Saturday, March 21, 2015

A Russian official who spoke on condition of anonymity said the American team put a new suggestion on the table Saturday that seemed to please the Iranian representatives, who said they would take the proposal back to Tehran. The official declined to describe the nature of the U.S. offer.

(Bloomberg) -- An agreement is possible in Iran’s nuclear talks with world powers, both sides said on Saturday, even as the Islamic Republic’s leader said a deal that won’t guarantee the immediate removal of sanctions would be “unacceptable.” 
After six days of discussions in Lausanne, Switzerland, ended without a deal on Friday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said “substantial progress” had been made. Negotiators from the U.S. and five other nations are seeking to ensure that Iran’s nuclear program is peaceful in exchange for relief from sanctions that have hobbled Iran’s economy. 
“We have not yet reached the finish line, but make no mistake, we have the opportunity to try to get this right,” Kerry said Saturday in Lausanne, next to the palatial 19th century hotel where talks took place. “It’s a matter of political will and tough decision-making.” 
Stopping at London’s Heathrow Airport Saturday on his way back to Washington, Kerry met with his European counterparts and Federica Mogherini, the European Union’s foreign policy chief, to discuss the state of negotiations. 
The two sides have given themselves until March 31 to agree on the framework of an accord. The talks have triggered political wrangling in the U.S., where critics of President Barack Obama have accused him of ignoring Iran’s support for international terrorism and rushing to mend ties with a nation that they say seeks to destroy Israel. 

‘Final Step’ 

There were “some novelties in this round of negotiations,” Wang Qun, chief negotiator for China, said without elaborating. He praised the “earnest attitude” and “innovative” thinking in this week’s talks. 
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani blamed the U.S. and other negotiators, which also include diplomats from France, Germany, Britain, and Russia, for the end of Friday’s talks. He said his country was determined to clinch a deal, state-run IRNA news service reported Saturday. 
“It’s possible to reach an agreement, and there is nothing that cannot be resolved,” Rouhani was quoted as saying. “The coming days or weeks will be very tough as taking the final step is always somewhat difficult.” 
Still, Iranian Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said in a speech marking the Persian New Year that the U.S. had “cheated” during the negotiations and that the world powers’ proposal of reducing sanctions only in the months following any potential agreement would be a deal-breaker. 
He said the crowd in the city of Mashhad, some of whom shouted “Death to America,” was right to denounce the U.S. and accused it of trying to divide Iran’s people and its government. 
“Our president has expressly said that the removal of sanctions has to take place immediately when an agreement is reached,” Khamenei said. “The U.S. keeps repeating that we’ll sign a deal with Iran and see if it abides, then we’ll remove the sanctions: this is wrong and unacceptable.” 

High Stakes 

During a tour of the International Olympic Committee museum in Lausanne, IOC President Thomas Bach presented Kerry with a pen bearing the IOC symbol of international understanding. He said he hoped Kerry might be able to use it next week to sign “something important,” a reference to a nuclear agreement. Kerry was headed to London, where he was due to meet his German and French counterparts, as well as European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini. He said the negotiators would meet again next week in Lausanne. 
“The stakes are high and the issues are complicated, highly technical and all interrelated,” Kerry said. “We don’t want just any deal.” 
On Friday, Kerry embraced the visibly distressed Hossein Fereydoun, Rouhani’s brother, who’d just learned that his mother had died. The act of personal diplomacy injected a moment of empathy into the strained relations between two governments that have been at odds for 36 years. 

Personal Diplomacy 

While Fereydoun appeared to welcome Kerry’s gesture, according to photos published online in Iran and credited to the Iranian Students’ News Agency, the image risks igniting a fiery reaction from hard-liners in Tehran, Washington and Israel who oppose a deal and are suspicious of U.S. motives. 
After Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif took a 15-minute stroll with Kerry in Geneva in January, he was assailed at home for betraying the 1979 Islamic Revolution. The head of Iran’s paramilitary Basij force, Mohammad Reza Naghdi, accused Zarif of “amateurishness,” and Javad Naghavi Hosseini, the spokesman for the parliament’s national security and foreign policy committee, compared the stroll to treason. 
Negotiations will resume in the second half of next week after a break for Persian New Year, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told Europe1 radio on Saturday. 

Robust Accord 

“If we don’t have a serious accord, then neighboring countries will say ‘why don’t we get nuclear weapons,’” Fabius said. “It’s in everyone’s interest that we have a robust accord, even Iran’s, because otherwise it’s proliferation.” 
The international negotiators have set an end-June target date to sign annexes detailing the steps Iran must take to limit its nuclear capacity and permit international inspections in exchange for relief from the United Nations, EU and U.S. sanctions that have cut oil revenue and battered its economy. 
A Russian official who spoke on condition of anonymity said the American team put a new suggestion on the table Saturday that seemed to please the Iranian representatives, who said they would take the proposal back to Tehran. The official declined to describe the nature of the U.S. offer. 
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said the length of an agreement, the pace of sanctions relief and international monitoring remain points of contention. Any draft of a final agreement wouldn’t be circulated until closer to the June 30 deadline, he said in an interview. 
To contact the reporters on this story: Indira A.R. Lakshmanan in Lausanne, Switzerland at; Kambiz Foroohar in Lausanne, Switzerland at; Golnar Motevalli in Tehran at
To contact the editors responsible for this story: John Walcott at jwalcott9@bloomberg.netLarry Liebert


  1. And it should be ratified by the UN.

  2. I’ll go into details on that later.

  3. Obama cannot trust the Republicans in the unlikely event they retake the White House.

  4. The proposal was probably to allow Iran to test its new nukes out at the old test range north of Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada.

    Please don't make an ever bigger fool out of yourself by trying to explain why a Treaty with the Unites States should be ratified by the UN and not the US Senate.

    Please, please, please.....

    1. I'd like to know Quirk's opinion on this weighty question.

      He often shows some better sense, 'once in a while'.

  5. Kentucky is playing right now. Up by ten at half time.....

  6. Kylie Minogue, Robbie Williams and Elton John were walking over a bridge.

    Kylie trips and gets her head jammed between the railings.

    With a sideways glance, Robbie pulls aside her G-String, and bonks her senseless!

    He stands back and tells Elton, "Your turn!"

    Elton bursts into tears.

    "What's up?" asks Robbie.

    Elton sobs, "My head won't fit through the railings!!"

  7. University of Kentucky 64
    Cincinnati 51

    University of Kentucky is 36-0 for the year.

    Up next:

    Arizona State vs Ohio State

  8. Just How Bad Is it for Hillary?
    1:25 PM, Mar 19, 2015 • By JONATHAN V. LAST

    >>>> One of my favorite movie clichés is the bit where the old pros — and maybe one eager rookie — get together for one last job. . . .

