Thursday, January 29, 2015

God makes them do it

Israelis torturing non-Jewish children. 2014 Australian documentary film. 


  1. Deuce wrote:

    "There is no one else capable of cleaning up our shit."

    Given the failures that you have noted what suggests that the US is capable if cleaning up the shit it has left behind?

    I would suggest the past failures, especially given the espoused 'good intentions' expressed at each juncture, recommend going forward in a different manner. What is that definition of insanity we see so often cited on blogs? Why does it not apply to this issue?

    1. That is the idea. I was addressing the immorality and reckless irresponsibility of what the US government did to Iraq, Libya and Syria, and the concept that ISIS is now their problem. There is something almost sociopathic about a part of a society that is so detached from what it does, juxtaposed against what it espouses and thinks it does.

    2. Deuce ☂Thu Jan 29, 07:06:00 AM EST
      Of course I stand by it. We destroyed Iraq and the flawed but effective government that kept it together. We did it to Libya. We are missionaries and purveyors of misery and destruction. There is no one else capable of cleaning up our shit. I am disgusted at the pleas for “wounded warriors” when in reality they are broken, brain injured, pathetic ruined human beings who foolishly were seduced into service by the fools and criminals who deceive and rule us.

      There should be wailing ballads and pathetic images showing the deaths and disfigurements of the poor ruined lives destroyed by our irresponsible and unaccountable war machine.

  2. Jobless Claims - 265,000

    Lowest since April, 2000

  3. I'm having a hard time conflating Bush's invasion of Iraq, and Obama's killing of the ISIS psychopaths.

    1. .

      I agree.

      The two pictures Deuce put up of Bush and Obama in Saudi Arabia brought the message home. The vast scale of the destruction under Bush would be hard to match. In that sense, Obama is 'better' on a quantitative basis. On a qualitative basis, not so much. Dead is still dead.

      My objections to Obama have been mostly centered on the economy and constitutional rights. On foreign policy, he is certainly not as bad as Bush. I guess you could call him Bush-lite.


    2. Bush's invasion led to God only knows how many civilian casualties (numbers have been suggested in the hundreds of thousands.)

      Again, I'm just having a hard time finding much "equivalence."

      Obama's bombing of the headcutters has seemingly led to very few, if any.

    3. hmm, how did I do that? :)

      Oh well, you get the drift.

    4. Ah but if it weren't for O'bozo we wouldn't have an ISIS to deal with in the first place.........but have said that before, I think.

      You folks always seem to forget............

    5. .

      Again, I'm just having a hard time finding much "equivalence."

      It depends on what metric you are using. If you are talking quantity, the numbers, there is no way Obama could match the damage wrought by Bush. If you are talking 'qualitative' in terms of attitudes towards civilian casualties, there is not much difference. Concerns about civilian deaths are secondary at best.

      As to comparing the current fighting in Iraq to Bush's invasion, perhaps, you've chosen the wrong comparison.

      Instead of comparing Iraq II to Iraq III, you should be comparing Iraq II to Libya and Iraq III to Afghanistan.

      As I acknowledged above, there is no way Obama could match the carnage brought about by Bush in Iraq II. On the other hand, anyone who thinks that the US 'surgical' bombing hasn't result in collateral damage to civilians should read up on the studies run on the civilian deaths in Libya as a result of the NATO air campaign. The US military was still denying the civilian deaths in Libya four months after the wars end, right up to the point that the UN report and the NYT story came out and they were forced to admit it.

      Dead is dead even if there are fewer of them.

    6. It depends on what metric you are using. If you are talking quantity, the numbers, there is no way Obama could match the damage wrought by Bush.

      Obama has allowed Assad of Syria, with Iran's help to slaughter 300,000 and make refugees of 11 million…

      Not bad...

  4. 700 "children" a year, out of a population of 2.5 million have been arrested.

    Of that number?

    The claims of abuse keep shrinking to include: being arrested at night, being threatened, being locked up with chains.

    These "children" are as YOUNG as twelve.

    Mostly arrested for throwing stones.

    Or in America, attempted murder.

    What is a child?

    Is a child a 6 foot tall 15 year old smashing the windshields out of passing cars?

    Do police in all nations put on restraints to violent minors?

    After all, 6 foot 3 inch tall MIKE BROWN was a "child" barely 17 years old.

    Trayvon Martin?

    A child.

    Nice piece of propaganda there deuce.

    If you are SO CONCERNED with the welfare of arab kids (fuck the Israeli kids that are subjected to having stones thrown at them) why not expose the thousands of arab kids actually raped, tortured and abused in both Gaza, West Bank and Syria?

    Not one thread about the HUNDREDS of palestinian kids shot and killed by Hamas after digging tunnels.

    Not one thread about Hamas, by use of gun, forcing kids to be human shields.

    Not one thread about Assad's actual dismemberment of kids….

    Yep you're becoming a one trick pony.

    My bad, you are a one trick pony.

    1. Now in a perfect world? When a group of 12-20 "children" start assaulting cars, containing men, women and children are attacked by stone throwing mobs?

      The occupants of the cars should run over the mob, or shoot into the mob trying to kill as many as possible.

      Now that would be fine.

    2. Here comes the Judge!

      ICC backers defy Israeli call to cut funding to war crimes court

      THE HAGUE (Reuters) - Many leading backers of the International Criminal Court will ignore Israel's call for them to cut funding in response to an inquiry into possible war crimes in the Palestinian territories, officials told Reuters.

      The continued support from countries which provide more than a third of the court's cash, including Germany, Britain and France, averts the risk of paralysis at the world's first permanent war crimes tribunal.

    3. Good reply, WiO.

      Another bash Israel day around here.

    4. Let’s face it, neither of you has any moral indignation about anything Israel does. You invade another’s country with some stupid ass claim that G-d gave it to you six thousand years ago is about as legitimate as saying you are entitled to go to Disneyland free because you got it straight from Mickey Mouse.

      The video does not lie. There is nothing exclusive about Israel where I pick on them because they are Jews, no more than my criticisms about US government policies because they are Americans. Case in point the previous post.

    5. What "country" did the Jews invade?

      The Moslems believe that their "god" gave them the land too, got a problem with that?

      The video is bullshit.

      If a group of "kids" from the black areas of Philadelphia started to stone cars on the major expressway running thru downtown phil a, what do you think the Phila cops would do?

      BTW, why do parents of "children" encourage their kids to throw rocks at passing cars?

    6. If a couple of dozen "youths" were stoning cars, setting up burning tires to stop the cars and then enmass defending on the cars to stone to death the folks inside the cars?

      One standard for Israel. no standards for anyone else.

    7. Deuce ☂Thu Jan 29, 11:39:00 AM EST
      Let’s face it, neither of you has any moral indignation about anything Israel does.

      Why should I? You have enough for thousands.

  5. "O"rdure complains about the content of the Elephant Bar, but never provides the content he requests.

    He is a No Trick turd.

    1. "O"rdure could write those posts, put them on either of his blog sites and then provide us the link ...
      But he does not do that.

      He is a No Trick turd.

    2. The greatest recurring complaint that our little "O"rdure has, is not what is published at the Elephant Bar ...

      Oh, no!

      He complains about what is not here.
      While not providing it.

    3. Interesting response. Cannot talk issues?

      Slur the poster…


    4. Once again "O"rdure fails to present the content he wishes us to see.


  6. Arithmetic Is Very Simple, But It's Still True

    Thursday, 29 January 2015 05:54

    Steven Rattner doesn't like people focusing on stimulus as a path to help Europe grow because it is "simplistic." Instead he wants Europe to focus on reducing business regulation, protections for workers, and taxes for the wealthy.

    Interestingly, he presents zero evidence that these changes will boost the continent's growth, in contrast to the now vast amount of evidence (e.g. here, here, and here) that stimulus will increase growth. On their face, many assertions seem outright wrong. For example, according to the OECD's assessment, employment protection for workers in Germany are the second strongest in Europe, yet it has an unemployment rate of 5.1 percent. This suggests that labor market protections are not the biggest problem stunting growth.

    Rattner also warns about Europe and even Germany losing "competitiveness." It is not clear what meaning he assigns to that word, but Germany has a trade surplus of more than 6.0 percent of GDP, in contrast to a deficit of 2.4 percent of GDP in the United States.

