Tuesday, January 20, 2015

In The USA, you have a better chance of being shot and killed by a child than a crazed Islamic Terrorist

Nine-Month-Old Boy Accidentally Shot by Brother in Elmo, Missouri

A nine-month-old boy has died after his five-year-old brother accidentally shot him, police in Missouri said. Officers found the infant suffering from a gunshot wound to the head after responding to a 911 call placed by the boys' mother on Monday morning, according to the Nodaway County Sheriff's Office.
The mother, identified as Alexis Wiederholt, originally told dispatchers that the tot had been shot by his brother with a paintball gun. Upon arriving at the home Elmo, Missouri, authorities determined that a .22-caliber Magnum revolver had been used, police said. Authorities believe the shooting was accidental.

From the Washington Post:

...When children unintentionally shoot themselves or other people, media reports typically follow. A three-year-old boy is playing with a gun and shoots himself in the face. A four-year-old girl discovers a gun and shoots her four-year-old cousin, killing him. A three-year-old boy shoots himself in the head. A five-year-old accidentally shoots a three-year-old girl. A five-year-old boy accidentally shoots and kills himself. A four-year-old boy accidentally shoots himself. A two-year-old boy shoots and kills his 11-year-old sister. It goes on like this, story after story of unintentional shootings involving children that lead to injuries or deaths. (Many unintentional shootings of children occur when they are with people of similar ages, Vernick said, though many also involve children by themselves.)The National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS), which the CDC launched in 2002, does combine data from death certificates, medical examiner reports and law enforcement reports to try to produce this type of information. However, this system currently only operates in 18 states, so the numbers it offers are not national and the CDC cautions that the data should not be viewed as nationally representative. Still, it offers someinformation: Across the 17 states the NVDRS has data for from 2011, there were 11 unintentional firearm deaths that year in which the person pulling the trigger was age 14 or younger.


  1. Paintball gun or .22 Magnum, in the hands of a five year old ...

    1. ...because G-d loves them and wants them in a better place?

    2. In AZ there was the nine year old that killed her shooting instructor with an Uzi.

      Every prepubescent kid needs a little quality time with a sub-machine gun.

    3. Deuce, you don't believe in the G-d of Israel why reference it?

      The folks in the article are not Jews.

    4. How do you know that, "O"rdure?

    5. What makes a person a Jew?
      Is it faith, genetics or acceptance of Zionist agitprop?

    6. Deuce, you don't believe in the G-d of Israel why reference it?

      We are al down with Charlie now. Mockery, sarcasm, irony are all the rage, don't you know. No one gets a pass.

    7. Deuce, real cool..

      Let the mockery continue.

      Palestine.... ha ha aha ha ha ha ha ha hah ah a

      Still a myth

      ha ha h ah ah ah aha ha ha

    8. I can't wait for you deuce to visit Gaza, it will be a joyous family reunion. Please let us know how warm and friendly your "friend's" family embraces you.....

      I can see those brothers cousins and uncles (and father too) just making you the LIFE of the party...

      Hope you keep your head, literally...

      Just lampooning you of course, the Palestinians have no problem with their daughters dating infidels...


      Now that's funny....

  2. Here is where it gets interesting;

    The US Government is obsessed with taking data from all sources to justify the expenses being poured into surveillance and fighting the “war on terrorism" in the US, ostensibly to save American lives. The US Government collects and has no data on how many children kill Americans with a gun even though children with guns have a better kill record against Americans, in the USA, than Islamic Jihad.

    1. The good news?

      Abortion kills millions of "undesirable" types in America. Just ask Ms Sanger the Founder of Planned Parenthood.

  3. In the USA you've got a lot better chance of being shot by a crazed Islamic terrorist than by a crazed Jewish terrorist.

  4. Jack HawkinsTue Jan 20, 08:31:00 AM EST

    What makes a person a Jew?
    Is it faith, genetics or acceptance of Zionist agitprop?


    With all your b.s.ing over the years on such subjects you are an odd one to be asking such a question, Jack.

    1. It is the answer that matters, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, not who asks the question.

  5. Focus: Iran Fighting For Civilization Series

    January 20, 2015

    Was Iran behind the murder of Argentinian prosecutor Alberto Nisman?

    By Jeff Lipkes

    Two terrorism experts see the fingerprints of Iran in the alleged suicide early yesterday of Alberto Nisman, the Argentinian prosecutor who was to testify before the National Congress the same afternoon on the 1994 bombing of the Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires that killed 85 and injured hundreds. Nisman had amassed evidence of a cover-up by the Argentinian government. He released an explosive 300-page report documenting this last week. No one has been successfully prosecuted in the bombing, the worst terrorist attack in the country’s history.

