Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Paris - Charlie Hebdo , Satirical Magazine Attacked: “Two black-hooded men entered the building with Kalashnikovs. A few minutes later we heard lots of shots."

Text by FRANCE 24 
Latest update : 2015-01-07

Shots have been fired at French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in the heart of Paris Wednesday, with Paris officials reporting at least 10 fatalities. Witnesses at the scene reported seeing multiple masked gunmen.


  1. Paris Police Say 11 Dead After Shooting at Charlie Hebdo
    Conal Urquhart @conalu 6:48 AM ET

    Firefighters carry an injured man on a stretcher in front of the offices of the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris on Jan. 7, 2015, after armed gunmen stormed the offices leaving at least 11 people dead.

    Magazine was also attacked in 2011

    Eleven people were confirmed dead after a shooting at the office of a French satirical weekly in Paris, police said on Wednesday.

    The death toll was confirmed by Xavier Castaing, head of communications for the Paris police prefecture, according to the Associated Press. Earlier, Luc Poignard, a police union official, said two attackers escaped in two vehicles after opening fire at Charlie Hebdo.

    The magazine was attacked with petrol bombs in 2011, a day after saying that the Prophet Muhammed would be its “editor-in-chief” for its next issue.

  2. Hamas, Hezbollah, Isis, Fatah, Islamic Jihad, Moslem Brotherhood, Al Queda...

    What do they have in common?

    They hate the west, Israel, Jews.....

  3. 12 dead now.

    Hillary Clinton says we ought to 'empathize' with our enemies.

    Shot guns, Kalishnikovs, rocket launcher....

    Where'd they get all the guns?

    Sounds like a group effort. They had a getaway driver.

    The heretical thought wanders in that perhaps if these guys are caught alive they need a little water up the nose to reveal the organization?

    1. This being one of those beyond a reasonable doubt situations where it is known that they have info that would save the lives of many others?

  4. The screaming silence of this blog when extreme islamists attack JEWISH or Israeli targets says it all.

    Standing with Hamas, Fatah and Hezbollah is no different than standing with the GUN MAN that murdered a dozen in Paris.

    Look in the mirror...

    1. Hamas, Fatah, Hezbollah, ISIS, Boko Haram........all the same shit.

      The world is getting sick and tired of it, as the Egyptian President recognizes.

    2. Yes the WORLD sees it for what it is..

      Elephant Blog Bar? naw...

  5. IDF sentences Hamas mastermind in June kidnap, murder of 3 Israeli teens to 3 life sentences

    The IDF prosecutor said during the sentencing hearing that Kawasame did not see the boys as human and killed them because they were Jews.

    Hussam Hassan Kawasme was convicted last week based on his confession of planning and financing the attack, including receiving NIS 200,000 from Hamas in the Gaza Strip, purchasing and providing weapons for the other terrorists, hiding the bodies and destroying evidence.

    you remember this?

    The incident that Rat called a false flag, that deuce said wasn't important and was USED as an excuse to go to war with Hamas?

    yeah we remember.

    1. I remember it.

      The Jews had murdered 3 of their own teenagers and blamed it on Hamas so as to go to war.......

      Yup, I recall it well.

      I never believed a word of it.

    2. .

      I remember it.

      This was a quick and just sentence for convicted terrorists.


    3. .

      Do you remember Mohammed Abu Khdeir?

      No doubt we will see the same justice meted out to his three confessed killers.


    4. No place in Israel for Abu Khdeir’s killers, Netanyahu says
      While condemning racist ‘mentality’ that led to Muhammed Abu Khdeir’s killing, PM charges that ‘on the other side, city squares are named in honor of such murderers’

      Read more: No place in Israel for Abu Khdeir's killers, Netanyahu says | The Times of Israel
      Follow us: @timesofisrael on Twitter | timesofisrael on Facebook

      Quirk, nice try but fail.

      Killers, In Israel, Jewish or Moslem are convicted and sentenced to jail. they are not celebrated.

      Once again, you have shown an immaturity on the subject.

    5. .

      Quirk, nice try but fail.

      Killers, In Israel, Jewish or Moslem are convicted and sentenced to jail. they are not celebrated.

      Once again, you have shown an immaturity on the subject.

      Immaturity? Spare me your bullshit.

      I noted the murder. The trial is ongoing and I believe reconvenes on January 15. I am willing to wait and see if your prediction plays out. It should given the publicity the case has had.