    In some cases, his complaints not only lack evidence, but they defy logic. It is not efficient to . . . . . . .

    Arithmetik is simple

  7. Oh o, this is bad -

    Islamic Cleric Issues Fatwa Against Female Selfies.............Drudge

    Got a selfie from my Niece just the other day.......

    Thankfully she doesn't give a fuck about fatwas, and she might say it exactly that way too, as she sometimes surprises and shocks with a good four letter one :)

    1. She continues to go to these demos in Dresden.

      I continue to advise her to stay in her tiny apartment and write letters to her uncle.

      She continues to disregard uncle's advice.

    2. You should follow her lead, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson. and not give a fuck about fatwas.

      You tell us that it is bad, but then tell us 'it don't mean nothin' to the women you know.
      So why is it bad, if it has no effect ... just ranting of some cleric you do not even bother to identify.

    3. One of the dumber statements you have made lately.

      As anyone with a brain can easily see.

  8. .

    How about this one

    Calling the loveable Disney rodent “one of Satan’s soldiers,” Sheikh Muhammad Munajid said household mice and their animated counterparts must be rubbed out, the U.K.’s Daily Telegraph reported Monday.

    "Mickey Mouse has become an awesome character, even though according to Islamic law, Mickey Mouse should be killed in all cases."

    Munajid, a former diplomat at the Saudi embassy in Washington D.C., made the remarks on Arab television network al-Majd TV after he was asked to give Islam’s teaching on mice.

    And Mickey wasn’t alone. Munajid also mentioned Jerry from “Tom and Jerry” fame is on his list of “impure” cartoon mice.

    Any nutjob in Islam can issue a fatwa.


    1. .

      And speaking of nutjobs, who was this guy who asked the Sheikh "to give Islam’s teaching on mice."


    2. Which is why ratass - O - rooter secretly wishes to be an Islamic Cleric.

      O man would he then be able to get back at the women !

  9. American Thinker Blog

    Obama's election minions descend on Israel January 29, 2015 Petulant child Barack Obama doesn’t take perceived insults well. More

    Israeli watchdog slams U.S. taxpayer-funded organization intervening against Netanyahu in election January 29, 2015 “Netanyahu spat in our face. There will be a price.” More

    Where is the outrage against this most crass and bullying interference in another country's electoral processes?


    1. .

      I'm outraged. Complete distortion to the point of lying by the American Thinker. Anyone who would believe this bunk has to be a low information voter, an illiterate hick, or an English Lit major.

      Obama's election minions descend on Israel January 29, 2015 Petulant child Barack Obama doesn’t take perceived insults well. More

      Israeli watchdog slams U.S. taxpayer-funded organization intervening against Netanyahu in election January 29, 2015 “Netanyahu spat in our face. There will be a price.” More

      By presenting irrelevancies and anonymous quotes, it gives the impression that Obama is somehow involved in the activities of One Voice. Pure bull, as was noted here the other day.


    2. Obama is involved in funding and supporting efforts to get the current leader of Israel out of office..

      Let's just be honest.

      aint the 1st time, nor will it be the last that Obama does things that are distasteful.

    3. .

      News to me. What exactly has he done and with whom?


  10. QuirkThu Jan 29, 11:20:00 AM EST


    And speaking of nutjobs, who was this guy who asked the Sheikh "to give Islam’s teaching on mice."

    Was it mice.......or rats?

    d. rat has been trying for a long time now to run away from his true name........bury his past identity in the desert.....

    1. What name is that, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson?

    2. That "Draft Dodger" moniker a much more accurate a description of you, than boobie, don't you agree?

  11. Good news here on this front -

    January 29, 2015
    Updated: January 29, 2015 02:43 IST
    The new entente with the U.S.

    India-United States
    international relations
    The Obama visit is so overwhelming a development that it has hardly evoked dissent. Not since India signed the peace and friendship treaty with the Soviet Union has New Delhi aligned itself so closely with a great power. Anti-Americanism, once the conventional wisdom of the Indian elite, seems almost antediluvian today

    Robert Blackwill, former Ambassador of the United States and Harvard academic, used to often recount at his dinner roundtables in New Delhi’s Roosevelt House an intriguing story about how he was persuaded to take up the job. In 2001, President George W. Bush called him to his ranch in Texas and said: “Bob, imagine: India, a billion people, a democracy, 150 million Muslims and no Al Qaeda. Wow!” More than a decade after President Bush’s first exclamation, India-U.S. relations have truly reached their ‘wow’ moment.

    President Barack Obama’s visit is so obvious a watershed in India’s foreign policy, and so overwhelming a development, that voices of dissent are mute or feeble. Not since India signed the treaty of peace, friendship and cooperation with the Soviet Union in 1971 has New Delhi aligned itself so closely with a great power. More important, outside the Left, both within India and in the U.S. the consensus across the mainstream of political opinion favours stronger relations between the two countries. Anti-Americanism, once the conventional wisdom of the Indian elite, seems almost antediluvian today.............

  12. WASHINGTON — The Obama administration, after days of mounting tension, signaled on Wednesday how angry it is with Israel that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accepted Republican leaders’ invitation to address Congress on Iran without consulting the White House.

    The outrage the episode has incited within President Obama’s inner circle became clear in unusually sharp criticism by a senior administration official who said that the Israeli ambassador, Ron Dermer, who helped orchestrate the invitation, had repeatedly placed Mr. Netanyahu’s political fortunes above the relationship between Israel and the United States.

    The official who made the comments to The New York Times would not be named, and the White House declined to comment. The remarks were the latest fallout after Mr. Dermer, without the White House’s knowledge, worked with House Speaker John A. Boehner to arrange the speech, which is scheduled for March.

    The remarks are likely to escalate a feud between the White House, Republicans on Capitol Hill and Mr. Netanyahu over the invitation, which has led to a new low in American-Israeli relations and threatened to mar the long tradition of bipartisan support for Israel in Congress.

    Such officially authorized criticisms of diplomats from major allies are unusual.

    In a telephone interview late Wednesday, Mr. Dermer said, “I have no regrets whatsoever that I have acted in a way to advance my country’s interests.” He said he never meant to slight the White House by keeping the confidence of the House speaker, who had suggested the invitation. He said he left it to Mr. Boehner to notify Mr. Obama’s team.

    1. Interesting, Obama and company are MAD at bibi for ACCEPTING the Speaker's invitation.

  13. Anything Netanyahu wants to do to further damage the perverse sycophancy of the Israeli-US relationship is fine with me.

    1. Ah thank goodness the US/Israel relationship in spite of Obama's best efforts to the contrary, it keeps growing.

      Obama needs a distraction from Iran, ISIS, Yemen, Obamacare, American supplying Hezbollah with Tanks, denying Nigeria helios to fight Boko Haram, domestic spying, drones on the Whitehouse lawn, the new AG's radical agenda, the old AG's criminal behavior, Obama's executive orders…

      Yep this whole "Hate the Bibi" shit is just this weeks distraction

  14. That Republicans are leading the charge is better yet. With a little luck we will be rid of both.

  15. .

    More verbal gymnastics and hypocrisy at the top. The same administration that exchanged Bergdahl for five suspected terrorists is now lecturing Jordan for agreeing a prisoner exchange to free their captured pilot.


    1. Middle East
      Jordan demands proof captured pilot is alive as Islamic State deadline passes
      By Taylor Luck and William Booth January 29 at 12:10 PM

      AMMAN, Jordan — Jordan demanded proof Thursday from the Islamic State that a captured Jordanian pilot is still alive, as a deadline set by the militant group for the kingdom to release a convicted terrorist passed without word on the fate of both sides’ prisoners or any sign of an imminent exchange.

      “We want to see a proof of life, and then we can talk about an exchange,” Jordanian Information Minister Mohammad al-Momani told a news conference ahead of the deadline of sunset Thursday that was purportedly set by the militants. He reaffirmed that Jordan is willing to free Sajida al-Rishawi, 44, a would-be suicide bomber sentenced to death for her part in a string of 2005 hotel bombings in Amman, in exchange for the release of Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh, a 26-year-old Jordanian air force pilot who was captured by Islamic State fighters last month when his F-16 went down in Syria.