    Nisman’s “suicide” comes a day after an Israeli strike on a Hezb’allah convoy in Syria, killing six, including the son of its late military commander. Iran sponsors the terrorist organization, which controls southern Lebanon, and has provided the personnel for its global operations targeting Israelis and non-Israeli Jews.

    Announcing on Friday that he would veto any sanctions imposed by Congress against Iran, President Obama said, “My main message to Congress at this point is to hold your fire.” This is not something he’s apparently advised his negotiating partners in Teheran.

    Two terrorism experts see the fingerprints of Iran in the alleged suicide early yesterday of Alberto Nisman, the Argentinian prosecutor who was to testify before the National Congress the same afternoon on the 1994 bombing of the Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires that killed 85 and injured hundreds. Nisman had amassed evidence of a cover-up by the Argentinian government. He released an explosive 300-page report documenting this last week. No one has been successfully prosecuted in the bombing, the worst terrorist attack in the country’s history.

    Nisman’s “suicide” comes a day after an Israeli strike on a Hezb’allah convoy in Syria, killing six, including the son of its late military commander. Iran sponsors the terrorist organization, which controls southern Lebanon, and has provided the personnel for its global operations targeting Israelis and non-Israeli Jews.

    Announcing on Friday that he would veto any sanctions imposed by Congress against Iran, President Obama said, “My main message to Congress at this point is to hold your fire.” This is not something he’s apparently advised his negotiating partners in Teheran.

    Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2015/01/was_iran_behind_the_murder_of_argentinian_prosecutor_alberto_nisman.html#ixzz3PN1kD87T
    Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook


    BTW, ISIS is holding a couple of Japanese for $200 million dollars ransom. Will the Japanese go that high?

    1. Want to match up assassinations between Israel and Iran?

    2. Iran has blown up a Jewish community center in Argentina, murdered Iranians across Europe, spent 5 billion on funding hamas and hezboolah proxies to fire tens of thousands of rockets at civilians..

      Iran targets and kills Jewish civilians across the globe.

      Israel targets and kills specific high value Iranians that help Iran in it's efforts to genocide the Jews.

      Of course Iran hangs gays by cranes, uses Hezbollah rape and death squads to keep it's own population in check. Stones women... they are the wonder civilization are they not?

      Yemen is falling to Iranian back rebels as we speak... Assad (with direct support of money, weapons, training and men) have killed over 300,000 syrians including over 10,000 palestinians and created 11 million real (not fake) refugees....


      Your kind of folk....

    3. I would have bet on the Argentinians, themselves.
      The deadman tried to say the President of Argentina was covering up a crime, likely Ms Kirchner or her hubby had him killed.

    4. The Iranians murdered him, wasn't the 1st or the last of course.

  6. Jack HawkinsTue Jan 20, 08:31:00 AM EST
    What makes a person a Jew?
    Is it faith, genetics or acceptance of Zionist agitprop?

    Not your's to wonder.

    But when you go to the Syrian side of the Golan and try to plan or implement an attack on the Jewish state?

    A really cool rocket that will blow you into hamburger would be fired by a Jew...


  7. Jack HawkinsTue Jan 20, 08:31:00 AM EST
    What makes a person a Jew?
    Is it faith, genetics or acceptance of Zionist agitprop?

    Jack, when your ancestors were lining up Jews thru out Europe and Northern Africa for execution they had no problems figuring out that answer. Why do you?

  8. Jack HawkinsTue Jan 20, 08:31:00 AM EST
    What makes a person a Jew?
    Is it faith, genetics or acceptance of Zionist agitprop?

    Long before Israel's rebirth, Jack's ancestors had no issue with WHOM to ID as a jew before rape, murder and looting...

    jack is confused. It must be the GMO's he is eating..

  9. Po' Jack is off to a real bad start today.

    Maybe he is confused about his own identity again.

  10. Mockery,,,


    We are all Charlie...


    Israel, or the zionist entity, sits on 1/900th of the arab occupied middle east and Deuce, Rat and Rufus cannot stand for such a land crime...

    Are you greedy pricks or what?

    899/900th of the middle east aint enough for your hearty appetites?

    Such hatred against the 1/900th...


    Yep greedy pricks those arabs and their supporters....

  11. I see IRANIANS and Hezbollah NOT in their homeland.... But on the Israel border

    According to the media report, the attack on Sunday, near the city of El Quneitra, killed six Iranian Revolutionary Guard officials.

    Among them was a son of an ex-Hezbollah commander.

    Local media say that their car was en route from Lebanon to Syria when it was targeted by an Israeli helicopter.

    "Following the Zionist aggressions against the resistance in Syria, General Mohammad Allahdadi, a former commander of the Sarollah Brigade of the Revolutionary Guard, was martyred along with Jihad Moughniyah and three others in the same car," the Dana news website said, referring to the son of Hezbollah's late military leader, Imad Moughniyah.