      If you want to get into the differences or similarities of how the two cases have been handled to date, I would be glad to do that. However, my question was a simple one.

      Do you remember Mohammed Abu Khdeir?

      I doubt you or Obumble had a clue as to who he was before consulting Google.


    6. I doubt you are correct, I posted about it numerous times here.

      Sick footballers burned the kid alive.

      Should be executed if Israel had the death penalty.

      You will not find me making any tolerance or excuse for savages.

      spare me your bullshit.

    7. .

      I take you at your word.

      But I will still wait for the final verdict to see if you opinion plays out.

      "Sick footballers"

      Even Bibi and the Defense Ministry has the decency to call them what they are, terrorists (although admittedly, I have heard of no homes being destroyed yet).


    8. They were insane footballers who, after arab murders of jews in Israel, used violence.

      Footballers of all creeds and races have a horrible reputation world wide for violence, including murder.

      I do not justify their behavior, nor does Israel or the vast majority of Israelis.

      No excuse for the murder of the arab kid. PERIOD.

      No excuse.

      If convicted, they will serve time in jail.

      They did not act under orders or were paid by a government agency. it was not an act of state terrorism. It was savage murder.

      Murder occurs across the world and is punished the same.

      Not all savage murder is terrorism.

      there is no comparing what hamas PLANNED and paid for, and has done repeatedly, and planned to do enmass (the billion spent on the terror tunnels) with what 3 savages did to an innocent arab teenager.

  6. The satirical newspaper office had 24/7 Police protection until just a while ago.

    The protection was quietly pulled, then this attack.

    One wonders if the perps got some inside info of this.

  7. Zionist Israel is part of the problem, not part of the solution. It is hardly a surprise to me that you seize on this to justify Israel’s actions against Gaza or support for the continue tragedies from the Middle East. Terrorism by a state or non-state actor ends the same, dead and the stolen lives of innocents. All religious fanatics justify their killing and atrocities. All the descendants of the religious fanatic, Abraham, at one time or another justify their murder with some form of entitlement coming down from Abraham.

    1. ... sickening ... pathetic ... relativism taken to the absurd ...

      "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."

    2. Jack, an avowed supporter of Hamas speaks...

    3. Cut and paste that alleged vow, "O"rdure.

      You cannot do it, because your claim, your words, are lies.

    4. Jack, are you now a coward as well as a supporter of the Hamas?

      An avowed Zionist and Israel hater you are...

      You now are a spineless coward who over hatred in public the Jews..

      Go fuck yourself Worm-tongue

    5. You now are a spineless coward who over hatred in public the Jews..

      Could you get that translated for us English readers?

    6. Israel Pays Students For Pro-Israeli Social Media Propaganda

      The move was publicised in a statement from Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office, the Associated Press reported. Students will receive scholarships to "engage international audiences online".

      According to Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz, the most recent proposition is being spearheaded by Danny Seaman, who was slammed by the media for writing anti-Muslim messages on Facebook.

      Students will be organised into units at each university, with a chief co-ordinator who receives a full scholarship, three desk co-ordinators for language, graphics and research who receive lesser scholarships and students termed “activists” who will receive a “minimal scholarship”, the Independent reported.

    7. jealous? all that oil money and the arabs and their pals the palestinians don't do that?

      Oh right they do...

      and it's funded by the hundreds of millions...

  8. Why do you say Abraham was a religious fanatic?

    He seems to me a rather laid back dude who tried his best to talk the Lord out of the fire bombing of Sodom and Gomorrah.

    >>>20Then the LORD said, "The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous 21that I will go down and see if what they have done is as bad as the outcry that has reached me. If not, I will know."

    22The men turned away and went toward Sodom, but Abraham remained standing before the LORD. 23Then Abraham approached him and said: "Will you sweep away the righteous with the wicked? 24What if there are fifty righteous people in the city? Will you really sweep it away and not spare the place for the sake of the fifty righteous people in it? 25Far be it from you to do such a thing -- to kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous and the wicked alike. Far be it from you! Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?"

    26The LORD said, "If I find fifty righteous people in the city of Sodom, I will spare the whole place for their sake."

    27Then Abraham spoke up again: "Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the LORD, though I am nothing but dust and ashes, 28what if the number of the righteous is five less than fifty? Will you destroy the whole city because of five people?"<<<

    from Genesis 18:16-33

    1. And don't give me that stuff about Abraham and Isaac on Mt. Moriah. It's an etiological legend concerning the turning away from human sacrifice among this people.