      “The ultimatum has passed,” Momani said later in an interview. “What we have said is that we demand a proof of life, and we have not received that, which increases the level of suspicion from our side. . . . We would like the proof of life; then we could go ahead with the exchange of Rishawi and the Jordanian pilot.”

      He said the government is monitoring social media and checking through its security channels for word from the Islamic State.

      But an audio recording that cited the Islamic State deadline gave no indication that the militants were willing to free Kaseasbeh. It spoke instead of an exchange of Rishawi for a Japanese journalist held by the Islamic State and warned that the pilot would be killed if a deadline for that swap was not met.

      The message was read in English by a man the Japanese government said was likely Kenji Goto Jogo, 47, a Japanese freelance journalist who was seized in Syria by the Islamic State in late October. According to the SITE Intelligence Group, the recording was distributed late Wednesday through Twitter accounts linked to the Islamic State.

      “I’m Kenji Goto Jogo. This is a voice message I’ve been told to send to you,” said the man in the recording. If Rishawi “is not ready for exchange for my life” at the Turkish border Thursday by sunset Mosul, Iraq, time (9:30 a.m. Eastern time), Kaseasbeh “will be killed immediately.”

      Jordan’s sensational offer to free Rishawi, an Iraqi whose suicide belt failed to explode, illustrates the tremendous pressure that Jordan’s King Abdullah II and his government have faced over the pilot’s capture in Syria last month.

      An exchange of prisoners would be a first for the Islamic State, which has beheaded a number of captives, including U.S. and other Western journalists and aid workers. Previously, the group had reportedly released European captives in exchange for ransom.

      The offer could undermine the U.S.-led coalition fighting the Islamic State by encouraging more hostage-taking. The Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, has seized large swaths of territory in Iraq and Syria.

      Momani, the Jordanian information minister, said earlier Wednesday that his government was ready to release Rishawi if the pilot was freed unharmed.

      Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser S. Judeh tweeted later: “We asked for evidence about the health and safety of our hero, but it did not come.”

      Judeh told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour that the negotiations were going on “perhaps through indirect channels.”............

      Booth reported from Jerusalem. William Branigin in Washington contributed to this report.

      William Booth is The Post’s Jerusalem bureau chief. He was previously bureau chief in Mexico, Los Angeles and Miami.

    2. quick, look over here, the Jews are annoying again…

      Bibi… SPIT.. What arrogance!!!!

    3. .

      True. He is quite a prick.


    4. Sorry Quirk, I disagree, he aint a "prick", he's fighting for the survival of his people and nation against a man, Obama, that is more interested in B-ball and Jay-z than actually being the leader of the free world.

      Now you may find him to be a "prick" as is your right, but to me? It's refreshing to a world leader with the balls to be honest about the threats facing BOTH the USA and Israel.

      Don't really care about your opinion of the man, it's the message he carries that is important.

    5. .

      Merely, replying to your post saying he was arrogant. That's true. As is the fact that he is a liar and is ungrateful.

      We have it in his own words.

      I would like to say that it is an entirely objective opinion, and it obviously is to a degree given the evidence we have in his own words, it also reflects my subjective opinion of the man.


    6. I would counter that all politicians lie.


      I would say all Elected Heads of State are ungrateful.

      So unless you are saying Bibi is different than any other?

      There is no there there…

    7. .

      Hey, son, follow the stream on this post. I started out with a post on Obama and Jordan. Bob followed with a post on Jordan and the hostage issue. You were the one that brought Bibi into the discussion. I merely gave my opinion of Bibi in response.

      So unless you are saying Bibi is different than any other?

      There is no there there…

      Pure nonsense. The fact that every other politician or leader in the world is a dick in no way changes the fact that Bibi is a dick. Where do you come up with logic?


  16. .

    The Senate Foreign Relations Committee met to talk about national security and US foreign policy. One of the witnesses before the committee was Henry Kissenger. This led to a demonstration by protesters who accused him of war crimes during the Vietnam War.
    John McCain, the chairman of the committee had this to say to the demonstrators:
    ”You're gonna have to shut up or I'm going to have you arrested.

    If we can't get the capitol hill police in here immediately. Get out of here you low life scum.


  17. .

    Obama's 2016 budget proposal to reverse sequestration cuts in discretionary and military spending.

    That didn't last long.


  18. Of course no one wants to talk about IRan's take over of yemen, lebanon or iraq…


    BIBI's a lout!!!!

    wiggle wiggle wiggle

    1. Jews torture innocent palestinian poem readers!!!!

    2. .

      Iran did not take over Yemen or Iraq. They provide support to the Shia minorities there. You might as well say that Saudi Arabia and Qatar have taken over Egypt or the US has taken over Yemen or Israel.


    3. May as well say that Saudi Arabia has taken over Israel.

      In broad daylight, a Saudi-Israeli alliance

      Saudi Israeli alliance forged in blood
      Understanding the Israeli-Egyptian-Saudi alliance

    4. by your logic?

      France is taken over by McDonalds

    5. By Jack's logic?

      Jack living in AZ has taken over mexico

    6. Many would argue that position, Ordure.

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  19. This just in, Israel has INVADED the country of Arafatland!

    It has jailed and tortured all the Palestinian Mimes because they will not talk…

    News at 7...

  20. It's interesting.

    Obama is more made at Bibi for accepting an invitation to make a speech, than Obama was made at anything of recent memory…

    Wow, Bibi must have some powerful Israeli/Jew words he is ring to use….


    Just KNOWING Obama is pissed and is showing it?

    Makes me smile.

  21. Deuce said~ You invade another’s country with some stupid ass claim that G-d gave it to you six thousand years ago...

    That really is the accusation of the world against the Israelite.
    As the world would stand as the Accuser when the angels of heaven descend to fight Satan/Accuser, and all of his demons.

    So the theater is set.
    Shall we delve further.
    Or just scoff....never looking at what just maybe Truth?

    1. I have to leave for work now.
      Will check back later tonight.

      Part I

      "Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him." Ezekiel 38:2


      "A THOUSAND YEARS before the establishment of the Modern State of Israel, there existed a Jewish kingdom in the eastern fringes of Europe, astride the Don and Volga rivers..." So begins a thesis by Jewish author Kevin Alan Brook. The kingdom of which he speaks appears at first consideration to be comprised of nearly as much disinformation, misinformation, "myth"information, and, curiously, NO-information as there is actual provable historical fact. Yet upon closer scrutiny this kingdom, known as Khazaria, or the Kingdom of the Khazars, is clearly revealed in a vast body of historical evidence, much of which has come to light only in the last three to five decades.

      This mysterious kingdom, which has sculpted our modern world to an astounding (and alarming) degree, once occupied an immense land area of over a million square miles extending from western Hungary/Austria eastward to the Aural Sea, north to the Upper Volga, and its southern region extending to the Caucasus Mountains between the Black and Caspian seas. It was at that time literally the largest country on earth. It has only been in the last several decades, however, that greater documented evidence from ancient manuscripts has come to light and revealed the astonishing historical truth of this ancient kingdom and its connection to the origins of modern-day Israel.

      Though little known to the West, and, for that matter, to even those currently occupying its ancestral land, the Khazar kingdom has been responsible for substantially shaping the history and political landscape of Europe and specifically Western Asia, but also to a remarkable degree the entirety of human events on this planet.

      Arthur Koestler, author of The Thirteenth Tribe, easily the most expansive single work on the subject, states,"The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated."


      Of the ferocity and warlike tendencies of the Khazars there is little doubt and much historical evidence, all of it pointing to a race of people so violent in their dealings with their fellow men that they were feared and abhorred above all peoples in that region of the world.

      The Arab chronicler Ibn-Said al-Maghribi writes, "they are to the north of the inhabited earth towards the 7th clime, having over their heads the constellation of the Plough. Their land is cold and wet. Accordingly their complexions are white, their eyes blue, their hair flowing and predominantly reddish, their bodies large and their natures cold. Their general aspect is wild."

      The ninth-century monk Druthmar of Aquitaine, in his commentary on Matthew 24:14 in Expositio in Matthaeum Evangelistam, stated that the Gazari, or Khazars, dwelt "in the lands of Gog and Magog."

