyone. It’s not just electoral suicide for that party; it’s also a fast-growing and potentially fatal tumor within our so-called democracy. Pure Schadenfreude and hatred are one thing, and in the case of the modern Republican Party are understandable. But if you believe the GOP decline so vividly illustrated over the last two weeks is likely to renew or energize the current ideology-free, corporatized version of the Democratic Party, you haven’t been paying attention.

      We don’t have to go all the way back to the totally different context of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War to observe that it wasn’t always this way. For much of the 20th century, the Republican Party represented a diverse but largely coherent coalition of interests that favored limited government, individual rights and social order. Once upon a time, it was the party of Teddy Roosevelt and Fiorello La Guardia and Jacob Javits, not to mention the party of Edward Brooke, the first African-American elected to the Senate, and Margaret Chase Smith, the first woman to serve in both houses of Congress. All those people seem inconceivable as Republicans now – but then, so do Bob Dole and Gerald Ford and even Barry Goldwater, supposed godfather of the conservative revolution.

      I am not forecasting immediate electoral doom for the Republicans, despite the obvious demographic dilemma that may mean they never elect another president. Such predictions are always shortsighted, and in any case the rococo decadence of the current GOP is only one side of the debased political coin. As with the depressing one-state future of Israel, the Republicans can keep running on noxious fumes almost indefinitely as the Party of No, the low-turnout party, the party of embittered white folks committed to blaming others for their self-inflicted injuries.


    6. {...}

      Just as the Israeli crisis provoked by the Iran showdown could, in theory, open new possibilities beyond the self-evident failure of the two-state solution, the collapse of the GOP could unleash new political energies in America.

      Israelis and Palestinians must break free of old paradigms if they hope to make peace. Americans must escape the bitter bipartisan circus that conceals so many things – the management of the economy, the national-security apparatus and, come to think of it, the relationship with Israel – that are almost never discussed or debated in public. If the only alternative to the Party of Dumb is the Party of Smug, the party of Hollywood and the Upper West Side and the “Washington consensus,” the party so bereft of spirit and energy that it’s about to nominate a candidate nobody likes without even the semblance of a fight, then it’s not just Bibi and the Republicans who are heading for Armageddon.

    7. Ticking bombs: Iran, the GOP and Israel’s secret plan (for self-destruction)
      Behind the asinine antics of Bibi and the Republicans lies a seductive vision of doom – but not from Iran


    8. Worth repeating about The GOP Likuds Force-

      Details, details. The course of true love never did run smooth, and so on. With Netanyahu’s, um, “controversial” speech to Congress on March 3, and last week’s not-so-well-thought-out open letter from Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Arkansas, and 46 other Republican senators to the Iranian leadership – both seeking to undo a nuclear deal that does not yet exist – the GOP-Likud love affair has come out of the closet and into the streets. They’re here, they’re queer; get used to it. (To the forces of sexual liberation: I’m so sorry. I couldn’t help myself. Merriam-Webster reminds us that “queer” can also mean odd, questionable or “mildly insane.”)

    9. .

      No links?

      Doesn't matter. It's not hard to where they could have come from. Dems dicks berating GOP dicks.

      And then you have those who act as if there was a difference.

      There are plenty of Dems who support Bibi and his vision for Israel. In fact, if Bibi and Cotton hadn't overplayed their hands from all reports a new sanctions bill was likely. The Dems didn't sit out the Bibi speech and kick back their vote on the sanctions bill because they disagreed with either. They did so because of the arrogant and overt attack on the Presidents policies in front of the whole world. With the issuance of the Cotton letter, the Pubs continue to piss away the victory they had in there hand.

      But then, you probably have to go back decades to find anyone on either side of the aisle that has been criticized for being too smart.



    10. Actually, it makes no difference which party broke the magic. The magic is broken. A good start.


  18. .

    The Art of Pi

    10 Images showing the beauty of Pi


  19. There are Six (6) UN Security Counsel resolutions demanding Iran stop enriching uranium.

    None ever obeyed even for a second.