    2. “We must be compelled to hold this doctrine to be false, and the old and new law called the Old and new Testament, to be impositions, fables and forgeries”

    3. They are written from certain points of view, but that doesn't make them 'forgeries', whatever that might mean in your context, Tom.

      Keep to politics.

    4. Religion is politics.

    5. .

      In one instance, Abraham is a laid back cool dude who likes to dicker. On the other, he is merely an etiological legend.

      Keeping to the politics, yassa.


  9. SANAA (Reuters) - A car bomb exploded outside a Yemeni police college in Sanaa on Wednesday, killing 31 people and wounding dozens, the interior ministry said, less than a week after a devastating suicide bombing south of the capital.

  10. He had no "11", which you could have supplied: blame the Jews. If you tweet, he may add this brilliant insight.


  11. Israel is, in fact, the world’s top violator of U.N. resolutions — pursuing nuclear weapons, illegally seizing Palestinian land and resources, carrying out devastating attacks on civilian populations and infrastructure as well as institutionalizing discrimination against Palestinians both within its legal borders and in the occupied territories. Despite this contemptuous disregard for international rules and norms, the U.N. has so far been unable to muster any kind of substantive response because of the U.S. veto, which is unlikely to change, despite the growing strategic cost for the United States.

    With these realities, U.S. and Israeli politicians were correct in portraying the Security Council resolution as counterproductive. U.N. resolutions can establish Palestine as a legal entity — as they have already done repeatedly and unequivocally over the last 70 years — but the U.N. will never be able to do more than this, with the U.S. wielding veto power. And the Palestinians cannot truly live in a country that, for practical purposes, exists only on paper.

    For his part, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared that Israel could “never, ever countenance” a fully sovereign Palestinian state. The world should take him at his word. There never was a two-state solution, and there won’t be one in any foreseeable future. Instead, that so-called solution serves only to enable Israel’s continued oppression, empowering cynics and hard-liners and perpetuating a never-ending cycle of conflict. The only viable resolution is to unite Israel and the territories into a single state.

    1. Consider, for instance, that for more than 20 years Palestinians have been trying to convince Israel to settle for the land they captured in 1967 — though no existing U.N. resolution recognizes Israeli seizures from the Six-Day War as legitimate (although the proposed legislation implicitly would have). Instead, U.N. actions to date refer to the legal borders established in the 1947 General Assembly resolution, insisting that any territorial changes to that be achieved exclusively through negotiations.

      The U.N. report preceding the 1947 resolution found that, Palestinians owned more than 94 percent of the property in Britain’s Mandate of Palestine and accounted for two-thirds of its population. Yet the resolution awarded 55 percent of the territory, including prime lands and resources, to Israel. The Palestinians, understandably, rejected this plan.

    2. If Abbas really wants radical change for the Palestinians’ plight, he should dissolve the Palestinian Authority and hand control of the West Bank to Israel — as he has repeatedly threatened to do — and then encourage Palestinians to demand annexation with all rights, protections and benefits granted to other Israelis. Given the one-state reality on the ground, removing the illusion of sovereign Arab institutions would render Israel responsible for the population it has subjugated for the last 70 years. A failure to rise to this challenge would expose it as an apartheid state.

      Israel justifies its mistreatment of Palestinians by claiming that Arabs are not its responsibility; whether they live within Israel or the occupied territories, they all ultimately belong in the unsettled West Bank and should be provided for by their own government — an attitude emphasized by Israel’s recent nationality law, which defines the country as an explicitly, perhaps exclusively Jewish state.

      But in a unified Israel, Arabs would be the majority if afforded the same right to return that the Jewish diaspora has; there are 3 million registered Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan. And demographic projections suggest Jews will soon be the minority even without considering the Palestinian diaspora. Accordingly, Palestinians would have much more leverage in a one-state scenario; their quest would then be for equitable power sharing and civil rights.

    3. ... most Israeli Jews vehemently oppose a single state. Thus an alternative amenable to all parties would be to reintegrate Gaza, the West Bank and Israel as a federation of semiautonomous states, with Jerusalem as its capital — a proposal not far removed from the vision of Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon. There still would have to be a substantial restructuring of territory, resources and relations between the two sides.

      Either way, the first step would be to abandon the quixotic pursuit of a two-state outcome and, with it, a status quo that favors Israel at the expense of Palestinian suffering.

    4. Hell, Musa, that's ridiculous.

      It would just make a confusing situation more confusing.

      Besides, the Palestinians wouldn't do it. They want the Jews in the Sea.