    [T]he ChappaDataQuitIt or E-PotDome story (okay, we’re still looking for a better nickname) reminds me of those kinds of movies. The silent whistle has been blown. The sleepers activated. The old timers have been notified. I like to imagine Lanny Davis right in the middle of a meeting with an African dictator when, suddenly, his assistant hands him a note. All it reads is “Cankles Is Down.” Lanny abruptly terminates the meeting, pushes back a briefcase full of krugerrands, and races to some hellish Third World airport, telling his aide, “Let the Redskins know they’re on their own. The Clintons need me.”

    Flash to a canoe on the banks of the bayou. James Carville has just caught a catfish with his bare hands and proceeds to tear apart the wriggling fish, Gollum-like. He eats the entrails first. Then, suddenly, a flare goes off above the tree line. That’s the signal. He throws the bulk of the carcass into the river, where gators churn the water to grab it now that the apex predator has departed. He makes his way to the shoulder of a dirt road where a limousine is waiting to get him to an MSNBC studio as fast as possible. His suit and tie, neatly pressed, are waiting for him along with as many hot towels as he may need to remove the fish viscera.

    David Brock slinks out of his leather onesie and races to his command center, bustling with Dorito-dust frosted 20-somethings at computer terminals. “This is a level-one-alpha scenario. Cancel all leave. Turn off all X-boxes . . .”

    Sidney Blumenthal, consciously dressed like that French guy in The Matrix, leaves his table-for-one, and heads home to sacrifice some creatures to Baal in preparation. They’re all coming home.<<<<

    Only thing missing is The Q-Man selling Raffles for Hillary: winning prize - Free Cigar and Quik Q Trip on Quba Tours To Havana.

    Return at own expense.

  9. Right now, approx. 30% of the electricity for the world's 8th largest economy is being supplied by Renewables. Wow.

    Ca ISO

    1. Far out, solar has really exploded in the last 8 years.

  10. Correction:

    Arizona, not Arizona State

    Arizona is a lot ahead of Ohio State and is going to win.

    Arizona is the #2 team in the country.

    My Lord, got in the mail today a notice for our 50th High School Reunion.

    The membership shrinks year by year, and there is a list of fully 11 MIA's this time around......not counting Dave T who is in prison on a life sentence for shooting the man screwing his girl friend. Blew him right away with a .45 right in the act.

    If he had shot both of them, he would have been out of prison long ago, about 30 years ago, on a 'crime of passion' defense......:(

    I am uncertain if the same rule still holds here these days......

  11. Fox News just had a piece on a breakthrough on Alzheimer's Disease, presented by their super smart and beautiful Hindu/American lady doctor.

    News is super high frequency treatments of ultrasound break up the plaque. Plaque buildup is what causes all the problems. Then there is some supplement given to strengthen the brain cells......

    Sounded VERY hopeful.

    Certainly hope so. An uncle of mine had it in the very worst way. I've seen it up close. He lived on and on, a vegetable.......then mercifully finally died.

  12. Another victory for the "on the run" team, another boondoggle for Obama -

    Smart power: US evacuating 100 commandos from Yemen air base after AQ captures nearby town
    posted at 2:31 pm on March 21, 2015 by Ed Morrissey

    Share on Facebook 20

    Remember when the Obama administration cited Yemen as a success story for its counterterrorism strategy? Let’s say that the situation has evolved since Josh Earnest bragged about the outcome of Barack Obama’s Arab Spring strategy of bolstering the local government they wanted after chasing out the previous regime. Shi’ite Houthi terrorists have returned the favor by chasing the US out of its embassy in Sana’a, and now Sunni al-Qaeda terrorists have chased out 100 Special Ops forces from a Yemeni base after seizing a nearby town:

    A day after suicide bombers attacked a pair of mosques in the Yemeni capital, the U.S. military decided to pull the remainder of its troops out of the rapidly fragmenting nation, CBS News confirmed Saturday.

    CBS News national security correspondent David Martin reports that the withdrawal of about 100 special operations troops would be completed within hours.

    Martin reports that no direct threat prompted the decision. Instead, it was the overall deterioration of the country.

    NBC hears something a little different from its sources:

    The U.S. commandos, including Green Berets and Navy Seals, have been training Yemeni military forces in counterterrorism operations, but the Americans have not been involved in direct ground combat maneuvers against militants.

    The move comes as al Qaeda fighters captured the capital of a southern Yemen province late Friday, leading to the deaths of about 20 soldiers, Reuters reported. Earlier, four suicide bombers hit a pair of crowded mosques in the capital of Sanaa, killing at least 137 people and injuring more than 300 others, officials said.

    1. The US forces didn’t directly engage against AQ, but they ran the drone programs that the US uses to target its leaders:

      The U.S. troops, including Special Forces commandos, were leaving the al-Annad air base near the southern city of al-Houta, Yemeni military and security officials said. Speaking on condition of anonymity as they weren’t authorized to discuss troop movements, the officials did not say whether the troops had left the country. …

      The al-Annad base is where American and European military advisers help Yemen battle the country’s local al-Qaida branch through drone strikes and logistical support.

      Al-Qaida’s local branch is considered by Washington to be the group’s most dangerous offshoot. The U.S. has carried out a series of drone strikes in Yemen targeting suspected militants. Al-Qaida militants took al-Houta on Friday. Their offensive comes as Shiite rebels hold the capital and nine of Yemen’s 21 provinces.

      The deposed president backed by the Obama administration and Saudi Arabia, Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, has emerged in Aden. Hadi declared the port city in the west to be the temporary capital of Yemen, and told Yemenis that the Houthis were agents of Iran. With Hadi in the mix — although without any indications of military strength — that makes three separate groups vying for supremacy in a country that had been at least manageable until Obama and the Saudis decided to push out Saleh, who’s now backing the Houthis.

      It’s a mess now, another failed state directly across the Gulf of Aden from Somalia, the White House’s other supposed success story for its counterterrorism efforts. The death toll on the four bombings on Friday claimed by ISIS has risen to 142. AFP has footage from one of the mosques in Sana’a that suicide bombers targeted:
      142 dead in Yemen mosque bombings claimed by IS

      With AQ seizing territory in Yemen, it’s clear that Obama was in error when he declared in 2012 that he had them “on the run.” Today, it’s difficult to deny that the appearance is that the US is on the run instead.


      It's what 'smart power' looks like...


    Finally, Casino time.....

    Cheers !

    1. Cruz calls for death to Iran. Grow up for Christ sake.

    2. Haven't heard him say that.

      I'm not asking you to grow up again, just that you put a halt to your regression.

    3. I do think Cruz would never have said, or ever say that "Iran is fighting for civilization".

  14. Replies
    1. Some people in the crowd shouted "Death to America." Others were yelling other epithets. Khameini said; Yes, the people have a right to be mad at America. Then he went on to say that America had bullied, etc, etc,. Whatever.

      Khameini is playing to his far-right nutters, just like the republicans are. But, he knows he needs a deal.

  15. Out of 11.57 ESPN attempts, the last "perfect bracket" just got knocked off when NC St. beat no.1 seed, Villanova.

  16. WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama said his administration would soon release details of a highly anticipated reform to the nation's overtime rules, telling The Huffington Post on Friday that many Americans were being "cheated" out of time-and-a-half pay.