    Source: Fox News

    Now they are building a plutonium plant......

    1. White House steps up pressure on Republicans over Iran...
      Celebrates Iranian holiday...
      BOLTON: 'Unprecedented' surrender........Drudge


    2. Try and read the article, you may learn something. Either way, your party and The GOP Likuds Force just did a header off the mythical cliffs of Masada. Good riddance.

  20. The GOP Likuds Force better get used to it

    ...But beneath all the bluster and confrontational rhetoric many Republicans can feel the whirlwind coming, even if they don’t want to admit it. A deep strain of panic runs beneath everything they say and everything they do. Through the magical kismet produced by blending their stupidity with Netanyahu’s, the GOP has managed to make the leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran look reasonable, which is quite a feat. In fact, Iranian officials are behaving more reasonably than their histrionic enemies on the Israeli and American right, as virtually the entire world has noticed. One should never treat nuclear weapons lightly, and an agreement to restrict them is always a good thing. But I have never felt remotely convinced by the argument that a nuclear-armed Iran will lead to the end of the world, or the destruction of Israel.

  21. For one of our only two political parties to degenerate into an all-white, Southern-based festival of fear, ignorance and empty nostalgia, whose only agenda is to devolve all power to the corporate sector while pumping up the military and the spy bureaucracy, is not good news for anyone. It’s not just electoral suicide for that party; it’s also a fast-growing and potentially fatal tumor within our so-called democracy. Pure Schadenfreude and hatred are one thing, and in the case of the modern Republican Party are understandable.

    But if you believe the GOP decline so vividly illustrated over the last two weeks is likely to renew or energize the current ideology-free, corporatized version of the Democratic Party, you haven’t been paying attention.

  22. Report: Bipartisan Senate panel probing Obama admin support for defeating Netanyahu
    March 15, 2015
    Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations probing possible use of taxpayer funding to defeat Benjamin Netanyahu in Tuesday’s Israeli elections.

    March 15, 2015
    Report: Bipartisan Senate panel probing Obama admin support for defeating Netanyahu
    By Thomas Lifson

    Steven Edwards of Fox News is exclusively reporting that a bipartisan investigation has been authorized by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of possible use of taxpayer funding to defeat Benjamin Netanyahu in Tuesday’s Israeli elections.

    A powerful U.S. Senate investigatory committee has launched a bipartisan probe into an American nonprofit’s funding of efforts to oust Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after the Obama administration’s State Department gave the nonprofit taxpayer-funded grants, a source with knowledge of the panel's activities told

    The fact that both Democratic and Republican sides of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations have signed off on the probe could be seen as a rebuke to President Obama, who has had a well-documented adversarial relationship with the Israeli leader....

    Goddamn mo'fugin' Democrats are using MY tax money, and YOURS too, to influence the Israeli election.

    1. Did not hear or see the complaint about the US funding the coup in the Ukraine.
      $5 billion was the number that was claimed the US spent on that destruction of a democratic government.

      You're a fraud, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

  23. Pooty disappearance explained ?

    March 15, 2015
    Where's Vlad? In Switzerland with his mistress attending the birth of his 'lovechild'
    By Rick Moran

    Swiss media is reporting that Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has not been seen in public for 10 days, is in the town of Lugano on the French border attending to the birth of his child. Putin is reported to have had a long term relationship with a former Olympic gymnast and Russian politician, Alina Kabaeva, and is said to have gotten her pregnant.

    New York Post:

    “Es ist ein Madchen!” or “It’s a Girl!” screamed a headline from the Swiss newspaper Blick, which had him in Lugano to witness the arrival of his child with Alina Kabaeva, 31, a retired Olympic gymnast who served in the Russian parliament and now works for a media company.

    The paper reported that Putin’s daughter was born at the posh Santa Anna di Sorgeno clinic on the Italian border......