      Legends and stories abound, some of which are true according to the above quoted Aquitaine monk, that center around Alexander the Great and his attempt to enclose the Khazars and quarantine them, due to their violent and barbaric nature, from the rest of the civilized world. This endeavor apparently failed, Druthmar claimed, and they escaped. Some legends even claim they were cannibals.

      After the kingdom's conversion to Judaism, the term "Red Jews" came into usage out of the superstition of medieval Germans, who equated their red hair and beards and their violent nature with deceit and dishonesty. It is also well documented that they heavily taxed those passing through their lands, for none dared refuse them.

      According to Benjamin H. Freedman, himself a Jew and an apparent long-time associate and confidant of presidents and statesmen, in an address presented in 1961 at the Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C., the Khazars were so belligerent and hostile that they were eventually run out of Asia and scattered amongst the nations of Eastern Europe. Heinrich von Neustadt, around 1300, wrote of them as the "terrifying people of Gog and Magog."
      Read more:

    4. Sorry Rat, The Jews of Israel are Jews, they were good enough Jews for your grandfather to murder with a pitch fork and an ax they are good enough for the world to hate them as jews…

      If you don't like it?

      Who cares?

      Go fuck yourself.

    5. Rat continues to be your focus, silly billyThu Jan 29, 03:46:00 PM EST

      Dougman came with a New Testament question and received the answer provided by history.

      The conclusions he comes to, if he chooses to read the well reasoned and footnoted paper, well, those are his own.

    6. No my focus?

      Putting up the threat of sanctions against Iran get an agreement to PREVENT a WAR.

      Your focus?

      Playing with yourselves. (and yes that was not a typo)

    7. .

      Dougman came with a New Testament question and received the answer provided by history.

      Sorry, rat, I'm missing it. How did your answer from that conspiracy theory website answer Dougman's question?


    8. “Who are ‘Gog and Magog,’ that surround and threaten the ‘saints,’ as mentioned in Revelation 20:7-8?

      “And when the thousand years are finished, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and shall come forth to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to the war: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up over the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and
      the beloved city: and fire came down out of heaven, and devoured them” (Revelation 20:7-9 — ASV).

      Who are ‘Gog and Magog’?

    9. Another fascinating element that inspires wonderment is the remarkable manner in which Biblical prophecy has been so accurately fulfilled -- AND -- how thoroughly modern Christianity has missed that fulfillment. At the outset it seems strange that these Biblical "scholars" have mislaid the lessons of history: primarily, that prophecies have never been interpreted in advance of their fulfillment, except by the prophets who gave them, as to what they would look like. Yet they continue to try, and the result is entertaining at best, and tragic at least, for they are left to follow interpretations of their own devising -- sparks of their own kindling. They have been so hypnotized and "drugged" by the idea of supporting and funding the marvelous "return of the Jews to their homeland" that they are as lemmings being willingly herded into the sea.

      Yes, Gog and Magog have invaded the entire world, and what is even more astonishing is that it was done with not only the blessing of professed Christianity, but with their financial support and liturgical encouragement. They have truly dug their own ecclesiastical graves.

      "Behold, it is come, and it is done, saith the Lord God;
      this is the day whereof I have spoken." Ezekiel 39:8

    10. .

      Lord, son, you never cease to amaze.


  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. An Israeli watchdog organization, NGO Monitor, which seeks to track foreign funding of radical non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating in Israel with a Leftist agenda, has taken aim at the U.S. State Department. They are charging the state department with funding a campaign with the purpose of defeating current Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in the upcoming March elections.

    An American-based organization called OneVoice International, which claims to be an “international grassroots movement that amplifies the voice of mainstream Israelis and Palestinians,” has received two grants from the State Department over the last year. The group is cooperating with Israeli Leftist organization V15 in its anti-Netanyahu campaign.

    The Washington Free Beacon broke the story in the U.S. after the newspaper Haaretz first reported it Monday in Israel. OneVoice International Grants Officer Christina Taler told the Free Beacon: “No government funding has gone towards any of the activities we’re doing right now whatever.” But she also admitted that the State Department grants had been used to “build public relations support for the negotiations” which Secretary of State John Kerry initiated last spring.

    Taler says that the cooperation will be limited to voter registration and get-out-the-vote efforts, but will not otherwise be overtly political:

    We’ve formed a partnership with [V15] but it’s important to know we’re absolutely nonpartisan. Our biggest emphasis and focus right now is just getting people out to vote.

    OneVoice International claims to represent “moderate” Israeli and Palestinian points of view, but one of its efforts last August reveals how “moderate” some of these moderates are. They sponsored an “Abbas not Hamas” campaign. This is oblivious to the fact that official Arabic-language media controlled by Abbas’ routinely praise attacks on Israelis and urge acts of violent protest and terror. Abbas’ son Yasser Mahmoud Abbas is on the OneVoice International advisory board. So much for the group’s moderation or objectivity: OneVoice International is a shill for Abbas.

    OneVoice International has hired the consulting firm 270 Strategies headed by Jeremy Bird — field director of President Obama’s 2012 presidential campaign — to “inform us better as a grassroots-organizing model,” says Taler. However, Haaretz reports that Bird will be involved directly with V15’s campaign, working out of an office in Tel Aviv.

    It was Bird who suggested last week that Speaker of the House John Boehner’s invitation to Prime Minister Netanyahu to speak before a joint session of Congress was related to Jewish Republican donors:

    What do you think Adelson promised GOP in exchange for this insane BiBi House visit? Blatant attempt to bolster PM before elections.

    Professor Gerald Steinberg, head of NGO Monitor, noted in a statement that this is not the first time that U.S. taxpayer funds have been used for political purposes in Israel. In 2012, USAID donated millions of dollars to Israeli NGOs under the so-called “Peace and Reconciliation Program”, which included support for the “Geneva Initiative”. This was a draft “final status” agreement first released in 2003 by Israeli Leftists and Palestinians calling for Israel’s complete withdrawal to what late Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban called “Auschwitz borders” — the pre-Six-Day-War boundaries which had necessitated Israel’s pre-emptive strike in the face of constant threats and military provocations by Egypt, Syria, and Jordan in the first place. The Initiative also called for the redivision of Jerusalem under UN supervision and the payment of massive compensation to Arab refugees and their descendants, with the alleged refugees the option to resettle in Israel if they wish.

    Steinberg’s group discovered the inappropriate U.S. finding at the time and publicized it, after which it was discontinued. It would appear that they’ve uncovered yet another such can of worms.

    1. .

      Gee, an attack on a 'radical non-governmental organization (NGO) operating in Israel with a Leftist agenda' by a radical non-governmental organizations (NGO) operating in Israel with a Right Wing agenda. What's next?


    2. maybe you should not judge the messenger but rather the facts?

    3. .

      We've talked about the 'facts' for the last few days.


    4. .

      I do agree that it is disgusting that the State Department has provided grants to One Voice International (though I have been unable to see how much money we are talking about and no one seems to be talking). We have USAID, a government agency that was set up to provide grants and aid (and by the way an even more corrupt and political organization); why the State Department has to be involved I haven't a clue.

      That being said, the rest of NGO Monitor's story is bull.


  24. Iran is encouraging its terror allies to pursue the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s children by publishing personal information about them, including photographs of the kids lined up in crosshairs, and declaring, “We must await the hunt of Hezbollah.”
    The publication of the personal information and biographies of Netanyahu’s children follows an Israeli airstrike last week that killed several key Hezbollah leaders and an Iranian commander affiliated with the country’s hardline Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).
    - See more at:

  25. God makes them do it
    Israelis torturing non-Jewish children. 2014 Australian documentary film.

    Interesting thread title.

    What proof do you have that the "israelis" are torturing "non-Jews"?

    Unless you are willing to admit that the Palestinians are a ethnically cleansed, apartheid land where no Jews are allowed to live?

    1. And so what if the Palestinians are "non-jews"? Who is to say those arresting or as you put it "torturing" them are Jews?

      Not all Israeli police are Jews….

      IN fact, many a time the arab police of Israel are far harsher towards arabs than the Jews are.

      You can see this same behavior in America where Black cops are far harder on black youth than white cops….

      Things that make you say HMMMMMMM…….

  26. The rants of an unhinged blogger ...

    A Social Media Commando that needs a little R&R.