    Hezbollah officials on Monday vowed retaliation after the attack, various media in the region are reporting.

    Now they are DEAD.....

    How cool is that.....

    D E A D

    I hope they enjoy their 72 raisins......

    Bye bye...

    1. Out there 'fighting for civilization'.......

  12. Is anyone going to listen to the State of the Union Speech this year?

    When there might be a high school basketball game on somewhere?

    As for me I'm getting really excited about the coming Super Bowl,

    Taking Seattle, against the odds.

    1. Quart again has offered his professional services making odds for a fee and holding money for the bettors......

    2. Which would you find more entertaining? The Democratic SOU or the Republican rebuttal.

    3. With Quart as your odd's maker and money holder you'll have a Caribou's chance in the Selkirks.

    4. I'll take Joni Ernst over O'bozo any day just on looks alone.

  13. Speaking of fighting for civilization, how is that being advanced by the topic of the post?

    1. How many arabs die in celebrations that involve shooting their weapons straight up into the air?

      April 6, 2014: A 20-year old pregnant mother of two, Wadia Baidawi, was struck in the head and killed by a stray bullet from her neighbor’s wedding in Sidon, Lebanon.[14]
      November 21, 2012: Following a cease-fire ending fighting with Israel, celebratory gunfire in the Gaza Strip killed a man and wounded three others.[15]
      October 30, 2012: Twenty-three people were electrocuted after celebratory gunfire brought down a power cable during a wedding party in eastern Saudi Arabia.[16]
      August 2012: A Kuwaiti bridegroom was killed when a friend of his accidentally shot him as he charged his gun to fire into the air in celebration.[17]
      August 2010: 2 people were killed and 13 were injured in Jordan, as part of the yearly celebration of the announcement of the result of Tawjihi.[18]
      July 29, 2007: At least four people were reported killed and 17 others wounded by celebratory gunfire in the capital city of Baghdad, Iraq, following the victory of the national football team in the AFC Asian Cup.[19][20] Celebratory gunfire occurred despite warnings issued by Iraqi security forces and the country's leading Shiite cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, who forbade the gunfire with a religious fatwā.[21]
      July 22, 2003: More than 20 people were reported killed in Iraq from celebratory gunfire following the deaths of Saddam Hussein's sons Uday and Qusay in 2003.[13]

      Now to be fair, this also occurs in the ghettos of America, Mexico and parts of Pakistan and India...

  14. I don't know.

    Kids need really good weapons training.

    We all do.

    I got my first .22 at age 10 and my first single shot 20 guage shotgun at age 12.

    No mishaps so far, but there isn't much to shoot at out this way either.....

    My lawyer's little brother shot himself in the head with a rifle and no damage at all. Bullet kinda scooted around the skull, unbelievably.

    Don't try this......

  15. I see the questions keep getting repeated, but there never is an answer.
    Guess the Zionists do not want to be able to be tied to an answer of what it is that makes a person a Jew.

    We know it is not religion, or Tel Aviv would not be the gay sex capital of the Mediterranean region.
    The Zionists have rejected belief in the religious tenets of Judaism as a qualifier for being "Jewish".

    It cannot be a genetic connection to the people that followed Moses out of Israel, as the Ashkenazi have none.
    So it is not genetics that is the qualifier for being "Jewish".

    So, what is the qualifier?
    What makes a Jew?

    I would question the validity of them, as a monolithic group, without an authentic religious or genetic bond to hold them together.


    1. Maybe being "Jewish" is a political act.

      Is it a requirement to be a liberal Democrat, to be an American Jew?

    2. But ... if that were the case, why would Mr Jacobs write that ...

      Yet wherever the left holds sway, Israel is seen through jaundiced eyes. There has been an unprecedented moral inversion, illustrating the power of a noxious idea to seep from the ideological fringe to the mainstream.

      The United States is not yet down to one pro-Israel party. But the seepage among Democrats continues. At the 2012 Democratic convention, a fight erupted over the deletion from the party’s platform of standard language acknowledging Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. It took an order from the White House to restore the pro-Israel clause, and even then it had to be gaveled through over the vocal opposition of half the convention delegates.

      Not long ago, such a hostile gesture would have been unthinkable. Now, with each new poll confirming Democratic chilliness toward the Jewish state Democrats once loved, can it be anything but a precursor of worse to come?

      Unless, of course, liberals have come to realize that Zionists do not represent the "Jewish" people.

    3. Jack you just don't like the answer.

      Again, go and stand on the Golan Heights and start shooting at Israel.

      A Jew will kill you..


    4. We have answered your idiotic question dozens of times. Sorry if our answer doesn't agree with the answer you seek.

      But it's simple.