    Hmmm, but maybe not -

    It's not very likely that Putin is in Switzerland. Tender Vlad being all solicitious of his mistresse's well being? I didn't know crocodiles felt emotion.

    This entire controversy may blow over tomorrow as Putin is scheduled to meet with the president of Kyrgyzstan. The meeting was announced by the Kremlin on Friday so you have to figure they are reasonably certain Putin will show up.

    But what if he doesn't? What if the meeting is canceled? If that happens, alarm bells will begin ringing all over the world as speculation about just who is in charge in Russia begins to get serious. Russia has a line of succession but many observers believe in a power struggle after the death or incapacitation of Putin, it won't mean much. You don't need reminding that Russia has a couple of thousand nukes and is engaged in a proxy war in Ukraine. Leaders get antsy when they question whose finger is on the nuclear trigger.

  24. Kerry is not going to apologize to Captain CottonWhat I do know is that this letter was absolutely calculated to interfere directly with these negotiations. It specifically inserts itself directly to the leader of another country saying don’t negotiate with these guys because we’re going to change this. Which by the way, is not only contrary to the Constitution with respect to the Executive’s right to negotiate, but it is incorrect. Because they can not change an executive agreement. So it’s false information, and directly calculated to interfere, and basically saying don’t negotiate with them. You’ve got to negotiate with five hundred and thirty-five members of Congress. That’s unprecedented. Unprecedented.

    Kerry was asked if he was going to apologize for the letter. He answered, “Not on your life. I’m not going to apologize for an unconstitutional and unthought out action from somebody who has been in the Senate for sixty some days.”

    1. Mr Holder should indict the freshman Senator, enforcing the Logan Act.
      He should also indict the other 46 Senators that signed the document.

    2. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

    3. MIssy Clinton should be indicted for felony breaching of the security rules governing conduct in the State Department.

    4. Watch your language , you piece of hit, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.
      You are a fraud.
      Your entire estate is built on theft, stolen monies.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Jack HawkinsSun Mar 15, 08:51:00 PM EDT

    Did not hear or see the complaint about the US funding the coup in the Ukraine.
    $5 billion was the number that was claimed the US spent on that destruction of a democratic government.

    You're a fraud, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.


    Want me to list again, rat - O - rooter the names of the contributors here, now and in the past, that have called you an outright LIAR and/or a human piece of trash of the first order ?

    You do ?

    OK, then, I will !

    1) WiO
    2) Quirk
    3) Ash
    4) allen
    5) Bob
    6) Trish
    7) Whit
    8) Sundry forgotten others

    That's a good majority of the folks that have posted here, rat - o - rooter.

    You should be PROUD of yourself miserable asshole self, self proclaimed asshole as you are.

    Everyone AGREES with you.

    Bwabwabwahahahahahahhaaha !~!

    1. No catttle, not even a hat.

      No Super Portfolio.

      No super duper secret hush hush project off the shores of Panama.

      Just a self proclaimed asshole and dead beat dad.

    2. Never claimed to have a "Super Portfolio", that is another delusion that Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson made up in his own mind.

      There are a half dozen Deeds of Trust, but those are not a super portfolio.
      but if you have a quotable link, a time stamped statement to validate your delusion, post it.

      bob Thu May 27, 12:52:00 AM EDT

      But I did rip off the bank for $7500 hundred dollars, when I was on my knees, and fighting for my economic life, on my aunt's credit card. But that wasn't really stealing, just payback. …

      Just like a meth head, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, tries to justify his crime by saying that the loot was owed him, by the people or institution he ripped off.

  27. The new cry on the streets of Ferguson, Missouri will soon be:


    Wanna bet ?

  28. Iraqi Kurds say ISIS used chemical weapons against troops
    Published March 15, 2015
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    Mideast Iraq Islamic State-1.jpg

    March 13, 2015: An Iraqi Army tank prepares to attack Islamic State extremists in Tikrit, 80 miles north of Baghdad, Iraq. (AP)

    Iraqi Kurdish authorities said Saturday that their troops are being attacked by Islamic State fighters using chemical weapons.

