Monday, January 12, 2015

OOrah Assholes


We Are a Chickenhawk Nation, Blindly Worshiping the Military; Wasting Enormous Amounts on Useless Military Hardware

A new fleet of F-35 fighter jets will cost the equivalent of the entire Iraq war.
It’s common knowledge that the U.S. devotes more money to our defense budget than any other industrialized nation. But just how much we spend is remarkable. This year, the nation is on track to spend over $1 trillion on national security, after factoring in nuclear weapons funding, military pensions and “overseas contingency funds,” in addition to the Pentagon’s $580 billion operating budget. In total, this figure accounts for about 4 percent of the United States’ income—double what most other countries spend. Yet all of this budgetary bloat has done nothing to advance our strategic interests in countries like Syria and Iraq. In an investigative piece in the most recent Atlantic, James Fallows explains why.
“The Tragedy of the American Military” convincingly makes the case that the deepening divide between the military and the American public is the reason we spend such absurd sums on the tools and technology of war. We have, Fallows argues, become a “chickenhawk” nation: blindly supportive of our troops and perma-ready to deploy them, yet distantly removed from the consequences of these costly geopolitical games. The vast majority of Americans don’t have personal ties with any service members, and politicians are petrified of the political risks of seeming unsupportive of the military (the House Armed Services Committee passed the most recent defense budget by a vote of 61-0). According to Fallows, this potent combination of emotional distance and hero worship means we avoid “the caveats or public skepticism we would apply to other American institutions, especially ones that run on taxpayer money.”
The problem isn’t just how much money we spend on national security, but what we spend it on. In a tightly bound circle of favors, the military asks for a tremendous amount of funding, congressional leaders eager to gain new defense contracts in their districts grant it, and the contractors whose livelihoods depend on selling massive amounts of new weaponry rake in millions. This is why so much is allocated toward developing updated models of existing technologies, despite the Pentagon's lack of adequate funding for veterans’ care, training and pensions.
One such example is the F-35 fighter jet. The F-35 is intended to replace the A-10, a durable, inexpensive plane that has been used by the American military since the Vietnam War. There’s no urgent need to phase out the A-10. These planes have proven to require minimal upkeep, and we already have thousands stockpiled. So why are we on track to spend $1.5 trillion—the same estimated cost as the entire Iraq war—to replace them with the expensive and unreliable F-35? Because top military brass insists the A-10s are outdated. Because 1,200 defense contractors received commissions to develop this new technology. And because, as Fallows points out, “the general public doesn’t care.”
But we should. These massive expenditures burn through money that could be spent on domestic policy efforts like repairing our crumbling national infrastructure of bridges and roads, or bolstering the education budgets in impoverished school districts. The same Republican congressional leaders who are so eager to throw money towards expensive new military toys balk at the idea of allocating more resources for veterans’ care. Last year, Senate Republicans blocked a major bill that would have expanded federal healthcare and education programs for veterans. And just last month, Tom Coburn, a GOP senator from Oklahoma, blocked the passage of a veterans’ suicide bill, despite the fact that 22 veterans kill themselves every day. Coburn insisted that existing programs already assist suicidal vets, and said this bill “actually throws money away."
We need to look more closely at these selective displays of concern. As Fallows reminds us, “For democracies, messy debates are less damaging in the long run than letting important functions run on autopilot, as our military essentially does now. A chickenhawk nation is more likely to keep going to war, and to keep losing, than one that wrestles with long-term questions of effectiveness.” 


  1. Another way of looking at it -

    Seen this way we spend less than The Isle of Man, Saudi Arabia, The Russian Federation, Lebanon.......

    1. Still another way of looking at it -

      "As a percentage of our gross domestic product, the defense budget remains just 3.6 percent. This figure is low by all historical standards."

      — Randy Forbes on Monday, July 25th, 2011 in an opinion column.
      Forbes says U.S. defense spending, measured against GDP, is near historic low

      By Sean Gorman on Friday, August 5th, 2011 at 11:04 a.m.

      To summarize:

      Forbes said the U.S. defense budget stands at 3.6 percent of the country’s gross domestic product, a figure that’s "low by all historical standards."

      Forbes’ statement stems from a base budget for defense that omits spending for the operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. When those costs are factored in, defense spending comes to about 5 percent of GDP. Even at that higher level, spending is low compared to the post World War II era.

      So Forbes is right that the U.S. defense budget is at a relatively low mark when it’s measured by the country’s economic outlook. But by other measures -- such as using inflation-adjusted dollars and comparing U.S. expenditures to the rest of the world -- America’s defense spending is high.

      We rate the claim Mostly True."<<<

    2. Somehow or other we ought to make the NATO countries pay more.

    3. .

      Who gives a shit about percentages when the actual number is more than the next 10 largest spenders combined, when we continue to dump money down the toilet as with the F-35, when we have so much 'military stuff' we have to give it away, when under the current system you have to replace 'old stuff' that works with 'new stuff' that doesn't just to continue the spending, when it promotes wars since 'boys must play with their toys', when the choice to buy 'stuff' means we are not spending the money on people, on medical or basic research, on education, on a dozen other things such as our infrastructure which can only be considered second tier even to developing countries, or when as a nation it means we continue funding deficits in an unsustainable race to the bottom.

      For the nitwits who want to talk how small percentages are and fail to understand simple economic concepts like opportunity costs or compound interest, here's one. The military currently costs around 22% of discretionary spending and contributes to our deficits accordingly. Currently, interest payments on our deficits represent 6.5% of the budget but will grow to 14.0% of the budget in 2024 crowding out even more of the things this nation actually needs.

      Other than the bare minimum needed for defense, military hardware has zero value. It can't be used to produce more value as with a mold or a die or a highway or an airport. In fact, just sitting around it costs money.

      Chickenhawks? Sure, the American people are that as well as economic illiterates, enablers, sheeple. Not to mention dolts. Anyone who would in this case argue percentages when the actual numbers are in the trillions and lives suffer because of the venality of the MIC is either dipping their beak or just felony stupid.


    4. .

      Somehow or other we ought to make the NATO countries pay more.

      Somehow or other?

      I'm trying to hold my temper so I will merely say, 'Stop Spending on Military Toys'.

      It won't solve all the problems in the world, just a great many of them.


  2. Maybe you should give up your military pension?

    1. Idiots, the only one round here who claims to get a military pension, is allen.
      Deuce, Rufus, myself, Doug - citizen soldiers, not mercenaries.
      Only allen and Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson are looting the treasury, with their 'retirement' benefit packages.

      And as the Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson writes, he ain't giving his up.

    2. .

      I find it amazing that the assholes in D.C. will force through a bill such as the recent one to buy new tanks which the military says they don't need and don't even want, tanks that just sitting around cost us money, and yet, argue over supporting the people they send into harm's way. Pathetic.


    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. So many lies, "O"rdure, that commenting upon them ...

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. But the readers do know that Jack Hawkins stands with Hamas and hates Israel, Jews, Judaism and zionism…

      Wrapped like a newspaper in a week old fish you stink, no matter who you wiggle and distort…

  3. While Bibi is in Paris with every other world leader, O'bozo, Biden, Kerry are all AWOL.

    Report is O'bozo was watching football all day.......

  4. They probably did not have the stomach to be around Netanyahu.

    1. Wow, deep thoughts…

      Once again Deuce, you show us your true colors, based on hatred and emotion.

