Saturday, January 31, 2015

Israeli Lobby in full press effort to repeat the obstructionism they have honed to a science with the destruction of Palestine, now on to Iran


  1. The duplicitous duopoly of Saudi Arabia and Israel will never rest until they get the US into a war with Iran. Both states are inimitable purveyors of problems and disinformation for the genuine interests of ordinary Americans and are a menace to peace. Both expect to profit from the US being involved in another war in the ME.

  2. Just as Netanyahu seized upon the opportunity to take advantage of the kidnapping and killing of three Israeli teens to attack and kill 2500 Palestinians, Netanyahu will use a hoped for US attack on Iran to further the aggression and occupation against Lebanon, Palestine and Syria. The Saudis will it for an opportunity to enhance its influence with ISIS and the Sunni States.

    The voice of the real American majority must not be rolled by the usual clique of media elites, Aipac and right wing zionist groups and the repugnant wing of the Republican Party, which is most of it.

  3. Netanyahu is coming to the US for one miserable cynical reason, to drag the US into war with Iran.

  4. He was invited by Congress.

    Should he have said no?

    And surely he is more intelligent than to think he can 'drag the US into war with Iran' while Obama is President.

    Meanwhile, the Obama Administration, its minions, and the usual suspects have headed uninvited to Israel in a blatant attempt to try and influence the elections there.

    1. Who committed a crime by inviting him. Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson
      .If Holder were not a pussy, Boehner would be in front of a Grand Jury.

  5. January 31, 2015
    Iran is a Real Threat
    By Michael Curtis

    On January 16, 2015 President Barack Obama condoned a gross breach of diplomatic protocol. He allowed visiting British Prime Minister David Cameron to appeal directly to a number of U.S. Senators to reconsider their support for a bill imposing new tough sanctions on Iran.

    Cameron explained he was not instructing the senators but simply informing them, presumably of what they might otherwise not have known, that the UK believed that stronger sanctions or threat of sanctions would not be helpful in bringing negotiations on nuclear issues with Iran to a successful conclusion. Perhaps at breakfast that morning Cameron was reading Psalm 105 which directed him to “bind his princes at his pleasure and teach the senators wisdom.”

    The White House compounded this undiplomatic behavior by sanctimonious comments about the intended visit to the U.S. of another prime minister. An unnamed “senior American official” and also Josh Earnest, the White House spokesperson, called the invitation by House Speaker John Boehner to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address the U.S. Congress on the subject of Iran, a “departure from protocol.”

    Conveniently putting out of their minds the partisan nature of Cameron’s behavior, these officials spoke of Boehner’s invitation, made without consulting the White House, as an unwelcome injection of partisan politics into U.S. foreign policy. The unnamed senior official, perhaps Valerie Jarrett, Senior Adviser to the President and incidentally who was born in Shiraz, Iran, is quoted in Haaretz, the Israeli paper, on January 10, 2015 as having said that Netanyahu will “pay a price.”

    The breach of manners by White House officials towards the leader of the only democracy in the Middle East and the only real ally of the U.S. in the region raises a number of questions, about the nature of democracy and of U.S. foreign policy. It may be true that Netanyahu’s appearance in Washington may help him to gain support in the Israeli parliamentary elections to be held on March 17, 2015. But that has little to do with the appropriateness of an address to Congress by a concerned Middle East political leader on the subject of Iran, a country that has threatened Israel with extinction.........

    1. Today I've learned there is a ski resort up in the Golan somewhere, and Valerie Jarret was born in Iran.

      Is skiing un-Islamic? Perhaps Valerie would know. Building snowmen has been ruled un-Islamic.