    The Kurdish Regional Security Council released a statement saying it has evidence showing the ISIS fighters used chlorine gas as a chemical weapon against Kurdish military forces known as peshmerga fighters.

    The council said the alleged chemical attack took place on a road between Iraq's second-largest city, Mosul, and the Syrian border, as forces fought to seize a vital supply line used by the Sunni militants. It said its fighters later found "around 20 gas canisters" that had been loaded onto the truck involved in the attack.

    Video provided by the council showed a truck racing down a road, white smoke pouring out of it as it came under heavy fire from peshmerga fighters. It later showed a white, billowing cloud after the truck exploded and the remnants of it scattered across a road.

    An official with the Kurdish council told The Associated Press that dozens of peshmerga fighters were treated for "dizziness, nausea, vomiting and general weakness" after the attack. He spoke on condition of anonymity as he was not authorized to discuss the incident.

    The assertion has yet to be verified, but such battlefield tactics are banned under the 1997 Chemical Weapons Convention.

    "The fact ISIS relies on such tactics demonstrates it has lost the initiative and is resorting to desperate measures," the Kurdish government said in the statement,

    The security council said in the statement that the evidence is from a January 23 car bombing in northern Iraq and includes independent lab results from soil and clothing in connection with the incident.....

  29. Sometimes I wish we had a parliamentary democracy - it seems more exciting and interesting. (sometimes I'm glad we don't)

    A guide to the political parties battling for Israel’s future
    By Ishaan Tharoor March 14

    An Israeli who supports the Zionist Union party of the center-left screams 'Bibi Go Home' during a rally in Tel Aviv's Rabin Square on March 7 under the banner "Israel Needs Change." (Jim Hollander/EPA)

    [This post has been updated.]

    Israelis will elect a new parliament March 17. The main contest pits the right-wing Likud party of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu against a surprisingly strong challenge from the Zionist Union, a center-left political alliance led by Isaac Herzog of the Labor party.

    Polls place Herzog's bloc ahead of Likud, but that's no guarantee of victory. Since Israel's first election in 1949, no single party has ever won an outright majority in the 120-seat Knesset, the name for the Israeli parliament. That means smaller political parties -- and there are 26 in total -- play a significant role in shaping the ruling coalition that forms the Israeli government after the ballots get counted.

    Unlike in some other parliamentary democracies, Israelis don't vote for a specific geographic constituency: Rather, they vote for a slate of candidates represented by a party or coalition of parties. Here's a primer on the main parties vying for seats, and where their allegiances may fall in a future government.

    Labour Party leader Isaac Herzog, center, and MP Tzipi Livni, right, co-leaders of the Zionist Union list for the upcoming general election, meet people at the outdoor Carmel Market on March 12 in Tel Aviv. (Jack Guez/AFP/Getty Images)

    Zionist Union

    The political alliance links together Herzog's Labor and the Hatnuah party of Tzipi Livni, most recently justice minister, who is an ardent supporter of a two-state solution for the Israelis and Palestinians. If victorious, the pair would rotate the post of prime minister in two-year terms.

    The Zionist Union has surged in polls on the back of popular dissatisfaction with Netanyahu, fueled most keenly by Israel's many economic woes. Housing prices and the general cost of living rank among the most urgent concerns for Israeli voters -- something that's a problem for Netanyahu, the leader who some say created this mess. The latest voter surveys suggest Zionist Union could win 24 seats, or two to four more seats than Likud.