  27. Deuce ☂Thu Jan 29, 11:31:00 AM EST

    "That is the idea. I was addressing the immorality and reckless irresponsibility of what the US government did to Iraq, Libya and Syria, and the concept that ISIS is now their problem."

    Basically you are touting the pottery barn rule (you broke it you own it) right?

    That assumes it wasn't broken before and the brokenness is due solely to US actions. It wasn't 'fine' before and all the bad is not due to US. I don't want to gloss over the fact that the US did some bad stuff though.

    I think the problem then (say Gulf War II) and your conception of things now is that 1.) we understand the problem and 2.) we have the power to fix it. I am suggesting that we don't understand the region very well and our 'fixes' are making things worse. We should stop trying to fix the place and, above all, we should stop trying to fix the place using military power. We shouldn't turn our backs on them but rather than fighting we should offer humanitarian support and try to urge the various parties to find some accommodation. If they insist on battling it out, welp, that's not good but... so be it.

    1. You make valid points. However we own ISIS. Books have been written about US foreign policy in the Middle East, post WWII. There can be no argument that we destroyed working governments in in the ME since Iran in 1953, totally in Iraq, contributory in Syria and totally in Libya.We helped create the Mujahideen which morphed into the Taliban and al Qaeda. ISIS was funded for years by wealthy donors in Kuwait, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia, three U.S. allies that have dual agendas in the war on terror. Israel has been a very disruptive force in the ME.

      Our misunderstanding of the region is colored by propagandists from all sides. We can’t fix the ME. We can’t change their politics or their idiotic insane religions.

      ISIS was formed in US prisons in Iraq. Their ideology inspired by the perversion of religion on human thought. ISIS fights with US manufactured weapons stolen from the governments destroyed by US military forces.

      In Philadelphia, you do time for purchasing weapons used in a felony. Within the past year, the US and allies have been supplying arms being used by ISIS today. Israel has provided medical aid and air support to ISIS forces fighting the government of Syria. Turkey is no better.

      I see no way that the US can stand by and not assist the broken parties resisting ISIS.

    2. I don't like ISIS, in fact I loathe them but to think that they exist because of the USA is a mistake. The ideological currents in their philosophy have deep roots in the region and beyond. As much as we berate the House of Saud they represent a milder form of the ideology behind ISIS. In fact our government cozies up to them because we fear the radicals who may replace them. The Kingdom is perched on a skinny tightrope.

      When it comes to resisting ISIS we should be careful of who we crawl into bed with. In fact all the players are odious... Except, maybe, Israel?

    3. What is your example of Israel resisting Isis? Hezbollah and Iran are fighting Isis and the Israelis recently killed an Iranian general officer who is advising Hezbollah . How is that resisting Isis? Killing the enemy of isis is assisting isis.

    4. .

      However we own ISIS.

      I don't agree. Oh, we did our part; however, ISIS is the bastard child of many fathers. They found the perfect incubator in the chaos generated by the growth of the Arab Spring movements in the ME/Africa. They found the precipitating event for their spread in Bush's war in Iraq. They found their inspiration and guiding principles in the radical Wahhabism of Saudi Arabia. And they were born into the stilted miasma of Islam, an authoritarian religion that brooks neither individuality nor reason.


      Sorry. I just reread that and thought 'Kool!'.


    5. My choice of Israel was intentionally ironic given the usual discussions here. My point is there are no obvious allies in fixing the region and our best bet is to not be, at the very least, militarily involved.

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. What in the world was wrong with that comment? I thought you might delete the one below but not that one.

      It's true. As a non believer the Moslems have you on their ultimate hit list. The Jews do not.

      Why you take offense at that statement I have no idea.

    2. In short your comment is idiotic and for that reason I'll leave the second one up.

    3. Why Thank You.

      I think whole threads of yours are idiotic.

  29. Dammit !!

    Just one minute on the microwave is the difference between tasty and soft left over sweet and sour chicken and tough left over sweet and sour chicken.

    One minute too long...

  30. Can Israel Survive?

    By Victor Davis Hanson - January 29, 2015

    >>>A tiny democratic beacon in the Middle East should inspire and rally Westerners. Instead, too often, Western nations shrug and assume that Israel is a headache -- given that there is more oil and more terrorism on the other side.<<<

    I find Deuce's daily anti Israel posts repugnant.

    1. “Because of our interconnectedness we all know that extreme poverty and exclusionary practices are violations against the basic dignity of people.”

    2. “Because of our interconnectedness we all know that extreme poverty and exclusionary practices are violations against the basic dignity of people.”

      Hence the invention of the "ghetto" to keep Jews impoverished and separate.

      This practice of course was practiced by the Moslems of the middle east as well.

    3. .

      But in truth, if you think about it, Jews also contribute to the segregation through a history of self-segregation.


    4. Why not think white flight instead of Jew flight?

      People hang with their own kind all over the world.

      Are there, were there Polish areas in eastern cities?

      There is or was Swede Town in Seattle.

      Think of the China Towns, Little Italys, etc etc.

      All over the world.

      In many parts of Europe Jews were actually pretty well integrated, fought in the wars.....joined politics.......

      I don't think Jews self segregated anymore than anyone else.

    5. It's part of their Babylonian Bible, The Talmud, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, the Askenazi self-segregate by design. The Israeli of days past, they have integrated with the other peoples of the region, to become the Palestinians of today.

      That is one of the wonders of modern genetic science, the past, migrations and historic roots become illuminated.
      We're all "Out of Africa".

    6. You are really on LSD Jack.

      I suggest you go tell the self named palestinians that they are really Jews...

    7. .

      I don't think Jews self segregated anymore than anyone else.

      I think you are wrong.

      However, to understand it, you to need understand the difference between the American experience and that of Jews in other parts of the world and in Israel today. You also need understand the evolution in America between the initial immigrants here and the Jews of today.

      Once you understand these different groups and their experiences you can see how self-segregation affects economics, social-integration, and attitudes.

      I am not defending bigotry or anti-semitism. I was merely responding to WiO's statement regarding to segregation and trying to explain a big part of it.

      You are familiar with the American Jewish experience where Jews have gone through the American acculturation and assimilation process for the most part. You seem unaware that the American experience is not universal.


  31. January 30, 2015
    President Obama and 'Naked, Blind Anti-Semitism'
    By Lauri B. Regan

    Last week, pro-Palestinian protestors disrupted a New York City Council meeting yelling slogans and brandishing a Palestinian flag. The demonstration was particularly offensive given that it occurred as council members were voting on a resolution commemorating the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.

    In an impassioned response, Councilman David Greenfield observed that every Middle East country -- except Israel -- is not democratic and persecutes people of other faiths, gays, women, and those with opinions inconsistent with those of their governments. He concluded, “What you saw here today was naked, blind anti-Semitism.”

    Greenfield’s point is critical. Those who attack and demonize Israel for its imperfections in the face of the atrocities committed by its Arab neighbors are not just hypocrites. There is only one explanation for their irrational condemnations: hatred of Jews............

    Interesting article that goes to mention Iran at some points.

  32. QuirkFri Jan 30, 12:36:00 AM EST

    But in truth, if you think about it, Jews also contribute to the segregation through a history of self-segregation.

    Forced poverty and ghettos?

    Quirk, you are reaching. But you are taking a small point of truth and blowing it into bullshit.

    Sure jews are insular. But what "tribe" of people are not?

    At what point is self survival considered evil or bad?

    Look at the arab world with over 400 million, they are self segregating.

    the chinese built a wall.

    the europeans built castles with moats.

    the USA and other nation self segregate by using borders...

    1. .

      .Quirk, you are reaching. But you are taking a small point of truth and blowing it into bullshit.

      I disagree but it is too broad a subject to get into this morning. I first took a look at the subject after watching a TV show.

      I had the TV on as background noise one Saturday doing paperwork. Discovery channel or one like that was left on by my wife and the program was of a Jewish family having a meal (Purim I assume though I don't know much about Jewish holidays). Any way a rabbi was explaining the meaning of the various food mandated for the meal. At the end, they are sitting around talking and this elderly women brings up the self-segregation practiced by the Jews over thousands of years. She was quite proud of it as was the rabbi. My first reaction was that while they talked of the positives associated with the practice they ignored the obvious negative, the self-identifying as 'the other'.