    2. SO Deuce, now that the murders of 17 in France have been established, will you now admit that the murders did in fact target Jews?

      BOTH at the newspaper and the "Kosher" market.

      I know you think I am a one note flute.. Jews.

      But when you can't even bring yourself to admit that the jihadists were going after BOTH the newspaper and JEWS it speaks volumes of your own deficits.

    3. Juda-centric is the phrase, "O"rdure.
      ... and you are.

      No, the four victims that happened to be Jews were not 'targeted' because they were Jewish, they were not "targeted" at all.
      They were 'collateral damage' in a raid on two 'soft targets' that would generate maximum press coverage.

    4. The newspaper, representing an icon of liberal democracies, the 'Free Press'.
      No doubt that the attack there was not targeting individual because to their religion, but because of the affiliation with the 'Press'.

      If the two gunmen were 'targeting' Jews, they would have not taken hostages at the deli, but killed as many victims as they could, as they had at the newspaper.
      But they did not, they created a media event.
      Of which they were the stars, but they did not "target the Jews".

    5. Revised and Extended.

      There is no doubt that the attack there was not targeting individuals because of their religion, but because of their affiliation with the 'Press'.

    6. Unaware that journalists were listening to their private conversation, the French leader told Barack Obama: ‘Netanyahu, I can’t stand him. He’s a liar.’

      The U.S. President replied: ‘You are sick of him, but I have to deal with him every day.’

      Read more:
      Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

    7. Jack HawkinsMon Jan 12, 11:25:00 AM EST
      Juda-centric is the phrase, "O"rdure.
      ... and you are.

      No, the four victims that happened to be Jews were not 'targeted' because they were Jewish, they were not "targeted" at all.
      They were 'collateral damage' in a raid on two 'soft targets' that would generate maximum press coverage.


    8. Deuce ☂Mon Jan 12, 11:55:00 AM EST
      Unaware that journalists were listening to their private conversation, the French leader told Barack Obama: ‘Netanyahu, I can’t stand him. He’s a liar.’

      The U.S. President replied: ‘You are sick of him, but I have to deal with him every day.’

      Read more:
      Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

      Nicolas Sarkozy: Summary of the scandals
      Nicolas Sarkozy's hopes of taking a second shot at the presidency in 2017 were dealt a severe blow when he was charged on Wednesday with corruption and abusing his position of power. But that affair is just one of a raft of police investigations swirling around the conservative politician.

      Cash from Gaddafi?
      Judges have, since April 2013, been examining allegations that former Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi's regime helped finance Mr Sarkozy's successful 2007 presidential campaign.

      Mr Sarkozy's UMP party allegedly accepted cash-stuffed envelopes from the L'Oreal heiress Liliane Bettencourt to finance his 2007 campaign. The ex-president was cleared last year of taking advantage of the elderly woman while she was too frail to understand what she was doing. But his campaign treasurer is one of 10 people awaiting trial in the case.
      2012 election funding
      A criminal investigation was opened last month after it emerged that more than €10 million spent on Mr Sarkozy's 2012 campaign – in which he was defeated by the Socialist Francois Hollande – had been fraudulently passed off as UMP party expenses.
      Mr Sarkozy denies any knowledge of, or role in, the apparent fraud which meant his campaign spent nearly 50 per cent more than it was legally entitled to.
      UMP leader Jean-Francois Cope was forced to resign last month over the issue because of his close links to the company, Bygmalion, which organised the events and has admitted falsifying bills.
      Pakistani arms deal kickbacks
      This is a long-running investigation in which two former aides of Mr Sarkozy have been charged by judges investigating alleged kickbacks on a Pakistani arms deal concluded when Sarkozy was budget minister.
      A shell company was allegedly used to channel kickbacks to then-prime minister Edouard Balladur's unsuccessful 1995 presidential bid, which Mr Sarkozy helped run.
      Magistrates are also probing whether a 2002 Karachi bombing that killed 11 French engineers was revenge for the cancellation of bribes secretly promised to Pakistani officials.
      State payout to tycoon Tapie
      A criminal investigation is ongoing into allegations that Mr Sarkozy, while president, rigged a settlement procedure which resulted in the disgraced tycoon Bernard Tapie receiving €400 million from the state in return for political support in 2007.
      Five people, including Mr Tapie, have been charged with conspiracy to commit fraud and IMF chief Christine Lagarde, who was finance minister at the time, and Claude Gueant, Mr Sarkozy's former right-hand man, have both been questioned in the case

      So he called Bibi a liar....


    9. So Obama and the tainted EX-president of France didn't hold high opinions of bibi...


      I am speechless... NOT....



      naw it's like shooting fish in a barrel....

      Deuce you keep to your Bibi, Israel bashing, it suits you...

      Stand with Hamas...

      It suits you...

    10. Jack HawkinsMon Jan 12, 11:32:00 AM EST
      The newspaper, representing an icon of liberal democracies, the 'Free Press'.
      No doubt that the attack there was not targeting individual because to their religion, but because of the affiliation with the 'Press'.

      If the two gunmen were 'targeting' Jews, they would have not taken hostages at the deli, but killed as many victims as they could, as they had at the newspaper.
      But they did not, they created a media event.
      Of which they were the stars, but they did not "target the Jews".

      Jack, you are getting more and more ridiculous by the day.

      Good, the readers can see thru your crap easier and easier..

  5. “One says one thing, another says another,” a senior veteran of the CIA’s decades-long fight against jihadis told The Daily Beast, “but in the minds of these people—these three [in France] and thousands more—this is a distinction without a difference. The super-bosses may be wrapped up in these ideological fights, but the followers really are not.” And that is especially true for those who are intent on carrying out attacks in the West, far from the competition for geographical territory in Syria and the isolated ideological pontification of al Qaeda leaders in Pakistan.

    “The footsoldiers don’t give a shit,”

    1. was the mastermind of the Charlie Hebdo and the kosher grocery massacres in the Hadramhaut region of Yemen?
      Or the ISIS capital, Raqqa, in Syria?

      Or was the mastermind in the rural region of Cantal in southern France, where Beghal now lives under what is supposed to be close police surveillance? The accumulating evidence points to that conclusion.

    2. .

      All the radical Jihadi groups take their inspiration from a single source, the Wahhabi ideology of Saudi Arabia. The Saudis have spent decades and over $100 billion proselytizing their own corrupted version of Islam to the world through free copies of their edited versions of the Koran and funding madrases to teach the young their warped ideology. The leaders of the various sects and groups, al Qaeda, IS, etc. may all have their own conceits and ambitions but they all use radical Islam as an excuse and as a tool to draw in the poor and uneducated to act as their pawns.


    3. Quirk, you miss the other side of the Jihadi coin, the Iranians,

      The Shiites.

    4. All jihadi groups take their inspiration from the Koran.

      Quirk just got a little confused there for a moment.

    5. Maybe there are those that think the Iranian Revolution is a GOOD thing?

    6. .

      All I care about are American interests.

      Compared to the Saudis, the Iranians are insignificant when it comes to those interests.


  6. Pedro Patrón González, former Secretary of Public Security of Yecapixtla, Morelos, was found dead Thursday afternoon in the municipality of Yecapixtla.

    His bullet-ridden body was found around 17:00 hours in the street of Gustavo DĂ­az Ordaz:, in the colony Juan Morales.