    5. But, once again, not delivered.

      Lies and deception, the basis of Zionist agitprop.

    6. No lie!

      We answered you.

      Want to find a Jew? GO to the Golan and attack Israel, a JEW will find you....

    7. Jack, for 1500 years the europeans have no problems with telling us who were jews, hitler your butt buddy had no problem working with your grand dad in figuring it out..

      The arabs? KNOW who jews are...

      But somehow you can't figure it out!!!

      You are getting stupid in your retirement...

  16. PARIS -- Prosecutors in southern France announced they will hold a news conference Tuesday afternoon -- a development that came after reports that five Russian Chechens were arrested and a cache of explosives was found.

  17. TEHRAN: Russian defence minister Sergei Shoigu on Tuesday signed a military cooperation deal with Iran that his Iranian counterpart touted as a joint response to US "interference".

  18. Go IraN!

    Yemen’s information minister says Shiite Houthi rebels are shelling the residence of the country’s president as they also swept into the presidential palace in the capital, Sanaa.

    The minister, Nadia al-Sakkaf posted on her Twitter account on Tuesday that President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi home in downtown Sanaa has come under “heavy shelling since 3:00 PM by armed forces positioned over rooftops facing his house.”

    Hadi is believed to be inside the house.

    The shelling is a dramatic escalation in the violence that has gripped Sanaa since Monday and which has been described as a coup.

    Al-Sakkaf’s posting came as a Yemeni army commander said the rebels have also raided the presidential palace – where Hadis’ office is – and are looting its weapons depot.

    1. And Yemen is important to US ... because?

    2. I didn't say it was important.

      Answer your own question

    3. If it is not important, why praise the Iranians?

    4. Once again Jack your lack of understanding of the English language shines thru.

      it was sarcasm.

      It must be a struggle for you to argue things in your non-native tongue, English.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Jack Hawkins: Unless, of course, liberals have come to realize that Zionists do not represent the "Jewish" people.

    Maybe those "liberals" worship liberalism?

    Not to fear, the numbers of anti-zionist Jews in America is still less than the number of unmolested horses you have access too...

  21. Jack, I guess you are a gay moslem since you practice a most despicable form of deviancy. Beside it being cruel to horse/animals, yeah I know it's permitted in the koran, it's illegal in the USA.

    But Jack, that doesn't stop you, gun running, drug selling, being a hit man? all are far worse than your love affair with ole "Fred" the horse.

  22. Coalition Airstrikes Continue Against ISIL in Iraq, Syria

    Compiled from Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve News Releases

    SOUTHWEST ASIA, Jan. 20, 2015 – U.S. and coalition military forces have continued to attack Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant terrorists in Syria and Iraq in recent days, Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve officials reported today.

    Officials reported details of the latest strikes, which took place between 8 a.m. Jan. 16 and 8 a.m. today, local time, noting that assessments of results are based on initial reports.

    Airstrikes in Syria

    Attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft conducted 38 airstrikes in Syria over that period:

    -- Near Kobani, 11 airstrikes struck an ISIL tank, three ISIL fighting positions and four ISIL tactical units, and destroyed an ISIL tank and eight ISIL fighting positions.

    -- Near Abu Kamal, an airstrike struck an ISIL vehicle and destroyed an ISIL checkpoint.

    -- Near Dawr az Zawr, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit.

    -- Near Kobani, 11 airstrikes struck two large ISIL units and eight ISIL tactical units and destroyed three ISIL fighting positions, two ISIL staging positions and an ISIL vehicle.

    -- Near Aleppo, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit.

    -- Near Hasakah, three airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units and an ISIL artillery system.

    -- Near Kobani, nine airstrikes struck seven ISIL tactical units and destroyed four ISIL staging positions, five ISIL fighting positions, four ISIL vehicles, and an ISIL mortar system.

    -- Near Hasakah, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL bunker.

    Airstrikes in Iraq

    Attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft conducted 36 airstrikes in Iraq over that period:

    -- Near Hit, two airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL vehicles.

    -- Near Qaim, two airstrikes struck an ISIL checkpoint and destroyed an ISIL excavator.

    -- Near Beiji, two airstrikes struck a large ISIL unit and an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed five ISIL buildings.

    -- Near Taji, five airstrikes struck five ISIL tactical units and destroyed three ISIL buildings.

    -- Near Asad, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

    -- Near Sinjar, two airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units and an ISIL fighting position and destroyed two ISIL buildings.

    -- Near Mosul, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL fighting position and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions.

    -- Near Beiji, three airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units and a large ISIL unit and destroyed three ISIL buildings.

    -- Near Rutbah, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL armored vehicle.

    -- Near Taji, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit.

    -- Near Fallujah, an airstrike struck a large ISIL unit.