    "What we’ve seen is, increasingly, companies skirting basic overtime laws, calling somebody a manager when they’re stocking groceries and getting paid $30,000 a year," Obama said in a sit-down interview with HuffPost. "Those folks are being cheated."

    A little over a year ago, Obama directed the Labor Department to revise rules that determine who's eligible for a pay premium when they work more than 40 hours in a week. Current rules, implemented by the George W. Bush administration, are ungenerous to workers, and Obama clearly wants to expand them.

    The question now is just how aggressive the White House will be and how willing it is to rankle the business lobby.

    The key to the reforms is the so-called salary threshold. Salaried workers who earn less than a certain amount of money in a year are automatically entitled to . . . . . . . .

    Time and a Half

  17. Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson continues to lie, dissemble and spread misinformation about the UNited States, its President and the situation around the world.
    It is all that a fraudster can do.

    Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson sent his aunt to an institution, so he could escape prison for defrauding both her and the bank.
    What a piece of shit

    1. There's something really wrong with you, rat.

  18. List of former and current EB posters who have affirmed d. rat is a Liar.

    Miss T

    We all agreed with d. rat when he said of himself "I am a professional asshole".

    1. d. rat, do you recall when Whit first asked you to leave ?

      Here's what he said to you:

      "Why don't you just take a hike. All you ever do is argue with everybody"

      He was tired of you whanging on Trish, and everybody else.

      Of course you didn't leave, so Whit did, to our loss.

      And you've continued to be an asshole ever since.

      It's what you are, just as you said.

    2. Desert Rat did leave ....

      You just will not accept it, in your delusional state, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

  19. No, Iran is not fighting for civilization, and Ted Cruz at least knows it, whatever he may or may not have said -

    March 22, 2015
    Obama's Jihadist Bias and Israel
    By James Lewis

    At this point there is no honest doubt that Obama is not just pro-Muslim, but that he favors Jihadist imperialism, whether by infiltration or violence. Or both.

    Iran is an outright jihadist imperialist power, and it has been called the biggest terror sponsor by our State Department -- before Obama told it to shut up. Iran now controls the Syrian regime of Assad, the Houthi conquerors in Yemen’s capital of Sanaa, parts of Iraq, much of Lebanon, and at times the Hamas-occupied Gaza strip. Iran’s Revolutionary Guards are fighting in Iraq and Syria. Contrary to New York Times propaganda, the “smiling Ayatollah” Rouhani is actually grinning like a tiger after a big kill.

    Obama’s so-called “nuclear agreement” by the US and Europeans is simply a retreat before the most dangerous new rogue nuclear power. This is so barefaced a betrayal that even the US Congress is alarmed.

    The rise of Iran as a nuclear and missile power has predictably freaked out the Sunni nations, Saudi Arabia (50 miles from Iran), Egypt (the Saudis’ biggest protector), Jordan, and even Pakistan. These are Sunni powers, and in the case of the Wahhabi Saudis, they basically agree with the ISIS doctrine of barbaric killings, rapes, and slave-taking. The Saudis have already paid for Pakistan’s nukes, and can call on them in a crisis, and may be taking steps to acquire its own production capability. Obama’s “good friends” Turkey and Qatar have turned radical jihadist as well.

    We are therefore seeing a nuclear breakout by extremist Muslim war ideologies in the Gulf, and Obama has done nothing to stop them; on the contrary, if Obama had his way, the paleofascist Muslim Brotherhood would now control Egypt as well. Fortunately Egypt’s political elites rebelled and installed General El Sisi, who has dared to call for a “religious revolution” in Islam.

    Obama may not be a Muslim, but he is a jihad sympathizer -- at every turn he supports Muslim extremists against moderates. Add to that evidence that the extremely dangerous Muslim Brotherhood has a number of known agents in this administration..............

    Read more:

    1. >>>We are therefore seeing a nuclear breakout by extremist Muslim war ideologies in the Gulf, and Obama has done nothing to stop them; on the contrary, if Obama had his way, the paleofascist Muslim Brotherhood would now control Egypt as well. Fortunately Egypt’s political elites rebelled and installed General El Sisi, who has dared to call for a “religious revolution” in Islam.<<<

      That is Sisi, Ash, not Sistani, who is another fellow altogether.

    2. >>>The biggest question in the world today is what kind of president America will elect next. Obama has 22 months -- but Iranian hardliners see the same deadline. Should they launch a major attack on Israel via Syria, to take advantage of a weak US and Europe? Or should they continue the patient expansionism that has worked so well before? Should they keep infiltrating the Arabian Peninsula step by step, or act quickly to throttle the entrances to the Gulf and the Red Sea?

      What if the United States elects a sane Republican next year? Someone like Ted Cruz will face the most explosive international situation since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1963. In Europe he will face Putin’s relentless pressure against Eastern Europe, the Baltic States and Finland. In Asia the Chinese are becoming a major military threat. In South America we see neo-communist Cuba and Venezuela being propped up by Russia. And in the Middle East we see all the makings of a major Sunni-Shi’ite war. Or possibly a war of extermination against Israel, which could quickly turn nuclear.<<<

      Sleep tight.

      Cheers !!

    3. Mətušélaḥ Fri Nov 14, 12:48:00 AM EST

      Fuck, you're a dumbass, Bob.


  20. Here is the Jihad Watch take on the issue mentioned above - I find it more credible than that of Rufus/Deuce -

    Khamenei screams “Death to America” as Kerry hails progress on nuke deal

    March 21, 2015 9:23 pm By Robert Spencer

    How they must be laughing up their sleeves in Tehran at Kerry and the rest of the American fools so eager to give them everything they want on a silver platter.

    “Khamenei calls ‘Death to America’ as Kerry hails progress on nuke deal,” Times of Israel, March 21, 2015:

    Iran’s Supreme leader Ali Khamenei called for “Death to America” on Saturday, a day after President Barack Obama appealed to Iran to seize a “historic opportunity” for a nuclear deal and a better future, and as US Secretary of State John Kerry claimed substantial progress toward an accord.

    Khamenei told a crowd in Tehran that Iran would not capitulate to Western demands. When the crowd started shouting, “Death to America,” the ayatollah responded: “Of course yes, death to America, because America is the original source of this pressure.

    “They insist on putting pressure on our dear people’s economy,” he said, referring to economic sanctions aimed at halting Iran’s nuclear program. “What is their goal? Their goal is to put the people against the system,” he said. “The politics of America is to create insecurity,” he added, referring both to US pressure on Iran and elsewhere in the region.

    Khamenei’s comments contrasted with those of Iranian President Hassan Rohani, who said “achieving a deal is possible” by the March 31 target date for a preliminary accord.

    Kerry was more circumspect, as he spoke to reporters after six days of negotiations in the Swiss city of Lausanne. The talks, made “substantial progress,” he said, but “important gaps remain.

    “We have an opportunity to get this right,” Kerry said, as he urged Iran to make “fundamental decisions” that prove to the world it has no interest in atomic weapons.