    According to witnesses, three masked gunmen who were traveling in a gray Volkswagen Jetta executed the former Secretary of Public Security as he was arriving at his house. Another man was also wounded, presumably his neighbor, as they were greeting each other.

  7. 10 bodies and 11 decapitated heads discovered in guerrero fosas

    11 heads and 10 bodies, were discovered on Tuesday in six clandestine graves. The remains were found in a village that is a part of the municipality of Chilapa. Chilapa is in the central region of the State of Guerrero, in southern Mexico.

    According to information from representatives of the Office of the Attorney-General, the graves were located in the village of Tepehuixco of Chilapa de Alvarez. [see red star on map]

    1. Wonder which senior US official will not attend the funeral of the "Fosas Eleven"?

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


  8. Tennessee mother and 2 yr old feared kidnapped in Matamoros, Tamaulipas

    A search is underway for two American citizens believed to have been kidnapped while in the border city of Matamoros, MĂ©xico.

    Matamoros is the location of the last verifiable sighting.

    Tennessee residents, twenty-four year-old Kelly Jean Shumake and her two year-old daughter went missing, on December 10th. Family members have filed a report with police, of the disappearance, prompting a multi-agency investigation.

  9. Businessweek - ‎

    Tujja Masa doesn't dare vote in Nigeria's presidential election next month. The 50-year-old farmer is one of the hundreds of thousands who've fled their northeastern villages to escape gun and bomb attacks by Islamist militants.

    1. Here is something that I read, just yesterday ....

      With elections set for next month, Nigeria's government has also been accused of playing politics with the insurgency, as most of the areas worst affected by the violence are main opposition strongholds.

      The 'success' of Boko Haram is aiding the people that comprise the leadership of the Nigerian government.

  10. Let's see, who are we to trust, the Iranians, or the Israelis? Step back into the time machine:

    Briefing by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Shimon Peres to Heads of Diplomatic Missions in Israel at the Outbreak of the War in Iraq
    25 Sep 2002

    Thank you for coming.

    We called this meeting because of the seriousness and urgency of the situation, and because we believe that a new situation has developed in the Middle East.

    We have still, on the one hand, the conflict between the Palestinians and ourselves. The solution to it is known, but the road to the solution is yet unpaved. On the other hand, we can see the accumulation of dangers that have stemmed from the combination of having non-conventional arms in the hands of irresponsible dictators. This is a very dangerous combination.

    Combining the seriousness of the danger and the shortage of time, there is a real need to act urgently. I believe the situation was very much clarified by President Bush's statement at the United Nations and yesterday by the Prime Minister of Great Britain in Parliament.

    I do not want to compare, and I shall not, between Hitler and Saddam Hussein, except for one thing: both of them are dictators, and none of us can rely on their promises or declared intentions. I do not think that Saddam Hussein is going to build gas chambers, but a nuclear bomb is as dangerous when in the hands of a person who has already committed two acts of aggression. One was against a Muslim country, Iran – a war that lasted for seven years and cost the lives of close to a million people. Saddam did not hesitate to throw gas bombs over Teheran or the Kurds. The second time was against an Arab nation, Kuwait, at the cost of 300,000 lives. And if it had not been for the United States of America, perhaps even today Kuwait would still be under the domination of Iraq, an Iraq that continues to threaten other countries in the Middle East.

    The shortage of time, as mentioned by Prime Minister Tony Blair, means that perhaps we have less than a year's time before all these dangers will be accumulated and realized, and then we will be situated in clear-cut danger. Prime Minister Tony Blair’s speech was very much in the line of Churchill, namely: meet the danger at the earliest stage, and do not wait for a later stage that will be so menacing and so costly. Many people have criticized why there was not more intervention in the late 1930s, more done to stop the
    danger of the Nazis, who did not have nuclear bombs (and if they had had nuclear bombs, who knows what the face of history would have been like).

    And today the United States, feeling itself responsible for the future of the Middle East, took action. I do not see any reason to criticize; I do not believe that anybody is in search of a war. I do not believe that this is a war against the Muslims – this is not a war against Arabs, this is not a war against any nation or any religion. This is a campaign to stop one of the greatest dangers of our time – a combination of nuclear bombs and cruel dictators that no one
    can trust, and no one can believe a word that they are saying.

    We know that inspectors cannot answer the question, because inspection works in decent countries with decent leaders. If you are not decent, you cannot be controlled. I told some of my American friends that when you have organized crime, you can have inspectors but they cannot eliminate a group of people who do not respect the law, a group that does not speak the truth. The same happens on a wider scale in the world. Israel is aware of it.

    1. About how we all felt at the time, including yourself.

      These days, you have said we have to defeat ISIS, unless I missed the change of the winds.

      Trust Iran?


    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Quirk seems to think the Iranians are not involved in terrorism.

      All comes from Saudi Arabia.

      I am attempting to enlarge Q's attention span below.

    4. Where have Iranian nationals taken up arms against the US?

    5. Jack, why do you think you deserve a response?

      Since you will twist, lie and distort any answer....

      You stand with Hamas, hate Israel.

      that says it all...

      You are a supporter of Terrorists.

    6. .

      Bob and WiO, two nitwits that have bought into the stories they are being fed. Are the Iranians good guys? No. Are they ideologues? Yes.

      However, when talking the promotion of terrorism, they are pussycats when compared to Israel's new best bud, Saudi Arabia.
      The Lobby cries about Hamas but until about 2006, Saudi Arabia was the biggest financial supporter of Hamas. After that SA funding was cut, most believe due to pressure form the US. Iran kicked up their support for Hamas at that point but that only lasted until sanctions started kicking in in 2009. Since then SA charities as well as individuals in SA and Central America have picked up most of the slack.

      Don't talk to me about terrorists when the Saudis are your new best friends.


    7. Why do I deserve a response?

      No reason, at all.
      If there were no responses, the flow of information would remain unchanged.
      The entertainment value cold be diminished, if there were no responses.

      But, there are responses. Interest is compounding, with over 310,000 views at Jack Hawkins writes


    8. .

      Do the Iranians support groups identified as terrorists? Yes. However, compared to Saudi Arabia they are penny ante thugs. The fact that Israel has a new BFF in SA has less to do with terrorism and more to do with Iran's ability to achieve nuclear capability that might some day negate Israel's.


    9. U.S. embassy in Iran was taken over in 1979, Quirk.

      The birth of your new wonderful Iranian government.

      Wasn't there a bombing of a Marine barracks in Lebanon?

      Who did that?

      IED's supplied against US soldiers in Iraq.


      Nit wit nit wit nit wit nit wit: "QuirkMon Jan 12, 10:29:00 AM EST


      All the radical Jihadi groups take their inspiration from a single source, the Wahhabi ideology of Saudi Arabia.


      ALL is a big big word, nitwit.

      Just sayin'.........

      No one is downplaying Saudi Arabia.

      It ALL comes from the same shit source.

    10. U.S. embassy in Iran was taken over in 1979, Quirk.

      The birth of your new wonderful Iranian government.

      What year was the year of the US CIA sponsored overthrow of the legitimately democratically elected president of Iran and the establishment of the dictator and Shah? By any chance did it pre-date 1979?

      What were US Marines doing in Lebanon? What did the US Sixth Fleet do prior to landing the marines?

      Any connections anywhere?