  12. Car bomb explodes outside synagogue near Paris.............drudge

    1. Memo to self: always read the article

      The Car Explosion Outside A French Synagogue Was Caused By A Mechanical Failure

      Stefano Pozzebon

      Jan. 7, 2015, 9:25 AM

      Read more:

  13. A simple question:

    Is Israel a source of stability with its neighbors or an antagonist?

    If Israel is as always pro-ported, the outpost of Western Civilization, then it is the example of what the West is to the ME. In that case, it presents a pretty ugly face to its neighbors. People aren’t stupid. They see the injustice.

    1. Is Hamas a source of stability with its neighbors or an antogonist ?

      Dang them, they keep shooting rockets all around the neighborhood, and their Charter calls for genocide and pushing the Jews into the Sea.

      The American People may be dummies, as Gruber claimed, and they proved by electing O'bozo President twice, but they can see through this, which is why they support Israel.

  14. Israel’s “in your face”, “up your ass” contempt for World opinion is surely indicative of far worse behavior with the up close and daily interactions with others in the area. The West pays the price with the blowback from the actions of our unofficial ambassador.

    1. An odd outlook, there.

      The Egyptian President just gave a speech in which he indicated it was the Moslem "in your face" and "up your ass" attitude that was "impossible" for the World to ever accept.

      You see, the Moslems don't give a shit for World opinion. The only opinion they respect is their own, which is that all the World must become Moslem, and fuck you if you don't, we will kill you, infidel.

    2. The killers did not mention Israel once! Are you really this dumb?

      They did not like the publication -- French, not Hebrew.

      You have hit the gutter.

  15. Islamic gunmen execute French police officer as he pleads for his life

    Yeah, the Jews are responsible. The West is EVIL and the handmaid of the Jews. ... puke...

    1. But the Jews ... they are not 'Western', not by anyone's account.

      They are either Semites or Khazars
      Neither a 'Western' people, regardless of the origins of the Ashkenazi

    2. What! Why, for years you have told us they are Eastern European pirates.

      You are a moron.

    3. Once again, allen, you are misinormed.
      I have said that the Ashkenazi were Khazars, who had become Europeans.

      But never 'Western', as they were "Eastern Europeans", you know Russians and Poles.
      Easterners, not Westerners.

    4. And that the Ashkenazi were not genetically linked to the people that were with Moses, or the 'Seed of Abraham".

      I do believe that allen has claimed the Ashkenazi really were Semites, you know, Arabs.
      I believe the DNA researchers that dispute that cultural and political myth.

    5. On average, all Ashkenazi Jews are genetically as closely related to each other as fourth or fifth cousins, said Dr. Harry Ostrer, a pathology, pediatrics and genetics professor at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York and the author of
      "Legacy: A Genetic History of the Jewish People" (Oxford University Press, 2012).

      Maternal DNA
      Richards and his colleagues analyzed mitochondrial DNA, which is contained in the cytoplasm of the egg and passed down only from the mother, from more than 3,500 people throughout the Near East, the Caucusus and Europe, including Ashkenazi Jews.

      The team found that four founders were responsible for 40 percent of Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA, and that all of these founders originated in Europe. The majority of the remaining people could be traced to other European lineages.

      All told, more than 80 percent of the maternal lineages of Ashkenazi Jews could be traced to Europe, with only a few lineages originating in the Near East.

      Now whether or not those were Western or Eastern Europeans, well, that's open to discussion.


    6. Was the Khazar Kingdom part of Europe, or should we have another name for the geography?

      Looks like Khazaristan was in southeastern Europe, from the map:

    7. Which means, allen, that I have been on message, the entire time.

      You should gain some depth of knowledge, prior to typing.

      “Think before you speak.
      Read before you think.”

      ― Fran Lebowitz,


    8. Jack Hawkins, a self proclaimed enemy of Israel, zionism and Jews world wide....

    9. I repeat:

      What! Why, for years you have told us they are Eastern European pirates.

      You are a moron.

    10. By the way, idiot, what does the origin of Jews have to do with a poor French police officer begging for his life?


      His family, you dolt, will not care about Judaism. I doubt the families of the other poor devils will think about that. You fascists have neither shame nor decency. You are as inhumane as your Muslim buds.

  16. I am, as a descendent of Swedes (mostly), particularly concerned about the “in your face”, “up your ass” attitude of Sweden's Moslems to the indigenous Swedish women there.