      I plugged 'jewish self-segregation' into google and got over 70,000 hits. The first page had papers by Jewish publications (JVL, Forward, Commentary), various universities (Duke, Princeton), and even the Boston Fed. Various MSM outlets have published extensive papers on the subject. It is a broad subject. To understand the repercussions of it you have to look at its history, pre-1900 and later, pre- and post-WWII, and today. We have a good gauge to judge the effects by looking at both the US where we see there has been substantial assimilation and acculturation into the overall society compared to the Israeli experience.

      Forced poverty and ghettos?

      The Jews had a unique experience in Europe in the WWII period. There is no denying that. However, for much of history forced poverty was a basic fact of life for most people, Jew and non-Jew alike. As for ghettos, time and place were important. At times, living in a ghetto wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

      Sure jews are insular. But what "tribe" of people are not?

      Most other groups eventually assimilate into the general population in which they live. As you say the Jews have been doing it for thousands of years. Which is better is a matter of opinion.

      At what point is self survival considered evil or bad?

      That is a good question. Studies in France show that 20% of Jews indicate they have experienced some type of anti-semitism yet over 70% fear they will become a victim of hate crimes.

      But I am merely pointing out one of the components of Jewish segregation, self-segregation, and I am not sure that would change much in the absence of anti-semitism. I know some of the US and Israel but I'm not sure how segregated Jews are in France.

      Look at the arab world with over 400 million, they are self segregating.

      What an example. Are you arguing there is anything good about Arab self-segregating?

      the chinese built a wall.

      the europeans built castles with moats.

      the USA and other nation self segregate by using borders...

      Now, you are just being silly.


  33. And the Ashkenazi stole land from Arabs and wants them to "Get Over It".

    Even Ben Gurion knew that would not happen.
    He set up the Ashkenazi for never-ending conflict and eventual failure.

    That's the truth of the Ashkenazi Crusade.

    1. Hard to steal what is yours…

      To argue the bastard offspring of the Jewish founder has more rights than the LEGAL offspring violates history and law.

      BTW, you still live on that STOLEN land of Arizona?

      People in glass houses jack…

  34. What goes around, comes around.

    The United States, and Britain stole the Palestinians' land, and gave it to the Ashkenazi.

    Today, Apple, and Microsoft stole the United States' GDP, and gave it to China.

    We're morons.

    1. "What your government did abroad yesterday, it does at home today."

  35. Prime Minister Netanyahu’s office collaborated with the National Union of Israeli Students to create “semi-military covert units” at the seven national universities organized to work in situation rooms. Students use different names and IP addresses, which enable them to make multiple posts, and are paid as much as $2,000 monthly to work the online targets.

    The hasbara program includes recruitment, training, Foreign Ministry-prepared information sheets, and internet alerts to potential targets. It is essentially an internet-focused “information war.” It is supported by a desktop tool called Megaphone that provided daily updates on articles appearing on the internet that are singled out for confrontation or attack. The hasbara commenters flood websites where commentary critical of Israel is observed in the belief that if something is repeated often enough in many different places it will gain credibility and create doubts regarding contrary points of view. They also can hound critics and even destroy careers in journalism. Veteran CNN reporter Jim Clancy was forced to resign last week after an exchange of tweets with hasbara over the Paris terror attacks.

    1. So when Jack wants to play, he posts as Bob..

    2. Bob posts as Bob whenever Bob wants

  36. Rufus IIFri Jan 30, 09:01:00 AM EST
    What goes around, comes around.

    The United States, and Britain stole the Palestinians' land, and gave it to the Ashkenazi.

    Today, Apple, and Microsoft stole the United States' GDP, and gave it to China.

    We're morons.

    Hey Rufus, Where did the Jews that lived there, the Jews from the arab conquered lands. come from?

    Do you actually think before you type of just spew?

    Just to be correct, the Ottomans, of Turkey, conquered the middle east. the Brits, defeated them

    The Jews? The Arabs lived in the entire region. Jews of course lived in the area of Jerusalem for only 2000 year longer than the arabs so I can see how you are confused.

    In the 1920s? The League of Nations recognized the Jewish Right to a national homeland, from the river to the sea. in the lands of "palestine", because it was the Jews that were called "palestinians".

    Arabs nationalism, created in the late 1800's, with help from the USA formed a dozen arab nations. Then with help from the brits and French? even more…

    Of course, the Jews, were driven from the entire region from 1920-1967 by the moslems and INTO Israel.

    Those Jews are not nor ever were "Ashkenazi", most of the "Ashkenazi" were murdered by the Nazis.

    By the time the self determination of the Jewish people of the lands of Palestine were being realized, it was then AFTER the millions of Ashkenazi were slaughtered that Ashkenazi JOINED the Jews already there.

    The Brits did everything they could to help the arabs kill the jews and their newly liberated nation. But they failed and UNLIKE your ancestors, the pussies that they were, the Jews did not lose.

    You see Rufus, the Arabs? Are used to being conquering savages. Murdering and enslaving anyone they came in contact with.

    They are your heroes.

    The jews? Have one tiny sliver, 1/900th of the middle east and you are too much of a prick of a man to admit they have the right to their own self determination.

    Unlike Israel, the arab's version of "self determination" means genocide of all others….

    Rufus, you are getting dumber by the day

    1. Define what it is, to be Jew.
      Genetic, sectarian, tribal, racial, nationality what do you mean, "O"rdure, when you say Jew?

    2. Jack, when I say Jew?

      Anyone that is good enough of a Jew to be gassed by Hitler, anyone that is good enough to be hated by Islam and ID'd as a Jew.

      To which?

      I say to you?

      Go fuck yourself.

      Because your mental games of bullshit do not mean a thing, we KNOW who hates us and we will FIGHT pricks like you to the death.

      Because you are a jew hating piece of shit.

      the readers KNOW this…

      So when you go and attack some innocent Jews at a day care, or a restaurant?

      I hope they kill you.

    3. No reasonable or responsible answer.

      That is about par for our little "O"rdure.

    4. It is reasonable.

      WHEN, not IF, you go a shooting Jews, I hope they kill you.

    5. Jack, you are a ticking time bomb of hatred towards Jews.

      This is why Homeland Security KNOWS who you are.

    6. To know me is to love me, "O"rdure.

    7. Jack we take you at your word, we take you seriously.

      You advocate the genocide of Israel, the Jews, or fake Jews as you call us.

      Thousands and thousands of posts by you, wishing us dead, accusing us of blood libel, murder, apartheid, genocide….

      You have proved your point, you are a hate filled anti-semite.

      You are unbalanced, you are a ticking time bomb and should be locked up at once for all time, but sadly in our nation, lunatics like you are free UNTIL you snap.

      And you will snap and go a Jew killing, it's just a matter of time.

    8. Jack HawkinsFri Jan 30, 11:06:00 AM EST
      To know me is to love me, "O"rdure.

      To KNOW you is to KNOW you are a criminal, you should be locked up and you should not be allowed in civil society.

  37. A teeny, tiny boat on a vast ocean. It can't last.

    1. Zionism is a doomed enterprise.

    2. Thanks for your non-responsive bullcrap response.

      But we have lasted for almost 4000 years, with or without your approval.

    3. Wrong, again, "O"rdure.

      Now you are conflating Zionism with Judaism, the religion.
      The two are only related in a propaganda sense. Propagated by the Zionists, mostly.

    4. No Jack, you are confused.

      Israel is the Nation State of the Jewish People and Zionism is the rightful and legitimate dream of that Jewish homeland being.

      It is you that is confused. Addled. Off his rocker.

      You can play mind games all you wish.

      The READERS understand the truth.

      Israel IS.

      Israel LIVES.

      Israel is the Jewish Homeland.

      Zionism is the natural and historic movement for Jewish self determination and statehood.

      Now go bark at windmills, I got Chocolate to make… To make money and support Israel and Zionism.

      Everyday, in every way.

    5. Oh yeah, "Judaism" will last; as will Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Confucianism, and all the rest of the ignorant superstition'isms.

      But "Zionism" has no shot. That small boat Will, eventually, run into that Big Wave. It's only a matter of "When."

    6. Rufus IIFri Jan 30, 11:15:00 AM EST
      Oh yeah, "Judaism" will last; as will Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Confucianism, and all the rest of the ignorant superstition'isms.