  11. Quirk, "Outnumbered" is on.

    I thought you would certainly like to know that if you scroll down, as I did by accident, you can end up just looking at the legs.

    1. If you move down to the divine feet you might notice the similarity of the shoes. I wonder if Fox News provides the shoes?

      Are you able to match the legs to the faces yet?

  12. I can't take any author seriously that equates the F35 to the A10.

  13. A police commissioner investigating the Charlie Hebdo attack reportedly committed suicide, fueling suspicion that some form of a cover-up is underway.

    Helric Fredou, 45, was found dead in his office Thursday after allegedly killing himself with his service weapon while writing a report on the terror attack, and his death was largely ignored by the mainstream media.

    “According to the police union, [the] commissioner was depressed and experiencing burnout,” India’s Medhaj News reported, and a separate French report said a coroner ruled it a suicide the very next day.

    But was it a suicide, or did he know too much? And what was in his report?

    The Charlie Hedbo attack has already raised questions about the government’s involvement, especially after it was revealed the suspects were linked to a FBI asset, Anwar al-Awlaki, who was a key player in nearly every terror plot targeting the West, including 9/11, and had even dined at the Pentagon afterwards.

    1. "a FBI asset, Anwar al-Awlaki"

      JeSUS CHRIStee

      Is that you Quirk, as Anonymous, or rat-O-rooter?

  14. .

    Explain to me why the Obama administration is being criticized for 'only' sending the US Ambassador to France to the Charlie Hebdo memorial ceremony.


    1. Good Grief.

      You UrbanHicks really don't know much about important events and the protocols of the civilized, do you.

      Besides, it's really "bad optics" and that should be enough to satisfy you.


      KISS-OFF: USA represented only by ambassador at Paris rally...

      White House admits should have sent someone with 'higher profile'................Drudge

      Even the White House finally gets it but Q remains 'in the dark'.

    3. It doesn't matter what Obama does (or any President for that matter) things are so polarized that anything will garner criticism. A case in point is our very own boobie who puffs himself up and proclaims to have knowledge of the protocols of the civilized (he calls it because he doesn't even know the actual term for it - diplomacy) and berates Obama for his perceived violations.

      I find this whole Charlie issue interesting in the light of a Canadian story - some graduate Dalhousie Dentist students have been raked over the coals for Facebook comments where they joked about chloroforming female classmates and having hate sex with them. On the one hand we have people banding together claiming freedom of the press and on the other we have shrill screaming that these guys aren't fit to be dentists and should be outed and denied a license to practise.

    4. They didn't even send dog face Kerry, who was in Europe.

    5. It doesn't matter what they do you will always scream from the mountain top how bad they are. It is so predictable that every comment you make is worthless.

    6. .

      You might be right about the optics.


    7. Your Canadian leader was there, Noble Ash, if I am not mistaken.

      It is true I have a difficult time thinking of much O'bozo has done right.

      The pickle we now have in Iraq is the direct result of his actions.

      Even Deuce has said we must do something about ISIS.

      Which wouldn't exist but for O'bozo taking the troops out too soon.

      The moron is even going to veto the Keystone pipeline...........which 70%+ of American people want built.

      Well, good for him then. The Republicans can add it to their 2016 Presidential campaign complaint list.

    8. I said we have an obligation to kill ISIS because we set up the birthing and incubation and destroyed the Iraqi state mechanisms that had the capabilities to deal with ISIS.

  15. .

    Hannity is always talking about 'Real American Patriots'. Hannity also says the President of the United States is 'not his president'.

    This is the quality of discourse we can expect on FOX.


    1. And Deuce says Lincoln was a pedophile mass murderer who got his rocks off on the thoughts of the youthful dead.

      That is the level of discourse we can expect around here.


      I don't much like Hannity either, for that matter.

      Sometimes good, often not so good.

      Try Judge Jeanine Pirro, Quirk, now that you are watching Fox, and the military analysts they often have on.

      I certainly didn't vote for O'bozo and am very depressed he is my President.

      I wish he weren't.

    2. My unconstitutional President.

    3. Fox: best feminine legs on the news.....

      Just go with that, Quirk.

    4. Now they are trying to cover their ass -

      Too little too late? Kerry says he WILL go to Paris but only after U.S. was shamed for snubbing historic weekend rally of world leaders

      Rally was attended by some 40 world leaders and around a million people
      Kerry insisted U.S. has been ' deeply engaged' with France since attacks
      He will arrive in Paris after stops in India, Bulgaria and Switzerland

      By Simon Tomlinson and Francesca Chambers For

      Published: 04:06 EST, 12 January 2015 | Updated: 10:54 EST, 12 January 2015

      John Kerry said he will now travel to Paris after the U.S. government was shamed for not joining a rally yesterday for victims of the French terror attacks attended by 40 world leaders and a million people

      John Kerry said he will now travel to Paris after the U.S. government was shamed for not joining a rally yesterday for victims of the French terror attacks attended by 40 world leaders and a million people

      U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said he will now travel to Paris after the U.S. government was shamed for not joining a rally yesterday for victims of the French terror attacks.

      Read more:
      Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

    5. .

      As I think back on it the President of France was the first to come to the US a few days after 9/11 to offer condolences.


    6. .

      As for FOX, the only reason I've visited there lately has been looking for additional specifics on stories like Charlie Hebdo. All the experience has shown me is how low the station has sunk. It is hard to avoid the bimbos there as a number of them seem to appear regularly on two or three separate programs on a regular basis and then they are brought on prime time programs such as O'Reilly as commentators thus magnifying their dottiness and inanity. Other than that, the only time I see FOX programming it is when someone like Andrea Tantaros is lampooned on The John Stewart Show or when I see a film clip of Hannity on Real Clear Politics (as above).


    7. "As for FOX, the only reason I've visited there lately has been looking for additional specifics on stories like Charlie Hebdo."


      Hmmmmm......kinda sounds like you turn to Fox News when, you know, you actually want TO KNOW something......

    8. Ha ha

      Bob slew Quirk there.

    9. .

      Hmmmmm......kinda sounds like you turn to Fox News when, you know, you actually want TO KNOW something......

      I visit Fox infrequently and then only in deference to the 'blind squirrel' theory and the faint hope that perhaps this time things will be different. Naturally, I am most times disappointed.


    10. Bob OreilleMon Jan 12, 02:11:00 PM EST
      And Deuce says Lincoln was a pedophile mass murderer who got his rocks off on the thoughts of the youthful dead.

      That is the level of discourse we can expect around here.


      It is the reading comprehensions of the Lobby and lobbyette. Lincoln slept with soldiers when his wife was away. He was a close queen. Hardly the tough guy macho log splitting mother fucker of legend? Did he overcompensate to reestablish his manliness?

      I don’t know the age of the soldiers. I never called him a pedophile. I called him a killer, an incompetent political creature that was incapable of doing what every other political leader in the Americas did, ending slavery without a war. He was last in his class of 19th century political leadership. He has the record for the biggest mass hanging in the American Republic. He was a repugnant tyrant. He got what he deserved three years late.

  16. Gasoline - $1.69 / Gal. in Memphis, today.

  17. .

    Here is the reason I question the 24/7 news coverage on the US admitting it should have sent a higher level official to France. As Obumble says it's about the 'optics'.

    Yet, here we have reality,

    As many as 2,000 people have been killed in Islamist extremist group Boko Haram's deadliest massacre yet in Nigeria, Amnesty International reported.