    Their attitude is that these blue eyed pretty blond Swedish girls are just there for the raping.

  17. White House hesitates to call Paris attack 'terrorism'...

    FLASHBACK: 'The Future Must Not Belong to Those Who Slander The Prophet of Islam'.............Drudge

    WH Unsure Whether Murderous Rampage in France Is 'Terrorism'

    'If based on this investigation it turns out to be an act of terrorism, then we would condemn that in the strongest possible terms, too'
    9:08 AM, Jan 7, 2015 • By DANIEL HALPER

    White House press secretary Josh Earnest refrained from calling the attack on a French magazine "terrorism" in an interview this morning on CNN: video

    I saw Josh Earnest's performance. It was pitiful.

  18. This writer spent some time in Israel witnessing personally the injustices perpetrated there by a people who had no rightful claim to the land, upon a people who did. Having gone there with a somewhat "pro-Israeli" bias, it soon became evident that any ruling class that skillfully engineers an economy where one segment enjoys an average 15 to 1 income advantage over another, under the same cost of living, cannot feign innocence when they experience the hatred and animosity from those whom they oppress.

    1. Love the "people who had no rightful claim"

      Does this standard apply to America?

  19. ... hot from the UN (Agence France) ...

    Ban says he is with French people, describes attack as horrible, intended to divide.

    No, there was no intent to divide; there IS an irreconcilable division directly related to Islam. Like some here, reality is not Mr. Ban's strongest suit.

  20. It was no surprise to me that the lobby would seize this to justify Israeli action. That is the disgusting part.

    1. No, we are just showing your hypocrisy in your lack of condemnation of Hamas, hezbollah and Fatah kidnappings, shootings, bombings and such.

    2. No butchery done by Hamas, Fatah, the PA, or Hezbollah to Jews or Israel is EVER condemned by you.

      You make excuses for pure terrorism.

    3. Deuce ☂Wed Jan 07, 11:37:00 AM EST
      It was no surprise to me that the lobby would seize this to justify Israeli action. That is the disgusting part.

      What is disgusting is that you brought Israel into a French matter. "The Lobby" had nothing to do with the murders or your prejudice.

      Some of your pals murdered at least 12 French citizens for the crime of poking fun at your prophet.

    4. Second comment on the thread, from the lobby:

      What is "Occupation"Wed Jan 07, 07:21:00 AM EST
      Hamas, Hezbollah, Isis, Fatah, Islamic Jihad, Moslem Brotherhood, Al Queda...

      What do they have in common?

      They hate the west, Israel, Jews.....


    5. No mention about Israel until the lobby brought it up.

  21. "This writer spent some time in Israel witnessing personally the injustices perpetrated there by a people who had no rightful claim to the land upon a people who did."

    This writer gets it wrong from the git-go.

    He obviously has not read the history of the area, ancient or modern.

    1. "Because of the long and varied history of the Jews," says the 2001 edition of World Book Encyclopedia, "it is difficult to define a Jew. There is no such thing as a Jewish race. Jewish identity is a mixture of religious, historical, and ethnic factors."

      Thus, those who might have truly claimed to be of the genealogy of Abraham and of true Semitic origin became extinct as a discernible race, being replaced by the white Khazars of the Transcaucasus, none of whose ancestors, as Benjamin Freedman phrases it, have ever placed a foot in the land of Palestine. This causes a serious problem with modern Christianity's infatuation with the Jews and their "return to their Homeland," begging the question:

      How can one return to a place where they have never been?

    2. Fact is, Israel is.

      Israel was, Israel is and Israel will be.

      The ONLY difference today?

      Israel and the Jews? Now are armed and will not take attacks without response.

      For centuries? Christian Europe held a knife at our throat both literally and figuratively, the same was true for our moslem cousins.

      But now? You can't just murder us, silence us because you find our living offensive.

      Sucks being you....

  22. You are in good company. Congrats!

    WH Unsure Whether Murderous Rampage in France Is 'Terrorism'

    'If based on this investigation it turns out to be an act of terrorism, then we would condemn that in the strongest possible terms, too'

    Beam me up!

  23. allenWed Jan 07, 12:21:00 PM EST
    Deuce ☂Wed Jan 07, 11:37:00 AM EST
    It was no surprise to me that the lobby would seize this to justify Israeli action. That is the disgusting part.

    What is disgusting is that you brought Israel into a French matter. "The Lobby" had nothing to do with the murders or your prejudice.

    Some of your pals murdered at least 12 French citizens for the crime of poking fun at your prophet.