      But "Zionism" has no shot. That small boat Will, eventually, run into that Big Wave. It's only a matter of "When."

      With Cheerleaders LIKE YOU? Who needs enemies.

    7. You're excellent at "When", even unto the very day, Rufus, you ignorant old coot.



    8. Any Day Now!

  38. WASHINGTON - Mitt Romney said Friday that he would not seek the Republican nomination for president in 2016. Mr. Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, shared his decision on a conference call with a small group of advisers.

  39. Many of the early arrivals in the New World can be thought as self segregating, getting the hell away from Europe. They thought of themselves as doing just that, self segregating.

    The Hopi self segregated big time.

    All the tribes did in a way. That's what made them tribes.

    The Nez Perce self segregated down in these valleys.......

    There is even an old area in Moscow, Idaho that used to be known as the Swedish area, slowly giving way these days to pot smoking university students....and recent refugees from California.....

    1. .

      You speak of the American experience and ignore both a couple millennia of world history as well as that of modern Israel.

      The US experience is unique. It not only transform populations, it changes religions; and the latter is not restricted to Judaism. It has also changed Christianity in significant ways.

      You speak of this subject with a stunted focus.


  40. Today so far d. rat has posted as Bob, Jack Hawkins, and Anonymous.

    1. I can't tell you if the use of force in Iraq today will last five days, five weeks or five months, but it won't last any longer than that.

  41. What is your excuse for not being able to login properly these days?

    1. Lazy.

      For starters.

      I think my old computer will be back in a week or ten days then I'll go back to using that one.

    2. It doesn't matter what computer is used to login - you simply login on any damn computer. Your inability to remember a simple username and password does not reflect well upon your intellect in general.

  42. Excuses are the nails used to build a house of failure.

  43. What is "Occupation"Fri Jan 30, 11:33:00 AM EST
    Rufus IIFri Jan 30, 11:15:00 AM EST
    Oh yeah, "Judaism" will last; as will Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Confucianism, and all the rest of the ignorant superstition'isms.

    But "Zionism" has no shot. That small boat Will, eventually, run into that Big Wave. It's only a matter of "When."

    Rufus, you really don't KNOW jack shit about the Jews & ZION do you?

    Might I respectfully ask you do some reading about OUR history?

    Y0u think because Israel sits on such a small sliver of land we are doomed?


    As we speak? the 899/900th of the arab world is slaughtering it's self in an orgy of blood. Empires rise and fall.

    Jews and ZION will always be.

    Sure we got our asses handed to us by the Romans. ANd sure it took 2000 years to re-liberate ourselves.

    And sure, idiots like you say we are doomed and that we don't belong there and that we should apologize and beg for mercy…

    How did that work out for your people the Native Americans?

    1. You are not being Politically Correct, WiO.

      Shame on you.

      Word One out of D.C. is that the term of art these most recent days is American Indians, like it was in the beginning, and NOT Native Americans.

      Besides Ruf is more white than red.

      But he's a racist who always blames whitey first, for some drunken reason.

      Ask Budweiser Corporation. They might have an answer.

  44. Why We Need to See the Stars

    Posted by Ross Pomeroy January 30, 2015

    Staring up at the night sky, unfettered by artificial light, in all its majesty, is a transcendent experience. But sadly, it's an experience of which many citizens of the developed world are deprived.

    “Eight of ten kids born in the U.S. will never live where they can see the Milky Way," author Paul Bogard recently lamented to The Atlantic.

    "We’ve taken what was once one of the most common human experiences, which is walking out your door and coming face-to-face with the universe, and we’ve made it one of the most rare human experiences.".............

    It's sad. I hate big cities.

    The Polynesians didn't sail through the oceans, they sailed through the stars.

    Isn't that lovely?

  45. By the way, the Taliban are no longer terrorists.

    The reason for this change in nomenclature is that O'bozo is going to be taking the rest of our troops of Afghanistan and the place is going to go completely to hell, and O'bozo doesn't want it to be said that we lost to 'terrorists' but rather to some rebellion. Besides we and the Afghan government can negotiate with rebels but not terrorists.

    1. trishSun Dec 24, 12:35:00 AM EST (2009)

      The old fashioned way: Declare victory and come home.

      Rat WAS always right about that.

    2. .

      What level of insecurity requires referencing someone else's opinion that you were right?

      Do you have a copy of that post locked away in the little box that holds your rabbit foot and yo yo, rat?



  46. No more American kids getting killed in Afghanistan - Breaks your heart, don't it, you draft-dodging asshole?

    1. My comment was about a change in nomenclature and the reason for it, and nothing more, you old drunken fool.

      I see you've taken up rat's libel, when you know the truth, which is I stood for the draft lottery like everybody else and lucked out.

      You fell off the bar stool and joined the Marines to go kill people in a place where now you say you had absolutely no good reason being.

      So fuck off, you old demented racist and ignoramus.

      Cheers !

    2. BobSun Jun 22, 01:42:00 PM EDT

      When did I ever say I was a scholar??

      I don't recall saying that.

      I have a college degree in English Lit. from U of Washington.

      To avoid being drafted in part. ...

    3. By the way the rat Doctrine was an epic fail in Vietnam. Years of it did no good.

    4. Yup, played by the rules of the day just like millions of others, War Criminal, Dead Beat Dad, Racist, Self Professed and Proud Professional Asshole, Self Confessed Moron, Liar, Coward, world class ignorant anti Semite, etc etc.

      Instead of falling off the bar stool like Rufus I went and read Shakespeare. Instead of going to Central America and being a War Criminal I went and read Shakespeare.

    5. What would you know about it, "Draft Dodger".
      When was US supplied close air support to the local forces not enough

      How much 'air support' was there?
      Who was in charge of targeting?

      The Rat Doctrine was never implemented in the 'Nam. dimwit.

  47. Real shame, here is an opportunity for the Coalition to expand the Rat Doctrine in Syria.
    No where in the report of the Daesh attacking the non-jihadist insurgency forces, does it mention air strikes, coordinated or not, against the Daesh.

    (Reuters) - Fighting between the Syrian arm of al Qaeda and Western-backed rebels in northern Syria spread from Aleppo province into neighboring Idlib on Friday, the rebel group and an organization monitoring the civil war said.

    Clashes began on Thursday when the al Qaeda Syria wing, the Nusra Front, seized positions from the Hazzm movement west of Aleppo, threatening one of the few remaining pockets of the non-jihadist insurgency.

    A Hazzm official said by telephone clashes had spread to Idlib and that his group had retaken some areas previously controlled by Nusra.

    "There is now fighting in Idlib, in the Jabal al-Zawiya area," he said. He said in Aleppo province the two groups were also fighting in Atarib, a town 20 km (12 miles) from the Turkish border.

    The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said heavy fighting overnight focused on the Regiment 46 base in western Aleppo and overlapping areas between Aleppo and Idlib province, where the Nusra Front pushed out rebels from many areas in October.

    The Observatory, which monitors the war, said Hazzm had captured some small checkpoints in Idlib.

    Hazzm is one of the last remnants of non-jihadist opposition to President Bashar al-Assad in northern Syria, much of which has been seized by the Nusra Front and Islamic State, an offshoot of al Qaeda that controls roughly a third of Syria.

    Syria battle between al Qaeda and Western-backed group spreads

    1. Why are you not declaring victory and coming home?

      Instead you continually blab about the efficacy of your rat Doctrine.

      War mongering?

      Meanwhile ISIS has expanded into Lebanon.

    2. What are you even doing here?

      Why are you not on the hush hush super important secret new job off the coast of Panama?

      Everyone knows the answer: you hallucinate in mom's basement.

    3. Real shame the Coalition is not hammering the Daesh in support of the Hazzm.

      Could be an indicator of the 'lack of seriousness' that the fight against the Daesh in Syria merits with US and the Arab contingent of the Coalition. If the YPG had not managed to swing the propaganda stream with the stories of their women on the front, well ...
      The Daesh would have had Kobane.

      Instead the application of the Rat Doctrine of providing Coalition close air support to local allied forces in combat against the Daesh helped the YPG to hold, the arrival of Iraq Security Forces, in the form of the Peshmerga militia signaled the 'Sea Change'.

      The Coalition should be flying in support of the Hazzm.