    District head Baba Abba Hassan said most victims were children, women and elderly people who could not run fast enough when insurgents drove into the town of Baga, firing rocket-propelled grenades and assault rifles on town residents.

    "The human carnage perpetrated by Boko Haram terrorists in Baga was enormous," said Muhammad Abba Gava, a spokesman for poorly armed civilians in a defense group that fights Boko Haram.

    Hundreds of bodies were strewn in the bush in Nigeria from the attack.

    "If reports that the town was largely razed to the ground and that hundreds or even as many as 2,000 civilians were killed are true, this marks a disturbing and bloody escalation of Boko Haram's ongoing onslaught against the civilian population," said Daniel Eyre, Nigeria researcher for Amnesty International...

    I doubt we will be sending anyone to Nigeria.


    1. Fox News covers Nigeria.

      Not as much as I would like though.

      For that, go to Jihad Watch.

    2. I, Bobbo, was the original reporter to cover Nigeria here with my award winning Focus on Nigeria series.

      My thesis was they are all the same.

    3. Quirk, recently slain by Bob, is just grasping at straws now.

    4. .

      In the future, I am supposed to refrain from comments on Nigeria in deference to some puerile yahoo from Idaho who claims proprietary interest in the country because of some imaginary EB game of Risk?

      What a dolt.


    5. Do whatever you want, you will anyway.

      Except drinking and driving.

      Knock that off.

  18. The man is not only President of the United States, and all that that entails, but he also has a wife, and two daughters.

    I'm glad he was able to take the afternoon off, and watch a football game.

    Fuck the French.

  19. If I want to see someone with great legs say nutty things I'll visit my ex-wife's facebook page.

    Fox News is redundant.

    1. Why sure; I can't wait.


      It was a joke, moron.

    2. That 'ex with great legs saying nutty things' kinda fit my imagined profile of a Rufus wife and threw me off the scent.

  20. Just got call from my niece in Germany.

    She had heard about the Moscow shootings.

    She says the anti-immigrant, anti- Moslem protests are really getting big and ugly around Dresden now.

    I told her to shelter in place.

    She said I am to do the same thing.

  21. Breaking from Fox News:

    Boomdienne has slipped into Syria.

  22. My Lord, Central Command's Twitter Account has been hacked.

  23. Nobody from the US govt marched in Paris today… not even Eric Holder
    posted at 3:31 pm on January 11, 2015 by Jazz Shaw

    Once the massive unity march in Paris was a definite go, there were more than a few people on social media asking how it was that Barack Obama wasn’t going to be there. I’ll play Devil’s advocate here and just say what we’re all thinking in terms of answering those detractors. Hey… those golf balls ain’t gonna hit themselves, ya know.

    Apparently Joe Biden was also busy, but never fear. The President sent Eric Holder. I know he was there because he was doing all of the Sunday shows from Paris. Then cable news ground to a halt for one of the more impressive shots you will ever see; one of the biggest collections of world leaders to be found anywhere, and they were outside in the cold and the rain, locking arms and marching in unity with the people of France as they stood up to Islamic terrorism. Here’s just one of the many media shots which captured the rather historic moment.


    But wait… isn’t somebody missing from this picture? In what is possibly one of the worst games of Where’s Waldo in history, the fine folks at Weasel Zippers notice that Eric Holder doesn’t seem to be on the scene.

    There’s a photo at the link of Holder with some of the leaders standing on the steps of a building for a photo op, but he was otherwise busy for the actual rally.

    Attorney General Eric Holder is in Paris this week to attend a meeting on fighting terrorism, but did not participate in a march with world leaders Sunday to honor the 17 people killed last week in France.

    More than 40 world leaders marched arm in arm through Paris to rally for unity and freedom of expression and to honor the victims of the three days of terrorist attacks.

    Swinging back to WZ for the full list, here are the world leaders who actually showed up and walked the walk.

    Left to right: Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, British Prime Minister David Cameron, Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt, European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini, Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Malian President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, French President Francois Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, European Union President Donald Tusk, Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas, Jordan’s Queen Rania, Jordan’s King Abdullah II, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and other guests

    Oh, man. We didn’t even manage to qualify for … and other guests.

  24. quirk: Don't talk to me about terrorists when the Saudis are your new best friends.

    Please show me any example that I said that the Thieves of Arabia were my new friends.

    1. Quirk's been on the Vodka all day.

      Can't you tell?

      Sticks out like a sore thumb to me.

  25. "More than 40 world leaders marched arm in arm through Paris to rally for unity and freedom of expression and to honor the victims of the three days of terrorist attacks."

    Man, you are one dumb moherfucker.


  26. Bob OreilleMon Jan 12, 02:27:00 PM EST

    "Your Canadian leader was there, Noble Ash, if I am not mistaken."

    Fuck Bob, you just make this shit up don't you? Or, maybe, you really do think your fantasy world is the real world. No, Harper did not fly off to France for a Charlie memorial.

    1. That surprises me.

      Thanks for the info.

      What was he doing, watching hockey?

    2. Harper is a good guy. I'm really surprised he wasn't there. He has no trouble speaking his mind, and supports Israel strongly, I have read -

      Jihadists have declared war, world must respond, says Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper
      Friday, 9 January 2015 - 10:10am IST Updated: Friday, 9 January 2015 - 10:17am IST | Place: Canada | Agency: Reuters

      The deadly attacks in Paris serve as a vivid reminder that jihadists are at war with those they disagree with, and the world must confront them, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper said on Thursday.

      "The international jihadist movement has declared war. They have declared war on anybody who does not think and act exactly as they wish they'd think and act," Harper told reporters when asked about Wednesday's attack.

      "We may not like this and wish it would go away, but it's not going to go away, and the reality is we are going to have to confront it."

      Harper spoke as a manhunt was underway in France for two brothers suspected of being the Islamist gunmen who killed 12 people in Wednesday's attack on a satirical weekly newspaper in Paris.

      Harper said any doubts in Canada about the reality of threats posed by such extremists should have vanished on October 22. That was the day when a radicalized Canadian gunman killed a soldier at the national war memorial and then stormed the Parliament building............

  27. Those people were there for photo-op, dumbfuck, and there was NO "marching" involved.

    1. They were THERE, dumbfuck, your marvelous guy was watching football.

    2. Just like he should have been.

    3. Confirmed: Obama watched NFL playoffs instead of going to Paris
      January 12, 2015

      You won’t find it in the American media, but the U.K. Daily Mail has obtained confirmation from an administration spokesman that President Obama spent much of yesterday watching the NFL Playoffs. More............

    4. Obama is the Commnder in Chief that Is actually fighting a War against these psychopaths.

      The last thing in the world we need is for him to wear himself out flying all over the world for a photo-op every time some asshole shoots a satirist.

    5. That's odd about not walking, dumbfuck.

      I've seen the video on Fox News many times, and I swear there they are, arm in arm, putting one foot ahead the other, marching/walking, whatever you want to call it.

      It's what you have so much trouble doing after you have been drinking for a couple of days. That, and thinking.

    6. Rufus IIMon Jan 12, 04:53:00 PM EST

      Obama is the Commnder in Chief that Is actually fighting a War against these psychopaths.

      The last thing in the world we need is for him to wear himself out flying all over the world for a photo-op every time some asshole shoots a satirist.


      See what I mean?

      Rufus is BRAIN DEAD.