    Deuce ☂Wed Jan 07, 12:49:00 PM EST
    Second comment on the thread, from the lobby:

    What is "Occupation"Wed Jan 07, 07:21:00 AM EST
    Hamas, Hezbollah, Isis, Fatah, Islamic Jihad, Moslem Brotherhood, Al Queda...

    What do they have in common?

    They hate the west, Israel, Jews.....



    Deuce ☂Wed Jan 07, 12:51:00 PM EST
    No mention about Israel until the lobby brought it up.

  24. No one has any proof that any of those groups are involved. My sense it is ISIS. Hamas, Hezbollah and Fatah are fighting Israel occupation of their territory. Hezbollah is fighting ISIS. Israel has bombed the enemies of ISIS.

    1. There has been some reporting that they spoke French and said they were al Qaida.

      There is speculation that they may be Yemeni but don't know on what that is based.

    2. Well....

      'We are from al-Qaeda in Yemen'.........Drudge

  25. You have to excuse Deuce, the MERE mention of Israel pumps his blood pressure up 40 points...

    If only Israel were erased, then he'd be happy...

    Sorry Deuce aint going to happen.

    Keep standing with Hamas, Fatah, islamic Jihad and Iran...

    I'll stand for decency, Israel and America.

    1. Chlorthalidone is great for high blood pressure.

      At first they had my dosage way too high, and I fell over dizzy after getting up quickly a couple of times.

      This was really irritating.

      40 points?

      I'd recommend 25mg daily.

      Blood pressure is nearly perfect now.

  26. .

    “The murderers dared proclaim Charlie Hebdo is dead,” said Secretary of State John F. Kerry in Washington. “But make no mistake, they are wrong. Today, and tomorrow, in Paris, in France and across the world, the freedom of expression this magazine represented is not able to be killed by this kind of act of terror.”

    Perhaps, Kerry is honestly stating his feelings on the subject of freedom of the press and 1st amendment rights . I wouldn't deny it.

    However, the irony if not hypocrisy of his and for that matter the West's words versus its actions is palpable. We have seen Obama's prosecution of writers for doing their jobs. We have seen the prosecution of the guy in California for putting out the Mohammed video. We have seen the major newspapers and media outlets in this country refusing to publish the Mohammed cartoons of a few years back; and, in fact, blaming the cartoonists for being insensitive.

    The First Amendment is just one more statement of rights sacrificed on the altar of the PC. A couple of weeks ago the DOJ indicated they would no longer be doing profiling. Homeland Security head, Johnson, today says they are still trying to 'determine the motivations' of the attackers despite everything that has been published and broadcast about the incident. Duh. It is unlikely we will hear much about terrorists and Islamic fascism coming out of the administration. And it is not only us, in the UK, some cities have no-go areas were they have pretty much ceded sovereignty to Muslims who practice sharia law.


    1. 'The Future Must Not Belong to Those Who Slander The Prophet of Islam'.


    2. There are 'no go' areas in England, France and Sweden.

      Perhaps in other countries I am unaware of too.

    3. .

      Despite all these cries in support of freedom of the press, has anyone seen any major news organization show the cartoons the attackers were pissed about?


    4. Not here in our press that I have seen.

      I looked them up once on the Internet.

      Mo had a bomb on his head, or something.....IIRC

    5. A Tribute to Charlie Hebdo
      Publishing the cartoons that jihadist fanatics don’t want you to see

      Cartoons here -

  27. What is "Occupation"Wed Jan 07, 12:46:00 PM EST
    there is no comparing what hamas PLANNED and paid for, and has done repeatedly, and planned to do enmass (the billion spent on the terror tunnels) with what 3 savages did to an innocent arab teenager.

    That cannot be right because each act resulted in death; therefore, they are equivalent, don't you know.

    1. .

      Ask the dead if they see a difference. Oh, wait. We can't.

      Also from the same WiO post.

      They were insane footballers who, after arab murders of jews in Israel, used violence.

      Footballers of all creeds and races have a horrible reputation world wide for violence, including murder.

      The Justice Department in Israel calls the guys terrorists. Even Bibi calls them terrorists. WiO calls them 'footballers'.

      No further comment necessary.