    But Khamenei warned against expectations that even a done deal would mend the more than three-decade freeze between the two nations in place since the Iranian revolution and siege of the American Embassy, proclaiming that Washington and Tehran remained on opposite sides on most issues.

    “Negotiations with America are solely on the nuclear issue and nothing else. Everyone has to know that,” Khamenei said.

    In a reflection of the delicate state of negotiations, other officials differed on how close the sides were to a deal.

    Top Russian negotiator Sergey Ryabkov and Iran’s atomic energy chief Ali Akbar Salehi said in recent days that technical work was nearly done. But French officials insisted the sides were far from any agreement….

    1. Times of ISrael - no link provided.
      Another bullshit from Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

  21. WASHINGTON: President Barack Obama said he takes Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu "at his word" for saying that an independent Palestinian state will never co-exist with Israel as long as he is in office, yet another sign of the strained relations between longtime allies.

    Netanyahu has backpedaled since he stunned the U.S. and the international community by announcing that dramatic policy reversal on the eve of his re-election Tuesday. But in his first public comments on the election outcome, Obama suggested that he does not believe the Israeli leader's softer position on the Palestinian state issue.

    "We take him at his word when he said that it wouldn't happen during his prime ministership, and so that's why we've got to evaluate what other options are available to make sure that we don't see a chaotic situation in the region,'' Obama told The Huffington Post in an interview released Saturday

    If anyone wishes to dispute the Obama quote ...

    1. Or ...

    2. Then, again, here is the full transcript of the interview ...

  22. Poor Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, he just makes shit up, and he seems to believe his delusional rants.

    Someday he will provide a timestamped and dated reality, not.
    Because what he tells us he remembers reading, was never there.

    "Stories happen in the mind of a reader, not among symbols printed on a page.”
    ― Brandon Mull

    Or he could and would provide us with the quotes, not the gibberish that emanates from his own imagination.

    1. Bob Sun Jun 22, 01:42:00 PM EDT

      When did I ever say I was a scholar??

      I don't recall saying that.

      I have a college degree in English Lit. from U of Washington.

      To avoid being drafted in part. ...

    2. bob Thu May 27, 12:52:00 AM EDT

      But I did rip off the bank for $7500 hundred dollars, when I was on my knees, and fighting for my economic life, on my aunt's credit card. But that wasn't really stealing, just payback. …

  23. MEERKAT.


    The world just got even smaller. - Again.

    1. You´ve got Max the Meerkat as your trusty companion ...

  24. Don’t Believe Bibi

    The Israeli prime minister says he didn’t mean what he said. Even he knows he can’t be trusted.

    On Monday, just before Israelis went to the polls, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave them a promise. He declared: “Whoever moves to establish a Palestinian state or intends to withdraw from territory is simply yielding territory for radical Islamic terrorist attacks against Israel.” An interviewer asked Netanyahu whether he meant there would be no Palestinian state if he remained in office. The prime minister replied: “Indeed.”

    That promise helped save Netanyahu’s job. Now he’s trying to fudge it. “I was talking about what is achievable and what is not achievable,” the prime minister told NBC’s Andrea Mitchell on Thursday. A Palestinian state is unachievable today, he explained, in part because Palestinian leaders refuse to accept Israel as a Jewish state. Anyway, Netanyahu’s defenders plead, what he said on Monday was just an election ploy. He didn’t really mean it.

    I’d like to believe that Netanyahu was lying to voters on Monday, not that he’s lying to the rest of us now. But I can’t, because in the past, Netanyahu has explained quite cogently why such post-election spin shouldn’t be trusted. He has argued that we should judge leaders by what they tell their own people. And he’s right. When a politician tells voters at election time that they won’t have to accept a land-for-peace agreement as long as he’s in charge, he’s signaling that he doesn’t think they’re ready for such an agreement—and that he won’t risk his re-election by telling them otherwise. No sensible person would expect such a man to make the necessary compromises. He lacks the courage.

    Don’t take that verdict from me. Take it from Netanyahu. It’s exactly what he has said about Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority.

    Netanyahu claims that his own statement on Monday didn’t rule out a Palestinian state. To be precise, he insists: “I said that the conditions for [a state] today are not achievable, for a simple reason: [Abbas] rejects consistently the acceptance of a Jewish state.” Netanyahu portrays this rejection as a new development since 2009, when Netanyahu endorsed Palestinian statehood. “I haven't changed my policy,” says Netanyahu. “What has changed is the reality. [Abbas] refuses to recognize the Jewish state.”

    That’s a gross distortion. Abbas doesn’t refuse to “accept a Jewish state.” He accepts Israel but refuses to tell Israelis whether their state must be Jewish. Abbas hasn’t changed that position in 20 years. Netanyahu just wants to pretend it’s new, so he can deny going back on his word.

    Read More:

  25. List of former and current EB posters who have affirmed d. rat is a Liar.

    Miss T

    We all agreed with d. rat when he said of himself "I am a professional asshole".

    d. rat, do you recall when Whit first asked you to leave ?

    Here's what he said to you:

    "Why don't you just take a hike. All you ever do is argue with everybody"

    He was tired of you whanging on Trish, and everybody else.

    Of course you didn't leave, so Whit did, to our loss.

    And you've continued to be an asshole ever since.

    It's what you are, just as you said.


    Oh, I see how he does it. All you do is keep posting the same things over and over.

    It's off to The Big City for my wife and I again today.

    rat can and will keep churning bullshit.

    Spring has really gotten a grip here now.

    It's lovely.


    Cheers !

    1. bobal Mon Sep 01, 05:20:00 PM EDT
      Rat's a gentleman.

      With his own way of thinking about things.

      Habu has his own way of thinking about things too, but is so corrosive, that after a while you don't want to read him anymore.

      While with Rat, you are always eager to hear what he has to say.

  26. Heh, trip just got cancelled by the Boss till tomorrow.

    Which gives me the opportunity to post this so General Rufus and General "ratshit churner" Hawkins can keep abreast of the goings on in Tikrit -

    March 22, 2015
    Iraqi army still not ready for prime time
    By Rick Moran

    The operation by the Iraqi army and Shia militias to retake the town of Tikrit from Islamic State forces has stalled due to heavy casualties and disagreement over tactics.

    Tikrit, the birthplace of Saddam Hussein, was attacked 2 weeks ago by 30,000 Iraqis. It is believed Islamic State has just a few hundred fighters in the town when the operation began.


    The much ballyhooed Iraqi government operation to capture the central city of Tikrit from the Islamic State has stalled three weeks after it began, amid widespread reports that Shiite Muslim militias and the government are badly divided over tactics and roiled by claims that the militias have engaged in war crimes against the local Sunni Muslim population.

    A two-day pause supposedly intended to give the Iraqi government time to bring up reinforcements has stretched into a week, as reports circulate that Iraqi government troops and the militias took heavier than anticipated casualties in their first efforts to dislodge Islamic State fighters. At least 1,000 militiamen died in the early days of fighting, according to some reports, roughly 5 percent of the 20,000 men the militias have committed to the operation.