    Herzog, a four-time former government minister, lawyer and a "scion of rabbinical, military and political aristocracy," as my colleagues put it, has emerged as the fulcrum of the Anybody-but-Netanyahu movement. "We are having a deep debate with Netanyahu and his Likud party because it's either we win or he stays on," Herzog told The Post's William Booth and Ruth Eglash.
    Herzog riding momentum into Israeli election(1:28)
    Five days before Israel's election, opposition Labour Party leader Isaac Herzog receives a warm welcome in Tel Aviv market. (Reuters)


    The influential, right-wing party has campaigned primarily on Netanyahu's security agenda -- framing the choice for voters as one between a leader who will be tough on Iran and the threat of Islamist militants or a feckless, appeasenick opposition. Likud issued a number of controversial ads, including one showing Islamic State fighters infiltrating Israel should the country turn to the left.

    But the prime minister's pronounced hawkishness, highlighted by a polarizing speech two weeks ago in Washington, has failed to arrest Herzog's lead. "Our security is at great risk because there is a real danger that we could lose this election," Netanyahu said in one of his last campaign rallies.

    Israelis pass campaign billboards in Jerusalem showing Netanyahu on March 12. (Jim Hollander/EPA)


    1. Joint List

      Some 20 percent of Israel's nearly 6 million eligible voters are Palestinian, also referred to as Israeli Arabs. For decades, Israel's Arab parties have been divided by all sorts of political differences: between right and left, secularists and Islamists. But a new law pushed through by Netanyahu's government, which raised the threshold of votes needed to win seats in the Knesset, threatened the survival of the Arab parties.

      The united Arab bloc -- known as the Joint List -- may win more than a dozen seats in the Knesset, despite past Palestinian voter apathy and previous boycotts of elections. The Joint List has ruled out partnering in a government led by Herzog and would never consider Netanyahu. But Arab politicians could play an important role in supporting a Herzog government even if they remain in the official opposition.

      Yesh Atid ("There Is a Future")

      The centrist party is led by the telegenic ex-newscaster Yair Lapid, who served as finance minister in Netanyahu's ruling coalition until differences between the duo led to a falling out and spurred Netanyahu's calls for early elections. Yesh Atid, like other centrist, secularist parties, has campaigned on an agenda of domestic economic reform. Lapid has also been outspoken in his opposition in his call to "share the burden" by pushing ultra-Orthodox Jews here to work and serve in the army, rather than continue to enjoy welfare benefits and army deferrals.

      Israeli Economy Minister and head of the right-wing Jewish Home party Naftali Bennett plays guitar and sings during an election campaign gathering for the Jewish community in Kibbutz Kfar Etzion in the Gush Etzion settlement block in the West Bank on March 12. (Menahem Kahana/AFP/Getty Images)

      Bayit Hayehudi ("Jewish Home")

      The rise during previous elections of Jewish Home and its leader, tech millionaire Naftali Bennett, is symbolic of Israel's larger lurch toward the right in recent years. Overtly religious and staunchly opposed to a Palestinian sovereignty, Bennett is backed by a base of religious Zionists and the pro-settler camp. As economy minister in Netanyahu's government, Bennett worked against a two-state solution with the Palestinians. His party is projected to win at least 12 seats and would likely partner once more with Likud.

      Kulanu ("All of Us")

      Kulanu, another centrist faction, emerged last year as the project of Moshe Kahlon, a former Likud minister. Kahlon became popular with voters after he busted cellphone monopolies and prices of mobile minutes plummeted. His party's candidates include Michael Oren, former Israeli ambassador to the United States, who rebuked Netanyahu for addressing Congress two weeks ago. Kulanu is expected to win more than 10 seats, and its leader may emerge as the kingmaker who helps Netanyahu or Herzog form the next coalition government.

    2. Shas

      The party of ultra-Orthodox Sephardic Jews, Shas was the fifth-biggest party in the Knesset until it split apart in a fight over leadership. Its leader, the Moroccan-born Aryeh Deri, has already said his party will ally with a Likud-led coalition, but wants to see progress for poorer citizens, particularly those not of Ashkenazi descent. A Shas campaign video, below, poked fun at the complaints of Israel's more secular middle class.