    7. "The last thing in the world we need is for him to wear himself out......."

      Wear himself out by flying on Air Force One.


    8. Wear his po' self out by flying in the lap of luxury.......


    9. Some 'Commander -in - Chief'.

      Afghanistan is as good as lost, and Iraq is in the state that it is in because of 'Commander - in - Chief' O'bozo.

      If it weren't for Sisi, Egypt would be MB at this time. O'bozo, 'Commander - in - Chief' was supporting the MB there.

  28. Rufus IIMon Jan 12, 04:50:00 PM EST

    Just like he should have been.

    I give up.

    Rufus is officially BRAIN DEAD.

  29. They stood around and held hands for a photo;

    Obama had other action in mind.

    The United States and its allies targeted Islamic State forces in 27 air strikes in Iraq and Syria in a 24-hour period, the Combined Joint Task Force said on Monday.

    In Syria, the air raids, which ran from Sunday morning to Monday morning, hit Islamic State units and destroyed fighting positions and buildings near the city of Kobani while a strike near Dawr az Zawr hit an oil refinery and another near Abu Kamal destroyed an excavator, a task force statement said.

    Sixteen strikes in Iraq destroyed fighting positions, vehicles, an artillery system, a rocket launcher and buildings. The targets were near the cities of Baiji, Taji, Al Qaim, Ramadi, Tal Afar, Al Asad, Sinjar and Mosul.

    Condole this, motherfuckers

    1. July 4th, 2015 draws ever closer......

    2. For dumb fuck Rufus -

      World Leaders Lead March In Paris -


    3. Since I'm really not interested in Dragracing backhoes (yeah, that's right, "dragracig backhoes",) I don't really know what to do with your link.

    4. ... hit Islamic State units and destroyed fighting positions and buildings near the city of Kobani ...

      Real world application of advocacy, here.

      The Rat Doctrine being successful, supporting the Iraqi Security Forces aiding in the defense of Kobane against the Daesh.
      The President is on the 'Right Course'

    5. .

      You, yourself said it was for the optics, Obumble.

      That group of forty didn't even travel the entire route. They walked long enough to get the photo-op and then hopped back in to their limos.


  30. The photo (short video, I guess) was shot on an empty, unguarded street, with what looks like, a hundred or so of their aides, and hangers-on walking behind.

    1. They marched from the Place de la RĂ©publique to Place de la Nation.

    2. .

      Yea, there is a bookstore, an internet cafe, a McDonald's, and two cafes in between.


  31. To our boobie if the POTUS doesn't belly up a show abject respect to his narrow minded ideological altar he is the WORST POTUS EVER!!!

    In other news, the brainiacs of the biggest buck military ever have their own troubles:

    " U.S. Central Command Twitter, Facebook accounts hacked
    WASHINGTON — Reuters
    Published Monday, Jan. 12 2015, 1:14 PM EST
    Last updated Monday, Jan. 12 2015, 3:06 PM EST

    The Twitter feed for the U.S. military command that oversees operations in the Middle East was hacked on Monday by people claiming sympathy to the Islamic State militant group being targeted in American bombing raids.

    U.S. officials said that the U.S. Central Command Twitter account and its YouTube account were suspended after being compromised. Two U.S. defense officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the hacking was an embarrassment but did not appear to be a security threat.

    The White House said it was monitoring the extent of the hacking incident.

    “In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, the CyberCaliphate continues its CyberJihad,” the Centcom Twitter feed said after being hacked.

    The Twitter feed had several messages from hackers, including one telling American soldiers to “watch your back,” and the YouTube account had two videos that appeared to be linked to Islamic State.

    The Twitter account published a list of generals and addresses associated with them, titled “Army General Officer Public Roster (by rank) 2 January 2014.”


    1. Noble Ash, I've been saying he's The Worst President Ever since the day he was elected.

      Deuce once even agreed with me, I do recall, when I said he was 'even worse than Lincoln'.


      I've also insisted since Day One that you are the dumbest fucker on this blog, though far from the nastiest.

    2. One reason Noble Ash doesn't seem to care much about a March in Paris is that free speech is in deep trouble in Canada and he doesn't care.

      Consider Mark Steyn:

      >>>Steyn writes:

      I've learned a lot of lessons during my time in the crosshairs of the [Canadian human rights investigator Jennifer] Lynch mob. Although the feistier columnists have spoken out on this issue, the broad mass of Canadian media seems generally indifferent to a power grab that explicitly threatens to reduce them to a maple-flavoured variant of Pravda. One boneheaded "journalism professor" even attempted to intervene in the British Columbia trial on the side of the censors. As some leftie website put it, "Defending freedom of speech for jerks means defending jerks." Well, yes. But, in this case, not defending the jerks means not defending freedom of speech for yourself. It's not a left/right thing; it's a free/unfree thing. But an alarming proportion of the Dominion's "media workers" seem relatively relaxed about playing the role of eunuchs to the Trudeaupian sultans.<<<

    3. .

      Free speech?

      Is that what the march was about? Surely, no. When it comes to freedom of speech France is a joke, worse than Canada.

      Try reading something besides American Thinker and Frontpagemag, Obumble.


  32. And, Afghanistan isn't "lost."

    It's still right where it was when India found it.

    And, Alexander the Great found it.

    And, the Mongols found it.

    And, the British "found it."

    And, the Russians found it.

    And, the CIA "found" it.

    And, GW Bush found it.

    It's the same place it's been for thousands of years, and is going to be for many thousands more (barring some sort of inter-galactic kerplooey.)

    And, you know what all those people that "found" Afghanistan also found out?

    It's a damned fine fucking place to leave alone; that's what they "found."

  33. "Noble Ash, I've been saying he's The Worst President Ever since the day he was elected."

    Of course, that was After he spent the Night typing "Nigger, Nigger, Nigger !!!

    1. Fuck off you racist Cherokee descendent of slavers.



  34. American Thinker

    January 12, 2015
    Documented: Black Students Target Teachers for Violence
    By Colin Flaherty

    >>>Black violence toward teachers is a problem in every major school district in America. In Baltimore, for example, one of the largest black school districts in the country, ABC News says:

    Out of 2,998 teachers surveyed, 80 percent had been victimized in the workplace. In the city of Baltimore alone, school employees filed more than 300 injury claims related to student assaults in 2013.<<<

    Read more:
    Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

    That's the kind of shit I object too.

    I hope Obama's free community college proposal will help.

  35. This is what my niece was telling me about this morning -

    >>Dresden (Germany) (AFP) - A record 25,000 people joined an anti-Islamic march in Germany on Monday, claiming their stance was vindicated by last week's Paris jihadist attacks.<<

  36. It was on 31DEC2014 when Sodastream broke the $20.00 floor, dropping to ...
    NASDAQ: SODA - Jan 12 4:05 PM ET
    19.04 Down 0.09 (0.47%).

    It just get more entertaining with each passing day. ...

    Our "O"rdure told us it was 'Undervalued' at what was it ????

    1. Wow. Down 0.09 (0.47%) on a down day on the Dow.

      Think of it!

      How did your non existent 'Portfolio' do today?


  37. What is "Occupation"Sat Jul 19, 10:54:00 PM EDT
    it's a great time to buy the stock (Sodastream) Herr Rodent..
    It's undervalued. ($29.11)
    you really just don't understand business..