    2. I described the circumstances.

      Sorry if you are not capable of understanding,

    3. “It is time to honestly admit that Israeli society is ill – and it is our duty to treat this disease,”

      “The tension between Jews and Arabs within the State of Israel has risen to record heights, and the relationship between all parties has reached a new low,”
      he said.
      “We have all witnessed the shocking sequence of incidents and violence taking place by both sides.
      The epidemic of violence is not limited to one sector or another, it permeates every area and doesn’t skip any arena.
      There is violence in soccer stadiums as well as in the academia.
      There is violence in the social media and in everyday discourse, in hospitals and in schools.”

      “I’m not asking if they’ve forgotten how to be Jews, but if they’ve forgotten how to be decent human beings.
      Have they forgotten how to converse?”

      - Reuven Rivlin, President of Israel>

  28. Where the government cannot or will not protect freedom of speech, there will be none. Where a government is hostile to freedom of speech, there will be none. Don't look for any new replacement in France or elsewhere in the West. Freedom of speech now necessitates having ones own private army.

  29. Salman Rushdie, whatever happened to him?

    He is still around -

    Salman Rushdie condemns Paris terror attack
    Entertainment Weekly59 minutes ago

    Salman Rushdie Says ‘I Stand With Charlie Hebdo‘ After Paris Attack
    Time Magazine54 minutes ago

    Religion must be subject to satire, Salman Rushdie says after Paris attack
    The Economic Times43 minutes ago

  30. .

    Saw Lindsay Graham on CNN demanding that we restore funds to Homeland Security, this despite that the GOP is currently threatening to gut Homeland Security funding in response to Obama’s actions on immigration.

    Once again, Ms. Graham is off the tracks. As we have seen from the Snowden release, the US tracks communications of everyone they can, friends and allies alike, we spend billions each year on intelligence, and yet they had no clue that this was coming. IMO, this is part of the problem, too much SIGENT and not enough HUMINT. I'm sure it has improved but right after 9/11 when we decided to knock down smoke stacks and share information between organizations, NSA, FBI, CIA, etc. the biggest problem we had was trying to make sense of the vast amount of information available. I think the problem still exists if only because of the millions of pieces of intel we pick up daily.

    IMO, we will make little progress against terrorism until we get more HUMINT and before we emphasize profiling in our efforts. However, even with those changes every country will eventually suffer from a terrorist attack, probably multiple ones. It is inevitable. They may be directed or inspired by a particular group or they may be one-off lone wolves. If we get lucky we will identify the plots ahead of time; however, in most cases, it will be a matter of ‘when seconds count, the police are only minutes away’.

    All we can do is track these guys down and make them pay.


    1. We could start by PROFILING, and not waste time on Quirk, Bob, Deuce, WiO, allen etc & etal

    2. Sorry, didn't notice you mentioned profiling.

    3. .

      In support of my point above, this is at least the third attack on Charlie Hebdo in the last few years. If we couldn't predict and prevent this latest attack we are either doing something wrong or we are incapable of preventing these one-off attacks and can only react.


  31. It may not last for another week, or even a day, but, right now, Economic Confidence is the highest it's been since Gallup started tracking it in 2008.

    Economic Confidence

    1. And, the Uninsured Rate is the Lowest (and, dropping.)

      Uninsured Rate Sinks

    2. .

      Obamacare was sold on the proposition that all people should be insured. We put in the individual mandate to assure it.

      When pushing Obamacare in 2009, we were assured that there where 49.1 million uninsured in the US.

      In 2011, I seem to recall the number was the same.

      As we approached the Obamacare launch, there were numbers out there of 41 million uninsured.

      Last year, the Administration bragged that there were 8 million people that were signed up, this despite reports that a large number were from dental plans and didn't qualify and others that said that 40% of those signing up were merely people who previously had insurance transferring over to the Obamacare sites.

      Afterwards there were reports that there was still 31 million uninsured.

      The numbers never seemed to add up. Rather confusing.

      Hopefully, we will get some real numbers in 2015 now that most of the provisions will be enforced.


  32. .

    On Fox, I saw one commentator on Outnumbered also blamed the situation involving the police in NY as background for the Paris attack.


    1. Been watching the girls again, eh?

      Good on ya..

    2. General McInerny was good early this A.M.

      General Mcinerney News

      Thomas McInerney, retired U.S. general, on Paris terror: 'Political correctness is killing us'
      The Washington Times3 hours ago

  33. Remember, if you take out the "illegal aliens" which Obamacare does not cover, the percentage of uninsured Americans is down to about 7.4%, and dropping.

    1. .

      So if we go by the 49 million originally quoted by the Obama administration is pushing Obamacare, you are saying there are 25 million illegal aliens and 24 million uninsured. I would be interested in where you got those numbers.