      United Torah Judaism

      A party of Ashkenazi ultra-Orthodox Jews, the UTJ, like Shas, is a reflection of the growing electoral influence of Israel's ultra-Orthodox or "haredi" community on the country's politics -- driven both by immigration and the higher birth rates of the country's more devout communities. United Torah could join either a Netanyahu or Herzog coalition, dependning on who else sits in the government and what they are offered.

      Yisrael Beitenu ("Israel Is Our Home")

      Headed by current Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, Yisrael Beitenu is an ultra-nationalist, secularist party that draws much of its support from immigrants from the former Soviet Union. As my colleagues William Booth and Ruth Eglash reported, Lieberman is in bad shape ahead of the elections, and that's not because of the strident anti-Arab rhetoric that earned him notoriety outside Israel. Instead, his party is suffering from the stigma of corruption scandals and the wariness of non-Russian-speaking Israeli voters. There's a small risk it may not even cross the threshold of votes needed to win a seat in the Knesset.

      Israel's Foreign Minister and head of Yisrael Beitenu party Avigdor Lieberman speaks to members of the media on a hill overlooking the Gaza Strip as he campaigns in the southern town of Sderot on Feb. 23. (Amir Cohen/Reuters)


      The difficulties facing Meretz, Israel's traditional secular-leftist party, are a sign of the larger plight of the diminished Israeli left. It's now urging voters who are considering casting their ballot for the Zionist Union to stick with them. "We must not lose Meretz," is a rather depressing new campaign slogan. It counts Jewish-American comedian Sarah Silverman as one of its supporters.

    3. You always have hated our Constitutional government.
      Refused to defend its interests.

      Bob Sun Jun 22, 01:42:00 PM EDT

      When did I ever say I was a scholar??

      I don't recall saying that.

      I have a college degree in English Lit. from U of Washington.

      To avoid being drafted in part. ...

    4. You see, Robert "Draft dodger" Peterson, you have been busted, you lies or your delusions, well, they cannot be substantiated. Can they ?

      You are a liar, a thief and a fraud.
      You have stolen your own aunt's honor, her good name.
      You are a worthless piece of shit.
      Timestamped and dated.

      You have been called
      Cover the pot, or fold your hand, loser.

    5. . They couldn't do a damn thing about it, I put her in the rest home, age 96. What you going to do, when she is institutionalized?

      You stole money from the bank and her good name, you are lower than whale shit, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

  30. Washington:
    The United States will have to negotiate with President Bashar al-Assad in order to end Syria's five-year civil war,
    Secretary of State John Kerry concedes.


  31. Did 47 Republican senators break the law in plain sight?

    Washington (CNN)Forty-seven Senate Republicans may have broken the law this week. But no one's losing any sleep over it.

    Pundits and legal scholars are raising questions over whether Sen. Tom Cotton and the 46 Senate Republicans violated the Logan Act when they penned a letter to Iran's leaders on Monday, undercutting President Barack Obama's efforts to negotiate a nuclear agreement with those same leaders. The law, passed in 1799, forbids any U.S. citizen -- acting without official U.S. authority -- from influencing "disputes or controversies" involving the U.S. and a foreign government.

    the only questions are: did the GOP senators write the letter "with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign relation to any dispute or controversies" with the U.S., as the law states, and were they acting "without authority of the United States"?

    The first part of the question is pretty clear: the Republican senators are definitely trying to influence the negotiations to keep the Obama administration from reaching an agreement lawmakers are already calling a bad deal.

    "This letter is about stopping Iran from getting a nuclear deal," Cotton said Tuesday on CNN. "One way that we make sure that we get a better deal is that we stand strong."

    1. Those Senators could be indicted, convictions are not probable, but indictments, that should be a "Slam dunk".

    2. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

      You just blab to hear yourself blabbing.

      Go to bed, Liar.

      You need your rest now, poor thing.

  32. Here's one to freak Deuce out -

    War With Iran Is Probably Our Best Option


    Cheers !