    -- Near Ramadi, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and a large ISIL unit and destroyed an ISIL building.

    -- Near Mosul, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and a large ISIL unit and destroyed two ISIL buildings and an ISIL artillery system.

    -- Near Baghdad, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL building.

    -- Near Qaim, two airstrikes destroyed two ISIL armored vehicles.

    -- Near Asad, two airstrikes destroyed two ISIL fighting positions and two ISIL supply caches.

    -- Near Mosul, two airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL mortar systems.

    -- Near Sinjar, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position.

    -- Near Kirkuk, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit.

    -- Near Ramadi, an airstrike struck a large ISIL unit and destroyed three ISIL buildings and two ISIL heavy weapons.

    Not Nearly Enough Virgins

  23. Check out the rants by our little "O"rdure.

    Can someone read 'em and render a Cliffs Note version?

    1. I'll help a friend in any way that I can; but, not that. :)

  24. Germany's top human rights official has urged Israel to cooperate with the International Criminal Court probe into possible war crimes in the Palestinian territories.

  25. .

    CNN just reported that the Presidential Palace in Yemen has fallen to the militants.


  26. .

    Rufus IITue Jan 20, 12:03:00 AM EST

    But, is my statement a “non-sequitur?”

    Yes it was.

    The discussion was about ‘should’ we be in the ME.

    Your comment was a simple statement of ‘why’ we were/are in the ME and as such was a non-sequitur.

    Had you argued that we were in the ME because of oil AND that that reason was sufficient to justify our military interventions there you would have in effect joined the argument. In that case, your comment would NOT have been a non-sequitur.

    As it is, the comment was merely a well worn factoid.

    And a non-sequitur.



    1. .

      To be clear, you could have joined in the argument whether you said oil was or whether you said it was not a sufficient reason for out recent military interventions in the ME.


    2. With regards to Yemen, Legionnaire, Q ...

      I do think that in the past, referencing the remarks by Mr Obama, the 'threat' the US saw in Yemen was from radical Sunnis, al-Qeada. The US had been using its UAV capacity to target those radicals, with a nod and a wink from the government, there. One would have to think that Mr Obama's remarks were focused upon that, not the decades long secular strife that is being played out, today.

    3. I have seen no reports of active US support being provided to either side of the fighting, in Yemen.

    4. .

      You are right, rat.

      I was referencing a comment I heard on the news but when I went back and checked on Obama's statement in Google, the success he was speaking on was specific to the terrorists there.

      Mea culpa.


    5. Jack HawkinsTue Jan 20, 12:37:00 PM EST
      I have seen no reports of active US support being provided to either side of the fighting, in Yemen.

      Now that's a non-qualifier if ever I heard one...

      "I have seen"....

      Like Jack/Rat has special access to reports on anything but the production of horse manure and how long is probation will last?

    6. If you have any referenced reports of US involvement in the fighting in Yemen, "O"rdure, please provide it.

      There may be late breaking news, there could be 'covert' operations that are just now being exposed to public scrutiny.
      Of course there are qualifiers used, intelligent people use those, in conversation.

      “I’m not asking if they’ve forgotten how to be Jews, but if they’ve forgotten how to be decent human beings.
      Have they forgotten how to converse?”

      - Reuven Rivlin, President of Israel

    7. Once again The liar of the blog, Jack Hawkins lies and distorts.

      Not to mention his attempts at slurs against Jews.

      Amazing fixation he has at slander, lies and hatred

  27. .

    There was a question above about the SOTU address.

    I probably won't watch it, not because the focus won't be interesting but because all Obama will be doing is providing a broad outline of his proposals. I will be more interested in the details that get rolled out over the next couple weeks.

    I give Obama credit for the focus he is bringing to the plight of the middle class. Not sure how far any of his proposals will get but at least he is bringing a major problem to the fore.

    I heard some suggestions about what will be proposed and at least one of the proposals makes sense to me, getting rid of the 'Angel of Death' provisions that allow the wealthy through trust arrangements to to pass on accumulated capital gains to heirs without paying taxes on those gains.


    1. Did you not read "O"rdure, just yesterday, Legionnaire Q?

      As long as those gains, or losses, are not realized, there are no gains, or losses.
      So there is nothing to pay accumulated capital gains taxes upon.

      Those 'paper profits' are just imaginary, that is what they are teaching at the Madoff School of Business, in Tel Aviv.

    2. Once again Jack distorts and lies.

      it's amazing how on every thread, day after day, Jack/Rat is incapable of speaking truth.

      Just out and out lies.

      Not to mention his Jew hatred.

      In a sick way he damages the credibility of the blog, over and over again....