    Even during the pause, pro-government casualties remain high. A witness in the main government hospital at the nearby city of Samarra said that at least 100 dead or wounded fighters had been brought in over the last four days and that “bodies are everywhere” at the facility. The witness asked to remain anonymous for security reasons.

    Difficulties with the Tikrit operation underscore how unlikely it is that the Iraqi military will be in any position soon to launch an assault to recapture Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city, which fell to the Islamic State last June. A U.S. military officer in February created a stir when he told reporters at the Pentagon that such an assault might come as soon as April. Pentagon officials later acknowledged that Iraqi troops might not be in such a position before the fall.

    How to proceed in Tikrit has left the government and the militias split. Iraqi officials say a full frontal assault against the Islamic State forces might succeed but would come at a heavy cost. Commanders of Iraq’s special operation forces, which would lead such a charge, are opposed to it.

    The Shia militias are gung ho for a frontal assault seeing that their holy men have told them if they die in battle against IS, they die a martyr. But the Iraqi government knows that hundreds of civilian casualties - the bulk of them Sunnis - would add fuel to an already raging fire of sectarian violence. The US won't lift a finger to help in this operation, which is the smart play considering the bloody massacres being committed by Shias against Sunnis.

    If the Iraqi army is going to have any credibility at all, it is going to have to take Tikrit. After committing so many resources to the operation, walking away now would be devastating to morale and show that little progress has been made in reconsituting the Iraqi army as a viable fighting force.

    Read more:

    Notice this, General Rufus -

    >> widespread reports that Shiite Muslim militias and the government are badly divided over tactics and roiled by claims that the militias have engaged in war crimes against the local Sunni Muslim population<

  27. Dear Reader -

    General 'ratshitchurner' Hawkins made the prediction that all of Iraq would be ISIS free by this Memorial Day, 2015.

    Some 'military expert'.

    With Generals like 'ratshitchurner' Hawkins leading the way the entire Army would be dead in a fortnight.

    By the way, ratshit, how'd that Zimmerman Prediction of yours turn out ? How's that doin' for ya ?

    1. bob Thu May 27, 12:52:00 AM EDT

      But I did rip off the bank for $7500 hundred dollars, when I was on my knees, and fighting for my economic life, on my aunt's credit card. But that wasn't really stealing, just payback. …

      Just like a meth head, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, tries to justify his crime by saying that the loot was owed him, by the people or institution he ripped off.

    2. List of former and current EB posters who have affirmed d. rat is a Liar.

      Miss T

      We all agreed with d. rat when he said of himself "I am a professional asshole".

      d. rat, do you recall when Whit first asked you to leave ?

      Here's what he said to you:

      "Why don't you just take a hike. All you ever do is argue with everybody"

      He was tired of you whanging on Trish, and everybody else.

      Of course you didn't leave, so Whit did, to our loss.

      And you've continued to be an asshole ever since.

      It's what you are, just as you said.

    3. There's something really wrong with you, rat.

    4. Quirk, who is slow to anger, and reticent about his criticisms of others, even went so far as to call you, rat:


  28. Another reason why it is wise for The US to make a deal with Iran.


    Iran, Russia to Hold Conference on Strategic Partnership

    Iranian President Sheikh Hassan Rouhani (L), Russian President Vladimir Putin (R)Former Russian Foreign Minister and President of the Russian International Affairs Council Igor Ivanov announced the news in a meeting with Head of Iran's Strategic Foreign Relations Council Sayyed Kamal Kharrazi in Moscow.

    Also during the meeting, the Russian president's aide in scientific affairs announced his plans to visit Tehran soon to meet high-ranking Iranian officials on expansion of scientific ties.

    Tehran and Moscow are in continued contacts to discuss ways to still accelerate expansion of their fasting growing ties and cooperation over regional issues.

    Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov in a meeting in Munich in February underlined the need for resolving regional crises through political means.

    During the meeting in the German city, Zarif and Lavrov stressed that talks could help the affected countries reach a political solution to the ongoing crises.

    The two sides, meantime, voiced their satisfaction over the current status of Iran-Russia relations, and called for the further broadening of mutual cooperation.

  29. The Israeli Saudi alliance has brought the US nothing but disaster in The Middle East. Neither of two regimes have an interest in the US not being tied down in endless war.

    Israel, The GOP Likuds Force and the Saudis think it is in their best interest to have The US doing the dirty work for Israel and The Sauds..

    We don't need or want an alliance with Iran. Normal relations make sense. It is idiotic to give Iran incentives to ally with Russia. That is real politics.

  30. I am still astounded at the video in the previous post showing The Israeli hustle having filtered down to the state government level.

    Will it be county commission meeting and school boards that have to make public fealty pledges to Israel?

    How about in schools?

    Maybe elections where when you show up for vote, we do it the old Soviet way. Pick up a ballot with a yes or no vote, walk across the room and put it in either a "Support Israel Box" or a "No to Israel Support" box.

    It is really sickening.

    It is particularly abhorrent that public officials have been hustled by AIPAC, in that they have to make a public showing of their support or non-support to the foreign state of Israel. You know the consequences if they balk, The AS slime brigades will go into overdrive.

  31. Legislators write to support Israel

    Published by Karen Langley on Wednesday, 06 August 2014 7:29 pm.

    Nearly half the members of the Pennsylvania General Assembly have signed a letter pledging support to Israel in the conflict in Gaza.

    Ninety-nine of the 203 state representatives and 27 of 50 senators put their names on the letter to Ron Dermer, Israel's ambassador to the United States.

    Signatories include House Republican leader Mike Turzai, Senate Democratic leader Jay Costa and Senate President Pro Tem Joe Scarnati.

    The letter states, in part:

    The nation of Israel has on numerous occassions initiated peace overtures with its leading protagonist, the Hamas/Palestine government, unfortunately, to no avail. To protect itself from the unwarranted missile attacks by the Hamas/Palestine government, in recent days, Israel has no choice but to defend itself by moving its ground forces into the Gaza Strip.

    The full letter can be found here:

  32. The letter was addressed tO:

    Ambassador Ron Dermer
    Embassy of Israel
    3514 International Drive
    N.W. Washington,
    DC 20008

    This is the same Ron Dermer that conspired with The GOP Likuds Force to try and publicly humiliate the US President

    1. I am glad to read that support for Israel is so strong in Pennsylvania, as it is all across the USA.

    2. You are consistent and have no indignation at anything Israel does to harm US interests or compromise our security.

      Jerusalem (AFP) - Israeli Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz flew to France on Sunday to try to sway the next round of talks on a deal over Iran's nuclear programme, his spokesman said.

      Israel reaches out to France before resumption of Iran nuclear talks Reuters
      U.S., France 'on same page' over Iran, want stronger deal Reuters

      Steinitz was "on a mission from Prime Minister (Benjamin Netanyahu) for a short visit to Europe in an attempt to influence the details of the emerging agreement on the Iran nuclear issue," a statement from Eyal Basson said.