    That was then ...
    This is now

    October 11, 2014 by Doug Henwood for Mondoweiss
    SodaStream: is BDS hitting where it hurts?

    SodaStream’s stock is now 70% off its all-time high set in July 2011
    Sodastream price 25DEC2014 - $21.15

    Now let us review ...
    "O"rdure recommends buying Sodastream on 19July 2014 at $29.11 telling us it was undervalued.
    On 12JAN2015 Sodastream closed at $19.04

    That is DOWN $10.07 or 34.59% since "O"rdure made his 'buy' recommendation.


    1. How is your non existent 'cattle ranching' going?

      Never had a cattle ranch, never had a cow, not even a hat.

  38. The Turd in the Punch Bowl - Netanyahu goes to Paris

    French President Francois Hollande conveyed a message to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the weekend asking him not to come to Paris to take part in the march against terror on Sunday, according to an Israeli source who was privy to the contacts between the Elysees Palace and the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem. The fact that this message had been conveyed was first reported by Channel 2.

    After the French government began to send invitations to world leaders to participate in the rally against terror, Hollande’s national security adviser, Jacques Audibert, contacted his Israeli counterpart, Yossi Cohen, and said that Hollande would prefer that Netanyahu not attend, the source said.

    Audibert explained that Hollande wanted the event to focus on demonstrating solidarity with France, and to avoid anything liable to divert attention to other controversial issues, like Jewish-Muslim relations or the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Audibert said that Hollande hoped that Netanyahu would understand the difficulties his arrival might pose and would announce that he would not be attending.

    The source noted that one of the French concerns – not conveyed to representatives of the Israeli government – was that Netanyahu would take advantage of the event for campaign purposes and make speeches, especially about the Jews of France. Such statements, the Elysee Palace feared, would hurt the demonstration of solidarity the French government was trying to promote as part of dealing with the terror attacks.

    Netanyahu reportedly first agreed to stay away, but then changed course upon learning that his political rivals Avigdor Lieberman and Naftali Bennett would be there.

    Ravid continues:

    When Netanyahu heard [Lieberman and Bennett] were going, he informed the French he would be attending the march after all.

    According to the source, when Cohen informed Audibert that Netanyahu would be attending the event after all, Audibert angrily told Cohen that the prime minister’s conduct would have an adverse effect on ties between the two countries as long as Hollande was president of France and Netanyahu was prime minister of Israel.

    And Hollande’s concerns about Netanyahu were well founded. The Israeli leader did seek to exploit the tragedy in a speech at the Grand Synagogue in Paris where he made the case for French Jews to leave the country for Israel.

    - See more at:

  39. Replies
    1. Hollande?

      Yes, he is pretty much a turd.

      Why the hell shouldn't Netanyahu go?

      After all some Jews died in the event.

      The question is, why didn't O'bozo go?

      And we know the answer - it would be admitting the 'radical extremists' are all Moslems, and he can't seem to bring himself to do that.

    2. Colonel West on Fox right now is saying O'bozo's behavior almost amounts to complicity.

    3. Why the hell shouldn’t Netanyahu go?
      because the president of France asked him not to.

    4. .

      Colonel West on Fox right now is saying O'bozo's behavior almost amounts to complicity.

      This is why most sane people discount FOX as a faux news network.


    5. I told you the President of France is a turd.

  40. Brings up an interesting question: Was Obama, also, invited Not to attend?

    1. That's really a stupid question.

    2. In fact that's a really really stupid question.

  41. 150, not 2,000 died in Baga attacks –Military

    Olukolade said that the figures being reported and attributed to eyewitnesses were exaggerated.

    “…It is however necessary to inform Nigerians in the interim that the exercise so far has not corroborated the report on the casualty rate which was put at 2,000.

    “From all available evidences, the number of people who lost their lives during that attack has so far not exceeded about 150 in the interim. This figure includes many of the terrorists who were bearing arms and got killed in the course of their attack and battle with troops.

    “It should be noted that Baga and the neighbouring towns have been under a series of attacks and harassment by the terrorists. In the course of this, many residents have left, leaving the population in the town almost seriously depleted. Many were also able to escape while the terrorists’ battle with troops lasted.

    “The figure given by sources who claim to be eyewitnesses must be an extremely exaggerated estimate. Unfortunately, this figure is now being bandied about in a section of the media as if it has been authenticated. It cannot be true,” he said


    2. .

      A dozen newspapers are quoting senior local officials, witnesses, and church leaders indicating the 2000 number in Baga and surrounding villages ; however, some of them also indicate there are reports of much smaller numbers killed. Some accuse the government of trying to downplay the numbers due to their inability to control the Boko Harem assaults.

      Terror experts and U.S. and Nigerian officials say Boko Haram carried out a series of attacks this week, killing as many as 2,000 civilians in northern Nigeria.

      Survivors in the town of Baga fled into the nearby waters of Lake Chad, where some drowned and others are trapped on small islands, menaced by hippos, a local government official told NBC News.

      District leader Musa Alhaji Bukar told the BBC that 2,000 residents in Baga and 16 other towns had been killed by the radical Islamist terrorists. He described the town — which had a population of 10,000 — as “virtually nonexistent” following Wednesday’s massacre, one of the most deadly terror attacks in history.

      “These towns are just gone, burned down,” local Sen. Ahmed Zanna said in a telephone interview Thursday with NBC News. “The whole area is covered in bodies.”

      Read more:

      This CNN report discusses some of the issues involved and why the confusion. Some say Boko Harem may be in control of 70% of the country. There is widespread corruption in the country and elections coming up next month. Some say Goodluck Jonathan is not really interested in protecting the north of the country. Others say that the corruption has weakened the military to the point they can't resist the Boko Harem push. Others speculate that Jonathan's opponents in the military are trying to ruin his chances in the elections.

      Probably not somewhere you should plan on vacationing for a while.



  42. Ambush leaves 5 Aquila Auto defensas dead and 8 injured

    The PGJE of the State of Michoacán has initiated a preliminary investigation in relation to violent events which took place this morning in the community of Huahua. In the municipality of Aquila where five men lost their lives who were identified as communitarios.

    According to the testimony given to ministerial personnel , at approximately 10:00 am on Sunday , a group of 13 men who were identified as communitarios ( autodefensas ) performed a patrol on board a pick up truck and during the patrol passed through a gap that lead to a ranch "El Socorro " , they were ambushed by unknown individuals who withdrew from the location after the attack.

    Resulting from this attack were five men dead at the ambush site , plus 8 that received various injuries , the wounded men were channeled to different health care institutions to receive treatment for their wounds.

    1. This Huahua ambush is the second to occur against the coastal auto defensas of Michoacán. The first happened on the 16th of December on the coastal road in the vicinity of the villages of La Placita and Xayakalan.

      When hit men fired at a van which they believed carried the Commander of the Municipal Police of the Nahua people of Ostula, however his life was saved because he changed vehicles.

      The auto defensas killed in the ambush include the commander of Huahua autodefensas Rafael Meraz " El Chopo " among other.

  43. Deuce, you have one person that agrees with you - the Islamist head of Turkey -

    Erdogan blasts Netanyahu for 'daring' to attend Paris rally...........Drudge

    You are beginning to run in really disreputable company.

    1. Your anti-United States agitprop is growing tiresome, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.
      If you do not like it in the US, you could always emigrate.
      You could go to Kurdistan and stand shoulder to shoulder with the cilt clippers, there

    2. Turkey got into NATO during the cold war.

      They are no longer a good fit.