  28. http://time.com/3674900/paris-mayor-fox-news/

    Paris Mayor Plans to Sue Fox News Over Inaccurate Reports

    The network retracted and apologized for inaccurate reports on "no-go zones" for non-Muslims

    Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo said in an interview Tuesday that she plans to sue the American network Fox News after it broadcast inaccurate reports on Muslim “no-go zones” in the French capital, in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attacks.

    Her comments, which aired on CNN, come in the wake of multiple Fox News reports that describe areas of Paris as off-limits to non-Muslims and governed by Sharia law, reports that were untrue and which the network later apologized for.

    “When we’re insulted, and when we’ve had an image, then I think we’ll have to sue, I think we’ll have to go to court, in order to have these words removed,” Hidalgo told Amanpour in an interview. “The image of Paris has been prejudiced, and the honor of Paris has been prejudiced.”

    1. Fox News Retracts European "No-Go Zone" Labels
      RTT News

      A number of European cities are enraged with Fox News for spreading the notion that there are "no-go zones" for non-Muslims.

    2. Bobby Jindal bought into the FOX News agitprop, and made a fool of himself in London.

      Not that it really matters, unless you happen to be a FAUX News fan.

    3. .

      Bad on FOX...well...at least, in today's PC world.

      Bad on the Mayor of Paris. If she follows through on a lawsuit, she will look pretty silly.


    4. Mitt Romney, Bobby Jindal: what is it with Republican politicians, and London?

      Will one ever get out of town before succumbing to the irresistible urge to model lampshades?

    5. .

      Republican politicians?

      Hmmmm. Top this.

      John Kerry, a day late...

      and a dollar short.


  29. A politician never loses votes by "standing up for the homies."

  30. (Reuters) - Lithuania is publishing a manual to advise its citizens on how to survive a war on its soil as concerns grow that Russia's intervention in Ukraine heralds increased assertiveness in its tiny Baltic neighbours.

    "Keep a sound mind, don't panic and don't lose clear thinking," the manual explains. "Gunshots just outside your window are not the end of the world."

    The manual, which the Defence Ministry will send to libraries next week and also distribute at army events, says Lithuanians should resist foreign occupation with demonstrations and strikes, "or at least doing your job worse than usual".

    1. .


      You have to laugh to keep from crying.


  31. "Because of the long and varied history of the Jews," says the 2001 edition of World Book Encyclopedia, "it is difficult to define a Jew. There is no such thing as a Jewish race. Jewish identity is a mixture of religious, historical, and ethnic factors."
    Thus, those who might have truly claimed to be of the genealogy of Abraham and of true Semitic origin became extinct as a discernible race, being replaced by the white Khazars of the Transcaucasus, none of whose ancestors, as Benjamin Freedman phrases it, have ever placed a foot in the land of Palestine. This causes a serious problem with modern Christianity's infatuation with the Jews and their "return to their Homeland," begging the question:
    How can one return to a place where they have never been?


    1. Ashkenaz (alt. spelling: Ashchenaz) is mentioned in but one scripture other than 1 Chronicles 6:1, which is only another reference to the genealogy as descending from Japheth.

      In the book of Jeremiah the prophet, God announces that Israel is to call upon other nations as allies in bringing His judgments against Babylon.
      Among those allies, who are not part of Israel or Judah, and therefore could not be numbered as Jews, is Ashchenaz. (See Jer. 51:27)

    2. UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, published a series of booklets entitled, The Race Question in Modern Science, in which oneof the authors, Harry Shapiro, states:

      The wide range of variation between Jewish populations in their physical characteristics and the diversity of the gene frequencies of their blood groups render any unified racial classification for them a contradiction in terms. For although modern racial theory admits some degree of polymorphism or variation within a racial group, it does not permit distinctly different groups, measured by its own criteria of race, to be identified as one. To do so would make the biological purposes of racial classification futile and the whole procedure arbitrary and meaningless. ...despite the evidence efforts continue to be made to somehow segregate the Jews as a distinct racial entity.

      Thus, attempting to claim the existence of a "race" of Jews has been proven to be an anthropological impossibility. Though their God consistently warned them against intermingling themselves amongst non-Jewish races, their miscegenistic tendencies are well documented, and has resulted in their complete erasure as a distinct, genetic peoples.

    3. Mr. Freedman, as mentioned, was an Ashkenazic Jew. In his disgust with what he witnessed his brethren doing he has used rather forcible language outlining their actions and origins.

      Concerning them he unequivocally states:

      There wasn't one of them who had an ancestor who ever put a toe in the Holy Land. Not only in Old Testament history, but back to the beginning of time. Not one of them! And yet they come to the Christians and ask us to support their armed insurrections in Palestine by saying, "You want to help repatriate God's Chosen People to their Promised Land, their ancestral home, don't you? It's your Christian duty. We gave you one of our boys as your Lord and Savior. You now go to church on Sunday, and you kneel and you worship a Jew, and we're Jews." But they are pagan Khazars who were converted just the same as the Irish were converted.
      It is as ridiculous to call them "people of the Holy Land," as it would be to call the 54 million Chinese Moslems "Arabs."