      There have been reports of divisions between the United States and France, both members of the P5+1 group of powers in talks with Iran set to resume on Wednesday or Thursday in Switzerland.

      France has expressed scepticism over the speed of a potential deal in which Iran would place its nuclear programme under severe restrictions in exchange for a stage-by-stage lifting of international sanctions.

      Basson told AFP that he had travelled to Paris "on a lightning visit", but would not say who he would meet there.

      Israel's Haaretz newspaper said Steinitz was expected to meet French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius and members of the French negotiating team in the Iran talks.

      It said that he was accompanied by National Security Adviser Yossi Cohen and intelligence and foreign ministry officials.

      Netanyahu, who was elected to a third term this week in a close-fought general election, spoke to the US Congress during his campaign to denounce the agreement under negotiation as a "bad deal".

      "That deal will not prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons," he told the US lawmakers.

      "It would all but guarantee that Iran gets those weapons, lots of them."

    3. >>>"That deal will not prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons," he told the US lawmakers.

      "It would all but guarantee that Iran gets those weapons, lots of them."<<<

      Netanyahu has it exactly right.

      There is nothing 'high stakes' about this negotiation. We are simply giving away the store.

      Surely you don't think France too, where anti-semitism is rife, and the Leader of the government there - I think it was Sarkoy - has called Israel "that shitty little country" - surely you don't think France too is run by the Jews, as you claim for the USA?

      You are projecting your hatred of Jews on world events.

      Israel had nothing to do with getting us into Iraq, or with us taking the troops out too soon.

      Blame Bush and Obama.

      I mention again that Israeli General who warned us "You may long for the day when you had Saddam".

      It wasn't Israeli planes in Libya. They were French and American.

      Israel didn't get us into Afghanistan.

      What had they to do with events in Egypt ?

      Or Syria ?

      You are projecting your hatred of Israel, Netanyahu and the Jews out onto events with which they had very little to do.

      And Abraham was not a psychopath.

      In the best Jewish tradition he stood up like a man and argued with the Master of the Universe, in some very humorous passages in some wonderful literature.

      God Bless the People of Pennsylvania.

    4. Birds of a feather, flocking together.

      The bank fraudster and drat dodger, Robert Peterson sides with the racists of ISrael.
      Who would have ever doubted that.
      No one that has ever read Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson's missives about black Americans.

      bobal said...
      ah, hell, after having thought it over, and considerging that my brother was a doctor, and my sis a med tech, who almost got roughed up by some niggers in Oakland, California, maybe the best thing to do is let the niggers abort, abort, abort themselves.

      They do a good job of that.

      Thu Nov 13, 01:29:00 AM EST

      ... the best thing to do is let the niggers abort, abort, abort themselves.

      They do a good job of that.

    5. According to the study, the first-ever country-by-country survey of its kind, Israel has 7,700 to 8,500 slaves.
      Still, Israel ranked well relative to the lower standards in the Middle East, though Lebanon, Tunisia, and Egypt scored better than the Jewish state

      The Times of Israel

  33. This chart explains today's economy just about as well as any you will ever see.


    1. .

      In what sense?

      Although it gives you and estimate of debt service levels, it leaves you to speculate as to whether we are at those levels by choice or that it is forced upon us. Or am I missing something?


    2. I'm looking at Mortgage Debt Service Ratio.

    3. .

      Right. It does give you the trend. You can also make judgments as to the effect of the trend on the economy; however, it isn't prescriptive in telling what to do about it. For instance, when the trend started there were a number of reasons for it starting, like tightened credit standards, the massive amounts of foreclosures, falling housing prices and people being under water on their mortgages, people assuming more conservatives spending patterns, all of which saw people paying down mortgages. Now while some of these factors, tight credit standards for instance, remain there are other factors involved. For instance, even in the improving economy there are factors inhibiting people from moving up in the housing market something that is needed for an improving housing sector. There is currently a shortage of affordable housing for the middle class. While the builders are knocking out homes, for the most part those being built are high-end homes. They don't seem to be building affordable middle-class homes.

      I'm just saying the diagram of the trend just doesn't give us all that much info. IMO.


  34. The Wichita State/ Kansas game, on now, is a fun one to watch.

    Wichita State is pulling ahead a little right now.

  35. >>>Libya’s decline into a failed state is one of the major consequences of the Obama administration’s foreign policy, which worked with the NATO alliance to provide military support to Libyan rebels who ousted the government of Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi.

    Subsequent governing arrangements have been unable to maintain stability.<<<

    Islamic State Rises in Libya
    Three factions emerge amid civil war

    In this file image made from a video released Sunday, Feb. 15, 2015 by militants in Libya claiming loyalty to the Islamic State group purportedly shows Egyptian Coptic Christians in orange jumpsuits being led along a beach, each accompanied by a masked militant

    In this file image made from a video released Sunday, Feb. 15, 2015 by militants in Libya claiming loyalty to the Islamic State group purportedly shows Egyptian Coptic Christians in orange jumpsuits being led along a beach, each accompanied by a masked militant / AP

    BY: Bill Gertz
    March 20, 2015 5:00 am

    Article describes the forces fighting it out in Libya, which the author now describes as a failed state, thanks in large part to our Napoleon on the Potomac.

    The Israelis don't seem to have had anything to do with it.

    1. Read the Yinon Plan, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, everything in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Egypt is going according to the Yinon Plan, it could be coincidence, but ...

      “It takes real planning to organize this kind of chaos.”
      ― Mel Odom

    2. List of former and current EB posters who have affirmed d. rat is a Liar.

      Miss T

      We all agreed with d. rat when he said of himself "I am a professional asshole".

      d. rat, do you recall when Whit first asked you to leave ?

      Here's what he said to you:

      "Why don't you just take a hike. All you ever do is argue with everybody"

      He was tired of you whanging on Trish, and everybody else.

      Of course you didn't leave, so Whit did, to our loss.

      And you've continued to be an asshole ever since.

      It's what you are, just as you said.

      And Trish said: There's something really wrong with you, rat.

      Quirk, who is slow to anger, and reticent about his criticisms of others, even went so far as to call you, rat:


  36. Bob wrote:

    "Surely you don't think France too, where anti-semitism is rife, and the Leader of the government there - I think it was Sarkoy - has called Israel "that shitty little country" - surely you don't think France too is run by the Jews, as you claim for the USA?"

    heh heh

    b00bie wrote:
    "Surely you don't think France too, where anti-semitism is rife, and the Leader of the government there - I think it was Sarkoy - has called Israel "that shitty little country" - surely you don't think France too is run by the Jews, as you claim for the USA?"

    Idaho bib wrote:

    Surely you don't think France too, where anti-semitism is rife, and the Leader of the government there - I think it was Sarkoy - has called Israel "that shitty little country" - surely you don't think France too is run by the Jews, as you claim for the USA?"

    heh heh


    1. What are you striving to say, exactly, Noble Ash ?

      Do you have any idea what you are striving to say ?

      It doesn't seem to make much sense.