      Israel fits.

      So does India.

      I have not read that the Kurds clip clits.

      If they do they should certainly stop it right now.

      From what I've seen of Kurdish women, I doubt they would stand for it.

      You should go to Gaza and stay there, rat - O - rooter.

      You might be able to light off a rocket towards Israel !

    3. I forgot, you're on the no-fly list.

  44. The important one to object is the President of France.

  45. Benjamin Netanyahu is facing a storm of criticism because of his “embarrassing" behaviour at Sunday's mass solidarity march in Paris and his calls for French Jews to emigrate to Israel following last week's deadly attack on a Jewish supermarket.

    The Israeli prime minister was seen elbowing his way to the front of the parade of world leaders and also unsuccessfully tried to jump to the head of queue waiting for a bus that was to take guests to the starting point.

    After he failed to get on the first bus, a nervous-looking Mr Netanyahu – accompanied by what appeared to be an Israeli security team – was shown on French video footage waiting for the next one.

    During the march, Mr Netanyahu waved to the crowd in response to a pro-Israel shout from a woman spectator, a gesture some Israeli commentators deemed to be at odds with the sombre mood.

    The alleged gaffes were further compounded by reports that the Israeli leader attended the event in defiance of a request to stay away from Francois Hollande, the French president, who reportedly did not want it overshadowed by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    1. Good for Bibi, France's history of it's treatment of the Jews is sickening.

      Millions of Jews were turned over for genocide without a whimper.

      Too fucking bad if you don't like him being there.

  46. The Turkish leader said that Netanyahu had no right to be at the rally due to the civilian casualties in Gaza during this past summer's Operation Protective Edge.

    "I also hardly understand how he (Netanyahu) dared to go there. For once, you give an account for the children, women you massacred," Erdogan said in a joint press conference with Abbas in Ankara, AFP reported.

    "How can you see this individual who carries out state terrorism by massacring 2,500 people in Gaza waving his hand," Erdogan said.

    "He is waving his hand as if people are very enthusiastically waiting for him," AFP quoted Erdogan saying.

    1. See what I mean?

      Hamas launches another missile attack on Israel and Erdogan takes their side.

      Very disreputable.

    2. Turkey has been oppressing the Kurds for time out of mind. In the days of the Generals too.

      But when Turkey was run by the Generals they were getting along with Israel fairly well, I have read.

      Erdogan is just another Moslem idiot.

      Not good and interesting company at all.

  47. I see the jackals here have no problem using these dead folks as a political football!

  48. Deuce ☂Mon Jan 12, 08:38:00 PM EST
    The Turkish leader said that Netanyahu had no right to be at the rally due to the civilian casualties in Gaza during this past summer's Operation Protective Edge.

    "I also hardly understand how he (Netanyahu) dared to go there. For once, you give an account for the children, women you massacred," Erdogan said in a joint press conference with Abbas in Ankara, AFP reported.

    "How can you see this individual who carries out state terrorism by massacring 2,500 people in Gaza waving his hand," Erdogan said.

    "He is waving his hand as if people are very enthusiastically waiting for him," AFP quoted Erdogan saying.

    Turkey has slaughtered tens of thousands of Kurds, over a million Armenians....

    It's hard to listen to a guy who personally has helped terrorists murder Israeli citizens.

    Maybe Turkey should look in the mirror and look at all the men women and babies it has murdered in Cyprus, let alone, Kurdistan and the Armenians....

    The blood soaked hands of Turkey TAUGHT the Nazis how to commit genocide I guess Turkey is so guilt ridden by it's butchery it's lost its mind.

  49. .

    The college football championship is on nearing the end of the 1st quarter.

    Ohio State 14

    Oregon State 7

    Great game so far.


  50. Deuce ☂Mon Jan 12, 07:54:00 PM EST
    Why the hell shouldn’t Netanyahu go?
    because the president of France asked him not to.


    Sorry Deuce, like it or not?

    Israel is the Nation State of the Jewish People, and when nations, like France do nothing to protect their Jews? repeatedly?

    And decide to hold an INTERNATIONAL march? Israel should not be excluded.

    France's history of anti-semitism is renowned. It turned over it's jews for extermination with glee, (I know that may make a few here happy) but the message must get out....

    Jews LEAVE FRANCE NOW and go to Israel.

    1. And we do want to thank all the Jew haters here and in the world for making Israel such an INVITING place to escape to...

    2. Because Palisrael is so, so safe from the evil doers of Hamas and Hezbollah.

      That is the reality of Bibi's message, which "O"rdure is echoing like a puppet.

    3. Israel Pays Students For Pro-Israeli Social Media Propaganda

      The move was publicised in a statement from Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office, the Associated Press reported. Students will receive scholarships to "engage international audiences online" and combat anti-Semitism and calls to boycott Israel, it was alleged.

      According to Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz, the most recent proposition is being spearheaded by Danny Seaman, who was slammed by the media for writing anti-Muslim messages on Facebook.

      Students will be organised into units at each university, with a chief co-ordinator who receives a full scholarship, three desk co-ordinators for language, graphics and research who receive lesser scholarships and students termed “activists” who will receive a “minimal scholarship”, the Independent reported.

    4. Jack, thanks for your concern. But it's people like you, personally that make the world a dangerous place for Jews.

      You are an honest example of what Jews face, a deranged Jew hater.

      Most of the world's jews are not allowed , by law, to carry a weapon for defense, like I do. So, they should go to Israel.

      In America, if a jew hater like you tries to kill me or attack my Schul? I hope to be the one to put a bullet that attackers head....

      In France? Even the cops don't have guns....

      Maybe that's where you should go Jack, the odds you'd survive an attack on Jews there is better...

      But don't try to attack us in Israel either, they will kill faster than you can change logons..

      You see Jack, your jew hatred is very validating....

      It validate the need to be armed and ready...

      Savages like you attack the weak, the elderly and the children....

  51. He told the crowd at the synagogue that Israel and Jews around the world stand by France and the French people. At the service, he thanked France’s president and prime minister for their stance against anti-Semitism, and conveyed his condolences to the families of the victims of the attacks.

    Netanyahu also thanked the French security services, and expressed special appreciation for Lassana Bathily, a Muslim from Mali who helped save several customers during the attack on the kosher supermarket.

    It was revealed late Sunday that Hollande asked Netanyahu not to attend the memorial march, in an attempt to separate the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from the European show of unity.

    1. Jack HawkinsMon Jan 12, 09:44:00 PM EST
      Because Palisrael is so, so safe from the evil doers of Hamas and Hezbollah.

      That is the reality of Bibi's message, which "O"rdure is echoing like a puppet.

      Jack, you don't get it!

      In israel? they fight back and KILL the KILLERS, even if the KILLERS use their babies as human shields!!!

      Hezbollah and Hamas?

      Hide behind babies!

      But when the attack they run to their tunnels under the schools, the UN buildings the hospitals.

      No fear jack, you and your pals can run, but you can't hide forever....

      In Israel? they will get you and yours, is that why you hide in AZ?

    2. Jack and his type HATES when Jews fight back...

      They love the victim "jew" the one that begs for help....

      So sorry jack, no begging, if attacked it's an invite to destroy the enemy...

      Gaza.... A Hamas paradise of rubble..... Self created by savages...