    4. More nonsense from the blogs coward.

  32. Turkey’s prime minister, a NATO ally, is shipping arms to al-Qaeda and ISIS via Syria-bound trucks operated by the country’s intelligence agency, according to Turkish military officials.

    Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu banned media from reporting on three of the trucks searched by the military’s Gendarmerie General Command, which discovered 45 to 55 missiles or rockets, 30 to 40 crates of ammunition, including mortar rounds, and Douchka anti-aircraft ammunition.

    “The trucks were carrying weapons and supplies to the al-Qaeda terror organization,” a report by the Gendarmerie General Command stated.

    Davutoglu also removed public prosecutor Aziz Takei from office for ordering the search.

    Additionally, the 13 soldiers involved in the search have been charged with espionage and are facing 20-year prison terms.

    “Though the scandal is tearing the country apart, the government opted for its favorite tactic of covering it up,” Turkish journalist Fehim Taştekin reported. “A court in Adana banned written, visual and Internet media outlets from any reporting and commenting on the stopping of the trucks and the search.”

    “All online content about the incident has been deleted.”

    Except for one video, which is available here.

  33. What Lithuania needs is Quart as Minister of Defense and an unending supply of lithium.

    1. And Vodka.

      Lithium, Vodka, and Quart as Minister of Defense.

  34. I have never in my life come upon anyone as cathected to 'the Jewish question' as our lamentable rat's ass.

    What pray tell is a 'Lutheran'?

    Hegel was a 'Lutheran'. NIetzsche's old man was a 'Lutheran'. I was raised a 'Lutheran'. Was Martin Luther a 'Lutheran'?

    If I went to the trouble I could name 100 'Lutherans' whose views and ancestry are so varied as to make your head spin.

    My outlook is that one should ask the possible culprit "Are you a 'Lutheran'?" and wait for an answer.

    I've often wondered whether perhaps Quart and Rufus with their love of liquor might be, or at least make, with a little effort, passable Lutherans.

    Martin did say grapes are not just for the eating.

    Then turn back to thinking about the coming Super Bowl.

    1. I also deeply appreciate WiO's excellent advice to our rat's ass in rat's struggles to define and identify a Jew........rat, .invade Israel, and see who shoots you.

      There your answer will surely be found.

  35. Video: 112 unfulfilled promises from Obama’s last five State of the Union addresses

    posted at 5:21 pm on January 20, 2015 by Noah Rothman

    Share on Facebook 135


    Since the weekend, the White House has been proudly signaling that President Barack Obama will propose a series of new tax hikes targeting the wealthy in tonight’s State of the Union address. As The Washington Examiner’s Jason Russell observed, the president is nothing if not consistent. He has backed tax hikes in every State of the Union address he has delivered since 2009.

    But while some of the president’s proposed tax increases passed with the help of compliant Democrats in control of one or both chambers of Congress over the course of his presidency, any new taxes that Obama proposes tonight have next to no chance of becoming law. But for Obama, the limited viability of his State of the Union proposals is no obstacle to putting them forward. Over the last six years, the president has made an absurd number of wild projections and fanciful promises.

    The folks over at Grabien produced this montage of Obama’s promises in State of the Union addresses and found no fewer than 112 unfulfilled guarantees.....

    Video of 112 bullshit guarantees by our bullshit President....


  36. I'm still waiting for O'bozo to "get to the bottom of"' the Benghazi business.

    He promised he would.

  37. He did, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, he fired David Howell Petraeus as a result.

    1. If he had gotten to the bottom of it, Criminal, he would have had to fire himself.

  38. "O"rdure's rants are getting shorter, he is doing the Cliffs Notes versions himself.

    1. Jack I write to the audience, YOU.

      You need simplistic, short answers as you are a retarded fucktard,

    2. But, "O"rdure, I do not read your crap, so you are wasting your time.
      Three lines, max, one or two at the beginning, then the last one.

      Everything else you write, not worth the effort it takes to do more than ignore

    3. When you lead with something I wrote, it is ignored completely, I already have read what I wrote.

    4. If you actually read what you wrote, why then do you not take it down immediately, as it is so obviously gibberish ?


    5. Why in the world would you and he continue to respond to gibberish, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson?

      Your responses, in and of themselves, demonstrate that you are lying.

  39. Whether or not you read my writing, is unimportant, you are merely a foil in the story.

    I write for real readers, not for the contributors, guess that is what makes the difference.
    Your off-site site has had less than a thousand views, mine over 315,000.