      I have 17 e-mails here from confused readers who are asking me what the hell you are trying to say......

      O well don't answer, it would just confuse us all.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Why am I not surprised that post doesn't make any sense to you? It should given your harping on about Sistani vs Sisi but, like stated earlier, this is just another example of your confused thinking - like presenting Egypt as a candidate for your "League if Democracies"

  37. It was not former French President Nicolas Sarkozy who called Israel a shitty little country.
    Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson libels another man, who despite whatever faults he may have, is a better man than Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

    ISrael was called a shitty little country by Daniel Bernard, who has been quoted as saying
    "All the current troubles in the world are because of that shitty little country Israel."
    He supposedly said this in 2001, while in the United Kingdom.
    He also is reported to have said ...
    "Why should the world be in danger of World War III because of those people?"

    So tell us, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson ... Why?

    1. List of former and current EB posters who have affirmed d. rat is a Liar.

      Miss T

      We all agreed with d. rat when he said of himself "I am a professional asshole".

      d. rat, do you recall when Whit first asked you to leave ?

      Here's what he said to you:

      "Why don't you just take a hike. All you ever do is argue with everybody"

      He was tired of you whanging on Trish, and everybody else.

      Of course you didn't leave, so Whit did, to our loss.

      And you've continued to be an asshole ever since.

      It's what you are, just as you said.

      And Trish said: There's something really wrong with you, rat.

      Quirk, who is slow to anger, and reticent about his criticisms of others, even went so far as to call you, rat:


    2. One quote, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, just provide one single quote to confirm your delusions.

      bobal Mon Sep 01, 05:20:00 PM EDT
      Rat's a gentleman.

      With his own way of thinking about things.

      Habu has his own way of thinking about things too, but is so corrosive, that after a while you don't want to read him anymore.

      While with Rat, you are always eager to hear what he has to say.

    3. It is obvious that you have lost your mind ...

      bobal Sat Sep 06, 09:21:00 PM EDT
      After an eight year law suit with most of my relatives, I've finally found some sanity on line.

    4. Maybe if you had not stolen your aunt's honor, had not destroyed her good name, your family would not have turned on you.
      If you had not defrauded that bank, stolen that money, they would have stood by your side.

      But who would side with a thief?

    5. List of former and current EB posters who have affirmed d. rat is a Liar.

      Miss T

      We all agreed with d. rat when he said of himself "I am a professional asshole".

      d. rat, do you recall when Whit first asked you to leave ?

      Here's what he said to you:

      "Why don't you just take a hike. All you ever do is argue with everybody"

      He was tired of you whanging on Trish, and everybody else.

      Of course you didn't leave, so Whit did, to our loss.

      And you've continued to be an asshole ever since.

      It's what you are, just as you said.

      And Trish said: There's something really wrong with you, rat.

      Quirk, who is slow to anger, and reticent about his criticisms of others, even went so far as to call you, rat:


  38. March 22, 2015
    Poll: Voters say ideal candidate would change Obama's policies
    By Rick Moran

    >>>Who would be the ideal candidate that voters want to see run for president? A new CNN/ORC poll reveals some surprising results. At bottom, a majority of voters want to see a "non-Obama" run and win.

    A new CNN/ORC poll finds most Americans say they would like a candidate who's a seasoned political leader, someone with an executive background, and someone who's willing to change Barack Obama's policies.

    Rather than assessing the traits of individual candidates, the poll asked respondents to think about their perfect candidate and choose between two statements relating to several different traits often found in presidential candidates............

    .................Even with the partisan divide, a majority of independents would also like to see an un-Obama president. Of course, this plays right into the GOP wheelhouse because their candidate will almost certainly have more experience than Obama had when he ran for president. And every potential Republican candidate to date has promised to overturn most of Obama's policies....<<<

    Read more:

    Lordy, Lordy, and this is a CNN Poll.


  39. Cheers !

    Sleep is o'er coming me......

  40. International Vote Interference MonitorMon Mar 23, 12:07:00 AM EDT

    Netanyahu pollster: Obama role in election larger than reported

    By Jesse Byrnes - 03/22/15 03:21 PM EDT

    President Obama's role during the Israeli elections was larger than reported, according to a pollster for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party.

    "What was not well reported in the American media is that President Obama and his allies were playing in the election to defeat Prime Minister Netanyahu," John McLaughlin, a Republican strategist, said in an interview on John Catsimatidis's "The Cats Roundtable" radio show broadcast Sunday on AM 970 in New York.

    "There was money moving that included taxpayer U.S. dollars, through non-profit organizations. And there were various liberal groups in the United States that were raising millions to fund a campaign called V15 against Prime Minister Netanyahu," McLaughlin said.

    He noted an effort to oust Netanyahu was guided by former Obama political operative Jeremy Bird and that V15, or Victory 15, ads hurt Netanyahu in the polls. McLaughlin said the Israeli leader rebounded after delivering a speech to Congress early this month, prompting more critical ads.

    V15 was viewed as part of a broader campaign to oust Netanyahu. The group was linked to Washington-based nonprofit OneVoice Movement, which reportedly received $350,000 in State Department grants. Money to OneVoice stopped flowing in November, officials said, before the Israeli elections.

    After Netanyahu's win, V15 co-founder Nimrod Dweck said in an interview with Ronan Farrow aired on MSNBC's "Jose Diaz-Balart" that "not a single cent" of State Department or taxpayer money had gone to their campaign.

    "These are false allegations and they have nothing to do with reality," Dweck said.

    McLaughlin also cited an effort "to organize the [Israeli] Arabs into one party and teach them about voter turnout."

    "The State Department people in the end of January, early February, expedited visas for [Israeli] Arab leaders to come to the United States to learn how to vote," McLaughlin said.

    "There were people in the United States that were organizing them to vote in one party so they would help the left-of-center candidate, Herzog, that the Obama administration favored," he added.

    Already tense relations between Obama and Netanyahu escalated this week after Netanyahu's pre-election promise to not allow a Palestinian state. He later backed down after White House criticism, though Obama suggested in an interview released Saturday he wouldn't brush off the comments.

    "They were running an ACORN, Obama Organizing for America-type campaign over there with the digital ads, the billboards, the phones. They were targeting Israeli voters," Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.) said Saturday on Fox News's "Justice with Judge Jeanine."

    "I think the president, Tuesday night, felt like he lost," said Zeldin, who along with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has questioned the Obama administration over OneVoice's funding and nonprofit status.

    1. .

      I can only assume this was put up as a bit of satire mocking Netanyahu. No one could be so stupid as to put it up as a defense of Netanyahu.

      First they start out with a quote by one of Bibi's hired guns, John McLaughlin, a GOP strategist who was doing polling for Bibi complaining about Jeremy Bird, an independent D.C. consultant who worked for Obama some years ago who was doing polling for V-15 an organization working against Bibi because of his position on a two-state settlement. The irony is delicious.