    2. From the article above which is quite long -

      >>>Among its other activities, Iran has supported Hamas, Hizb’allah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command, the Syrian regime of President Assad, the Houthi separatist rebels in Northern Yemen, and Shiite militias in Iraq. In direct violation of UN Security Council Resolutions, Iran has transferred large funds to Hizb’allah and has trained thousands of its fighters in Iran. Since 1991, Iran has been helping al-Qaeda in its operations, including enabling it to move funds and fighters to South Asia and Syria. In December 2011 a U.S. District Court judge, George B. Daniels, ruled that Iran directly supported al-Qaeda in the 9/11 attacks on the US.<<<

    3. Every occupying power, every colonial power, every foreign invader creates insurgencies against them. It is a phenomenon called freedom. Israel, the perm-victim loves to repeat the lie that it is surrounded by enemies. In fact, Israel is the enemy. Every invasion and occupation faced guerrilla warfare from partisans. The Germans learned that in France, Belgium, Greece and Yugoslavia. The US learned it as it colonized every land grab against the American Indians, in Iraq, Afghanistan, Viet Nam and will continue to learn that foreign invaders are not welcome.

      Israel has set itself up as some miracle that will somehow defy the historic consequences of occupation. It won’t. A well armed sand castle is still a sand castle against a historic tide and is one technology away from a catastrophe, because of its exclusionary and anachronistic apartheid vision.

      Your appalling ignorance of history handicaps your already limited ability to process the obvious. Study your farmer’s almanac. You will be happier.

    4. Ooooo......and you should stick with the Architect's Digest.

      But my small contributions above were about IRAN, not Israel.

      January 31, 2015
      Iran is a Real Threat
      By Michael Curtis

    5. >> In December 2011 a U.S. District Court judge, George B. Daniels, ruled that Iran directly supported al-Qaeda in the 9/11 attacks on the US.<<

      Fighting for Civilization

    6. What was his authority to so decide?
      What evidence was presented?

      Where can we all view the file, the decision?

  6. I can't help but present this, before I call it a day, from the "racist" (Quirk's description) American Thinker -

    January 31, 2015
    Is Ben Carson a Man of Destiny?
    By John L. Chapman

  7. Right on Cue

    (Bloomberg) -- Israel pressed ahead with plans to build 450 homes in West Bank settlements weeks before its parliamentary election, drawing condemnation from the U.S. at a time when relations are already strained over Iran.

    The Israel Land Authority published tenders on its website on Thursday soliciting developers to build the homes, a process that could take years. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki criticized the decision as counterproductive to efforts to make peace between Israel and the Palestinians, who claim the West Bank for their hoped-for state.
    “Our view is that issuing these tenders does nothing to bolster Israel’s security, increase its prosperity or further the cause of peace,” Psaki told reporters in Washington on Friday. “That’s a point that we’re making clear to them on the ground privately, as well.”
    An Israeli official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to speak on the record, said the procedures applied to housing that had been authorized and announced a year ago. The Palestine Liberation Organization labeled the construction plans a “war crime,” an allegation that has added resonance now that the Palestinians have moved to join the International Criminal Court, a war crimes tribunal.

  8. Israel defines Arab citizens as non-Jewish citizens, most of whom are people of Palestinian ethnic background. Moreover, the particular term apartheid, as defined by the United Nations, refers to policies “committed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial group of persons over any other racial group of persons and systematically oppressing them.” There are a multitude of examples of Arab citizens subordinated in Israel. Institutionally, over thirty legal structures discriminate against Palestinians solely based on their ethnicity. Examples include the Land Acquisition Law that transferred land from a total of 349 Arab villages to the state; laws that ban Palestinians married to Israelis from residing in Israel; and, the denial of basic government services to Palestinian villages unrecognized by the state. Culturally, Israel has become intolerant. In survey polls, a third of Israelis believe that Arab citizens should not be recognized and more than half of Israelis would not want to have Arab neighbors or Arab classmates. Such beliefs are reinforced by de facto segregation, and inequity in housing and education between Israeli and Arab citizens. If the US condemned South Africa’s actions for racial injustice, it is ethically consistent to also condemn Israel’s policies, which constitute a similar system to Apartheid.

  9. These Israeli practices would be not tolerated under US law. There is no civil or moral equivalency between current US society and Israeli society. Israeli behavior should be condemned as it is where practiced anywhere else. No Israeli politician should be given a free pass on these state sponsored actions against civil rights and human dignity. No decent American should be allowing cynical US politicians to prostitute themselves to their Aipac masters without rebuke.

  10. Of well, Romney’s promised first presidential state visit to Israel seems to be on a permanent hold.