    Even desert rat had over 17,000 views at his site, and nothing to see when folks got there.

    1. So, "O"rdure, take notes and try to learn to converse.
      It will assist you in your life, surely.

  40. As Yemen’s Government Falls, So May a U.S. Strategy for Fighting Terror

    Mark Thompson @MarkThompson_DC
    12:36 PM ET


    Shiite Houthi fighter outside Yemen's presidential palace Tuesday.GAMAL NOMAN / AFP / Getty Images
    Rebels launch coup against vital U.S. ally


  41. With age and experience comes Wisdom -

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg Appears to Fall Asleep During State of Union.............Drudge

    g'nite and Cheers !

  42. We need to turn a page towards the future !

    We need to turn away from the failed policies of the past !

    We need to get the hell out of town and head to Boise, Idaho !

    (the real State of the Union Speech in word and deed)

    ((by the way, we won the WOT))

  43. >>>When the Muslim population remains at or under 2%, their presence tends to fly low under the radar. In the 2% – 5% range, Muslims begin to seek converts, targeting those they see as disaffected, such as criminals. When the population reaches 5% they exert influence disproportionate to their numbers, becoming more aggressive and pushing for Sharia law. When the population hits the 10% mark Muslims become increasingly lawless and violent. Once the population reaches 20%, there is an increase in rioting, murder, jihad militias, and destruction of non-Muslim places of worship. At 40%, there are “widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare.” Once beyond 50%, infidels and apostates are persecuted, genocide occurs, and Sharia law is implemented. After 80%, intimidation is a daily part of life along with violent jihad and some state-run genocide as the nation purges all infidels. Once the nation has rid itself of all non-Muslims, the presumption is that ‘Dar-es-Salaam’ has been attained – the Islamic House of Peace.<<<

    January 21, 2015

    The Muslim population of America is expanding at warp speed

    By Carol Brown

    Even when Muslims are a minority population they can and do transform whole cultures and societies. And not for the better.

    Why? Because their holy book is a totalitarian ideology founded on submission and world domination. And toward that end, Islam is on the march. Meanwhile, the West remains mired in cowardice and complicity. Nowhere can this be seen more clearly than in Europe, which is on the fast track to join the Caliphate.

    Not to be outdone by Europe’s madness, the United States is traveling down the same bloody path, importing large numbers of Muslims from Islamic countries thanks to the Islamophile sitting in the Oval Office and a nation full of dhimmis.............



    1. ... importing large numbers of Muslims ...
      Let's quantify that.
      How many, from which countries?

      What is considered a "large number"?

    2. Islam in the United States is the third-largest faith in America, after Christianity and Judaism, representing 0.6% of the population.

      .6%, that is less than 1.0%, just 60% of ONE percent.

      Be afraid, Robert Draft Dodger" Peterson, be very afraid.

      There never was a 'War on Terror', there was a "War for Profit", that is all there was.
      Check the equity values of Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics for the verification of that.

    3. Do you know what 'warp speed' means, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson?

    4. Take your bullshit concerns up with Carol Brown, rat Criminal Stalker.

      I just posted the article.

      Now fuck off.

  44. Politico

    GOP talks immigration reform in Spanish, but not English
    Politico -

    The Spanish-language version of the rebuttal, delivered by Florida Rep. Carlos Curbelo, said Republicans wanted to work with Obama to fix the immigration system.

  45. Jack HawkinsTue Jan 20, 11:48:00 PM EST
    Whether or not you read my writing, is unimportant, you are merely a foil in the story.

    I write for real readers, not for the contributors, guess that is what makes the difference.
    Your off-site site has had less than a thousand views, mine over 315,000.

    Even desert rat had over 17,000 views at his site, and nothing to see when folks got there.

    What program did you use to boost your fake views?

    1. Being high viewed on blogspot is like being rich in the game of Monopoly.

  46. Ruth Bader Ginsburg sleeps for us all -


    Wonderful pic of the Supreme Court Justice offering an appropriate response to the bullshit State of the Union Address.

    1. Obama proposes law that already exists.........Drudge

    2. Oops....

      January 21, 2015
      Obama Proposes Law that Already Exists
      By Jonathan Moseley

      President Barack Obama shamed Congress in his State of the Union address on Tuesday night to pass legislation that already exists. Apparently not briefed by his Secretary of Labor and Attorney General, Obama announced:

      “That's why this Congress still needs to pass a law that makes sure a woman is paid the same as a man for doing the same work. Really. It's 2015. It's time.”

      But it was June 10, 1963, when Congress passed “The Equal Pay Act of 1963,” which can be found at 29 U.S.C. § 206(d). It says:...............

      Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2015/01/obama_proposes_law_that_already_exists.html#ixzz3PT02POlX
      Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

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