    4. As trish said, Draft Dodger, the rat was always right.

    5. ahhh, the good ole Rat Doctrine - Here are some of the fine folks he's all keen to bomb for:

      "Iraq probes alleged massacre by Shia militia in Diyala

      29 January 2015 Last updated at 09:49 ET


      At the end of the operation, Shia militiamen are reported to have besieged the village of Barwana, where many residents of nearby villages had sought shelter.

      Abu Omar, a businessman from Sinsil, to the south-west of Barwana, told Reuters news agency that about 10 Humvees carrying a few dozen armed men arrived in the village on Monday afternoon.

      They were wearing black and brown uniforms, suggesting some were affiliated with Shia militia and government security forces, he said. Others appeared to be civilians.

      Men and boys were dragged from their homes, beaten and cursed with sectarian slurs, and then led in small groups to a field, Abu Omar added.

      They were then made to kneel and stare at the ground as the gunmen selected victims one by one and then led them behind a mud wall.

      "They took them behind the wall. Less than a minute, then a gunshot," Abu Omar said. "All we could hear was the gunshots. We couldn't see."

      After the gunmen left the village, militiamen are reported to have surrounded the village and refused to allow medical workers to enter.

      A Sunni member of Diyala's provincial council, Haqqi al-Jabouri, told Reuters that at least 72 men were killed in Barwana, and that 35 others were missing and suspected detained."

    6. Trish actually said, ratAnon, that you were crazy, and left because of you, like Whit and many others.

    7. Supported by artillery and armor, the North Vietnamese continued to march towards Saigon, capturing the major cities of northern South Vietnam at the end of March—Huế on the 25th and Đà Nẵng on the 28th. Along the way, disorderly South Vietnamese retreats and the flight of refugees—there were more than 300,000 in Đà Nẵng[6]—damaged South Vietnamese prospects for a turnaround. After the loss of Đà Nẵng, those prospects had already been dismissed as nonexistent by American Central Intelligence Agency officers in Vietnam, who believed nothing short of B-52 strikes against Hanoi could possibly stop the North Vietnamese.

      By April 8, the North Vietnamese Politburo, which in March had recommended caution to Dũng, cabled him to demand “unremitting vigor in the attack all the way to the heart of Saigon.”[8] On April 14, they renamed the campaign the "Hồ Chí Minh campaign," after revolutionary leader Hồ Chí Minh, in the hopes of wrapping it up before his birthday on May 19.[9] Meanwhile, South Vietnam failed to garner any significant increase in military aid from the United States, snuffing President Nguyễn Văn Thiệu’s hopes for renewed American support.

      On April, 9 PAVN forces reached Xuân Lộc, the last line of defense before Saigon, where the ARVN 18th Division made a last stand and held the city through fierce fighting for several days. The PAVN finally overran Xuân Lộc on April 20 despite heavy losses, and on April 21 President Thiệu resigned in a tearful televised announcement in which he denounced the United States for failing to come to the aid of the South

      What you have to understand, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson is simply this
      ... nothing short of B-52 strikes against Hanoi could possibly stop the North Vietnamese.
      is not 'Close Air Support'.

      Failure to provide close air support to the South Vietnamese is not the same as close air support failing the South Vietnamese.

  48. Horror Show.

    Tattoo and body 'art' show in Venezuela

    >>They look like they may be taking a break from the latest low-budget horror movie featuring either aliens or the un-dead.

    But for these people, who are exhibiting at the Venezuela Tattoo International Expo in Caracas, all of the modifications and colourings are real.

    These people have had implants, extreme dental work and even dye injected into their eyeballs to make them look as menacing as possible.

    The four-day event has seen people travel from across the globe to show their extreme modifications, with implants even to alter the shape of their skulls. <<

    Check out the pic of "Rato".


    Remind you of anyone?

  49. If the Taliban take over Afghanistan, as they will almost certainly do if/when we are gone, it is entirely possible that Pakistan will fall to crazies too, along with the Pakistani nukes.

    Enjoy this thought.

    Anyone that thinks there are any easy answers to any of this is nuts.

  50. 'Quirk the Qlimber' is up next on Fox News describing his just completed climb up a frozen Niagara Falls, his most dangerous climb yet.

    Tune in now !

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Exactly !

      Well said Quirk !

    2. CAS with local forces, Legionnaire.

      You are correct, that is the Rat Doctrine

      That is all it ever was, except in the minds that chose their own parameters.
      But that was their version, their doctrine.

      The "Carpet Bomb Doctrine", the "Let's Watch From Afar Doctrine".

      Both of which have have their adherents, here.

      The "Declare Victory and Leave Doctrine", that is the first step to the "Let's Watch From Afar Doctrine", it is followed by the Rat Doctrine and then another round of "Declare Victory and Leave Doctrine".

    3. .

      Don't be silly, rat. You sound ridiculous. You define your 'rat doctrine' so narrowly it could never be valued as 'the' reason a war was won. And if it can't be described as such it is merely one more tactic in a whole tool box of tactics being used to actually win the war and your inflated descriptions of it become comical.


  52. .

    Failure to provide close air support to the South Vietnamese is not the same as close air support failing the South Vietnamese.

    Close Air Support Vietnam

    Close Air Support Vietnam


    1. First scene of the second video, "FAC F-100 Supports US Army"

      Which it certainly did, but it did not support the ARVN, after the US Army left.

    2. .

      After the US army left?

      Who gives a shit?


    3. That is what the Rat Doctrine is all about Legionnaire.

      What the US does when the US Army is not there.

      What is it that you do not understand?

      It is simple, the US supports the troops of the local government operating in the interest of the US.
      US troops do not go.

      Airplanes and more and more, drones get to go.

    4. .

      Don't be silly, rat. If you think there are no US troops in Iraq, you haven't been paying attention. If you think there won't be more there, you are naive. If you don't think they will be involved in combat situations, well...


  53. .

    The Rat Doctrine was never implemented in the 'Nam. dimwit.


    What the rat doctrine consists of is CAS 'if it works'. If it doesn't work, it is not the rat doctrine.

    As noted above, the rat's fallback is 'declare victory and go home'.

    By definition, there is no way the 'rat doctrine' can fail.

    And there for your reading enjoyment is encapsulated the military genius that is the rat.


    1. In Syria and Iraq, CAS in support of local forces has turned each and every battle where it has been implemented.
      The dams of Mosul, to the outskirts of Kobane.

      The targets in those circumstances, less likely to be 'civilians' than is the 'strategic' bombing of ISIS infrastructure.

      The Rat Doctrine will keep US troops out of combat, and that is reason enough to support it.
      Taking the wisdom that LBJ spoke, then ignored, to heart.

      We are not about to send American boys 9 or 10 thousand miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves.

      - Lyndon B. Johnson

    2. The Legionnaire would have had US in Iraq for another five years, standing shoulder to shoulder with "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

    3. .

      The Legionnaire would have had US in Iraq for another five years, standing shoulder to shoulder with "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

      Another rat-turd left laying around here. Pulled out of his ass. No basis for the assertion, just more rat droppings left to litter up the place. Are you back licking the toads, rat?


    4. .

      The dams of Mosul, to the outskirts of Kobane.

      And every place in between?




    5. If the US had not "Declared Victory and Left", Legionnaire, the US would still have been there, all that time.

      Mr Bush and Mr Obama could not admit defeat and leave, no, they would have had to have "Doubled Down", you know ...

      Surge PLUS, kind of stuff. Good money after bad.

    6. .

      I was talking about your assertion I wanted troops left in Iraq. Pure nonsense.

      The Legionnaire would have had US in Iraq for another five years, standing shoulder to shoulder with "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

      I didn't want US troops in Iraq II to begin with. I certainly didn't want them to stay until 2011 much less after.

      While I supported the initial invasion in Afghanistan, I certainly didn't want the troops there 12 years later. I don't want any left now.

      I didn't want Obama sending in troops in Iraq III, I don't like them there now, and I certainly don't want them there for the next 5 years.

      Therefore, I can only conclude you pulled your assertion out of your ass or you dreamed it up in a session swapping spit with a toad.


  54. Exactly !

    Just saw the interview on Fox with Quirk about his Frozen Niagara Falls Climb, most dangerous ever.

    In it Quirk claims he "cooperated fully" with the Local, State and Park Police Departments, other firsts.