      The rest of it is just silliness we have seen before, implying that Obama was behind activities supported by some in this country that were counter to the Bibi candidacy while offering zip in terms of evidence, talking about US support of organizations like One Voice that actually supports US policy that's existed for the past 20 years while ignoring Israeli American organizations supported by the get the picture.

      Bubblegum and bullshit.

      Bottom line, why would Obama give a shit about the elections in some small client state in the ME?


    2. International Vote Interference MonitorMon Mar 23, 01:58:00 AM EDT

      Who knows why, but he did. Got all twisted about Bibi being invited to Congress, too. Maybe it's his Moslem upbringing.

      You are 'far out'.

  41. >>offering zip in terms of evidence<<

    Good God, Quirk, what evidence do you personally have that ISIS beheads its opponents, for instance ?

    How about multiple reliable news sources.

    What else do YOU go by ?

    Can YOU personally PROVE that Saddam invaded Kuwait ?

    No you can't. You know it is true though from reading multiple reliable news sources.

    You are not arguing to a female jury here.

    Why would O'bozo be upset ?

    Good Lord, Quirk, you really are 'far out', strike three you're out, out.

  42. Winston Churchill's War Against The Islamists

    Great article.

    He really was a wonderful man.

  43. :) heh

    Yemen: At time of mosque bombing, worshippers were chanting “death to America”

    March 22, 2015 10:39 pm By Robert Spencer 20 Comments

    In full, they were screaming, “Death to America. Death to Israel. Curse upon the Jews. Victory to Islam. Allah Akbar. Death to America. Death to Israel. Curse upon the Jews. Victory to–” The last part got caught off by the bombing, which, oddly enough, was not set off by an American or an Israeli.

    “Worshippers Chant ‘Death to America’ at Moment of Houthi Mosque Bombing in Yemen,” MEMRI, March 20, 2015:

    Following are excerpts from a video of the bombing at the Houthi Al-Hashoush Mosque in Sanaa, Yemen, which was posted on the Internet on March 20, 2015:

    Preacher: Our belief in Allah will increase after today. We will triumph over their deceit and their arrogance. Allah is with us…

    The worshippers chant: Death to America. Death to Israel. Curse upon the Jews. Victory to Islam. Allah Akbar. Death to America. Death to Israel. Curse upon the Jews. Victory to…

    An arrow on-screen points to a man walking through the crowd, a bomb goes off and worshippers cry out

  44. O Lord, The Supreme Leader of Iran, who is fighting for civilization, has taken up some of civilization's ways.

    He tweets.

    According to Fox News, he has just tweeted that the nuclear talks 'are a fraud'.

    :) heh

    What this means is that he wants more out of Kerry/O'bozo, and will get it too.


  45. Here, Quirk, stuff this in one of your clown nostrils and sniff it -

    March 23, 2015
    'Hope and Change' Crash in the Israeli Election
    By Jack Golbert

    There are several things about the Israeli elections that no one is talking about, except for Dry Bones. Whatever the Congressional investigation turns up, it is clear that the U.S. government intervened massively in the election, with millions of dollars from the State Department paid out to legions of American media consultants and campaign advisers who served Obama’s own campaigns. Their influence was obvious to Americans familiar with U.S. media people and it became apparent to Israelis also. It did not go down well. The Herzog-Livni campaign had “American media adviser” written all over it. Remember Bob Newhart’s piece, “Abe Lincoln vs Madison Avenue”? It played out in this campaign and it did not sell......

    .............Furthermore, it turned out that Israelis also knew about the money that the Obama folks were pouring into the campaign to defeat Netanyahu and they did not like it. That is interesting because it is not the first time the U.S. government blatantly interfered in Israeli elections. Bush 41 intervened massively in the election in 1992, when Shamir was defeated by Rabin. Israelis saw Bush and Baker as visceral anti-Semites but they trusted America and they trusted Rabin. In 1999, Clinton intervened massively in the election, sending a great deal of money and his top political adviser, James Carville, to manage Barak’s election campaign. Israelis trusted the United States and they trusted Clinton. And the Israelis dumped Bibi in favor of Ehud Barak. This time, however, there is no trust. Obama has been so consistently so obnoxious toward Israel that people know it is not Bibi that Obama hates but Israel. They do not trust him and seeing how quickly and how completely he has poisoned U.S.-Israel relations, they can no longer trust America.

  46. Good Grief, I can't believe it, but Gonzaga University, a small Catholic school in Spokane, Washington, has advanced to the Sweet Sixteen.

    My wife will pass out.

  47. .

    I know I shouldn't respond to this as it has all become so painfully redundant but, of course, you knew I would. I assume it is just your masochistic tendencies coming to the fore.

    Good God, Quirk, what evidence do you personally have that ISIS beheads its opponents, for instance ?

    How about multiple reliable news sources.

    What else do YOU go by ?

    Can YOU personally PROVE that Saddam invaded Kuwait ?

    No you can’t. You know it is true though from reading multiple reliable news sources...

    Multiple reliable sources?

    John McLaughlin, GOP strategist, Netanyahu pollster.

    Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.)

    Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas)

    Multiple reliable sources?

    Well, I guess they do qualify as multiple but reliable? Hardly. One paid Republican hack that works for Bibi, and two Republican lawmakers, one a nitwit from Texas running for president, all of them offering innuendo and libel with no supporting evidence. I won't even comment on the The American Thinker article you posted as it was so over the top and bizarre none but the low-information readers they appeal to could get past the first few lines.

    The stuff you put up here is just plain weird. You are not the only one here that puts up similar stuff but that still doesn't excuse it. Anyone with reading and comprehension skills beyond the third grade would have to laugh at it. The fact that you accept this stuff without question qualifies you as the poster boy for the low-information voters these rags appeal to.


    1. .

      Another example of the same nittwittery you post was The American Thinker article you put up last night involved a CNN poll on what voters wanted in their next president and then offered AM's 'informed insight' on the poll results such as the following statement.

      .................Even with the partisan divide, a majority of independents would also like to see an un-Obama president. Of course, this plays right into the GOP wheelhouse because their candidate will almost certainly have more experience than Obama had when he ran for president. And every potential Republican candidate to date has promised to overturn most of Obama's policies....

      Here is the poll responses they are talking about,

      The candidate would continue most of the policies of the Obama administration 41%
      The candidate would change most of the policies of the Obama administration 57%
      No opinion 2%

      The logical fallacies built into the AM conclusions are obvious. First, the statement about Obama's experience is irrelevant since he will not be running. Second, they make the assumption that because the majority of respondents in the survey were dissatisfied with most of Obama's policies and because the GOP has pretty much been opposed to most of Obama's policies that ipso facto the majority of respondents would favor GOP policies. So friggin illogical it is laughable.

      Things to remember.

      Obama's current job approval rating is around 45-47%.

      Congress' approval rating is around 18%.

      Those who self-identify as Republicans in this country have been dropping. Last year, it had dropped from around 30% down to 25%.

      What convinces these nitwits at AT that anything the GOP comes up with will be more acceptable than what Obama has offered?

      They are all dicks as indicated by the polls, all the polls.