    2. No, I'm not saying that at all.

      I am saying that there are between 15 and 20 million illegals in the U.S. that are not eligible for Obamacare,

      and that Gallup's polling shows that the uninsured rate is down to 12.9% (from a high of 18%.)


    3. .

      Sounds a little like Rufus figgerin to me.




  34. The asshat Governor of North Carolina made a big deal, the other day, of going to Washington to meet with Obama over getting Medicaid expanded in his state. Even Abbot, in Texas, is starting to talk about it.

    This brings us to the important thing (remember, the main thing is to remember that the main thing is the main thing): eventually, ALL Americans will have Access to Affordable Healthcare.

    1. .

      Affordable is in the eye of the beholder.

      And affordable is a lot different for some elitist prof sitting in MIT and a person with minimum wage or no job at all.


  35. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S.-led air strikes against Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria have damaged or destroyed 3,222 targets since August, including 58 tanks, 184 Humvees, 673 fighting positions and 980 buildings or barracks, the Pentagon said on Wednesday.

    Army Colonel Steve Warren, a Pentagon spokesman, said he wasn't sure how many targets had been damaged versus destroyed, "but I'm confident that the destruction level is high. Our strikes are extraordinarily accurate."

    Release of the target damage list came a day after U.S. defense officials confirmed they are looking into reports of civilian casualties caused by the strikes in Iraq and Syria and are conducting a deeper investigation of two cases involving fewer than five deaths.

    As of 11 p.m. on Tuesday (0400 GMT Wednesday), U.S. and coalition air forces had conducted a total of 1,676 air strikes against Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria since Aug. 8, and had used some 4,775 munitions, a Pentagon spokeswoman said.

    Warren said U.S. and coalition forces had hit 3,222 targets in the air strikes but he declined to say what percentage of Islamic State equipment was destroyed.

    "In order for us to do that we would have to release to you the exact number of tanks we believe the enemy has, the exact number of Humvees we believe the enemy has," he said. "We don't want our enemy to know how much we know about them."

    Countries whose forces have participated in the strikes in Iraq are: Australia, Belgium, Britain, Canada, Denmark, France and the Netherlands. Those participating in strikes in Syria are Bahrain, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

    1. The targets damaged or destroyed included:

      - 58 tanks;

      - 184 HMMWVs, the highly mobile multi-purpose wheeled vehicles known as Humvees;

      - 26 armored personnel vehicles;

      - 303 technical vehicles;

      - 394 other vehicles;

      - 79 artillery, anti-aircraft weapons or mortars;

      - 41 staging areas;

      - 11 improvised explosive device positions;

      - 16 command posts;

      - 92 checkpoints;

      - 17 guard shacks;

      - 980 other buildings or barracks;

      - 673 fighting positions;

      - 52 bunkers;

      - 14 boats;

      - 23 stockpiles;

      - 259 oil infrastructure sites.

      No aircraft were on the list, Warren said.

      He said the Humvees were U.S. vehicles supplied to the Iraqi military and captured by militants as were some of the armored personnel vehicles. It was unclear whether any of the tanks were U.S.-made.

      Warren said some vehicles had been hit while parked, while others were struck while engaged in combat. The boats were used by Islamic State to ferry supplies across the Euphrates River, he said.


    2. .

      Winning against IS is the easy part since we can define 'win' any way we want. To say we will 'defeat' them falls into the same category. To say they will be 'destroyed' is another matter altogether. Heck, the PKK and the FARC despite huge losses have been around for decades. Obama said AQ had been defeated. We know that was a bit of an exaggeration. To say there will be no IS in Iraq in six or seven months or a year, IMO, is naive. There might not be as many of them there but I suspect they will still be there. Their tactics may morph, they may not operate as openly, but they will still be there.

      The most we can hope to do is contain it.

      As long as they are still in Syria, they will still be in Iraq. They, or their affiliates, are already in Egypt, Libya, and Yemen. There was an attack at the Saudi border recently. SA and the UAE are concerned about IS attacks coming from Yemen. SA and the UAE have even convinced Qatar to drop their support for the Syrian militants including IS. There are those in Israel who worry that weakening Hamas too much in Gaza could lead to IS moving in.

      Terrorism has been around for a very long time. It is the weapon of the weak. I expect IS, under one name or another, will be around for a while.


  36. The latest from the incredible Charles Gaba

    ACA Signups

    1. Will we all be eligible for the death panels, or just some of us?
